El Vradfortlgepatt K li I T 0 It S t )11. O. I)1)CIDILICII TQwanda, Thursday, Sept. 26, 18?; Aratfonal Republican Ticke4 • rm. VIIMIDMCT, - . • 1 ULYSSES S. dItA.NT. 111 vou NICE *I3.F.SIDp . i; • /lON. LIMB W I LSON. 1T Republican State Ticket. r FOIL GOVEII.VOII. GEN. JoIIN F. lIARTRANFT , ien strrazaz MGM, liox. ULYSSES MEIWUR,: rot[ ArraTon bmirnsx, is HARRISON ALLEN) =I GLENI W. SCOFIELD% t EN. CHARLES ALBRIGHT.. . GL'N. LEMUEL TODD. lict)tdolican- Coicrity ron con,3nris, :OIL J. I). SMAIVBIII.6G4 or MONTOUR oornTi. r INtLEGITE TO CONST/TUTIOXAZ CONVLIZITOP. iY Dll. GEORGE F. MORTON . or nr..wITAID CGTSTY. lioN. W. TIIRREL • ,r cou:vr3r. . t vc , n raivranzl. - 11T1T.E.% II Hp x. 13. S. DARTT, or CANTN, 4.,):•; . . oi• 117isox, • via sztutmrr, V 111 . XIONI3.(if: SMITH, or TROY. roil rigniuyscrrALT, 5 CAPT. BEN 4. M. PECK, or TONCUCTIA 1-01! r.r.rnpnret, CIttBDUCK, or (_)II•4ET,i, BENJ_I(ITYKENDALL, Or WIN ' . HASI Enti !R,l (..1 ;AN'' • 9' o(rn t:'llrEq , 1 , ..`T. co, .1 J. VAL. "t;EIG,E.I I i; or IN:y4o.x .:. ' DIOIPEALATIC M A DIE'V EESG. 1 . great Otemeratic. Mas Mee- i -i4. which it, w:l7 advertised far and' nuaT to ctlaue off in this pla6 on I. , '!iday hist", Wil3 a perfect fizzlq. But, le'cv 1,0,1,1(3 1 froth abroad were l pres ent, am', audit waft coMfOrta :leech* ..1.•e.te.;.1 ill the Court Rooin, • ny! seat four 14 - ndred people. Competent judges s 4 that more than one-third of the Jiersons present worn Repnblicans. Mr..Buoiy,Liav spoke first. fie dice nut mention the name of the Presi deniiill eaudidoto of his party, .but occupied his ,titeq iti attempting to prove that he Iva.l loyal daring the rebellion, and would be hoimst if e: - :ete,l Governor. Mr: B. is a Call -1;(1 ( "mileinauly speaker, but it is eacc:alingly unfortunate forhiM that .Ihe peopleare intelligent, dl 4 nd re member the course of Senator', BUCK (InrinV the war, as well, as his Let v7intr in the Stak?, :Senate 11~i roll tie; 1 large am bunt of .lf e7.:La fOl frzoidukutiv put tang A.l.Ex'McCLuar In a seatl iu the ;:at- ~. 1 'l't: relllil , ./ WI'S (1.'1110C:rail(' frietads 't [ i):::: - 41;eir ent: , l :, lati: . stood ii.) 1865, tie ..- ill •tis .....timet Irina one! of his . 11 spiouril,- .0... i hi: Nol: 'Atilt:it:L.li "'Sleet -4,10 in Co+. FFlbing Ci•eiik Coll : lio % . :is alludiugi to the .11 - of the: tioveridoeut to I:nforee 1 . , ii rill. iu his etututv. Ile f4aid i• . •ot lia,-.i• tostruminte of powor ei:re hero ~ : •t t , j M. madton t:iC C OL etecti ni, when ,• +U'• .la+U , !l Arne whether "Old Abe r . m.,„„ld ~. „,,,,,„ d 2. authority , and the actors in the ..i -, .. la oat:Mtn d in place. They ; exulted; .11 . - ../. ti.•• (by (.r tilyk triumph, nd they :( 1 . Co: it ‘:•111; im / r lmys were oil in t le - army, ;:t.og r , r. the Union,' called there to their ap : t :: ; -a:1,10...r,, by Lien ulio toldlinou there , ••' , A , :i I. ,''4;-ty in this. war: that party vti,as to lie !IA .ri ..1, - 111x . t. it Wan !Olt to be thought of, no, t ... tenali a; breathed tAbout in all tins broad ...r.u.d. They got them Off into the artily ; they .17.0 , ... cut to he elaughteied at Chancellorstille; 4. 1 f) Lo sacrisie6il in tho'rcninuic to fill before rianhqlghts of Eratlasieletmrg ; m Lailla inany I.:battle-hold with %Lair blend: and 1/fro these . Nfaulons wretebet, in the hour of tiibir pride ..! ::;• .i.a.; pow,r, cites to seize thdl parents d ; -,dent, :Ami rellt!o:.e. :AIM inends ,:r 1.. ..:he roe-. and incari"Traied tbenliti bull:- ~:•:- . ...u.i hold the prbon-dalai, u.zed up. .L •.. •:.I ,•:r.- 010ie1Q,..,-. 1.1 cr. qii,: .:Tol t • . • I ...,• vaM.....1 by do, , s.. . a•oi i ramitt,d, .. '.:•:.n., - i:, ,u el .eil tim:. -had . 1.);,1 a I tro by . ....', - . 1