Micelianas. 1 OUNDERT & MACHINE SIIOP. -- - an T d Aa=lerallsr lning&lfla t b rae =;f . t e eir= 4) ,:rUi ll pt kfaae ga l lti C a = 4111,*14) MiLL (I ' EASI . N4 IS , OIECIILAR SAW' HILLS, •lIIAN.,DRILLS, • 'And all kind* of •.M•II L , IRONS AEADE TO MEI: ENGINES • REP (And all work .isarfau . sted to give satiari:tlou. - SHINGLE MACHINES, Of ibe latest and moat tinproTodkinals alainawt:mal a ' and kept constantly on hand ready tot nse. 8 . • PLOUGHS, stht-NILL,' plerN rAND , WOODEN BEAKS i . .: Of all lanai. • 1 t CULTIVATO*, CORN PLOUGHS- q • • . AND PLOUGH. POINTS 01 all kiude, and the latest improvapients kept conatantly on hand. CHURN POWERS, LARUE AND SMALL Sizz STOVE( CASTILN6S - OELLAIt GUM, SLED AND SLEIGH I SHOES, LARGE IRON lIELTTLES • _ I , And Ali rads of meting, furnished ' l id Mardi 50.1870. MAU & B9CHWELL. A N INVAIJITABLE WORK IN EVERY iItIFILT W2O MUM. LIPPINCOTT'S BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY I 'No dthgent 1434 u will rill ngiy be wponfa copy luPprsOorrs . • PRONIUNCRiq DICU I ONAIIY OF thooKai , nr A\-I1 urrnotoar, • CONTAINTSG • 31 , Inuirß of the nnlesnt ,Persons oft an Ages and t;ohntries, and ,accounts of-The r arious, Subjects of the Norse, Ilindoo.', and MAUI; klytholo giei, with the pronunciation Of their names in the different languages in I 'which they occur. BY J. THOMAS, A. M M. D . cpAlipicte in one Imp. aro Volume L ed 2345 ' Bound in Sheep, $l2 Complete iu two;Vols. Imperial Emo. I Toned paper., Brice per Ned: Fine Cloth, 111; Slept); $l2. • This invaluable work embraces the following lei ,Luliar features in an eminent degree 1. Great CoMpleteness and Conciseness in the Bevraphical Sketche,s. 2 ' -cinct bid COI ' - `Heise Accounts of an .i. Su Ccitict 0... -Julprolicns, 4 tife . more Intereing Subjects of Mythology. :3. A Logi cal System of Orthography. • 4. The Accitrate Pronunciation of the Names. Full Bibliographical Lefercncei. . • OPTSION9 OF TIM PRESS Lippincott'a iiographicsi Dictionary. actonling tb the unaninicraa 'opinion of distingnished acholara, is the best work icif the kind ever published.--(Phill. Ltdger. • The most comprehensive and valuable work cf the kind that has ever been attempted. . . . An Invaluable ccmvenienca.—.lßoaton Traveller. , The most minable contribution to lexicography in the English tongue .--ICitcinuati Chronicle. No other work of the kind will compare with Chicago Advance. Its' lan is admirable.--i New York Tribunt.. The most satisfactory work of reference ever is. scoe.l from the press.--IPhila. Telegraph. s . This' ork presents a very wide range of treat ment, great compactness and perspicuity, wonder. ail accuracy, and a typographical execution that absolutely perfect. POSt. An admirable Independent ' 'Nothing of the kind 'sextant so peculiarly adapted to the wants of the student scholar, lind general reader.—{Bt. Lords Times. Viso- For sale by all Booksellers, or .will be sent MP of expen!re upon receipt of the price by the . Publishers. I Special Cirenlars, containing a full description of; the work, with specimen pages. will be sent ;on application.l - - LIPPLCCOTT & CO., Publishers, janel2,72 715 k 717 Market St., Phila. _yOLINg WARRIOR IMPROVED ' ISZEOWP-tßit I 1 , The Lightest Draft, Most Durable and Earliest Con, trolled Machine in the World I U. receceiVed I the First PremiuM wherever exhibited at Agricultural Town and County Fairs. Manufactured by . . CHAS. PERRIGO & CO., . I 1 !Greton, Tompkins county, li. Y. 1 1 • 1 THE IY•011NG WARRIOR Ras two; Driving Wheels, Iron 'Frame, Steel Cut Bar Stael.Plited Guards, Planetary Gearing. has no Side Draft la` a Close Guarded Machine. It will mow the fluent grassl WITHOUT CLOGGING. Can bald the world' Mewing on Rough or Stony ground.; Its gearing/ is protected from dirt and, grass. ( The Wheat an the Outer Shoerenslnsideof the Swells* , Kelso s Why it should he purchased in.prele .0 core to ny other Mower : I. Being Wider Track. bolds II p osition of r side-hill ; the wheels running on the t . and indeed of on the cut grass; for th e same re son mows wet... or ,wale land, leaving the cut gr e r lying loose and light. 2, 'Being ~ clone guard , the Wye, are, protected from stones. 13. The rq "'Lig motion 'of Me Cut Bar allowing it to piss , oVi‘x stones and obstructions ; - passing in and ellt of dead furrows; without Stopping or Clogging. The elnef beauty 6f this Machine is : It can mow the hea l riest lodged infirm wet Grass, without stop ping orworrying the team, and no team can walk slow enough to clog it. Farmers abontd try this Machine before :bey tiny. THEAIKEN' S PLOW. 1 , , , Ntannfactured by Chas. Perrigo 8: Co., Groton, N.Y. Mt. AIKM‘'S PATENT erin HELL PLOW Wes in . ented and patented as a Side Hill PloW, but experience; has denionstrated that It is as well adap ted to Level Land :Plowing as the best Flat Land Plows.; too claim for it superiority over anY other plow in use, for the reason that it works well both on slid Hitt and Level Lana. it is no experiment, it has been mannlaCtured for the past eight years, and of !the hundreds sold in that time not one has been returned. ; Every Plow warranted. 1 Retail price 1i13,60. Orders promptly attended to. ' ' For further information in regard to the Youn g Mower Warrior oWer or tAikens Plow, call on or address .1 ,: / C.:W. lIOLCOMB, Agent, May 1 1e. 1 1872.-3m. . Ulster, Dradotra Co., Pa V I OR ( TH il E I CAMPAIGN. OF 1872! 1 4 . 1 , Vie Bradford Reporter i , . rnom 1 JULY : 11TE 1 TO DECEMBER IST . i , I . r6R 50 cEN ; Ds. , . Ti ?letter advance. the interests of the Great Ile , .. G publ“...an Party, and aid in the elettion of RANT / .-_ I and WILSON . we I wilt furnish the ataronrrat from July 12 to December 1, at the low prtcmot gio cents. Pw,AN TDA M USICAL ACADEMY Elit;111 IL SIIERWOOD, Prasermm. :5121+CEILANNA. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, TOWANDA, PN Pupils. ill be received at any time at the following rate! , • • H' Piani;Forte pupils, per quarter, • ' 215 00 InclUding - Plarmoriy and Vocal class, per eft. 20 00 ISTDICTLT MALT QUAnYEALT es ADVANCE. liegitailons twice a week. No deduction time nwdG up'.' except fn case .of illness of more than one week's duration. Vie MUSIC School is classified into throe depart men La, siz : Preliminary, Primary and Advaneed. ,There will be a•gertincate given at'the completion of each, course with the musical stituding of the pupil. Pdpila from a distance will and accommodations for loud and piano' practice in the Institution at very moderate prices, Nrcz.—Mr. Sherwood has a progreamie course com rising the beet modern methods.iae o..ing the prominent features and appliances of the ), ice pop. idarLyons Musical Academy, of which his bre - Aber. Rev; L. 11. Sherwood, was formerly prism' .1: and proprie tor. • 31k..P.dgar 11. Sherwood has decided Went. One tuiviteal acquirements and extensive . experienc , • ID traohi g.—Editor ReekesPr Munro/ TIMM TOwands, May 0,1812. •• . T OWANDA COAL YARD..; 3.-ttrAtAern nrrauntoris Te undersigned, having lased the Coal Yard Doc; at'the old ". Barclay Bastn,"iind Just aconpleto, a 'area :Coal-house and Mee upon the trveraDlNl • Cr ,now prepared to furs/Ishii* citizens of Towanda an vicinity with the differentkinda and Area of theabove tuned coals upon the'most reasonable terms to any quantity desired. Prices at the Yard until Yattitay; nor r ee per net tan of 20,00 pounds: • ANTNILACITE COAL. 41 1 , NO. ~ ~ Move. or Nos. 3 end{ • • I • 1 ANIAIvAX ANTUNA6II6 MAD.) roAers FICOvE St7vp. • N O, „ '' • 1 11111 'll Vige. 1 nr H 1 frge. nr Insc.k - sathh.. " l 330 it a, roucwinr owleiation'il ktArrPs cu lit' 132 . 14610 7 •li•LlVrei,e (..,,,,,p ipftitih the Urrnigt 'WU: ' ' po.r;T.- . .. r 7 !r' , 42 i i i i :rite" V.-e : - .ltiryink- grs. GO neat'. rr .7 rT!'r•....,- '' . .. .. • - 23 r f":t ,- • ''- - iI - , .. • ` c l iir P4,.: -..7c mtk• ‘, ~ i ':.. ' 4 k.: •• ; : ••••', • ••.1.,- ,- , ,F ...d IA ; 4 , ,t„ ; td k-_,. , 5.,. sok ik•••?lik ch Rutt,,,,,, ,:'--..;. 3+-.. 4140. WU.. Ila al. 4 lflP"'"' lkiNllo l / 1 611 (..ti.ti. Prittli k 111Thillg:. ~: , 2. r , Li., I. ~ ;1 •,•Ti_e-7. ' - ' lialliab. rf IBM TABLE OF THE ECULLI -4: Vas a um aalutpan.--•rimas aim as Xamar, rags 17. 11172. 111; 2:30 ' 100 2:20 130 300 6310 131 1 310 NM 130 11:10 .1:20 4100 7:15 435 130 T. (16. 1. 44 • • • TOWANDA ISANN.AT. ZMINNMXI VIM= KILLERS BERNICE PII.Y..CANAL & RR co.— rtr aT : emß r u 'run.!Tux" fIOIPZIMAZD. PO3WIEI.IIIO. , 11111111:2PAS. NO. No; No. No. No. No. 33. 9. 11. -ST ATI °NS. 34. 9. 4.. —— 2k PK AY IN PM PIP ..... ....4 145 lo o 4_ 910 ......Elmira 11 65 613 948 890 1 8019 45 ..., ..WaTerly 1200 586 900 335 137 10 00 --Athena. 1146 548 8 50 4'20 205 10 40 ......Towsadt.... ,1105 457 810 5 22 11 80 .....Wyalsaing.... 10 06 718 616 305 11 60 Lacervalo.... 943 408 664 $l6 12 12 .... Keshoppen... 920 637 62.5 1920 ...: Nehoopaoi... 918 648 755 350 19 451 ...Tunkhaanook... 842 320 856 00 482 150 .....„litision..... 725 2 450 {25 500 '215 —.WEIN Suso.. 700 215 439 ~... 730 433, . ..Mauell Chunk.. ... .. 1148 136 e x 828 5 30 1 ,thont.crura.... Ast 10 12 90 840 005 .. ...13ottdoboas ... 10 00 -', 915 8 35 Easton ID 0811135 10 30 820 —.Philadelphia... 8 301 745 r x 240 'keit , York.... 700 i 000 ..... f ....., •it • Y Tomas it 7 70 a. m.; muss, T tio BOS a. m., arriving at Elmira Ott No. 31 leaves a. m; Waverly 9ooa.ar. No. 31 616 , m.; • st7ler Elmira's% 30 p. Windy. at at 6 30 p. Wetting at 'XV- I Care an/belied to Trains tend Moira to Philadelptda. " 71. PACES% Superintendent. Drawing Tun through ROUTE TO PRTLADEL- . via .sogrn PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD. Shortest and most di:redline to Philsdraphts, tiniore, Washington, and the South. Passengers by this route Wks tennayirania' b Se', York Railroad train, passing Tow. at 10:40 ' A.M., and 2 cO5 p. m., make chino comedian at De. thiehers with Express train ed North 's Bail- road. and arrive In Ptaladeiphis at Ml PPenn. 114, and 10:30 p.m., In time to take night trains either for LEd south or West Palace ears are attached to the 2:05 P.M. train. Day passenger cars are at th e Depot on arrival of au; trains carve passenger a to the various Depots I and - to;all partial the city. F i•,~ LeaVe North Penn'a Itallroad Delia, corner Barks ADX21121118; . of 8:30 k 8:15 Lat.. salting at Towanda 1:57 k 805 Pad., Mae eventag• Inuen's Baggage Barnes. collects and dell's?. bag. gage, Office No. 105 Bout: Fifth atinek, Pld/ladelpTda. 1112201111 t • Freight received at by Daily oble stmts. Phila. delphia. and forwarded by Put Freight train •tci Towanda. and ail points In SnagUdianna valley wlth quick dispatch. ELLIB CLUMP. ; pen. Agt. N.P. JIB., Front and Willow SW ;Jane 3.11172. Philadelphia. BLoort av) Co., 131111 continue FMMM I. T=VTMC7 . nII,Z,.. and will sell a better o‘arb inn, for less money than can be had elsewhere in thri - oforich Wo chitin for Outmachinos that they will do as much, or more, lany other, and are more durably built. We rally superintend our work and see that it is hell dewy. We will send . DISCEIMITE CATALOGUES, • IA our machine", on applicathm. ONE AND TWO HORSE POTS, Tuo-llorse mu:sari.* SEPERAIross, THRESHER and CLEANERS, FANNING -MILLS, CULMAIII LSD DIM° SAW MILLS, SAW AND GB= NW, work done to order Ohre us a call Wore purchasing elsewhere. WI "OD' aIIOAQVIISI I.slslranklN "0 0 1? ia 00 'I Aug. 2,18C9 THE AMERICAN SEWING -MACHINE. This michine is considered by meelmnical men to be, the BEST CONSTRUCTED, MOST DURABLE Sewing Michine over offered to the public. Its SLIIPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION, EASE OF RUN NM), VARIETY OF WORK WITHOUT CHANGE And its ttilpatlttletta SIKCCBII IthertVet It tall been introduced, apeake wonderfully for it as tieing the most complete Family Sewing Machine now In nee. Its adaptation to LIOUT OR HEAVY wons. Is truly beyond competition. Them machines are for sale by WILLSON & MAXWELL, OF TOWANDA, PA. And their manner or conducting their business Is fast winning for them the confidence of the public. Yon cry, examine this machine at their office in blercur's4Blott, or they will cheerfully show it at your hones, without charge or grumbling. Don't let other agents sell you a machine .out of dude or behind the times before examining the AMERICA& Orders by mail, or otherwise, will receive prompt attention. • Towuada, May,l, 1872. ' THE WORLD'S TONIC. • Purely Vegetable and free from Alcohol. DR. P. LORIMER'S JUNIPER TAR BITTERS; A CERTAIX CURE FOR Seated tio o,, nsh iti lncipi z e t zt o t a C 4: : f m=ritti u on; Colda, Spit ngs, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Droop, Whooping Cough, Asth ma. Pains in Breast. or Side, Dyinu7da, 4aundiee, Dizziness. Loss of Appe tile. Fever and Ague. Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Diarrhoea, and all Diseases of the Lungs, Stomach, Liver, and Eidneys. W.: IL GREGG A; C0.,- wtior..saLE mmozeTs, EUUUA, Sole Agents. and to whmn all orders !should be addressed. "Price, $l.OO. /IQ- See Circulars for further information.-i%3 Jun 02,7241 Sold by all Druggists. 'FRAM TAYLOR FASHIONABLE TAILORS, Opposite Public Square, Keep ,always on hand a fall assort- CLOTHS, CASHMERES 1' u: 1 i 1 cj hC In ail the latest styles, HATS CAPS ARD UMBRELLAS, Furnishing la coo d In great variety. CUTTING DONE ON SHORT IMI ALL WORK-W 6 6 MAIN STREET, TOWLNDA, PA. TIE. O. D. STILES Purcbassa oh 4 75 THE DRUG STORE • : Oil. Itinowar, Roe Acnir h iskitkAkil ts =admit:, teetering fresh supplies of pure Drags and Medkians. Dyea,Palnta, Varnides, Ac. Agent let all the most popular Pat ent illetlictatik , is tree 'apply et the eeletfrated 4 00 406 4 . . 4 00 1 00 vutceaa lITTTESS.I Rme Wines and Lignaii fog romllleinall nurposes northlands of Cigars Ana Totowa; choice i pcorten ;. m 7. - toilet and piney uddes flavoring extracts; he. school books, statiourry z - and neva Deakin sup. plir4 with rtationory at low yrkve. All thlow*llatte &Om tnniloho4 to circler at rthltmbitrie DI; - D.r.:1..n r.l c . rt mile to tAtctlM medicine as 1 t CM" , :t f)rcg Store; ristAirve r•xiii:rt-tet . ryt , -!jttt rres , riptiqr.s tchd ry ,rfpf a,r3TrAtt-I y at boars try item. 14-ow 'kik. .lAprille,lB7l. THY OUR . 1 fr faft - , 11 AND•00g i r .00,41$ r. TO THE PUBLIC I EiUa Tag 111 TANI 11:1111 MX 11110 Sal 11:15 It. It. 1114 S 1121 11:1S 10:40 iota 10:10 0:40 9410 /OIL My are aov prepared it area way to attend la da Clealtigienger their Cels braeed moot of AND - COATINGS. iti 4:11 liAl k, 0 „ 1 ,A Thd undersigned would met nopedhily 111# UNDERTAKING BUfflitTllakl! Ia all lts taincbes. Aid we Ind ein give imilabo. the sereieeet of any one in that hoe. Ruing spend no eiponro or trouble ta prow. tag from the shop of It. Eltolon & Co.. al cat }boo, a been 'which mama be salaamed mama muted to elegance, this skte or ear largest rake. VIM,* also marred the seniors of • wet reliable. coital. andlgentannutay person to attend to 11411 branch of the tnisiness. J. S. Assaf, ime of our firm. mill be found auM Foraitaro more, CO Brkage Woe; and C. 111. MAW runs, the other member of the Ilian;sl Wire& deuce on Third street, or &bait the cdtt et Dr. J W. Winn. a very reliable and celebrated plkyakiaa; wbo4e ales is o 4 Pirk street. !me the Ihrell Rouse. L B. ALUM I O. K. =MI& i . =1 FIRST NATIONAT. BANE, 01P TOWANDA.. : Gin= $128.000. SURPLUS ...... 40,000. This Dank offers 177031111 AL TADIIETIIII for the transaction of a - .GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. =OD= AID OS DEPOSITS A.OOOIIDII G TO AGEKENEST. Srscric Cuts arms ro rss coriscuos or Norm um Ortscza. Parties wishing_ to sup mom to an 7 part of tba United States, England, Ireland.'Battiad. or the pets= rips' cities and towns of 'Europe, can bore procure drafts for that purposa,_ 4 1-7133.401 r vori:rs To or from the old count*, by beet steamer or salt. Ow lines, always on band. !UMW SWIM oria 42 liDiX9lO sum Higllitt Pricer paid for U.B floods. Gold and Mom : lOS. POWELL. ?resident. - N. E. DEETS, ;L. .December 1,1869. Outdo& SITSQTMUN - NA COLLEGIATE INEdiTuTtl. tOWANDA.It&DPOIID 00t12FTY. its,'Slerventoentb MONDAY. AUGUST ts, This Inatitulion will Year The courses of study are English. Normal, C. menial. Academic, Scientific and latusital, in an of which the Instractlon is systematic and thorough. The Principals win be assisted In the various departments by a large and wry excellent caps of ilurtructors—three graduates; experienced haspL e gin en recently engsged—and no effort be tom ane the Institute, in comfort. discipline and general effeloney, second to no other 'Wise instnution. The Waded Department will be voider tbe•abilrge of Prcleasor H. Pr. iobanuesaen. This institution is now in thorough repair. In addition to the ettenstre improvements it a= the put year. new apparatus maps and most approved patent desks and sashrail the study and recitation rooms have Just. bun par. chased. The Principal of the ISormal Department will organize August 28, a Teachers' Class, and by iprio:uz sraccuroi aid to complete the most thor ough course possible during the time. Tuition from Se to $lO. Board and room in the Institute $4. If desirable, students may obtain rooms in torn and board themselves.'Early cation for for board and rooms at the Institute should be made, as the ramie are being raptly =Peed. For further particulars or wattages, apply to O. W. Ryan ant E. E. Quinlan, P=Tovaada. TOL ang.9ll . Preaddent Board Trustees. NEV STEAM FLOURING MILL L fiIiESUZQUIN. PA The subscrib deelres to give - notice that hie ztem STEAM FLOURING MILL Is :low to succesabal operation, and that be is pre. pared to do all work in his line on short notice. CUSTOM GEINDMO DOSE On= SAYE DAT THAT IT ZS Taerri72) L'l9lt, Buckwheat wad Bre Plow, Cara Neal. 3ran, he., always cm bond and for sale at lowest rates. PARTICIIIAZ PICITICZA—Persons livings on the west river the d=rim petronlisi my mln. will h li ave de the of ir far =id both =ye, when theY bring grist& sf ton WAWA and upwards. 3411.4"11 P. R.. MVRTANT •TO ALL WHO E Taus fl/WIT 1 The sight e l and g the pp t r h es e e w rv e eekd. strengthn. Picar.mparA OPTICAL barmirn, • , Tor the niaoubcturisig of the CONCAVE 001CTEX, MU TAT, LE211313, LONDON !WOLFS) AND TIWTZD GUMS FON INZAI OD IN. rLawro LTIN. the Concave .Convex Crystal Binctacka. made the above institute are now a l time before the public, and the rapid and demand for them combined with the universal acknowledgment of their clearness In radon and ease to the eye, shows Phalli/ that they are stdaator to any other &saes in the market. The majority of Spectacles. (nostly imported) and no matter how fine the frames, contain but a poor and worthless article of glasms, (generally paid or grossed;) they are made to be sold only, without any calculation resPectititi Paull to the sp. and therefore the great complaint of poor and weak sight. Thousands are using glows now which tire and fatigue the eye, whore the objects get dim after short usage, or require an intensely strong light and therefore destroying the sight, which, were they Frerlsuited. would be preserved a llie time. antages claimed in the Concave Convex CVClams are the following Lensos are ground of the best material, Pura and hard, and made only for optical purposes, they age therefore not liable toget scratched or dim. They center a brripliSiaannreyy and dbrtinctnes of vision not found in any other s. They can be used equally well by day or.candie literhout tiring arlativiing the eyes. are ground inathcanaticalir true in the con cave convex mirror, according to the phi= nature,. and shape of cornea of the assisting nature only instead of forcin g it. ' Thai Umlaute: are =tore cOrrect into the truniel. They can be used loK i n any other ease, without changing to The frames an made and durable by expe rienced workmen and to give aatlsoaetlon VILA. Dealcr in Watches, Jewelry and SitverWare.To6ll. da. Ps., has the sole agency for these grime in Bradford minty. No Pedlars employed. July 12, 11170-tt THE HOME SHUTTLE SEW TEE MACE= THE PEWrECTION OF MECILMEM roa illoOnato, inure, Bazonto, Castmso, pianturo. Bum % Onzaaa, TIMM Burnam nrX-STlTCarliti AND GATIMMING. Ps fated AMERICA AND EUROPE, Simple, COmpeet, El!idea; Durable and Complete Every Machine Warranted, for five yearns. EQUALLY GOOD POE yINE OR BEATY WOBE. It !i a Triumph of Mechanical genius. 17. ) 1•1.4:3430 *437,00 The only practical kne, priced Lee2-wren dewing Whietdae ever invented: Don't be haubugned by other Aosta blarney, no mater how smooth their tongue nay babe mire they mean large profile to their own pockets. , . D. B. WOODBVEX, • agent far Bradford and Sullivaa Oceintlei; Agents *anted. • Raney Bradford connlY, Pa..Yeb. 2IZ TAYLORS CIEUEBRATED OIL /be Groot Zhennatte lawn should be bW_ and need by ovary Musk tbst loos deer or norses„ relatitter sad Limy OWN Imes. even and. Zorn Null, tor It Inn area nines ears pain and leilmtess atm go Mier as& due bees Med. Inners and Inereid *odd certainly tees it, for It is inanornsesea tor hum and sprains. Iflartanaltbe abould beep it lilt their own vas and for tbetr mime= boast footed horses, se notl4tor equals It tar tender feet. Ever t erns, y body orons sonertne trona de of pato andany kinsman of say bind, ents myth* ot akin; Corns, Chilblains ' or any disease rownninit an the outward application should reptilian beep Ms: eels begged nedidne. livery bottle warranted to: On rehdection. For sale by Dr. H. c. Pinter Sam & co. Porter k Kirby and F, W. Brown Druggists, Towanda Pa. And by 'Tay Drp st and drake in Prod tcri and adjoining , corm a. ionriton Solloway and Cairdimorh , ileasle Patent IliciikinegiN4riA, em Arch strett Whoisseie Amts. 'IT. DRUMM; %MOB. ja1y19 . 70-11 Proprietor, tensywrine. Pa. for ire dollars at !IWO!' 4 SOU, 7UNDJIMIGIENA, RAVING hsisseallOalbabliiiiie 11. PLUM 160 Ilia et & B. PATOB pripmell 1410 t 10 tie dal et aOmskUd fib *poi imp mid ow.awwwld GROOKBIZS, 1• URI I we soli M ee leer Seim N see be peedkeiel ibrobere. I saw oat So thirst& sapleanl Med TEAB, 001 1 1101/3, SVGA , it A4ll. enianta, Mel% ea. Um la Iliad slaw Mock et n7MW.M ' ‘7II MI DO. 3 Imp oessistly ea kW. POW; 11111111, i public So au On% 111 Sad STOO4 OF TOBLOOO, I s w ig* of price ituriial;i64l6l.6lll. 417. Xs, Tort Clisomkel km MP. Pietro an and wombs, err Meet at • WOODEN WARE. Lap msoitment et um* Rezak Tana ions, se.. c. I win my am Idibmplarik palm be COUNTRY PRODUCE. Tarsi:ore. give us a call beton agllag elserbere. B. A MP, r9s6ll"llll - 14 / 4 " S /11111111111 , Torads. Meek 12. 11181 M e J. LONG. OrROOERIES AND PROVISIONS, ' WOOD, WILLOW, AND iriONZWANN. FLOUR, FifFM, NELL i &a, Na 1 I'ATIOWIS DLOCM. COIL MAIN AND 841.1X1r, EITS., TOWANDk, PA. I desire to can the attention of the public to ley amortwent d goods, which le Mimi fen and cow piste, and tin be sold to may custoniare at lowest inailwt rates. My stock of - TEAS, c COFFFICS, I . SP.I(f E S Save been purchased slued tee late redecales la the tariff on thent. and ate teamed at prays to ear respcad. a• . Oohs* tyy mail or otherwise will routes osiers sad prompt attemike. Thin'du the; pub& toe the liberal they two even me. / !tab I cooitstaaar i f i E MD& CASU PAID FOX MAIM P2OOMXII. FIGURES WILL NOT LIE ! -nix amp= is TOWN TO am BOOTS 1 4 ‘, • - .4 . 1 . 14 t. itTA.llkt.Sa 1;:l 4401.1 °pall* 2 8010 k tai Sock Sara waft; vseanta SA a do 1 . do do do : 4 a do 2 do do • do mad. 400 do •3‘ dotibb solo 4 do- Iso do Calf peg - do ;do do 100 BAP SIZ 2 Mk andter, do 2 TS to 3 00 YonUsa sip, M doable ma, do 2 ale 2 211 Neadtants ma be mgilad Ow *am class of goo& at Tery reaamiU prim. W. ego yergorad to matte Boots to Maim% Mao Iflrstaloos Repair. Log at resaosatAt °`i°°`' N. 11.-Ttio abovo in =l , Pw pries mum mod b. . Street bo4f4 Moons . l= andlowiabdl CASE os dallvery aad see before Too Churett Nabs I. C. EDAM Towida. Sot. ien. NEW PL*NING MILL. 3a NT= and Said It letth Or most modern mad Impeored sieebbory. the tbe maketeetere ot wntoow a'sa A= *WM Am prepared to MI seders. ittethee Imp or mull. upon the sheeted mace. We bay also a dety of =mantas. of the Mast et* mod erldeh we am terniah 'math cheaper thea abeyant be wetted b 7 hand. PLAIIMG, 1 - ! TONGIViIiO.! i CE II 9CMIG• • I A= 1101tOOL , &Mlle, And , all °time tart partalatestototosey.vOlbeaaa• Wolfram caolomers: Pesos' b‘e ad not Nan 1110 f• Dia bistro to fourteen soika di OW. yid And it brodylior their kdaist b buy at us, or bring thetr Mabee slid los It touted by oar rosebtowye Daft your add of Math& or other brobar, and weds your int is tom. bia It s muted consul N ttseir you. • VON Ws via pal CAW kr Ina AND IDNIZIONL =URyea at our Mabee TEN Onus sod ass us. or IS moon vas. Tsunoda Yoh S. ISM I. =OM & CO. QUPERI OR AGRICULTURAL Itlentrn, for ils bi • R. K IWELLES, TORAIDA. Mice No. S Ifercar's nook. north side o[ Court Noon atzonre. WHOIMALE AND RETAIL DEALER ADD NANIIINICTVRIDIS IOU? Madam. Sarin Pants Rd ThreasAmm TM Ram 800. la c a C eale Lairs samo.wAsesA•sAirsas. Yi arms° POWICNIZI ITS IPA. OMR • n 1322222 Pei Sala =MM. Ac., ma. c=sod deIaISPUTo. Illastrobol Walled dr labod -or mai>ta tree $ all opplkoato. It on oat but throe mots to oted Jar duelers pcidae• Mimeo trims to 6 1b450110, cal ood ois so. Urn 22.12. 7t: 11=1121.. TO THE MIMI. • boiled the stook Ned lethal the obi Mead WC= it Ayer. would say to all who toy their -G'IIOOIIBIES • • to Ogg Plata tbat I shall endeavor to keep i Dried Store. Alio a tall assortmaut of ere= usally kepa la I Grocery = - , YANKEE NOTIONS, Which I to sell very clomp ter oath. I =OW a then et roar patrousge and thlat I ow maim tt thatatilty advaategixate for via to ded with sal. Yours. wry rei r thal l:l. ;mum Towanda, July t WIZ MONEY SAVED; Eir of lemons AND HARDWARE at , w. L. PECUMI74I. Ortrel ham, • "PROST tifiONS hrre the bilged ..a,..,r ..a,..,Tanners la be aaaaki. t. " =I • , - 0114K11:1XT - Front $4lO $l, WOODEN' . • I • D c . J111111011t&TOUS. Foe.le ciseibpit 'EZELL & 00.13 OODDING, B Who oho El MONA Vlorri4i O. B. PA2O:11. 14 fig;l:i. WOOD AN BIRD CAG MEI {. i iuY: Knives' will 13TOVES, IlirsA A; • RANG Homes and Cold !short, noti NAGLEE LEATHER BELTING, - f L I LIGHTNING SAWS COD LNG, RUSSELL & CO. Y. LI LONG. MO Q ' 808 or door an they yin elks poke in. then eh, ante • . BRADFORD COUNTY, • isms theraqld7 pietteer via is every hawk et the leptasea. pa het eintideat that they eau =eke it to the Menet at all To thieiiiiii. OiTinnif. . . . i . . Mob IlLototoodo olowebooroolostall r e, bon OW POW to Ile oompeot.oustiosonfachood by the but dotabiblhootods to the ooh. =EI Mtn rtne emu UMW at gridtleteammigwastitidilise yew.. Uri. S. it Xlar alati "irirl - Trait ikW Ted with tall liar , I i I ,wir A FAXAackibs' Ell Mtn num et irY' itoiewsints: arm eirima 14 awes,. swap. r 1 ~owß_ unreel aY law 6111. • mos=n, Ow Dr. Imo' Dierr Mice. 161814 41 7•Wiftellarl.Airit PriVarrier ILI iltheil borrow work. C The.. • _ t most =Mum ana _.____ _lttstACO NOM* /macula. odyieg7 Purraell u!nang .am aer.ZrAds , Iss OW TOWAIibA fiLd CIOXPANT ',pupsr tagis! - at Ole das low. Get MS mi. assmesa.. - - aprikUßlM , ME ..ett - .t.l , anKJI!MV!. MAU% VRIIM = MILL el.. sell ell kinds of OTHER TOOLS, Agents ice 1441L51 mumus; HES► Am) fallimas 6 ~ GE al3 UNIVERSAL, NOVELTY ADD EXCELSIOR kyrlio)-JI:1;111 STONE CHURNS! I JI to - AND FORKS, AND SCISSORS. f Bazars and Pocket Ido well to call. 4 6:40 4 il n D'Z AND GLOBES. with Go Pipe, Hot Water s 00.0* &e-. on and work guaranteed & co.'s CAST STEEL. eicleltizw. ' .FBANIES, • . • to • • A lm t:To : . • & ,Pattoal Itkx3. Maio IMO. To . • smortaient pr Coins. VasithViand • •• • on and. Goods loads to - =num den.7.11.-2y. E IS INDELIBLY STAM WERT TWO. cart' 3133r0ii. cr1t7"7.11"-T.r:7-TA;z79ll•t r i NFIELD2k WOLF, cdlrol tMZEK3TaIk and bereby 0 ;1.100 (*Mk(*) v(v ',a calL •RILItAII VOL?, WK. WCKZ. Kara u. tan K EI 21..-40,4.0 1 .1 11 4Pri1ik" 6 "' 7 ‘' _ gamma it= nava 114,V11,11. 111.-Tir*: ' A ant 40.01110*** ~- • • AND`I7PROYMNIK loOd -9001‘..1 OOD B,'__ madriduit; DESa m, PORK, 14131101 1 1; ER nom OF ALL Dziournoms, MODERN STONE -*Aux YANKEE NOTIONS, mon, FEED, 14131AL,GRAIN,Ao. Being on your prodoce. Irkkik In pap mak tem," 'DAIRYMEN, A camas* Adam OM all abed Mina Neat Balm . raft all sal look Way* aca mad loyal Ile ea boa Is -iris' W. A. INXBEIMAs. Tama. MAU Mk 11. lINI GRQOKRY AND pßovizamt S T 0 n'.311,: licrO ABE K EDVIA.RDS, Illbolossis and Zeta Dade• Is FAMILY GUOOEICIES PROVISIONS,• lILIBOITN'S , NA'W BLOCK. TOWANDA. PA. We do not doer It nooementry to entunerobe att the ddleeent uncles me keep. One ileoettoent la ALWAYS COILEPLETE. vs sell nothing but FIRST CLASS GOODS,. Cub 'paid for Tamers Prod**. - lUCES XeClEr. %IL EDWARDS. Mutt 3.1670. VOA. & HERCITIt are now receiv .ll: tag an stork al Goods in their line, bought mince tbe let Jainism to which they Invite the at- Section of them Mend& Webs" the tersest stock In town. Oar goods*" lash and desireble. We men IS lowest market pekes. Jen. 11). 1211. PFEIR AND NEW TEAS boXt t :ne the matt &dine In wit*, ii na - door si retall. TUX & =CM • ta.l9, 1871. • FOIL & MERCUB are selling Gro aeries as ralalL I Jan. 111. 1871 . VOX & MERCUR are Railing New .a: sad Trash Goods. \aan. IUM Fox & ?thump, are selling Gro- ORIN cheap. 1f. 1511. FJr, KIM= are selling first .a.. class Goode any. Jaa. 19, 1811. "PDX it HER= are selling theism than am. Jan. 19.19T1. T2EMEIII:II3KB that wo are selling .2.1.1 Goods at • BETAIIO • And that ere won't be andarsald. 1 / 4 urn. FOX * INXECUB. 311 MEGA N FINE-CUT TOBAO- 00—iary eltoice—at Jan. 12, 1871. POI" k XEEOUW& VOX & MEDWM* not deal in Shoddy Goods. AIL 1871. 1311, CUSTOMERS ,can rely upon athe best them atted affords and at itertil2ll. rem best TOP= Towanda. Jan. /9.11. BMX WWII& iqr Emituilut THAT FOX &HIM AA; OVE see all Mods Or °maim at vlsoiesalsrpriom. TLaJamul. stock Co tom Goode trot dm. Prima kw. X. T. IFOX. Opt. 19,10. XIMOWL rEBEST KEROSENE OIL IN 3, by the quantity or retail al Fla NZIKIIIWS. BAY AND DINING ROOM. First block north of Ward Howie. BREAD, PIES, CAKE,CRACKERS, , .11.&ZED DAIL Y, Aid said M Wholesale lad Belga In our DINHIO DOM we will secommodabe the time Wolk'of th da7 with anon Willer lunch or a gcpd meal M all mewing. OiIiTERS ' AND ICE CREAN ON HAND DIMINO 13U111 OLSON. • • Also a glaa asaortzsout at Groceries. Caafactioaery, PM* Naas. kr war tit • D. W. 8001 T a CO. OENTRAL MARKET. Te.sasettbettstat °outlaw 'to keep oonateany on band a MI sad complete meartment et ra‘ pertaining to their bunion% oondettogineire. BEEF,' PORK, FRESH AND PM MTTIMTIITT7T7I BRITTON, ' WOW. LAUB. VIAL POULTRIi. BAINLAOL - . • WIZ. ' . BOLOGNA. Bat= MCC • TALLOW. Ate.. am Also. r MI I S Et FRESH FROM THE LASES, - =main airmrD MILT b ash billfr Reim Opbsra ta it at at qamatt. tarraill be 16ad aa aban - satiot, at NW di Wed. Clarrats. IlLtaszt. Itantaarea Block Mt &oat meth at Dz. l'attata. Cam °=. mum a utrupcni.. Tom Tab. 1111. 1170-tt PUM3 iItrGWMN meat of AICIMICKS AND BWIBII GOLD AND HELM' WATCHES Tor d escriptloas,. radial sat Get ses. Jewelry eras Maas ma MEI urn Tumuli Li) iionizos cruxi - • • •CL4C)CIitiS ziosilak io;clinui. To isig sm. (kW. Irma "AID snit atiteritata nt *MT VAIMIRT. Paramliestleellaritnalci IZEYI 11 INa of an ideas. ALL WIMIC Ittandu berths plion.-Ops &oar meth ate,* mock. =Ma :It I mew,uk. au: I. UM, rOrt . SALE.—A Platform Spring WaicoS lath tcpy. OTET bolt scat. almost_ ,new savor bees rseutor 50 manna. Also *se set enfold &ebbs bitlimasiismis by J. V. Wilma. lewd now. Wt be sold reammablis Puttl3,72-tt JOHN Z. !OZ. EC= In tbsteseaseth, a lIITe and ♦arird *snort. ~''r'"" '~ir'~'. NM i t• •P ' • f • • • 1. re f Wl4llll/011..-tet 0 L 4,01 Ct, =ES ,F. f,,, BONMI aIIPB= FOR nuns. OM SILVER I'LLT4D WAIM i from & / kg*** kii fArsisyy 1).4:V agellicY of the swims ammo maimums:. INSURANCE "AGENCY lEI WICKHAM & ;RUCKS Tolima'. ;WY 23. 1372.. Bode Sabi Shoal. KIP BOO* STOGA. BOOTS; CALF BOOT RUBBER 1300 TB, BOOTS AND SHOES In endleaa variety. 3Ek:)E:ytis.. EzA:tais. L. L. MOODY & CO., Hayti the sole control for the Itetkil trade of Humplwey Bros. lIMI-111XIC BOOTTAED•SHOES Idanniaciared in Towanda, W or ire Mos as kw as other houses ars lantern Goods. p1..),w a: 40M51 IV AO l Be wee that you are baying these Boots, tor it d'ont stand to seism that an Eastern Boot, made by via chine throughout. will begin to wear with the orb). tasted TOWANDA BOOTS. BUBBPSBB 1 BIII3BEBS 1 BUBI . 3EIiS 1 A liege anntintest. wbkh we are adling at & large reduction ter prim. We keep wow° but Ann quality Rubbers. FINE SHOES l' FINE SHOES ! ' FINE SHOES;! for Loins, Mons and ChWren, In Pen. asst. lid, Irteneb lid. Sense sad Trends Calf. is tact an the ogles zmnatmtured b 7 the beat Factories. -in the country. • TELL LINE :or DEBT'S . 000D8 ON NAND ROM! 11:1 frA 0 :4 al Just received. a larger ' stock of Wolf, Buffalo and .moron.. also Morse Blanbits, Wtdiu. de., yid& wan cbeap,tar cash. • , TEDIUM, TEAVILLNO BAGS. ke. The largest sasoetraent in this section at correspond• prices. Glee no a call and you will be untied L. L. MOODY CO. ?bwoaa. Not. 1.1871. NL7Vir : CARRIAGE FACTORY On Pine, betweenlialn and OccondAtreets, back of O. P. Mann is Co. Dank. . . TOWANDA, PIKNN;A. HENRY STULEN & CO., = ii r alig- i hays bolltnosto Ws friendriand palm*. .3161C1. WIZIAOZ rAcroar. idlers the 7 win coustatitlyteep:cni hand stall wort UM of- ' FAMILY Mida).ffElk TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFOMI WAGONS, acrrrnse sain, - AND 151.1=0241. Wide Cl the beet steeelig tea Inished firths beet city Mee. loai perieatioe In city Oarriegt Pactoriee tree them • decided advantege over others tit the • FiflUh, /ityk .and Durability - at ids Mos: *All they's** le sal IN'SPEO'ZION OF KIS WO perdostliapardirlag Weldon. - 41114V'18,1, ro ens Pi't• IIA rIitiPACTION TYnatal raw litteesi patrottage toesperty iriii sod ritslisektally ask at °GUM:MS** *of this... ' •• • . REPAIRING, PRORPTIar ArTiNENti TO isammid rifts FL CLAD,X. • ...„_lllsjlL'l6lo.—tf,„. - bruag your 462 " PDX ii lea MIMI: ; , • O.' , • I raga & 80N 0 ' , DRUG STORE, - slogan!, pimp rosins Vlraingiffiribli ss.lilMl. %mods. ME tit io d 16 14 - any !=rttir **A tali ust isfinslle tip • eastis Ms Sit .with Is yr= at i vidett a i rs as • seienrible Om. as,Wkokmale • st HOL ANWZMENXELTA .. . • SASH PAIXT. TAMIL -WHXIM-114811. And ialliads al liewiliss. NERO,FNE OA COAL OIL, . • 114,5:. igralai ituku. mum maga. anixiszra. pperm. lard, IThatparede Took' tANNEreb AND MACHINE OILS, i • -.- - rangy and Toilet Articles la all their variety. 51.611012, MUM SOAP& COMM% - • 1 r D all ? Esivinoll. Perfumery, POO BOOKS, PORT IMAM. Pocket Solves, Bain% • roars. BZZ A3D gar rrapArAmora • rho. wini 44.1? iil; - mom roe liontesal nee, . . Tbaroo, Slaw,: rose MD MU" - - flankeih.Pleit lbw eieds. Trusses: OW. *odors. flumpessarles.' Madder Tram* Breast WTeething BM" Nordic Bottles. NIESde Mena and Meds. i ll isne. Brdfamling Yrolt lens i S t" • " 111021114111111. MillOting latracta. ne Inge. abuse - Ware. Bottles. Vials. Corte, Bath 4 , . 3 . anzawn a . nd ewes sale d an T d aekle. Lo. - . *o ac Wes, a pular Pateai 1 f DICINES. ~ diat e ntai AB as Mgemented. Persona at * ssereeetve their order* lmstage or mail , width lamb% prompt and Bra it attention. Medical advice even grataltously at theidlent. abates* a* for medicine. • - Sir Tbantdal for pet Ilbseil pram nage. would rea -1 pendia; annotated to their friends and the publie,that Ino Wes Oa be spared-to sat Ar. and merit the co*. Situation of their maddened and patronage. &rpm Bundays tartets':Milo= from 9 to lo Lin.. mid 12 m. to /. and d to 6 P•or• 1 E. C. porrze & 9 0 1 5.! - Ura 1, /17 — i " - • llKE'n4' ME fro any person Fr:during any Medicine showing half ss many living, permanent carts u Dr. Frpun's Reassume Einart2. used Inwardly or lf rpleasant "Medicine, !me from Injurious dugsi Warranted, under oath, to have permanent ly cur td OS In every 100 patients treated in the past ten yams. (See testimony). Ws the scientific) pre scrion of Prof. Joe. P. Fitler.ll. D., a graduate of the University ofPennsylvania:a. D., 1812.—now one of Philadelphia's oldest regular 013U:furs. and Professor of Chemistry, and Toxicelogy„—who has alsffollsuligia, Chronic and Inffanutory Rheum tam ilux specialty of his entire professional life—a fact vouched for by the :signatures accompanying each bottle, and other testimonials of many neat rene*ned physicians and clergymen. .1 tort sufferers from poisonous quack nostrums and useless 'exPanditure of cooney,'UPagal signed guar. entre' Idatince xact umber of homes warranted to t eum.will be forwarded gratis to any 'sufferer send ingTelli letter a foil description of affiction. In case of 'to cure, amount paid positively ref coded.. mint anywiurel:7 express. coll ect on de li . Afilictol Invited to write for vice; all in formlition and medical advice sent by letter gratis, Adams Dr. J. P. ITZLER, 29 South Fourth street Phillideßhis. Pa. The Remedy is sold or ebtained by Drriggists. , Tat nabs by PORTER kr VIRDY. Druggists. *ex .iar'S Riodr.., Towanda, Pa. . . TrWANDA M -A- , "RI B M 1 Ever exhibited in this section, to which they invite the attention of the public. MT keep on band oe furnish to order TOMB STONES, MANTLES, &c., • , , . • v 14 S 1 ~ Towanda, May 1, 1871 . ITlft OLD MAIN STREZT • Still oontiunes the_ manuisepani of CAItRLIGES AND WAGONS Of every deacriphou. at the'eland of (i. 11 LATEST STYLE „ AND. FINISH -In the manufacture of wagons uotblug Is used bn COMPOSITION BOXES PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS beat Radom stack to used to the taaantactare Spokes ate all rived eat—not sawed. IT ALL arose WkszarnaL 101 o um JAMES BRYAIir pi HIGHEST MARKET PRIDE ("Alt PAID - • , OUAIN BUTTER AND EFGS, GP() 11. - .0 E. S Ikt T • .oAtilmici, - fq. • aim Id, 1874. STUART Wligrif sore TO' & ELEROIIIM = 1 ibIXOUk ►z4 nom mac irassimok ISM-NEURALGIA 1 $5OO WILL BE PAID Miscellaneous. arbl-e -Works. GEO. M4CABE & SON joist received "Ilit largest agoOrtzuent of AMERICA AND ITALIAN MONUMENTS, 03 every style.: AT THE LOWEST,_ TERMS. lifcoAßE & SON Carriage Va4Ct,oryi DmES BRYANT =I STILLTT. Tow Lana. Ills 'mirk Is all of the BEST STEEL AXT Ps, To ether with the In Light Work . AND , .LUMBER WAGONS _ Kept constantly on band. ALL ironic BOLD EQUAL TO ANY As to !Wale. attd as to darabillti, livrwou TO ANY 12( TIM SECTION kwitmw. • NATioIiAL inrE mimulTur, CO. Or U. IL $1,000,000--mp cx illtc Cbarterid by Conr,ress, D 367 OLABEIRE 11;CLAUK. F'r lakrai ; 00011.4 Chairtpin Viiss*intl Ex 6,14 MOW D. COOKE: Vico President : UENRY W. PEET. Seeretari And Arthdry , . _ • The advantages of rho lastiohal Lite Inauranct G, aro : . • Ics Natiooal Collapacinctartered 4. It Ma s p 414 np capital of Ono Million S. It oar" loaf rates of proniltuna ; 4. It funatsties larger Insurance than on< r co, palm Isar the tatno runny ; IL It la definite and certain ; • 0. Nen is uosperscibility of nen* orratsundcristaattlng by On+ T. The policies 46 . plain contra,t+, ro m ,, ': ;,,, time for so midi /mow ; _ 0. AU pastel are zum-fortriting 0. The policies are c4crupt r4r4 E. W. C. 1410( n3llken., l'L•:Lal_I,::o- o aftlieral As‘Tc,tatel. B. aF AUBSE4, • - N. O. a. \...1.%0ux, g.Agell4lor TOWanall'ana •idritt7 Jan. 9, 1.849. - GUARDIAN MUTUAL \' LIFIV INSURANCE . C.O)ILPA7 NO. 231 1111031/WXY, NEW YI)111,: Poucirs 7Y Foucz.. Awns, 0ver....... Lursr.tr. Iscosfri orcr Lasims Paw . All approved forma of Policfra 'rated. Liberal modes for.paymezt of .premitz., ..Policies non -forfeitable by thcir ttrmp. The entiru prrdlta of the Company 41Kvid , ...1,in ably among tact Immre,L • I ANNUALDIV.IDENDS..v. WALTON H. PECKILM 1 , 44.u)Ex - r. WILLIAM T. HOOKER, VkE PREMIEN! .Lrcius st , ADAMS, Siss.'lr AYL AcTrAu—f PIITLADELPLILI ILEFEILENCEs : Jar Coo= k Co., Bantuv. Datum - AL Co., Lpiktre. - Joss WOODSItaI 8; Co., Tea S. A. Ift.r.czn,'Lit:ct. Fartwq - LL' 51.x11.3.Lius' ti T. B. YETLlsao:l,:rtiLlitL'Cr. J. A. MCCALL,. . 31y12,70-U Agelit;:roviaLLlA. Books and Statotiory. DLIRIEki Ffl-1872 -PAPER & ENVELOPE::.; NEW-YORE SCHOOL BOOKS . '",:,,,,,,, '•• N... PE2I9, IRE, Blrsle, ST vri.,m,) .. - Nn C -,.. Pxrt-LEi --....., BLANK BOOKS YANKRE NOTIONS da, Nov. 19..11168. 800K -BIN. I'LL lie Is respeetfi . illy informed that tier dory Inks been removed to the ••Itep third story, where will be daze HOOK-BIDING . In all its carious branches, ~/a terms as r, a " the times" will allow. The pindeiry will bt the charge of 11. C. WiIITAREU, An experienced Bindo i r, and Al work will l>.• done in a dale and nemerier which cannot be. , Music, Stsgarines.ls'ewsrawre,Old Books. , hnile in every variety of-style. Barth:tiler attention o ; ,i h. peld to the Luling and Binding of LUNE BOOKS To any desired pattern, which in. '!omit Y a , i Wily will bo 'warranted: - • All work will be ready for dcliverY u /,' The patronage of the public is feet satiafacti,n guaranteed. .• Towanda, August 2, 1806--tf. . TOWANDA AGRICULTU4ZAL . ALM: :* Th' ,:uperir.hihcleut pf tht, imue of Uto best LUMBER FLA TFOII.II 'WA OiXiS COVERED AND OPEN DUO (i lEk; c;:cr or.,red it. ti.i, OAK AND. HICKORY I TIMBER nerd. and work er.ult , by'tltr ino.t UERIENC.ED We have the TENT /MS:4A //:?.:V :EA Ts very light, aii,l so dut.able that even tattle b. but little to do toViarde decay. , 'lB3se examine our work whore. 130pairiurtIono'.ou short: uoucc. • 3f. C. 311:11C.I'M Towaud3, July 20, 1670.. • T E . BOLLES & CO EN • - GENEICA.I. ruoDuct. Commission Merchants, SCRANTON,- PA:, reSpeCtfally ISOncit !..2t ,BIT ER. EGGS, enl:t.si:. VEAL: • Anti rli other Faro: Produce One of the firm Laving re,‘bled sn Serant. , n the past ten-years. and hating an eat: tune at /1113:1:1 anco with the business men of the city. fe -I, ''- fident that we can sell produce to the tlitirt , faction of constnors. -REFERENCES. L. S. pH:IIIEI7CE, A. Li. ' , LEWD... ur.,.:!! BALDWU & ELACHSIAN, G01:111.11 COO: __ Lettayinilio, Fa. G. G. CHAFFEE,. MAUTIN ham. Pa. 11. J. CfIUDEUCK, II RY SIDAII..k6tT , vine, pa. a, a. HOLLis. tap1.26'711 S/9090 s T rPoRT E N E ork 3-, . *LADE ON The enb.. - 4e,riber now offers for ...ale •rLOURTA MILL. C111:ff. oNE.uALF (7.lsEt, ANNV.,.:. .I):T.sid, The propertyis situated in Stevensville. oonllty Pa.i on the tine of 'the propose,: railrewl from Wlalltsttg to- Ding,hanitoni an,i 3 probably bo located on the propel ty• • The Proira eOnsists tlfti.en aerrA largo new two -. outbuilding% and • nover.failing For labor particulars enein - fro of (),• - 1 ) . Itaftrt , Wm..Oritha, or N. X - . Bette, Jr.. Cashier nrri,•N..- tion•bManly Towanda. Pa.. .3tartin C 0 7,1 1.. Barre; or A. Letrir, Wyainsing. • INGIINSI STONE. • J=25'72033 • l'a . • tocEraEs AND PEON' Ist° NS ‘.. 4 1 P r i nor:4. 11 71,11, ). • Bel6Ctitlibr iIIIICIEUICO to the public gl they have opened a large and choice Eiv, k GROCERIES iliNI) PROVISRI corner Main aid Ftaukhit t L....- they will aril as cheap itA. Ch•At •nt CAS It ! You will alNiayu lin& n.. 11 ,tit happy as ever. ha wait neon all cld eamt..m. many new 01.1ii1 ay. gill 1.3i - •. , r tbcm 0 . • 1110 S. 311111: , •, 11. , INSURANCEAGESC TROY. P.l. LIRE, LIII2 and Act ?It in fart-elam :„ Also Laud', tiny...) in.; itn! Convoyantitia TWelity - tha,•jrl by mail Aug it, A. CAS , Y...- _ 111 ' t•of..f.th: 1 MI •••-. I, s„, "'... i r Bt4t A Et LOLL} •