X•rai,for,d ftp aim l'owanda, Thilysilny, August 15, 1 SIT. LOCAL AND GENERAL ==l Stir For 5414. cheap the rot-tt•T set. Captain 11L&NvILLE , has been tied captain of the IinANT and WlLsox Club. Stir The lihndsonic residence of -M. Lta uli ;Lipton street. is *ppm' cl.l air. 0,11110E414M Stir Col. E. Ovmaws, jr., will ad -dress a Republican meeting in the Academy, W(.idnesday evening, August 21. Ile Wm. 1).7154w, National Bank inspector, and R. Coon, clerk in the Trensury Ilipartined, wen. in town TUC' Y. iter Rev. Vtic. 11CGfa•nIExr will disrourse,nr3.l Sunday morning, "on having 2111 aim in life.'' l'orsons desiring ; to aqua the old coontry, can now proem -, In onfiy ordcre at the Towanda Poet Office.. =112:12 oar Two olegant now pnfiseugor for-the - :loittiwry Con-tral It. 'II., pass ,l th I'a. and N. V. It IL, a few liftyl; tpj,,. Mr and llrs. it. G.. Gull, of ti,,,Amerieriii 11014, have.. the condolence of the lo:;e1 of t Tv) grantlchilareo M. liboN has disposed of 11 , 40 at n rtiost-, mid will hereafter devote I .; , ‘,ll ,tterdir.w.t” ;• , .nducting the Yard =I ggi_ The vetiprableltti M'Cojw, htc years of age, is nne 'of the most• aa'ulrucatce Oi l GII4NT'S election in this • Mrn. PIAT I T, of Tunkhannock, lititlr(k I,y belttg thrown from 9. ,;; (1%, since, is elowSy recov• vs.:During the shower on Sunday :•. Lorick c t barns beltaig „,• o,llindnu- tOWllsllir, thuirn 1y,t11111 , ,,t Ut their rutr Mr ht= imrsys, tip,i his - Li -,:• ~ ...., . ..111N1}{.4 '1,:1111,1 11 . ,• hard that E. W. NE.u. Lt, ili the cartellWitoll • , .,•,;e le Mr. Lois. T. iird.w,Ti.it; editor of .. -. Mr. B. will ;al, , 10 Set I. 11 0 .10 'Ali; 6. , 1, , . 1 AP-0. te— .1 'lox el er used. ling n. or .. . :,1 I( \I . ItiCaw, (Jetob , r .1 I T•,1" I !n4 %VIM At:l l l 4 ;A,, Nil 4 I= • / ~1 (I,lltel ice.. 'ride Mat 110 building lip(1 Sax - flux! II :1. , 11t1a2 t S.(1 , 1)111 %VII: L, 10 . 1.1.a.rjq1 ',Ol 11111 , 1.. I ,rith ; ,;; I ! , P! flef' itEe utts't Ititottiug of le ••t 4,• • •oti!T••fflpit..rt. taist, • it ! tt s t• 22, is an open I , • ':1.•11 ;dr r 1 t., Ili/ 'l , frgHt ,,, t!.11 , t 1 „ 1u, tlltn.uisc } ,.. rovt• tht n,,, .i stun, .\ 'lu•ld WA, When the train front the - at this n'ehx•li ; ft, riD.,,t1.1 Nt. ttileem ed. ;0....re1t(1 on s h e.. 'fir) had bcon put ofl the .19. , atAl the kuuwledg of •.t. t. IrJ rel.- to the trim, 14” , *: ‘1 ,, t0 left to plirsui. it .71. li., m1;411011. I •41 itkif 1"u ii t(' call, a. GRANT and a.i ~ v a,-orgatil,.-3 m 1..A111+,1, I it , 1 , 1:,,,5 - Ing tmraoai. ••v• ,i nit =ME /.1.1,, INIIIII S;.. i;. 11. I Luc to4.lfinnotnit, tti(• (Iflebrated sum- itn preset/1 N (•xtotinive addi ,•.,- !In Summer, tt :• t., ii,vonintotlate all Mititi,..ina if rant ia.qiith rentoring nituation, ~! ".I"" ).`""f'" /C! • .‘ I \ ( ; LIM, Est 1., of this • 'kith i;attn-day r“I• Vilizid ‘‘alkin;.; through the r:;. •• 1 1 •1..101: L, thi iught being very dark, ht. 1 1,, 1-001 gtnng: at rapid pare, • p ,1•, , ‘1, 'Phi St, Me.l'a Lind wagon 10111 fur a time gilltClin -11;., rrhougli seriowitv,•re riot 1.0,. I••• attend 1, , his. husi- IW' MISS S VIE us , ( laugh of "Slabtown," , '"4 7 t l who r. :1140 with her uncle, st.l ~,imaitted [no, 1.) arowliivg H' 1 t - :(t% rr4ll 1i1 , 111114z. stir lel4:t showing ,1 1..1, protl , tol licr to take A pglng titanitn horn hr was • ~f lilt, prowis., to 111.• r r be a1, 1 0,), n d no li,inalrltioti in fact. =:IMI jr, - 11 . 'otN C 4 )I . !Tlr:'.. - -- ll ' COrretipt al d - • p., it , F . tf:l thh 1.t. 1 / 2 . ;,h,. 1fri,,h 7 ,••./. front. • • : , .I,er.i:', W:.eilinig doati l y. RS, 1.110 , A$ 'II:, t , WIISLIS;.. . NO t:I{Intl•lailli 1 I} . /' 11,1Ve RPl , llilliCall V1b1,),r,, 1))(1 .. , P.O. cree . o', 1411/k i 1 .!/11 1.. nutubf , r of the ' •.:, r•z,t, th•viaC, that they lwill never vote for •'! .1 " 1110 not know howimany Greeley Re ....::. • • 1 d have 111 theeetility, lint tliiuk net lv lot half the toi . nsliipm there are Ls r•' , z,,,k , ,5, Gan t... 11 1, bet er after a little, Ihrol. till' Greeley I:eptit) learnt are growing v. [. yl,eni thet'i• are any." • tEk..l. few (layb j act.) a paty of mv, N:o , l ~ ,nk k .and elli•CeodCa trout. litCv. A.. P. aainod reputation Or ‘ , ..,:T•j .r a triett i f s Trill as pulpit ora -11•111, Fisherman of the •" 1 ) 11,' 2-, tura( i? th e ir homes perfect - I •!igi,.. - .1 moll their try), having nothing to I"' i • Otsurt. but ajslight accident bap -1:1q .t lb, party; wlio fell into a bear , d Pxtrientell `eritti great difficulty.- r lII=EIMECI and VILsON Club lei rri,k tin :i4lttnrday evotling `' ‘l ; elected • ' I:. • ' • ?to> , Capt. I. A. '''• .; I. 1,. Wooopl'Et.N. .r W. A. Wrvirotti.. ' as,kranees thitt thf.., defection-of Ur. luot materially ailed the vote in •i tuwtoto.p. kir L. D. G. IV. t'.` T., J. F. inrtalkA ttte. f , . - 11`piring .off i ef..re of J 23,1 L V. ut 0. T., last =I C. T. Tuns. .1. (iiiiiTtru Is , V II 6-rir Er.F.Nr. '; tl r. .1,117 NA DI rrOlt't , - 1 1 1 41:NICE M 0 1' • t --A. F. ildritti.urreTt. • 11,11.a1:Pa-ror I t 1 ) DA V; !Me WI I. I i• - ' Fizsr.A BEWLE:eIAY A STRUMS CONTEST. —A 809ne 00- curred at noncom, on Sunday afternoon last, that was not laid -down in the programme of that institution. It appeal that a lady guest, while watchirif the antics of the bear, got with in range of bruin's huge claws, who seised the lady's shawl, and after giving it a thorough In spection, was preparing to gracefully recline upon it.' This familiarity was not altogether up to the lady's Idea of propriety, and who now entered the arena and contested the bee* right to the garment by pitching intobrain a la limmtivir. The contest was sharp, short and decisive. The bear failing to come to time on the second round, the lady recovered her pro- perty and withdrew, with the remark that " she never had but one tight before, sad that was with flonavr. Clitznixv." 7 -Canfon Sentinel. :Ea — The following officers were in stalled 41 WT.Joglng Lodge No. 472, I. 0. of G. T., August 6, 1872, - by a. B. GAYL0111), L. D. G. W. C. T. • W: C. T.—Btsuatis Bloom. W. V. E.—)Lur E. STALIIIIID. W. B.—Cleo. 13: Swart. W. F. S. W. DRows. Gooow r W. C•—E. T. Buows.• W. M. -Jis. SW.S.IIT. I. G. --E3tuALlSf: SUMS. 0. G. EDWAIID VAILGISON. B. S.—Mrs. D. MOODY. L. S. ANNIE BnowN. I). M.. Inkna Fit. REPOIITEIt : The GRANT and WiLsoN l Club of,Athens at present numbers 125 memberi, and is constantly increasing in numbers and interest. Our officers 'are active and efficient, and give universal satisfaction.. They are as Willows : rrusiciellt—J. 11. REEVE. e PrrAidentx—W. CRANK, Wx. Dva- DEO 7' ,- cosurer—C. T. Hut+. , Triciry-11. C. Halts. .kst. . 4 wCretilry—Ar.n.km SNELL. oict Cbtaloilbr—H. C. Ihavi, S. N. Bt.oon, H. W. CILANS. F;nohee 0,1)/ -AllUAlt tiam.t.., S. N. Droop, I. N. Evaxs. We meet at the call of the President. • • H. C. HAYES, Bec'y. Athens, August 12. 1872. 105. The following officers wore in stalled nt Liberty Comers Lodge No. 1,002, I. 0. of 0. T., ou Saturday evening, August 3, 1872 W. C. CultniNte, W. V. T.- E. A. rowt.E.ll: W. S.-- EDDIE Foiri.En• W. F. M. FiArr. W. T. -C. Cvmmmos. • W. M. W, Fox. W. D. )1. :Lorca: Picri. W Mits ExtmA 11. S. —Miss A. E. Summit:, L. IL S, W. C. WM. Fuwi..Eß, Cr. FnANx Auxour. W. L-Miss ANNA 1.11. L. I ti W. C. T.— Cr.vsse4 M. rItAT Pt astiNAL.----W. A. WAnNoca and er New York, ar i , visiting friends in this plauk Mr. W. was a student . st the Susque hanna Gllog Lan, lustltute sonic ten years ME O. G. lloirroN, lately , PIIC or the proprietors ~t the Ilowring mill near .Maj. haFpnr cll2l,,,l n tract of land near Fort tienti. Kan., tt this i tt a .,:tt 111- , family for their new hind. on Tuesday last. STREETI:!I ' IS Ir.lkfing (quirt In Susque ownity thi? .-1 SMi rn, 1.! 111/ tionSe p.l—l a visit last weck A. F.. MFINAI;I4 t 4 itor,ll 14/11.111:1 , for Chicago h. et, 1......0gage In )taineaa. (Mrnull; fru nd Smra %N has ae4 ept, nituelon in the Second 'National .11m11, : WilkvA-Barr,.. Mr. flimcs is a young man of tine business .Inalifieatams, pleasing address, and unimpeacloibl, moral character. - -Dr. L‘in , been ,0111. c ill for some days 1,3 al -, g lad to knoW, )10WPVC`r, -, t!.:at his ht h) i. , yyriv impnn•mg sier. At a meeting of Towanda Di- N,,, 140;',, S. of T., held in Temperance Tt)lA'atidA, 1872. 'he following n., ,, Mnons ware so r b - 40Ni .• s , dr , . l , That the hand, of (twilit has once wetyy been felt...among UM, and taken away our friend and sister, Mrs. EIJIMI. Murray, from the trial.: and difficulties or this life, to a home in that heavenly city, whose inhalittantti shall know tin more sorrow nor pain, and where God wilt Wd away all titats from then eyes. That to those relatives Who tuonrt her lets us daughter, wife, mother and slater It I' tender onr heartfelt flympathies in their he reavement. s•drid, That a coley of these rdsolutions be sent to the relatives. id the deceased, and also published in the borough papers. Thou art gone to the grave, but we will trrA deplore thee,. Since God WAB thy Ransom . , the Guardian, thy' Gayle; Ile stays• thee, He took thee, and He will restore &lidßtil etucc the Saviuur hat Stir En. REPORTER —Dear Sir: Be ing a reader of ynnr good old Republican pa -I,et, nut seeing any locals-front this place, I tle.ught I would take the 'reaponsibility on Lily nun shoulders. The farmers are busy in taking cure of their bay and grain. Oats, as a general thing, are good crop, and the indications are good for the corn crop. 'liminess is not very brink just at present. Our friend Li.,:namisr.rrhas open ed a blacksmith shop just across the street from his hotel. L. W. Drynw has charge of the wagon-shop. where he is prepared to do all hinds of work in his line. The Pa. & N. Y. It. IL Co. have drove the stakes for a depot and switch, we understand. Mr. hitliox lirconLET has the Kintract for ~ .pntting,no the building. Politics is the main topic of conversation, but the Greeleyites are tow .and far between in this which, I guess, is the case all around, pt with a few sorehead office-seekers. Well, as my t, rihbhilg has become of ionic length, will bring it to a close. ; E. E. Iturninerfuld, PA., Arigiiiit 12. pir NEL. A.Lvunu : M a meeting of (i1:17 , 1' and Wn..tios Club at CamptOwn on the evening of Augu6t J, tho. Prnaidont, JANEn Lk , N , otyr., eallod the inceting to order and H. It. 1,:0u.0t wax eltomon L, 11. CAXT, L is. IG:wErr, G. W. Eurorr, Bev. E. Bun 1111t1 WILLIAM, CIAAMISERLAIN, jr., Sice I'n•atdcula. and JAMKS FEE and I'. STATEN LSOL. TothTies. 1 After 6 twat and appropriate speech by IL D. laomitt, B. Laroun was introduced to. the stand, anti in a most ,forcible thinner _gave to the audience the political situation of the coun try, as' 'it now stanch!. He also gave a brief history lof H. tlugitizr and his vagaries, and close'd 1 th a glowing tribute to Oen. Gussr, both as soldier and :atatesruan. He was fol lowed t v the - Her. E. Buanotulus and 8. 8. lh TIN, ito gave strung and truthful realms:us why tin party should , support Gamer aid Wm- Allowina to that .1. P. Let took an seen part in thetrieeting by the tiring of canion and securing the services of the Camptown Brase Band, which marched to the grove and dis coursed some appropriate music. The grove lima lighted by pine knots, and the meeting was largely attended. In fact it put ono in mind of an evening eantp•meeting. - J/31e9 Pm, ► P. STATEN, f *Os. c s in i ,town, August 12, 1872. s CIDE.—On Friday night_ last, $ 1143 visited Crandall's Hotel from the 10:10 train. Shc„registered by the name of NIL= WEED, And mai apparently about 35 years of age. Saturday she partook of her wears and came down to tea dressed in white,. Sunday morning; not getting up to breakfaat, her room diur was broken in and she was found lying upon hel l bed dead. The coroner was notilloil, and the body was removed to the Court House fur ceautination and inquest. When found she was neatly dressed, her hair trimmed with flutters, find to all appearances had died with out a striiggle. It was ascertained upon inqui ry that she was under an alias, and that - her real namwas Mrs. CHAILLID4 Tanta, wife of a lilaelsmiih residing in the Fourth Ward, and as is reprerted, either riAstighti r or an adopted 1.111111 v" -1131ThIA,A11.1 , NT, who re -441,U CheettkM up the. Cht,lll[lo 11:Nport kite) says that she hreAl unhap pily, owing to doniest;e,infPlicity.--ZllinAintilott Delivoyal. Gliaritini Wain Cithi Kunio. ,—Tho meeting of the OUST end Mum%tab An Friday evening in was vetettentiaL ionic lt!Coan was present and made a short :address. Mr. NU is better posted hi the par litiredhistory of the State than sly other man '•'in this county. Re has been a Republican since "the organization of the party, purely boon prin ciple, never haring solicited any °floe. Reba- Heves the defeat of the Republican party at this time would be a great calamity. At the con clusion of his remarks, it was proposed to have an impromptu parade, and about one hundred members, clad In uniforms, job ed the Mom Won and marched through l soveral streets en der the command of Ca►ataa W. PAGE. Da ring the evening a salute over the victory in North Carolina was fired. The people turned out in large numbori to wit.ieu the sight, thus evidencing that their interest In the canse of freedom and the party of progress, is una bated. At the conclusion of the marching, Judge IdEaczn was discovered coming from the Court Rouse, and was loudly called for. The Judge made a few appropriate remarks, thanking the Club for the honor conferred him, and predicting the enemas of Republican Kin 'cipleg. The members then repaired to their room, where they were addressed by W. T.- Dams Ind Col. E. Ovirrnys. The remark of both speakers were enthusiastically applauded. At a late hoar the meeting adjourned in the best . of spirits. M. In pursuance to a call signed by some eighty voters, the Republibans of Mourooton, assembled' at the rooms of A. J. FISUEII, and proceeded to organize a Omni' and Wit..sow Club, with the following officers: i'regitleat—R. W. Itoacwv..L. . lire Prefi(knts—J. F:,Bavrr.atte and a t L. .cccretary—J.ll.ll.limiti.s. 71-earmirr—C.3l.3lYEE. E.revititc anantittee-111. Coot.sAron, A d. Fxsnta and D. J. Sara. Regular meetings of the Club every Saturday evening. After the business of organizing was com pleted, Mr. Gao. Droz,zr of Trenton, N. - J., was called upon and responded in a short and stirring address. Mr.". was for four years a soldier in the Union army, and does not wish to see a foe vanquished by the bullet regain pimer by the ballot. He is personally acquaint ed With Gen. Haviva.tarr, and speaks of him in the highest terms is a man and a soldier. The accession of HosAcz OIZZLICT hip; •not affected the Republican party here, apices it his beer to strengthen it. And I firmly beliero that the coining elections will shoW that we hare not been idle. The Greoloyites, once the late news froni North Carolina, are rather de sponding, and we hear nu more boasting and hurrahs along the strtict. Let the good work go on, and intUctober the old Keystone State will roll up such a majority fur liar whole ticket as will make 11% 43. and the whack Democratic party tremble. • 0. H. Itouswr.m:, pre Itlenrecten, Angnst 8 1872. .11ENUY WARD'S PARDON. —Protni4. nent Democrats of this place having more than intimated that Gov. (least received a large snrn for the pardon of lIENnv Winn, we copy the pardon from the Harrisburg I.4..graph, to stem who are entitled to credit for procuring =l:9 Penns, Irma, S. S John W. Geary. [Seal.] Lu ttke name and by the antborily of the com monwealth of Pennaelrania, John W. Geary Governor of the said Commonwealth : To ill to whom these pregenta shall cotne—Benda greet- in;.; ; • Whe'reas, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer in and ter the county of Wyoming held at Tunk hatinock in said county, on the 19th day of No vember, A. D. one thousand eight hundred mad seventy-one, a certain `Henry Ward was con victed upon a certain indictment charging him with' manslanghter, and was by the said Court ou the second day ollFebniary, 1872, thereupon aentencrd that he should pay a tine of three hundred dollars to the Commonwealth, the costs of prosecution, and undergo imprison ment for tulle calendar months in Wyoming comity prison. And whereas, it has been made to, appear to me by numerous communications, petitions and representations, that the unfortunate oc currence which led to the conviction of the said Henry Ward for said crime, was at a time when both he and deceased were intoxicated ; that :the relations between prisoner and de ceased were always friendly ;that the shooting was purely accidental and without any malice, as stated by Shade?' to his physician 'Dr. Sayre, and it appearing from affidavits of J. T. Both rock, M. D. Edward It. Mayer, M. A., and John V. Smith, M. :D., that the prisoner is suf .ffivnii; from severe nervosa prostration, and partial paralysis, and his mental condition is snchitrom his excitable nervous unless orginization, that unless released, lie will bo a mental and ph.:sical wreck, paralyzed and insane for life ; and for these reasona the pardon of Ward hav ing tacit strongly urged as an -act of public justice as sell as .a proper exorcise of executive clemency, by letters and petitiona from Hon. 1.. D. Shoemaker Gen. Wm. Lilly, V. E. Nol te!, Overton A Ellsbrce, John C. Bait, .Esq., _liken.Woodward, George IV. Hon. A . Lathrop, lion. Asa Packer, Hon. W. W. Ketcham, Hon. Garrick M. Harding, Gen. Edwin 8. Osborne, Hon, Hendrick B. Wright, Monica Woodward, Kti., Henry Id. Hoyt, Eel., F. P. 'Darling, Eso., and also by the county officers and by members of the bar of Wyoming county, and other prom anent' citizens of said county, and Hon: Charles B. Bnckalew having made a personal appeal for tile pardon of the said Henry Ward. Now know, therefore, that inconsideration of the premises, and by virtue of the authority vested in me .by the Constitution, I have par doned the said Henry Ward of the crime whereof ho is convict as aforesaid, and ho is hereby thereof fully pardoned accordingly. Given Wider my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this fifteenth day of Jule, in the year of 'our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and of the Commonwealth the ninety-seventh. A. C. Remount., Deputy Itlec'y of the Commonwealth. Bv the Governor. The names of Overton Ellabree were by error inserted in the pardon u among the pe titionera. =SINUS LOCAL. war O. F. Cross keeps a fall lino of fine Ntationery. asp Job work, of every description, neatly and expeditiously executed at this office. iogi. Thu American - Sewing Ma crape is tio,iscst. fig. Flour and Feed at retail, a Tomouis Stesm Flour Mills, delivered free. Keystone Clothing Palace, Alain ittreet, next.to First National Bank. 1.19... Fine boots made to order a L. L. Moon .1: Co's. a The best lot of Marble Tables in ti,wu. Faart h doxs. tiiirGrenadipes,Alpacas,Organilies and Black Bilks, the ?lee Hive, 2 doors east et Items:ifs Bank. le— Rooms over MOODY" & Co.'s Store for rent. Enquire of W. A. ettAxeriumt. Ur Fruit Jars, Tumblers, - Bowls e t c ., for Jelly, at, WICKMAN at Bir►c['S Store. 1106. .• good second-hand Piano, fine ciao, seven oetaree, for sale at a bargain. 'Enquire at this of NS- Ground Plaster $6.00 per ton, at Towanda Steam Flow - so. Nitrous Oxide Gss for extract. ing teeth, at KELLY SMILEY% Cnoss is supplying his Ctleom ers with everything in the line of Books and Htittonery. --....-.1-.--. NIL A lirge aosortmtint of Brack eta puit received at FigOST A SOICR sir The 'American Sewing Ma chine is the best.. Mrs. E. I. Mumos hid the lar goat variety of straw goods in this vicinity. otir Largo stock of ;Red and'White Wheat Flour, at - likeuta 3 EIMAIUVe._ ifty Two girls muted for cooking and dining-room work. Good wages paid. In at Institute, Towanda. eiir Furniture just reduced 25 per cent, at Fangs' k Soma July 15, 1872. yr-More Spring and Snmtner Goode at N. IloWSKare Keystone aottin PO" 111 Pb Ito bait *Ca in twin in buy diae fondly door is At Tboy deg in the !lima brands, mid warrant ieerl psokap am. • j For first class hisannoe •R kis' or damage, or An or ;lightning, tall it WTcUL it. Itt.i.cx's Agency. 4 IS. by you want a sew ing ma chine. and do you know that the ?Anger never disappoint'? After menu years' experience we can truly say that the Singer does gin, Wiese. ties. WICKHAM ft BIACX. Agent& IM IL. CROSS is now soiling : off his stock, preparatory to filling up. for fill trade. If you want wall paper, now is your time to buy it cheaply. And if you want a good book you should select it now, while the stock is be ing disposed*of. • r„, AT LAST IT HAS BZEN POUNp.--Lue chair seat that will never wear oat. J.iO. non Boss are now prepared to put seats in all hinds of chairs with Gardner's patent chair seat, which is the beat and most durable seat in the world. Call and see it. ' WANTED—AII active man to sell the Binger Sewing Machine in Athens and vi cinity. hone need apply who are not willing to give bonds for security. Wicattsx & BLCK, General Agents, ToWands. August 12—w lir The . Gardner Chair Seat is the best. Mir If you want a Refrigerator, diop in at VTtotnatt k Itt.aes's and examine the "Palace," acknowledged to be the Tore beet. THRESHING MAcnniEs.—R. IWELLS is prepared to supply Horse rowers and pareeb ing Mae] inns of any description, or from our leading and beat manufacturers. McCADE & EDWARDS' have re cetTed a large invoice of tea and coffee since the removal of the duty, and offer their cuatomera bargains. " Maltese," " Climax," and "'Dollar Reward" Soap. Try them. *or sale at • M. J. taco's. For fine clothing, inspect N. 001.06111111 . 8 inunenso ttock, Moan street, next to First National BAAL Mir GORE & .MciliAllON have re aioved their Merchant Tailoring eetahliihment to the store of N. GOLDMIITII, one door south of the National Bank, where,they will be pleas ed to seo their friends. — They have engaged a alothes scourer and are prepared to do any thing in that line. ler In order to make preparations for our Fall Mock, we will sell-our Spring and Summer goods at low figures. It will therefore be to your interest to ezamme our stock), as we sell the cheipest at the Keystone Clothing Pal ace. Fun SALE. —The lot now ocenpied by the Public School House on Second ant Pine Streets, is o ff ered fur sale. The lot has O'ront age of 22'S feet on Sectnid street, and 77 lit, Pine. The property will be sold in one or in lots to suit purchasers. Mr Our enterprising furniture dealers 3. 0. 1 , 114 w ", BoNs. have seemed the agency fur the celebrated Wakefield Earth Closet, and have an assortment on hand. The Earth Closet. has been tested for several yew, and gives universal satisfaction * herever used. For the sick room it is almost a necessity.' Mir The edition of the Boad.land Poor Laws of this county, compiled by ',rapt W. H. Canxoctsan, is limited, and toWnship officers who desire to procure copies, should apply soon. The work is for sale at this :Mee. , . Mr J. 0. WARD him r e nted ' the store in Mercur's Block, - immediately e t •er lllercur's Bank on Park street, and will o non the let day of Angnst with a _fall and coni tete stock of crockevy, glass-ware, Yankee notions, table linens, etc., cheaper then the Paw EVCELSIOIt WATER D in.prored lrelttrorb as.d lincke 'viand is springing ttp for this convi It is a good .hing. Glee the Eiee l Drs"er a trial and yon will like Wr.t.t.rs sells it. A. CULP. -I take this method of re turning my sincere tbank l s to the citizens of Bradford county for the liberal patronage Ley bare bestowed upon me this past season ; and a continuance of the same being an un-oured fact, as our goods hare given, and always will tihn i give, satisfaction. We are having man tur• ed in Philadelphia the largest and most • plete stock of Fall and Winter goods ever in Bradford county. Messrs. Gear .4 Itle)tA • oic, the popular and stylish merchant tailoi are ocstrd in our establighment, and are p to tako your orders for stylish clothes. stock of (hide Furnishing Goods next Fall rarpast any outside of Mu largo ,cities, as ray intention to hare a stock of the period. N. OoL.nexmi. Keystone Cklthlns Mir J. O. Fuon & Sots wish put a Woven Wire Mattress in every house i Towanda, on a month's trial, and if it does n. suit them, they will call and take it away. No is your time to got perfect sloop. Be sure • try, and than you will buy. BUNSEN EDUCATION.—Tho BEY and Sikaarnxt BufTa.lo Brodrees College Telegraph Institute, established in 18.34, nd still tinder the management of J. C. BaIiANT SON, is the most practical and popular hazi ness school in the cOnntry. Book-keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Law, Tolegraphr Banking, Coe:mission, Brokerage, etc., •t taught by actual practice. Students • in securing business positions. Papers circulars sent free to all - who will /Wares!! J} EXTANT h., 80N, Bulfalo,3l. .116 The famous Susquehanna - eral Spring House, located in Rush, Susque hanna Co., Pa., is now cyan for the reception of guests. On account of -the haslet; of its scenery, the purity of its air, and its invaluable inedleinal springs, few places offer greater at tractions, both to pleasure seekers and invalids than this delightful summer resort. The water ofthe Susquehanna Milieral Spring is a lino cilia for all kidney or urinary complaints, dys pepsia, rhea:malign, cornstipatkm, liver oeot plaiaß erysipelas, etc. Bath houses, stelae', horses and carriages, are kept in .140 p. 13100k111 with the House. Passengers aboUld leave the Lehigh Valley Railroad at pets, from whence stages leave for the - 13 p on the arrival of the Philadelphia 'Rap For particulars scud for circular. Address, A. D. Iturmartrui & Suarmehanna Springs, Rush, • July 17,1874, 01. - air Moat= it Bowsaw have But ter Tabs, Firkins, aad Tabs ; a fine 1, 4 4; at Ashton Salt, sold at lowestligures. - Now is the time to buy sugar cheap, u it always advances doriag the ma DOWD. MCCARR a EDWARD'S have a,lage stock. Fos SALE.—A Urge building on Poplar atreel. aim 182131 feet. W make two goal lota. New barn on back WM be add cheap, as the owner wither leaTe town. Terms easy. Enquire alibis Ace. Punt ELM:SHUNT WM. —This Wine is made from the pare mucilaglnessi of ripe elderberries, and has been oellared, undisturbed, for taree years in eeptible tunpemtare. The aromatic, -rine* and tonic properties of this wine commend i lls nse to persons of Neill( habit, or baring irregu lar or debilitated viscera. It is reccrmmended by physicians. On sale at the Drag etorel of Tonna k Gomm, No. a Pattoes's wands, Ps. ler We have neon CLISMIZIt t e pat ent chair meat, and iknow it to be tbo best. nose it. Bore two theta. - mr. Furniture selling at wholesale pries., at _ nag & Bon. July 16,1872 11...11tDGEWAY EwErr, at the Bad, White & Blue Store, are e drat to giro notice that they have reduced the price on their few, Coffee and Tobacco, in accordance with the new degy law. 1 Linen and Straw Geode at exceedingly low rates, at N. Clowsurrn's Key stone Clothing Palace, Main street, 1301 A to First National Dank. lir Kra. E. J. Masuimi has just re ceived tho Madame Foy Corsetekirt Supporter In ill the sizes. Stir Baby wagons aro a necessity of the imam, and WICIIIAX k BLAt'S !MT!. Ind opened a now stock; Pricais from $3.50 upward. SS. Mrs. E. J. him:3os has just rw ccived a fresh supply of ladles ties and bows, in MI Ow now shades. Kr-Houses and Lots for said on easy monthly payments, or to Bent. street, Towanda, Pa.--ta TO TUE Voris 01' TOSVAICOA Bollo. The Register is open OTOry day at M. C. 111Elt cmis office, from 9 o'clock A. X. to 3 o'cl , sck r. K., anal on Monday from 7 to 10 r. E. F. fixrrn, Assessor. MIL F. J. CALsras has just receiv ed the finest assortrrieut of Bracket/ we hare seen in the place, and they are cheap. 18. We would call attention to the Temperance Convention I. 0. of 0. T., which meets at Borne, Pa., Angnst 21 and 22, 1872, and promises to be the largest of the kind ever held in the District. In importance it will exceed any other held prior. Aoctkding to a resolution adopted at Menrocton, May 22, 1A72, an invitation is extended to "tri,perttn.v and religious orgornitrition in Ow r9nnly to send delegate'," that a united effort against license may be organized. Thu Convention' will be opcn,throngbout. Delegates only will be enti tled to vote, and t h ey are requested to bring credentials. Dist. Sr.er. CALKINS ha - just replenished his stock of school honks, and is now ready fur the Fall trade. BOA RDIN ci. ---Poo pie' atteu di lig CA mrt will finii good board awl accoultwxlationA, at No. 32 Second street. . F. E. l'"Nr. lir The best assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods at N. 6 3 / 4 1Losurrtia,Keyt , tont, Clothing Palace. par Many families are troubled about getting a good quality of flour. The best way to obviate all difticiaty to this respect, is always to buy the superior 'brands sold ,by McCain: Eriwauris. !or' J. O. FtiOST AC, SUNS' 1111'1 7 E? just made a great reduction in the price of ' , attn. tare of all minas. Come end tee. July 13, 1572. VA. A. large and desirable , assort mutt ,it Trimmed Hats , and Bonnets, at rery low rices, at the sign of the Big Bfaitivt, S. W. ALVORI P. D. Monnow S. W. RorxiEn.) Comnait ee, 1100" W. A•. 011.(311;ERLIN nol. only hits the hest arrangcd Jewelry Store in North em Pennsylvania, but also keeps the lartztv assortment of g 0.1,15. Ilak. The Bradford County Tempe ;slice Coliv,•lition I. 0. of a. T., nwetg nt Ik'iii Pa., Augwit 21 and V, 1872. S. C. GArimilti, Dist. See!! July 21, 12472. RIMOVAL Hl:mit:NE.: plias. will remove their Jewelry Store from lIENDEICR to BEIDLEMAN * 7 4 Block, npposite Of !HMOS , 1101114 C. Towanda LAzApvs aL Molutts, manpfac tnri•ro id thone celebrated Fix.etneles, have changed th e ir ag,Ticy front J. Itroviakts's to Wx. A. Cumgrantt.tues. 1161. The Universal White Woven Tracked Skirt, and all kinds or Hoop Skirts and Iliptlsts, can be had very cheap at 11. A. rfaTr,... . sir- Buy your T6a, Coffee' and Sricrs at the White and Blue Tea More, Bridge stmt. Towanda, Pa. "pfd' If you don't know what you 'silt in the Book and titationery line, call un C.F. Ca‘ nw The Fall tertwof the Sasquehatina Collegiate Institute will commence Monday, August 26, 1872. Tborongb • and systematic instruction trill be given in English, Normal, Commercial, Mathematical, Scientific and Classical studies by the rrilsopat and the following itriwrierwed Atrwrtor),: Prof. KY.1.34E1, • Director of Normal De partment, who will organize the teachers' class August N. hiss Malan& Ilogazz. FLINT, La dies' Department. Modern Languages and Pttr sical3cicnls. 31but Maur E. Alr.nniut,, i'er• erprrsi, Migher English; Preparatory Depart ment. Mademoiselle J. LrQuut, French. The Towanda Musical Acadeiny in the hull- • lute, En fl. lintawvon, Principal, affords excellent facilities for a thorongh musical etln cation. Reading, Writing, Spelling, Object Lessons, and Introductory Geography and Arithmetic, $4.00. Elementary Geography and Robinson'fi Intellectual and Rudiments of Arithmetic cote.; moored, $5.00. Itotinson's Rudiments Adv. and Practical Arithmetic, commenced, Elementary (Irani:liar and Intermediate Geography, $5.50 to $7.00. Robinson's nigher Arithmetic, and Advanced Grammar and Geography, $14.00. Preceding studies if desired with higher brach. es, $l.OO to $4.00 additionaL Modern languages each, $l.OO. Board and room in the Institute, per week, $l.OO. Further particulars or esti logue furnished by Principals. • 0.1 W. EVAN, E. E. Qom-v.v. • The arrangement will 'not conflict with other duties of Superintendent. Towauda, Bradford Co., Pa. air Tickets. for all points West via. Lake Shore au t Michigan liotitheni MO way for sate at Freight Depot of Pa. t N. I'. B. IL Co. Aug. 14-3 m. KINTSER—BENj&IIIIIi.--On Hassell Hill, Au gust B. by Bev. P.S." Everett, of East Smith - aeld, *Wilted tiy Rev. James Rainey, of Twat bumper, Xi. E. 4). Kintner, of it and Hiss Hentiettallartron, your= ter of Deacon Benjamin, Russell Hill, Pa. W. BRAIIIIM.L. =I - .4 4.0*- 4-- erm I==3l COI RIDGEWAY N'Evsurrr. SUSQVEHANNA COLLtteIATE, inTITUTE. is.rrxers rim WARS MARRIED. •DIED.. (TOFF.—In Towanda, August 10, Me May, in . Sant daughter of Henry W. sad Lama Ooff, aged 1 mouth and 8 day& (101 1 7.—1 n Towanda, August 11, 1872, Bury Goff, son of Wm. and Delia If. Yontz„ aged 1 year and 3 days. HAKE .—At his home, New Eni,,Ta., August E,1872, Dr. J. D. ii/LIIP" o f cancerous tumor, ' in the 30th year of his ago. SPEMLL NOVM Or Thomas Maddocka, Prod nee Conuolsoion Kere.hant, 2 Penorytranis Me naces:dm Pa. Butter, For, Lard, Chow, Potatoes. M., %C. Consignments so* catird ruturns promptly made on main 'of Reforences dime* prom Gorr** portal:moo oolicited. 11111. The rill terra at Wyeteeing: Academy will, open . on Monday Ssplerub.i . 1873, and will continue twelve Weeks. Tistmu pat the middle of the term. Special at (tam to pupas desiring to Mach. Good bawd can be obWied. near tbe Academy on reasonable tams. Students wishing Ito lessen that moms can do so by renting rooms, and barding_tbenmelna. Thoroughness char acterize the instruction ; the motto being. "Not bow much. but how well" For farther tutor melon address A. Frs. &c'e Board of Trusti*s Wyalosing, Pa. G. W. Booms, Principal. MIL COOPER'S c e lebrated Balcony and Sewing Oaks, are gaining t s trade reputa tion. 'OM E. FM Agent New Advatbssie4. PO I WELL & CO., Call attcutiou to their Great Closing Out Sale roi SUMM E3I DRESS GOODS ! Cii.umbtuig in part of LAWNS WHITE Azill COLORED PIQUM, MINESE GRASS GOODS, JAPANESWiTaII'ES, POPLINS, &C., ttCi, /;;‘,*l Ia order to make room for their FALL STOCK. I GREAT BARGAINS May be obtained . darin g .--) Lite 1 PRESENT MONTH I Atignst Ist, 1872 . kILERIFF'S SA .—By virtue of ts._, laundry write of Fin and Vend. Expo., issued Out of the Court of Cannon Fleas of Bradford County, and to me directee, will be esposed to pub lic 8/40 at the Court !louse in the Bbrough of To wanda on TITUBSDAY tin 22th day' of AIRIEST, 1872. atl o'clock,- p. to., the following described lot, piece or parcel ef.land ad to in S Atone tan.llng lito twp, bounded and descril ed as follows ; On the north by lands.q.Jmnies It rat, east by David Floti- Mg and William Nesbit, ao th by Edward Clark arid West by John and A. Stevens. , Containing-114 acres of land, mere -or less. 'bog 38 acres Improved with . two framed bonne., log harp thereon. - Seized and taken in eicc on at.the sulthf 11. C Baird, adinlnistrator of E. W. Baird ca. John Lag. gam • • ALSO—The following escribed - lot, pleee or parcel of land situate . in t se, Ilorninfh of Towanda county ;,f Bradford and ti It. of Pennsylvania and 1,0111O11.(13x10110W8 to wit On the north by Poplar street, east -by lauds of Jo u F. Moans, south by lands of J. 0. Frost and est by Charles street. Ping 132 fret trout on said Charles - Street ankilio, fact deep, with a two-stir - Brick . Stearti 'Planing 31111 thereon with eru•Me, 'huller, maeldnery, Ac., attached to the mum- j.eltxrl upon as the property of C. D. it F4A. Cash: ; ALSO—tine other lot., vie. ate Wilt Borough of:Towt the north by Poplar Street, I'. Cash. John - -lienley; and lands of John F.. Meads at IJrainhall. Being rel) feet fro and about 160' feet deep. w dwelling house thereon. an.l delis map of survey Of the ed In the Register -and Lee county of Bradford. Is - 71,-, , ~,5 of C. B. .t: 1 . .. t. (..m,. .1 , k. , A.L.SU—Oue other lot, pi e- or 1,4(,, el of -land situ ate in the Borough of Towne a 2'l,re-said. and boor: (Tod on the earth by land of oloni , n Walborn', east by an alley, south by MT, Pt set , and west by land of C. X. 'Manville. bring II; feet:front on said pine fitreet and running back to rl Walborn's line. and being lot Nod 21 of saki map .n,l surrey of the said Cash estate with a load- . ter' rained dwelling house thereon. I.scied upon as the property of C. D.('.ash AL,s,o—ous other lot. pie, or parcel of land situ ate in the korOugit of To antla aforesaid, and bounded on tie - north by air oxianslon of Pewter street, ou The east by Charles street, south by lands of . Jehti lecirr_en and I'. A. 2ash sad west by MA chunk Street. Being 1:12 feet on said 'f.ltarles and liderhatet streets, arid ;lOU felt betimm said ,Charles and Mechanic streets. Saldl,ot 1-tam divided into 6 equal sired lots,'!.l - of arble4cent on each of said Charles and Jlechanle st . , and being sii feet and 8 inches each front en !ssld streets by 15 1 ) feet i n deep. The right reserved, 1 owery . to sell each of said lota 'separate, or tan or more or all together. Levied upon as the yr.oirty fc. D. Crick ALSO--Ono ether lot, piece or Parcel of laniLaitu. ate in the. Botooria of Tow= la aforesaid,and boun ded 011 tho nate ii - by lands c the estate of Mrs, I'. L. Ward, locum-so . „:3„..1 by °chants. street, South , by lands of ir... A. Cash and drest by lands of Led yard Chaard,, being 202 feet on said .Itdeeharnes atteet,-DAd abont lOssi feet. :nor or less,westeSly tons' east hue 4 i.0 said Lealyard Chisel Vs laud. 'Levied nisla as the frr!perty of c, D. Cash AL:SO.-01.., oth'lr tot. pion- or' pared , f' land sit uate to the Borough of To ands.; ar'refeld. 'old boot , it, d as follows .. • (Th the orth ty !ants of Jelin BisY,y, rtast by Western AVE , t., eolith by- PoPleg . str set and west 1..• an alley, 1 in fie f...et front on Said l'eplar street I.v le}) V'- 1, vet, xed dieing lot No, 46 of kalif Map and survey of .le. Pak Cashestate; with a two 4t.rfit :ranted dt,.. fling house thereon I l f Leveed upon as tits property V T. A. cash. ' ' - AI-SO—The deli sisal, . Cull's interest in. r.nS'other lot, pie-cr e‘r parr. L , land 'bloated in the Itorron.th of Towscidltka„, foresa ;1. and boinelcd on the north by late,'sr-M. I' . mibtirg. and John 11. Ilitub. vast 1..y.1a1id . ....1 li. o. : '..,Armstrong, Keith Ly poidNr t...r.F-et. Ad'. - I.;ret, 1,?.. Ws ,tern Atierilir , bo jog about - ,s-i,.,.....cent on ,al , Poplar -tract by C. ( t ot +sq. :. No Oilditurs. Sat lot owned by tie, ' It Cash a::.1 .... Cash. and , lily :es io.l steno the tutor...A of th. said 1 , ,. A. Cash N'ttin-2-47::, .. otle.r lot;;1.!. ce - 'wit 111 the P..rough Cl T , -wan eri4,.ras - T , ll;eds reinunin 31echibl, street .jo! feet f r o lands et:the estate of Mrs. C. thiyssa easterly 150 f,,t p, the .dote'; Holmes. Merle. , souther 'AT' ‘ - 113,11,,...tr, et 203 feet to a e 0 . :.r.i1 , I with tie- ili 1 meidlout Isis,' of Kalil Itlerbanic street, II the east line of satn Meeliatu.. 1.13...., of liv:tfiti . litl,.. Said I , •t equal sired lots' fronting on and ea. Is being pi real and I ; street by 1.10 feet deep. I'h. ever, to will each of .-aid lot more or all tog.tlier. L. vs e,l i of F. A. Cash. No hill-tinge, I .11.Sc.)—Owl , •ther 1... t. ,p..e:,.• at, in' the Borough ~. 1 T.,..,.", 1,,,,ma0t .0 .I..cnbed as h.: the southeast e , rn..r of 1 I.bl 1 the went -ti. -f ...liar'. • tit,- '2,:, Scot a1t,,,, - .. 111, Is , - ,t line ..1 ~. ~ e „rt.,..; ~ , ,, 1...1.. lon" : ::r. • t., .7lf w,stert, all-;.;; tLe ze.rth 1tt.,...-t 130 P:7,7 to toe: south.el-t ci , ril; over'' lan.r, thonce 1. , .rt1i. t:2, 1 1 , - r. , lroonovertz. and C. I'. Tayte:' , I to a corner„ then... w , ster:Y a: - j 1 salti C I' Taylor . ..ll;ll 1 '''. f.•e, 31. - battle ,erect, :twee, u.u . thi hne of raid Mechanic sire , t I, , 1 1114.nt. cast, rly along tltc oattl :1104.11n 11" , ,:lass :II)n 1'0(4 t,. ti t , said 1.. t Into trout 1 - 11 raW Ctiarl,s htr "I t sabl Merhanic 'street an.lsa: of .71) foil and 5 inches Isy 1,!:0 f inn n:l,', ioveger, `, • reseried, !sower. c; to - , 11 rack II sada lota fel ar,al/, is " '.•srt • or two or tro , r.• , e' all teoether. 1..-15 il - sit.on :1.3 TO . - ' : . tI'PLICATION TN T)IVOI;(1 7 ..- 1 roo.r t , td r .i.C...b.:, N., lo: iding. , • ' .- .. . 1 ALSO . - On. 'itiss i lot. peer er pare: of lam: si tu- -s- • ~, F.-biaril I . - '1)1Vo.. - 'l , : , I.lt . t.. 1.1 i 1 , 71 .st, :1, lb, p, 0 r,50,, , ,i s ~t, Towand,f.sr, said. Lou:Ned 'V" , :. a - . 'is;r. liy sostssied that Loss Lsaysrs, y.ssir , • t wit. 1, I. - ' vex. :meld . (' barbs Si,, Id••n has. ap. awl drscribuil an tollowfs• IleTs atone 01l tilos me. , , • ' • • ' • • ' line of Mee/same ,str,et. - .5,2 feet Irshis the south lane 1. It • the e-itrt of colossi. in pleas. of Tirailf-rd of land of the estate of :Hrs.-C. h., Ward , . .lorta,'W,. ,'. ,, ht V. to, ', .1.1, - , i.. A fr. , 1, 4 th,. Le t o.. et 7 ., 3 t r0 ,,,-,6. iiii,llo. u s...terly along. the south 'herr si: c la. 4'34 1 '3 and the-said roars ha, appoint. d Mortar,-, • ,I,• It Sop 13,1.1 about 1, ,,,, 1,, tto on't litf. ~ 1 tort ..: 1..r.1,,,r.! !ember. IN:2. for henrittf• th,. ...,y, T, s-. .'r. 10,. 113 Ii .313. i. i.-II -, lilsis,..! east lie., of 531 , 1 Chaass..:•:. pr: noses. at nl,l. 5 -s. - ,n.'s .sass,. -.-: in all. VI ,f laud 4. ,1 In, tb. , . owl,: „: M. , s ,„ ..,, h . 1 .,...,,,,.„, yee'th:nl:TrAprr. .T. 1 , , I,' is 1 - LEF.T . , th , Me oro.teils i10n...: the. nortis ?no 0: :3.1 Mary S. - 101 y 11,-4 -.) ohs riff. cash about it:Pi foet.tn comer I. WelhngtOris Itrate. •s - . -'— hair. land, thence northern al seg the •, til l , -,,.1 f I ..-4 pl)Lre - AiTto's . IN DIN ORCE.-- - ,ant W. Bra:ohs:I. Win. Thom son. lio-Or.,- 11,1,, •••• 11- To l'ilward P. I. spirer•- No. 21,2, F,), I . .I :72 and Stephen LONIS 130 feet to tin • northwest corner I '^n 1, ` , . -, 's lo• I.".'sfie 1 this! ' •1 , rm.,- !ipie..r, parr of said liteplirrt Le,,:is'- hit. th. ti..t. .'.astrrly A10r....!'..."'''`. 1. , F r re'ti fri! mt. Tidos N W'slf...'.. - . i :.-., rn, -1 north Lucent said Stephen L.-no '..:. “ - .i.! see" t. , h ~ t • 'li• ..ml •f' e-n.tsom ph as of Ilra.if.ril . isusty, ws .1 hp, of Meelsanie sit&--it. C. -..- •:.srib, ily:.' , I:,; ' 1 a',l ihn - oroe :'net 11'., lossols .sf mat: it - „er :0.,1 t 1,.. the west tme of sail Islechan% ere 1 sr, flt.: 11l 11,1 , bats" e..iirt bis atosoints 1 Monday. Ibe .` l l dr"' - . l !'''els. pia, . of inigitinini.:- NO buitsl.isi s. LeviT,l slissis 1.-• q.-I'l 1.1 1-11 1. 1.. - 1:. rintr,- tlrr".a:r; ti 11:..r , j-., , ,.. the prop• rt' i.f 1..1. Cash. . ' ises:, at V.1.:'," 1. !111 , - 3:1 , 1 p'^ .-e:• rim ntierl.l if von ii,......:.:,,1 air: t.::,. II ,n ~ . ..catra. !ti . - .11 .: .r.,-. 1 . ,11 . aat% proper. , e 1' :NAN .11.1.7,FT'. . It. Streeter vo Charles li. t'asis. •reders,• l / 4 A. Cash, I Slates , Sber.ll - l'• (1".t, , 1.i.'5..•.:rity, W.11:11 ..lir.fri- ,ertirits. - vr. , at tuts nnit• of The Fire u ;`,,t101,31 8.A.!: el T \ N( . OTtPOII.VI.I.ON • \ 0 T I C T 7.- TOW3Ii.i4 Va. C. P. (7,A nn,lF A ea-h.... ante . - l'" hi--matt.: eT the in.s.o - por:stion Of 1 , , , s Brad. m. ,. „ at t ,,,, ..„, 1 ,L.l, „f 4,0,, 1" . F ~, , ... .C.A . , il r I 1.,-go . and lfr.ii.lin,z .A. , - ,, ,fiation , 1 .111. r. 1 ., .. - 1 , ti C1A,•,11 rit.,l F. A. Cadli.d.ulez 10: : -.1,..., , ,- At I'. D. Cash slop. l'a ...- N... 5. 3/13. S.l.tToros, 1472_ .' A: Cu. ' . N 50...-i• .s. ':‘,.rolte g, , ,..11 th . at :1.. .1..-n. hitr.s..l. L l .li e ,, at it.. ..,,,"; at I' .\ cb• r. a. ~. I'. .l- , 'anti Sorb , lr ;Gs. presented to: thr 'Court of C. unmet , and C. 1,. C..1•1i, Pleas..: - .1 11:radii - sr,' County their artlete sfif Assoesats,in Also at the :on of 11.2 A. Si , It - I. 1./ 1'3, , 12•11.1,1' ask:r.•:" for a sleeree , if Incorporation, ?mil the said -lames 0 Frost security. . Cce.ttliaystsg,evarained. the same, snit (lodine 0.0. m Also at the snit of The First N tior.at Lank 01 To- eerr..et. will decree that they be ineornerati I - .0. wands vs-. C. D. Cacti k Co.. Jam 3 0 Frost security , rraer,l fro. on 111011,13 y, tlu , 111, tiny of Set.troil., , r. Also at lb.• snit of - A• L Cran ler'. Slrr , Vii. C: 13 i 5 .72. St 2 W.:leek p.m.. - unlesz tam=e Le sdiown t- C3sh and 1' A Cash. late partners Ii .1.11. , onntriry • - - -- W. A. TITO:HAS, ' Also at tbo suit Cl Overton f.a.s . tsre..• 'V It. Z . .1) . .i , 11.11-W3 " - fr,lthne.,tary. , ' Cash, F. A. Cash, /security. • . - . Alno at the snit of alontanyea I, . c. D. ( ca..), Ma A IsTigtIZA.TORS NOTICE.— ALSO—The following deserib tot piece or pare.' ,FIL Notlets'_ is he.rebY given that all persons Inslcht. of land situate in Mutely., bonded on the north eil to the ests,„te of J, 'D. ALLEN; late et Wysox ;Pad d ing '. pigment . r„nd all persons having claims against said Anna Brown, south by the by hunt of Ilenty Walker. onpulhhi c highway wbayy -an- (4 t- 1,1 -ii ,, de"..s`d. are regnestetl to make Immediate from Wyalnsing to atontroao. a il on the west by e . r t -a tj t. , ? . e , s , e ' v as t ..t present the nine dole authenticated.for land 01 11. A, Ross.- Contalnin one-third of au ' \l' IT. L INTICCI ' .. e ,.; more or less, improved, wit s a for fruit trees T.. s. t, n-i - •72 . ,,,,n , , .• Administrator. :) - s _,_ _ . , . Al.S)—Vne other lot. 11iftif• nr. Lai,. ; •of .a n d ..,t,,. A DIIINISTRATOR'S -NOTICE. . at.. in Pit...lisp_ bounded on the north by the pie : , it. Notle.. Is hereby given that all perassts..in i teistrd li'- logli,:ty leading from Wyalusing to Alontroe, on .0 t the estate O PATRICK COTI'ER. into of Assist.. .the east by lanst of F.. 1 Eastahr soks. on . V .. , e ~,u tt., ti , , , , , , ,. , emS rerirtet , teti t - , make th.fer,liat , by the Wyalosing. Creel., and '3-'3l by ay ., ~1 11 ~... paym,nt, an,l all persons havlog ••:alsiss I_!slt:,-. proved, with a framed house .g 111 ,.., ;: l I ll t ! e 7 , e r n . mltinel, ..2 . highway leadolit room lierfiekTi4e to.. spring tilt!'i. Containing one and one-half acre, sais .i l ut es y t i a l t . : . :l , ll .. st . pr:sent them duly antlients.at,.... 4 -....,...„0r less, im- for settlement 4 . ' TITOII.‘S corrrn. Admin:strator ' ' '' l . frani SeLr. cd ed ah atati °P ri tak t e h ril l iVe s x:7 4 ,,t f ion It the snit of t. C- - p X E C I ,,U T 0 R ' - 8 NOTICE-- ~ ,.1,,,,,.., .J'. J. if. Ingtio,,,, JLANotiev is liOrelsv givers to all persons ins1,•1.101 ALSO—The la follow, -- oul described lit, piece or Isar- to the estate of JAMES ESPY, late of Standing a t 'a In Fraurtn tat_ bounded on' the . Stone, deed: must mike immediate parroeyt, cv noct o li f b u y d lan u ' . ..a hi 171Vah Blake,- east by lands .if . and air persona having claims surainst said e.t.a . . hobo Lantz std J. 11.-N snnrat, s4nth by the Towan- ;Mist present s theta duly enthentls•ated for settle. as cre'f.k. &tit!, 'lrrAt by lands of Itorace 'Willey. - Con- rnent.l . • T. F. rsPr. tailmoz 80 acres of land, more or less, about GO . •- i . • . • R. Nl' F.SPP, . arms improved with a two store framed dwelling Joly 11,'72 -6w. - Everntore Mitae, email framed tenant horny, two framed barna. --- t -- ' - --- 44-4 - ... -- - .este.- • - •ss';-.o.ssis. .0...-. ..7. :- blacksmith atiop,la framed building n e esh for a Iva. XECI.: - .1.0“, b NO n.u.t. Not.leo 4 non shop, a saw mill and aPPI thev'on• Is hereby given that all persons indebted to Excepting and reserving thercfr m - one lot sold to the" rstatr of ALLEN TILLOTSoN late of 'Leßoy, /., orchard Cleo. W. Ilattord and now owned by Philander itob- de, , d, arc riainestetl to make . imme,liate payment. in: on. containing aboht 2 acres, t wo lots sold to ff.' 'and all persona having claims against said .sistate G. Goff, containing about two res 5..), n which the must present them duly au.thenticated for settle ' hotel and barns 3-21. erected, and ne Ltd of shunt '; numb' -•' -, It: W..rAn.snuns - r: au acre, on which in a store holt . " Jul% 11. '72. . .r.leent. sr. Seized and taken its exeention 01 tb,- sett of Neil.,- • Isiah Smith to nisi of-John Ki. Rey 2,1, atolt.tor•lrstumlF •X ECITTO It ' S \ OTICE.- - Kok •,,,. " .5. Wliiiraming. * -2 Not., is lirr, , by=l4ivrn !hot ail 1 , ...r. , 0r , 17,,1..1.1- Aie`k) - TIIC -11 'll''sring deseril" list , Pleo or Par" -I'd to' the ri. , tate of J()I1 CIIII.SoN, deceased. eel of land situate irt Overton twi ~ beginning at Iho fate, of Warren:- are r .- guested to make insnw.V-. south east corner of tots Run e .4 to Lorenzo 1) . at , payment. and all persont.'having rlatms against West. running thence south 58'. degrees ea.! III.?'_ said e;1:11, - tori-t present them Anlysentlientleated for rods to an old maple stomp, then e north 31 s; degs..., Ri'llti`llli'n.t. . tiri'FPTIFN I)IrSCAICI, east 122 rods to a post; thence I orth. rdt .;• degrees Ton 11, 1972.- essv. - ' Exeonter. west loft rods tel post tWest's orth-easl corner,) / theme south Al': degrein west lt. rods to the place A ITDITORt'S NOTICE. -- 111 the of beginning, Containing .`: ni es and 47 re e l., .471 touttei 4 the estate of William Rider. •1,-,...a MVO or less. No improvrmentsi In the Orphan's. Court of Bradford County. ' Seized-and taken in exerntten at the suit of .lannis The undersigned. an Auditor. appointed by said. ik Masses' lute vs, Chant 11. Stratton. ' Court to distribute funds in - the hands. of the 1•,,,5e. ALHO—The following described lot, piece or par- titers of said estate, will attend toils., shines ~f slob eel of land situate in Wort, top:, beginning . a t 1 appointment at tho 'oll'ire of Overton .v. Elsbre,s, i ll ." 4 . 111111111-° ‘ It tu t- s ..tn "l' l4 - 1 t n '/'''ll'''' of 1 the„Bi'li:' Or norootth of Towanda. on FItICAN, the litth \UN ham lands. Collo' rant ter !slid ', 1 -eralf Ir'nt'r."-u of .11T,CST.1 0 ;'S. at 10 o'cloek, a, to., where' all and others 352 perches to aT. ~ . st. ithencethencel-y land of ,„ -.,- i,.., 1, 3 „1,, ; , , h amsis uponuponsaid fund:: must pre-' .1)4111 .1.- south oith 91 r,1,0 , 1 er d.. th , •eentr, of ths• ..-. nt` them or he 07-I;arrril from rOllllll7, in upon the road or highway, thence south 72 degrees west , IT. W. P.VI'LICK. along the centre of Bois' highway 10's 11-10 pa r.. 1:, ato - 1 ,.,.5 . ... •,. 1 1 , 7 . 2 , sw. Auddi:ir. a post and stones in Jamesi . A. Wilson's line, thence. . . ... clung said hue west 43 1.15 pert ess to a hemlock _ A D3IINISTII 'TOR S NOTICE. atuntl, standing hfthe langliaas , h le, thet,.!..:, by Land. ', Notire is hereby given that all persons 1110.1'bf "f lA'r..nx.‘) Win;; and '";" 1- n , , rt" 2 ' l ' . '''''"'" ~ , I to no estate of Charles L. Arnohl. late of Warren. 1 "''' at ' '34. P en ''' . ''' '` P" :l ''' '''' ''''''''ll""ng' Crap- • des-eased. Are reoeitted - to tnake ii11111edia!0 payment taiigng 31,1 mires. more Or Ivo.. ak 0,11 :MB Vl.•r, s silo Prey* di, with oni fronen Isom.sl, t vo trained barns. so, came' miners' and two r.ru le arehards there and all persona suing ,claims againat staid estate most prevent the sane duly atithentleated fir - set- Cement- ' ' -: MART A. ARITOI.D.' '.nu - ill`littss .1. W . 'LARDY. . _ . _ EXECU ' L I Oit ' S NOTICE.---Notice is hereby givers that all persons indebted to the estate of F.DENEzErt LOOS, late of Canton. decd. are roquested to make immediate payment. and ail persons having claims against 'said estate. must present them duly *nth . ..nitrated for settle mint. • W3f. S. JArn, N. }rely ig.'72.-A.6. • • Executor. ikiBU- -One iither lot. Net , - or i• it- in said tounsliip ~t Wells, bon bir other laud , of tit ilefrintaut I and thu !midi.; layliway !ratting r she liird Creek road. ou Vie vas Brewer and David Bristol, •in the Irvine Barrett. I hit Pailett 'and on the we.t by other land. of deb Stafford. Containunt Zit in•res, n 1611 acres-tioprov , d. with a train , ..l and tow fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution n lllllltitigtOn AA. H. Li. Slarfor,.rl. ' Also at tbe gait of James .finnt Started and Eliza Stafford. • . 1 .1.80--The following de-cribeil eel of land cittiote in Viyalname t the north by land of 1.. P. Mallon &twirl Ili ward. south by lands of and meat the Wyalrming Creek acme of land, more or less, al . prowd. With a few fruit trees thnrl A1...40 - One otlwr bil, piece or yo ate in Ulster lop.. bounded on t I ‘'d Crialt Shaw. c.1.1,:i by limb , of I WO Nilt . York Canal an,l Rail Rea, by landsibidonging to the u.tate i dee , asett aid west by the .public front Towanda to Athens. Contao of an acre of land, more or les. , two-story trained h. otSt• . a n i une:l ~.. a dry goo•ls -tore, with shed and a framed stone Immo witb•gbixl at Snlzoil and talcu in ~ x ecutiun at Thempiton y....144mu1a tfollenba • of &nab knit - MAI v... Jackiion Ho AI 50•..-The following , lot, pit,ve n • iiituato in Sliiisli., in iu hvp., bound by land of 3141 , and Rockwell and r... fl., ..A.it. , .. of Wini 's . lotb , r4on t•or. to the: toibliv, lo i iliviay and , :'butt:,. tail tier,),7%lJlioivet. on the, 1101 tun Shows aint tiiiorgi. t.ire Exit, Patrick 31.,1. and, %VilUnt . by land of Willlam l'ort and h ,Clies tainnig 27 aerra niore• or bra. al , prove.l,'w!lb a fraruetl .barn - and thereon. SAri -,, lrini tat-ii na'fix , •entrion at 1 , -+ , n T0.,-n, rv' 1' C. Rockwell thi; .'itit 4)1 The. ..... . .. AI. , - 1 i., f.,.....i • .. r.,..1..1 , pi„-0 , i : I , areel ,, f 11..1.1 .P i+• . T . •• I n 1,. 1+ ,, , ,L•l. , •u,, I. t tile M. 11%,111 _ll,l rant by lilliii - .,1 lAtit. r M'-..,n+ , ~,, th, ...,,uti, by . la 114 ..t rain and Elli.•tt, au.l • vol.: 5 Sprilni, iltiv•Pt. (..ntaiiiing rine 1ie , ..4 land , moreslens , 4 112 PrOved with $ two - story friLtutxt 10044 a mad tortutrid totit trees thereon Legal. _ • • ALSO—One other lot of land eltivdo In the town+ shlpof Towanda, bounded on the north by land of M. 11 3faco, cast by laud of Michael Denten., south by land of Janina McGill and west by land of John. Newman. Containing as acres, more or less. no Im provement". Seized and taken In execution at the suit of John Mohnes - nse vs. James P. , Lewis. lletionnin Lewis sad It. C. Vosburg.- ' Also at the snit of tiodding, Russell Co., tn. J. P. Lewis, Also at the milt of John floivr , Utn.iatutu Lewis and J. P. Lewis. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or par. cel of land situate In Warren twp., bounded on the ,worth bribe public highway leading from the Wya. losing Creek to the New York State line, on the-cast l,y land of Reuben Picke- and on the south and west by land of Michael and Roger ilingrofm. Con. . tinning 63 acres of land, more orless, all improved. -with a trained house and a frothed barn thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the , snit of Miles' Prince vs. Patrick Iteleghan. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or par. of land %ablate in Lister twp.; bounded on the north by land of Darius .317cre. on the east httht, public highway leading from Towanda to Atlnlasl on the South by lands in possession Of,Willoir Flood and on the west .by lands, of said Daritm Myers.— Containing one-half an acre of land, more or leu, all improved. Stith a two-story ate= grist mill, with cider mill attached, together with the engine.boll erkrt.l Machinery attached and belonging. Seized and taken in execution at the autbot Sarah Myers vs. Darius Myers and - A. B. Limpin and Z.C. rampbell, terre tenants. .Also at the suit of Lyman Ltnenln vs. It. C. Min. eh, and ti. S. Campbell. ALSO--The following doseribcsl lot, piece Or pare, eel of land situate in Burlington bare', bounded on the, north by landof ,Mrs. Sarah J. Sweeney, on the East by land or.TiSlin Simpkins and Newell W.,Lane, on the south by land of Reuben 3forley and on the west by the Berive•k• Turnpike. Containing one fourth' ui,au acre of hand, mare -or less, with a framed black...mittilliop and a feu trod tree*.. there. • SeLzeil aiel taken in extootteta at the ..,tse . .8. Wright vs. M. C. Nelson SLSU— The following lleseribed lot, pies or par e, 1 of land sititati. In Albany twp., bounded on the berth by lends of Welles Wilcox. east by Main streetum-ralled, south by the 1111.. bard lost and nest by lands of Clark- llabeoek. containing C.OOO square net of land, more" or leas, being 6.) feet on said ild.hatel Road and 12.9 feet deep, with a framed bouse and a few find trees thereon. Seized and taken irrexeeution at the Ault of .1. It:" Cowell Ts. R. S. Ormsby. ALSO—The following lot,.piece or parcel of land situate In South Creek tisp., bounded on the north •by lands of Gillett k Pettingill.ott the r act by land of Llatullti Kline, south by land of rt. T. Andrus and on the west by land of John Contain. lug 62 actes, man. or less, about lo acres ihiproved, with a tog house, a framed birn and : a few Iron , trees thersou. seized atul taken in Oeciition at the i.nit of Ifaviit P. Brown vs. Luther.D. Thorp. ,/ ALSO—The following lot, mete or parcel et;fin.] Situate m Troy Borough, bounded, ou the north by land of A. D. Spalding, east by Call - ton street..sontli by land of Geo. C. !forking and west by Mackney street. Containing one acre of laud, mork"'qr less, improced, with a framed house thereon. • Seized and taken in execution at the snit et Lae.- son McCabe vs. J. B. Wood. ALSO --The foll , mlott deacribe.l c , l of land situate in Smithfield twp/. bounded on the north 7•y slidu Street. running through Smith.' lien village, 00 the east by the publrc square and the Baptist Church lot. ; on the south by land- Augustus Phelps, on the west by lands of said Au gustins Phelps and Beebe Geroules. _Containing.lL; scrap of laud, more or less, Improved, with a two story franked house. ,a ,fratucil , barb - int eked, tarbed and a few fruit trees thereon. • Sel/....1 and taken in r aeention 10,,t Co. ye. 1,. -1). Correed and Lou.-, 1;w10 • , - 3. PERRY ": - .‘N FLEET. Towanda, Angus( 1, 1812. Sitetatt Sl - 1 EItIFF'S SALE-- By virtue of a urit of Alias F.. Pa., isce.. „7.. t ~f the Court of Cenap n on Pleas of rradf , e,l ,Ii• fed att,t clenVort , i, exurlgel to at :bk . .Th,urt 11'.ine. in tie` Boron:Ai ntr'rotrall , la, in ea,d eounty, s.ITITItDAT. the x ..f tr- OtsT.ISI2, al I o'clock imitlie afternoon. all the nutlet:iv 9 .7111/ right.. of the sulliemi and Er:. Coal 'anti Rail Road Company no they exert both i u the 1.. the. A,l of 15s, rtll.:V in . -, 11 , 11,,..1k 111 ate nun curveted And talien in execution • f r la-I. Celt (*oat. at..l comeinY. J. PhßitY 11,CET. 11, 1 4 ;11. _t• VPI'LIe.kTION ‘, ny te , titio , l that 7 . .. n ‘-` • '-' to the court * ut eoraLlr,r. , 1 e• - • r0..111.. • sail mart appoil,'t Mon: ,:ay. in, day 5 , pteinber, the sax 1 , 1,:. :It It • -•' - 31.1 • •,, yort thlohl.roper I'PLI('ATION IN DII;OI1C1',..-- - A P. r. N... 'll.h. T. To% ar, rehy te4t.,e , l tfilt rleininalPepeer V.. has is parcel of laud situ , uda, and 'bounded ou .a.t by lauds of-.0-corge Hiram Van., south by Waal by Wellington eau/ Poplar otreet ill a two story framed ',tong lot No, (.6 of M. 'ash tidabnand rteurd unb.r's °dice, tot saul apb.•. a.. tb.• priv.rty r ' psreel , $1 laud , :t::• holluded and des . OH tho east lair of t. tho arotth Ilw• of L. Wa.rd, dreexsrp I line of land of i Vv parallel A - Ith then, Wcgt.Lrly for 1.7:0 0 tt Io ca..t rare northerly nto0; iNtrret 20;1 teat to the , ,llNido-1 Otto 1 .11 .11. chat:: .Ir. or frout nr. 1 , a0.1 • Neparate or t•yo o pr , •pmete >UJ 3—Lit 7 , P . erly elork, 'tr.,: A. Caeh. s :r.40 4.*, the. north r.nt ,r! b.r!. • ••laillt.t:of ak.rig the cu E t 4 t,l'a rari:.•r; •.f n A. 1:;. , • ..12 Ina! 162, t o: et an.llll-0 f z - ou ti ng havlng a :runt lee,. 'l-he . t , !:, or •.r P.... '. , n. tti.t-, tt 11 , 1).11 , 1t! or matrt . ntony tit: apl4inted tl:r. any t r. 1.7.2. for. !:.•ttr:rt ti.: ::.tr rrlTltiii , R. lit SOLI: lin't! 311 0 1 if rrol of laud situ ,n.le.l On the n..rth T aney ti. 'Stafford. 014 auptionin, to - by lan4 of. Elias south by land' of amos A. Wilsou. u.lsnt: Harvey U. orr or IPS/1.. shout 1.,,.11.,,. ; a lor, I P,lrrt the suit ~t" Jamot ca. t 19 . t: t 3 ive c t r et ra o r n% , east by lands of i C.ll.llollenbaclt • Containing 131 t 100 'actes fro. on. no bnildingi rr, I of J:lnd attn .. o , . rth by lands he renbsylvanla company, sonth . f H. 8. Davison. ~. highway.liailin; 1 . 4 Wit-fourth" unproved, with a 11 , 11Idinst used as Lrn attar...nevi:and w'hest thereon. the suit of J. li., Also at the suit c . ig :oared or land . . 1 1. -On the north lanais begone:lg . , te..:',l - ._ on tho auli ut llortuu ) uuth by laud of • . • C ,, rto hi' , lkir.. rt ou tbv went es Ma*, Cou mt acW4 im-. few ; fruit trove =ME F'CUTOR'S .NOTICE.-4 • hereby given thatall persons Indebted to the retalt. of Mary G. Leggett., bite of Athens, d eee a s ,,..d, are reirnested to make imniediate pay ment. and all persons hiving' claims against said mt. Cato most present the same duly antbenticated for Itettinmettt. • • JAMES, S. tEorzErr. 'FIOICARD 1t•ME11. August 1. - Is72.—Gw Executors. D3IINI STRilTiiii r S NOTICE.— Notieo is bereby given tbstall net-SOUP; indebted to tho.rstato of MAURY MOIOGAIi, late .of Wy , ox. pa.. d;\eeased. are requested tavmake payment. and all persona bating claims against said estate noise present them did) , anthentleated for set, ttenient. 'LYMAN 'MORGAN. - , . Administrator with the Will annexed. Angtist I. 1872.-6ar . x k - at ' 1 ut)ct , is-bmeby given that all persons Inebtbd to the estate of If, 11. PARKER, late of Moine, doceated. axis requested to Make Immediate payment. and al , persons having claims against said estate most present them dolt - authenticated for Set. tlenirtit, - 1-3.11/Lllll I'AltliEß, . - - Aug., Adininistrator - - T4 I .XEIIIT-TOli'S NOTICE:— 1 hyrrhy gprou that all Ilea-nous t. , the estoUi - of itAltltY BENJAMIN, late of . Asy lum. Area, am requOited to Wake Itame,,liato Plizooni• and all Person, !laving claim agstpid Raid estate most present ,thom duly wathentiratA .for P..ttlernent.. 3. W. IRVINE,' MARIA BtN.TAYLIS; Exlvntori. inAlT'Fit/N.---Wilerens, no witu At , .111.4 11.14 h /.$) ; - ottk ,4 Or pr.A,.,:ation, this iy D. t• 141 ,airdreu.,o lharb ,, ris4; or blotting hot on 0 0 , ro.,• o ont, as t ,14( pay no debts ut her conb'seth4 . lsltur this data, LOLL'S LEL:, Aitialay.3!ily. 20th, 1873- Ix'2,-- r rt Legal. uprrort - OTICE. - -Robc‘c - Ca Thompson Inf. Marshall BM. Co.. B. T. A Marshall. and W; K. Marshall.- In the Conn of Common Pleas of Bradford Cottlil2, 21 0 . 25 1. itisPr tember term, 1%2. ' • The stoderstpued having been ,appointed Auditor by 41,1 Corot to distribute money arising front the' Sberifi's sale of-defendant's real estate will attend to the duties of said appointment on TUESDAY., AUGUST 20th, 1972, at 2 o'clock; p. m., at the office of tho Auditor In the Boroughs , / Towarew et which time and place all persons baring elaltria on said money aro requested to present the lame before said Auditor, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. ". WM. VOUS.. July 17, 1112. --tw. Auditor. AEDITOR'S: NOV ICE. ---Bettben DoLong end D. B. Bolide Ta. Ifarry It ht and John D. Multi:le. fn the &inn otDorumon Pleas of Bradford county. No. 500, Dec. Term,/18C9. Th. undersigned,' an auditor appointed by eaid court to distribute moneys In the hands of i Sheri ff m arisg gram sato of defendants seal estate/. win at.- tend to the duties of such appointment at hie oak, in th• Borough of Tewanda.llo2lDAT. %th day of AUGUST, 1872. at JO !o'clock, a In...srbere all-persons haying claims upon said moneys must present them or be forever debarred /from coming in on said fund. 11. .7/ 31ADELL; ~ - August 1. 1912. , ' I. - Auditor. - °ETHAN'S COURT/SA LP+— By virtue et an, order issue:lout of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County,- the/ widersigned, oar. :thin of Charles T. Fox Ling child of Iffrana C Fox, late of Towanda, tWp . .. ,dee'd., will expose to public' sale at the Conit 11Uuse. in the Borough of Towanda; on B.I.TrADAY-./AUGUST 21, lei2,.st a . o'clock, p. m.,:the following described lot, piece or paTc..;l-of land, lielug:sll,thst part. of the estate of the late Hirani C. Fax, ' /deceased, north of the pnh. lie highway leading' oin Burlington to TOWanda •- , Borough : Beginnin g 111 the COMM of Mid high. '' way en southwest Ilne of Ilillerltni, thence north ' 21 degrees Srul V,C, thin:rites west 73,&i' pert-heti : 4o a ' post and stone ch-per, thence sbuth f'.o!. deirrevi ; wept 71 5.10: perches to corner, thence - :ninth ao r degrees 181 - nin9tes east P 2.-ICI perehenito centre of -' abnessid hlgli• ay, thence - . along the saiiie south ',I degrees ',lst 42 perches. smith 75 degrees .east - 2? a-lti pi -re es, north 17.5_ ~, degrees - oast ;22 s'.l-1(S: i per. heietofhe plate of' beginning. Centaininr. ',:.- . acres and -, perches. rEr..wx—sloo to be paid. at.lirne of sale, f 1,400 nOon conflrrnation'ef sale; balance. in =ix months 'thi reaffer with inh rest_ , / . . wit. 11/31ciuGAN, • Onarillan. • duly 2il, 117.: RPHAN'S COURT SALE.---11v O virtue Of an order Isrned ant of the Orphati's /Court of Bradford County, the. undersigned, guar dian of the estate of Wm. - CS:Lewis, Mary J. Lewis, Amanda Lewis, Ell .1. Lewin and Sarah B. Lewis. minor ohthlren of Mary Lewis, deceased , will ox• ruse to liablio salrf ._ ol:l the premises on SATCRDAY... A l'firST it, 1872, commencing at 1 o'clock, P. in• • the following deseribed lot, piece or parcel of !awl situate in Monroe twp., bounded on the south side of street leadiug from Mato street to Rockse..W.• Bridge, on the r.orth by the street aforesaid, ou the ea=t by fund of Sarah urns and 5. 5. Hinman. on the south bv land of S. S. Hinman, on the west lc; laud of . 1 . fi. Griswold and ELiram Itockwell. Con •taininie ' acres or thereabouts. with an old frau...el t,sii'eand a few !unit trees thereon. , kLsO—One one other piece or lot of land ....ted , • to Monroe Borenr,b, bounded on the !Aril& by Wel of .1. L. Rockwell, On the cut by land formerly uen. ed to Win. Hirt. now deceased. on the. emit), by laud of Co , ldue - r: Runeell a: Co., and wert I,v Slate ..teeet, ot, a two-fir lioutr.. . 4 11 , 1 I , t al•ont 41 fret on Main Street n 1 thr.ci::•.. .lt~- tsnrn stack Irtee Main ftreet. TERMS CASH. LEAVIS;J:I,ar4I4L INESIBEI - _ T3IIOPOSED AMEND3rEtCT TO, ITNNK‘ :NIA. -701 - ST I: ESOLVTION • 4.N _AMF.:COII EN' '7.) '47IE ~. )!, ,,n 'it'7l, ) o' 121!.1.10XLVANIk. by o,e, and IP , , •1 e , : r Srl - That.tbc fullowitkiz anietY.l2,l.-itt nt the canolitrtt.,4l of thiS Colllnou - Nmlll6lio t.• tl.•• pc,plc f , r their adoptiou , 7r 11 , 1 t tbe t , ntli 1.1.,"r. of MEN' I , S: T . -,...A,,. •,,t ih, t-tith ~ ,, • • •• 1 ;•- • ,, • •1 t),..,. , x jh ,r 1, , ,,.. r,! f t . ,-, .., .t.,,:t ~,,ln,l , 1 ,,..•, ! in ti4, - . ° 1h..r.. ,, f th.. 1. , 1- LI , ,-.,-.. .• A ... , i.Lt • Trea ,, ,r_r Fl :la 1., , , ~ he; .1, hy th - ,., er., - ,1:ht..! ,:•., t.l , •,' thi.Statr , , at s..nrh titifi., and t., ~. ~ t. , rti: ~.. ~...r. le, aft FLalf 1, prilwrilf..4ll.!;' iaw; WILLIAM 1:1.1.1017. :ipinl, r , it tic, [IL,:•=4), of I:, , ..pre,,nt:Tets. • 3A1%11.7. 4 S 1:1 - T2 , ...N, . i• , Spe.t4er of the `.:nat.-. ~ . i. :,:-..% • •:::.r Ml•lity.,:c.,ttd day of Marlt..A.hti , ;. ~..,r. ,T,.• 11,.,,: , 41),i ..i,•1,4 htirvirr.:! Act gpv,,,t,-.. . . . . . .Iw. W. tt.E.tltr rt .tt t. c mthl: , atlem ;! , :rshalt: t '' 4 • rkt FItANtIS.A.t.ItDAN. ~C rs "t .the Corishakci:wenith.. ! the: (4; , :n1 , ,,,‘ , .' - ' , llth: 2., 1.7.2, , ; A , T, tit I=llll r P .K UPTCY.:- DISTRICT I.7tLiterl salt, tla• Wet.tertm Dir tr,t W. t.tertt D :grief ot l'eut.- ~ y1v...:114 Dr the matt. r ..t 1...x.1.th .111, , .ti'a - rl , l A. (.: tt, ttrP. .•f -t. F. Matt , •ll A Itatik• 6.,"1.1 t •.i P. i,•••• ~.t. . n 1%1. .lay .TiAly. A. 1 . ) 1.a . 7.2., a Warrantll...lkfllpto :t..nand Agaihst ..r/ihril..ll F. Ma.o.tt awl _li, 3ta,./ t limnof t 7 F. Ma-L. - J..: of Ti' - wanita. in *I, t".ttitty i.! and Nt.ctr g nfloylratila .en aili ali L lirtskraii thair ; that_ the paythilit 14 tiny atla pr.inerty tioriitging to ,111./1 111L1111":: . 14,1 Mem or 1.. r tran.itor arc tn. , tow that a it h i.,.tifi n nf ..1 sahl tiicir di, -.., a1...1 to 'rib, or tr.-.r• 301Tg - urea a11.11C:r I.,Stat, .will, lin at a '-Lva-t of Eankrill.toy t.i l.c fi .liter of E 114 i..iftire &Nara iivi.rton. Jr.. Esq.. 19th day" "f A P. 1a72, .1.4 i a. u.. _ %. 3tUlUxu Ir. :S. I\l4 ,`,"I:L.!•T , N*IINISTEATOR'S OTACI , ].--- ,:ivcri to all vcri0t_..,111 , 10 , 10.1 ~stato of C. L. WARD; late of T.iivazol a, ninsi tarthr iiatifetbate - . Payellellt. 41. i haNirt , ..• claims against said estate lanai •tpLy anttn , nticated for settlement. • TOSEM rOWELL. I::P.y 2 i Administrator. • - - .Whereas, my wife Lot - C - tw'has lon nrY bed and hoar2l. without loot ,atiso or provocation, this is ther6foretobotifrall 15,rsons against harboring or trusting -JOT on l i ly Account, as I will pay. Ito debts of bar, cohlractiog a'f.h.. , r this date, unlensycropelled by law. 1). L. kfAUDLE.' , Sugar 14.212, duly 1/4, lot:2.—A*. TcRNER & GORDON , ,, r.viTulcs BIANK TC wItoLDsALE ANL. Iit:TAIL RE:r"GGrISTS ! eaterdo)ely repaired their ,d ,, re..at the old stapd, haVe re-opened with a large. Hew and well geltcted stook, e.)tisigtitig • A' EXTILNCT:s. 11.1X11t$. 111311.5. sUtiAL Co.Vil:fl) LOWMIS. GUMS. SYRUPS. -TS\LT''I:E~. WL \ k'. kV' ECM rANI( - ),CLECTIC .AND nostEt)PATltic rut- J'Ai: vru?Ss )N71. 4 ,' STUFFS, ,MACIiIN't OILS, KEI) .'E, ALCUIIUL PURE WINES AND uQuoßi4. rt , t riirrOM, Toikiceg), SNU,F.F CIE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES, .All ' 4 r Fate. ?..agnttin,ni TOILET 14D 'FANCY .1100D§ • More Mau the u'siskt 'care and attention given t..; the COMpounding of Prescriptions. Open Sundays. front t) o'clock,a An.3o 1 p.m. .t from 5 p.n.'. to i p.nl - MAttt L ciu be consulted at the store on Sat - 'UMW of each week, as heretofore. D. n. - tunsmas - • W. G. GOILDON. Towanda ala s T. 1811:. NEw HARDWARE STORE! JIME it LEWIS trejUst receiving a new ',apply I II A. It W 11, • E: At`thcrola Ribald Mareb4l Brothers, Ili • _ , • MERGUITS I3LOCL Call anal exathine (Air gouda prices. nave largo and welt selected stocli of _ - IRON, NAILS, GLASS, PAINTS, on.s. sTovis Ar. uoust Fuleusuilio owns of all.Ltnd4. Eanners and huiltiers win find that thth ix tl* place to buy hardware at the LOWEST PRICES .Q.EFEltiall We hay; arloptc..l ' the thisti BTSTVd, ar Be arc. ea, t" %stied this is the Only cornet and I,ll . tkitaT cluing business. P.'e shall pay special htteiftion to TILIIIII Tinw3r,•%na-doing all of- I,l , ing at 1.1 , -. _ - Ji f.r;',7:7• Jtliv 11.1" i.) ' ci• voilr . tor() 1214 gen t o - 13 • -VOI aft:Rt.:pit . Jas. It. 1871. i. NI