tirw lINDEBTk*[T smielmart ag m e mo ft* Nib Ifflanilltr Mit OMINEih t Nepal %POLO MO" fit Inslijimayeatig ftstorm .Ilegellegilsolia , 4lolo l lll66 MILLNaIS OIRCULLIt SLW MILLS. - 41211 el Ida& al MILL IBONS I Num TO vairow ODD= BEPAIIIED4 mall virait sirespled to gin 100160011. --r- t SHINCkLE ILICIECINES IX the Nest sod mit bogroveaktoitimandritana 'and Iz9t consiontli as band reedy for nos. PLOUGHS. Jammu. nom AND WOOD • Of sli UAL- otaarvamons, coin; PLOUGHS PLOUGH. POINTS • °elfin kinds, sal the hetet h lasprineteeddll kept comistay on eed. mum POWERS, LASON aXLLL. 1111,11 STOVE . CASTI*CIrB GUMS "SLIM SLED AND SLEIGH EdONS, us= num rr [ Ana all kinds al =Atop tandem& to Math & AN INVALUABLE WORK, IN EVERT FAMILY' AID LIBRARY. LIPPINCOTI% No diligent terderwillirtfflugly be withal:lt a oopy.• LUTINCJOIT'S - PRONOUNCINOr -DICTIONARY at BIOGRAPHY - Ain Intruouwir, «imam Netnedre of the Blamed Persaiul of an Lke_and Countries, and lecooshi ot the various of the Nate% Undo% abd Made lityth , ides, with the nronuntiailsa— ot names In the Wenn% languages Inthetr Wilk* they occur. 4 , Y J. THOMAS A. M., M. D. Compbto in one Imp. evo Warm) of 20 . 411 Bound in Sheep. $l5 ILkenplete In two Vols. Intpertal Om Toiled paper Price per sal: flno Cloth. ill: Sheep. $l2. e • This invaluable works:imbrues the tenoning pe ddler features Wan =Went degree: 1. Great Completeness and Conciseness in the Biographical Scotches, 2. Succinct but Courprehead— ve Aim:Mita of 111 the more Inlcredh:g Sooldects of Mythology. 3. A Loecal ftstm of Orthogtaphy. 4. The rid Pronuncletton of the Names. 5. Pull Brograpldesi Beferenges. Ii oprotioNs OW TEE PRESS. LipPincott's Illographleallrictionmg, am:T=4 tol . the =mimeos opinkm of distinguished scholars, • Is the best work of the kind ever pablishtd.—[Phil& Lodger. ' The most comprehensive and valuable work of tbe kind that hair ever been attempted. . .An nnalludde converdmic&—(llolckm Traveller. The mast valuable centribution to lexicography in the English tongue.—{Cincinnati Chronicle. No other work of the kind will compare with it.— tOhicage Arles:um. Its plan is admirable.—[New York Tribune. The most satisfactory work of reference ever Is. sued from the press.—[Phila. Telegraph This work presents a very wide of treat ment, great compactness and Cy, wonder. fel aomosey, and a odsphical execntirm that is absolutely perfect—lNS. Eve ni ng Post. An admirable work.--(N.. Independent. Nothing of the kind !sextant so pecnilarlyadaided to the wants of the student scholar, and general reader.--Olt. Lords Times. • . U. Tor idea all Booksellers, or will be sent tree of expense uponi receipt of the price by the Publisher& Sp:cid Circulars; containing a full description of the work, with specimen pages, will Ibe sent on applicati L on. D. LIPPINCOTT A CO., Publishers, junel2A2 715 & 717 Market fit., Phila. NEw STEM FLOURING MILL t 12( lIIN, PA The sabscrib dosaree to Site notice'Alist his new STEAM FLOURING MILL Is now In =modal operation, and that he 111 pro• pared to do aU wort la tits Into on short notice. . . `VOSTOK anntutd DONE OI4TBE ELME DAY THAT TT us winvir.!;. Offbeat, Bnclrartutst and Bin Flour, Corn Feed,'Bran, &c., always on hand and tor sale at lowest rates. • PUMMILAB 11 west side of the Owe &faiths to patronise my mill, will have their ferriage paid b ot h ways, when they brin,g ghats of ton WaWm faa upwards. • ap1.411 • .1 3P.' B. AMOS. TEE woRLD's Tomo; Partly Vegetable and tree from Idleobo LORIM I IEWO mum: TAB • PITT IR/ S A =rem curls FOB seated Cough. Incipient Consoniptilin, Colds, HO tins Blood. Intimation of the Lungs. Citirrh, • BronchiUs, Droop, 1nt00144 , 00141h. /Ugh. rue. Pains In Brand or time, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Dizziness. Loss of Appe tite. trier end Ague; I - indigestion. Liver Oompiatnt. Diarrhoea, and al - Diseases of the Lirn, „e fitOmach, Liver. and is ya. , I W. H. GREGG & WBOLSALE DIIIIGGISTS.'I=IU, ICS Sole. Agents, and to stoat all orders rhiinld be addressed. Peke, $l.OO AV- See Circulars for further information.—a Sold by allpettgglitat. Jcuiel2,72 TOWANDAMUSICALACAD ZDGAII 11. FIREWOOD, Pnii..tecrel. SOSQUEllAlflik COLLEGIATE .I•IDISTITITTE, TOWANDA. PA. E l Pupil will be reoelved at and time at the Mb:4in? rates : if Pl5llO Forte pupil's', per quarter $l6 00 Including IlsrmonyiindNocal class4or. q'r. 20 00 STRICTLY UAL/ QtriIITEILY Ac. ADVANCE. flocitations twice a 'week. No deducticm or MOB made nsnelZ! in case of mneea of more than one (11101211U0O. This Mule &hoot is dandled into three deput. locate, viz : Preliminary, Primary land Advanced, There will be a certificate Sim at the =lron of each coarse with the Illitudaal standing of ympil; Piiplis from a distance will And accionmodations for board and piano practice in the indittition at veff moderate prices, 710110M—Itr. Sherwood has • provessa a come comprising the beet modern methods, mem o ing the ,prominent featmes and cit the ice m , War Lyons gluiest , of.whlth him brother, Sew, L. FL Sherwood, was ormeriy prinebs; and 77144. - nr IL Sherwood kas decided Want One sunslad seqnfroments and exienalin canedener In teaells&—Ditner Roehener Musical Tim,. Towanda. Mai f, 1872. . FIRST NATIONAL BANS, OT TOWANDA. CAPITAL.. 01251)00 Swaim INixr, G -40, 000 12ds Du* offers 111 11817 AL FU El 3 foe this transsetkm of • GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. rims= AID OX Daman ,Uunamto TO Bractat. Chas cam To uri Catzhoratat as Ma= asp Mom ' t laniksa tolahlag tonna mom Pet Ge tap VaibalNatas.Eaclarid.lrdatid.at Ilha pith dval alike and towas at a L Wm proem drafts tor that varpoaa. Passaas natal's' - Toor trouttbs old country, by bs.t k abuser OT wIL ms lines; always se ban& /mum same= ono Al =mops lungs. Mika niggpsidfor ' 0.11 LAde. Odd me/ Moir. JOS. POWELL. Plaid sat MI I. DEM Is. Deoember L 11*. HIBRED, 'Jr TOWANDA : 10 5 1 T, will proehers ftwe 3to 10 Mabel. mows to the sere that the Ifodetertnenn, stands the winter toll ss well and rives *IQ as soon and is • 1 111 wheat. Three DoUses • Oer isnstwl or one dol. AC Vat. • I _llo-TO _lrAcMOT___ &• BONS FUR lams apwro war 6 Ili Irr •tgle wt. UMW. vatis OP TEfki STALT TAX is =I 11AILIWAIL--Tstbs sfisso: t Ca NO/Scrattl* 11. r. is. 4,.. tit. Lb .6400 11:40 Al:10 11.10 CsO 11•33 1110 ;.$2ll t:10 4:40 1411 . 4$Xl '7Ol 446 :1110 PP. .M. .0, N.• 70WAND1. vacua atmcnii6i agIEIMMICZ. pAt AL a A 11: KG= TOP P To talia onkel Kozulq, t I , -1 1 1.. Ite. 110. 5. IR 1. -- IF 7* Alt 46 iiii Tl 6 20 130 19 45 $1 137 1000 SO 205 10110 02 1130 45 105 1100 , 14 : 1212, 05 122:11 55 350 1155] 00 442 100, 25 sccii 215 '. 1301 840 829 915 10 80 No. 32 lama a. m.; Wavaly No. 31 • Ulf ; =.; A at 715 Dzisizg , • ma th rough NEW ROUTE TO PHaaADEIr (oirra marshy LA RAILROAD. Shortest indium* direct line to Philadelphia. Rpm. Washington. Ind the South. :Passengers by Ws route take lennsyleanla k New York Railroad train, passing Towanda at 10:40 LW" and 2:03 p.m., make close occuseetion at Be. Web= with:ftpms train of North Penn% Rail road. and arrive la Philadelphia at 8:20 P. If., and 10:30 p.m., In time to take night trains either for the South or West. Palace oars lire attached to the 203 PM. train. Passile2w ears are at the Depot on arrival of all trains canto passenger s to the various Depots and to all partsof the city. DteIIORABY Detre North Penes Edbead Depot, earner Barks and American Philadelphia. at BM A 0:0 arriving al Towanda a:57 t 8:05 P. 11.; same evening. Names.Digrge Erpre% • collect and denten bag gage, dice o. 105 Boots fifth Philadel street, pha. ' iN168112 MXXIIIIMUTIOXL Preightrecedredst Front and Roble - street, Phila delphia, and forwarded by Daily Fast Freight train to Towanda. and ark points in flassishamm valley with quick diapstch. ELLIS IiELMINS. Gen. Agt. N.P. alt., Front and Willow ste. June 3,1872. Philadelphia. ERIE RAILWAY. Hint AND be DILLVING Boo* AND EtLIDIZERO Catiomes, combining all Modern Improvemedts, are run through on all Trains between New York. Both. ester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Suspension Bridge, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. Abstract of Time Tablo, Adopted Jane 3, 1872. • WIISTWAILD. STATION'S. 51°. New York Jersey City.. Susquehanna " Great Bend.. Binghamton. 0weg0..........." Waverly Elmira • Corning Painted Port. Rochester. ... Buffalo, Niagara Falls Sup'n !don Bridge " Clifton.... Duzikirk, . Cleveland. Cincinnati FITTIMPTAIL"Irrff"OII, I 5:00 a.m.. except Sundays, from Owego. Stopping at Tioga 5:27, Eiralthboro 5:63, Barton 6:12, Waverly 700, Chemnng 7:30, Wellsburg 8:05. Elmira 8:40, Big Plata 10:20, Corning 11:30, Painted Poet 11,46, Addison 12:58 p.m., Bathbonavillo 1:27, Cameron Mills 1:52, Cameron 2:15, Adrian 3:10, Canisteo 3:40. arriving at Hornellsville at 4:00 p.m, 5:15 a.m., except Sundays. from Snequehanna. Stopping at Great Bend 538, Kirkwood 6;52, Bing. Lawton 6:12, Hooper 6:35, 'Union 6:45. Marine 7:03, Owego 7:20, Tioga 7:40, Smithboro 8:00, Bar. ton 8:08, Waverly 827, Cherrount 8:40, Wellsburg 825, Southport 9:11, Elmira 9:13. Big Flits 9:50, Corning 10:17, Painted Pod 10:24, Addison 10:53, Bathboneville 11:10, Cameron Mills 11:81, Cameron 11:40, Adrian 12:00, Canisteo 12:13, and arriving at Hornelbrville at 1222 p.m. 6:00a.m., dally. from Susquehanna. Stopping at Great Bend 620. Kirkwood 6:18, Binghamton 7:18, Hooper 17:43, Union 17:53, Campania 18:15, Owego 8:38, Tioga 19:01, Einiithboro 59:15. Barton 1925, Waverly 10:00, Chewing 510:15, Wellsburg 10:35, Elmira 11:00, Big Plats 11:40, Coming 12:12 p.m., Painted Post 512:15: Addison 12:45, Eathboneville 11:00, Cameron Mills 51:15, Cameron 1:27, Adrian 11:50, Canister , 222, and arriving at Hornelbrville at 2:15 p.m. 1:10 p.m., except Sundays. from Snaquehanna. I=l: i g at Great Bend 1:57, Kirkwood 2:80, Bing -3:12, Hooper 4:18, Vinton 4:52, Campania 5:30, and arriving at Owego at 6:05 p.m. • 1:15 p:m., except Sundays, from Umirs. Stopping at Big - Flats 1:39, Corning 2:00, Painted Post 2:06, and thence,via Avon, to Buffalo, arriving at 8:57 pm. 220 p.m.. except Sundays, from Binghamton. EitoPping at Hooper 2:43, Union 220, Campaille 3:03, Owego 3:18. 'Tioga 3:33,l3mithbovo 3:45, Barton 3:52, ;Waverly 428, Chengung 4:20, Wend:nog 4:32, South. -rt 4:47. Ebidra 4:49, Big Flats 5:17, Corning 5:35, Painted Pod 5:42, Addison 522, Balliboneville 8:13, Cameron Mills 6:27, Cameron 6:35, Adria 6:ss:Can tata° 7:07. and arriving at HOrnelleville 7:15 p.m. Ilelage on the STATIONS Cincinnati Leave Cleveland • " Dunkirk. C"~l Briep'sislon Bridge •• NisearrFalle.... •• Buffalo Horne Rochester Corn ira ing Elm Wirerly Owego Binghamton " Great Bend"— " Susquehanna " Port Jervis Arrive Middletown Goshen Newburgh. Paterson " Newark Jersey City New 'fork ADDITIONAL LOCAL - TiLSINS EASTWARD 6:00 a. except Sundays from Horne:Willa. Stopping 5:22, Adrian 5:17, Cameron •6.50, Cameron Mina 700, Itathboneville 7:80, Addison 8:25, Painted Post 9:15, Corning 10:00, Big Flats 10:42, Elmira 1110 am.,l3ontliportl2:os, Wellsburg 1:18, ,Chemung 1:50, Waverly 2:30, Barton 3:08, Ilmithboro 8:25, Tioga :345. and arriving at Owego at 4:10 pm. 5:55 a.m. daily from Hornelbrrill. Stopping at Camera 7:45, Addison 8;19, Corning 9;47, Elmira 11;13, Waverly 12;42, p.m., Smtthboro 1;10, Tiogs 2;0 0 . Owego 2:80, Cam villa 3;03, Union 808, Bing hamton 4:12, Kirkwood 4;52. Groat Bend 5;22, and arriving at Susquehanna at COO p.m. 7;00 a.m., except Sandays from HorneMtillc.- Slopping at Canker" 7:18, Adrian T:25, Cameron 7.42, Cameron 7;42: Cameron Kills 7:48, Itathbtme villa 8105, Addison 8;18, Painted Post 800, Corning 8153, Big Mtn 8;49, Elmira 9:08, Southport 9:15, Wellsburg 930. Chewing 9:45, Waverly 10;00, Bar, ton 1045, Smlthboro 10=1, 9logalol2.3,Gwegolo;lBi Cam pel:le 11;05. Unica 1120, Hooper 11;30, and arriving at Binghamton 11;40 am. 7 :00 a.m.. exorpt Su nnily, from OHoope rwego.Stopping gasnrine v:47, B :28, B:4l, Stopp Bing hamton 9:10, Kirkwoodlo:3o, Great Bend 11:15; and arriving at Snaquabanna at 11:53 a.m.• 1:55 p.m., swept Sunda" from HorriellsyMe, 12114 at Catdsteo 2:0E4 Adrian 2:20, Cameron 21g Cameron Milts 2:51, Itattdooneville 3:07, Addi son 3:23, Painted Post 3:53, Corning 1:33; Big flats :23 Mahe! :56. Southport 5:12 W4sburg 5130. Che wing 5:48, Waverly 6:05, Tlaga 6:50, Owego 7:0% Campvillo 7:32, Enbon 7:52,-Hooper 7:58, Bingham ton 8120. pint Great Bend 9:92, and cr thing at Sum at 9:22 pm. { 1:58 p.m.' except Sundays, from Painted Post. Stopping at Corning 2:05. Big Flats 2:23. and arriv ing - it, =mint at 2:40 p.m. Daily. t Mondays excepted, between Hornellsville and Port Scowls. • I Wp Sundays only. sa•nrona Ttelsta to all •. points West at the very Lowest Rates, for sale in the Companrs office at the Wimerly Depot. This is the only authorized Agency oLtho Die Railway Company for the sale of Western Tickets In Wm:dr. • Ilktrage will be checked only ea Tickets purchased at the (pours office 7 • • L. D. 11170110 L Gan Bawl - • MAYLOWS CELEBRATED . OM I . A . TAe Great Rimarnatio Reidy should be kept or need by sway Farms that bop; either Cattle or Mosses. every Teamster and Livery Stable Keeper, every livid= and Ilene Varier for it will many times c annein and lameness .non allothes medi cines have failed. Miners and Ilailsoad Men should certainly keep it, for it is awsurpaseed for tenses and sprains. Illackunittui should keep ti for their awn net and for their mutomas tender footed Kontos, m nothing equals it for tender feet. Every body seffering from pain and lameness of any kind. burns. cuts. wounds or any eruption of the akin. Corm Chilblains or any disease requiring an outward applialtion should certainly keep this oelis• tested medicine. Every bottle warranted to give satbdactica.. Per sale by Dr. IL O. Parks Son & Co. Porter &Kirby and F. W. Drown Druggists, Towanda Ps. and by every Druggist and dealer In Brad. ford and staining counties. Johnston IfoUoway and Cowden . wholesale Patent Msdianspepot, No. CO Arch street Philadeasthis.Pa., Wholeinfe Acente. vr.owista TATLOIL InlylDlMtf Proprietor, LeDaysvillo, Pa. TRY OUR TEAS AND cow COVELL A STMA. -BUREAVIr for five defirtr at Firm. k cwre, arciarswam A. st.l 11:41a 11415 Ile 11:15 .1:011 10.10 1110 10.301 6do 10:1111 830 1:41 LEO ildlo B. N. Geal a co. TBAINEI. la. 1871. - mm:nwaro. STATIONS. 4173 515 525 •57 Waverty.... Wyeastog... linabivren• • ... - Tatiannock. • —Wilkes Barre. Aftnels Chaa. 220 232 215 1145 10 47 10 10 OS ~..Phrladelptila.. New York... 700 1 000 ii Alt 1150 Main at TOwanda at 7 10 a. m.. e orea. arming a nabs at 5 50 p. m.; Warmil. at at 680 p m., tarealng it To. Cars attached to Trains 2 and 2 'Esdra to PhillL adelp A. PACSIES.Ids. 1'; r; r No. i 3. 1 Leave j 000 915 3 50 12E3 E!Mt 1100' 11 15 8 15 837' 915' 10101 1100' 1150 12 55 12 38 " 431 650 625 7 02 Arrive. i - 10 50 815 11 50' 12 45 12 50 1255. 148 125 10 20 1 7 05, 11 ZI 1210. 12 15 12 20 12 50 2 05 4.20 700 7 05 7'15 732 2 00 I COO I.A. Y. 4 25 , r. St. BEI LLSTRLILD No. 12. • 171E2 CEE2 9 45 6 16 110 I 30 1 40 I to oo aol 9551 715 5 40: 10 051 720 5 as; 10 121 730 • G2O , 11 251 800 10 101 3,05! 11 00 5 30 800 11381 :.4.321 1213 12 151 6131 12 47 12 50: 5 491 120 1 3017 A, 156 215 1 7 111 238 241; 740, 302 300,. 8101 336 cool 11 65. 645 7 45' 12 42' 1 8 03 ......' ...... 11 40 ,......E 835 10 001 2 351 854 . 2 05' 515 1138) 510 925 11 001 3 301 940 Y. .ir. Y. 2 30 8815 400 725 8 03 923 1 1010 1068 2 52 3 53 700 A. M. JOfllQ. Almon, • Cieni Put: Are shooho w s, T o iNE,pintrao The urisleriiipod iradd - PlMPolle,:sir they Aro now prepared in every way to faked tO UNDERTAKINer BUSINESS' In Wilts branches. ♦nd we trust cm: give Mists*. the setilies sqlr one m Utiii mai HasiOg spired no expense or trouble to mmr- Inettoln the shop Of H. Stolen h Co.. of oar SOO% s bums yid* soma be usessissa or ma !PIM in ellegutoe. tis idea of oar largisi altsaac IPi.bave also raved the set-does of e =Cie reliable. caiMsL aadjgeutbmaanly person. to Weld to tido bunch of - - the business. J. El. ALXU. ono of our IYrm. will to toted at the Punitive Rom on Crlase street. Ina C. X. •ass.3be other member at as arm, al hie emir deuce on Third street, or about the oar of Dr. J W. Liman. a vet:01214).0 tad aelobralad pbysidia; whose (dee Ii o Park street. seer the Ely& UOl/14- isi2Valf CORNS. Bunions. Ingrowing Naffs, Tender Feet, etc. Law guage is almost inadequate to express the torture endured by lthose unhappy mortals who suffer from any one of the above, almost emiversal. afflictions; the twinging corn. the painful bunion, the ac., and to ay that tamlaity tau would we fear, be only too true. Yet there are en eepticms. and they are those who have used the never.failling remedies of Dr. 13311308. We aikido to his Alleviator and Curative, the great modern Ells conertea for all diseases of the feet. no matter how severe or ineurablethe ease may beg The many thousands who have been happily benefited by their use, bear witness to the above assertion. A trial ta all that is needed to convince the most skeptical. PILES. Look at those features and see the agony depleted in the face. It cannot be helped while the trouble =Was. The sufferings from piles is of .a very ag. granted description. You cannot walk with kny comfort ; you cannot ride in peace : you cannot sit with tame, and the suffering when attending to na ture is almost unbearable, and causes such a fading of dread that it is put off at great sacrifice to health and comfort in many instances increasing the difs - to an alarming extent. Use Dr. !trig:lZ Remedies according to directions to cure external, itching or bleeding piles. They are mild and reliable, and warranted as represented. Bold by Druggists. BUNIONS. There are only a limited number of the human race who do not know from experience what pain and torture can arise from 'earns, bunions, Wrow- , bag nails, etc.' There are but Lew thus affmted who have not tried some of the may Methods of relief offered which are anything but satisfactory. To all who are skeptical or discouraged by repeated fail ures, Briggs' alleviator and Curative will be gear. anteed as safe and positive remedies for diseases of the feet. HEADACHE. eff2 326 4 11 4 49 625 6 01 Dr. J. Briggs!, Attestator win instantly relieve nervous or sick headache, neuralgia. catarrh. sore throat. dyspepsia, heartburn. palpitation, daralency seer stomach. in fact, it it the greatest .restorer of the age, counteracts or tram all poisons, re duces inflammation, ba>ilehes pain from any part of the system, has marvelous and perfect =trot deer the nerves, increases the action of the heart. the brain, will cure all malarious diseases, subdues fever, equalizes the circulation, stimulates' the weakened and diseased frame and restores the snf• fever. . • COUGHS. 10 20 8720 11 20 12 10 , 12 15 12 20 12 60 600 A. V. Dr. Briggs* Throat and Lung Healer. can, with- out any exaggeration, safely be said to be the beat remedy for the Throat and Lungs that is mamba tared. It heals the diseased mucus surface. res. torts the lungs. imrilles the blood, acts upon the Liver and Kidneys. and strengthens the system throughout. To the poor Codsumptive, no greater boon can booffered. Sold by CLARK B. PORTER, at Ida new Drug Store. south cad of Ward Boast. Towanda, Pa. July 11, 1872.-Iy. PiOBTANT TO ALL WHO ,LUE THEM MITI • The eightof the aged sedeted. thervtak strengthen ed and thegedect preeened. PHILADELPIIICOrrim herrruTr, For the maztuffieterlng of the CONCAVE CONVEX. =M AL LENS= LONDON EMOSED AND IRn= Mall TOE WAS 01 IR- 1 The Concave Convex Crystal Spectacles, made by the above institute are now a l time before the public, and tbe rWdandla demand far th em combined with th e tinkered acknowledgment of their clearness in vision and ease to the eye, shows plainly the! they are superior to any other glasses in the market. The majority of Spectacles, icy Imported) and no matter how fine the frames, contain bat a poor and worthless article of &saes, (generally castor pressed() they are made to be sold only, without any calculation respecting benefit to the eye, and therefore the great complaint of poor and weak sight. Thontrandsare using glasses now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the objects get dim after abort usage, or require an intensely strong light and therefore destroying the sight, which, were they properly suited, would be preserved a We time. The advantages claimed for the COMM Convex Crystal Glasses are the following : The Lenses are dof the best material, pure andhard, and only for optical purposes, they are therefore not liable to get scratched or dna. They center a brthlima and distinctness of Tilton not found In lily other ease. They can be used equally well by day or candle light without tiring Or fatiguing the eyes. They are ground mathematically true in the con cave convex mirror, according to the philosophy of nature, and shape of cornea of the eye, therefore assisting =tare only instead of forcing it. frames. Theythe lenses are centered correct Into the They can be used longer than any other glasses without clanging to a po wer. • The frames are made and dente= deuced workmen and ' to give - ' SIM I'. M. M ... . .. o'4s' Dealer In Watches, Jewelry and Rarer Ware,Towan da, Pa.Nots the sole Agency for these glasses la Bradford county. No Podlers employed. July 12, 1870-tf THE HOSIE SHUTTLE SEW mAcurs.E. TEX PERFECTION OP =UMW. TOR licncoro, FILLI3O. Bmmza, CODD=d, B/LLTD=O. BELICINO. QM:LTLXO. Rcrrrnra.llSY - NATCIU AND C1A21331=6. • AMERICA AND EUROPE, Compact, illlcleut. Durable m 24 Complete. Every I.lachise Warranted for five years. EQUALLY 600 D YOU FIRE OE nun , WOIIIE. It is s Triumph of 3forb••• • 1, .1 rains. 3Pricte 10137,00 The only practicd low priced Lock-1141kb 13orIng Machine elev. Invented. Don't be kkanatorgred by other Agent' blarney, no matter bow ®bath their Woggle ISMY babe sure they mean time! , pronto to their own pockets. • • D. U. wootogung. , Agent for Beseffora and Surds= Omens. 'Agents 'anted. Rome, Bradford county, Pe.,pee. 29;72, THE •A1413M191N , SEWING. MACHIN This mselitno)s eatutidared by mechanical men to be the t) a *IO N *, te y tp. ki•l Sewing Machhae env offend to the public. Ita nuns= or otninutmmox, EA or MIN MO, VANE= or WORK wrrnour CIIASOIC Aad its unparallebal immeas whenever it has been introduced. speaks twooderfoily foe it as being the most complete Family &wins Mains Dow In Wm Its adaptation to Lb truly beyond tompoUtion. These robri.in-s are toe - • WILLSON & MAXWELL, OF TOWANDA. Pi And theirmariner oL rreelartleg theft badness fit :set winning, for tweet tbn riontidents of the Vati can elamins this macbthe at their Oleo in Piercer's block. or they IOU Eelt um bolus out charge or Mel • rr agate sell yea sat deli ar the erase before esaerletreg tbe Absitstest Orders by mg, et etheretso, will metre prallePt attoth.S. lowteee, teta. J. 8. ALLYN, C. X. XANVILLE. Ei2El Pa onted to LIGHT OR HEAVY WORK ==!! NE )111111 . c : vr- • ZkirlXO t )ikair o giallo Iles eta 11.11111f11 le Or IF we moms Is oft is as t. s her asa visit id I R 0 0 B I tt'Noti/ bin Puma kg oilk, tad ogsliseit 'ttwisa milait as on! 'pm as as b• pordlowl elinfire. I wow aillirlte thopoldissigkellislicik TEAS, CX:11 1 711S, SVGA MEV. lIIALIMOOI, 010111. fax Ens as band alone do& se AKRON FLOt i fil, GRAHAM DO. aft no.. minnow r" - ! Il4npao alwiralibiainna.saa.LAND.ina a isms cc issal "odd cal the Wasik" Cl th• piblio to ase ail xis.* Erma; ?P TOBACCO, LqWW or Pass ton Oallirsollehealedloga -67, We Tat 014•Ikal al Dews lap. ; • noels oil mid riWo our daft at WOODEN WARE. largo assortioset, of TAMO NOTIOXII. TOIL= 110L111. &a. 1 11;41 pay Ur Mewl emit ptice far COUNTRY PRODUCE. l'anoses. she is stall belki* senlag elissikers. MI venoms indebted to the bee Inn vDlpleeeeall and :Rae lagßeitbdo poirmeat. Tonna. 12. Mt M, 4, a. tONG, =II GRO6MI3 AND PROVISIONS, WOOD. lir/LLOW. AND STONE WARE. Fla()IIE, j. FEED, 2dFmils, I Ilia! 1 PATTON% MOM COB. MAIN AND BRIDGE STS., TOWANDA, PA. I desire to call the attention of tho public to my amortseast of otoods, which b always tall and cam pkete, and will 'be sold to my customers at lowest market ram. My dock of t TEAS, 1 [Sy I ES, flue been purchased - sinee the late reduction In the twit on tbsin. and are offered at prices to tor. reepond. Ordees by mall or otherntae will receive wan sad pecorpt attention. IMO Thanking the public foe the hberal patronage they Mao Weal me, I Irish a mahatma, of the CASH PAID YOB COIDETRE PRODUCE. teb.2oll 1 Fiquiwil WILL NOT LIE ! Tin caimitirr PIA= TOWN TO WY BOOTS I: DON'T DOVT Tors lowi Erni HERE ARE THE 11017 REE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES • Gaeta tanaaLlo. sots k tap Soot, home made, $4 ZS do I do do do 4 IS do 2 do do damned, 4 00 - do N I double sole do 350 sizido Calf peg do do do SOO KIN 2 sole and tap, do 1 73 to 3 00 It Um' ft, iyi dyable 505 e, do 200 to 3 2$ ifercheati can be pUed milk the above class of voda at may reas=MM prices. We are prepared toing make Hoots to Measure. AL* NUM Mee Repair at remonabie prices. N. ll.—The above t =kor price system town be wideistood CAM cm delivery. sir Can and see be ig d a re pm boy. op opposite Weabodist Church. Street, ' L. C. RAMON. Towanda. Sow. 18Th 7.W; PLANING MILL`. t iteir=s, azd Ailed It stth the aunt modern - and haprored mac n tsery. for the assatufactare of l i aLr i ajpi.i:rvill:l44,l, ;1 Are prepared to All orders. whether Urge or small. wpm the shortest mem We bevel also a lame es. slaty et WOULD/KM at the latest style and totem% whkb we can toralataaneh cheaper than they Can be wasted by head. PLA.WINCI, ' UG. ONOEFV= . G. AND BCDOOL BAWXIG. Awl all of wort pertilalactoloineay,wllll»dani to salt au ca dossiers. • Parsons and not &lag woo than twelve, to toenteentsdim diMM. lind it birgelylot their Moron to buy of tm or bring their lumber and ban it worked pay our,staddisin. Brine your grtst at =Sr other lumber. and white yam tom' is Lam It ground oat sad bin It leap with yen. 0118 • CAM for WM 81011001 t LVBeUvsad dour limber nal. Was wad in nu, or tt Ina eineenn't O. Irate. Towatda Yob.. IN4 IL BODMiII at 00. SIIPEIt i f E It AGRICULTURALR R. M. WELLES, TOWANDA. PA., Office No. 3 Noreur's Block. web aide of Court Haase squire. _WICOLZBALX AND RETAIL DEALER AND fyi.l 4.191 MoldneLklestlisse. Nona Powers sad Stassabets, Mad Baas. Pester Sowers, , Greta Seeders, Nay Tedder', Iseenede god Seel Pews. Celetvetani, Sedil Sores Hoes. Cover Bears sadieensiai lOU LAW* NOM% RAM aLfsas aser seines merr,catirs rowan al Tai Tosse,tess _ =swim MI LTD 011110 Will. ton sod detruipttra, Diostrottat Warted dr ,CatiMetetted or =nod trot to an aguittomota. U mill oast but throa•couta to wad foe droulus ads l'armsts when In Tcanzida, ail lad see ma. April To THE PTII3LIC. the Mock as i lewd the old stand of a = rec. I would 4to an 'irbo bay their GROCESIEt3 In this plans.thit I shall malleavor to keep s Wect . smortmemt of Orageig mass, kept in a Grocery ekes. Aho II fall YANKEE NOTIONS, • Which I propose t o vesz iar cbrap for cars: I respackfully solicit of your planing. and think I can woke fl mutually advantageous for you to deal Intl use. Yours, very respectfully. ks • J. B. .1001180 N. Towanda. July 1.1871 • MMONEY SAVED, sr Nnicausmo TOM 13TOVES - AND IiAItDVIABE W. L. rte. Onral 10711.1 L WPMBONS have the Watt lemidoset otruseeeroa t *ovary. r..~._ ~~ ~.. _•- -,..: .-..,. 1, , .. __ ti.„. . . . wErtts - annunak itt 1 txrit - 1 4---- .. I . ouoQtrsT B E TE, From 14 to $1.1•7 sot, WOIMEN , P111103; DRAIN TILE, (ODD BLA "1 7 4 • OTHER TOOLS, And we *mato for NORTHUMBERLAND 1 NAILS 1 rl o Es, - P TENT iiVHFSLEI, Cl. a PATCH. Fri O. B. EMU. WOOD AND STONE CHURNS I B 1: i CAGES, C • FRP FARS, Purebasers of Razors and Pocke, 'Knives' will do well to call STOVES; :4 3• : M. J. I.OEO. IL M. WELL= nvo:+, = E SNAWnk FRUIT JARS, BEFRIOZBLTORS, For eaie amp - at 0, RIIErEIELL CO l l3 TowAxas. re.. I - I o alao nil all kinds of lIM SPOKES, r 1,1x121,3 ANII SPRINGS lIINKf3, WAGONS,. NOVELTY An) EXCELSIOR NNIVES -AND FORKS, SHEARS 'AND SCISSORS H ATEBB, ItANGES; GAS FIXTURES AND GLOBES. Homes furnished with gas Pipe, Ho and cold Watkr, Closeta, &c., on i - short notice and work gnarranteed satisfactory. - NAOLEE k CO.'S CAST STEEL NMEEM3talillaWS, LEATHER BELTING, LIGHTNING SAMS coDbiNG, nussFJJ, k co. Clothing. Hirsbriti .FRANKS, gloocessor to Ilitss. Liansuo MERCIiANT - I • TAILOR, No. 4 Griffith A Patton's Mock. 11r d Lanni. To: wands. A good assortment of Cloths. Vesting. and Cakaiincreti, constantly , On Laud. Goods made to ordell 1a the best manner. d0e.4,11-Is. GE IS INDELIBLY STAB! IN EVENT 'THING. cart' Brow► purcbahxi the Mock of (71olhhag of SENFIELD &, WOLF, pits Soar South of 101 h ISKIICUIt'S, and hereby GIVE PUBLIC NOTICE that will offer greeter inducements to cub bur era, any other establistunent in BRADFORD COUNTY, Being thoroughly posted in every broach of the tuudaele, they feel perfectly confident That they can nate it to the Intend of all • TO PURCHASE OF THU& •• Thetratoeh of goods comprises geode of au wedge. trots the finest to the mined. sod tosnetectared by the !b eatatdistanents in the coonta7, Gite Its a c 231. Marl 12, 1872. VIEW STILES ros biz LADIES all of Dorefortos sod vidatkr. Not. Z. J.Moro (foromody lOss litypiay) with MSS Harsh' Block, bars just returned fromliew York with atoll Ilse of ..11 I c Y Alm FANCY GOODS LIC SVERY VARIETY. ' • oC Rats. Roanabt. °Mots. Rods. KM Goods, old Ledo Om Relloal. =titallbbans, Flowers iad Tans In the Mod Over Dr. Lome Drug Store. COMA* dltr. Wednentty. April WM% Particular • • given to draw wort. OR EL' MD 8»' most uzsiaAßLE. and Mgt £OO XQIIIICIAL rum fot csaintry purposes disibsi Sas my. Poe t atsi by Us - - . TOWANDI GU 001CPANY 4wslvs seats D Weal It as Gas House. in* nob ' issllo,lM IMI 1011M1MarAl f", OMB* I .174. ; ; ILIM MI A air lAA .0 81 .111k 18 / 6114 .1 10 A' . GROC4 I WM AND -PROMONS* ....... TUI be . mid at the knee! porn& pima CODFISH, • W:f:WO:NG, FRUIT OR ALL D MODEM STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS; FLOUR, .FEED; KRAL, GRAIN, &c Being an Tier teo . allee, WM& wo pop mit toe. DAIBYMENi F • emoting randy of Islibors eau, all dead Wier Vlrlialf Tubs. ac: - I lion oil sod look Wow* out asodr. int we will do on pod to pion, you. 11% 31OULInad. Towanda. April 211. II PAND • ROON c 0- A B E l& _E D . W1A..11 ; FAMILY '.GRIOCEBIES wimsGrits. NZ/a:ROTS - UW MAME. TOWANDA. PA. We do not doe= ft neecesarito entoneesto ail the diforent article. No keep. Oar ameartment Is FIRST CLASS GOODS Cuti paid tor . Maori Produce March L WO. Da EBB are now receiv , J. - Inge rieth aloes of Goods in theittne. bought Wawa the lit =nazi, to which they incite the at. teution Of their Meade. We beep the largest doek In tomb. Our goodsore bosh sod desirable. We sell at Unrest market prices. Jan. 19.1871. VBESEI AND NEW TEAS, bought J: dace the recent decline la priCe, gad selling cheap at retaiL PDX k =ROM Jan. 19.1871. ' vox it MERCIJR are selling Gro oerles at retalL Jan. 19.1871. VOX & 31:ERCIIR are selling New and huh Goods. , Jag. VOX & NERCUR are selling Gro _a: conies cheap. • Jan. 114 1871. VOX. IifEROUB, are selling first "... class Goods only. Jan. 19.1871. - pox & MERCUR are selling elnaper than e'er. JUL It 1871. R EFER that we are selling RETAIL! And that we trou'ebe undieraold. Jan 19. 1871. PDX & MICHIGAN FINT f -CIIT TOBAC .OI- CO—very choice—at Jam 19.1911. FOX k IERCVWB. 'VOX & 31XIXTUB do not deal in JL. Inkod47 Goods. Jan. 19, 1871. (WE CUSTOMERS can rely ripen NJ getting the Tarr best the market allbses and at breast prices. T. T. FOX. Tcnrands, Jan. 19,11. EENEY =ICU& R EEIMBER THAT FOX At, HER • CUB are re ill kinds of Groceries at wholesaleprioes. The stock in town. Goods first dais. Prices low. P.. T. PDX. Sept. 29. M. 'PEE BEST KEROSENE OIL IN 1 town by the quantity ar retail at • • FOY k WIRORWE. BAKERY AND DINING ROOM. First block north of LWard,ll mule. BREAD, PIES, CAKE,ORAOKERS, - BAKED DAILY. . • 'And wild at Wholesale and Retail. In our DINING WOWS we wilt , accoaulsodate the public with either a lunch or a good meal at all tea of the day and maim. OYSTERS AND . ICE CREAM OX , HAND DIMING THEM BEABON. Also a fine saaortomut of Groceries, Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts. Ac. mayir of . D. W. 800 rr k 00. CENTRAL MARKET. The: sabseribeas still continue to keep oonstsilly on hands toll and compists assortment of iremp tlilij pertsining to their lmmines, consisting tubs BEEF, PORK, FRESH AND SALT WOAD, OUR= lIAID3. MOTION. DEEP. • mit% VEAL. POULTRY. SAUSAGE. RD. ; Dowazi.a. DRIED DEE P TALLOW, he... kc. • Also. E l I S Er. FRESH FROM THE LAKES. MI MS RECELVXD DAILY Lu their season. • Pieties rtish Oysters in large or samil ties will be .shed on short notice, at- Om old stand. OIMAL KAU" Ifontanye's Block, first door north of Dr. Porters. Cna..O.lms.vx. t KELLUM& MULLAXI. Tuso.llctunex. Peb. 24.187041 JULIN HUGUENIN meld of AXEMICAIi AND SWD3N GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES roe /oaks wad Gentlemen. Jewelry of all Undo and dowrlptloas. , JULIUS WOLF. wx. wour. GOLD, SILVER AND ETEIL RPECTADLES GREAT VARIETY. PutWass stkatke Oren to Of all Wade. ALL WORL. WARBANIXD. Berme ber the place—Oppoette the Means Bow. i t ft A TY..--A Platform $m - ng I. Wagon, TUb top over back ant eMait In% never been run over 60 ninon. Alp one ad *MU daehle blames, made. by J. *r. Wilkie, ahead set. WW be sold tosientable.. JunelS.76-11 . Paul s. rex POBIC4 - MTON, SHAM, sircjizia. scluAccido sad Betao Dalkon bs I'BOVISIONS, ALWAYS' COMPLETE. Ws sea siotbtog but IicCAIII, .WIL EDWARD& I : 1;6 - if f -j'71177111 eoludaatkyreeeietag * large sad earied.earoet; rErs Mita AND Alrgnicx mom CO. s CLoCIES, • ptraySlits I[66:i /14 4.ttiVltsll.l;',l i I REPAIRING JVIXB Towanda, May 1871 ==i i ...m o mfteemp :!si - ' 7;:34 :i'••441 ,0 4 1 / 1 46 t itlCitrikr}ve :"1.4r•••••••** , 3 MUNE -813. mnit3am'a: BOW,A . CUPS FOR mum HELM MUD WARE, ' • - bun sow: tomato& TABLE QUTLERY: Ages ettbe SINGER SEWING MiCHDIE. INEMIUNCIIM 'AGENCY VICKMAI 13LACIEL'Et. . Towanda. July dis sett "Zoete sad . now.' K u "tom, 1 • .; STOGA BOOTS, CALF BOOTS, RUBBER BOOTS. BOOTS AND SHOES In endless variety► 130cotas. 3EU:x:atis. L L. MOODY 1 00., Have the sole control , for the Retail i trade of llnniphrey IiAND•XAMI BOOTS' AND SHOES Manntaelared in Towanda, And we are se aan them is low as g otherhausra are retailin ;Astern Geode. DONT BE .DWEMED t B. awe that you ate buytog those Boots, for it d'ont stand to maws that an Magas Book made by ma• bested throwipxikwlD begin to wear with the age . TOW,tNDfr - BOOTS. RUBBERS 1 RUBBERS! RUBBEM A large assortment, which we are selling at a large redaction in prices. We keep none but Lit qualltr f • Rubbers. FINE SHOES FINE SHOESI Tor Ladies. Kilian and Children. in red' Gout. Kid. French Shl. Bcrgo and Ranch Calf. in fact all the dylod inanufactuied by the beet Factories in the country. A FULL LURE or LIMITS 0004013 O 1 1143D1 ROBEBI,7_ Just received. a largos stock of Wolf. Buffalo and Lap Bohm. also Mosso Libakets, Whips, Ike., which we sze sidling cheap for cub. rums, Trieinno BAcitt. &c The began asscatneent to this section at correspond. tstpricen Give um read and yen will be salted L. L MOODY & CO. Towanda. N0v.,1. Uri. NEW- OABRIAGE .FACTOBY I • , Oa Plan, betweaa Kato anti liaxed. bat of O. 1. ][awn & Cu.: Bank. -• • TOWANDA, ' PENN'A. HENRY STULEN , at CO., geopoctfully announce to Itti triotasand potions. that 111 have built a NEW BRICK (wawa' ionioar. Rhea! they will eonstiettly keeVottband a hal esectel meat of FAMILY (MJUMGES, TOP AND OPFIN_ BIICKIIES, FI4TFORM WAGONS, TBOTTUKI EMXTB, AND NICELIEMB. Male cd UlO best sob elai and lidded is Mi . bout dr/ Me% Eli amppirkriail Is ettr Cleft* laistarica Ives them a decided advantage OM ethers In the - Finish,,, Style and Durability alas Mona An un Mks uan INSPECTION OF HIS WORK prwiaas to paeobulog r,,. V] If "'kir fl , /I :744 8,11787AGT/OX Tlianktelter the liberal patronage bawdy ea lestied and respectfolly-aalt a ccertftniaame of the MEW • REPAIRMid. PROMPTLY ADDED TO 'O Rindl►lW 24, Unto,-;41 haat ,. andr 324 l to a r ilt =t Jas. It, . , OS tar. a- SON ' • - --. OLD . 'Gum • DRUG 100114 — . . , aillammos Imagist 10011. - - - ; I - 10 012 Orligillha iie l l.a llid4 !A l * . it*, -,, .IsalPiailiibililli riSe l= = I m 4 fwgisiltrilleetweß, 1111 ve liszliareie eba .oldiallifultrielkim void is 1:4 1 1 fasellnt polar iillill I-1, gimedilimr al OMB 10 11" nellaadie-tigall 14 1 1111 5 1461111 4 1 . Ad e l° 18,g • _ , , ! 1-Pinill alinlilak 0111110011 V , 1 ' ' •sixillwariai •', -- - 1 ' 'ALCOHOL AM i l itnnatE, 1 - 1 sum ran. tom, VIUTI-Wala , - Mai di lisairitEradmit, " 7 - , KEROSENE OB mu on, Damn Mid& taalna mum. Incia, aulcing. ' 110101kuni;inirlir.lastirotie. ' ES= ME POOMET BOOMA . POBT NOl#l4L% VIM ANIS LICIVOI/14 ./r9tlitiginat Tomato; amp, Pim Aso Cuumis (walk sum inemr, maw ftumesopi , patios. - linissa. swim _ Waning WA" 1 4 11 . 1011 1 0 Malls ; Awa.lllolllllll4qvidtaree m I: Oat% BMb lad Om Mdo& Mob Todd* Aso ka.Botiede. moor sed Irosaigatil• • isliedkFinft mai NI the "glair Mow .M.Etk/0/Nrae. • An artlelas virelustod as igssnaMdr Penns at Manor Oa men thott Won Iv arLoma. tda& wlllroottvo prompt mod areal Mead &Mom emu grobst at Qs oil" only fottoodldno.• forpostllberg tobootp.wouatoo , sasoosco to theft himodno9llbo pobbo,tbat PeStbr , Ito taw dial be opted to ittiog. sod me:M coo. thootkok of emir cost&toce sad pavane*. Open Sundays for ma &am 9 lo 10 Law tad 1238. to 1. sod to 6 p.m. C. 20111318 & 80N. Apo/ 1..1812.-ye. . - RHEUILMEIM-NEURALGIA WO WELL BE PAID • . to any person prtdecing any iledieins showing half as many Itrtog. pisrminent cares as Dr. - Perms Tnitbrasza Baserrearso =ram Vied inwardly only. A &want Xedleine. free from injurious drugs. Wurtzite& wider oath, to have perinanent.' ly hared 95 in every 100 patients treated in the prat ten years. - It is the acientiae pre. and. of Prof. Jos. P. MU-b.. M. D.', a probate of the ftfirbab of . Perebylvants."l/.. A. Valk—now use of eldest regales. ptcraisiess: and Professes' of Cbernistry; and Tabloolom—vrao has roado Mad" Chromic and inftzisim Rheims, tion the specialty of his ebbs probsidonal life—a bet vended' for by the, signature* anoimPonlinti each bottle. and other' testhroxibb of many _proud. sent rencersted pigskin's and elergnneb To PO' bet soarers from poisonous quack matrix= and melees inspendttere of inoney;aVegal egged guaro antes, stathigmsact number ofiiot warranted to care, will be forwarded wry nester send. be by letter a bin of &fiction. In case of !attars to eine , smote paid positively blended. Ibenetne sent ea/whore by =pram collect an de. livery. • Afaleted invited to write for advice; all in. formation and medical advice sent by letter grab, Abbas Dr. J. P. MUM. 29 Borah Fourth street, Philabeiphis. Pa. The Remedy is sold or obtained =PORTER k KIRBY, numb* arts Mock. Towanda. Ps. FINS SHOW:t ROM ! reduced prices swan ESTULLI 11. S. CLAIM. ~~-. : 0 'EI AND KWH= OILS, xi* Tdastizides tit as aser mow. maw* snanow•gm* cows. ' rasoft. vaitranii, Raid Isitsui,lbrans. Tone, sax AZD Haat 1111PAZAIKAM ild3scollaneou: TOWANDA M,4,i, - b I.e:W . o . ,,tic o'. GEO. McCABE it SON Havo.Joirt received dui Largoet assortment 01 AMERICA AND ITALIAN R B=L W.! Zees' exhibited in this ecotion. to which they invite the attention of the public. They beep on hand or (=ilia& to ostler MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES, &e., Of ma style. AT THE LOWEST TEEMS. Persons In want of anything in oar line are re spectfully invited to call anitecuunino oar stock. 31c0SHE & SON Tcrpsuls. May 1.1571 ►I OLD. MAIN STREET _Carriage' Factory. JAMES BRYANT cant#mos .the:roatictupe of CARRIAGES AND • WAIXIN% Df every description, at the old s ertaiAd of G. II Drake. uAIN STBEEtt TOWLNDA. PA ilia work is all of the LATEST STYLE AND kTNIUL In the mamitacinre of 'mows notblni to used but BEST STEE.L AXLES, To ether with the COMPOSITION BOXES In Light Work PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS LIIMBFIR WAGONS Sept conatualy on band. re beet Esetera : lock Is used la the atanutet:tare Imtela. Spokes are all rived eat-dot sawed. ALL Foal sou) WM:MANI= EQUAL TO ANY AB to Anion, and as to dannbtilty, Busman To ANT /3 MP SECTWIL w Au, Was WaiquOTzo.loll JAMM BRYAMi 0r1.1911 HIGREST MAIITCMI'RICE man. Pup . - GRADI, BU i gilt{ AND EGGS, GEORGE SMITH micsArnrso, rA April 18, 1872. _ QTUANITei WHIT?. DRIPS at IJ rot et inaicure, 4 ,l•Frapt. 14-4 4 . I. B. CAmr.4 r • N oru kM B L E'S carsERAL • ha mar nc 7 , OFFICE ON MAIN_ - Opposite_tho Oauxt Roust, - itunuw*e igt4!!at FIRE AND IsIGHTNING! lion° but - E =I =A Boom), Fuurreusei CoupAsir./ Represented. Policiett issuetl ADJUSTED ApiD PAIL) AT Tifis ill kinds of LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES ACCIDENT FIVE TO 'FIFTY DOLLAk Weekly Indemnity in case. of iiqur3, Payable is ' case of Death. 30 OTHER BUBESE4S ON OUB HANDS To divide our attention, w•e are abb. to give strict and carefulAttettiun laenrance= • All persi ns desiring Insuraaeu ui any.. kind; are resi,iectfally CAMP, & NOBLE. Tow=ll, July 2, 1872. GUARDIAN XUTUAL i - LIFE " RsTSURANCE: \ CT4)A NY ET.O4DWAY; NEW•Ycnk" Pinta:Es Li Fong* Assrrs, over ANNUAL bt011134 over Coasts Pam... All approved formi of Fol:nny Liberal modes for payment of minium,. Policies non-forfeitabie by thr:r toms.' The entire protts of th cnintgluy ,itvi•l,•Z 'sbly.smong the twit:el. ANNUAL DIVIDENDS. WALTON H. PECEIISM. PEI , II , LNT.. WILLIAM T. HOOKER, tici. Psraztacl trays M ADXorgiarl e.t . D AcTrAm—, • PHILADELPHIA nEri.p.rsck JAI COOZE & CO., CaUke r .-E. ' Durum. & Co.. Hankers. I • Joins WOODSIDE & Co., Tea Sl , zrcLatiz. S., A. lizucles. Prest. Farmer,' k ii.do T. B. Prtzusori, Publisher. - i1y12.711-tt CASEVA INSURANCE AGENCY. • - TROY,. PA. nag, LIFE and ACC/DENT rssril.,NcE,ll,,,l In iirst-clasa companies. Alan Land Snrveyibr. an..± Conveyancing. Twenty - seven yeah errcietat Orderwby mail prompUy attended to. • Ang.30,11.-1y It. A. C.ASE DLIMES , FAR 1872, PAPER S ENVELOPES . 1 - • NEW-YORK I'APER.S. SCHOOL BOOT . . PM, INK, MINN.!, STATIUNILY Ptc-ruix+ BLANK BOOKS =I YANKEE .NOTION:; Tovulda„..Nov. 19. I. - 7 - ROO .-PINDERY.-THE PIT IIC IcTvedfall3r infanta] that the Viyel-r.• I Ilea las been remotod to the "Reporter" third story, where will be done - •. • In all its rartoas branches. terms as reasonable "the times •-: will allow. The Bindery will be ine , r the charge of An ezperieuced Binder, awl all work win rn•uo. done in a style and manner which cannot br Music, Magazines. liewars,Old Itookg. AT.c..lqn In erery variety of style. Particular attention wal paid to the Rang and Bizolibg - To any deared pattern. which' ins quality and de.-1 bility bo warranted: All Wert wilt be ready for delivery wben prom ;s6:: The patronage 'of the public I. Solicited, and re. feet atittelaetion guaranteed. 'Annual, August', o rWAk)A AGRICIrLTITRAL WOES The a szente ,adent . of this shop nor Zen! , rDaxo LDISIBER. WAGONS. COVERED AND 01)EN BU6tiff:, OAK AND itICKORY TLAIDEIi EXERIENCE.D WORKMEN 14,We have the s Ter , light. and so durable tbst even tune Is!, is nub) to 40 teirarda their decay. - Please examine on,r work before purel,uir,,,- vrberie. Irepetrin xtione on short !intim. N. C. 31£.8"1: 11, rr,nde'L T°1114", Jig/ 20. IWO: GIWIIItW4g AiNDillO VISIONS P114D05..--muirt, „sr, Co. Respectfully announce to the public in gene: ll, they bale opened a largo 4921:il choice stock/A GROCERIES AND PIiOVISIOSS conic? Main and Franklin strrete, To ne42. they waselTast cheap ea the cheareFt for Imp And Tom Mirrsprrn ave. ;az Lapps owe. to trait upon art old customers ani rotas Dow ones so will is them with a cal TUOL. from.Tl i 1.„ gal MIL t 1:11= . April.l DR aD. STILES - • - • having purchased ' . . nEE- DRUG STOIIE or .1. A. RUX4WAY, Di AWAY. . . ..i .• Zia now In doek-SELI is constanSY le''ie` .lll. ;. Supplies of pose Dross and Medicines. yisPal, Varnishes, he Agent for all the most Port ° ens Medicines. A Smith supply of thc eciel,- • VTiiiipAll BITTEBB , I ' pure Wines and Licfmtrs Mr moan:tall rlirrr,,' beat brands of Cigars and Tobacco: ettc 4 re P er-- • sty. toilet and fancy artiel:a. tleyortnr c zersct , ~. Schoolbooks, stationery. ',and u,tr. Pc4:l'",'. plied with stationary' at Jew priers. All mi.:dill, MS books tarnished tooorder at pablribers' r r ':::` , Thit Doan' *ill continuo to practice nic, , t .. heretofdre. oMco at the Deng Filter ; a mt posits posits Presbyterial' church. Preemiptions 31 , .. - .., xelptvectimely oompounded at ill hOlas by 3 C." - Patent tdOrk. • -- . ' . (April li.lt ,t• 0/ FICE: Procured, and Affected for on $509 To $10;000 AND WE. DO IT! J.. 1 . stamp, Agent, Towanda, Books and BOOS-131 ND IN (i H.' p. VIETASYR, BLANK BOOKS. itkiroum wauoNs evor offend in titimarket: Debt ECied.l used. and all work made by the moot FAUN?' RUSSIA litON SEAT` CASH I V n - , so 14 I 3,tut , ".#3.,tx