How to Improve the Teitil'Ar of tit 84 . Their are not less then three -wt diy which the rodrictivenese-oiraolt , soils may be improved eci that they; will Yield satisfactbry stops of prck ducts adapted to _their quality. pro vided the &ratite' favors thecultiva tion: of thekind of ; crop raised. One way of improving the fertility of land I is by " . tieglecti to. cultivate it- - -by allowing vegelii growth ..o mature from year to year and to decay where the planis grew. I This is Nature's own. process for_ rendering b#rren soila_ fertile and , rich ground , still more producti* 1 It is, here where the eminent, wade of noxious weeds for agricultural purposes is disclosed • When the farmer neglects the proper\ cultivation of his fields, it has been wisely oidered that "weeds shall take , possession, and, by a slow and tedi- a ems process, accoinplished in en age ; what an intelligent tiller of the soil 41 istable to perform in a few years. a Hence we perceive why - the species e of noxious plantsare so numerous, i. and so inuch more hardy and prolific than those plants which are cultiva ted for crop products. . Weeds are a 'great- blessing in disguise, as every . one, from the little-chick-weed tip to 'the pestiferous Canada thistle and - couch grass ( Trificvm repense) plays the admirable part of an ameliorator of the soiL If a farmer fails to cul tivate his land properly, weeds come in to supply the deficiency. Grass of all kinds always exerts an ameliora ting influence nn the fertility of the soil, and the roots lay hold of. the ' inorganic and insoluble substances that-are locked up in the barren at . oms otearth,dissolve and digest them, and appropriate the minute particles 1 _ to the`'-development of their own roots, stems and leaves, which, after they live decayed, furnish available plant-food for promoting the growth' , of crop-plants, phich must have their pabulum ; supplied, directly er pre pared by other vegetables having the power to feed upon the granite, mica limestone, quartz and stubborn sail which may be within reach of the roots.° In tile foregoing manner the ; western praires have been improved in fertility for ages past. Rain watei, —which' is one of the most powerful, solvents in Nature ;frost, heat; vegetable growth and decay, and sweeping conflagrations, have all " been in operation every year, prepari trig both organic and inorganic mai terials, reducing them to a- soluble condition. and storing the particleii in the soil for the purpose of develop ing useful plants which will yield necessary food for man and beast. Another more expeditious way of improving the fertility of a cultiva ted soil is, by employing mechanical ; appliances for accomplishing in a fetv years, in, connection with the opera tions of Nature, what she alone would' , scarcely be able to perform in ageo. ! For example, there are inexhaustible stores of phosphoric acid in a given soil, which is so firmly held in ,the, stubborn clods that the particles: are; not a Soluble condition. Hence, they! are not available by the roots f use" ' ful. crop-plants. The grain of wheat, , for example,is composed, chemically,, of 4p parts in every 100 of Ph°sl phoric acid and 29.97 of potash. `ow, thee, if these substances be abi sent, or if they are abundant in 4.he . soiValthongh in an insoluble condif tion—not in a conditionto feed the wheat plants—it would be folly Ito attempt to cultivate wheat until prci thictiveness has been im proved. The elements of fertility may be in the soil, or the fertilizing resources of the fail may be amply sufficient, if properly employed, to develop the productivness so that eve „zry acre will yield a. bountiful crop Of grain, ; I . The plough and other implements of husbandry frequently operate lild magic, in develo l ping the productive ness of a soil. „Wherever the steel coulter, the share, the mold board, l the cultivator, teeth and, the harrow tooth and brought in contact with the coarse particles of earth contain ing plant-food the „stubborn Wins - are reduced to a fine powder, so that the rain, the burning heat of sumiaer and the disintegrating influences - lof the frosts or winter set the vast etnips , •of phosphoric acid and potash free; yet, the particles will be retained in ..j soil until the wheatTlants thrust out their numerous, roots through ' the soil and collect such • substances as may breavailable. In every one 'inn dred parts of wheat straw there are 12.14 parts of ,potash and 67.88 Parts of - silica. The foregoing figures fiir ttish the intelligent tiller of the soil ” something of an idea as to theF iT quirenients of land in order to:pro duce a crop of wheat. If these sae • stance s are not present, the land,nlay produce a diminutive growth lof wheat plants; but tl product *ill . not be a bountiful crop of fair grain. - In addition te.:- the mechanibal crushing and grinding of a soil, its productiveness can be rapidly deiel °pea by cultivating occasionally a crop of red clover, the roots of wh ich will prepare a large amount of Vela , able; plant food for the cerealia.,While the ileaves will collect a gehereus supply of available pabulum Trim ' the atmosphere. Then, if the'; crop be-fed to domestic animals,- 'and the accUmulatiomt - of their apartrieints be returned to • the soil where '!the - crop was . produced, the acids andithe alkalies in,the manure will exert a still, further ameliorating inflnence in developing the productive charac'- ter of the land. Although no hle _ meatt-of fertility will be added to a tenni clover bay, or a ton of w heat straw by allowing it to be cons umed anedigested by domestic animals, yet, if-all the liquid and solid; pOr tions be saved with care and 4Ju diciously applied to the land, the dressing will exert, a stimulathi . in fluence on thersoil, which would not have been felt if the crop had been permitted to decay where it grew. - These facts will indicate why 'asoil -Can-be renovated and the fertdity maintained more satisfactorily I.nd , -at less expense by making beeti ork and mutton, saving and applyinall tf the manure of the stock, than . at tempkto keep the land fertile by any ; other means, except where the at , ural resources of a farm are in de ; gnat° to meet the requiremeuts of _ the,creps cultivated. - In certain, localities, where Ithere are inexhaustible deposits of sulphate of- little, (gypsum) beds of phosphatic material, marl, peat, lime-stoneland products of the sea, the prodnctive netts- of land may be maintained by the employment of ono' or. More of the foregoing fertiliiing substances, as the character of the soil may" seem ( to equire. One grand and 'funds ea; tal principle must ever be f ' rn in tind, that on rowit'soils the vail able plant -food 14 exhantled' nor raolly.thl-ri it canto , . pr....parr!ii, 1111 if..lli :1 t ,:r f o llll% t/' !. I ._ Pil" i '5(.1 . 1. cr., bi1ir.A0r.,...1-to ill.; ti;i is 11114 I , q , „, ; . 4 .,,,,,. t•thrient tertiltimr, --F.* 1',.41 , ObA'--veer. h • . • T"--- -.• ....-1,4,.: . ..,,.• MUM TABLE OF' THESULLI t( -- iiar ,-7--h- , -- P_IIBLIO - 1 :..I .. • —7 TIE 1021.1=1118114, BATING T io - B ox mix/ -L,t,.. , - , -. .- . ... ~,,..,_,,,,,,,..,...:. ,_ _,. ~,...... ~ ..., --1 ..16 WAS di 331332 IiAILSOAD.—TeIdag GSM Ui : - • I-. . .• . .__ ..=I. Juts 11. DIM . • , -•- ,---. - 1 • -•••-, i Pdaildida Se' alleiedmi se ' a l . ' *; ~., - ,:,-.1., -, _- "..--- r ',- -•:.; s 1.: ‘:-7i...`itt..:. -::.;: ._. ' 4, 744,, -, - ' MIA 1164330114 - - I . t I - . P 44 A ilt TOWANDA tilt rir ''- I ' - . • -1 • : ..: .. • a a PAital. - - ~ ,:„. i-F...„ . i„ NSW NOM 111111113 MS WWI 111.613. ' .2110 6:10 SAPCLAT .313 NOTION U 46 1:116 7 ; The , ' ' m i n i& . sk oji -- ii ii e dw h A i. ' . 3:00 6:30 ....NONNOZ 11:16 TAM pad • ---' - ilea sea era a. PACKS al. I 5 Mei ppspessil ' . '.: iirmantelmcnitnik o---, :-.-.,, Atiotidammosioraili- l r„ --, 2122 6:00 311.00111.. .... 10:61) 40 10 T:10 ... WSW AWAI T.... 1040 4 :10 I 14°, in °°.61 . 19.11141a."117 ‘ 11614 l a l a aa la ea Ili iamb So abide 0 nudist mud dttal. ' ,, ~ .. .., _ . . 1149 740 .......xuaaas.. . : ... 1016 -6:111 _ . 140 1:45 D118R085....... 11:411 MD . - 1 . 1. SMILES ! GROCERIES ANIO - PROVISMX Add 040 8EEXV312....... lbalf sal • ' • i • ti.o raga sail use diode* lid et 1 .1 ' 1.20. a: u. - *. sr. r. S. I. l• I . it. P. - • ' ', ' '• , G - )1 OCERIES, !MATHS, . -.- r i A 0•211,6~.1. agent., UNDERTAKING BUKIMISS: .. • ink% mil le mid et Sr Weed dedlde Maw . A. &N Y CANAL & $B OO.-- . FRUIT JABS, . - ... . • ±-- • ..: "• . • 1 waortamperainak Oa ilaiii. sad ad esellard' CODFISH, - 1 • . . . j asisasonnan or iasszeoss"raarra • 1 1 1 • OM /es lid/ 115 Idiom dimes se as he powdered Mclurr sErs, l • 1 . Z° take 004 Yonder. lune 10.1572. 1 . - Di an its bindles . Aft 3 we trait caw ere eatlidso. iiberhena 1 now ear be thspalidasgisseddedi ' • MACKEREL, - •- .• Laonsuraira I MOUTSTAMD. . riderrar. I From $4 to $l2 per set, • . ito. ea. Ss. so.- N i x - Ig o . a* dream et eur one In that line. 1, I - I ' ad • . • - HKEtIUN ' G, 33., 11. T. STATIONS. 34. S. S. I . WOODEN PUMPS, n • , • , V ic l , II 2.11 Nerds *dream sadism al tmdsia l . 111 Rte` . TEAS, OOFFNES, SUGARS, . la, M PM Air 1 1 _ • PORK. .- . . iii TOO TiO ......renev 1! is Tii - 14i ins from ili a act 06 H. seal! 11 00 rd oar place. DRAIN TILE, STASO2I. SALASATII3.I3IO2SII. ba. 320 130 '9 0 Waserli . 12 00 51111 900 336 i allo 60 ......M3=3. • 111 63 625 VS a heed which ( dada be surpassed. even eluded 4'20 O5 10 40 ......Tarsada....lll OS 4ST.s i . . Sad es hand a haw sleet ad - REFRIGERATORS, MUTTON, . ' 22 .31 d --Wringing.— 110 05 7,1 6 to eliedx4tlda side at oar Urged Wks. We base 45 205 11 1 2 1......... 943 405 651 1 . . 14 12 .... litedeappen... , 9.20 63! 13130 30.03. 1 ! the Ilardrollef • m° 161 1 11 "/ 0 * 011 ‘td. AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO. For sale cheap at . HAllf, 'ti ' 22 12 70. Ileboopasay... I 9 U 625 , 45 350 12 451 . - ..Tanklembeek.. 542 230 556 a t i ssev w pm to wad gol tats bomb ac .. •m 4 42 150 PlUden..... 725 2112 450 I 1113 1:43 " Miliala2 DI OODDING, BUSSELIa & CO.'S FRUIT OF ALL' DESCRIPTIONS, 15 600 715 ....Wilkes Bane- TOO 215 4SO th e t ee e eem , . • . .4. 730 4 351 ...Mauch Chunk- ..... 1146 136 I at 626 550 aneatown.... •x 1042 12 20 J. li. Maus. die of oar Sna. eV/ L rood et the nog 014040 / 167 06 Mb& PO= MOM LIULD• OO6 , . TOWANDA. P.L. ' •• . ' 640 605 --Bethlehem ... 10 30 12 0(1 I MODERN STONE WARE; 015 635 ......Easton 1006 ' 41 i 25 r an o = 'im am on p i mp wed. and 0. 3r. m a s k all blade et n5ll. Weald cell the staletioa et the . 1 ... 1 • Who also sell all kinds of • '. . •.1030 0 20 ....Plaidelpl43... . 30 1 ... euie. the dim member of the Ilda. at Ids red- Puddle to our OWL Ds Diet ;' ll 0.40 Nem Tort.... 700 000 deed ea Third ;Odd. of abed testate et Dr. J. STOOK OF TOBACCO , BLA MITH, . i YANKEE NOTIONS, 1 M q. . ';2i •It l a X or. Lyman.' a seer fellable and as ddied dusaddi . . : f "'_ • - --, - . • leaves Towanda at TlO a. ra.: Athens. 150 • 605 a. m.. smiling at Elmira at whose What is art Park Adel. DM theis pastor dim . deese - OehisethdlieshUlisep. -' • CABPENTER, • FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, GILUI 4 T, &o. Elva 1 Ro. 32 __ Waver/7. 00 A. Ehstira at 6 30 p. m.: Warettt. at at IS 30 p. rn..lartiring 'fa. 31 leak 1 p• m.• lands at 1 15 r Cam attached to Trains '3 and m Elmira to PhiMbetphia. E. A. PLCKE3I. SuptaintendtaL Drawing • •,.. yin through fro ENV ROUTE TO PHILADEIr 'NORTH PENNBYLVANIk . ItAILROAD. ,Shortest and most direct line to Philidelptdk Bal timore, Washington. and the South. I Paa.engere by. this route take Isensoivania k New Pork Railroad train, passing Towanda at 10:40 and 2:05 p. m., make close connection dB& thiamin with train of North Penn's Rail road, and arrive la Philadelphia at 8:20 P. M., and 10:30 p.m., In time to take night trains either for the South or West. Palace (sera are attacked to the 2:P5 P.M.' train. tat, passenger cars are at the Depot on arrival. of all trains cone passenger a to the various Depot as d to all partsof the city. Leave Forth Penns Railroad Depot. corner Barks and American S: Philadelphia. at 8:30 k 9:45 'AIL, arriving at Towanda 4:57 k 8:05 P.M.. same evening. Mann's Damage Expel• collects and delivers bag gage. office No. 105 Sont 111th street. Philadelphia. ram= AOCOVIODATIONIL .1 Freight received at Prontanct Noble streets:Phila. :delixhia, and forwarded by( Daily Fast Freight train to Tcreanda, anli all points In Stoll* hanna valley With quick dis Patch. ELLIS IMRE& Gen. Aitt,N.P. LB, Front and Willow Sta. lan. 3,1874: Philadelphia. [3LOOD & CO. Still continue o manufacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS,' and Wilkeisn a better macidns, for less money than can be bad elsewhere in the world. We claim for our znachinea that they will do as much, or more. lany other, and are more durably built. Ws nally superintend cur work and gee thatit is • well down. We . will send DIEICHIPTIVE CATALOGUES. of our machines, on application. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One id Two Horse THRESVER t SEPARATORS. THRESHER and CLEANERS'. FANNING MILLS, COLITOTJA AID DILL° SAW 113:11id RAW AND GRIST MILL work done to order. Gino us s can before purchasing elsewhere. 'l'd "Oa aubacmra `starLdr, "OD V . (100'III'. Aug. 2, 1869. ' - • THE AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE This machine Is conehlered by', mechanical mon to be the • 'BEST CONSTRUCTED, MOST DURA.gLE Sewing Machine ever offered to the public. Its ,SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION, EASE OF RITS NINO. VARIETY OF WORK :WITHOUT CHARGE And its unparalleled success wherever it has been Introduzill. speak.'" wonderfully for it as being the most complete family Sewing Machin? now In us-. Its sdaptat'on to LIGHT OR HEAVY WORK In truly beyond Competition. These michlnee are by WILSON & MAXWELL, Or TOWANDA, PX And their manner of conducting Miele business is fast winning for them the confidence of the public. Yon can examine this machine at their ofnoe In Harem's Block, or they will cheerfully show It at your house without charge or grumbling. Don't let other vents sell you a machine • out of date or behind the times before examining the iimentcan. Orders by mail, or otherwise, will receive prompt attention. Tow Inds. May 1. 1872. THE WORLD'S TONIC. Purely Vegetable and free from Alcohol. • DR. P. LORIMER'S JUNIPER TAI: 13 I M A CERTAIN CURE FOR Seated Cough. Incipient Consumption, Colds, Spit. tang Blood. Inflamation of the Lungs, Catarrh, Bronchitis; Droop. Whooping Cough, Asth ma, Pains in Breast or Side, DYIPePilk Jaundice, Dimino's. Low of Appe . tdo, Fever and Ague. Indigeatlma, Liver Complaint. Diarrhoea, and en Diseases of the Lungs, Stomach, Liver,—, and Kidneys. W.. H. GREGG lz CO., WHOLSI.LE DRUGGISTS. ELIdIRA. Solo' Agents, and to whom all orders should. be addressed. Price, $l.OO. • 1 Sec - Circulars for further inforniatimi.-mt junel2.72-tf Bold by all Druggists. • . HER, TAYLOR • FASHIONABLE TAILORS, Opposite Public Square, Keep always on hand a full assort- n2ent of CLOTHS, pxmrwmmi READY-MADE CLOTHING In all the latest styles, HATS CAPS AND lIMBREpLAS, GENTS' Furnishing • GI- oo d s In great variety CUTTING DONE _ON SHORT NOTICE. ALL WORK WARRANTED. 6 6 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, PA. TIE. 0. D. STILES Laving purchased DR. TILE DRUG STORE or, 1.. A. lIIDGWAT,„ La Boum. PA., is now in stock and la constantly Teetering freak supplies of pare Drugs and Ifedicinea, Dyea.Patatai Waratahre. gm. 'Agent for ail the most popular Pat ent Iledicluta. A fresh supply of the retch:sten VINEGAtt BITTEtigLi Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes; post brands of Cigars and Tobacco; choice Perfrtral - ell-. totlet and fancy articlesillararingyestrarts, ke. nehOot boobs, stationery. and &irk Dealers, sup. plied with stationery at low p&p". Ail iniaregane. 1 e Ime Looks tortilahr,t to order at pnblb,het a • 'dices. The Vo,tar roll continue to pre' tin. ruivricine ait her , -tolor.. 1,4610 at the Drtly: trxre; ic Fli , nce or ) pria , t. Pr- +l..,t,risa cl.'ardt. 'Vrta.:rivth•nc a 0 21- 1 1 ~ii , t,....,-....,t , .1 . , r ~..T . ,; , „ n E j, 1 5 t all 1111.iri 1! a., m uplomt I eh rt ..___ 1 k4ril 1;1. Ji72. ft' r fri c •.. . ( Mit TEAS AND' COFFEE oowitt. & Kira .:, Boum jipa23l2lS " lallßlyk NATIONAL BANK, 1: or rOWANDL Cepri4 $125,000. 51111P4.118 Form • 40,000. • I I —:— 1 TWA Bank =ars InfiIEMAL i'ACIIMIZI tat the GENERAL BANKING' BUSINESS. nazazErr AID O Dapriars Loam= TO AGIMINSINT. Smut. Cam owza TO TEE Couscrtes kir Rom axe Om's. rattles l , sighing to saw xorsr to SDI pad of the VulteitStatea, Englandareland, Scotland, or the prin cipal cities and towns of Europe. can here procure drafts tot that purpose. To or from the old easatry, by best steamer or sea. lag lines; always en.baad. FAII:=11 EISCIIMIET oyes AT ammo assts. . . • • Iligiel l Price paid for MS Bonds, Gold and Moen JOB. PCiWELL, President. X. 1!. BETTS. Jr.. December 1. 1869. • A-Ashler. k2IIEHANNA COLLEGIATE ENSTE/: U MSEEDA, SEW/FORD comm. 1%. This Inhtitutlon win commence Its Seventeenth Year SUS The courses of study are English, ,Normal, Com mercial; Academic. Scientific-and I:llaiudeal. in all of which the instil:mil= to systematic and thoromiti. The I Principals will be assisted In the various departments by a large and very excellent corps of instructors—three - graduates, experienced teachers haring 'been recently engaged—and no effort win be 'Tared to make the institute. In comfort, discipline and general eilideiacy. second to no other similar Institution. • _ . The Musical Departament'srill be under the charge of Professor 11. Fersiolainnessen: Thisl institution t i now in thorough rettair. to addition to the extensive improvements during the pain year, new apparatus, nape and charts. and most approved patent deaka and seats for all the study and recitation rooms have Just 'been -pur• chased. The Principal of the Normal Department will organise August 28, a Tearcbene Class. and by EPECILAM, Ermurnos aid to complete the most thor. ough Course possible during OW ttme. Tuition from $4 to $lO. Board and room In the Instihite $4. a desirable, students ray obtain rooms in town and board themselves. Early apply cation for board and rooms at the-Institute abould be mado, as the rooms are being rapidly engaged. F farther particulars or catalogue, apply to 0. W. 'Ryan and E. E. Quinlan, Principals. Towanda, Pa • MILLED, FOX. ang.9"ll, President Board Trustees. W ST Nj Tha subserib desires to give notice that tam nevi ST tAM FLOURING MILL .• Ia now in anecesaltil operation; and that be la pre pared to do all work in his hue on short notice. CI:StOM GRINDING DONE ON TEE SASS DAY S: Wheat, Buckwheat and Rya }lour. Corn ?drat. Feed. Bran, /c.c..' always on hand and for sale at taw at rata , . • PiIITICULAB NCrLlCE...Persons lisinge on the weet aide of the river desiring to patronize soy mill, wittlbare their terryage paid bah ways, when they bring grist. 3t tcrelauslutts and upwards. F. 8. ATS33B. The Concave Convex Crystal Spectre lea, made by tlui above institute are now a long time before the public. and the rapid and Increased demand for them combined with the universal acknowledgment of their clearness In vision and ease to the eye; shows plainly that they are .superior to any other glasses in the market. The majority of Spectacles, (mostly imported) and nematter how line the frames, contain but s poor and worthless article of glasses, (generally cast or pressed:) they are made to be sold only, without any calculation resp ecting benefit ; to the eye. and therefore the great - vampldnt of poor and weak eight. Thousands are riming glasses now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the objects get dim after _ short usage, or require en I intensely strong light anal therefore destroying the sight, which, were igrey properly suited. would be preserved life time. the advantages claimed for the C oscave Convex CrYstal Masses are the !Marring : ' The Lesures are ground of :the best material, pure and bard, and made only foe optical purposes, they am therefore not liable to get scratched or dim. They confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vision not found in any other glass. lifbey ey can be used equally well by day or candle ' ht r without tiring or fatiguing the eyes. are ground mathematically true in the con. cave waves mirror, according to the philosophy of nature, and shape of cornea of the eye, therefore sedating nature only instead of fordngli That the lenses aro centered correct into the frames. They can be used longer than any other glasses w thaat changing to a higher power. • The frames are made strong mid darabk=e rinnced workmeb and warranted to give es WM. A. CHAYEZBur" Drab - - ' - "-v and litiV AND COATINGS. EQUALLY GOOD FOB PINE OB FILM ROBS. Price 58 1 7,00 • ta Tlbe only practical low priced Loek.stitch Sewing chine ever invented. I , IDon't be bernhugged hy other Agents blarney, I'lo matter bow smooth their tongnemay be. be sure large profits to their own pockets. D. WOODBI7M wante I 4 . Agent d. for Bradford and &Mean Counties. Agents lißcane, Bradford county. !-..Feb. 29.12. T AYLOR'S CELEBRATED OILI Tke Great Jiliemsatte Reiiieity should be kept and need by erres7 Tanner that keeps either Cates or Emma. every Teamster and Livery Stable lamer. every Physician and Boris Tarim for It will many timer, cure pain and lameness when atl other me& tines have failed. YiMin and Eattrwad Yen iihmild certainly keep tt, for it Is nnsurpsesed brines and spelling. Maamiths should keep It for their own nso and tor their enstatners tender Mooted homes. as nothing egnals it for tender feet. Every body sneering from pain and tameness of any _kind, burns, cuts, Wounds or any eruption of the skin, Corns, Chilblains or any disease reenirtng an outward application shontd certainly keep this ate. Waled medicine. Every tattle warranted to Mrs satilaction. For sale bye. U. C. Porter &mak Co, 'W 'Porter k Kirby and F. W. Town Drugl.zists. Towanda iY And by every DrrirKitt and dotty! In Brad ;44 and adietnioß rmint)Es. Antinat"n ff , flowav and !Cowden, att4-I.ate /I'U:a 41^Inn 11.1-4, tin exyl Arch covet rhiwicuthia.Pa.. AV , `!ltd. iii lIROWNIa TAYLOR. tulyli .lif proprietor. Lona., av ale, pa. - BUREAUS for live dollars at mar & BM. 1.8. ALLYN. C. X. YAIfVILLL PASSAGE TICKETS - ' MONDAY. AtOUST 28, 1871 FLOURING MILL 1 IN 811ESlifi9IIIN, PA THAT IT 18 RECEIVED. ORTINT TO ALL WHO VALUE THEM SIGHT , • Bight of the aged imitated, the weak strengthen. ed and the perfect preeerred.. • EILADELPIIIA OPItiCAL NESTITUTE, For the manufactaring of the CAVE CONVEX. CEYSTAL War*. LONDOR 1101,11. AND .TP.M.Dat 5 71117..11 01 11. 11d1/1:0 or In Watches, Jewelry a Aver Ware, da, Pa, has the sole Agency for these glasses In Bradford county. No Pedlars employed. I;July 11,1870-U ami ll! auz aL . ALl&L A ENG &wain. THE PERFEMON 07 ECIIANIEIM, sox Htancora, Faux°, Iturtaxo. . ma, BEAMING, Szaxisci. Qtnixpro, Trroosa, I CETLING, BEE-lITITCHiNG AND OASEZEING. Pa exited in AMERICA AND EUROPE, Imple, Compict, Efficient; Durable and Complete. ' very Machine Warranted for five ears. It is a Triumph of If ecbanical mina et 47, liew Tart Chookal lad Mein Bose. 1 WOODEN WARE. Largo 1110=ft:wok of TAXLILI NOTSOZIP. TOI/Xr •01Pl. me., to I win pior the Idgloset aoa► peke toe COUNTRY PIIODIJCE. lfsnoses, OVID ass WI began Katie drawbar& All pewits lalleaftill to as Ms pislikaiin NW arks hrierdisto pappild. Towanda. Idarcb. 12. 1867 111. AS J. LONG. . GROCERIES AD PROVISIONS, WOOD. WILLOW. ADD lITONE WAGE. FLOUR, FEED, DIELL, &c., No. 1 PATTON'S BLOCK, COIL. MAIN AND BRIDGE STEL, TOWANDA, PA. I &etre to can the attention of MO public to my assortment of goods. which la 'always fall and com plete. and will be sold to my ceiatomen at lowest market.ritea. KY stock of TEAS, SPICES, Bare been purchased since the late reduction In the tariff on them. and are otrered at prices to ear respond. Orders by mail or °Metres will receive canto and prompt attention. Thanking the public for the liberal a they hero given roe, -I wish a continuance of same. CASII PAID YON 00ITNTIIII PRODUCL feb.W7l FIGURES WILL NOT LIE . ! THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN TOIVITY BOOTS! DON'T DOUBT TOM OWN Mel HERE ARE THE FIGURES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Goats Ittp. 2 mole k tap Root, home made trartanted do I do do do i 35 do 2 do do ,- do nailed. 400 do ./ double sole do 3 50 do r dolt peg do do . do 500 Boys Rip. 2 mole and tap,. do 2 75 to 3 00 Youths Rip. 3,', double 11014 ~ do 2 00 to 2 25 Merebants ran be mpplfsd with the above Blau of goods at very prima. We are prepared to make Boots to Nestor% Also Pint Clus Repair. lug at reasonable prices. - N. B.—The above very low Woe system must be ands stood CASH breariably oa delivery. towr Call and see before you buy. Shop opposite Methodist Church. Main Street L. C. BELSON. Towanda. Nov. 1871. NEW PLANING MILL. Tte: undanagned having built a large and econnto ilionallill in the Baro Tave, and Wed it wtth the the moot m re ot odern and larpecrred machinery. far manutacta WINDOW SASH AXD BLINDS, •re prepared to ill orders, whether large or soma the shortest notice. We hare also • large eo rtety of NOULDER43B, of the latest style and pattern. which we can furnish mach cheaper than they can be worked by baled. PLASM, TOSOVZING. OHOOVINO. AND SCHOOL SAM%• And ill other wort pertaining to Joinery, wtl3 be dam to sort oar custoownt Persona building. Mid not thing more than twelve to fourteen miles distant. will And it largely for their interest to buy of as; or bring their lumber and have It worked by our machinery. Bring your grime at Mooring. or other lumber. end white your tom is feeding. We It ground out and tain t It hems, fwith A- L • erNi pay CAM for PENN AND ECIELOCTe UM= dell eyed at OW lumber .yard. Cam mid me so, or if you eancoml t. writs. Towanda. Ash.. 111114.. i. *ODGW • 00. p , iZM SUPERIOR AGRICULTURAL MACIALRY, for Sale by R. •M. WELLES, TOWANDA. PA.. Office No. 3 .3terenr'e Block. north side of Court Howe squire. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'DEALER AND MANUFACTURERS AGENT. Mowing Idaeldnea. Home Powers and Thrediehers. Wheat Adm, Maar Sowers. Gala essdere. Bs Teddad. ftverdidge and Steel Plow% C"Milddra, mm Zane Hoes, Clone Hanes sadltipudng Lam Kamm. Irma commis, NM aztAmact Barr car= ?avian to Tim Immo, CORP 111111=1:1111 1101 RAND OR PORES. Catelntone and descriptive, Uhistrated printed dr =bra, run tithed or mailed tree to all applicants. It rrin cost but three cents to send for drcuMrs in postage - Tanners whet' in Tovands, cal and sae me. ►peii 22:72. R. X. WICLLZIS MO THE PUBLIC. ofil=bought the stock and leased the old stand, k Myer, I wotdd say to all who buy their daOCER/E3 In thii place, that I shall endeavor to keep a Wort wort:mut of everything usualty kept in a Grocery Store. .Also a full line of _ . • YANKEE NOTIONS, Which I propose to sell my cheap for cash. I respectfully solicit a ahara of your patronage and think I can make It mutually advantageous for you to deal with me. Yours, very ritspeettully, L B. JOHNSON. Towanda, July I. Mt AtONEY SAVED, STOVES AND. HARDWARE =MME VSOST & SONS have the largest .a: misetmai el Ihnitar• hi canilM Q B. PATCH. C. N. ?MIL OQFFEES, 1303 M. J. LONG QM TOUR W. L. PENDLETON. Elia AND OTHER TOOLS, And are Agents for NOATIIIIMMERLAND NAILS! FFILLOES, v :4,1v)&71.:pt F:1 BPOIiES, IN+ rt I,:j HUBS, TIIUNKS, WAGONS, UNIVERSAL, NOVELTY ANI) EXCELSIOR WOOD AND STONE CHURNS BIRD CAGES, CREAM. FREEZERS, KNIVES AND FORKS, SHEARS AND SCISSORS. Purchasers of Razors and Pocket Knives' will: do well to call. STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, CfiLS FIXTURES Houses furnished with Gas Pipe, Hot and Cold Water, Closets, kn., on short notice and work pwrinteed satisfactory. NAGLER & CO.'S CAST STEEL WHEELBARROWS, LEATHER BELTING. LIGHTNING SAWS CODDING, RUSSELL CO Clothing. _ • - • • • • HENRY FRANKS, (Bnocesece to lisantr swats,) MERCHANT TAILOR, . No. t. Ornith k Patton•s Mork. Bridge Street. To wands. A flood meortment Of Cloths, Vesttngs and Osasimeres % constantly on hand. Goods made to order In the best manner. • CHANGE IS INDRLTBLY STAM PED ON EVERY Tam. , 33rtm. MM'R'7.ITTM'rVTI.I ROSENFIELD Y 4 WOLF, Obe door Booth of TOZ & add hereby GIVE .PUBLIC NOTICE that they wilt oder greabee inducements to cuh buy eta, thou say other establishment to BRADFORD COUNTY, Dead e:di posted 'ln every branch of the badness. they feel middy casAdsat that they eau nests ft to the Lateran of all :01041114:i54,1 Their Moth of too& candoes Mai et atl grades, from the Mead to the coursed and mandecturet by the bed ontablidunente be the country, Give iut a talL_ TOvasadi, Xareb 11,1679. Nrir STYLES YOB Tis LADIES Barbagton sad vicisdt r . lira Z. . Maga ganaerly Xti!s 71111.071 With Was Borah Black. bre' Pied to tee m tut wilt a tall Wm of MILLINERY atlfD FANCY GOODS 121 ILTEItY VAIIIIETT. oltding of Eds. Bonnets. Corsets. bagels. Di Gleyries. Ha& Good', GM Lidera Oagia. Nous, Baia. linibona, Florae and Lama Med Tiovelties., Over Dr, Dear More. . Opening day. Wedary. April 23,12. Particular attetrikka Overt to straw work. COK The BEST. moat DESIRABLE, mid Most ECO NORMAL 1 , 13 EL for culinary p ponied tiring sum mot. Tar sale by the •i TOWANDA GI. S 00111:PANT . - Tredve Mall Umbel et the Gee sour. acid. Aim mate Ureyso.llllo. Y• .~. Cl= biro el your prodars. which we pay cask far. oondinttaw TO of Ashton*" all shod alarm WAN Mins. G. hch Pima toll sod look Omit our .oat. and ...m do oar best to pima yoa. W. A. ZOOM= Towanda.. ASTII" GROCERY AND PROVISION ANII SPRINGS MoCABEfit, EDWAI D:l3, FAMILY GROCERIES WRINGERS EINC . OI9 NNW BLOCH. TOWANDA. PA. We do not deers it necessary to enumerate all the Warent artirloswe keep. Ouriuisortment is FIRST CLASS GOODS Oaab pald for Minors Produce.. JAMER XeCARE. Muth 1. 1810. WM. EDWARDS. F& MERCUR, are now reeeiv _a: lug afresh dock of Goods in their line, bought since the Ist January, to which they invite the at tention of their friends. We keep the largest dock In town. Otwritoods era trash and destrakda. We sea at /mast market prices. Jan. 19,1871,} H AND NEW TEAS, bought Ri E nc S e the recent decline in prim. and stqlng cheap at tatail. FOX & 311=1:7B. Jan. 19. 1871. AND GLOBM F j X &• MERCUR are selling Gro st retail. Jen. 19, MI. -1 0 X M_ERCUR are selling New 1: and Fresh Go24a. . Jan. 19. UM. - pox & lIERCITB are selling Giro costes clomp. I Jan. 1 , , 1171. 'pox & HERCUR are selling first cuss Goods only. Jan. 1871, Fox it, ItERCITR are selling cheaper than ever. Jan. 19,1871. 111QPMVAITIER that we are. selling Goode at !t- RETAIL! And that we won't be undersold.. Jan. 19. 1871 MICHIGAN FINg-GUT TOBAC CO-rery choice—at Jan. 19. 1871. FOX.-8c 1LE110171114. VOX & HEECtrit do not deal in 1 Shoddy Goode. Jan. 19, 1871. OUR CUSTOMERS can rely upon vetting the eery best the market *Sonia and at kraut, priors. E. T. Fla. Towanda, Jan. 19,71. ILIMICT =Rant. -EEMBER THAT FOX & ItiER, CUB are retailing all kinds of Grocaries at wholesaleprkes. The hugest stock in town. Goods ant class. Peons ow. E. T. FOX. Sept. 29;70. GENBYX MBECUIL HE BEST KEROSENE OIL IN T torn by the quantity or retail at FOX & BAKERY AND DINING ROOM. BREAD, PM, CARE,CRACKERS, In our DIMING B.OOKB we will accommodste the Wale with *Mee a lunch or good meal at sll time cd tIo day and evening. OM= AND 1= CREAN ON HAND MUM =NM EILU3ON. Also i floe misortaxioat of Groceries, Confectiouen, Fruits, Nuts, to maylSY tf /ULM 'OLP'. WM. WOLIN DAIRYMEN„ STORE. Wholesale and Retail Dashes la PROVISIONS, ALWAYS COUPLETE. we sell nothing but First block north of Ward House. ;DAKED' DAIL T, Anil sold At Wholesale mid Beall D. W. SCOTT ik. CO. CENTRAL I!gUIUMT. Thy enbarriben Mill °outlaw to keep oonatentkr on band a hill and complete mecatanent of every ldrj pertaining to their business. consisting main- : M ~ 8170A11 CURED BAN& MITITON. 2M117. LAMB. VEAL. POULTBIi, • SAMOS. - LAUD,' BOLOGNA. DRIED BETZ, TALLOW. ke.. &a. Also. . 8 H FRESH FROM THE LA liPB ~.r~.w.~ Parties wishing Oysters in large or Emil pant,- tire will be furnished on short notice, at Qs old stead. Carew. Yessorr." Yontanye's block. first hoot north of Dr. Potters. Clash (Wasn't.i X.FLIATY h Irma= Tzio. itmsocn. NZ. 24. 11170-tf JULES HUGUENIN Is cosistudlyreceiving a large and varied assort- meat of AXIMICAN AHD SWISS GOLD AND SILVER WATCHIM Par ladies and Geallanoto. Jewelry of ell kinds and dencriptions. sr= 1110YA$ &ND AICEILICN CLOCK C 0.13 CLOCKS, /sox Tut OIIZLPEBT TO TEN sin. GOLD. owns% LID en= animus IR GREAT VARIETY. Falb:star attention ataen to REI AIItIN(k Of aft Mods. ALL Won WARRABTXD. Bcrueoi ber the plare--Chr doer north of Kercnr'n Block. Timrssida. Mi? 1. IRU RR- S.ILE.—A Plationu Spiing aaon, with top over Loek scat, almost now. serer been rno ever Ge macs. Also one set of lli;ht doubts harness. made by J. V. Wilcox; almost Vat be sold rosooaable. junel2, owow ,•••' ..17 7-rr - , w Issa..*'* 04),:cric;'• t•isi 4:1 A tiir a' 1 SILVER PLATED WARE, rplin; Rodgers & Broome SINGER SEWING MACHINE. INSURANCE AGENCY WICKHOI & BLACK'S. Towanda, My 23, WT2. KIP WXYrS! STOG A BOOTS, BOOTS AND SHOES Boo' Vs'. Scoots MOODY'&-CO., Have the sule control for the Retail liumphreY And we me :staffing them as low as other honstis are retailing Eastern Goods. De Mire that you are buying these Boots, ita it Wont stand to reason that an Eastern Boot, made by ma chine throughout, will begin to wear with the aelo brated RUBBERS I A large assortment. which we in selling at a large reduction in priors. We keep none lint first quality Rubbers. pox a /LERMA FINE SHOES 1 Tor Links, and Peb. Gost, Kid, Preach KM. Berge and French Calf, in - fact all the styles manufactured by the, beet Factories in the mintry. A FULL LLNE OF BURT'S 000D8 ON HAND ROBES I Just received; a larger stock of Wolf, Buffalo and Lap !lobes, also horse Blankets, Whips, ac., which we are selling cheap for cash. The. largrat asso4morit in thus soeyon at correspond ing prices. r Oho us a call and you will be suited L. la MOODY 4t CO. Towanda. Nov.l. 1871. NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY On Pine betirieen Man and Second. Btree of 0.7. Mason.* Co.'s-Bank. Respectfully announce to his triendeand patron, that th have built a where they win constantly keep on hand a full assort meat of ,t TOP Jan) OPEN BUGGIES, TROTTING MEM AND BEICLETONI3,. Made of the best material and finished In the best idly style. His long experience In city Cull-hags Factories Ives them a decided advantage over others la the at kb Wagons. All they asks la as nisrretiox OF HIS WORK IROVIOUII to inuthaaing elartylkere. ALL WORK WARZANYRD TO GIVE PERFECT Tboakfol for the nen! patronse• formierty snow sad respectiully ask- • cositbanartoe of th. mow .TVIM4 HPOIIFSIN HENRY HYMEN • 1er•4114 • Towsdda. Ka 24. ARMERS, bring y our n S a gf i v on kiti t asd sell to a Jaa.l9, Isll. , JOHN E. FOX FILM ;LIM Ea TUB -BOWLS TABLE bUTLEBY Age**. • ol the lIMI Boots :lad Shoot CALF, BOOTS, BUB4ER BOOTS, In endless variety. trade of ELNINILADE B9OTSIAND SITOES 31anufactur . ed in Towanda, DON'T BE DECEIVED ! TOWANDA BOOTS. RIIBBERS.'; - RUBBERS FINE SHOES! FINE SMES 1 BLANKETS! TBUNKS. TILAVIZMG BAGS. &C. IroWANDA, PENN'A. HENRY STULEN & KEW BRICE raTtai fix TAMELY. FAMILY CARRIAGES, PLATFORM WAGONS, _ Finish, Styk and' Durability 841781PACTIOk: REPAIRING, PROMPTLY AMMDED TO reduced prices -fitiKsdkanot iliff2 V. PORE SON,. CASH DRUG STORE, inuaakto - 111 WITT Toss. Omrssi kiln and Plea Ands. Tomo% PL. Bate 4enttp added lacy to Mel:Mock. a tax a* couplets oasochneast, constanthas an astanatvi se. ttati. ametidW wimp articles Used ha the Aria fat resnWases. eirefully selected with input ve tracts of the public , which will be conatently plWd with fresh purchase*. and a l ts i r rtesonatde torsos atlir boloole or ilatao. of • D' 'as, lifiDuttmN s englacauk p A sing, ornA, vssinnine‘ • 1 1 ' I HOL AND TURPENTINE, sane Putrr. i lvmousa, wirris-weys. 4 ,p And an knits of brasher. . r ROSENE OR COAL am, 1 Boning Itrilds. Lulalk, SHAM% WICKS. Catllitnd. - I _Storm Ltd. Whale, Nests Took TA4TER'S AND MACHINE OILS, sod Tridst Articles In ailthdr riristr, 'NUL ititUdintittllOAPS. =did. ?model. Ibtr-Dywe. Perfaxam. UM ET BOOKS, PORT MONALY, locket Enlies:Basers. OWN AND ULM PHISPAILATIONS: ma. 'ran AND Llguous fr / lot Itadidaal us. coo, ginirr, PIPIIN AND Ccans, Garen. Field Ind Plower Seeds. Truism. SO. finspenarities. Shoulder Braces. Breast Teething Sings, Thiraing Bottles. Ripple Shells and Melds. Syringes. Pam tiolf•Sealing fruit Jars, Ther. - 11avaring Estreeta.' Slone / Glass Ware. Bottles. Vials. Corks. Bath in=and Stove Slacking, nab Tackle, Am he.. &genic. EClactic and Horacepath= i hi Ifediclues,,and ell the popular Patent . - • 1 31 - EDICI.NES. AU ll:tidos warranted as reprogented. Persona at a distance can receive their orders by stage or mail, w ei ni vu t a irill receive prompt and careful attention. 11 advice given grataitausly at the . °foe. Only for medicine. ' -. ligiel Thankful for past liberal patronage, Would tea ! y announce toile': friends and the public.that DO shall bo :pared to satisfy, and merit the con. tin of their confidence and patronage. Open Sundays for prescriptions ' from 9 to 10 a.m., 1. and 5-to 0 p.m. H. O. POSTER & SON. Ap 1, 11372.-,-yr.• R:1 UMATLSII—NEIJRALGIA 1 $5OO WILL BE PAID to, person producing any Medicine ahowing half as . • y living, p•rmanent cures u Dr Frritga's VW ants Rascrsterio 1112itsan. reed inwardly only. A pleasant free from iniurietut drn . Warranted, under oath, to bare permanent ly cured 90 in every 100 patieSts treated in the put tut ybara. (See testimony). It la the scientific pre. script= of Prof. Jos. P. Fitler, II 1)., a graduate of thelriversity of Pennsylvania. A. D., 1833,—n0w mae Philadelphia's oldest regular physicians, and Professor of Chemiatry and Toxicology,—wne has mad ffi Netnigla. Chronic and Inflamstuy Rheuma tism the specialty of 11.• entire professional life—a facttouched for by the aquatints accompanying ; each bottle, and other testimonials of many promi nent renowned physicians and clergymen. To pro tea. erers from poisoncma quack nostrums and awl as expenditure of money, a legal signed guar. , stating exact number of honks warranted to ire willbe forwarded gratis to any sufferer send. g y letters full description of afli tion In ease ' I lure to cure, an omit paid positively refunded. sent anyw bete by express. collect on de- Afflicted invited to write -for advice; all in on and medical advice sent by letter grata*, Dr. J. P. ITTLI 11. 29 South Fourth street, yit o Iphia, Pa. The Remedy is sold or obtained r gists , - F r 55/0 by POUTER k. FIRMA. Druggists. Mu ' Block. Towanda, Pa. Miscellaneous. I WANDA arbJe Works. GEO. McCABE & SON Just received Mu largest assortment of AMEBIC AND 'TATA AN E. vti exhitnte.l In this peotion. to which they tnvjte the attention of the public. y kotporr hand or ardor 31 0 N U 31. E N T S, MB STONES, MANTLES, Sic., v Of every style. AT THE LOWEST TEEMS. Persons in want of anything in onr line. are re -. Incited to call andclarothe,our stock. ROBES 1 Towanda, May 1, ICI HE. OLD V.AM'' STREET Carriage VAciory. JAMES BRYANT 6t/11 dualities this manufacture of CARRIAGES AND WAGONS; • everyLdescripttun, at the old stand of G. II MAI'S STREET. TOWANDA, .PA. 'LATEST STYLE AND FINISH In the manufacture of wagons nothing is usedbu BEST STRET, AXLES„ COMPOSITION BOXES 11.,ATFON3I *SPRING WAGONS LUMBER WAGONS liner best Eastern stock is mod In the mannfactaro of Wheels. Spokes aro all rived out—not sawed. WARRANTED EQUAL TO ANY AB W . finish, and as to durabilitr, SUPERIOR TO ANT IN TILLS SECTION dt Wouic W 01.19'71 ItIGHEST MARKET PRICE GRAIN, BUTTER AND EGGS, GEORGE gMTTH-, April is. „ WRITE DI: I t'S at ' mkPOUIVIL novl McCABE & SON CM Ms work le all of tleo To ether with the In Liglit Work MEI Kept conotsatlT on twid. ALL Wolll{ SOLD CIIII JABS BRYANTI IN CASH, PAID Folt WYSAUKINii, kmar tic l s ,. - NATION'Luz, ABM:MANCE, 00. car v. CUM CCPTUL. $1.000.000-PIID ix rILL, 1 • _rhartiorod by CclizreBB. 1844. CLAW:IKE IL l CWlE. r .TresktonS : • JAY comm. Outman Flnanco and Ex Wu ; HERBY D. COOKE, Vise President HERBY. W. PEET. Secrets:7 and Actuary The advintsgcs of the National Lilo Inianoci:C. I: It is a lifitlena/ C.:nripany,chartrd by entree. 1. It him • paid op capital of One Innen Dollars, 3. It odors low rate* of premiums ; 4 ‘ . It haridah'ea larger haigutanoe than otb•r psalms, far the-same looney ; - \ it, Pits dettnito end certain ;1 4. Tharp is lie Psesi, hinti of‘lularlimemulatio t b) , agents, er inumnderatanding by policy-bold,:r • 1. The policies are plain contracts, so much liar a p rano, f o-nutch money ; 1. An po ire nen•ioriciting ; I. The are eaciript corn attachnient l' . ._ X. W. ,CLARK at; CO., likpkerg. General Agents B. B. ItUSSELI., Manager ELI3I3IIEE k A G. MASON, . . 6ger4 for Towanda and yielnity. an. 9. 18C9. G UARI LIFE INSURANCE COIIPANY) lAN 31ITTIILL 1 N 0.231 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. - - Pouczzs is yoacr: .. . Aiverra, over Aincush Lvcolus, 0ver..... Loss's PAIL All approved forms of Policies leaned. Liberal raodea for payment. of premium& tu t \ •' Policies n-forfeitable by their terms. - The en • - profile of the Company divided aqui ably among llie insured. . _ AN .:13AL DIVIDENDS.. WALT N 11. PECKHAM, PIILSIDICST. • / WIL T. HOOKER, Vicn Przinzirl LECILT M ADAMS: SP:c'IAND AcrrAin I P 11...ADELPFlA REFEIMWEB : _ _ • JAY Coosz Joux 'Woo B. A. M • T. B. rrri Danker!. 0., Laukere, UDE & CO.. TFa 3terchsuite MIZE oak and Statoinory, DL 1- - MIME h LVVELoIq PAPEI NEW- ORK PAPEES ONICEM SCIIO _ • I o NE . , MUER:, oTATDiNRY AND I t PR:II2EI2i • - PENS, 1- BOOKS 111. i N EE NOTIONS YAN E=1:1 a, NOV. L B° Lie i; dery Lai, third star li-BINDERY..--THETUB e respectfully informed that the Beek-hoe I been removed to the "Reporter where, will be clone tOOK-'4INDING: • •ariorts i brtmelies..m terms ai res-sonsele al a" will allow. The Bindery will be uu,it: e of In all its 11 •the thr, the char I 11. C. N,ltt.tiliKElt, • • An e • • mined Binder. and all worlswill be promptly deno in a style and manner which cannot be ercelleil Music, Magazines. liewspapers.ol,l Books, kr_ lymind in every t ariety of style. ParticuLar'attentiou will be paid to the Baling and tiudiug of /MAIM BOOKS To any desired pattern, which .in quality and Burs bility wplt DO warranted. All work will ho ready for delivery elwn The patronage of the public is solicited. and per feet satisfaction guaranteed. Towanda. August 2, 1866—tf. TOW..A.NDA AGRICt7ATI,:,rAL WiAI;IS STILL .U.n.E! The' buperithtt.u . ,.l(nt of this glop is now olf , nu Rowe of the bet .LUMBER w.Aqo PLATFORM WAGONS . . COVERED AND _OPEN BUG 'IES ever oaf reel in thig market. 8t.42 ilei•rte.l OAK! AND HICKORY" TIMBER awl as work ma.le-by the moat Eat:I:II.NCED WORKMEN We have the P.A TE,NT EVSSIA IRON SEATS . . very light, and so durable that -even tune hag but little to do towards their decay. Plitati•e; exaraire our' work before porcharung ode where. ! Bcpainn t done on &lint notice. • Sr. C. 31E.RCUTI, ercailcnt Towandi, July 20, Is7o e j E. BOLLES & CO., rituvucr. Commission Merchants, SCRANTON, PA., Itesi;octitilly solicit consignments et ECIC,S. CHEESE, VEAL,:ruCLTI;.I* And all oiler Farm Prodnce One of the firm having resided in , Scrantou for the pest ten.years, and havilag anertcrisive aCqIIIIAt• &nee with the business lieu of tile city, we feel con• fldent that we can Sell tircslnce to the entire tuW filutlon of consignors. • REFERENCES. L. S. CHEBBUCK, - A- FRISDIE. Orwell, FL HLACKMAN. Gpmum & COLE BIAN, LeßaysTilla, Pa. 8. G. CHAFFEE, MARTIN MANSCCG, War,3 Ilium, Pa. -..- H. J. CHUBBHCK. HENRY. SHOEMAKER, Pm! vtlle. Pa. 3. Z. DOLLYA. [spl.2q7l] H. uouv. $l,OOO TO BE 31 kDE ON MORT NOTICE: - . The subscriber now offers ior .ale he, reW FLOII,RINU - MILL,,CHEIP , ONFALAIIP CAM, lIALANCE AINNL'AG Z‘TMENT, ... The property is situated In Stevensville, Bradfool Chanty. Pa.. on .the line of the proposed yllll - 33 1 from Wyalnidtlif 'to Binghamton. and - - a depot rill probably be located on 'the property. The property consists of fifteen acres of land, a large new Mill. two Dwelling Houses, •twO outbuildings, and a never-failing Water pbwrr. For hither partienlars enquire of 0. P. liarthte• Wmairittle, or N. N. Betts, Jr.. Cashier First Sa.- tionill3ank, Towanda. Fa.. Martin Coryell, A-2110- Barre', or A. Loch', W; anteing. • - INGHAM STONY.' jain2s"l2m3 Stevensville, Fa GROCWMS AND PROVISIONS MUII Sr, Cu• _ llespectfullytnnolinco to Lilo public lu general, they have openod a large and choice stock of • o', GROCERIES AND rnovtsioNs es.vier Main and lrraukliu Arretx, Towanda, +x" o ' l ' they will sell as cheap -tho cheapest lor • CASH! You will always tlnif To Sfxrunx - ru there, pat se happy as wait upon all old customers. and as many new ones as will favor them with s call. - Tins. 'THOS. MVIR k CP. Tub& statancrit. April. 11. 157.2 CASEVA INSURANCE AGENCY. - TROT. PA. FIRE. LIFE and .WCIDENT PTSFRANCEotIe dc4 In nrst-olass companies. Ale" LYu.I S.Lrveyiug ind eenveyaneing. Twenty,- Fwven ) years eapecienee thdera by mall rriauptly attended to. E. A. CAES• -823.000,0 W • • 2.000,000 ... 1,000,001 500.0(.1 J. A. RECORD, Agent, Towanda, Pa I ' eft. I 1