Witsifstiliptit* TursiiiOurNtaA Ju¢ ttotat,L !4' r. _ How vo,. gsv*Alo6) - I,OOlWe are giretto sea sit raMl altentfOtaiiiid:A‘ Vie bins this and*Cirrons of the . adjoinitiroionn:- tias._ The *saints_ braneluag, pat , from our krge, city - elrt elearitac quirzig agooa taste ea it nOtpits,the appearance of 'their_ prams% goodlawn which will last for years, should be prepared' ado/biersmany : I • In the first place the ground Must be well-broken for the seed by a... plowing, oanfid pulierization, heavy manFing.- Sew plentifOy of the followmgjeze4s. tax, ea in eiria proportions: rYe-guiss,blue-grapa and / white clover, then - rake theoftd in, , and harrouing bo unnecessary.' If the seed is Sown just t before a i•aiw it will be a great - .lo,rantap. Ocsii- 1 meow mowingthereinggraaB when three or four inches high; not tatio cloecly, and continue to do so matinee cutter every eight or days. Every- 'other year - top dreasizi autumn with a good coat of 6ne barn; yard manure evenly spread. _ This is a Way to- seecure a smooth velvety, dark green - lawn, one of the most charming objects about 'a welt kept premises. We once secured a good sod by aowing the seed in August but would not recommend it to be done after theemiddle of Joly.—Germanicwu Tele graph. Inrnovinanrr rs Palma—The Mark t i ab L2ne Express, aszt article ou tarn?- , crs' associations, says: "There is nothing more noti le, when reviewing the progress o agri culture during the last quarte of la 1 centnry i than the improvement which 1 elauseterized the conduct of o _pub.. lie meetings or social gatheings. There was a time when the log clay r pipe, the somewhat bbisterons stave. and,the hot-stopping were re ed as the chief inducements for etting farmers together. But thee days have gradually passed away, d with some experience of other large as semblies, we are inclined to think that nowhere will men,- is a rule,lteep closer to the point or carry them selves more becomingly than the cupiers of land when they draw into • a focus at a society-show olio, club discussion. -'Moro informat has been disseminated, more inte lligence developed by snelav, - a means than t ; through any other cause spae:: of: By the farther aid of good, reliable reports this system of mu al :ad vantage comes Co-he almost ; finitely tely extended. &any a man who would shy of a royal essay, although he found the pages ready cut' to his hand, will eagerly turn to see what his next door neighbor had tb say, or some more famous agriculturist to offer ow the merits of the rinp iple under consideration. - 1 SOWING CLOITII IN AU'ISTST L--A: cor teispondent of the llrmera Farmer, al ii writing from Adams county Whicon- I sin, says: I have lived twe ty years in this' region and have r * ed clover hero for sixteen years of th time. I have sown seed in mid-winter on the c, snow, in the spring, in th summer and in the fall,and have ha 'the seed fail in all the seasons, ex pt - When sown. in the month ofAngtist. I DOW' settle down upon the opinions that . i o this is the proper tinge to ' w Iseed, more especially in this c imate, as three years out of four e Nave's drought between April 2 and Ist of July, lasting, many itneS, for months, and entirely burn' g . ont the grass that springs from winter or spring seeding. These drhughts are not so common in the eastern States, Where spring sowing may dol, well. My mode is to sow in the month of August and put no crop with the seed, except it is for protection. When sown after raising a crop of oats, enough oats will condo up from the stubble for protectio . Corn is a sure crop for clover to ' i tch with, if sown bet Ween the rows evelp then I would sow oats with th , seed. 1 .. IcE CurAnt.—Wegive tic following recipe for making ice cream: j Fresh cream,One-half gallon; ricih milk, one half gallon; white sugar, orte pound. Dissolve the sugar in the Mixture, fla. Tor with extract to suit te taste, or take the peel from a fres letnon,and steep one-half of it in as little water as you can, and add thia---it i makes ilia lemon flavor better lhan the ex t.-net—and no flavor will! so :univer sally please as the:lemon; keep, the same proportion for an amount de sired. The juice , of strawbprriel or raspberries give a beautiful Color or flavor to the ice cream; 4 7r abont one half ounce of extracts to a i gallon. Have your ice well brokn; one quart of salt to a pail of ice. Abont- half an hour's constant stirrinr , and oc r, -casionally scraping down and beat in,r together, will freeze lit. The old fas r itioned freezer willtarce Itnoothe — and nice ice cream. To PearrrAttzu FLowsas. .-- Con- Ntrnct some baskets of limey form with pliable copper wire and wrap them with game. Into these tie to the bottoms violets, fe s, geranium — leaves, in fact tiny flow exc.ept full r 3 114 blown roses, and sink them in a solu tiOn of alum of one pound toe gallon of water, - after the solution him; cool ed. The colors will then be preserv ed in their original howdy, and the 'crystalized alum will held faster than when from a hot solution.l When z you have a light covering of ;Crystals . 2 that completely covers the i artieles, remove the basket carefully, end al low to drip for twelvehours.l These - baskets make a beautiful pixlor or nament: and for a long time preserve the freshness of the flo . ors:: Ir wilted flowers inr6 about half an inch of their stems cut .`pff, and the stalk thus trimmed is inserted in boiling water, they will in t9ew mo ments resume all their frastmess. 'The process is most applicable to col ored flowers, as rose's, geraniums, azaloas, etc., white on turning fel low. Thick petalled bow the most marked improvement: 1 Another ex cellent method of restoring 'fresh ness to flowers is to iiplace ,them in water, and cover with pp glass shade. Finely-powdered chardoslPlaced in tho bottrt of the wat . er VlBOB WI,Ei ft litarktid effect itk znauatain . ng flow n/7r lamb a tong lime, and keep the wPiter. tweed. A Lott* tittravr fa l ai ca ll b e . pte41414, impt by *u=tiv their gollellitis49o4"4- 1 or Mt: atom. ficrmsttlipro,4,o (fir* Itairxi, ( 44 V" #.4 01%124 "=1‘,41.. Ittlebto,- 14. 4 :404 1 if seritlr. '• • 4 - 141 C Arinvirn c . , MEll .111 . A.%5% Z- ERIE ItiaLWAY : ' St w cacti Immovito Unawiso Zoo* aro Summso tioacnz4 combining all Modern laimormoodta, me rah 01417011 ocean Mina between Now York. Bach- Cam. &LlND,Jcimpzafintls. &upend= &We. clemiand, land mom= 1 • Abstrs4 of Time Table, adopted $U1:10 irrs.. EMS CINE I z • L'l 5. ~ f, S.,* - i 1 A. IL 4. K. I". 111.12.2 1 .1 .1 , • WA Yak Leave ,' i.O 60 11 00 $3O 4OOl , Wart City— ... " r' 915 1115 545 520 ' llalquebanns ... 0 ; i - 1150 813 165 2 33 , lid 80u1....- 0 1 857 217 banaket..... " 434 9 151 252 025 10T 7 3 0 . - • .\•••• -.. " 5 5 0 10 101 845 All 11170,0131 7 ~ 5 0 2100 47Z 645 Endre " , 624 11 50 sOs 525 =l{ 0 ; 102 12 55 342 801 Peet.. 0 , I . .13 35 .. .. • • Soebeet _ r e,. .;..irelie. , - i li Od . .. . i0:701 10 20 Earimurrwo.:.. 0 0815, 'Us SI tts'lll 20 Bafralen ~. " I 11 , 50 6 2 1 . /1 20 11 20 .3110pre ram. 0 112 4 . 5 70 3 1210 ; 12 10 e=stan uriiie .. ,12 50 711 1215 12 15 .. 112 55 7 `.•. 13.20 12/0, Denldrt _..-.. 0 I 1 . 48,71 2 P 6cf 12 50 Cleveland.. ' 7 00. , 700 "ttatinund 600 ; •f• i 2 .f.. lit.‘ 4. 11. ADDITIONAL LOCAL 'MAINS WESTWABD. 11X0 &M.: except Sundays, from Owego. 81on 1 tig st Ttoga 6:27, Swabber° 6:55, Barton 11:13, Waverly 100, Chemun3 7:38, Wellsburg 8:05, Elmira 8:0, Big Plata 10:20, Corning 11:30, Painted Post 11,48, Addison 120 Thithbonatills 1:27. Cameron Nina 1:52. .Cameron 2:15, Adrian 3:10, Cards/co 3:40, arriving M Hornellaville at 4:00 p.m, 5:15 except Sundays, from Susquehanna. Stopping at Great Bend ISM, !GA - wood 5:52. Bing- Mitaton 6:13, Hooper 6:35. Tinton 6:45, Camarillo 7 34. Owego 7:20, Mogi 7:40, Smithboro 8:00. Bar. ton 8:08. Waverly sat Cbemnng 8:40, weusburg ass, Southport 9:11, timira 9113. Big EMI 9:50, Canting 10:17. Painted Post 10:24, Addison 10:53, Ilathboneville 11:10, Cameron MUIR 22:3/, Cameron 11:40, Adrian 12:00, Ciutistao 12:13, and arriving at Hornellmille at 12;22 p,rn. cAtama.. from 13007ncharoas. Stepping at Great Bend 4;20, larlrwood 5:48. Binghamton 7 : 15 . Hooper C7:43, Union 17:53, Campville 18:15, Owego 5 : 3 8 , Tioga 12:01, &Madge* 12:15, Barton 10:25, Waverly 10:00. Cbeturitgllo:ls, IVellaburg 20:35, Elmira 11:00, Big Flats 11:40, Corning 12:12 p.m.. Painted Prat 112:15, Addison 12.45, Battiboneville 111:60, Cameron Mills 11:15, Cameron 1:27, Adrian 31:50, Cantata* 2:02, and arriving at ilornslisville at I.:13 p.m. 1 : 10 p.m. except Sundays, from Susquehanna. Envying at Great Bend 1:57, Eirkwood 2:30. Bing. banana 8:12, Hooper 4:18, Union 4:52; Catarina 5:30, and arriving at Owego at 6:05 p.m. . 1:15 except Sundays, ( Yom Elmira. Stopping at Mt Mats 1:39, Corning 2:00, Pa !sited Post 2:06, and thence, ia Avon. to Builtido, arriving at 8:57 pm. 2:30 p.m.: except Sundays, from Binghamton. Stopping at Hooper 2:43. Union 2:50, Catarina 3:05, Owego 3:13, Tioga3:Bs, Smithboto 3:45. Barton 3:5% Waverly 4 :08,,Clienrang 4:20. Warburg 4 :32, South. port 4:47. ;Matra 4:49, Big Plata 5:17, Corning 5:33, Painted Post 5:42. AddlsOn 5:02, Batbbeneville 4:15, Cameron Inns 6127, Cameron 6:35, Adria C:35, Cau -1 isteo.7:o7, and arriving at Bornellaville 7:13 p.m. • EASTWARD. B.l.itrioNs. i1 N ?.. 0. No 4.. o. No. • 8. 2. Oincinnad Leave lieveland Dunkirt. Bruip'neion tritige Niagara Fa 115.... " Buffalo Bornellaville Rochester d. " Corning Elmira Waverly Owego Binghamton • " Great Bend„.;.:. Susquehanna Port Jervis Arrive Goshen Nerwhurgh . •' I Paterson Netisark " Jersey City New Tort ADDITIONAL LOCAL TRAINS ..EASTIVAIdt 5:00 a.m., except Sundays from Karat.list-Ina: Stopping ide.anlsteo 5:22, Adrian 5:47, Cantoronf,a7). Cameron 2lllla 7:00, Bathbonevills 7:30, Addison B:2s,Painted Poet 9:15, Corning 10:00, Big Flats 10:44, Elrairs 11:30 a.m.. Southport 12:05, Wellsburg 1:18, Chanting 1:50, Waverly 9:30h Barton 3:08, Radthboro 3:25, Tioga :315, and arriving at Owego at 4:10 5:55 a.m. ?Lily from tiornellsvill. Stopping at Camera 7 : 15 1 ,' Addison 832, corning Elmira /1 03 , WaTer x - 4 ;42, P.m.. Smith:aro 1:40. T-1 0 Ca 2:00, (lingo 2:30, Campville 3:03, Enion 3;38, Bing., hamton 4:12, Kirkwood 4;57, Great Bend 5:22, and arriving at Snaquehanna st 0;00 7;00 except Sundays from , ille-- Stopping at Caniateo 7;13, Adrian 7;25. Ca heron 7.42, Cameron 7:42, Cameron 3lllle 7:4B,ll.ithbone. vIDo 8:05, Addison 8:12, Painted Post n xi, Corning 8:53, Blg Flits 8;10, Elmira 9;08, Southport 9;/3, Wellsburg 9:80. Chemnn,g 9;15, Waverly /040, Bar ton 10:15, Snaithboro 10;23. Tina :10;35, Gwego 10:48 Campville 11:05, Buten 11:20. Hooper 11;30. and arriving at Binghamton U ;10 a.m. • 7:00 a.m., except Sundays. from 01 ir"' 0 - StoPP:oli at Campville 7:47, Union 8:28. Hooper 8:41, Bing hamton 9:10, Kirkwood 10:30. Great Bend 51:15, and arriving at Seisquizhanna at 11:55 a.m. 1:55 p.m., except Sundays, from liornellavitis, Stopping at Canisteo 2:08, Adrian 2:20. Cameron 2:45, Cameron Mills 2:51, Itathboneville 3:07, Ad 11e son 3:25, Painted post 3:s3.,Corning 4:35, Big Ebb; 4:28 Elmira 4 :511. Siinthport 5;12 Wellsburg 5;30, Me sung 5:48, Waverly 0:03. 7'loga o:so.'owegO 7:85, Campville 7:32. Union 7:52, Hooper 7:58. Btnglearo. ton 8;29, Kirkwood 8:45 Great Bind 9:02, and ar• riving it Susquehanna at ' 9:22 p.m 1:58 p.m., except Sundays, frofn Painted 'Post. Stopping at Corning 2:05, Big Flats 2:20, and arriv.• Big at Elmira at 2:80 p.m. ♦ • Daily. Illondayn escrpted. betty''-en Lad Port Jervis, r": t Stop Sundays only gor Through Tickets to all paints Weit at the, wry Lowest Mace, for sale in the Company's office at the 'Warevy Derot. This to the only authorised Arenry of tbo - Erie Railway Company for the sale of Westeru Tickets in Waverly. Iblggzge IEII be checked only on Tfckets puMbased at the Company's omce. L. D. IWCXVI. Gaul Bunt Pu''DERY & MACHIN-011OP The- underahnird having purchwd the Foundry and Machthe ribdp lately owned by John 'Ca' room. aro preparrd to do all Janda of work appertaibing to Mar husinca*, with pro:opt:seas and diapatch. CIRCULAR' SA.W Or the latest a n d most Improved I:;nds naanntacturra camstautly on hand msdy for us*, CULTMITORS, CORN I'LOUG HS au[ kiutla, awl the latc,t Improseuteutos ke cmittautly vA htitt..k STOVE CASTINGS SLED ; AN]) SLEIGh SIIOES, M3reli 30.1870 JULES lII:GUENIN meat of AMERICAN ANT SIVLSB GOLD AND SILVER IVATCIIES ro t fArfies atri Otto. Semen, Jcw,lry cf .111.itiah atl4l descriptfons, sera TILUXAS AN) AIIEV.ICX CLUCK co.'S GOLD, SILVER AND sTXEL §ITA,'TACLES IN unk:AT vAlar.:Tx. karticwar 4 tlaition - 4:1ve.1 to prat! triitto. .41", r. WORK iirA rift.l !int I:Nviriu th^ Tr ituni:torth tit Mervltr's Ivitstpla, Msy 1, 1811, JLLES Iltaltlilti I ' , 1 I 1 i ' =EI WMA 2 O 5 •• ..... P. IL, IS OS . 42•i ' P.)11.1 11. 14+4. H. 9 45......) 6351.~.... 6151 900 110' 10 Oat— • 1 1 30; 650 o 160 5 46, 10 05) 720 145) 547) 12) 730 270' 636; 1125, 800 1G 051 1010, 5 03) 1100 345 5031„ . 310 251 II :V; Zia i 1213 R 03; 12 15' 515, 1.3 47 845 1250 ; 5 49 , 126 25 1 30, a 28' 156 10 101 215.7 11 23,8 241 740' 302 lo 58 ; 300:8 101 810 2 52' 650, 11 551 645 353 745, 12 803 1 11 4.0 , , .. . a 35 , 10.00) 2 35, BSt ,205; ) 515 11 38, 3 11 00 330, .9 . 40 4 24. P. Id. 4°. ;L. NS WM. IL RAMS, Gedal Aet Itascellanfons - . MILL GEARINGS, MAN DRILLS, =I MILL IRONS SLIDE TO ORDEIt ENGINES REPAIRED, And all work wArianted to give , satißtwtlon SHINGLE MACES PLOUGHS, ivoN AND woo( »1 DEsms Or All tjr..,lA. QM PLOUGII POINTS Cli LTIZN PO VEIN, LAUCIE AND SUALL SIZE C LLA ti D. A.TDS, LARGE iliOS SETTLES Ana ap kthils of out:furs furnished to SIZASS & ItOCKW4LL. Is etrnatat Uyiecetribg a largr al.a 'varied ar , nt- I CI,()CIi. , smolt ruz CilP-4-PEST TO 1111; BEST -t 2 LI'IIIItINCI Tf 4 A 11 n - l Tho mukriguild 4":"" tbcy irs Dow iirOate over/ VNDBILTAKING B LIZ all its branettes. AM ire Usual We semi cos of any one in Ukat U Itaving eland no expauve ac Ing ffora the shop of 11. Stolen a • Ite'sise will 4 cannot be lri elogiu" te. t h is tide cot our 1 air; neared the services of a person ter the 111,54‘45.' ALLIN: ::Iffereee firm, 1!!!!ffEM!!!= vi :LC the other memt!!!i' dente on Third Wert, Or eke. W. Lyva, a very reliable Wel Fe whose office is on ruk . ',tree Home jai:i23l2tf FIRST NATION CorrAz Sma%us Fmtr This Beak offers I:llMiipril. transaction of a GENERAL RANEE; ram oc D • I , AGEMENEN, Syr.ctu. Ceti orrin zo 'nu. um Cnxcics. Parties +pastas:l to 1270 Usitea States;-Erigianctrireiarsi cipal cities and tennis of Li drafts tor that vulvas. PASSAGE Tld To or trOIX, t e ottl. COCCOVT. to lag Burs, always on band. FaXITAX.SI . II}IOcIIII2 0•211 AT il;gkest raid U.kr T. ,7os. rowELL:rresident Deconber 1. 1869. SITSQITEHANICA INSTIT I TOWIND.k, I.IIIADFOr raid trAttutlon 4111 co ... Year The conrseo of steal are menial, Academic. filet ettlf which the bastrnetlon to 'site The Principals will be 86. departments by a large and instructors—three graduates baying been recently engage& spared to make the Instibitel and general eillctenc7, aecon institution, The Musical. Department of Profeasor.ll. Pr. Johann. This Institution 013041 n In addition to the exteriai the past year, nevi' apparli most appringd-patent. desk: study and recitation room. chased. The Principal of the IT organize Angola 213. a To lON aid to ror ouch course possible daring Tuition from tit to 110. Inntitate rooms in tnall and board t cilium for board and rooms a made, as the rooms are heal For further partlindars G. W. Ilyan and £: E. Quir an4.7'71 NEW. STENM F - dtvires t( STEAM FLOtT Is ilow- in ggio. , og-kghli g`lK'rat par.,' it , glo all wort in hhg. CUSTOM GRINDLso I.Wheat, Buckwheat and Feed, Bran, kc., Clears n' rate e. I'SILTICITLAR NOTIC weer tilde of the river ticvir - / will have their ferriage pat bring pieta of ton bushels ap1.411 TIIPORTA.I%.TT t vALur...ritytu, SIGH' The Riglit of the igt'd &Psi ed Auld Ilto pert, I'IiILADELY/M1 Ot For tho trranuf UAL INSTITUTE, CoNCAVZ OUNVET., CaYgrALLtaltiT, LoNDON filtOnED AIM MCI - ED 131APII tOR VILA (IR TIC. rrrs. The C•Mraro-Cotirct Cr the above lnatitnta are uo , pi.biic, and the rapid and i combined with tho univ their clearneaa in vision I plainly that they axe aux; in the market. , The majority of 4ipectac no matter hoar fine the fr and worthies* article of t . ;wearied* they are made any calculation respectit therefore the great coin , tight. Tho:rotands are ns and fatigue the eye, when short usage, or require : and therefore destroying properly siled, amnia he The advantages charm , Crystal Gleams are the t. The Leases are ground Ind hard, az:an:ado only aro thertfort. not ]hide t They confer ',brill iatle; Dot found in any WILT g They egk need evirl light witlient tiring or fat .Thry,aro gronad - anat. vac couvez mirror., ace natter, and shape of c , " ah.lFtinr, natzro 'only 12.1 F That the looses arc coral They can be raged tong without changing to a . Tile frame* awe maitg rioace.l wartantn and Deskr Slilistclzen, Jewe da, Lax the litykl iiesulfuni Jul; 12. lew-ts Tilt 11011 E 2dACIIINE, DIECIIA.NIB34 ?C 11 , Courixrc 17 . .nAnny,i, 8 Rerrux6, licat • r•Trscal iFRICA B,o;pk, Compact,'Ettic Ever}• 31:tehine yeass.',7, .£4.2rALLY tAXID FU S: in a Tritii3i./1 Price , TT ou:y przrtleal lo I I>en't b b.malrngi. 1.00 nottpr how Smoot!. I.l:Py llmar. large prof). Agent fur liraaford irar.teS. Xiocao, Drzettor4 cot: TAYLOR'S I n The Great inewitut• VatAlit should be kept and need by every Farm r that keeps either Cattle or Boma. every Teall:LlS r and Livery Stable Aeeper, eery Phystosn and. none Farier for it will many litudi cure pain and cams when a ll other rletil• eines hare biked. ;diners and named Hen abould certainly ke It, for It is unsurpassed for brusca and sprains. Blacksmiths shOttld'keeP it for their cnrn nee d for their customers tender jv footed borate, as a ' ::' equals it for ttroder feet. Every hotly suffering In pain and lameness of say kind. burna, - euts, ntts or any eruption of th e akin, Corns, Chil Or say disuse requiring an i mi outward application hada certainly keep this ode. bested medicine.- ry bottle warranted to give satisfaction.' Per sal by Dr. W. C. Porter Bon it Co. Porta. & Kirby and F. W. Brown Druggists. Towanda Pa. And by every Mat and dealer In Brad ford lin d ettliqua ties. . 1 V l . ,3 f*tf. , •t tt t r:V (telt 1.4 ME =Er =EI ME = tip And lico /At StNiS c 3 give itittitto., ZEXZZI 00.. of oar place. enn eilualed iFq bins rclUatte, airdal, to this brand IC i 1 l bo fotuad st Cis l ; t. laid C. St. lbas. Arm, at his raid• 1 - ."reirt of pr. J. itwx(st *mom; rod tb4 owts ALLYTi. MNnLM ME I; DANK, OF TO*ANT? ..$125,000. 40,000. AMITIES for the BUSINESS. ACCor.Dngo TO I.Lwriox or Ncrrxr to any part of the rElcotboal, or the prin. can byre Iva-lira Ma Ib2". et aalAr or 84 M=EZEI:3 .116, Garand Surer N. N. LETTS, Jr.., Cashier. - - OLLEGIATE I. C=Alli, !once its Socenteruib : 29, ITN. , : telt, format, Cotn r.Cl:,...deal, in ail of ~ a is r..til thtiord:ll. • fittitri In fll._ ration. err erocM•nt corr.% of ,experfencod troll , rs • d no effort rAII: 4 5 In comfort., dikcliitlinr to no other similar I ° 1 I be r.nder the chugs °rough rerair. improvements during Maps and charts, and and seats for iitt the have just been pur- Mal Department %ill Isere' Llaes, and by 1 plete the =Oat thor he time omit and MOM, in t 1 etudenta MAY obtain 'Mselcea. Eart the In tante ahould be rapidly engaged. t octalogue, Apply to o,Principzlti,trow:l4,l:t, STILLER Fox. drat Board TrilYtetP. GE OUIII.NG MILL. MEE ITT Fulyrrn,{ =1 UNG MILL ':ou. 311,1 1.104 t Iv. IM pr( ',113C'02-115.11.0rt 5 • ON run DAY IT is IBM I.tye Flour; Corn Meal, homl arid for a4)e. at DersotA livln!.T OD not I DS to t.atrouite my min. it both crate, Nt hen they MI Vim:min. F. A. AYERS. 0 - ALL 'WHO 11. tho'wealt Etreugtlseu prvt. rINL 03E 'stet Specto, fte, JA by loug time .beforo the ereeeed detrtaritt for them itelcnotelettpment of ease to the eye, shows riot to . erly other Owes a, (mostly Imported) and Ines, contain but a poor 7 lasses, igeterntly raid or o be ecqd only, without re benciit to the rye, and , taint of poor and weak op ea.nare now wbfcb tire the oblerts get dim after o -Intensely strong light `'e sight, which, were they preserved s, life time. for the Cournve Convex lowing of the 1;e0 nreferial, pure for optical purpunrs, Cal get iscratebr4 or dim. and ail; tinctures of vision lly wen klay can ate ictlir.; the ep!s. ..nti . Oally erne In the con. Vrding to the rhilowl , hy of nen of the c'e. thetotore na of forcing :t and corm:tin - to the fro.mcc. t than any other &eget' cher power. rrring and durable by expo. antnd to giro aatbdiction. di. A. CUASIMESILLS; and Bihitt Ware, Towzn- AAricy for these glasses In o Dealers employed.' StRPrTLE SEW TILE I'LTAIECTION UY •• . 47, FELLING, Boarnm, Qt•uxtrG, Trczn:ti, INC/ /OD 4N1111.1LL.,t; utea in EU ROP E, ut, Dur.O.ic Warr:mit:4 for lir( -FINE 0:1 .1.111.1YY WOIM 3:ceLsafral .$37,00 1m '.4 1 by other Aoutn blart,y, their tot woe may I*. Le et:te to their olvit potkas. D. Z. WOODDrIIy, ntllllrAticvauCes. Agents tr. Pa....F.b. 22,72. ELEBILI TED OiLl j and Omlen. atioirlesle Patna! '.rcb rtrr , t:t Ybilad.74lll3,Pa., I . U. ETOWNIO t,:r. 1%, Ray as AND cOFFEE . 11,31VELL x .. ~t 1111 in t aa,a aikatiket ^4, - IL-ZOOM Mil basins ot ZS. FLICK* Co. w sow pewee& " 4° c 41301411 .4 Masit4 Otesitteari stall& tr. s INV lad Mg; Wielkedl Mod" MI 421300E81,Z8, W*l4l) I hirsego glYrd tetaiiikaadied t I , ripen lit is low itplemeihs o4n loi peeciondi elo where. 1 WV. offer Who 1 asAs , CorpT;g/i, BIIGABS, SALIIMMIIk SPWalk Hes en bind &iamb oloolk ot AKRONi : 77LOVIL: GUMMI DO. DIM DO.. DUCHWUZIer DO. keep 'coniiiOtt7 on Itsoil. Pour. 1 / 2 0/04 MAD, aril On kinds of nau. Would call plistalloatios of Oar public to out t*it /1.3 Boat STOOK OF TOW4XXX /a vality or pica, ism Oildera Cc! iertheillUsa am New Taft Cbasleal arteinrovia Soap. Plus WI and cumin* over stock of WOODEN WAItE. Lug* 07erscreirt somata. TQUXT Emirs, arir i An. I win pay tile highest osib plricribr COVNTRY PRODUCE. Farmers, Ore ellsclea Wens se:ll2w elsewhere. =1 , AU perotJ Indebted to t Ue tiOr.lwakorilltdolutozall and make inuaxUste.parment, O. !OWL Towanda.: tduch. 12,1867. J. LUNG. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WUOl), , a - ILLQW. tt o'sr, V.LPITR, 11. EAL, ,Q. i rxrroN's CO ..MAIN AND MUDGE STK TOWANDA, PA deSjil , 1.9 4 . 412.. 1, 4 011 i 1•111 the rtay age.ertturnt or rorrit.; n'lllo to Many* trill awl emu and will bo emitwurnw at , Itramet market rat'.. (4 TEAS, ED S 1' 1 C E 8 , Itzve plirdLared sinc.;llr* lain rNtltcli ,, ti in the , tariff oti tln m. Ada Are otrert,l at priet.4' to nul. Ord , !r. bF PAW nr OtticrWl, , t will rcc.•rro raretn an.) pr•,:rrt attrttf,n., nankin/ thc• rulthe„ f‘fr the litx•ral tatmnann they Lana ptrrn tut., / iryth a coutriman6.4 of the 6.11:14P.. Oliti PAH) ron COVNTNY ruoDuca I feb.7o 71 M. J. LONG,. GOLD STILL COMING 'DOWN I AND 'Mt! ?LIM IN 111 • G.II6I,ERY & PM:IMR N LINE, An not. brom uttered - at COWEL F L ,i • at prices that cann6l.fail to satisfy all that thry are; determined not to bn under/sold by any one. They hare enlarged their Store by building au that they. now hare rexuu for ths fresh supplies that are daily received by them. They limo connected n ith their. store t Market where they tow kern frusta meat* to bell by the quarter or place. inn a full an or tiro. cerfeannit Provisions, to whieh they w ould call the attention of all cash buyers. Come and examine our OoOda and Prices. before purchaanag and utter yoursehl s. W. guarantee ail goods to giro =dire tandaction. We are thankful to our customer, for their past liberal patretiae,o and solicit a cotitinwittat of the tame. C0W17.1. & MYEIL Dec. 20, 180. VIC 7 TUIF4 WILL i\OT LIE I rjr (i PLACE IX TOWN TO Dry 1300 Th I MOB' C LAKltTeYurit OW 4:YEA LIERE ARE TILE FIGVE.I, - ATOREATLY REDUCED 1,11.10E5,, C0.7.1ta F.T. 2 ,- ,1,. S; tap Root, Lorne mule. • warmth 5.,1 ~ 54 3S d.) 1 do do do 4 .I tic 2 tic Lid do nadoa, 4 00 do .. s ' .16ublt +solo • do 360 an l'alf peg do do do '5 011 Rocs Kip. 2 sole and tap, ' do 2 75 to 3 Jril youtha E. 4., !, donble sole. do 2 to to 2 2S . Merril:L:4 can be soppl!e•I %all the SIX/re clam Of goods at very .i . e.aor.ab,.e lc:rex. We are pre pasta to mate Loots to 51easure. Liao Pastaza Bcpatr. to at rea.onable primp. N. .13.—The above wry' low price yta.cra must b. tinaviNtrod CAfill invariably on delm•ry. SO- Cr.. 11 aua see before you buy. Stop oiTo4ito s.t.ctbotbat Churcb, Mail/Street. Touacda. w.1r7l N EW 7PLANING MILL The undersigned Laving built a large and commis, diOus sn the Borough of .Towanda, and filled it with the moil modern and improved risachw e ry, f o r, the manufacture of Wni'DOW San AND BMW& Are prepared to All ersteie, whether large or small, upon the ' , Wiriest notivi. We hare oleo a large va riety of MQIMbIIGS, of the latest /style nut pattern, which we can turniali much cheaper than Meiners be worked by hand, rwirscs, . TONG • BCIWOL sh.*rso. knd ell ott ,er wort pertain:N.... to Joinery, will be done to 'nit onr customers. . . . k'oraons balling. and not living anOre than twelve to foorteen zadrs cbotank eln had Si laryfor their !Moro q to bny of u*. or bring their lumber &adhere it worked by our machinery. Sting your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and while , your trans is feeding, lure it ground out mad take it home with Ton. . will Te.l CASH for PINE Alen trzmuieß 'LUMBER. delivered at oar lumber yard. Come and see Al, or if you cancotn't 4, write. Towanda. Tab.. 1864. 11. HOPpIntR k On. OsUPERIOR AGRICULTURAL 1,0 ujorn - erty. for Sale by R. M. WELLES, TOW-VliDll, ES.., Ottv-e'1%,..".; Ilcmnris tlotL, uvrtil side Court Liouft vinare. wuotthast - ANT umu, VEAL= A5l) 110L/rA.M.,ILMS AGEST. ]laving ]lscicin•s, IP)rse Powers and Threasbers, Wleel Itekri, Master Sowers. Grata &soder*, limy Traders. HiyrraMe and tst , tl Plows, O itPewtors, Tl.lll Horse Hors, Ckmer Hailers and Tanning bung" LAIC% 1101TEW. wArr.ti nualraas, rm.': ninallCO 1 ' 1.1,T 4111.7 EN /VWES3 IV 711 R 1110Xi.P. COFS • bULLI.E.E.3 ?O1 111 ND OR Ftria..ll.lC, 4C. - ' I CatdvAtem and drarriptfro. illustrated printer! tit. ,tulars. -turn Wiled or hulled tree to all applicautr. - It will cost VIA three, tents to scud tor circulars I:'s Nistago . I , srmera a lira in rtr•A•Lna•tp Cal and lee IMP. 1 'Apr:P:2:7l - • It. U. wut,Es. It:T I. ONEY SA.IrED; iN PCUCITASTS6 VOCII STO VRS AND FIARDWATIE ilfyi likV/R43 CODDING Iii 1884104.& (XV, ~'fl Would say that notarithatading the rise in prices of want. goods, that they =Ama to keep tle3ir.manal stock ot incirt ErnacuTtrivati AO., and twill sell at Close - prices for ready pay. The IKPBfY CRIUST -31X13 with iron copper.lined reser. yoir sad tostent slide, -allowing steam te pass into the 'smoke pipe, finds favor wherever tried. Wd hard also El We confirms ,to pipe' hokres for gas, and to 4 all kinds of plarnbing. Lead and Coplocr work is well w general Tin and Sheet-iron jobbing on short notice. C.. 33. PATCH. Dotter reed Cutters. Itstlonal reed Cutters and flatfees Peed Cuttersi. Cora lEibellrrs. Churn rtorrrs, Clothes Min:era,. 1; abr. Wagons. offer Fences, .tirakes, Wheels. Patent 'Wheels. Mills. • Tongaelt Hubs, TelmaAug's, ViPsll:o7.e." all Made of gatrea and fark,, Bator., rocket kuives, tutor'., Spoon', Sdszirs, I'lattd;rs~•, L . patlier I.ltlting, Babbitt If6tai. liry Twine, rafrbatike ticairm, Call and Litt us when yefa wish to I=l CODDINO RU4SIT T i & CO St 1.57.1 • • / T • COFFEI.'X H.ENRY .FRANKS, oucc r um w Lls.ang 11 um%) 31L'ItCILINT-qh.11,011, No. 4. Griffith k ration'. flock. Bridge Gbreet...lo. *And& A good eaeortruent of Cloth% Vestin,vwei Cneetweree. condently on hand. Gaels meet to order In die hod Wanner. L. C. NELSON 4 I. I 1.3:111! - . S.; 1•113 lienkAmmire. Tame' kmptze. American. Rot MM. National. , , Mice. Tribune. QUM. Wigs WOrid. Excelsior Image. To Carriago makers we would We aro always litiadtiumkrs fur. 141110$ awl Chitneyp, Rotary Forcr. rutnpp, =1 aboveln, GUtP. PiMON, c Cainleek. irtic!!lbarrowe , . rick" tgevutrar2, Gotbing. CHANGE IS INDELIBLY STAM rr.t) ON EVERY TIM.Zar. NATc)llr Mlrcre. tilve pnrcherel the S.hr.:.k. or Clothing of ROSENFIELD k WOLF, Oink door Knuth of FUS, c 31E110:WS, sud hereby GIVE IiUDLIC NOTICE that they atll offrr greater Inannemruts to caKle buy (IF, than arty other c*tabllannenit In BRADFORD COUNTY, rwing thoroughly laoeted in even brasseluor the ',netnews. they feel perfortly contact:it that they can wake It to the lutetret or all . TO PURCHASE OF THEM. Their Stook of go o.: . 1 j : ::''' L ]nMaiM§U FRUIT or ALL DESCIIIPTION/3, 14T9NE NVAZE. FLOUR, YEW, DEAL, Cumakt,&o. Slatag a *our produce, which ire paj cash toe. A conotast 'ortpgy of Asides BO !! all Abell MIMI, Butler Ifirjrtrui. Tube. to. rhass call Ilba looli 'Amelia' our Awl; mat we win do oar bm4 so pkiebw. A. ItailLWXll: TosuidA. April VI. 1.860. GuocEny D r r*VISION McCADE:tt E.DIVARDS, FAMILY GI:OOEIiTES U 0 V 1,-81 NB, itiaamu•s tau twq, TowANI)A. PA. We do imt dorm it nmeagary b enumerate all the &Warta erticke we keep. Our .4.sortmvht is AL WA I'S COMPLETE. FIRST CLASS GOODS. Cub paid for Panzer* Produce. March 1:1870. MERCUIt ore now reeeiv- A. lagg a !meat etoct. of tßiests in their tine, bought since the Ist January, to veldch they invite the at tention of their Mends. We keep the lamest stock DU-Scrim. . Oar goods ars. fresh and desirable, We aeli at lowest market prises. 3an.'l4, 1511. VRESH AND NE* TEAS, bought since the recent dozitne la price. and stallzig Onnip at rrtail. FOX At IrEncun. Jan. 19. I*7l. _ - - VOX rt. SIERCUR art selling, Gro c,,rios at retail: a'azt.l9.lB7l. PDX & .11E11.CUR are selling dew Ind FreAh Goods. JJI4I. 19, DM. ljcex & :strateu it are selling Gio- eerier cbeap. • .71n. 19. 1871. VoxS ILERCUR are selling first clam Gods 021:S. Jan. 20,1871. _ FOX' k. =Mtn , nke selling 0:37, CrPr. Jan. 10. 1871. • 110/ EIIEXIBER , that we are selling .....N Goods ar. RETAIL! -' Audit's: we won't be undersold. ' Jan. 19, tan. ; YOS tt IdEttetlt. - - - MICHIGAN FINE—CUT TOBAC CO—rrz7 choice—st Jan. J. lan. FOX k METICTWN. FOX & DIERCUR do not deal in lihnil47 Goods. . Jan. OUR CUSTOMIMS can rely upon ladling the vet' , best the rdsrk.et strOrds and at 2.?‘ersot priers. E T. FOX". • Towanda. Jaw 19.11. lIENTIY MIMeTTR. • irI — E3LEILBER THAT FOid; NEM -Ls) Mil sro n44%14? an Wm], or Gym...rids at whobintlerTters. Ttso tormst Ftgell in torts. Goods Cast class. I'ricc kir. E. 'i. FOX, Sept. rr.7o. nrorrs..AtEr.eur... T _ l HE ;BEST liEßOSElsilath IN town by the quantity or Mail At BA FRY AND DINING ROOK Fir,t block north Ward House. 13IMAD, PIES, CAKE,CRACKERS, aola at Whale4a2e and netAgi IA our DRiMsift ItOONS we will accommodate tha public with either a lunch or a good mod at all Wool% of the day arid etching. tyrsTrals crtrau 111 ND Dt7tnil Also I lino assert:lent of Grooeries.Coplootioxtory. Fruits. Nuts, &a miyir tf D. W. sPorr CA. CENMIA_L M.,RKET. Thu snbaerlters still continuo to 'or.i) constantly on band a full and viropleto assortment of every tlith4 pertslning to their bnoineas, consisting mite. ly of. BEEF, POLK, FRESH AND SALT MUTTON. \ F. .A3IB, VEAL. ' rum= 1 - , sArs'A.6 F.. - LARD, LULU( i NA. DIIIED ELM TaLLOW. k.c.. 4k.c. • Jano. F I S 15, VEKSLI FROM LAKES, Fillies wishing Oysters in luve or small gnsntl. Aies rat be turntahod on short noh e e, it the em stand,. CENTIZAL liAttrOST, liontanytoe Flock, Itret door north of Dr. Porters. Cuss. OS.u.t.cia. RELLum h 11IILLOCE. Tnso. limuscs.. 5 Feb; 24. 1.1170-tt JITLIVS Wol.r. NVSI. WOLV. TOWANDA.,§TEAII F LOURING. MILLS W. H. FULLER & c0., - . icepectlblly inform the public that having rebuilt on the site of the old mill. with all modern - improve. amain, ties are now prepared to do ACIISTO)1 GItINDING In the best possible mintier and en the shortest notice. Tio pains will be spared to giro satisfaction. Farmers doing business in town_ean_ bring their grain in taro it ground the Inuit clay to tat, back. rtuttn, tuctiwutar rwuu. FEED & 31E1L, ry tire at load or in quantities to roil purchasers. . itiOtnil4 CAYUGA PLASTER AT n TON". All lanai of grain talan In mbar:go (or Meter. 61h rud IQ: I,:nd . , cf min. n. 'r. 114430 N. jorandi, NOT i, 1171. I=i==DM I= bra►- : . rOBK, ILAN, Y/INICKEI NOTIONS. biII.I4X.MMN, ' ..S rr 0 R, M • Wboinpate sout Retaa tonal..re In OM lice ben nothing but JAMES MeICASIF, VIII. ELONAUDS. FOX k StERCitIVS A ZZD DAIL Y niEm ELEA2ON ClatED lIAMS, uMTEXS REcErrtb DAILY In :nett season - . 4 ' 4 4* 6.-tp,:ze_.puia-,,zz,t,.;,, vrNt lp.ta . - • k.rif 4 5.? - ., 1t) • •:: , . - • rii&ttfiet FEE EIES „, GL 8W T.... ?: • ;• . :i "; 1 ' .. -- : eto MUOIY. ere , - • ,• • . SILVER PLATED 'WARE, - ' rram-soisirr k brother TABLE t:;Q:uaiET. Ageacf of amr, SJ.NG EH SEWING MACHINE, INSIIMINCE AGE WY AT WICKILAIW d; 'Luck's. Tovianda, Mar. 12,12. Boots and Shoos. KIP BOOTS,. STOG A BOOTS, CALF BOOTS, BOOTS AND SHOES In endless variety. 13cx:rts. Mgc)t)ts.; L. L. MOODY &CO., time the sole control for the ILctuil 141mphroy BOOTS':ANp SHOES AN Manufactured in Towanda, Awl w e arc retalllr; theca •3.6 Iqw sR otherhcruites• Lie retaillt44 EaFtertiGio.ats DON'T BE DECEIVED ! Ile aurc that sou aro loving the!ar Root. for it d',Wlt etand to.resenn that an Eaxtere Doot, haute hy chine throughout, will begin to wear with the rate tatted TOWANDA BOOTS. • Ru nr,Er.s 1 "RUBBERS! A 13r3,... apsorttueef. bleb a o are &Ming al Lug!, 7,le,tiou m pncea. We keep none bat Bret quality 11.11,1)bers FINE SHOES! . . - 'FINE SH.OiI.S! • rod tedele. Nissen and Children. in Peil.Go4li. •Fri , n.tb. h id. Sr,'c:z and l elrrench OW. in 'Act rtyLR ni.sutlf.zanrrd y the he 4- Faetorieis t 1 cenutry. , A'ltpl LINE OF DULVT'S GOODS ON HAN ! BODFS 1 Jail received, -a larger stock of Wolf, Dania and Lap ?lobes. alsoltorso Blankets, Whips, Sic., which we are selling cheap for catch. TRUNES, TRAVELING lIAGS,.kC. The - target. wtortment iu this acctiou at. corresilo 'l ing prices. Give or; a call an 4 you will be milted L. L. MOODY A; W.: To.rindA, Nov. 1. 1871. NEW - CARRIAGE FACTOR!' ! ' On Pine, botwoon'll4lu anl Second, Street.; nick of O. F. Mason & Co.'s Sant, TOWANDA, ITNN'A. LIENItY STULEN A; CO., Beopectfully snnotauce tv hii trioh4vkad patrons, pat 't`a h ayelahilt a SEW BRICE likntakGS rACIYiST. whore they will mitt/allay kerp:on baud a full anion meat of _ t FAMILY OAIiFyIAGES, TOP AND OP 1- Boadrgs, PLATFORM' WAGONS, Tuorrnio 5c14-ra. AND SEXLETthia. made ad the best material and finished in the.best city style. Ms !wig experience in city Factories Ives them a deaden advantage over In the Finish, Stige and Amabilaii, t of till %%goofs. All they tats is an ENSTECTIGN ILIS WORK ,'1 wevions to yurcbakting riboolwr ..azz rtax mdseuxrx,o tv GIrEPNISPECT • • Thankful VT the• [Metal patrtraaue former ex tended and rrapectfully ask a °MALl:mance of the awe. PLGOSIPTLY ATTLIDED ; refOrltltii, !lay 24, lIM.-fir IMil Amooloodeop . 01111111L14•W: ' , 1 -1. 7 -i. " ., •1 • Ini:1 RUBBER BOLTS, trade of ILIL.M>4IIADP. RUBBERS FINE SHOES BLANKETS I ROBES .4.1715FACt10X,- min:o price* ITENICT Rrtrurn H. MARL • ..414 4160406* 11. Ah- BON, ; -; • • CASH DRUG STOBA issumimitsmisert. too" • Clorlitiallisit Illeo"T011oodk • siati* me ostsratmi obi . oollisoolmisogroollikoo osoS 1010 ter our Mixt. • f 1 'ARCADE & SON. " Towaaila nay 1, 1871. THE . 1:4,D mArs STIU?ET Carriage; Factory. JAMES BELL T. Still coptiroami the Inumfactifre of CARRIAGES ANI) WAGONS, Of every des - snit - 410n, at the old tai - .41 . of 0.11 MUM ]Lm:: sriazr, TowANDA, Sftaor Ss, all of tha LATEST STYLE . AND .FINISH In the manufacture of z vinous nothing is used but tb BEST STi:Pa„ AXLES; To ether with tho COMPOSITION BOXES In /,igbi Work. PLATFORM . SPRUNG WAGONS LI73IBER, WAGON'S Keyt coaatantli+an hand. r Tlas best 'Esstein stock is rtsea In the martutseture lirrels. Spokes see all rirea otit—not sawed. ' ALL wonz, SOLD WARRANTED EQUAL , TO ANY AR to falfkl, la,l ag to duratility, IitIPEItIOR TO ANT IN rum.sr.crum ice ALL- iCtlcli WASIL&N - 111). 'nal - nAtES BRYANT': api.2911 GROCEIIII'B AND PROV.LSIONS istriTua & u(i. Itespedtally aIIIIOIII3CA, tut 4.. rahlle flat tier have opened a biro and choice ittoa GROCERIES AND PROVLSIOXS cornet Main aud Franklin streets. Tewasida, they will sell as chcap as The dicarest ter • - CASH! • Yoa Will /Oral's In 4 Tvw MY.R;W - rll jott - vt bappy Y ekter. to w-it orryttill efit crmtomer• and as Mtn, tea? burl VI 11l I:trnt thet wollea call. TRIOS. urn. . CO. Apr • .7=2412 . 0 - 4.. NATloximun-IssuitiNcE can itt,d3l7,llolU.rAlD. "E " lihipt*4 Ivy Conveys.. 964 eIdiLLPI/CE U. CLACK. yreataeut ; ' JAY 0011 E. quantum Finance and Ez • Man' 1);.00011-r; "ire. Ptedcat most Prim Meerietary snit Actfrary ' The srentagrat o f the Icationsi Lite Insuras e . r-, sre , 'l. It , stemma Ceaspanychsrte„s e d /t ha; s'pakt up &puma of one stittyl e 81t ears to rates otpreziturts ; • 4. It fttrakbeit Urger Inairsriee *se etitr . pilstee. far theism money ; S. It Is deltaite led vertain ; 6. There Is no possibility otizairreme•ntat mn 6 ) agents. or zaisuesteestat,has by - The policies are plain conic.-te.. -- tt, eck,e,i v A, , 'molar APO stash rover ; • ; • 8. All policies are rpa-torteitieg ; 9, The policies aro exempt man atts , tt. E. it CL&IU cO 7 DiukerN. 4L%SELL. 3141h4,:tr S. C. MAMIE Ai A. O. ea,..tgenta for Toiranla and vid.D.Ay„, Jim. 9, ISM. GITABDIAIsT 13IIITU AL LIFE fI.:SIMANCE COM fiANY NO. 251 •SUOADWATi NEW yoLF, , Foutzza Pcnrc4 —• • 1 , 17.1/6,,,i,, MAMA over.. MINVIL LWOW., t5-:,Cr. tali= Rao All approved. force of Pcifcice Ittqw.d. LiberaLm?des for payment-of Polities non-forfetstle by their ttrrmt. The entire profits of the. corr.Tvny • ,; .ably AISIOng the Ivernrett. 41S...\ — tjA.L Lid IDE\l>5, WALTON' IL FEVE.11.4.51, rar4ll , E.Yr. ICILL.LI.II T. T(00.KE..1/, Vice ricr.4:l;st Lrcirs 31 ADAMS, Ste , : 4\'J ACTT. .11 11 .&11)1.2..P.EL1A REFERL.NVIZ : JAY Coosa, A CO, BAllkac. Dtrirr, k Co., I:slaters, Jomc Woovs.unt 31vrvIrantsl. - S. A..3lE:ra.las. Preet. Farmers' k 11mItainve .1.1 A. RECOED. ..31,y12.,74-tf agent. Towar,.cls, Books ata Statoinery DIARIES Ff": - 1872 PAPER & ENVELoi'M NEW-Yol:ii PAFEJ SCIIOOL 110()K5 PENS, 11 4 :k , PICTURTzi a BLAtili -BOORS YANKEE NOTIONS ,Towanda, Nor. Ilk 1465 BooK-BINDEIit—TIIE lic h reFpectfuliy-itdl,rini•d u:at U, dory haft bast rPrnovt.,l to tlto L•• • third story, when,: wUi be done touK- La all Its rarions Vrar.c . l.lcl4,.a ttlnui a. " tun Pi" w;11 elrnv, hilul , ry the otsarg... or _IT. C. WiII'IWKL7.I.I An experienced Binder, And all vforku - P.11. , .!.: , dewy in a style and manner wtx l / 4 . - ..11 cannot Musk. Nesrsiopors. obi r, , every, v4riety of Ftylf•. Partitular attcnnLn pall to the Dating and. Lituling of To anydesinal Nttern, which in - ipa;dy din. Wiry be imrrant , ..,l.. All work Will 11!e ready fir: cleliwry .. .. Tho patronagosot the' public: es feet satiafaction Guaranteed. Towanda, August 2, 1866' --tt. TOWANDA. .IGRICI7,T CR At, .I) . (IV,KS .11.111. "rll, Jt. rielxie of-tile I, 15 'll l', - 1 7 , .I',. IV AG 0 N'S COVEIiED .1N1) OI'EN Ett It', lE. ,•t• ufr,:iT•l OAR ,k,ND 11ICKOIZY TIIIN by Ur• ui I , 7xr.tn - r:7 - .:Et , '. v:'):-..m!:N• have f".l TEA .12.C.5.5/A ar.,.*: very u 1 bt, and PO dnrabh+ hm, hair iu do tottazds their deeiy. Plemo ozarl!no onr work toloro • I;ol.4irtz . l.!lur.v., on short notace. l'r .Iti:r 20. INTO. . T I. BOLLES & _CO., . t.l • P.IIODTCi. Commissioil t . ieII.VNTON, PA I,:ttpc.ctf:ll:y st‘lic.: DUTTEIt. EGGS. CUrr.E VLSI. 'r 1: Masi ell other, Parui Prpd: ce. Ono of tho Arm havitg.'rcsaled the past t6a years, an-it liaying :in a.. 1 • anco with tho huViricss nic•n of •ty, intent that wo can soli produce • • ,••• •••• (action of,consignors. REFERENCE*. S. CiIUtI3VCK, Frasmr, • DALDWn: 001111.01 MAN, LcUaysNille, 8. 0. CILLYTEE, MALTIN <- 31.% • NO haw, - • It. J. Cl-11.1*I'Cli. s v.. F A , 3. E. MUSS •4J - - - ,00 The sub.:*riber , now t ,•• `‘' FLO13111.:\ c-111:11 cAsiz, t' -, " ." The property is adnated iu St.. , .i °,, -,, ~ connty. Ps., on the taw ot t'...• i - , -' , v from Wilkin•Atg to., Intwhatnt• ii, all i 3 , ; . probably be lovateit on the I r••i , ii.• • . • i - The property row ivts of LW r•• ',, r•• • - . large iww Still, tvco Dwello•it lj• r..... , , t• , • outbultdowa, and a ne%er-falll7 , z , ' , Tr s For tother patty:llhr.; ,-1,111.tv of ,5 f' , , 'Wm. Orlfßa, or ht. N. Pelt.. Jr.. Cs , i, . r Ilona' Bank, Towanda:Pa.. lq ,I. e.:: C :, 1 ' L'arre, or A. 'Lewis, Vi ill, ...s.-. , cvator , T \ . lati2A'72ro3 - , .• _ sto 5e:..,... .. CASItII 7 :I, INSURANC.}:. I(2",i-1 TROY. Pk• FILE, LIFD &Da ACCEDES 1' isi;nzkv'T ' in fir24-Cl"4 CUMPailit•S. .1•1 4 43 Land i;17 1 • :-. • ' COrrveyanetritt. Twenty - v.:lm y ,l • - • cl' Orders by wail prutuptly atit wh.,: tN. ~• , Arhc...30..71.4.• 71, A• el' B ui'll'US for foL;- ,1011,1 r, ~ l'lttoit ... t-t' s• -- —. • Fisit PORK, HA3rsi'ANPLA . RD •.b., ~•,....,.. VF.itY CIIOICI (+111•:1':\ D N A N Mari Tea telleng clwa , at retail 11 , ‘IIV. .l. Alidlt • . . . (ZO TO-FROST ,X: SONS ri:11- .....-N/TURE EMPORIr!J for v,..... st: 1 • ~I.' ' an.",...m. , - TIIOST S. SON'S lost , tto ii * 4 .•,.t. ii , t. t of l'nri,ll. - P di O •• -..-.• • • - ' FAIZAIE4: 4 i ~, ;., , ,,i , ri V•rti ',II 1 , . J.w. I t. 1 , 1.1 _ . FEE MI co OF Cf. ff. A. MEI C:cr!erat treats, ELCN - K P.OOK.S .11M ri.k,;ONS OMB =ME