- ffairotau: tp oitet. Towanda, IlturWay, September 12,1872. AND GENERAL LOCAL' .Qu it T' and WIISON Club 0, now unnibera 115 nlembers, Me' Tho u[ llcnickvill and is OM Inc Mil attr- A new and beautiftil; engine hag been put upon the named in honor of the Vico Prpsitiont and Cioneralltatutger ottbe road, Gen. A.. 8, Drerc. ' Wo understand the Waverly Cornet Band hits been roorganiiod, and pur chased new instruments. They aro now pre ,pareilto furnish music for meetings, celebra ions, etc., on reasonable terms. ift..Mc learn that the attendance at the Collegiate Institutt., in this place, is un usually large tbie term. A number of new As sembly loom Beats and Desks hare been or dered to accommodate the students, =MOO We wpre shown th© other day a halubsoino AY-terrier, preacutod to lira. rsiT, of Binfrhatnton, by bor. fatter,,llon. o. (loom:nen. ills dogship has only been in this country s'for weeks, having been import ed by a firm in rhiladelphia. 10' The citn3p-meetings held in tliie vicinity dnrbig the' present season, hare ben well attended, and wo have no doubt pro ductive of much good. The one near Tdberty Corners was a complete suecrse, and it lis be lieved that many were " born into the King dom " through itsjintinence. fib?' F. WATTS has again placed us rah( obligations, by leaving on our table sev eral honchos of delicious grapes, grown in his garden. Our subsCribers will please take no nee that while wo are a teetotaler, we hare no conscientious scruples about eating any quanti ty et grapes. - P. C. VA*GELDEIt, who has been ,rmitected with ttioVellsboro•Agiiator for the • 1 itttett seven years, has disposed of his interest in the establishment. j The paper will hereafter by conducted by 114n.nss N. Boy, .and will' con none to Advocate lepublican principles. The Is one of onr most valued exchanges, ,Awl w lo•ArtitY wiih the new, firm abui:idant MOM Froin pi t esont inticatioue. we pidi:e the (7onnty Teacher's' Attsoeiatiort to be Ladd at Ortsvll, ou rriday and Saturday of thitt ,•1„ will be largol, attendod. Pr. C 01.1" had er.onUuitc•il to deliver an address 1., 11. n, the .kasociatinii on Friday evening. Tho Liminess conunittee hare prepared alpro 0-mine which, if carriod out, will Inakei the one of the most iutorosting over livid in thi ES I antii.nuce with deep ,re- r.: tl;.lt ha_ U. f*r -1 , :al nv..44,s past,. Oied .11t. 1.2 51. 11 ( .111,,d Sull - vtisw t 11.14 ~ :lb a cnrllOira. thqi or thainliera ; h3l - t Lr tllrd the . .e.st shill that I•v i ;ttl,l hr ,Iy;:inon th l aid. t hir rvall-rs 5 p , l:, wit hi •.It , In Inlon•niing Iti. fatal 1“,1 i,,uit 1.14“•• tL. ~,mtwitittv .11 at; .N..t.tmattle !hut ferliily ~f a kind , follov9tit , Hi( 4licos • t 'A11,61 . ( 1111., nl i • ..11 , 1111 VV • •• , .t 1 keit 1..4,51e't •. .1. it er.l FT —4.1 N 31.1• A fialtior rosident of this - hit'mr. 'l6 t v.rto• th%! •, , tti it,ut of. it.h, 5, 167.4 I rt• u..t q , !q" el,' A : anal trim ‘ , Ol t , ,rturiil;.; it floveroly. 11, 6 Art- lik. Oie A• • allettl'a IT/ tot. . ! .. , ,,t,..1:,, iht• n , 'ini-, in' T , :wAnda, Tindpr . 1 ..1.1 Ir. IL Pt, r. 1 fi'pv hiP P..rvieoe . in lb,. -1 w , IP - 1 . 1 , 1 'ut• finlo•' is i{l At, A J 1.1.'1 ems,. %VI. :tre i!:ortneil by Count,Y p. not , tol...nt A. A. fiatr:.Ev, that Prof. Prof& ItvlN and QuINLAN, Prorg. Vr2:11411.1, and • ALLEN, Of Tvachcr 31 11, 4. to :t l ruction at the 'n'.• 1114; ; . 111tf1thrit Ittldresoso, 41'1. 4140 • ' • 1. 11 urroN, RYAN, 141:1- , •• 1, , ,s Esq., .4 Trol:, Ii f) L. fllnsox, of Towanda. ir 1.) i‘t. lull in tin:, A. 1.1 11 at Towniin, in tble A . ll uu. . There is a small t..,10,111.,Lit X Pa., who comes morni4 in the week, on arr iy ;lain fr6 . in Elmira. Hi. °wilt* .;;1;.... - 0..1 for the J .Dyil , ,r Adrnliser. 4.04 .• t bAggigv-maiiter throws the paPei het nn. The c. 14).; will pick it tip ,arni h nut. Soge tiwe ago a large packkg4 , 1"1 . - 1% , re I; run 11 And ax 110 eine wai •' • • • .:!,.nt 'it , In, thei lath: fellow thought it L for hint; Lai after 80111 C hard / 114 , 1 to give it nt and . go home witTT • Vie" Pursuant to call, the teachere, 'n. ..v,r al :".11thattt-: I.:oohs cf this boi'odgh .... ' l h ' , whir ,. itooiu. , )1 . Cp. Prebbyt,rian l 1 , . , II M ,, ,,tlay evedroz hu , t, for the liar :G , no ~ r .). auizttioh. The conil ~, 1e , .,1 at hcsi, tw.citing reported al ,tell ,1, which wall adopted artbr POIrlf: ~,•:, TI PO.: ,, Wilig 14.110 , 1'S Wer. , tali . etrdi I • f rf ,•'u 1) A. nr.t, F. , f G. 114:X,, , , p, I -A. F. Cuwz.t.s. MMEIIIIM!II n, n. L. ;01,1 Mc 1 •• k;:. • s.si;i i.• I. =MI .I af t pit:uiet! fu learn ),.1171::1 Irk n 1, vc3i. ittYLE, =EI • n !n„ntri Milano. with t1a•10, ,,, :+ ur Wy4hvqiig. We I!• , l , nain roupk - un their slslllll , lnali 11115gi- itl ,r 11 I. 14 . 1 lea Wen town tO SI1111).,1 g. 4, ation,—.llltl w4U lk •t;rt . •n rn Ain! V.;!1.1./%1; 1. , D. LANE, bulb • citididatom for the foiDiatnet Atroniey of .111;t:, 11/ 0 5 arc Clte I' ti. 10. wish both might' be 11..nr, ER , . tin. GO , ll n”,l Doti ne it Mv, nitl , , ES , ; of Borne, rt,,l.!rnt gr. f 179 ICE . 1.6 xituvi:(l intii hie • Ag-nt D. W. (101ir, has fired of board : ad returned to Waverly, Ns - here he iR • again. 1' „.„1 imji. Li Mr. N. D. tiIITEIGLIT, jr., of accompanied by Lis tasters, rzi: and EMMA :' Pournicittr, left this , si,tl l the 11.15 L V. it. IL, train on Mon :: tlic guesti3 of 1 Mr, A. E. EAU', of Diloctorit of the it , wing the 'party at Rochester, Mim' were Mr. 3i and family, with • • fr , : t,t, from Didtitti ,- e, going, to Niagara 1 , , th,: out Director's :1, t railioad • 1,„!, aa, at 7 4 'n i 4. • they went t, nt t14r(.0 [mute' o ":I,.rirg" that . Tloir,Ly night, add loft for Estaandaigua by the tally train op Fiidey morning, and visited the Ils• =Ms Watkins Olen, Prom there they went to, Elmira and on to Towanda, where. they here met by Mr. T. DIZXOYD, the gentleinanly pat. Sept. of the Pa. IC. Y. It. 8., who wastinoess log in his endeavors to please them. During their scijairn at that place they stopped at the "Means Mouse," enjoying a merry . dance the same evening, in the capiciotui parlor of that excellent botch On Friday, accompanied by Asst. Supt. Drenonn. they were shown all the points of interest along that weil managediail teed. On arriving at the L. & A. Junction they were met by Mr. Boren, Supt., who bad a special engine in readiness to transport our cu to Kingston ; where wo enjoyed three-quarters of an hour M the residence of Mr. Berra in the agreeable company of his wife . and daughter, who made a very lively accession to our excur sionists, remelting with us until we reached Northumberland, where we again received an other specimen of the warm-hearted.hospital!-, ty of our host, Mr. Karr. It was truly a delighthd trip, and will lung be remembered by all, and particularly, by one who was there.:-a n rbott Denorwrat. DAESSLNO rim Cliusen.—There was a time when good taste demanded the use of the plainest clothes in the sanctuary, when the wealthiest 'were distinguished for their conspic uous absence of personal adornment, and sar torial display was a mark of vulgarity at much times and place. But now it would almost 'ap pear as ll', whatever might be thought of a modest garb in other places, the proper cos. tome for the house of Hod, where, theoretical ly, we all go to ho reminded of our common origin and destiny, wore an an agglomeration of all the jewelry; and all the chignons, and all the pani c, and all the feathers and furbelows in one's wlrdrobo. The wearer Is to arry all this piled agony to the sanctuary as to a fak— es If her errand were not so muck to praise as to be app . —and there employ the sacred time in clone comparison of her own moun tain of " . with the Himalayan triumphs T C , of her net - BRAD IRD Cot HIRTORA;AL arr.--The annual meeting of the Bradford County Historical Society was held in this place on Mcmday last. .The following officers were electectfor the ensuing year • President—J. A. CODDIAO. e Presidents Perrox and EDWAno .Scrreimy--Dr. E. P. ° • 71., opirer—L. P. EITALTO#D. Librarian—H. L. ficxrrr. PriWithingnammittee--D. °RAM', M., W. AL TODD, SIDNET HArDtx. Fin( l llre 06 , 7 , Intifter—J. J. thuvyrras, I` DicartoT, EnvAtu) I.ifr nay aniimitter—EDWA.7lib W. H. H. Gout; I. H. COMMO. M.IVATTLEs Was elected a member. J. M. SMITH, Dir OCrATON, R. If. L.171.11N.1 and C. U. were proposed for membership, l'Arrthr presented the vierety with a copy of Ms essay entitled, " Origin and Itolatirb Status of the White and (.kilorOti Bates." Maj, IlAtz tram appointed committee to confer nit i tr the comralseciners of the county with re ference to allowing the society to place a book case in the Grand Jury Boum. On !notion adjourned to•afoot in Towanda, 11. , nday,3)econibrr 9, 1874, at 2 o'clock. E. P. At.t.r,r, 'tee. It will nut b forgotten that on 01 , 21t11 day of Sniaternber, the "(Treat Alma taaliata, ad!t ate beautiful proeaaa,katia, strange. Aral. v:a.ataars. forociratis anal tooaapto. 01,tiqu i:Lli c11161.:41.1. a.. 2.111.1 Ott ndorti, Itaiaattm, hanaldere anal fanny fools, wilt i/stiali us city :at „a.-;:t tents atatoni4 is. am lb ,. 111 , 6*V1.- 10 , 1,1 3:.1101'1111110.11 ot th Arab A the Cleveland 11. rat'al SIN n . "Ilut, after all, superior as is the general e!r• 11‘.1121111Ce, it lo ump:etviv overahae- ORC , I echpacd by the teats of the Arab,Waetes, whose wild -ruptirton e embraces IltUitltil•its of frantrt gyumhati t wants, not 4reanied of in thn ntuaeular of Clinon 1:t1 , 411. Kush bewildering and erratic: volution. ni jiP they dive;, whirl 'and vault., nit., under riii. niginient ilupolse of tlegit‘ernable wpaL e, t. coll.! alone .i CIII . pus.rible to une of their native P.Md stornis, While, superadded to these onceptiona are reale of tremendous ..tri l itglit and delicate equipoitte, Wittch evtdence the iv , RI , CFP , I , III of phcaical powers lint lean than tairsculona ; These: it will be remember. ,nt arc. positlvols Itit• only perfi , ritter, id their race in the country, Anil no Ms ;•1 ;heir inot vie .l iu their return to A rall!; , . 111 • "poor them -1.. - told be rinproveil.' stir On Tliormlay afternoon liu t, at 110'1.71,4 three o'clock, ,at the restilette.• of It'llllll, a; FolaltagA Ihll, S.1:1111 Bethlehem. Mimi( it:NsIF lAWITMAICT, the band some and accomplished daughter ..f tbc late A. 11. 1. , n l n %HT, Mal/Cit to Mr. - 11..tr.ht E. P.texet, of the smut , The wielding took place in ,the pal lorlof Mr. WILB1'4::• mansion. the impaling; nuptiki cere mony being perfottned Ity the Ilea. Li icorrow COMM Of st. Marks P. E. Church of this place. The bride was beautifuLy attired in a belly whiCe satin dress with long train, ortinge blue sotns entwined in her hair,, and a long white lace veil tinning flown over tier shoulders she wore white Lids with throe buttons. The grOom was tasteffilly dressed in the conventional cut of broadelotb. • The inciribera and .s.loc !clouds of the bom bes numbenng about forty persons, were. pres ent. At the conclumion of the ceremony the party were iuvtod to partake of tho haeunis re freshments of all kinds that were tastefully ar ranged on a large table in a side room, consiet ing et cakes , :ce creams, water ices, nuts and. fruits of all hinds, and wines iu abundance. The bridal party left for Now York with - the six o'clock P. M. train. They intend to make a tout to the White' Slonutalus and the principal places in the Last as welt as to Canada. °Gals and the. l ectue slope. The wedding gifts were both nandaome and costly, and presented qtute' a formidable ap• pearance, among which we n'oticed the follow ing: Carr or POild tith6r ppnoor ( and forkoi, contfun ifrg three do"zen, preockit e 4 by Mr . R. A. l'Acit- Ell, au brut her of be 'groom.— lilt!) , •I Svptew i,Er torn of the lhatiferti County Court. conven t d ott Monday, riqttontitor 2 lion. I'. 1). non-_ itO\rtnti A•=ociat'.+ Furst ii anti Ila to: N o n the Bench. The 'lnnis! rontun• brt,irga WY! , 11 ainmeted in tit , ft 'rot , ,4,11. Li !!., :tftv , riloou flu• het of.Jar,.no.p n or-r, azol the ftillowizo; riarrfi.l firawl Ivo' $ Fent 1 , 11, after Issterling tlir• ,Imrg , of hie r! Jntlgr :,i11.,11,it( Si. C. N. W. , t F. B. Fuld, dwy.d. man, 'Sohn tiordem, 1.,..tnnel It. (Ilea-ion, W. A. (innganll,. Aden Calliue, Wm. Ketly, L.•edie l.attrenc., I tenj. . John Mat tic we Thcurpn! Wtn. Terri, A Whin'''. A.F3. Wtteol, a ra ti,y.l,lr s , rsq.immeti ui rrdnl n, ,lath and dirpopecl f,l CY4l,llltalWeSith 1 1 e. Cephat 11..‘%; , .,a1: 5 , 114 .g wtthoiat GAL. PP. Tzrnotlii Lltir:vy alb! Jattiv! Cullum Ag....:rtvated arssaiill and battery Coin. vn. LedgarAClatlin, -L.lte,•ny i:ozn. 'rm. Barry Mia ,Vrancl. Can.. vtl. Betuarnin ttel tmt tery. Com. k-14, 1 i. E. Cony. VA. Nticintel . Cn) s:th ont ltoonsf Cum. ve. A. 14. Stont. Attainlt alul lsaiLry. Corn. ca. M. I'. Carrier ri-11. ig lieity , r 411 !Sunday, and licitl - ail license. . ' t ' pont. VC Owen Carry - Selling liquor withori, Coin. V. }lnv —tirlting lignor withon licenPv. t.tzoith- -Soiling liquor with out license, and ou Cow. ve. J. Deaciawy• --SuMug /I,l.zur xitLuu [beet's( Cow, vb. Mike ry1pi . L.11,1144 11T1,4 wthuu HEM CULL r. 01111 We/i1111111 , 1 :2 :11 Lll,-1,1,. Lit 'O/10. Prusueutor to pay e9at::. Com. vs. Frank Oronn n•):1 Plosteut. , r to pay cost, Coln. YR. as itt t. Itt. . ,•. COM. 7.11,a Atot:“.-- 3111111 , ... ,t , c,tttor to pay cdais.. 6)nl. is. Smith Nichole- Vounty to pay costa co- vp, Sohn F:h-ton , v , si— anti !Ast tt•ry. l'ruh,zut-Jr to pey act cud trondern of that Buffalo, and ocau- Wednesdays after .' „F. Morino r 4 to 1,t..y, remawed over MI !, , ,T . Min. is Samuel 0. Aukts7—issudt and bat. prossopor, to P47lxlids. Om. vs. alehad - tcyle,lisalts* Sip* on . Sunday. County to pay costs. 'Com. •s. James tad Rachel Davis;--Assanit mai battery. Prosecutor to -PAY coats. Cosa. ♦a. 8. ReCiackeu—Asseult end battery. Prosecutor to pay coits. Cam. vs. Owen C&rey — &fling liquor on San day. County to pay costs. ' , - Com. vs. L. V. EMI —Selling liquor on Sun day., County to pay costs. Com. vs. J. 'Pliancy—Selling liquor on Sun daY. • Count/ to MY costa. Corn. Ts. Kite Tyne—Selling Liquor on Son day. County to "pay mats. The following eases wore dby..iied of by the Court: Com. vs. t. A. Forest—Charged with soiling liquor ori Sundry, sad to persons of known- in. temperate habits. Complaint vritfidrawn. pe rm:slant to pa) , Ousts in both oases. Com. vs iktich,,el Ckrmedy—Charged with vi olating surety of .pesee. Settled upon de fendant paying.costa. Coin. vs. Chas, 0. Rode--843. Cam. Ts. J. U. Cowell—lndicted at Slay term on a:charge of forgery. Defendant arraigned and pleads not guilty. Jury called, and after a full hearing return a verdict of not guilty. Proeocutor, Nelson Northrup, for coats. Corn. vs. 13. Golden—Dill found at May term , on charge of selling liquor without license. De fendant pleads guilty, and is thereupon sen tenced to pay a duo of f:10 and costs, and stand committed until sentence is complied with. . Com. Ts. Oco. W. Dickerson--fittuvts of peace. After a hearing tho Court sentence:defendant to pay costa of prosecution, or Rive hail for e pay. 'lnept of samo within ten days. Com. vs. 13. G. Berz7—lndicted at present term on oomplsint of A. H. Kingsbury and E. 0. Shaw, for surety of peace. After a healing Court sentence defendant to pay costs of pros ecution, and give In the sum of $5OO, our ditiemeTd that ho keep the peace toward all mon, and especially ,tOwaid complainants for the period of one year, and. stand committed until eentence Is oompled with. The tavern hcenae of the Greenwood Cottage was transferred from E. W. Neal to John T. Brewster. • 'The eating house license of Owen Carey, To wanda Bora, transferred to Mike Pyne. The,tavern license.M. B. Calkins, Burlington Bore., transferral to E. H. Jacoby. Grand Jury approved of report of jury on a bridge in Troy Boro: Exceptions filed. • The Court fixed tho following additional *cos for holding elections in Towanda Bon.: First Ward, et the Hotel of 'D. Sullivan ; Third Wand, at the house of Prairie Watts. Court appointed Orlando Voibusg constable is Place of M. B. Calkins rosigned. Oonrt appointed J. G. Scudder constable of Canton Boro.. in place of C. Andras resigned. Luso Smalley was appointed Judge of Elec. WM, and S. W: Itodgeri and L. S. Case Inspec tors for the Third Ward of Towanda Boro. O. D. Bartlett wu appointed Judge, and J. Phinney and C.. 8. Russell inspectors of Election fur First Ward. Towanda Borough. TOIcANDA. —We find the following description of our town in the Philadelphia Erening Slyar. When E. Y. C." ViSibt US again, we hope the other hair of onr glories will bo depicted FEMME Tlic Simmer nude wero trlutr wilkilicat, The Augtbd bun a•Ai I ,, )unag i 1 u, WI gmd thy dusty city strvot, And monglif n gniet emintry t ,, au. it :rtrlod nronti d grittir hill, A river murmured at its bare Itti:tt,nd All.l i k *.tr. A m , mntain 11110*.ri,itt, Atievt, thP. glancing nioontie.ains made fairy back front.t.liore to sliure, .11,1 boat, 414.4 uut (rota covert 'bade !,r•1 danced those• silvery :raters o'er. here, fresher to our weary eyes, The grass that !shone with dewy sprat And louder, to unr fond surprina, The. friends who met ns tray by day. Old household songs. with cadence swevt, Jiang port upon ou; willing ear WO almost beard reinenthored feet, .end deemed at firm•' , hur one:. neu. Wt 4 "walked s.ltmg, ;met liar mut gate, At morn, at Eve, at ilnrety 1104.9 . tisonglit the dayirglst Cl!131. ton Ist( , , And melt came on too sums. Yfq. WI, with calm delight, we Ikaw The sunshine shift of e: Lill r. 1.1! NM, Aid C'T(l./111K. in her !WM:II., vt an n starry• trnli. rh , i little town trio ' had lin aharo of wi5k...1.1 Who, gathering at ti.. knew Mnue than the euniuh?ii ken. " wheat war high " the' nll could With zoal tireeliet the ei.ining weather; Awl at Weir iinger-enile, aP Shld politica iu e 1,04,41 tethei Oft,•routul about the court lwast green, With 'tilling anditorH, ti', .11 • Explaining low sorer viliain Laid plots in tins, or that r • The' inbnext farmers, sternly h thie, Then softly muttered, " WhoWhit' thought That Lawyer Green was su.:ll a Leese, N,iiiire Brown so easy henght Tle.:Yillage inert:giant spread lus ware, 114 had no time for idle st. ,, ry lle Made - oheinance LW the fair, And counted money—mora than gltrry. The "corunion round," that somewhat suiall, Wu much like that of larger t likeeli And AO we loft them, one and all, And countryward we turned our faces. With •'ltaisy harnessed sure and fast, We found a hill the sunlight reaches, And ';,here, beneath the shade, we cant Our upward. longing eyes at poaches. Towanda nestled at our feet, - Ifalf hid by gentle undulation, lleytind tits stream, in valley ' , wet t, Fair Wysoi wooed our eontemplat.oll. The Alleghenies, range on range, Were piled as they would meet the sates ; And all above the rosy change . Of rising- sun made glad our ere& Sonic happy da) go view the spot, Urtknoan to fame, unheard ni story, And )•on will say that wo have not Depicted half Towanda's glory. ' BUSINESS LOCAL. C. F. Citoss keeps a full line of fine staitumery. lair Job work, of every description, neatly .1111. i a pcditi i ly exuellted ut tilto UniCV. Sql..r4 American Sewing Ma esnit• is flit il,cet. WY' Mir Gardner Chair Seat i 2 4 1 ,0 1).. Le j 6. Kustpne Clothing Palace, Nihni t. ," vo,il Finct boots trothe to onler at 4)DV ot CO.M. ENANS k HILIII:LMI call utters ion to their ailv• rtieemeat ~t m w Fall 60.0d6 air The host lot of Marble Tables 13 ton 'I! Fivwr &nig. - _ pai. All the novelties of the season sat 7 cc/Axed at EtAtta h lizUnitrtes. 4 Iluctat TO RE:ST.-:...Enquiro at• It. M WELLE24' Coal Oftic4. • tier New style Hats awl Caps jus -d at It , ".;T:Nr/ etn's. mil. Nitrous Oxide Gas for extract ing teeth, at KELLY M.. A large assortment of Brack cfn inse received at Fnorrr h Bolts. The American Sewing Ma chine is the hest. . Mr- Large stock of Red and White wheat new, at WC/am t Etnriare'. ter Itouuiv over ItooDy & Co.'s litury fur rout. .lit;quire of W. A. CuAxulcuus. 6127" Fruit Jars, Tumblers, Bowls etc., 3-11 y, dt WICK /:1 Store. 21orGrentttlivies,Mpacas,Organdios and ) duck SAko, at the Bre 2 doors east or 311.reur's tio- Mrs. E. J. AfiNm.is is now re rail • r.ohntt 111t1 rm*. iLI (Arty yea., v, FOR SALE-13 cur loads of Tomi)- tins Cost en the tratl:, ft e ry I est, tt 114.7) per ton (of 2,240 lbs.l L. S. CrA/s. sir MI warns biaebted to ins are notified that they mu *mks peomett be. fore September 13. . IS. Br. sir Furniture just reduced 25 per oast, at Faostik July 15, 1872. 1111" More ' Spring and Summer floods at N. flot.tosacmfa Aoystotto Clothing Palace.. For Arlo clothipg, inspect N. Gotisnirrn'a immense stock, ktaln street, nest to First National Dank. ges. " Maltose," " Climax," and "Dollar Reward" Soap. Try l . them. For sale at H. J. LosiVa. Ityon don't know what yon want in the Book and Stationery tine, call on C. F. Gams. VW Furniture selling at wholesale prices, •t 'Fuck4r & - July 15, 1872. Tho best osoorttuout of Gentdi Furnishing Goals ►t N. deLosarra's Keystone Clothing Palace. oar For first clasii insurance sadist lou or damage, or Ar s e or lightning, call at WICIIIIA/1 A Ducey Agency. Baby wagons aro a necessity of the season, and Wsccn•s s num hero Putt °potted a cow stock. Priooll 111:111 13.54nrw1rd. as. A. large' and. defurab' le assort ment of Trimmed Hata and lk;nmeta, at very low prim', at the sign or the Bilr Bonnet. NI. WO bitVo poen GARD:if:O3 pat ent chair seat, and know It be bo the beat. Paw h Sows hare thorn. . sir B. WOODPORD has been nuking large additions to his stock of BCouts Ana slit. 4. Giro bin) s call on Bridge street; mar Linen said Straw, Goods at ortOedingli low tattoo, at N. God nitrrn`a Soy atone Clothing PILJAOI3, Main elmt, twat to Vint National Bank. ler Homes and Lote for salo, on. cosy mouittly payments, or to Bent. liaattnaLL. Poplar streCt, Towanda, Pa.—q ger J. 9. nom' & Somi bays just made a great reduction in the price of Furni ture of all Linde. Come and ma.' .1n1y,15. 1872. as.. H. A. Covn..}:s ad've'rtises in another colnirm that he has added to Isis Ras kery catablushment an assortmoet of Family Groceries, which he will sal cheap. ap). splendid assortment of tiliaWls for the Fan trod.•, just received at B. A. I'rrrr..P Towanda. Sept. 11, 1872-2 w. 3l'lle. J. X4F.QviN ht 44 resumed her chose/ in French And Dratring. Tuition, !.1 per term. Angabl 2G, 1272. MI:Es!! INfi -.IL M. WELLS is prernrocl to dnppiy horse I'oW(rN and Thresh ing Machines of any .lescription, front (sir leading end test inauuracturiTs. stir Bny your Tea, COffee and s4ric(o at the Led, White awl Ding Tea Store, 13riig. etrvrt, Towanda, Pa. es- The Universal Willie Woven 'Caked :Ala, and all kinds* of Hoop Skirts and Ikstlet, can be bad very clicap at 11. A. PrITER lg. LAZARUS 4: 3lonnis, miainfac t Wren, of thore celebrated Bpocacits, have cliangtd trhtir.Ageney froni J. HuatTrsts's to Wu. A. (7itAmtolo Ifir W. A.. CIiA3II3EULTN ~not only his the beet li.rrat h s t ed Jewelry SWri In North. pru r.iinsylvinia, but 3IH) ki)ere the lizgest Iwzurtuleu't goods. -- - 11t:onNts 131:us. will remove thou' ".lowelr.y ritoro horn nrsota's to LIKIPM.U.Ves 11locli, opposite; of M e m ! Tte*mpla Pa.; ft'- Nlauy fatniliog tire 'troubled about gutntrg 3 good quality of doer. The bert w ay t o ohviat . t , all difficulty in this respect. is itlwayo t.. buy Hie. surzior brands wold by Itiveatir VAWAstrK. log Lqt ou Poplar Street, Towanda. Would make two good lots. New ham ou heck end. Will be wild at • bargain. Enquire of P. W. Kimr.en at the Iltronita Office. SR- If you want u good pair of Boots or Shoes, go to B. Wounronn's, On Bridge Street. Ws stock is now awl he is selling at prices which should attract all who want anything in his Ihte. oft..'llteorwAr fi EvEarrr, at the n(, White& Blue Store, are the first to Aire notice that they have redneed the price on their Tea, Coffee and Totfacco, in accordance with. the new ditty law. ligt• Mrs. J. D. HILL is now in the city, buyinpa largo and extensive stock of Fall Milliner: ()tads. The latest styles will soon be on exhibition at her store on Bridge Street. Sept 1-2.. K. V. C Mi. If you Watt anything in the line of 31illinery Goods, call at B. A. Prrtas Co:A:, at the sign of the big Itonnet, where you will find the new Fall Styles r 4 Flats and a splendid line of Flowers and Feathers, together with a gen,ral assorttueut of goods in that line. Selo. 11, 1872--2 w, Fun SALE,--A large building lot on Poplar 'Arcot. Size 88431 feet; Would wake two -good lotr•.. New bun on bock .nd. Will" be told cheap, tot the (1.1.(23" INISIICP to leave tqct,. •Tartar• Fauptiec at !log of fice. AT LAST I•r HA• BE Fousi).---The chair st at that will ncrer wear out. .1. 0. Fnoer at SONS are now prepared to pot seats in all kinds of chairs with Gardner's patent chair coat, which iti the beat and moat- durable peat in the world, Call autl SW - J.. 0. FRosr R Sons wish to put n :Pores Wire binttress in every house in Towatela, en a montlfit trial, and ilit,doet not snit them, they will call and take it slay. kow in sum time to get perfect fleet% De eu re you try, and then you will buy. - EICEL:4OII WATER DRAWER, or Iritpr ,, red HWY C'erb (mg Bunke,. A good de mand is springing up for this convenient affair. It is a good thing. five the Excelsior Water Driver a trial and yen will like it. It. M. Witmr_q sells it. Cnow is now selling off his stock, preparatory to lilting up fur fan trade. If Yon want wall paper, now ie your time to buy It cheaply. And if you want a good book 'you should select it now, while the !dock is be ing disoacdlol. stir, The edition of the Road and Poor L.twit of this comity, compiled by Capt. W. IL C.xuNocrism, is limited, and township otlicerz who desire to procure copies, shoidd apply soon. The work it fur salo at this UBlO3. tXtr Gott, & McM.AWN have rt..- moved their blerthant Tailoring establishment to the store of N. GOLDSMITH, one door south of the National Dank, where they . will be pleas ed to see their friends. They have engaged a alothes scourer and are prepared to do any thing in that line. =EI ift; DO you want a &Wing 11111- eigne, - ind do you know that the Stager peva: dlerrpoints? After sereri yearn' «vertenee we can trrlF t , ttv that the Singer doer , give ettLefilc tion. Wtr.kolu Buts, AKente: IIiZEC! I=2ll IbutirwAT Evsat.TT I=l nil, SAL I: CRENI':-A large Build- IC= _ .. Foe atus . on fr.--The , horuse stow occespiod by 14. IL frazza, ai r‘w = a i r t opposite Ist B. illoimorket. ' 1110 /490°. ,_,Q lik , se• gllPPiiit Road moral se leu : mw boom; ElltrilWor Fox & OW. v.W. HThintitts 01 Ais 14 3630 1 bar prepared an excellent Ihruiture varnish, mad is now ortortuo it to the people of the county. News. non h Boss recommend it as the bitat arlick, of the kind knows. Every bout...keeper shank' have a Wilda. Sir In' ordeor to'ns . proparationti for our ran stock, we will sell our Spring and s &mu* goo'zis at low figures. It will therefore be to your interest to esaruine our stock. as we setl the elx*Pest it this keystone Clothing rai ser. imir Our • vute,rprising furniture dealers J, O. Fader :O• Botts. lam) wired ' the agency for the celebrated Wakedeld• Earth Closet, and have an assortment on hand. The Earth Closet Itsui been touted for seter.al and gives tudversal satisfaction 4 whcroyec..nsed. For the sick room it Ls almost a Oecesajty. Fon SALE.—liotist and Lot in To wanda Bore., near Collegiate Instante; for sale cheap for cub or on time. Abundance of good fruit, a well, of soft water, etc. ; house bail 11 rooms.• Also house and lot on Nortbt•rn Lib erties." Enquiro of J. N. Court, Towanda, I's. . f • Sept. I, imn. IS. The North Branch Assobintion of Univers/Whits, will hold its annual FOSSIOI2 AI Orwell,. Bradford county. FL, on the fourth Wednesday and the following Thursday. being the 25th and 26th days of September, 1872. A general attendance is solicited. a. a. BiLLAni,, Standing Clerk. air B. A. PErrze & Co. are now rectifying their new Fall styles of Ladies' Hats and Bonnets, and are prepared to hiraish their old castanets and the public generally with arrerytbing in the millinery line at the lowest prices, at the sign of the big 'Bonnet, opposite the Court Rome. -f3op!. U, ma —2ll Tai THE VOTEES OF BEADYC9II) 60EN respoetfull7 offer myself as an indepond ent candidate for the office of Register and Be °Order. and would solicit the support of those who belies° that a share of the public favors should bo given to the labortug man. • W. G. At.ota. Towanda, &pt. 11, 1871. FOR L— -A handsome and Wel built . heratte, out door west of Forest's Hotel, us Ulster. Lot 81 feet fiont, depth ?GC; feet, tltri - °rod with delicious !rut; p l ood 'wen ! and out buildings. It iszuest desirably it.cataxl; terms easy and a rue opportunity r.tT..red. Apply to I. Commis, Lock-I'llnm. •Atngast 2U-Bw. Fon 4 3.11-u. - —The lot now occupied by tho Public Reboot Bowe on &cowl and Pino litrroto, ie offered for sale. 'Pio , lot tit., a front age of 223 fei.:t on tieeond street, and 77 fei:t on Pine. The i•roperty will he en1(1 in ~D" lot. or in lots to snit puteliaprrA. TO TIIE: V 0114.118 OF BRADIVILD L 1014204- .T 7- - I roape.unilly offer titt,'‘elf 1K an iinklx.nl - Itepuhliean candidate r tits office of of Bradturd county, pioAlging myscffr, if elected, to perform tLo lantirg of the .rich ldelity. I sal induced to la►.• tlna step by the tuttritte of friends who, like myself, believe: that the combination ot ustai to hold tt„, Sheriff's oftle, , amen: therti-Ilvei, drat.r r ;., be htokeu. I make u• , clatta i.;:cater 141*a 't:+• Of any other eitizt•a who rni. , .:ht t•t ask for this pomition. The t••t•t•rt that 1 an) a can didate iu the int• rest ^: the• utterly untrue. W..T. Y.sex( Towanda, Augngt 3 0 . 1572. 11133 One of the greatest o f the urosent .lay' IA en ,a by good furnact. Among lbc latvrt and 1.44 of these, are the °limo'', ltrm. /turning Atla I:0y- Dolan' Wrought Iron. Tiles, furnsc , N4 harm been placed who ., otlwi farnac...4 f, l I to Pleilat'• and all Su ernlei.c, awn exec 11ene..., the dealers In thorn, CI WI OrNo;, rit'SlSpirj„k would term., the ing genilenwn wing the . Ituynohlti Shiet'lruti;' Furnace I)E,Nikniu, 3IFII4•Ci:, W. 1314..Vi11iA1 7 1.,, and Naliq.nal 11.1.1: and thf2 following iniing the Oriental' It. S. l'ut:t. J. 0. N. N. 11r - rin, N S CO., CAM. Menem, Mrs. H. y. 311.!• rr. 3lrg. D. C. A CAM". —I take this method of re turning my eineere tlisul. to am, catzeue of Bradford munty for the liberal patronage tlx•y bare boatowed upuu vie tio,, part ,o iron , and 11 continuance , of the time thAng ar. na mit.te,l fact, salon goods lave given. and always will give, malefaction. We are haring manufactur ed in Ildladelphia the• largest and imoet com plete stock of Fall and Winter gOods over Peen in Bradford county. Messrs. cloni:&. McXI uw the popular and stylise merchant tailors, are locale d in our establishment, and are prepared to take yorir orders for stylish clothes. Our stock of Gents' Run:Usti:Lig Goods next Fall will anrpass any outside of the large cities, as it is filf intention have a stock of tho pertml.: N. Ool.nimizn. ystune Clothing Palace I=l Tfici circus lutving gone, and the Fourth of July beinglovcr, it is certainly natural to have sumo ezcitement to occupy the minds of the people. The Presidential election is far distant yet ; so we mist have something in the meantime to divert thrhattenticrn of the citizens of Towanda and surrounding country. Therefore, be it resolved by the citizens of To wanda that we near tmonsly nominate . for Clothicg Prince of Predford County, u. E. lio arzertm.ii,'Lot TfMands Hn o harig mei Red this honor by his eterling integrity and fair dealing during his Lusirwes rptroot rn Towanda. Pirthermoir. :hat Wi• n..it thy eitl7Vl9. •.! th d county to rail on Mr. llossmrir.o . , ter , •verye thing pertaining to the clotinak,lnia. ;dr. Ito. sizinti.D is con tautly redeiving a Ifnil line of Clothing for Mott an&B us. Gents Inrinshing (!sods, and lists and Caps - , in fact a fnh and complete hue, which Le sill oder cheap , then the chcapurit, and will guarantee to sole , hei ttr and finer made goods than any other Inv.re :n Towanda. By all means give him weal o;posi'to the Means !loose. Jre The Bradford County Teach; en' AlsetOftiiiiou Will meet et Orwell Hill, Sept. 13. The following- appointments have been made Lecture:, Hon. liEn. LAsnc.x. Dee:: un ers, dons Errs-a-man and 1.. I-1. Cnurnrcu. Easayists, Miss M. A. Pm vri - and Misr CuLot , .Itpeinesii Coironitte.•, 0. 1. Corn- DUCK, J.l'. oor.uns, 11. )iies C. Vkrrourru . s and Hiss The following tolites are reported for discus sion ; "Is more secular education a safeguard to free institutions and free „, goverutuent r' "Should the chief etiort to teaching lw k disc. ! . pline the judgment orb, furnish the memory 7. "Can Grammar be aneces:ifnlly taught without drill in both oral and written eoirry.s;tourf" "Have Schnollloirds authority to eunir,.l the method or manner in which the teachers shall give instruction, t .ov.oral hranchea taught'!" .U 1 friends ar, I;,‘lted . to take part in the disztis;:ion. L )1. 'Wine. August tt, 1671 /lir " Winter is here, and I niust certainly get my dock of clothing. Lot nit rec. I want an overcoat, a drees cost, pants and Teat, a hat, a pair of suspenders and, some shirts. Now, what du .you think—where shall I go to procure these necest - ary articles?" " Why, sun! by all mean., and right quick at that, go to 31. E. Itir T orritin, the Ctinium , ;ll Clothier of Towuida. Why, I am aidiao.h.-.l' everybody bilks of his fair &aim,: attd goutli,—anil what do you think the citiz, to, ut Towanda nominated tutu fur nothing rriu,,, and they say he is sot hto Le elvett d , bcclinec he sells so cheap and treat+ all alike., Cu b'y all means hitch np Charley sad `cll anti over to tvc - .1, a 11.11.11% v 1.1 1.11, • f '1 BO3ESVIFL:v, 1.,,v111.1.1 stop on tlr• r.si.t ,-ilt • ;1 t6r boys and tat , • tiwui with • ~ u . 1 .1, Ala theta .sy y Itaut , A worn KIR y theta there itt tirefka<nc...! ti .;,tly titttcr pl.cf.: in Towanda.', alltegitridttaiteoulti9 t rvt l ing P. andiXtailmdiest thnestrAss twof fog days. The. committee have Secured services elle* Antig Noisahusday-scluiil atm in the nation, viz : Rev. 0. A. rzyrs, iypHh. AV:Aseedatiluvend.aln Ti- Lsat, of PhilAdelphis, and others. Now let the Samday. drool werkets 'this " annual gathering. -Let-every school in the eeent), be represented. .It is dcsirible that every Beier- IntendentphOrd4 be present, mith statistiai in hand to represent his school. Will not all the Pastors now at once taku the. math in hand, and preach onSunday-autiool topics on graxlay the 15th, and tee that delegates are 'appoint ed.Melva* of Towanda give all a heArty weleunit and furnish Untertainment to all pastors, superintendent', alegates;- and all friends of the cause. Rut that things may be properly arranged, jet all who, Intend com ing, report their names as soon as possible to H. W. Amnon, Esti., who the Chairman of the Committee of Entertainment. . C. Howe, Prrs. . 0. A. BLAC"., COVNTY has been deemed expedient to; ( hold but two sessions, of w wrOt I:aela,, s of thetonnty Teeth e& Inatitnte ti pre.tent school you one ses sion to be hold at Troy, begiwidug Monday, geprember 16, at 2 o'clock r. u.,,tho other Vibe held at Towanda, beginning Monday. Elephmi ber ZI, at 2 o'clock a. a.••• Prof. P. A. At.r.rN, of lilsnstield, will be pres ent at all the sessions, end sill be t ar:doted by the leading teachers in the county. Several able speaker" have also premised to deliver addresses before thelruitituto, and said arrangenumtsitre in progress is will, It . is be lie v od, make the sessions this Year compare fa vorably with ltiosolof any former year. ' Ills hoped that teachers will use every effort to comply with the law which makes attehd ante at the Institute a part of their official Aft friends of edueshou are cordially invit ed to be peesent.,- • • fe...k.-larmi, . Go. Supt.. &oval 19, 1e72. How T (40 WEST.—This is an Oki gab" which' cyst-, ono should barn' truilitally answered befdro he start...Ain his Journey, and a little care taken in examination of routes will in many caa , v are much troublo, time and money. •The "C. 11.. t. Q. It. IL, - running from (bi cago, through Galeeburg to Burlington, and the "I. It. A W. lionte," rnuning from Indian %Potts, through 'Bloomington to Iturlingion; hare achiorLd s. splendid reputation in the last two yeari - as the leading easectiger .Itontes to the West. At BUTWigton they connect with the /3.. r. M. It. 11.. and fOrtit the great hurling. ton Itonte, which runs direct through Southern lowa to SchrasitWand Kansas, with close con nections to California and the Territories; 61 passengers stertni; Boni Bradford county, ou their way westward, cannot do butter titan to take the BriiiiN.liow Tins Lino has publhqbed a pamphlet. italled "lien• to Go West.," which contains mid) valu able information :'s hag, oorteet map otlthe Groh West. which eau L.• obtained free of cbarpi by tblv-sping Oeneral Pat4 , •ngcr Agent It. .% M. It. It.. Bnrlnocton. lows. ^ ser 14. i. D ITZUCEL, oti. popular and int,th g eat maw dealer, how makes. his headquarters at tlm stare •,f T. I.:lnto:is, •.•11 Main street. Mr . ittrittrut is fully itnated to regard Ili.' •:anr. r mn.reil instruments, d.•mr:: 4 ; to purchase should .vmsult hare. S. W. ALvota., P. D. atowtt.m., s. lkttw.t.t;-,, tAnlitall tee, 3fAitß/F,L. .11 - .N.Nl:viz.. At 'he !loose of the britle'A flebtr, iStawiong Stone. Pa., Sept. by L. Carr, . liteTeti T. Bish op and MIAA Cothe:ta Jenuth7,A, both of Stantliw.., Stow. llraarorl l'A. COON--VANAI.. , Ti,N.E. At the C:utrat Hotel, Burhn> m,,;•• J. V. Mtn roAt., Mr. ble.lbeit • I.otuv, Pa, S. 3.1.1aF F4llllll VlOOll-'1;11 ..1 S'!'ralitiehl, Pa. We" Thuloah :ViaticlocZNPTl)allCe Commissical tr..% V6talisy •ltaiz. Ayr 17ggs, Lard, Clo.crte, Friuts, Pot sto. , .:!onoignments rttod and ,t 1.1.11 phniPtlY mad , ' "n Goods. -1.14. given. 50hc14(.4. Thu Fall feral of _Wyttinsing Academy Kill opta uu :%! .1“14;, Sop , ombor Is7't, a n d will,eontlour T o w i p u payable at th e nul.,lle or the term. Spat tatat- Via tir,L, Alyea. to 1.1; : 41. d. Kaing to Loich. ti. od boar,l : I, !:llTivd n..:tl the Academy ou r,ssosuk6l. , t...fuu-71 Silukutp wAluilg_to teir ..IpollBCr do AU by renting tutrrub and arding .roughrwiu~ will di/Ir owtot izr thu awe to buil i g; how lunch, tot too, ;well." Fur further Ittfor- Trianon atlctret.:, Lkard or Trustees, Wyalneing, Pa. C. W itnorrx, Principal • COOPF.tes 'Celebrated Balct l my AO Sowing elixirs, are gaining a wide reputa tion. Jams E. Dia: Agent. • - SS- Those. iudebtea 'to the estate or.rvi.E.m Esrti are L i creby nutificd that they must pay immediately, or , iost will be made. Tbis is positively tbct last notico- that will bo T. F. & U. M. ESPY, Exemitors. Hoyt. 10, 1872. • ler Ticketm fur all paints "West Yid. Lake Skt.,rt• :tad Moorhen' Ilan. way fur salt, at Freiglit Depot of Pa. At N. T. R.B. Co. Aug. li--.4.1c0. New t.&.ortisemants. WEEKLY AKIIINAL On the llsillreal, at Canal Street. 'which will he sold by the ear load or lead coantlty, and de li vered on reasonable terms. Please call at the Coal Yard. • JAM W11.14:II. Salranian. Aug. 25. 1572. L.. S. CASE. Proprietor. . CAUTION.—AII persons are here by cannoned ik , : afn.t. porrhasin* a ants Oren by the taderinpecl, tn.. WilloOu k .11axwril for 11 , 4*.e, dollars, dated June :-,. '441, to I will not pay 4,ii .1.. e no,. e.elloelled by law. / J. V. JONM Towanda. ?on:,‘nd 6:7.1,,,,3 FOlt SALRT—Sittiate in F Asylum township. about 3 mike from wanas. on Alliv 11111, containing abourB3 aorts.mere or feu. En ,acres under AmprocomOnt., goal builit lug,. weU leatkired and fenced. Alen** of all Mu& of Fruit. Tarma one flora of purchase money will be required at time ed sale, balance to suit pnrcha. tor. "or further parheular# apply at the office r.f OVERTON & ELStliEtt,t owanda. Fa. Auguat 8. 1q72. TAKE NOTICE.—MI persons in , domed to the "sty 'Jinn of J. KFIIIDLTJI CO., will please et Tl Zia.. k Vo.'s store and settle inariediatvl7, of yolts wilt be =sae. The ac counts ore in ':in bandit - of T. Merbleth for softie- 'vent. 7. XEIrtIDETII & W iN'ilill. -(inc MalZ! . and three Grlaed Sebool in the ut Win be ral.l for good, lire ecoupctent reuhers. For Diforiaa- Don addrtma .1. V. MODLLENA, Secretary. Derarick School District. Derrick, 'Colmnbta county. Anoist 2n, 142. r - SUBSCRIBER, on account of ill health and consequent Inability to long er attend to the brisiness.uffers foe sale the Hotel lmown as the ••Lefitaysville Bottle," situate in the Borough of I.cltaynilie, tb Lradford county; ra. There are few loeati , ms lin the country where bet ter facilities for business are offered than the above named well-kr.asvn stand.', Leßayaville having (soy coeumunicatbin with the Lehigh Valley and N. Y. Eric End .Boa to., at La,:eyville anti Owego. The House has reeently undergone repaira and is doing an excellent - Lavine..i. Attached tothe preruises are all the necessary onthnildings. tlix acres of land Containing ruany..liiiice trim trees. and three build ing tots on Main strnet. nen' street has renently been laid ont will bring eight more valuable building lots in the market. There- are also two %cry line ispriagm melt water ~ s t the premises. Tuatesslon An, u • COKE! The BEST. moat IMO It.l/iLF., and moat LCO NOMICAL FP£i, for culinary pupates 4nrillß linut met. For s►ln hp the TOWANDA OAR COMPANY Twelve coati p,r bn.hel et the Oaa Mouse. artf .eert cents dehv. . . u5430.1t170. NEW COAL PRIM . . ip.stetriz,Tt.N, 11% Mont, 2n.1 SULLIVAN AN TIIILACITE cut!, , hi. .h gin•• 'o 31 the. r; , 5,1.- I - 411111d exai.,, 1 t , We icitt Coalpr wllrnever d. • • on thcrit :.ita:tticinly the orsiemeei iikee„ zer2o ilttf L. S. CASE & CO. SPECUL NOTICES I=l ANTHRACITE COAL I.4•Raysviy, :%•,g. Yl. 1,-;.! OU Cato.: Strwt. truutlittr WtUum ittruom IWA ". tb, uiiuer Mos very z“. ()west market pri., We el.Ao b. - p lA'llll , tmm the 111 n. THE LARGEST VARIETY of - • • . I STOVES, 11LINGIZ, BALTRAME HEATERS, FURNACES, - Ceddiug, Russell & Co's IRON AND STOVE STORE, , Americas, New Empire, Rot Blast,' Magic 8411, Tribune, Excel. War Bongo, Boynton Range; Lod maul utter patte.rns oetried and &mond (XX)KIIIG STOVES, • Oar lons experarnee to the Undo enables us to otter the very best knolib ponttirns. Illuminator, American Base - 131411er, Brilliant, Cyiental Improved; . lkionung Glory, ',, Favorite, • . I ire all Stoves that give eatbstaetion. la mile! to be sera and be pleased. call and &elect the tied you leteto • PATENT ROUND ZINC._BOARDS AND - SiRAUTIFUL PATIEKNS OIL CARPETS, expressly-for ume tinder and:ebont Stores HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Kuivesland Forks, Rogers Brothers . • Plated Ware, Clothes Wringers, Washtubs, Clothespin b, Brooms, Brass Kettles, Coppee Kettles, Lampe and Chimneys, SIIEAI*3 AND SCISSORS, Feather Dusters, Flour Sieves, Arc. Itstot mud lusao to order, of very anperfolt qual ity, AR low its prox of,inaterial will allow, st WIEOLESN,LE OR RETA.IL. WROUGHT IRON FURNACES' BASE - BURNING FURNACES- MM. never In.cu Lty auy. if at: At VlRae& An exivritince.of ycar• iu quail:Ws va to Euvc t...vrt nu C Dji.;:lt MILLS, phi 1.121.1 or 111011,11 ..n %Lori Iron, Stook.,• Loather Bolting, Rubber Hosse, Pipe poxes, and Wagon Mattirials of all kinds. Headquarters for 2 / / BUILDING MATERIALS, Besides the stock 42f / Lock, Butts, Latches, and TrimMings we can sell. DOOItS, BLINDS, SASH, GLASS, indtp4iid illooor Frames. 7 c, • 1 \ i ./ / ALLENT.OWN i LIME / Intcapluckl bon by ouiN. L. Ave*. mud 'far ea:parlor to sip other. • PLATFORM COUNTER SCALES Patentetzu Ltuskerit at $2.50 each. Cottou awl Wire Clothes Linos. I'AINTS, OILS, (X)LORS, Of eztelletst quality, awl alway , aulit for moat what tbey Ire, and the custunwr-ctn, tie aura of not bang '• BILD.STINGAN o RIFLE POWDER Shut Gdus, Rittus, Ituvtilvers, rititobs, Flasks, Shut Funchal, Army (7nps, , Whistles. Lead Pities .Cisteie Painto.i, Rotary c• 131TLLVISN" liontios furnished. with Gail Fixtures, Water. Work s; Eave Trotighs, Contlucters, • On short notice. • Our situ chap be alwayr to giro (1004 tiouis thilkomt Work at Ite.v.otkible Prices. Wu invite the trade of C V-).1 IJU Yrii S.. Tho: c who wish true udarirm ciainl we cub dielmnai with. to, In, to e to Now 80:1nont& ALL KINDS OF TO BE WOOED AT ILLUDWAIIE, TOVAS DA, P?i vi nalny kinds, mil TI - NWA E It EY N O.L D AXD (_ , ltl BIC/AL A.NII I'.l It i I COPLAY CLVE7ST, HAY 11011 E L -T WINE, Made by Dupont Coking, Russell & Co. C 4, E MIS A L ELECTION PIIOG ..s umATlON.—Wheraas, by aaact ot.taaeaddY of the Counnonwealthof Pennsylvania. entitled act= hang to therelectionst of ; tide Commonwealth." It It enjoined upon nie to giro public notice of such election to be bald. - and elao the csonneratice in web notice what °Moen are to be elected, I. J. P. YAlf IriZEtf, III& Merida: the county of Bradford. do bereby =kip known sad Oro notice to the elector* of said county. on TIZEIDAY, the nth day of OCTO. BEL 1872, in the several_ districti in said county, tO In Alin .P. borough, at the house formerly oreopted by D _ED Aal " : 1 1201 School house near A/m, the school house soar 8. Decker'''. • Is elbow banfth. st the house formerly occupi ed by E. 8. Nathowsou. In Athens twp., at the bonito formerly occupied by Mint. in Athens boro. • In Barka gbott bore', at - the home formerly emu plol by L. T. Rope. itritazilwitou twp., at the house of S. B. Stemma to Btttttlgto u Borough. • Intmuu—gton west, at the house Of Errs Godard. Barelay at th school /mass. Cisittomborce eat the Ventral Roane. . Outten twp., at the holm formerly occupied by ff. &Myers. in Carlton borough. _ _ at the house of Jim. aforgan. Dewittin Franklin at the hone° VW occupied by ti. tf *. 'ln thanvillo, at the I;otuttot Benj. P. Taylor. In Hetrick, at the ached 'house near Darql Du. sand's. In Lel/LayerUle porn', at the house formerly own. pled by J. R. Fletcher. In Litebfleki, at the house formerly "Ocopt.4 - by erns Sloodgood. ' _ In Ls/IoY. at th e Centre school house. In Monroe tarp., at the 'house !bitterly ucetyptc,l liy R. IL Rockwell. In Houroe bow', al the 'Louse forMerly o,:cep!ed by Ethel Taylor. In Orwell. at the.houie of Francis Woodruff. In Overton, et school house No. 2. in Mee, at the house of Traver Bosworth. Beane twp., it a the Academy in home Lord' ' u Rome boro% t the Academy.- In Ithlghury, at the house, of Bad. UfnUilns. In Sheshoquin. at the Valley House. • In S at the house formerly occupied by Jesse d, In *one, at the house of Simon Steve's. In ritnit at the how* formerly occupied by A. J;Jerould.• ' • • In Sylrarda borO'i at the house of Curtin Merritt. In South Creek. at the bongo of C. E. Coo. In Terry, at the toms° of Jacob irrtitchy. In Towanda hore',. at the Grand Jury Roam. In Towanda tarp., at the school house near 11. L. Scott's. • In Towanda north; at the house of S. In Troft tsp., at the house of V. SI. Long In Troy bcirough. . In Troy bow', at the house of V-. B. Long. In Tuscarora, at the school house near Jas. Black's. in Clitter. at the tense of S. B. Boleolzu. ` • In Warren, at the Jimmie of B. Cooper. In Windham, at the house ef-B. Knykendall. In Wyaltudng, at the house of J. H. Black.. In Wilmot, at the house of A. J. Stone. In Wm'. at the home formerly octrapied ny J. IL Reed. . In WoIW at the house of L. 41celcy, • At which time and place the eloctors aforesaid Will elect by ballot • Orui person for thin the office of Governor, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One Person for Auditor General of the Common *WU' of, Pennsylvania; One person foe theotßetiofJustke of theßuprente Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Three persons for the ethos of Representative at largo of the people of the Commonwealth, of Penn sylvania In the nest Congress of the United States. thie person for the Dace of Representative In .Con , from the 1111th Congressional District of thie m , •ntrealth.of Pennsylvania.. TwsitS'olliht persona for the offie of Delegates at large to the Convention to amend the Constitution 'of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, (14 only to be voted for). One person for the oflice of Delegate from the Mirth Senatorial • District to the Convention to amend the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.s, Two persona for the office of members or the Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One pawn for the office of Sheriff of thei county of Bradford. One person for the office- of Prothonetary— of the county of Bradford. One person for the offex of Register and Recorder of the county of Bradford. One person for County Coinnramonerfor Ow coun ty of Bradford. One person. for County anditor for the county of Bradford. cfne parson for Coroner for the romary .IQI Brad . (mkt. • Anil in and by said act. I am furthCr dir4:eted to give notice 'ghat any person excepting justice of the peace who shall hold any Qdice of profit and trust under the government of the United States or this State, or of any incorporaied district, and also that every Member of Congress and of the tore, and the asleep and-common eoimeil of any city circoniniiissionors olany incorporated Clletrict, is by law incapable of hoWnhy or exorcising at' - tbo same time the office or—appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of an eleosion of this Ci - ournonwealth,. and that no Inspeetotor other °Meer . .d ray melt ela tion shall Ii then cligit!l.. t ,, any oltiee then t". toted for. 'By the 4th si , lltion ail pa...sea the let day of Aprd. 11110. it is . providcd • •that the 14th -vett , * of au act passed lute 2. pie t. enntle t ^Au act relating to the election, ot :this shall not .he cOnstrned so as to prevent ally military oftlyer :front serving it Judge, Imp, vu: or Clerk. at any general or special elect:pivot this commonwealth. An Ati. to change the [Bile of closing the polls at the. General and Townshijj,elc. ti%tis iu the cOttuty of Btadford.. The General Election in all the Ward...low:bid - ups, Districts and Boroughs of the comity is In be opened between the hours and rt.% n . rlOik it the tsrenoon, and shall .coritinne without interrnpthin or adjournment nntil seven o'clock 1n the eveinine'. when all polls shalt he closed. 'A forther Supplet'hent to the Electien flocs Penn - 1111 - mila tlaTTETeifi... By the act of the congvyiss of the End et/ it:ates entitled °Ali Act to al:111 , 11d tire several ails heretofore passel to provide for the enrolling and calling out the National fours, 310 for other purpos es" snit:approved March third. one thousand eight huttilre:l and sisty.llye, all persons who bare ed the military or naval -service of the. Unite.' stake: and who have-not bieh - dischar , sl, or relieved from the penalty. or disability therein provided, are deem ed, and taken, to have voluntarily relinquished, and forteiteltheir rights of cAtizeti,:hip, and are deprived 'of exercising any ri,^_hti of cittieos therreif : And t.4rre4t, Persons not citizen,: of the . lut. d vitt•tei th...ri,ut,titutintl Law,. ~ f Petin!ylvoktip. .I , lali fi ed 0f..L.11h , Coniniii ireeklth - • To f.ke c...ru i o,nt.rtt ~if ' , IV .!...- aII -: ..0...r . r:r ftf •heC.•• ray If Bradford., 7 . - WILIME.A. The Fttte, ,, titt. Ametelment (4 tiv! con. atitntion of the Matted Statv io as follotr: . • .•Szcnox 1. -,..Tha right of citizens 'of the rutted t fhates to vote'shall not- he denied or abridged by the United Statt pr eA or by Any State,. on. account of race, color, or one condition of eeivitude." flecnOW 2. The Congress shall have power to en.• form thia article by appropriate legislation." • dtwt/Wlieress,, Th e Congress of the rnitedlitates, on the Met Om of March, Ig iO, paseed an act, eutl. tlnd "An Ref fo mfrriv (he right of titizens of tfir Unit- Mates to vete in the semml .etaf et of this I. 7 nion, amt for oth,rpropnvi," thellzttt and second P.:Thous of which areas follows: .41ErtioN . I. EP it . nsadod by floe .C.nui, and 11049. nf R-Tresentotica of C 5. United Stafrz of .4 menca in c„n: press assembled. That all citizens of the rutted States; who are, or shall be otherwise - -qualified by law to 'vote. at any election by the people, in any State, Ter. ritol7, district, comity, city. parish, Township, (Sound; municipality, or other territorial sub,divis ton, shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such election!, without diStinction of race. color, or pre lions condition -of aurvitude ; any Constitution, law, custom, usage. or regulation of any State or "Terri tory, or by, or under Si authority, to_ the contrai notwithstanding." . • Storms 2. And . be it "liras,- sea -fed, That if by or under the authority of - the. Constitution or laws of any State. or the laws of any Territory, any set is or - shall be required to be done as , a prerequisite or qualification for voting, 'and by such Constitution or law, persons or officers - axe or shall be charged with the performance of duties in furnishing to citizens an opportunity to perform such prerequisite, or to become qualified to vote it shall be the duty of every such person and officer to give 'to all citizens of the ignited, States, the same and equal opportunity to perform each - prerequisite, and to become qualified to vote without distinction of race, color, Or previous condition of ser'itute ; and If any such-person or offlcar , 'shall refttse or linowingly omit to give full ef fect to this aiction, ho- shall, for every arch offence, forfeit and pay the sum of five - hundredl dollars to. the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on the case, - with frill costs and such allow , anee for counsel fees an the -court shall deein just, and shall 'als,o, for every such - offence, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,. and shall on conviction thereot, be tined not less - ban eve hundred dollars, or be Imprisoned not lees - than cane month and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court." • And wherwts. It is declared ihy the second section of the VI article of the CNnstitution• of the United States, that "Thin Constitution, and the lawn of the United Staten which shall be made in pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme law of. the land, • • • anything in the Constitution or Imes of any Mate fe the nectrary notteithslanding,". Anti whereas, The Legislatnie of this Comimin -vmalth, on the Gth day 'of April. A. I). 1.170: panned an act, entitled "A - frirther complement to the act re- lating to elections in this Commonwealth." the tenth section of which provides as follows: ilitcrum 10. That so much of every act of Assem bly as providas that only white freeman shall be en- titled to 'vote or be registered as voters, or as claim, tog to vote at any general or special election,of this Commonwealth, be and the same is hereby repealed; and that hereafter all freemen, without distinction to color, shall be enrolled and registered according to thb provisions of the first section of the net ap proved seventeenth April, IMO:entitled "An act fur ther supplemental to the act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth." and 'when otherwise quail fled rimier existing !awe: be entitled, to vote at all general and special elections in this Commonwealth." And tehor , :ar,' it is my canßtttntional and official duty to etake care that the' laws be faithfully execu ted ;" and it has come to any knoWledge that sundry 'assessors and registeri of voters have refused, and arc refusing to 'assess and register divers colored male citizens of lawful age, and otherwise qualified: as eleeters TitEarrOltit. In Consideralion tif the Kmi ec'', the county commissioners of said county are hereby notified and directed to instruct the several. assessors and registers of voters therein, to obey and conform to the requirements of said constitu tional amendment and laws; and the sheriff of said county is liereq' authorized and requited to publish in his election proclamation for the next ensuing .elections„ the herein recited „congtitutional amend ment, act of Congress, and act of the Legislature„"to the cud that the same may be known, .eleented and obeyed by all assessors, registers of Voter'', election .ontoirti soil others; and that the rights mud privilege guaranteed thereby may be Secured to all the citi zens of this Commonwealth entitled to the same. • tlrer UNintil lIAND AND Taw GRIfAT SL.tr. (i 5 , TUE STATr.. at Ihtnishlll7, the day_ and year • first above written Attest JNO. W. iIF.AItY r..zopmfiot, c r q of.Contatantorall. I also .411 attention to the totioning lava ACT " To authorize a popular voto - upon gm question of calling * COTlVentiOn to anterot tbo Constitution of Wintrylmala. • • . titx - rngs 1. “Be it cackled by the Senate and Jl4iue R"presentatira or:the Conimenteealth of Pennsyl vania in (Amen: Aireattly nue, and i: hereby tnc.cl ed by flue authority of eke Stintr. That the question of calling a convention to amend the Constitution of the Commonwealth be submitted to a vote 'of the pe. , ple at the general election, to be held on the second Tuesday of Cciober next. the said- question to be voted upon in manner following. to wit: In counties and cities in which slip ticket' voting ia authorised by law, votes fort and, against a convert tfon may be expressed and giver, upon the - ticket, beaded or endorsed with the-word state.' and not othorwisc; and the words nasal shall be !constitu tional convention," and underneath " for a convex,- " or o against a convention," and in counties or diatriets tot vldetialip iieket mating BMW not be authorized by law, each elector voting upon said phation shall cast a separate ballot, endorsed on the outside " constitationsl convention," and con taining on the (Waldo the words " for a convention."' or, "against a convention," and all - votes rast a alke.t.id stall bo Loco erect, dueled. and retorted by the proper tl.:ett u IS:cr. , and n, tvru itriges as it / -4..1. votes for'goverffOr are rewired, counted, - and re turned wider existing Uwe • • Satan* 2. 'That the election *WPM. alian be head and be subject to all the provisions of liar • which apply to general acetic:nit the sheriffs of the several counties shall give notice of this act in their election proclimation the meant - tear, and the g0.e...k. shall dials all the returns of the said elec tion, as received by the Secretary of the Common wealth, to be laid before the legislature at its tea. next anneal election. • • ZAlfiDi If. WEtiß. Speaker of the Ifoustaf Zreseutsfires• WILLIAM W CC Speaker of the Senate. • Arraorza--The Second day of June, Anne Demi nt, one thousand eight hundred and seventy one. JOLDI W. °EASY. Szczniit 1. fk it enact...4l4 the ,Senate wet Monte fil , retentatireir of the Cotamomeeatat of .Proruyt: roma in General ititersGly met, and it etkerdry med .:46y Vie at/Glorify ollSe lance, That in ail elections hereafter to be . held In this Commonwealth; it shell be unlawful for the judge or In/Teeter of the elec. tiOn to receive any - ballot or ballots from any person. or persons embraced in theprovislons, and subject to the disability imposed by said act of Congress ap proved March 3, leek. and it shall be unlawful for any inch person to offer to vote any ballot or ballots. /MOTION 2." That if any such Judge and how:tore of election or any one of them shall receive, or con sent to receive, any inch unlawful ballot or ballots, from any such disqualified person, he, or they, 09 of. fending, shall bs guilty of a meederucanor, and open 'conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of tbils shall, for any such offence. be sentenced to pay a line of not less than flOO, and undergo an imprisonment, to the jail of the proper 'Attar, for not less than MJ days. - SECTION 3. That if any person deprived of citizen ship, and diaqualitied as aforesaid, shall et any elect 'Mu, hereafter to. lst hell in-tins Commonwealth, vote or tender to the cancers thereof, and .41 - er to veto a ballet, or ballets, any, person so offending flail be deemed guilty of a 'misdemeanor, and on convietiop thereof, In any court of quarter sessions of this Coriunonwealtb, shall, for eni-h offence, be punished in like manner as is provided in the preced ing section of this act, in the case of °Ulcers of ebb Ilea i, cevlng Such unlawful ballot and ballots. • Szerto.N. That if any person shall •Lereafter per. evade or advise any person' or- persons deprived id citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid to offer any ballot or ballots, to the ofileemol any election. here after to be held in this Commonwealth, or shall per made or advise any inch OfaCCT to receive any ballot or ballots, from any person deprived of citizenship. and disqualified as aforesaid, such, person ito offend log shall bderailty of a misdemeanor, and repeat con vietionlliereof, in any court of quarter sessions Of this CoressonOnsalth. ahall.be punished in like man ner as Is provided-in the second section of - this act. in the case •of °Meets of such election, receiving inch unlawfoliallot or ballots. 11yan let of ereamy of March . 30, IeGG, entitled an Act regulating the mode of rting at all elections, 'in the 'several counties oi thin commontrsalth, it is enacted Steno:: I; 'Be 1t enacted Ay the Senate and Lrou.,, of R . epresenlatirrt of hie- - Cosinunitsealtli of "'clout ranut in General A:saintly met, and it is hereby enact- - etl by the authority of ,the same, That the qualified , votero of the several counties of this Commonwealth at all general township, borough, and special dee- . lions, are hereby, hereafter authorized and required_ to vote by tickets printed or written, sei-srallyylassi fled as follows : Ono ticket shall embrace the Stameo of all judges of court to be voted for, and to be la. holed. outside. "JudiciarY:" one ticket shall-entirace the lAMB of all state officers to ho Toted for and be labelled notate:" one ticket shall embrace the namr:e of alt county officers voted for, Including office ot • senator, na3ber. and membera of ahmerably;if iot, d for, and file hers of congress, if voted for, and labelled "county:" ono ticket shall embrace ti,' nanies,of all township officers voted for, and- be h. - -lir:led nteesnship;". one ticket. shall embrace the names of all borough oftleerri voicd/for. and Shall to labelled "borough," and each clais,shail try der,o,, t- NI in separate ballot-boxes. Election officers are authorized and rommand..l to strictly observe the .prevision, of the ltiifktry Law. pasred by the Senate and lieuse of Bev, lit atIN con,:n - nnw , altli, on the 17th day of .ipril. I t0', , .0 Evccrrter Ctrasentri. I liarr.abruir, Ica., Aug. 27, Ibit): The Return Judges for the Senatorial District will. meet at the Court Bruise in the Borough of Tunk. hannock, on . , The meeting of retail', - Initg.-4 for, the comity at - Bradford. will be at the er,urtlietior iii,Toeranda, en the. third (tar After election. which will be on Friday. :he 13th day of o , toher. at I. o'clock, p. d. PERRY VAN FLEET, , Shen t. Sept. 11, 1872 SHERIFF'S SALES.—Byvirtneoi sundry writs of Fl. Fa. and 'Vend. Expo., issued. out of the Court of Common' MC r.. of , Bradf ,, r4" County, and to me directed, will be earned to pigs: lie wale at the Court Ilseise in the. Borough of To. wands on-FRIDAY the lltth day of OCTOIIER, 1672, at 1 o'clock, p. nr., the following dearribod lot.' piecer parcel of land ltbo defen4nt'a untilvidod one-forth interestiaituato In fiheactign townslop ; bounded as follows: On the north and west w lands of Jeremiah Slither, south and coat by tande belonging to the liic•ire ~f John Mc/441:t0n. tleccag•,!. containing about 12 a, toore or :eta, aboute scree faipro.,tl,.vrtth. tratut..l , :or p!avk to-ox thereon.. , Seized and taken into UM , 111,t)11 at the ~lit of t' K. 1.A.14.1, •rf NlQ.rtl.l{ NteNteihotit- t s Th••:uo Ifeliahon. ALSO—Cdo: othrr. puce, or }4,r.7c1 } ate in Alba itoinutja, br , ltti.tied a . follows! Begin- " filng at a stab in the centre of t e. Grantifle road. : • it being the north-east corner of . .1. Merritt'a Pd, thence south IS-leg. le.-at lit .r ! ,. t aleTir eahl Met'. , rill'. line to a state, I'. S :Utile 's - on-nor; them,. , %oath 74 deg,. i , ast •C, tt c‘t to • iialie on I'.,H. Miller's 'line; chi :cc north 15 deg. east 10 rods, to the centre of or.l - road; thence sl , .ug ...entre of said (iragyllit ff,atl north '7l ,leg. west VI fe.t 'to piece of begin rang, cents:l:mg Z, fe rch..s and. 2:1 vinare lint °fax, land, ru:4re , :r lee., with a traried wagon slop 'then - OD. ' . . Kcjied art.! . take:, tittk ,xocuttou (the suit + Timothy Latztth:.^ ,- xl's 11 , mr, Lm.l thou ALSO—One otlo r lot. Fenn, or pare , I nt tilnd ,Itu ato In Sella VAT., bßinple , l aa,:follown : • Or. the north by 1.3,13,1,. of .lohn'elinninnlvtnt.eozol east by 1.3131' of T. li , ..ynolds. itonyi by :awl of. 1. - 111 . 1ong; wog by lend ev bhitiu tint . ..n.4 and tin: tit Captuti: .Ir 2 'Mot^ abollt ,4 7 aert a , 1 , 11! , .' vo rimed b' .o. tranoe4 ban. ?n.11,61 '41,j,14 hereon. ,Se:zed taket.;xll ,, at tl. watt ~f T"ial 4. Ray Orium.ll • “thCr par} - , lot tv4.l orwell twp.. 1..wn0t,1,1 - 1 It 3 1,0, , t 1 / 1 ,„ ttv f r ,•tn. l'.‘ttk , rlll:e t.• Iwt;tl. t. by lands of B. L. Chant. 31 per. to;, thilICV north I , lSt 12 5-10 pur. t., Make and rii..neE.: thence' vonth 47', der:. ..a.4 land of .Vlh}.-rt Conklin 21: 1-10,p4Lr. t.. pok In tie centie of sat-1 highway:- tholce along. centre of said fliglovay 4:10-to (.; beginning:' containing 4 acres and 4D perches, thole or less, 'with an apl o 6 crehaid thereoi: all improved ' and being the same land toi •'Oll \Tye:: t..:lScioarniit CLaffee by Bobert and Wm. Arnold by deed rccor.l• ed in the Ottice for iteordir.g 514'1 , 116, in and f.•r . mud county, in Deed Bciok :SF°, page, ISS, kr. Seized and taken into execntion at s the suit. of Chauncey. W. Irtiold's ure -re. B. L. Chaffee Ana (.. H..Chatibe. ,ALSO—One other lot, piece, or parcel of land sit. nate in Orwell tarp., hounded as follows: On the north by lands of Wm. Hardy and C: lit Washburn; east by land of Albert Conklin; sotitli by public high way leading from Pottertille to Towanda; west by land of Jacob Pickering; containing. 48 acres, more or less. all iinproved, with a framed dwelling house, two framed barns and an appre orchard thereon. being the same land as deeded to Benlamin 1,01111$: fee by Julia Chaffee by deed * recorded in the for recording deeds. kc.,. in said county. Book No. SB..page ALSD—One"oiber lot, Plc4c. or parcel of land sip- cat in the said Orwell tarp., litninded be follows • ! Ou the north by tad of Jitcob Pickering; cut by the highway; south sad West by lands of It. D. and Joel Pitcher; tontainiO. 7 , , acres, more or less. n.e i improunients; being the same land alt r , nreyed to-.. Isaac Ilarsh. administrator of Ralph Plckeritig's es. tate to Bertfmin L. Chadbo by-deed rearilol in the office for recording deeds, k c., in said cennty.le Deed Rook No. 1 4 .3, page 256, &e. i. Seized and taken into execution at th . r tout' or inlia Chaffee ve. B. L. Chaffee. td P. P. VAN MET, Sheryl. Ll ' IN THE MATTEM, OF THE TAR fition of the Baste of Jared Phelps, deeral:ed - In the Orphan's Court of Bradford Comity.. And now to wit: September 4, 1872, the return of twelve men appointed in this cane to make partition -that paid estate could not be conveniently- divided into as many shares as there Pre parties entitled.* and that they`have 'valued the fame Xt. - the tone of fifty-five dollars (#53.00) per acre. making for the f.. 0 acres and 4 perches mentioned in said writ, the sm. of three thousand, seven hundred-and forty-ore tars and thirty-seven and one- cent!, f 3,711. !_ , being tiled on motion of o , erton k Elsbnee. altor neys for partitioners. grant}} a rule on Dudley It. Phelps. of Smithfield, Daring B. Ehelps, whotie:, last known placO of residence was iu Tempelafii, Tempt lam county, Canada, Asa Phelps, of Smithfield. liar -mon A. Phelps. whose last known residenee It - 2e at Yuby counts: California, 'Rdwetia Campbell. .wife of Albert camet.AAl:• rebidinz at Smithfield aforesaid, Jared Phelps. residing at Can -ton, Bradford county aforesaid. Jacob E., !'helps, residing at Smithfield aforesaid, and Polly M. Brad ley,_wite of Daniel' Ilradley. whose last known place of residence Was at Pen lan. New York. come into court on, the 1d Monday of beceinhe; Term, a day tiled by the eonrt. inaa aceert or 7,-.11 - al -aqeept. the said estate It the valuation 0r.h . i,1 for the Kinn% By the Court. C. E. tthADDINo. Sep.lll2, Clerk„.„, A trEknoit's NOTlt.l.l.—Jcihrt F... Me . ante vs. S. N. Aspinwall.--MO-888, Sept. T.. 1870. In the Court tf Common Plea? of Bradford '- County. The underaigned, an Auditor appointed bs sdi.t' Court to distribute moneys In tiheriirchands froin sale of defendant's real Pette, wtil attend to the ditties of tile appointment at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on MONDAY the lilt. day of SEPTEMBER, '7 - 1, at 10 o'clock, a.m., of sa‘,l day, where all ellitas upon 'said funds will present them or be forever debarred from the sane% - sep.ll. , wa a 11. t MADILL:Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.- --DelorN, & non°n v,. mi.,v k Afontany.e.• -so. Anti, MA . , T.. ts69.—ln the Court - of Comte9n Pleas of Brulfor.;.l Conntr. .„.. . The undersigned. an Auditor appointed 1,, said court to distribute 'moneys arising from Sheriff's sale of defendant's real estAte.l will. attend to the do. ti es of said appointment at his cece in the Demme.lt of Towanda, on WEDXFSDAY OCT. 7,18'72. at lu a. m., where all persons hating claims upon said funds are required to fovstuat them , r be denarrcd 'lrony coming in upon mid fond. .. . sep.lloT4 . II: .I.4dADILL, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—In . the matter of tho estate of J. IL Martin, In tlw Orpbatil Conrt of Bradford County. " The.nr.dersigned, an Andibm, appointed I,s sabi Court to distritinte.funda in the bands of the Exec ntiira of said estate, trill attend to-the anticsof appointment at Ids olliee Toiranda,:ort .1101S - DAT, OCTOBER 7. 1872, at 2 o'clock, p. nb. Where all. persons hating Maims -upon said binds must pre sent them cr be debarred from coming in - upon the s. S. OAL/Fri sep.ll.NcliAuditor. AA DMENISTM.TOR'S is hereby ,giern'that all persons inlet t ..ed to. the estate of John Gard, late of Albany, deco/ Wed, are rerptestM to wake tutroodistepayment and all perrons. haring claims aTaittist raid estate must preient the Name duly ; authenticated for • bet- Gement. • . GEORGE -GAO, . ser.ll-Avf , Athatuietrator A INISTRATUR'S NOTICE. - 7 1.1.5-liotiee is hereby alivn that all Persons indeLhAh to the estate of Asa Part, late of frith:bury, decease 1. are senile . .. Tied to mato immediate payment, and all persons having chime itgairnd said eststb must present them duly authenticated. fOr settleinont. .D.,A. GILLETT, sepal-6w. Administrator • • aX }1 C 0 .1, N( -KA Neti:e c`l7lll.llat r f;...141i11,1 I.i t. , tilt! pet at., of .I-try Y;. I.o:Tett, • I.ito ui Ati,• • eir•Ce3IRA, arC , requeste.t to malkii .. 4/11111•4141” 1 ,, T• inent, anal . all peru,na haring agaiu.t ,rout cR. tate maid present the uno dub , authenticate I fer iettlcrutint. &MN ' taxiourr, ELIIEIt, Exccutcre, r:l 4 72.—tie• El REM
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