fradfst4l4oo.m.,l 187 L Towanda, AND GENERAL. LOCAL •D Daum has: pur-;. AltBliALL'S house on Omrtinit IS. FUN ellased W. K. • greet. l ounL friondt. encipa,k I 0 , sa his bridal War, looking 44 lg. Our bas returned well so could be =I .tivalLgiven by theVres lion last week was quite well ted handsome sum. as. The f bvt.erian ccngre atiended, snit tract for the new ter Tho school house ut Williams 3 . awarded to U. H. Muff, $15,621; Mr. M. Is on ex- rerlenced that Capt. Alio n, was Chairman of the °oration, in Elizabeth le ' We 11. Bum, late Itcpohlteut City, ,niiersasy exercises of , 8. nto oft on Sunday Addresses were mole 'by t or school, D. A. Oran tare and Rev. 0. L. Grnsoi. The x tire Presbyterian .•rcning, Jane •t the Superintend°. Rer. J. 13. S . meeting was held at Scalding Eider Humus . unday. d special train was E. IL. ai.d large numbers ttcsided it. so- A carat rerniee, last wee 1 ,' , N,..preacheein run on the S. k floe this yjeinity pg. The Fi et ;National Bank of Whir place, dpels t-t st, fiemi-iumnal dividend of s per cent., beat adding l per cent. to , the Surplus, on the 101 inst . .! Is there another bank in the stato that can Mile a better exhibit? Thconanagcment dr the concern has fallen in t., t•arc and profits o h'snds. O. .J. las at • 11:1, 2911 i tilVTh. tID' rldmntly and 1.. re 3lra. li. and B. wns finite aerie.' damaged. CrIgiNGAME'S hOUSO in •ck by lightning on Bator ' electric fluid followed down story pipe into the room two boys were sitting. Mrs I sly injured and the house thw absence' of Aev. his Orimmei vacation, Lis a kitchen .. to the Parson d c4rpets -with new ones, teir During J. S. STEWART pp entigregation addo gv, replaced the stet in ether ways e anifested their regard for Isst._ such tokens of appreciation of a .faith tut minister moat be chke:lag to him. BABTLiTT lias•accepted a Pro psso4iip in the State Nor pia I :whool at Bloolusbuigh. Jilthough young in years he is a rik rohOlar, and will prove a acquisition to the iristitution. Mr. B. is spending a few weedis in,this place previous to Lid, ring upon his new vocation, .4.11 operator of xt, 1., visiting his a irominent lawyer and ltimore, was in town last 11==1 oGims.s.—The antiontices its Forty-first Ito bd opened in the city of , 1 11 of*ptember next. Ap.. Ito exhibit the best Agricul echanical Inventions, Ar liable articles of American I '. vs. in'fcider. It is intepde.d ost extensive, useful and eybrheld in America. NATIONAL P American ingtitti Aluinal Exhibition, New'York, on the 4 Itholjons for Epaco I lund Productions, tiatic deviecig, and v manufacture, are I.) make this the meritoriong exhibiti par Franklin - Steam Fire Engine ( , . N. 2, and Naiad Engine Co. No. 2, of this II ie. numbering about 2,5 men each, partici= 1 , .w , 1 to the celeblion itt Winces-Barris, on th.• Fourth. We le that the bop had a I‘l a,airj. trip and a ood time generally. bur r ril Wi11,.:-Barre conteporarios pronounce them lip. tinet:t sppearin and most gentlemanly n .. !tr . ai' , tt 'that ever vi:ted their city. Well, we ~,, , tr.rl they Nroult say so. i tre- The body of OAMES Bit was ~ erred floating can the river just below tho on Monday monolog, July I. An in •t+ -t was KlUntUolled by justice Bouinv, and a s. nnot of accidental drowidim rendered. The d• ;rased was an intemperate man, and leaves a young wife. i . - Another young 10 1 11 named PATUICK KEF.FE, drowned while bitbizajt outlands:. morning ja„: b low the dam. Search was clantirmed all day suriliay and .until M4nday noon for the belly, when a dispitch ;Was received from Staipting Stone that it hid been picked up at tloit place. stir The following officers of To of.T., were installed on nttiOny last for the 'ensuing quarter : W. I'. —Beta. M. Baer,. 15.. A. limn. C. 11. ALLEN. 1:, S. -MEAT B. COW. - I:. 5.-31 Ally A. CLACgON. , s.uium F. IWYLE Tr .i-. -HENRY FII.IIXIiS. lon. Mrs. E. m..L'ABSONR. -C11.1111,1•3 3.911:9 P/11:1i1S. L 5. 1 .-111tIcA PAnsoNs. S. C. it. ALUM. I'. W. P.—J. PEtazY VaNl:r.Err. 1 , ` ,, 1. , 11 meets Saturday evening of each • • 1, IM:=5l teir At an app I,as Barday, Pa. st , n) of Trip.h .11;11g 4, 1/ICerS were Ala • War. JOASSON, W. P. Jo sn'u Dorn V , . A.- -JAN. llttcu is '; 11L-NIAT -klrctrlF, HAT. Chap. - .I.karisr Frairrl Jortxsi • k FAs. inted meeting held by the Sons of Tempe ivixinn 82, the fol atallSil for the current U. d. W. P.: In F..S CI.L ~ L'. !M • - • r Di`xeaN. DAvln Is. , ould Kay that r bile Inlemperanro is do - in our c immunity, and tho Ik -r i Idasting thelrair Prospects of many, .• is on is still Making steady progress, I . ..endeavoring , to tnlfilP her noble mission rrolce herself worthy her name—tho Stem • T0..0.14 W. J. Pa., July I. • • _ _-,_,t .__::_._,_.._ C' , l:l. I_l . ;Exix(ll—Tll - 15 Wyalttsing 1. . r• . i aup Ileetin,g will im held (D. V.) on .1,71 ' ...- ,trlpi ”i•cil led I. t ydar, at Meshoppen, n.., Pa., c menciiig August 11, and contnting til Augnat i 27. Rev. Ix ' '.t: Pi , h, Presiding liler ef the District, will '. T. , ll , tth s mr , eting, nil his experience and ' 141,1 F are a sufficient finaraiity of good order. 1,- -: - , •e-Ilts are behie made to supply every Nstetit ‘,71,,p lotltilli re ‘ plrenience. A good .711:1,1 1, ii t %%ill he kept en the ground with -' I I•RP ratem for .paid. No ltuck.dering l'or lumbera l t i ld board Ceuta apply to I T M ,1 11:1, E. 1., 3lc hop Pen. For tent sites kt with .1. 11. WESTN mi the ground. Per . ~ ~,v npyiliw, tent sit - is Lasit year, can retain • ''',' be giving dtir - notiee on or before the -' ~! July, otln.rwise they 'it ill be let to. other :"'' '. The oThatnit e ir!ll meet, and an interested arc i toiled to meet on the :r..qrlJuiy 31, at 9 'dock. A.. it., to make - ~, Luther improve; eta on the premises. k!,, lr , teeraber, bre ren ` , a.nd friends, what y , ' , 1 ,, God g vo last year, so be.sure , tll. Chi: year anibeing along your neigh ' T ..1:on t for all. " e1ik..14! the Lord's hand ''' 'lPrrlbnecl that it capilot save." By . order !( .Inlittt t . ko - I .I.l)ett, r 4., Ju l UM - Ilas FitiEND A.Lvottn!; Topeka, the ' 44 ' 3 4 of Kiruna, is situated= the south side tile Katt or Kansas rirer. s , The main part of 1 " czt'i extends back from the river on a high ; -.11 4; Prairie, forming a beautiful site. It is "di laid oat, with b streets, and has some ''!" '' fiat public and niviee buildings.' The ` : 4 40 1 building --the , t iyiag baing InearlY '",lll,in.d —te a lino strnetnre, built of ant 12.0:,.. obtained from his State. The Court - ' Cr.,.' ..:-, T,' .- ,", - If , 1, lid a largo " , ”: , n.1 , ..1i.... a i onii,tro tivitWith •1111. r ' ~'111i2,. ita tire • xoteril titattni. finnsat , 1 Mime% thomX , itgoot krib44rims north and soatiVerameibe lot Slhl Woods through North To** tO* 1 416 1 , to the elditimiluoilo iftiolkatherity. :114 . 10k0 Importiot dry goodi and groan imam, bads and other places or barium, minuted &big this STUN* 5: tTO The bridge connecting North and South To. Peks, isfrl brut, epstteg $lOO.llOO. 'lt is aerials lY a Ana structure-4 liesfo•dnis::The Depot of the Kaoms _ Pacifc.B.l iesitustad in lorib.Trerekst tits 'beaks- Ilsnta Pe B. /I. sesttres bersoqilarepol;Ssi thn: apposiloakte of .the.llrl4,-91i11 * Ills city nautilus some tine peals assol-trittlet buildings. I noticed a school MOM, Dee* cr quite equal to the Lincoln School HOuse, be sides chnriffies, depot, and 'the Adams Axon& National Bank. The reuniads eentreing here are grand trunk lines, leading west and south= west through the State.. These raffroadr peas over 1101320 of the richest. best 11 11111nd sad tim bered portions 151 the State oC Kanam—the companies owning a land grant from GOMM• meat of ten miles on each' side of the Toads, which is now in inszket at reasonable rates with a long time for mama. And yet they are talking eareestij of more railroads centreing there, and that , their future as a great railroad centre an scarcely be conceived. !meet three days in Topeka, making my headquarters at our mutual friend XIL Cam's. By the way, our Bradford county people are doing well. I notice one-half the offices In the Court Moose are filled by Bradford county men, and all hill of businees—each owning a tine dwelling house and lot, apparently well - Sled for the future. Can, Itrax.and McDovoars ate practicing law with a good business. Court was in session during my visit in the city, Dr. Baum lives in the city--has made some very good-invest ments in city lots, owns some store houses on the Avenue which he rents,' a good dwelling house and a largo number of lots' where .he lives; doer but little hardness, is validly re tired and wellidtriated in anypart of thoworld. The 11th day'ot June the ruattarrilled Democ racy of Kansas Unit in State convention, to elect delegates to the National Convention to be hold at Baltimore. The hour of meeting being 2'clock r. at., I was on hand in time to ace the opening and chose of the assembled wisdom of the Democracyof Kansas. They or ganized temporarily, passed some unimportant resolutions, made a few red-hot DeMocratic speeches, when t committee was appointed to draft resolutions effecting a permanent °remit zittion. They soon 'came in recommending Gov. SUA,IOOI as permanent chairman. The report was adopted and:the Governor took the chair and proceeded to make a strong Gamaxr speech. Ho reviewed the history of American polities at some length, going back as far vs lacesos's time and the old National Bank, and Came down step bV step to our present National Bank and our currency, saying that the people were satisfied with it, and that really the only question dividing the two greit parties of the day was a alight differeitee in regard tolhe tar iff and universal amnesty ; that Mr. Gamuts , : had taken the broad ground of universal -am nesty in advance of both parties; when it was hazardous -to his political and pecuriary inter ests to do so, and that It was the part of wis dom and true generosity to take him as their standard-bearer for the coming campaign. At the conclusion of his speech the house , came down with rousing cheers for Garmsr. I had •eupposed from what I had heard and seen on the streets during the day, tha t . Mr. Gam,m's chances were poor,, but the Governor is a lead ing spirit among them, and furnishes thoughts and even brains for the mass of the !party in She State. It was the.barying-of the hatchet, and a general, old-fashioned political lore-feast of the Democrats and sore-heads. Gum: will carry the State by 20,000. But enough ; I' digressing from the subject matter of my letter. The balance of my.time in that city I vent' in looking about the country surrounding the city. The prairie-is quite rolling, with here and there a belt of timber resembling orchards anti artificial groves of trees. These groves or belts of timber are along streams on bluff,' or divides—the bluffs or divides - being poor Linda. (whst are termed there alkali lands} underlaid with stone which crop oat in many places. The lands just about the city are not as well settled or cultivated as about Lawrence, but equally as good, and in some respects better. They claim in Topeka as a reason for-this, that all the lands about the city were bought up by speco lators when it became settled that the Capitol was to be located there, and hence this vast amount of prairie crintignons to the city. These lands are held for a high price, and there being millions of 'acres still farther , off at ten shil lings per acre, emigration moves .on farther West. This will be re-visited and soon settled. The city wants a geed, 'rich agricultural sur rounding to back it tip, and its growth will be marvelous. On the 11th inst. I left the city for Oskaloosa, the county-seat of Jefferson county, a distance of 30 miles by rail and by hack—the route be ing down the Kaw river 11 or l 3 miles, and the balance of the distance leading back from the river on a higb„rolling prairiO. The Kaw -bot tom lands are very :rich and very productive. Many fields of corn: at„ : this date being waist high; and wheat nearly ready for the sickle. The wheat crop throngliont the State is consid ered light, corn being the staple crop. I saw ou thess. bottom lands some of the largest and the most forward, fields of wheat and corn, I visited in the State. I hear, and am, inclined to believe it, that the lands along this river, with all their productiveness, are inclined to breed fever and ague—not as healthy as back on the high, rolling prairie. Give me the prai rie in preference to either first or second bot tom lands. We arrived at Perryville at 2 r. x. ; left soon by way of hack which carries the mail to thin place. The first three or four miles of the road runs through the most sterile land I have seen in Kansas— ravines and bluffs oayercd with small stunted timbcr,.tho stone cropping oat on the bluffs and along the ravines. After pas-, sing this barren section we came right out on the broad and, in many places, unfenced prat ',ries, extending as far as the eye could reach, covered with t h ousands of cattle. and horses. For some distance it was sparsely settled, but the nearer we approached the city the more the la'ids were cultivated, and the quality of the farm buildings gradually improved. I reached the city about 6 o'clock r. as., stopped at the Oekahoosa House, found a very gentle manly landlord, accommodations good, and servants kind and obliging. I remained with my friends, W. D. LANE and W. E. STANLEY, untit the 18th, and through their kindness I was enabled to see a large portion of the coun ty of Jefferson. The 15th, the day following my arrival, we procured a livery; and went to the small town of Winchester, :distance nine miles, and then to Grasshopper Falls, 12 mite% Luther. We passed through &rich, productive country, cell Unproved, surpassing anything I had seen, in general appearance—farms well fenced, cattle of a good quality; farm buildings and orchards in first-class order. We returned home that evening. , The next day being San day, we attended the Methodist church, and also Sabbath-school. C. Y. Himont. r: S. Messrs. LANE .b STANLEY are associat ed together in the practice of law, and are do ing a good business. They are both deserving young men, of good moral principles and sound Judgment. GI \T AND WILSON CLVOS.—We hare tail several applications for Constituticin antlliy-Lawi for °Barr Clubs, and subjoin the font:44lg as Suited to the wants of most kcal- CONS La a tiON. Arrietr. I. This Association shall be known as the Criusr Aso Wn.rort Cz.rn of in.... Connty„. and its object shall be to secure, by the use of all honorable means, the election of General ULYSSES N GRANT to the Presidency , of the United States. Annus IL Its officers shall consist of 'a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Becretary,and Treasurer. who shall perform all 'the duties usually appertaining to such offices, respec tirvly.. They shall be chosen at the time of the erg:mut:on of the Club, and shall remain in office for such length of time as may be pro scribed by Dy-Law. Awricu ILL As soon as practicable after the formation of the Club, the President. shall ap point an Executive Committee :...members, whose duty It shall be to have charge of all the interests of the Assoetatie— .n generally, andlo see that all its orders and resol faith,. fully executed: Tti - ey.shall _prov ves kl for ings of the Club ; for the collectione are of allinon eye for the circulatiOit of Documents for at tendant's- of voters at the,polls ; and shall, with the aid of the officers, endeavor to so thereat* its membership that it shill become sw moue =sr or arras (hats' rcrraa wrrnut rint mai* Slams ow we Cum. Atrium IV.--After the organization of the Club, it shall be the duty of the President to ace teat the liecietary eball report to the ODIN TrigioDditig Me/notary o f Central Grant and Wren Club at the C i ty Beat of each county a fall list, of its °dicers and members, and semi-moutlity thereafter a list of all aceesninni to membership or changed f aleers. IS shall the fluty of this 'eterretary of the Central 12. It be tie Ihstfathe TIM; Presidents to aid and NEW the Prodded.; and in absence LPresident to 11111 .0 Zos. 21. It shall be the do of the - —fivoreharr to Ii correct all meetings hi a provided (co that parrism alio a list of Me names at munbers of*" Char, to sign all orders drum on the Tressirem and to cam dig the minespomtmos at the mos. 4. It shall bs the ditty of its Treasons to =rive all fends and motribmime that may mime w o e spon the by ; to pay ocit th only on order signed by the Pres ihmt and Secretary; to take charge of nags, banners. transpereneies, or such ohm proper ty; owned by Ws glib and see that the Mae h ntifar use. - Executive Committee shill see that all orders of the CM are carried oat as ex pressed by a vote of the same ; to see n = emizsr=enk and that pim Sma a for •to promMr mute s , ban. =I, etc.; sod that iiva si ftiM and Wean To le brought ts the on the day of elec. ;fti pr u r apectally teams and'carriages for %hose living at a distance from tho Remeinber the tins: do Wu.- aobmeeUOg on "May masks& stir The Building Association Ai on Monday craning next. IRMINSII LOCAL., ter C. F. Moss keeps a full lino of fine stationery. Especial attention is called to our children's lino of Hosiery. Bee Aire Store. 1W - Job work, of every description, neatly and expeditiously executed at this office. Mr Handsome " Jet Sete " for a1:2 7 5, at the Bee Rive Store. OM. The American Sewing Ma• ehinels the bait. Flour and Feed at retail, at Tostanda Steam From delivered free. Sayaone Clothing Palace, Main street, next to rust 'National Dank. an., Fine boots wade to order at L. L. litooirr & Co's. ser The best lot of Marble Tables non do doxet. in town • igt. If yon want a good Corn Cal tics .r, call upon Ii it. Wzusa for the beat. Ground Plaster $6.00 per ton, at T wands titcam Flow Mills. _.: Nitrous Oxide Gas for t.xtract vai, at. Kt.:LLT S Srasaaa's. Cross is supplying his custom ith everything in the lino of Books and .nery.. A large assortment of Brack nt•reccived at Piton Son. ME The American Sewing Ma ts the beat. CM! lira E. 3. lifamaos has We lar aricty of Straw goods In tins vicinity. I= Large stock of Red and White Flour, at McCann A. Entranee, • The finest assortment of Gen 't Handkerchiefs in ,town, at the ; Bee tore in Blerenia Block. tleme' Hive " Maltese," " Climax," and r Reward' Soap. Try them. For sale M. J. Tina's. "Dol st • Grenadines (at cost) at the it Store. Imported' Silks (at cost) at o Hire Store. RIDGEWAY at EYEUETT, at the • bite & Blue Store, are the first to give Si* they have reduced the priao on ca, Coffee and Tobacco, in accordance e new duty law. MI, `'l notice their with Beaver Brand Alpaccas, (at the 800 Hive Stoic. coat ) Linen and Straw Goods at . gly low rates, at N. Dot astmes Key °thing Palace, Mau/ street, tleXt to atioaal Batik. emcee stone First Elegant Organdies (at cost) • Hire. at the Hats and Bonnets, an elegant eel, at the Bee five. = -Mrs. E. J. MINGOS has just re ho Madame Foy Cornet SkirtSupportcr e sizes. - aved in t Baby wagons aro a necessity Cason. and WICIIMUX Bcairar have Jost snow stock. Prices from S-1.40 upward. of the open Hosiery" and Gloves, (at cost) Rise. at the Mrs. E. J. Mmeos bas just re fresh supply of ladies' ties and bows, o now shades. ocivnit in all Houses and Lots for sale, on , nttily payments, or to Rent. W. BILAXIIALL. Fyn ntroet, Towanda, ra.—tt. WI For fine clothing, inspi...ct N. rra's immune stock, Main strcet, twit , National Bank. Golan to Firs The best assortment of Gents' g (}odds at N. ()mamma's Keystone Palace. Fara C101.1,u, Toy. wagons, carts, whecibar ,c., etc., just received at WIcZUAX .t rtnrs, C BLace More Spring and Summer .• t N Gotositrrn's Keystone Clothing Goods Palace Dolly Vanden Prints and Cam & n Uu.Diumu's. Sir blies, at Brid ". iltreet. MOCAIIE St. EDWaRDS have }W and Tubs; a fine lot of sold at lowest figures ter To Ashton se-) ow is the time to buy sngai cheap , it always advances daring the Sam mer McCann st. EDWAILLAS haire a ; large uy your Tca, Coffee and the Rod, %lite sod Dino Tot Store, t, Towanda, Pa. ItrpotcwAr L Emmen. /0:r Bpicce Uriilge s you don't know whit iyou o Dook sod its Uosery Oak call cm SSP 'rant in c.r.c. siiir;i cents pm pound for good Chewing boom, at the Rea, White and Blue Store, I. street, Towanda, PP. Trf It and seo for y.. veg. Foul on r.. make tmi Will be leave t Om: ALE.-1 large building lot strait. Size 882131 loot. Would . good lota. Rey barn on - beck end. 1d cheap, air the owner wishes to I "Tinrma ores rnpurr at fhb, of• RilMr=l initillikaillitrasiitimtilm to drat 'AIM% bind •• -Vail" I 114111 " = MC041144 tit - Toirsal Ons liglist MUM ' "IS/Miff' • • • INl6tatitrisie &tin, or hnproved Wd Oat and Becket A gad da midfitj r b r a is Matthaei sails.' this rood nag. Oho the Zambia Mks s sad yam. ‘ol.lault Mazatlan, ft. • - I!J.QP 4 Siga ws fo put a Woven Wire Manna in awry house in Towanda, on a month% and Nit does not suit %ens, they will ail and taka it away. Now is your time 'to get whoa dear, Be sure you try, and Uwe you will bay. ' " ar We haul on hand and offer at bargahas: 1 Grover &Baker Bowing Xarmftn, 2 Ladd & Webalarli " 1 Wheeler Virdson!a I Franklin I Leather 6 4 : ! Pow a Mir The &Minn Anthracite is the Coal for Spring and /Zmmer uso. NiAhing like St It kindles easily, makes s quick ire, and can be as Asa as desired, a gnarl timing is readily as a busied. It never dies out, burning all down to white mhos, and renders coal Agree ciao further use. The pleasantest and cheap est in this or any other market for domestic 144511016 Mir 011 r daterprizing turniture dealers J. O. Flan' Son, bare seemed the agency for the celebrated Wakefield Earth Closet; and ha* an.assortment on hand. The Earth Closet hal been tested for several years, and gives Imiversal satisfaction wherever used. Yee the st& room it is almost a necessity. Fnzsu FLovirxes.—Ae the 811Mtriet ; has opened with its genial breezes and lovely dowers,.B. d. Fawn h Co. have the best We& lion of lliallineu Goods and Flowers in Towan da, for the lowest. prices, st the sign of the Big Ilonnet. , • RS. Have you over paiduny atten tion to the question. " TM it pay w to boy and use a Med Hay and Glevi;ner Bake in tiacr of die 'good ad Ileroircr "; If not, it is Worth your while to do 60. Lie a sensible farmer, Rend to It. M. WE11321, Towanda, tor a copy of leis Illustrated and Thweriptire Cita- J@' The edition of the Road and Poor Lairs 'of this South compiled by Capt. W. IL Cansocuas, is limited, and township officers who &tiro to procure copies. should apply soon. The work is for sale at this dace. Taz BEST WIIEEL BAAL—There aro a number of very good Whorl Likes, eseh-has ins some good quality ; but, all things consid erod, the Tompkins County Wheel Ilako we be lieve to be the best ; and then it has, as an at• Mehment, the beat Broad-Gast Fluter, Grain and Grass-Seed Bower now known. so- Having lately added to our . regular - business an Insurance Agency, and having some good Companies, we respectfully ask a share of your business in this line. ' Yours respectfully, WmzEast A Macs. stir Gonz d; Ideldaaox have re moval their Merchant Tailoring establishment to the store of N. Clowsurru, ono door south Of tbo National Bank, where they will be pleas ed to ace their Mends. They bare engaged a clothes scourer' and are prepared to • do any. thing in that line. Branco STYLE.—Go to GonE & McManus's, Fashionable Tailors, for your Spring Clothing. They hare the boat stock' of Cloths, Cassimeres; otc., in town. rartictdir attention paid to illTetliio Clothing. All work warranted. One door mt. Moreneallank: Vir In order to make preparatiima for our Fall stock, we will 'ell our Spring and Summer goods at low figures. It will therefore be to ,your interest to exanune our stock, as we sell the cheapest at the Keystone Clothingral• ace. Fon SAM—The lot now occupied by the Public School house onSecand and Pine Streets, is offered for sale. Tho lot has a front age of 225 feet on Second street, and 77 feet on Pine. Tho tin:perky will bo sold in ono lot, or in lots to suit purchasers. Ng. The thief who was arrested for robbing I'assozes storo in this tor, wits found to have a quantity of Antes Hair Vigor In his possession. When asked why he wished to steal that article, ho answered that he "wanted to restore his hair, -fir It was hard to boa thief and bald too." If that in vention of the great chemist could restore a faded character as effectually as it does their natural beauty to bald and grey heads,it would surely be, as they say it now is, triply invalua ble.—Lercistm., ( Me.,) Jcrurnal. A CARD.-1 - take this method of re turning my sincere thanks to the citizens of Bradford county for thellberal patronage they have bestowed. upon me this past season ; and a continuance of the same being an undoubted fact, as our goods have given, and always will give, satisfaction. We are having manufactur ed in Philadelphia the largest and most com plete stock of Fan and Winter goods ever seen in Bradford county. Messrs. Ckilut li Me.itanou, the popular and stylish merchant tailors, arc located in our establishment, and "are prepared to take your orders for stylish clothes. Our stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods next Fall will surpass any ontsido of the largo cities, as it _is my intention to have a stock of the period. Examine the figures below, from official returns. Sales of the leading Sew ing Maine Co's. for 1871 Singer Manufacturing Ctnnpany. 181,2610 Wheeler & Wilson - . 128,529 Grover & Baker 50,138 Weed Sowing Machine Co. • 39,655 Rowe Machine Co., him ha. to July.. 31,010 Wilco% & Gibbs 30,217 American.... 20,121 Wilson • 21,153 Original Howe .. 24051 Domestic - 10,279 lOWA, Nzrausxa, KANSAS, Ca=or sta.—Advertising alone does not produce suc cess. The thing which is advertised must have intrinsic merit, or oho largo advertising will eventually do it mono harm, than good. If you have anything which you know to be good, ad vertise iethorotagfily, and you will be sure to snoceod;lf it is poor, don't praise it, for peop!c s will soon discover you are lying. - Bach is.tho Polley of the Ithia.mrros Marrs, which runs to three great regions in the West : Ist, to Omaha, connecting with the groat Pa - ciao Beads. 2d, to Lincoln, the capital of Ne braska, and all that besutild region south of the Platte, filled with B. R. lands anal home steads. 3a, to St. Joseph, Kansas City and all Kansas ponds. The roads are splendidly built, have the best ridges, finest cars, the miller platform and copier, and the safety air brake (to p revolt the loss of life that is everywhere die happen-, tag); Pullman's sleepers, Pullman dining can large and powerfid engines (to make quick time and good connections), and are in a word the best equipped roads in the Wet. So that Urn desire to go safely, surely, quickly' and comfortably to any point in Southern lowa, Nebraska, Kansan, or on the relate, be sure that you go "By Way of Burlington." 111 who wish particular information, and a large map, showing correrfly the ()rest wpat„ and all its ranr' . General Passengur 3I:1: 11. I: IL Burbngtor, leirar MCMdiEI MlEf=ll EMI Wiauum & W.tas, k Morrul tBotq agents. S. W. ALcono, P. D. Monson, S. W. Itoocam.% Committee, N. Goumanl. Neynkmo Clothing Palitt,C. =ma Pia anialiellifusial oon -4.116014 ea iiP sow oft , Itio dote 'ite-the • ter% prootisto to be it faisani • , arm& are silinablog tepid sairsoco - • atittbo le be ailitted by coo of the • , iloweildokSiotly tirooloisat is -Wedeln Totk.: , . .; - The liolkethe mike of a nephew of Prof. flimmecom oho has been panning his maxim! steam in Genosey, is take* from a Balla pit "Xi Voila tiCieiviicic Nrieto4, •Apped_the Plume Paatesta' of Clhapia. aaa Mies Martha Women ibe • Asdar-Pokeatiee • of the some composer. The mespiete com. maul of the Maud& part as well Sir that width pedalos to the erpressice it disthmukhod the - perkerrammtes of the elsrrem osmotic* of the Wei Merited gods.° - . • Tint Nun Bracies.—Thi ielebrat adandeptly peactleallfair Warliseead Dresser Ifrt Sum Torlix, whose es. tehalisient kin the heiderny gide NM lugs oft Xtnttlh street, this CIO, and Idols also the peePtietor of a 'boiler esialahesent in M ink% IL In : 41 00/1 ambit, the loot kw months, probably, the lamest and most estemine listsbageseas of any porn is a she ilsr tosinces in this part of the, eount l 7. To aonaliodlite tiatOons thet conatry, be bee for .nxitiths . had' spots sta.. Weed in semi of the larger towns, and in , fact has been, cal much of the time birnseg, atten:S. ,ing to the "anti of his C 16101310114 while his Aorta bare been In fa operation, being earr• 'ed on in his absowe by the best artists that he could procure in the eastern 'eines. Mr. Ls rots attributes ranch of his success to-printers' ink, as be bas bad thousands of dreigars, dodges, he., printed at this Wilco, and east broadcast over the land. Ile is also one of the largest advertieers is this section, paying afina many tlexisands of dollars in the diftrent Jour nals of this State 1111:4 New York.—Limning Standar& 118. Tho universal satisfaction that the Eureks has given to all who have used it, is a sufficient reason for farmers who intend buying machines for the harvest of 1872, to ex -amine the many points of superiority and ad vantages claimed for' it and giro it a practical examination and test in the geld before buying. Nowise Macy=Clauvrairos lif72.—ln asmnelt as Mowing *chino liantifacturers, and their r gents, haie 'denied the points of all• mighty possessed by the Direct Drift Eureka Mower, to prejtullos purchasers, not acquaint ed with its meets, therefore I am anthdrized by the Eureka Mower Company .to make the following offer : That ,the Direct Dnift Eureka Mower will meet in competition during the coming harvest AND BEAT any mowing machine on the side„ cut principle, on the following points : Ist—Time of cutting. 24—Power expended. ll—Quality of- work whirls refers to' the manner of leasing the grams by the machines for caring, and the condition st.f the stnhlAL 4th—Time of curing the graes (no tedder to be wed) and quality of hay. The choke of time and place for the trial to b 3 drawn for. This trial' mnst incinde any or alt of the V ., 1- lowing, that the committee may require : The cutting of standing and lodged grass and heavy tangled clover. Cutting also on . lough gro nod, stony ground, stumpy groarld, in orchards, on side hills, on low bottom mead ows; and on marsh or swamp ground. _The contestants to deposit 41,000 —that is, MO on each of the *hove named poirsta. Te successful party shall donite the rusionnt received from tho others as, follows : one-half to the Ilosno for the Pr:endless in Poughkeep sie, and one-half to a benevolent institution to be named by the party accepting this chal lenge. That manufacturers, their agents, and pur chasers not familiar with the Eureka 3lower, may be assured that we mean business, I fur ther offer a Waltham Gold Watch worth $250 to any manufacturer of mowing machines who will accept the above challenge, and if this chidlenge is not accepted beforll the coming haying, we respectfully request all persona to make no farther statements as to what the Ertrelia`eaxisor do, but leave the PACTS as to what it nasr Do to those who know from use, and are willing others shall use and know. ISAAC W. WHITE,- President. Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Feb. 14. 8. D. MADDEN", General Agent, • • Nichols, 'flogs Co., N. Y. IT WILL PAY THE PARMEH n TO BrY AND Ust IT.—" Whitt ?" Why, the 'Tompkinn County Whet]. take. " Prove' it." lsk To comparejt with tho'" Good Vfd Ikt: rolrer." The Spring Toothed Wheel flake -will work better and easier over states, stumps, boggy and rough ground. 2a. It will rake rbyrrier on mry tontsel• than the revolver. 3d. It is easier fur the horse as well as a the driver. 4th. It loaves the - hay in better condition tor pitching. The Revolver packs or mats the hay together ; the Wheel Rake leaves the bay loose. sth. It will rake wilted or hall cured clover hay--,which needs to bcpnt into cock in that condition to cure. Long or lodged stubble presents no obstacle to the Wheel Bake. " Yon know bow it is" with the Revolver. Gth. In ,flooded or dasty hay,. the Wheel hik shakes o 4 mach of the adhering (Inst, while thci I:evolver keeps all on. 7th. It is far more conveniently and rapidly handled in the field; and, in Consequence, ill do more and better wotk. Bth. No use for the hand-rake in the meadow. 9th. Any 13. years' old bay, who can drive a horse, or many pcisons too infirm, or otherwise incapacitated for ot.ltn•ty field work, can in. most cases do thil raking as well as a strong man. 10th. The Itevolver is almost worthleis ter gleaning grain fiem.., %Chile the , Wherl rake will pay far 'itself in gleaning 30 acres of wheat and other grain iii rrop+rtion. Grain rl any kind costs the farmir too much to grow , it, to Word to waste it. • 11th. Thu SChcK.i ltale is much ts.tter to rale dried clover secs in straw ; the lievolver will waste the seed. 12th. The Tompkins County Whctl llale will ota-lost and enit-trear more. Rert , trers flat'. the purchase tnoury paid fur the former trill buy of the latter: while the Wheel Rake has all the time been more efficient and useful in urcry - way. • 13th. The grater retio',,ility and dtuabihly of the T. V. Wheel Hake, render it far etlcr fur Or) farmer to depend upon it to do his rs.kinr, than upon the wooden llevolver, which is so apt, ()vac/a-rut/sly, to break. when there is a large amount of hay to secure, anti refry liken/ of time Sa precious. lath. The greater portability of the Wheel hake will save much valuable time in moving to and from field, etc. 15th. The TOMPKINS COUNTY BAKE IS THE BEST WHEEL IL&KE. 16th. Because tt is_the best constructed and durable. 17th. Because, it wits rake a heavier windrow and then bunch D. 18th. Because, it s al rake heavier uncured grass or hay and do good work. 19th. itecamsts, it is more easily operated aril handled. 21th. Because, it is seff-41i.‘c/iargiiv -• the horse doing the labor iu ibiruputiz, anti, that too, without any gears, ratchets or brakes up on the wheels: - 21sk Demotic, it has a first-claw BROAD CAST SEEDING ATTAGH3IEiT, at an ex tra expenaci of only I , 2s—rns rtax =ST IN ills woram—that will sow perfectly ALL =re 07 awn and taws alms, Plaster, Ashes, Lime, Gunito and other fertilizers. I invite oar farmer!, to give this 'Wheel Ii Le mulita seeding attachment a fair trial is com petition with ant other aiznilar machine. Price (dilate, $10„ Combined machine, ' Tlio Quarterly Meeting of the, nom) cb t rge will be huid. st Tdirnet Bill, oci Satiirday and Sunday ucit, July 13 and. li. 1872. A good time expected. Be on time if you want sesta. ,P. Hcganzooa, Pastor. , Tun Emma 31Acnni s.-. 11. is prtwied to supplyilorsePowers and Titresb in; Machines of any description, or from .mr /calling and best manufacturers. Jrn. %claw:D.—A fresh supply of - *heti Alpacas, Striped Grertadeens, Japanese • , r T'"ll', trirrn and White Linea, Graf*. U10:11 n.u.l tillawlit. ler the Summer tr;:fl+•, , ,,at ti. S. ; MI 6 1." serif Wan, a Bebigaratar, Om la at w eunal) i the uriasco,,* astrorndedged kr be ale ave 4 • • Ina Coils, .ana Halt Goods. in jai vssie4y, jai rialto& id B. A. Prrlss tQoPli. • la. sorstli •tiik ' etuovid their Nit. sis. The Tni versal White _Woven Tucked Eairt, 411 Wadi of * 9.OP 81041. sad Bestioe;eae 11.4. Prins Co's. • MEAR4I•ED. •: • BEIDIFILTA4IL—At the N. E. Parsonage. Skinner's , Pa; July 3,1874 by- Am : P. TON; P Cle O. Been, of Iletyl4_ Bra& ford county, Kiss Clara M. Taylor, of Standing b _ • - . - MOSS G—ln Iloshoppeu, Jana thet boot cg l Was'. rather, by ,Bev. Clark Salrarm,Mr. C. F. Cross. of Towanda, to KW S. Manftna, daughter of Sta . Ling, EN- • •. • LUNOIXIL:ROB SON.j-At the K. E Parson- Nonage. Mush pp.°, Pa., July 3, 1872. by J. H. Weelon, Otsubo Arnold sod Miss Mary A; Robinson, both of Fcirkston. ELL/11--3101111n - arturrille, July 3, by_l3. W. Churchill, .tor of the Christian Church at Lelloy,lllr. 0. L. Ellis to' Mrs: Charlotle Itare, wp COGS " D_DINGTO 4 i— . At the If. ;E: Parsonage, M hoppen,Pa, July 4, l' 72, ,by J. H. Weston, Otaid argurell of Main; Broome Co., NI Y., and Kiss Naomi C. Cocl-_ dington. of Umyrille, Wyoming Co., Ps.. • WARNER-131114TER.--At the K. E. Parson age, in Laßa_yarillo; Juno 29, by Her. a. El well, C. H. Warner, M. D., and Miss Amelia Mater, all of LollaysTille. BUSH—HUFF.--At the U. E Parsonage, Skin flees Eddy. Pa, July 2.1372, by Bey. I'. R. Tower,Kr. ;Samuel V. Bush, of Standing Stoneßradford Cu.. Pa., to Miss Martina 11. Huff. of Lime Hill, Bradford Co., Pa. Tanore- 7 13u8u.-At the 111. U Parsonage, Skinner's Eddy, Fa., July 1 , 1872, by Um P. R. Tower, Mr. G. W. Taylor and Miss May Etta Bush, both of Standing Stone, Bradford Co., Pa. JESIMGi—VABLOOVEN.—At the M. E. Pantonago, at Caroptown. June 29. 1872, by Her. T. F. Johnson, Mr. Frank ienningi to Miss Abby_ Van Inore n both of Standing / Stone. 1 , 1110WitY—orziovoLD.—At the resides oo of tbo brkle's father..roshaa Griswold, Esq., lya, by Rev. J. J. Turkic, Mr. Earl Mowry of Union, Pa., to 3lian.llortenris 0 rkgtrold, of Leßoy, Pa. GOODWIN.—In Lacerrille, IVymning Co.. Pa., lifsr3o, 1872, Mrs. E. P., wile of Jesse Good win, ageti 39 years. . j Thomas bladdocks, 'Produce Commission Merchant. .VO Pennsylvania -Ave nue, Scranton, Pa. Butter, Eggs, Lard, Chccvlo, Fruits, Potatoes, te., .tc. Consignments soli citislowd returns promptly made on sale or Goods. References cheerfully given. Corres pondence solicited. • Mir liocKitrzu, &- 111.71tL1Alriti Free Exhibition of Trained linracap at Towanda, Wednesday and Thursday, July 17 and 18, at n and n o'clock each day. Immediately after the Exhthition a free Lecture by Prof. hock. well. • Schools or Instruction for tho prt.per method of educating tho horse 'trill be formed at 2 and 8 o'clock each day. Iw' TAKE NOTICE-7-411 persons in debted to the late Sim of Z. lIMILIDETTI CO.. will please call at T. Muir & Co.'s store and Settle Immediately, or costs will be made. The ac counts ore in the bands of T. Merideth for settle ment. - J. MERIDETII k CO. Tolima*, Jab:11.1872.-023. • LOST.—On Saturday, • May 25, 1572. either in Towanda Borough:or betwren Towanda and Mater. a BLACK LEATHER POCKET BOOK. containing , about 520 in - money. 'The tinder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at MU office or with ELIZABETH BARBOUR, Ulster. riL • May 25, 1872.-3 t• 'PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE, CONSTITFTION OF P=SSITX/Nik. raOPuSISt. 41.X.P0W1411.MT TO TILE CONATITI3IO3 ft, u t rctob.“l by MC Stlia , C and Howe ,!( Reproen, Wines of the CM 11110A46CVAA o f Pentuytranir to Gcn eral.tetanbly net, Thnt the following amendment of the Constitution of this CoMM)nwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or trjr etioo. prim. ant to the presiaions of the VAAL article thereof, to irtt : . Strike out the sixth section of the sixth Article of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the fol lowing; " A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the quiliriod electors of the State. at such times and for such tern' of service as shall be prescribed by law," WILLIAM. ELLIOTT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JAMES S.RUTAR. Speaker of the Senate. Approird the twenty-second day of March, AllllO Ikettlxd one thatwand eight hundred and seventy. two. - .750, W. GEIST. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the Truth Article of the Constitution. • Plasm JORDAN. Secretory of the Commonwealth. Onkel:eat:tau of the Commonwealth. k liarrisburg. Jane 26. FM!d:ER'S LOOK HERE! We itsre FOUR of the eelarated WOOD MOW EDS which we offer for $BO well, 'to dose out the Luslneess. Ycni cannot buy ono of thew naseticcs elsewhere for less than SIOO. July U. 1872 lIIRAM TAYLOR FASHIONABLE TAILORS, Keep always Lai hand a fall CLOTHS, REA_D Y-ALWE CLOTHING In all the latest styles, HATS CAPS AND UMBRELLAS, Furnitoliir - r • . Gl- - i 1,14 -CUTTING DONE ON Sll ORT ALL WORE WARRANTED MAIN STREET, JrULES HITGITEN'IN Is viiistantly rt.:X.:viol ;large a..,1 IncrA of AiIEUICAN AND S'ArL4;3 GOLD A.ND BVATbIigS For Ladies and Gentlemen. Jtwrlry of all kiteL+ and tiesuiptiona, • . B. 11.1YELLES. =IL TIMM AND (.10C,G. CO.'S 111011 Tag cumixs-r TO Tunt DZST. GOLD, BUXER AND STEEL FLTMCIAOLM GREAT yAnrepr. Parectear attentim/ ;,4vett io Of ill kktils. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Itrmitn bcr the Neck—One door north of .11Irrent,4 To wan -May 1. Ifl .tt -- WM k Mcnuus, =puha eelleibested •epettleeiee, here coer..;rosa Huomues to DIED. SPECIAL NOTICES. I=ll=l New Advertisements. JOINT RISOLVTION =! AILENDUENT LEWLS & CO.. Bridge etrueL Torraiiita, 'Oppositu Public Silvan?, iut.ut of CMII3IEILES AND COATINGS. GENTS' In great, variet) NOTICE. TOWANDA, PA. CLOCIi~!i, :4 D.l We i:4 Star' tt'L.: lIT .PI-itS ;gl AMMO! CIMICIONO !NM Amur fll • Buie lfo.l. 2 JolntsTaco• MOO "•• No. 3, - 2:38 Sok.. • NIO / NEOOND DAY. Pane N M o. °. raM ng No. o.doublo loam . • ' TBlll32rDkri Rine R 0.17.240 row.. ... .... mufti! nee sweaios..- " No. 9, - 430 Weather& etriei at 11 Veto* 14. i 23d. Theareek hes recent* been mama and ether. vise terproved. mita am Nor* to no track In the country. lionaranatice and biome rIII characterize the racer. A.A.AITIIIIO , President. Diszczosa —L. C. EL Goff. Jabs X = :- Sohn Tischer. A. IL- Oss. M. taller. O. W. Parr:anon, Jr.;2lreasui •C. S T Z. P. Ozacza. deal grey. REPOET OF THE tha Fran l'ittloatz. Pa., at cloaca bauditats. June.lo, _ . ItESOVECES, Innis and dial:anti 9241.048 94 Overdrafts 1.364 12 lI.R. Bonds to some circulation. 133,000 - 00 17:13. Bonds and Soettrittes on . .3' 350 00 Doe from rodeo/Mamma reserve , ntr.. 35.961 89 Dne troth other National Endo,. ...... 9.377 43 Dre, train Ohre busks and baskets ... ... '7,445 13 Banking Ronne 1 . 6,000 00 Furniture sad extarres • • 2.000 00 Curren xes t Pai expetuies ' 3.128 43 Tad 1.049 93 Exchanges Cash Items (Including stunt's)... , ...... 1.637 El - 8.703 66 Bina of otbsr National 1iank5.c . ....k .. ....... i5r 1, 7 34 43 1 ta) (0 Truth:nal Currency ftnelnding ni 1e1)... 742 32 Speck.. Legal tender motes..: LLIIIIIIITIL' o'ollll3W* paid ill sUrnln, rand Profit and 1,1.4 National Dank circulation outda Indisidual DrpoottA Due to :National Dank. Dna to other bank* and Dankrn, STATE Or PENNFTLTAELL., County of ltraollonl.. . I BETTB, Jr.. Cashier of Bank Towanda. do solemnly . statement Is tem., to the bent of ml belief. N. N. Satwribeil uuriocora to be - for, of June, 1a72. ; Contscr—Atu.,: JOB. - • E. T. FOX.. • OEO. STEPPIN. MI F, 'WORLD'S TO. l'urely tivgrtable Nnd frt.!, R. V. LORI DEPT S • .t CERTAIN CURE OR ' Soatod Cough. Inetrient Consrim ton, Colds, Aplt- Una Mood. Intlamation of the angla'Catarrh. Bronchitis, Droop, WhoOptng, 'ongli, Asth- P.Lins in ltreast or Bide. Ttyapepids, Jaundier, DiZZLIII!Sit. Lass pf Appe. Lao, Foyer and Saul . lu•li;rretien, layer Complaint. ;Diarrhoea, - azl. ail Diaca,;..l, a the Lurcis, Stuukul, and Ridne,)* W. H. GREGG AiT‘, • tLE DIIVOGIRTS, Sole Agrutsl, and to whom. all o lere .: should. b - addressed. Moe, $ .00. A2. - . id-rd: Circulars fur furthcr i urination.