Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 05, 1872, Image 3
II d Clatter. Vradfa NI n it ay, September:3,llB72. I , !MMI!E mem GENERAL • 1195. e union meetings which hare been tnAd on the public equaro for several past, lave boen discontinued. 1 Tlie Gas Company have re moved thei*iliee the building Borah of the National Bank, Beca l m' floor. ' - - orb" Grin. E. M. LEE will address the people o Wyalnsiug on the political topics of the day, on Thurtiday evening nest, Sept. 12. 115 E. The report of the Pa. & N: Y. r.. E. Co. ,Lsn•s thrit. the Sullivan and Erie re gain done a business of some 32,000 tons this year. The N'orth-Eastern Convoca tion (,f the P E. Clinrch, will meet in Christ Church, this idace, On Tneaday evening next, and remain MI session for three days. PERsoxA .--Jx,mrs T. DUDLEY, Esq., pawl us a tlyitig visit last week. He has just iv turned from Muinnesota, and tias again taken up his resident:e in Steuben county. CLrsoN, Eq., of the has beeime a vitizeu of Wysoz, tutrinf.., purchased a residence of W. H. BIORUAN, just acre-s the river from this place. SS. Jud4e , Fa,sytaa, has been noini- I..itca without - opposition for Judge of the 10t13 .1.,t net', and trill undoubtedl.vbe elected utcni inuusly. He isicine of i the ablest Judges in the -State. - Hoir.l l ' 0. H. P. KINNEY tklld ipt. W. H. CAiINOCIII.;:i Will address the OhINT Cldb of Mane, on Saturday even- The 2 4, gentienien are both enter tatn- I's, and sholildliare a large audience. • G.ll:l..—Court Iconvened on Mon , [IA r(• does not appear to be a great • ~ stir, 'tint treeral pregentments for t.: tlo ;114111i s, were made. Among tL iat tit s conkflaiii4.(lof in flog ,borong,ll are Nt. f. ( . 11,1.11 p. and m. sti indebted - We aye to Judge fo e‘pie , of North Caroli -1 1 ,. 1, We coin. , t aiulate the Rid g e on the vieto y ;,ellier(-1 by the noble hand of lieans iu tie• old North State, and we are 1 , 11:111 a bet l frr revolt in Movember. --+4o tor lVc. have reeeive(l, with com p, 1,, pits p eampahpi w.n g entl -114,1, "Shout tit,sl Cur 1 kn rty "ma Union," i•ong of the 'lntier Club and Gn. ,, ,,NT e.nu0.5.,1 1;:v onr (thl friend, .11.1 Its T. 1,, I-/ II : T,',11. III:4 oNS, .;on;.; :1 i 'nen, / hip! -11..1'041 ' Q tj. 1 St.murs A4IIDEN'P- Mr. G. IV. throwit from a carriage last :11/11 had 11, ti! frorn ogain 1 1 1, , n breaktii.,: the -.on, !lath iii.l bolott• :hid kip,. In atttOliptillg • • ,!, td, ooncoll ct near tilt; jail, one ; L.ot tilt. Wagon to t.l t. )11. A s . 1. a hard-nr.rlong, ; tv; tL ;:t I and ,iitypittli) of all. - J.- • W. P. Dm:w. anti 51r, Ifpubile i4tie.‘6 7 tiw 1:11,111.1wan . :n I .41,111)1t!O t • t,VII . 114%4 . till 17th • t..: the the Republican can ] ,•• Our Republican "' l;11.1.; litits 1i r. 1.[;11.11. 11. - s =3l is •wp rl 4 c.rlryrrria6oti here at rr(r.rr rri.r i.ttryt -thor t 11 • l'r.v publirraol) who , ;111 •r- Itr 1, tr• 1,, a Thrmocrat w Iv, will ;I, ad.Jit4rlr Ir. tilts 111(rs - Arr arc. !at all, ;or 104. A. .r: - 11.rfrrrtn'r '.r(rro.r to -night, r • ......, r/dren...l%,,r . re Oornprrs.rd I rat .rr.s , 'about a do . F.. I- 11. Lrrirrz r•lrrirg, I d., Augiist 31. • foll6witir , iis the law prt ", •1,,• ..alt• lifinord,):l .d(!lAIJI:1 (lays, in 1, 4, .1...1 Thai from and a:- till, Shall unt be law t liermins beeping a pliblii• ir•ttb.••;.; Once. eli:lier liernsi - A or un spirdtip•as Or malt liquors a 4 a 1. , , ell."lurtii.b, ar glVe away, to be need ;,r atn spiriillw;ii malt liquorp, wine, lifiVerage, (many pat .11,11 ' or to be set apart, for any ' by the citizens in ,1:.-iriet or division iiithin this a!iii, an election is in pro v..c: in said ii,e eic,•tio l . polls are required to be MI 111 E is a vers I'S, %%11,11 a tram :t4 t,l A 1 U to 34+1e, :14 it it, «•a. important ul,k gvt Mitt. This prae '- at eonfin.inn; :Lml if the ear ltap q by 10,11iing 111 COlltart. tlicy art , •nii , l if no- 'A. , : '-''' .: 111.--' I ' ll , : t.•:,,fh A , .7( . 11 , ) It, 1.0, ,, L11t '. ''`''' 1 ,. IA! U. .q. AI. I" . lt'N' , .1 ali'l trlllt .- :.. .'r,. II !Mil, 1 1 Hilli. h•r,i ,, 11.4 Ali, retain .0 . tiill.l 1 I ,i l l , i.,:i ~ 1 4.9•• ~ , a rt• MI lid' •..: .r. , at thy: jiLL,,-1 , clLh ; L 1 few seetrn,ls .i. 'twit 'llb , kt LlLti,‘-tIh , LL, te•lghlior,. 'flies, ;•.e ,, ,r, - .... tt LOw e!lilKtaerattott of the '.• , ;1 ',Wile, roi•t l t!,,:ir ~,-, •r‘.lrLe , •, tv.• are 11- , ••• - - .lti l SN'C,ita:Nt., uc Icaru, IN‘omm-Ailb's 0. tly• •,.. , 11 :ID I ,arc rt•turils Ers,, r ILI • Ft. Fc teCt. 1.. U. r, itk Oa:, I t uoimty, 1.1.1;r most 4{lC -01, /1.• r.a, for OrtANT. Lll.l`alow in town 00 510011 Ely. LaVvi bean tlallll/0:4 him 118 7:1 'art B0tilorI7.(!xl to tray INT • +ll.l++++, .k.II.MAIrILI., a Saint I. ,, iiiii, :•• tr:(1,011y I:l++t IN ell. Jlldie s lal - •1 i :tt 1. , a-ril, tiittl )/1 1 / 1 , as he is • .1. ;time past in the ..1 11• .,tis, has return-il • 1411-:, VvergrePu laic, in the , leclininit health. We •••• 1, Illly be re .hzel. 3 , ;,1 Cit‘timt.i: are the eon tl,, I) ri i wr.11:.• i --~•-- M..i . 1.1,1.:ND All Void) : Thu ltEro - .: •!., nth inst. jcomes ii,ivay out toJthe .... 31ountatus, fall of good cheer.' , I find chidden in tilt numerous temperance . : , TA eould expect no other, than pure •'• I ' , '1 -trines in auch a' paper. None ol ' I/. k , , z" old faith White -wished. The poor i!ioik' s chances Seem to be falling off. Lenses who I never ;saw defeat, how ' ' 4,, '. "11e expect f tl4 , y will begin now under ~ , lo.tanees. N'l 4 of course have no di . .. o, th r g o h , ril oeLetion, but may rep " I.: --, La:111 , 1i a+ ra id poor deluded. North f hlr ,j,.1, gac to i;ongretis, J. B. ~, L,i I 1,.. return , with : a handsome ma -1 , %.1 , if I.lre no idea of I being kflit tint ' • I'l* I.r -melt r f‘lorr...4lon, RR wan the ' 1 •. 11, ,C-1 Itninl itratt , l c.f A. J , uNs , ' ,- . • • ~.t.„ , ..,,r. ..,t.4 i.ipial:. In e'.. ry i, ' ' • I ! .., 1 Aren.; ~• iVrir.ii tin-Pley or II," hilly, E lir We were pained on Saturday Ist to learn that our young friend, Gm Pow via,, had met with a serious accident at L. & B. Junction, but in the evening we were informed that his symptoms were favorable. On Sunday, however, ho declined rapidly, and expired at 3 o'clock. As near as wo can learn the sad ac cident occurred as follows : GZOIXUE was acting as night dispatcher, and wait examining the brake on a flat-car which was to be sent out. The car was standing on aiding, and he sup posed the switch was turned for the main track. White engaged in this work a coal train came down tho track, and, as tho switch was turned for the siding, the engine struck the car, throwing him backward upon the track. The concussion was so great that paralysis fol lowed, resulting in his death as above. Gr.oaoE was one of the brightest and most tastily boys we ever knew. He seemed to un derstand by intuition what other boys of his age would require weeks to comprehend. His genial and affable manners made him a general favorite with all his 'acquaintances. As a rail road employe, ho possessed the entire confi dence of his superiors, and was placed in re sponsible positions. It will be no easy task to fill his place. While this entire community mourn his loss, his death falls with pecUliar weight upon his invalid father and his sisters, who were justly proud of an only son and brother, who was as sunshine in their house holds. His remains were followed to the grave from the residence of his brother-in-law, Dr. KELLY, On TllCBday morning last. Rev. MCGLATn. Ela and Bev. 0. L. GERSON conducted the a er- ISE! SCRIBNER'S FOIL SEPTEMBER.-A. live-, ly illustrated Paper by EDWARD Faso, "In and About Paris," opens the September number of Scriliner's. There is a pictorial account of the " Ascent of Gray's Peak," by a party of ladies and gentlemen. The most important article of the number, however, is Mr. litutroan's essay on the late FREDERICK •DENISON Marnicn, one of the greatest thinkers and preachers of mod ernt !: times, amo g whose disciples were Jon STERLINO, ALF ' TE.xYrsox, GEO. MACPON ALD and Tuoat Ilrorir.s. Miss FANNIE, E. Hoocisox cont ra rates another - story, entitled " One Day at Arle;" Miss Anat.nct Taarrox'tells a sea-side story of characteristic strength, "Af ter the Darkness, Light;" and Must RICH is suggestive in his seasonable sketch of " Vater's Vacation ;" while Mrs. OLIPHANT'S story, "At His Gates," moves steadily 'n. Then we have au interesting account of the "English Singing Birds iii Florence in 1S:13," the Ilnow - aiNus, Fur:vs/act; TENNYSON, the Tnot.Lorit4, and LEv Er. the no; elist. CHAIHArTfE L F4xt.s: tells of " A Vii to the Birthplace of Wurrrirn." For poetry we have "A Ballad of the Gold Cs' mil try," by 11. 11., with verses by Miss KATE ,FUT NAM Osc,ooD and llrs. Itirren. 'I/r. IL'it.tas . u, in TokiCs of the Time, treats of " The Bine of the Republic," namely, office-seeking, and "The Matter of S;ze." In Clalture and Progress there. is a briet,essay on niPdeni acting, besides the usual book notices. The etchings this month are particularly , good, '..Miss 'Osooon and Mr. ENnu.sti being the emitributors. Scain:cm: A . Co., New York city. ..itt a year. Par ED. REPORTER bear Sir : Was stopping in Leltayacille a few days -billet., and picked tip sonic i ferns of political and gin-. eral interest which, by request, I transmit to you for the public. Ncawillistancling this is a farming community, and at present rather blue because of the flat condition of the oat crop, I find the people fully alive to the atirrin issues of the day and almost entirely on 'the (In‘tir side of the.qui•stion. There are but two of the ttepublicans who help make up the " Mongrel" party. One of thesil, and the infinential of the two, sat s tliat he tv ihts no evidence that 11. tie, in the early part the rebellion, cater the doctruie of "Stitt, hoYereignty," cud the perfect right of a Stati% to withdraw from the Union. it is out s+Y evidence to the eiintrar. I luaue rii,tice.l that tie. , hind of i- a pr-iiy protutiwot character istic of the '• Liberals " crywhere. It is to the lirao.e lit b-itay,lik, tioireler, that nearly all the Republicans iook at the trite condition ot attairs. They say that they had rather trust i:utNi -the results of adannistratiOn are far in ails:ince of it hat lit, lip,+f sanguine sup tees for t tin,,rt.i.r, 0h o ot nece,rty nite,t cheat one of tat. two elements of his 's•ipp t. the Liberals or the Tammany L.lneational Ina tli.ra in S:17:1:11. r ~ V ill/01, history of in,,t in this section, was a cornpl.nte success: pe-r line In no , niall degreo t,, eft,.r is of tht• teachcr and of Our w,,rthy Nnilo tnt.•nl ent. In innon there 11. 110 The Ac.oh In:. s, alont to op.m tor the term uudcr the din-elton s.l h. v. 11, F. co: ut.eac, win! nithnnt doubt conduct it to not ',lily to in.-rit but t o SI.CtItC! pttronage, Cl'I':(• rif :11 ,, nnow has renno.rtl t•• Warren Centre. Tun. t” be e,tn.:ratuhtti'd that thry have iri the:r !! 2 , 1 1,1.1 r‘l. 1)., flurang .Lay m Leltsyville gamed the vnt:ic. confidence of ,0 eminent it,,j,ractit tuner rs Dr. ]h -, ,ENta-dd:v. ;llore in time : C. W pte;nle'r 2, Iti7l. NVe copy the fi)llowing Mr. ('3l.lrry..:\ ',F.'s's 11%It pAp. r. 1:4 !watt}' g+)ttn. it ;11, and Nil of ad vice. It imght to be sy the haltd4 of ,r 4:, -, it ,n :r • I , leell itit , t l-v4•ry fatally and Stitlay-5e1,,,1, • "1 IN 31,000. - capital of C<re county, J'a., we trust Rlii add soul.•w hat to its good tiame as thi• oat! e place and finale or ro• Sofcg,tooL It be sem elsewhere that \S c have thi' lunt.•l: of all our pa.:tors, eight In /lowlier. with r , •N the right prlnetples advocated I pdpor. We happily record another tuterestaig tact. Daunt- eounty. ealled Centre on acti,iunt of its c,lltral eihiat ton in the State, there are 34.152 persons. A Ica days ago there sac only one crianinal in the county jad. Since the beginning of the, at one time fur fear, weeks the jail was n, empty. There ate coni•ted with the Sabbath solmols ot the Tmilty ovt'r saregnards, eons:sting chiefly of young persons who use re , itlier intoxicating nor tobacco in any form. Our one pilsoner committed his clone undo r the iiilluence of strong drink. In a rage of tatoxicohoillie murdered a man. lie h. al.. e‘ei. ES:VC COLSI/Iller of tiaaie‘o, being daily on lir, a t the month amllenvelop/ lu sp-aking of this lc lid, lie said to us, " I smoke about ono hundred cigars a 11. is. I tlllll6 it hurts ne ; It ttiaho- too Ilion - mi. , : This t'Srf`rli`lleit l'ollN,ys its own le-son. It is certain that par sits and teach. rs 'AM emifer a benefit, iii ut.r can tt 11 how gi sat, iu m‘c.niing a hin pemni-e paper for their sons and pupils. It is our aim ti. inal.e Cy I iv a true - egitxrd is lei shall refuse to timeli rill Ii" log drink or tuba cc. All n mild rejoice m ace all our jails toopty. The record shows that at least Tour titthsof those who are in our prisons are not Softgliards. It is :he design of this •paper, so far as possible, t 6 protect all young persons front taking the iirst steps in a downward course, and to help them forward in. a loving Christian life.' "Sortru WArmts.-31innegna Springs, in lhadford county, pronnses to be a capital Sumnwr resort for Safeguards, awl others who ought 'h. be Safeguards. The large and elegant hotel, reco tly erected, is full of guests. Tho surroundings are delightful. One of the guests, a eorrespondent of the NAN Joitrecth gives the f o llowing testimony : 'One very retrial - ImM° rircumstan..'e connected with tik;n res. rt for health and recreation, is - that_ ainongst the guests, young and old, there does not r,vta to be any tendency to use stimulating thinks. am told that the efl'ect of the Mihnequa water in to allay the irritation caused by the use of in toxicating drinks, whilta the desire for themi actually dies out.' We trust these sober waters at Minnequa Springs will-indeed be a fmtotaitt of temperauee to all its guests." -- Thor : on my way to the State of Nebraska, and having 111 thit hoantiful and growing town 'some relatives and old friends to visit, I am-stopping here for a few days, and being rather a stran ger, ilay.t little else to do lint keep myself with in the rules of comnion modesty amongstrati gen!. I.have a fair chance to listen to the gen eral expression of the masses as I pass along, and am happy to say that:Lund a large majori ty in fat or of Jus:si . and WihsoN. A gentle ruan passed through the Car as wh were going through Michigan, and tool, ihe site of all the men on the train; and ni,on 4 ounting nit found tho•vot, to istaud 131 for Gina:sir and 2:1 for GuEELLy, aid this ids about the general virreg sioa alohg my route...through the \Veit. Straws like these tell which way the *4 iltd WOWS: We may rest assured that .:11 is right oi the West 'while sitel: el:et .1 IA are the people. litimierats won't go for tint-r.m.v in this country ; 1.4.11:ill!.7 1. , the Lnnissille C.mv1,1111..11 1.4- a t•nntli,hit, h‘ , ll) thry canm 11., f; , I . their ii tiradt•,i blur it.. ‘4.1 nth ,l,-I dunk ••I .•ilt.fily !da.11 , 11, In. , Auim.t • =EI N L 00,1 41 sir C. F. Caoss keeps a fall line of fine stationery. ler- Job work; of eery deOription, neatly and expeditiously executed at:this office. OS. The American Sewing Ma chine is the beat. aft. Flour and Feed at retail, at Towanda Steam norm Nitta, deliverei tree. The Gardner Chair Seat is the best. ails. Keystone Clothing Palace, Main street, next to First National 1344tk4 agb. Fine bobte made to , order at L. L. bloopr & Co's. Ma. EVANS dr HILDRETH call atten tion to their advertisement of new Fall Goods. WT The best lot ,of Marble 'Tables in town. Fnort d dorm Mb. All the novelties of the,season just received at EvAxe h Her Haste's j House TO ItLvr.—Enquire at R. Ai WEixre' Coal Office. DoT' New style Hata and Caps just received st•Rosrainuil's. varGrenadines,Alpacas,Organdiee and Black Silks, at the Bee Hive. 2 doors east of Bfercur'e Bank. 118... Mrs. E. J. Mircoos is now re.. ceiving her new Fall styies in Asia, Bonnets and Fancy Geode, in every variety. • stir Booms over Mown & Co.'s Store for rent. Enquire IA W. A.tuArrumnt. • Fruit Jars, Tumblers, !3 - owls etc., for Jelly, at Wtcitiusr Bt.f.cierSfore. 1!4!. good second-hand Piano, fine case, seven octsser, for sale at a bargain. Enquire at this officO. 114.. Ground Plaster $6.00 poi. ton, at Towanda Steam Flour illi la. tom. Nitrous Oxide Gas fort %tract tug teeth, at KELLY StANLEY'S. I ' eg6. Cross is supplying his custom ers with tverythattg in the line of Bool*aod Sta tiouer3 Wk.. A large assortment of Brack ets just reccired at Fawn. 8&• The . American Sewing Ma chilw ie the best; - z Large stock of Red and White Wheat Flour, it Meetne ErgwAtips% mg. Two girls wanted for cooking and dining-y. 0m w,irk. G 0.4 wages paid. In- quire at Institute,' Towatitla. the- .4:11 persons indebted to me are notified that they ~0,4 make paymeht be fore September 19. B. M. Giurrs. tit - Furniture just redficed '25 per vela, at Fiu.wr SOSP. ly 15, 1872. More Spring and Summer (i(H1 , 1.! at N. Gnutsurru's Keystone Clot.4ing ME tat— For fine clothing, inspect N. Goit , mrrn's immense stoek,,Main street, pelt to Fir. , t National Bank. " Maltese," " Climax," and ‘l)..ilar Reward" Soap. Try them. For 'Alti r ! M. J. LoNob ter- If you don't know what you wau: tlu• ,and Stationery line,. call on C. F. Crum:, 263- Furniture selling at wholefWe rit For So'. .Itily 15, 1872 MCCARE EDWARDS have Rat tt. Tub., Firktns. and 4 Tubs ; -a fine lot of Ashaw Salt, sold at lowest figures. ibr The best assortment of Gents' Farl.mhial. 7 Goods at N. G. ,LIMMITIeS Keyothno rio:nhig htlare. • ti' For first ." class insurance kilts or damage, or lire or liglittittag, elf! st WICKEIt.M t BrActeg - Agericy. . Stir Baby wagons are _a necessity oftli , . reason, and Wteauam A: BLACK have Ind opin'•d a new stock. Prices from 13.50 upward. ps. A large and desirable assort ment of Trimmed flats and Bonnota, at very Lew prices, at the si g n or the Big;Bonnet, ins. We have seen athPNER'S pat ent rL it seat, and lottex it to 'l3t-• the beet, ,t SON' have them. /Mr If you want it RefrigeratO, drop in at WICKHAM at I.3l.aca'a and examine the " aeLtrowledged to be the very ISE F. J. C‘LKINS has just receiv ed a large assortment of School and. Blank Boots. All who are in want'aill do wait to call on him. 01) - 11'11e. J. LE.QuiN his resumed her chu , ses itt French and Drmtitig. Taitio", 1- per term. August . 1;, 1272. Stir The best Olen in town to buy tiro !away dour is at M A EI.W.VIZOS!. &al Yu tit, finest brands, and warrant evert' rackagn li. 31. WELLS I,l l ,lated to silppt) Florae Forcers and Thresh ing i r kiAclnne:4 01 itny de4cription; or from our lvadmg atid'hest matiuractlircre. Stir MX till: & EDwARDS have re ccivel i large invoice of lea and coffee since the removal orilie duty, and offer their CIIMOMPTII. bargains. se' Now is the time to buy sugar cheep, t, it always advances during the Sum raer selenn. 3.I(CAnE 41; EnwAny's have e large 'M.' Persons desiring fo prepare themselves tor teachers, will fled that the Sl3F tiehsiitia. Collegiate Institut% offers greater adotntages for a thorough training for that profession than any other school in this sec tion. es, You eau find a full line of that new style of JIMA' Paper at C.s.t.etne Book Atom. It is very nice. Also a fine assortment of Sch,./.I Cards. • To TIIE VOTERR OF TOWANDa BOW.— The Register is open even• (lay at M. C. Mrai. CTL . 3 (Ake, from 0 o'clock Q. at. to 3 o'clock P, 11., and on Monday from 7 .So 10 r. x. F. F. Sxrrn Assessor, . NoTice.—A Grove 31e4inif will be m he ou the old Camp-grumicl onging in NratNER, Lime Hill, fi lmirnetteitig September 20. August 2G, 1K72. if 33- The annual meeting of .'the laaJfuni County ASSilltral Soetety wd bu held at tie , Ward !louse in Tatratrla, en Wechtes 411y, the , lth clay of September next, at 11 Wetod. E. Seep. %LE. .A handsome and well of Ilotol, in 11 1 „c, t. ut, Jtlt TC.S t,^et, well awl out- LuiLliul p, tI most desiritli. 3 iocated; . Leung easy and a' rare olvvrtuuits afered. Apply to J. CONILIN, LOCk-ilaVt.U. Atignet IMO 1.1111, rni Io any , /RA /, I=l CCM lIIII===II =23 =MI= Mr Buy your Te Coffee and tiptoes at the Bed, White and Sloe Tea Skew, Bridge street, Towanda, Pa, ItznorwAy &:przsxrr. • ims., The Univeraal , White Woven Tacked Skirt, and all kinds of Hoop Skirts and Bustles, can be bad very cheap at B. A.. Prrrat & Co's. . . LAZABIIB do Merits, manufac, turas of those celebrated spectacles, have changed their agene7 from J. HITOCXIII3'S to Wx. A. CHAXIIIIILAIIIIS. I W. A. Cumansaun not only has the best arranged .leireh7 Store to North ern Penasyl►ania, but also keeps the largest assortment of goods. , REMOVAL —Ht oursrs Bi oa will remove their Jewelry Store from BENDEVS to 8E1D1X34.1e5 Block, opposite of Means House, Towanda Ps. Stir Many families are troubled about getting a good quality of flour. The best way to obviate all difficulty in this respect, is always to buy the superior brands sold by McCisa & win's. • Fos SALE Cur .—A large Build ing La on Poplar Street, Towanda. Would make two good lota. New barn on hack end. Will be sold at a bargain. Enquire of r. W. Exerze it the Itzeotrren Office. tt. JV J. O. FROST & Solis have just nude a great redaction in the price of Farni tare of all kinds. Come and see. July 15,18T2. Houses and Lots for sale, on asy monthly payments, or to Rent. W. Mumma. Poplar street, Towanda, Pa.—tf.. MS... RIDGEWAY & EVERETT, at the . Bed, White ct Blue Store, are the first to give notice that they have reduced the price on their Tea, Coffee and Tobacco, in accordance with the new duty law. Mrs. J. D. HILL is now in the city, buying a large and extensive stock. or Fall Millinery Goode. The latest styles will soon be on exhibition at her &tore on Bridge Street. Sept 1-2 w. FOR SALE on RENT.—The house now occupied by W. 11. Fut.t.En, on Main St., opposite IRA B. ilratt•nliEv'g. Possession given first of Oetober. Also the house on Plank load known as Hughes' house. Enquire or• Fox A- Ildrnern. la. D. W. HuonEs, of this place, hu prepared an excellent furniture varnish, and is 110 W offering it to the people Of the county. Messrs. Faun k Soss recommend it u the best article of the kind known. Every houec.keeper should have a bottle. • - Ifir Itt order to make preparations for our Fall stock, we will sell our Spring and summer geode at (ow figures. It will therefore be to sour interest to exanune our stock, as wo sell Hit cheapest at the Keystone Clothing Pal ace. . SIL. Do yon, want a sewing ma chine, and do yon know that- the Singer never disappoints? Afk;r +even years' experience We can truly play that. the Singer diet give satiatae tiorF. WICXIIAX it..l3Latx, Agnate. a The - edition of the Road and Poor Laws of this county. compiled by Capt. W. 11. CAUNOCIUM, is limited, and township officers who desire to procure copies, shciald apply soon. The work is for sale at this office. tom' GORE ik McISIAnoN have re moved their Merchant Tailoring establishment to the store of N. GOLDSMITII, one door south of the National Dank, where they will be pleas- ed to see their friends. They have engaged a clothes tgcourer and are prepared to do any thing in that line. J. 0. FrtosT d; SONS wish to put a Wcircn Wirellattress in every house in Towanda, on a month's trial, and lilt doesnot suit,them, they will call and take it away. Now is your time to get perfect sleep. Be sure you try, and then you will buy. EXCELSIOR WATER DRAWER, or Improred Well Curb and- 11;reket. A good de mand is springing up for this convenient affair. It tit a good thing. Give the Excelsior Water Waver a trial and you will like it. 11. M. WELtu sells it: • ' CRORS is now selling off his stock, preparatory to filling up for fall trade. It you want wall paper, now is your time to buy it cheaply. And if you want a good book you should select it now, while the stock ia be ing diaposcd'ot. FOR L SAT.E.t—A large building lot on Poplar street. Size 88z131 feet. Would mike two good lots. New barn on back end. Wilt be sold cheap, as the owner wishes, to leave-town. •Tertni easy. Engnire at this of fice. AT LAST IT HAS BEE'S FOUND.—The chair ,at that will never wear on% .3.0. FilOisT SOICR are now prepared to pnt seats in all kinds a chairs with Gardner's patent chair seat, which is the best and most durable seat in the world. tall and see it. LJ Kr Our enterprising furniture dealers J. 0. Fnosr 4 Sons have secured the agency for the celebrated Wakefield Earth Closet, and have an-assortment on hand. The Earth Closet has been tested for several years, and gives universal satisfaction wherever used. For the sick rojm it is almost a necessity. WANTED—An ,active man .to sell the Singer Sewing Machine iu Athena and vi cinity. None need apply wtko are not willing to give bonds rat security. nlcKnAu A, General Agents, Towanda. August 12--w. FOll SALE.—Houpe and Lot in To winds Bora., near Collegiate Institute, for sale cheap for cash or on lime. Abundance of good fruit, a well of &oft water, etc. ; honse has 11 rooms. Also hona and lot on "Northern Lib erties." Enquire 4f. J. N. Csurr, Towanda, Pa. Sept. 1, 1872 - Dom. The North Branch Association of Universelists, will hold its annual sesAion st Orwell; Bradford county, Ps., On the fourth Wednesday and the following Thursday, being the 25th and 21;th days of September, 1872. A general attendance is solicited. ' Oa- A Wesleyan Methodist Camp- Meeting Will be held near lierrickville, corn= mencing 6n Tneadai, the 10th s day of Septem ber, and continuing over the succeeding Sab bath. Conveyance at reasonable rates mac be obtained to and Itom Bumuierfleld Station.. A cordial invitation is extended biotic friends and the public generally, to meet with us for a sex ism of social public worship. By order of the Executive Committee. DAV. DANIEL P. BAT/IDEC, DAVID IL MtAnnst E. se.. The following is from Putnam for October : Roll on !,great Pill of Alit".l4 roll oil! Through miles emboweled roll! Roll on! Through those whose livers chats the soul! Through those, whose feeble stomachs fail! Through mesenteries waxen pale! Through all who live in achei and ad 1 Ever roll on I Roll o'er the prairies of the nation— ' For thewlek and ill of every station! Roll down the Andes - tow'ring intlnntains! ".•-• Roll over Afrie's Odell fountains! ' Through India and the Chervil - test:l ' Through distant isles of diipane-s - • . Wherever Neils a sinking heat t, • null 014 to do your mighty hart. Ann's Pink, 101 l en ! ler Linen and Straw Chxds at enceedingly low ratea,"atN. Gotnaxint'a Roy. stone Clothing Mace, Mini street, next to First National Bank. Fos SALE. --The. lot now occupied, ti) the re ale School !louse on Second and Pine Street', is offered for sale. The lot has a front age of 223 feet on Second street, and 77 foot on Pine. The property will ho sold in one lot, or in lots to nit purchasers. PURE ELDERRERRY WlNE.—This Wine Is made from the pure mucilaginorti juice of pally ripe , elderberries, and has been kept cellared, undisturbed, ler three years in an equable temperature. The, aromatic, vinous and tonic properties of this wino commend its use to persons of feeble habit, or hiving irregu lar or debilitated viscera. It is recommended bylpbvsklans. On sale at the Drug Store of Ttteatii. &Goss:Kix, No. 3 Patton's To wanda, Pi. Ittir A: Camp-Meeting will be held At Forksville, Sullivan county, Pa., commencing Sept. 10. 1072, and continuing one week. Board tents will be furnished on application. Corres pondence relative to tents, etc., should be ad dressed to M. A., Forksville, Sullivan Co., Pa. .We hops there will bo • fall repre sentation from all religious societies. There will be a large boarding-bottae on the ground, where meals can be Lid at all hours, czcept in time of services. .8y order of Committee. E. L. 11cCoNNELL, lion. N. BEDYORD. TO THE VOTERS OF BRADFORD COLIN- respectfully offer myself as an independ ent Republican candidate for the office of Sher iff of Bradford county, pledging myself, if elected, to perform the duties of the office with fidelity. lAM Induced to take this step by the ad (vice of friends who, like myself, believe that he combination of politicians, used to hold the Sheriff's office among themselves, deserves to be broken. I make no claim greater than that of any other citizen who might choose to ask for this position. The ri port that lam a can dilate In the interest of the ring candidate, is utterly. 11 trne. W. J. Yorxo. Towarida,-l'a., August 30, I7i. air One Of the gieatest 1n pries of the present day is a house well warmed by a good furnace. Among the latest nod best of these, arc the Oriental, Ltes4• Ituntitig- nolds: Wrought Iron. There turnaees have been placed where other furnaces faired to please, and as an evidence of their er.rellence, the dealers in them, Connixo, Co,, would refer, without perniisilon, to the follow ing gentlemen using pie Rep/olds' Slit-0 Iron Furnace: Toot.. DESMOND, lion. L'. W. PRAMUAL!, and National [lank; and the following using the driental: D. S. [parr, J. 0. Fao67, N. N. flzrrs, Tatum . CO:, POWELL lit CO., Cuts. MEnci•ti, Mrs. 11. S. Ml:ta•tn, Mrs. D. CAsn. l'i r tltVl - 21T HOME VINTIvAL AT lifiesr. --A, Harveat Horne Festi. trill 'be held et Ghent, Thuriulay, Sept, tuber 12,1472. Au ht dre,ci, Will be delivered by the Rev. W. 11.01.1 x, of Waverly, at 11 rieloA A. NI. D:l2:er At 1 r. m. The Env, Baud of Athena vrill be in attend, anee. , The Rev'. 0. L. of Towanda, wtil be present, The Rey. E. - F. 11 ,- ecrivru, of llNw ley, 'rill deliver lila great lecture, " Hoour.n. Fighting Above the Cloud.. at •Lookont Moun tain." in the evening. A,lntiA , iou to the lee lure, 2.5 cents. The ecet cu., throughoutl, the day and evening will 1, • nitenpers , .1 with mental and .octal 1:1111.1C. The proceed', to be appropriated for the benefit of the church. Ps order of the Committee. A'Canh. —I take, this method of rw turning my llincere thanks to the mtmens of Bradford comity foribn hberal patronage they have bestowed upou me tlos past seasem . ; arop a continuance of the s7llllr being an tin oubted fact, as our goods have .gisen, and always will give, satisfaction. We are hasang tnanutsetur ed in Philadelphia the largest end most com plete stock of Fall and Winter good,' eter seen in Bradford county. .11. sr•rs: Gons..,t 31c3Ltims, the popular and stylish morel:ant tailors, are locattdin our establishment, and are'Trepared to take your orders for stylish clothes. Our stock of Gents' Furnishing Goodsmext Fall will surpass any ouwde of the large cities, is it it my intention to havy s stock of the pet iod. VW The Bradford County Teach ern' Association will ineet at Orwel1 ~ liil, Sept. 13. The followitr, app. , :utturtlts hare been made: Lecturer, Hon, Declaim ers, Joel ELl.swolvill and L. F. Carmel K. ESSayiptif, Mess M. A. IkPna - rr and Miss ent.or. lltnanes. Ilusineaa•Cminitti e, 0. J. Corn nrcii, .1. P. Corn ;:v, 11 . .! Cu v 311.1 es, jr., C. rt.Niii..E.ToN un.l 311,f , s Tin. Conniving tope ' , f a..• n p,rt'd for ilinns gion "Is mere eteeuld a nategttiird to tree ill, , tittlthlPS 11'0 r "5t0,0141 the ehtet etrO te.1 , L010.: t , t• i:t4..3- pline the jodginont or to Inrid.ll the "Van Grammar he s.neceN.rolly tan^h without drill. in both oral and irni.on conivithotion'f " Have School Boards anthority to contrhl the thud or inannor in which the tearliersi ‘ sliall give. instrttetton, in lien Serena bl anche. taught?" friends or educj.tion are invited to take wird in the du:cuss:on. L. M. Ruwm-tv, Sec'y. IA rue, Ainzit.t 22, V 472. tea"' Winter is here, :Ind I°lnust certainly get iny stool: 1 viothing. Lot me see. I want an over, sat, a dress coat, pant. and rest, a hat, a pair or mispenders and spine shirts. Now, what do v. ii ; think - bore shall I go to.prneure these necoss.ily articles?" " Why, son: by all means, and right win; at that, go to M. K R.,SFNUIt.I.I.. the Champion Clothier or Towanda. AVlty, I am astcn ished! everybody talks of his fair dealing and cheap goods, and what do y ,, tt think ! the 6W:elm of Towanda iiiiininatcd Into t. r l'i-thoig and they say he is ,-nieto he cl .1, in-cause ho sells su cheap and treaV4 all alike. Cit by all incurs bitch np Charley and Ncll and go over to uttill, and buy ptur clothing of M. E. Towanda, I advise }ou to stop on the ritad and 4 ell on the .I)..tixissoi.: boys and take Mum with 3 on. I hracd than say ill. y n.tnted Some clothing and timild buy them there tu itreferenee to any A 11( r place an Towanda." COUNTY TIF.AciILS' has been deemed expedtent to h' I,nt ttr sees '1 of a week each, ordhe County Tt-Aelt ors' Institnte the present sebool year • one set , sion to It^ held at Troy, bygi, lit Moodily September Ite, at 2 o'clock 1., 3E., the other to i`f held at Towanda, beginning Monday, Septent her 23, at 2 o'clock r: Prof. F. A. Armt:s, of Aianstield, %ill be pit 8- cMt at all the sessions, and sill be a , sisted try the leading teachers in the comity. - - Several able speakers have also promised to deliver addresses llefoit, the Institute, and such arrangetrrents are ill Pt ogress as Will, it is be lieved, make the se•sSi4,llS this year compare fa vorably with tilos. , of ally form, r C. IT. BALLARD, Standing Clerk. It is horii-d that teachers uBl usi , every elfin to comply with th•• la u• which att. nil ance at the-Institute a part ot their official an ty. All friends of education are cordially inNit ed to be preopne. • A.iwtnit HOW TO Go Wil:;T.---This is nu en gtury whirl t reryoue A 04 0 ,1 11 ;IV" truthfully anscrered before lie start , on his imirtrey. and 3 little care taken in examination of mutes will in many raisez, savv much trouble, tune arid MEM The "C. B. A. Q. running from Chi cago, tbrough Galesburg to Burlington, and the "I. B. & W. Route," running from tlirotigh Bloornington to Burlington, have achieve la splcinlill reputation in the last two }rats as the kathog' l'Assunger I:..titt s to the West. At Burlington they conned with the 13. A IQ. It." IL, and firm the Burle•g ton 'Louie, which rune tilled, 11;1'1.14;1/ tiouthcru lowa to Nebraska and liansaw, with close con nections to California and the Territories; and passengers starting ftom Ilra+lford county, en their way westward, cannot do 'better than to tnlie the Ili - rti.r.iciroN Itorrr Thu Lint- h t., toiblieht,l a vaulplll4 called " HOW We.<t," INhiell contains mark valu able int'orination; a larg, correct' map of the Great Wes', cau he 01.toincil ircee. ut charge be Akldrei•ting re,sengcr Agent B. s DI. R. R., Rtirlin,-.;;.4in, S. W. Atsono, P. D. diottsiow, S. W. RoDozr..s, Committee, N. GuLDroirrn. Keystone Clotking ICC! The Bradfoid County Sunday- Sc cot Asicelation will hold its annual meeting in Towanda, ocenmencing Sept. 16, at 7 o!clo f k P. 31, and continuing through the two follow ing days. The -- Oonimittee have secured th.e, services of some'of the best Sunday-school men' to the nation, '6l.l:ley. 0. A. Plum, the Secre tary of the Staten. S. kasociation, and Mr. Tr- L=4 of Philadelphia, and others. Now let the Sanday-school workers rally to this annual gathering. Let every school in the counts be represented. It is desirable that every super intendent should be present., with statistics in hand to represeiil his school. Will not all the Pastors now at once take, the matter In hand, and preach on Sunday-school topics on Sunday the 15th. and see that delegates are appoint,. ed. The people of Towanda will give all a hearty welcome and furnish entertainment to all pastors, superintendenla delegates, and all'friends of the cause. But that things' may be properly arranged,'lct all who intend com ing, report their names as soon as possible to S. W. .k.ivone, Esq., who is the Chairman of the Committee of Entertainment. C. L. F. Rows., l'res. 0. A. BLACK, Stec SI:SQUEHAIINA COLLEGIATE iIiSTITUTiI. The Fall term of the Susquehanna Ctllegiate Institute .aill commence Monday, Angust 1872: - Tlic,rougli and fivstematic instrnction Rill be given In English', Normal, Commercial, 'Mathematical, ticientidc and Classical studies by the Principals and the following erperietwe,l ih struelm.s. Prof. A.A. sagar , spireetor of Normal De partment, who will organize the teachers' class August 26: ,Miss Msnrus flocxxx FLINT, La dies Department, Modern Languages and lir sical Scion ms. 'Miss Maur E. 31Ennits, .Prf (-evil's; Higher English, Preparatory Depart ment.\ Mademoiselle J. LEQt:ns, French. The \ Towanda Musical Academy in the Insti tute, Exxisa H. &miaow), Principal, affords excellent faeillties for a thorough musical edu cation. f.X.PES*ES Pea TElint Reading, Writing, Spelling, Object Lessons, and Introductory Geography and Arithmetic, Elem•litary Geography and Ruhinson's Intellectual and Rudiments of Arithmetic com menced, 53. W. Rubinson's Rudiments Ade, and Practical Arithmetic, commenced, Elementary Grammar and Intermediate .Geography, $5.50 to i 7.00. I: ,, biumm's Higher Arithmetie,t and Advanced Grannnar and Geography, .f 8.0 0; Preee'ding studies if desired with higher brat :11- es, Moo to additional. Modern languages Board and room in the Institute, per ire ek, 5i.14.1: Further particulars or c+ts .gre ffirsiislwir by Pro ,rnpah, E E. tp - INLAN. The no, coiclLet v.ith utberA i iitice‘ of SupqintA,decit. . . Towzinda, Bea "rp Co., Pa. 1- S. Wunisrmin lias been making large adlttous to hp. a:ock of I.T.o ? ts and, . . Give hint a eali ott lindge ,trvet. il :1 le R I E I). ALLEN -gLATEIt Iu Camtnn, Ann. 17, by Ikv. 0. C.' 11111 a, Mr. 1). A. n, of Grasav We, and 311411. M.• Slitter. wiLLAiu .1 I LLSON,. 157.2, at the reel m., ..4 'li otti,la• wan, tee. F. A. Ilimmick, to Orw-11. ' eerrzt• IVelard, oI A ,t 1 SttFlltel.awt e"ulity; Otlta :Ar' ~ f itril tit , r ', l CO. l'a. - in this cilia; % on the '2l;tli `of .1.;‘,;11,t, nit ., by Mr. Chou vk-rnenr M. II .incy, of New York-Coy, Ewa D... 1.11. t,r TtlWalllia. ;he house u 1 JCS.I(' Wardell, ", August 31, tilt., L. )Ir. Charles C. Thotu. kLarl., all of wap SPECIAL NOTICES. • ter Thonins Madtlocks, Produco Comtui,lon 1L rt lrant , 22 llenusylvanta Av,•- nuo. Sera moo, t te•r, Eggs, rd, Fruits. i'Mn.tort, ConsigLmontA and rc turns promptly made mi calk of lleferencetl cheerfully given. Coires p.nat•nce ~nLcitr d. Ttkp Fttll terin of Wyalusing t,...idemy-uill-i,pen nu .llutplay, Septqmber 2, and cytll enntlittio twelve weeks. Tuition payable at tit( aii,Hle th, h•rin. :ipecial at- L;iv• n t 4, at-inag l a. te at' h. GO IA board my be obtatned near the .leadeta:, reapmal)l4 ti Stad,a Is wi,hin:z tq' Choir k`XINtTIAPS ran do st , hy n ntiu n nm, and 15 , ar..14m.; themselves. 'flA .t,mAlthes, 'trill char tht- histruemm th- motto btrim.:, "Not how much, but how well." For further infor mstimi nilkire,s FEI... Boar‘l of Trust - v.%, Wy3;ll.4ing, Pa. C. W. .th:owN, Prmeipal. 111 S. COOPEICS cetebilited Balcony anti Sew 111;.; ('hairs, are r.., , a toile repTa tipn. Tun:: E. F.,x, Ageo. Tickets for gill points West via. lake Miore and Ilichigalrtiuutlwrn Rail way fur Kale at Freight l'l6pot of U. & N. T. R. R. Co_ • Aug. 14-3 m. New Advertisements - WEEKLY ARRIVAL OF ANTHRACITE COAL on tt, Itatlrreti, at Canal Street, winch will lie cold by the car load or-less quantity. and delivered on relsonple terms. Mean , call at the Coal Yard. JAMES ITILY.III. Salesman. Ang. 21. Ism L. S. CABE. Proprietor. • CAvnoN.-A.1,1 persons are here by cantioniiil aitaln.t iiittehasinit i note given by tlii.viniterpnine.l to Willson . 1 / 4 11axici.11 h.q. five •1111'..2 x. 1i 2. aJ I will nvt pay ti. , Janie nnl.•,: rotam. , iled by law. Towatiktt, kn =EOM ARM FOR SALE.—Situato in F Asylum twxuslup, aFout 3., n 1. s from To. wands, on Allis UM, containing abont axreg.moro IPFIS, 1O arms 1111dCr improvmeut, god build. Ingpt, well watered and fenced. Plenty of all kinds of Fruit. Terms one third of pnrchase money will be required at time of sale, balance to stilt purcha ser. For further particulars apply at the office of OVEIATON a: EL` 4 IIREE, iowanda, Pa. Am.twt S. 1%,7/. rfIAKE NOTICE.—AII ptirsons in debtedi to 016 late firm cu., rill pica call at T. Mnitl . Co.'s store and nttle ttnruediatOly, costs will:1)e malls. The no. connls ore in the hands of I'. 3torideth for settle ment. J. 4ERIDETH Towanda, July 11.1572.-1113: W - ANTED. -One Male and three Female 'Teachers in a Graded School In the Borough of Berwick. Liberal salaries will be paid for good ; live eompet.nt teachers. For informs, Bon address .1. V. ISS OUEL ES . secretarY. School District.lierwii.k. Columbia county, August 20. 1871. ; • THE SUBSCRIBEIt, - on account of ill health and consequent Inability to long er attend to the btisiness offers for sale the flotet known as the •• Leßayvnlle House," situate in the Borough of Leltaysville, in Bradford county, Is There arc few locations Oh the country where bet• ter facilitiea for bUldric9/3 are offered than the above pained well-known stand. Leltaysville having, asv communication with the Lehigh Valley . aud N. V. Erie- Bali Roads. at Lacepille and Owego. The 'House has recently undergone repairs' and is doing an eicellect business. tttaelted tathei premises are all the necessary otithitildings. Sit acres of land containing many choice fruit trves, atilt three hada. )14.., lots on Main St:e , t. .t new street has recently been laid out which will bring eight more valuable building lots in the market. 'There are also two Ter/ One springs of soft water on the premises. Possession given immediately. Lazy/milk. Aug. 22, 1872.-3 w VOR SALE--=-160 ftereß of fin© farm ing land situated in Muskegon county Mieht.' gan. Easy of access by railroad oe water, in an Un proved country. Said farm will be sold on ea.'y terms, or would exehange for an unproved farm of acres in this county and ray the difference. For full rartisniars addirss subs.•riber at Monist's Ferry Pennsylvania; angl4-w3 • .I.IIIMS C. FOREES. _ CO K. El The BEST, most — DFAIRABLE, and molt !CO :COMICAL FUEL for culinary porpoecedurine warn wer. For *ale by the TONVAIGTIA OAS CO3IPANI Tut Ohio cents rpr bushel at tho (lan oritt• .eeo route &live - toil, apty:W.lNlfa. NEW. COAX., FILM Flu Caual &Met, fronting Wilhaul Strom TOWANDA. l'A t We ar. reeetchig YU t from le mine% tit. 3 very twat 111T , E1. , N. and !SULLIVAN AN Lit.‘et :A .1 .tell we yr.po t 4. to neil at (ho tv... A 1 , 10 t A 1- !Hsi!: iholuog 1-1; to Fait and farnitits our l!o31. • titie allo keep Lune. fresh from the kiln We will Co.ll in. Lime wt. hevei. dosint l / 4 .1 WI • +. , rt r. vGro, nado, Illy the e.,toniary •elzloll-0 - 1,. s. C.tsE k CO. CIAUTI()X. WlLvreas my wife Mar izix..t. het lett tuy twat and without Just canal or prov" , lt. , ll, the: 311 prtflXtli:4 ttlrliar , ur truA , tttg 11( r tut Itty s. rouut, as I will P ,outrac.:.l.: alter titis data. JAMES 0. Howt. q.:. 4, -•• • THE LARGEST VARIETY _OF STOVES, RANGES, BALTIMORE HEATERS, FURNACES, TO 11F. FOUND AT Codding, Russell & Co's IRON . A'D' STOVE STORE, American, New Empire,. Hot Bla:it, f Magic S ieltl, Tribune, Fqcel.l eior 'we, Boynton Range, 1 . . And gully !theryattcrus'uf trie.l.an4 Approved Our long r:poris•us'e in the trade enables us to offer the:very be,t known patterns. Illuminator, American Base Burner, Brill ant, Oriental Improved, Morning Glory, . • Favorite, Arc ill Stol ch that give . : Atirdacti , ,n. lii ,ad,•r to be sure and be pleased, call and helect the lind you with. PATENT ROUND ZINC EOARDS AND nmetrirrr. lATIERNS (. W. RYAN 0 I L *,C A'R P MAAIe ex.' ? i'o isly : fur uac uudcr ati2 about Stucco HOUSE FUENISHINU GoOns Knives and FOrks, Roge4;:i Brothers Plated Ware, Clothes Wringers,: Washtubs, Clothespirn, . Brass Kettles, Copper Kettle, Lamps and Chimneys, SHEARS AND' SCISSORS,. Feather Dusters, Flour Sieves ? ke • 1 Laud • . 01 a and made to ,wEd,.r, of Nery wiperl4 r pia' ity, as low al• pm., gtmiaterial will allow, at .:_, WHOLESALE • Olt RETAIL WROUGHT IRON FURNACES RASE - BURNING' FURNACES Have 11,,er by any, if at all • quested. An esperieth.ts of yea - in l.ltht IluC rinaltfies us to :tive ccrtiin satisfaction., ci , nErz MILLS, On bind cr fu, n*ll.l ..0 ,hort untie. Iron, Steel e, Leather Belting, Rubber • Hose, Pipe' Boxes, and . Wagon Materials of all kinds. . Heafiquarters for MATERIALS, Besides .the stock of Lock, Butts, Latches, und Trimmings we can sell. J. •V. JONI'S DOORS, DLINDS, SASH, GLASS, I bex by rAtr,4,1,,, :411,1 14r .4s4.rior to Any PLATFORM aCO N TER SUA LES rateut Corn 1-111,1oTs at $2.59 each HAY WOE, - Cotten and Wire Clothes Lines Of excellent. quahty, an I always .4.1 for just what they are, and tho CUNtolllei can bo sure of not being nottl." BLASTING D RIFLipOWDER C. BULLII A'.s; Shot Gnus, liises , Rerol4rs, Pistols, Flasks, Shot PoticheS, Amy (.7aps, Whistles. • le'ad Pipe Cis ,Putrips, 'Rotary PiTupk.. • House's furnished with Ga l ,s Fixtures ; Water Works, Tionghs, Conductors, On shoh notice. Our alai 01..11 bi• :!.% J r anti Butt! Work at' I:•a:a.mabl.• Win Ltntu the.tral.le • 1 , 11 !A tv• !I% tr , Uti- ,1.13111113 - CIO ols nitt • Cecliin rr Ru'v - 11 & Co Now Advorthomonts. ALL 'Kuths Ol HARDWARE, a • PA COOKING STOVES, in lulu liutlK,.ll,l, as Brooms, T W A 10: 1Z YNOLD S. ,‘ND 4)IZIEVIAL AND PARIM; .. 4 Window and Door Frain I . ALLENTOWN LIME AND ci , PLAY CEMEST. LATH TWINE, PAINTS, OILS, COLORS, Made by Dupenit New Advortiseinents. EVANS AL HILD4ETII - Altt:OW olliNiNc, FIRST INVONE OF FALL i ma.) ARE I'ILZ4BEE TO OFFER' T , - DECLDOD DARGAINS BLACK* ALPACAS, . BLACK SILKS, AND A LARGE LINE Of D R E,S S G 0,9 D S, FLANS - If,LS, EiBLE LI BENS, DOMESTICS, h t EVANS - 5.; T., and I, Avg. DIES' FRIEND The sales of Sewing Machines in rerni.-41 under ttlyu 1,72, . vii 5 of Sewir.q; rateutn, show that SING-El 2, F &CT URIN G CO NI I' A .1%; I SOLD LAST mActILNi9, nif per cent being FOR FAMILY USE. Mom Sewing 31achines than were tvhl by any' other tpuirany during the eiguic period WICKILAM BLACK, Ali. U. 1,.72 NEW' 0904)s IN GREAT VARIETY; SIGN OF -TUE . -BIG BONNET ON CONSISTING IN . PART OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOUDS, YANKEE NOTIONS, LACES, EMBROIDRIES, FANCY SHANK, MIL! .1 N ERY GOODS, NOV ELTI ES OF THE SEASON lIMI ~'owamh, Mat 1,; OAUTION.—AII persons areitereby eal:atoned again.t a note . rhen by the tulderaigned to salon nenimum, for- $44. ap tLe s411:1 WA been paid. ROBERT liENJAMTN. MAWR, Pa., Anguttll3, 1Er12.-‘3 NM -I N - TOPLLNS, e!NZI SHAWLS, TOWELS, 13ri lac Strea This is over. 50,000 '1 Every I.l.l‘hiPe -- 801,i by 61.1! , V.ML TOWANI.A, ~ IS WARRANTED AT THE MAIN STREET PARASOLS, GLOVES, 7 IiOSIERY, &1, .;C EMTRAcititi ALL TIM ,11 L'..l: PETITS, & co. Legal. ToßorosED '4l.2lE.Nratscl4o TILE CONEEtIIu //ON OF PLNN,TYLV.INIA. JorsT RESOLLITON • r rii.ol'6slBG AN AMMO:Mr:ST , TO TIIE C.,:!?1,41111.1F,N Or PT,.iNMiLVA:4I4I 111 it r , -.olrvi Ly the Saute and Ilnuse &dims of Uie Coritrannicexathr Peanaytranir li , ft• era! AttPmbly ma, Thattba. allowing amendment of tho Constitution of thfaCommenwealth be proposed toile - people for their adoption or rejeglion, inir.ii arit to tho provieiona of the tenth article thereof._ to wit: AIWD4ENT Strike out the sixth Section of the tizti) artiele ei the Constitution, and insert in lien thereof the fr, , "Alowing: State Treasurer Shall be chosi , n I z tii emalitieel electors of the State, at such times.and n. sus h term of service as shall be prescribed , by.l4w, WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Speaker of the House of lleprosentatirve. JAMES S. RUTAN, • Speaker of the Senate. Approved the twenty:second 43 7 of 3fireii, - AniK, D quint on': thousand. eight - hundred and seypity two. INO. l'rr parc,l and .certitltd fur publicattrm ptirrmant tv the Tenth Article Cif - the Constitution. JORGAN„ tie . cretory tho Conurnotivreatti.. Onlee Srreretary ctthe - C=lnontrea/th, t Ilarriaburg. 'June 2G, 1872.-3 m. - . T IST , JLRO - 12 - 8: - S - fit:l: J Cnnrt . at Towanda, 1872. GirtALND IVLIOTJI Asylum, Jeremiah Storni, WF Cob.: Atheiz. fierseliain Bunnell; Canton bolfO', B y Landon: la- - Boy, J A Whipple, Wm Kelly; Overton, Jobn Math. , we. W Beers: Ilidgebiary, WO Gonzales; Springfield. L II Gleason, Albert Covell: Standing - Stemo, John,Gor.lon, J Furman, Jr.;Sontli , Jelin Dove; . Tuscarora, Philip Delmar; 'Towanda buro',l? E Jayne, F B Ford; Terry, Chas Thompson, William Terry; Troy twp., Aden Cal c ins; d, Smith-Tuttle; Weller, Leslie lAwren Asa Wdc ,, a. - NVarren, George Rogers. Alba b . oru', Cheater Williahrs: Athens twp.. - Westbrook; Athena boro'. C M Stanley; Albany. E' W Burdick; Burlington' bore'', Thomas Smith: bur lington twp.. 8 P Gustan; Burlington West, Josopli Hilton, Anthony Beach; Canton twp.. Burton Mout: gonicry ; Loren Leonard; Iferrleir.j3l7., Mitten; Leßoy. Geo Stotenberger, A M Pliinooy; Monroe twp., ti C Rockwell; Bidgebury, W Meat!. Win Stevens. Enoch _Middaugh; Rome bor.. G P Vought; Borne twp., Thomas Vaught; South Cr' .dr, Win Balmer: Smithfield, C W Cratuncr, Mood/, J Bird, Jr., Israel .Phillips; Sheallegnin, Horace Horton. Milton Phillips; Standing , Stone. E L Gregg, 5 V Bush: Springfield, A It Fannin:;; Towanda boro*Jr Watts, AlcMahon, W I/Strict; : Terry, Philip Hoffnfan; Troy •twp., John McKean: Tuscarora, 0 El Culver; Ulster, Philander Holcomb: Windham, James Leslie: -Wilmot, W T Grant; War ren. W MI Chaffee. ZZ.'•ZI JT:11011S---bECOND WEEIZ Albany, Win Bahr; Athens tarp., if A Weller; Ent htigton Wyse, Swain, C Rockwell; F Dare Loy, WII Bron: Canton twp. Peter Parr,.w... Franklin, ,S Gilbert, SlleKee; Orwell, I Lyrm Pike. • Bosworth; Home twp., D C Wattles, J.-Ain :lath.' You; Ridgebnry, MS Owens, C P Hall:, finiiihfieN. I C Bullock, W A Ormsby, O Barns; Sheshojuin, (i L Fuller ;.Spr'_ngfieltl, E Burt; South Creek, ny Thompson; . Terry, E Horton, M ; :rands hie Shaw, if W. Welles, : E Itufltut4. ton, Nl' Drown. D W Lone; Towanda "ortit: .‘ Slnyter; Towanda twp., Win Matteken H Welles, II Grenell; Wyat itzinct. W Vaughn: Warren, Geo Hicks; Wilmot, I It st It, -I shorte; Wt . :inborn, M Quilty; }pc. - tio.wes. C , Shores.. FAN FLE.E.Z. Sht 1. or. ; TRIAL LIST-- t SEft. TERM, i 872 I= Louisa C. Leeiti, sic , vs. Hiram Lnthrr, 0 al do, David Drown A. B. Smith N'd W. R. Storrs, etat......,. ; . tr Sto.l,lli a Day vs Benjamin & Varmison 'Ai'''. at Mir!: ad - 11c:inity Tonal - Oa Dory' . .Jamb Israel Smith N. 11). Po: vs Hiram Save , lono'tioadmr's vs H..\. RizT 0. 1). Fartlett vs Autozie Loder mic g ,.. vs J. S..iladrowS ........ 11‘•ary Vat:Bra:it vs Charles 0: Pierc ,, ,1•••• att St-lah Wicliham vs Wm. ..... • • 4 1T- ,, ; li. W. Paym• S , ms y= t'. D. cash. tat it. A. Pirtriiiil; vs .1 , -1310. Want, Nathan Baker's q Noah W. Dana. et ati.• Etmly Elsbref, , , vs James tillswiirthi... .... 0. m. Stiager, Pt at'R Hoary Sot. ac•a Wil•=o , n C. 1A4,11 vs Ralph . t al ..... W. llsilarris k Patric!: vs Itlia , a F Athea r.v.cit,ir at It. l'•••.v.•11 vi . ......... Jas. M. 1..0v , r'. adrur', v: NT, .Jonathan I). r, i• haml, Art:. 5...: .-- ratharia•-:1`,11P.3: '•-)it P....... . v, ..... A . Moors vs Eraviris Kit , . r t al. h.,‘ f•y Enell Ts W. S. Dobbins.. F. H. Porsomv , et al 11, my P. lirimls .I,,iiathaa .•• N. A .. ..pilaw:all vs L. 11. Tears .1. NI. , C. I'. W. vs .lesse,firal.lin,..t.. NN , .IIaT. 1 E: ...... y Stellar ss N:t.t - it:th's " it. (1. t al . ts .11111 a t.. T. ; llerr , 2.- et a 1... ...... ;.;iect an. Ballard ' telt, t P S , u ielr c.{ Alleat t y Cltirrela of Alltatis : Wt a. vs 1....1207...,r0y..r. Snyder John .. !J.; . r P. Nvyrziook. vs I. Satitlt Wto. 'NJ1 , 11"1.1 t' trial 1 Q 41.4.411, 'NV . II :11" r..ttl'rz ; al.l, NI-trals . • • W. A. Ti_lolllA 4 p ISTEICS N,LLtice L, r• the L.: ha.: h. : , ;: 4 Lq of ILI :••,r , ifliredfiir.l.47tresiuxits ;ell,l,ii c i•tr.,-. tion 'Emil a,. it Fietel.....r; ex.. Tat , - d.• , Filial acct of v. s tand.7l3p.el Sark .J. )rs tiarbiatht. Final of I.4Suisa (lee, it.litt'r of Sylval.ii deed. . final aLii't of A.Fa at. I Jecittlian Ste)... as, s • of .I.f.vrviit Steve:c. deed. uee't ,of Sitsdn P. I , lmmlck, gitar.lza.n eLretit..3 Srnith. . . . Final d,..,c't .4 Jan.? EVere4 , ll, executrix , rd chlrl., Eversun t !,:det: . a. . . , . Final acct of C. 0. liudtitig,ton. ea5.. , .cm1...rt4 At-I:er linntingtqu. decd. • Final acct of Lydia .F...'Fanniltg. .111.1 I. A. - l'ir::•,:•. adun's. 0r.T.',11. Preston. - . .• Final a--t of Stel4l-n I'. Willer. klfilidiur i of Frank palier. imal nev't 'Of *SaliAbury Cole, ~-K'o of F. 1'1...i..1, deed. Final acct (4 John F: Chamberlain awl Wm. ';I. n• uitza. cxr's of S. A. Col,man, ile.:7 - .1. - .1 Final 3, ftl't ( ieorgr F. Horton. gnarch..n , :3 th'. minor elnllrvn of Win. Santa', th-c'd: i 1 . I:nr.ra .e!t , ri.;?vi . Welid, a.laer'ot (;,,rm.,,-1.,L,-,-A 1 deed. 1 Al.'o —The apprais,ment,,-.44 I•et I. : Esf.4mtars or .Idminb•trr.torsito wid•ua, , 4 ehiltir.J.l of the following deml , nts Estat. of Ali - a Ills. - j • - Ambrose 3furrays •• Abram Darner. " Wm,Stnclair'. • - - .• David Crowley. - Ciilbert 3tillcr... liPary NroetbrooL:. Abram Mastfn. tho simo will be, 1, presonb - d: Court'Af Bradford County, n Thursday tierl Ali day of Sept., 1572, at 2 o'clock, tion and allowance .114. 7, r 1 t:l2 TN BANKETIPTCY.--DISTIIIti k ~ ,,0311rt of the tnitcd Stati , s for 1.1 ) ,i w t st,,rn triet of 1 , /nnsylN - ania. WeEtern Distn • of. Penn sylvania. In the matter of Gordon I'. )Eason and G.-Mason, • ;Inn •of it: r. Mason rinds : 1 We,tern lii‘dria of Penii.3lvadia, o 1,, :tive notice, That, on the . 17th day ef.July, a Warrant in Bankruptcy wa.: joined the estate of Gordon F. -Mason - and Ma•ion i.f (1. F., Mason' & C 0.,! of the 12, , rengli of To wanda.• in the County of Bradford and State ef- Pcnnsylvanta, Om have been ad.linlged ou their wan pi:titipn; that the payment of any' debts and delivery of avy•property belongirmi. to Anch.Bankrupts to them or-for their iise;.arid,lh transfer of any property by than, are forbidden; by law' : that .a - tm...ting of the Czediter, ~f. said to peca e their 4b..bta,'Enst to, choose en.i more niitgllees of their e: , stath, will be held :fit Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden' at the oct,:4 E. Overran. Jr.. in the, Borough of Towanda. bef ,, re Edward Overton, Jr.. Es . q.,. the'l'All",..ty of September. A. D. I.v7_, at I,) 07c14 - ek.. a. tn.: 4.*M1.7111XX11, U. S. Marshal, as:Mcssenge,n.,, July 21. .A D:IIINISTRATOR'S A Notice is hereby gh'Cla that all persons indi4l , ,l to the - estate of liAIIRT MORGAN, late of Wysi.. Pa., deceased, are requested to make' inguediae , payhient, and all persons having claims against +0 estote niusti.res,nt them duly antlientieated for _set tlement. - 1.1"31AN .11OUGAN, Adritiniztrator with the Will annexedi August 1, IS72.—ew XE . 0 TO . R'S - NOTICE.. 4— :Notico in he r eby - glventhat all persons indebted to the estate of A. M. WAItSEit. -tate of TOW3IIO I. deeeasied, are requested to make immediate payment and all persons basing elaluis aphast said estate must present , them- duly antlaenticated for settle. went. N. N. BETTS, JR., angl4-w6 4 Executor. ' - A T;EIIITOR'S NOTlCE.—J.S:etuiyp 101 l now to use 'of C. 31. Manville vs. B. W. Harsh "arger.—ln the, Court of Common Fleasloi Bradford County, No. 17G. Feb. Term, 1869,. The undetsigne 1, and .Auditor-appeintelly court to distribute moneys arising from 'Sheriff's sale of dofendant's real estate. will attend to the ties of said appointment at the °face, of DeWitt A' Maynard, in the Borongli et Towanda.. on TEES-. DAY, , SEPT. 137 d, at 10 o'clock, a.m., where an persons having claims Upon said funds are .(‘- ‘iiiired to present them or be debarred from coming in upon said fond.. ' 13. C. Dr.WITP, Autnist 7.'72-w4 Auditor IN 13ANti'RUPTCX.—In: the" ter of II kItRY MIX, ,Baukrubtl - Western trict of l'entisylvania. f, . To wtiou it 51-3,1 r ConeErn+ The undiersign.l.t h. reby g,ves native of his appolntnient as Atesigne.• of Il A inty mix. of -Towanda Borough, In the eouu ty of Bradford and _State Of 'Pennsylvania, within said ' , lstria. who has heat adjudged a Dantrurt petit inn of -Ins .rrediters by the District Court District. . . hated at . 22.1 day 1572. - • JAIII..,FOSTER, Assignee r, 11 1.! .r, , S. . NOTICE. - Not r. 1.y e .., ncu tivit all persons t itto of Mtry J Leggett, late .6f AtbPns. 11. , ernsed, are requested to, make immediate psi - meta, awl' all persons having claims against said v,s: tate nw,:t tlio P3lllO duly anttenticat , 3 fro settlement. .IA.MES LF.CAIETT. LIONVARDELMEILi .1 , 1..,v,Pt 1, 1572.- I I XECUTO N °TIC E.-L -.., Notice is ben.lgy rice n tlytt tlui c:iLits. Gi .I:, ;EL l'Alt.K1:11. Into of dervaNt , d, art , replegte•l Le ntat., ,‘ rr nt. and nil Iferf;oll4 At7OitlEr!,:o n.. Art prer,s - tt tlt,:111 duly itttltattislged h. 4: ant . • EF1L1CA1*...V.93,461,13, ERNE 8 1, 0 BE MIMI ..for ..‘t.t I.: , 1 -- . 1. 1 ;..y . 1:1 El s'l .t. ill .r. GLAQIIINI katainb