Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 05, 1872, Image 4
I Nero 'iavertisetaents. D FOUNDERY & MAOHINE, SHOP: Th:uhdersigued.having puichlied the Foundry and Maaline shop lately - owned by John Carmen, are prepared to do 'all buds of work appertaining' to lhcir bitriuess, with promptness and dispatch. 'WILL GEARINGS, eIIiCIILAR SAW MILLS, rIIA.N DRILLS, And all kinds of MILL IRONS IitADE TO ORDER ENGINES REPAIRED, , 1 all work warranted to giro satisfaction SHINGLE. ACHES and most improved kinds nianniactured 4opt . coristaatly an hand ready for nse4 ME ",PLOUGHS, , E-11ILL, IRON AND WOOD M 4 ItEl3lB Of all kind& ILTIVikTORS, CORN PLOUGHS c ( A NI :;1 L•UUGH POINT'S Will,. and the Lttest. Lniproveincnta;' kep Constantly on hand. CTiURh POwPis, LAI:LIE AND . SMALL SIZE E iT VE CASTINGS CELLAR GALTES. Ell AND SLEIGH SHGESi LARGE MON EMTLES And .11.1 kinds of castings: famished to arch 30, 1870 INVALUABLE . WORK, IN ,EvEny FAKILY AND LIBRAILY. I1)TT Iik.)GII.II'HICAL DICTIO:4ALY ",, will willingly be without a copy LIPPINCOTT'S IZONOUNCING Or fsl IIIGGILkPIITA:iD MYTHOLOGY, i • .1. , I p rin.drs tn; the Eminent Pen-13tis of all .ties and I.: ,,, untrit:* and :econnts of the various Su, jects 1 of the X . Onit", nilldoo, and Classic Ilythttl, t t fties, with the pronunciation of thelr i names iu the _different languages in 1 ...ditch they occur. By J. THOMAS, A. M., 3IJ 1). , : 4 tinplete in ono Imp. Svo Volume of u:345,.... Found in Sheep, .$l5 mitptch• in tyto Vols. Imperial Pro. Toned paper Price per vol: Fine Cloth, $11; Sheep, $l2. , ho. alueble worl embrami the following pe lultarrlhatures in au eminent degree: 1. (iVeat Completeness and Cbuciseuesn in the :ographloal Sketches. 2. Succinct• Comprehensive Accomite of ill Ir. rion. Interectil.g Subjects of Mythology. A Logical Syctcm of Orthography. 1. The Accurate Pronunciation of the liamen. 1 oh, I io,rra, ha 1 P.efcrcnces. OPINIONS OF Tin: PUSS. I: I{ Uppinc.oti's Biographic:l'Dictionary, aceording . to nuaniir.rins opinion of distinguished iacholars, s the best work of the kind eye r 1 , , Tb' Inc comprehets r .ve and valuable work of 1.1” - that has ever been attempted. *. . An eonvenienea.— ',Boston Traveller. 1 1 The TIV"-t valuable contribution to Ittalcography tonime.—;Cincinulati Chronicle. No dher work of the kind will compare With K.,- ' (liicaizo Advance. tie plan 19 . , 311111j1 , 11 , 10 York Tnhune. I Tile inmt vatisf.p - tory work of referencti ever is. Hed from tlie Tele..,rraph. This work presents a very wide range', of treat or ui, gr!at compactness and perspicuity, wondeb lot aecnrary, and a typographical e.xecntion that is php , ihltrly perfect.—(s.l. Evening Post. 1; I An admiraMe work.--:N.Y. Independent. Nothing of the kind [sextant ROlKenlinds - adaptod 'to the wants of the student sAmlar, and genernl Imatler.—"St. Louis Tic-ern. I - le all Doolis , :ll,•rs. or will be 114 1;1.. 1 - ei• sale by in- , of expense upon ressipt of the price by the fipscial Cir , tilarr, containiu. , . a full rl , •=Crtgttou bt 1110 w ,, rlr, with Fpcclim it pages, will b Beat ,ri .rpliral;•m. .• J. 11. I.IITINCOTT & CO.. I'nbligLrrm, i luni9^_ • 73 715 & 717 Marlvt 131., litila.i. N Ew sTio:Am FT,ouRINO MILL IN SIIESISEGfirIi. 1i c ettl,,rP.l e. , zlvt: ttiat Lis pr.- sTEUI FLOURING NI 1 , 11 , 4 !II LI ., "1‘11. , 1.1.1,thr , 11, Le IS To 1. ,red tc, do :11 %yolk ill 1111 late on :•I/ort ilotice. .iIUNDINO DONE ON TnE THAT IT th RECEIVED r - ,Alvsnt, ISiwkwheat and Rye Flour. Cori/ Meal Fvo.l. Itran. hc., always on hand and' frr safe a o•W , •e+4 TatC , . • 1' 1:11(2t11.11; Nt )ricE.—ltrsoon 11v)n;. , ,e ott the riite at the river desiring to ivitro'ntlo P.l) , .111, Ilav , thetr fcrryagn paid b"th brll%! 41. m 1 ton httrdiehl nod onwards., I P. S. AYE Tilt: WORLD ' S TONIC., Vr.gelabie rtivi free from Afoot', .1 DR. L 0 It I :NI E S, JUNIPER TAR 13 I CERTAIN CURE FOR ~ ugh. Lxerpient Consunaptlon,'lCoMA, 541 Jolla:nation or the Longl.- Catarrh Dr,n..intis, Droop, Whooping Cough. Pattie in trratti or Hick. Dygrirpf+;a, • Dimness. Loss of Appr- Lto, Fever antl-Agno. Imlig,tion, LiTer Complaint; lliarrliCK , a, an . of the Lungs, Stomach, 4.1v0r, Kidneys. \V. H. GREGG & (,),0., WHOI.S LE I , ltrtiGliTS, r N.l SOIL Agoitri, amt bi nitein all orac4 rtwn atllrcssr.l. Price. 9 ee-1-‘ , .. 'War, for !artily: fufortilatlon.,-,,Ai Sold b' all Diuggist, , ►11• I T O \VAND 11 USIC_:AL AC A DET Nis. A 0/1.1.D (ATI; INNTIT ''T ToWANIA. at a,y till, at 'llll,. 1 i lai•ii I.irt • plipilr, per quart, r f 5 I • : .ntailont Harmony and Voeal ida ,,,, , p'pr ier. 20 . - SI:It1. - 1r.1 HALX QUAILTY.I:I„.Y IN At VANTX. 1: , I:It:W..11'o t‘Ci•••• 1 week. No tlelnetinn or - tin 1 op." ea.. in in ktrige of illuetot 'of More lb • ,p.• vii, I.', nitration. ' . , 'C ~ )1,,,,. ~..h. lA. is 1 . 1.11 , -!!1':11 into itlirre dep n'itt.i. 71Z : Pridiminary, Primary and Ailcaniv 'l l , re 17:11!. - a ruitifieatc• ttiN en at thi.'rrimpletitin ,aidi i-iurri , with the tninneal standlngjof the yinpi Pnpilii front a Ili.nahee will. tin I aroininoklatiot for i,0.0.1 ann pi 27, inaitii e in the it/tstitittinn %el.:, moderate i`rV , . • , \.-Tien.--Mr. Sheraii i I ha. ne-ottre, .e ejur oinpri.itte the bi^rt ne‘nclti r.tothonq i n' , o In t 1 inanninent featuret. :nil applianena of the . i. c po tilar 1.% :M.:, 51nsical .tead. illy. of % . i t liirli Its io, thr li• v. L. 11. Slierwo,l, viaii Piranirly jirinci • • a pi iiprieVir. 1 Mr. Ftlnar 11. rilierwrKid lea l neeintal ta!eng e: Inioncal iegnirenionta and ezten.rl% e lexperienr tactling.—Edifor ./ekhr,fer Nurfea/. Tiny:. , Towanda; May tt, 1872. 1' IItST Is; A tf - QN BA Tr OF TOWANDA. r $125,00 40,001 A I rrai 5i tua.r~ FUND "1..,i“ Dank oiL. , r‘ VNI:SCAL. FACILITIFS f tr'n,....:1.,t0u of 9 A GENERA], BANKING II U.SINES' TNTERLINT AID ON DEPOSITS ACCOLLDE.:O TO !-• SHY.. O .IVEN To TILE 1300X,CTION or . 0 l'artleo wiihing- to SI.ND atoNrr to any part 1 , ale ‘, fr Stag. Enalatrl. Ireland, Scotland, or the rin -11.1 citi,s and towns of Europe. can' t hero proctire /raftr, 1,1 that Itnroan. I'AffSAUF TIOYKETN r- ,rf , ht lq.•1 sti•atnt 01,117 '7E4 ' ic! 1.1.1 , 1 A 14 , 1,24 EI=MI .13.• • • t•C•-• 1. I%'G7 Y. 1.:z1no: into iho 'art irj "•tl• 40; • . . , l; • ''• - - TIME TABLE OF THE M1LL1.,,. .,,. VAN /c ESTE B.A.M.M/AD.—Taking offoct on. Mbnday. Junrl7. 1872. sorrnwAnn. P.M. A. a. I 2:201 6:001 TOWANDA 2;40 6:10 BARCLAY JUNCTION 2'FOO 6:30 —.MONROE 3'"5 7:00 i ... WILCOSS T: ,. 32 7:10 I ... - :NEW ALBANY. 8:40 7:20 1 MILLERS... 4 1 :00 - 7:45 I DUSHORE.. . 3.5 8:20 BERNICE. P.M. 1 A. M. 1)A. & N.Y. CANAL 1: 13. MMREMI MOM 1.150. 9 10 Elmira 12 45 3.20 1 30'•9 45 .Warerly 12 00 33/ 1 37110 00 --Atilt ..... ,11 45 420 205 10 40 Towanda.... 11 05 221 ;11 30 ,10 05 5 305 11 50 9 431 614 ' 1212' .... Meshoppen... s. 920 21' 12 20 .....Mehoopauy... 913 55 354 12 45 .; .Tunkhannock.. 542 e 00 1 . 4 42. 1 sn' ...Pittston 72.5 25 500 215 ....Wilkes Barre.. 700 ... 730 4 ;LI ...Manch Chunk.. ..... N2 ,-. 550 S. 40 GO3 1 915, 6:4 tio. 32 leaves Towanda at 7 10 a. m.; Athens, 7 GO a. in.; Waverly, 8 05 a. m., arriving at Elmira at .000 A. H. No. 31 leaves Elmira at 5 30 p. in.; Waverly. at , !G 15 p. m.; Athena, at G3O p. m., 'arriving at To wanda at 7 15 P. M. Drawing lloom Cars attachod to Trains 2 and 9 ran through from Elmira to Philadelphia. ft. A. PACKER, Superintendent. • 'MEW ROUTE TO PrirLADEL -LA PIIIA. I • NORTU PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Shortest and most direct line to PhLiadelphla, Bal tianore, Washington, and the South. Pass:ricers by this route take I ennsylvazda & New York Railroad train, passing Towanda at 10:40 and 2:05 p. m., make CiOKO connection at Be thlehem with E:cpress train of 'North Penn's Rail road, and arrive in Philadelphia at 8:20 P. M., and 10:30 p.m., in time to take night treble either for the South or West. Palace cars are attached to the MILICS & ROCKWELL 2:05 P.M train.' City paaserigur cars are at the Depot on arrival of all trains cony° passenger a to the 'parlous Depots mud to all partaof the cit);•: ArrREEMECT. a.:.I:V.T'IS Bai -3aak MEMII 10:30 I 6:20 10:15 I 6:10 9:45 5:50, 9:00 6:Li . A. X. P. Y. It. F. GOODMA., Gen'l Passe-tiger Agent. r ARRANOKIELNT OF PASSENGER To take effect Monday, Jnne 10. 03111M3 Anent4rxtt. Betllehem 030 8 20' ....Philadelphia r): 9 40.... .'Scw Ye.:t 533 LEWILNI'NO . . Leave 'North Penii Railroad Depot, corner Berke and American S:., Philadelphia. at S 9:45 arriving at Towanda 4:57 A. 1 , 415 P.M., same evening. Mann's Baggage Ezpr collects and delivers bag.; gage, office No. 105 Swat 1 ffth street, Philadelph* VILIEVITIT ACCOWXODATIONS Freigla received at Front and :Noble streets. Phila delphia, and forwarded by Daily Fast Freight traixt to Towanda, and all points in Susi?). hanna valley with quick dispatch. ELLIS 'MABEE, . Gen. Agt. N.P. It. It.. Front and Willow Sts. dun , 3. 1872. Philadelphia. ERIE RAILWAY NEW AND Laa:rnovEn DILkWING 80035 AN'D SEEP:VINCI Coarrins. combiniri all Modern Bnproveniedts, aro run through on all Trains between New Yorl. Roch ester. Buffalo, Niagara rani , . Sn.pension Bridge, Clev. land, and Cineintati Abstra t of Time Tab e, Adopt^d Inn.• 3..4'42 = T T 0.7.: S s. A. 71. V. ss. r (44 11 40', 7 7.01 '7 60 3 15. 1115; 545 720 3.;0 sl5 1 77. 2.".5 . 837 217 431 9 1 . 51 252 325 513 10 10 . 343 411 no 17 'n 427 449 23 1134) 503 325 r. 2 12 nn 542 adl MEM e Jera4 y t'ity... SuFeinehanna Great N% av 4 r' Elmira Cornizw Pairdr,l Roel:r•=1 Cr Um -1,4 , 11+,111? .... Niagara rail, CIA ton Drinkirk.. . Cleveland Cineintati 1(1:i. , ,10 20 10 20 1:". 205 117 01 B 7 20 11 5n 520 11 20 11 20 1243 7cn 12-10 12 10 f.O 705 12 15. 12 15 12.55 715 .12 2.0 12 20 .04 732 12 ;4'l 12 50 ll= G 25 200 700 iOO .1 ..... fo^ GOO ADDITIONAL I,OCAI, TRAINS WESTWARD. 5:0.1 a.m., ear( pt Sundays, from Owego. Stopping at Tinga 5:27, Smithboro 5:15, Barton 6:12. Waverly 7:00. Clieniung 7:30. Wellohnrg 8:05. Elmira 8:40, Big Flats 10:20, Corning 11:30, Paintod Post 11,45, Addison 12.3 s p.m.. li - illibonovillo 1:27. Cattion'm Nfillh 1:12. (*aimmoti 2:10, Adriaii 2:10, cunistko 3:40. arriving at liortrilstille at 1.00 p.m, 3.13 . a.m., eterpt Sunday's. from Susquehanna. Stoppinis. at Groat Bond 5.34. Eirkwoo 11:5 . 2, Ling bai.,t,,n 6 : 12. yi,,,por 6, 23, ruion 6.15. Car:4.l . llle 7:03. Owego 7;20, T...):73 7:00, timitliboro S:00, lair. ton 0 ns, Waverly 8,27, Cher:lung 8:10, Wellslofrg 8:51. Southport 9:11, Elmira 0:13, Big Flats 9:5 0 , Corning 10.17. Painted Post 10:21, Alab , ,i 10:.53, Itathbonovillo 11:10, Cameron 'Mills 11:31, Cameron 11:40, Adrian 12:00, CaMsteo 12:13, and arrliring; at liornollsville at 12:22 p,m. 6:00 a M.. daily. troy: , rieliantia. Stopping . at Groat Stood il:20. Ki.10v., - el G:0 1 , Binghamton 7.15, yio.op,•r ' 7:43, Form/ ;7' - ' Catnprille "S .15. -0 ,- .go a:34, Ti“ga 10:01. Smith horn 1:1:15, Barton I'9 125, Waverly 10:n ;. (le mime 171.15, Well.hur:t 10117, Elmira 91:00. 'lli,: Tiat.9 11:10, Conlin:Y. 12:12 ion.. painte,rp„rt '21,17,, Addison 12 15, Rattb - merino e 1 :00, Camerrn Milli' 1115, Camarori 1:27, Adrian r 1 :50, Canisteo 2.02. and arriving at florredl.sville at 2:17 p.m. . 1:10 p.m., except Sundays, from Sumnohanna. Stopping at (in-at Pend 1:57. Kirkwood 2:30, Bing hamton 3:12. Hooper 4:18, Union 4:52, Carnirill , s 5:30. and arriving at Owego Lt 0:03 star. I :11 p.m., paint Sondaye, from Eirr.ira. Stopping. ~ .i. l';;g Itits - 1 :39, Cortiln7, 2'o'l, Pa inted Poet 24)6 a 0 1 Ur ree, •: to .V , . on, to .13111Talo, arriving at B:s7pm. 2.30 r.r , i .. *et.ropt Sundays, (ruin Binghamton. St..pptr.g r.QlFooper 2:43. Union 2:50. Campville 3:03, 0,,,- -lo 3:1 B,'Tioga 3:3.5, Smithhoro 3:45, Barton 3:52, Was erly 4:00, Clienaung 4:20. Wellsburg 4:22, South port 1 17. Iniaira 4:49, Big Flats 5:17, Coming 5:35, Painted Post 5:12. Addison 6:02. Rathboneville 6:15, Cameron Mills 6:27, Cameron 5:35. Adria 5:55, Can i,ten 7 07, and arriving at llornellsville 7:15 p.m.. zAsrwsan. , S T ATI 0 N Cineimrati . _Leave la-t,l Dunk irk B‘l9 , 'netiou BritlFr2 liz.,:ara •, ITuffal • .. IInrne11~,116•.. '• R• , cL^ster•.. . ..... Elmira . Waveri• . 'llrmzhavd^n... Grit l: , i• . " Sn.qn• 5 15 9 f.O 1 10 . 10 00 130 530) 5! 717. 14 0 ' 540 1005 '720 145 545 10 12 770 2 30' 4, 20 11'25 800 6 151 10 10 30 5 11 00 4 00; 5;30. 800 7 251 11 30 432 12 13 4 03' 12 15 513 12 47 40. 12 50 549 '1 20 9 27 1 31 6 28 . 1 56 1010. 215 711 _238 ; 241 740 302 58, 300 010 330 :r ,r , • 2 52 r, no 11 55 645 3 57"; 747 12-42 8 03..,... 11 40 .. 835 P , rt M I etrA Cioxll. , n . . Nowbnrel . P tirwa7k .I , rs, . t. t% N s 1 1 'I ADDiTIONAL LOCAL TRAINS EASTWARD. 5:00 a.m.. except Sundays from rionaellfWl.llo. Slurping atfaulsteo 5:22. Adrian 5:47, Cameron6:so, Cameron Mills 7:00. Rathboneville 7:30. Addison 5.25. Painted Post 5:15, Corning 10:00. Rig Flats I 10:42, VII; !ra 11:30 a. in.. Soul Imort 12:05, Wellsburg 1:14. Chumnig 1:50, Waverly 2:30, Barton 3:08, Synithborr, 3:25, I'.og,a :345; and arriving at Owego .at 4 19 p.m. • 5:53 a.m. daily from Iform;ilsvill. Stopping at camera 7.45, Addison 4 4 ;43. Corning 9:47, Elmira 11:03. Waverly 12:42, p.m.. Smithboro 1:i 0 . Ton 2;00, owego 2:30, campaille 3;03, tnion . 3:34. Bing hamton 4 :12. Kirkaroo,l 4:57, Great Mend 5:22, and arriving at Susquehanna at G:°o p.m. 7;90 a m., except Sundays from Ilornellivill!.- Stopping at Canlatoo 7:13. Adrian 7;25, Cameron 7.42. Cameron 7:42. Cameron Mina 7:48, Rathbone vill. A:o.':, Addison 4:13. Painted Poet 8,;30, Corning 4 ‘,.32, Big Flats 44:43, Elmira 5: 4- N, Sontbporf9:ls. \Cellslmr:f 9:30, Chemnng 9:45, 'Waverly 10:00. Dar -101.10:15. Smithboro 10:23, Tioga 10;35, Gn - cl•o 10:48 e ImPvi llo 11:05, 1 - ni9n 11:20, Hoopor 11;30. am) arri4ir,, , , at Illm-hamton 11:10 a.m. 7 :4, - 1 a.m., I" \ ,ort Suntlnyit. from Ov. ewn. Slopp!nr, at eamprEle 7:47, IlM9n 8:2.z. Hooper 0:41. lumg filamtrm 0:10 Kirkwood 10 30, Grt at 1.'e:1.111:15. and arr,ving : - .ltiusgtmlomna at 11:55 a.m. 1:55 p.m.. ur.orpt Bur:days. from Ilormllm ;110, Canist. , o Adrian 2:20. Cameron 2'15. Camerm llits 2:31, Bathboneville 3'07, Addi he son 3:25. Painted Post 3:33. Corning 4:33, Big Flats P - Elmira snuthport 5:12 licellsbnre 5;30, •nraug 5:45. Waverly 6:03. Tiog,a 6:50, Owego 7:05; nd jearapvilic 7:32, Union 7:52. Trooper 7:53. Bingham. ton 8:20. Kirkwood 8:15. Brest Bend 9:02, and ar c ricitnt at Sus.inehanr.a at 9:22 p.m in . . _ _ 1:58 p.m.. •etrrpt Sundays, from Paluted Post St , lV:ff; nt Corning 2:05, I.Eig Flats 2:21. and arriv at,T.Amira at 2:4i1 p.m. • tiorolaye etc , ptcd, Fr s ,tcyc-en Iforrellr,viiie and Port demo. Stop Satrayi. ' Sir Through tickets to all viols West :at the "v. 17 ter sale in the Company'e office at the WaNrriy rh•is 1= thr• roith,.ri,,,l Kenney of the EriC , Ra.lway Compani . f.:r Rale of We-torn Tis-kets ix Varurly. BaT,-age 'Till 1. cbcoked only on Tfrke tf. 1 - mllc:hued at the company's on,. 1. P. lICCKE4, Cieng flupt Gotil Paaa'r A J et. - B i TAYLOR'S CELEBRATED OIL TN, Grf.-..1 Rnne,ty shonlii ho kept and need by every Farmer that keeps either Cattle or liorse , . every Teamster and Livery Stable Beeper, every Physician and Horse Farier for 'twill many tunes cure pain and tameness when all other me4l. c-iues have failed. ,liners and Railroad ][eh certainty keep it. f.r it is ma nrpitesed for and sprain.. litaelivmitlig should keep it thi ir nnen Iwo and for th ,, ir cnsaf,tarr.lL tend.? a. Sl¢ nidbing (quids it tar t.ndir Teti t. r:lc, fr , :e r in en lame n^ , .i of toy I , ••I. • v.! I sue +4 , 1. auy son rr qiiirilp an - ~at, era I r•:-raiin!y I.e• 1. this , ••1- 1, :a• • I 1••••tht Every bettle ilarraiiteit de give eat: , .ti• - ti , ,:z. For rail. by Dr. It. C.. Porter Son a; Co, Porter& lail and I'. W. atlas Pa. And by every firneidkt anti dealer in Vint tn.! adiolnini! J+l ok.ll With mity LIA C 4,1,11, ‘‘ltol,all4, Patenti No: fi./2 A r..110.1r.Pt PlaltYlvpils, 11. I:RoWNIfi TAY0)11. =lB2ll f1.,4 :•' r . IA Itlyet ' l ' lll f.,( • !.. , 1 41).• t TO THE PUBLIC I - NOILTUICAILD. A. Y. P. W. 11:5 7:35 11:35 7:25 11:15, 7:05 10;40 0:30 The tuldezeigued would most respect/WV ow they are now prepared to every wayto attend to tae UNDERTAKING BUSINESS- R. CO.- TItAINS. 1873. In all 11. branches. And we Unit can give mitotic. lOUTUWLRD. the services of any ono In that line No.No I 2. 1 4. Having spared no expense oe trouble to proem% P 34 PM 6 13 943 535: 900 525; 850 457! 810 I 7 15 405; 651 log from the shop of U. Stolen at C. of out Plaoa • hoarse which cannot be aurp•asod or even ognalod 111 elegance, this side of our lamest Cities. Wi.hsve also secured the serrieca of a most reliable, carefu 1110 6 . 25 3 201 5 56 232 4 50 215 1 4 30 1145;135 10 47.12 20 10 30 12 00 10 05 11 35 and!gentletnaxdy person to attend to this branch of the business. J. B. Amyx, one of out Ana. will- be found at the Furniture Store, on Bridge street, and C. It. Max- In:us, the other member of the firm, at hi. rent• 830 74 deuce on Third street, or about the of& of Dr. J 700; 900 W. Lyman, a very reliable and celebrated physician; A5l A5l whose oflico Is ea Park street. Dear the Elwell Rouse. an2.572tt CORNS. Bunions, Ingrowing Nails, Tender Feet, etc. Lan guage is almost inadequate tov express the torture yndnred by those unhappy mortals who suffer from any one of the, above, almost universal afflictions;' the twinging cOrn, the painful bunion, the torturing kc., and to say that humanity was discouraged would we fear, be only too true. Yet there are ex ceptions, and they aro - those who have used the never-failing remedies of Dr. BRIG(38. We allude to his Alleviator and Curative, the groat modern dis coveries for all diseases of the feet, no matter ho severe or seemingly incurable the case may be. The many thousands who have been happily benefitted by their use, bear witness to the above assertion. A. trial is all that is needed to convince the most skeptical. PILES Look at those features and See the agony depicted in the face. It cannot be helped while the trouble remains. The sufferings from piles is of a very ag gravated description: on cannot walk with any comfort ; yon cannot ride in peace ; you cannot sit with ease, and the suffering when attending to na tzre is almoet unbearable, and causes such a feeling of dread that it is put off at great sacrifice to health and comfort in many Instances Increasing the diffi culty to an alarming extent- Use Dr- Brigg's Pile Remedies according to directions to cure internal. external. itching or bleeding piles. They are mild and reliable, and warrautod as represented. Sold by Druggists. • B-UNIONS• There are . only I limited number of the Litman race who do not know , from erperience what pain and torture can arise- from corium, bunions, ingrow• ing nails, etc. There ire but few thus affected who havellot. tried some of the many methods of relief offered which are anything but satisfactory. To ali who are skeptical or discouraged by repeated fail ures. Briggs' Alleviator and, Curative will be guar affteed as safe and positive remedies for diseases of the feet. HEADACHE. \o. \o. No., 51X 7. 1 .3. •, Pr. Briggs' Allexantor will instantly relieve nervous or sick headache, netimlgia. catarrh. Ford throat. tlYfrepeia, heartburn, palpitation. flatulency seer stomach, in fart. it is the greatest mstorer of the age. counteracts 'or neutralizes all poisons, re duces inflammation, banishes pain from any part of. the system. has marselons and perfect control ovet? the nerves. increases the action -of the heart.the brain. will cure all inalations diseases, snbdues equalizes the circulation, stimulates the weakened and diseased frame and re.toreethe suf ferer. C()I T GITS, a Ilriggs' Throat and Lung Healer. Can, with f,;lt any exaggeration, safely be said to he the hest remedy for the Throat and Lungs that ;a iannfar-. turgid. It heals the diseased Innen. F urfaer , res tores the lungs, purifies the blood, a, t' upon the Liver and Kidneys, and strengthens the system throughout. To•the poor 'Codognmptive, nn greater boon can Is- off. red. Sold by CLARK 11. IVIITEC, at his new Drng Store, south end of Ward lIon•e. Towanda. Pa. 3nly 11, 1°72.--Iy. pIPORTANT TO ALL WHO -I- VALUE TIIE111!EIGHT! Tho sight of the <A :misted, the 'resit strengthen ed and the perfect preserved. For the linanufacturing of the . . CONCAVE cuNVET4 cayerrAL LENSES, LONDON F!!!C?:T.7) Arr , Tt`.tT6D aura ron wamt on in- IfLAIMD MR. The Coneave Coni•ei Crystal Spectadee, made by the above institute are now a long time before the public, and the rapid and inereimed demand for them, combined with the, universal acknowledgment of their clearness In vision and ease to the eye, shows plainly that they are superior to auy other glasses in the market, < The majority of Spectacles, (mostly imported) and no matter how fltieqhe frames, contain but .1 poor and worthless article of glasses, (generally cast or presEed;) they are made to be sold only, without any calculation respecting benefit to the eye, and therefore the great, complaint of poor 'and weak sight. Thousands Ire ruling glasses now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the objects get dim after short usage, or require an Intensely strong light and therefore destroying the eight, which, were they properly suited, would be prexcerved a ille time. The advantages Claimed for the Concave Convex Crystal Classes ore the following : The Lenses are ground of the best matbrial, pare and hard, and made only for optical purposes, they are therefore-not liable to get scratched ordim. They confer ix brilliancy and distinctness of vision not found in any other glass. They can be used equally well by day or candle light without tiring or fathriting the eyes. They are ground mathematically true In the con- cave convex mirror, according to the philosophy of nature, and shape of cornea of the eye, therefore assisting nature only Instead of forcing it. That the lenses are centered correct into the frames. They can bensed longer than any other •glaeses without changing to a higher power. The frames are made strong and durable by expe rier.eed.worlanen and trarrar.ted to give satisfaction. a WM. A. CHAYIBMIN. Dealer in Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, Towan da, Pa., has the sole Agency for these glazed in Bradford county. Ro Pedlers employed. July 12, 1870-tf No. 70 12. • 4. 8. t 2. I= 5 50, 10 00 235 831 703 , 203 515 0 33 , 11 3 , A 310 , 9'25 700 11 GO 330 940 (A. M.' M. P. M. P. M. OIIN N. Al;lluTT, rkl tint * J. S. ALLYN. C. IL MANVILLE. 1 OPTICAL INSTITUTE', THE HOME SHUITLE 7 ' SEW nci3 MACHINE, THE PEREECTION of VECRANISM, roti IlinixiNo, FELLING.. Bounso. COnDINO, BRAIDING. StAMING, Qurta - mi), Trcztxo, ItL7ITEING, BEV -STITCSINO MW GAITILNINU. Pa -ented in AMERICA AND EUROPE, 84111.4`. CO:111.3a, Mit'Writ, Durable and Complete Evcry 7.ltaehine Warranted for fivu yeap. EQUALLY GOOD FOE TINE OR HEAVY WOBK It is a Triumph of Meebanicallgruina Price 0137,00 The only practical low priced Lock-stitch Sewing Machine ever invented. Don't bo hambugsmi by other Agents blarney. no matter boa" smooth their tongue may be, be anre thy mean !arm profits to their own poeketa. - D. R. WOODBURN, Agent for Bradford and Sullivan Counties. Agents wildcat. Route. Mulford county. Ps..Feb.-22;72. THE AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE This nischioe is. Cot:olden...l by medanical men to be the . BEST CONSTRUCTED, MOST DURABLE Belting Machine over offered to the imblie. Its !SIMPLICITY or CONSTRUCTION, EASE OP RUN NING. VARIETY OF WOUX WITHOUT CHANGE Aid its Unparalleled ancxxsa wherever it has been Mao:hided. speaks wonderfully for it as being the most complete Family ltrwiu, Machin- Hew iu nee. Ite lidaplat•nn to I.l(iirr 111Avy WORK I WM L.+ . 1:11.:1111 ,, 11. 16. M• ir2r eal., by WILLSON & 111AX\VELL, OF TOWANDA. I'A -14." Anil Moir rummer of ronethrtfnr thnir Intra,, fa' t winoinc thn r..nn lr nrn nr thn • 1.0. 11.:4 Lilo., Si lilt Ir I , ln , nl g ,;., • 41 1.,14 • , o , si :At 1o.~ %.:11 prot 1.,44 %I.) 1 Int!. 1.i. , , ti. 1,,r. j I .1 1.!. .1. .01. _ T" UNDEBBMIEIT, HAVING rometwaititto aim Worst ot IL IL PATCH, la the Ins at 0. B. PATCIL 4 00.. k 201. inland is afire to Oil aWaei of DAMON County aid Tidal- ty; a large end dell disolid dock of GROCERIES, Wldetil ban pareband far Oidi. as OM somadest that lOC sell al IS low ions es as be perabend olostrbore. I ao4 o 1 to the patine& oploodid Mock TEAS, OOFFFIES, SUGABS, STARCH. SALIZLATI7S. SPIMS. ko Moro ou hood a largo stock of AKRON FLOUR,-.GBAHAM DO SU DO.; BOCIRTIZAT DO. keep axi±lualui on hand. PORK. RAMS, win. sad an kinds of MSS. Would call the attaatioa at the Wilk to car Can't De Beal STOCK OF TOBACCO, la quilt, or prim Jess* Ootiors Ooloinsiod Lwow dry, Nei Tort Chemical mad Drown Soap Please call and szandne ow kock of WOODEN WARE. Large eaeortoreat of YANICEE NOIIOIIB, TOIL= SOAPS. &c.. to I wiU pay the blebestemsh prios kw COUNTRY PRODUCE. 1 rumumgivouoicWlOdommAkaWiellsombera All pennon indebted to the late Arm antiphon, all and inane fanned Ate payment. Tcnrands, March 12,1861 M . J. _LONG GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOOD, WILLOW, AND STONE WARE. FLOUR, FEED, • MEAL, &c., Na 1 PATTON'S" BLOCK COR. MAIN AND BRIDGE STS TOWANDA, PA I desire td call tie Attentom of tbo Public tam/ assortment of goods. which is always full and corn• plots, and will ho sold to my cusimutra at lowest market rates. My stock of TEAS, SPICES, Bare boeu purclianNl !Since tLe late re , lortioti in the tariff on them, and are offered at prima to rem respond. Orders by wall or otherwloo will receive mein and prompt attention. Tlumkinu the public for the liberal patronage they two given Inc, I wish a coutluuance of the =V. CASH PAID YOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. j feb.2oll FIGURES WILL NOT LIE THE. CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN TO BUT BOOTS ! DONT DOUBT YOUR OWN EYAI3 1 HERE ARE TEE FIGURES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES' Gents Kip, 2 Rote •k tap Root, home made - 14 38 do do do 138 do do do flailed, 4 00 warm:kVA do 1 do 2 'do 4 double sole do Cat( peg do do Boys Alp, 2 sole and tap, Youths Sip. 3i double solo., Merchants can be rupplled vrith the above class of goods at very reasonable prices. We are prepared to make Boots to Measure. Also First Class BeTian% tug at reasonable prima. N. 11.—Tbe above very low price system most be undeurtood CASH invariably ea delivery. sir Call and see before - you boy. Sbop opposite Methodist Church. gain Street. Towanda, Nov: 1871 NEM PLANING MILL The undersigned having built a large and conimo. Mona Mill In the Borough of Towanda, and filled it with the moat modern and improved machinery, for the manufacture of - WINDOW SASH AND BLINDS. Are prepared to fill ardirs. whether large or mall. upon the &haricot notice. We hare also • large va riety of MOULDINGS, of the latest style and pattern. which wo can furnish touch cheaper than thoy e can be worked by hand. PLANING. TONO VMS% • Olto6l . 30, , /OD SCHOOL ' - SAWING, , And all other work wtalulng to Jcdnery, will be done to salt our customers. Persons building and not living more than twelve i to fourteen miles dstant. will find it largely for their interest to buy of ne or bring their lumber and have It welted by our machinery. Bring your ghat of Flooring, or other lumber. and while your team is feeding. have It ground out and take it home with We . We will pay CASH for PINE AND DEM:LOCH UntiDlß delivered at our lumber yard. Come and see ne. or If Ton caneanet c. write. Towanda. tab, MS. B. WWl= di 00. SUPERIOR AGRICULTURAL MACINLEY. far Sale by R. M. WELLES, TOWANDA. PA., 'Office No. 3 Iterates Block, north Bide of Court Ifouse square. WHOLES:ALE AND EMAIL DEALER AND -.IIA.IIIPACTURERES AGENT. Mowing Machines. Horse Powers old Threadiera. Wbcel Rakes, Plaster Sowers, Oren Seeder. Hay Tedder% Reversible and - Steel Plows, Celtivators. Thill Hem Hoes, Clover Hullers and tanning MU. LAWN YOWLER. WATEI MURES& DP T M. 1136 Dom arm"; POW= nt *HZ *wax, cozz SHELLER/ T0 . 11115D.011 POWER, ac.„ .‘c. Catalogues and descriptive. inturtrated printed cir culars, tarn 'shed or mailed free to all applicants. It will cost but three cents to and for circulars in pottage Farmers when In Towanda, all and see me. 5pri1.22.'72. It. M. WELLIES. TO THE PUBLIC Having bought the stock and leased the old stand of Cowell & Myer, I would say to all who buy their tiqeisimMDi: in this pluee. that I shall endeavor to keep a select assortment of everything usually kept to a Grocery Store. Also a fad ot YANKEE NOTIONS, Which I propose to Poi vary cheap for cash. I respectfully solicit s share of your patronage ■ml think I can makn it mutually advantamonn for )",1 to t..ll , witta tn... - 1%-tirt , , very rempect T,, July 1, 1A72. NI - ONEY tiAVED, BY PURCIIABING YOUR STOVES AND HARDWARE =I ff 0 TO 111()S1 A, SON:: FUR ... 3. ::: 11.4:1: F.lllOlllOl bn tr.ow etyln et Bed .te.a46. t HORSE .RA.Ez!S, CROQUET SETS, CODDING, BIISSFLL & CO.'S BLACKSMITH, FELLOES, C. B. PATCH. O. B. PATCH. COFFEES, an 111. J. LOIW do 3 50 do 5 oto do ,2 75 to 3 00 do 2 00 to 2 23 om=::0 JoilliBON PFSDLF"."I'.'S ~ I we,G was,p: 1 .ftal:11±.04:) , •14 1 0 - Rd MATHS, FRUIT JABS, From $4 to $l2 per set. WOODEN PUMPS, DRAIN TILE, REFRIGERATORS, For sale cheap at TOWANDA. PA.. Who also sell all kinds of C4RPENTEB, AND OTHER TOOLS, And aro Agents for NORTHUMBERLAND NAILS! tV.Vo34iriLI:IDOIRI SPOK .S. Al T.,1,14 AND SPRINGS nu 135, TRUNKS, WAGONS, UNIVERSAL, D IT I ELTY • .114*CE4SIOR WOOD - AND STONE CHURNS BIRD CAGES, - CREADI. FREEZERS, . KNIVES AND li'ORKS, SHEARS AND SCISSORS Purchasers of Favors and rocket Knives' will do well to all STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, GAS FIXTURES Hours furnished with Gas Pipe, Hot • and Cold, Water, Closets, Rc., on short notice and work guarrantced satisfactory NAGLEE ck, CO.'S CAST STEEL WHEELBAIIUOWS, LEATHER BELTING, LIGHTNING SAWS CODLING, RUSSELL & CO Clothing. HENRY FRA.I4KB, plc. - m.oe to Brunt IlAnntxt) MERCHANT TAILOR, Ifith Jr. ration's Mock, Lridge Street, To wanda. A good atwortmmt or Cloth., Tinning. and twasimerea, constantly on hand. Goods made to order in the beat toardwr. dee-7.11.-11% eiRANGE IS INDELIBLY STAM PED O EVENT TRIN9. •-oz: = rCHS. 'lave pun:lased the kock of Clothing of ROS I ENFI . ELI? . 4k. WOLF, One door South o! , 1 , 01 k MEllCtrws, and hereby GIVE PUBLIC NOTICE that they will offer greater inducements to cult buy ers, than any other establishment in BRADFORD 'COUNTY, ?king thoroughly posted In every branch of the btudineaa, they feel perfectly confident that they can make It to the Interest of an TO PURCHASE OF THEM. Their Stock of goods comprises goods of all grades, from the finest to the coarsest, and manufactured by the best establishments in the country, Giro ns a exit. Towanda, March 12, 1872 NSTYLES Ton LADIES Tightrlingtott ism LADIES and vicinity. Mrs. E.J. Minima (formerly, Mina Kingvky) with Min Sarah Black, have , plat rctnrncd from ?few York with a fall line of MILLINERY ,Nu FANCY GOODS L't EVEJLY VARLITY. colutistiur, of Bats, Donneis, Cor6.etti, Bluth, Kid Gloves, Hair Goods, old Ladies Caps. Sasoes, tiee, Bows, Bibbons, Flowers and Lacca In the latest nm - eltles. Over Dr. l i onls' Drag Store. Opening day. Wednesday. April 21,'12. Part lenlar attention Oven to straw work, ATINTO HIBRrD, or TOWANDA WIIEVI`, soul prnlnoe from 3 . to 11 nr,bel4 more to tho act:, thin Ct.: sfeleterinam stank thr 111!1 a.. .. ..11 a,:i foil as snln nn-.1 i 4 .1 1,41 wheat Pt', % r e r hn•hrl or one 401 Ist per peck. July 19: 142. -,.:. pzonas ask= isp =man From. soots coassiniszocut ism Juni mires. OrIAXMID3 AND PROVISIONS, which Brill be sold at tho Icniost pOesiblo 'prices. CODFISH, riall4uko:7 Me' :Mt 1614C0kKI MODERN STONE WARE, YANIEE NOTIONS, I FLOUR, FEED, lIEAL, GRAIN, &c. Bring on your produce. rbicb . ire pal cub tor. A conatant supply of Aahton Balt. all sized Churn. Batter Firkins, Tubs, k.c. Plow can and.look through oar stock, and we will do oar best to please you. W. A. BOCI.WLI.L. Towanda, April 28, dROCERY AND PROVISION '1 Mo.CARE. & EDWARDS, FAMILY GROCERIES AVRING4ItS MUCTUTNNW =MX, VAVAINWA, We do not deem It necesairy to enttmrrate all the diferent articles we keep. (ha assortment la FIRST CLASS GOODS. Cash paid for Psrmera Produce. • JAMES McCAI3E. March 1;1870. WSL EDWARDS. Faa. & MERCIIII are stow receiv fug a fresh stock of Goods in their line, bought since the lot Janney. to which they invite the at tention of their friends. We keep the largest stock in town. Onr goode are Utah and desirable. We sell at lowest market prices: Jan. 19. 1871. "PRESET AND NEW TEAS, bought A: since the rreent decline in mien, and gelling cllOll ll ll rttall. rum & Jan. 19.1871. , • • 'OX & MERCUR are selling Gro -1.: cetica at retail. Jan. 19. 1871 &ND GLOBES. FOX & NIETICUR are selling New and From!' Goods. ' Jan, 19, 1871. Fox & MERCUR are selling Gro ceries cheap.. :an. 19, 1671. • _ PX & NIEIWIFR are selling first clana Goads czar. Jan. 19, 1671. PX it MEECVR are selling heaper than CWT. Jau. 19 ! 1871. RENIE3IBER that we are selling AA) Goods it RETAIL! And that wo won't belindersold. - Jan. 12. IS7I. Ft MICHIGAN FINE—CUT TOBAC CO—very elicrice—at Jan. 1). 1871. FOX. & MERCUR do nut deal in Shoddy Ckx,ds. Jan. 19. len. OIIR can rely upon g etting tho very beat Ulao market affords and at lowest prices- E. T. FOX. Towanda. Jan. 19.71. , HENRY MERCUR. E3IE3IBER THAT FOX & 11 — ER _Lod CFR are retaillng all kinds of ciroc:.rtro at wleolegaleprlees. The largest stock O. town. Goods brat CLAIM rrtres low. • E. I'. FoX. Sept. 29.'70. , HENJEFX mutcuit. THEBE S BEST KEROSENE OIL IN town by the, quantity or retail at . FOX :a ISERCRIVS. BART BY AND DINEiG ROOM BREAD, PIES, CAKE,CRACKERS In our DMING BOOMS we will accommodate the public with either a lunch or a good meal at all times of th( day and evening. OYSTERS AND ICE CREAM ON ELAND DVIIUIi THEIR SEASON. Alio a fine assortment of Groceries. Oonfecttoncry, Fruits. Nuta. &c. mayl9' ti CENTRAL MARKET The'aubscribers'stiLl continue to keep «instantly on hand a full and complete assortment of every thing pertaining to their business, consisting main ly of BEEP, PORK; FRESH AND SALT 1117 TON. 'VEAL. FRESH FROM THE LAKES. Parties wishing Oysters In large or mall quanti ties will be furnished on short notice. at the old stand. Css - ritax. Abatis - A. hlontanye's Block, first door north of Dr. Porters. CALL Q Eaa.v . SELLIM It ittaZOCIL Tan°. Mos.aocs.. Feb. 2i. 18711-tf JULIUS WOLF, WM. WOLF. A nor lad eabgAsbe Wet of ,IMA510:Al :1 D411:1,;(1 POllll, -3IUTTON, DAIRYMEN, STORE. Wlioicaslo and'ltetail Dealers 1.. a AND PIi:OVISIONS, ALWAYS COMPLETE. Ws gell nothing , bat Fox k MEI2CUI:. FOX & SLEUGUR'S First block uorth of Ward House BAKED DAIL Y And sold at Wliglealle and R etail. D. W. SCOTT it CO SUGAR CURLI) lIAII9 DLEF 13ABBAGE., BOLOGNA. DRUM) BEEF. . TALLOW, &.¢.. Ra Mho, OYSTER/3 RECEIVED DAILY In their searou JULES HUGUENIN Is constantlyreceiring s largt , and varied wort wont or A117.1116LN AND SWISS GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES For Ladies and Gentlemen, Jewelry of all kinds an descriptions, BEM TIDDMAS AND AMEDICN CLOCS C 0.13 CL.COCI-S, PEOM TEE GOLD, SILVER AND STI2 7 1., SPEOTADLIS IN Ortf:AT CARIFTti. rartkultr atfrntion given to i~ L'~lllU NU of all lambs. ALL ,WOLIK WARRANTED. Itentetu ber the plan— , Vpogite th. 31 - eina Honxe. Tosmuls, Msy 1; aRn rOrJ. Plath,rn, tip; inlf t Wa',oli, with VII 11 , ;0.r . I z k eAkt, or I.tnri nm crror Sii ma. a -Ms.. 0,, d•411...1e liAnkvsS, wa 1, by 1 V. WI; n..p, Will be sold tenonable &smart CROCKERY. STORE = Olf WICKLEAM & CUPS FOR JELLIES SILVER PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY SINGER SEWING MACHINE; EISURAN f CE AGENCY ' WiCKILIM k BLACK'S. Towanda,Juli 23. 1872. • KIP BOOTS, STOGA BOOTS, ALI,I BOOTS% AND SHOES Boots. 13cocite L. L. Have the'sule control for tle.ltetail Humphrey 13r0!t4. Manufactured iu TowantL:, Awl we arc rtt.claw, thrl,Ca , low a,. are rr"tailotg Eagt, rn Lio , nlA. . DON'T 1E DECI,IYEI) ! /I, bill , 1..: It trol• mina tr rtv,4l 11. st au EL.,t-rn chiue witti th!. It. bratcd RUBBEES! A 131-ii, , ik:-.ortnn•nt, alit.-11 N v ar.. i ,, Ilin•.-.. , .it a largo rrancinin in prim. Wt. 1..e.,i. ni lw tut , lirtt quality Rubber:l. _ FINE 81,IOES!! F , T 1...'..be5, Mi.-sis and Children. in I'o3. ti,eat, Kid: Frei.'li Sid, Sr;,'l• and Frendi Calf. .in faetiall the P 12.11, iliaritartnr 4 d by. the Fatitrries' in the ewthtry. . , I • . . , . A FELL LINE OF ISURT:3 GOODS ON HANDS tOBES Just received, b larger stock of Rolf,' Buffalo ani Lip Bob.m! also I/orse Blanket!, Whips, kc., which we are selling cheap for cash. Wlttli}p3. TRAVELINCI BAGS, &C. • • no largest a , :iortineut iu this seetion/correspond ing prices- Clive us a call and you will be sited ' L. L. MOODY & CO. Towanda. Nov. I. 1871. N EW CIRRIAGE P.M:TORY': 01114ue, txtwectill.tiu au.115,..‘0ti I, Strerte, Lail of ti. 1. llasun & Co.'s 1.:a111i. . 1 POULTRY, LAUD. annowl, - • 1., pit: , 114 that th have built a ►hem they will constarytly hand a lull sseort ment of TOP AND, OPEN BUGGIES, TROTTING SULRYS, AND SKELETONS,' Made of the beet material and finished in tho bcat city style, His long evrerience in city carrisr,e Factories Ives them a decided adrantage over others in the of his Wagou.s. AU they asks is an INSPECTION OF HIS WORK TO THE Dna previous to purchasing Olsewhera ALL WORK WA le RA TK OTO GIVE veßrier Thatikfti! for tlif , 111‘. , ra1 patiotki; w tt.rfunly ten,lM and re.;pixtlully u • ouutusuano3 ul th num REPAIRIN(I . PIu)ATVTLY ATTriDIII) JULES FIUGUE:ZIN towanis. Is:.. _ t pirtNif:Es, ;Tin(' Mr *pro.inct .I.* =3 6,11 to FOX & mr.itcult. I.s, 10, 1871 juli.ti E. FOS. FRUIT JARS TUMBLERS BOWLS Frain WA.lgers do I:rather Agency of the Boots and Shoes. ItUBB.EIt BOOTS, In endless -variety. MOODY k CO., trade. of IiAIID-I.LIDE • BOOTS7:AND SHOES TOWANDA BOOTS Itli1;11EliS! It 1:1111Eiti FIVE SUOESI FINE SHOES ! BLANKETS! TOWANDA, PENN':i HEN IZY STU LEN &, CO., NEW LEICE ~:ARRIAGE FAMILY CARRIAGES, PLATFORM WAGONS, Finish, Style and Durability t •rrt, v Lpri , re OLARS , Drugs'and D i f ,. H. O. PORTtat k 13011,. OtD CASH DRUG S'I'ORE, ZMIKUWILID TWENTI 1111.1.. Omer Slain and Pine Streets, Tramiel+, PL., Hue recently added largely to 'their stock, a full and complete assortment, constituting an ostensive-mu. tier/, embracing many articles need in the Arta for mechanical purpoees, carefully selected - with regard -to the procire wanta of the public, which will be kePt constantly supplied with freshis:imbues, and offered: Qs most reasonable terms t Intolessle or Uctail,' co of - Dutros, MEDICMI4, CIEENICATA MM. °ult. vasimuzs. ALCOHOL AND TURPENTINE, HABIT PAINT, VAILVISII. WHITE-7AM And all kinds of Pines., KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, Burning Fluids, LAMPS. SHADES, MUCKS. CUMINEYS. Bporia. Lard. Maio, Nests Foot, TANNE.p,I3 AND MACHINE . Fancy and Toilet 'Artleirs in all their variety,-' SPONGES, BRUSEIIES, SOA.PS, COMBS, Pomades, llatr•Dyea, Perfumery, - POCKET BOOKS, PORT MONAIS, Pocket tnives, Itizors, ;TOOTH. BEM AND LIMB PREPARATIONS. PURE WINES AND LIQUOP3, . • .• For Mediclnal use, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PUTS AND (110.1.1113, Gardem•Field and Flower Seeds, Trusse-s; Sup . porters. Suspensories, Shoulder Braces. Breast rumPs. 'enaninst • Ma" Nursing .Itottles, Nipples, Zippier Shells and Shields, Syringes, • Bed Pans, Self-Scaling Fruit Jars, Th,er.' mometers,_ Flavoring Extracts. Stone - Jugs, Glass Wane. Bottles, Vials, Corks. Bath Brink. and Store Blacking,.Fish Tackle, AM. munition. Ar,-, Botanic. Eclectic and liemtepeth tc litodicines, and all the popnizr Patent All articles warranted as represented. Persons at a dietetic, can receive their orders by stage or mail, winch will receive{ prompt and careful attention. • Medical advice given, gratuitously st the office, charging only for medicine. Ilfi - Thardihid far past liberal patronage. FV) . ill .1.,1;- pectfully announce to their friends and the public.tlint no pains shall be iliared to satisfy. and merit the eon.; Lunation of their conSdence and patronage, • _ Open. Sundays for prescriptions' from 2 to 1; a.m., and 12 na; to 1. and 5 to 6 p.m. 11.'C. POL'TEIt & SON. April 1, 1811.—yr. — _ ItHETD4TIS3I- 7 -NELIIUGIA. ! $5OO 'WILL BE PAID to any person producing any Medicine showing bait as many living, permanent. cures as Dr. FlrkEr.'3 Vrorranzz BIIERMITIC REMEDY. teed inwardly only. A pleasant Medicivae, free from injurious drugs. Warranted. under oath, to have-permanent ly cured 95 in every 100 patients treated in the- pot ten years. (See testlinonyl. It is the scientific pre scription of Prof. Jos. P. Paler, M. D., a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, A. D., 18.33,—n0w nue of PhiLulelphies oldest regular phy sicians, and Professor of CTiemistry, and Toxicology,—wno has made Neurlgia, Chronic and Inflamatory -Rheuma tism the specialty of. his entire professional life—a fact vouched for by the signatures' accompinylng each bottle, and other testimonials of many nent renowned physicians and clergymen. To,pro tect sufferers from poisvuons quack nostrum' and useless expmiditure of money. alegal sign'ed guar antee, stating exact number of betties mire.. sill Le forwarded gratis to any sufferer send ing by letter a full description of ailletion. In ease of failure to cure, amount pail' positively refunded.. sledicino sent anywhere by express, collect on de livery. Afflicted invited to write for 'advice; all- in formation and medical advice sent by litter Address. Dr. d. P. YITLEP., 29 South 'fourth stre^t, Philadelphia. Pa. The Beinedy is sold or obtaim by Druggists: For sale by POUTER t: KIRBY, Druggist!, Mcr cur's Block, Towanda. Miscollazeou.c. TO - WAN DA •Works, )-- CIEO :% I - , - CAB.I & SON 11 IA, just re , erreat. tio• I,r.;rat. asb , ,rttuuut (.; AND iI'ALIAN R 33 L H Ever ....mibtted fu %ltiel. they turite tl,c atttnivut of tho public.' ou Lain:... Itlruish to order MONIJMENtS, TOMJ STONES, 3LIN;J:LES, &c AT THE LOWEST urs. Peri.nni, in % , :ant vf anything in onr line are ppecttully iiivitk,l'to call and exam:ne eur stack., ROSES! Tt.wanda, illy 1, 1871 , • . THE OLD MAIN STR4T Carria, c Fa ctcn y. JAMES BRYANT /. sun canlim;cn the mauuta:b::•' of Caftl:LiGES AND WAGONS, Ufi tAery 11CzCVIVtit.11 MAIN :"ThEur. 11.,WANDA STTLL•' AND GROCERIES ANI) I'UO\-h111'• , Ili the uLchita:Attre ut w4v - nas nothiL.,; but -BEST .STEEL AXLES, C.OIIII.'OSIIqON 13-OXES PLATFORM - SPRLNG' WAGONS wAIONs gyThe beet Eastern stock manufacture of Wheels. Spoke , are all rived out--not P.l{4-ed.. WARRANTED EQUAL TO :ANY As to finish, .Snd zs to.dussbility SUIEIIIOR, TO ANT IN TLIIS SECTION Att Worix WA4.r.AN . rez. -764 avl.l') . 1 . ll.‘ 1 tIiTIT ORAIN, UUTTER tw.4B, E It E S 111 April 1' 1,7- A f; t' HITP,tiIU4 `ti ttt • 43 - OM MEM Ui ;very Et Ov .11cCUIE SON • :.t thc .0 id .i. 11 I Towa , ltla. July 2.0. 1570. .• ( 1 ROCEMES AND 1'It()1.1Sle 11•, ttra To ether H Ith thu In Light ,Ntsck lEGI Kept constantly onlimmt ALT:wor.K. 1ou) JAMES: 111ZY ANT 1:-`, 0.1,11, 1IU). 101 i. v; , -, :ki:.ii:Nh'r 4, Insurance: . if CIAIO. CAMP & , NOBLES CAMP - GLNERAL Insurance isge;cy. OFFICE MN MAD A. Opposite the Court lfausi Lieurangc:. again 4 • - • VIRE AND LIGIETNING! None but SOUND, FfI46T•CLASS- Repres6nted. LOSSe6 ADJUSTED S\l) PAX) .I'f Tills OFFICE ! All kinds of LIFE INSURANCE PoLICILsi Proen red", and VCCIDEN . I' ECiUU:INcI. Alltricil for FIVE To FIFTY, DOLIALS \Ve(ikly it/ of itijur:., t,!: TO: it p.,):11,1 e; of •II oil -tif111.1: ! , 1 C. 1; '.NI To airitle our attrntion, wt: art :,!1 !-itorivt cari..lnl !at( ntiy, lu Instiranec AM) WE 1)(:) purott.-..1 ksiriug Ipsuranct. :thy kir. . are r• Tecifully try u- - CAMP . 4 ,:. NOBLE ITIII=3IIII CASEVA INSURANCE .IGENcY, .1 . 1t()Y. PA. • FIRE. In fast-olaps compaln.q. .INn.Lar.l ComPy3Lcala. Twenty - Onler- I,y r1.:41 " " - An.t 3~~ :_ a: S tr- - DIARIES I PA PEE Az 'EN .NEW AUBE - 1'.11'E1;!-i SCHOOL I 11 -;. , rivrt-LL , - DLANK I:Ut) li VAN ij:E.NOTIONS EllE=IIIMIIIII:filll BoOK E r.29 , 4•ctf.1i1y inf,rm A thnt t 1.•• tlery ••1:.1-•r• r thitl y w:111, d-i. • is C . , 0 K 1: lIS •I) I ; In all its varions . brazo ro,A. "Lie tunes" will silew. The li:tel , ry the'cliarize 11. C. WliittFti.i , ~ 3 1 , -rio, a rauacr, - rf• •pij 4011, in a f-tyl. zrel tuanix-r wh?..h I:tisL,. - e3la.zazinef , ,Newspaper 4 .trld .• sanely of 6tylo. paal t. the Buling alid.liii,litnz - , BLANK LOOKS To aLy .I,"slreel pat:on:. :n .01.! t•il, biltty will be wnrraTatNi i • All work rr - “Iy - ter ,1•• In -ry 2,••!. pr.. f. • Thi•patronn 91 the publio Jil F4tastacti , u Towanda: Ati:zut t Itr66—tf. - T OWINVA Nrtira:: , , snlx. .‘r.IN t: 51.14 - .1 - intPnOer.l !Lop IF row the boot LUM . I3I:R- 11'-A Ns tT,Ft.)I,:II ;i A rNs. C r ovERED 11.\"1) OPEN BUGG'' , • 2c11,1 usartrt. Best syle,t. , tt. K AND HICKOEY TIMI all work .n.a.10 1.) . - 11,0 lEN Ci7ll WORR3I EN e t 1 I'd T X.\ T Hl.' .S.N IEI ).."V 2 ,E. 17 very light, and drirahle that i tom:re.hi their do:Ay. . U. VI pot: Witt•re. t.O M. C. 3I1 . 111:1" l'r--:•!. rutis. t'l It • • Ite,r,:tfuliy'auLdtunce`to the y ItaVe a-lar.••• I e llrt Will always 11:...1 .14 , 1 M •t . t: , 1.1.11 , py al. 4 'evcr. to . ntaup new I.:A, .as 0 111 I:1St r 1.1 . A 2.lCte.. 2110. Y. Nittutcuia,t. \ DR. O. D. STIf,ES - .I:mita! TitE '1)1117(1 STohr. or L. A, .iitixttvAy. Fs ,••• iaq uow ts • ~ sirpphes of F.ln. Yarnishrs, ,h. 1% for t!.. - ... 'M 1 - i.nt oth-ince. A fr,sh snpr y - and- 0:.• cr brands OE. e;i:zars :171,1 • I.ty. toila and,fan.. - y :Iv. .7.: 1 • , t statakm. ry, 11 , 1,‘ , ,1 with stationery at 1. , v prir books furni4hed at 1.;'• • ' • I The" t••t• • heretofore: OtII•se : r pos,to Prust,:„Jerian •-• ••• reipts Iwo:lrately t - .111p, , nd• I I •:: ‘; • • - - ' • . 1 - 101 I E ACAD . E)IY. ' ing has been repaired, ail hay.‘tal.Pri the ida,.l.:s th.DAN the Fall T.Ti mill open Att:.:71 , 1 the supervision of I'. L. Chrlst,Nd. 1.. A: Ridgway, and continuo 1. Wis k”. r „ Common Eugl4ll . ............... ..... . ..• • " and one , 11 , .^,her••h. • gingln.r.eitations in langnaac ,. .... •• • ••• .1.111,1114 are to 111:, pa y,Olll. at OW tvriu. Special .atod: 'll Will 1, ...S., oiill,llify fir cr•no.l. , n 1,11 n•ri • bond vile, bitt'gitultDt, if 111 L.,t.v; +lnd bumin..2. For ntriltcr tut. n j ,iti,•il a Li• • P. L. c111:1,11-.; I Auguat 1. IS:p.• 1 -7 }31 - 11.,LE...1.(.'11DE.M Y - COC111LM:.• 31 .t' Mr-% linld..L Cr4pnr.n..kssC.-Lipt ,• - ntailt• ••• lit .r. , }:% 1••4 .11Iti ‘!' 1 ..:pa at rra,,ouz.t.,l- • Ttliflon fru= $2 3" t , 1.••••••:-. :ft! .01.1 ;.:44,, '• ;11;24.;: A. .1. Nor,u.. EMI A ( I - 1 r I 1 •SI C V-,}i