fraitini.lifesw Towanda, Thursday, Jaw 20, 1072 Ssting,, . i ...:..., ......,,..4 i -. 16 4 . 1 11 41 1 hai5 ,- . Pia liegier;iii aliatmedi •- . .lieforeit3tilitlibi_thittiOtiio- hotnie;liaid hi sidattaii - . - •, , • .., -Oi l finieniiiiociattim - Y7 I -,.... e voskoni onuttlins: ' th .t., angling tiki la Abrotik. ,• . iiie - tedStSUCCIS liga6l44lLT"4 mistake - can be grater ,-.a... Atli; and email n. , bebs . 116.11141b5mt • hibite the ability, *entelitoled lip of the real heasemit iii-theernii - 1011 tact displayed in winell3giblatifitln rePellin#, the:sedan Of *Mina.' Al though it isay.lin'neeineeri__-tor die the win . " so aeAshould alwio be applied . .itiNinedisticriit hare ahoilld be filen not-toreesethapai alone or eseittithiiiieU`:(dsithuielr. The - legitimate "mad . proper: nee Of the whip is elk:dated to oper:do_ - on the sense of fear alined entirely. The affections of bettie . nature filial be appealed to intrauung a . hiieiii . well as a child. A reproof grvenniay be inbnufed for the Oa of the Odd; la = but if only the pai ere - the effect ii depraving andie - This is is vital - pm :4W - 10 - he disregarded in the- manajjerned ot sensitive, COMO:0n8 - bO/1100 . . tilly st the risk of spoil ing them. / ikayi known many bona of natundl o l. Beni tie character to be spoiled by being severely whipped, and one b that was made vicious being #traeli • with a whip once while stand: in his stall. - - , - " nave referred to these in bee to show the danger of rough trea t= ment, and.the effect that may .eie • ily produced by ill-usage, especially. upon fine blood horses and those, a. highly nervous temperament, Many other eases cited, ilicstich ire by no metuis . uncommon. Sensitive - horses shoiild never be left.after OM have been kited by whipping or other means until calmed down iby rubbing or 'patting the head and neck, and giving :apples, sugar, or some thing of which the animal m fond. :Remember, the whip Must be need with great care, or it is liable to:do mischief it will be hard to overcome by the most*refal and patient treat: went." il • '-' ll °-_ 1 , 1 A Jew Meier Flax Seed. ' The following statement, copied from an English paper,is of great in terest to the Amen= farmers,- as it seems to open knew use pr. flax' seed, and may greatly- enhance the :price, so as to make flax groWing profitable. The newuse ii in the manufacture _of an article called lip -I oletim, de.ri Ing the name fromlima . oleum. It said that it will be a s rival of caoiWhom% or as itis tom ; monly called, India rubber. , The new articl) is manufactured of ' lin seed oil by inidiiing it until it is sol idified into l a resinous substance, as ' we 1 frequetly find it when it has been expoi ato the atmosphere: It if re , is stated th t,in this state it is clam - bined with ] Einons gams end other ingredients, whereupon it mum the'appearinee and most of the prop erties'`M India rubber. Like India rubber, it can be dissolved into a ce ment and used in the manufacture of the; material for water-prootelothing. It can be used as varnish for the pro teetionrpf iron or wood; or for coat ing ship's bottoms. - It is as good as a common cement, having properties similar to - the marine glue Made from India rubber and shellac. It is easi ly ;,_ , ..tticunized by expos* to boat and by this means becomes] as hard as — the hardest wood, and capable ol the finest polist - ..'ll'he great variety of uses to which it can be applied in , this' forip will at onto suggest them selves to the reader. The I mimetic- We of lineolam has thus far been made. 'to produce floor cloth, for which it has proved itself well adapt.: ed. Combined with gunuid cork, it is spread on a stout canvass, the batik of which is afterward water proofed with oxidized oil. The fabric is then printed by 'means of blocks in the ordinary.way. Thefloor cloth prculneed is pliable. noiseless tc walk upon; _washes well, preserves its color, and rolls np like an ordinary caret. It is very durable, and its component parts will not decoMpose by lb eat or_ exposure to the sanlorkar as Will India rubber.—.l 4 t. Y. Ttalune. FOOD or PLthrs.—There is I nntri merit for themin luird rocks. Sod in which the grow is essentially noth ing more than pulverized Stones, with which decomqosing organized matter is mixed. By being thus re duecd, potash, finis pho , sphatee, and many other elements in them are set free. By exposure to air, palling rain drops, freezing and thawing &Hen:Jab:sly, besides other agencies in nature, those salts are liberated, and being - dissolved in 'water are th'en absorbed by roots, and 'vegeta tion is thus nourished. The _theory of f the utiliti of manures is Simply supplying appropriate toants in greater abundance is a tama ble by them: in places in , .. t ihich their proper aliment has been exhiusted by continued culture. es, 'decay ing wood, bark; straw, husks, !shoes, bones, leaves; muelt, and,! in !short, whatever is liens' liable byldecompos ition, yields something lon hungry plants can feed luxuriously. Therefore save everything of the kind for that purpose! irithout practical economy in that way, there is leither thrift . on a farm full nnrner in Autimmr That which is coal to-day may enter into new rela tions - to-morrow. .Once lit *as a tree, an ortinkid, a palace; or. - perhaps tiOating the* Atmosphere. Natter is never at rest, but peßetually - as smiling now and direr* , ned forma. 14 A I SOME years ago, in Engi l n , they levied a tax on horned - tattle; a shrowd farmer had a`few !polled 4.among his herd,- which he kept, and . 641 d the horned. When Om assessor came around, he told BIM he had no hotned cattle and would hot pay his tax. He was taken before a magis trate, when ho - prowl that he did not own a horned animal! lie was aisebargod, and Parliamint alto* the law. TUE silifer best is no raised in gatagh sit a crop for ploughiig un der as enhnnirr; it produCes . la mass lelwrr thirty iuctuN • bigh,l which tarnish is:,lstxt fifasatiti o ten ma, Mire. I I TM tom . of cold weather azo gerttr, 4V.4.11. it sa thgilig *he * PUS lia.Vors i. 04torus1, -, 4 try SW. papa" ttor‘ 1,1 sib* tointitartkootdrod. • . IA Boa*: cf.mot*. lb f..v4 TAT b1ab.4.1.• FOiniNta ' it*, ACME MOT: in&Tb 7 . 100 1 =5 0 . 1111 1 .110 101110 • we* V , albs ire wpm" Is do all Nails 011 mirk bustron. ~ins mid MILL GEARIRGILL i4RoItLAR MAN DRILLS, Aminabroe , - 111 L: 1 1/1-011,11 . - inzaToozzaa. Paz "lIRPAZBXDo AND& wadi waslslis siollikeiri, • i 1 - SHINGLE 31110EINEH - Of as hire mai aria Ilmmosidllebills • - sad kept camirdty ea Mod Essay Zoe uss, PLO - lIGHS, 51D1114114 UMW Up VOOD7OI 1X all MAL CULTIVATOIII3. CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH. PO-INTS ore mart, sail am tt tr iV b =inmelstl 11.1 CHURN POWEBS, . LARGI AND ' .IY•LL •111. STOVE CASTINGS • acurs °Baia. SLED AND: SLEIGH SHOY2.4 •,- . • LUSIS DION =rum AMA di Idols ci cutlass tursidisi Is Me di 110. 11001WVAL. NEW GOODS IN GBELT VARTETY. • SIGN OF THE BIG BONNET ON MMN STREET. CONSISTING IN PART OF DEPDNrKD AND WM= DRY -GOODS., YANiKE NOTIONS, KKBIpIDBIES, FANCY SHAWS, PARWI4 GLOVES, ItOSIERY, MILLINFZY GOODS, EMERACI3IO rue . , • 53'1 Towanda. lily 1. 187 t . JVLFS HUGUENIN anent of AMERICAN AND SWISS atom AND stunt WATCHES For Ladles and Cientlomen,lenclry of ail kinds add Reacrtptiona. SETH THOMAS AND AXENICH CLOCK CO.B CLOCKS, num Tros catnparr To nix B. maw. gam am IT IIIiCTACILIII 11 GMT VAZUMI. Paztactlar attedits io REPAIRING. Of ell kinds. ALL WORK WARRARTZD. Ream bee the place—Ose door with at Itereura Block. Towanda. nn 1.1871. S . woorlxilAtp, NEW YORK BOOT AND SHOE STOBB, • So. S. PATSON ORMITHSBLOGILSEIDOE St -1 , • Is receiving one of the largest and best stock of BOOTS& SHOES ever brought in Towanda, which' he is offering at the very lowest prices for Oath, consisting of aims dill, k Broaa, Boys flue - Boors, Units, Mims and Cuss's Shoes of- all kinds," all bought - direct from the Manufacturers, and land made, all goodiwatunted. A rina. Broca or Lerma AID FUMING& Thankftd for past - favors, I solicit a continuance of the same. To*and* Yar. I. 1572. NEW CM , FrUM os canni Meek fronting Timm atreak W. we receiving direct trout the where the very 4~f:?t~ ~ V 1 f ~ ~flt ~1 l THRACITZ 0114 L,, which in propose to ;sell mit tit' owed market price. roopsetratty is Tito nose viable( loponhoio oat and maim our Cool. Vs .Lo beep Liras. trash tram tb. w. via deliver Opal al 'Lbse *keener asstraid M abaft =Gee, Mang only tie aulaima pies. L. IL Wag• CKL 11 JACOBS, TI _.Ras removed ide TEMPLE OF FASHION Texas Patioa's Black. Bale Week sewed doge above Badge erg. Where cs 11!17$ be towed a competes stook of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. ukt. . . HATS AND CAPS. du goods Inmate!. sod sold at LW kneed Mos. MD323 GRIFFIN'S . TEEILLINERY ESTABLLSIIMMT STILL IN OPERATION Mee alarm Marne her thanks to the ladies of Towanda, and vlclatly for the liberal Vetrorage heretofore =loaded toter. and beak lasts In tell 'Replica to Der NEW COCK OP lIILLEIERT 000E41! Jest reorfrred, enact& ate le et the lowest Tees, . ?ewarda prllll, • STREETER, s, 'Wort 'S Itsli*,ll r•444:5:4 &C.. &C. B. A. PETTES, & Co. ling a large and varied maxi- SOLES atroulaini AT- THE TOWANDA. Pa. Art AT ISW, .., -TOWANDA. PA To inewjangic r"- ~ f thq an Dow mimed la ran trADERTAKIIWI la an Its kindles, £M In tha merriasa dug ache is that T iipesifo minis 'ar tag tram Oa alloO l d N. Naha a beam mkkai dauka be an ts 'stigmas. this aids or .is dap eseured the Samosa or s inaussuommar pesos to tbe badains. ~4. . J. 8. AMYL pee of oar Am nraltare awry b wage tote other smart at demo oo ',did street. or *bag W. Liman, • Ter, rdiails and whose odles Is on Perk podlillit FIRST NATION 0Y TOWA3D • CAPITAL Smrsuis Fug This Bank odors UNIIIIITAL transaction of a • GENERAL RANKIN AID ON D AG Brzcza. Cass Gnu TO TEL asp Oman. Parllea libeling to um sox= to any part of the Ea r United States, Eogbiod, Ireton& d. Or th e OD' dplil titled slid towns of . =a here procure .drafts for that propose. P4SSIOI ?I WS To or frotiftba old ecamtry, by best stomas . or Wl tog lines, always as band. -• nut= novas: aTn Al iumecam sham • MOM nicepeldfbe r/.21 Derar, aidecied JO& POWELL, President; ' li, N. BET PB, J. December 1,1869. Maier. SUSQUEHANNA COLLEQTATE INS nen. TOWANDA. DRADTOBD cotarrr, PA. This Institution sm aim:seam its lieventeentb Tess lIONIiAY, •lIOIIBT 28. 1871 The courses of irtautr are Zoete& normal, Com mercial. Acedeinic. Scientific and Classical, in all of which the lastrudlon is rytterflgie and thorough. The Principals will be assisted in the cartons departments by a large and very excellent corps of instenctors--three graduates, experienixd freshen baring ira been recently engaged—and no effort Will be to make the linWtate,l comfort, discipline . and general edlictecacy. semill to no other dmilar The Musical Department will be under the charge of Professor H. Pr. Johannes's& This institution is now to thorough repel!. In additkee to the extensive improvements daring theair -- irelar. new llPPlntinti maps and charts. and patent desk* and seats for all the study - W recitation 10011:1111-. hare Just hoes par chased. • ' • nareaal Department _ of cat The Principal cue Norm.. Organize August 28. a Tearcherre diaas, and by anew. Ammon aid to complete the most thor ough came posaibLa during the time. Tuition from 114 to gio., Board and room In the Institute $4. it demibTe4; students may obtain rooms to town and board themselves. Early appli ed:l4m for board and rooms at the Institute should be made, ea the rooms are particula bein rs g rapidly engaged. For farther or catalogue, apply to Pa 0. gym and z. E. Quinlan, Prtnelpals 4 Toira Z. nds, =MEE ang.97l President Board Trustees. N EW STEAM FL l OURDIG MILL L. 4 EIiptEW:E.QpIX, PA The subsorro &styes to give notice that Ms DCT STEAM FLOURING MILL Is now in inecesstni operate:a, and that ho is pre. pared to do all woes in his line on short notice. CIISION ORLIDLNO DONE ON THE SAME DAY THAT IT IS lIECEIVED. Wheat, Buckwheat sad , Rye Mar. Corn Meal. Toed. Bran, ke., ahraya on hand and for sato at I•woet rata. PARTICULAR NOTlCW,..Perions Ilvhme on the . West aide of the river Ong to patronise my mill. la have thetrfeerwzr both way; when they bring grime at ten ' and upwards. a$ 471 . F. S. AYERS. IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO YAWS Tang SIGHT! The sight of the aged assisted. the weak streagthelk• ed sod the perdue preserve& PLUIADELPHIi Orrtc u. ECba & rb„ For the manufacturing of the • CONCAVE CORPS!. CITLL LENSES, LONDON SUOVXD AND 111TXD LAO YOU 111A1 0111- :r.. eves. • The Concave Convex C its' Spec-M.les, made by the above Institute are n w a long time before the public, and tberapid and demand for them combined with the tug creel schnowlodinnent , of their clearness In vision ease to, the eye, shows plainly that they are or to any other glasses In the market. The majority of It (mostly imported) and upec Z, no matter how tee the contain but a poor and 'worthless article of glasses, (generally cut or pressed') they are made to be sold only, without any calculation re benefit to the eye, and therefore th e' trod Comp tof poor and yolk sight. Thoesmuls w the objects get dim after ate b ;1114 glasses DOW which tire and fatigue the eye, short usage, or require .an intensely strong light end thereforedestroyin e the sight, which. were they Pgrsuited, would preserved a life time. advaatages elairstid for the Concave Convex Crystal Maass are the following : —..n4 of the hest 4 M ei • Bridloid county. No mil ;tar 12. una-u • THE HOME SHUTTLE SEW 1310 KAMM. THE PEEITCTION OP MECHANISM, log 111Zooz.go, yzuzzo. Itanzzo, Cozonw, ItaAromo.o, QUILTING. TUCILING; RCITLING. nIX-IITITC11 1 t0 :13 AND G L ATIGMLNO. ANER.ICA Simple, Compact, Every Machine years. EQIILLLY GOOD FO It Is a Thum& Price 1007,00 The Only practiced 1. pticeal Loet-stitch sing Kerblne gem We z . , . Don't be bana r = other AMA/ no matter kw smooth tongue may be, they mean Mlle to Cbeir own : ID. 11. WOOD :*$ , Agent for Dradlerd and Sullivan Counties. Agenda' wanted. .1 Some, Driiltord county. rejrcb. . TAYLOR'S C - 51 I RATED OIL I- . TAYLOR'S .., The Grad Xhassatie,Zersedy should be kept and used by every Termer that keeps either Cattle or limes, every Teamster And Livery *Babb, Keeper, every Physician and Berm Tarter for It will many times care pain and lamennew when WI other reedi- Mnes bale heed. Vamp and Railroad 'Ken should certainly keep pt. far it 4 t at brume In sprats& . keep it far their own rise an for their - customers tender footed horses. as nothing equals it for tender fact 1 1 Every body suffering an pain and lamenees of any, Mod. barna. ate. nib or any eruption of the skin. Oxus. Chilblain .or any disease requiring an outward sr; Oration should certainly keep this Cele- Wald . P. bottle warranted to gin sethesetton. Tue sale, Dr. H. C. Porter Mon A Co. Posies dr. =thy and Z.,. Brom Druggists. Towanda Pa. And by sere ry )'Dentist and dealer in Brad ford and adytator ores. . Jolowton Holloway mt enirdille ‘110111161411 Palma% lantuiuu Laix4.llo. Arch atrow4 Pliiiktrptlnkra.. ansolowalo Agent& -H. BROWNIO Tali LOA. ' . July E.lO-41 Proprietor, Leßayar We, Pa. TV 008 t rial In ti a IaIEMID O EIA TIN G - +.- •••:' \, 7 "' AMig• • ' DO. is *O. 1.. was Si trob Llama seil soiselst Wadi r- . • BEM IMES to sifted io . Ili; Giocizarzs, rid' I luvi.rwriondl emu or mitt airs tintitirsesim sea, ill pevesimat lot bi an gin iletaiello. MEI TE4I,, 001 1 1 1 7:1113, SUGARS, I 00 . ,. ot oar Pia% ar urea equaled dile% W.§ ha's AKRON FLOUR, tGRATCA2I DO EREI ssasdastly as Mad. PDX Iliatit.Laaa, sad In Idols et arcs. Wolid all the Masai* oftbe be found at *a and a IL Yak rOlis km Owl Ds !Wit at Ids red- cab or Dr: l. tested *plebe; sew the Elwell II Qat* Ot pick J I M 00140044nialLiiii* Wit Yet Chamitisi sad ar!rini Soap. ,y'rri. .1.-r.l ALLYN W•T .' KALLZ. EE L BANK, Liege impriosent el _____ VOTIONIS, TOIL= . . $125,000. . . 40,000. SOAPS, ha. ho j will pay the hlgheet cash Mk* to £czLn for Ur U • r - I T BUSINESS. /10001tD/NO TO or lions sad make bansectists payaseut. M . . J. LONG. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, COB MAIN• AND BRIDGE STS., tarial, Fire ..ds, - they (Um. ylalon the con cise:Thy or therefore 01 I=l „Zinn -roe pines in desnployed. •ntcd In EUROPE, cut. Durable awl C,oraplete Warrarited for five FINE OIL EMT WOI3E. Meanie:ll genius. AND COFFEE OM= k RIM =A mac= unatars;srlossato. es basil a laris 'kickoff 11171 DCL. STOCK OF TOBACCO, WOODEN WARE. COUNTRY PRODUCE C. B. PATCH. Ali periloaa totbAded to the tai. Inn will pease AM Tereranda: Keels. 12, WOOD. WILLOW. ADD STONE WARE. FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, tto., No. 1 PAT TON'S BLOCS. TOWANDA, PA. I desire to call, the atteation of the poblle to ay {m mioda, which it always hall and ono- Plate. and Will no sold to tuy custenacra at leirset market rates. kir P , 9 1 TEAS, AND SPICES, Hare been pnrchasod stoorithe late rednethm In the tariff on them, and are offered at prices to cor respond. Orders by mail or otberwiPe will rocrhe carer' and.prouipt attention. 'Thanking the , public fnr the libcral patronage they havo given me. / wish a continuance of the CABU PAID FOIL COUNTILY PDAPPCP. feb.2oll GOLD STILL CONING DOWN 1 AND ZTIMI TIII3IO Or TIM GROCERY k .PROVISIGIV LINE, are flaw being offered at COVELL it MYER'S ai= cannot fail to satisfy all;that they are de not to be undersold bone. They hare enlarged flair Store br any so that they now litre roma far the fresh supplies that are daily reoeir by them. They hare ecomected with their store a Market where they now keels fresh meats to sell by the quarter Or piece, ono a thll supply of Oro reties and Provisions, to which they wank' call the attentino of all esak buyers. Come and examine one Goods and Prime, before purchasing and satisfy yourselves. We guarentee all goods to stye entire satinkcilim. We are thankful to our enateincre for their Peal liberal Patronage and solidi a continuance of the soma CONS - ELL k KM. Dec. 20, 18&l. pIIIRES WILL NOT LIE 1 TIE CILESPEST PLACE DI TOWN TO BUT BOOTS I DON'T DOUBT YOUR OWN EYESt HERZ ARE THE natran, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRUCCE °sti Ip, 2 sole k tap Root, home made, watrauted si as do 1 do do do 2 do . do do X double sole do Call peg do do Boys Kip, 2 Sole and tap, Youths lip, X double sole, Merchants can be suppllegi with the above clan of goods at Ten reasonable prices. We are prepared to zone Moots to lifessurn Also First Clans Itepalr. log at reasonable prices. A—The above vary low price system milt be undoistood CASH Invariably on delivery. oar Call and see before you buy Shop opposite Methodist Church, Mainbtrect. Umusels,XmAiM NEW. PLANING. MILL. The moderelimed having Milli large it mid commo dious MUM the Baronet et Towanda. mad Alled with the most toad= and Impromid•machlisiry. Stu the manufacture at WINDOW &MR Jaw BLIND& MO premed to- 1M orders. wbether Lane or small. upon the idliorloot -macs. We ham Oms large Ti dot, of MOULDING% much latest style and pietism. 'which ye am runtish chtuperthanthey cutbe worked by laud. PLANING. TOW O. GROOn3Q, SAWING. AM AII other work pertaining toJaloory. wmbw does Oa watt oar mamma ?moos baMla& sad not living moat thas brawn to loarteat tales Masa. tad it belay fa their lateral! to boy of as. or being ewer lambs' aad lave tt walikod b aer asehaory. Drag yourpat of Floartag. or other twabor *Alla your tan a haling, MT . It pound oat aad aad tabs it boas with RWe wlll CASE lb, PINE AND RI:KLOCK MEN A.Ysaod at au bomber yard. Owes and as us. wit you autooal a, wits. Towanda Tab- 11164... A 1101MRS.J1 OD. kJUPERIOR AGRICULTURAL 'IIUOLIMLY. far Bile by R-BL . NVEL.LES . , TOWANDA. PA., Once No. 3 Merear'i flock. north et& of Court Boom square. NIcOLEILLLZ AND U!TAIL DEAL= AFD YLASIMICTIMIMS MiE2IT. X XicWits; Mira Powers and Thrashers, Wheel Sates, neater Sower. Grain Sealers Ita Tedder% Reversible and Stet Plows, CWltintees. ThiLl florae noes. Cloaritzlioessal Prudes =a. • • LAU WOW" TAM EMIT MUSLIM szrr carrot rostra zr tzsacialso f rep smarm You Raw cartons. at., ac. , . Ciatelearst zod deseriptiro. iihureatea prated dr. agars. gum Wird se mailad free to amitosis. It sill cost but three cads to Dead lee circular mane Fanners when ht Towanda, call End lee ire. ilpril R. 2L WELLES. AIONEY SAVED, • ,STOVES AND HARDWARE °rural Ji1171g,•71 el, , . el/ I MM AIISSZatai lowasika: Wohld siythat notwithsteding the film in prices of many goods, that 9107 continue,to, kee p_._ their t!IV4I stock of IRON, Effillg4,37N7AMX , . sari will sell at close prices for ready ,pay. The llf:MtY .C/111113T -31AS with iron oopper-lined,reser soir and patent elide, allowing etmun to pass into the smoke pipe, finds favor wherever triod. Wo Lava also the MEE New Sago. • • YOWSig *MOM /unction; Ilot Bled. Wationel. • Union. Tribune. ' Queen. Wide World. Xateleim Unice Wo continue to pipo houses for gas, and to do all kinds of plumbing. Lead and Copper work as well us general Tin and Sheet-iron jobbing on short notide. Dexter Taal Cutter', Rational Pod Cult.= and Chaffee* toed cutters. Corn Metiers. - • ckuss towers. - clothes Wringers. Baby Wagons. C. R. PATCII. To • Carriage -makers . . we would offer Fame, Broke,. Wheels, rabid Wheels, ThlUs. ' ripe noses. We aro always headquarters for all kinds of Knives and Torts. liasors. rocket kohes.l ,l s, Spoon% • Setssong. Lan*" an 4 Chimp's, • r.atary recce Mar,. r mated care, Lestlia Vabbitt naY ilkistanks Bcsks. Wbestitorrows„ Pkks, Call and Ewe u \Alen lyou will to bay • CODDING RUSSF4J, & CO, Feb. fl, 1872 COFFEES, M. J. LONG. TTENRI' FRANKS, - • (two:motor to EU= ELAxxxg,) MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 4, Grilllth k Patkars Block, Bridge street, To wanda. A good assortment of Cloths, ifeshngs and Oassimercs. constantly on hand. Goods 'made to order M. the bad manner. CHANGE IS INDELIBLY h*T42ll- v Lviati-rnuiu. do 488 do ailied, 4 00 do 3 30 do 600 do 175 to 300 do '2 00 to 2 23 ItOSENFIELD & -WOLF, One door South of FOS. & MEI=It'S, vd,bertll • that they wiU offer greater loduormenta to ~ ..r.att buy era, than ani other eatabllabrueut L. C. ft=gol2t Being thoroughly ratted in every branch r of,tho boatnesa, they feet perfectly coundrt that they can make St to the interest of all p Their Stock of goals comprtem goods of all grades, from the ancal to the caarsc■t, and manufactured by the beat establlahmente In lb' country, NEW STYLES Fon TitanitaS of BariMit= sad ° Mrs. E. J. Minims gbrmetiy Wu ley) .with Yin Bush Mack. bas Jost re:darned from New York with • fall lino of • MILLINERY are. FANCY GOODS oomliNf of Este. Bonnets. Corsets, saw.. Kid Moves, Hair floods. old Ladies Caps. Same% ties. Bows. Ribbons. Plovers end Laces in West umiak& Over Dr. LOW D the eng Sore. Opening at given to da, Wednesda ystre , Apcil . Pastiodsz tention w work HIGHEST MARKET PRICE is cam pirD rpit GRALN, BUTTER AND EGG a TOUR A. L. PENDIA= MEI ~- .r : I :ii .: Y.,...,:gt ) \ \-- ..._ •- . 111114. :?- gar. ! SLIONEIS. Guns. Natoli. Catridixs. Itemltem / i 1 Clothing, "Wain' Bros. flare garchased the Stank of Clothing of GIVE PUBLIC NOM' BRADFORD COUNTY, TO PURCHASE OF THE* Give us a call. , JVLIt'S WOLF. I WM. WOLF. b To la, Mitch 12.1e2) IN MX= VAINEIT, GEORGE SMI.TII, WISAUSING, VA. April IS. 1872 COKE, ' TIM EMT. moat DESIRATME. and moat ECO NCaLICAL Ita:L toe culinary porpoites dating amp mer. Fix rats by the ' • ' TOWANDA OAS COYPAIVf ' . t Twelve'nth per boatel et the this lime. MU .sentwats resod.. ma 80.1870. 7_4 - ;".;-; ,2 f_e • . .. 41 • 5- • • ; • tuioiminr UMW* WO& . MEI ; ISig ','''''''-ithiii - '•ili.ii* : 4 - . oßOostans Vidal via be acildAtt lbe kpresi ' po6ilble pOceft C l olo.Ua:‘ 14=404 HERRING, FRUIT OF AIL DMMEMONI3, ' MODERN STONE WARE. YANKEE NOTIONS, F1.401;;B, FILED, MEAT,, OWN, &c 6 lining on mu produce, which wo pay cash to A mutant imply el Ashion Belt. all died Churn'. Bolter lElrtlna. Tube, Am Pleasocill Wad lobli ttU'liegh oat ssociliomi we win do our beet tb please you. W. A. 110‘1.06111.1. Tousles. April 211. 1,140. v GROCERY AND . PROVISION - S 'l' 0 ,1?, MetADP, EDWIA.RDS, FAMILY -GROCERIES PROVISIONS; KlEBetligt UWE. TOWANDA. PA. we do not deem lt neeerear7 to ; i enumerate an Ms ddennat Arnold. we keep. Oat asextusent is ALWAYS COMPLETE. FIRST CLASS GOODS Cash raid for partners Produce. JAXMS IteCABZ. March 1. 1870. MM. EDWARDS. MERCUR are now receiv- F 9 ing a fresh stock of Goods in their line, bought . 113 ° 9 the let Jehrierl. to which they invite the at. tention of their friends. We keep the largest stock la town; Our goods are trash and desirable. We sell at lowest market prices. Jan. 10. - FRESH AND NEW TEAS, bought since She recent decline In Twice. and ielling thedp at retail. FOX a =n em. Jaz. lg. - - - vox & are sel ling axles at retail. Jan. 19.1811. FOX MERC 1: are selling New and Fresh Goods. Jan. 19.:871. • FOX & ArPJtCUR are selling Gro certes cheap. ' Jaa. 19. 1871. - pox 4; MERCUR are selling first /. class Gonda nnly. Jan. 19. Inl.- FOX& MERCUR areseilin cheaper than alter. Jan. 19. 1871: 'REMEMBER . that we are selling Ckoods at RETAIL.!„ And that we won't be tnadenteth. Jan. 19,1871. FOE k SIEUCTIt. NCIIIGAN FINE:-CUT TOBAC CO—very cliolce—at Jan. 19. 1871. FOX It 12EILCII1111. VOX & MERCUR do not deal in .1: Shoddy Good!, Jan. 19. 1871. OUR CIIST031 7 : 1 18 can rely upon getting the very beat the markeVOLnd at lomat P.. T. FOT. • Towanda. Jan. 19.'7L KILN= KILIICUR. • Ell7/111Ett THAT FOX & HER CUB are retailing all kinds of Grocnica at wholenaleprices, The largest stock tn town. Goods first elms. Prices low. E. T. rm. EMI BEST KEROSENE OIL, DI !P} - town by Wt quantity or retail at Fo & JIERCRWS. BAKERY AND 'DINING ROO3 77 - 'Mat block north of Ward ELocue.. BREAD, PIES, CARE,CRACKERS, .13.LEZD DLIL In our DINLNO rooms we will accommodate the Fddic WWI either a lunch or a gold meal .et all times of thr day and errening. OTSI72IS AND ICE CREAM ON HAND DIM= TUEIE 13.E6501! T Also a tine aasor,tinont of Groceries, Confectionery, Traits. Nat& kr— nsaylir tt CENTRAL MA Rte" Tho subscribers still continuo to keep constantly on hand a tall and completo assortment of every thing pertaining to their business, wadding main ly of BERT', poll,K, FRESH AND SALT MUTTON. arzz. LAMB. VEAL. 'POULTITi. SAUSAGE. ' MILD, BOLOGNA, DRIED BEEP. TALLOW. ke.„ C. ' ! ~ .H I . . I • 11 PRESII FROM TH E LAKES. - 1 - i OTSTkLIS RECEIVED' DAILY Parties wishing Oysters in large or small quanti ties will be, furnished on 'bolt notice, at the old stand, Caninan Kum" iltontanye's Block, tint door ilorth of Dr. Porters. -- Cass. 13Xxt.r.tue.1 KELLUM k =ISOM • • Tato. Mwtsocit. Pah. 21. 1,20-tt P . TOWANDA STEAM F LOURING 'MILLS ! Ilespootfully Inform thepublic thit having rebuilt on the site of the old mill, with sII modern improve meats, they are now prepared to do Is the best possible meaner ind on the shortest notice. No pairs will be spiral to ere satistsetlon. Farmers doing badness in toes can bring their paha sod have it grated the same day to take beck. 1117C:IEWIIEAT PWUE, FEED & Kral. = GICQUND CAIU(A PLASTER AU kinds of grain taken In eta:tangs for Plaster Cap, paid far all Lind:. r C grain Tawseds, liov .1.1971 PORK, MUTTON. DAIRYMEN, 1 1~:. 1 t ~ AND we sell nothing t _IIENRYX NrCIICCT. And wad at Wholesale and Retail D. W. SCOTT**. CO Stri3,l3l CIIIIEM 11A3/B. ~:•*r1!+r~~ W. H. FULLER (t co., CUSTOM GRINDING AT $6 PEIC TUB. , a. F. 11LikHON. W. H. mum .4, - • . EiNlZ•l73ar 1T1Z10420 wroicx*** -- ., - :ttp - 07L!l. CB3lld. GLASSWARE. CROCKERY. STOREVirABF. . I annpiiie aroma 4. SILVER PINED WAIIE, now lioagers t lagthior phlAoriarGifyilo:itvi Avarf et th• • - SINGER SEWING MAGILENE, INSIIIIANCS AGENCY AT • • 1 WICKHAM. It BLACK'S . Torsedsh iter.12,12. Boots and Shoos. li" BOOTS, STOGA BOOTS, CALF ROOTS, RIIIMER -BOOTS, BOOTS AND SHOES ei" In mil= variety. Sc:its. 13cx=rtg3. L. . .L. 31 0 0 D & CO., Have the solo control for the &tail trade of llturiphrey Pros. ILL ND-MADE I BOOTS . :AND SHOES Ittimnfactured in Towanda, And we are retailing them &slow as other houses aro retailing Eastern Goods DON'T BE DECEIVED De sure that you sro buying these. Boots, for It Want stand to reason But an 'Esstezu /loot, made. by ma. chine throrrghout, will begin to wear ritlethe cele brated TOWANDA BOOTS RUBIIERSI - RUBBERS!. A large assortment, which we are eellingait a Lugo reduction in prices. We keep none but first quality !tubber'. • FINE SHOES! • • FINE SHOES! For Ladles. tillages - and Children, in Peb. Goat. Md. French kid. Serge and Pouch Odt, in tact all the styles manufactured by t h e best Factories in the country; A FULL LINE OF BURT'S GOODS ON-I.l.iliD ROBES ! BLANKETS! .inst recelredot larger stock of Wolf,. BqCato and Lap /lobes, also Bono Blankets, Whips, &e., which we are selling cheap for cash. TRUNKS, TRAVELS 'G BAGS, a.O Tho largont assortment in this sectloriat correariond- r ing Prices. Give ua a call and you Win be suited L. L. MOODY & CO. Towanda. Nov. 1. 1871. NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY !i On Pine, between Main and Second. Rivets, back of 0. F. Mason & Co.'s Dank. TOWANDA, PENN'A. HENRY STULEN CO., liseportfully Innounc, to file trina.liamt_ patrons, that th bare built a • -* NEW ELRICR CARRIAGE FACTORY. Then they win constantly keep:on Lana a fun used mod of • FAMILY CARRLIGES, TOP AND OPT BIIGOM, PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTTING smar k s. AND 131{ELETORS, Made of the best material and finished in the beat elf 7 1 07 1 e. His lung experience in city Carriage Factories gives them a decided &knave War others In the . . Finish, Style and - - Durability of lila Wagesia. All !lacy 'di le SU INSPECTION OF HIS WORK plosives to fasthaiing drawl:ken.; ALL WORK 11'.4 RRANTYD, TO GIVE VENFECT ATlSF•Acrtvx Thankful 19r the liberal eatronve formerly ex tended and nonectfully shk: -a ,eoutinuaneo of the Mune. • - SEY.II - 111:10 11105IVTLX ATiLIiDLD TO Toirstis. May 24, 1870.—tt cii aviwn • 1.,. OLD- dual DRici BTOBFi Clormir eaS Pies karma, Rieleadalta.. Sit• NOM* Wed blrfeir U. Umdr AOC% IN/ Ng 11/101M SMO11101•111. wieettlednit 11 1 1- 61 1 1 . 111 . Vs" MON liaw4t meg 'tildes tumid-is the exte for ms - Wool orefulty 'elided with to the vs wants GUM peal. weititwa te with fresh perehaww, acid l e gatee the iii7 44ll reee*meet IVigissallm 7 "/ ) / 6 / s " i e r (hil!MIC"Aii :Lim unanii, ALCOHOL AND i • TANNER'S AND IatACHWE OILS, tarsey aria Toad;/Akio in all their ;giddy, WONG= 1111=1333. SOAPS. OOXIAL Pomades. Mir-Dyee. Peeszem, P, / many livingi •• • ant cures sue - Dr. Fn 's ri• • rums Recturerm atlirEDT. Used inwardly . • SWAM era ed OA in every 100 patients treated in the post n ye a r (See testimony). It is the scientide pticm of Prof. Jos. P. Fitter. M. D.. a graduate of 1 . • University of Irtzurylvania.A. D.. 1833.—n0w Ar " / • bottle, and other testimonlabe of many proud. -•• renowned pkrabians sad clergymen. To pro ?. ••• sufferers from poisoned& quack nostrums and •• expenditure of money. siegel smned goer . tee. stating - exact nmaber of bottles warranted to • •wiil be forwarded gratis town y sufferer send. •g by letter a hill deur!. ption of aftletion. In ease A fibre to cum amount paid positively refunded. edict= sent anywhere by express. Collect on do• ezy.Afflicted invited to write for advice; all In . •• on and medical advice sent by letter gratis. • • Dr. J..Y. FITLER, 20 South Fourth street. • ••I • Oda, Pa. The Remedy is sold, or ebtained Drumdsts, For sale byPORTER it‘ SLURP. Drimuists, • a Block. Towanda, Pa. IIUBBERS ! FINE SHOES ! ROBES I n.lm~Md pri, ce =SW STOLEN R. S. CLAM &C Posit* & sox *-1 morn AEU PAINT; VAIOISII. . And all knkii at Inisbok KEROSENE * ;COAL • • •_ • AJAR% 11171185. COW= .. Sperm. Uzi. Wleleo lists 704 . 1 - GWE T BOOKS, FOR THONAIIic rocket Entree. Bums. . • Copp:ll3 •LIE11;$4:1114:114:4.41,“.14.01 num VIXEN A3re LIQUOBS, roe Ito&foal too, . • ;rte.'', S• '• ... . ..• . • CrIPIR -, ... . s ardets, Meld and Mower Heeds, Truism. f3np• • BPli si :TrethElla MP. Elnidziir DAUM ktppkt Mar and swami. By:lngot, - ' Bans.Belf•ElealtngEraitiers, Thor— - . mometets, naming =mtg. Stone ' Jaags., tlltss Wramßottles, This, Carty. Beth • WWI,. and Sore' Mackin& Flab Tack* UV - •• .. • on, *a, Botanic, Eclectic and nom:math. le blediclnes, and all the popular Patent , . ' - .31 E:D I.C. I N E .S , _ -.- ~ articles warranted as represented, Persona at .. lance an receive their orders by stage or mall, 0. will receive prompt and careful attention. . - - advice Must gratnitonaly -at the - GSM - Les only far 13:kedicine. , I- Thankful far peat liberal ;Mifromme, won id tes• • , ally annocmce to tber friends awl the public,tbat ••;Pains don ho ;Pared to eatisfy.andreerit the com •.•• an of their confidence wad patronage. - • ' Open Suralayil t oad vas from 9 to 10 and 12 rm. to I. end .5 to 6 : Z. C. POICTER k SON. prEl 1,, 1872.—yr. - - . . -- • :!- "EIEMITIS3I-NEURALGIA. I $5OO -WILL BE PAID OWANDA • \ fiturble Works. GEO. McCADE Z.; SON are just trcelvoS•the lar;tr.zt assortment &\TFRICA AND ITALIAN . k•. A. 33 • 1. - . 1 Ever exhibited in thta i•eutioil,. to which tl}e9 Invite the attention of the public. Thei Imp Cu !mut or farutia to °rale MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES, &c., Of every ,AT TitgLOWEST,TERW Persona in want of anything In our line are ro- siieztfully franca to call and examine our stock. MICA BE & SON Towanda. May 1. TEE OLD MAIN SVEEET, Carriage Ti.actory. JAMES BRYANT BUZ eositinues tbo mstattxturo of - CAII:IIIA.GES AND WAGONS, Of every deKription. at the old stzild, of. G. 11 Drake. 31-ILsi STREET, TuwAND.i. Elie work le all of LLo LATEST STYLE AND FINISH In the manufacture of.wagons nothing is used but BEST STEEL AX FS, To ether with 'tho cOMP:OSITION BOXES In Light Work..„ PLATTOR3I SPRING WAGONS AND - LII3D3ER WAGONS Sept_ constantly on band. The beet Ehatera'atack Is need lathe manutacti4s el Spokes are all ;Wed ont--not rawcd. ALL WOIIK BOLD WARRANTED EQUAL TO ANY As to Utah, arill'as to dttrability, surnuon TO ANY IN TIIIS SECTION. li` ALI. WORK IV J I DRYA.NTj app 1911 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS & Co. Ecepeabilly Int:nlace to the 1.7nwr,a1., that they hare opened a large and choice stock of GROCEItI.I!;S .AND ritOVISIONS corner klaln'and Franklin streets, Towanda, wbieli they' will sell as cheap as Ake aearesl. fur CASH ! to , l casaYnhad Towlii.cainszru _them iost as happy as env. to wait spoil ail old customers aid s& many. new *nests will Poor Om with s atri. . Taos. scum • . Tam MUM at IL Thos. araaasamit. April. 11. 07.2 t• = •• . - _ OY U.S. A; Casa &rum, it.OOOAOO- 7 rato is rms. 'Chartered 'by dogma. lace. OTAKKKII, CUM PlCiticicAt JAY COOKY. .0 1111 .1144 Maineeand El- Com:. UMW COOKt o 'Vrce Prealdeat ICKWW.ileitOrtary and Actuary ; • The ad vaaitNitsi of the National life Insurance co 1. RIB a NatticolCraptuiy,cloutered by equ aTe , S. It iIIIS palmy eipttaket One Milton Dothre 3. It cans kagratee Wpm:ox= ; & It tersiebeit haw teserance than other Cott . peeks. Ss tam deans money - 6. It Is Waite ihd certain ; 4. There brio peepatialfty mhirepresentstina ageisha attelaanclentaniung b7polky•eoiderg 7. The polteke tal so meth ezeplate'omatmeta, go mach iar . rum mew & polidem are non-tertctihm IL The policies are exempt rom attaehma,t. L W. CULL &1110..111 , 31brt. ritilaielp La Ointenl Agent& B. S. BU SELL. Ilazag tr N. C. ABBE= & A. G. t , TAFON, es-Agents tir Towanda and ;an. 9,1809. GUAR LIFE INitMANCE COMPAY 2sl BROADWAY. NEW YORE Pc:fiscal; ix Foam ..... ADULTS. _crier -, • • • • Ammar. hoxrxr.. over LOUIS PAID AU approved forum of POllden . Wined. A Liberal modes for pays:amt of premium's. Policies noraorfeitable by their term& - - The entire profits of the C9oiPany 411 MM 010 l ably among the insured. ANNUAL DIVIDENDS. WALTON M. PECEJIA.M. PIIPILItpENT. WILLIAM T. HOOKER, Vics honorer • LUCIUS X ADAMS, Sze' ..tNo Acura-, kirrr ‘DELP.IIIA. REFEILMiCES : JAI Coozz k Co., Bankers. • Damn. & Ca, Banker& Jon, Woman:ma & Co., Tes Mpribanta. . • ' - S. A. IlEacaft, Prest. Farmers' & Ildechanica' T. B. rattr.son, Publiater. • • J. A. . rt.coar), Agent, Towanda, ta. J1r12,70-tt &oh and Statoinery, DURTF-91, FOR 1872 PAPER & ENVELOPES I NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL 1;001 S „ „ PENS,' hitt, .01,V.q1C, OTATWISICY AND Piefunrs BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS Towanda . Nov. 19,1865. ROOK -BINDERY.-THE in reveettarlnformed that tho DAs•Ttin. dory has been removed to the "neporter" third atory, where will be done • BOOFE-WIDINOI In all its various branches, on terms asrrasol,d.: ..the tildes" will allow. The Bindery will b. um e the the:l;e of 11. C. NVIUTAIZER, An experienced Linder; and all work:w1111,0 done in a styli, and manner which tmnnot ex , MusicJilagiaines.l.lewgptipers,Old tookr:ke,,leee , In every variety of style. Parbeular ainmnen e 'i~ paid to the hulling and Dinding.of lIIMI DLA—NTa -.1.300E8; To anyAlealred pattern, which. in quality and dui''' . bllity will be warranted. All work will be ready raj delivery ullen prorniL,..! ; The patronage of the public ia• ailicited. and ; - feet satiafaction guaranteed, • Towluida, Au,,, , naat 2, 1,..466,—tb TOWANDA. AGRICULTURAL - wortsssnu. ALICE! - The supeiltitoutiont of this shop le now eLT•:::c some of the best • LUMBER WAGONS, rLATronm wAnoNs COVERED AND OPEN BUGGIES, ever oirerc4l in this market. OAK AND MCKOEY TIMBEIt nockand all work wade by the uie't ESERIr..WI.UIKOIIKMEN ITe LSTC T. 4 ATS:SIA - IRON SE.i very light, and so drirshie that creii time I but Wile to do towards their deciy. Ingsse examine err wort be! or' purchaeiv;!.. l, where. .Crpairin plane on short notice. t. 31. C. 31EliCtrIt.-Prch! , ct Towanda: Jnly 20, 1870. J . E. BOLT ES -& CO., G=slLll./J, PRODUCV. Commission Merebants-, SCI3ANTON, neeTeCt.fllliy SO/HAL coheiziluento et pi:7nm, EGGS, CUthE, VEIL, r011.11:1 And all other Farm Produce. .—•- . 4 One of the firm haring resided in Scranton I r e the past ten years, and haring se exteneive aeriga..o: ilca with the business men of the cite, we feel c ft ent that we can sell produce ter the atae saue• tion of consMnors. • ' REFERENCES. 1.8. CIMMBIICK, A. G. FM:3MA, Orvell, la, ' BALDWM &. IdIACKNAN,.OOI4 I A.. II MAN, LeMaysvillo, Pa. . 8 * G. CHAFF= swam ILMING. War ham Pa: ctirmnrcK, EMS , SE9EMAKEr.. 1'::t • P. BOLIXB. DipL26lll e • ' n• _ _• sl ' ooo lafga.V MADEk The snbacriber now afros fir saIgidsFF— PLOURIN MI ONi•TLALE / CLSII. lI.AIANCi Thiprehqty is eta Med in county, Fs., on the line. o f from Illusitg Dinghar protabl be located on the l The properly consists of large new Mill, two Dwel outbulhtingsond a never For futhor particulars Wm. Griffis,. or N. 1 , 1. Lionel Bank.\ Towanda,. Barre; or A. ywia, W .11132512m3_ CAAVA Di . I OY. PA. ANCE AGENCY): FYREs LIFII an 4 d A IDniT riSritANCEriT.. t-. 4 fi in rst.claas cm Also Land Saiwying .0.1 C°ll7os"arm=.. g. . ty • 1501011 fear" exp.:eats, Orden bymail pnrtly attended to. u , r• - - • • Aug...314/I,ly - . 11.. A. C. :OICE • GREEN AND _ . VEltr Y Black Tea Meng elms'," at entail by . :US ts•MF.II,II: . O — T — 1 'lt OSt &SON S - V IT ' . NITURIE • 11•91111.1 ht 1,4 new g,i„ stead* - - • ._ iIIWAT REDUCTION IS FUN I 11....11...N1T1ittE first male. at FonsT .44 SoNi. US for five dollars st rrcosv c BCEI O.IIK, ANUI,YIYIi • i "WFT.I. k 141 F ISH T ▪ & SONS h a ve the largest • emit of Ftiruilare'inphe coucul. 614 • 2,00 0, 0 40.- • 1,4,0,(ii i • ril,l-7,111. t( .I rffin=l IibWCIISVirk., Th:34!".1 the prorov. A'r• itou, and a dej' rtfar9t,Pe„ez tW sof g un a Q 'falling Inter r0we,. , •,,„ . qu ir o of 0. 0. Jr., Cast&r et 3.llrtin u.zon.t3t srQsr- Stevrtkonlle,