fraifoiititpovin. Towanda, 'Tbuirs, $7, August 1, 1872. 1 Meeting AF THE Spec ,i MESON CM CHANT & ntrig, August 2. Friday Eere, HON. 0. 11 P. KINNEY, . OF WANNNLY, N. Y., AND • • I DR. E. P. . - ALLEN, ' ' (fFAiXtEgS, "lave been invited to address the Club. Dr. ALM. • I I formerly a Democrat, rtka for ODA= from a Democratic sta milattat. • LOCAL AND GENERAL Judge SruEETER held a special cmirt in this place on Monday. No jury watt drawn. i p... We undars l tand that Mr. MR- Et \VAUD is to tako f. the dump for Buciii.rwt 'Aka • 4 f 1 •, Au alarm of Ere on Saturday ta ,, rniim last, brought i all the fire companies but it wits soon !ascertined that - it was a false alarm. _ se- Post Mee and Banks of El mira, were dosed on Monday from 9 o'clock y: to 2 o'clock 1... u.; ont of scapect l the mem. try of Postmaster Cieninal RANDALL. tow.„l'lle Post Offico Department llonday hcinor of the memory of lion. A. W. Dam:4l4, late Posttoister Gen (.7ai, who cra4 buried oh that ,day. 'stir A gentleeitin of this place of ier: to make a trago6llat there ire more Dem ocrats (.718i of the rir'er l imbo Will support CpuAuT, tk Repablicaus.wlip will rote (iv GRELLET. H 1.4 tuatl leveLl. • For the Itlist time -in some 3..1r,, uc belie e, the lorli in the Register and (Alice is in s ch a state thut deeds and oth,r docninent i ell' he recorded as soon an It CiVed. • We aro to learn that ,ytelsed rete,rt which WO' referred to last ‘u , the effect Ulla ibdr. rIIAZEI:, editor of the Reit . ufeicatt, had become - in- Without Hid lelist foundation art:lath. .tom. Wu arc citrefuely gratified to Irani that Dr. l'n.yrr ,fi cthe curt;it,./ ".li e u a!, ha, la' amluinted I`itstlittuder at Corning. 'ill, 1 t , c hay qouii bld m tip' ttsrvio , of the part' aultuininttilt to o. jitNt• aCisIIVW/- rd.,;111, ,q stir Every Reinil iffind the tiute fur tich.lll/I4W to be be :Alected a ttelegat r es ,tteet,-; of principle catl.ll.lrtt.•A Ulicau should bear • 'hug the caucus'.., and The heed mcu should men whrwe ilcAirei for A I:: above the ititcrer .4 irsd.. Ti i (k ntr~il theANT and Wm ., is now. thoroughly nit 'on Friday evening, nd Secretary or- Wired nthl fifty emit:. Iliere by Friday even- i • th , atlopte4 !in pckti:tl t.. lm • c, I, PoltrEi p \ • , Hy. Ile is lo •dl us a friendly gall uking a's robust fi nd tinted us that he had States during the past }prospects of the Ito- Olt everywhere. The S --- 41;t! in the county; 1 t tetl 11r4 what he •Sotithions, who \ With Mr. OnEELET EICIS hrnncli n , •v0r.,l ;111:1 that tlk ran<.• ht , bpi way Itrt:(1 - will tor4b tip. P11;1'.:A! t•• I ( /3 , 11 1 1 4n 1 ' t• 1111),11.1Y 1)! \ - 1 - n4w A. 11 !WARNEII.-=l. ;lIIL- • !. \y‘r.:.:lr. illed ~„iir iiiddelAy u:, -.,i, -1.,.... • ..• ;:trig 1...,1. Mr. WI had hi;cia an active ki..: ...• m i t, ,if Tim - Sada for abont -thirty i ar., ;,)td titt ottgli his industry and ccokUmical iiiii.i•- i,id Aeeinniilaq•d several thougand d 01.41 .41 . . 1; - :nt,:vai. anriOgl his Whole life he waa , - . %‘i. to the demon drit k, a vice which un -1 , 111.. , 0 .1 . Fll ,, rtrned hi l s life. .Ths funeral took •: ,, iii tho ri Sillrner 41,N.'N, Brrrs, Erg, af tc-r11,,,111 mss. The " Frazer House," hear the r is I.lrntra, 1111 rietiutly been renovated t ,1 is one of-the best a-eorninollations 19 Ow Rathbun, but in other ro tl. luny equal tl , it. W obsyrte that ~ , 1 . ( "I. A. MAO , who is now en :, hutiltels in, the flourishing. 0. tuts up jit the Frazer, and we , 1 • R r. , • ,, nnuen , l th`e house to any or our ' , •I, , i!,:ty harp ~.C AII.Si,III to stop ni El- lEEE EN tis..i.'lll!• room lit cd up for tlyi aiD.l 0t,, , or •! qitutt. It i,414• entire i., ,, enint Ntory 1: • •siil A larg , ranspl reit 1.... 7, 1 , 4 . .64 "1 one of the uin qn4 view fro:u Main Friday evening a enrolled, among voter in town, wi) hell u deep interest , eIZIeL, (mu or the trinua'rnb , red men, , 1 10.3 were , 81,4) triad. : , n.l D. Sr!: , ,a 2 1 .; 4 tnr-t-tiriz 111 1::1111 , 4 al;: , all the e•dutr,' 1 , atilt Inattite ;•: I 1., I :lII' AIL!. lit and indu .4 H. .kri cv. il l I nr and falpilif It Ti:., I\tll lie r. (;L.AN r, 11.0)., war irit fit T. SIcG I..trzt l: Li eervo , :+l 11l t I I M...N1AN11. 1 11 AM. MA IPA and 1:; e'ff =I =EMS 3 . r w p;tl.ll.F i!r 11E) - Fl.ritt Mir Si). :eial telegraphic t e a, %lc learn that the tiown int , ) the great eitement yesterday, c >ovit half-past five li , •A g , ' ,-preaditig like wild-fire that !..:,. 1.:1‘1. .ht 1 ,1,1 , :. , itirred mituir midst. , - :. chit I,A ..!%11 rittOre/I, playing in • 1!;:.-' -,,,,,q.:, fActory, in childish 10,1, 1 1,, et , p itta main shaft or the ..:. t,, , a hands,, wine it was making one ' , I .{',d twenty rev, Intions per minute. :i.:-; :1,1 a Ul'illitittA 9 lilt' named BLANCEIE 11 1 lb.:: 1 ' , N. :.bout clerk years of age, was "-z , '. ?z,il , t , stantly Wond around it. 11cr ~..,!!.:;,4 era. eomplete4j i turnoff, and she was , fl:.: l mangled allat she (bed in one l ' ) " , " fr , ln the time th i e itecident occurred.— ' ' ' ""/ ,, i . ' /),,lii-ti,,, .i. 4, 19. 7 , 11:::1‘( =MEE t - rnatlon nucl brxrit . OF GOY. riiNDAI I L.—GOV., A. I : , :si.At. t , late Poste l asider General, died at 1 , 1.4' to Eiwira ,JJ t on Friday morning t'it.o nig biti r r At-teli a tirk •1 - . 1 y from ta Mt% :Idre?- • . LU: I whose dtwth '-.lln.tay morning WAR ir.n.nonneed to our read ,rst.4-i',lfty's par 4-r, ~wazi born - in Ames, county, N.!17., On the Mat of Oc : I , VI. ttr, l a th, r IT AA ft n. rhirecas Lan a! on, tint wa1, , 4J11,1g0 of the Supreme , e ~t gpotgothery .District. Young _ WAR Cdtleated itt the Unions Cherry Academy, that his sent forth from its a number of men who hare attained to I • . . , . prominent posithms loll's{ world. He studied , law in the office of Ida SAW at Ames, but mit { leas, active Ind cruipatheilie, bellon he had reached his majority lie ',Migrated westward and selected as his home, the village of Wan kosha in the State •ef Wisconsin. Here, when ho was barely twenty years of age, he was ad mitted to the bar. 'Possessing many of those 1 qualities that in that free-hbarted country, at tract and attach people, lib- made many fast friends, And estabilahod a *anew that was ex- Unwire and lucrative. All his life Gov. Randall has taken an intense bite.* to political mat. O•m% and in this the early Wind of it, he min cm/ glad freely in the polities the State of Wis. cousin. He became eat about the Lear 1855 in the action he k fighting the Dm perste, himself a Demons on wakes eo cerning the finatoes of the State s in yldeh the party were charged with misappropriations of the wheel moneys. He 11111 I stump candidate for the Assembly, and by the aid of the Repub. Beans was elected. He fought a good light, during his , term of office miming the rotten nest of the Democracy, and i i n '57 was nominat ed for governor against the torions Barstow, beating him. and redeeziln the State from the hands of those that had been bleeding it. In 1859 he was re-nominated, having for, his op. posing contestants for the nnation, -Carl *hum, Hanchett, and McDo= n h. ge was again handsomely ele a e c te6L rA. g this his seixnul term he was a to the Chleago Convention that nomina erno rliam Lincoln. He •there labored earnestly the nomination of his warm friend, Gov Seward, and tho' failing in his purpose threw his whole heart and soul intothe - contest f the election of him whom the convention I selected as the standard-bearer of the party. He was Govern- or of the State of Wisconsin{ when the Rebel. lion broke out, and from the first helped with all his might to hold up UM hands of those who were struggling for the life of the nation. Ho was the first to rally the rnen of his State into activity, and hastened forward by all the means he possessed the quote it was required to furnish. Ho suggested the convention of loyal Governors at Altoona, writing himself to 1 forward it, and visiting in person the Govern. 1 ors of the neighboring Statei, urging them to meet and concert such measures as would 1 meet the disastrous times upon which the country had fallen. "Soon after Governor Randall's term of office as Governor had expired, Preisident Lincoln of him the mission to Rem* Loth to leave his country at such a time, yet weary with his exertions, ho was prorated upon to • .{t the post, and sailed for Rome. He remained there but a short time, for active al - he was, it was irksome to be in a foreign land when is home was in trouble. He resigned a his mission and came back. Intending to take part in m il itary strains, but his sere ices, v liable anywhere, were neaded in the Post 011 ice I:oe_partment, and lie was . made First Asstitant aster General. This position he held until the re tirement of Governor Donnie (),n when be was mado.Postmaster General, which office he held daring the remainder of the Presidency of An- drew Johnson. Re removed to Elmira just be fore the close of ioluasonsa administration, and this city has been his home since. "Since that dine Governor Randall has oc cupied himself but little in public) affairs. Ilia interest in them , was the same, but be took no active part. 1 Ho opened an office in the city of Washington, and was engaged in the practice of his profession when ho was attacked with the disease which resulted so fatally. "Governor Randall was twice married. Ills second wife being Miss Helen H. Thomas, who was educated in this city at the' Female College. Ho leaves no children save those made liis from his large-heartedness by adoption. "To speak of Governor Randall personally,. ho leaves behind him only the kindliest of mem ories. Though his life has been that of a poli tician, he was that kind of a Iman over. and above it all that fought not with personalities but with ideas and principles. "His speeches, all of whi h-scontaincd a charming undercurrent of hunior and wit, were not charged with venom against man, but against what men thought andl did. He could hato a man's notions Ahough lin-loved the man himself, ane being could count many a man his good friend, who was a bitter political foe. Forbearance, charity, and what the -Bible calls loving kindness, a summing tip of many , virtnes, belonged to !Amin a censpicnons man ner. The regard almost tender, that was felt for him in all quarters of our country, hi signal ly evidcdcod by the number of dispatches that have reached this city since Ibis death was ate nenneed, and there arc many, in in places that the general public know nothing of, who, will feel that his loss is a bitter one to bear." • teir A fair' audience nits present-at the Musicateoncert given by Ir. SuEutrooo, on Wednesday evening last, and the perform ance was listened to thronghont. with profound attention. The piano duet, by Mrs. GOODWIS: and Mrs. DELMICII, was pronottnced very fine. These ladies are both accomplished ntusiciat,s. and it is to he regrc.ted that the public have not more frequent opportunities of listening to them. Mr. Stri.i:x's peiformance on the violin attracted much applause. Miss Nxca.r.%; who lias won-for herself a good replitAtiol3 as a vocaliA, fully realized the 'high expectations the announceitent of her mine had called forth. Mr. MauSu sang two solos to the great delight of the audience. The l chorus by a num ber of young ladies, was rendered as sw, etly and harmoniously as the most practiced pro fessional singer's could have done. Indeed, we think there are few.towns is the country, that boast of so much musical talent as Towanda, and the young ladies who took part in the con cert possess their share of it. i Mr. GUFF, as "Aramathia nil'blown Dahlia," ( played the role to perfection and elicited much applause. Two of the youngest pupils, ANNIE la.morr and I'‘NNy At.vonn, played a dint, to theßatis faction of Prof. SuEnwoon and the delight of the audience. Mr. h It. Moor.; by special request, perferin ed upon, two instruments at the same time_ Mr. M. is not a stranger in this yilace, and those who made the request for his performance were not disappointed. Miss Auer. 11.1.:KSON'S performance on the piano was listened to with much {interest. She t - is kiikillfol performer. A. G. CTIANXIER, of • Mouroetqu, assisted in the singing. Mr. C. has an excellent rdice, and its cultivation has not been neglected. Ile should "let it out often." rror. SuErovocip, Mrs. (loopwili. Mrs. DLL rai'Pu, Miss NAtiLEE, Mr. Sruct i ii, Mr. BLAILSII nail Mr. 3loona, were aererally encored, and or MiNS Naar-Er:a admirers threw lior several braatifal bouquets.. Prol. Sittitwoou haft-every reason to. feel en couraged, n 9 we liclieve his success is already assured. Itc has certainly derhoustrated to our that hu is 'thoroughly posted in his pr.tession, and lits ability must he appreciated. ste C. F. Citoss keeps r iitn..tvtionery. kir Job .work; of every neatly and expc4iiionsly execute IMAlie American rluar 11. :14( • te. Flour :dud Feed ai m 'Ol3 ~ : frani rhatt delV: lie } stone mum} orc•el, nest•to Firm Nation I nt Superintend -4t tor filo sea-shore sevvral necks. the Ithaca anti own on Monday. Eine boots niaaO t L. L. 111 ooDT fi CVs. sit - The best lot of Mn n town. • 1 1: Wu. absent onlinn- W Episcopal Church Gren adities,Alpaca. I and Black Falka, at the Ike Illy ul 51,.reur's Lank. jnat riAttril,4l from 1/BVO gut VI Slag- Vie Campaign Badges st , re, at CAL,KINS.. 1;110.4, R. 1., and Ni‘wark, 'N. .1., aro h 311 , 1:•.• i'Aspmnltt, tdr Fruit Jars, Ttunbl T otc., for Jelly, RI WICKILAM &131„l ',.l W. U. Ti.‘( r aro tom. good second-h flue case,-ves : en octaves, sale Enquiry at this its- If you . want a yowl tivat4 , r, call Upon It. M. Wriams Gronud Plaster SC; at Tom awtt Stcam Flonr ; lug f. cth, at livr.r.y . s Sraarcri's Cross is supplying his custoln en' with ercryttang in the line Bools and Stalkrpery, to.. A large assortment of Brack ets just received rit Faust ik SONS. stir The American Sewing Ma chin!, is the best. tom. Mrs. &J. McNees has the lar gt A Innety of striw goals iu lira' Large stock of Rots and Whito Wheat Fl.atr, 11. CAW: EI.%A MI e, Id, at " Maltese,' " Clitna4" and " o:Mar Ilewarl" S:.ap. Try them. For sate at ' M. J. LoNcro. ~ ~~f~ ~~. I=3= =IIZZI 1114).:Nitrona Ositio Gas or xtratt- se- Furnitnre just, red4Ced 2. pet 187'2 Noesne ilitAd4llllll4 N. OGILDIMUTO IMMOMACIOL L 1014 1 Wee% MA to First Naomi Doak. • alr The IMO 11111011014311 t of Gents' Good. it S. Gazintriei keystone 9thing Palace. ilfir More- Spring and Summer noos at N. Gotswousai ILeystooo Clothing Palace. Nr. F. 3. CALSISS, et the Post Of flpe Book Mom taps an Daily and Weekly pars, and all e sells cheaply, too. mr J. O. Piton & Boas have just mach a great redoctien-in the price of Fund tlire of Milan& Conic and are 4 , IBM A large and desirable assort =Li of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, at very lo prices, at the sign of the Big Bonnet i SS. The Bradford Cot:4y Tempe - raTice Convention I. 0. of G. T.,meets at Roma, Pa., August 21 and 22,1872 8. 0. Osnolb, Dist. Boey., . iryalasuig, July 21;1872. iJusT 11=mm—A fresh supply of otAlpacas, Striped Grettadoons, Japaheie 8 pea, renal% Brown and White Linen, Grass Prints and Shawls, for the Saserner trade, at B. A. rams A, Co. .T.mi.Aftlll3 & Moluusmanufao ot t o celebrated spectacles. hays ‘• their agency . from J. livormxtres to A. CUANDSIIIJIVL The Universal White Woven and.all kinds of Hoop Skirts and es, can be bad vcsy cheap at Z. A. Pants Bay your Tea, Coffee and s at the Bed, White and Blue Tea Store, ge street, Towanda, Pa.. If you don't know what you in the Hook and Stationery line, call on liE 7".. 75 cents per pound for good ChOiving Tiibaere i at the Be& Bridge-stre , t:CTowatula, 1•a. Try it and Ilef. • or yourselves. Messrs. Ju s k Isms hare for ealo paper water pails, wish , bowls, etc. Those - who have used there articles pronounce them far snpe_rior to tin. • - vir mccADE it, EDWARDS have Bat-- ter Tubs, Firkins, and Tubs ; a tine lot of Ashton Salt, sold at lowest figures. or Now is the time to buy sugar cheap, a. 4 it iilwayit adranCes taring the SUM. mer setieoti. MeCABE Eavriow's have a large stock. Fon SALE.—A large building lot on'Poplar street. Size 882131 feet. Would ertakC'two good lots. New lain on back end. Will be sold cheap, as the owner -Wishes to leave town. Terms easy. Enquire at this of fice. z Tho best place in town to buy fine family flour. is at MCCABE E Enwarite'. They deal in the finest brands, and warrant every package sold. OW- For first class lasnraac© against loss or damage, or Oro or lightning, call ct Wu:Rust' BC.scilt Agency. F v 4,.. Do you want a sewing ma and do you know that the bihger never disappoints? After eel - en yearn' expL t ricnce we tail trill . ) . my that the Singer does give satishe 7 Wics.n.tx S Dux; Agents. vek. Chess is : now selling oil his Mock, preparatory to. filling up for fall trade. If you want wall paper, now is your timo to buy it cheaply. And if you want a good book you ehift - lid select it now, while the stock is be ingidisposedro t. j J. 0. WARD has rented the store ui Blercur's inunedistely cast of Merenr's flank on Park street, and will option the Ist day of August with a full and complete stoe.k of crockery, glass-ware, Yankee notions, table linens, etc., cheaper Than itkif cheapest. paw EXCELSIOR WATER DRAWER, OT 11,q,n,refl Ira(". a-qtl,l Durket. A good do• tiroid is springing up for this epnvenient affair. It is a good thing. Give the Excelsior Water Dran..r a trial and you will like it. R. M. Wrl.l.lN sells it. The Sullivan Anthracite is the Coat for Spring and summer use. Nothing like it; It kindles easily, makca a quick fire, and can lie as small as desired, a quart burning as readily as a bushel. It never dies out, burning all diiwn to white ashes, and renders coat sieves of no further use. The jileasantest and cheap , eat . in this or any other market for domestic purposes. Star Qur enterprising furniture dealers J. O. Inon F Hon , have 'retired the agency for the celebrated Wakefield Earth Closet, and have an assortment on hand. The Earth , Closet has been tested for sevetal years, and gives nuiveraal satisfaction wherever n.ed. For the -wick room it is almost a necessity. In full line Fr.Esu FLOWEIVI. —As the Simmer hag ory..Weei with its genial breezes and lovely lloweis, 11. A. Perres& Co. have the' best I=elec riot' oCbfillinery Geode and Flowers in Towan da, for the lowest prices, it the sign of. the Big Bonet. escription, at this office. wing 3ln- retail, at tom- The edition of the, Road and Pc!ur riliTS of this county, compiled by Calk ,11. , CAIISOCILLN, is limited, and township ("facers who desire to . vrocure topics, shook) apply The work is for sale at this office. eTel free W MEM b order at j GORE INlalatioN• have re moved! their Merchant Tailoring °stabile hment to the ytoro of N. Gormsarrn, one door south of the National Bank, where they will be pleas ed to see their friends: They have engaged a elothmt sconrer and are prepared to -d7) any. thing in that line. ble Tables owr & does. ,Organdies 2 doors east and Song- lor t ill Fall stock, we will sell our Spring and suninik.r goods at low 6gure2s. It will therefore to 3!olir to exatRILIA our Plua, u we Hell nil cheapest at the Keystone Clothing acr. ers,, • ,SALE.—Tho lot now occupied Public Seli , KPI House on Second and Pine 4, i 4 offered for sale. The lot has a front -621 feet on Second atreet,.and77 feet on The propetty will be sold in one lot, of to snit pnrehasers. ud Piano, .t 0. lytrgain. 14) b.- 11w kitnet age of rine. in 10t. Corn Cul or the bes.t. =MEM `ino.—l take this method of re my sincere thanks to the citizens of tunain 11 county for the liberal pstro - eago they estowed upon me this put season ; and nuance of the same being an un(.oubted our goods have given, and always will Bradt. have a coati fact, give, satisfaction. We are hating manufactur ed in Philadelphia the largest and most com plete stock of Fall and Winter goods ever '• in Bradford county. Messrs. Goar. & Koltattow, the poPtilar and stylish merchant tailor., are our establishment, and are prepared to talH your orders for stylish clothes. .Our stork id Gents' Furnishing Goods weit Fall will surpa4 any outside,of the large citieS, as it Is to hire a :,took of the period. • N. GOLDSILITII. Keystone Clothing Palate. RIO J. 0. FnosT k. Soss wish to put a NV,,ven Wire Mattress in every -how° in Towanda, en a month's trial, and if it does not unit them, they,will call and take it awmy. Now is your time' to get perfect deep. Be sure you try, and then you will biy. 1 . 114 , 5 T 1 SONS and &boo' Books. Itipacwxy Evantrr WACD lte Sole Agents In order to mak() preparations S. W. Al.vonv: - P. D. MORROW, S. W. 11' ncr.r..., (74:rn mit tcP, 841011. - im *lig `a •Befirgeritc% drop is al Wawa' & ezialsop the tTitisoN" . w . o.olo4 _be the vilit Tniumnso Itaintads.-R It Wiwi Pregand 10 NAP* Wile Portia Ma Throb. ing Kaabiztes of any dandpUes, or from oat leading and bed mainfidurears. FOP Lines, Braids and Coils, and Hair Goode, to greed variety, Jost received al IL A. Prrres & Otte. Or MCCABE & EDWARDS have re ceived a large invoke of tes and coffee since the femoral of the duty, and offer their enstomeire bargains. - RamovAL I —Huotrunt Bins. will remove their Jewelry Store from Etzsuzes to Thouslaux`s Block, opposite of, Means House, Towanda Pa.. Bunn= EDUCATION.- 1 1he BRYANT and Smarms Buffalo Business College and Telegraph Institute, establialted in 1854, and still under the management of J. 0. MUM & Sox, is the most pitictical cad popular busi ness school in the country. Book-keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Law, Telegraphing, Banking, Commission, Brokerage, eta., eta, taught by actual practice. Students assisted in securing business positions. Papers and circulars sent tree to all who will address J. C. Itirrarek Sox, Buffalo, N. Y. 111116 The famous Stunoehantus -Min eral Spring House, located .in Bush, Basque. banns Co., Pa., k now open for' the reception of guests. On account of the beauty of its scenery, the purity of its air, and Its invaluable medicinal springs, few places offer greater at tractions, both to pleasure . ceelsers and invalids than this delightful summer resort. The inter of the Susquehanna Mineral Spring is a ape aide for all kidney or urinary, complaints, dys pepsia, rheumatism, constipation, liver corn . salt-rheum, erysipelas, etc. Bath houses, stables, horses and carriages, are kept in con nection with the . House. Passengers should leave the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Steshop• pen, from whence stages leave for the .Springs on the arrival of the Philadelphia Express. For particulars scud for circular. Addrest, A. D. Dirirssriran A Bao., Susquehanna Springs, Bub, Ps. *"•1p .17, 1872, 61. Cote-Mr.rrnm.—Tbere will be a Camp-Meeting held in Mr. C. Mottos's woods, three-fourths of a mile east of the Liberty Cor ners Chnrcb, commencing August 19, at. 7:30 o'clock s r. at, and continuing through the week. There will be a boarding tent to furnish enter tainment to all L wlati may desire it. Any wish ing to can be entertained in the houses near by. All ministers entertained free. No huck stering of any kind will be allowed anywhere within the limits prescribed by law. We hare • beautiful grove, an abundance of good water near by, and a community that will make all people coming from abroad feel ths' : they ore at borne and are welcome. Now, Christian brothers and sisters! of any and all denominations, come up to this spiritn al feast, and let na spend these days in One grand union service of prayer and praise, and devotion to our Master's work. Let pastor, and people put together a few pieces or cloth, and come to spread their tent and worship God with us in his own "leafy temple." C. L F. Howe, Pastor. Liberty Corners, July 29. - How TO Go WEST.—This is an en quiry which every one should have truthfully answered before be starts on hisijourney. and Tittle care taken in examination of routes will In many eases save much trouble, time and money. The "C. B. A.. Q. It. 1t.," running from Chi cago, through Galesburg to Burlington, and the "I. B. A W. Route," running from Indian apolis, through Bloomington to Burlington, have achieved splendid reputation in thelast two years as the leading Passenger Bootee to the West.' At Burlington they' connect *ilk the B. & IL B. & v end form the great Burling ton Boat°, which runs direct through Southern lowa to Nebraska soul Kansas, with clove con nections to California and the Territories; and passengers starting ftom Bradford county, on their way westward, cannot do better that to take the Bureuxerox:ll4surr- • Thin Line hse published - a pamphlet called "How to Go West," wflieb contains mulch valu able information ; a large correct map of the Great West, which can be obtained free of , ebarge by addressing. the General Passenger Agent B. A; M. It. It„.Harlington, lowa. ' ie. EDITORS REPoRTER—Gents: Al low . Ine through the medium of your excellent journal to say to .he electors of Bradford Co., that I should bo pleased to receive the nomina, Lion for a seat in the Convention to revise the constitution of Pennsylvania. The office, being of abort duration, is not pecuniart7y very desi rable. But it Is, nevertheless; very important and highly responsible office, and ono more in harmony with my feelings and studies for years past than any other in the gift of the people of Bradford county; and on this account, if tendered me, I have cOnscnted to accept it. It is true, I have no chili= as a political party man, for it is well known that from 1810 to 1801 I wu not identified with either of the groat political parties of the country, as in my judgment they were radically defective in tail ing to adopt measures for enforcing the sacred injunction: "Proclabia liberty _throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof." The last decade the political history of onr country has not led , me to-regret the stand I, then took: Profiting by the past, wo mast act in the living present; and if my fellow citizens should place me in nomination for membership in the Con ventl,n, I shall feel truly grateful fur such a mark 'of their confidence and respect ; and if elected, it-will be my constant aim tahonor the office by a faithful and intelligent discharge of its duties. . GEO. F. Bouros. Terrytmcn, Pa., Jnly 27,1872 I==ll= SrSQUELLANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. —We would call the - especial attention of our readers to the c.srly• opening on the knob. tote in this place.. Its uniform success tinder tho present administration justify us in earnest ly recommending it to our readers and them in patronizing it. n' pains aro being spared to make the. Instruction thorough and systematic. The building is in dne repair, and the school well supplied with apparatus, charts, etc. We _.oubt if any school in the State has school rooms more•pleasaiatly located and more at tractive. We hope to see a full term this Fall. Below is the announcement for the Fall term : The Fall term of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute kill commence Monday, August 2A, 1872. _Thorough and systematic Instruction will be given In English, Normal, Commercial, Mathematical and Classical studies, by tho l'risoripits and the following trpfrie rim! in itniel”nt : I'rof. A.IA. liassar," Director of Normal De partment, who will organize the teachers' class August 26. Miss MARTHA. 110CLEE FLINT, La. dice Department, Modern Languages and Phy sical Scien:es. Miss MART E. Miasma, Pre ceprtrs, Higher English, PreparatOry Depart. ment. Mademoiselic J. Lai:4cm, French. The Towanda Musical Academy in the Inati tnte, Ewan 11. finzawoon, Principal, affords excellent facilities for a thorough musical edn cshon. =1 Reading, Writing, Spelling, Object Lessons, and Introductory Geography . and Arithmetic,. 54.00. Elementary Geography anelEobinson's Intellectual and Rudiments of Arithmetic com bined, ss.oo Robinson's Rudiments Ads. and Practical Arithmetic,. combined, Elementary Grammar and Intermediate Geography, $5.50 to *7.00. Robinson's Higher Arithmetic, and Advanced Grammar and Geography, vim Preceding studies if desired with higher brach -es, MOO to $l.OO additional. Modern languages each, SLOO. Board and room in the Institute, per week, $4.00. Further particulars or es ta 'ague furnished by Principals. • G. W. RYAN, • E. E. 4 4011C1.45. • The arrangethent will. not conflict with other duties.of Superintendent. Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa. - VLI.LAGE CAMP-31LETINei.— A • lege Campmecting" in to be held in Towanda, Pa., to COMMORee Monday, Angnat and lam 'hrough the week. The .!.errirra earres pvpl in (117 nsperts with those hal in an ordi nary Camp-meeting, except thst they will be held mainly in the church. We earnestly deaire that the meeting - ahotdd = be ierPtl eikelaiele WI ogr on a* seas bat by Meade Ibiabakoad farad we aro. pore ibr tiger aooosuauddiel— bd. To And* board is regular boarding bosses ai ejoaakaibk . lbaa It eat be randebeol sttampoiallbaHi boaalag teals. 24. To ati &e king it we will tarnish without charge. reddisis white barisiii eouveniontly near, which will otatainb• be equivalent to fur abating lkoe tads, abm with privilege of access to the kitchewetirre. 313. In cue the number of our visitors should be greater than our accommodations, the Church itself, with ib lecture room, class rooms and cook room, stove, etc., would fur. dab a tar more comfortable temporary abode thantents of canvas or of green boards in the woods, while access to the bakeries will .pro chide the necesslty of bringing mach cooked provision In their line. Our Mends from abroad are assured that this Invitation is 'Ludy, and that we will do all is Our power to make their stay with as plesa ant,"while we mutually seek to build one an. other up In faith isid holiness. We will tutderiake the entertaimnent of our ministerial brethren. and earnestly invite them to come. 'There , will be plenty to do. Open air preaching once a day in the public square. is eon feature of our programme. Div. Dr. fitirrutcrros will be in attendance most of the time, and other experienced and distinguished laborers from abroad have been invited. Ministers and brethren of other dm:minim, lions aro cordially invited to participate in the labors and blessings of our meeting. O. L. Gums, Faatorlf. F.. Church. Towanda, July 23, 1872. stir Furniture selling at wholesale prices, •t Dwelt t Son. July 15, 1872. MI6 RiDozwaY " EYIIIETT, at th© Sad, White & Blue Store, are the tint to give notice that they have reduced the price on their Tea, Coffee and: Tobacco, in accordance with the now duty law. Ma' Linen and Straw Gent's at exceedingly lour rates, at N. (lowsxrru's Key stone Clothing Palace, Main street, next to First National Bank. air Sirs. E. J. Mrseas has just re ceived tho Madame Foy Corset Skirithapporter in all the sizes. I Baby wagons are a necessity of the ammo, snd Wicznau k Bi.►cK bare just opened a new stock. Prices from $3.50 upward. Mrs. E. J. Binicos has just re ceived a fresh supply of ladles', ties and bows, in all the now shades. rar Houses and Lots for sale, on easy monthly payments, or to Rent. Poplar street, Towanda, Pa.—tf MARRIED BEYNOLDS—HERRICR.—At Windham' Cen tre, Pa., .7nlyt2s; 1879, by Rev. Wm. Peck, Mr. James Reynolds and Miss E. M. Renick, bath of Siehola, Tioga county, N. Y. DIED. lIII.DUETI .—ln Didgebnry, April 14, 1872, Sarah, I , i- ire or Daniel Diliireth, in the 79th year of her agt In early life Hrs. ITILDELETU was united in Marriage with DaNtai. Ilthuarrn, and they were among the first to commence a settlement in Bidgebury, Bradford Co., l'a. Sister Hm rearm was a kind and affectionate wife, and the mother of a family of children, whose hon or would elevate the joy and happiness of any Christian parents. As a companion and moth er,she was one of the most affectionate, and aimed to render her life most useful to her family. Slater.. IL united with tho Wesleyan Church, and remained there until she left the church militant for the church triumphant. As a Christien . she lived in the discharge of duty at home and at church. She was ever ready to tell whit the Savior had done for her soul. aid could testify that there was power in the blood of Jeans to cleanse from all sin. Her house was, and remains to be, a welcome home for the ministers of the Gospel. ilermaterial form has fallen by the hand of death, but her spirit is elevated through Christ to visions more fair. She now mats from the care's of life. Sho has left a tender and affectionate husband with a number of sons and daughters, and a large cir cle of friends, to mourn, but not without l hope, for death temporal is her Infinite gain. ' The senices were condricted by the writer. Teit from Job, mix :123: "I know that my Re demer !Froth." Many' were congregated to pay their last respects to her memory. llidgebuty, Pa., June 13, 1872 HANLOR.—At Hanlon Hill, Ridgebnry, June 13. 1872, of scrofulous consumption, Iry ing'l3. Hanlon, infant son of Charles W. and Sarah Hanlon, aged ten months and fourteen . days. larnio was the only child, and much toved by his parents. Ills sufferings wore indescriba ble, and 'Wiled the skill of our best physicians. The work is done ; his happy {spirit has gone to Jeans, who said:''Suffer littlf children to come unto me. and forbid them not, for of such are the kingdom of heaven," Ills augvl spirit has gone to swell the chorus of the skies. Tho fn. ueral services were conducted by the w'riter. Text from with, lxiv :6: "And ae all do fade u a leaf." A. FEBRIT.I. Itidgebury, rune 13, 1872. GRIGGS.—At Blonrocton, on the 21st of July; Clarence J. Griggs, aged 22 years, 7 months ' and 2fi days. The sickneaa of our young friend was long and painful, but was borne with Christian res ignation., lie was enabled to put his trust in his Itedeemer, and his end was peace. To him in his last days death had no terrors. His re mains were followed to the grave by a large number of friends who deeply sympathize with the stricken family. Text at the funeral : "Bet ter is the day of death than the day of one's birth." Levi., vii: 1: H. 4- SCHOONOVER.- -In Towanda., July 28, 1872 i of typhoid and brain fever, Stella D. &tom., over, wife of J. L Schoonover, aged 28 years: SPECIAL NOTICES. I=El3=:l sir Thomas Haddocks, Produce Commission Merchant, 220 Pennsylvania. Ave nue, Scranton, Pa. Rutter, Eggs, Lard, Cheese. Fru ,its Potatoes, &c., Sc. Consignments soli eitedvind returns promptly made on sale of Goods. References cheerfully given. Corres pondence solicited.'' a Dr: W. B. Dentist, of Towanda. will ho at Dr. Fax's office, in Burling ton. on Tuesday. Wednesday,. Thursday and Friday of neat week. Giro him s caU. - July Now Advorthciments. MINTO lIIBRID, or TOWANDA wimitl". will produce from '3 to 10 Bushels more to the sore than the Itedeteranean;stands the winter fall as well and ripens full as moon and la a bald wheat. Three Dollars per bushel or one dol lar per peek. July 19.1812. TAKE NOTIC —All persons in dented to the late firm of J. ntanprru 00., *ill please Call at T. Muir & Co.'s store and settle lrentediatelF. owlet viii be made. The ge. counts ore in the hands of T.' Merldeth for settle. meat. J. KERIDETII & CO. Towanda, Ju ly ii, 1572..,--co9. FI RM FOR SALE.—Tho subscri ber ort.ry for sale his farm situate in Pry abasing tsp.. about it miles from Camptown, on Lime Hill. containing about 106 serfs; 60 acres tin der improvement and well fenced. bnAdings to good condition. Terms—One hall of purchase money will be required at time of sale, balance on time to 'suit purchaser. For further particnisrd call on the subscriber on the premises, or address him at Lime 11313. Bradford County, Pa. July 19.1572.-1 s• ROME ACADEMY.—The bnild- Ing has been repaired. and tables and chairs have taken the places of those old desks. theThs op rgs Twin lea en Awn* 26th. 181"Psdcr supervision of P. L. Cluispel, sedated by lo llitiaa 1.. A. Ridgway, and continue 12 weeks. TOTLION. Cain:non English " $4 00 " andbne Higbee English $4l 00 Shgemitatknas in Langttages, $3 00 bills are to be payable at the middle of the term. Special attention will be given to students wishing to mustily foe COW:Clan school teaching. °nod Irrrrd can be obtained on reasonable .eirne, brit stl.l.nts ran levea their erpmises f9r renting rooms and t. , 3rding themselves frPrtlo r information al:tress P. L. CIIRISPFJ..PrinApst. Bo;.^.ost 1. 1872. CAUTION.—AII persona are here- by cautioned amanit pure/wing a note given by tho undersigned to H. IC, Anis, for flirty Dollars, dated on or about the. 28th of Jane, J 872, as I have received no value thereto; and will not pay the tame unless compelled by hew. Eavrn sOMSOIT. Leßaymille, July 2e, 1812.—St• POWELL & CO., Cliiiii!Out Sale 1• W. Mann ALL. DRESS GOODS ! WRITE AND COLORED rIQUAS, A. is. IL BRAIIIIHALL. - 111 It Call attention to their Great OF STllskis,iX3DlZ Consisting in 'part of LAWNS, CHINESE GRASS GOODS, JAPANESE STRIPES, POPLINS, , In order to make room for their FALL STOCK. • GREAT BARGAINS May be obtained during the , PRESENT MONTH August Ist, 1872 , i .. ... ' Ziega _ 3 .. ____ .... .3. ..........._-_......— _ SHERIFF'S 817!'$. --By vi rtue of atuadry writs of rt. flo end Weld. . Molted out el the Omni of Conolde PIMA Itmdfard throaty, and to me dlreded; willbe impeded to pub. 110 Mk at the Court BM* In the Borough W' To. ,Wealde ea TIIIIIIIDAT the TM day Of AIME= 1111 h, et 1 Otioth e p. M., the following described lot. Sloe eet parcal ef land Innate let Manillas Stone tip, bounded and described as follows : On the meth by lands of James Hurst. east by David Flem ing and William Nesbit, by Edward Clark and wed b John and A. . Containing 114 acres of land, more or less, .boat k 0 acres improved with two framed houses, log barn thereon. Seized and taken In emendon at th e snit of 11. 0 Baird,addintstrator of E. 7 . Baird vs. John Lag , Mtn. ALSO—The following 4/Seedbed lot, piece ,Or parcel of land situate in the Borough of Tamara& cent yof Bradford and to of Petuasylvania and bounded as follows to wit : On the north by Poplar Street, emt by lads of John P. Means. se= lands of J. 0. Frost and -West by Charles Detail 152 feet front on oath `Charles Street and 110 feet deep, with a two-story Brick Steam Planing Mill thereon with "seethe, boiler, machinery, &c.. F D attached to the came: upon se the property of C. D. k T. A. thele ' AID - One other lot, cr parcel of land situ ate In the Bormi it of de, and bounded on tee north by P steed. sa t by lands of George. P. Cast , John enley and Hiram Yaw, south by lauds of John Y. Means and West be Wellington Iltranzball. Being 50 feet front on said Poplar street and about 160 feet deep, Oh a two story framed dwelling house thereon, and being lotrNo. 66 of Al. B r den's snap of surveyef the estate and record ed to the Ilegieter and rder's office for said meaty of Bradtonl. Levied upon as the property of C. D. k F. A. MM, I ALSO—One other lot, pieces orieucel - of lend alto. ate In the Borough of Towanda aforeaald. and boun ded on the north by land of Etielornon Walborn. Met by en alley. son ih by Pine street and west by land of C. M. Manville . ' Being 60 het front on said Pio° tared and dueling back to said Walborn's line, and being lot No. It of said mape al d ,:a t i urvey of the said Cash estate with a twoatory dwelling home thereon. Levied upon as tlWproperly of C. D.Cash ALSO—One other lot, piecefor parcel of land situ'- ate in the Borough of Teiranda aforeiald, and bounded on the north by u ate i Poplar xtension of street, on th e east Charles street. south by Studs of John, Eames and I'. A. h and west by Me ditate street. Being 152 feet on said Charles and Mechanle sheets, and 300 feet between said Charles and Mechanic streets. Said lot being divided into 6 &final s teed lota, 3of which trent on each of said ChawMe and Mechanic streets, and being 50 feet and S Metes each front on held streets by 150 feet deep. Tim data reserved, hewever, to sell each of said lots !operate, or two or !more or all together. Levied upon as the property td C. D. Cash. ALSO—One ether lot. piece or parcel of lasid situ ate In the Borough of Towanda aforesaid,and henn aed on the no. th by Wide oe the estate of Mrs. C. L. Ward, deceaeed, cast by Mechanic street, south by lands of 5'..t. Cash and west by lands of Led yard Chsapel being 202 feet on said Mechanics street add abort 1088 feet,moeo or letenwertorl7 to the east line of sled Ledyard Cheapens land. Levied upon asas s, p=rty of C. D. Quito c other lot, piece or parrorof land sit uate In the too .mgh of Towanda; afereend, and tweAlnded as for .oes : On the north by lands of John Bixby, cast by Western Avenne, eolith by Poplar Arcot and Ito et by an alley, being `l4l feet front on 'old Poplar tee et by 100 feet deep end being Let No. Se. of Said Met and Survey of the said Cash estate, with a two sowy framed dwelling house thereon. - Levied upon ae the property' Ir. A. Cash.: - ALSO—Tor defendant , F. . Cash's interest in one other lot. piece or parcel of land situated In the Borough of Towanda. aforesaid. and bounded on the north by lauds of B. C. +, llosburg and John B. Hindi, east by land of Geoe W.Armstrong, south i by Poplar street and west by Nestern Avenue, be ing abort 78 net front on sal Poplar street by 6,3 feet deep. No buildings. Sal lot owned by Geo. P. Cash and F. A. Cash, and my levied upon the interest of tLe said F. A. Cash ALSO—One other lot, piece Or parcel of land situ ated in the Berongh of Towanda, bounden and Indes cribed as follows : •Itegionl on the east line of Mechanic street 202 feet free th e south line of lands of the lotate of Mrs- C. 14 Ward, deceased, thence easterl y' 150 feet to tb west line of land of John Bohai. , thence soothed para ll el with said Mee/tank sine t 203 feet to aco er, thence westerly parallel with the that mention line 150 feet to east line of said Mechanic street; thence northerly along the cast line et din Mechanic street 207 feet to the place of beginning. Said lot' being divided into 4 equal sized lute fronting on ' said Mechanic street and each being 70 fret and 9 1 ches front on said t t i street by 150 feet deep. The, ght reserved, how ever, to sell each of said to separate or two or more or all teeether. Levied upon as the property Of F. A. Cash No buildings. 1 ALSO—One other lot, piece of parcel of land situ ate in the Borough of Towspola, aforesaid, and bounded and described as felloo 5 : Beginning at the tiortbwe , t corner of lands et John Holmes, on 1, 1 the west side or Charles stre thence 'southerly 203 feet along the west line of d Charles street to 'COMM' of let belonging lei M y S. Cash, thence westerly along the north lineof said Mary S. Cash LOY fist to the south-cut corner . of Jacob Schoon over's land, thence northerly* along sald Jacob Schoonover's and C. F. Tayloret cast lines 100 feet to a corner, thence westerly do g the north line of said C..F. Taylor's land 150 Mee to the east linoof, , Mechanic street, thence northerly along the east line of said Mechanic street 103 feet to a corner, thence easterly along the south line of.F. A. Cash and John Holmes ZOO feet to that place of beginning said lot being divided into six equal sized lots, 4 of which front on said Charles street and twofronttng on said Mechanic street and race lot having a front of 50 feet and '3 inches by 150 feet deep. 'The right reserved, however, to sell each tit' said lots separate or two or more or alliogeth r. 'Levied upon as the p of F. A. Cash. No bet ldings be other lot, piece o parcel of land situ ate in the Borough of Towanda aforesaid, bonneted and described as follows: Begi g on the west line of Mechanic street 202 feet from the south late of land of the estate of Mrs. C. L. Ward, deceased, i n thence westerly along the south line of C. D. Cash's land about loos leet to east line of land of -Letlyard Cbeapel, thence along east lin of said Cheaper& land 4 e6 feet to a corner of 11 S. Cash's land, thence easterly along the north Me of slid Mary S. Cash about tetS feet to coener f Wellington Learn hall's land, thence northerlygong the west line of said W. Bratehall, Wm. Thomypson, George Bdes and Stephen Lewis 350 feet to the northwest corner of mid Stephen Lewis' lot, thence 'easterly along north line c.f . said Stephen Le lot 150 feet to the west line or 3fectsanic street, th nee northerly along the west line of said Mechanic street 56 feet to the place of beginning. lin bundle . reeled upon as the property of F. A. Cash. - Seized and taken in execution B. Streeter vs, Charles D. Ca.b, George P. oath. security. Will AI so—The fellowieg.deserit xj of laud athlete in Pike tette, fro by land of Henry Walker; on Anna Brown. south by the pub from Wyatt' one to Montrose, 0 laud of 11. e . Ross. Containi acre, more r,r leas, improved, wil thereon, VA ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land.situ. ate in Pike twp.. bounded on tb• north lzy the pub• lie highway leading from Wyatt . • g to Montrose. on the cast by I ind of E. J.. Elatabrooks. on the south by the Wyriliieing Creek. and *est by. the public highway leading from Herriekvlllt to Spring Hill. Containing - zinc and one-half ace , more or lees, int. Proved. with a framed house an store combined, a framed shop with sheds attache thercon.,. i Seized and taken in esztcution t the snit of A. C. Stevens vs. J. Q. Ingham.'. ' 1 ' ' ALSO—The following described: lot,'pleee or par cel of land militate in Franklin twp., bounded on the north by lands_of Elijah Mate, cast by lands of John Lantz and J. B. Vannest, south by the Towati- Aacreek and west by lands of Horace Willey. Con taining tel acres of land, more or less, about 60 acme impreved with i two story; framed dwelling house. small framed tenant house two framed barns blacksmith ‘hop, a framed building used for a wa gon shop; a saw mill and applb orchard thereon. Excepting and reserving thelim one lot sold to Geo. W. Halford and now own by Philander Rob inson, containing about 2 acres, two lota sold to H. (I. Goff, containing about two sires on which•the hotel and barns are erected. and 'one lot of about ) r an acre, on which is a store house. Seized and taken in execution St the suit of Nedc-_ Mali Smith to use of John Relit:s-2d, and Augustus Ridley vi.; S. S. Downing. 1 . ALSO—The following deiseribed lot, ittev.c. C.I par cel of land situate in Overton twp., beginning at the south east of lots suriej 4 ed to Lorenzo D. West. running thence south sal,t degrees east Most i, reds to an old maple stump, thence north 31)4 degs east 122 rode to a Post, thence north3B ' degrees west 103 rode to a post (West's north-ease corner,) thence south 31i; degrees west 12.2 rode to the place of beginning. Containing 82 inures and 47 rode. more or less. No inaprovemental' Seized and taken In execution et the .suit of James H. Hawes' use vs. Charles H. S tton. '.. . ALSO—The following dcscrilot, pleec or Par - . eel of land situate in Wells t ~ •begiuning at a small hemlock tree standing in the line of - the Bing ham lands, thence east by land of Henry Johnson and others 332 perches to a post, thence by land of John A. Boy south it perches 'tql - the centre of the road or highway, thence south 72 degreetrwest along the centre of said highwayo9 C-10 perches to A post and atones in James A. W emu's line, thence along said line west 13 1-10 pure es to a hemlock T I ., thence stump standing to the Bingham l ne, by land of Lorenzo Wing and others rib 217 1 .,,. degrees west 335 perches: to the place 0. Is-ginnig. Con taining 330 acres, morreor less, a r ont 210 acres im proved,' with one franca house, , wo framed barns. one framed grainer)* and : two sp 'le orchards there on. ALSO---One other lot, piece or parcelfun of land situ ate. in said township of Wells, bounded on the north by other lands of the defendant Harvey G. Stafford. and the public highway leading from MoSierville, to the Bird Creek, road, on the ea by land of Elias Brewer and David Bristol, on ti south by land of Irvine Barrett, John Pallett and Janice A.- Wilson, on the west by other lands of de nilant, Harvey G. i ., Stafford- Containing 334 acres, More or teas, about, 160 acres improved. with a framed hou-c, a log barn and few fruit trees thereon. i . ... Seized and taken in executieu tit Cue .tu t of Jun, s lin ntington Va. H. O. Staffor.i. Also at the suit of James- Ilurdoigt.m - vs. I!. 1,. StAford and Eliza Stageril. „rl ALSO—The following de.cril ' lid. r!,.., or par t• 1 of land situ••te in Wyalibourritsp , 1• 1• • n • li 11 of, L. P the north by land of P. Malts .1, t t.t by faati(, 01 Samuel lin...rant, snnth by lands 4r t'. thitetien),.o.l„ . and w.-t by the Wyalusing Creek. contamirgg i,I acres of land„..nore or lt-r-z..,a1 'ld leo a,re • ,n:- preveb with a few fruit twee thereon, no builbi.g- A I.Si) 'One other lot. piece' ••r y an •-1 of loud situ ate in Ulster twp.. In unded - ou. be north by laud. of Udall Shaw. east by latida, it tbu l'all'artvailla and New York Canal and Tel Ilii it Corolraoy, south by lands belonging to the estate, of IL S. 1)a. iSort. deceased. and rorgst by. the public highway I,all-i • from Towanda to Athens. or three-:e - Tic, Or an acre of lind. more or leaftf u ,•••••• • • •1, till, a two-story (ranted hon.,. a f--,•. I ' .„,,•,,• u.,.., , , a .- a dry goods , ‘toTP.'N't' -!. • 1.11.11 attarbe.l, at--1 a framed shire 1 - -.1 tt . t , c11.-gtly-reon. - - a- , -: , t.. tit.. , --rtii ..t .I. I:. ...,..a I tolkllb:‘ , ' • A f i , at the , 0 t ,' . alvy JacLsononeltharli. J. PED.RYI g VAX FLELT, T,tra , ..l3,_An , :ll:t 1. 1472. 11N t ir t` ti i i: o o t f lunt l'lcas id Bradt° il County. to t oo reet•id awl delivcred, will be exppsed to public axle at the Court I.louie: in , ronldi of Towanda • in said county, on SATI.II4I)AY, tl4. 31st of .%.1:- tiCST, 1572. at 1 o'cleek in th e !afternoon. all tile franehlaes and riehts of the Sullivan anti Erie Coal and Ball Load Company as they exist both in the ountlea of Bradford and Sallivace aeenriling. to tb Act 01 - Assembly in anal case made and pm - bled. seized and taken in execution at -the suit of Itoa• 'well ii. Itochester ka. The. Sullivan and Erie coal and Itail Road Company. • • - .1. FEILIITIVAX FLEET. • TOWSII.I4, July 29, IST:. SliertEf. EXECUTOR'S NOT! It..n^hc ft 'II titer ~~tatr Of !" finvi•••• • 4:ltlir.St i 1 1)MINIST11.17011 ' S hpfr. all ettat.• 4a. u. /.. WALD, I, dec—?..;•l. ao.1,1,1:«1 all against rr. , ...‘ord them duly a iith. tieated JOS Al may '.',l '72wl ME t the snit of Josipli Frederick A. Cash, IGriFus, Fes'urity. i lot piece or parcel •dcd, on the north I .e east by land of is highway, leading hd on the west by :g one-third of an 321 a few fruit trees CR—Notiet, in,10.44:.1 to . tat" of t'Ant. ot. t , • t : •.• t• • , f.. Kar uls.r prr.•m: indolbted nt. si+ , l 7said c3tata ilr Pettlomotit. II POWELL. Ad z intatrator. Legal. ORPHANS' COURT. SALE.-BY virtue of an order tamed out of the Orphans' Court of M e dford County, the underaigned var. dian of the estate of Malt Warner, Plarille War ner. Josephine - Warner, and Editorpre% minor children of Samuel Warner. late of twp., two% will expose to public sale on the premises, Thins day.Atitinst 2. 2872, anumencing at one o'clock. P. m., the allowing described lot. pima. or parcel of land nitrate in Pike Pep., bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake and stones being the north east car. of the herein described lot of land, sad also a corner of Afartah Champion's land; thence south along the line of the said Champion's and a lot owned by Geo. C. Atwood 22 perches to a Atoka and stones; thence west along the -line of said Champion's land 16 and 2.10 perches to a corner of James B. Agneles land; thence north along the line of the amid Agnew 87 porches to a c0r...1n the line of mid Champion's land; thence south GS deg. east I6S per. alongline of and Chan:Nor to place of beginning: containing 2 sees, more or leas, ha. proved. with en old house and barn tow hi* tree thereon. TERIIEI-423 down and balance on con gots of sale. . BETSEY A. WAR. lumen-we . Guardian. 01!HAN' COURT ' SALE. By .Ifoo S- of an order tuned out of the Orplia.u's Ccrurt of Bradford County, the undersignedounar dlan of the estate of Wm. G. Lewis, Mary J. Lewis. Amanda Lewis, Eli L Lewis and Sarah' B. Lewis, minor obildren of Mary Lewis. deemed, will ex pose to public sale on the premises on SATURDAY. AUGVST 11, 1872, commencing at 1 o'clock, p. the following described lot, piece or parcel pf land situate in aloaroo twpn, bounded on the south side of street leading. from Main street to. Rockwell's Bridge, on the north by the street aforesaid; on the ?tat by land of Sarah deans and S. S.. Hinman. on the south by land of S. S. 1111:11112p, on the Weal by land of J. 17, Griswold and Hiram Rockwell.- Con taining 1;!' acres or thereabouts, with an old tratal bonne and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One one other piece or lot of laud aitnato hi Monroe Borough, bounded on filo earth byland of J..L. Rockwell, on the east by lard formerly own ed bylrea. Hart. pow decoased, on the ion% by land of codding, jittasell k Co.. and on the West by Main street, on which is a two-story house. Said lot is about 4.1 feet on Main stmt and the name dis tance tack - from Main street. TEM= CASH. " LEWIS LEWIS, Grvintan. July 2'3. 1812. ORPHAN'S- COURT SALE_ ---By virtue of 1113 order Issued out of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Caunty, the undcraignecl, guar. 'slur of Charles T. Fox. minor child cf Ilirana C. - Fox; late of Towanda twp., dre'd., will expose to public sale at the Couit Elmer, In the Borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY. AUGUST 24. 1972. at 2 o'clock, p. tn., the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, being all that part of the _estate of the late Efrain C." Fox, deceased , north of the pub. lie highway. leading .from Burlington to Towanda Dermal' a Beginning in thn centre of said high way on Bontbwert line of kfiller Fox,thence north 21 degrees and 3G minutes west 73!' . Perches to o post and stone corner, thence south ' 60';:" degrees west 73 G-100 perches to corner, thence - south 20 de,ttrres 1R minutes east 36 2-10 perches to centre of aforesaid highway, thence along the same south 83 do-reel east 32• perches. south 72 degrees east 27 2.10 perches, north )ti', degrees east 22 85-100 perches to the place of heginniug. Contilning 26 acre* and 5 perches. TERIIS.—SIOO fo bn paid et tiihs of sale. :FLOC'S) Upon confirmation of sale, balance In six months thereafter with interest SCSI. IT. JIDIVINN, 11 1 1 .7 2: 1 . 144? PPLICATION IN torVORCE. A To , Belle. Adanus.—No. 0.45 rob. term. 1872. You Ire hereby notified that John Q. Adams, yonr husband, bar applied to the court of common pleas . of Bradford to.,' for a divorce from . the bonds of matrimony. anittlif4 said court has appointed Mon day, the f... 1 day of September, for hcaring tbe said John In the prvroirer. at. which Cm , and Place yen ( - 3;i att:til if you think proper. jul.ll.nt J. P. VAN FLEET. id.ei dr, APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.— To Georre ren. T. ISt2. Yen are hereby notideil that Clertira Pipncr,. yonr wife, by her nost \ friend. S. Smith, Lax applied to the court or core non ricer of P.railford. county, for a di'voree from t„.l e hoods of rinitriAiony. and.the said conrt has appotAted Mondry. the ti.d dry of Sup. ternber, Is'2, for, bearing, the elemina in the preniirer, at whlch.tiie ?rod place you can attend if yon think proper. . J. P. VAN FLEET. j• itly Sheriff. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.- To Edward C. Eiav'es.—No. MU; Srpt. T . 1 471. Ton am hereby. notified that wife, by her nest friend, Chart,. Shel.lm) has !In plied to te rmirt , f , omm , n ph a-f co.nnty, for a divorce fr, , m the howl r. and the said tuner hay arpo; . t , - .1 p terrib , r, 1972, for he.irinz. sll,l In premises. at which time ano, I , inee 3,1 , 1 ,n ritte•n.l • I: yon think proper.. .1. I'. VAN FLF.ET, Sheriff. A PPLICATI.ON IN DIVORCI- 7 1. .I._s_ ,-- To Edward P. I. Spieor —No. 262. Feb T.. 1872 Ton.are hereby notitleil that Sc-ti*.-,r. yr- 41 , Wife. hr tier next - frienin :Min N. Wolfe. ha= a•0rr, , ,1 to the court, of common Nein. of, Bradford eotlnt.. fora diroreck from the lon•1-: of rnnt ,- foloo.:% no," r• - Said conrt ,it anpointen )torn.w. the 21 ,lap of terither, , I RTL for henrinuthe said 7onnie !sea. at tiro" ^n,l 14. r rem 4 - 7 a mt r .,",..1 think privet-. , .1. P. 1. - .17: FLEET. Jialyll-wt ' •- - • INCORPORATION N O - T I C 1 In the matter of theiiieorporation of - tl.e •• rtrwl ford Lain and Bnililitnt :proolation of Miter, tow, thio. Pa."—NO 3r51. gi T, , 11-1. 181'1. • 1 1 7 ,, ti.e0 hor(l,y , r pro.eotod to Ito' Conrt , of C4 , 11.:0wn Pleas of Branford C'onnty their article of .1.1- , •iatiori iti-k!naT•nr a decree. rf InooroornEon. nod Court having rrminr,t th. , same. - and Endina cord, xlll decree that they ho .ino . nrrornfo , l prnro. , l7 - L , r. on 3r , nn , lar. tho oth day or S•rpfrza' er. 1872. at': . o'olne1; r-rr::, fin 0,r,f,-,r, the eontrary.' A. TIIO.ILIB, j0i..11,nr3 Prothonotary. -A uprrorrs NOTICE. •Tattie'R Van Dyke ca, Harry :ma W. T. —lli the Court' of COTIMMTI Inals r.; No. nil; Pee. T. I.:Cf. . ~ • . The find; ra r g7te.l. - Iriving r.ppo!Titc-t! A by said, Conrt t rlb.tribute f• ,1 Q:1 tbe cal of ilefendantq • real- eKtate, will tb-r, to the ilaties of paid app ,, intment otl N l / 4 -- r.D:cr...,,DAy. the 7th day of ATTit —, ;T. 1P72. nt-a o'elo p. 10,, at the ,Lice of the Anditor in .the bon - nigh of TOW3II - at which and plaeo all persons elaimA'on Pahl money are . regnire,l to make thr. lefare Raid Anil:tor, cr he o,blrrel frotif ennen.l. it open natd fnml. . , Irlyll. - 701.1itnr. _ . . A , AL UDITOR'S NOTICE. - 3r. HI R'. T. Dishop, ir.—To the ro,rt r f Cemmon Ness of Ltrrt.lford rettotr, No. :17,2. eert term7ISGR. . • • t Tice untlexsiaited. havlnfi been appointed mlitor by /mid Conti to distrihnte .71107:ny arising from Sheriffs sale of Defendant's cml estate. will 'attend to the (Indies of said appointment - on TrffliSDAY. the Rill day of ArorsT. 1873. at 2 o'clock..P. m., at the offav or the Auditor in the reronett of Totranda at which time And plaec ail persona having claims on slid money arc required to ttalo - . the Fame 1. rer,• said Or 1, ileTiarr-1 from comitw 11... , v.', sail fond. HENRY' PRET, Jitt.y 11, IPT2.—(w. - I AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Ca.: I liffs use v's P.-1. Ormsby rail John the Cottrt- of Common Pleas of Pratifi , ril COnnty,l , l6. 234 Sent. T.. Is7o. The undersizned. rn ..tmlitar appemt-1 1 e:',urt tn, distrilmte moneys arising from Sherif. 's sale of defendant's real estate, 'wilt atFcmt I. dii tiea or said appointment at the omec- of Overton ..t; Ebthree, in•the ileroimh of Towanda. on SATRE na day of AROUSIT, IST?. al ICiceeloek, 3. m., .iier” all iic.rsous havinzelalms npoirsaid are ropiirtql to present them or be deharre coming ir , Tl said fund. 'S. C, Etnntr. Jul" 11, 1,47'2.-Iw.- • _ . ADI.IIICISTTIA.TORS NOTICE.- Notice is hereby riven that all persons irstetit., rd to. tits estate •oi .1. la. XT.I.T.N, into township, deed, are requested to' make Irarnetkitts . PaYment. apil all per , ons having claims Saaittg•t said estate most present the same ilnly antbontient , l fort settlement. M. 11. , • July 22, '72ri A .. w lmb:os:rater. _ . A DMINTSTRATOIt ' S NOTICE. A Both= is hereby given that ail nerstinstn,h,i ; t.,,i to the estate Of PA'Titieß el - MIT-it, late of itntne. deceased. Sr.' requetitni to make IVllllNtinte I ,,, Yinent. and all p , rsorts bavin.t elaima xeslnst said 'estate ma=t sw'e'at them. ,Inlc faith/ ntioate ' for pPttletnent. .TIIOII.IS COTTER. July . Ndmittistr y tt•• - . • •EXECUTO NOTICE.-- NoFes in hert - V.: zit'on to nil to the estate of .11.311.7-3 ESPY. late of Stand.ui: Stone. deed.. most make immediate palm , nf, and all psrsons clainot a,e - riintt raid r - qtr . tfantt I,,eont . them duly '''anthentirated for tx , ttle , meat. - ' T: T. 1 - ..4py. T.. 11 ERTp, Jnly 11, '.72-6w. • . Exeentera. --- - EXECUTOR ' S NOTICE - -Notice tt!..vett, that all pr, - sent, ilnlehtn4 to the .ta1:111 , of Ai.LF.'S TILLOTSON' late of-Lefloy,i dee'd. aro rupn -, 1e,1 1 , 1 matt , futtnte:Uate paynv - nt and at. rer.a.n4 Ilan in: .laitnq et..a;lntf paid eqtate natigt proonnt them' anty•A:lo,l , ,ti,t,,,l for F otti,.. inert. ' 11. W. Pt It Kin - Ts:T. .1•10; , . 11. • • . . - P XE C T()11 ' S Nt)TICE._ -41 r. l,y .;innit that all rui , ...vnir:(1 , 1,1,-, , ` , l In the =„:1,11e of 41111 clitt.soN, lair or,Warr‘.ll aro rotine,t,l :to make ate isartnent. mob al.; 1 ,,, 0tnt havtr• here a.raint.l t r", ilt 41, - 111 lb II Y .1 f-'r simpilrN 1 - )l*Ncxy. • 11,. Extent,r. • Alrnrr(it'• NOTICE t lir 4.71. ••_ • -; •.r in ty., ••• •,i, 1'.r..., r:1 cormte. • 0t.0.t - r , i_trr.i. an 1.11,1it07. rtitrotrit,l",.• 1 . . - ant to :!± , :tr.l;tit.‘ fnn 1 is ihn it•naq of nt: ~>! 1 cnttAt••. w"lt ann.tFntt•tt otr.ot ("Ivor-ton .c ray - tlv'co.ron , t.ltz! - Tot,:n• '. nr. t!;‘ , 1f; i t .11v 11r - C:TST. Tc"">. n , I ,l r 1: t• !. EM=3MM .L..: U, _(., t • A I)ItINISTP. ' NOTICE - A. Is tzi , ..l n th'it all i 9•14 1:1 - :•.1 t.: tho .tat. Ittil:4.l.l.ite..f.W.r . rren dro-a , •11, are rtroortiq to tralni p0r1 , 1114 t . : olwoft_minst ca..] (AM , rrPP.'llt Ur u3IIIC siiihrtnioatra for set• Vern ItTAFS A., ARNOLD. jnortl- - ,sl; G. \v. HARDY. TN . BANKItUPTCY.—DISTRICT• •AL. Coqrt of thq Ni!ea.St.ttr.g for. tLe Weatrrn - DLs. lrirt of Fonneylvania. Western 'District of .Fonn xylronia. 1¢ the matter of Gordon F. 3Tason and A. G. :11.tFota. •ftrri of rt. F. M. - Iron k c 0..) n a. rapt's : - Weatern District of - Pennaxlvanil, PA.-1115 i i to MY. iota.', That ou tl•.e 17th day of July, A. D. a Warrant in Bararaptcy war. , iastual aninet it, Lt 4.:' , talott F. Ittaton and Ma.son, pima ,•t KJ N`,ll . 1 / 4 c 0.,) at tht , ,l l, rul:gl3 of To !(• of.1:-14t , n.1 'lig state of o • •:ti lq . u.krupta th-ir • .?^' , ,t , at .: that 11a. navntr , nt of any do,t . mr.„ , v - tv to,,, r;thg .11t t th• Alt or tor tlatir I to,, transf,r of any prop...ay - I,y them, aro f.trhahlrn by law : that a meeting of the S'reaitors said Bank. All,l one or 1:1• , re a.(si•ii..ea of their c,tyto, wilt bn h e m ata •;;) - 1. of D.tat . rapt,•y. hold, a at Ow office .4 *tv. the 1::4";;„,t, (4 Towati.i.i. ./ , F.,taa:•l tw. rton. .ie.„ 1;41, 1. a. A. allatfaia:ii, B...)fa , dt.d. aaligstaengtr. ly 2.;T. A UDITOt'S . -.NOTICE:---Itebeces SI. Thompson vs. itarahan Bros. .11 , ' , C0.. E. T. Iferskall and W. K. - Manama.. la the Court of Coamon Plea of Bradford- ,Ceittity: Ifs, 281. Dew tember term. 1869. - - • The undersigned haring been appointed luititor by said Court to. illatribliteminsay WON' from the Sheririseele at defendant's read estate seta Weed to the duties of mid - appointment Ovit TIIVIDAT JUTGCST 20th. 1812. et 2 ce,eloek ,11114 *Se Mee of the Anditin to the lioren ghat AMMO time and plies all persona hostel! debit ea estd money are_ ref/netted to present Me' fevati Ware said - Auditor., or be debarrod from in upon sa July tend. • 11, 1172.—tw. - A .lIDITOR'S NOTICE - Reuben .A.B. Dams-and Mika vs. Deny Kix lad' -Juba D. Nontanye. In • the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county. No. 1897. - The undentigned. an auditor appointed by said egad to distribute moneys in the hands of khalif arising bout sale of defendants Ma estate, will at- tend to the duties of =eh appointment MU , office in the Borough of Towanda. on YONDAT„the 26th day of AUGUST. 1812 at 10- o'clock. & m., where all persons havin g claims upon said moneys mast present them or be forever debarred !torn coming in on said hind, - - U. J.-MADILL. August 1. 1871. Auditor. AUDITOR'S- NOTICE.-=D.. B. Diacknam's use vs. N. D. tax. Kos: 383, 677 . and 89%. May ttro, DIM In the Court of Common Pleas of 13:n4(0:Item:My. The undersigned, an Anditer• appointed by said Court to Mattawan moneys in Enswers hands - arbs. lug from sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his cern in the Borough of Towanda, 'Ps., cm IDEEIDAY thn ISM day of AD'OBST..IS72. at I o'clock. P. m.. of 8 . 10 day, where all having claims' upon said fonds will • present them or 14 forever debarred from the same. /MIN W. July 19,4972.44 w, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.- NOM") is hdreby given that IkE persons Indebted to WI ootato of NW 0. Leggett. tats . of Athen. deeeased,-see requested to make Immediate pay ment, and all persons having elaimssuMnst maid es tate must present the same didynuthentteated for settlement. JAMI 2 R. LEGGETT. HOWARD ELVER. Etecniats. August 1; /812.,-Cw A DIEENISTRATOR'S Notice is hereby Oren tbstall pinions indebted to the eAato of /UMW 10010 AN. late 'of Wyeox, Pa.. deceased, are requested to make ironaodisto payment. and all persons having claims spina% said Cdate must prepent them duly sutbenticatcd for set tlement. JAM I.I[MAIS HORGAN. A.dmiuistrator with the V d iU annexe. t7;itir I. 1872. , -6w . , PXECIJZOIt'S N TIC E- , JL4 Is hereby Oren thatall persons lnellted to the estate of E. It. PAILISP.II., We of Rome. deceaPed, ere requested to make immediate payment, sod all persons having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for tlemrnt.• .12111tAIM PARKER. Anz. I, '72A; G. . • Administrator V-XECIITOWS NOTICt.- 14Noti,ce N I,2reby Riven that all persona hulehted to the relate of BESJAULN. tate of Asy lora, dee'l, are requested to make immediate payment, - eincl all persona haiing dahlia against said estate most .present them duly authenticated far settlement:. J. W. 11t17.51i. • • 'MARIA BENJAMIN. Executors. BANKRUPTCY.--DISTRICT Court of the United Staten for the Western Eris. trict of Pennsylvania. Western District of Pennsyl vania. ;In the matter of Barry MU; Bankrupt. Western District of Pennsylvania,; as.—A warrant in Bankrnptcy has been tuned by : the said court against the estate of HANBY MIS, - of the county of Bradford and State of,Pennsylvania, in said Dis. trirt, adjudged Bankrupt:upon petition of his credb . tors,frayment of any debtei end the delivery of any pro perly belonging to said. Bankrupt, to him or to hie use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and choose one wore assignees of his estste, ail: her held at a Court . of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Towanda, Pa.. in said District, on the 7th day of Anguat. A. D., 1872, at 1 ci.clock,.; p. m.. at-tht• Office of Edward Overton, .Tr .before N. Willard, one of the,- in liatkruptevi of said Court g. 7ttarslotl for said District 1.1 110 i OSPD AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTI - 11 . T. TO': or rEx•swiLtkNyt.. July 11, '15.72.-Gt xli VON141111:T10.7. ;.-) the - ts• n frets., - 1%. 7 , f, Pet, :11" , ..I171 . ,"" Gal ,r;ll A ut , t, - That U 19110 - ing amendroant of the •:. ; Commonwealth be proposed to the peofdi,.!i - adopt..r. ~r rejection. pursn• ant to tbe •ipii. ot truth article tlicreoC !,, wit VA.. -12. th -vet:4 n th-• jertiele (if the .• inr.ert 'ln lieu thereof the fob ,t,.,T,p3,1;r.••••• ehonen by the ,ty:z••!thc, tbe Stnte. nt.niteh thnen and for •-• • s I. ,11n111.,1•,,,,ei1.r.,11, }.n, WIT.II2kSt FILIOI7 . • or Reprewutati%. , JAMES .f the Appro., ! tht , 1 , 11,1 day .11tarch. :Vag) - n: ;- I.3nu,lrel xa4l eoventy two. INO. R. GEARY. • 311.1 Cll. ( , •t - oramapt. to tLc T; st.l - tt,l, of C..c. Clinstitption. FRANcts JordiA.N. . S,crriory if the Commnnwealtli. r. Mry of the Corniu ,, nweallll.4 . lone 2., 1F 2.-3 m. THE - GIZEIT FAMILY r)()MESTIC ti E. AV N G \- M A C HINE Improved January, 1572, since which it bear's all the latest improvements that invention has pro. ductal making it ono of the greatest triunipbs of art. Maehiniste are wonderfully delighted with ita simplicity and power so great. ' all parts strictly In ter. hanceahle. If any part breaks a new piecowill tit casetly. Great range of work, finest mnalin to coarse Beaver or Solo Leather. Cannot-make It drop a stitch.' Tension will not change in sewing as in other machines. It is 'one of the aostpopn. tar Machines where it is known ever placed before the public, it pleases everybody. An admire It whenever seen. - People that.haro. them are SO de. is lighted With it , e , ct they are writing to frienda to buy this machine if any, for it win do anything that any will. and rune so easy . and requires no trouble to learn to run it The astonishing fact that since -tannery, 1872, having received all the latest im. - PrOVelnenta. 4 months, the company bare soil ne rho no,ooo - machines. with . so few agent' and email tcrritoryeanvassed, shows conclusively that it LI. zio parallel and that our people are an intelli gent ['cork , . I bare been desirous for, a few years to get the agency of a Sewing 3fachtne,that I could gen and recommend without .exagerating the tenth or deceiving any ono, and my time •has come. • I have been confine& Indoors so king I .feel; like a. caged bird that wants liberty. And: now friends. all that want -to buy a Hewing-Machine, no Matter If • - your mind has been set upon some other, be so krrti as to isteiria me by letter, or otherwise, and I will cheerfully bring you a Domestic, and you may try it for a week, anti if it does not Please you, and -on are not Satisfied it is the best,.all things con- ‹idered, I will thank you fer,yourtrtmble anti cheer nit:y take it away. But it Seems as though I almost _• bear yon say. c. I cannot part with it, the 'Domestic Circle is not frill withouttt." Terms liberal. L. C., NELSON. Agent. Towanda. Bradford i..eitotF.-Pa.• May 16, 1672 A N • INVALUABLE WORK. .1 - 1 Ertl; Y FAMTLY AIM =MUM urrrscoTvs raocittA:nricAt. DICTION ALI : Ne) 'Ac.ulcr wlll willingly lewithout a copy • s -LIPPINCOTT> PTIONaI:NCING of the -Thninent Persons of .all Agee and c•tantrie=, and accounts of the carious 131:abject(' of the Nome, lIIu o, atnt Classic 3lytlioh , . tho - il'Ontltiriatiol2 of. their • • imii:es in the different languages in wliteti they eccnr. - " .11 - v J.. THOMAS, M., 31. D. ono Imp: Aro Voleaue of. 2345 )t Bound m S;ietp, $l5 - t• 1 Voht. Iforc3l Evo. - Touettpaptr "Primo Cloth, sheep, $l2 w4.'rk embr4cvt the._ rolluaing fezinres in in cmincnt degre: L gnat e.umpletettese CsaticiFortit*i irk 'fhb I.V.grnriltral SU(' tchrg. 2. siweinet bnt Contp.talwrisivo Accontite of all Um more nivrestirg Subjeetti of Ittythulq,ty. 1: Ato cal System of Orthography. - 4 The Arenrato Prounnciati,th of M.:Name,. •1. Dan ltit•lFt•,;r, Lippitt,iott's Itticgraphical Dictionary, acceritmg to the unanimous :'pinion of distinguielied sCholars. is the wi+rl of the kit:a ever publisheit.---trhtla: Ledger. The most remprehensive and valuable work oI the kind that has ever been attempted. . . : An itnahtablc noston Traveller.' The mod vrtitattle contribntinn - to dew ,ctrrz, phy in tongue —;(tineinnal I Chronicle. 'cork of tl:t t,otd will compare with it. —, . li.f cm, York Tsihnne. 'I t satistaef , uiy work of refe , reneA ever is. Fli• it fro:,. the press,- ',Phila., T,-legraph. .1\ lii, , a very wide range et treat t,+. vat :11'712 ohnpaetnsss and perspicuity, wonder ful mien: acy, and a typographleal excentien that is al. er;ret. - i:venitys ' Post, m ad, sable werk...—{l4.Y. Independent., Nothing id the kind teel