Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 27, 1872, Image 3

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    Ilia finif (mkt
• Towanda, Thursday. Jane 27,1872.
- -
isigh. A portion of Pranklin No. 1,
and Nalad p, bails accepted as invitation to
visit Wilkes:Barre ea the Youth,
set. TO first, rest drenching rain
experienced in thii locality for ti,ro years, has
fallen Ate • •
oft. e Gum and Wuaoi Club
will meet it the (fraud Jim Room this Wednes
day ovenin
la. The editors of th© Beta say
the ban Towanda have batten:Wk. The
Bent mon had bette . r not know what la kept In
the bars of Towatla. -
PERSON., 'W. B. SUM tad fami
ly arrived hi; twining' Saturday evening lasi,
en mule fin. tong Branch where they will spend
the Buremer. '
ter Atkin, ti* is called to the ad
vvrtisemont of the School Directors in another
colninn, inviting pr o posals for building the new
school-bongo. ki
nig. Thor.° will be a Grand Cele
bration and Pyo Works at -Nhuusitui, on the
Fourth. llonr Mows Lannon, J. W. JUT
.N.tno and E. P. Dirt:77acn, will dO the orating.
IS. Mr. i t y.xB, IZUWOOD, of Sheshecittin,
and Samna, 0 or Wyse:, are supplying
Una rnuket wftb strswberries this maim We
learn thst Mr. iWraze crop is neatly a failure.
ler , The sec ) u-annual parade - of
the Fire Department came of - on Friday after
noon last. • LAPIIA24I : ::eB bind thrldsbed umiak.
Tile whole thing-pitied off pleasantly. No Vial
of the steamer* was bid.
tee Mr. JedINOLB, OLIO o f Otir
nu at indueri. and intelligent COMA eiti-
Loom, Will accept ourithankit for a basket of new
pot atoes, -- grointi in kqs garden nearGreetnrood.
Mr. .I!..NNoLo wf,U supply our people with *U
Lind: , of gardeq veget ables during the season.
.tit- N. NI Barra, jr., was re-elect.-
r,i PreAident a the !ntnalßaUding and baring
-Fond Association, ,n Monday evening last.
V. tloonwsni W. G. donnpx, E. NV; Ex.wr.m.
•s - 041 Jsmas Connrato, were elected Directors
to 'wive for thrio
- Assistant 'Superintendent DEEI
has atiipla l .yect eeellent taato in arranging:
the grounds abut him residence. Although ho
occupied thO pre:unities but a few mouths,
hi.' trees and abrulihimry have the appearance
of an eltl , place. i 1
la&- Th© excursion party from this
place which last creel: visited Manch China%
had a very pleaSatit time. The Mansion Mouse
in a first-slays hotel with an obliging corps
of clerks, waiteri% etc. In our next, we will
give. s short discriptian of the town and thole,.
mous awitch - ba4k.
ter. The list filf speakers at the
Good Templars' Pic- is and Maas Meeting, to
IT Mid at Wyalusitig,l l on the Fourth of July,
will likely be announced next week. It Is do-
rind that all friends Of tbd cause shall take
part in• this rally
IPS- The Pennsylvania and N. Y.
c , ), will 65 7 10 hit, fare tickets from all
p een tlin told, to" persons desiring tocwt
t,i,d the ten,Krirce Celebration at Wysluffit . tg,
,•:1 thy Forth. Oqr ',temperance people will
;:pisrutialc tIliA liberality on the part of AM
1;411rt , a41 compat*.
, •
tl JAMES sri,., ER(1:, died at his
i ir,
p ••••• Irar., , , Item!erileid Creek, on the IGth
1 .,:,t., a%(.41G1 yen;ni. • Ir. E,. bad 'been a rest
e, at of Standini Stone Unrest:kip, for many
~ • ars, and was universally esteemed. By habits
11 nidnstry and strict bonesty'he had acquired
A hayillsome fortune. 1 - •
in.. Mr. J. J2k. F D OOTE, Of the "How-
Mission;" Net!" York, visited this plaits on
;' , niday last. In the morning be made an ad
dre,, at the Baphat church, and in the even
mg spoke in ill() dI. E.iChurch. In 'the morn
ing he raised f 9.7.5; in the evening sl9&li,
making in all $2:34.90. Of the above stuns lady
ointributed fLfty,•two dollars. The Episcopal
wai l
not asked to contribrittu
ItS- The Town Council have order
,.l- thaollowing additiOnal street banns : 1 cos.
r Msin and Chestnut streets ; 1 Main. above
;1 corner Abdul and • Locust avenue ; 1
rifler York and Locust avenues ; 1 corner Ens.
1 ,, 0 street and York avenue ; 1 corner Third
endltridco streets ; 1 corner Seiond and Lane
Lard ,treets ; 1 c9rner Pine and Second streets.
Thf GUS Compao laro also extended their
noun to the tippet. Depot.
A FIRE AND .s; AecirtniT.—oll Wed
ty afternoon Slaont 6 o'clock an alarm of
tins giren, and it W , as discovered to be
(la( Ina; , ltonre on Lombard street owned by
ii"tonts sa i d ocennied by. and or more
It teas entirely consumed.
not ascert'ain the amount of loss and
.1.. c, I.lmta Steamier eras being taken down an
rbrupt doeinits hear clip EriseciPal Church in
, •r•i r to get water, she lbccame unmanageable
n!,.l,vrnt down the bill at a rapid rate. Sere
tat members of the company hid hold of the
1 .7. 4 • 1 : , but rycre fliable to hold her. All man
a:, .1 t., get out o the Ray but Few C. Om;
e: tlv tirni , if G0r.V.... Itellancia, merchant tai-
LI , 3, 1 d AlmtuT Loriiii Mr. Lost* stumbled
:;:,•1 Mc. (iet:Cfcli uport bin!, and a wheel of
I:, Nt.. diner passed uvek them. Mr. Gout be
hcr ~, lop came in direct contact with the
c 0,,, • '„ and was at i riousiy injured, it crossing
he. Ie to the icumedizite vicinity of, the. dia—
rlh.,chn, Aimee/ was brat slightly- bruised.
1,. ry t.rtunattfy,. the ' r upposite aide of the
•rie...!s:. r tall intci a rut and careened, taking
the greater weig 't of the machine ! , else Mr. 'Ci.
arl.t. line" been certiLly killed. Moult C.
I*. , r, i Li; also fell and sustained a slight gash in
tit, Mad. Mr. Giyar. w
. as removed to his real
ic rht , arid we ar glad learn is improving.
Ti , c. .. an unforicina to accident,. and we hope
IL. ldo may nut tor again."--Rom
l' , 1: A IiFOILD C
The Drsdrord Co. Teachers'
the l!resbytoriso chnich at
A iuvmmctli
Jdow 15,
'oinoi in the chair. Bcv. 0.
ed the t devotional exercises.
a meeting read and approv
they partial report, of noi
r . read:
U. F.
K. 1 :4..1.) .
3I:111;$, .4 previo
part, or r
1 ..•- I : ,, mluittre •
/•••••'%•••/, That en
•• the kt.gthl of
- in to •et.
mOnths of school is the
time beat calculated to
at .e u clock.
(N.).1 81.44510 N.
nr iloicussed by A. A Keen-
I. J. Iliensou, 11. E. Pitches.
mmittee then submitted the
may teachers arc more site-
he hible should ho excluded
nn,as i 's text book. • -
the inefficiency of our school
tritnite to the indifference of
'ors, rather than to the In.
iel ers.l
Compulsory education Ibe
r y a discussed by 0. E. Crosby,
I. Denson, P. I. Chrispell.
Third reaolution t ilisc „lL od by B. J. Denson,
IL E. Pitcher, P. L CtuAspell, Dr. Coburn and
Croshy. Leigt.
Committee on klembership, Kiss Edna Gates,
end Miss M aggie
Fourth resolutio beftire the Association.
L'v l
4161.1i0 BESSION• •
Ito 1110 rf•oltitt
!' I. K.
Ttli- 1 . 4tAine.1.4 Cf
rcpurt 1.
than j.. , ;entti
, That
the sehontl
• ''h at
to le to I>e ath
k'r,c l Th9 and threco
mPrt.hcy qt tell
,4, 1 ,1 v.1 to thia its
IL E. Pitcher, IL
o m.ll with ra .
(I :aatlitto.
tia~; Subject, .. W
te Gorham.'
lfam~ `loaf.
Acclamation by Walter
gem•y by Yin May La.
II it Puy r Declautstical by
Mn c. Lecture by Rey.
hr TiltiHrion •
11/,:it blai tit A 1401.3.
Alton wore ttudseed to M. Nene be his able t l
eloquent sua peadleil `eildrete: Algoureed.
INecitisks at ' Ibis* resciallos ream&
Participated la by /L. N. Pacherat. J. Demos,
S. N. Blood. W. N. Waldron, IL W. Durand
esti P. L. Chrbpell. (hats&
A resoluties to the ,effect list a Graded
School @lmp be cateblisbed s when prestige/le t
is every Immehip, was alibied Ity Ns. Waldron.
& L Blood, O. IL Ons!lor. A. Z Plaber and
A.A. Lem took past is the disimies. Para.
ed maticooludy.
Nude. Nies Assam dim nod as oilcan
subject, "Winn' Kiscenammas byelaw
now is order. It was moved sad adopted Oat
the report of the Nosiness Committee be pried"
ed is the county men fair. weeks is advisee.
It was voted 'obeli the next assettag at Omit
NUL A. A.:lCeeser tam rand the edloodelf:
Reached, That
Wefthahs of the Amelia=
are doe. sad am km*
.teadierad, to
el=of Athos,. Mr the lathy n
os ; to the trustees et the church for
the am of their commodious edam. and to the
censers for the ercelleat mode with which oar
ezenhes have bees samsed.
Fifth resebdka diseseeed by Cbrispea.Pileb
ex, Hos. J. H. Webb sad Ben. 0. K. Crosby.
0;1 make it iris Lid on Os taiga
' The Wowing appointments sere thenmade:
Lackner, lam George Land= Deakin:ere,
Joinatisvorib and L.E. Chabot& Eisayists,
Min. X. A. Pratt and Kiss Chloe Dinsmkk.
Badness Committee, 0. J. Clmbbeek, J P.
Coburn, H. Ckaroplin, Jr., 11 A. C. Pendia
ton and Kiss Ylors Entatitomm.
After Do:Wpm the Benediction was pro
nounced by Ben 0. Z. Crosby, and the Aasoct.
Woe adjoined to meet at Orwell the second
Friday in September. 'F. O. Mute,
• Ow. Beep
FZIXED Ai VOED : accord
awe with my TwOodwe, I win write you a brief
letter from this place, commencing *tiara left
off in my last
To one passing through Mushy oter the
Chicago, Burlington k Quincy Ballroad, - the
State presents a very rich and beautiful appear.
anoe. Isle a whitewisited in an 'grit:mita
ralixdat of view, to the highest possfble extent.
Farms are skillfully cultirated:and many grow
ing large and *Willy shade trees; house,and
outbuildings newly built and neatly painted
fruit trees of all kinds large and bearing; and
fences and gates more like Lancaster, York and
Cumberland caamties, Penna.., than a new State
'barely 20 years old. I should jnege from sp•
pearance, that there was timber enough, is.
°Mktg what has been planted and what grows
naturally along the streams and upon waste
lands, to supply the wants of the State. Ton
can sew from the cars,- on either side, large
- quantities of young timber growing. Water is
not•so plentiful in that State as in KAMA.
Farms that do not border on streams, ire elsP•
plied with wells and wind-Wheels, oeimMs, as
they are called here, to pump water into tanks
-for stock in fields which are destitute of water.
I eaw but very little waste land until we ap
proached the Mississippi river, near Bolding
ton, which was under water =a swampy, wet
place, covered with tall, wild grass and weeds,
a good harbor for water snakes and lizards,
and a fair prospect or " show for lover and
ague s and other diseases incident' to this
ern country. This waste land along the Miss
hdprd. I am told, is quite extend's.
We reached Burlington, lowa, about ro'clock
r. x., and crossed the bridge, which is a One
greeter°, Into the city. Burlington is 'a large
city, lying on the 'rest side of the river, and "s
-tanding beckon a high bluff. It looks beauti
fully as you are; approaching it on the. opposite
Vide of the river. We remained here but a short
time, and then were off for a long ride serves
the State of lowa. We passed over the State
mostly in the night, and consequently can give
no description of the country or the condition
of.the crops, as it rained all night and was very
Our time to reach Bt. Joseph was 10 o'clock
a. X, but in consequence of the hoary rains,
the railroad track was out of order aad detain
ed as on the road until about 1 o'clock r. It,
which brought us to the muddy waters of the
Missouri. The river was bank-full, and many
fields of corn and wheat were water.
Here our dining-car was put on, and our break
fast ready at 1 o'clock r. tr. Our appetites were
good and our breakfast excellent. There Is no
longer itdoubt as to sleeping; dining and palace
cars bcii g run successfully ori our railroads. I
can but speak in the highest terra of praise of
the beatitiful sleeping and dining cars, and also
5 4 ,1
of the entlemanly condnet of the employes
of the C 'caw) & Burlington Railroad.
We n left this place for Kansas City, fol
lowing down the east bank of the river through
a. very heavily timbered county. There was
not mach improvement along the road—only a
few licile log huts and patches of corn: The
first city we can see in Kansas is Leavenworth,
looming up on a very high bluff on the opposite
side of the river. We stopped at Beat Leaven
worth atihe ferry to let- off some paisengers,
and then went on to Kansas City. Across from
this city s Wyandotte, in the State of Kansas.
These runes are familiar to us all, as being the
scenes oti some of the most shameful outrages
ever recorded in history—those committed by
the border-rttfilans of Maim&
Kansas i City' is much larger than I had sup-
posed, some claiming for it a population of 40,-
0051, but I think 30,0000 or 35,000 would be
wirer the number. These Hansas people all
like to un l ike their cities the largest and farm
ing loads the best of any section in the West.
This is a groat railroad centre—eight or nine
railroids.hentreing here, and I am tUld 34 pie.
senger trains arrive and depart daily.
We remained here until? o'cloCk ri st.,. and
then were o 0 for Ottawa. The distance I have
forgetten' i as well as the hour when we arrived,
but it was quite late. In the morning we took
hreakfasti--bad a very Ana meal—hired a livery
andswent fact about eight miles to visit a Mr.
Puna:, formerly of Dutchess Co., N.T. Boon
after leaving the city we reached the broad,
unfenced prairie. 'Here was the Sind prairie of
any accounti ever saw. It was a beautiful
sight and - can not des the it- better than to
use, the w rds of BILIANS :
• ' —," It was lik,e a swelling sea,
Over which a Moi ,, ician's wand has atrctcb'd,
Transforming it latently and holding it -
In bondage evermore." - '
The pr 'es were finite rolling in the direc-,
tion we t veled, and interspersed with timber
along the streams. The prairies wore covered
with a tal grass, over which were scattered
thousands of cattle, attended by herders on
their Nina rig ponies. We spent the atentoon
with Mr. as be was a very intelligent
man, bearhig his stories of the great west.
Mr. Prance has been a member of the New
York•StaSenate, and also of the lower House.
He has r eided in Kansas about eight years,
has 1,000 tides of land ins body, and is farm
ing, with-the aid of his sons, on a large, scale.
We retrained to the city that night, and the
next mcir+g left for Lawrence, the great W
ho-field for liberty and equal rights. , Ottawa is
a small town, containing 2,000 or 3,000 pope's- .
Lion, but is nevertheless called a city. It is a
good country surrounding it, and the town is
building up rapidly. 'We reached Lawrence
about noon on Saturday. It is truly a splendid
country betwen Ottawa and Lawrence. It is
well cultivated, and is planted with fruit trees,
vineyards find nurseries in many places along
the railroad. Lawrence is the finest looking
city I hallo ream in Kansas. Maseachusetts
street lookii more like a street in New York
city than ope in a Western city lees than twelve
'years 014. Pight years ago I, think, QualawllL
sacked and burned the city, and murdered
about 200 Men, women and children. This was
the home of Jul 'AXE and Gor. Suessos.
Stiaitaim II lin lives here, as do Mrs. Lass and
family. We visited the well where Jix Less
aho'lmortse, and also the State University
which is a fine building on a high point of
ground southeast of the city, near the ruins of
an old fir t I believe they call this Mount
Oread. W spent two day" hero looking about
the countri and city, and came away well pleas
ed. They Maim 11,000 population. They have
half a milieu dollars hirer ed in Universities,
Oolleges and school-homes. Between this .city
and Topeka I saw - some of the heMriest crepe
of wheat arid the largest titbit of pan I ever
saw. We fclllow the Kansas riverapto Topeka.
It is certainly a rich, fertde vailey;well settled
up and cultivated. This brings ui to Topekii
the home of several of our young, enterprising
men from !Medford, Pa.. G. P. Mumma,
Topeka, Mau.. June 12, 1872.
tor e regret _to' learn that HEIM
OATIAMD, Esq., OM Of the * oldest citizen' di
Wystnnt was stricken down ea Osbilq
at ening i s paralytic shock. Re eel Ike ie
an turcenesions condition, with bet little Imps
at rammed'
alirA festival' will be held by the
Goad Tempters at the Academy in Bar, Joy
4, 1872, (de?aml ereriog), for the rwttl a the
order. AU inu turned to stkutt. '
are F. Peou,kieri a full UM
air dam stalkaler.
A! *viola atimdkna Li called to
sir Job work, Ot . overi doseziptkii,
.eater oak tipsasooft asseidsi at Mk Mee.
- 6
iNr Handsome "Jet I Seta " los
SL26, at Oa Bee Me Nate.
is. The Ameri'aia Sewing ifsi
eldse Is die beat.
Fog auar.—A fifty feet lot on Yolk
Aram. lapin at B. W. Somas.
ts. Flour and reed st retail, at
Tana& Skala rats Kills, dithered km
18. Keystone Clothing. Potato,
Isla street, nest to first Nstiomal Beak.
116. Pine boots made to order at
L. L. Nom & 00a.
Mr The best, lot, of Ibirtole Tables
in town. tiosw s Boni.
Ii you Irani it good Corn •
tivator, earl Epos IL N. Rua* be Os best.
•!6. New 'Calicoes and' Ching
Jost toothed M • Parsms.& Cos.
b. Gronnd linter $BOO per ton,
of Tonna* Stem hat lib.
' MP New Shawls and Scarfs spoi
ied day, at rowzu. & Oo's.
Ma. Nitrous Oxide Gas for extract
tag teeth, at Katz Branata.
IS. Cnoss is supplying his custom
en id& rwithiog is tbs lisp of Books mil
IS. A large assortment *of Brack
et. Jost received at ?son & Bon.
lifir The American Sewing Ma.
Alpe is the best.
Mrs. E. d. hiuteos has th© ler.
gest variety of straw goods in this vicinity.
I Stir Large' stock of Rod and White
Wheat Flour, at MoCast &Et/wimps%
A largecand fall assortment of
!lute Goods, at rowzmit Co's.
SM. The finest assortment of Gen•
denten% Handkerehiefa in town, at the Bee
Hisctlitere in Mermen Mich. '
" Maltese," " Climax," and
4. I liar Reward" Soap. Try them. For
at; 11.. J. LONG'S.
MB- Grenadines (at coat) at the
Dee Dive Store.
MI6 Jura k Lzwis are now, open
inq a largo assortment of Hardware, which
they offer to tkio public se. low figures. Giro
theca a call, in Nomura Block.
aS You can buy anything in the
liaidwarevr Tinware lino chair/ix than else.
, at Juxa Mercar's BlocL
Iniported Silks (at cost) . at
the; 800 'Hive Bkne.
0011. RLDOZWAY & En:RM. at the
BO„ White /t Blue Store, are the first to give
notice that they have reduced the price ea
their Tea, Coffee and Tobacco, In accordance
with the new duty law.
ik.aver Brand Alpaccas, (at
Dort) at the Bea Hive Store.
Stir Linen and Straw Goods at
ezatedingly low rates, at N. Cknanairrrn'a Ker
aton Clothing Falaoe, Main street, tielt to
Firs National Bank.
sir Elegant Organdies (at cost)
at the 800 Hire.
sir Now is the time to buy your
Bn4ay School Books. CALKETS has s large as.
sot cot. -
Hats and Bonnets; an elegant
merit, at the Deo'Dm.
oTTcr —All persons indebted to
lLtaanku, Baonmas are notified that payment
itmstl be made immediately to IYA Ono*
Aseinee, or costa will be made.
stm_ If you want a right good Thal
Corn pulUvator,,Wirtsza can supply your want
to a T.
Mrs. E. Z. Mmaos has jest re
calved the Madame Foy Corset Skirt Supporter
in &nibs sizes.
Baby wagons are a necessity
Of the semen, and Wrcratax & BLAME have jest
opened a new stock. Prices from $3.50 upward.
Hosiery and Gloves, (at cost)
et the Bee Hive.
FEsvivai..—The lifyerabarg Divi
sion 8. of T., trill hold a festival at their Lodge
Boom, the Academy in Wyse; on Wednes
day, July 3,1872. The proceeds to be for the
benefit of Division. Come one, come all.
1161. Mrs. E. .7. Mrsoos has jest re•
°sired a fresh sniply of_lailies* ties and bens,
in all the new shades.
Ihr Houses - and Lots for
ci r sy monthly ptymeats, or to Rent.
W. Bust
Poplu Amok Towanda, Pa.—tt.
tar In order to make preparations
fbr our Fall stock, we will sell our Spring and
Summer goods st low flgUres. It will therefore
be to your interest to exs t uitoe our stock, as we
sell the cheapest at the Keystone Challsing Pal
IS. For fun clothing, inspect N.
Gowourra's Worm= stock, Kan street, nest
to Irma National Book.
The beet aseortzomt of Gents'
YantisWag (foods at N. (3oLosarmea Keystone
Gatlin Palace.
lie. Toy wagons, carts, wheelbar
rows, eta, ete n jaat reoetvl4 at Waxman &
stir Moro Spring and Summer
(3oadi at N. Gowsicriiis Keystone! Clothing
Paws. '
- -. Dolly Yards"' Prints and Cam
brier, as Elmo & litt.earra'a.
Bridge street.
.20.; McCall; & EDWARDS have But.
ter Tabs, Firkins, and I Tubs ; a too lot of
Ashtoti Halt, sold at lowest figures.
Now is the time to buy sugar
thesp, u it always 'dramas daring the Sum
mer seism Yea= Sr Etnraatia basea largo
shock. •
sir Buy your Tea, Coffee and
eilieee et the Zed. Mute and Ithie Tee Store,
itaidge . r aised, Tomaida, Pa
thzogwAt wass-r.
WO. The Two-Wheel Kirby has
NO SIDI Dab" and Wars NO WEIGHT wr
an the,harsee necks. It has worked perfeett .
everywhere the bust harvest. It is re nicety
balanced that are the weight. exempt the PM.
ger.13614 is brewed an the who*.
&sax° Srna,--Go to Gons'
Prikkgmbis Tail" tae yowr
Opt% Tboy bare the beg stork at
act*, Ownisores, ete., is ion. Plutiordor
Audios phi to loroollo Cintkior. Ali work
inirroilkLOas dots 4 sat iterates Bank.'
sir ft. A.,:tmeeme* his at_ik
laid blip apron, and WYO. Us p/•
mop at gm Pm" ft lig salt biggs
to al am la ORM., la - mod& poi*
Wen *MIL lhasest, ot O. F. Omar
Book Min. AM limp* isimlS Is.
air It you &met bow what yoit
=sib the Book awl theilos* lies, adree
Ct. T. Clem
so. A large and desirable aseoet;.
need Cl Ord Wm wed Beasela, al my
low prices. al Ss sips or the Ng Bost. ' •
M' It you want s Befekantor.
atop dst Wianum Mom's- sad make
tbs "Pales." ofteporioliod . 10 to tio gig
bat. . -
or Linen, Bolds tad - Coils. and
Bar Goods, IA grail variety. jot Toothed" at
B. A. Therm a. Odf.
186 PAzAzos• & Mourn, mambo-
Wen of those - eelebested speetacks, bees
changed their gooey tress .1. Hoeourrs is
Ifis. A. minus's.
• 11116 The Universal White Woven
Tacked Mirk and an Weds of Hoop Mkt sad
ea be and etory cheep at IL Lftrate
isaleasrs. Faun. I So= hut
the eselsoive male of the woven why natirieg
to tide place. It ie the but matinee Net
Me Wei= & BMWS have $
large stock of Bt. Loeb White Wheat Boor. U
is Jost the astkie foe Emily use. We beileve
this Is the *sly house in town These this
elested Wad resy be bend.
isr Hosiery and Mores, lialboas,
Neek-Ties, Lae sad linisa, Callan and (Mk
a spknad Has, just opened et
Palms& Oo's,
mrThs Wyalusing Lodge. I. 0.
of G. T., No. 474. will 1404trawberry and
Ire Cream Festival, at using July 4,1872.
Grand Piro Work* in the evening. Order
lir 75 cents per pound for good
Ow% log Tobacco, at the Red, White and Bios
Store, Bridge street, Towassib, Pa. Try It sad
see for yourselves.
no. Fourth of July Party at Union
Rotel, Borne, Thnrsday evening, July 4, 1872.
All are invited to attend. A. A. TATWI,
June IS-4wa.
Mr Having Lately .added to our
regular business an Insurance Agency, and
haring some good Companies, vs seeped:ay
ask a sbereor your business in this line.
Yours respectfully,
Wstxassr k D.
mar Ladies', Misses' b Children's
doe Shoes, at groat bargains and in great vari
ety, best assortment in town, Nat readied at
Powini. a Co's.
Cuszes, at the Poet Office
Book fiknek, has a fell Ito. of ihandipflehool
Books, Which he offers at publishers' prices,
thus making a saving 44 freight to those who
purchase from hi=
Tim burr Curio, Pown.—lf you
would DM as may naming anal DoWoo Milos
"Power, ono that will do your &undo( nicely
sod much to your contort, mod to R. IL
IS- The Two-Wheel Kirby is the
eedy Mover that gives the driver complete coo
trot over the cutting apparatus by the who Dee
of the lever.
ldra. J. D. has now re
wind tier second stock of Killinery'Cloods. sad
Is prepared to furnish the best goods si the
lowest prices.
scr The edition of the Bead and
Poor Laws of this eoanty. - eampflat by Capt.
W. H. CAIMXIIB3I is limited. and township
deem who desire to poem copies. shasid
apply soon. The work is for safe at this office.
so. The Two-Wheel irdzby is the
only Mower via a jointed jinger4/ar, that M.
karefreeptqy of the caner-bar fn any position.
Jam- Notice P. M. Wizzanti adver
tisement of the Tompkins County Wheel Babe,
Plaster Sower and Seeder. He Mynas the far
mers to test . the Like' sad Seeder along with
any other o ffered,
Faun Fr owans.—As the Femmes
has Opened with its genial kens., and lovely
flowers. B. A. rains k Co. hate the beg Wee.
lion or Irdlineey Goods and Pleven in Tarim.
di, tot the lowest prices, at the sign of the Big
is prepared to supply ElorsePowen and Thresh.
lug laeldnes of any deseeiptkin, or from our
leading and best manufacturers.
Miss MUM,* accounts have
been loft with me for settkotoot. Persons
knowing themselves in debt, will please all at
the old store and settle. W. Dermot.
April 2.4,1873
Jusr liecsavan.—A fresh supply of
Black Alpscaa, Striped Grenadeens, Japanese
Stripes, Percale, Brcrini and White Ifnon, Gress
Cloth, Prints and Shawl; for the Sommer
trade, at B. A. Pima Atm
Usomures celobrated-Cho
las Cordial is advertised.
sale, on
11111. Chinese Grass Cloths arta
other new Dress Goods, just *mod at : -
Foram a OA.
Mi. G. H., W - Euxs, of Wyaltusing,
bas purchased 4 wit. O. 111111111.1 A, Avon, N.
Y.. several head of thoroughbred Sheet Kern
(Durham) Cattle. with a view; to improve Ms
own and his neighbors' stock. ;
us. Another large lot of Parasols
and man Umbrellas fist received at
Peetu. it Co's.
Tas Burr Waxer. Itaxi.--Thero are
a number or Tory brood Wheel Gahm each har
ing sans good quality ; but, al/ things coed&
ered, the Tompkins County Wheel Bake we be.
Here to be the bens ; and Walt bas„ as an at
tarlmenk the best Bread• Cast Plaster, Grain
and dross red Wirer now known.
SS P Bain facts are what the peo
ple avic for, and by going to' the Clumplna
Qotbier, L Boszanzw, they may always
rely on being wen treated 824 getting their
motwfis worth. By all mesas give him a call
and I,atilfl. yourseires. - 1
. IS L. The tax-payers Of Towanda
borough will please bear in Mind Shot their
county Wes for 1572 must be psid by the let
of July next. without au . " , exceptioos.
• W. H. Dowam, Collector.
- MS. Notice is harebygiven that all
licenses rebutted by the Mercantile Amealem
must be paid before the and day of July next,
oe mgts will posithroly be beeseil to culled
the woe. Wnasma Itrnrnu r Teres.
Treasure?. Office, June 18, '
as-Hare yon everpaill any Wm
tics to the question, Ma it pew me to bey
and use a Wheel Hoy and Mow Bake is
Awe of the 'yood old Reeds& r " not, IS to
worth Tony sidle 10 do so. Like a sensibis
dinner, send to R. N. *au; Towanda, for a
copy of Ids Illustrated sad Atietiptins Cala.
Dam Fax Mats ' — 'Vey few
door Wow aro swan of the rest value of
s !ma ha Tedder imm seenztoge M•• T•
lo k osocoa, only, in 111.1 ,- 0 •-- • .;
Iliestive. Time Dullard -1.
NI by R. -m.
Is. Wew i s all assetion to
Oa irf OM Saga Goss i Nallasel4,
drat Taft; bane at Mad es imeet anon.
islet WOO* Iklidapooks., ewe smell la
1,0110116 lbw bus alr t Oslier, mai
vim* d lb* an. Oat sad see than.
Oms door aid at Ilinees Beak. _
?Tam ]bias . Gam Dana.-13. K
Waist bag Ike wow kr Ibl• Inkier
fltei►DeH. sail verramit is 100
eathitedime. It the ebeepeit pia* Deft
Geoolpsia loam eerweet gent lobe without
• pod gaga *IL
AM Dims, or
hier — one era Clotio end h. sod de.
mad feagninsawsp foe OM soinerini
Lb ♦ good thin. Otte tips Iseekilne Wake
Drum 111 W ond you TM MU it IL X.
"Nuns alb IL _
TIM Kim Tio•Wacis. Itimrszi.-
2. Was" Goosed Aged Le kW oddest.
of Tuft of Nitiw Nubian to IS toooliot
Poowtbiaio sod Now Yak w opts abdog
Not toododisi sty lowa to ibm bovows at
Braiktd. No Maid key of dm boo To.
INA Mr. SertN.h6yw4 to swam
mri. O. roper 8 Sou via to
pet a Worm Wke Mattress is every boss& le
ToSeada, es a tersik% triel, sititt it does sot
we WWII a limy will sill and Ws It ewer. Nor
it your thee to set parted sleep. Be we yea
try, sod tins pst sill bey.
Tan Pornas Eitt;zanz, on Rr
mans runt.--naTe y y ft/ If not—
provided yin are a tamer and like good tools
—bemire to see llodget licoviraftio flow fat
level bad as wail as aidatill. It is giving great
aattainction and It. Wntasuf idea of It are
Inereasing. : .
Mir Now is the time to get your
pietares takes at non% Gallery, in Wiese, ea.,
Ike be will eddy &lige UM pee &sea tar pleo•
tograpbs lor tits nest twenty ?Ws. SIM tor
buire *tare for frame. Copying from odd pie.
tares a specially. All work warranted. -
Boer, Hay 1,1879.
To Bs *--Room over the • Drug
More, fa Ikoe, sow oeespied by Dr. Wagrrox,
Deztist. Erquire at the Dreg store _
Tat Thar Lamm Mom—Tho Ex
celsior. It gives good satidsetion. and can be
worked around trees and shrubbery mare con
veniently thin any other. If you want a Lawn
Mower, all upon 8 11. Whim. Ue will till
3ms order f any kind yon may call for.
ler We hav'e on band and offer at
1 (cores & Baker Sewing
2 Loki & Webster*. " "
1 Wheeler Jr. Wilson's N.
Franklin NI II r,
(X1:1 at the agency of
Wica lc &act.
ser The Sullivan Anthracite is the
Coal for Spring and Sumnier use. Nothing NW
it. It kinelles easily, makes a quick ire. and
can be as small as desired, a quart burning u
readily as a bushel. - It never dies out, besting
all•dotrn to white sabot, and re:Worsened Me -es
of DO ferthor use. The pleasantest and cheap.
cat in this or any odic:. ittiasiLet for domestic
Vann .1" Iltotasits,
Bole Agents.
Stir Our enterprising furniture
dealers J. 0. Facer k Boss, have secured the
ageng for the celebrated Wakefield Earth
Closet, and have an assortment on band. The
Earth Closet has been tested for several yeari
and gives universal satisfaction wherever used.
Tar the sick roan it is almost a neoesslty..)
Norzcz.—The regular annual meet
ing of the Mutual Building and Saving Fund
Association of the Borough of Towanda, will
be held M the Grand Jury Boom in this piste,
on Monday, Juno 24. 1872, commencing it 7
o'clock r. z, at which limo and place a Presi
dent and four Directors are to be elected. Polls
will be open from 7to 9 o'clock r. sc. By order
of the Board. R. P. boo:max, &ley.
Towanda, Juno 10,1872-2 w.
A Guna.—l 'desire to thank the
people of &goo and the public generally, for
the liberal patronage I have received at their
hands daring the put year. I would can cape.
dal notice to the very perfect manner is which
all work entreated CO my un i tes been malt.
ed, u an inducement to parties seedlag a Den•
tht in any manner, to give me a cell before-go
ing elsewhere. Baying moved my o&ce to my
boogie, cm the corner near Dr. War. limes, '1
am prepared to welcome all persona to the
hospitality of the wigwam while having work
done. Krma I ftnituott. Dentist.
Borne. Pa., June 17,1872. -
Bohai: Muswa es4ibition is
to be given by Kiss Luxus Naomi and her
pupils, assisted by an eminent artiste from New
York, in the Presbyterian Church at Monroe'
ton, on Monday evening, July 1. The pro,
gramme for the occasion is one well suited to
pkaso all who attend, and no doubt • hill
house will welcome Also young ladles on this,
their first ,ammaraneo. Admission, 30 cents;
children, 20 cents. Tickets am be proeiwed at
Came Book Store, and at the Port Mee, To.
wands ; also at Cassis:a% Book Store, Nonroc.
km. •
Per Tho Convention at Baltimore
is looked for with great anxiety by parties,
Republicans as well Democrats. lint should
the Democrats endorse users: his electke is
by no means a foregone conclusion. Drat one
thitg is a positive fact, thatif you want to buy
Clothing. Furnishing goods, ,and Bata and
Caps fix Kra and Boys, you will And. it to rim
own interest to call on E. Soma; pert door
to Formes Dry Goods More. Ile sells his
goods regardloss of Coat, as he is compelled to
dispose of his stock at any sacrifice on account
of going Into another business. This is pod.
thely no humbug. Oo and see for yourself.
Don't forget the place , . t Ecawasi, neit to
Poww. & Co.
for To buy first-class Mill;nAry
Goods at the beast prices, gob Yrs. J. D
Millinery Store, Bridge street.
air In this age of scepticism, facts
are required to inspire confidence in the minds
of the people; but, with good indorsers, they
ere willing to Met ray article claiming utraor
dinary merit. The prOorlitiors of Ham's Peg•
stable Bicihan Hair BensWer offer the following
indorsement of the merits claimed by them for
their preparation, by the Pittsburg, Ps., (brig-
Ina Advocate, via "The public have so often
been deceived by tbo um of worthless prepare-
Lions for the hair, that as article of this tied,
to gain their favor and secure their patronage,
must paeans rest roc tit. We are glad to as.
Pure our readers that Vegetable Sicilian
Bak Renewer is mooting with the swam
which its Inuits so justly deserve; and Irelfwv ,
reliable evidence that it will pedant all that is
cisimtri for it, in restate graybair to its MAW
ral color, and, as a permanent dressing, is an•
- ,
boa, Namitsali, XMAS, CALMS
nu.-411hectihng aloes does not geode*, neo.
oar. The thing CMOs adverlised mat have
intrinsic mertl, or else largo athtiortking wiiil
erettially do it hors harm than good. U yea
have anything which gat know to be good. ad.
eddied it thorowghig, and you will be • anre
eneceed; is poor, don't praise it, for people
will soon dheorer Tea sr* lying - • •
Bock is the Toney of the Boausonnt Bovrq
which runs to three great regions In the West :
Lt, to Omaha. counseling with the peat Pa
elle Ikeda. 2d, to Linton, the *dal of Ne
breaki, and all that beantihl region south at
the Piatte,lilkd with R. U. lands and haw
Meads, id, toBL JOseph, Dawes Qty and all
Isms points. . -
Th. ponds ere ipisalidig high. bars the beet
t. • eseat para. lloe mi lee ptatttiraa. trod
.4017 br4e (to Omni
the turn; id life that it ereirthert! the happen.
use:. NlONAtilkin
amß poled& *Ow (b ad* 4104
Si bust aimed roil la 611 fist. So Awl
Br*3aiolllolrialk*; istilf.:**ll* so*
assibrfibly Awy OMs Bou lousy .
Nibtaika, LiismAr ibe Sid& Boeds, flif
iere that roil go "By Rq at Bettogics."
-AB fabio*lijszlfalit 'Mime* lie 4
Bap INS dipaq.ool**/ Graikirsolo
sad all ft. named aimmectioas, ass Obis
tiaa and airolbiribolAge, by addiadbq
Gamed 1 1 1 19 81 Wee 401. 8.. & B. B. S;
tar. fan
24611kcsa1ne the figures below,
from GSM retiree. Mee of the bed liew
MidgesOoti. he , 1071 :
ilbrr Nosefactorftr ONICKull•• •-• - • • IMAGO .
Whaler I Whoa • MOO
Ors w k Haber.... . . .... . . 60.110 S
Weed Swift Naeldes 0.. • • - 22,060
Hon Medd= Co., from ran. to July.. 34,010
Won It • 30,117
Astaileso 10,121
Mum. .. . .. 21,1121
Oeightal Hove 10,021
Domeelio• ..
. .
is. The universal esAisfastion that
the Zurek' has glees to an who here awl
Is a esAlcieot reason for brows who Weed
ears asatitaee the the Wiest 4131 1 1, to es.
endue the may points at esperkeity sad 14
Mis s teps claimed for it and give t$ s practical
etaminstitei sad lest to the Add beets tming..
Noma Mucaxis Quasi:gas sea 1871.—Dr;
aim& le libmisig *add= ilaantielareag.
sad their *gents, have denied the points of ea-
Padatity poseeesed by the Direct Draft El: t reks
Keyes. to prejudice purchasers. not • acquaint.
ed with its agents, the shire I am authorised
by the Earths Mower Company to nudge the
Mowing ear :
That the Direct Draft Eureka Mower will
meet in competition dating - the =ging hatred
AND BEAT say mowing inaehine as the side
eat priatipie, an the following points :
lst—The at tatting.
24—Power expended.
3d--Q uidity 01 work —width ,rekis to the
manner Of baying the grass by 'the machines
tort muia& sod the condition of the stubtee.
4th—Time at curing the grass (no, tedder to
be mad) sod quality of bay.
The alioice of time and place for the trial to
be drawn for. -
This trial must include any or all of the fol.
lowing. that the committee may require :
The rotting of standing and lodged grass
and heavy tangled Clover. Cutting also on
rough ground, stony ground, stumpy ground,
in orchards, on side hills, on low bottom mead-
Mrs t mid on marsh or swamp ground: The
contestants to deposit 11.000 —that is, MO on
each of the above sunned points.
'Me successful party shall donate the amount
received from the others as follows : one-bail
to the Homo for the Friendless in Poughkeep
sie. and one-half to a benevolent institution to
be named by the party accepting this
L I. raorr.
That manufacturers, their agents, sod pur
chasen not familiar with , the Eureka Mower,
may be assured that wo mean business; I fur
ther offer a Waltham Gold Watch Worth MO
to 1 4 nalutactUrer of mowing machines who
will accept the above challenge, and if this
challenge is not accepted before the coming
haying, wo ramecthrlly request all persons to
mako i no - further statements u to. what the
Eureka c.axwar do, but leave the yams as to
what it CAS no to those who know from use,
and are willing others shall use and know.
ISAAC W. WJLITE, leceider4.
rooghkocpale, Dutch"' Co., IL Y., Feb. 14 . .
• ' D. MADDEN, .
SWE*—DItErIdIOND.--On the morning of
June 19, st Mouroeton, by Der. Hallock Arm
strong. Xr. Edwin C. Sweet to Kiss Kirsh
Drummond, both of lionrooton. _
DIIIMAII—CROCKEIL—On the evering of
Jnne _ ,19 at .LePotio. Sunken Co.. ra... by
Be,. Halo& hanstamg. Mg. Edwin IL Dun.
ham to Was Hannah - Z. Crocker,- both of
JACKWAt—POBTKEL—At Windham Cetitre,
is.. Jane 24, _by Bev. W. C. Peck. Itr. F. A.
of Niebols, N. 7., and Mrs. Emma
E. Totter, of Windham. Pa.
. E. Church to Leßaronle, by Rev. EL Elwell,
Kr. 'Prank Chaffee to Eke Sam P. Bosworth,
all of LeltaysTille.
CLAIM.---BTETIIP.B.S.—At the -personage at
Camptown, Nay 11, 1874 by Iles. T. F. John
son, Xt. Theodo, Clark, or Fairdale, to Was
&rah &ethers, of Herrtek. Ps. •
BABCOCK—An Windham. May 21, 1872,
Caroline Babcock, aged 57 . .
The subject of this obitinny, Mrs. 8., wife of
Mr. W. D. Bascom, was ;born in Sersicillt
N. Y., Dee. 13, 1815, and was married to Mr. B.
Juno 17,1835. Mrs. IL was an amiable woman,
of a kind, sociable disposition, an excellent wife,
an indulgent mother, and an obliging neighbor.
She was much respected and beloved by all.
She had been In ill - health for several years,
caused probably by disease of the heart; but
she bore her affliedion with patience and nebiont
occiplabed.' Her death happened Willis man
ner : The day before her demise, she in camps
al' with her husband and others, had; been on
a tint to Judge Plannt's, in Orwell, and was
apparently as wall as usual. On their return
boo* they stopped at the house of her daugh
ter in Windham, to stay over night, where Ms..
B. died Suddenly about 3 o'clock in .the morn
ing, and from thence was carried to her pia"
of burial. She never again reached her own
harnirto gladden it with her genial Presence.
Her funeral services were conducted by the.
writer to Delon Church in Windham, in the
presence of a large and . appreciative audience,
the preacher basing his remarks oca Mitt. s :
31.: "Are not two sparro , n," etc. She leaves
a laige number of relatives and !deeds to
mourn her loss, among whom are' Arc children
and her much afflicted husband.
%Abate, June 21 1102:
• .
COOLBABGIL-41,1 Boom, Bradford Co., la.,
ati Mokday, Jentrlo, 1872, Margaret, wile of
Elder Wm, Goolbaugh, aged 68 years.
Mrs. Coo:matron was daughter of Dam
Vonore and his wife -lizu.s Rowe, who came
boor the 'North River to this county in the last
sectary. Ur. and Mrs. Cootraveia were. mar
ried July 11,1972, and theOrad hoped cm that
day this year to enjoy at home with many rata-
Urea and friends, i golden wedding, celebnit
faith* 50 years of contented and happy mar.
rigid Rik Many from tar and near bad Sit their
hearts on corning top rare s festival of: rove ;
but just a mouth bthre that day she bas been'
ailed up to the marriage supper of the Laath,
to join the innumerable Wong of the redeem
ed with Christ in His Father's House, her his
renly home, there to celebrate the owsal love
of her Lord and cum
• Four um and four daughters were. the fruit
of this mania" all married, with prosperous
bailee, and all survive except one soldier son,
the We lamented C6rperal Restos Cocteau:gig,
who was killed on the Mid el Gettysburg,
I bravely defending our blessed Union. pebble°,
Weyer, are so many relating gathered as wore
present at her funeral on the 12th. Her .11cmg
time pastor, Der. 8. F. COLT, WAS present by
her request, and assisted Rev. Fangs Brigasas
by delivering the obituary discourse. Rev. 1.
Osier, of Fail Ithick, also took part. ,
Mrs. Ccoutacou was Indeed a - mother in fo
rget She was more than forty years a loved
member of the Presbyterian church ; a woman
of quick pereepti on, permanent_ atticitments,
sincere hi her en:mg-inn, tender-hearted, gen
erous and given io bospa.ility ; ilevolkd to
. Christ's house and cause, earnestly devout, de
lighting to be in the amemblies of God's peo
ple, and ever praying for the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit,-the conversion of sinners, and the
weedy diffkision of pace to all lands. Her
Stith la anus was clear, poidtive and . sustain
lag, like the-trust of a child ; she was over
ready to give answer hit her bore. "Sheinew
in wren she believed," and cheerfully resigned
her soul into the - hands of her falthfhl Creator.
Her end was peace.
Golden is bar glory
Boundless her joy igheire.
Where, on the bosom of her Clod,
She rests in perfect love. C.
iiielhomas Maddoclui, Produce
Canadian Merchsak 290 Pemenals Ave
mearsatao. Ps. Thaw, EnsjArit, Cheese,
Potatoas o te., Oonalgnmeals •"!t.
sited, ry..l ..••••••••:7....rwrienOly mit*. r•-• -11. •
000 tit' 1 . 6 ..1 •b• • .!••"; • • 42.,
POlRdetkle wthestvd.
General egcnt, . -
Nichols, Tiogs Co., N. Y.
E. 31. Ilrou.
NOTICIE 10 - - ' triallMi
. .16.! hereillil ode bir
tostaimi WI Two= let gli= KM*
ad leedlostados Oa. Adele. UM gd tho
goWilooted own abed debt odor ce
railroad. brews do ibo. leo Dedoe !'Leo MI
So Woo d tikoo , at tbdi work ow to
ow odd etr. - WW2 WI di won ho
torundos °WIWI Ws et Um do
. Id=roolr
or et LA& elodkooo. - 1 . - - .. -
oMoo of tbs flobroodur
Oa. Toifoada. Jam A
rile* 1 1'0 1 13
leopards for •
re the neetee et Ihiereade,l Ida be received the
eel* at IL esq., moo Ilebaday, July S.
lilt rase led epeeilleetkor may be wen as raid
alba. The Dirstiemrs mem lo Alai" =7
cie all Ws.
/D I~tliees arts
tees bond In the . 1111" emf 71 ea 41'
Vial tin geoCsal emeedes. celedhinten2
toe the =Wel prelbneeme of the centred. Melt
bkinhtvill be hunisbed on epeelestion to Mr. Mild.
Penn Board Moot Mode— re. Tonatola Vora
Tenelette. Juno fr. lifts
ligliGUlCs BLOC'S-
mia`uarrtz szENr:& Mn.i wqovuurr.
• , r
'Are ' BUM* OS
Pot cash. that enat : e. Mack at
rkkASOLS, C.
2 tonat\zur Or stemants-nma
Towarda. iunft 27,1541
Tar, wormy's. TONIC. . •
rattly Ve,Te. table. and free from Alcohol. •
D,R. I'. LORI - 31,ER'8.
Scaled Cough. inapt/4:A Consumption. Colds, Rill
ling Blood. Inflankatkm rtt the Lam p. Catarrh. .
Itronchltia;•Droop. Whooptng Cough. Asth.—
ma. Pains to Recast or Bide. DYsPoPsin.
Jantidlaft Dluttititak Um of Appt ,
t rover and Acne.
ladkestlon. Liver Ccrmplattd. • Diarrhoea, and all
Mama of the Langs. litotruch, Llvo., •
and Ildne7s.
W. 11. GREGO' & CO., _
wnoLs ILE ORM/Offen.. EMMA.
Bole_ Agenia, and to rillota all orders should lbo;,
. addressed noo. •
Mr See arey . )lars foif Author *omit lom-,:a
Junel2.72-t7 I3Old by all Druggists:
at the Flart NAretiosAL
at dose of baidneu. JOAO]
Leans Led ikboccunts
Overdraft/1 •
.Vlsl.3.7tarlis to wenn edemas& .
. 11004111 and Securities as
Due boos reit:ember sad
Dor trees other Itatioeug Irsidto
Duirrout other basks end • ••
Cash bents (standing stamps).
liholossres -
Bills at other National Banks..
Filettodat Currency °Deluding
Legal tanner notes •
Capital Mock raid in...... ..
Km•na fund
Profit and lcao.
National Bank circulation on
hattralnal Deposits
Due to National Bunke—. .
Due to other Dunks and Bunke
EiTATS or Pievanzaranta., rs s. .
-connty of Bradford. . I
I. N. N. BETTS, Jr..lllaakber of First National
Bank Towanda, 4lovoleinnly that the above
statement is true, to the best of y knowledge ant
belief. • N. N. Caabler.
Ilobeeribed atiersorn to bet _Jr.,. this 17th day
of Jae. 11172. . H. DODGE.
• -•
Cosarcr—Attes: 0. Notart
J. 0. !MOST ..'
_' tdreaclti.
JOEL rowia.L.
lb fate erect Monday. J
Atbens..; .
..Wlthe Dane .
...Bethiebem .
-MaasU"ls. .
Tort.. .
No. 34
L m.l W
9 00 .a. x
Vivant& at 710
805 a. /32..
Ito. 31 lest
nu: 1
it 715
s Antra st 5 1 0
us. at 6 30
Drawing Uoc ,
run through , ,
Elmlnto •
17, 1872.
2ao 1.110 'TOWANDA
I:10 sao' 134143 CUT 31311 •
:32 TOO A
3:10 "
4:01 DT:13110103
4:33 VW DEMO&
P. IL 1.
'1 • . • • and saamidirsoW
• • • , ors. Washington, and the Si
Passengers by this roots Ohs I emisjiranla
Sew Tort itallroad train. passing Towanda at 10:40
A.M., sad 2MIS p. make chisel cousectics at Be.
!with Upset tesin ad Igoe) -Penn% Rail
road. and mist?* l] Philadelphis it S:2O p. x. sag
10410 to thus to take nitl re twdlia either for
the South or Welt . Palace cars attached' tithe
1.1:15 P.M. train. -
Oft peassageooara •are at pa
an trains eon's passenger .a to
and to all partial the city.
Lorre North Penn's Railroad caner Berko
and Arnerkaa Phitodelddits„ • 0= di MS &X,
arriving ad Towoode 4:37 d AS =se mane.
Manns Belopige
Mid delivers bee.
gige„ oaks Idei 105 toot, UM streak Rtidadelphia.
nxicarr acocorearui
Iteigbtrecoluidarriof and • et?-Ita. Maze
didsagfeweirlailly Doer ...P.0..015 train
toflindal2el paints '4,4;mm* Talley .
mith4V ,
It ••• R., i'ron ' t • • Milo, SU.
Jon. 3. Ist: •
- - .
On Canal Stmt. Om:dingle
,gye are recelvtas died ; ftoto • t
MAC= 00AU "Mat we
owed zoirtc . 4 :eke. •
We rigiecttalW hsvitm awe
alt sid, examise oat 00W.
Ki IWO keePrAmea tfteb bleft
RewfldelverOod or Line
in shoe, Bodge, iddbit 0 14 Übe
V Wait Ti alkyl dump it
12117331 =MN* ftle
J 11; leintemild lessiture
IT - O-NA;r-A3kaA.,✓ p/s4
wuotzsiaTlNP RETAIL
..• Nod
1 111Ctig
materlala ai4l erect-
ripalred their stare,,st ttio oft
14'71416ms mope - sad with a lan% am =diva
anio*litadt, aaollatia4 of ,
• - •
. _
. .
. .. . .. .
mu*, =Went. tumas. nrAgss;_ maw
, .c o atu R uiz, rciwie.o, - atrms, BYRUM
- .- . TurCturtat. WriES. &M.
Wllia=, - "SN.).IZrFF AND CI AILS;
~~.brvL.~. pn~rL .* ~T =a~ixcty ~:~
Kota than the toinafthre and attention Oren to the
Compounding' of Treacriptiona; Open Sundays.
Isom o'clodi.l.ltiotolp.m. k Desna pm. tol
Dr, .9Ltntrs. outlet consulted at the atom on tit:
*dal o! tact' 'Week, u heretofore.
. , • ' D. H. 27111N122:
W. 0. 00102011.
.Towanda. Mar 7. 1972.
. I', ' .'• T_CI W A lkftD.-41-, .
will stand for a llmttisil number approved uy.4ires: at
-- . . tbe.barus 011ie subscriber, at t
- ...TOWANDA" • sire'All-Wa.ilia Chia by Eysayk's
Trambletenian; by old Abdallah, he by Mambrino
by imported Messenger. ilambletorden dam was
ire Chas. Kent mare -by imported Belifounder,
grand dam by old One-Eye, by old _liambidonian,
end he by imported Messenger. and. hie date also
'by imported Messenger, and the dare of obitOrw
Eye wee by Imported Messenger. ..TOWANDA'S"
dam Vermont -flack Bask, be try - Mill's Vermont
Bleekinserk. !baled in 1533, and he by Sherman's
Morgan; his dam rallied in New Brunswick, and
;I=bed arra half-bred English pare bred by
Twombly, N. It, and sold to Dent. - Thaus
ton, Lowell. Mesa, 1838, and to David Mill, Bridge
port, Vt. 1844; in his possession .aceinired great far.
Or. Millione got more high priced can than soy
home of his day. Ile died Nov. 1856; he was the
' sire of Ethan Allen, and Brand .mire of _the dam of
..TOWANDA." One white - pastern behind, black
points, dirk bay, 111 hands 3 inches high, 5 years
old in duly. Be is one of the most remarkable ani
mals this corintry has produced. Me is beautiful,
blood-Me, of great strength, and action perfect.
He is - in close proximity to two of the moat noted:
Wallahs in this nation, ilanibletonian and Elton
Alien: and nth° sires of trotters, these two great•
- horses stand far above -competition. in this or any
, vast generation. A. better infttetonof blood is not
In the American horse than iri ..TOWANDA." lie
is ',most fortunate cross. lie bide fair for a brit
liana futon in all reppects Be is a success, and'
bmelnerit will be appreciated by candid judicious
men. , We have arrived st a period Irligitt mere stilt
ed pihk about the horse is of but little account,
and anything of ethos. in his history or bleeding,
cost labor, long research, thought and money. The
'American - Trotting Iteriater,' which contains-all
that is Inain of the pedigreee of trotting horses.
their ancestors and descendants, with .a cord of
= halted performances in which a mile was
paced in 2:40 en Ices, from the earliest
dates till Um close of ISW. and full record of the
performances of 1863.70, giving complete
'arias of over 6,000 contests, with an introductory ea.
say on - the bus origin of the American Trotter.
Thiele filrood-tidng. False pedigrees are quite too
cammon. 'This work shuts out Imposition in a great
- degree. 4.1 t. Wallace, the compiler of the "Amer
ican Strut Book and Trpttei.' gives a better intelli
gent Eilatory Of the Homo than any other. •
"TOWANDA"triO be shown in harness to those
who think of patronizing him. betwedn the hours of
Ave and eight o'clock, a. m., on pleasant week days.
au style and Sne trotting action whin trained, will
rmate his -own character. The closest scru
tinyltrings the man to his true name: so it is with '
all things on earth.
et Tow-sada.
13%000 00
manta.. , 33.961
0.331 11
TAO 13
0,000 00
..2.000 OD
3:130 13
1,0110 31
1,031 OS
3,103 58
1.341 00
142 39
390 15
18.141 00
1:01.732 23
9125,000 00
. 45,000 00
' , 1.409 IS
18,819 02
ding.. 102,278 00
206,906 79
680 it
• . One hundred dollars to - insure: twenty-five dol
ls= at time of service, wbirb nill- - not be, refunded
In any event. and armory-Ore dolLus when proven
fa foal.' Belt care fakes of mines on reasonable
tibia. AU accidents and - escapee at owners' risk.
All tures must be left or brought to the stable
when desired. Vans tot proven to foal. an be re
turned best season. free of eltargit.
$5043311 iS
Scumv.-41rd at A. , pril to Ink/ Stmt. F 7,11 Seat,on
First of September to December SPA
Tcrwaads, Pa.. April 13, 11472. -
JL.F. • having purchased
Has now in dock end ie constantly teetering fresh
supplies of pure Drngt and Medicines; Dycs.Paints.
Vatnisheir, Ite. Agent for all the mosrpopulat Pat
ent Medicines. A fresh supply
. of the celebrated
Pare .Wines and Liquors for 'medicinal purrs*s;
best brands of Cigars and Tobacco; choice Peanut -
ery. toilet andlisney snicks. Ihdosing extracts, ski
. School books, stationery. and news. Dealers en-$.,
plied with Stationery at low prices. All miscellank
ourbooks furnialuul to order at publishes' prices.
The Doctor will continue to practice - medicine as
hetet:dare. Odloo at the Drug Store; residence op - ,
posits Presbytertus church. Prescriptions and :e l
accurately eonapounded at all hours by acorn'.
patent elerk. [April 18. 1872.
Cm: mans&
e 10.18?. .
11 45
19 47
, 19 OS
Was improved January, 11112. since, which it bears
all the latest improvements that invention has pro
duced making it use of the greatest triumphs of
art. Machinists are wonderfully delighted with its
aka lkiky and power an great. AU parts strictly In
terchangeable. It any part breaks a new piece will
fit exactly. 'Great range of work, finest muslin to
coarse Beaver or Bole Leather. Cannot make it
drop a stitch. Tension ,will not change eewing
as in Other nueldniss. It is one ot,the raost"popu
iar Machines where it la known 'ever placed before
the public, it pleases everybody. ' Atl admire it
whenever seen. - People that have them are so de.
lighted with them they are writing to friends to bey
this =chine If any, for it WS do anything that any
'sill, and runs so easy and requires no trouble to
learn,o run it. The satonishing tact that since
Jannary, 187.1. having received all the latest im
provements. 4 months, the company have sold
nearly 30,000 Machtes, with so few agents and
smell territory canvassed. shows conclusively that
it has no parallel and that our people are an lidelli
gent people. Ihave been desirous for a few years
to get the agency of a Sowing Machine that I could
sell andrecommenil with Out exagerating.the truth
or deceiving any one, and my time has mine. I
have been confined Indoors so long I feel like a
mend bird that wants liberty. And now friends, all
that want to Dui a - Seeing Machine, no matter if
your mind has been set upon some 'other, be so
land as to inform meld , letter, or otherwise, and I
will cheerfully bring yon•a IDomestic, and you may
try it fora seta, and if it does pot pissed you, and
you are riet satiated it is the best, all things con
sidereda thank yon for your trouble and cheer
fully take Wawa. Bat it seems as thatkat I almost
hear you say. / meat port with it, the Domestic
Circle 13 not full without it." . Terms liberaL .
m.; Album t au
lug at Malta st
to.; Wirtzl7. st
Nairing it To:
to Train* 2 Ind 9
'ItO/Mkg 4ll 9.
• - 31: 1 4 L 3 7 4N3 .
Od MU .7:311
.... 11115 7:05
.1 .. 10:40 6:30
00 1 ,D
.... 10:30 630
.... 10 :15 6ao
.... .9:43 513
.... 9310 - 6:13
.I. X. P. IL.
E 5
Every year increases the popularity of this value
ble Hair preparation; which is. due to
,znertt alone.
We Can assure onr :old patrons that it is kept fuldj
tip to its high standard; and It la the only reliable
and perfected' preparation for restoring Gray br
Faded Hsi/to its youthltd colOr; making Woof!, Inn.
troth, and Eilken. The 'scalp, by Its use, become.
ikbite and clean. It tenons all eruptions and dand
ruff, and, by Its tonic prorertes, prevents the hair
train !Wang natl.! It -ptlaiulates and nourishes the
hetr.giauds. rum the hair grows thicker and
strereTr.. In baldness it restores the capillary
to Mete normal rlgoj. and win -create a new groWth.
except In extreme Sd age. It is V.M . Suost sem:snot
eat Hair Dressing ter need. salt requires rower ap-.
plications, and gi a the hair .& pplendid glossy ap.
'pearsnec. , .a..llayes..lll. D., State Assayer of
Massachusetts. lay.. conatituentli are pure
end carefully selected for excellent quality; and I
consider ft the. neat Preparation fur its intended
50 . 41 . 0 y all Druggists, owl Dealers in it!diGiile-'
.• • en anivil of
e venial. Dtpotn
Wises the very
strucavax AN
to moll it the
CA.O n cat-4- whitreas; my wife",
gniaUlm haring left my bed and board without
just came or provocation, all peraone are hereby
foetid bartertng or trashing ber army scrawl as I
will Par no debtir of her contracting
U alter
QNES tbla date:
E. J.
New Albany: Jane 6,1872.-w3'
(LI ca
we. avid.
the tarp it
rwrowu--- -
i na
An Um!
Ands rune Amiortzucut or
or L. D. ItropwAr, ut Itoscr, PA.,
L. C. NELSON, Agent.
Tolx - Arda, Bradford county. Pi
May la, 1872.
rnrrazarn lIS
Dn. J.. 04 AT Lfiw
Practical and Analytical Chemists, -
Dr. 11. C. Porrsot, t3os & Co.. Who!cult Agants
Tcnrinda, Pa., and for sale b 7 dealer, - througbout
the county.
Dee. 7. 1871.—Iyeow. '
ipto PLlttorm: Spring
1: Wagon, with top tater back seat, almost new;
toast keen gem prig - - Alga oat jottot llgbl
doable baanona.'ssade• bt J. Y.Wltcos, iambi* vim
Wallis Nola istionabk. . ° '
junel2,72-tt • - JOINE. Foz.
VI MTV= tint juade, at TOME 0011
- ko , '• ~. iv: , ..,. -!,,.'• ' t- .- ,i, ~,--,?' • „..--•:,.
- ir • --,. ' ',..4 . ,1 , J . ,t,.i..f. , -,..
au Mit SALE:7. , tt3",- virklo . of
kg eeldt, WHO YeritLifilta; tweed triltef the
conskettßstontow lean
-ot 2110. 1 1 430611 tr. sad
to inti Vie d• Rut toserpoled to addle gik et the
comt Thane In .thelleoltath Of 41WItaddl, Ma'
IJAVINa alllutsg etarldßognilittlirowtai 1 0 . al•
the following delierlbed tot. tares of Panel of Ind
abode in Towanda Borough. bounded end des- ,
edited as follows: Beidniting at the soitthetest
corns land 4024 C Pert* la the centre of the
higloinp; theneetrefortridatit itteetedhUne Off.
e. Potter's land as rode to a tonne • thence soulh.
weft along the fine oi loop 1%414 Owed& more
or pw. to the wetter ante at glib atiast VOW
'CM Werden'e Child Church t Unties euetwardif
AP* the narth.Und at wed thellidt lot bathe west
oesseirat eeldir Wattelot z theseentiethertt &air
Rot writ Roe lUet lat - to the narthoorner
Of bald :Wale Jot. beteg twelve :Pet WOO Wan the
south !Ingot said Porter's Ind f thenea meilvadly •
along the heath :Une of said W. IL Wouteiot to s
cornet lb the crabs of Sot tilgtorry t.theatnaloag
theLorstre, of raid highway twelve het to the place
of berinnint. Contakliat an and
‘ one scree
of lead. none or less. ell patneted.. no Patent*
fatted end taken In as,ccflan at the salt of Pin
ball Wooer end b. O. Bolba eu.' Itster 3111 and
John D. , Vontenre. . •
AtArt—The Mowing &seabed lot. attire 'nf ref
ot situate hi Cantos tirp..,boanded on the
north by taut of Danl.! liferbiwon the rest by the
;might titabarsYlesditie dm (VACS te *slam. no
the south by !aid of Lewis Irian. and an the writ
by binds of the Iforthern Central Ralf Road fin.
Confstaleg2l3 saw of had. more& lea. about 20
wee improwitlL with 1 tarfralt trews thereon.
XLBo—One other lot of teal . cntilito to Cotton
tire. bounded *parkin:nib by buid Irtiebod
lard. eta and south by land of lbe' 11011214:11:1 Cen.
trot Rail Reed Comte, west by the nubile high
way biding from Cantos to llidefra. Contarder
acres of land. more eR hwy, tarthered. with a
thereon ineelo'ear.rall, batted house snit snag orchard
. ; . _
' Seize... Lend taken In exe..ntlon et the emit of C. D .
Mohan ts.-S. D. ItendalL" .
ALSO—By virtue of carte of IL Ts., wm be sold
at the acme time snit oboe the tolloart,. deecribed
lot. piece or parcel of land *Unite Ln Albany tarp..
beginnine st the sionthosst corner of the Joseph
Serirens lot, thence by- BIS warrant line south 2.10
!wedges to: the corner of warrant, dhentro by the
Inersol line Wed 50 pseedde to a entail: tbencety
_land contracted to Orrin Coleman. taniairlibleolie
fog to Dr. Thomas Used& north 210 perebesto the
south tine of the Joimipla Barroom Ink thence by the
anoth line of the said hero let fad 50 perches to
the plow Of bilitiviinff: Cr Wats" II sears and
140 perches of land; mail or less.- sheet aitseTee
inierots 4 .. l,l lh it, brained hone% trimmed bent and
an smile dreliard thereon:
Fotaed and tabu lu eieca , ion u etc snit
a Clark va..Solon Marl%
TO FLEET. Hboriff..
Towanda, May 30. 1872. •
'virtue of an order fanned ant of the OrPhone':
tomt of Bradford. County, the moiteow4med gnat ,
dian of the estate of Osea Warner. War
ner, Josephine Warner, and Mar Warner. minor ,
children of flaninetWarner. sate of Ptbe twp,. deed.
will expose to public male Pp the prendees. Thaw
daY. dualist 8.1817, commenettig at nue o'clock. p.
the folkesitut dementlaid Lot. niece, ere Parcel of
land situate In Pike tap., bounded as follow.: •
Beginning at a Alba and Stamen West the nrth
east eon of the herein -fiestailied lot of land. and
also a corner of Mbriah Chantattnes land; Omen*
'south aloes the limo( tint ISM Champion ' s and a
lot owned by Geo:C.:Atwood &Trenches 16 • onski'
and stones: thence west alone the line of said
PluirupiOn's land - 10 and blitperebse to a corner of
James R. Arne** land: thence north along the
line of the said/4mm SI perches -to a our. in the
line of said Champion's,. land; thin= anutlttgi &u
-tast 1 a 3.; per. alone line of said Marmara. to place
°Ube:tinning; enntaintng 7 acres, MOM or less. im
proved. with an old house and barn and few fruit
tree thereon. •
TERSIS--$23 amen end below* nn ennfinnetiogi
of rale." PETSET A. IVAVNER. •
junel2-wf; Guardian.
P. X E.O U T 0 Nonaz.—
Naticei le hereto , gltrattbattaltparaoto Indebted
to the estate of Brutus grant. Late of TOwanda
do d. are mine:deli fkrmake;lmaindisto Oar-.
matt. sad 'llw:rams laving alit= Iltfaltist - 42 1 d es
tate mast prcaent the mime dray itotto.nticatod ter
oettlarnellt. It. 0. MIT% • .
,L_R-fintice Ili hereby given that iii pnreens hlidobi
e.l to the estate.of Charles L. arrichld, bto of Warren.
der steed, are retreated to make inanettiite pslnwnt
slur all parenna haring elates egainat said estate
meat preFenetti ,- Fanielinly authenticated 'Ser i set-
Vernent: • . MARY,AI , 4111COLJ). . ( l. W..11.6,11.121T.
ix hereby etven that all persons !n
to the eolatto of John W. Long,hheartlate of Lifebtleht
deceaocat, ate regnratelt to make .immediate
payment. , and all peroone havfne saainot
Joaht estato most present 'them aithemileMed
for .4Ailment. lir-sV.R A. LOUGIINEAI).
`mar 30. •:72.1;c0 ' A4mittlattatrix.
Notlt:. Is beri•hy Oven Uttit ill persona 1,2404-
eit to the 1.42te: of SAR.W , A. ("EMIR. late of Pa
lm:n:la tsi. dleo' , l; ate teqiutiteil to maker triameollatc .
payment, am! persona havine rialtos anatnat said
estate mort present the arca Ant, anthemttrated for
settlce. , .ent. ' .TANtrsi 74(1 - ' 4 'l:caw);
,uo.y . it 11...v0r, Administrator.
ICotiee is hereby !demi that ail re•RonAi
to the extate of DAN PnMEROY, ter of Trn
Viecyaxed. are eepieeted to niab• iteroe:ltatr ,
InTin , nt• snd aD Dr•rioot. basing eh in] m aLmin,t
*aid estate
in present Mon duty inithentieeteit
for sett!emer.L ' T. LILLEY,"
n:ai! , s.7^ ; nW.
- .
.4 X E C T.J l'' 0 E ' fl • N'OTICR--
..2.....c0t , ,, , iv 11+.,rel,v Oven to all re .1.. 4 . , f‘nn indebted
tOth. estate of li..icn
..iRLOTTE WAR!). Ist , . of Tn.:
wwkla... def.'.l; Tung! mate inallrdistit . paymosd.
ali i ,r,lll- , -rston. lincintr rtdm. tlffitf Said potatr•
ritnt present than duly autbeulfeatod. fpr aettle
131"Dt. ' , . . .
. . : f . C . vri-rs Jr..
Iday 311, •72,gice; :Executor.
otim IS hereby' elven that all persons indeho'st
to the estate of law* MERRILL. late - of -Litch
field, decd, are .regnested .to seake immeallate
payment. and all persona Raying claims adalust said
estate must present Rom • duly authenticated Or.
settleme4t. - • '' R. MERRILL:
• Executors.
g.ty 9, 1„9.-Gt•
niAnNisTßATon's )Toiner,.—
Izt,t tovp. to all .r nn indebted
to the estate of ANIS MILLIDAY bite or 'iron
decea,.ed: 'wort make Immediate payment, and
alt - persons haelna , elainnt amtlyst • *M state
must present them doirlathenticated - for 'settle.
Mont. ' . 3. B. ADAM.
7 A DIIIN Mind E
. to hereby even that an persona hadelited
to the, estate of WM. BAR= Isle. of Troy.
dreeapNl. are requested to make immediate payment
and all pawl:us twins Alma dasinst add estate
most present them duly anthentleated Dar mettle.
°ace is hereby given to all persona Indebted
estate of C. L. WARD. tats of Tosando.
d. :must make immudiate payment, and
all persona lmvittg' against . acid estate must
present them duly aitthentkated for settlement
lazy 23 '72103
A - A.. Netted !thereby gtiatof all tenons hadebted
to the egtate of JOELI D. . Me of Albs.
Ps., deceased. are - tripe to make immediate
payment, and all persona claims agaltott said
estate' ttmat piterent them zothentletted for set-
Devout. • MTEDSDX A. •WiTgrat•
may 1t."12-wo . • • ,•-A tor.
xotitie is berebr even that all oerscms inebted
to - the estate of BUIMPHIIET 1=111471111, lath of
0761. decessed, nested to make inunedlak,
payment, and all p eso2l basing demi *mins! mid
estate Mast present eon ant 7 authenticated for set
tlimc nt. U BECKINTTU. ' •
I 8 SI DEciorrnr.
*sr 24.•72:1rc
urrn - corrs; ricrlONAny
• lige nt rga4.lcr will willingly La without a copy. '
or the Eminent Persona of in Aimand
(;(.untries, end amanita of • the various &Meets -
et the Norse, Etude°, and Chula litytholo
, glee, with, the pronweektion of their
• manes in the diroreikbotiPt4tee In
which they occur. -
CrAnldete in one' Imp. Ivo' Vetrune of .2:15 pence.
Complete ltt two Volt; Imperial 11Vo. • Toned paper
Price per vol: Fine Cloth, $11; Mary. 1112.
This Invaluable wart embraces the following pc
-et:Mar features in an eminent degree:.
l Great Completeness and Conciseness in the
Biograyblcal Sketches. "
3. Succinct but Comprehensive Actlaintstoi all
the mere Interesting Subjects of Mythology.
J. A. Logical System at Orthography.
4. The Accurate Pronunciation' of tho..rianies..
3. Bibliographical Beknences. -
tippincott's BlomsnLicsi Mama'''. according to
the nnaninicms opinion of distingidabod ochohn,
co the best Rork of the kind ever pliblillbCtt---VWX.
Tho most cotr.pretenstre and rah:tab% work of
the kind that has ever been attempted. . . . An
int - abash% eouvenlence.--tßoeten Traveller. • -
The smart rshastote contrtbettonlexttogesphy
In the Englfah tomme.--(Clitotnnatrheftiele.
No other work"of the laid will reppare with It.—
(Clamp Advance. •
Its Ittset Is admired° .--flgesrTork TOM*.
Tho most satisfactory work of reference cm is
sued from the press.—{Phlla. Te
This work preaants a 'YT wick - range , oftreat
!pent, crestsompactneas and - perspiennyeikaider•
Sul *minim utd aVpwivhical eseetillon that is
absolutely perfeet.—(2l.Y &swim Post. - •
An 'dual:able werk.-4X. Indepandank:.
Nothing of the kind be:dant so pasuhartyadapted
to the wants of tha :student scholar, snd gentersl
reader.—TM. tattle Mown .
113.Y0r gala try all Itoolniallant, will .be sent
tree of esperiaa upon receipt of the pato) by the
Pnbliahare. - - -
*lda IlittaWe. ecedeiiing stall deseriploo of
the work. ,with epecnnen pages, le be sent oz.
• J.T. UPPESOOTT k 00., Pabtlaberi -
janel2.T2 TIS k 711 K*rket
Mae thudtman. fannetty °Wird
nVasitionable Ininantaking Wane.
next door north et PA.....dinot Van; in orders
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