Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 25, 1872, Image 3

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    e -
V ragforld .4 t i porttr
•• • •
Towanda, Thu day, July 25, 1572.
r •
106 r Building Atisooiation Loans
sold 1'131'72 and 73 od Monday evel*Sg.
lar A special: train on tho. S.. & E.
E. It, hill lento th."-Court Homo Switch on
turday evening mixt, at 10 o'clock.
LS. Towanda', boasts of the best
Drug Stores and the most stillfulphysiciana of
any town in Northern rennulcania.l
soir We. are .dratified to learn that
tie SyrAcuse Uniterisity wilt open with flatter
ing rrospects on tho 20th of August.
VS.. L The
_Gruvki.. and WILSON Chib
will hohr their regular meeting in the rooms
Over the RITORTEIT ,b(tice to-morrow (Friday)
evening. Let there be a full attendance.
The Elwll House takes the
lead in local custom, and gets a fair sharcnor
the traveling public. ➢line host Wit-soN knows
how to keep a hotel.
i •
Ics , - The Postmaster General has
,rdertd the establishiaent,l4 a new Post Witco
m AA.lunt tqcvDsliip. The t office 'is called Marsh
‘ll;t., and A. T. Acta Is I'. M.
Secretaries of Gnsrr and
Clubs are rettlested to forward the names
their oilicers to J. V. GEIGEII, Towanda, Pa.,
3{112/ eiUtannish therniwith documents, etc.
lel, W. A.. CIIk3IDERLIN has been
o..eted Vice PresidEnt,l and W. G. Ger.rtoN re
tl Treasures of the Bltitaal Building and
SAN in;; Fund AssociatiCn, for the current year,
Luard of Directims.
A mem e of the GIILELEY
cl,o, the speeches of the Democratic cora
t.... at l'happagna, Die other day, cored him
(;I:I.ELES fever, I If the old • Philosopher
:Jana that kind of talk, he can't.
10F5,.. m: and.. 116 - Pop; of Bing
ston, have been sorely bereaved in the death
~t th, first-born and roily child. While they
will Ins loss, they have the, assurance that
Ln:.;,..1s of such littki ones "do always behold
hi f.:, •their Faihell in Heaven."
Imo - Col. 111EAssl, Pre"sident of the
'rep MantitactiiiinfCo. , ixifornis us nal work
I c ceronienec4 jni.,t as soon as pre and
othcf ciaterial can be procured. Thi• financial
under which'•.the estabiishinent has
•ce are removed.
ire We don't know that the ./trm
uttenar.4. to tell ati untruth, but they eer
bu:d:. did , when they ahnouneed laA week that
(;,;‘. Cr1:11N waA expe'etea to 1., present. at
Ftt , LiA.T (lcet.t,lx ?ur hog, in this
re- IV° are indebted to l'rof.
E vsnal r ut a copl t,l* his i.rtz , essay on
the." Life and Ge4tus lit"1:::s." It is a well
1, rat(.papt - . apt] tlisidaysllwrough Itt.uwit•tlge
,1 the suhje t, tts itul: as gr,at abdity in the
tie- llr. SAM CET:. 0 wENA,• of IWysox,_
•nt d t, (set •6%3Tii wOk sonic greet corn
Ly him. , 11r. O. is doing quit. , a ',wil
-1,. t"... garden vegii i table line, anti some
twodnee into the mar- .
: t than any oili6r man
You. axe 0.0m4 , 1 for Cinu.r.LEy,
gontkinml to a
1 •,1 ❑.A', tile Ut!K'C 43y. " Gat S 3 110 f ."
11 jri. Mr, iinuf:Lv:r tlai always been a friend
„ , 7 " YC', So was the devil an
LI tt1, , d1,4 and was ilro‘ e out of
\\ - 4 are pained to st:c.a notice
wY rk Y),),to 11 t.flect that H.
t•. or tlin
1...C , 1111P tlValle. We sincerely
toi , t di, it port roar pro re untrue, and tilt:dis
t-1.0 ctiatacter of not tend
It :::uch credene.ol
• Mrs. E. \V. Smpni, of this
: five ~:stem now uhost
1 a.;4.8 „„r, „ay. i.wer three hundred
Mrs. s. 72 ; thrte of her sisters are
on, younger qutu herself. Mrs. S.
gri:t4 11.hh., but rc'e sincerely trust that
-p4red malty years yet
soy. Yuri: Pos•r.tnE.--It should be
that'ithi, new postal rates
We are; again brought back
1 I,rl
,•:. • iiot ii , w,papet• postage. Transient
c?rollars, r , lnveles;antl. aneh that have
i.r r two catucea or les4, are now
the Famo*eight.
of,•!' Tic_' Trouse has now
.1 ~n, l tlerty-liye 'guests, and is, ralr
•:,.. Mr. ale' Mrs. E. L. D.l VLNPOIZT,
-111 , 11 ;.tr,c-t
tiach evtming in the
1-, f; 11, , PF:% olleT dramatists,
• the gm.stg. ("'",'"e
ri a y- Inv (Ailock on \Vednes
- :r Fact , )ry wae,
• 011 C the
in: , :: and
;L: the ic.uty,
11.1 darnagr•
: ~f ter„ in. n:l+ 111 , 1 0 ni , t 011:Y
I ir. T. I!. who rcaide3 opposite the
pint uh. re the accidclit occurred,. Was fortu
i.atel: :d holue awl In and the crash, iznuicdi
al( vattd to the as.catznee or the wounded
than, .50 , 1 to who:te and attention at the
critteat li:owes:t much is tube aceribed fort heir
"lily tht uue,t but the at- .
)ri titct
I 1 . , .
;i. uttlillcil
,ty, 1,1,1 toil Itc tit .t
• tt, :1.4 -;t .1.. )11-.
t:i 111.111. g upr
1 :•!•1.;/i , :.!, •11:, h:O. lii
Sn ' tio hi the Ittrp.c
•1 l nr t t au :s "a thing of boatity," and
, I';nuld,-illy attract 'the nth t.h.•:i of all
.. ::1
)I;DEL:, 7 diruction of
ra, - , hae bom
.:• rm. to 1... e10rg , .(11..r money
.nn"a7nt,: N. 'rho fur
:4 each urtivr, tor au
• , 4W:;.; I the new regula
1' • c.i. indor r nid (Acceding ilO,
,i• • idningo will lie
I • • w;, , , 4i-rid in small .a n ts, and
iin•rease the
• : ;,i ~r•ii 1 I linnit m.
v•-:)`...A; f nite a II 111114 e r of the loom-
IgL T., viiitc,l
Thilr ,, iin.yl , •v(ittittg. The latter
1:, 11 ,, nnshirti.; I.o,lges ILI the
: of tip eli.h:pils of all ar,cs,
At tr.,: coLilm•ion of the regta
--, r• - fni7oriont3 %yore ezerved and
.-oo• ottr Ito.nan friends
-•" , 14 :ri th y temperance CSrape,
••• • , 1 , •:••:1.1, I Imes Of hospitality
he tialt will long be eller•
le; nib , rg or Nortly•rn Lotlge.
Miss 4 DIMSUN, daugh
:'''7',%6N,lr.t:rs,,N, of Buriinfr,ton, -nik het
. alnost sit , gular manner on Thursday
had ht, ti out FQ•kin,...; berries, and on
mrli to the h9thie the afternoon, WAS
ty her utother to art*A' some younger
wereylaying in Lisa's Creek, near
rkao-ling the baul,lll.m:org disco% ered
~ f the little girls t - as in the water, ap
r ' l l.”‘eing, aaZl rti , r :Led into tht. aream
!,,r, but to) sooner 'awl 141.1 e enteral
T- :!:ofell 1.14wn tA , ..T. tc
+•:. ;11,.mt 17
)1 r•. - .TATA. C. ,BIACN.MAN, Of
favor, 1 11A il ith akw (,T tho Al
I • '• :• •• of Sin-
nicticut and Pennsylvania), places the dates of
the various claims and by whom - and to whom
the Utica were granted, side by side in parallel
columns, so that (lie reader ,can see at a glance,
without reading a hundred Pages, the dates of
the charters, by whom and to whom "granted,
the date of the purchase of title from the In
dians, and the settlements by the colonists— .
the three important acts neoessuy then to give
validity to_any titles. Hiss BLacamair has la
bored earnestly, industriously and intelligently
for soma years to bring this work to the high
est point of historic credibility, and it is hoped
that the calicos composing the territory treat
ed of will appreciate, and award her with sub,
stantial tokens of their appreciation of her la
PEASONAL.—Editor Huss., of Bath,
was in town on Monday.
--Mr. F. B. Bauncrr, editor of t h e Typo, and
junior member'of the firm of J. ,t• F. B. Gin
urn, paper dealers of Syracuse, paid our sanc
tum a visit on Tuesday. Sorry wo were not in.
Como again. •
—IIE vnv Warm having been pardoned by the
Governor, is at his home in this place again. .
—Cron= awn.t., of Bloomsburg, presided
at the organ in the -Episcopal Church, this
place, 04 Sunday last.
MAIIY C.tsir is recruiting her health at
Avon Springs.
—Lieut. 'Tents Msucen has boon transferred
from West Point to Willotto Point, New York
Harbor. '
-,ltev. D. C. TOMLINSON, (UMIIVIBIlliSI), of
Akron,-.Ohio, an 4 brother of J oux Toxuxsort,
Esq., of Armenia, preached in the Baptist
church, Troy, ori,Bunday last. Mr. T. is con
sidered one of the' ablest preachers in his 'do;
—Mrs. Bncsus and daughter, of Alabama,
aro hero visiting the family of M. C. Mitacrrn,
Jon Wit,co's, who learned the printing
business in this place, and who been em
ployed in Scranton for several years past, paid
ns a visit last week. '
—AttaiSMILIt SoSpOrillterldellt DESMOND, who
has Iveri on tho sick list for several weeks past,
is now convalescent.
tet... That staunch and reliable Re
publican, CoLLaos; of Alba, in renewing his
subscription to the BEsouTta, gives the follow
ing reasons why he cannot support Homes
ALM, Pa., July 19, 1872.
Mu. ALvolin —Deur Sir : Enclosed please find
two dollars for the REPO=.6 for the year to
conic. It is a welcome visitor every week, and
the momeso because it has the names of Grant
and Wilgon at its head. And with the two dol
lars please receive four. reasons why I cannot
go for Greeley : Ist. 'Because, on the 9th of No
vembeselBs9, I saw this sentiment in his edito
rial in the Tr:7mm , , coached in the following
words : `j If the Cotton States shall become sat
isfied that they can do better out of the Union
than in it, we insist on letting them go in peace.
The right to secede may be a revolutionary
one, but it exists nevertheless. We mutt ever
resist the right of any State to remain in the
Union and nullify and defy the laws thereof.
To withdraw from the Union is quite another
matter, and whenever a considerable section of
our Union shall deliberately resolve to go out,
we shall resist all coercive measures to keep
them in it. We hope never to live in a Repub
lic where one section is pinned to another by
bayonets." 2d. On the 2t.lth of November 1859,
we tird him saying in his Tribune: " If the'
Cotton States Unitedirrand earnestly wish to
withdraw peacefully from the Union, we think
they should be allowed to do so. Any attempt
to compel them by force to remain would be
contrary to the :principles enunciated in the im
mortal Declaration of Independence, contrary
to the fundamental ideas on which human lib
erty -is based." :id. Tribune, December 17,
1859: "If it (the Declaration of Independence)
jnstaled the secession from the British Empire
of three millions of Colonists in 177 G, we do not
see why it Would not justify the secession of
five millions of Southerners feom the Federal
Union in Vird. If we are mistaken on this
paint, why does not some one attempt to show
wherein and whv. , For our own part, while we
deny the right iST slaveholders to. hold slaves
against the will of the latter, we cannot see
how twenty millions of people can rightfully
hold ten or even , millions in a defeated
union with them by military force." 4th. N. Y.
1851:Tel nu. "We have repeatedly
said, and w e e once more insist, that the great
Priiwiples embodied by Jefferson in the Decla
ration of Independence, that governments de
rive their just ;powers from the consent - of the
governed, are sound and just, and that if the
Slave States, the Cotton States, or the Gulf
States only, choose to form an independent na
tion, they have a clear moral right to do so.
Whenever it shall be clear that the great body
of the Southern people have become conclusive
ly alienated from the Union and anxious to es
cape from it, we will do mar best to forward
their views." Now, Mr. Editor, these aro my
objections to Mr. Greeley. I have no evidence
that he has changed these secession sentiments
since declared in MI, while Gen. Grant, trite
to the Union. was holding the rebel army fast
at Richmond. I fear the consequences of pet
ting- sneli a man with such sentiments in power
to carry out what lie has promised, above cit
ed. • -Inn) NVILso.
Two MEN Dr.EADrut.r.v INJunr.o.—On Friday
Afternoon last, about 4 o'clock, a serious and
distressing accident occurred at the Troy street
railroad crossing in this borough. Mr. Fn¢ri.
WILLI.tms and son, who 'reside about a mile
and a half above Canton s on the Troy road,
were driving to town in a two-horse light wag
on, and when near the railroad crossing their'
attention was drawn to a -freight engine stand
ing on a switch, blowing off attain. Mr. Wit:
r..t.kms and eon not observing, nor he&ring any
alarm from the Niagara Express from the
north until they were on the. track, and too
late to. avoid a collision, as the engine immedi
ately struck between the horses and Ton,
throwing Mr. F. WIT.LIAMS a distance of forty
feet and com s pletelpleinbedding his head in the
loose soil by the road-side. His son did not
sem to receive the shock so severely, as he
was thrown but a shOrt distance. Mr. F. Wm
-I.WN when picked up was insensible, and sup
posed fatally injured, as the top of his head was
a .1117. FR of blood. The scalp partially removed,
and the skull crushed in a terrible manner ; he
%las otherwke much injured. His son was also
tearfully Wounded ; two deep gashes on the
head, and Lir buddy injnries were more serious
lino Lis father's.' They were speedily removed
to tn, Keyst,me Home and everything done to
tilir-v;ate their suff,rings, until it was possible
to r,:no - .e third home.
The span of lino horses was dreadfully man
gled,.the side of one was ripped open and two
h.i.ts broken, presenting a ghastly sight. The
bat was immediately and mercifully shot.
The other horse was injured about the hoofs,
the injury being of a character that . will pr'oba
bly render him worthless. Tho vehicle SAS a
complete wreck.
This sad catastrophe to Mr. WILLIAMS and
s•m, gentlemen so well known and respect , .1,
created considerable feeling in this cotatiminty,
and commisseration for the sufferers and -their
afflicted family.
To the Northern Central Railway but one
opinion is expressed, that of gross negligence,
if not mimic ions indifcerence as to the safety
of our people in runnirittrains across our most
traveled street at lightning speed; too frequent
ly witlinnt the blowing of a whistle or the ring
ing of a bell. Many are tho narrow escapes
recited to na, danger to whiOlt we
are subjected.
This subject is one that our borough officers
should talie cognizance: of, and demand .some
protection to life and property.
, On going to press, we are glad to record that
Mr. WILLIAmS has partially returned to con
scionsne'ss, and at intervals converses rationally
with his friends. The son is also improving.
Drs. T. li. Mouse and J. D.tvisoN of Canton,
and lir. A. K. Axtill. of Troy, their attending
physicians, have now some hopes of their ulti
mate recovery.—Canton
that Canton is but trebly represented through
your columns, and so I resume my correspond
•ence resigned some years ago to " Old Joshua"
and others.
onr borough in "all one tray," and
that wog is in favor of the incorruptible arid
Mine at sgrici9tural candidate, H. Gni.tizr. I
iiittgi• that "this is thns " from the loud talk a
1,, )„.., have,liidened ut Wool, to tliti
I ila tent of clus.r.t.t.r's disciples, and I gath.
Cr- from them the following candid and incon
trovertible rok , iona why . - 111.%!.."r is unfit for a sec
ond term.
_lst. Gitarr Ie a &Trot, a nepotist, with Ccear
vit•w:4, seel.ingta r-tabli.ll an empire, etc
,••,,i•-• Ij • :•-•.• time 61
11 , _ 1. ••[•:, 1.11!11, , if hy hi s ! nib•
wiry, awl t•y 11:5 Lal:•.
_1 C.:,:zu.tLt- (Cou
--.--. S. .6..
IL— •
IL TM =Odor OR Me bag, do.
leriseveral Wedge residuum hg Tacking aide.
on th dominicaL -11. bag i•eabbegedi fast
horses and boll Seniors. He hai salted away
several millions of the plea fugds. He has
giTat 11011 ;Ogee and ids him keep
sd the pious& of it.
3d. He goes*: Long Brandi in ihot leather,
apd there "insults the American people • by
driTing in public a dog-eart "which it is yel
ler." 1 r
These are the points in (hoax ' s todictment,
and I am afraid that they *ill prove too many
for; me and I must go for Gwyn perforce.
BuS, dear Mr. Editor, are these terrible charges
.role ? I ask in all innocence, though condder
ably confused by what appears at iint sight an
incimaisteney on the part of the ineffable HOW
• (L, namely : his being the Candidate of
Wei i. M. Twazo, 2Entrioat VANCE aidiutzasos
DATIS However, It may appeai that these
gentlemen are fit exponents of an honest can.
didate likeßaxsurr.
T i he Guam men of our borough seem to be
waiting for something to turn up. If I only
could be conyincal that Gam is n't a "tau.
0u .. ; and a "Nub," a "Ocean," or above all,
a " epotiao' I believe that I would turn in
an try to turn up something for him. •
i nt , dear me I none of my aneesters aver vot
ed or would rote Lfor a " nepotist "; and yet
every bar room bummer denouncesrnepottam,"
and I hive half a mind to be ono just for ro
spettability's sake. Well, dear sir, I shall look
for Ellightennielit in your next Issue. In the
mes t utime I shall be as agriculturataa possible.
S. I forgot to -state what geod qualities
are daimed for Mr. Gamer, fitting him in an
eminent degree for Executive and Chief Nagl
er:ad of our great Republic. Well it is claim
ed tluit he wears an old white hat; I and don't
care a darn whether his pints are properly
tucked in his boots or not. This u [ 'to his per
. Morally, he takes high ground, con
sidering all mankind who diftr from him on
=4, subject, liars and villains. Alas l poor
Mil C. . Csoss keeps n.lfull line
fine stationery.
71 Go to the Bee Hive for your'
tscry, Gloves, etc.
Especial attention is called to
Ithildren's line of Hosiery. Bee Hive store.
New Suits at the BCO Hive for
Orday, drily CB.
Job work, of every description,
ly and expeditiously executed at lulls office:
sp.. Dress buttons, Fringes and
Trhwintings, at the 800 Hive.
plir Handsome " Jet Sets for
$1.2 4 ', at the Bet hive Store.
mg. The American Sewing 31a- .
cbcni3 is tliC'bek
36., An oflicient nurse) or
2kr grl. Apply at tho Deo five.
1. Flour and Food nE retail, at
idlSte'aal Flour Mills, delivered free.
fie,•stone Clothing Palace,
Blaiu, street, next to First National Batik.
14*,.. Fine boots made to order at
L. LI. MooDT S cob.
The best lot of Marble Tables
non Soria.
tom,. If you want m good Corn Ctil
valik, call upon IL 31. WELLEs for the best.
iteS—Ground Plaster $6.00 per ton,
at Totwanda Steam Flour AMU.
tot— Nitrous Oxid© Gas for extract
ing teictli, at KELLY A; Sraxt.Era.
tom., Cross is supplying his custom
ers Oh &Youth:rig in the line of BooLa and
St aioncry.
lig?. A. large assortment of Brack
ets jatt received at Faoar Soya
stalr. The American Sewing Ma
chim the best.
Mrs. E. J. Miseos has the lar
gest variety of straw goods in this vicinity.
stir Large stock of Red and White
Flour, at lticeata Kottanos'.
v!!..The finest assortment of Gen
tleme4's Bandkerehiefa •in town, at the Bee
Hive !Atom in Mercnea
Grenadine - s, Organdies and
Black Bilks, at the Bee Dire, 2 doom cast of
ft+. Furniture just reduced pet.
cast, it _ Faon NI SoNs.
July:ls, 11)72. •
" Maltese," " Climax,',' and
"Dollar Renard" Soap. Try them. For sale
at I , 11. J. Lo. No's.
st ; -
Grenadines (at cost) at the
pee flue Store.
Imported Silka (at cost) at
lie Brie hive Store.
stir Furniture selling at wholesale
Func SuNs.
Jnly 15,1872.
1114. RIDGEWAY X. EVERETT, at the
fled, White: Blue Store, aro the first to giro
noticel.that they hare reduced the price on
their Tea, Colti;c and Tobacco, in
. accordance
with the new duty law.
Beaver Brand Alpaccas, (a
cyst) I t the Ike Hire Store.
Linen 'Old Straw Goods at
exceedingly low rater, at N. Gotosurres Key
stone iClothing Palace, Main street, neat to
First Sational Dank.
A* Elegant Organdies (tit' nest
at tlictcc Hive.
sear Hats and Bonnets, an elegant
assortrient, at the Boe Rive.
ai r Mrs. E. J. Mrssos has just re
ccivc,r the Madame Foy Corset Skirt Stitporter
in all ho bites.
-.z Baby wagons aro a necessity
of the !season, and WICSLIA3I IlLscac have knit
a new Most. Prices from $3..93 upward.
• I,
INA.llosiery and Gloves, (at cost
at thefnec Hivc:
Ira. E. J. Mn oos has inskre
ccirolls fresti supply of ladies• tiea and bows,
in all the'new shades.
Houses and Lots for sale, on
easy monthly payments, or to Bent.
opfir street., Towanda, Pa.—tt
ma r ' For 'fine clothing, inspect N
Goinsiarra's immense stock, Slain street, nos
to Ft i t National Bank.
plO- The best assortment of Gents'
Punisixing Goode, at N. Gcm.Dsignies r.pystone
Clothirtg Paace. _
sk*- More Spring and &Omer
Gail.; int N. Goi.i , :,nrrn's Keystone Clothing
ratker ,'
JAMES B. Joussos, foriuerly
with Mix t 31cCala, and more recent* clerk
tor co4zu sr. blsea, itas purchased the stock
of the fitter firm, and is now carrying on tie
grocery{ business. From • twig scquairlanco
with Mr. Joiro, take ;,rent plcsiitire in
ICCOT.ll2lelitiiiig LOW lo t.. p. 1.1 • ii,;r ni 11-
ing anything in hiq linc. lic is At thoold stand
of Cowast.
loms , If
r 0; Plain & 13•3212 have" last
me& a geed Moltke* in the prim it Pod.
tun ci
0572 'daft. Clone and see.
hii 1.
le. A large and desirable assort
meat of Trimmed Hata sad Moneta, at very
low prices, at the riga of the Big Barnet.
N' it you want a Refrigerator,
drop In at Wxzmut lc Braces and examine
the "Palace," acknowledged to be the very
Just lisesmax—A fresh supply of
Black Alpacas, Striped Grewsdeens. 7speneso
Stripes, rennin, Brown and White Linen, Grass
Cloth, Prints and Shawls, for the Snnuner
trado, at B. A. Psrrss & Co.
US. LArratrs tt. Moslem, manufao
toren of those celebrated spectacks, have
changed their agency from J. livormeues to
Dei-The Universal White Woven
Tucked Skiri, and all kinds of hoop Skirls and
Bustles, can be had very cheap at B. A. Paints
& Co's.' • *
star Buy your Tea, Coffee and
Spices at the Bed. White and Blue TIM Stare,
Bridge street, 'rewinds, Pa.
llxDoew.►r d EVLUETT.
SEEP II you don't know what yon
want in tho Book and Stationery line, call on
C. F. Cams.
IN6-75 cents per pound for good
Chewing Tobacco, at the Bed, White- and Blue
Store, Bridge street Towanda, Pa. Try it and
see for yourselves.
Messrs. JUNE & Lams have
for sale paper water pails,- wash bowls, etc.
Thom who hate used these articles pronounce
them far superior to tin.
ter Tube, Firkins,. and Tubs ; a fine lot of
Ashton Balt, sold at lowest figures.
*sr Now is the time to buy sugar
cheap, u it always atirancee durini.the Sum
mer season. McCue Entrun's hate a large
run Sm..r.:—A large building lot
on Poplar street. Size 88:131 feet. Would
make two goal - lots. New barn on Lack end.
Will lie sold cheap, as the owner wishes to
leave loin.: Terms easy. Enquire at this of
• 1 The best place in town to buy
fine family flour is at hie Cant, S Encestins'.
They, deal in the finest brands, and warrant
every package sold.
mar For first class insurance
against loss or damage, or firo or lightning,
call at WIMMAX h BLACK'S Agency. -
Do you want a sowing ma
chine, and do-you inow . that the Singer never
disappoints ?. After seven years' experience we
can truly say that the Singer does give satisfac
tion.' WICKEIAM & BLACK, Agents.
26.. We would call attention to
the fact that Messrs. Gost k Idellanox, Ilcr•
chant Tailors, have on hand the finest assort
inent of Cloths, Suiting; etc., ever opened in
!Towanda. They have a first-class Cotter, and
Warrant all their work. Can and see them.
One door 'east of Mercur's Bank.
Excmazon WATIM DIUWEII, or
biaprored Well Curb and Bucket. A good de
mand is syringing np for this convenient affair.
It is a good thing. Give the Excelsior Water
Drawer a trial and yon will like it. It. M.
J. a FUOST \S; SONS wish to
put a Woven Wird Mattress in every house In
Towanda, on a month's trial, and if it does not
snit them, they will call and take it away. Now
is your time to get perfect sleep. Be sure you
try, and then you will buy.
• par The Sullivan Anthracite is the
Coal for Spring and Summer use. Nothinglike
lt. It kindles easily, makes a quick fire, and
can be u small as desired, a quart burning is
readily as a bushel. It never dies out, burning
all down to white ashes, end renders coal sieves
of no farther use. Tho pleasantest and cheap;
est in this or any other market for domestic
Wma> & MolcramT,
Solo Agcntd
1e Our enterprising furniture
dealers J. 0, Filen' & Sons, have secured the
agency for. the celebrated Wakefield Earth
Closet, and have an.assortment on hand. The
Earth Closet has been tested for several years,
and gives universal satisfaction wherever need.
For the sick room it is almost a necessity.
FUESU FLOWERS.—As the Summer
has opened with its genial breezes and lovely
Sowers, B. A. Prrrns t Co. have the best selec
tion of Millinery Geode and Flowers in Towan
da, for the lowest prices, at the sign of the Big
Bonnet. 4
11016. Have you ever paid any atten
tion to the question, " Will it pay me to buy
and use a Wheel hay and Gleaner Rake in
place of the 'good old I:evolver ?'” If not, it is
worth your while to do so. Like a sensible
fanner, send to It. Id. War LE4 Towanda, for a
copy of his Illustrated and Descriptive Cata
sitr.Tho -edition of the Road and
Poor Laws of this chanty, eompiled by Capt..
W. EL CARNOCUAN, ill limited, and township
officers who desire to procuro copies, ghoul
apply soon. The work is for sale at this 'office.
.a number of very good - Wheel Rakes, each hav
ing some gobd quality ; but, all things consid
ered, the Tompkins County Wheel Lake ice be
lieve to be the beat ; and then it has, as an at
tachment, the best .11road-Cast Plaster, Grain
and Grass-Seed Sower now known. . _
iter-GonE & McMartort ,havo re
moved their 'Merchant Tailoring establishment
to the store of-N. (hitmsxrrit, ono door south
of the Natiundllank, where they will be plea&
ed to see their friends. They have engaged a
vlothes scoarer and aro prepared to do any.
thing In that line.
Fishionablo Tailors, for your
Spring Clothing. They have the beat stock of
Cloths, Cassimcres, etc., in town. Particular
attention paid td Jurimilo Clothing. All work
warranted. Ono door cut Mercur's Bank.
, ter In order to make preparations
for our Fall stock, we will sell our Spring and
hammer goods at low Agues. It will therefore
be to your interest to ciuntne our stock, u we
sell the cheapest at the Keystone Clothing Pal
Fon SALE.—The lot now occupied
by the Public School House on Second and Pine
Streets, is offered for Rile. The lot has a front
age of 225 feet on Second s•seet, and 77 feet en
Me. The property will be sold in one lot, or
in lots to snit purchasers.
A Cum. — 7 l take this method of re
turning my sincere thanks to the citizens of
Bradford county for the liberal patronage they
have bestowed upon mo this put season ; and
a continuance of the same being an unCoubted
fact, as our goods have given, and always will
give, satisfaction. We aro having manufactur
ed in Philadelphia the largest and cotn
plete stock of Fall and Winter wxxls ever seen
In Bradford county, Messrs. 0 unr..k Sl.tno r,
the popular and stylish merchant tailors, are
locatcd In our establishment, and are prepared
to take your orders for r 501... -
stock of Gent.' T. • : • • •
11112T3.9. : • , .. •. . .
my T., 51..1". I. pri
N. I toi.volitiTn.
'Key tone Clothing
ZMmtiita IdAciiiikcisAL M. Wau.
it *Mid to suppty HossePoirerramesh
logNaobiaos otarrtilescrfptiou s or from our
leaping mad best minufrotarers.
INIr Linen, Braids and Coils, and
Usk Goods, in gnat variety, Just iccelved st
B. A. lirrnts k. Cot
Mr McCar. & EDWARDS have re- -
°dyed a largo inrotee of lea and coffee since the
rein:rad of the linty, and offer their customers
bargains. -
stir J. W. BliillOP is prepared to
furnish tkketi to all parts West and South-
West at the lowest Wes. Us will also ilea es
elusion tickets to Niagara Falls, good for 10
days 'tor 119. Baggage checked through.
aft. AU persona having good, fat
Veal Calves will find market for them at good ,
prices by delivering them to Wysauldng,
on Wednaday, July Sl, between the boars of
4 and 7 r. ir; Qsoaae Sxrru.
C. S. Haulm has returned to
this place and opened a new Lames' shop our
lizrzux k 2dura.ocies Meat Market. Being a
practical workman, ho is perfectly competent
to aele:t good stock, and giro satisfaction in
th,omannfacture of all work in his line. 'lie
should reedy° a share of public patronage.
DEW or NlJlClALL—Excungloti tickets to the
galls and return, can be procured at our upper
Depot for the moderato sum of 190,1150,
through tickets to all the prinolpid,points West
and South-West via. Erie, Atlantic and Great
Western, Grand Trunk and Great Western
Ballways. 'J. W. Btiuor, a regular authorized
agent for the above ticket, is always on band,
and passerigers *III find it to their interest to
secure tickets at borne and havd their baggage
checked through.
lia-The famous Busquehluana Min
eral.Bpripg House, located in Bush, &aqua
harm Co., Pa., is now ope 6 for the reception
of guests. On account of the beantY l of its
scenery, tho' purity of its air, and its invaluable
medicinal springs, few places offer greater at
tractions, both to pleasure seekers and invalids
than This delightful summer resort. The water
of the Stuluchannal3fineral Spring Is a spe
cific for allikidney or urinary complaints, dys
pepsia, rheumatism,' constipation, liver com
plaint, salt-rheum, erysipelas, etc. Bath houses,
stables, horses and carriages, are kept In con
nection with the Rouse. Passengers should
leave the Lehigh Valley Railroad at lieshop
pen from whence stages leave for the SprThgi
the arrival of the Philadelphia Express.
For particulars send for circular. Address,
A. D. Dtrrrrurrumyt Deo.,
Snstrichauna springs, !lush, Pa:
July 17, 1872, Gt.
How TO Go Wisr.—This is nn en
quiry which every ono should haro truthfully
answered bcforo ho starts on his journey, and
a little care taken in examination of routes will
in many cases save much trouble, limo and
The "C. B. At. Q. R. R.," mining from Chi
cago, through Galesburg to Burlington, and
the "I. B. A W. Route," running from Indian
apolis; through Blooinington to Burlington,
have achieved a splendid reputation in the last
two years as the leading Passenger Router to
the West. At Burlington they connot with
the B: 11. It. It., and form , the great Burling
tonßoute, which rims direct through Southern
lowst:to Nebraska and Ransis, with close con
nee4ons to California and tho Territories; and
passengers starting ftom Bradford county, on
their way westward, cannot do better than t:
take the Bunuserro Bora-
This Line has published a pamphlet called
"how to Go West," which contain4much valu
able information ; a large correct fnap of the
Great West, which can be obtained free of
charge by addressing the General Pasknger
Agent B. A M. R. IL, Barlingtou,--lowa.
lage Canip-tneeting" is to be held in Towanda,
Pa., to commence Monday, Augicuil. 5, and last
through the week. The serrie.* irill corres
pond in 'tin respects with those held in an ordi
nary Camp-meeting, except that they will be
held mainly in the church. '
We earnestly desire that the meeting should
bo largely attended, not only by our own citi
zens but by friends from abroad ; and we pro
pose for their accommodation—
Ist. To furnish board, in regular boarding
houses ata lower rate than it can be furnished
it Camp-meeting boarding, tents.
2d. To all desiring it we will furnish without
charge. rooms t in private houses conveniently
near, which will certainly be equivalent to tar
nishing free tents, also with privilege of access
to the kitchen-stove. . -
3d. In daso the number of oar visitors should
be greater than our accommodations, the
Church it4elf, with its' lecture room, class
rooms and(cook om, stove, etc., would far-
Isiah a tar more comfortable temporaty abode
than tents of canvas or of green boards in the
woods, while access to the bakeries will pre
clude the necessity of bringing murlif rooted
provision in their line.
Our friends from atroad are assured that
this invitation is hearty, and that we will do all
in our power to,make their stay with us, pleas
ant, while we mutually seek to build Ono an
other up in faith and holiness.
We will nriikrtake the entertainment of our
ministerial brethren, and earnestly invite them
to conic. There will be plenty to do. Open
air preaching once a day in the prlblie square,
is one feature of our programme.
Rev. Dr. Ilezrrmorox will be h attendance
most of the time, and other experienced and
distinguished laborers from abroad have keen.
Ministers and brethren of ilthrr denomina
tions are cordially invited to participate in the
Tabora and nlesviinTs of War Meeting.
• 0. 11. (1111.qrsx,
- Paster K r!,nrch
Towanda, July 23, 1872.
„yds— The universal satisfaction tha
Lo ur~•Ks has gireh to all who , hare n.-4..(1 it
is a snfli , lent reason for farmers who iutc•nd
buying machines for the llarveseof 1872, to ca
amine the many points of superiority and ad
vantages claimcJ fur it and give it a practical
examination and test in the field before Laying.
asmiich as Mowing Machine Manufacturers,
and their r gents, have denied the points of su
periority possessed by the. Direct Drift Eureka
/lower, to prejudice purchasers, not acquaint
ed with its ments, therefore I am authorized
by the Eureka Mower Company to make the
following offer :
That the Direct Draft Eureka 3louer will
meet in competition during the coming harvest
AND BEAT any mowing machine on -the side
cut principle, on tho following points,:
Ist—Time cif cutting.
21—N1er expended. -
3d—Quality of work RLirh refers to the
manner of !caving the grass by the machines
for curing, and the condition of the stubble.
4th—Time of enring the grass 1110 tedder to
be used) and quality of hay.
The choice of time and piriee fur the tt ial to
be drawn for.
This trial must include any or all of the fol
lowing, that the committee may require :
The cutting of standing 'and
,lodged grass
and heavy tangled clover. Cutting also on
ion& ground, stony ground, stumpy ground,
to orchards, on lido hills, on low bottom mead
owe, and on marsh 'or swamp ground. The
contestants to deposit fl,ooo—that is, f 250 on
each of the above named points.
The sttceessful party shall donate the amount
received from tho others at follows t one-half
to the Homo for tho Friendless in Poughkeep
sie, and one-half to a benevolent institution to
bo named .by the party accepting this chal
S. W. AuonD,
P. D. Monsow,
S. W. Dooormi,
That manufacturers, their agents, and Firs.
chasers not familiar with the Eureka Slower,
maybe assured that we moan 'business, I far
ther offer a Waltham Gold Watch worth $230
to any mannfa'•tnrer ofmowingtuachincs Who
will aceeptl the above Challenge, -and if this
shall is to net accepte..l before ttte coming
haying, ec re!+pce•lfully regot at all p-ra.tna to
make no further btatimenta 26 to what I! e
Eureka C.ANNOT do, but leave the Eacrs Ls to
wing it CAN no to thdae who know from use,
and are willinr, nthers'shall use and knovr. •
ISAAC W. WHITE, President.
... •
r•-0 -u-s1 N. Y., rob. 14:
i• :I
13. ',era! Agent, Co., N. Y.
4 •
Ititiccrcts. Huotwitro • ..•
Rao& • will
z rrin d, p a. A CI V I Tr ikI ,C
• •
sir As Oneolthikielegsies to the
ceediteumal 'Couilmtioeorp woul4„ptcoput
the narna - of llonictiVrtztarts; * of A fl
la nut a county week am therskettneadAsit
oPposo or aid any , other. i l orninstiou. ott the
.core of locality. We alum would ba well rc
Wm/ thinghout the MAO. and the *dot,
and all who know him would cooddo Cti hia
character and gnalincattona. Let his curio bo
talked up all aver the county.
Bram= Eptic.azios.--Ate 11#A.Irr
and firasrros Barak. • Desirous College and
Telegraph Institute, established in 185 i, and
still under the numignment of J. C. Uri*
ic Box, is the most practical and popular hilli
ness school in the oceintry.
Penmanship, Commercial Lair, Telegrap h ing,
Banking, Commission, Brokerage, eta, ;etc.,
taught by actual practice. Students assisted
in ionizing business positions.' Papal load
circulars sent (roe to all who will address J. C.
Bus= & So:4, Harsco, N. Y.
•sly. A preparation so widely and
farcrably known as HAW, Vegetable
Hair Renewer, needi few words of praise from
us. This compound has roe its way to the
highest favor in the public Iliad; and multi
tudes, who have vatniy used other remedieelbr
therosteration of their hair, have, ou trytu;
the Sicilian Renewer, been made glad by ',the
speedy restoration of their gray bate tolls nat.
oral color, and the thin locks thickened up; as
in the days of early youth. It Lb* prevents_
the hair falling out, makes it soft end glossy,
and is altogether the best preparation kr its
intended proposes before the public.--Pitta
burg Chromic*. -
as: Mr. Eva= Bmox, a studen' t
in Larayetto College, is in town as agent for
the publications of tho American Tract Society.
These books are both excellent in character,
and reasonable in price.' They are deserving
of the attention of Christians of all denomina
tions, and especially of teachers.
The New Testament with Notes, the Bible pic-
Bantry, the Companion to tho Bible, Sacred
Geography and Antiquities, and HANNA'S Igo
of Christ, will be found of great advantage and
interest to all who desire to know moo of- t:he
Word of God.
ROBERTS—SUTTON.--At the M. E. Parson
age, Skinner's Eddy, Pa., July 9 2, 1872. by
Bet. P: It. Tower', Mr. Win. Roberts of Line
Hill, Bradford Co., Pa. and Miss Phcrho A.
Batton, of Cbartestocrri, Susquehanna Co.
W-ILCOX—MELVILLE.—In Albany, Ps. Drily
20, 1872, by Rev. G. IV. Sterigero gr. Minor
WiUcoz, of Albany, to Misa ,of
LOGAN—LATHEOP.—JuIyII, a.the tesideriii)
of, and by. Silas B. Camp, Esq., Mr. William
• Logan and Miss Mary Lathrop, all of Fillmore
Go., Neb., the bride formerly of Wyalnaing,
IVELLIAMS—BOUSE.—At Wrens .Parsonage,
• Thursday evening, June 6, 1572, by Rev, r.S.
F. Colt, Mr. Jackson Williams to Mina Elects
DOllllO, both of Standing Stone. •
WRIGHT—GRANGER.— At the residence of
the bride's father, Gen. T. Oralutcr; Tut sdiy
evening, July 16. 1872, by Bev. S. F. Colt,
Mr.-Newton K. Wright tn Miss Eleanor Ainall
• da Granger.
POPE:—In Ilingliampton, on the 17th instat4.
Thomas O'llara, only child of Angie 0. atvl
Wm. P..• Pope, jr., and grandson of finsannlth
and F.. 0. Goodrich, aged 4 months and 2.5.
days. .i
TOZER.—At Troy, Pa., Friday night, July 12.
1872, of consumption, Nettie, wife of James
B. Tozer, aged 7S years.
Weir Thomas Maddocks, Producp
Commission 'Merchant, 220 PeunFylvatda Ave
nue, Scranton, Pa. Butter; Eggs, Lard, CiseeFe.
Frnita, Potatoes, &c., &c. Consignments soli
cited, and returns promptly.' made on , cab .of
Goods. References cheerfully, given. Corms
i Dr. W. B. KELLY, Dentist, cif
Towanda. will bo at Dr. Eves ollice,in
ton, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday of next:week. Giro Lim a
July 23*.
New Adverthiseats.
Arci,EA produce oT.will ß from C)r 3 to 10 A lln IC be .' 1 7
more to the acre than theXedetrariean, stand: the - wintr full as well tail ripttna full la soon awl la I
bald wheat. Three Dollars rep brishel or ope dol
tar per peek.
July 19, 1812.
NOTICE.—AII persons in - !:
debted to the late firm of J. IitEIIIDETH
00.. will please call at 'T. Muir & Co.•s store and
settle Immediately. or costs will be made. The act
counts' ore in the bands of T. Marideth for settler
mont. J. MEBIDETU i CO.
Tawazult July 11. 1872.—m3.
1?11131. FOR SALE—The subsem
L' ber offers for sale bin farm isitoM WY
e in -
altuting twp., about .2 miles from Camplowg on
Lime Bill. containing about 106 acres; 60 acres at:.
der intprowernent and srell fenced. buildings is good
condition. Terms—Ono half of purchase Money
will be required at time of sale, baLsnoe oa time to
snit purchaser. For further Iparticulars call on tin%
subscriber on the premises, or eAktrens hint at Lime
MIL Bradford County, Pa. i
.1:437 19. 1872.-4 we B lIIIAMIALL.
TOIVA:I 4 7D . A,
SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1372.
V. w. COLE'S
~'c ~\ T.O \ i'~ ~.
To the Men ItzrrP., Jlonoim eta etrrna, to the
Tltrtr 14 , varate Shrors, to the *title ("trawl Caravan,
On at rhea. Orritholovival and 7trotooft.-41 In
stitute. iii l.
• Mlnilnsion. nn (TAO. ; Children nnd.a.
Act 7 :).-1
1 " 4.` . .-
New Ad
C, • . -
.. ..,.. ~....... ~.
AIITION.--2r ar e here
- by eamtiesed mpluta pole_ give El
lthe metenilmeed to MIL tar ably Poi
ot os or about the 266Jikpe.larletli/
pay hbsiToo
wed so value therefo r. ad w
oMm lallem compelled by Is ' .
.I.*. ' • aimsErsonnrschc
tellaymille. Jnly 20.1872.4-ate
C •
AIITION.L2WIm . as, my wife Lot-
Us has left my bed
~baud without Just
mums or provocation. this la therefore to notify all
gamma splint; Imbuing trusting her em my so4l
sonsoult. sal will par no de ta of her contracting
Men Udll daft, übilit ectopeDed by larh
• ,-; Bum July 18, 1872 . -.-
SOR rimurzcso
itAft Aavismixs.
_ A medic:hie that cores is • rat public bkwaing.
AMICIeI liar-sar•auta makes ! positive cure of a ae
ries of complaints, which are always afflicting and
too ellen fetal. It ptiiikes the blood. purge! out
the lurk* humors in the mils*. whichilintrrnidim
health and settle into troublesome disorders. Erup•
ileitiret the skin are the opeareme on the surface
Of humors that 'Muhl be cipolled from the blood•
intorno . dersammenti ire 4 determination of
them mane humors tof- some organ or or•
itses. *how) action they, d go and - - whose sub
stance they Minim and 4( . Ames SAEUTA
awaa expels them humors the blood. When
they are gone, the disorders produce dissypear
mach se miceeshons of the Liver. Stomach, Kidneys
Lungs. SkuPtiOna and Ersrptitel filtssems of the Skin
St. Anthony's i'ire.` limo or Zryetzlas, Pimple.%
Pustules, Blotchce. Lolls, Tam ma. Teeth' and salt
Shrum. Scald Head., 1ti...p....! „ Ulcers and Berm,
aboupiattam, NcuralgV, Pain la' the Pones, Side ,
and head, Tousle Walnicas, a lkrility, Lencontwes
arising fr om Internal uleierstl and Merton disease,
Dr•PitY. -1 4•PoPsia. Emaciation, sad illelpral Mcbll-
Sy. With their departure health returns.'
' eitsiturEco`wv
Arid mold by Druggists allund the World. _
-. Dr. 11. C. POICSI2B. 80 71. Wholosalo agents
Towanda. Ps.. sad for gala • dealers throughout
iba conts , . . biep.i."l3
TMINER & pomp
ii _.
. ~.
Marlin; extetut .ely repaired atom at the old
stand. base re opened with a arge , new aha well
selected shelf; - ronsiating of ' '" 4
Acr;3, rxra:xcrfs,' ELIXIII.9 1111213.4.- SVGA.Tt-
330TAMe. BGLEc e - rie A1c11) 1:107.0T3TE lc
1.1.12111113, •
rur Wi11422111 ra. sea.
• I
More than the usual care and at ration given to the of Pre s crip t ion s . l Open Sundays,
from 0'c10ck.9.19.,t0 1 p.m. le from 6 p.m. to . ; pm.
Dr. Ha DILL can be consulted at the store on Sat.
cirdny of
.caelt week. ii heretofore,.
n. Trimun.
W . 0.
Tows May 7. 1872.
R.L1,235: k Mr S WOUL/111.:.
I.IusIEUY (11.0 , 1 - ks, tii.EILCUIEII;,
Towanda. July 25, 1872.
I-I. A TZ NV A. R.
At the old stand C Ilirshall Brother:, in .
and examine oar goods andTritees. We EaVe a
large and Mali selected stock of
STIAT:d& uuVSE 1;k111N1.11{11C0 aeons
tit all Ends. Tamers and Builders will dud that
Ms Is the place to tiny llardwarc ni the
AVer have adopted the cisir-sys - rnk, as we are eat-,
iafted Ste in the only correct arid rate way or &inv.
burliness. We Quill pay rpechti Attlee to mane
tactininit.Tinware and alt kin or Jobbing at
the lowcti rates.
W..: hate rOVII wooDrApsW.
7.ns wmch no oft .'.2r for $Sh rich, 1 ) doer out th.
o, Anicca. Yoxt rar,r.ot thy or.f oq ll3/I:Ar t ,'
tr.r 4, 4 thin 114..
Dn. 1. C. AY= & CO, fArrinz,.
PILIICTICAL /\541,1.1.14,C1137111M15.
ralxo.N . s
And all
laid a Fin; Aattortra4ni of
Axe balaig
. ,
... .
- l'gr c.4§1.1. theircutirt... titua ..1
'N. • .
1 .
\--• •
DliE;# s G 0101)-S
_, _
1 win li
Age'ncy ofibe .1
Are Just rrertvinr,
Towancl". Jnly 11, 1871.
•-• IL LE Vl':
(O RPHANS' coirirt - sALR—BY
virtue of an order awned out of the Orphans:
Court of nendrord Connty, tbe,Mlerslgned guar.
dian of the - Mate of °emir Warner,' Flavin° War
ner; Josephine Warner. and, Edgar Werner , rano"
children of gamier Warner. late of Pike tirp.,
will expose to potato sale on the premises, Thn".
day:August 8. 1872, commencing at rine o'clock p.
nu. the following described lot. plea or. parcel of
land 'ikon, in a twp., bonded as follows:
Beginning at a stake and atones being the north
east coo. of the herein 'described let of lona, and
also mime of Afartsh 'Champion's land; thence
smith along the line of the said Champion's and a
lot owned by Geo. C. Atwood tis perchento a Make
and stones; theme west along the *oh of said
Champion's land 18 and 3.10 perches to a corner of
James R. Agneuel- land: thence north along the
line of the said Agnew 87 perches to a coo. in The
line of said Champion's land: thence smith 85 deg.
east IC per. along lino of said Champion to place
of beginning: containing 9 acre., mono or lass. ho.
proved, with an old house and barn and few fruit
tree thereon.
I A,
T 111131,8—525 down and balance on eousmation
of sale. I)ETSEY .1. WITMER.
Jnnel2.lr4 Guardian.
To Bella Adams.—No. Feb. term. 1872.
Non are hereby notified that John Q. Mama, your
husband. nu applied M the 'court of common pleas
of Bradford co.. for a divorce from tho bonds of
matrimony, and the said court has appointed Mon.
danthe 24 day of September, 1872, for hearing the
said John ha the premises. at • which timo and
place yon can attend If you think proper.
inl.ll.wt J. P. VAN FLEET. Sheriff.
To George Peon^r.—No. 232; Feb. T. 1872.
Ton am hereby totiiiNt that Clot:lna ToPfu - r, your
wife. by her next friend, S. milt. 'hag applied
to the court of common pleas of limilfor,l 'county,
for a clivor , A from the botobr rf matr!moriv. and the
paid court hart appointed Morality. the 2d day of Sep
tember. 1972. for hearing the paht Clemina yin the
prrtulirea, at which time and darn rout ran, attend if
you think proper. e J. I'. V.17+.: FLEET.
July Mari Sheriff.
To EdwaitlO.Dayiex.--No. BSI, Sept. T., 1.571.
Ton are hereby nottfte I that Lola Darien your
'Mfr. by her next friend:Charlet, Sheldon Ita , ,
plied to the court of common pleas :of Bradford
cortnty, for a dtvorre from the honda of matrimony
suit the esid court hae aptvtlnted Monday, the 2d
Mather, 1872. for hearinz the 831 , 1 Loi4
premium, at which time and plaee you can the.
you think proper. J. P. VAN r . „Ers .
July 11-w4 • - Sheriff. -
To Ed war d re,, 202 , Feb T., 1872
Ton are hereby nOtidod thate Jennie -Spicer, your
wife. by her next friend. ar;•rn N. Wolfe, has spotted
to the court of coutrantjntbaS of Bradford county,
ter 8 divorce trona the 7 eCoutsof matrimony, and the
- said eourt has alalst r ;eted Monday. the 2d day of Sep.
tember.lB72, for ' , mariner tho said Jennie In the prem.
11,44. at which Vane and race von can attend If you
aaiylthink proper-. • r ' P. VAN' MEET.
In the matter °film incorporation of the " Brad
ford I.n.arf and Building Association of Athena town.
thin. Pa."-Nn. 3ati. Sept. Term. 1872.
Notice to hereby' eiven that the 'above named
Podety has presented to the Court of Common
Pleas of Bradford County their article of Aes cot atiot
atkimr for a decree of inftrporation • and the said
CoUrt havinu ermined the same. and !Indira them
correct, will decree_ that they be Ineorporated ae
prayed for. on Monday; 4th day of Schicnther.
1874 et 2 o'cicick nnlesa ratuk. he Phown to
the contrary. W. A: TnoarAs. -
Jlll.l • proftr.notary.
• .
Auprrairs- NOTICE. - :Tames
Can Dyke rs. ITarry Mix aryl W. T. Dishoit
—Tn. the Conrt.ot Common fleas of Drailfor.l coun
ty. No. 32i1. Dee. T ., IQtlt l .
The undersigned, having been appointed Auditor
by Rata Conrt to diktrihnte money arising room the
Sheriff's sale of defendants real estate. will perm/
to the duties of Rat ii anointment on WEDNESDAY
the Tfh day of ACTT - +T. 1572. at 2 Wel° p. m., at
the cifilee - of the Auditor to the born:lntl of Towan
da, at which limo and 'place all persona havion
elatrnit on pattl money are make the same
lief.ire sail Amlitor, or be debarred front eenttng In
upon Pat.! fens. " . PEFT,
-jvly It, 15,72.--tw. Anditoit
Lanin”. sQ. w. T. rt.theo. tit --in tl,- ceurt's.f
Common Pleas of 'Tfrailis-,r.1 2,1;1,
deem. 18':g,
The rtrilerßiontiljacinz auditor
by said Court to ffiS . tcit NT:le r from
Sheriff's Rale of Defendant's r , cstat attond
to the ilottes-of said anno'rd-12nt" TITUTiSDAY.
the. Bth day of .krGrii . r. 15;72..t 2 an.. at
the entire of the Auditor in C.: , P. , 0r0n...1) of Tc , :cantla
at whfell time and litaee a:I ttlaitne
On said mottoy are retritr,l to ntaltetn. F:4110 Lefore
!Ratil Auditor. or be ilel.arr.,l from eoniinz in upon'
fnnit. . TrFicr. - ; PEET.
.Inly It, 1872.—.11r. • Aml.tor.
A uD.r.cons NOTICE.--Tolin Ca
ning nao vs. D. J,, °trashy and .J , .ho A. Parop.
the Court of ,Comelrn /lradMrd
Connty. No. 2:l4 . Seat- T.. Isn).
- The nntlersiuned, do Anditer 1.7 said
enure to , distribute roomy.; ...Theriff'S
sale of defendant's real atleni to the (12,..
ties of said appointment al the onlee of Overton k
rlshree, in the .BerOnah of Tow'anda, nn SATT - ft-
DAY': the lkt day of AUGU.ST. 18:2. at 'I Op'elnetr. a.
where all 'persons haying claims nnen' paid fends
are required to present there or be steharrea from
comir.g in upon said fund.
N. C. ET.F.11.11171..t,a1it0-.
./..1-.l4Otlce is, hereby river: that ail persons
ed to the estate of J. P. ALLEN. lato of ITTSJV
township. dee'tl. art , rtknosteit to-make immediate
payment, and all rrervorts hayloft claims against said
estate must present the F - : - /IP doly antlientiented for
settlement. • - M. H. LANINti,
- jnly "72.-.443 Administrator.
-.LA:. ~ .NrOtlee IS hereby eivon that all re-son v. Intleitr d
to thershte of PATRIC - E COTTER; late of 21.vaio,
cleceasod, are requested to make totme3late
parment, and all persons having clalma-arattott
said estate nin,t present thorn delat anthnntieate'
for settlement. • THOMAS COTTER,
July 11.1.2ttv. -Admints.fratar.
iNetkv. li:nrlrr - Rivrn ti sin pe'rs.6‘nic ind,:bteti
to qt 6 estate of ;JAMES ESPY, late of Stand/tie
Stone, dec'd,:, mood make Lmmeclixte f‘nymacnt, - -
ant all persons having c tale against exit estate
meat ,prerent tliont duly anthettteated for settle.
ment. . T. F. ESPY.
it. r. TSPP,
July. 11, "72-Cir. Executors.
- p X.E C T 0 .R'S NOTICE. - ---
.ALANotiee is Itirretry atvon that all persona indebrell
tn the eathte of ninmy BENJAMIN. late of Avy
-111111, decd. aro .requested to make immediate
-- pavrot , nt, and all persons haring claims arainvt sZCd
ostzto tunst presort them drily anthentleat , l ttrr
sett/uncut. . • J IC. IRVEsrP.
July 11, 1172.—f t _ F..x0c01.-ra.
-FXEC Vi'Oß'S NOTICE —Notice
i II hereby clven that all rersons Ireh , hted to
the state of ALLF:N.. TILLOTSON late of Leßoy.
deed. are reonesied to make irumodiate parr:mt..
and all 'persona havinct' claims ioainst said estate
mnst prcsoat them duly: authenticated for /wale.
I moot. ^ ' IT. PARKIIHRST.
July 11, '7l. Executor.
NO:ire is hereby given that all pervom, indcht
to the estate of 3011 CHILSON, derraFe,l,
late of Warren. are regne , te4l to make itronedb
ate ftayvtl. ent. tiud all permna having claims; suainat
staid estate mast presort thorn doh- anthentiont , “l for
settlement. • • szt.Tu - L7 DrNc.vs:
Jnly 11, ISl2.—fhT: . Etventer.
A UDlTOR'S—Norricr,.—lll
matter of the estate of deed.
.lo the Orphan's Court of Bradford yennty.
The nriderMitned, an Autllfer, appointed by raid
Conrt to tibttribrite funja 10 the Ittttls of the Evee
uteri; of said e.ttate, will attend to tlnvatitieg of Knell
anpoiniutent at the oebte r.l,bree. in
the Ttorongh of Towanda, or. FRIDAY, the tOth dor
of AraUST.IB7I. at 10 rt . ,•lock. a, in., where all
prnonaltay . ing elaitua • roma said binds innst pre-
Kent them or ba debarred fret, eon:it:2ln omen the
Jaly 11, '1872.-4w.
Kotler, is horeby-ricers that all persons trAebted
thn ectite of Erastnig IT. Smith.. late of Tovramla
'biro', deed. are r.eittestcd to tilako luiMAdiato var.
recut. and all pernovi -having claims attainal said re.
tab' intmt prescid tho pcamo (Mir attthenticated for
settlement. ,n. 0. smrrn.
:Imell..r; ' Excnters.
-- - -
Igtro Et Brother.
A . Notice la trexPke given that all persons indebt
ed to the: eatato OT Charlef, L. Arnold. late of NkTarren.
decomd. aro' retineatea to make Immediate payment
and all pemons laving claims against WA estate
mnat.preaent the Ramo duly ae.thenileated ' fee t
tlerner VARY A. mr.coLn,
Sttncti-n - t7 • G. W. ITAIT.DY:
ITOIrg NOTlCE.—Reberca
A Thompson r.s. iraishsll bros. k Co.. R. T.-
Marshall and W., K.. 'Aim-shall. In thn Cott of
Common Evian of Bradford Cernry, So, !.!.31.rtep.•
Umber term. ISG7..
The undersigned having been aphointed Auditor
11 Bald Court to dtstrihnte 'money arising from the
'Sheriffs sale of defendant's real estate will attend
•to the duties of Said appointment on TUESDAY.
AUGUST 20th. IS T 2, at 2 o'clock. p. in., at the office
'of the Anditor in the Ileren,e,h of Towanda, at which
time and place all persons having claims cn said
money are reqnesto.l to present the same before
said d from eomlnr. in,upon
said fond. Ft.:511.1.1.
- St.iv 17,,1172.-Iw. Auditor.-
Court of the Itriited Stit, A for the Western 'Vs
trict of Pennsylvania. Western l):l.triet of Penn.
the in ter 6 , .rdori F. 3Talon and
A. Cr. Mas'on, am of 6. F. 3f ann . : .k Banks
.rurta -
'Western Distriet of Pcnn:sivanii, to to
give notice, That ou t o liUi day of July. 'A. D.
1) 4 72, a Warrwit. in Ilaniganpt)- - .) , was itiAlled against .
the estate of tior,l9u -31).;,,,ir and A. (;),
-- (Arm of G. F. 31ascin F C 0..) of tho borough of Te
wanda, in the Comity of liradford and State of
NVIIO-11111'0 horn ad' nage .1 trnkropts
on their own petition that the payment . of any
debts and delivery of any property 1 ,- )loiigina to
'Witch Dankrilpte to them or for their use, and thi
trar.sfor or any property - by thein, are forbidden by
; that a tweeting of the Creilltota.of D mk.
rtipts,to prove their debts, and to ehooee one or
more assignee* of their estate. will be held at a
Court of Dankruptc7, to be hoiden at the cilia' of
E. Overton, Jr., in the Dorough of Towanda, Pa.,
before Edward Overton. Jr., Es 1., on the 13th day
of SeptemLer. A. D. DA T, at 10 o'clock, a. m.
3 - --
ivxEcuToit'S NOTlCE.—Notice
J Iter..4v t!ivon that/Mt . I ,, rsons in , lehtcd
tho , I;tato EIItiNEZEIL
f- Ty-4.A to mate inintediale paytteht,.
and pt‘re. - 11,1 ttatinv: clattrig a;;ritttt wail
must promlit them •Inly alithruticatM for s,tl . •::-
Iticnt. • • • WM. S. JAYNE,
N , •110 , ` 14 11 . .1. to !I
t. CO , . • ,•I V. t 1
1,1 ft, rt.l4 .:tat. flout
t.-• 1 drily It 4 d rf,r
- • A. IdURDOCIT, •
U. S. Marshal, as Messcbger
• -
. - , ;•. Legal - • -- •
Dlackman!a sum vs. N. D. For. Iroe Irjr.
and SU. MO terns. 1872- Dr; V* *en *Mos/nen
Zees of Itradford Comer._• •
.Thelnufaralgerst, an Molitor IPPOttlith by Mkt
dotirt to dirt:Shute Ampere in libertfrit hands sits.
log from sale of defetuDibt's roil sushi* VUI attejul
t 4 tbe dales of his appointment. *this ones In the
Borough of Telma*, Pa., on TUESDAY tho.thth
day of AUGIBIT, 11172, at 1 "oteSoelb, p. of Auld
day, where all Sevens claims avow seed hunts will
present them or be forever debarred frees the same.
sons w;
Court of the United State for the WeetstMOts.
trict of Pertnerylrania. Western Ellittrld of Penney . ).
rains.' In the matter ritlistaplins: Saltkespt. • .
Western District of Penmuyivants. sa.....korarstat
in Bankruptcy but been luued by the aid emit
aolust the estate of RAIIitY - 1101, ot eoenty
of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania, to said Dia.
triet, adjudged Bankrupt upon Istatttott of Isteeredi
toMpstment of any debtaand the 4eiherirof say pro
party to 'i toted Bankrupt,-to him or to hia
nee, and tbrs of any property by ..bim are
forbidden-by law; that a.meettind nabs creditors of
the said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and choose
ono or morn *Mignon of his *State. will be hell at
a Court of Bankruptcy. to lo) holden-at Towanda.
Pa.. in said District, On the 7th day of August. A. D.,
1972, al P oclock. at then of Edward
Overton, Jr., beroro N. Willard, atiotit the Uegietcra
in Bankruptcy amid Court.
Marabal for said District
mrt of the United States. for the Weisiern
Meter Pennsylvania.
DAVID W. BABSUBITBGEB, h Bankrupt under "
the Act of Congress of litarr:,3_ 2d.1&17; havin g ap.
piled for s.Dinetstrire, from ,his debts, and other •
claims provable under .estd Ana, by order of for
esurt• notice is bers'',y given. to all persons who
have proved their WAR, and other paraons Interea-•
ted, to appear o n
_ t'.oo 26th day of JULY . _ 1852, at In
o'. 17 ... or,torer E. Overton, Jr.. Bari.. Reel&
tee, at his of is In the Barangh - of Towanda. Ps-.
to phew CUP:
if any they have, whys Wilelarge shoald
tokebe granted - to the saidDankrupt. And •
rustics in hereby Om: that the liecond and •
Third . '.4ieefings of Creditors of the sold Bankrupt,
-'tired by the 2 5th and 213th Sections of said Act.
W'4l be held bef ore the said- Register, at the lame
aute and place,. -
8.. C. bIoCAIEDUMB, Clerk.
Jorwr sisowrzon
rucronsr; +sr Iscremitser TO sat cmPinrrnof:
Re it remleed by the &vide (tied - ITotue nl Revieron
tatires of the Coisacostrea/A of ramsyttogir is aerie •
real Argentl,ly met, That the following arnendtnent
the Conatitotion of thlarammonwealth be proposed
to the" people for their adoption or rejection. purgu,
ant to the provisions of the tetith_artitle thereof,'
to wit: • ,
Strike out the sixth section of the sixth article of
the Constitution, and Insert • in lien thereof the fol
lowing: '• A State Treasure* shall be
qualified 'electors of the StatoTat inch times and for -
such terra of service as shalt be prescribed, by
Spc aho'r of the House liepre ELLl siintativia.
JA311:3 - 8. ROTAN„
Speaker' of the Senate.
- Approved the ta•entyeecond day of 312meh.Antio
Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy
two. _ •
3.1f0. W. GEARY.
Preporrd and nertifted for feablication pursuant to
the Teeth Article of the Constitution: • .
. Secretory of the Commonwealth.
OE:ee Secretory of the Commonwealth.
Harrisburg, .7nxte 26, '1612.-3m. - I
Was improeed January, 1S1"2. edirce whicb It bears
all the latest improveruente thakiervention hsur pre
deceit Making it one of the greaten-triumphs of
art. Machinists are' ,woriderfully delighted with ILN
simplicity arid powbr so Wit. All parts etrietty tri
terebathreable. If any part Ihrtaka a new piece., wilt
fit exactly., Great range of work. !!neat. realm to
coarse Beaver or Bole-Leather. Cannot. - atake tt
drop a stitch.- ,Tension wilphaot change in sewing,
as in other machines.- It is one of the xsosteiepe
tar Machine:a. Where it is he.own eery placed before
the public, iti r leases everybody. AU admire it
whenever seen. reople that bare -them are-so de
lighted with them they are: e i. - riting to friends to buy
this machine if any; for it will do anyttifpg that any
will, and runs co I.asy and requires DO trouble to
learn to run it. The astonishing -fact that sine°
January, 1572. having received all the latest ter
rmr.-mentg, 1. , months, the company have, sold
nearly 30,i - 00 3laclines, with so few agents and
small territory canvassed, shows conclusively that
it has no parallel and that our' people are an Intellii
gent people. I-have been desitons, for s few year
to -get the agdney of a Sewing Machine that 1 could
sell and recommend wltheni exagerating the truth
or dor'eleinrr any eriee end nay time, has come. I
have been confined indoors so tong I feel like a
caged Mr," that wants liberty, And now friend'', all
that want to Ley a Sewing Machine, noeuatter if
your i•Cf.!I riot neon, some other, be so
kind as to inform me ' , Vetter, - or otherwise, arid I
she. rfelly )611 a Domestic, and you may
try it fora week. and it it does not please you,,,and
yen aro not satialloil it is the best, all things con
ahlered. I will Clank yen for Yourtrouble and cheer
ful!y take it away. Dat it seems as though I aluumt
Ice-sr yen say... , I cannot part, with it, dhe Domestic
etrelo la red full witliputid" Terms Inrush
In C. EiELSON:Agent.
Towanda, Bradford tionnty, l'a.
May 1;, 1i.72
HAIR RE:cm-up
• E.,ry par increases the'pokulirity of th:S . valua
Lie Hair Preparation; which is due to ment
We, can assure our old Patrons that it is kept fully
Up to its high - standard; audit Is the -only reliable
and perfected preparation for restoring Gray -or
Faded Hair to ita youthful color, making it soft, lus.
and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes
where and clean. It removes all eruptions and dand
ruff. and, by its tonic - properties,- . prevents the hair
from foaling ant, as It stiturSates and nonriehes the .
hair-glands. Ily its use . the- hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness it restores the capillary glands
to their normal vigor, and
-will create a new.grouth.
extept In extreme old age. 'lt is the most economi
cal liairpres. sing ever nio.-at it requires fewer ap
plicatiolii7and gives the hair a splendid glossy ap
pearance. A. A. 1133q15, 3f. D.. State Assayer of
Massachusetts. says, I•The constituents are pure
and carefaily selected or excellent quality ; and I
consider It the Bcat tram:lon for its intended
Sold 6y all Drur,gi.fis,‘ arj Dealers in kedicincs
pr.reAssa ll=
J. C. - ATEII k CO., Iminx.r.,
rr.actical and Analytical Momlate,
Dr. it. C. Pourat, Sort & Co., VirbolciWe Agents
Towanda, Pa., and for sale •by dealers llulanghout
the county; - -
Dec. 7, 1S71: -1 2.1 - exitr. •
dnt7cr.t...reaCtor v, - 13L,111.ingly be without a eimy
Metal , ,in, of the Ettralent Pehons of nil kzea and
clnlutrli, and a.econnts of the variottit Subjects
ot the iorse, lliudoo, and Classic Slythole
- girl, with the pronunciation of their .
nun& in the different languages in
- which they txtur. .
By t.L-, THOMAS, -i. M., M. D.
cuth ? let6 in one bhp. Svo Volume of 2315 Nave..
. Bound in Sheep, $1.5 • •
Col:Tight in two Wilt. Imperiii Fro. Toned paper.
--Price per volt Fine Cloth. $11; Sheep, $l2.- '
Tb is invaluable work embraces the following
mbar b•atures iu an eminent degree:
1. Great• Completeness and Conciseness in the
Biographical Sketches. . ' • .
2. Succinct but. Comprehensive Acconutic of all
tbe'tnerointeresting Subjects of Mythology.
11. - A - Logi eal System of UrthotillaPhY•
4. The Accurate Pronunciation of Ibe Nsiuva.
v. Full Bibliographical References.
Lippincott:a Biographical Dictionary, according to
thelananirmins opinion of distinguished scholars.
Is the best dork of the klud ovprpubliithed.--(PhiLa.
Ledger. '
The moat compreheinkive and valuable work of
the kind that has ever been attempted. . . An
Div:doable convenience.—[ltoliton Traveller.
The most valuable contribution to' lexicography
in the English tonene.—keincintisti Chroxiielo.
No other work of the kind will compare with it.-;
hicag'n Aavanco. , ,
lie p:an is admiratle.-- ;Now York Tribune. .
Th., rooAsatisfavtory work of reference ever is
r:oltl rri`F , .--:Phila.Ttaegr2Pll.
This st,rk pr l :sents a very wide range of treat
mwat ercat confrattneas and perspicuity. Wonder
pit aceywaey ; and a typographical execution that is
absOluti:lyarfect.—pt.l. Evening Post. 'I
An adintrable work.—Elki.lf. Independent - •
Nothingrof the kind la extant so peculiarly adapted
to the wants of the student- scholar, and
. general
reader,—{St. Louis Ttme,. -
u o
For sale by all Book: , :ellersi or will 'be Bent
free of expense upon . meelpt : of 'the Prim by the
routaining a full description of
`The work.lNith rywclrcell page% will bo sent on
• J. B. LILTISCOTT S . : CO., 'Putltem's. .
jrinel2.l".l " 715 S 717-Market St., Phila.
rasrengers lx okr4 to and tram ..any Railway sta
tion ''r seaport in Great Britain. Ireland. Norway.
Swrden.•Denmark. GerturAT. Fruit.ce. Ilcllittd, Da"
snip anal tlie,tinited States,
Cabin fate from Now York to lONIkiN... LIVEtt,
To (it, OTAStiott, and DEPRY by \Crdbradzc'.,
-be. iotierA, tr.O. By Saturday's Strainers, $3 - and $7l
INTEIniEDIATT, staLtacx, vz6. au D ay
Able In Currrney.
l'artteg scmdiug for their friends In the Oldeontt
try can purdmso tickets it reduced rates. For fut-
C , wr i' f irtwltlrrs 611ENDER-S):+DI:OTIIE14.
BJ,Li,4 ri,:l, ta S. c.CentralExpiesa
Towavds, ra., cr N N, J 1 TS. Ja:.
vino Nation Haute of . Torrnela: M13'71.
vprirr.T. k MYER