f!OfOlfillititt, Towasilso ' T4ubdn7, .' Aar 111 9 ; 18714 LOCAL AND GENERAL.. I . Judge Nisacroa' lnus saienaded by the Montrose Bend, on the oceadon of I'4 wit to that Tam last week. sek. The Publics School ipened osi Moods,' hat, with Prof. IL B. Prnanni as Pala cio!, and Misses Plum Maui, Suna.a. Pram /2/ and Eno Pinairractia, Assistants. Wt. The officergrof the GUAM and Witaox Chiba to the county, are reqoasted to report the oarai of their blitoras to J. V. Gm pro Oorreapcouling Secvotary, at Tonanda. • INS.,The corner stone of a new Epii.eopal Church was laid at the village 01'1504 ga last Week; Itev. Dr. Pam, of Williaanumt, delivered an eloqueout address an the omelet. j One of the most violent rain etorms, accompanied by incessant thunder and lightning, experienced in this section during the present season, 'occurred on Banday CUD -ing. itis6: A second meeting of Sunday ,chool workers will he held In the lecture room of tbeTresbyterisn church, on Monday even ing, September 9, for the purpose; of perfecting an organization. PO- One ,of the beat campaign speeches of the - wagon was made by T. C. Cow befoox'the (irCatri Club of this place; on Fri day last. It wax logical, ontertaining and elo gneut. • • or Mr. Wm. F Meltzer, collecting titatiatics about tide section of tho country for the Bradford &porta-, publianed at Towanda, Pa., called at our °Mee last Monday.—Rociford iMich.)- Register. mi. The Gnmer and - WILSON Club - Sticalloquin and Wiwi, will be addressed by dear. G. IV. linnori and Hon. E. R. Mn:; at the Shores School Honso, on Thursday . Lroning, September 5. mar NATHAN ' WILBUR, while paint ii;g on the railroad liritlgo it Wyalusing one day last week, fell to the ground, a distance of about nib ty feet. As he landed "right side be was not seriously injured: Be was brought to his father's house in this place, and is non. improving. par The folloviing are the officers o' the GRANT and WILSON Club at Ulster : l'resident—S. S. LOCKWOOD. ' line Presitb , ),lg—Wat. Wmarriscii: Ow. W. Nicuot..s. retagy—.T.orru MATEIESI. J;Tagrerer—W. Rocorwut.t. • US.. The Republicans 'of Armenia township met on SatWrday afternoon last and organized a GRANT and Wltsmi Clidr. The fol. /owing officers were el l ecteil : • ' - I'resideitt-0. D. riMms. Presiclents—D. ALEXANTEII, 'A. CEASE, 11. DUMOND, JOHN TOIiLLN/30N. .•.„•rtftry---A. J. CoWiuw. SKr' 6'odey's Laqy'.4 Book: - . - for Sep vorriber gives the last pi' the Lolipop-engrav tugs, a series of %designs ,by BE:car:ix, which have been a very acceptable feature, and should be centitiited. l'lltere are other steel and nuod engravings, and soutributiona from 11 eoe ILtutAxn, Midi other writer' ; recipe; music, fasluens—overythum in fact that could 1, 3.10 d from such a viaitor. ige- Peterson's Ladies' Mayaziue fur the running month, is finely illnstrate4 with 04;11 and wood engruyitigft—has ite frill eximplo.; ni,nt of cuts, illestratin'g the latest novelties in i. I‘..rld of. fashion r land gives nearly any pAgt Iteltitie)i', male, recipes, ete.,-- M 1 ‘,l ti Ltrh ni'alie good its claim of being the inagazineS, and in no wise .t; higher priced riveld. Pili;:picAL.— -Editors HOOKER, HIN. 1,11 FintuirnoN were iu town on Tuesday tak laz vet( $.• This shows commendable enterprise tai tht parrot' our neighbors. NATE ,MANN is visiting Miss ANNTE (;,,,,w.wa awl otiwr friends in this place. Pr. r,,m, eohlined to his house, but we Witt wi V 50011 be able to attend to his pa- . 311.11.1 GRANT C 1.1711. —The Re ”r:coltuabia trirenship met 'on Satur day cr. oiganizod a GttANT and lluv•> Club. The :ollowit - r officer& were P. P. PECK4IA3I. 'Prrst , io ~rs —B. F..! KNAPP and J. U. SlOil• ''try -J. H. CAinip:s. P. P. rtchliAm, J. 11 F. KNAPP. RES- During the shower on Sunday c7pnine lam, a barn belonging to JACOB /Int .h, township, Alta.Strtack by light 'lll4 and entirely - consumed with all its con xcept die horses, r which were got out or ~table under the barn. Loma 4 , 3,000; no in •llram,. The sebool-bobse in -the same place trpek t but not burned. 1V 1. aril that Mr. K: ti loss falls very heavily r.pni him, as he loses thd fruits of his summer's Ills neighbors propose to aid him, and will eladly reeeive donations from the farmers i!n i‘h,rc. PR- Unavoidable absence from Leak on hn,t publication l ;day, caused us to omit ',comet hi' the St. Patrick Benevolent Suck- Which came; off on .the 15th lust. •the !I...relay Society arrived in this place at au ..rte Item, and a procesiton was formed which Li.trclicd through several' streets, preceded by . oatut ~ r music, and km* proceeded to CIIAA7 grove, where file day was spent in a quiet i:,•1 et - 4( rly manner. The banners carried by 'IP societies were neat and tasty, and the mem• r• an example or dee.oriim antUorder 'i,:l l it will be well for Jill associations to imi• . The proceeds amounted to abmit 1700. - . SaY• We, the undersigned citizens, ~ , ,,I. ~1 Wyse', do hereby agree is Hopub- L. ADS4O Support the, election of U. S. GRANT ' fir Pr. -Omit, and 174=1: Wiisos for Vice Pres-, ' l . It, and to do all that we can to secure their , leetve l : . II h. Myer, George Gird, O. E. Poole, 1 N. Pepper, 11..I.Coolla'angh, J. W. Poole, Wu,. Pepper, G. T. Granger. Wm. Lewis, W.Jl.i>niklin, E. E. C. Myer, Wm. Myer, ' ' r• Bishop, D. C. Slicialati, E. W. Slocum, A. L. Gnraini, D. W. Lamphere, B. E. Whitney, L B. T'rrY, Geo. Smith, John Tattle, Wm..L. Bull, W. Vanbrtint, A. H. Hines, t is ',<: ~ Kilmer,' Oney AI 1 ,!1, H. Wood, B. Alien, W. P. oath, P. Oorsline , A.. 1. 1.1 , ,yd, S. Chin,' Odin, G. A. Wood; E..then, Wm. D), ' , 8. 0. Bishop, W. •t. Pierce, L. Portilr: D. Heath, -Wm. Lenno, A. Cooley. t' • Tllr POSTAL SERVICE—P,ACEAGIFS BY fl) the new posiai law, which went into Jai). 1, many small packages which Lh.t heretofore been forwarded by crimes; ao tX sent through the Mails at a small cost. Atcurdukg to the now regulations packages of goals, hardware, dings,' (except liquid 4 ragi) and other merchindise not exceeding iNtive ounces in weight, am be maged to _any Part of the Unite States:: M. a charge Of two Ltuts f,r tacit two ounces or fraction of two " 44 ^ , - . *. Under this arrangement a twelve Package can be forwarded to San Fran r.tee for twelve, cents. For instance, a pair et l '"Jut if neither boot weighs more than the 'Poufiell twelve Titinoes, may be wrapped up In ''separate parcels; and 'sent amen the con. t , s ,, st for twenty.ftros cents ; whereas, under 1), , , (All plan transportation of goods of this do- "nouns would have cost lamest more money " 41, th. I are worth. Up'to the present time thr Poet Odle° has lost money by the nOli, _l i r I MIP I 7 owing to the fact that the general PI has not taken adraninge of Itto mieb cast nt M will make It renanneratire. But It .is. of the system are tharamddy appreciated. the: Idiom WM provost glicilladde tit On 410Valai,. scent as it is beneficial to the piddle. It lie* bet nothing more nation that an adoption ot the ErgArh wad :pest, sod: 'Masi& the; charges in England are wineeitat leo than the rates Ade:plod hew, Ist, wheat' is reason; bored that the distanatainw as uplift whei compared with than in Ude comity, it will be wen that there is 0o twee lb, . , • ChiAll2 LID WWl= AT Wrattritm ;4i compliance to cid orm totem s the altt 4 mos of Wllfadat met at Amealad Han, cat Reduced* sinning, August 21,1872, and owa ! nixed a Wuxi and Wuaos abb. The mosti, ing was largely Waded, and mach enthns6 asm prenlktd. The following Coen were kezo. porsrily elected : B. ftam rice Preskirti—D. Aokurr, D. W. 13sairar t 0. H.-Wizaza, J, L. fltsizoaa. avegatifi-G. F. Manna. Abb and convincing addresses ward deliver 4, by 001. Onarms and J. Holmium On inco tion, a committee mudding of A. Nu, C. 8. Romer, and 8. P. TATUM', • IMP appointed to confer and report on permanent organisation. Report received and accepted, and the follow. big officers elected : President-0. )L Bros. Vice Presidents—Joan 1 / 4 113431U.5. U. tf. Bcep max, Hon. L P. STALIFORD, Hon. J. F. Qua- BuLant, - Secregary—B. C. Groom • 2leasurer—A. B. Porrzs The Republicans of Wyalasing aro Riad mho, and intend doing their duty in the cow tag election.. Adjourned to meet' on %Ansi day evening, August W. G IP. Muomani t • J.. , Y. 11:Loonze, Seel'. Wyalusing, August 96. 1879. - ED. Bowan : In mating a hater tour through Overton and Albany. town iddps, I discover thit Oast= stOckis ndt very high in market in those sections. In Overton there is not s single Gamy Republican. Of course, the Democrats—they, who would have hung him six months ago—are now winded to Ciszsuces faith, or rather be to Abeirs. Among the 2rßnme subscribers in .Slbany,. I could not Sind but one Onsmir Republican ; although the Now-York fins claims that every subscriber to the THbune is a Oat= man. Bat, sir, it is not so here. At New Albany Pat Wee there are seventeen subscribers, Ando* one a Greeleyite ; at Laddsburg there are twelve subscribers, but not one for Gasurr. There was one there, however, who Was a great admirer of HOSACe, but ,since ho read the speeches of the "chivalry " atGanraris Chap: paqua Farri s ho says, with old ZIME Conn- BLOOM : "I'm well satisfied with the country, And, by thunder I going for Grant." When we look around through the country, we find now and then an influential man. sup porting the Chappaqua Philosopher, but when we enquire the cause, we find that andh, in al moat every instance, are disappointed aspirants to office ; and no wonder that they follow Ouse r iv—he has been for - years an office-seeker, and when ho could not get-one from the people, or the Government, he_ would make an office for himself as a peace commissioner, or Knee thing else. How strkingly the prophecy of NAM has been fulfilled, although prophesied • years age, at the time JET? Dana was bailed. Narn said then : "There wnz some trttlin legal formalities, and the President's counsel made a motion that he bo admitted to bail. There max a stir in the Court. `Make it a million,' said one, tee the craven North she' see bow we Jan take koer nv them we lore!' Bat Judge Underwood ax ed it at $lOO,OOO, and brisk ez bees, a Noo York Dirnocrat, several Richmond Dimocrats, and Horace Greeley stepped forward and signed it. "Never shel I forget the shout that aseendld ez Horde wnz a ingrun his name. 'Three cheers for Jefferson Greeley and Horns Davis—ono and inseparable now and forever 1' shouted one enthonsuudie Confederit. `lriimortality is yours,' said another. ' Jefferson Davis is the big dog nv the age, and yoo, my dear sir, are now the tin kittle tied to his talc. Watj ra oy ! wen poster. ity speaks nv they'll spel t. y coo !' "I cood n't restrane myself no more. Bastin into tears, I fell onto Greeley'e boozem and embraced. Es he had n't his spectacles on, he into tearsit wnz Davie hisself, and he bustid tears also, and there wnz one ur the most strikin tabloos ever exhibited. I got away afore ho deskivered his mistake.". So it is in the South to-dal, and their allies in the North arc they who uphold hini. But, sir, the "boys in blue" cannot forgot who their chieftain was wheri.Len found his App , ,,,info.r. and JEFF his "last ditch" in a petticoat, and so bare they will • " Rilly round the flag, boys, Rally once again." and at the November election they will giro such a shout of victory, a± shall make every Democrat "fall from grace," and go back to their old camping ground, leaving Rouses and a fear others to paddle Mei- own canoe up Salt River. In conclusion, u the preacher says, I would exhort my fellow voters to turn ont to the pri mary meetings; and as the candidates for county offices are to be seen just now as often as a pack-peddler, let there be a general talk among the people, and let the bOs . t men be cho sen, nut only from those who have ,been tried, but from those 'rho Labe pot,. but are Just coming before the public. Let old Bradford show in October what ahe can do in November, and convince the sore-heads that they arty pull ing on the rope -which will in the end hang them. They may induce some few to go with them, but NOT I. Albany, Pa., Angust 6, 1872. lILBTER.—Mr. Editor : Inasmuch as there have not been any communications transmitted to the papers' of Bradford county froM this place, announcing the glorious and triumphant political reformatory movement among the partisans of Ulster, I take the liber ty of presenting to yon for publication the (to me) pleasing disclosure of the,fact that we, for tunately, have here among the numbers of that vile, -corrupt and despotic Republican party, three or four pure and honest. men who dare take the field in support of the groat cause that is calculated to remove from our honored places dishonest men ; to carry peace and quietude into thebearthstones of our distracted and un happy country; to inculcate .and, develop the great principle of unasked-for forgiveness, and to extend the hand of Christian fellowiship to the murdemers of our fallen heroes who fonghtE to save and perpetuate the Union. But oh I Mr. Editor. bow astonishing ! Men hero who arc daily being inforMed of these ne-. cessities and holy intentions, and admonished for the good of their country to desert that in famous party enemy -to the progress of these noble germs,• hare, the audacity to organize right in the midst of these great benefactors a Gnsicr and Wtosox Club, whose avowed object is to7retard and, if possible,. to defeat these grand undertakings. Why, sir, their speaker, (Mr. it. 11. Pecs), even had•the boldness to at tempt to vindicate the administration of that awful min, U. S. Gnsvr, and in doing so he told his lies in snch a logical manner that (oh! how it pima my heart to say it I) it great many of them believed him—so mans that they were enabled to gather under their unrighteousban nor over eighty members. But had they been contented with this vile effort, your humble :subscriber would bo less agricied, but as if act uated by some arch-demon they even procured such vile and dishonest men as 0. 11. P. Etx -NET and A. (I. Au..mc, of Waverly, to speak at a meeting here last Saturday evening, compos ed of about 250 innocent men, anxious to hear and learn the truth, in opposition to this mane and just coalition movement. A: (1. AL- Lxx (I suppose on account of his being a law yer, and accustomed to defending such bad men as Gamer) first came forward, and told such lies as these : That GINAN-01 administra tion isa complete success, and worthy the sup port of the American people ; 'that honest old Holum; Gm= advocated the right of seces sion, and that be was wholly incompetent to discharge with safety and satisfaction the portant duties r of the,oflice of l'resident 'of the United States, to prove which he read a whole lot of lies from the unconverted Tribune of 1870 and 1871. And would yorthelievie it 7—Ohl how my heart aches for men who are so easily deludedf—they made known by their- *instant applause and diligent attention, that they ox domed it all. But, Mr. Editor, the worst has not yet come. And 'I panic—l , hesitate-1 am aimed deterred from proeeedbig further. gat I must—l will, and if in the' distant future pos terity shall writhe tinder the lash of military despoil, and OItANT . 4 hoes! 'descendants occii pp the throne at Washiligtou, as monarchs of this free land, (forgive me!) charge it all fo 0. IL P. RINNEf. lies were franght with so much charm and enchantment, I awallowedl them all, and find them so well adapted to the Miro iiiiiiiinitabrifititiktfitti, that haw bees wtir b tibliergia a, dog% one,l lling4l l l th• as to shout* .1* OMIT sad Wriall But thank clod f I ant tint alone in my inlistry;, sP4essalo o 4l. l l ol 4 7 Thit.l4 ll6 4c , 11 ty stout live. Oar *loft nun* not, can not be dhistnished. Binagth r maity and vigilance, are daily rallying to prelims Wand bison aj triumPbant victory in October and &Tambov red. Gaunt ills slaader.ra must be defest-' ed and the spotless:coord of the freedom her * &publicus potty be ratliked and endorsed .by the bro. and unfettered &Woks a &I' gratefal million at similes at the blood bought ballot-box of our country of nutmegs' freedom and equal rights. Go co, Pscx, Hex wry and Amax I your came is just, your aim is holy, and your labors sisal/ be rewarded by the thanks and praises of your _hossorod and glori ous country. A 00311 art. August ID, UM , and J. F TEMPIMANCE 002111121T101t AT Rolm--; The Temperance Oxtventian or Bradford Conn: ty met at Iliac, August 21,1872' Called to or der at 1020 a. is. W. C. T., WM. Hall in the chair. Opened with prayer by Bev. J. Sanely art. of Towanda. Joninal of last session read and approved. Tho folg entrunittela Irene appointed :', On Business, Bros.. White, Blaik and Platt. On Credentials, Bios. Chrispet, McPherson and Chaffee. On Resolutions, Bros. Stewart, Dares and Colt. On Music, Sis. Wattles, and Bros. Cke and Brown. On Good of the Order, Bros. Batts, Holbrook and Boardman. • . A/TWOON swam= Business Committee reports;JoikeredbY ports from delegates by townships, Which toot np a quarter of the afternoon. The following ,organizations were repreaeuted Myersburg Division, 8. of T., No. 133, J. B. flies, E. W. Slocum, D. M. Lamphere; PleasantlliOunt,No: 78, IL N. Branson; Towanda S. of T., O. A. Black; Tescarora Temperance Society, Wilmot Elliott; Springtili Temperance Ileibma Society, A. B. Batuner, A. Lyon ; E. Church. Wyaln ? idsig, Rev. 3. C. Barns, J. F. Chamberlain, IL B. Ackley ; Wysox Presbyterlim Chnrith, Bei. 8. F. Colt; Towanda Presbyterian Church, Bei. J. S. Stewart; Wyalnsing First Presbyterian Church, Rev. D. Cook ; Rome AL E. Church; Rev. P. Holbrook ; Wyainsing Second Presby. terian Church, Rev. D. Craft ; Route M.E. Sun day-school, P. L. Chriapel ; Rome Probytertan 8.13., Joseph Seeley; Canton Christ Church, H. B. Parsons; Rome Presbyterian Church, B. Gates; Towanda Baptist Church, James Ellf ott; Leßaysvillq 11. E. Quarterly _Conference, Joseph Marsh ; Rome Lodge, L 0. of G. T., No. 469, Jain Passmore, 0. D. Stales; Liberty Cur. ncrs G. T., 1002, J. M. Matt ; Wielasiug G. T., 472, J. C. Vaughan, S. 8.; Butts, Benj. Moody, Mrs. B. Moody ; Canton G. T., 120. B. S. Dartt ; Athens G. T., 467, A. IL Spaulding, G. L. East r ',brooks, Eliza Drake ; N. Tom,* G. T., 630, Jame&Foster. Mrs. L. White; Tarrytown, G. T., 544, G. T. Ingtuud ; Martha Washington, O. T., 171, D. Cook, Cyrns Avery; Monroeten Star, G. T., 271, A. L. Rockwell, Annie Myer, Ids. Sweet; East Springhill G. T., 659, B. W. Wood, Andrew Yetter, jr. Oammittee on Resolutions reports a series-- the following adopted : That while we demand that all licensing liquors shallbe Immo diately abrogated ; that equity requires that the vender, whether selling under color of law or in violation of law, should be made responsi ble for all damage or loss done to or by per sons using their liquors, and that the owners of property wherein such sales are allowed, ought to be made pecuniarily liable for all such datriage and costs ; and- also that drunken ness itself should be punished with severe pen alties. Resolved, That wo hereby renew the mean• tion of the last Convention of Good Templars held at .Ilonroeton, viz: It is the duty of all temperance men in the county to attend promptly and fs.ithfally the primary meetings of the party, to which they belong, and to EISO their utmost and united endeavors to elect act• ife temperance men to represent them in their county conventions for the nomination of county °Dicers. Reonleed, Tkat in view of the opportunity to he afforded in January to the citizens of Bradford county under the "Local Option Law," to decide by i majority vote for " no h em:use," (thereby to smite practical prohibition) we proceed-to organize all temperance men in the bounty, without-regard to party, for anefti tout canvass, and that a standing commiitoti of nine, including the 'chairman and secretary as ex-otticio, with full power to secure this' object, be now appointed by the President of this Convention, and that this standing /com mittee shall immediately appoint=threo persons in each elec ion district as -a , local executive committee, to take measures to inform and terest'voters on this great tune, and to appoint assistants 'each sub--sichool district, and that the n-suit of this canvass he reported through the standing mminittete to this Convention next November meeting. Stamhng Committee : T. 8. Manley, East Canton ; C. E. Whtte,`North Towanda ; 0. A. Black, Towanda ; 8. N. Br, non, 'Orwell ; Jo ',mph Marsh, Lelta3ioille; A. H. Spaulding, Athena ; Alex. Keefe, Rome. Standing•Commtttco appoints the following Local Executive Committee: Athens Bow., John Homer, J. B. Reeve, J. H. Ely ; 'Athena Tarp., iII. W. Thomas, S. W. Park, G. W. Plummer ; Asylum, B. Laporte, M. Decker, Isaac Ennis ; Barclay, C. Hutchinson, W. Johnson, W. H. Drown ; Burlington, D. Brown, A. Boss, S. Hill; Brirlington West, S. C. Stiles, T. Blackwell, Jesse McKean; Canton, D. B. Darn% Geo. Golf, T. L. Manley ; bia,J. IL Calkins, P. Peckham, W. E. Gernet Franklin, J. C. Ridgway,- Elijah Blake, 'Daniel - Smiley; Herrick, Jno. Crawford, J. Woodburn, J. A. Donahue'; Leßoy, Leßoy , Holcomb, Reit-1 ben 'Stone, 'Carpenter floughtand ; David Strubel, Wm. Boat wick, J. IL -incifinn"Yl ledtaysville, H. W.. Browning, G. W. Brink, J. S. Coddmg; Monroe 'Niro., Lloyd Rockwell, D., B. Bullet, Lyman pollen ; Munroe Tsp., John Platt, B. Benedict, N. M. Pratt; Orwell, S. 0. Brown, James Robinson, S. M. Chalice; Pike, Philander Wood, Henry Rosa, Judson Barnes ; Ilidgbury, J. C. Johnson, Jas. Squires, Theo. Larrison; name Dorm, 0. Youtz, John Passmore, L. P. chrispo ; Boric Tvbp., Levi Towner, L. D. Prince,- Wm. B. Parks; Smithfield, J. H. Nason, T. A. Seward, D. J. Allen; Springfield, Wm. W. Spaulding, Judge Ilarkness„Vai. Tracy ; South Creek, J. FA:fil let, D. F. Ilildreth, JaMes Dunham ; Sheshe quin, Darwin Gillett, L. Wright Lloyd Fish; Standing Stone, Myron I , iittiy, Bei j. Vermeils ; David Bought; Towanda Bozo., L. IL Frost. 8. BoYlo,: C. Manville.; Towanda Twp., Frank Bowman, J. M. Platt, James BilfoidiTowan da North, Win. Smith, James Foster, Isaac Fos ter; Terry, J. B. Horton, D. D. Dodge, E. Thompson ; Tuscarora, A. B. Sumner, Dr. Cogs well, Wilmot Coburn ; Miter. A. B. Smith, Geo. Rockwell, Henry Scott ;Witrreu, li. Tkardaley, .Sydney Pitcher. W. P. Corbin; Windham, E. M. High, IL linykendall, Geo. Moserip; Wyaln sing, F. H. Stalfotd, Cyrus Avery,. .F. Cham berlain; Wells, L Knapp, I. A. 114, H. G. Grin noll- Wilmot, C. A. Stow - bit, J. S. G. T. Ingham; Wyse; J. B. Hine, 8. F. Colt, E. W. Slorlintu. In the ei ening a large autheuce cont:cued at the Baptist Church, when a resolution taroiing a third political party action was brought up, discussed, and_ after final cousideratiou was Laid on the table. Second day's proceedings were tintisnally in teresting, and the different questions discussed called forth much applause. The following resolution. wore adopted : gesoired, That the,temperance men of the State arc entitled to a 'constitutional amend= meat, prohibiting the licensbag of the sale of liquor, the same to be submitted to the pecple separately and on it. own write. Besoired, That all questions relating to po lifted parties and religions denominations, and having direct reference to candidates for office, as such, ought to be prohibited in the discus sion of his oonvention, and the presiding offi cer is hereby directed to ride out snob discus sion, without vote of the convention. Resoleed, That the meeting of the next con vention be public, and that all temperance or ganizations, churches and Sabbath-schools be requested to send two delegates as members to • that convention. and the secretary is directed to give notice of the same at least three weeks previous to the meeting. Forcible remarks were then , made by Bros. Elliott; Browning, Peck, Avery, Barnes and Cook, on questions 'relating to the temperance movement. The following resolution wan then presented and adopted: • Ber•oired, That the thanks of this Conven tion are hereby tendered to the trustees of the Baptist Church of Rome for the use of Their he use. and to the familiceof the piece/or their hospitality during our present session. After singing and prayer, Content/cm ad journed-to meet at Athens on the 21st and 22d of Novemberneit. • - B. C. OLUAILD, Dist. /key, Wyaki uig, A.o.gast 26,1872 Oarvenerable townsa2an.Dea. attended the temperance convention inthinie last week, and made a very interesting address. Xim. Capt. B. M Pees and others siker the Republicans of Slietherpda at the Valley HOW, on Wednesday, September 4. I=l3 NOMS:LOIMAL sire. P. Clam kosjill dam stir slob woikof every desatipike p neatly sad aspalidavalty assaatail a% lihkaillega Ili• The A 12101101131 ddas the best . se. Flour sad Feed et retell, at Towanda Steam Moor 11311 s, dadverod free. The Gird - ner Chair . seat is the best. Iloystone Clothing Nato - street, next to First National ft- Fine baits made to o L. L. Mown' & 004 gig.E6thts & Hums= call atten tion to their adreellaraneat of now Fail Goods. sir The best lot of Marble 'Tables to town. . FROM doxs. is. AU the novelties of the' just resolved at Luxa & lirtanerra's. Hotru ro Bus r,:—Enquire Wr.auz' Coal Office. Mirlarenadines,Alpacaa,Organdies !andßlack Bilka,-st the 800 Thvo, 2 •rs oast t ot Morenr's Bank. - 11116 Mrs. E. J. limos is now re:. cving her new Fall styles In Bata, pul Fancy Gonda, inerary meaty.- air BOOMS over MOODY pion; for rent. Easvdre of W. ¢ C sir Fruit Jars, Tumble/1h I;.wls -9 oft, for Jelly. it Wzcwx do Bung% Skye. . .86-4`.. good second-hand rhino, line eaae, seven octavea;for sale at a barigtn. Enquire at this office. Ground Easter $B.OO per ton, ♦t Towanda Steam flour Mills. .. Nitrous Oxide Gas f big teeth, st Irstzt & Sarum.- MS- Owes is stipplyi4 ezo with trrorythtng is tho lino litationery. INS. A large anorthic eta Jast rmeired at The American rhino is the best. stir Large stock of Red Wheat Flour, at 111cCatia 11111. Two girls wanted and dining-room work. Good wages pal link° st Institute, Towanda. . Mir A:11 persons indebted t ar,c notified that they inapt make pap"! fore September 13. S.M.- Om 1. 1 i Furniture just reduced cettt, it Fasas-r,/c July 15, 1872. Mil" Mire Spring ,and Sn. °nods at K. Goukssurn's Keystone CI [MI6 For fin© clothing,. in Occorarrnis irumonse stock, Ilain•strec 4olryst National Bank. • se.. " Maltese," " Climax," and "Dollar Itenrard". Saw. Try Them. Far sale st M. J. Lo. a's , I se'. If yon don't know what yon want in the Book and Stationery line, canon C. F. Canna. , - iffir Furniture selling at whol pike; at nosr July 15, 1872. , IifirMCCALE & EITWAUDS have put te%Tt:ba; Flrktna, and i Tabs ; a tine lot of A r i on Nall, sold at lowest figures. 1 I.wiAltDtsti.—People attendiug (hurt will finl good board and accommodation s, at No, 32 Second atroot. F. E. P. , . I Fir The best assortment of Gents' Famishing Geode at N. Clowatirnes Kcyatone Chithing Palace. O' For first class ins t nec a; Alnst loss or damage, or fire or lightning, call at %Victim* t BLACK'S Agency. eer...Baby wagons-aro a necessity of tbe season, and Wwin.tx & 1:11.mm tali just opnned a now stock. Prices from OA) upward. 16. A large and desirable assort inept of Trimmed Hata and Booneta, at very 1. prices, at the sign of the Big Emmet. pa. We have seen GAanxsa's ent chair scat, and know it to be the Fut= A. ttess hue them. *ITU yon want n Itefrigerotor, dr4 in at Wiciin.tat Bract's and es.l,tioe the! "Palace," aCknoirledged to bo gm Ivory best. lift. F. 3. . Ctiatas has just receiv ed a largo - assortment of School and ilank All who are in want will do tcvil I call on him. Mme. J. L uu has restOed hor elasau in French and Drawing. Tuition, 14 per term. Anglist 24, 1272. -fair The best place in town to stiy !find !unity flour us at MCCAW; it EDWALD6I% Thoy deal in the finest brands, ;circa package sold. Tim Emma M.Acztrits.-ft. M. W z t is prepared to supply Horse rowers and Th ;lug ,Machinin of any description, or [row :leading and Exit marnafacturers. /00- 1 11cCAD - r. & EDwAI have i re- I Fell;t)d a large Invoice of tea lu:ldt:el:feu aince the ieutoral of the duty, and over their easterners MM. • - - - Now is the time to buy. ;thelp, as it always advanoes during the Sunm knoi Beason. McCam& EDIVAIIVIS have a Large • ' stoat. • Persons desiring to prepare thettiselres for teachers, Till tiro that the tilas ipt4utoa Collegiate Institute offers greater 'advantages for a thiprongh training for that prof 4 i ession than any other school In this 'sea. um• You can find a full linei of taxi new style of halal Paper at Caututte Dock tittore. It is very nice. Also a fine amen:tent of School Car& TAOTHE VOTERS OF TOWANDA BOR4— Thol Register ii open every day at M, C. Sha mes °Mee, from 9 o'clock e, x. to -3 o'clock r. K., and on Monday from 7 to 10 P. x. ,F.. F. axtsar, aiamorX. Illcrriez.—A Grovo Meeting will be held on .tho old amp-grimml beloogini to cuAtims Baxxr.s, Limo B 11, commcn..g soptrmber 20. Adgnal 2A, 1872. ' The annual meeting of e Uradforti County Medical Society will be field tlie Ward House In Towanda, on Wednea day,Ytbe 4th day of September nest, ati 11 o'ol°o A. s. E. P. Amax, Seoy. - Fon Kum.— liandsome and Alea built house, one door west of Forest's Hotel, In übottr. Lot 81 feet front, depth 7G5 feet, clOl - deliciona fruit ; goed well and e nt handing". " It is most 41rsiribly to rated : terms tsay and a taro opportnnity offerud. Apply to Ckpiturr. Lock-Haven. August 20-4 w. ~. - . iir Boy 'title ''• l forif • tho s e and Opiiii si, Na lad, vials sea Bhp'i...iiikcels t.,.. , amp stffres, TirOasaii;-r",:-• •i , : . , • • IttooverAT a 18.113* - IThivismi WbffsiWoven Tucked WA, and all binds of Hoop Obis and Borlii6 lung bad Istr does g an. A. Therm O's. MI6 & Stoma, manuflio lasers Cl those calebra!ed • spectacles. have ; changed UWE' agency front J. Jfixmixonno to Wx. A. Onamanntann. our W. A. Cmuunamz not only has *it best ursogisi Jalretri Moro to Noti ons remaqtraats, tia also 'keeps the lamest assortment of goods. • BEmovAz. I —4ltratipui. Bum will realm their St** Mote from Brazkix's Ittnessuit's .Bloek. _opposite of Xmas House. Toimoda Ps. - er at Mir Many braise aro troubled about getting a good quality of Boer. The best Ray to_obviate ali difficulty in this respect, is always to buy the imperior - brands sold by . McCann& &MAXIM. Fos Sax Caam—A large Build-. tag LOt on Poplar Street,' Towanda. World make two good iota. Now barn on back end. Will be said at a bargain. Enquire at the Itr; roma Mice. R. X J. O. Fawn & Sous have just made a great rodantion In the price of Furni ture of all kinds. Como and see. May 13 1873 • -. Houses and Lots for sale, on easy monthly payments, or to Bent. • , Thusgm.i., . = Poplair street, Towanda, Co.'s 1116 BIDOILIVA & Eizaarr, at the Bed, White, & Bine tore, are the first to ere notice that - they • co reduced ..the price on their Tea, Coffee an • Tobacco, in accordance with the new duty L. Fos SALE oil R&NT.--.-; The house now occupied by W.. R. For .rte, on Main St., oppoatto Ins U. Rime euiav's. Possession given first of October. Also the house on Plank Road 'known u Hughes' Louse. Enquire of Fox & Itlnactrn. ;tract- oft. D. W. Huouts,l of this place, las prepared an excellent furniture varnish,. and Is now. offering it to the tikeple or the county. Nears. non' & gou rocommend it u the best article of the kind known. Every house-keeper should have a bottle. Mir In order to mike preparations for oar, Fall 'dock, wo will sell our Spring and Summer goods at low figures. It will therefor° boo your interest to examine our stock. as we a the cheapest at the Keystone Clothing Pal• g d. Dr IL , Do ?on want a sewing ma chine, and do you know that the hinger never disappoints? After AcTen years' sperience we can trial say that the Singer does give satisfac- tion. Wlcsustit & BLACK, Agents. me , at I*- gi ler' The edition of the Road and Poor Laws of this county. compiled by Capt. W. U. CAILIOCILAX, is Limited, and ,township officers who desire to procure c9pies, should apply soon. The work is tor said at this race. I mer thing Wit' Germ Sz !deli \HOS have re moved their Merchant Tailoring establishment to the store of N. Got.nitatrrn, one door south of the National fl ok where they xlll bb pleas ed to sea their friends. They hare engaged a silotbes 'scourer and 'are prepared to do any thing in that line. _ , t r. Doss air J. 0. Fnoxr,...t SONB wish to put a Woven Wiry Matti-tw in uvery bonne iii Towanda, 141 a month's trial, and If it does not omit them e they will call and take it away: Now is your time to got perfect sleep. Ito sure you try, and then you will bay. , ii iIa...EXCELSIOII W.►TER DRAWER, or Atproced Om:" .0.,1 I;nel:rt. & good de mend in springing, np tor this convcnien , affair. It Is a good thing. Giro the Excelaior Water teal' er a trial and you wilt like It IL M. Wets.xs sells it. . SS. Qum; is now sellizig, off his stock, preparatory to filling np for fall trade. It yon wain is - all paper, now is your thee to .bny it obeaply. And if you want a good book you slionld sel.iit it now, while the . stock is be ing cliaposed oL FOR BALE.—A large building lot, on Poplar street. ',tam 88x131 feet. Would make two good lota. New Lazo on luck end. Will be sold cheap, as the ()Wiwi' Wishes to leave town. Terms easy. taciturn at this ot. flee. AT'Ltirr IT HAS BEEN Fouwv.—The chair scat that will never wear out. J. 0. non Suxv are now prepared to put seats in all kulds f ,et chairs with Gardner's patent chair seat, which is the best and most durable heat in the world. Call and see it. . Chir enterprising furniture dealers J. o.Fuchcr Sots have secured the agency for the celebrated Wakefield Earth Cloeet, and have asi a•sortnient on hand. The Earth Closet has been teattjd for several years, and gives universal satisfaction wherever used. FUT the sick room it is almost a necessity. WArrED--=An active man to sell the Singer Sewing Martine in Athena and vi cinity. None need apply who are not wiling to give kinds for security: Auguht 12-w A Caux—l take this method of re turtling my sincere thanks to the citizens of 'Bradford county for the - liberal patronage .they bare best.rivoil upon the this past 'season ; and a continuance of the same being an no oubted fact, as our goods bavo given, and always-will give, satisfaction. Wo are having manufactur ed in Philadelphia the largest and most com plete stock of Fall and Winter goods ever icon in Bradford county. Messrs. Goes a 310,11aitex, the popular and stylish merchant tailors, ire located in our establishment, and arc prepared to take your cutlers for stylish clothes. Our stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods next Fall will surpass any outside of the large cities, as it is my intention to hive a stock of the period. , SCINIIEILA-NNA COLLEGIATE LCSTITTI7. The Fall term of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute will commence Monday, August 21t, 1872. Thorough and systematic instrnctlon will be given In English, Normal, Commercial, Mathematical, Scientific and Classical's indica by the Principals and the following exprifiltred Strudirril Prof. 4A. Er.r.stx, Director of :intuit De partment, who will organize the teachera' class August 2fl. Miss Matrrtta Doet - cr FLINT, • La, dies' Department, Modern Languages and My; ideal Beien•'•ett. Min /titer E. Mamma., Pre arras, Higher English, Preparatory Depart ment. Mademoiselle J. Letjuts, French. The Towanda lirudeal Arnuleiny in the Inati trtki, Ennio. 8. SElEnwoon, principal, affortla excellent faeilitiui for a tliortuagli ramoral edu cation. Reading, Writing, Spe.lling, Object Lessons, and Intkeductori Greography. and Arithmetic, 111.00. Eictueutary Geography and Robb:Sion% biteilectatal anil Itediments of Arithmetic cow- Menced, .itobilastufs Itesttmcnts Ad!. anti Practical Arithmetic; commenced, Elcniontiry Giammar sad latansediate Geography, ss.sn to $7.00. Robinson's Higher Arithmetic, and Advanced Grammar and Geography, $B.OO. Premmling studies if desired with higher beach es, $l.OO to MOO additional. Modern languages each,. t 4.00. Board and room in the Institute, per wcck. $l.OO. Further particulars or c furnished by Princfrabi. G. W. lirAN, E. E. QUINI4N.' *.The arrangemeni will not coullict with other duties of Superiatesilent. Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa. WICKII.OI ELAWL, General Agents, Towanda. N. Goupsurrn, Keystone Clothing ILIPEXsiZ PER TEJOZ. at smodkito o ll.o.o ,19 1 4 040 0,-/ 1 1 1 ' Waif 1 1f `lO Pint Natioesol4.47t . Fon SuairmliperkOknirr AeonPied by the Putilleiregoitiliseaeiisilecoadind flee eits,cdric4igi Atm bakbaca kook age 'of 225 lees aoleeoed street, and 77 tad oe Noe.—The pmerty win be Edd inane in lots to suit pitrebeniss • - S. W. 'ALTURA • , P. A ionsom. , : S. W. Itonanis; _ Pon - &m um This Wins is Made tram the pure umeilaginoinikdoc of hilly die elderberries, and has been kept caned, undisturbed, for tame years in an equable tomperataro. The aromatic, vinous and tonie propertiee of this 'wine commend ita use to persona of feeble habit, or having irregu lar or debilitated viscera. It is recommended by phisicams. On sale at tho Drugstore of ..Triscus & Gosnox, No. 8 'Patton's Mork, To *lda, Pa 'Jr The Bodford Comity Teach ers' Association will meet at Orwell Hill, Sept.'' ' The italknving appointments have been made : Lecturer, lion. One. Lartunt. Declaim ers, Join Eurrivntrrit and L. E. Crtunnucs. Essayists, Miss M. A. Pam 'and Kiss Onteir. Dunce:. Business Onamittee, 0. J. enve nom, 3. P. Cosznis,' IL Qualms, Jr., Miss A. O. Prinixron and Miss FLORA HOTCUIICSON, The following topics are reported for discus sion : "Is mire seenbir education a _safeguard to free institutions-and crew government r "Should the chieteffart in teaching be to disci pline the judgment or to furnish the memory r "Can Cinusanar be raceessiully taught without drill in both oral and written composition ? "Have School *ads authority to control Oro method or manner in which the teachers shall give Instmetkin, "in the several branebes . taught?" All friends of education are invited to take part in the disciissicnt. L M. RIDGWAY, ID'''. 11.,:me, August 1,1872 COUNTY TX.ICIDNIS' L' srrrvTls.—lt lipa been deemed expedient 'to. hold but two sessions, of a week each, of the County Ttaelt cre Institute the present school year: one ses sion to he held at Troy, begit fling Iltinday,7 l bcpteniber 16, st 2 o'clock r. x., tho other !olio held at Towanda, beginning Monday, Septum . hcr 21. at 2 Ogock r. a. Prof. r•. A. ALLEN, Ur Manafiel!.l„ will Lc pros-. cut at all Hui iscasions, and asalatcd by the leading t.4.ehers in tbo comity, Several able speakers have also promised to addreiises before the Institute, mid such arrangements are iu progress as will, it is be!! Loved, make lhe sessions this year winptire fa: curably with those of any former year. It is hoped that teachers will use every effort . to comply with the law which makes attend auce at the Institute a part of their : official du ty... All friends of education arc cordially cd . to be present. A. A. Co. Sept.. August 19, 572. HOW TO 0 WEST. —4/liki is an en quiry which c , -cry ono should hare truthfully answered before ht starts on his journey, and hide care taken in examination of routes will in many case ! , s pry much trouble, time and money. The "C. 13.. t. Q. R. IL," running from Chi cago, through Galesburg to Burlington, and the "I. BO; W. Boute," running; from Indian apolis, through Bloomington 'to Brirlington, hare achieved a splendid reputation in tho last two years as the leading. Passenger Routes to the West. At Burlington they connect with' the B. k M. It. IL, aturform the great Burling ton Boute, t which runadireet through SotAhern lowa to Nebiaska and Kansas, with close mu neetions to California and the Territories; and passengers starting Item Bradford comity, uu their way westward, cannot do better than : to take the Brumvorox Borre. This Chic his published a pamphlet called "Flow to Go Weil," which xontains pinch va:n ablo information; a large correct map Of the Gieat Weal,. which can be obtained free of charge kr addre.sity.: the General Passenger Agent M. IL IL. 1...:rhngt444 lowa. 111ARRIE1) IVAIiELY--310S room ni.-At the h else of B. w A k f ,ie, Eet i ., in TnAearora. It, Anguat 1872, by'lter. P. 1«. Tower. Mr. George 1. Wakely and Miss Eva E. Ilit.ritgotner:e, both of Tthwasona. Bradford rnnnty. Pa. PORTEE—KILMEII. -At the Justice's ettice iu Leßoy,' tugustl9, Int. by 11. W. Parkhurst, R., Mr. C. N. Porter, Ilr LTAtitutt, to 31:Na ecca Kilmer, or Ti - uy, Pa. • • FISK —DEWOLF.—AI et. M. F. rat rumige, iu blehoopany; Anguat 14, by Rev. Wm. t:Lielp,, Hr. Jonathan Fisk. et tVnidliar.4-. tic- Pah . D O WOICor Wantot, rradford I.a. SPECIAL NOTICES. • I®"Thomas ilaihlockS, .I'rotlut.•-o Commission Merchant, 220 Permsslrania Are nue, Scranton, Pa. Butter, Eggs, Lard, Cheese, Pouts, Potatoes, Ice. Consignment 4 solia cited, and returns prompti) - made ou only of Goods. References cheerfully given. .Curres• ponde.nce solieited. . Ns- The Fall term of . Wyalasing Academy !rill open on Monday, Sep'etnber 2, 187', and will continue twelve weeks. Tuition payable at the nuddlu of th 3 term. Bpectal at tention given to pupils desiring to teach. Good board ''tu be obtawed near (lb , Academy on reasonable terms. Stnilv/In/ wiAlaing to lessen their tapensea can do so by.renting rooms and boarding themselves. Th"rPughness will char ade:lz:: the Instruction; thetuotto being. "Not how much but bow well." For (father tntor matiou address A. Fm., Board of Tritate t s, Wyalnaing, Pa. G. W. Itnowx, Principal. CAXWER'S celebrated Balcony and Sewing Chairs, are gaining a wide reputa tion. Jolts E. Fox, Agent.. $ Tickets - for all points West via. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RI il way for sale at Freight Depot of Pa. k N.. Y. B. IL 'Co. Aug. 14-3 m. Now Advertisements. • WEEKLY ARRIVAL OF . • ANTHRACIth COAL. On the Railroad. at Canal Street. which will be *old by the car lead ocleas quantity. and delivered on reasonable terms. • Please call at the Coal Tar& JAMS' WILDER, Salesman. Aug. W. um. : L. 8. CAB 2. Proprietor. . (lAUTION.—AII persons are here by dintioned against purchasing a note , erect by the undersigned to Willson k Mai*ell for lave dollars, dated June A, le2. as I will not pay the same nnlvan eambOal by law - Towanda, Attguat G,',74.1-w3 pLali FOR - B.kisE..—Sitaato in -1. Math= township, about 3.1' m il es (Mu 10- ln:4k on Allis 11111, coutalaing *gout 95 acres,more or keg, tier acres wider improvement, good WU& In" well watered and fenced . Pleat, of all kinds ,of Fruit: Tema one Wird of se !timely will be reread at thus of sale, ba to suit purche. wow. at further particulars apply at the dace of OVERTON kEL SEE, email& Pa. August 5, urri. MAKE NOTICE.--All persons in; debted to the late Ann of J. MERIDETII k CO., will please can at T. Muir h Co." 8 store and settle Immediately, of coals will be made. The se conuta ore in the hands of T. Iferideth for settle ment. J. 11EltIDETil. k CO. Towanda, July 11, 1872.—tu3. WANTED. --One Male and three Female To Akers In a o:sited School Id the Borough or Berwick. Liberal ra!arles will be paid for rod, lire competent reacher,. For informs. Lion address A. V. 1110111:LENA. tie. rotarr. Berwick &boot Ptstrlet, Berwick. Co!n•nl•ia enanty. r, August 20.1812. THE SUBSCRIBER, on account Of 111 health and convequent iwabilitr to Iola; es attend to CM business, offers fix sate the flute known as the •• LefayanUc Boum." altnato In The 'Borough of Leffaysvilic, in Bradford county; Pa. 'There are few locations In the country where bet ter facUltias far business are offered than tba above named veritAnown stand. Tellaysvnie having easy communkation with the Lehigh Valley and Si. V. k. Eric Bade, at Latessille and Owego. The House has recently nude:gone repstre and la doing an enteelleat business. Attached to the premises are all the necessary outbuilding.. Ma acre. of land containing many elicioo fruit veva, and three build ing lota on Minn eeL A new street halt recently been laid out which will tint% •ti,.itt mows valuable building iota in the market. - there. are also two eery floe spring' of soft • water on the prandial. Posresidon given immediately. • C. BIILLIIIAff. Leßaywritie. Aug. fl, una—lirt MINTO 11D3RID, or TOWANDA WHEW, t 7 a i produce from If to 10 Duatirla more to the acre thau the Moak ranean. stands the winter (nil as well and ripen. full al soon and is a bald wh p eat. eck. Thee Dollars per bushel or one dol lar per _ . inly 19. Intl. . . - - :• BIIREKEIS far five dollen; . at Ma Is Wit I~~l►'~lM~#. PART 1111,Dligrit AU sot,. 011121ING .411:10.5 FIRST INVOICE OF FALL I=ll !D. It Y:t.. 0 0 0 D 8 AND MIS TRIPARTZ TO 01:M DECIDED BAIigAINS BLACK ALPACAS; - - I AND A LAMM ttlz OF 'DRESS GOODS TABLE. LINENS, ZVANS Towand+ Aug. UM. LADIES k'ItIEND • Thi sales of Sewing Machines in ism as reported under with in 1872. to the qvnera tiowitr; Machine Patents, show that thr SI`NC-~-ER ItANUFACTUSING COMPANY _ SOLD LAST TEAR 151.260 MACLIINES. Ninety pet cent of them being FOR FAMILY uaE More Sewing Machines [than were Odd_ by an other cimpiiiy daring the soma period. IrVICKHAM d. BL ACK, Au. U. WTI NEW GOOlll3 GREAT VARIETY, J. V. JONES SIGN OF THE MG BONNET ON HAIN STRE7. OONSISTIN4 IN4AIIT OF IMPORTVD AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODSi MANSKE-NOTIONS. LACES, FAIBROIDRIgS, I PANCYISH AWS, MLL~.IN , HOODS. NOVELTIEh OF THE - SEASON: Tinrandii. May I. 3b72 VAITION.-411 persona are hereby lacattloaeol wise 4 purcliasivg • note strenloy sabsired Won Maximin, far $4B, &Me mum tras been pal& SOREST EMS= ROOM Pa, AnEulllll3. 1572.-wt -IN BLACK BILKS, I 011 uvs, SHAWLS, FLANNELS. ,TOWELS, D 01143 I(8, &t: t, 'Britige StreeL This is over-GOAOO Every Alsu:tine soft. by UAL ticar.sra. TOWANDA), P•., WARII,ANTED AT THE I= PARASOLS, - GLOVES, . - 110SIERY, taIDIIACINO ALL TUX 4. A. PETTES,.4IIO. VlCKtkifilitait.LiOggligA god. ?mm ghassegg, goaddadt sego to the 12th Judicial District, eonsi i. dtu t. 6 3 : ritsgi tt. amain of Bradford and. Sump ltta Stns. Zimmer hum= and EL Ek Judges, _ and for laid Minnty 0 luivo iss ued-heir t precept '74late 71715 t day of - Most, 1872, tott a M meted lbw holding a Court ad Oyer andTermin er, General Quarter Sessksis of the ream. Cohunon Pleas, and Orphanir Court -at Towed &Air ilio county of Bradford, on Illotiday,flap.- 2, 1872 to continue three woeks. •-- Not= Is WWI= hereby given to the Corer s:les, and Justices of the Peace, of the county of _Bradford, that,th_ey be they =I there in their PrOt l er person at 10 o'clock 1/1 the feint. noon of said 4mi - with other remembrances, io do those to their °taco appertains to be tOtte: d pion who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are oe may be in the jail of said &nutty, or who - shall be bound to appear at the said court are to be then and there to Moscato ' agablet them as shall be just. Jurors are requested -to- be pandas' in their attendanceiagrombly to their notice. Dated it Towanda. the 2d day_ of _ust,. In the year of our Lord, one thousand eight bnWred and sorenV-two, and of the Ludo- pondenee of the ...Flitted States; the ninety 'fourth. J. P. VAS BLEST. Sheriff. "VEST OF JURORS, SEPTEMBER coca, at Towanda, tm, 011/11D roan= As hini, Jeremiah Storrs, W P Cole; Athens tn., GoFsham Bunnell; Canton bore', Lindeti; Le. Whipple, Wm Kelly; Overt-enact= Usti'. will ; °MeV. 0 W Deers: Bid bard: W 0 Gonzales; L Gleason. Albert ne, John Gordon, J Pnrman. J rCr. o ; Om*vell;Siandlog Creek, John Dore; Tuscarora, Philip Delmar; Towanda bore. F E JarilkF 8 Ford; Terry, Chat Thompson, William Terry; Troy twp.. Aden Calkins; Minket; Smith Tuttle; Welkis, Leslie Deviance, Asa Wain; Warren, George Rogers. 7 • 711112.16 SVILOZI-71611T WEEPL. Alba bOTo';Ctleiter. Williams; Athens .tap Wm Westbrook; Athens bore. C X Stanley; Albany, E W Burdick; 411arlington boro'. Thomas Smith; Dar lington terp., P Gostitt; Burlington West. Zoseth. Hilton, Anthony Beath; Canton tory., Houton MOM. Granfille. Loren Leonard; Herrick, James Kitten; Leßoy.. Geo Stotenberger. A X Phinney ; Monroe H C Rockwell; Bidgebary.G W Mead, Wm Stevens. Enoch Middaugh; Rome hero', 0 P Vonght; Rohm twp., Thomas Vaught; South Creek, Wm Balmer; Smithfield.C Wm Cramer, Erlyssea /Moody, I Bird, Jr„ Isr ael Phillips; Shrehequin, Homo Horton, =ten Phillips; Standing Stone, E L Gregg. If V Dash; Springfield, A •11 Fanning; Towanda hero', F Watts, D McMahon; W Dittrifh; Terry, Philip Hoffman; Troy twp.,John McKean; Triscarors, 0 D Culver; Ulster, Phiander Holcomb; Windham, lametlesile; Wilmot, W T Grant; War ren, Vir M Chaffee. 7ILLTLIVI MIOISS-4[IICOND iCBLE Albany, Win llahr; Athens top., A Weller; Bur lington West, 0 C Rockwell, F Whitehead; Barclay, W E Drown; Canton twp-. Peter Darrow; Franklin, S 011bert, 8 lffeßeo: Orwell. I Lyon; Pike. W Bosworth; Rome twp., D C Wattles, John ran RldireberY. Hft Owens, C P Hall: Smithfield. I °Bullock, 'W A Ortnaby.ll Barn; Sheakeguln. L puller: Springfield. E Burt; Sesath Creek, Antho.. 13 7, Thompson; Terry. -E Herter/a, H Ham:- To manila bore'. E C Shaw. II NV Welles, E E Doffing. ton, N P Brown. B W Lane;-Towanda North. W Sluyter; .Towanda twp„ Wm Ifekileken: Troy twp„ Buggies: Wdßea. /1 Orenell; WOW:sing. W 'Vaughn; Wanes. Oco Mks; Wilmot, D B Stowell, JP Shorts; Wlnnhate,, H QuilW; Wysos.ll Shores, ti Shores. , J. P. VAR FLEET, Sheriff. Ed isiTairs NOTICE. -L-Not ice R is hereby Went/nit there his been Mod awl settled - I - fettle otllee of the Register or wali, to and for the County of Baltltord, accounts of admlnistra: tion upon the following estates: • • Final acct of Lyndon Fletcher, executor of Show on Taylor, doc'd. Final meet of V. S. Landon and Sarah J. fiart.rant, exocutors of henry U. Oarbrant, deed. Final acct of Louisa Gee. adm'r of ilYivanola Gee dcc'd. . , Final acct of Asa and Jonatti4n Stevens, adrues' of ByrepniSteveruu. decd. Ilnd'aderof Sun D. Dinnuick, guardian of Clgronco 15. Smith. Flimlan'et. of Jane Everson, executrix of Charles Everson, deed. . . Final acct of C. 0. llailtington, cuxutor of 21..4Lei Iluntirigton, decd. - nod acct of LydlA E. Fanning and I. A... Pierce. admr), of J. M. Preston. Final acet of Stcpbeu F. Will r, guardian of )Yank Baker. • - Final acet or Salisbury Cols, ea ;r of V. Fisher; deed. • Final acc'trof John F. Chamberlain and Wm .-iren rdrage, exes of 8. A. Coleman. deed • Final gret of George F...1.10rt0n, guardian of the mlnor,childeen of Wm. Santee. deu'‘L • • • Filial /met of Levi Wells, adm'r of (II:rills:1 Tutu, ec' d. ALSO—The appraiseteent of proptrts wet WYLY. Executors or Administrators to widows or children of the following decedents : • lEstat. of' Alva His. 4. Ambrose Ilurrty. • . Abram Darner. tCm.Sinclair. _ ' David Cro.Vley. .• 1:1111bert 11.111.cr. - •4; .• Henry Westbrook. . •• 'Abram Bastin. And the same will be presented - t tile Orphan's Court of Bradford County. on Tittir.lay the 13th day of Sept., 11972, at 2 o'clocle, p. m.. for-confirma tion and 'Allowance, Aug. 7j 1972 TRIAL LIST-SEPT. TER4, 1872 Lvui.A G. Leclg, tte , vs, Hiram . Luther; ct al..eject - do. David Brown eject' A. 11., Smith vs.W. IL Storrs, ct.al trespass. Stephen This vs Benjamin k carunson.......appeal Michael McNulty vs Towanda 8ur0'.... ...... —case JacobVenue - va Israel Smith. eject N. D. Fox vs Hiram Sweet eject . . John Jones's ailmr's ys U. A. Kiff . - .... .....,.appe'd 0. D.:Bartlett va Antone_ Leder...—. ‘: ........ appeal; Philo Hinges vs J. S. Andrews ',..s for ittt Hoary Varellyant vs Charles 0. Piclrce' fur aft Selah Wickham vs Wm. Gregg - . appeal B. W. Payee je Sonays C. D. Cash. et a1........debt H. A.-Burbank vs John 0. -Ward. trespass Nathan Baker. vs Noah W. Dricm, et at act fa Emily Ehsbree vs James Ellsworth ' debt 0. M. Shader, et al NIS Henry Waril k • trespass Affeulayne vs Solomon Stevens ' " issue Wilson'C. Etisativa Ralph Gregory. et al . ..... ad . fa Weils,Harris k Patrick vs Ithaca k Athon DR C . o for at "do. - Chauncey L. GrabL.tiesppas J. R. Cowell vs Betsey Nichols trespass 461. M. Decker's „IldlIIVB 111 M. A. Boekwell debt Jonathan 'Whipple vs D.. Cash's admr''s ....set ren'd Wm. P. 'Chamberlin VI °trial Ames • ' MSC Catharine Wheeler's use vs Moon Ar Stafford...eject C. D. Northrup vs G. P.Cash c:IS3 E. A. Packer vs John Gard ejecr A. C. Moors vs Brutus FAIL et al ' ..sc(fa Dewey Buell vs W. 8. Dobbins... ' ....trespass F. R. Person vs F. retailer: et al for att Henry?.. Brigint v Joilithan Nichols ......tresPass 8. N. Aspinwall vs L. H. Tears—, trespass J. M. need TS W. E. Bull sci fa. C. F. Wells vs Jesse Spalding.... issue h to - fer att Jahn F. Russell Willard E. Stoll appal neltry Killer vs N. Braith'itdrar's..... ......appeal Andrew K 'Pomeroy- vs C. J. Coolbangli, Cl al—debt Martha Tinsman vs Wm. Griffis, at at - ...... Julia Artell, kr.. vs C. T. Merry, et al eject do - . G. P.' Ballard ' eject Methodist P. Society of- Albany vs Methodist Church of Albany.. , ....... ' • iii:et . Poser- . Wm. Braille Ina E. _ -.neroy.,'„ - • ' debt Wm. Snyder vs Au Doty - replevin John Saltmarsh vs John Heavener ' eject Union Dank, Lewisburg, vs S. R. Aspinwall ,k Co.casc P. S..Wyrikook vs E. Smith . cue Wm.: Halbert vs Junction Canal Co case Daniel Boughton vs W. 11. Moorei. ..appeal Snlaportut returnable Monday, September 9,tb, 1137.2. at 10 o'clock. a.m. - AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—J.S.Camp Dell now to use or C. M. Manville rs. D. W. liarshbarger.—ln the Court of Common Plcaa of Bradford County, No. 176. Feb, Term. 1802. ' The:undersigned, and Auditor. appointed by mid catirt to distribute money* arising from Sheriff's sale ofdelcudruat's real estate, will attend to the du ties of raid appointment at the aim of .DeWitt 'A Maynard. In tho Borough of Towanda, on TUES DAY. SEPT. 10. 1872, at 10 o'clocl. am., where all persons having claims upon said flinds am re. quired to present theni or tsa debarred from coming in upon said hind. D. C. Dr.WTTT, - August 7.12.w4 • _ Auditor. IN ANCRUPTCY.—In the mat -L. ter of F AIBBY ,3111, Bankrubt. Western Dis trict-of Pennsylvania. • Tei +moat n KAN Coicsart r The undersigned hereby, Wes notice of his appointment as Assignee of HARDY MIX, of Towanda Borough. in the coun ty of Bradford a*d Ststo of Pennsylvania, within • said District, who has. been adjudged a Bankrupt on sid petiti onDistri of h is creditors by the District Court of • Dated at Towanda, Pa.. 'the 224 day of August, 1872. • - JAMES POSTER. Assignee. ORPHAN'S ; COURT SALE.-By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphtta a Court of Bradford County, the undersigned, Mbar dian of the estate of Wm. 0. Lewis, Mary Lewis, Amanda Lewis:EU Z. Lewis and Sarah B.' Loris, miner children of Mary Lewis deceased. will ex pose to public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1872, commencturist 1 o'clock, p. in., the following described lot, piece or parcel of land satiate in Monroe ttrp., bounded on the south aide of street leading frbui Main street to Rockwell's Bridge, on the north by the street aforesaid, on the vast by land of Sarah Evans and 8: S. Hinman, on the south by land of S. S. 'Hinman, on the west by land oft. H. Griswold and Hiram Rockwell. Con taining 1 acres oethereabonts, with en old framed house and a few fruit trees thereon. /Min—One one other piece or lot of land situate in Monroe Borough, bounded on !Lenart!) by land of Z. L. Rockwell, on the east by land formerly own; ell by Wm. Hart, now deceased, on the south by land of Codding, Russell it Co., and on the west by Main street: on which is a. two-story house. Said : lot is about 43 feet on Main street and the-same die- Itance back from 313 in street. ' TERMS CASH. July 29, 1812 TN BANKRUPTCY.-DISTRICT Court of the United States for the Western Die triet of Pertneyhartin. Western Pistriet of Penn. * crania. In the matter - of Gordon F. Nixon and A. .G. ]Cason.' 'Ann- of G. F. Masan: k C 0..) Bank rupts Western District of Perms, frania,ss.—This iff to MAT. boner, That on the rftli day of July..A. D. 1872. a Warrant In Bankruptcy was lamed against the estate of Garden P. Mason and G. 'Mason. tfirm of 6. P. Mason k C 0.,) of the Borough of To wanda, to the County of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania. who have been ad.itidged Brakrapts en their own petition that the 'payment of any debts and delivery 'of any property belonging to sorb Briikrupts_ to them or for their use, and the transfer of any property by them, are forbidden by law.; that a meeting of the Creditors of sold Bank ropts. to prove their dets, and to choose quo or mom assignees of their` estate. will be held at 'a Court cf Bankruptcy. to be holden at the office Of E. Overten;Jr.. in the Borough of Miranda, Pa.. brier° Edward Overton, Esq.. on the lintiday of September, A. D. 1812. at 10 - crolock„ t. rn. au., sal July 23, 11672.-4 t A t pitlNlO YtRATOR'S NOTICE— Nome is hereby Oren that all Eferpons indelhod to theestate of 'UMW MORGAN, late of Wyssoa. Pa.,,• demand. • aro roquested to make lam.. tate =t, and all persona having claims against said nal present Mena duly authenticated for mi tten:eat. JAMPS LYMAN ISORCL4II, - Adro:nistrator pith tLs WW annexed, August 1. 1972. - ~_~' _~' C. E. ULADIM.NCi. . R.-sister C=! W. A. THOMAS, Prothonotary • LtWIES LEWIS: Guardian A. MCMDOCII, U. 8- Marshal. as Messenger , sin* of d g h t. brae& 9t4 Gold of Comias -et thiadfOrd cONtitYsXl4ll, feetattbd win be eetOitact 111 Valk d - the Court the ItOronglhat. OM& kik mod eausty. on UMW= the IfereffirofAff -1873. it .1 _o'clock In the afternoon, ell th e franclakfattolt !Val at. Cot fluttleita 410411)1Cod and Ball Road Comsat u they east both In the counties of Credford hadPulltne, enxiattneta Ad Ainemahly such OM Wade end voadiliti- , !hazed and taboo in mention at the Ent of Cos welt H. ItoeheataiTe,' The ftblitand - ead Au coal and Ralf Boa Company. 1 - J. PE LLET VAN Met Towanda. Towanda. Joly ff, • . frhayitr. , I !At• tz• :I:4'/ t Ut ' Notice hereby' given that aD persona inlet& ed to the estate . : ot S. D. AUIIII4 late of Wpm .wnahip, deed, are revolted to nuke immediate payment, and AU gelleentrhaving dials sopeost said ante met present the name decry indlicanicated tor iitilccoant. M. 11. LAMM% July nt. - atindtdatratoi. F XBetiT OS'S. 'NOTICE:— J 1.4 Melee Is hereby gVien gala parilolui Indebted to the estate of Mary G. lane% ale at Athos. deceased. ire rcquattal to make Intmediats ps; meat, and ad persons hating datum against Old es f tate must present the same daft' authenticated for settlemand. - _JAMEIL 2. morn HOWARD PTAK% Vascular& August I. 1872.-44 E XECUTOR'S. Notice. La hezelaygtcen tbatall persona Inebted to the estate of Y. PAILEZA,ot Bono. .deceased,WM requited •lo :soda "IntmedSde payment, and all persona having claims against said estate must preaeut them ditty authenticated for set tlement. ' E . PHBAIId PASSER. Aug. 1,12.V8 . , • lAndoistritpr "PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSITTUTION Or PEMMTLY.IISI,I. Joust IIIE49,I•PTION IltarOsli'a .J 41.31123D51ENT 2b 211 Z COINIITOTROJI . ' -pazirsusitsu. - Be it rewired by the Senate and House of Riorarete !alive* of the Conintonesonith of Pt:tuttylontar an Gen eta! Amiably met, That the following amendment of the Constitution of thiaCosaniinermalth bo twovuseit to-the people for their adoption or rejection. perm- - ant to the provisions of the { tenth acacia thereof. . Vette oat the stell'aeetton of the Mirth fledds of -the Constitution. anti hued in Ifett therootibe for foiring: "S flute 'Damn= shall be chcisen by the qualified electors of the State. at spelt times and for such term of serried as t shall bap cr beelpw," .fteaker of tho 'Douse of Depreseetstie;me JANES - ' Speaker Of the &mato. ApproTed the tvrentpseeond day of larch, Anna Domini one thousand eight - hundred and seyoutr two, Prepared and certified for publicinSim pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Constitatis& - IfithISCIE JOIIDAN, Secretory of the Cauunonweatth. Wee Secretary at the Oonunorrireallha- .Harrisburg, Juno 2G, .1872.-3 m... J a XECUTO IVS .NOTIM ..I:INoUee is hereby 'given that all persons tndebted to, the estate of 41. - . M. WARM, late of Towanda. deceased. are requested toinakelmtnediatemmeel and all persons haring datum against imM estate 'nest prtawat them duty staretteteed for settle -went. .*. N. N. MTh, angli.w6 Executor. A SSI,GNEE'S 11. counts Of Geo. L. Keenly', hive been placed to the bandit of Nathan Told, Kn. for -eyilleettotr. and If net paid , by the 15th of Antfoat." costa will be made. - • • YlLt HEELER., Antisynee.. Angtott I, 1872.1 w TNITED STATES INTERNAL • 11.17.VEIME, Collector's 01tiro, 13tht District. Pennsylvania, Towanda ; August 18,1572. OTICE is hereby'given that on , t.be,.l7ta day of Animal, 1672. I *Lull at the ractoryville depot, for viola4ou of thelnternal Rev enue Law. one oadkage ipirits.; Any Person clairninit. the wild spirits Waist such , claim in this oTlice within thirty days from this date. or it will be sold according to law. • Gl D..3IONTASIT, Collector. A. 2%1'2 AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING TU ULOCA) A medicine that area i., real bleasing• StESSPARIII2., rankra poslilre . eure Of a so ries%-ii complaint*, art'i . :alvzsg Ana' too eftcri fatal. It purifies the blood, purges , Cott the lurking; homers in the system, which nn4lermlno health and settleinto - troublesome disorders. Erup tiuns of the skin are the appearattec on the suiLiSce.:, - ot hnniors thst.filimald be expelled horn the Internal :li.-raugenilatiS are the deterrenation of these same humora to seine internal organ or gate whose action they -clerenee and *ItOaO sub stanc.i..they 'disease and de:slimy— Atnh's LULLS. eaptls these homers friim the blood,. Whet they arc gone, the disorders they protbict ditairoas such as Inceretions of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys Longs. I.kiiptinns and-Eruptive Diseßes of the Skin Anttiony:f Fire, Dose or Erysipelas; Firripyisi Pu 3 bilel:\Biatebes , Boils, Tinhatn:, letter and Bait Rheum; Scald Ilead,.T.ingicorni, Illcer.4 and Sores. Neural;:ia, Pain iu -the Dome, Side, and !lead, Femalo,Weakness, arising from internal uleeraticAl and uterine disease, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, F...maciation, and General Isebil -Ity. With their departure health 'returns. .. TUTSPAZTD UT „. D., J. C. -4YER & CO., •.L01vr.5..1., PALL :TIC:AL AND ANALYTICAL CIIEUISTN. Anil abld by Druggbsta all ?MINI the iro'rld. - Dr. 1.1. C. PORTLY. c SON, Who!es..tle agrut! T.r.va;:4l , l * , Va.., and Cur sate by tlealei t a ' .tbru9.6 . lzotilf . county. . • tsep..',2 81-100-73 1- & .HORSE POWERS &'CLEAIVERS, sled will sell a better cm: be had elsewhere In the world: Wu claiin tar our machines that they wiU does Much, or more. thlt anypther. and are more, aufahly We pe+onslly superintend our work and seo that it Is •well down. -We will send . Dlsourrn, oATALouusa. of oar machines, on avii , lication. ONE AND TWO HOR I SE POWEOS, One.ct re-; Horse THRESHE* te• SEIIjtATORS. THRESHER etrtd CLE.INERS, FA - N.NIN.G MILLS, euicuLan AND DRAG RAW a1:114.6 NNW AND GRIST MILL work done tti dive us a cal Ware purchaffing elsewhere. Vrt "Oa (1110.1aVIDI .- -Op v- :ao . o.rpir Aug., 2. 1869. ,j NEW - HARDWARE STORE! = JL'SE a LEWIS Are just receiving.a new supply of - rt.- W . It E. At the did stand of Marshall. Brothers, in •lERCUR'S -BLOCK. Call and exarulne our goods and prices. We hare a largo and well selected stock of - I : ... • IRON, NAILS, GLASS, :PAINTS, OILS, norm a: not= ruralaaimu allaous . . , Of all kinds. Farmers and Builders will And that this la the place to buy Hardware ai the ; LOWEST PRICES OPPERE:D. • We have adopted the CASH SYSTEM*, as we ire gat {stied this - la tie only correct and safe way of doing business. WC' shall pay special attention. to Menu: - factoring Tinware and doing all kinds of Jobbing at the IdweSt rates. • TUNE & LletVE3.., • Towanda. July 1-1. 1 8 72- , JUL:OME . ' ACADEMY. The. build - • ing has been repaired, And -tablea and chars have taken the places of those old desks; ' - - The, rail Tenn will open Magnet 26th, 1872, under the supervision - of P. L. ChriapeL mated. by:Miss L. A. Itblgway, and continue 12 weeks. • ON. CCI2IIIIOII E/Igiith • and 0110 Ilighei.Englisb $5 00 Single recitations in Languages • , $3 00 Al! gals are to be payable at the middle of the term. Special attention will be friveu to students wishing_ to qualify for common School teaching.. , ,Good board can be obtained on reasonable .erma. but students:can lessen their Menace by renting rooms and boarding themselves. • For further information 'dike= • ": CIIIIISPEL, Principal., , August 1, 1872. - NDY DIRECTION OF . TITER PREY? : .-11-1' Mont of tho Towanda: Vianding and HAVOLI. Fund Association.' a special 'uteellite or, tho stock. holders will be held humediately after the nest ref! War meeting of Magnet =lt; to take action in regard to amending Article X. (ton) of the Ff. Laws by strikintennt the words **four and seven," and mak ing it read sto " Aug.7;l2. C. F. CHOSE. Beey. FOR SALE -=IGO mien of. fiiiajarra in4 land eitnate4 in Muskegon county nicht gan. - Easy of access by rallreed. or water. in an iin proved_ country. Said farm artil be sold on easY terms, or nould exchange for en Improved farm of 10Qadrua lit this county and 'pay the Matesae: rdr full particulars addreaa sutrpailier at Montet's Pam ' Pennaylaanta. 11ig144V3• 'fan • JAMES 0: ES: LERAYSVI A LLYA ACADEMY- R e v- n , F. (XY - MRAtir, A. Princiral: Coleman Assistant: Miss fiut , !ie Teacher of Purees sti , phert 'Wilson Buck. Teacher of Pcrunanship. Fall term begins Sept. 2,1472, anti continues 12 weeks. Thorough instruction in ram. mon and hig,lag.te z ush . au2 logpse t es.- ; 11usriland tool nit at zineletn& ,o ! atm-, Tuition from $2 50 to 26 IX/. Instrunental ‘ l, 4 4, irter JOAO • 2., 110 sug722-NtB ~ .~ .:( 00