fairoutPoda • ZDITOIIIIIt E. O. goosisticsi. s. To m& Thrsdkr, 47118, MIL Bep - 141M:u • JO TIN • TRAMT. =as. =RCM assi4 ALLEN. poi ULYSSES 70$ A. • • HAREM IWMY . LIU& I won, 'TODD. TIM 6)5VICIET10111 1 MID TIM CANDI- D, In another solunft "'HI be found the proceedings of! thA Republican State Convention Which assembled in Harrisburg of ;Wednesday, the 10th, inst. The convention was more t E numerously atten' ed by influential Republicans than tiny one ever be fore held in the S ifs. The proceed ings in the main Were harmonious. The friends of the ' r ens candidates, cls; pressed their • with vigor and sometimes with due warmth, but a , large majorit y -of the delegates, seemed determin to put in nomin ation the strop men, and the minority general! submitted to the will of the do .. ' . . t partnwith grace, end promised to • e successful can didates their he. y support. Gen. Jens F.liAirraum, the nom inee for Governor, is well known throughout this State, having 'hewn' twice unanimously; nominated; and 4: elected to the off" e Of Auditor Gen era, an o ffi ce of, nt little less ire.: portance than 41 chief magistracy, and at the expire 'on of his second term was unanim usly elected by the legislature to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Gc l ,l.lStanten,until the nod election. His; record as a sol dier made on numerous battle-fields is an honor to the _Keystone State, and his management of the affairs of the Auditor Generrd'i office has stamped him as a man of marked ability, and unswerving For Judge of the "Supreme Court, Hon. *Masses ?deacon, of this county was nominated. Judge Mancin is too well known in his section to re quire, any notice 'rem us. It was a source of real- pri4e to his .friends from this county to leer him spoken of by gentlemen from every part of -the State, as the . most popular man 'mentioned for t.le I position. Judge MEnceres record in ,Congress has won for him an enviable name throughout the State and we predict that he will receive the largest vote polled •in Pennsylvaniaforiinany s'ears. His peculiar qualifications for the high office to which he has been nom inated are acknowledged by all who know him, and his, acquaintance reaches far out side _llia Common wealth. Ile Northern Vier feels, proud- that she i has been' honored -ivith a candidate, So worthy- of the position, and the vpters of the Wil mot, district will show their appreci ation, by rollin,g tip a majority far the ticket this fall, j such as we have not given for yearsi Gen : -011 Aux& of Warren county. is-the • naniinee fort Auditor .. General. Gen. Atr.r.s was a brave soldier, and has represented his dis trict in the State Senate for several „ years past. Tbe press of the State generally speak of 'his nomination as a good one. 1 Hon. &ars upon the ticket tor from this MEE and P. M. leeted' delegates T ention. S. E. Dinurocs was nominated. to _the., Conatite - and Hon. W. Hi hanna county, Delegate at Lary Convention. simont was placed or Preaulential I trtet, and N. C. Ds OVT were BO- I 01 theNatienal Con- ii of Wayne 'County, tor delegate at large ational Convention, J Izs.4ur, of Susque fres nominated for 0 the Philadelphia Our limited space will not permit us to veil& at length of the Conven tion and the candidates, bnt we shall do so hereafter . . l o In the meantime, the Republicans the county must arouse themselves and resolve to 'roll up an old faahisarkud' majority. We can do it. Will we do it? - Wir Tho Argus; of lost week speaking of the bill . abandoning the canal, says it was passed through the influence of per' members. The ic l editor of the Ar u. 4 knew the asser tion to be, utter false,and only gave currency to it to bring Messrs. &Ts and DARTT into isfavor among those ./ who were opposlidl to the measure, and to call atteutian away from his pet candidate ` l. 'ENot.txr, who , net only favored abandonment of the canal, bat lent hirriself to Persu HER DIC:3 sobame for. . riding the county. ta6.. Hon ; P. v .ArssWaissix, late U. S. Senator ffo:iii West Virginia, died at his realdence in Parkas burgh, Monday! Morning. The de ceased took - a veryi prominent part in the" formationof West Virginia. He was ono of the eight &puke= members wbo voted against the im peachment of '::'dent Joaxsov. . I. It is no i learned that the Spanish gover n ea t offers to release ' Dr. Bowmen as ' act of friendship l i la towards the 13 '4l States govern ment,. - At the sa ; time they are not willing to admit `, the least Nue _ fl ee loss attach to their - action in the . trial and ',. Ptisonment of Dr. HOWASSI: i , SISP"A Piga Olio grunt jury Moods)" menu found -41 true bill against Comm DARA t of the New York Bun, for T on Wiff H. !Poi sza, ex-Spato r of l'estal . l. la an fuld= *es ithrioe iv Mot 2121:13W1J 13TATE 001MITROI. The &lAA= State. Convention assembled in the Hat of the Mania of Representatives in Harrisburg on Wednesday, April 10, and wai called to order by the Chairman - of the State Central Cklmmittei, Hon. sera.-Essavr, at 12 o'clock. The convention was one of the fattest ever held in the State, even, district being represen — ted. A large number of' promin . ant Bepubliams •frnm all sections, of the State were present. • 2ldeet. Hon..Tssuai 8. BUTAN was elected as temporary Chairman. OU taking the chair he made a neat address which was loudly applauded. On sailing the list of_ delegates, it appeared - that there were several contested scats; whereupon CoL E. Ovsuros, of Bradford minty, moved the appointment of a committee on contested seats. The motion Was -agreed to, and Messrs. Ovsavos, BsurruAx, Boma', Comas, Banns; *MOCK, and HOP , . vizr were appointed. Lancister county claimed two Sen atorial delegates, and the Chair de cided she was not entitled to more than one. £7 Dle: Wssoa, of Centre, moved that a committee of one from earls Sena torial district be _ appointed by the delegates from each Sentorial district to report permanent officers for the Convention. Agreed to. Hon. Wn.Lum B. liiksa, Of Phila delphia, offered a resolution, that a committee of thirteen be appointed to report the candidates for fourteen delegates at large to the State Con stitutional-Convention. One or two short edam:wag were made against this motion. Upon a viva voce vote the result was very doubtful, but the chairman, the Hon. Imes S. Buses, declared it adopted, and suppressed all cries , for a division by vigorously rapping the gavel. W. P. Wrrsos offered the following, which was declared agreed to: Resolved, That a committee of ono frOni each Senatorial district be appointed by the delega tions from each Senatorial district to report permanent of of theilonventkm: -Judge Shassox offered a resolution for the selection of a committee on resolutions. Agreed to. On motion, the delegates of the Pennsylvania Republican. Atmocia tion of Wallington were admitted to seats in the convention, without the right to participate in the proceed ings. 1, Hon. Reseal, Emu= • offered the following resolution: Ilesaxed, Thatit committee of seven be ap pointed by the Chair to report an eleetorid ticket and list of delegates from the State to the Philadelphia Convention. Considerable discussion was had over this resolution, and several amendments offered but the .original resolution was finally declared adopt ed. Mr:Fmcs, delegate from Montour county, protested against , the action of the convention on this subject. • At 2 o'clock the convention ad journed for one hour. On re-assembling, - -the committee on permanent ,organization, made a report•recommending the election of *mum F. Rintess - , - of Northampton county, as President, with one Vice Piesident from each Senatorial dis trict. The reporto wes adopted unan imously. G. D. lloyresys was one of tbe.Vice Presidents. Col. Ovsyros, chairman otCommit tee on contested seats made a report, which was unanimously adopted. 011 motion, the convention pro. ceeded to the nlilnination of candi dates. 1 For Governor, Gen. Joni F. Herr. sAivrr, W. W. NI-mum, -D. J. Mea -1 ram' were nominated. On the first V - 014 Gen. HA.urs.a.arr Was nominated. For Supreme Judge, several candi dates were presented. Hon. thassEs Msaeral of Bradford county, was nominated on the fourth ballot. For Auditor tieneral, Gen. Han mos Ataxs, of Warren county, was nominated. For Congressmen at large, Gen. Maar WRITE and LENUEI, TODD were nominated.. • Liens. Haarra.ts•rr and ALLzx were then introduced and in neat and ap propriateapeeches„thanked the con xention for the honor conferred in placing them in nomination, and pledged themselves to discharge their official duties with fidelity. Judge lancets was not in Murie -1 burg during the sitting of the con vention. At the conclusion . of the speeches of the candidates, the committee as signed forits selection reported the following electoral ticket, which was unanimously adopted : AT Lame. Ando:ph E. John M. Thompscri, Butler. menucra First—Joseph 3.. Bonham, Philadelphia. Second—Harms A. DAVIS, Philadelphia. - .Thlrd—G. Morrison Coates. Philadelphia. Fourth—Henry Bamm, Philadelphia. Fith—Thcothre L. Wilson, Philadelphia. Sixth—JohnM. itroomidl, Delaware. Seventh—Penchi 13hroder,lenceater. Eighth W . H. Richards, Montgomery. Ninth—Edwin Green, Northumberland. • Tentb—Daniel K. Shoemaker, Carbon. Eleventh—D. B. Miller, Schuylkill. - Twelfth—L. M. Morton. Northurnbenand. Thirteenth—Theo. Strom, Lamm. Fourtoentli—John Pwmore. Bradford. Fifteenth—D. D. Freeman, McKean. Sixteenth—Jeans Merrill, Union. Seventeentb—Henry W. Cedy, Mintingdon. Nhteenth—flobert Bell, Adams. Nineteenth-,Jos. M. Thompson, Fayette. Twentieth—lsaac Frazer, York. Twenty-dzat—Georgo M. Andrews, Jefferson. Twenty-second—Henry Lloyd, All hany. 'Twenty-third—John J. OSlespis.- r. Twenty-four-James Patterson, Beaver. Twenty-Bre—John vr. Wallace, Lowrance. Twraty.sioth—C. C. Boyd, Erie. The following delegates to the Philadelphia Convention, were then selected, each being provided-with alternates : Morton McMichael and General H. H. Bing ham, Philadelphia; T. F. W. White,Littty; M. 8. Quay, Beaver ; llobert Parris ( sMa. W. H. hemp. Susquehanna ; VP. K oontz, Somerset ; Samuel B. Disk, Craw- Finst--Jamea )1. Nava sad Janes !Übe ham. Second-13eorce Vt. Hatt, John A. Sbermer. Tllr4-Gen. and W. Bum Favarth:-Petar A. a Widbnor and Chain T. lama =gm 13siluw and . math laalumaaad - IPMetts...4loslll UMW Ard . 1 1% ItMei rr'T=l. J - .111161q-Sinsesi Trees Ind 'Wm G. Wears. isa lt:th-*-R 0.-Vitnerand tri. C. Albright : - Tenth-Ouswel 1. , and John Win. . 1i .i• !t• tilk s • ~,,' .-rd • , ~ 4, w ;ildelk P' ll l ll. li ji r * C4l4ll" IL - Dolier. rr . ,':' 77.. , = . 711 ~ ',, ltsteesdh-idirerd )3bskthst4 sad ilyta A.., Wood. ' • 1 Sesedeentir-Thatess S. tulasitun and C. T. Roberts. I • Elghteentle D. Wailing and Jere- Nineteenth-W. D. Rogers Thome P.. Twensiews-E. D. Drendt end W. H. Shade,: Tweadritna-' ; IL Thompson sad A. G. Mum . Twetot ooad .S. Muniduies end IL W. Oliver. r Twelitrame s /!' 0 *on end 8. 3g• yens, Tgesiter4lur9k-- a. MOCiltallitle end Alss. 'Wilson. • Twentrtlfth -L. B. Ntethatirey and Cteo. E. Anderson. Twenty.eizth-C. IL GUM= and G. W. Sew- Sold. The following resokitke nu than adopted nosohnonsly: Resolved. Thst the delegation from tide State arehereby Instructed to Cast.the entire vote of the State nor General Grant for the Presidency; and that on the gesetton of the Vies Presider ey they ars hut:owed to set together for the best interests of the Bepoldiesn party. and that upon ellquestions erhft in said convention they cut the vote of this Stith of the insiority of the delegate' may direst. • The following d4 eg atea at large to the Constitutional Convention were .reported. and the nominations adopted : 1 William Id. Reridet_ , of Philadel_plda J. Gillingham Fell, of Philadelphis i • Wm. 411iy, of Cuba,. Lin Itatholtenew, a SchoylkUl • R. N. MoCainster s of Ceetre ; Wm. H. Art:- strong, of Lyme:Mai • Wm. •Dsvis, Loam James L. Reynolds, b ialeaster; Samuel B. mock, Wai. Lazne% Washington ; David N. WM Maks ;W. IL Amey, high; John IL Walker, The Committee on Resolutions re ported the fs:dknying, which were en thusiastically adopted : That we reaffirm our divotian- to the princi ples of the Republican party, and our belief that the continued a of that party is riecessary to the maintenance and swam of those principles. The grand and fundamental idea of tbecquality.ol airmen in political rights is not professi st illany other party, and can be sustained Lai ate by those who sire &- eazely,committed it. . Thal the adoption of the thirteenth, four teenth and fifteenth amendments to the Con stitution of the United States has not been suf ficiently acquiesced in by all to render certain and ware their permanent incorporation in that instrument, sad hence the administration of the government can safely be intrusted only to that - party which is heartily, and beyond question, committed to them, and the policy necessary to put them into successful opera tion. • That we axe now, more than ever, called to sustain the _policy of national protection to American indintry. If the laborer fa worthy of his hire, and a fair Mira work entitles 7the worker to is fair day s pay, we must continue 56 throw the protecting arm of the government around those who toil for their y 'bread. The protective policy &one makes labor con tended and capital same. It renders employ meat certain, and pay ample and satisfactory ; whilst free trade means that oar laborers sad mechanics must either 'work for lower W a gs or that our factories should be closed throh foreign -. Nation, and the workingmen of the country deprived of employment. That the public- lands ' lbelong to the people, and should be reserved 'for the 10. We, I therefore, pronoun. meat y against any further appropriation of the public lads in bet , f-of corporation* or individuals. All lands not sold according to laws should be open to preemption and actual settlement. I That we 'demand a continued adherence to t:A=hitherto maws% under D l=lican oar State and in the of a steady and gradual rednetion of the public debt. The Interest" of the people require that the most rigid economy diadem yractieed in the administration of both the listless./ and State governments, andithat lazes should be reduced in both as rapidly sa is consistent with the honorable maintenance of the public cred it, and the certain extizigultshment of the pub lie debt. That wo are earnestly In favor of the earliest possible removal at the duties on toe and cot see, and urge the promt cage of the bill for that purpose now be fore That we heartily appreve of. Cel i a of Gen. Grant in giving trial to the plan of civil Terme. We demand that that, or any other that may be substituted in its place as better, shall have a fair and unembarrassed trial, that every ef fort shall be made to secure competent men for the public varier, and that honesty and in corruptibility shall be deemed qualifications as essential as compe tency end Intel Test the Re limn party has e on fall deuce during e past eleven years elite abili ty to admWider the overnment honestly, faithfully and succes sf u lly. It has, within that time, maintained the honor of our National flag at home and areal; preserved the Union from disruption and restored it in its integrity; secured to all classes ani conditions of - men the rights given to them by their Raker, and having proclaimed liberty throughout all the land, unto sit the hahabitan NI ts thereof, has giv en to that proclamation the effect to wWch it was entitled; and we therefore, In its name, chili* fora people a Continuants of their confi dence, and leatiessly challenge their. scrutiny into its act. adminiirt That we point with e to the record of Gen. Grant's • n• - cif the National Government. Not only ;has the weight of in ternal taxation been alined wholly removed from The people's shoulders, but three hundred millions of the national debt have been paid oft —a result never' before known by any other people under like- circumstan and for which we are indebted 'to the ri gid honesty, strict economy and sterling integrity which ti e President has brought to the administration of Asthma stairs. That we t his dame for renomination to the P deny, confident that the people will again rally„ to the support of the man who so nobly fought their battles ; who, order the guidance of Providence, brought the nation cafe', thresh iti struggle to maintain its ex istence, and who has gum so successfully ministered the affairs of the government as to command general adm lion, at home and abroad. That we will stand by e government in the foreign policy so firmly marked out and &dere od to by President Grad. The nonor of the nation, we feel, is safe 4a his hands, and the flag under which ho never suffered defeat, will not be dishonored while he is kept in the front. . That we oongralidate p eople "of Patmatt•-• the final acco ell rev* vania on too Ens! acconiPli;luxient of the cill for a convention to revith and amend the Con stitution of the State end we earnestly urge upon oar Mends to see that the delegates are chosen in their rya di g committed to the policy and rporag in pr ohibiti onatsult merit a clear decisive of epeeist legislation. That we hereby declare our oppoidtion to ev ery effort to withdrew from the sinking fund of the Commonwealth, either by robstitution, ex chugs or otherwise, any of the bonds, securi ties er moneys now pledged to it, and through it to the payment of the public debt of this Cominonwealth, and our inflexible determina tion to preserre the same, inrioLably, for these fulfillments of *the Cotiunotrwealth's na . That the oil "prodnd4. mining. _lumbering and mentifacuning inthressa of Ile State re quire protection from the edbrts - of dangerous combinations, and that such laws should be. enacted by the General Assembly of this . Com monwealth as will protein said interests. both In their development and the transportation oT their preductions to market. That the thanks of our party are due to Gig ernor John W. Cieary,cmder whose lead our. prin ciples have twice been successfully vindicated in Peraurylvania ; the State debt has been Urge ly reduced during ide administration : ceir soldiers' orphans have been carefully cherished and educated, and c arlaws have been edkient ly and wisely erdbreed. Under the necessity ofparting with him as Governor, in conformity with the - Constitntent of the State, Governor Geary carries with is his retirement the heartitil wishes of Its pie for his future pros perity and happiness. That we p• -gent witlif peculiar prdi and er Dial conMence of their success. the names of n. Jong F. Etterusrr for Governor, Mas ses Mums for finfirenth Jufte, Gem llatiar. sox Amax for Auditor Oenma4 and the gentle men this day named An delegates at large to the Constitutional CenTention. They are sal men worthy of an active and ardent support at the hands of the Republican party, and we call upon our Mends throughout the State to rally t as kni. one man to hour s th eir triumphant elee- That the President , 1), this Convention, in connection with the candidate. this de7 nomi nated for State officers, 1 appoint the chairman and one Secretary of he Stab OtatralOommit tee, and that the State Committee be made up on the basis adopted liist 'year and the two years preeeeding. is - WON. The followi4 resolutions were unanimously adopted at a meeting of the German Republican Central Com mittee of New 'York; This action settles the question so , far as our Ger tri33' fellow-I:Rite+ in the Empire State-are concerned, said we think the example will I:4 followed by their brethren throughout, the country: "Resolied, That the German Be of the oity and county of New York, pledge,' their unqualnied Support to the can didate for the Pres idency who will get the nomination by the next Republican National Convention." "limited, That; we endorse the =seadmin' ist' ration, end express in its integritt tad ' . - bleeenieg sad gorgeous, rtelalion L aping kiglksegiklitr. andlbrameniare bunk-lo leg tip to the nye of the ran, the Irbil's gruel eni6ce of tha barren looking land - with nth* ire are eurroonded. • At the Otpitol, the eau:Remo:l arca Baauter's noolatics to 110VO AIUIF lb* la* , a *a bss quietly subsidekaad the otter kneatfeatiota forrodooal irith *view mahlairiolltiaal arp; nal ant of sues against time -Astafafatratt3a, are drawing 10 11401111. The naiad charges of itdoooetdoes sod b eontpetesey, lila* have been by the opoottion so law* trumpeted over the whole 031131671 proves to be entirely vrithonkfoundstion. They have traced tread to w one. CoeraPlke to no gift They have . In fact peeved trOdaig ; while the entire fabric of %Wood and ndaep. recantation which they erected, has fallen in roles around them. ' The ambitions plotteriund conspirators who are waging a peal wee 'phalli the Re 'publican party. and who purpose at ancinnati to azoompliel ite destruction, may plainly read host the victories soldered la New Hampshire and Donnecticut, that so portion of the Repub lican party can be lad by any selStOnstitated lodes or handful otlesiders to an alliance with any faction Grits anoraks. It la pretty 'generally cronseded that the an. oinnati mareelmat Is fast losing its strength —if indeed it ever possemed any; Desperate efforts are being put forth to gel sasembled as great a crowd as pomade.- Free rides over rail roads; free lodgings and free whist, Trill doubtless Laing together aft-the sore-beads, grumbles Ind opponents generally, Rio, easnming to be leaders, will find that they simply represent no aria but themselves. Joining bands with the rebels and capper. heada,they will be allowed to vent their spleen, give ennui= to their animosities and remount their personal grievances in whatever wet they may choose. They may, in their blind and-un reasonable hatred of the President and his Ad ministration, stultify themselves in every way possible and paw nosolutians by the score. They may bolt, plot and intrigue; but the hon est masses of the nation—quietly looking oh— will not be deceived or allured to theft; support. The prosperous condition of the corustrh the steady decrease of the national debt and of tasation, are stubborn facts which no amount of charges or false accusations, supported even by the most brace:fill rhetoric and most impas sioned oratory can overcome. On lifonday of last week, the bill locating the Washington Depot of the Baltimore and Poto mac Railroad company on Sixth street, near Pennsylvania arcane, was passed in the, Rouse. This road—now nearly completed--connects with the Northern Central at Baltimore, and will pass directly through or, rather to a cer tain extent under that city,avnidtell the annoy' ante and delay experienced by a change of cars under the present arrangement. When one in operation, it will not only be great convenience to the traveling community, but it will open up rdireet line of trade be. tween the north and the south, and thus alert: ate the expensive drawback of a reshipment at Baltimore. - The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company . used every means within their power to defeat this rival road In their efforts to obtain a suita ble site for their Depot. Their opposition however, proved unavailing. The people of Washington, warned by their broken promises in the past, could not be in- duced to listen to propositions or promises of . what would be done in the future. The power to burden the people, with enormous taxes, is passing from their bands, not however without a desperate resistance upon their part as mani fested by their friends In Ccingress. ilt wu with much effort that Washington freed itself from the grasp of this powerful road, that so long and so persistently has tased.the people beyond alt precedent. *The sight granted by Congress. is a part of the government ground now occupied 41 i or nal, or rather what wu once used as such ; but for many years put has been a roceptacl? for old boats. - And yet however, strange It may appesr, there was n&t a few who wero quite un wangle part with this treasure of antiquity. An elegant stricture for • depot, thronged and surrounded with business was In no way to he compered with this mile and A half of green scummed ditch-water; night soil and rotten fish, at least so reasoned our Baltimore friends who, with some unseen, but potent polar, roadoEnv suddenly feel how great would be the benefita and advantages derived from re taining in their midst, this stagnant pool of malaria about to be numbered with the things of the . put. Yesterday, the House bill extending to J:anu try 30th, 1879, the time for Ming claims for ad ditional nountY, undir act of July 28th, ism, was taken up by the Senate and passed. Tho Rouse bill providing for 'payment of one hundred dollars Bounty to each volimteor, non-commissioned otrezer,&private, or artisan who enlisted prior to August 5th,1861, and who was discharged by reason of disability before rendering two years service, was also taken up and passed. . On Monday last, Judge Mercur succeeded in having tie rules of the Homo suspended for the purpose of introducing a bill to abolish that clause of the Intenril Regrown laws,which provides for the allowsmie of &moiety to reven ue informers. The bill vvu passel by a large majority, and-has gone to the Senate for its . 000CIUTOOCO. The State ticket pat in nomination by the Republican Convention bold yesterday at liar, rlaburg, in very generally conceded to bo a strong ono._Froth the eminent qualifications, ability and itegrity of the gentlemen nomina ted, it Is admitted to bo one winch the entire party can cheerfully support: Judge lifercur Is receiving the con- b lab:air Was of his many warm Mends over hi s nofo tnation ; though st the same time, they eipress theirregret st the prospect of Congress losing one of its most able and eminent workers. M. 4y v 4:0 v:(e)! 1: Iblawstmus, April 6,1672 Enrrov.: "What contrasts this maid of oars presents!" Noonday and midnight, light and darkness are not mare different than the material and more permanent changes that are Constantly going on ketbre our eTesf. Only a century and a half ago, John Harris emigrated from Philadelphia to this place to estabish a trading post hero in the wilderness. Among the savages, he built a log cabin, and with his family lived long enough to prophaq that his pioneer efforts should result in fixing the talon capital of the State. . To-day, 21,000 inhabitants are settled on the spot, and the modest dome of the Cipitol ful fills his most sanguine inspiration. . , Five years ago the traveler from Towanda, desirous of viidtlng the Capital of the ffate,roust Jolt over the tedious length of the rough and muddy road from our Village, to Troy or Can. ton in one of those historic conveyances known es a "stage; and if he sacdeeded in "milking the team,' ho might reasonably hope after en during the rigorous ordeal of a ride on the N. C. ILL to be put down in a well shaken-up condition, by half put two the next morning, at Hardee:rm. Now he has merely to step aboard a oomfort able coach of the L.V. ILL at the depot above Towerids, and swiftly and smoothly by way of Allentown, for the moderate MR clad 10, be "la rarely - curial and politely handed out at this city in time to retire at half-yam twelve. This change saves time, money, and fatigue; and tierce to the traveler, ill an advantage of no uttle moment—oven though it has been pur chased at the price of the Nortlatianch Canal. We arrived here just too late to see that pure, weight, a nd 'noble body ,of men in ses sion, to whom catalogue of political crimes this is the atrocities consummation. How the Pennszdnais Legislature sass her morass the abandonment of this put& coward epee and improvement with their ditty to ad} ranee the material, interests of the Rate, all who are at all acquainted with the rudimentary taws of business, will be puzzled to deter:dna. We learn that In- entire harmony with this act of governmental bonticide, they recklessly doubled the compensation of members of the respective :elect committees, voted-the can tata:Aso, seats their salaries and expenses, sad Was cosiscientkoupty packed rip their car pi bap tail Emir - All the lepoetset sada %Me oa the Wean • , ~ ,111 taniegoa.kk rails ~,. , , ' Woe • ~_ . ipeigitheitel , _equelliesek ,INIIIIParlip,11,:" tit* ; , :so • „.4=l l the doe _ _ •et ; _ thipplfilig and 4 ' ' 1.`0110.1! . ed the '"`" yd dell ' 'oiliest.* mod to chi toiniotoottiorti the, ear pt tools of oar "Railroad lilegli:! they deserve the thanks sad andldettee' et their constiteents and the rested of every booed tleiOtoweelthr- - Democracy mid corruption liciworr et, orer.. Parted tar& best efkirta, and, the gigantic outrage swept through the lapAshArire lam a whirlwind. This huge through_ is a hem blow to thii malaria! Proiyrem of - ,+t; :astitht!l: of the and 'sorrad as an addlikmal argument in thew etecerlitatkost?tetritikspa against such atrocious lardslaikm. • - .Let Ilmilterd county beware in Mae, Ma send as her dekuistes to the Constitutional emirention, Men who ate not onlr known is send ilepcitelems, but *like Ctoesar's wife skeitsitspkimt." I havi hard said about the liewitabliesit Oonrestlint to meet bine on the 10th. inst. What I hate beard , hoverer, Wilms me to believe that the honorable and side mooed °Midge Memo In Congress and on the Bench, insures him the rwardnation far the Supreme Court. . . We hope to attend the Coorention, and will Aguish your readers a re am= of its prooeedinus. - • A TELLING BECIGED. We subjein - tor &bile infoileation II list of thrilling "campaign speech es" nu* by General Hartranft dur ing the_ eventful years 1861-2-3-4-5. What a glorious record of services rendered-it presents. It is only ne oessary to glance at it to be convinced that the Republican Convention has aelecbul a standard bearer , worthy of the party---one whose name (coupled with his deeds) is a tower of strength which no Democratic thunder can shake. We have the "right _ man in the right place,"and the word now is, "Advance!" Read the record: First BO Run July 21, 1861. Roanoke Wand, Feb. 8, 1862. - Newborn, N. C., March 14, 1862. Second Bull Ran, August 30,1862. gouth Mountain, September 14,'62. Antietam, September 'lB, 1862. Fredericksburg,December 13,1862. Vicksburg, July 4, 1863. Jackson, Miss., July 10, 1863. Campbell's Station, Tenn., No vember, 1863 Knoxville, November, 1863. Wilderness, May 6i 1864. Spottaylvania, nay 12, 1864. North Anna' May, 1861. Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Petersburg, June 17th and 18th, 1864. Petersburg. Mane, July 30,1864. Weldon R. R., Angustl9, 1864. Ream's Station, August 23, 1864. Poplar Spring Church, September 30, 1864. Hatcher's Min. Fort Ste - adman, March 25: 1865. Richmond, April 2; 1865. ,Ifir The provisions of the soldier's homestead bill, recently enacted by Congress,are as follows: Every officer, soldier, sailor or marine who served in the war for a period exceeding ninety days, may, in settling upon the public lands, under the' homestead laws, count the period of his service a 8 a part of the five years' residence required to obtain a patent to one hundred and sixty acres. The actual residence on the land must be at least one year. Six months are allowed after the location of the land before the residence upon it must commen ce. Persons discharged for wounds or disability may have their whole period of enlistment counted. In case of the death of a person who would be entitled to the privileges of the act, his widow, if unmarried, or minor children, if the widow bo mar red or dead, are entitled to its bene fits. Any person to whom the. bill gives the right to acquire land may have the same entered, and the ro , quired , settlement - and residence made by an agent. This is the most important feature of the bill, for a comparatively small numbers of sol diers will themselves become home stead settlers. The right to transfer their privileges to an' agent will doubtless be of considerable advan tage to them. It is supposed that this bill will bo largely instrumental in providing homes in the West for our soldiers. It is another evidence of the intention of the present Administration to deal justly and liberally with those; "who bore the brunt of the battle." • The bill has, received the Signature of the President and is now a law. a Secretary Robeson, of the Navy Department, has been comple tely vindicated by the progress thus far made in the investigating of his department, and the committee mak ing the ingury are anxious and ready to abandon it, conceding that his so cusers have failed to make gotid a edit gle charge alleged against him. This result is Similar to that attained is the case of Mr.Bautwell of the Treas ury, whose conduct lately underwent severe scrutiny, but who come out fully sustained. In the case of the War Department, in the arms' selling business, the proceedings show that there is not the slightest grounds on which to rest Sclmrs's illegations,and the committee investigating ,that business, will' report against the ac cusers. us. A minister, nearly eighty years of age, now residing in one of the New England States, a man of extraordinary abilities and political acumen, writes of the leaders of the "bolting" movements as follows: "I think it a great pity that Charles Sumner, Horace Greeley and Iquisti Trumbull, should so madly kick over all, the good of their former - lives. What a dreadful diseaso---moral ease, I mean—the Presidential itch is: It-killed Webster, Clay and Fes @Cadet (I mean morally and politi cally); yes, and poor Chase_ must be added; and now. I think Sunmer, Trumbull and Schurz are so far gone with the same disease, that the of our nation =squires that they should also die in the 'same sense. ---Gold cloned in NOw Yak jester. day at , ~') • 'Ct= , • `,1 ,, • 1e72 ! • SPRING 1872 Ikmwdrall7, W. H. T EVANS & 1111,DRETI1 "SPRING DRY GOODS ! , EVANS icc liILDEETIL i>t E STELILT CAMP & NOBLE'S Insuroce Agency. vunnta A risCuicaAL MISES Dradellibustheas zoos put their trust to Zkni.la of inal k omUed sokoscy aTaidln% all faaper*sced, weak. neaten, cad spear Jake oomeerits. so daring •n ereptlem In the bee!. zees ut It Nome, of vital Imports:los to the ittauring pub. lie that then pat their trust in theke-laneurreci. Are tested, sosattly corporations, ',Slick did In Ai a fair rate of premiere* rather than a dasb(fal =tele. offered at iniatcatr prike the buyer wilt Prue. LrrTw!frl Olit Insurance ir• •. ,e lab ease fkompotes aid securing the agency of others al greater age and sem aapi. capital Theretore It la with en** madam we preen floe of prowls owners soil °them sad solicit the patronage of all those &Wring lassazaz,—(apital aad Assetta. $ 10.000,000 Oozes— •• .9 10,000.000 Ammitor— 9. " 1.133,000 Ames— " • LIMN Tannos-- “ V, MVO Canaarz— 4. •• ammo wiososo— - - 250,000 Marcum Lira a= Accanna 2,000,000 Ilan.was Paamitais Anima= C 0.... 300.000 Vir.l CAMP & NOBLE, Towanda. Mach dd. Im-ton loofa, GRAMMES AND rnovraxoxs, THOS. MULE Ar; Co. Itoopeettay annoonos to the piddle pareal, tha tber barb opened a bop and cholas "dock of • t GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS 'corner Main sad Prank/in street% Towar add& that *MAW as oboe as the cheapest for CASE! • Yon "CM shays lind Toot Memos them just as ham as sue. to malt upon an old eastscasts and as army new ones as win time than elth a can. NMI. sea. • TIM TN THE MATTER OF JESSE -A. A33llll—alaknipt; Ireskirsl kb** oi Pam To atom it akay asoossa-7ba taiscoliamod haw by ghee soaks et aypolathood as aadypos • Jean ot towaddy dßte.is emb magi et Hsaifbtd. aad data oth%lt . kaa maid laaataa, who low tam a "Woo. of Ids creditors by the ssia biattiot. Dated. at Towada. W. IS. ISTS. d *pm SOHN W. WM &Wpm. ir 3 . Di; • ; =ALL and W. IL, Marsha& partirr:s as *zr. In whoa It say eoneen> , 4be zoderslipawl bees. by Oen Wks al big eppointisent ea amigo* et the tem et 'billet Inc a . et. thei Doranch a Te nsed% be Ibi lesell (IC Iltedllnni and Inde of Peso , nneenia. *lain 111inelet In* ben been 1419* Doetnut e rn yeti*. of kb minims fits nee VIM tibtittoias, 4110114 Dam 011312016 mom Wow Abuthsainti .- „ ' . - , ,;;1 , - =~.• ~ 4 EMI MI RYE JUST 0112IED AN ENTIRE STOCK or ?UM WRICII TaEY ABE OFFEELISCI AT POPULAR PRICES .! PLEASE CALL AND EXAStrSE. FIRE INSURANCE UNDOUBTED SECURITY, 114:tut . koptoalrikt.:4o.olll OP et'ff L•r.S.) v N . CI t:1 271004 MTh k 00. April. 1141874 Poe Qv Wedge Mgr* elPeanaluais. los& IBM Acne. Wanitsaies Name. 107 ' Bram Jobs Jr 4 iNar~t - .t`ne. 13k golfee Cat - wow. 113 03501341302 V a 400 Hardy Jambi. 320 Hardy .112325ur 400 May Vaikla • 400- • Moray Nam 12:10 UAW Andrew ' 400 1,4103 P 4430 - I.44kii hem e Want Walter ptr 233 Slant D•barsh 400 &Mew 11433041 430 Bidden. Joaepb 323 1344133411432041 173 111d4ezts Peler Lit ItOr• 100 Beck sc=7 202 ;. IleitteriFrederick 442 Barron John Preirer.G•erge P ISt . Binger John, aroirios ?err. V 0 Anderson Wood , 101 A:Aso= Reepti 181 Rearm Jacob 193 - Beene! Jacob Jr 78: Os Later Frederick 172 Eike 400 Biej a nt r itokert 60 Hopkins Norbert 200 North Hamel 400 - North Aloes 100 North Peter 400 Motto Peter 400 shoot Iftednick 400 Motto George 280 Views Nary 1181. Woodralllnazotab 400 Wean William 300 Tons Beartiel moires. 174 Dunes Zama EMIMEI MMEg 400 Dyson TM ' • • .38 20 . 300 Barnet 43 85 • 67 Cooley 88=7 826 375 Cooley Samuel 54 82 400 Coaterloolitts SS 20 400 Ca for Barman . 68 20 400- - dilator Joseph • •58 90 342 Ease Peter • " - . 100 92 100 '—U4 Ilszt'y 14 55 251 reitc/0118 _ 31 44 88 . ?Ms John 12 53 343 :. -Ma Samuel .Of 86 400 • Hardy .7412041 .. 5810 975 'lardy Henry , 400 Hardy 13492nel ! 58 20 326 ' Bads Ann - I .56 75 400 HoLlthipnrorth Stepheu 2:0 100 Ladlry Andrew 14 58 55 975 1, , Nome George 54 52 400 Move Taal as ao 393 Moore John 57 23 . 200 N or th Bieenel 23 10 400 North Jonathan . 68 20 400 Mow Thomas 68 20 400 Seeley Sway , • 68 20 375' Beeler Jetiatit33 • 54 62 400 Seeley Peter -.• 58 20 .400 Seiley Joseph • s6 20 . 213 81ddins Peter .. . ... 32 70 75 ' diadem Jules 10 95 298 Temple Peter 88 62 480 Temple Eitunuel .. ' 58 20 . 400 _ Snits James - 6810 . 180 WoodruU liatusala 28 as 54 , Yield Henry WO Ilunt Job - 35 Pfeter James 400 Baldwin Samuel 15 00 120 - Baldwin Isaac 4' 50 250 Bennett Barns • .9 38 200 Catlin KU 7'60 250 Catlin Panama _ . 938 150 Cc/Might Ccenchns • -. 3 63 983 Cortrtght John . 14 39 . 30 Davenport Denl4 l. 13 144 Tell Jesse 540 'S6 Ilollenback Ws heir. 360 94 - • . 3GO 0? 363 90i :: • . - 3CO 99 - ••• 3 70 97 .. • .. .3 63 91 ~.., f . . 730 3 363 ° 90 92 - ••• .. 43 Ingham's belts 1 70 231 Rosa Zbrabetts . • 868 220 BossLnor. - 823 50 Sherwood William 183 200 Thomas Nicholas 7 50 350 Thomas William - . 13 13 140 Allen Jobe 220 Butler Polly 216 Barrett Joel 4 rah Jabes 89 Itrotard Hannah Hollenback John: 971 ]Garth Bamucl 170 Sterling Samuel 20 Sterling Lacy 1 160 fiterllng Sa r utr.el Jr 19 Welled DO • Wanes C r ALSO—.In pannanos cif the provisions of the Act of Garieral Assemblyaamed the 21th day of April; A.D., ISit. section alat. at the smut time and place will be mooed at public ads the traeta or parcels of land assent estate designated in the following list, unless the tames due upon the same, and costa are paid before that time : a •4: - u. , c m si •••• To Ifloya.Attnit<4. 1, a ~.. -.. '.° u, `I t * .. . . 69 88 100 1369 Beeman X D 98 .... Darns Patrick 65 98 75 1),l0 180 .... Blackman Judson .70 405 Redden Michael 46 60 Shaffer George hkl 20 .. Bluffer Jacob , 40 .43 1970 Barns Patrick 83- • 99 .. Nichols Isaac 60 90 Blackom. Judson I'o 73 .. Murphy Damn, 65 98 FarleyJammi 85 128 . Burdick William . 45 50 El BE 1 SO 11 , 59 Garikker L A 100 1 110 91 1:12 XeAsay Michael 50 276 1 73 3 96.-- Sanderson Geo 5. 79 3 41 3 39 6 43 1870 Welke Henry 73 11 24 3.45 3 40 .... Gardner L A I 00• 683 256 Masa 3ficlsei 50 5'78 d 6.1 643 .... Welles Henry S 75 15 29 •NTLVX. • 73 1870 Cbamplcni BSI 5 lots 75 mommot 40 40 G 4 18G9 =is Jobs GO 60 60 /Us Junes eminsa. 40 240 1 82 . 1869 Barrett John 30 432 79 474 .3 00 .... Frawley Timothy 60 843 08 6 19 578 .... Hinman & Park 108 15 OS 58 21 46 13 59 ....Keene Sarah Ana • 410 -33 62 88 McCarkrJohn 13 86 88 75 .... Mahoney John 73 - 73 90 11 40 7 22 .... Maddest ?strict 230 90 52 66 3 . 96 251 '... • McDonald Janus 100 713 1870 Casey Thor= 100 ° 75 Mtn= # Park. 282 1 08 .... Beane Sarah Ann 410 •3 20 .... Maddest Patrick 230 190 McDonald Jaws 106 66 . Towner Waabinsttn.lBo 113 aniastrisr. 1670 Nichols E k G 7 56 stowz Towetannr. EMI MI z,. 10 200 34 2 25 1 CT 2 40 240 - N. B.—Nottee is hereby given that an amount rut, &tent to pay taxes wed wet wlll be requiredls anevery awe when lan& Se wad at the time 1:0 anbas these term a cam plted with the land will be wait exposed to este. VILLUX BUNYAN. Ilearmeer's Mee: Xareh t 6. 1e72. 'U . S. INTERNAL REVENUE ! Notice la hereby given. that the az:Waimea. Asses. sot of the Lith Diateirt of Penneylna* will hold Courts of Appeal, for the Correction of Zrroneocup Aineonneate, ate *Mee In BLOOMBBUfIO, amble Coanty, =WAY, APRIL lftii, 1872 All appeals moat be in and shook aped; ty the pattleolaz am" matter, or resPecting latch decision is requested, and shalt mate the grows! or pelmet& of error complained of. Ap peals may ha mode at the °Moe of the Areeasor at timer ane dinee to the day ' s ahem lied for hear. lug If sny yer.ons liable to Income Sax. bare not 714 spotted. they am hetet* notified' to do so al nem or become liable to the penalty. It is the ditty at every one. amenable to the law. to seek the deasime of his District and mho We rebus:- SUM= • • Amerpor Lith Asineleaes Moe, Bloomsburg, Korth Stu UTZ A DMINISTBATORS - NOTION—. Ai•Llatite ism emu diet mpemems Waited to the estate et CALVIN RIOIIIZ Mired Eck deceased. are euremeedi— tO make immediate permed Ana sti Procce UM= - Wilma and estate must mend them duly authenticated the settle odd; arttlf ITO= Win 27.12. Muerte. with edit austem - AIIIIINISTRAMOR'S NOTICE.- Noticeis hereby given to all panda. blotted SOU* sodas of Ulan MOM lets of Wpm amend. dud mix toadadado mood. and aft ,potoodt lordmar atooVpidask adod ofdoed atm* gtto derllaa ... <. .... - 'B~ p -'l-'0 tit„ 2400 _ . 64 00 26 42 -2160 2119 74.47 ¶437 6046. 42 49" 3636 la 80 10 13 I 27 16 00 • 31 20 • • 67 10 60 • 117-20, 37 10 37 20 .37 20 37 20 20 04 30 Ei=2 =1 1862 rallard 0 F 2QT 202 .... /Wave Etas 80 - -60 le7o Enener Charles :30 - 1 21 Vanderpool Samuel .....Vanderpool David 25 S 8 CANTON DOROCOM Bennettfleorge 18 1559 Battelle* Eunice ho'realt 13 nrnaorm a' Cllmpel Erma 10 23 Itediairtat a.B 60 160 TOWASDL 1870 Northml Thomas IS - 51 Thai 304101708. .... lerBT C T ornate*. 1570 Carpenter Ezra lot 51 Vasetermarle L llot 15 Will tams 11 2.5 WILMOT. . 188* Deers Jerome 20 36 1870 Dees Jerome 30 , 36 .... Van Valkenberg • & T 108 - 2 25 ••• • 4 111.0 135 169 .... We 200 240 Bartrort Pbzebe 3 II NOTICE` TO Tix-PATEMS. Nrar Ablvilitemontt , V G. MORROW; PHYSIDIAX LD A.: • Ihniosow. raltnadge:Pa.. otters 10a pro's& skald soninea to the pebua. , Moe and residents ono door math of the Munk= Hoare.—aplirtl WWI SALE OR FOR gouge nearly now, good cedlar. hitches, alt. Ow room, two bed to and pantry co grouod 'door. Puke cbamber. sod tour bed rooms in chamber. Vow barn. - Lit contains bait an atm. let l'uthor imrtlealara inquire *M. V. MUM. aziPt9wa. Pa. - Aped la. IV& • MU _Q . Al OATS FOR SALE.—About 110bUtbidii of a rinse anittly. deed obtained binoidalaper-baebeL 1.1. WO=111:1714 II 40 A OK.= . SMITII.---194itewarlheit JCL and Clakembne. linena pupils to Ml wort antrusladin blva. ancl_vanitilass SWAMI* In all awn. °Maslen al Wilsons timber Mop co Main street. will mitre pronlpt 79wands. _ - 9.07 76'67 59 13 74 67 CM B°43lll‘'AND . HARNESEI.After thte Ode 1 olg sell Boots, of my own and reh eat asks, for ofek. se. low as any other establish send he theatteati. Mao ..Ow set of doable and ed single Iferases; mud* of oak- stock. KU lcrw for cash or apprcrr note ! that I will - - E. IL 10103 fr. Orwell. April 1,1972.-9w* VOTIOE.-lELENEEICY GIVEN -LA to the to rayon of To lima& tbst an applicaticarthll node to the nett Court of Con mon Pleas for the be ixonl2 of Medford. to antborize the School Direetass .of odd porpogh, to _borrow • sub Osumi not esceolhig noriose- Masa for the poem*. of belldlisr Moe Bones In the second Ward of amid florseih. P. IX BOW. President. -N *sail 9, '72. - - JAY MOM. Serretsrl. Is 43 LS 60 31 06 3286 II 90 37 23 TAMMT PRICE CABII, PAID FOB GRAIN, B,u'rit'Aß AND EGGS, GEORGE SMITH, wygetarizia, PA. 2220 18 60 sprit 18.1874. TO THE LOVERS OF—FIN ' 1 HOBSES.—The Raublet:mien iltalltents. *qtr. 1112cOI1AIll." by Ityselyre Sambletonlan..llo3- 11101." by Ristrigh am. and the celebrated star home "MAIM' by old American Star, *will Mend during the &mon. as follows: At Montrose, May ltb. 21st sod Jaw ith and 18th; at Great Bond. Illay 8,- 22, June 5 and 19; at Binghamton. May 9, 23, June 6 and 20: Owego„ ]l4 10. 28, June 7 and 31 s Athens, May 11.45: June 8 and 22; d wands. May 13, 27. June 10. 2i: lAceplile. May, 14.48, Jena 11. 29: Tunkhanaocb. May 19.19, 49. 90 and Juan 12.13, as 27; at home. on the farm of the proprietors near Luzern county. Rs.. the remainder of the time. ' J. & WELLS. April l& Proprietors. MISS GRIFFLN'S . • UA 49 96 49 96 Etil VII Al14:1Dt;VIIDC11,31:3 e izi:tAsil BTUs. IS O.PERATIOS Kiss Gleans return. her thanks to the ladles of Towanda and vicinity for the liberal' patronage heretofore extended to her. and begs isass to eV attention to her . NSW Rocs 07 - MILLIS:MEM 000 LS: Just remind. which she la offering at the tow at_ rates, Towanda. April 18. 1875. rTHE SCHOOL DIRECTORS ap DBADFOSD 0017fiTY.-42mmiinceiri- In wenn= of the 434 section of the Act of Sts Ifay. 18,4. you are hereby notified to meet in mivention at the Court. BMW in Towanda, on the east VIES DAY in MAT, A- D. 1874. being the 7th day of the month. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. and select. eve ewe, by e majority of the whole number 'of directors present, one person of literary and aad scien tific sovizeramts. and of skin and w/Perlence the art of teaching. me County Separintendent for the three sueceeding years• determine the amount of compensation for the seine, and certify the remit to the State Superintendent at 'Harrisburg. as re. quire./ by the 39th end 40th sections of mid Act. A. A. HERS= County Superintendent of Bradford County Towatids. Pt.. April 14.1872 1 - )R. 0. D. STILES haring purchared. 0. , 1 26 i 26 DRUG STORE OF L. A. 14Dow.M, m Dour, 1,1.4 Has no: to stock and is constantly rectecing fresh supplies of pare Drugs and Medicines, Dyes. Paints, Varnishes, Ax. Agent for ail the most popalsr Pat ent Medicines. A fresh supply of the celebrated VMEGAII BITTERS. • Pure Wines and . Lionors for medicinal purposes; best brands of Cigars and Tobacco; choice - Perla= - wcY. toilet and fancy articles, flavoring extracts. . School boobs, stationery. and news dealers VlP plied with stationery at low prices. All miscellane 'ous books furnished to order at. publishers' prices. The Doctor will continue to practice medicine as heretofore. Office at the Drug Store; residence op posite Presbyterian church. Prescriptions and re ceipts accurately compounded at all hours by a com petent clerk. [AprillB, 1872.. ' 167! 17 16 16 75 3.83 6 97 3 87 7 59 13 .t 7 5 47 14 04 9 26 7 34 ►rHE HIGH:BRED HAM LETO NIAN TROTTING STALLION .'TOWANDA _ 'CU staua fore Itnelteclinitabar approved mums, a the barns of the subscriber, at 'TONVAIT6A,- P.MNFA. tt"TOWANDA" sire Ab•Wakla Chief by Itystlyk's Eiambletoulan, by old Abdailab, he by Mambrino by import idessengsr- Hambletonian darn was the Hunt mare by imported Bellfounder; grand darn by • old One-Bye, by old Hambletonian. sod be by imported Messenger. and his dam also by Imported Messenger, and the darn of old One. Eye was by imported Messenger: "TOWANDA'S" darn Vermont Black. Hawk, be by •Hillis Vermont Blackhawk. foaled - tu 1833. and he by Shaman's Margin; his dam raised in New Brunswick, and represented as a half-bred English' mare bred by Witgate Twornbly, N. H., and sold to Benj. Thurs ton, Vera, Mass, 1838, and to David Hill, Bridge port, Vt. 1844; in his possession acquired great fav or." This horse got more high priced colts than any horse of his day. He died Nov. ISM; ho was the sire of Ethan Allen. ands grand sire of the darn of "TOWANDA." One black pastern behind, black points, dark bay, 15 hands 3 inches high.-3 years old in July. He is ono of the most remarkable ani mals this country has produced. He is beautiful, blood-like, of great strength, and action perfect. He is in close proximity to two of the most noted stsdions In this 'nation. Hambletoulan anti Ethan Alien; and as the sires of trotters; these two great horses stand far above competition in this or any past generation. . A better infusion of blood la not in the American horse than in "TOWANDA." is a most fortunate cross.. He bids fair for a bril liant future in all respects. He 'is a anemia, and tree Merit will be appreciated by candid judicious men. We have arrived at a period when mere stilt ed gabble about the horse Is of but little account, • d anything of value in hie history ortireedin c g, cost labor, long research. thought and money. The "American Trotting Register," which contains all • that is known of the pedigrees of trotting horses, their. ancestors and descendants, with a record of all published Performances in which a toile was trotted or paced In 2:40 or less, from the earliest duos blithe close of 1838, and record of the performances 0f1869-70. giving complete summa ries of over 8,000 contests, with an introductory co o/ on the terra origin of the American Trotter. This is • good . sa pedis are uite too COMMocommon.This sank shut Sal s out Imposition i n s great degree. J. H. Wallace, the 'compiler of the ..Amer lean Stud Book and Trotter." gives a better intern: gent History of the Horse than any other. "TOWANDA." will be shown in harness to those who think of patronising him, between the hours of five and eight o'clock, a. on pleasant week days. His style sod fine trotting action when trained, will surely make his own character. The closest scru tiny brings the man to his true name: so it is with All things on earth. 4 GO 40 144 100 ' 1 80 One hundred dollars to insure; twenty-fire dol lars at time of service, which will not be refunded In any event, and ieventy-five dollars • when proven in foal. Best, care taken of mares on reasonable t - rms. All accidents and escapes at owners' risk. All mires must be left or brought to the, stable when desired. Xeres not proven In foal, can be re turned next season: free of -charge. Eisaaoar.--Firat of April to July *est. Fad Season First of tleptember to De ce mber drat. JOIDiI D. HOIiTANTE, Towanda, TU., April 15,1872. CIIANGE INDET IBLY STAM FED ON EVERY =WO. lot 200 N7Pcoll'T 33rcos, Mare tnrcbased the Stock of.Clotking of ROS_ENFIELD 4,.1 WOLF, One door Solidi ot.FOS k mateuws, and hereby • GIVE PUBLIC NOTICE • • that they sill otter granter inilucementa to cish buy era, than any other establishment in BRADFORD COUNTY, r. eivg I,oBsted in every branch of the business. they feel perfectly confident that they con make it to the interest of all - TO PURCHASE OF THE3L noir Stock of pods me:uprises goods of aft grades, from the deist to the coarsest, sod menu stared by The best estakblishmeets In the country, - Give us s call. Toiramla.3laichl2. 3872. COAL WY ALUSEgGr. The nadvesigned lurie -on hand, and inktuid to keep. fty, of Sullivan Asthma% Detri*7. ula Atttefo Ceql OL D* tattoos up* u, :au R. 1G WatUll t 1 Vgg T01t4.1( DA. - lit A ' BRE T 8 rtiVOLVULIt PVIC2B. - _- OtsVoldod. to oluovli OW * 01001,11 4. tos C. a. piaci 11144414 mom, 111 bulb =l ibest. ll bilsb..g" , Om, $ bosit , britaßill bum fp) 1 Pei Batter p) irio 5..... d0 .), lb ow kt :r: etas ifs 2 f Mli6g, Ilk but. s oo • lo 2o . noon lbws' At p o , Vetatto. VI busk . ilissitis or ter—trbest 6U lb. ; Cons 63 rb:, 5 : iiii• illbe.; Oas S 2 lbs.;: Barley 40 lbs. ; Etitko,..;; -41111;•.; Bow IV 1b..; Bout 20 1. m0," see ,r,,,— ne; : Thoolbylles4 sal lbs. ; Dried pa c ki ur 33 1,7; lhisd Applesi2 lbs.. Vlss Seed SOME. --*;• PRICE LIST—CASCADEMiIs% riarrt.lXO • t Winter. Steak pr. rack ..... .... " 14. a • bantlftd lbs. ..... 4 40 . .." barrel .... ....... ; . 8 t %spiny dOll4l at OnCe..llll tbe c 011ibx13= adedent tor large emenutt peal of Et. 140iikm. Camp m, ico 2 3.11510. - • CENTRAL COAL , . IL NE. WELL Proprietor. Ines farther notice prices It yard are, przt t of 2000 pounds : _Tinian= cau, Egg, or No. 2 14 ea stove. or Nod, 3 and 4 ........... . ..... 13 w Nat. or No. 5 ... .. tt Broten atnirras anzgaurra cam; • /I Large Store St Eimall glove . $t 00 Nut , ......... $3 z The following sddi. tio_cual charges will be o4i f delivering coal within the borough itutt: Per_ ton 50 eta. „Zinn lot inurAsi i n 69 eL Nat ton " •• • •• Quarter t0n...25 • - z W Uwe Orders at rnyCcal Office, curs New Block, south side, or al Dr. B. C. 1 ,- ,ttrr Boa k Co.'s Drug Store. . theegar Orders nut in all cue be seritarardee. Towanda. Feb. 1.11. TOWANDA COAL. YARD dYITICEACITE axD MTIPAIINOriIt co : UP. The tuulendsnted. having leased the Coal Yard Dock at the Old "BareUT Basin." and lust sPitted a large 00al-bouse and Office upon the pinna te , a l flow pregiuid to frirnish the citizens of Towanda ar. •ticinity with the ditrisrent kinds awl sizes of the abtws' . wined coals upon the most reasonable anus in say quantity desired. - Prices et the "tart' until further Deuce per ee£ ton of 2000 pound ArrunteriT COAL • 1344ft* Egg ' 0r 2.1 15 °. 05. 2 wad 4 Nut or No. • r • - ircrustaz 44mnucrts c 041... Bourn ' • Larire Stove. 4 ee, Small Store ' - 4 4 , 1 That • 3 1S ..Barelay• Lump 4 V, Bocui of Mthee 4 4. Oa se pin e , or 10 , ..qrwmi 3 h. , t tJ Ttelollowing additional tharge;oill be nssrlerte? dellrertog Coal within the borongli lltdta : Per T0n...60 carts. Extra for earning in. teats. Half T0n..35 " • ' 4 ' " " "23 ‘• Qr.T0n:..25 .4 25 d• Er- Orders may be left it thj coma of Vs: road and Eidrabeth Street. at' Porter t Kirby' Ong Store' es..Ordera =at In all cases be accompanied ir!th the cash. efer.D Towanda. Feb: 1172—tr. CODDINp RIISSELT, CO Would say that notwithstading rise in prices of many ,goods, that they continue to - keep their natal stock of IRON, STFY.T.i, TINWAEE &C., and will sell at alas:: prices for ready pay. The MERRY CHRIST, MAS with iron 'topper-liaed reser • voir and patent slide, allos%ing steam • - - to pass 'inio the - smoke pipe,' finds favor wherever tried. We have alsu the New Empire, National, . Tribur.o, • Wide World. continue to - pipe beilets gas, and to ,do_all kinds of plumbing Lead and topper work awell as general Tiu and' Sheet-iron .subbing on short notice. Dexter Feud Cutters; National Feel Cutt , ; - Charms Feed Cutters. Corn SLollers, , • Churn rowers, . . Clothes Wringers, Baby Woizouzie To Carriage makers I`;',. Wr.,112,1 offer. Fences. Spokes, Patent Wheels,-Tbllbs, Hubs.- TrixamiDgs. We arealwaye headquarterB.,fo: all kinds of Suites and Forte, Razors, Pocket knives, Strops. Spoons, • thissois, Plated ware, Leather Belting,, Babbitt Metal, • Hay Lath, Twine, Falrbaukii Scales, - !awe, • \__Whoelbarrents, Shorete, - Picks, Zone, - Pistols, Calliend yeti us'-when yoti wish ►' ME CODDING. EUSSIML Feb. 22. 1372. HELL'S VEGETABLE SIGMAS Every year increases the popularity of this talus We Bair Preparation: 'which is due to meet Slew. We can immure our old patrons that it is kept hiltl , up to its high standard; and it is the only relishis and perfected preparation for motoring Gear, c: Traded Flair to its - youthful color, mating it soft. its* tams, and Billion. The scalp, by its use, betel:lir+ white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dsn•i• rta, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hs,r froni falling out, it c, Atimulates and nourishes it. ka l r _. '0131450,.. By I ' the hair grows thicker set & oil stronger. In baldness 1 restores the capillary 8 11 ' 211 to their normal vigor, and will create a new grow" except In extreme old age. It Is 'the mots econonr , cat Hair Dressing ever used, asst. requires fewer ay- plicatione, and gives the hair a splendid gioexy .1.P . . Pearia"- A. A. naYes, )L D.. State Assayer «t Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are Pwr'' • mad entre - illy aelected Am excellent' quality ; l ed I aniiiider it 'the Best Prepaistion for its tntendeli & pupas/B.!' . Sold by all Draggids, and Doeert in Mesix - xes. PRICE ORR DOLLAR. - . . PRZPLRED ax Da. 'J. C. AYER A CO., Looney, lasso" • • Practical and Analytical Chemists , .. WAD gOLD 'ALL' ROCSD WS trOlt.W. Dr. H. 0. Pinata, liion & Co., Wholesale Agent, Towanda, Fa., and for sale by. dealers 'throughou t the want}. . . . Dee. 7.1871.—15e0w. _ , Juurs WOLF WM. WOLF. ' Sainubi Swell. Son ai Co. hare WU:ea fromYork a lady Ilair Drama:. and will bepleased i t o tits Mud ar.d 11541111 Oi NflaneO . • • Si 4 0 6 1 81'. 80- , 84 R. R. wpars. TOWANDA.-Yd Tunas Dunn. Hot BIMt. Union. Qat ‘IL, Ezixlni•x• OM Ton ties Lamps and eldrucii, Rotary Force l'utup Catri. e , ~ jjAL .I ML ••• (1 • Soi ••• Ti BEE