Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 09, 1872, Image 3

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    padfind epotin
Towandai Thursday. May 9, 1872.
IS.. Judge Monson - presides at
Court this Ire
. LEARNED has be e n ap
pointed Postmaster at Granville Summit, rice
C. gliinansr resigned.
y'l_ k
gem " mo s t St
JORDAN, of the
'means notis;.;, provided himself - tiitb a
beautiful nen', 'bus.
ge" Oar townsman„J. G. Perron,
i- contributing a aeries of interesting articles to
the hem, des I Friptive of his Southern tour.
' Sell4tOrS CULEIION and Scorr
and lion. LT,Frilsacru, will please accept our
than hs for public d. ...outs.
mi. Prof. SHE wooshas arrived in
tour, - and opened his Musical . Academy. We
hope be may he liberally patronized.
TURtiEn :& GOADON have got
that Drug Store in operation. The improve
ments made are very apparent, and render the
tore one - or the finest in this section.
se- From the Auditor General's
1:, j. , .rt for 1871, we learn that the valuation of
rsoul property in this county was $1,753,•
- pie-Bradford county contains fifty'-
, cliool districts, and three hundred and
Nefity-five schools. - In one diStniet thesehools
..I Lept open less than fire months.
WorlCciri• the jail is progress
-I:l4.findy. Thd first story is nearly completed.
T ticork will be finished inside of the estimate,
er ! l:riot.Lur's assertions to the contrary not:
t'LlzsoN.AL. l —' thus. Touegr, who will;crecli by the older residents of this
;:acu as a forniir citizen, and build'T of the
•:•:enco of tlip late C. L. WAF.D. ix visiting
I.:.:, Lore forlthe fag tinie i 4 many ycare.
car 3lrs. - ACIIEL WOOD, of Albany
died on Thursday, May 2, in.tlie 72d
r f hpr age.; She lefares a husband 83 years
xvhont 4he had lived in happy' wed
tifil,y years. , •
les', The liiterp.ry Societies. of the
inclanna 611egiate Institute, will give an
(nu rt,tinnard n 11.1tr,mr's Bail, NVednesday
, N1:,111':, May 24, 1872, consisting of -Declama
-1:-71:, Lecitatie l ns, Orations, Dialogues, Tab-
T4enics, and. Vocal and Instruznental
The convention of school, cli—
cmrs 11,11 in this Mace on Tuesday, re-elect
( d A. A. KE:EN a Superintendent, and 'fixed the
salary at f. 1,000 i•er annum. The very unani
mous cote by which Mr. K. was chosen, was a
hearty endorsenient of his manavment of the
schools for the past three years.
As- our member of dongrilrss,
Mereur, was the author of the - hill
veil the duty Lon tea and •ciofrie, it is mi
te :.Hy proper Unit MiriCtitii,k - EowAniii should
I e the first to ;Tire their turstomers the iheatit
reiluet , iti,tand they arc now selliin; Tea
1••••!• e at prices tit correspond wi'th the
—On ISaturtlay night lirst,. a
, b;a , ksinith shop and dwelling, in
uft Ilranch, Were baited. I'ne.'prop..;rty
; , ,ned b N. Mlat.tx :Ind T. 11.. LENVIs
W t ri.: there Was an insurance 61"
ih- pCoperty. The loss was 0,500. Mr.
;st nearly all his househohlyurniture,
• in the shops wit. entirely
. 3)
J. ( ;:lioNirr, formerly of Mon
eminSy, is now associate editor of
c:, pol , li,liod at 01.Tortl, Cliestt-r
31.r.;thatu 14 the son of a Eimer
n anoictiessfnl farmes himself. Ile
•1 Nvnter a4td think 4 and knows what
want: ii fancy notime , , but real iwae.-
: reaaillg matter. We wel
-1:;:o On; riorpd criflorial.
tzir It giti•tis us unusual pleasure
114,N1:V S1 . 1:1:+, Of this place.
;!.• e re , torcil to hih rhl conductorship ctrl
Li!. I'..ollvay.l Wc never unicrgtand
phould moved. be la
•ao 111411.ati couelicti , r cot he. 'The
1.4;1 - tti,s ttl.l l :4ys cli.bisTretily l opular ith
tr.t% chug public, mad cvcryhocly
k, , •h congra!tuht•lu r t ban on the filial
;;uitioll of hi yahial , ! e serviovs.-_,lh,,rga
tsk.„ At the nrnial election of
1;v11 r, t t .51ouday eVI•IIIIIg
eiretel th
nt. C.ll.
):.• 1 ., —NV. N. NEVINS.
' .1.
.`“...1 I'. I..‘PLANT
L. IL (.4 , 1:4)1:NE.
111 r!
1 , ,:,5101 1 ,,,, N , ED. Quint. LI
, C4r det of the last Legisia
i M:1/0 , Ji,i are now requit!4l to be ILept
a }'car.
11.:,..reaidng the school term :
marred efr., That the word
i tc inserted In the place onerd the
twc:dy-ctglit, act 3lay, one
•tlit IdlNdrett 2611 tifty-four, and
~C T, t ;, rkccotllcn , hnulti
:i.• o:str:cts !in opvra t. , tl o%l'
That tio• ktgtlr
nay r,11141 a; at prc,t.nt, 11l diNirl , te ,
trl.t :111011 . 41711 ,, 1i1it of tax altolAt• , l IFy
vo , l . t , 1.1* purpcb.a rdiali L.
:: ,• 1111,1,t1t. 4o u rt
)!• t Vii::lll , ,f 111111.'.
i,. I IN - RcausE. —The Elmira
.. Mill Company -bas purelia,ed an . ore
1 -d • r taro mine 'tear Colitivibia Cross lloads,
•: a'e l'e'nnsylvailia, and on Monday
. ..;.; , •.;;s;I:, aceitint rallied by a large body of
Cwie tents and tools, Went over to
• th" nnu,. The ore ..tas been analyzed
1. , Rinnin hably pin i and- of et.cel
it: said to be very or
.••••• •;•-•-.; ;a, -,3l:llisfibie. ime .ire beds
,;; P: , t..l,seen 'Austin - vale and Columbia
and 1 arc much - ticiirer thus city
Ih.retot,,rc been "btaii)ed, lit
hventY . tYlcs
- -f---
Eye 1):i Friihty evening • last, the
• 'as-L'c , rs Northern Lodge t. 1.3, 1. 0.
\V •r..L. I. 31. - Cnt:Evos: W. IL H. S., EVA
Nr. S., J. W.. Capra-NU ;
M.TECXIII3I; W. T., EgnA It.
Warrar.t.N; W. • C., Tlion.ts
. 71, . W. M., P:Mclu.tsEit; W. D. M.,
• 1.! A W. 1. G., L'Etisicr. lacGit.t.; W.
\,: P. W. C. T., N. P. • HICKS.
V:4-re. elected for the ensuing
. ,
1.. 1 , . h. W. C. T, .19iis F. SANDr.t.soN;
t.) Griind I;Elge, S.. W. ALVOlin,
3" and L. 1.. FROST.
ERA , ,Tus I li. SNUTII, late Presi
I'lr , t iNational Bank of Towanda
.tr Itlttee lt,u Thursday iitorning last.
tt.1..t.1 n a,great sufferer for years be
!, •• h.:011 fry aa Intltten disease:, which the
f ttt nurtleal men in the country
' 4 1.1', to remove. For the past three
litialAQ . lo attend to business, and
rin ly t• It il.)ll ' l 4 e. Although an invalid for
5 ' / ' ll bY !cars, he was an active, successful
man, and accumulated a handsome
His re iidenee here galled him the
, •si••• ta r fit 'r'? the entire community,
ttittrei w.ll lOokeil upon as an honest, ex
'47y man. ills bereaved wife, whose care-
I ' '"c'hi't adder many years to the life ofher
11?:=1 = 1 , )14 e lb. ;.;'l3l'lltb? of out ponpie.
The following sot, passed by
the last Legislature, will be intereiring_to the
traveling public: .
Samos 1. Be it cnadeil, de., That the pro
viso intection fire of an act to prevent frauds
upon travelers, approved the sixth day of !lay,
AllllO Domini 0110 thousand eight hundred and
sixty-duce, be and the same is hereby amend
ed, so that the same shall read as follows : Pro
vided, That this act shall not prohibit any per
son who has purchased a ticket from any agent
authorized by this act, with *hobo::04 inten
tion of traveling upon the same the whole dis
tance between the-points named In the said
tlcket, from selling the unused past of the
same to the company that sold the sumo;
it shall be the duty of the said company to pay
for such unused portion of the ticket the differ
ence between the actual faro to the point used
and the amount paid for such ticket.
Ser The last lecture of the course
was delivered by Jonn B. Govan, on Wednes
day- evening last. His subject was, "Will .it
Pay?" It was the unanimous verdict of ,the
largest audience ever assembled in tho Hall,
that it did pay them to -listen to the eloquent
orator. His description of a trip to California
and Yosemite alone paid all Rho listened to it.
We are glad to know that lie promised to re:
turn next season and give U 3 another lecture.
We are informed that the Committee hare
sustained a loss of about two hundred -dollars
on the course of this and last season. This fact
does not spew well for the intelligence of this
c.nnmunity, and we trust its course is attempt
ed next winter, it will bo more liberally patron
ita,- On Monday night last, some
fiends set tiro top car load of bark Nthielt had
been loft standing on the switch, near liiishore,
and then started the car down the track. Two
empty cars followed the loaded one. The cars
kept the track to Monroeton. although they
must have made the entire distance, nearly
thirteen miles, in twenty minutes. The car
containing bark was entirely destroyed, and
the others badly disabled. The bark was own
ed by the Towanda Tanning Company. The
authors of this malicious mischief should be
ferreted out, and receive the severest punish
ment due their devilish deeds. It behooves the
community in which these desperadOes live, to
yid in-bringing them to punishment, as the
company will not probably purchase bark there
unless they are permitted to get it away with
out molestation.
dAltirrOWN.—Eo.-REPOETEUI: A. large
assembly met at the Camptown Academy ac
cordin,, to our appointment, to lay the corner
stone till: the Wysinsing Baptist elairch.• The
Camptown Baud being present, played an ap
propriate air. Bey. E. But/nomad beingelect
ed president, opened by prayer, and after sing
ing made some remarks. Ho was followed by
our new Methodist minister, Mr. JeatasoN.
Bev. D.. Coos. then presented us with a testa
ment. Then followed remarks by Cm's Ava
ny, when the subscyiption was circulated and a
goodly sum collected. hypes Avatar was ap
pointed Marshal of the Day. A procession was
then formed, headed by tho band, which
marched to the appointed place, and deposited
the Minutes, copy of the Subscription, History
of the Baptist Church,. New Testament, Brad
ford Arg , s' end Itt.poirrnn. The stone was
placed by C. A. B.2yria:s, J. D. Sol:inn : 4 and
Bor. E. Bmaiouons. By order of the Coinmit
tee. • Cures Avaav, Clerk.
viiir On Friday last a large uum
bvr of our citizens N'isited the Towanda Iron
Works, to examine the machinery and see it
set in operation. EVCI'3 , thing worlad torpor'-
faction, and during the hour and a halt that
the company spent in looking through the
building, a quantity - of " scrap" was melted
and a handsome bar of lion rolled snit. As
soon as the iron was c.xil enough to handle,
Cot. llkaNs proposed that it be cut into piCses
and Bold, fur the benefit of the worimen.
Steen or. eight ger.Cemen pan: tit a dollars each'
for piCet!!.
Mr. the tnergetic supermicti.lent,
aas warmly congratulated by tho directors and
stockholders on its rillCeursA erticiiiii; the
works and putting theta in operation. Cul. G.
Maso.s, Pre,plent, a: , .! A. G. .11.tsoN, Treas.
urcr, arc cutttlt it
toueli credit for the
displayed in org'aniz,
ollecung the enbscrip
renoureration. If 'a fun'
hare nut suhcribed to
e forwa.rd i now and lead
dal wilt he put in opera
-14 capi
Cuirgr adsd Ljeno:verent:
mg thv co:aparty and e
boos without thi• leam
of our c pit ilietn who
the will only co::
htlican; liwn(l, the NV,
tuqi ate.i:o., as all that
Scrilhzer's ft
esting number. ""Ira:
Northward to Niagara,'
log article in N•rd,ner's
gins a description of Do
tou, to Niagara t”,-r•
more and Potomac Itail
No t thern Central. A
wail traversed he 31r.
author of the paper, and.
luacluding the luie of tG
from Philadelphia to 11
of the results or-the trr,
of the must brilliantly 11
ing magazine articles of
cuts arc wonderful both
ing, and their ellect is it
per :.old good lin:al:n.4l
bright hale illustrated
"Fanny Winthrop's
Tut. tiorm t. dcecribee "
cv,' ninth the ail of (Nip
log a purtratt of the s-.. 4
PoLE , N ILL; and Pr
paper Ca the queer litth
ton of Appeozell. The
•` Dray Miller's Dowry.,l
oI "Ether \Vrol'r Love.
this number, and
1 y age:est. This nurube l
and atn,lng the improve:
icit:d ale, a Dew depart
and Bcience," which ope
summary of practical sit
' amne and Strnety," at
Culture and Progress'
Thettchings tell the st
ui Man.
r May is au inter
cell:l,g by Telegraph—
is the tale of the lead
iffor this mints. It 1;e
-,route iron/ W, shing
still tintinisfied
and the well known
(0. iutcresttnyregkrn
RICII-11:131- ,, N, the
the latish.' of
Penagyivatii Central
:rrighurg 1, and a part
are before ua to 1)110
agitated aid entertain
' the day. Sonic of the
in drawing and eugrar
eightentd by good pal
Folloiliag this is a
i tory by Ilrs.
Mr. Jens
•iisA rietil:a Hi.-to
site wood
given t) Choi - . Dix 1.): !
Wrlas Lass pictorm
Democratic Swiss Cat.
npvelette, entitled
' by S.v.kit 1101. m, author
Let.tors," is begin' in
Ipmiuise of catra6rd:na
.r, tx t , a new volume,
a , nts alich shonhi be
unit entitk4 " Natuln
knee•; eulargument
d the conselnktion
notes under one bead
,ry of an Absent-31ind
- ttSt. 6'citho/i(
Father To::Cs IL et tire i
,lowing cr,nlp:anviltat
PATL.74'n'S 2I tstu
Thar. .'Mt
esting awl 1.1. asn.g lee
this subject at Concert
was in;l li:La the al
tient reniarloi by alr.
lceture uaa tor the !tote
Towanda, of a hull th
Tn el Was a gota r Lalulk.l
all were denglitca s lii
btsforical treat. _Anton
Clergy prest..nt, noto
gher, of the Chun h of
John Loughran, of lin.
Quinn. of Tamaqua; Bev
arid Rev. James J. Fitz
Rev—John Monolian, o
II al:, by -1:1.7: i'dtrich
c 14...t•rcini gi'. rokmati
diowe In a ti-n I. , rtt.
!alias E. .114; lime. Ilil
it of thu new cnnrch at
l• locturor is Factor.
co in Rae:l(l3ocl., and
o tine intellecldal and
nt otherd of the Itev.
.a itcv. A. J. tialla
he AFsuraption;
•bloon; Rev. Thomas
r. A. Gar). ey, L. D ,
a.nrice, Id ht. Joilli"O;
81.. Michael'.•, and
The lecture' laving I (Al 111.0.'1611(A ia'sub• !
stanual lorm by tile reisirters of the daily pa
pers, it !Maws it unneeesisary at this period, for
us to quote from it. We May, however, observe
that tile subject matter 441 the composition was
exceedingly well kept together, the lecture be
ing comprjhousive, intaat, and especially it-ell
&livered. In tact, the lecture was a graphic
historical resume of the clings of Ireland's Pa
tron Saint from the tine of Ins commission by
Pope Celesta', until the ay of his death. It
was not this so especial', howeV6r, which made
the lecture so particularl. - pleasing and worthy
of comment, as waste admirable style in
which it was delivered, uterspereed with ap
propriate :Seethe and efitting illustrations;
The lecture is one high] instructive, as well as
edifyMg, and humorous. Father Toner should
not only repeat it in Phi adelphia but alsd de,
liver it in !sew York and the other large cities.
It is not every (lay that . be Cati;olic.population
have the opportunity of tearing so lino a lec
ture, and they shonld n t be restricted in such.
The subject itself is one which will commend
itself at any time or pia e, but when discussed
with thb peculiar excelle CR and tirinev mark
ing the delivery of this OCCEItiiOC, it becomes
doubly interesting. No ne cay pay the price
of admission asked for s ich a lecture without
subsequently feeling a sense of gratification
that they had not nussei so tine a treat. •
The new church at T
most imposing and state
ceso of Scranton. The
wealthy or large, and he
here to give this lecture
should extend Ins tour
and if he does the Goth
lighted and astounded.
The lecture season ut .
most at a cloSe. The pre,
heard previously on the t
well remembered from It
with the Church of the At
isthat the occasion ref
pleasing, intellectual cut
Republicans of ' Elmira
pnesenteil brother 'lstr En, of the
with a Over service the other evoling. in con
sideration of hi+ influence in securing the meet-
Mg a the ItepubLessu 6tatu C:tryuntien iu El
rntm. eiwri,4 him right:
Carrou.—Tbe regular semi-annual meethsg of
tho Bradford Comity B. &Association conven
ed at East Canton, on Monday evening, 'April
29 and was ca led to order by the President,
110. C. L. P. nces, who called on Bro. Mom,
oflVßllamsport, who led In prayer.
After soma farther devotional :exercises; the
President in a tow remarks introduced Bor. G.
A., Pau, Socretari of.tho Penurylvania State
8. Association, who gave - an address on "Mtn
day-school Work," shoWing its progress in air
win State, and is - the nationA with its more
prOznineurneeds and short-comings, rand giv
ing us in briefs report of tie National. Conven
tion just held at Indianapolis. To. those who
were not privileged to hear this address, these
few points mentioned will give but a meager
boos of its instruction and interest.
rtransr--iitonicoro sEssion.
The Conventionissembled fora prayer Emot
ing at 81 o'clock, led by Rev. J. S. Srawast
This meeting wash profitable opening of the
day's work.
4t 9 o'clock the President Invited Bro. PEr.vz
to the chair as . gencral director of the farther
excircises of .the Convention or Institute.
On our programme the first topic; was " In
fluence of Sunday-schools on Society." Rev.
C. Dr-an, of Canton, led the ducu'asion of
thi4 topic in short paper showing lb many
trays the good influence of the Sunday-school
on bar social 'condition.
Rru. J. C. RIIXIIVAI gave us some facts show
ing Trom the records of towns:ln our county,
further proof of this - same point. At this junc
ture the conductor called for suggestions from
brethren oa this point, wheal:lets. Rowe, Stew
art,'Harpst, and Bros. Ridgway and . Gaylord
responded. In this conversation a - ,groat many
points - were drawn out and noted by the con
ductor, who in conclusion presented them in n>.
tatiOn. These conversations and the practical
summing up, were found to be very Interesting
After joining is singing, the' next topic was
presented; viz : Sunday -School Literature.. Rev.
J. S. Stewart mule the opening address, pre
senting this trying and troublesome subject'as
it presents" itself to the observant mind, leading
the convention to . sce its; great importance
among the many .things that employ the
thoughts and best efforts of the friends of our
The Convtutionhow took a mopes of a few
minutes.foi• mutual hand-shaking and visiting.
On coming to again, after music, the
/tev. H. Flarpfi, of Smithleld, opened the dis
cussion of "I:elation:of the San/lay-school to
the Qonversion of the World."
In Ithis address the Sunda;-school system of
America was shown the leading one ; to
fact, the countries of Europe aro copying from
nR, introducing our ways and customs, and
even filling their Sunday-school papers with
articles taken entire:from our S. S. journals.
The fart4ier dis.ussion — of this subject_ was car
ria on by other brethren at length.
At 2 o'clock r. ar., Bra.Tayloi, or Canton, led
iterotiotral exercises. -
In the absence of Rev. B. S. Dean, who was
detained, Rev. J. S. Stewart was called out to
open the discussion of "Siinday.schoul Music,"
after 'which discussion the Convention joined
with the Bro. in singing the 103 d Psalm. .
At this point came what proved to be ono of
the Most in.siructive exercises of the whole Con
vention, viz: "Model Sunday-school, Includ
ing the Right Relation of its Parts and the Or
der_of Exercises." It will not do to slioil this
by attempting even a rynopsis, and we will only
say that any Sunday-school worker in Bradford
wonld have received enough alo..e'in this one
address to repay ail labor and.expense of com- ,
Mg up to this gathering. -
After a short intermission, the Rev'. Brother
appointed to lead tlIKt discussion of "Conditions
of tiatecess in Sunday-schonl WOrk,.." beim; ab
sent, the condm•tor opened a t,t,c,:stion Box,
and received many qu.:stious on this fruitful
tliume;. These questions bhowed how many
troubles Sunday-selioul Lind to the way
of their success;,,and in the answers many real
e lies *ere
At the oiovning or our bniner CO
workei. ....... CritterAcn, being with us, was
called upon and spoke a short tim2 son " What
Can thb Sunday-sclioul do for the 'reinz trance
r..v.10. L. Gib..ou 64%.5.ved in a siiriing ad-
Ores?, iliuiving first the great need of begin
ning in the San.lay-scluy.A With the young to
tight this great cause, and then the great
and fa‘lorah:o opprirtnnity given ns in the SOD.
day-sehnol. Ler. J. 11. Nason closed the Ois
cz:.4sion' of the evening. ,
At V., point the financial condition or tbo
A.4,iociation wa.4 pre.icnted by nor. J. S. tit':.! , 4 , -.
art, and-akit.):Cnction taken. to meet the/1..4m0,
when On convention adjourned to S'. .t. 31
At t., ihr brC1i1TC111110: 1:1 vraty4
erg, nor tL^ 1 , ..4,1 of I:A.. I:. Crittan-
The topic, The Qualiticatious-of aSuccessful
Sunday-school Teacher," li'as taken rip in a
conversational hi tnnz.r, , an I Bros. Stewart,
Gates, Dant, Itid;a - sy, Wat4on and Dean took
part. In this talk nriny i,f the qualifications
of the ancecisful teacher were bronght out.
Aftertsceiug the qualifications necessary for
,4nocess in teaching in the Sunday-school, we
were ready for the cliscrission of " flow Shall We
Qualify Our Teachr:rsr Itev. J. 11. Nvon.. of
StuithilelJ, to whom the opening of this topic
was assignea, brought to our consideration
some practical ways in which to preparc S. S.
teachers for their work. .'moult s the
J‘N lug
"Tls a D:11:..! begin in the in
fant eLisi drill the srholari in the ttliotzt
Impress on the te.teher.B the resp.amir
-11:ty I tl4eir posithm.
"Show the c t of G id's I,:essing on
faitbn.ll, persiAi2.nt, prayerfulilabor."
11:r. CI. L. Gibson lod to prAyer,•tnb,r
ially the nc.: , ,Nl or those trying to do
r for Co tor.
thii I na
s wcil VALI a iirc-gtia
the (,?u
'';il" ' •01,
Qlll, ~! ,„
Standard. notices
Flilad, ! .,1 1 )111a, in :Le
iltitm., a. nwst I:itcr
‘ , .as 4ei.111. r, I ot
c•Ai, t
In itts
the Pr
;4, •14
fr0:11 Rt. '
W th
tolarL .(
bit (4 . thri
or xt
;thick the purnle- dye ei . ohtaitied; also
. 1.; , e.• o}' pack-cloth and a entail coat supposed
.t • Lc similar to Joseph's coat' of man; eo:ora. •
The tuhe and place of' ne-fit meetin was re
f,rred toltli,lnecative C.inimittec, with power
to act. The Exet.ntiCe Committee were direct-
0 to Lo d distliet or town,bip institntott in dif
ferent sections of our county. [Notice of thete
i:.r.titutei+lvill be pall:J.lrd].
On the?whole, though and Convention was
not la]rgely attended from the county as
was to Le desired, yet it was a success, and all
who did attend were benetltted. We were
much prOfited by the experience and matured
thoughtsof our conductor, Rev. G. A. Pelt;
and hope! to have another opportunity when
we and other workers may meet him, and team
from him; yet more:how to work up our Sabbath
or Bible schooLi, so that tiley-may be more' ef
fective M getting glory and honor to oar great
Minder. 0. A. Iti.km4l-414y.
wands is me of the
y edifices in the Dio
- ngregation is neither
ice Father Toner came
in their behalf. lie
nd go to York,
I,iiitot rill be both du-
Va- committee of the 17.31.C.A.
him tile( tiovs in llu• PrcbLyteriaii Church yce
t y aficnin,;il altd'veriing,'aml will conduct
Ineelingslat the Ra m e thig afternoon wad
• rcuing.
iiilatlelvhis. is ti , vw al
•sent lecturer vi•o never
'r,tage, although he is
tis former connect:nu
ssurnption. Certain it
verve] to was a very
These gentlemen came with the highest rc
commendaticns from the titstors and members
of the et reties where they hail been. Their
wi!l jiv tLubt be prcilact,ve of g—o(1.
S. .tidui) bilk -prifited at We
ctco oao4-)rt
?tort:s'lNG SLaPIJC
ekniatlCtuC opened
liloll Box tn. " Ifildralxes to the S. S.
Waco tlios.3 preent wrote nut on
f , aper.prepare..l..,f rr this purpose the
In that t,oented molt in the way of suc
vAck u consecration on the part 'of
"4* J3ad exarnpla7of teachers _ilnring
" Want of interest on part of. pa
trrogulartoi or attonda.uu, on part of
N7. - Inp4ths of
1e!.11!.c . r5," acre son': ( , f the hlntlran-
~::n•s:[„ !IP 411. 1 .11:4111t.1tter
•a•biel - ,r fly; ;r.•at interest.
the large gatherih4 or ch
fri—yl4 the, Cleve'ain't nor - ea from
hyt , rian Church, where the termer
had been hell, to _ the Methoduit
1:1,1 this was crowded fall. The cur
e opened with mule. Then Rev. 0. L
'd in prayer. The first address was
L. Clrittlen, who set forth the Di
oF the %lid a power to
Clirislian:zo degraded comment
. I sum.• more muslc, Bev. G. A. Feltz
I the children, g.nd with the help of
and the ee-eperatioa of the
LLo impresirtly illustrated the para.
&eh also and Lazarus. In the course
larks he . c:chib.t.ed tho thcll of the
I:1, ; 75:..)711
wk. A/tax Clover Seed at Fox,
1111 r Large stock of Red and White
what now. it Xceass L EmoSene.
Flour and Peed at retail, at
Towanda Skein Floor line, dedivered free.
Fon Sans.—A good Safe. Zaquire
at this office.
gm. Early Bose Potatoes for sale
by It. L. San?.
Fine booth made to order at
L MOODY it 00.1.
NS. Another large lot of Parasols
and sun Umbrellas lust received at
- Poviru. I Co's.
kir C. r. Cnoss is selling Bibles
for 23 cents,
jam. Chinese Grass Cloths and
other new Drcu Goods, jusfopened at
rowur...t. ces.
" Ten Sears in a lifan-Trap,"
is sold in this place only by C. F. Cams.
IS: A large and fall assortment of
White Goods, at POWELL & COIL
sel.. Ground Plaster $6.00 per ton,
at l'owaricla Steam Flour Mills.
Kir An inspection:of our stock in
curs no obligation to bay. N. Gounninut. K.
C. P.
FOR SALE.—Two Covered Carriages
on easy terms.- B. W. Lass
VS. New Calicoes and Ginghams
put received at Powat.x. lc Co's.
new stock of Trunks and
Valises at N. Clotaisurrifs Keystone Clothing
Is. Early Rose Potatoes 40 cents
per busheL IL AL IVELLEs.
In extra fine line of Gents'
Furnishing 'Goods on tho way for N. GOLD
sltrru's Keystone Clothing Palace.
Losr.- 7 A. Pocket Case of 'Surgical
Instruments. Whoerer will return them shall
be suitably rewarded. D. S. PRATT.
i Toy wagons; carts, wheelbar
rows, etc., etc., just received at Wlcxn.►Y
To DAMI ; MEN.—A fall stock of
Tubs, Firkin+, Butter•Bowls * and Ladles, and
Ashton Salt, at - M. J. Lox°ls.
May 1, 1972.
iffi. A nice assortment of Prayer
Books, cheap, at C. F. Qum',
tea- New Shawls and Scarfs open
ca daily, at i Powtts..t. Co's.
tom" Hosiery and Gloyes, Ribbons,
Neck-Ties, Lace and Linens, Collars and CalTa;
a splendidline, just opened at ' /
Poleax- 4:.= Cds.
Mir Favorite, Juno, and other la
teat styles of -pring Bonnets and Eats, at Mrs.
J. D. Diidge street, Tow#ds..
AS* Ladies', Misses/ • ChildsSn's
fine Shoes, at *at bargain's and in great vari
ety, beet assortment in town; just,reeeived at
Possr.t..t. ces.
-,41. 4 ._._
WANTED.—Tviro or three first-class
turn hands, to whom good. wages and steady
employment well be guaranteed.
A. B. Swim.
1.;114. , r, I's
itr Splendid new stock of White
Gooda and. Linens, at EVANS t liannura'a.
Bridge street. „
air it you want a Refrigerator,
drop in at WicituAat ra..icies and examine
the "Palace;' acknowledged to be the very
ie- Dolly 'Warden Prints and Cam
bricA, a t EVAN'S Ihr.unrru'e.
13nage Arectt:
tar A largo stock of new Dress
Goods at Frans litunarneti.
Bridge strcct.
idr Sunday School Superintend
ents and teachers will fiild a good supply of
Cheap Bibles at Cams'.
Factory. Enquire of Beis. Nem% near Men_
105,..Pea l yine, Ohio, and West-
Branch Clover Seed ; also a rime article of
Timothy Seed wholesale and retail, at
Ifir'llonses and Lots for sale, on
easy monthly payments,,or to Rent.
Poplar street, To Pa.—tt.
Wk. LAZAI:I7B & Mo4nis, manufac
turers of thew - celebrated spectacle% hays
changed their agency from J. Hvarmix's to
W.m. A. Co %3111E11LAIN'S.
fte— Nitrous Oxide Gas for extract
ing teeth, at KELLY & Bram-via.
To itrizT.- 7 —A. two-story Fram©
House, in pleasant locality; Range in Kitchen;
two i3~►ltimoro licatcrot warming whole house.
Good cistern and r eIL Enquire , or ISAAC Blum,
or J.iatus Wool".
FOR SALE,- , --A matched- team of
Lay liols7v,Tsiiid 6 years old; or amid ex
change for one heavy horse. Apply to Rum-
Wax t Evcroar, Ilcd, White A: Dlne Stare, To
FOR SALE.—A valuable 1::onse and
Lot on the corner of Main and Chestnut 'tits.,
To:rinds, Pa. Immediate possession given.
For terms, see B. W. Lsar, Patton 's Block,
Main street.
- ler The new style 11741 k High
Hat will be on exhibition in a few dais, at N.
Got.nsurrn's Royetone Clothing Palace.
Messrs. FncisT & SoNs have
the excinsivesale or the woven wire mattress
in this pisec. It the belt mattress ever
stir WA an & MoNTAiIrE have been
appointed able agents for the sale of the popn
hr Sullivan Ant!incite Coal in Towanda; They
also keep all the other varieties of foal. .
I®►. C. F. Cnoss has a full line of
school Books and Stationery. Teachers and
parents will consult their interests by purchas
ing from him.
ter J. M. Arras ik Co.; Druggists
and Booksellers, Wysinsing, Pa., Protirietois
of the original Drag Store," first door south
of nALLOCY It Co.'s Block.
—The Tompkins County Seeder., THE BUT
West, KM:. It is the Tompkins County Rake.
Either single or coinbinod. For . sale by 11.
IL Wimix.s.. See his rake card in another col
se- Temperance Convention 1. 0.
of G. T., for the .connties of Bradford and SaW
meets at Monroi, Wednesday, Kay 253,
1972. - 4 1. GATLORP, B.
Wyalty.isip, April 27, 1872. •
sir Call at racqr SoNs and see
h • Nola.
Stir The be lot of Marble Tables
tn tarn. . raw & Son.
ili-Baby wagons- am a necessity
of the season. and WIOII3UX & BEA= have Jost
opened a new stock. Prices from 13.80 upward.
seli. A large assortment of Brack
ets Just received sit •-- Forma floNs,
/S. it is the intention of the 'IA: V.
R. IL 00. ki ran a dodge track on their road.
Bat Ws is nothing oompared with the Immense
stock of Beady Bade Clothing now on hand
and selling at Y. E. Botscarnmes Champion
Clothing Store, Towan da ,
. Pa., opposite Mesas
Horse.Dos7 read the above.
386 Freih Stock of Millinery
Goals reieired every week at Mrs. J. D.Mn.r.'s
Millinery Store, Bridge St.
Ur The Progressive Temperance
Selena Soeiety till celebrate its third anniver
sary at East Sptingidll, )lay 30, 1872, com
mencing at 10 o'clock A. x. A basket pic-nie,
good speeches, singing by the choir, and music
by the Band, will AU past of the order of the
day. Iniitation to all. Ity order of Committee
stir Farmers and Dealers will find
It to their advantage to buy their Clover and
Timothy Seed of Fez & Minces. They have s.
large stock and sell
' WerrEn..--Fiye hundred good veal
, Iltatour
fA.IOO Tons of pure bluo•stono
Cayuga ground Muter on band at Idyervburg
NM; at $7 per ton:
May' if, 1872.
Bar No w is :the time to get your
pictures taken at Piton's Gallery. in Borne, Ps.,
for ho will only charge $1.50 per dozen for pho
tographs for the next twenty esp. $lOO for
large picture for frame. Copyirig from old pic
tures a apecialty. All work warranted.
Borne, May 1, 1372.
Mir'Raving lately adclea to our
regular business an Insurance Agency, and
basing some good Companies, we respectfully
ask a *bare of your business in this line.
Yours respectfully,
NVlcansat Macs./
img. Miss BRANDT's accounts jravo
been left with me for settlement. Verson"
knowing themselves in debt, will pie* call at
the old state and settle. W. pirrmcn.
April 24,1874.
b. W. H. Cd.RNOCIJAN, Esq., has
just compiled and published in pamphlet form,
'the :mid and poor laws "(this ;cciuuty. It Is a
work which every attorney and township officer
should have. For sate at this office. _
thlEriEn N'NrrE Plea.—l have a few
choice Chester / Pigs for sale for breeding par
pfiscs, verypfteap. Age 4 . 1 weeks. Weight, 19
Wavinted three-fourths pure blood.-
/ L. W. UPlld3r.
No tit, (Welsh Settlement), Brad. Ca
/min.—Mrs. E. J. Iftwoos has the largest and
c.hcapeat stock ofLllinery and Fancy Goods to
be found in Towanda. Call and ex-mine..
April '4-2w.
a Patent Well Garb and P.:Ticket —simple, strong,
convenient, reliable, Faro for children's uae;
better for keeping water pure, cheaper and less
liable to get out of repair than a pump. Ex.
amine it ;.we think it will please you. IL M.
WZ.LLTA has it. It is the best thing of the kind
we have seen. • •
far The Sullivan Anthracite is tbe
c3a for Spring and Stnmorrnse. Nothing like
it. It kindles easily,: makes a quick fire, and
can be as.small as desired, a quart horning as
readily as a busheL 'lt never (1.04 out, burning
all down to white ashes, and renders coal sieves
of no further use. The pleasantest and cheap
est in this or any other market -- for domestic
purpose 4.
Sole Agents.
IlErrasuttE Prows.—For Side Hill
and Level Lind. Wage's Patent. The very
best in nee. These Plows are worthy the at
tention of our fanners. They are of very easy
draft. Will hirn as nice a furrow as any level
land plow made in Bradford cotinty. evcral
have beea sold by it. M. Wria.s.s, and are
ing the very best, satisfaction. ,Call and no
ifir,We have on hand and offer at
1 Grover Baker Sewing
2 Ladd k Webster's " "
1 Wheeler .t Wilson's
1 Franklin at tt
1 Leather
Call at the agency of
Excn.sion LAWN 31 . m i -tn.—ls not a
nicely kept lawn, or front yard g)-ass s plat "a
thing of beauty?" To keep yours in order you
need a good Lawn Mo wer. li. sells
the very best—the "Excelsior." Resold a num
ber last year, and ran give good references
among onr best citizens. Number 0, $l6. No,
1, 125. The Excelsior took eleven State Fide
Premiums in 1871. Wzuss sells the "Star''
Lawn Mower for st 2.
Fi3l: SALE.--The subscriber offers
for sale hiSliouring Mill and Carding Mill, to
gelher with 24 acres of land, with dwelling
house and ont-buildings. The property is situ
ated is New Albany, on the line of the S. ..1c E.
R. B. The Mills are doing good business. Sat
isfactory reasons given for wishing to sell. Also
a corner lot with foundation for banding. For
further particulars address or call on
New Albany. A. B. ntalt.Er,
is... We would cail attention to
the. fact that Messrs. Cone k Mill.trios, Mer
chant Tailors, have on hand the finest assort.;
inent of Cloths,.Bnilings, cot., ever opened. in
Towanda. They have a first-class Cutter, and
warrant all their Work. Call and see then , .
One door oast of Meteor's Dank.
in. Examine the figures below,
from official returns. Sales of the leading Sew
ing Machine Co's. for 1871 :
Singer Manufacturing Company., .... 181,2'41
Wheeler &, Wilson ...... . 128,529
Grover &. Baker 50,138
Weed Sewing Machine Co., . . 39,638
Howe ]Lachine Cu., froucJau. to July: 31,010
Wilcox & (tibias 2.... ......... 30,217
American 20,121
Wilson 21,153
Original Howe . 20,051
Domestic 10,379
xu.—Advertisinß alone &es not produce suc
cess. The thing which is advertised must have
ia/riasic merit, or else large advertising ISM
eventually do it more harm than good. If you
have anything which you know to be good, ad
rertise it thorougidy, and you will be sure to
succeed; if it is poor, don't.praise it, for people
will soon discover you are lying.,.
Such it the policy of the Brausciros Lorry,
which runs to three great regions in the. West :
Ist, to Omaha, connecting with the great irs
ciSc Roads. 2d, to Lincoln, the capital of Ne
braska, and all that beautiful region south of
the Platte, tMed with B. B. lands and home
steads. 343, to St. Jwiepli, Kansas City and all
Isnatit points.
The roads are splendidly built, have the beet
budges, finest cars,- the miller platform and
coupler, and the safety air brake (to prevent'
thajoss of life that is everywhere else hapricn
ing),Pullniatis sleepers, Pullman dining cars,
largo and powerful engines (to make quick
time and good connections), and are in s word
the best equipped roads in the West. So that;
if you desire to go safely, surely, quickly and
comfortably to any point in . Southern lowa,
Nebraska, liansaa,. or on the Pacific Beads, be
sure that you go "By Way of Burlington." .
AU who wish particular information, and a
large map, Showing ' , awed!' the Great West,
and all its rail i rcad connections, can, obtain
them, and any other knowledge, 11, addrening
General Passenger Agent, /1,4. /11e. /t. P., It.
Barnes PETRUSEIS, On No. 6' pov o
10.-4.goeasa potato; sad best for Main crop.
L noodling it tbilisitud Chili, and ikto the
same seed-balLitib 441g'srly Boo; Oda - dell
white, oyes .billow, oblong, flesh white ' , mealy;
'grows to a lergerolui and; caormonaly prodee.
bee. Price, 40 coati per Tc ct; $l.OO per That:
. el; 13.00 per Barrel.n• %atm.-
Towanda, Pa.
spy. B. A. Pgrrcs & Co. Imo con
cluded to waive the formality of a special (iron
ing day in their lititlinery Department.' and are
receiving an unnanakpa,tronage from their old
customers and the public generally, "for which
they hereby express their lineable thanks, and
ask - all to coma and see wlat they have in
store at prices to snit the - times. - ,
Towanda, Uay 1,1872.
DMO, nIIAELL & Co; hart secured the services
of a very superior workman, - end aro- prepared
to do gas fitting, on short notice at the , re ‘ dnocd
rate °IIS cants per foot. Now is the Urn° to
get work done before the price in advatecd. A
large stock of fixtures, brackets,
on hand.
Madame-Eta. Ltrom, French, the experienex-.1
and skillful liar Dresser and Ornamental Hair
Worker, from Elmira,•N. Y., can bo !ten in the
Ladies' Parlor, Ward House, Towanda, Pa., for
3 days, Slay 9, 10, 11. Ladies and gents who
wish to examine beautiful Wigs, should, call at
the Ward Homo, Xs; 9, 10, 11. -
_ NOISELESS Curio; Powzrz.—R. M.
Whits offers fcr sale, to our dairymen; and all
buttertuakers, some Ounce Churn - Patient ; to
be run by Dogs, Sheep or Calves. His Mgato
Pateut Animal Churn Power is the best
4 wheel churn power in the wdrld. It Is noise
leass in limping, ✓•asy operating and durable—
will last a life lime. it fa adapted for churning
either by crank or. belt, shelling corn-, turning
grindstone, fanning Ain, Ptraw-cutter, Cir oilier
hard power mach/ries. It is a wonderful im
provement 045./lbe common, geared,! noisy,
headache-molifhy, 'hard mhning "rack and
pinion," and' endliess-ehain chnru polrets in
-E. U. Fraorr
06 walking npitzin strevt in quest of soinctliii,g
I gazed in every win,:u•r th.Lt .carne ralun tay
Unta I came to Wolff Lrother::', and lind,iur
'there their store,
saw, oh! such Itonnut:4 there I nevtr hid seen
I quickly bounded op the stsii - s ‘‘itll true heart
felt emotion,
Awl landed ere I knew it in Mrs. 311x , :us ,
Rooms of Fivlitoti;
And oh! what lovely flats end Bonnets, and
Flowers all to match,
And afall supply of Fancy cr.:ods or all
4Nuw,ladies, my advice is, f.',o sec for yoUreelf,
As she has the ars runros ar 3Cillinery
. in the latestitY , 4F-and at the 1 , ,we 7 i1 price.
NEWMAN—ARSOIif. —At the M. E. Par,:on
age, in Little Sleadmvs, by the It,y. IV.
Reynolds. David C. 'Newman Rita liakelia W.
Arnold, eldest danghter of William P.A:mold,
all of Warren, Pa. '
BRASTED— 1NGE11.•401.1... -In Soullir , rt, N.
Y., , 0n Saturdiy, May .1, 1572, A. W.
Ststiteti, J. R. brasted and Miss Mks; In
gersoll, botb - or Wells, 1...1r0rd
the bride in Orwell, Pa., May 1, 1 , 72,
'K. Darner, Mr. J. Cie , r.) and Mis
17. Annette all ot Or t:l1;
OWEN—P.OIMNSON.---At. this L'Hilis'i4
in New Albany, April I I, by It 0....1.r
'Mr. J. 11. Owen, a 0ri..114,1,. e x .., Mrs,. :thin.,
Robinson, an of Bradford Co., PA.
by ller. E. lincrougkis, ...Ur. Silas Waslll).ini
and 3:vs. Sarah Ny, alu
cr.csK —JEN:sZLNGS.—M.ay 4, by the Fame,
Mr. C. S. Crook, or Wyalw , lng, auci Miss I,ot•
tie Jeouings, of Standing Stone.
STEVENS--COLMAN.---At Stcronarillo, nn th.•
16th ult.,ty 11ev. T. Thomas. ?Ir. Dorton W.
Slovens, of Sterensvillt.‘, and Me Mailinm G.
Colman, t f SlortmAriile, ••
WEBB—KNAI'P.- -At thc• hons,2 of Poor' 31,m
-to. in 14ylcania. L'radford Co„ Pa., April 28,
1872, by nor. Joe! Jcwell, Mr.. L. W. 11:e - bb,
of Wellsboro, Tioga Co.. N. Y., and Mrs. Lnev
• •
M. Knapp, of Sylvania, P.a.
miLLr.t{—_ALrom).__t, I::mithil.4l, :gay 5,
Harpst, John W. Miller and Mar:
'll 7 . Alvord.
CflArl',l' . .E. —(n the 21st in 1: nit.• 11.. r •',
Stethe itlell, yteatigest ilamzlitrrt+'.l) 011,1,1
and Deborah ch,fr,,,,, aged 12 years and
Dear Ste:lie; oh gored and t
Is 110 W hn angel bright ;
She hr.s no pain nor sorrow e.)w
fler da•rit has no nights
She used to sing a Saviont''s prat... ,
Sbe used to feel his thy:.
But now she Las a harp of gold
• To praise his name abot e.
She often prayed for parer heart,
And loved to road God's Word :
With Sabbath sc•liool she had to pm; ,
tier voice no more is heard.
Another child has gone to blue p,
I. trust on Jesus' lireast ;
May griee Divine now r.,-tiidony .eet.
To meet her blest.
D. Co
Wumum Ic DiAcs
HOWELL.—In Herrick...lKit 'LI, Mrs. Harriet
Howell, wife of Mr. Jes:c aged G 7
Mrs. H. had bc,vn married 17 p..trs, acid beth
a conpdtent and worthy member of the 113 : ;It!st
-church for nearly years.
[Montrose L'epuWican pleas.) copy.l
Th dams Maddocks, Produce
Commission 'Merchant, '2) Pefinsy lvania Ave
nue, Scranton, Pa. Butter, E ge, Lard, Cheese,
ferniti, Potatoes, Ae., Se. Cnusignurnts soli
citea, and returns promptly made on . sale of
Goods.- References cheerfully given. Correa
ponde.nce soltcited.
tar Wm. A. Cu.iatLEia,tx I:Qcp'3 a
better aosortaucat of Seth Thomas' Cloclai, than
any one to Braafor.l county. rricos from t 2.'21
to $25.00. Also Ithaca rale: tidaT;lA till tine rt . tnell
C 10.49, Rlwayti on hand. Ali irars - ro,f rd.
WA.. Persons wishing to Ilny, Sell
or Lease Houses or Farms, I,dl find it GI their
advantage to call on
Jons W. Mix,
1:.-al Estate Agi.ut.
011ie 3lerear's B:ock, Towanda. •
24. We, the undersigned, has ling.
had ample opportunity of estimating the abili
ty or Mr. SAMUEL MALE, as a Gas Fittt have,
great plelO4llTO in testifrinit that wd coasuler
him a competent and Luttiful meellaute„ and
possessed of busineasnualitleations which fully
entitle-film to the support of the public. •
We therefore hope he "ill reeCite a share of
public Ikuppot t
M. C. l'ilmtere.. .lAtms 31.tei•am-A:ve., G. F.
Maitirs, N. N. Barrrs, .1. 0. FROST,
MCCtIIE, C. M. MANV31.1.3% J. 0.
G. Meuoi, D. S. rItATT, A. WICKIf.OI, J.
Evans t HIT.111:1711.
SAMUEL F. 1:01".I.F.,
Praetical Gas anti Steam Fitter;
(Over twenty yeara' ciperienet).
Shop under Gouisairrit's " K. C. r." • I'. 0.
Box 471.
DR S.M. WOODBUIIN, Physician
an,l Surgeon. Offl,e northwext comer Ilauae
anli Pine Streets, up rtairm.
'Leirands, Ilay I. 1872.-1 • -
Respectfully informs the 14dies of Towanda Ent vi
cinity, that she has taken apartment:. in the base
ment of Bender's Photographic Gallery. Main stre t.
one door north of Meteor's Bluck. when. , s h e; Las
opened a
And la prepared to receive orders 1. r all 1011. E .a
liar Work. inch as SWiteilf lir,jok. 1110 all
kinds of ornamental Halt* work. Shau,p , ..inz ant
Hair dressing done promptly at private ru.a.lett• - •',..
All pails waruceive inune , liate attention, CL.rg.
Towanda. May 1. 1871 1
The itnderrstgned have on hand, and intend to
keep. a rixpply of SnUivan Anthracite, Larciay,:_and
hard Anthracite Coil or the rations sires.
Rept. 2% 1871. (1. H. WELLER a 141
ZIXED lot gala at W. A. DOCUWNIX.,
rob. 39'134*.
111v.imt L.iv
~~. -~~
31 AR nIEn.
1) 1 E
1111.3. It: J. 1:110)1SoN
New 'Advatisemenb.
Would tall ationLon G, the urii‘al of their lar,;e and
conivieta etock, of
It: grval va.ciety .
„lien' baud
wme stylea at low.prices.
Tibla Liwnu, Toweling.
Ac. A vp's rd.d St.
I,Lo new Oyler
BRiSS, &c.
Ia all ,;'or.;
A .cry large of x b
L.;tningp, Notiunp of
all.6iud 100 Pirasola
fplit4ioua •u end;
_a4eortp:cut of tLeito
iu all qua:.
Airs . :. A ,plendid slo!.1
• -
' 811A.DES
11 Clety 14; le .1 , 1,1 .0141:
%V gixett this .Slivart.
rilnt ,nneciad attention. and
arncptly hurtle ). , ur ttuTee
to n 'of it. WE SELL IW3I
Yll[2El'S IxtoTS
Sc. We keep . con-
aantly on hantl a zcomp!eto
klsorttnent of these root.
• -.
Having catenal , ely tipatred thrir stoic, at the old
aunt!, have ro-openoil with a larger, new and well
:w.lceted stork, cinunstihg. of
COATED _rims, TOWDEILS, Gilii% trinUPS.
ore than the usual eue . aud aittlation given to the
Compoundimi of Pre.criptions., Open Siandais,
front 9 o'clock,* m.,to 1 p..,t0. k from 5 pan. to? p.m.
Le, MA.lnr...t. ain be conorulte4 at the store on Sat
12rday of each week, as tteretoffire.
4, May 7: Isl 2. -
AND nTrucTivE -Gc4nsAT *LIE
incite a to the tnallVul
3Dl?"' SS GOODS*
• Mes . ' 17.131LV L. wooDrdmT.
'rowan.' a. May. 9. 4,71.
3 matter of the. 'gar otirei, Lros.. BOAtispte,-
Th.. nnder. - iif,med will, on -
ncinz between the hours of 9 andll o'clock
a on, of sa..d day, anti tothe store in the Borough
of 1.' , ....tVand4„ recently t.ceopied by saial 'Marshall
expor.e to pubic Sale. at aucticm, the stock of
good 3 to eald store, and storaboure. being:a .por.
lion of the personal psiperty belonging '1 to the es
tote of said MtkillplBl, Bat samo to be Sold An tCr--
, 4 ,- .llor, in bulk. raid stock of :, , dods chusiets of
Hardware, Tinware, Wood ware. stoves:Tools; and
such other articleS se are - noisily kept irMt corn:Arr.
Ilar.lware The'undersigned will at any time
at.‘c.r before .lid Rote, exlohtt an Invetat,Ory of said
and the good's themselves, to atly l'orson de
torm,tto inspect t'oe KATO, Th.. c,tht to adjotirn
said sale from tint , !', caber befOre or attar
bidding, is hereby rest ryl - •
ToCranda. May 01,
'lli. 0. D. STILES
4 h.. , ..viu g pnrchas;,,l
/I.3*WAV iit-SiOd: and iA constautlY recievillg fresh
supillips (if-pure Drug aud Mer Dyea.Patuts.
Varnii,berq - .tc. .&;, , cnt for all tbo • uxoet popular Pat
eLt AlL:arc:rico. A fresh buppfy ol the celi•bratod
VI 'S EC/ AP. ti.a.'t Ells:, • '
I'are - Wiltei and Liquors for mc.licinal puybses:
hest brands of C.igai a and Tobacco; choios Perfum
ery. toilet and fancy articles, flavoring exttacts, .k.c.
School hoolis, stationery. and reins, Dealers sup-
Chi-a with otatz.inery a: low prices. All Misrellani—
vuS boos - furnished to order at puhlishers' prices.
The Doctor will continue to practice medicine as
heretofore. t )11i.:e." at the Jin n .: storo;•rc-sidence op
r•)ite Presbyterian clizireh. l'r , scriptions and 1,-
eripts acrnrately c0mi... , 3i14:t a at all hours hy a e ol n.
pet.ut i l'vrk. • (April p.i, 1672.
P .
of thr..*.nr.sT RANK." Of Towatla.
• l'a.. at clo,e of. business. April lath, 1b72 :',
T. ,, :rus and discounts . . - .5252.947 73
I'.S. 1t0nd...5 to ,;,cure drculatii - m 132,000 00
U. S. Bonds and Se, nritiev offhand . 950 CO
Due from r•deeming and resume aient...,7,3 Cl 9 41
Due from ether liat.onal Dank..„.. ...... ' 6,541 11
Due from other banks aed banker!! ...... ~ 9.59361
Ilanting ilouse - ' 6.000 00
Furnlture and fixtures , .... ............... .. 2,000 00
Currentexpenses 2,060 30
Taxes P -
A1ii......, -- 1,049 23
Cash - Items (including tdampsl 2,568 87
Exchange. - - ' 6,771 81
. Ikll,. q 0 Other Nat:onal Banks - ' 1.587 - 00
'Fraetional Currency (including nickel)... I,CS3 05
S I4 , -10 357 40
1.,-,.,-.11 tender n 00 ........., 19.7..41 CO
.__ - .
Capital 1.. d..,, i:i . ..aid in . :725,000 00
411 phis fun, 45:C.00 OC
. .
.1.6 . 28 50
Premiums ..
. 3,500 00
..PMfit and loss - '7,091 44
.Natioual Dank •eireulatlou o . ilt.Ntambng.. 100,1)00 00
DiTidonds unpaid 168 00
Individual Deposits • 228,113 35
Dins to National 8ank , .8.572 14
. .
1)no td•other Minks and 114nhers , - • .146 89
SrtrE OF I'F:\'cz]r-FAs Ll,Sc.
County of Bradford.. I
1 N; BETTS. Jr.,. Cashier of the First National
Dank of Towanda; do solemnly swear that the above
statement - is true, to the hest of my know-ledqe and
belief. N. N. BETTS. Jr... Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me; this 13,1 day
of May. 1$:?.. • W. H. DODOE.
, • Notary Public. - r—lttc , ..: 0. D. BIIITLETT.)
J. 0: FROST, ,k Directors.
persons . are forbid
harbori nx or trusting on Cana on !account
Wyalnsing Township. Bradford County, unless
ordered so to do by tbeduidorsigned Road commis.
said tovrrobip. -
miti4An L herebygiven that all persons indebted
to the'Cotute of MILO MERRILL. late of Litch
field, deed, are - requested to make" Immediate'
payment, and all persons having cLaims against said.
estate must present them duly authenticated for
settlement. IL KERRILL,
. May 9. 1772.—Ct•
1. MiEßS.—ltatikrityt. Western tstrict of Penn*
.To whom it may emweria—The undersigned here
by glN't'S notice of his appointment as Assignee of
Jeise Ayres. of the township of Wells, in the counts
of Itradfonl. and state of.Pennifylrartia. within said
District. who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, upon
potion of hfa the District Court of said
Dodxtet. Dated at Towanda. April 16. 1672.
JOHN W. MIL Assignee.
4:nrsuance of the 431 section of the Act of Bth May,
48:11, you are hereby notified to meet in a:invention
at the Quart House in Towanda, odthe find TUES
DAY in MAY. A. D. 1672, betng the 7th slsy of the
month. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and select.
rim r ce, by a majority of the whole number. of
directors present, one person of literary and scien.
talc acquirements, and of shill and experience in
the art of - teaching. as . County Superintendent for
the three succeeding years; -determine the.arrionnt
of rompensation for the same, and certify Inc result
to, the State Superintendent at: Humana*. 'u
,piired by the 22th and 40th ice - Lions of said Act.
Comity Stiperineett&tit of , pra,ll(wil County
",I',iwart.l3,*l'.s.. April 12, 1872..
coot a an rsttli.pat
ecelvod, an 1 to 'Watch io
sa roux stki4val
. WEiES,
And all
1 , &1144.0N5;
-Fir rtmoaget;
wi a Flue Apsortalwit Qt
D. 11. TURNER.
al.,l_l7efit Elegant Styles of
,C;00 - 1) ! -I.'-'
AND N0T10g5,,47
A.ND wutTr
l'EltSof , ;lll4 PROPERTY
L.. A, Li: GAVAT, it /10 . 111:. PA.,
itEAut - D:ts
T.1.N. 1 .31L1111:1K
- - C. s. tiourr,
.1. D. CAMP:
. 1%3 May .. Load ConnuisKtoneru.
AL SHALL and W. X. Marshall. partners lan Mar
a 1 ali Brts,—Bauirupts, '
For the Western Distrit of FenuPylv.:nla.
DI II Nala'reTri".
7 6 , whom it may concern,-The undersigned hero
by glyes notice, or his appointment as Aiiiiignee•of
the lam of Marshall tiros. !of ttio Borough of ie.-
wands, in the county of Bradford and State of Penn'-
sylvatda. within said Distriki, who has been adjudg
ed a Bankrupt upon petition.of his creditors by the
llbdrict Court of said bisbet.
Bitted at Towanda, ,April 10; 1i72.
b. A. OVBATO'S. An innee:
C.1S11; I%IID FOll
kprit 1 , Ib;2
SHERIFF'S SALE.-=-By virtie of -
sundry Writs of Pt. Ifs., ,
sued oul of th e Court of C o mmon Pkdairyof B rad.-.
ford-Colult/. sod to ins dimpled. then will be at .
podded to public ale
Court Bolus in the Bow'
of Towanda, on litli/DAT the 100 Al or MY.
1/172, at t teesocx au, the fethlorkkg alitialbad lot,
piece cm
situate in Albany twta.
Wag at a point in the public 13 1 4 14 1/ or Berwick
Turnpike in front of I. 11. Laddli bones running
thence down the middle of the Idgiersy leadtng from
odd term:Ake to the Bibtiard who:allot= to an east
eat' direction to the center of the south bran b of
Towanda Creek. theme down said creak theerrersh
courses thereof to the line of Wells Wikox's land 1r
thence litontr_said line in snortbeeskaly direction to -
a hemlock corner ; then& byt lands& saidWllcox and
others, in an easterly direction to hemlock corner on
the Meter line ; thews/Wm:ma Issanamtioned line
' wire-southerly direction to the Borah Breach of To.
maple creek ; thence down aid creek by the several
' muses thereof to tbe corner of William Father land :
'thence by lands of Preussen Wilcox to the middle of
the Berwick Tirrspike ; thence along 1:161 Turnpike
to the place of binning Containing 150 scree of .
land. more or lam shoot Ele scree kirproved. with
ten foamed dwelling houses; one framed building
used for grid mill end carding wool with machine
ry ittached, two framed grocerfm, two Urge framed
barns, two smallboard stables,rrother out buildings
tad lot of fruit tree.- thereon ; excepting and al
ways reserving about - 4 scree of the above lot lying
on the east side of saidwhich was con
voyed by toweb Ladd to lcha bod
. Quizablothich
is more fully described in mid Quimby's deed:Aso
excepting one other lot .00ntairdog about 3i of in
Wye adjoining raid Quimby's lot on the north and
deeded to S. D. fiterigereby Motes A. Ladd and wile.
And which is tally described] in mid deed of convey-
' Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John
N. Calif's use vs. ix J. Ormsby and 3 . 8 - .ol mPben-
ALSO—The following deeMilied lot, piece or -Per
eel of land situate in Towanda borough. bounded
and described as.follows : On.the 'north by lands of
Nelson,Tennings, east by Cherry street. - Bouth try‘
lands of M. C. klercnr. and west by. E. A. Parsons.
Being 50 feet front on said Cherry snrentend LSO feet
deep. Containtag 22% spire rods of land. more or
lees, with a framed dwelling house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution. at the suit of
trdall Russell vs. J. Mussy Watts.
ALSO—The following described 14. piece or par
cel of land situate in Canker tsp.. INedoninget a
stake and stones the north-east '
cornstVf Ephraim
Case's lot, theme north 81% dem are along the
line of said Case's land and lands formerly belong
ing to P.-Vandyke to a stake and stones. thence
north 2 dem west 62 rods to t stake and atones: -
thence south 1117!;,' dep. west along Racket's line
107 rode to a stake and stones, thence south. 2 legs.
v esrls2 rods to the place Of toodualzig.. Containing
SS acres and 40 perches of bind. ,ore or less, about
20 acres improved.-with about 200fnilttrees thereon
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or per
eel of land situate to Athens borough, bounded on
the north by lands belonging to the estate of Fran
cis Tyler,`lleed, east by lands of C. F. Welles and
the Pennsylvania and New York Canal aad Bail
110.14 Company, south by lands of the Pa. At N. Y.
C. kk. E. Co.. west by Elmira street. Containing
ten acres of laud, more : or leas. all improved, no
brdldinge. - •
, Seized and taben in execution at the suit of Mary
T. Long va..,SLIV, Wheelock.
ALSO .-45neothet lot, pieco or parcel of land, an
iinte in the borouglvbf Idonroeton, county and
Stlt 4 aforesaid, bounded se follows, tomit:-. On the
.north by lands belonging to - the estate of John Min
go.% deed., on the east by lands belonging to the
estate, of William_Hart, deed., on the: south by
lands of. D. N. Newfon. and on the west by Main -
street or the public highwayleading from Towanda,
to Canton, containing :one thousand and twenty
square feet. more or less. with a frame house there
on, intended tio be the tame lot of land as conveyed
by A. L. Cranmer and wife-to-John Dunfee, by deed
having datorebruary, 211,h, A. D..1869.and retiorded
In Deed Book. No. 93, page 80, In the office for re
cording deeds, in Bradford _ county.
•Seized and tfilten lu execution at the suit cf W.
Reynolds, use, vs. John Dunfee.
J. rt 4.
. P. VAN FL , Sheriff.
• Towanda, April 17,1872.
.1., 1972, AT TOWSNDA.
Lisalea 0 Leeds vs David Drown
Henry 3111Icr vs Rat:mem Tanner _
Fleming k /mita vinJoaeph Wooden - twee
Stephen Day vs Benjamin k Vann:igen ...... —*appeal
Jeremiah' lambert:lark 111.1 - 0 Ward . Caße
J C Robinson vs J K Paterson - -.appal
Michael McNulty ye Bono of:Towanda: " trespass
Jacob Tome vs Israel Smith eject
N:1) Fox vs Hiram Sweet - eject
Martha Tinsman vs William Grills et al.--
William Snyder vs As D0ty......... .....
0.1) Bartlett vs Antone Loder - _ appeal
A Loder Til J - F Means kCo - ad fa
Oscar H ROCkiteli vs J S - Andiews . • for attach.
Henry caußrtint vs'Chas E Pierce .. ..... fer attach.
ItC finsehsugh va Bradford county - gal"
B"W Payne A Sons vs- I) Cash etal - lairs i
Nathan Bailer vs Noah V Dunn et al. ,`. .. -....5ci is----- , '
EW Shirnevant vs Michas' Doran debt
golltea k Passage vs B Matteson - inane
James Vanltyke vs Ell:snail Smith mew '.
RA Russell -- 't . ' .... .
Emily Elsbree vs James Ellsworth .. ......... _debt
William Career vs Stephen Evans ' - apnea:
31o4ess O'Brien vs Geo W Almout debt
D; It Walkrr Az Co vs ,E Walker A Co" . debt >~ Dealt Terry use vs j w Dennison act M 1 -
Cll Chaffee vs II L Smith et al - - appeal .
tOilifto C rkeiii. vs Hiram Luther et al • elect
C fliins'.oker vs .1 S Williston -.....debt - ,
Lewis Havens vs C L Ward ACo ' • • '....
.7 It Cowell vs Kelsey Niehola . ' trespass ,
James 31 Decker vs W A Rockwell ' debt - -
Jonathan Whipple vs D Cash adru'r .......acct rend -
William It' Chamberlin vs Orilla Antes . - .... ..:._.e.a.s‘t
Caine Wheeler use vs-310on k Htafford sleet
E A Packer vs John Gard.... —. . eject -
A C, Moore sw, Ernstus Riff et 'al.--;isci fa
Dewy Buell vs WS{ Dobbins. ..: ..... trespass
F. IL Persrmvs Tettlaff et al for attach
8 N AspinWalloss Ft II Tears ' trespass
F H Person vs John Wolf et al ' • appeal
P 51 Stowell vs James R Weir k Co .... : .........debt
James Henry Xs 0 S Pratt . appeal _
C F Wellels vs Jessii Spalding ' - hums .•
John,F Rnsgell va Willard E Stoll - '''-- appeal
Henry Miller vs N Smith aducr
Andrew K Pomeroy . fa C J Coolbnugh et al - della
Julia Axteli vs C. T,-Merry eta' eject
va 0. P. Ballard .
• Supienas returnable on Monday. May 13..1102; at
18, am. •-- • W. A. THOMAS. 1
April .3. 1572. - - ' Prothonotary.
Notiee is hereby given that sr Person* indcbt-,
ni tkl the estate of A3IBRoSE muRRAT, Igo of
Troy ttrp, llre'd, are regnestNi to mate immediate
pailnent, and all persons having claims againal
eginie must presOit the same dnly authenticated for
April 18, '72.-wf;
Ect-rows NOTICE.--NoticeEls hereby given that all persons Indebted to
the estate of JESSE MOORE late of Soak Creek.
deceased, are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and all persona having elainis against the. -
sanl estate must present the ,same duly authenti
cated for settlement.
Wldd.tell H. 'MOORE,
]ls-..T,' -
to the tax payers of Towanda Borough that an
application will be made to the next Court of Com
mon Pleas for the county cif Bradford, to'anthorize
the School Directois of said Borough. to borrow a
rum of money not exceeding. Tea Thousand Dogirt
for the purpose of building a School Uouae In the
seem,' Ward of said Borough.
;5_1,120 2
April 9,
A - A. Notice is hereby given thstall rersons indebted
to the estate of JACOB DEWITT. late of Towanda.
• Pa,. deceased, are requested to make Immediate
payment. and all persons haying claims against said
estate must present them dilly authenticated for set
$519,120 25
Notice is hereby given that all persona inebted
to the estate of ThiSpo3l T 411.013, late. of Wyalua
lug, deceased; are , requited to make' immediate
pay=ment, and all persona having clams against mid'
...state must preieuttheru duly authenticated form:-
Cement. •STAYLOR.
fa hOeby 'riven that all persona indcbted to
the east& of ELIAS ROCKWELL late 'of Canton."
decd. are'requerted to make immediate payment.
'and all persons .having claims against, fold estate
must present them duly authenticated for settle
ment. IMAM nocxwm.
April 24.'72. Executor.
1 Notice in hereby Oven to all persons italehted
to th(i'estate of JOSEPH MAHOOD. late of Spring
field, deceased, must mato Immediate payment. and
all persons haring - claims against said estate must
Present them duly authenticated for settlement. ".
Adrer. with the Will annexed.
Notice is hereby Wet that •Ln persons Indebted
to the estate of Nehemiah If .Beach of Rtnittuleld
tn.. decd, are requested to make Immediate pay
ment, and an persons having claims against said es.
fate Must presort — CHM- same duly authenticated for
settlement.' "LEWIS M. BEACH:
April 18,';2•w6
l i T -l i 4 XE C it IX ' S NOTICE. LI
Notice is hereby OVen that all personalndebtist
to !the estate of ALVAII'III X, late of Warren
ts - 0., Aileen/fed, are requeated to make Imthodlata
P 3 YrtliAt, and all persons hating datum
said estate must present them duly authenticated
for se tiliment. ELIZABEPH, bf. HIS
April 18.12-Zw. E=s attic.
Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted
to the estate of BARRY EITEOPE. labs of WYoox.
deceased, must.. make immediate parlactit, and
all , persons having claims against said estate
ntust present them duly authenticated tor-settle
meet. . - • A. JS NOBLE."
• niar.l3'72wG Adfainistrator.
Notice le hereby siren that all persons indebted
to the estato of CALVIN STONE late of Herrick
deceased. aro reopened to make immediate payment
and all riersona haring 'Urns naiad said estate
meat present them duly Juthentica49l for settle.
meet. - • BETSY STONE. - •
Notice is hereby given that all persona indebted
to the estate of ABRAM BAUNELIate of Sheehequin
deceased, are requested to .make immediate
payment, and all person; having claims !Walnut
Bald estate mint present .thaw duly' authenticated
for settlement. ELIZA RAWER
April 18, "Ilgsr
• 4Notice is hereby Riven to all persons.-indebted
to the estate of LORENZO ROWLANDMON.Iateof
Athens Van., deed, noastmaks immediate mutest,
and all persons having cisima attained said Wats
roust present • them duly authenticated for mitt« -
went. -•-
April 17 '724w.
.14 Notice is hereby evert that all versales indebt
ed to the estate of WILLIA3I YANItING. deceased.
IMO Of Springfield. are requested to make hamali
atesayment, and all pecans towing claims agatust
said estate most present them duly authentbesdietror
settirment. ISAAC A. Lome,
, April IS. 1872.—trh •
- PROST it SONS have the latest
stscitatvat of razattsin ha the muter.
Lewd; -
.et el
P. D. mointow, Presiaent.
JAY CHAPEL, Secretary.
Adtieris, with win annexed