rOlDHßrikilitoHlNE SHOP. • lb. unliarslilk 1 0 UMW -9 1 11ftemet Vie lanala i Ind Macedsr mop katiV _ainWous Om ses papered to do Omar 114 , 3 " 14 P rua lS a m! anall = "l . • MILL GEARING'S, OIRCtrIAR • SAW lIILLS, MAIN DRILLS, 1 411adebiads of MILL_ IRONS I WADE TO OIWZII. ENCIrrNES REPAIRED, 1- And ill watt intruded to Ws satisfaction. z): I Vle)ff ADA ILX", : e sZ3 Dz.: 01 the latest and most naprorod kinds manuteotard 3 and kept antatantly on load randy for ma. $ I $ • PLOUGHS, . I 11103 , AND WOODEN DEANS 1 6 Of WI kinds. I I : CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS 8 AbD UGH POINT and tho latest Improsomenta constantly on hand. PLO Of all liculs. IF kell'i' t 1 LABUE AND 1331 AL-L SIZE STOVE CASTING , OULLII GRATES, WEED ' AND . SLEIGH SHO UWE IRON KETTLES Awl all hada of castings ftraished to ifaret ° 3o, 1310. MEANS & BOCILWELL. AN' ,INITLIMAP_LA WOltirtrn 'EST ?AMY AIM LE • LIPPHICOTTS BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONAIVI,,i No diligent render will willingly be withont a cCpy I,IITINCOTT'S PR ONOUNCING DICTIONAIII BIOGRAPHY AND MYTHOLOGY, ; Memoirs of the, Eminent Persons of all Ages And Countries. and accounts of themarious Subjects of the Norse. Elindoo. and Classic lilytholcr. Ities, with the pronuncLation of their p l . names in the diderentiangnagea in which they ooettr.. By J. THOMAS, M., 51.. Iltanplets i Worm Imp-five Volume of 23455.1 .. r: llound in Sheep; $l5 Complete II tim!Vols. Imperial BTo. Toned papei. Price per voti Tine Cloth. $11; Sheen This Incaltiable ,work embraces the following pe culiar,. fostama Wan eminent degree: 1 1. Great Completeness and Conciseness In the Elograptdesl Sketches. 2. Succinct but Comprehensive Accounts of all the more Interesting Subjects of Mythology. k A Logi cal System of Orthography. i. The Atertrate Pronunciation of the Nature. 5. Flat Bibliographical References. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Lippincott's illographical Dictionary. according to the nutanimous opinion, of distinviialied . scholars, is the best work of the kind ever published.--(Phila. Ledger. . • The most comprehensive and valuable work of the kind that bap ever been attempted. . An invaluable conveniences.—;Boston Traveller. The most valuable contribution to lexicography In the English tongue.HCincinuati Chronicle. No other work of the kind will compare with It.— ;Chicago Advance. Its plan is admirable .—[New - Yolk Tribune. , The most satisfactory work of reference -ever ip. sued from the press:—..[Phila. Telegraph. This work presents a very wide . range of ; treat ment, great compactness and perspicuity, wonder ful accuracy, and a typographical execution that is absolutely perfect.-4N.Y. Evening Post. i An admirable work.—[N.T. Independent. Nothing of the kind is extant so peculiarly adapted to the 'mufti of the student scholar, and general reader.—(Bt. Louis Times. ' Oa For ealeby all Booksellers, or will be sent free of expense upon receipt of the price by the Publishers. Special Circulars, containing a full description of the work, with specimen pages, will be sent on application. d. B. LIPPINCOTT Sz'CO., Pnblinhers, 1une12,72 717 , k 717 Market Bt., NEW STEAM FLOURING MML 1111 SEIE:4111191 7 11 1 1, l'A The attlowrib • .lealrea to give huhu that hie uew STEAM FLOURING MILL Is now in immeesful uptratiun, and that ho to pn pared fin ail work in big linik on short notice. OUSTOM,,tIRINIMS(I DONE ONIEIIE SAME DAY THAT IT I 4 RECEIVED. 111 Wheat, Buckwheat and Rye Flour, .Corfu Meal. Feed, Bran. &e.. always on hand and for sale at lowest rides. 1 PAUTICtrun NOTICE..-.Persons livinge on the wort side of the river desiring to patronize my mill, will have their ferryage paid both ways, when they bring grists .3f ton bushels and upwards. r . ap1.4'71 F. R. AYERS. THE WORLD'STONIC. ' , F - • . - 'Purely Vegetable and free from aleohOl DR. P. LORIMER'S 3172,71TER- TAR BITTERS, A CERTAIN CURE FOR Seated Cough, Incipient Consumption, Colds, Spi tins Blood. Inilauuttion of the Lungs, Catarrh, . Bronchitis, Droop, Whooping Cough, Asth ma, Paine In Breast or Side, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Dizzinesa. Loss of Arpe-. . tite, Fever and Agee, • indlgt.stion, Liver Cotitptaint, Diarrhoea.-"j and a Difgra,it'A of the Lungs, Stomselt. . • • and ,Kidneys. • W. H. GREGG WIIULS&LE DRRUOISTS. ELMIRA. NA Sol, Agents, and to-wborn all ardent snonbt - addressed. Price. $1.00.1 ; at- sev Circulars for- farther inturnatnin.• juuul2.72•tt TOWANDA MUSICAL ACADEMY EDAAR if SHERWOOD. ratrorAt: SINo Elt ANN A COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, 1 ,!1 P 11 1 ,11.6 be received at any time at the following rates : 4 . Piano Forte pupils, per platter,: ' .$l5 00 Including Harmony and Vocal class; per q'r. 20 00 Salacity Hair QUAIiTEILLY /S. ADVACL. . Recitations twice a week. No deduction or time. lus,,m•up,•• exceiit in case of Dines. of more than one week's duration. r This Music &boot is claesided into three depart ments, viz : Preliminary. Primary and Advanced. There wilTbe a certificate given - at the completion of each course with the musical standing of the pupil. Pupils from a distance will find accommodations for board and piano practice in the institution at verpmmlerate prices, Norroi.-11r. Sherwood has a progres , ‘ e comae comprising the best modern methods, am in tug the prominent features and appliarfces of the • ire pop. War Lyons Musical Academy, of which his I,rcther, Rev.-L. H. Sherwood. was formerly prinet s: and Proprietor. - Mr. Edgar H. Sherwood has decided talent. rue musical acquirements and extenalre onetime , . in teacldng.—Edifor RocAester Musical Towanda, May 0,1872. TOWANDA, PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, • . OF TOWANDA CAprrAL Stnisrs Ful:p : This Bona offers uscsurn FACILITIF2 for, the transaction of • • GENERAL - BANNING RUSINESS. INTEU AID ON IT .DEPOSS ACOORDIN 01TO AGM/IMM fier.cua. OA/at - fin - EN 1•0 CouxertoN OI Noiza AND CLIZCAIA Yalta* wishing to mozmy to any part of the United States, England, Ireland. Scotland. or *prin cipal cities and 'towns of Eorope,can here procure drafts for that purpose. • PASSAGE TICKETS To or from the Odd coutitry. by beret atranri or ma inp lima, always on hand. Faiccur.; Buono= 0 1 / 7 .1t AT 112.1.47,79 mita. 11104111)%c• past, for f:.:4; gotols, gold aM Suers. , AY: 4 PoNVE,LL Pecos)Vl' 1.180. lur Duo HIBRID, or TOWANDA • AUL - WHEAT, will proinee from. :1 to 10',13nahrle more to the hero than th. Medettranean, viands the winter fall as well awl ripens full 'as tuxia'am 1s a bald „vheikt 1)4114,3 per i 11 , ..h , I nr k,nr 4 , ,1 ; , !fr .]nip 19, 1 , 4•/... a - ao SONSOI3R- I,Ji NITCHL ESPORTIISUfor pew itylt' of rett tesdp. • . _ _ _ TINE TAMS - IWTHE Buis& & EWE ILAILNOAD.—Tiking effect oft 140 b 4 40 lum 1173. iivienvaay. , mama , v. Y. a. IL 110 400 • TOWANDA 1:40 0:10 DASIOIJILT num= 3:00 6:30 ......NONItON 315 7:00 513 7:10 ....NEW ALBANi... 3:40 7:20 --WILLIES-- 4110 7:45 4:33 3:20 BEBNICE P. A. It. pa. & N.Y. CANAL it R.B. co.— ABILINGSICEST or PASUNGIia To take effect Yondir. Joie 10,1641. .' 401311111411 D. 1 1 310141Z114,10: relsciral so. No. No. ~ No. .NO. No. 721. 9.- 7. STATIONS. as. - 9.. A. — -- pit 1. It 414 PM VX 4.11 '45 100 9 191......Eh01ra 112 55 613 945 20 111019 45 ' Waverly 12 00 535 900 ,83 137 1000 —Mee* l /145 525 850 420 20510 40 Towanda. ... +ll 05 457 610 522 'll 30.....W,va1u5teg.... 1 10 05 715 566 305 11 60 .....lAoeyvEle.... 943 405 654 ..: 14 12 12 .... 31eishoppen... 920 633 625 12 20 .... Weboopany... , 913 6 25 1 65 3 50,12 451.—Troakharatiock.., 842 32 0 556 00 i 421 150 Plttato_ .m. I 723 232 450 25 5 001 21 5,....W11kes arre.. 700 215 439 _ . 7 30 1 4 35 1 ...Mauch Chunk. . 1 1 11.46 135 r ikt 8 28i 550' A ll entown. ....1 AY.1047 12 20 8 401 605 .....Bethlehem ... ' ' 10 30 12 00 19 15 635 .......Earton ~- 10 05 11 35 I 1.. 1 i lO 30' 8 20. PlaltdolplL4... t , 30; 745 I r3l 9 10, New Torii. I ~ 'I OO, 900 I .; Vi ' A X .'• 3i thens. 750 Elmira at No. 31 leaven _ a. m.; Waverly. 900 e. x. IC q. 31 lei • 6 15 Vo. m.: A • iraztda at 7 15 r Drawing : mu timmuch NEW -ROUTE TO PHELADEL- NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Shortest and most direct line to Philadslphia, Bal timore. Waiddbition, and the South. Passengers by this 'route take len:mil - aids k New York Railroad tEllin. Passing Towanda at 10 : 44 A.M.. and 2:05 p. nuke close connection at Re. thiehem with :ftwen train of Korth Penn's Rail road, and arrive In Philadelphia at 8:20 P. It, and 10:30 p.m., in time to take night traits either for the South or Meat Palace ears are attached to the 2:05 P.M. train. City passenger oars are at the Depot on arrival of all testas cote* passenger a to the various Depots and to all partaof the city. Leave North Penn's Railroad Depot, corner Berka and American St.., Philadelphia, at 8:50 k 9:45 arriving at Towanda 4:57 & 8:05 P.M., same evening. Yann's Baggage Ezpre■ "collects and delivers bag gage, office No. 105 Racal Fifth street, Philadelphia. Freight received at Front and ;Noble streets, Phtla• delptda, and forwarded by Daily Fast Freight train to Towanda, and all points in Sastrishanna valley with qui* dispatch. ELLIS MABEE, Gen. Agt. ti.P. R.R., Front and Willow Ste. lone 1,1872. ERIE RAILWAY. NEw ARD/11P9OVED DZAWINti ROOM AND St.E.REESS Coionma, combining all Modern Improveniedta, are run through on all Trains between New Tart. Both eater, ißutralo, Niagara, Falls. ginsperiaion Bridge, Cleveland, and Cincinnati . Abstract of Time Table, Adopted .lane ;1, 1872. WESTWARD. STATION'S New York Leave , 9 001 11 001 5 30 7 (A) Jersey City...-. '' 9 151 11 15) 5 45i 729 B usquf .h arkna .. . 3 so! 8 151 155 295 Great Bend .- .. i 8 37) 2 17; ...•• Binghamton. ... - ' 4, 34 915! 2 12' *3 25 Owego... ...... . - .515 10 101 ti 451 111 Waverly ' - '55011 00 427 441 Elmira - 1 6 251 11 50 1 5 05i 025 Corning' - 7 021 12 35 5 421 601 Painted Post... •• I . .1, 12 38 ......1. . Rochest er...... * Arr * ire. 10 ; * lOl ..... i ; iii ii, Hornellstille.. . •• ; 8151 2 a 5, , 8720 Buffalo, .• 111 50i 6 20 1' 11 20 Niagara Falls— . .. 'l2 45! 7 00 1 , 12 10 B rorplision Bridge •••• tl2 50 1 7Os 12 15 .asp'. Clifton. Dunkirk. Cleveland. Cincinnati ADDITIONAL LOCAL Timms WESTWARD 5:00 a.m., au:spit:Oa:ldays, from Owego: - Stopping at flogs 5:27, Smittiboro 6:55, Barton G:l2, Waverly 7400, Chemung 7:38, Wellsburg 8:05, Elmira 8:40, Big Fats 10:20, Corning lino, Painted Post 11,46, Addison 12;55 p.m.. Rathboneville 1.27, Cameron Mills 1:52. Cameron 2:15, Adrian 3:10, Canteteo 3:40, arriving at Horne'lrvine at 4:00 p.m, 6:15 a.m., except Simdays, from Susqtehanna. Stopping at Greatilend 5:38, Kirkwood 5;52, Bing. hamton 6:12, Hooper 6:35, Union 6:4s,Carnpville 7:0.7. Owego 7:20, Tioga 7:40, Smittiboo 8:00, Bar. ton 8:09, Waverly 8:27, Chemsng 8:40, Wellsburg B:ss,l3onthport3:ll, Elmlfa 9:13, Big Platte 9:50, Corning 10:17, Painted Post 10:24, Addison 10:63. Rathboneville 11:10, Cameron Mills 11:31, Cameron 1 11:40, Adrian 12:00. Canieteo 12:13, and arriving at Ilornellindlle at 12;22 p.m. 6:00 CM, daily, from Susquehanna. 'Stopping at Great Bend 6:20, Kirkwood G:4B, Binghamton 7:18, Hooper Union 47:53, Campiille i'13:15, Owego 8:38, Tioga Sualtbboro 19:13, Barton 19:23, Waverly 10:00, Chemung [10:15. Wellsburg 10:35, Elmira 11:00, Big 'Flats 11:40, Corning 12d2 p.m.. Painted Post 412:15, Addison 12:43, Itatbbonerille 41:00, Cameron Stills ,1:13, Cameron 1:27, Adrian 41:30, Canisteo 2:02, and arriving at HortellsNille at .2:15 p.m. 1:10 p.m., except SUndays, from Susquehanna. Stopping at Great Bend 1:57, Kiglcwood 2:30. Bing. hamion 3:12, Hooper 4:18, Unit% 4:52, Camprillo 5:30, and arriving at Owego at 6:05 p.m. 1:15 p.m., except Snxidiya, from Elmira. Stoppina at Flats 1:2`.1, Corning 2:00, Painted Poet 2:00. and thence, %is Aron, to Tindal°, arrivingst R:57 pm. 2:30 p.m.. except Sundays, ;from Binghamton. Stopping at Hooper 2:43. Union 2.50, Campville 3:05 Owego 3:16. Tioga 3:35, t3mithboro 3:45, Barton 3:52 Waver/7 4:0 9 . Chen:twig 4:20, Wellsburg 4 :32,Sonth port 4:41. Elmira 4:49, Big Flats 5:17, Corning 5:35 Painted Post 5:42. Addison 6:02, Rathboneville 6:15 Cameron Mills 6:27: Cameron 6:35, Adria 6:55, Can isteo 7.07. and arriving at IlorneUrrille 7 .15 p.m. EASTWAILD. Cincinnati 9 . 45 Cleveland. 515' b 1 , 0 Dunkirk.. . 1 ' 10 (41; Clifton •• I 30' 5 301 0 55: - 16 Finap'npinn 13rn1ec 140 r 5 40 10 05' 720 Niagara Fall, 1 45' 5 45' 1012' 730 Bnife.r, . •• 230' 620 11 27i 00 Hcrrnellirville . . 9 G 151 10 10' 305 11 00 Rocbeptor. 400 630 ' cOO Contitig, . 7 25, 11 3$ 432 12 13 El . Waverly. .. Owego .... Binghamton,. Great Bend— fins rinehanna Port Jervis. Middletown. Goshen... . Newburgh Paterson.. Newark Jersey Cite.. New York. . ADDITIONAL LOCAL TRAINS EASTWAUD. L:00 a.m.. except Sundays from Hornellirville. Stopping litCanistoo 5:22. Adrian 5:47, CameronC:so, Cameron Mills 7:00, Rattilxmerille 7:30, Addison 8.25. Painted Post 9:15, Corning 10:00, Blg Flats 10:42. Elmira 11:30 a.m.. Southport 12:05, Wellsburg 1:18. Chemung 1:50 Waverly 2:30, Barton 3:08, Smttliborik 3:25, Tios :345, and arming at Owego st 4 . 19 5.55 a.m. daily from liornellsvin. Stopping at Camero 7:45, Addison 9;49. - Corning 9;47, Elmira 11;03, Waverly 12;42, Smithboro 1;40, Tmga 2;00. Owego 2:30, Campine 3;03, Union 3:38, Bing hamton 4;12, Kirkwood 44,57; Great Bend 5:52, and arriving at Susquehanna at 0;00 p.m. „ 7:00 son., except Sundays from Ifortlelin id, - Stopping at Cauisteo 7:13, Adrian 1:2. 1 . ratneron 7.42, Cameron 7;42. Cameron Mills 735, Batbbone vine 8:05, Addison 8 ;13, Painted Post 8;30: Corning 8;33, Big Flats 6;19, Emir* 9;08. Sonthrld 9:10, Wellsburg 9:30. Chemung 9;45, Waverly 70;00, Bar ton ID ;15, Smlibbero 10:23. Tioga 10;4.0. Owego 10,18 Cat:Tenn. 11;05, Uniem 11:20, Hooper 11;30, and arriving at Binghamton 11;40 I.m. 7:00 a.m., except Sundays, front Owego Stopping_ at Caropyille 7:47, Union 8:28, -Hooper 8:41, Bing hamton 9:10, Kirkwood 10:30, Great Bend 11.15. sod arriving at Susquehanna at 11:55 a.m. 1:55 p.m., except Sundays, from liornelleville. Stopping at Canistco 2:08. Adrian 2:29. Cameron 2:45,-Cameron Mills 2:51, Rathbonerille 3 07, Addl. son 3:25. Painted Poet 3.33. Corning 4:35, Big Flats 4:29 Elmira 4:56. Sotithkort 5:12 Wellabn,rg 5;30, Che mung 5:48. Waverly 0315, flogs 8:00, :Owego 7:01, Campville 7:32.171110U 1':52, Hooper 711, Bingham ton 8:20, Kirkwood 8:45, Great-Bend 9:02, and ar riving at Stisquahaalta. at 9:22 p.m: 1:58 p.m., except Sundays. from Piinted Port. Stopping at Corning 2:05, Big Flats 2:20, end arrir ing at Elmira at 2:40 p.m. Sold by all Druggists • Daily. Mondays excepted, between liorntilsidle and ,Port Jervis, Stop Sundays only. Through Ticket's to aa points West at the very Lowest Rates, for sale in the Conapany's office, at the Waverly Depot. This is the only anthorired AgenrY. 'of the Erie Railway Company for the sale of Western TlattS in Waverly: $125,000. 40,000. Baggage will be checki.disnly on Tickets' purchased at the Company's -01110c L. D. REVILE& eisal Built TAYLOR'S CELEBRATED OIL! TA- 'Great Rheunta:ir. /I , mrdy should bo.. kept and used by every Ynriner that keeps either Cattle 'or nonce, every Teamster and Livery Stable Keeper, every Thyslcian and horse neer for It will many U131(4 rut pain and lameness when altndbor me t h. eines hate failed. =tens and Itaffroad • Non should certainly keep it; for it is t msurpassed for tummy and sprains. Blacksmiths should keep it for•thah• own use and for their eristonaors tender Muted horses, as nothing equals it for tender rect. Every body suffering from pain and lameness of any kind. burns, cuts, woutals or any eruption of tho akin, Cyrus, Chilblains or any disease requiring au outward :hould cv.rtaluly thi q FAvry I.o.ttle %arrant, d To: nil, 1.1.;, - 1):. rcrrtir S-;ii 4 & EI:1,:,a.,11". Tor,•,luda Po. And by every Druggi and ! real,: la Itrad fee an 1 adjoining ronnties. Jehnston Hollowly - and or a-den. Pat , nt Afrdieineyiepoi, Ivo Arch street Philsolt.plllls,Par. jvh.amtals. Ar..nts. 11. 131.0W1c10 TAYLOR. 1 , 1 , 1T:0 V N eißbler. '11": 1 !! - 4' A 0 %11, UI7. BUREAUS for . live dlollars'at inter r. soNs. 310012TRAIIID. 1111. 11:1111 14$ 1.111 nab zll MAO IN 10.11 S 10:15 9:43 9100 A. W. Towanda at 7 10 a. na.: A 805 a. m., miring a Dadra at 5 30 p. to.; Waverly. it at 090 p. u,.. rairriving at To. Cars attached to Trains 2 and 9 Elmira toThtladelphti. A. PACKER, • Elnpertuteatdent. SIMEON'S ACCOMMODATION/. No No. ' No. I. 3. 7. • I-- A. B.ji. It. Ir." 12 55, 1 . 5 1 1 48 1 7 321 251 200 • 425 MS , N o . N. N. ! No. 8 T ATI 0N 8 . I n . I 4. , R. t it. I—l-1-1- - i P. m.,r. y...r. v. , .. , . ac . f,,... 803. 12 151 513; 12 47 40 1250 549 120 925 1 30, C 29 156 10101 215 , 7 W 238 241:' 740 ; 302 . 10 58 300; 8; 10' 330 Arrive 2 52 , 6 501 11 55, G 45 351' 745' 12 42' .. 11 40 .. 8 35 .• 5 50. MOO; 235. 854 7 001 05 5 15 . 33 1 11 18; 310 9.5 •. 5 700 11 r 0 330. 940 • 1•. m. 1 N. •r. Y. MAIN N. ABBOTT, Otnl Pseire 4.irt r a . n=• '-130 itadiesloloo/ 4 4 41 .1110 0 . ' ligitiCiladif mar . , bi Tits ' OelkitettitS tg* 8:111 540 1:11 t. UNDERTAKING -111-iiiMM! ID *II t beams. Mot vo trod cis Kivu ostimery the services of any oue la that line Having spired no RP N* Or ifOtaglll U IIINICOP Mg from tit; shop of U. etuleti ai y fb oi oar pima • hearse which cannot be sertouned at•vwn equaled asszacit, this side at oer lamest aels. Wmkiins Mao moved the Kerb:m . 4g most esiefitt, andipiitlemaaly person to attend to this branch of the badness. - J. & ALLYN, one of our firm. will be found at the Furniture More. an Bridge street and O. M. lifLie. rims, tbe ether member of • the Ann. at. Ws red- dame on Third street. or about the ot Dr. J W. Lynaan, a very nibble and cedobratal physicist;; whose office ik on Pork otioet, near the Elwell 10=2 1= CORNS. Bunions, Ingrowing Nails. Tenihr rect. etc. Lat. page is almost inadequate t. express the tenhare endured by those unhappy mortal@ who any one one of the above, almost universal the twinging corn, the painful bunion, the .„,, .: tail, ke,„ and to say that humanity was - • ati V d would we fear, be only too true. .Yet the** . altl: captions, and they em those who have ushfidiii, , nevtr.failimeremedies of Dr. BRIGGS. Wi*ilitte to his Alleviator and Curative, the !treat mode: - 44;i coveries for all diseases of the feet. no matter bow severe or seemingly incurable the'ease may be. The many thousands who him been happily benenttod by their use, bear witness to the above assertion. A trial is all that is-needed to convince the most skeptical: PILES. Look et those features aua ik.v the agony depicted In the face. It cannot be helped while the trouble milling. The sufferings from piles is of a very.all granted description. . You - cannot walk with any comfort ; you cannot ride in peace ; you - cannot sit with elle, and the suffering when attending to aa• tare is almost unbearable, and cans* melt a foaling of dread that it is put off at greatitacruloo to health tad comfort to many instances increasing the &fa culty to an alarming extent. Use -Dr. ii 'a Pile Remedies according to directions to rare external, itching or bleeding piles. They are mild and reliable, and warranted as rriimarrktrel. Bold by Druggists: - ' • BUNIONS. There are only a limited number of the human race who do not know from experience what pain and torture can aria° from corns, brogans, row ing etc- There are but few thus affccktd who have not tried same of the mazy methods of relict offered which arc anything but satisfactory. 10 all who are skeptical or discouraged by repeated 'Lag una, Briggs' Alleviator and Curative will be guar anteed as safe and pnwittre remedies for diseases of the feet. HEADACHE. pa par Dr. ./. Briggs' Allcvantor will instantly relieve nervous or sick headache, neuralgia. catarrh. sore throat. dyspepsia, heartburn. pall:4%gal', fltiolatleY sour stomach, in fact, it is the greeted restorer of the age, counteracts or neutralizes all poisons,re duces inflammation, banishes pain ikom any part of the system, has marvelous !tad perfect control over the nerves. increases the action of the heart, the will cure all nuilaricnas diseases, subdues fever, equalizes the circulation, stimulates the weakened and diseased frame and restores the suf ferer COUGHS. • 1020 37051 11 20 1211 12 15 -n, 161 r 22 20' 12 20 2* 60 , 22 60 i 00 700 6 00 6 DO A. Y. I A. IL Dr. ➢rigga' Throat and Lung liodier. can, with out any exaggeration, safely be said to be the best remedy for the Throat and Lungs that is manufac tured. It heals the diseased - mucus surface, res tores the lungs, purifies the blood,- acts upon the Liver and Kidneys, and strengthens the system throughout. To the poor Codsumptire, no greater boon can be offered. Sold by CLA.IiX D. POSTER, at his new Drug Store, eolith end of Ward Ilcmse, Towanda. Pi. _ Jnly 11. 1872.-17. IMPORTANT .TO ALL WHO VALUE THEM EMIT! The sight of the aged Mated; the weak strengthen ed and the perfect Preserved. PHILADELPHIA OPTICAL INt;TITUTE, For the rulaufactaring of the CONCAVE CONVEY. CRYSTAL LENSES, LONDON KMOICILD AND 1111119 . GLAM ton WAIL Cil Tl* Concave Convex Crystal Spectacles, made by the abotr• insttnte are now a long time before the public, and the rapid and increased demand for them combined with the universal acknowledgment of their clearness In vision and ease to the eye, shows plainly that they are superior to any other gigues in the market The majority of Spectacles, - (madly imported and no matter how tine the frames, contain but a 'oor and worthless article of glasses, (generally east or pressed;) they are made to be sold only, without any eeleulatlon respecting benefit to the eye, and therefore the great complain t ul of poor nd weak sight. Thousands an glasses now which tire and !Logue th e eye, where .the objects get dim site; short usage, or require an ice usely stmng light andtherefore destroying the sight, which, were they properly suited, would be preserved a life time. LTile advantages claimed for the Concave Convex Crystal Glasses are the following The Lenses are ground of.the best material, pure and Mud, and Made only for optical purposes, they asethertfore not liable to get scratched or dim. They confer a brillisiney and dietinotness of vision not found in any other glass. They can he used equally well by day or candle light without tiring or fatiguing the eyes. They are ground mathematical; true in the con cave convex mirror, according to the plidlosophr of nature, and shape of cornea of the eye, therefore skasting nature only instead of forcing it. That thole U 560 are centered correct into the frames. .They can be need longer than any other glasses without changing to a higher power. ' The frames are made ng and durable bT expe rienced workmen and warranted to give on. WM. A. CHAMBERLIN, 13, aler in Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware.Towati da, Pa., has the sole Aftettey for these glasses in Bradford comity. Ito Petters employed. July 12, PIO -tf THE HOMY suirrmg SEW • INO MACHINE. THE PERFECTION OF MECHANISM, 141.11}3naner:, Fr.t.taxo, Briermin, conm•sn, ELAILING, BFlYpit., QM.ll:Xti, TrcKma, li t urrtycn. REV-141 - 1 - rriliNG AND ()ATM:En:G. 11IERICA A.ND. EUROPE, giruPle • Coiikina...4 — Lliei . ent, Dumble and Complete Every ..Nfachint , Warranted for five years. . LOVALLX 0001 , FOlt FINE OR HEAVY WObK. It is rTrtinurli nt Me% Itznical K cllitie Price 1114317,00 Tbr may firwtiril pri041. ,, 1t-stitcli Sewing Machine ever invented. Don't be humbugged by other Agents .blarney, no matter bow smooth their tongue may be, be Imre they mean large profits to their own pockets. - D. A. WOODBURN, Agent for Itradfard and Sullivan Counties. Agents wanted.' Borne, Itrat'ford comity, TIE AItIERICAN SEWING. MACHINE This rattail - nen, eimstdertrl by meats:MAl men k be the LEST CONSTRUCTED, lIRST DURADER Sewing Mae-blue ever Offeied to the public. Ds • SIMPLICITY or culitrnwertoll. EASE or MIN NINO. VARIETY %vat wrzuotTautai: And Its unparalleled 11311.1:04 wherevei It has been introduced, speaks. wonderfully for it as being the tnost iaptation conlydete to raFiab , Sowing Sowing Madan() noir LII Ulle• Its It / • It; truly beyond 1:020 , 1761 Thera maclatnes at for ...11, Ly WILLSON kt. MAN - WELL, / VF TOWANDA. . . And their manner eenductlne their huffiness la ra n t innenr :or them thn confl.tenee of thn public% Tart ...Y1 title( udrLin^ at et•Pir /office,. . Lt 1. • ,01 rt.•• 11.111, ^.l.thrw; ,r nr.lbP.l.e. t i t i Aoll,,r a; rota e". 11 :I , n a madame out 01 .tate. uel the Itee...x.cuntitllig the Attrarnaai. - °Metall , mall, or otherwir , .. will receive prompt attention. Tow uida, 1671, 1872. d. Of 'ALLYN. 0. 11,.,SIALNVILLZ. I EIM=I LIOMIT Olt•IIr9i("1 - WIALK nialp ebt,lo 6110,11111 . 041,011111114§/bdP II; a kintill0. 11 1; 1 1111, , • • - • • lee . • -4- - • • • • e cr-X*-jrlicfc, lortiohl2oloo sot so lieu Mar wittiiiiese allimbief. I sow ase %us. Acumitiv. Await nMI4; I, 111 , 4 ; 11 . grCl3,Fisel4 usie es biallslagp:dtdt et ABBON FLOUR, .GRAHAM DO. an DO., I boo gxestvitly co band,' PC.M111.841141.4111D05il at kinds 'of Wog& odl the atkodlion of ao public Wont Omni Da Bait - STOOK or'irciatooo, la tuft spies. *wag Claildlrfsaisialsiltais. 67. ire Obsokal Eel Illeoeb.lloll% Mosso cal sod initabts sof stook 'at WOODEN WARE. Large amorthunit of 1 , , 1713 11071011& 11:11UT SOAPS, ate. .1 call pg the blglisetaiali peke kir A(4IOIaNTRY i PRODUCE.. • " Flllfs • 4(alts a call kperove morning olarybia . J • O. B. PATCH.. au persona Indebted JO the late Ikea and make Immediate paylueut. Towanda, March, 12. 1667. M J. LONG. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WM/. WILLOW, AND_ Min. WM/E. FLOUR, FEOp, otcs.; y , ) 1' P.VTTON'H 11LOCIL • COB. 3,1A1N AND BRIDGE STS., TUWANDA, PA.. IEI I desire to call the attention of the public to my assortment of roods. wlticti , is always full and com plete, and will be Sold Ito my customer" at lowest market rates. My stock cj COFFEES, PTV TEAS, SPICES, • 111 lee !wet! pun-lowed levee the Isle reancUun In the tariff tio theta. awl are elSercil at prices to cor respond. Orders by mall or otberwleP wif reerive omen and prompt attention. Thablass the publi c for the liberal they have Orem we. Isiah • contistabeer= same. CkSll FOll. l L'OrZITAY MIME F IGI I RES Mlll. - NOT_ LIE THE'VHEAYEST P I LACE 1$ TOWN TO Nix BOOTS ! • DON'T DOUBT YOUR OWN EYES I IMRE ARE THE YIGURES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PBX= LientS KIP. sole al tap 't oot. home made; - warranted ........ ~.. ....:- 24 35 do I ,i 0 ' .de, do 425 do 2 do ' do .' donalled. 400 do- '.' dontlo role do 3 30 do ( Alf peg di, do . do 500 Boys Efp, 2 role andtap, do 2 75 to 3 00 Youths Sip, 5; doable •Ole. do 2 00 to 2 25 Merchants can be supplied with the above claim of goods at very reasonable prices. We arn prepared to make Roots to Massaro, also Pint class Repair. leg at reasonable mites. N. 11.—The above very low price system must be =Amato-rid CASEI invariably rra delivery. mig- Call and see before yon bty. Shop opposite Methodist Chnrch, 'MainStreet. Towanda, Nov. IS7I, r NEW PLANING MILL. Theam oosmo. Moue NM lt uncteg l i e m = of 4=. and dUed it with the moat modern and Improved machinery, for the manufacture of r WINDOW BASH AND BUMS, Are prepared to All orders, whether tars or MIL upon the shortest notice. We have also a large va riety of MOULDINGS, of the latest style and which we can furnish much cheaper than they worked by hand. PL MN°. TONOITKING, GROOVING. AND 801100 L B,AWEIG. And all other work pe4altiing to Joinery. will be done to run our custornera, Persons building. and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant. will And It largelyfor their lutcrtet to buy of ns. or bring their lumber and have It worked by' our trAcilinery. Bring-your grist of Flooring. or other lainbei, and while your team Is feeding, have it ground out and take it hams with you. We will pay CANS for PISS AND DM= LDIIPIZE delivered at our Maher yard. Dome sod see Ilk or If you cancOnet t. write. Towanda. Feb.. 1864. B. Roam= a Co. lIPERIOR AGRICULTITRAI.4 MAClNdlilr. - for by • / B. M. WELLES, TOIVXNPA. rA.. . ./ , , . i oti hi l No. 3 merrite s Block, north wide M Court House square. 1 / ViIIULESALE Am? RE.TAIL Drlr•lkti AND MAN UFACTUAEIIB AG T Mowing Machine*, Hzeo Poweri and Threshers, Wbeel flakes, Plaster' Ekrwers.pisin Seeders, Kay "teddere, Beeendble and Steel Move, Celtieston, Thin Home Hoes, Clover HVlers anillanning XMa. wiz ltovrras, wAica paawsza, sun maim rTra onoro roirios or =a wow. coax • - euxuate rositizo oz razz& ay., hc. • Catalogues and deicriptire , i ll ustrated printed dr. turn Med , roc mailed free to an applicants. It will cost britthree cents to send for cirmilers in postage , I I Farmers when M Towanda, cell and see me. April 22`72 , I I R. N. IaLLII3. T9'THE trCiBLIC. the old stand 9 4 ,1 =k7 T e ht r. u t*tn say to OEO9=l E 8 , in tLis place, thall 'MU endeavor to keep a enact assortment at mearitsksis tumidly kept fa aerlOVerY Store. Alip•full Ilse of I '!* YANIii.F I E NOTIONS, I mropobe to 801 Vert cheat' for cub. I respectfully iolle4t • share of your patronage and, think I can Make it mutually admataimisua tor you to ikal with inc. Yours, ierrY rawtfully. J+ity' : l.lß72. IVIONEY. SAVED, BY FITUCILASLIIARUII, STOVES ; AND HAIIDWAiIE . I Cr..; .il ) " 114 1 E4AiT .soNs have (ho lazgeet aseartornit fif Ircfratttes to fl!ks eom►tti% MEI ! , -i, - • . 0 4 I • 0 ,1 1 10010311K7 tr, I SNATIC - • "Mr JABS, IMO 4 4R9QuIEE L Fra .4 6 Per 1 4 . (400DEIN . maw.. ,Eltatt3 ll * - minainatAsols, ME . o,or rile cap st I OODDINCI, RUSSELL d 6 CO.'S t -C *TOWANDA. tl.. . Wholsla; will ail k;umb of BLAMM=H,- ED FELIA HUBS, O. B. !ATOM WRINGERS. AND STONE CHURNS! BIRD CAGES, =EI WOOD CREAM FRFEZERS, I KNIVES AND FORKS, SMEARS AND I SCISSORS.. vi 7 all i Pinch of liazors I and read Knives' • do well to 'call. , STO . ILE4BB, la/S6Elii, 1, Houses 1 " and Co abort no NAG M. J. UAW - r — - - Chaim. . _ Tr7Y FRANKS, suecomor to Brim!, Rama.) MERCHANT AILOR, (With k Patton's Diort; Mir Knot To. klgood amorkneut at Coes. Ifeltlasrs sad Imes, constantly on basul. kioods mods to 1 i best tumor. d0c.7.11J-IT. No. 4, ... wands. A Casalmeter order In L. C. NELSON CPED ROS, / / ?Do door that they sill oder greater induCenanna to cash buy. ern, than any. other eatiblblunent to I: BRADFORD COUNTY, I • • Being thorongldy posted la erat7 branch of tha business; they feel paribetly confident that they can Mate It to ' Interest of all • • • , Theirftleitotsmoiampoitsistaaroblik tram the aneattothecairsest.sadredby thabostestablisharntrlntheiruntry. Give MI 11 1 eau. 7 March 12, 1872. STYLES - ron sus LADIES '2l 7f — Dirtington and ,lama. IL J. ariaindy Mina Innesdag Kim. gush Black., ba t irn !net returned in= u s e. Tat with r tan One of MILLINEBY AND FANCY GOODS fl rnsay VARIETY, J. B. Jcolllo3o2f Gloms,` parellies. °Paling attention s C o The lIEST, moil SIGITRAM.E, .e . zi "moil MO 2:O.7II.IALIFITEL P eutinar arp._-3es dtving tba mer. For blithe Tulio Antis 1441.8 OWIPANI TwelvebaMt dCier&Mr. .Als cells Ti = r T .4 - tit ; ' KUM MEIZEIM • - , r; • ' AND ACO9Y.k A • *ital. SPOKES, AXLES -- AM) SPRINGS mi AOONS, -UNIVERSAL. NOVELTY A" EXCXLSIOR GI I M FIXTURES AND GLOBES. Eirttished with gas Yip©, Hot Water, Claim to, tic;., on tico and work glugranteed tk. CO.'S CAST STEEL. ARROWS, • • i IMMIIMIJAhtI;d LIGHTNING SAW DDING, RUSSELL : A. CO. EM GE IS INDRIARLY STAM elf EVERT MUNK 34 'CoI 3Br pitvossed the Stock of Rkithlog of NFIELD ,& WOLF. th .'f Fox, k mocuirs, berth, PUBLIC' NOTICE TO PIIROHASE OF THEM. nuns wow. 11M. WULF. ot. Hata. DOLMAS. Owlets. Daub, Ed goods, old Ladies Cum Elaseee. Ws. •• • • Flcrerra and; Lama In the latest Over Dr. Una' Dm Store. Wedeesday,Asirll 33,12. Particular iron to straw worts. I E I SMI 0 1 11 01 1 1 414 1 0 01 4 41 . 0111 9 1 R 1 arm twari am.' 1 lIBMI ~. ME nocauturs ve sue ells WM sue• leer ILLMUali . il, ~$~IIR(~. p 41. Flo _IP 1 4w .001 MODERN STONE WARE, k'fl ;13 (0;i:1 - - - .;,•:t r ''...' '7_, , '..,i ,, ,:•;',..,,ii.:! 4„, ' ' . WA', MEAL, GRAIN, &c. f'..., --. . - , , , ,, ,•.:•. - •;:. ..,-,:,!...-.. :.•::f.i46 , . . -.--i,....-.•:•....11,. 4 .- 9 .It.l-7•.:, - .. , ..,.y ,, ::. , . , - . ....., a p,i fT v • . whim,. pay ash tor.• • somaj w ie azo! an. an dad Clam nun del sad look tkrawili our met. sal ire la bee but to pions re. W. A. HANZWILLL, Tomails. ANSI I& UM GROCIMY AND PROVISION S rr 0 a', E. MoCABEfiI .EDWP.RDS, Mg:ftleill ail listid Mulles le FAMILY GROCERIES PR•OVISION8, 110011301111 DIAX3I. lUWANDA. We do not dons It mammary to enumerate ail the Merest artktee we keep. Our an oetzuent ALWAYS COMPLETE FIRST CLASS GOODS. Cash pild for Farmers krodorie. JAMS NIcCABA, WIC. lEDWAIMIL Wirth 1. 1870. v 0,.. si, idmicurt are now revels , - A. - lee e fresh dock of Goods in their line, boned alines the Lt an to which they Wits the at tention of friend.. We keep the lamed Mork in town.Cliy s = de trash and dasizabkt We sell at lowe st prices. Jen. 19. 1 AND - NEW TEAf3,lxse FTLx Mi we the recent decline In prim and cheep steI.FOX & 1111111078. Jan. 19. 1971. FOX & MEBCIIB are selling Gro at revel. Jan. 19,1871. 'MX & 111:ER01713, are selling New .s.; and Fresh Goods, Jan. IS, 1871. PDX & MERCITII are selling Or o- J.: aeries cheep. _ selling UM. VOX & MtRCM are selling lint elms Goods only . Jan. IS. 11171. • - pox 4 HIERCUR are selling -p ebeaper than ever. Jan. 114 1871. - RE:mm=l that we are sel li ng AN Goods at ItETAIL! • And that we won't bo undersold. Jan. 19.1671. vox a mannenn • '-- C/3".IGAN FIN-CDTTOIIAC 3/11e0—rerf choice—at Jan. IS, 1871. FOX k =RCM& % it idEROUIt do lot deal in .1: Shoddy Goode. / Jan. It 1811. OUR CUSTOMERS can rely upon the very. beat *smarts' affords and at ,lavear- Z. T. PDX. ,Toianda, Jan. 19.11. w UZXU =EMT& EMEKBEWTHAT FOX SOLER cos are retailing all kinds of Ornorrtne at whoientleprices. 4be largest stook In town. Goods diet chase. Priors low. H. T. FOX. Sept. 29.10./ EMT% NEROVB. KEROSENE Oita IN Mby the quantil7 or retail at ' FOX k meactiars. BY AND DINING ROOM. 7 • First block north of Ward House. n7'M:•; ,T!4MI M7ll, / / And sold et Wholesale and B.tal In our DIKEKO ROWS we will accommodate the publie with Aber a bath or a good meal of aD Mae ate ds, sail mods& Mit= AND lOK OILY ON =ND DIIKIII3 =lt 2182KYN. Also $ fine assortment of Groceries, Trans, Nuts. Am sarlY CEM:EiMi MARKET subsalbert dill continue to keep couttortly on land a fall and couplets suoctement of toner bias pertaining to that hindmost, Contittlims :attn. al BEEF, PORK, FRESH AND SALT NCITTON, vial, sAuBAGE. BOLOGNA. MED BLT:r. TALLoW„*.c., Ac. Mao. F I 8 EL ' FRESH FROM THE LAKES. 'MIMEO REMY= DAILY Ifezttos ertiM Opiero In barge or mall numb. Dee mill be abed on short notice, it the old eland. Corms Kamm. Sontwe's Mock. lint ikon' north of Dr. Petters. ltni=. =MUM XIILLOCi. . nib. U. 1870-tf FLEE( HUGUENIN I. eonsiantlyrecelythe a large and varied assort ment of IUCERICAIt AND SWISFI GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES For Ladies and Gentlemen. Jewelry of all kinds and descriptions. , BETS THOILtiI AND AIM= CLOCK 00.13 bir_4oC4.l4l FROM TEE MIZAMMIT TO THE MET. GOLD. trILVNB. AND STML SPECTACLES 11 GREAT VAITINTY. Particular attention reran to ELEPAIRINCI Of %Ocala. ALL WOla. WABILANiT.D. Itemetti her the plea-0006110 the MCULB BMWs JULESIII7OII=I3. Sowed* May 1.1871. J • sin • - A Platio.lin Upring Wa •: , n, with ti4: - .. , ree Lack, .trier br 7 ken run over en mUPs. Also ono set of light doubt. harness, sartlo 0) J. V. Wthro‘. 5111110114 new- IREII be lob! lemeeable. Jane 12.1241 1;4 Arai Pioniaoss. PORK. LIY 0):1 UR, We . sell isothtug but BAYED D4IT. Y: D. W. BCOTT.Ac CO 8130A11 CURED nem& 1115117, lAMB. POULTRY. LARD. la their ammon. JOHN E. PDX UMMaiiMW *LCL . f A I IIL CUPS. FOB MILLIE& =VW PL USD WA= ;me'sawn '4 1R.:4606 TABLE CUTLERY, AgWV of the SINGER SEWING 'MACHINA INSURANCE AGENCY q••••1 1- A'"'"!'t' • mammal - at watarak,, u, um, -4 .•••: , --wvi.;4•.--+ - 7 , ::-. 1 =,?;‘• t) , . 2 ; KIPm 'AK? • 33 • . ,;, •=il l l .p.lf • ' • .; • STOGA BOOTS; CAF BOOTS,' BOOTS AND SHOES In; (=diem variety. 334ticwtss. 13cicita. MI L• L. M . O O D Y & Have the solo control for the Retail litirnphrey I:3rcis., - BOOTS' A;41) SIIOEW Manufactured in To / ./ 1 Awl we are Melling theta a low'se other houses are retailing Dieb7tiooda: • DON'T DE ,DECEINIKD !‘ 4 6' • Be wire that you are three Boots, for it Wont stand to reason t han Eastern Boot, made by,tna• chine thronghoutOwill begin to wear with the imlc. tasted T6WANDA BOOTS.. RUBBERS 1 RUBBERS ! A large ameartzuent, which wu are selling at a large reduction in prlce!.. We keep none but ant quality Rubbers FINE SHOES ! FINE SHOES I For Ladies, Kisses and Children. hi Peb. 0011 i. Lid. TAMA KM. Berge and French Oaf. to Sect an the styles ruArtn4etured by the best Factories In the country. ' ♦ PULL LINE OF BtURRT•S - GOODS ON HAND! ROBES 1 Just received, a larger stock of Wolf,- -Deal° and Lip Zobes. - also Mors° Blankets. Whiffs, &c., which we are selling cheip for cash. TIM M, MYELIN 4:111A08, C. The lamest assortment in this section at • . -. •• • Mg prices. s . . \ . . Give as a call 'and you will be suited. • - L. L. MOODY 4: 00. Towanda. Nov. IAII7I. NEW CARRIAOE FACTORY 1 On Pine, between Abdo andsorcond. Street., beck of 0. F. Mason At oe.'elßank, TOWANDA, PENN'A. , HENRY STOLEN & CO. tln 411II01111.:10 to his friouddand.pattocia. , lit Laie built - NEW ,13:111CH. a►3ZIAUZ FACTOR!. whets they win Con etuitly keep:on ban!' Oran assort meat od FAIRLY CARRIAGES, TOY AND OrEN=BVOQIMS, PLATFORM WAGONS, TECITIMING BULKY% ARV BlitliMET9llll, hide of the best making, and Sighed In the best ed 7 Me% Ws hag !closeting In MT Chertage leggin tein tbein a deoged aitiantage avec ethers hi the Finlo, Style and Durability of him l'aens. All the/ asks tin INSPECTION OF .BIS WORK previous to purchasing eliewhero ALL W'ORK WIJIRANTSD TO GIVE PAILFWV? Thankfulfm. the 11Mrn1 patronage fornierly ex. tended and respectfullyesk a continuance of the MUM REPAIRING. PILOYPTLY ATTENDED TO T,-..r4., I.lsy —tf VARMERS, bring your =co ..L: and we to r= dia. 19, urn. seszs Mil =II may`. RUBBER BOM, trade of lIA.IID-ILLDI RUBBERS - FINE SHOES: BLANFLE7S I ROBES 1 Ed rzarAcnox reduced prices EMERY EITOLM"i 11.8 (LARK. 5p.4.4 I,- • • LILO. • P131=1: 6 OW , • asi - 1311 . I OLD 4;1t9 . 11 - NOM • Neissaim, Via. Xtif ail Mee . limena, 114: Iliwesimitrateseilm*lsit • =llO, as mm 11110 up sommi linfi sirey ellikeNt assig AlMi ia zik all V as We_ llllllpfibi 1116 .plllll6lllPll$ Mt 4 1 1M, 1 11,101 1 1 01 / 1 0 110 , ,_E.,. . tel!!Bilifil! ...' . . ' • :1146160.,, Chtionana. • ,samers; at* imartais, . asionoL AND TuRPENTthz. imai Part ,rari,l"4" Aai oil Idadi orlizothas. • ! ERBOSBNE OB COAL OIL, BEMIS nag. • LAM. swim. WW in oillor% o.lea* Foot. - AND if A MIN F. OM, • I ruicilocratit Arual• pi all tlrts veskez. 215111=11. 5041111. owns. ; ParraikaJiltrars. P9OKETBOOBII, PORT MONAII3, , Tocrre.,sun IND sits Illiniiilo3ll. Pl= WrM AND uquoss, Tit Itedicinal me. e rasuxis,. &sun; Press MID Chaaas. sltid Sod !fame llWaft Tnorma. lbw aberbeCei" aboalase Mom Drama Biwa, ibtrolapr BOON. aid fibiaida. "'4l - • `i Vets. Oaats.Dattt , r`i• : • • • Ming* Tsai% i bp stoms. sesime. sat lifp=etb and Alba mew - . -. Mlfselkaaa watsamind op bapasarded. imam at dylMeos azrora rompt and erdars am g =Lag. attiaa *am gratptataly at the Mks, dpaWpg obtx _for medicine. • ilizarmi= tor past liberal pattaaaga. would tel. anaaaaatiotbatt &limb mad the pubita,that no PO= &ID be Rued to Wail% and mettlthe cos- Ibioaltaa of their oordlileme and pies. Opsa Bandszps for prai freaa to-10 ban.. boa Is at. to 1. and a to I pan. IL C. POE= 801. 01111. 1812.—yr. RIELIIM/4"43 . 31-=-NEUBALGIA t $5OO !TEAL BE PAID . - Is any 'person producing any larAtutne showing Ilan as many living, permanent awes as Dr. Iltrizae Tnarcasza Somenst.eso Bzwinv. Used inward* only. ,Amin. Medicine, • bee from injurions drags. Warr anted , wader oath, to have pinioned ly cured in every 100 patients treated in the ton years. (Ses It is the utt of Prot Joe. P. !Ulm I . kl artard =may of PenneylvailliOn. D.. laf.'—nCffir o r, of Philathalphiae Mug and Professor of Cbendstry; ain=. low mac /fei2l" Chronic and Intianistory Shams- Via Um specially of Ms Mfrs professional Itta—a to mooched for by the .00M:um eseh bade. and other testhnontab of nisi al not renowned physichuss and=men. ps ~ se Vo ted aflame from poisonous, nostrums and g • useless •—siariditure of monos pe a l signod gua alder. listaresact number of bottles incanted to ewe, will be forearded = crs to any sabre, med. letter a Sal on of 'fiction. In case ' to care, paid pociti reftutded. Malicia° .aent anywhere by empress. •ct on de. livery. Afilictal milted to write for advice; all in formation and medical advice sent by letter gratis, Adam Dr. J MILTS, 29 South lourth street. Philstielplj The Remedy is sold or obtained by Druggists sTer Me POSTED it krafgorra. Har are Towanda. . ; Miscellaneous. VONVANDA 1 / 4 . _Marbie Works. GEO. :►.tCC:.I3E At SON la. s ova Just received the largest assortment of AaIEDICA.AND ITALIAN .A. 3E3 i E! Ever ezhibited in thin. seetlen. to which they attention of the public. ,They keep on hand or fnrnlah to ortlet MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES, &c., ,Of every etyle. AT THE LOWEST TERMS. roma,. in want of anything In or lino ars re spectrally Invited to call and examine our stock. Tcnrands. May 1. ICI THE OLD MAIN STIIItEET Carriage Factory. JAMES BRYANT Still mealtimes the manufacture of CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, OC every dwicripttuu. at Itio old atand ul t U • Drake, M.O STILE= TOWANDA, PA Ws work Is 'ill of the Al: lng LATEST STYLE - FINISH , - , _ 1 In the manufacpue of wagon s n ix mid pn, - . thP •• • BEST - ST.Lta, AXLES, To ether with thp B - O . XES In WM work. PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS LUMBER WAGONS Kept constantly on band Who beet Eastern stock Is used in tber a !Meets. t2ti?kes aro all rived ent—net lama, ALL WORE SOLD *AERANTED EQUAL To ANY . Ai to tOgati. and ea to durabaltr. 8UP)21101i TO ANY 111 Tius =mos.' , 41.1. Wow W JAMES BRYANTI. aid.l9'7l HIGHWT "itAItHET PRIC E eASII, PAID FOR GRAIN, BUTTER J AND EGGS, G - EO . IIGE tYIiAtTKING. PA April . . STITAWIS WHITE_ DRIPS at - oz.& butotrica =I A - , .7:7"• -u r s.; Y • • A. - L Nom, c . 44T_.k:,.:pii-Lrs Insurancs - Agency, OFFICE O MAIN STREE'r, Opposite the Court lipase, Insurance against ' FIRE AND :LIGII.IiNING! Nene but BeroitgAited. Policies issued un'd Losses ADJUSTED AND PAID AT THIS. , All kill& of . . Weekly Indemnity in ease oSjury, - oa $5OO TO $lO / ,a; • Payable in, ease 701 DyatL. No-ornEn nusi, (AR HANos To di vide our attention, we .are able - . to give strict and &ireful attention to Insuranee—/ • 4 I. 4 ND WE \DO IT! IIIeCABE '& SON lilli GENERAL. 800, FIILST•CLASit3 COMPANILI OFFICEI LIEF . INSULLINCT POLICIES Procunsl, and ACCIDENT INSUCINCE • -'; , /.. AVE TO FIFTY DOLLAId Affected for.-- ow- desiring Insuninet. of •ire respectfully .invited to. any tai US CAMP. &.NOBLE. To!wallas, July 22, 1872 GUARDIAN :3TUTUAI; LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 15 . 0. 2SI DIIO.I.I)WAY. NEW TOW PoMcians In Fowl" Larrre, over MORAL Isarms.. over Loesr.s All visored forma of Po'icier fam,d. . Liberal modeifor payment of Premiums, . Policies son-forfeitable by theirterrns. The entire 'profits of the Ompany dtriklvd own ably among the ipard. AN:ISTAI welzas - 11. pEcKa..t.m. Wii...T.Taikt tr. HOOKER, VDT - l'atu•EN LUCIUS ffi ADA-119, Fr.c% IND.Aciran- PHILADELPHIA lIEFERENCIA : JAI Coons k Co.. Motors. Darizz. &Co.. Bankers. Joni; WooDetos & CO.. Tea MeiChilillt. B. A. Iffiacza. Prest. Faruterh' k M , Thatuca' Baal, T. B. PETaasox,'PubLeLer. j1y12,70-Lf C ASVI Es TSIJRANCE AGENCY, TROY. PA. -- - FIRE, LlFE.and ACCIDENT INStltAEc.l,ct , 1 in &skim companies. Also Lard Sarrosin,r ssi Conveyancing. Twenty • seven y.•ra cmptcieuce Orders by mall pronaptlytttetided to ' AngSO,ll.•ly t H. A. CASE Books and Stat,O; DIARIES F() 1872 P. PER & ENNT,LOfk-. NEW-YORK PAPERS )r SCHOOL 1300. K PKI:S. INK, Unite, STATION la , ND' - i ICCOIIL'S BLANK -BOOKS .1 YASIME NOTIONS Towanda. :icor. 19, IMB. 800K -BINDERY.-T TUBli lit Is rrspecifully inf0:121,4 that Ole Hook-Inn den: has been rumored to the -lteyorder" pnibliur tinrd story, where will bo done BOOK-BISDINGI In all itiPearious branches. term; as reaspalabla as the times "Aril: The Bindery will lx• tah),.r the charge of H. C. WHITAKEIt. .• 'An experienced Binder, and all work willbeprtoopuy done in a style and manner which raunot be excelliki Male, Magazines. fievrrpaiwoo4,ol,lßookw•&.c., boo in wrery variety of style. Particular attentioirwill paid to the Boling and Binding of - BLANK .1300 ES, 1 To any desired. pattern., which tu quality and aura . litlity will be warranted. All work will be reaily_for delivery when pronowl The patronage.ot the public is solicited, anti Per feet satisfaction guaranteed.' Towanda, August 2. 1866—tf. TOWANDA AGRICULTURAL 1 ACMES STILL *Lin: The superintendent of this 'shop le nos offerts some of the best LUMBER' WAGONS, PLATFORM WAOONS. COVERED AND OPEN BUGGIES over offered to thin market. Beet selected OAK AND . liICKORY • TIMBER used. and all-work tus , le - by Us, ZJiEttlE.loiCED We have the PATENT RUSSIA lIZOY SEATS, ra 1 7 1 1411. and so durablo that evoU tauc ba4 bat little to do Turarda their dewy.' nem esarnine our work before pnrclisniun *hero. Itepairingdono on abort -nonce. Toir t utii : july.2o, Irrat CUR, President AND isivas MUIIR Az Co. Reepectitillysmettarico to the-iwthio nfral:that tkoy have mimed a bare andchoK t e stork of - GROCERIES AND PRONISIONS cornet' Mattiand Franklin_ etWota, Towau4.. rLui they will sell as cheap as the cbkapeot for GASH! • Yon wlri always tlnd Tom ILanumu there. Pit " happy as ever. to watts a all old cuatuniera and a many WM ones u will to hem with a ell • - SIM in= T KUM k =OIL 1111110114 U. April, 11. 147.:3 D R. O. D. 'STILES _ hulig Welland THE DRUG STORE ',or L. A, Ttiomray, i i Rona. EA Haw tioNisttl clip* and is constantly ' ,doing fresh 'supplies of s ptire Drug. VarUißhegs Se. Agent feWall tho Itlo4/ tnt Moab:loos. A fresh sUpply of the oplebrale.,t • VINEGAR R ~TT .,.115.,1 l'ure Wines and Liquon f0" - me4Ileinal hest brands of Cigars endlobeceo; choice V , 7 l ""' cry. toilet and fanoi snide*, flavoring r.stryt , Schoolbooks, atAtionery. and news. pH, it with stalinuorr no"' " 1 " tarulsbe4l ot , l, rst Thp - Doctor will col - inlay: , t , i pmetice is ilt4otofore. °Men et thnprn.• Stol,:/4.exi , lonee or pcmits Preebypriltechur..ll.- c.lpts seciftstolfeoirpotalilLd at althorns by a cv.ta* petentolerk. lApra iFr.. - / IIIEM $21,1A q . l J,Pflr 1.000 01 "4Nytkil J. A. RECORD, , Agent. Towanda, Pt IN