ME Sows FroiL 'cotintf . .ealszgb - , 7-13portsuien . are rio jot shooting 111 Id cats ir Vniott — SW dogs 4 11 ve,tiP ' ova, Mt= atimty. - -A:pine county nude six Minot — feet; —The &Meg inenoed In all parts of Mei - —Theldexican new, is again; Un favorable to the revel . • . , , A fight: has been reputed as taking place Salado. i L , , —Bidstadt has recei - . the cow of the order of St. Stanislaw; rm. the Czar of Hug* . - - i .... . .—lifi. Mallon superintendent of the public . schools at Atlanta, Gs" Ur rieeived 22000 of the Peabody fund. - . ' —The News says 2 0 , 000 have teen subscribed to start a kctorj In So lannah. Only 00,000 mare tisedvd. ' * , The Belgian Government ' has, banal the Musty of the late historical Yetis, 1 for 152,000 franca. - . - -- -1, -,rotui Smith, dry goods ; wish es to get marrivik" is the WO of an enharpris• log merchant at Topeka, Kansas. • . , - —The.most independent pertum in the country at the matost time is the skilled mechanic who works:BHW! . L--The- French Ae emy of ;Fine g 4 ArtB are pondering upon the, eligibility of wo men to the membership of that body —" Ooky Gooft " ;lays : Id vas yonst so easy as a neecHe valk and Mit a camel's pro, as to get der hindt vord mit a . voomans."' ;--Gonned says he as' composed most of his operas after ight, meths% he hu hardly ever written a ' of mitidoin the daytime. • .--." Another Death f . m the is becoming almost as po a headi ng in our State exchanges as the gold cdd ' Aaother Hailing Horror." _ _ - —Consumptive patients are sent nowadays to Guatemala. Tte city stands 5,CF10. feet above the sea, level, and the climate is one of perpetual-spring. —An oyster, it is said, contains as ranch Nourishment as a slice of :last beef, and this is the reason they are mended for in valids. —A Gate City Navvy r. included in his bill against his client " waking tip hi the night and thinking about y ur case, five dol lars. " —The -British Mr cal Journal gives the total number of s *dents registered at the- London hospitals d, ng the present season as 1168. • New entricti 1C& = —They dOn't keep sale in Greeley, Colorado. b. feint, for rattlesnake bites good, and it has a very read —no extensive fl Henry C. 'Yeager, at St. by fire Thursday night. Lo. for $50,000. —The Commerce agreed to insert in the propriation bill $15,000 for t 101 l river. -Jude Benedict, has decided that the a •. forfeited to the Gorernmen 000ssegara smuggled on April, 1870. —A•collision occur Illinois Thursday evening, the Chicago and Alton and and and St. Louis IE•:ilroa , man was killed. .— : -The Ways arid tee have voted to fix`a co ty-flye cents "per gallon • form tax of twenty cents • —The San'Antoni i thinks that so long as the to bo the frontier line Stites and Blexico the ro never be stopped. —Spotted fever is prevailing to an alarming extent in tho country west of Ma quoketa, lowa. Yen may deaths have oe enrred. A number of cases and several deaths are reported in Macroketa r —A catamount, which measured - eight feet from nose to ti of tail, Was killed in the Adirondacks a few t vs ago.. When the varmint sprung up str his first jump was nine feet. - —A man in Ne% l bled to-death after havingl Every effort was made to the gads, but proved trot, gradually died from•exha —The Wilkesba Times states that a jua Plains tennibip has gra There is a man after- Imart: —An exchange si needed in thelangnago in distinction to love of .t calla on lexicographers We suggest statridisin wark. —Teti tons of o at Bnttertleld Canon, 11 worth of silver and old be geven feet thick. Th. Colorado liver are avert: lars.per day to each han. —Some of the Bchncider at St.. retereb for the clothes the pop., Belle Helene. This is with a vengeance, Wha sit? • 1 —The Bishop of reeled the tie.* of big believers in Papal infel from them baptism a interrowlia to rites of e,), ion, —lt will be 're,. elephant'e, tooth was to l Louisville Ky., halt sum subject due considerate, meet have bees there FZZS —I remarkable presented in conneetiot Jonas Puke; or (31-ash Three cousins, residing died the same night hour, and es l In a tit —Regarding* ife Dr. Willis, of Shires : of the distress here. Th eat the grass when the slaughter houses every . up or carried away by .1 —lt is soberly dated that a firm in England which pots • p prepared meats for the New Zealand trade, .. ekes a largo and reg ular portion of ha invoices to consistof cans la belled "canned mist i onn•y"--and that they go off with the natives e hot cakes." —A movement is said to be on i foot among the pried railroads to conduct, contruland manage package enforces ,• • , was on their roads, and Iliusderive tee benefit of the profits ca this c of traffic themselves, instead of the en** companies.:;l Creal --:At a meeting of the tors of the New York and Boykin Espns Company in New York, an offer of a Erie Road, through General , Diven,to payseventy cents on the dol lar wastip?. the Company thus falls to the Erie " y. --An'"English 'ter advises young ladies to look favorably e those engaged in agricultural pursuits, gi gas a resagn that their mother Eve married a gardener. He for got to add, however, that the gardener lost lis situation m causal of the batch. . —Peter Nelson gtonAtuan., has got up a corner on er. All the Dowses in the town run out in y, but his holds good till December, So be e a convert to the temperance ca UNN pc through a no-license vote, and now has hull an his hall ~3.5 by 40. • . —Near Browaton,Crawford coon ty, Ind., on the night Of the 13th 'inst., Hrs. Tohn Smith and her infant was burned to death. Hrs. Smith was subject to ate, and, while bear ing her child in bee aria„ fell forwad into an opentireplace. Tberef was no one else in the horse at the time. • -=-A Liverior)l paper BiLys that to ga 2 =er aliw ilw an lnc i ll drunkenn lua ess mpg: yorreg of its most features es is the rapid_ growth of te wo females and persons of iti es. The mtutiplled facilities for obtalnin drink I are also start brig: - - -..Professor W n, of Ann Har• her, KM., rspoorts dlarovery on ',sane.- k it day night to the of Virgo a nest planet. II shines a star of The eleventh magnitude. Its is right siworistoi RE degrees, 55 mina &dilation. Is is moving slowly west le right -ascension and north in ---The'ease of A against De Large au argued Th y before' the Cons tants On Zieetions, on e motion. intalis by_De Large's diunsel to atomise Sownin's inntest, upon the muted that i Rouen had no 'caseaie having been elected to and. *implied a seat In the Legislature of South Carolina pseessis the contest. ME fradfoti oda •Satthns. 1:21 EDITORS* IL 0. °DOMICIL ' S. W. AL - - Tanalih . Thurslay, ; Apil 12 1872. COMINFiti I=3 The . legisisOre Tamed the ba - Piiiiiruig for a 'ciAislaitiiiniat convention. The bill provides that the convention 'dual consist of one hu com- Lnndred thirty-threejlicluberg; twenty-eight tobe. , elected' it ..largo in the State; bailee to 'contain the names - of fourteen _delegates, and the twentreight big tin Piot* to be declared elected. - Irtzolelegates at large in the city of Plinadelphis. each voter tit vote for throe, the , six receiving the highestimblber °furies to be declared elected. By Out plan there will 66' thirty-four delegates elected at large: The remaining ninety-nine delegates to be elected in the several Senatorial districts of the State, the apportionment being three for each Senator, each voter to vote for two, by . which the partisan minority in each district will be. g loried-the opportunity to elect one delegate. The election Of delegates take place at the October elec tion, and the convention will meetin the following month, November. A GERMAN ORGAN ON SENATOR •The Syramise Union is a spirited and reliable German Republican pa per. The following is a translation of a portion of one of its editorials on the Liberal Republicans and Sen ator Schurz : " The Liberal Republicans appear to have earnestly taken up the cud gel for_the overthrow of the regular Republican party.. And yet this new party has but few leaders arid but few followers : they have no record of past deeds to rely upon,. unless it may be in Missouri, where they have helped the Democracy to become masters of the situation, and elected to the United States- Senate one E. P. Blair, an insolent and Unprinci pled renegade Democrat. There is truly- no worthy record about this! The creed andogramme of the new party promise apolitical since if the power is . given into their hands no bad man and no ring stall control Offices : and last—or better im posed. yet—=no t t e x v ati p o r n om al s a e ll shall yt be t ige negro shall . be free, yet they oppose the linklux laws which were enacted for the very purpose of protecting the life and freedom of the colored people. It appears that all the. Lib eral Republicans have done and have promised to do, results merely in playing into the hands of the Democ racy. They are simply the reserves of Democracy, and Carl Schurz, if he does not return to the Republican, organization after the Cincinnati Convention—which we believe and expect will be-the case, judging from the spirit he has manifested—will as an oppnent of the Republican party naturally fall into the ranks . of the Democracy and support the Demo cratic ticket in the Presidential elec tion. And yet Schurz in an his re cen t speeches' has denounced the Democratic a rty as a party of incor rigible Bou)tomsm. "Does 31.1'. - Schiarz believe that we Germans will follow him,and append ourselves to the tail of the Demo -credo kite? that we will give up our principles and progressive ideas, to become the tools of the reactionary Democratic party, and mere politi cal Jesuits? We Germans are not such admirers of great men (so call ed) that we we will give up our self respect and blindly follow unscrnpu lens men, whose aim is not to ad vance the interests of the Germans, but their own selfish ambition. " y, whisky for t they have a mod which is goite as sale. l l •unn* g .mill of e ms, was destroyed , $50,04:10 ; 'insured mmitte have i ce and Harbor Ap iredging IboSchnyl- of New York, hip Columbia wag on account of 15,- r from Havana in ed - nt Brighton, between a , train on Rockford, flock hi by which ;the tire- learA Commit. I solidated tax of six. whisky, and a ant ier pound on tobac- (Texas) Herald Grand continues :town the United berg of Texans can • York recently five teeth extracted. top the bleeding of leas, and tho patient tion. Record of the ice of the peace in ted revers': divorces. e‘dore Tilton's own ya that a word is • express lore of Stale le United fitxtes, and to supply the mutt. as counts near the from the tpiut netted oier $lO,OOO The Vein IS said to gold diggings on the g ten to twentzdol- Ban : PELMET Non, the popular correspondent of the Boston Journal, au independent paper, in his letter on the 3d inst. gives the following brief off-hand sketch of Gen. Gnarr. drafters of Mile rg, have given fl4O ' Ir singrr wore in e petticoat worship next front frigid Una ugaburg has di diocese to pulilau libilito by withholding burial, in •well as the , re mon and cowman The “Conqueror of the Rebellion," , • hose name was honored half a doz ien since by every loyal man and woman in the land, and who was literally forced to - abandon his profession that he might receive the highest honor in the gift of the na tion has of late been assailed with the rudest violence of denuncia tion. Yet any unprejudiced mind, who will weigh the difficulties and the jealousies which the President has had to encounter since he was inaugurated, mast admit that be has done nothing to sully the wreath of civic glory which was placed over his well-earned martial laurels. He may at times have listened to bad advis ers, be may have carried some of the camp into the 'White House, but un precedented partisan malignity has thus far failed to show -that he has not acted' patriotically, purely, end to the best - of his ability. The coun try has been peaceful, prosperous, and happy-rnever has honest. labor met with a better reward— never five the resources of the nation been more fully developed—never has the Government been more faithfully ad ministered. Besides, the private character of the President has been so pure that his bitterest foes have . •not dared to assail it. He is a good husband—he is a devoted father— and his home-life is that of a pure minded, domestic, temperate, Chris tian gentleman, without spot or blemish. Politicians may prate about the President, but the people = = - elate him now as they did when he led the Un'on forces to victory 'and saved the ..11epublie. etuberedz that an :.nd in a gravel-pit in er. 'After givin g the acientide men say it o•Ve.il7o thontand coincidence was with the death of ,n N. T., on the Lith. (in differeut ',States; all nearly at the came famine in Persia, on can form no idea people in the rilLsgmi can get it, and at the p ofblepd is Lapped i e guying 'Poor. " Pg. Every plot entered into by sore-headed Republicans to injure or compromise the National Adminis tration, has operated on the rinciple of a boomerang, the fabiehood of destruction thrown ont recoiling 10 torture and lacerate their origins ton. ' Schurz's Arms Investigation Committee is a fair specimen of the Utter failure of thes4 despicable in trigues. . Wit is passing strange that the people cannot discover any merit in the Liberal Republican. New Hap= pshire;Connecticut and Rhode Is land have, each in turn, spolnut at the . bedlotebOs, and an record a media -tied verdict against the XasuatJle. publican. It's very hard to cheat the people when their eyes ere open. ILILL CO MZ/E:01 GES. CIitAINT. zursati gi ,„- blond been b*.jrbi and iaitataer goo* ham &heady. twat opened, sad shop edam are Wed id* a 'wondrous db. Way daddies, light * shy am which, baiirretlispilm Ado mat thal:asay .panhaa. en. , Tha MOON*to, , upon the deists, dad tilt *tee - - ' sad winter „al g a Immense elm* Yee be lebb ; el thought/ethos Ina animal we begin to Walt about aranailaga-th,,lole -belibe Plow ant deluded indwine bends* iiihterand tbk burning beat otarneast; . 1., The Jape v erho, dining the. OW month have claimed math of Ibe-pablie natation, have with time eizesption of a fan, liken their departure: and the excitement' which their ar rival and , mum" momentarily eroded, has trilogy subsided. During the shod period tint they Mere with us, every attention that eould be given, was extedler Omni by th 6 dty rmihotities, gor erument otSciake, and other% Wed should thiy receive the Mae courtesy and generous hoe- pitality in. other (Mks, they will doubtless,re turn to then banes not only _gratified and pleased, but greatly instructed by their Visit b the American continent. 1 The few thit have reinainedlwith us, are ac-1 grid:atlas themselves with our manners, our toms, laws. language and Milian as fast u it is possible for them. Having placed themselves , finder the guidance and instructions of some of 1 our most learned gentlemen-4mlnent for their scholastic ability and christisn -virtnes--they will doubtless soon become not only christian ised, but civilised in the enoM improved man-' ner ; but whether they will lose their peculiar taste for soups made of birds-nests, or fin pas try made of rats and infant dogs; will. we sup pose, yet remain a Triestine' of serious doubt. This being Passion week, the churches have been well attended—an evidence of the great amount of piety, purity, and ttoodness of heart that continnedly abideth with**. Throughout the entire week, we have had s suocession of sermons daily and nightly,tisequently there has been no excitement in e .social or fash ionable; world worthy of noted But the SCUM that so long has compelled di to 'bow in huin- 1 blenees before our daily hash{ and chowder hay ing now ended, we observe thit the fcirthcom ing week will be tethered iu l with a - return to balls, parties, concerts, etc. The proceeds •of which are to be wed in alatiathig the wants and sufferings of the pocn. Every sort of amusement will now he carded forward under the comfortable garb of charity, and many will be the devices -used, and the allurements prao lilted to bring 'down the stadia for religious as well as charitable purposea . The Pennsylvania Republican Association at its last meeting, held on the 234 inst., appoint ed delegates to attend the llepublican Conven tion ao be, held at Hai-debug on the 10th prox imo. The number of delegates selected were five ; and while 'instructions were given them to use their influence in faVor of the nomina tion of 'Grant and Senator Scott for the Pres& deny and vice Presidency they were at the same time unanimously instructed to favor the nomination of Judge Mercer for the Supreme Judgeship of the State., - The Association we believe, do not claim that they are entitled to a vote in the Convention, Vat they claim the right to vote in caucus, and to make known or represent the expressed wishes of a large number cf Pennsylvanians temporary residents of Weishington. Congress daring the pint few weeks, has been principally engaged 'with investigations. In the Senate, the the sd6 of arms scandal is still before them. and -it iS a debateable ques tion whether disgust, contempt, or pity is the strongest feeling in the t7reast. of all fait-mind ed men when contemplating the attitude of Sumner, &hue & Co; For weeks tfiey have occupied the time and attention of thb United States Senate, with glittering generalities, and rounded periods to the eiolusion of its legit!. mete business; and to the intense . delight and gratification of all the gria.t and small rebels of the land. 1 These rebels look earnestly and auxiously upon the Missouri Bolster as their great deliv erer, their political Moses., who "rill lead them again into the land of honor and office where, as In the days of old, they will rule as kings,. and plunder the public coffers until the Credit of our countrzis again reined as In the last" days of the Adridrdstratkin of Buchanan. At lament, the a grhn OZZDV stan is between them and the coveted priie ; and of all the citi sum of one load they fear sad hate, none more than him. He has dealt 1 them their heaviest blows. Thieves, As:Waiters and* kts-klnx are brought to justice so lorig as General Grant holds the reins of government. So long will hones p. equal rights an justice to all, mark the colrse of the Administration. gentler's Morton, Misch, Goulding . and oth ers hi've completely uctiiked • the wicked de signs of the Missouri Se tor, and the investi gation ordered, will but add strength to the adininistration of Genera{ Grant and the Re publican party. The charges are being thoroughly exposed and exploded, and the President is daily greWing in popular favor as clearly indicated troro b toll parts of the coun try. The first gun has en fired from the ex treme outpost in New Hainpehjre, and the roll ing echpes of victory are heard throughout the whale land. The croakers of the Republican party must now change their tune. The good old party faced the laborreformirs, the liberal republicans, the teetotlet and the solid ranks of the demacracy, and it , se swept everything before it--Granite ribbed New Hampshire, her political sentiments like her enduring morn tahas.ainnot be chandecl by the senseless clamor of a few sore-heads, dr the rebel yell or the Democratic party. True to the Itepnblie when the tempest of war swept Over st, she is -still true to Its best interests in time of peace. Senators Samner,l3chdre, and their coadju tors, in order to gratify heir personal animosi ties and spleen, may be Willing to see the Re publican party disorganised and destroyed; but in this respect they are '.domed to disappoint ment, and they may as well begin at mice to. understand that they a; not sufficiently great or important to escape iticiem and just con demnation. They do not own theißepublican party, nor will It follow t 0111. Their unreason able demonstrations of character will prove as ineffective as were of Andy Johnson when he " swung the circle," and will doubtless encounter the SUDO fee. The party • that they seek to and divide,may post bly allow them to retire li the quietness of pri vate life, where others t might be mad have for the same reason, gone before them And whose names and memory if Dot forgotten, are only remembered W I be coupled with terms of deaden and contempt. .. The action of the Senile in placing tea and grenti Mix) on the free list, exited considerable dienutsbn among m bens of the -financial cominittees and Con esi generally. It is evident that a, majority of the two Houses will stand by their respective rotes ; that Judge Mercer's action In the matter Will be fully anstalned,whlcli as generally admitted, will enlistantislly settle the tariff question for this salon. - . It is supposed that it, will be unnecessary Lai the Committee of Wayi and Means to go on with its revision of thel tariff, and that there will be no sufficient realm why they may not report the Senate resolution before them for a final rote before the adjournment of Cougreas in May nest. In the House committeciof inenstigitien are also buggy engaged, TraciPsd Among which Is the one estainbdog the transactions of the Board of Public Worical created under the new territorial leers of the District. . *, The city under the new system of- given*. speak was Ina fair semi to hare Its munch need ed Wigwam* finally secos3plished, but as the cost of the same * to be borne by the property holders and not by the general Roy ennnent, ihe moment Is pick was struck, peti tions, realonstnnees, I diaries, and cies of Asia were raised at oiee ; until they have final ly eneeeeded in getting Congress to order an htessUgodho and ensOosion of work. We yen hue the aniirtko,=ess could be in *teed to foot the bill„ we would hear nothing , about frauds or 1 Ow Malay lest the *sate bill giving homes idea& to aohlteri wbo:eerred more than ninety days in the late war ilis tam up and „Famed. I. ' * Aim the subject from tie . anigrew ions? Globe: ; MT. Mithtilr. more the tem beimmpended, -- sad - that - stM Ira" pay :psi entitled *da rt to dispense with Wormers in the mbernal ramp= beismed. 'Ths bin, dideb Ulm reed, wovidm for the repeal of all 'sirs wkieb" five to infintiers lay portkm or share of fines, pmslties, and • forfeitures im posed fora violation of 'the ° bitting revenue laws. ?dr. Tide mat ter-la' now . ender eosidentton by the Committee of Weys and Mem Hr. ME114113/1. 'lt has been be fore the ,Cco n m ittee of Ways aid Means for two or three Congresses and hair never been acted ppm Mr. MBE, ol_Plvania. The gentleman from Pmnapvieda ought to make a correction' in MS bill try striking out "and," and inserting "or," so itwill read," fines,penalties, or forfeitures."' MERCUR. I will reedit' the bill by stain out "and" and in sating "or." Mr. COX. I hope the bill will be again read. The bill was again read. - Mr. COX.. Why not =indude the customs service as well as the inter nal service, so as to include all the moieties granted •to informal ? In other words, why not make a gener al law ? The great thing . to be re formed is the customs service of the 'United States. Mr. DAWES. Ido not no to in terfere with the business of my friend from Pennsylvania, and really the Committee of Wal a and Means have been spending considerable .time on this very . question. They- have had communications with the Secretary of the Treasury, not only in reference to fines and forfeitures in the inter nal revenue service, but also fines and forfeitures in the customs ser vice. I suggest therefore to the gen tleman, unless there be some imper ative need for the pamage of this bill, to let it go over for the present. Mr. MERCUR. I would be glad to oblige the gentleman from Massa chusetts, but this is a bill I present-1 ed and had referred to that commit tee during the Fortieth Congress, and I have tried to get action on it ever since, but have failed to do so. Mr. DAWES. lam not responsi ble for what the committee did in the Fortieth Congress, but in the Forty-Second Congress, where, un fortunately, I was a member of the Committee of Ways and Means, they have devoted a good deal of time on this subject, holding very - many con ferences with the officers of the Gov ernment as to the best course to be pursued. If my friend does not see any special objection he oblige me very much by alloWing the bill to go over for the present. Ido not wish to interfere any more than I caii help with his management of the Committee on Commerce. Mr. MERCUR With the very kindest feeling toward my friend, the the chairman of the Committee of Ways and Meatus, I must decline to yield to his suggestion. Mr. COX. I wish to call attention to the mistake in this bill. This would repeal all laws. Mr, DA'WES. That will not do much hurt. [Laughter.] Mr. COX. I wish to go further; I wish to repeal all internal revenue laws. Mr. DAWES. This repeals all laws, and the gentleman from New York wishes to go further. Ido not know where would go. _ Mr. COX. Here it is proposed on a suspension of the rules, without discussion, to wipe out soma two hundred pages of our legislation on this subject. Mr. DAWES. Having - made my appeal _unsuccessfully to Um gentle man from Pennsylvania, I now make it to the House, hoping the rules will not bo suspended, but that this bill will be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. . - Mr. =RUM. I hope not. Mr. COX. I hope the bill will be so amended as not to repeal all these laws, but merely to repeal all previa ions of these laws allowing moieties to informers: The House divided; and there . were—ayes 86, noes 61. Mr. BLAIR, of Michigrin,demand ed the yeas and nays. The yeas and nue were ordered. The question was taken; and it was decided in the affirmative—yeas 127, nays ,4& GMT EARTHQUAKE. The Ancient City qf Antioch Dertnved--1,500 ?emus Perish—.saarceli a Eind stand• London, April 3.—Dispatches from Syria state that on the 3d inst.: the city of Antioch waa almost entirely destroyed by an earthquake, which confined at intervals during the en tire day. Upwards of 1,500 persons perish ed, being instantly killed by the fall- The ing • The whole city is in ruins, scarcely a building being left standing. COXGirgooovAL APPOHTWISIOMT. The bill apportioning the State into Congressional Districts as finally agreed upon in 'committee of confer ence was agreed to by both Houses. This district is changed from the thirteenth to the hmrteentb, and is composed ofthe counties of Bradford, Susquebanna,Wyoraing and thilliyan. Democrats are beginning 'to exhibit their old canning and saga city, and since the Rhode Island elec tion, particularly, are not so loving while leering at the Liberal Republi- C= In a very short time we expect to hear the Democracy dancwmce the "Liberals" as a scurvy crew. . am. ProL S. F. It Morse, inventoftd telegraph, died at his residents, sth Avenue, New York City, on Tuesday. evening last. Wm funeral took place on Friday. The telegraith aloes throughout the State were draped in mourning. str: Hon, Ettutrcs Comas died at Albany on Monday night, after a lin - - goring illness. 'His funeral take place on Friday. VODel--4-130118-lave4isimarsi J 1: aredmill at Ponatira is Ur solater. - . IVOLUTION.—The eapertner lisideilleariblearasibibohmaiume at 7101pri, aii U:Atria by sot . 1".11111 %="1•8 einem* it li tMa i isi sae Meer ammeall. an repass Webb' lo r MUM Nadia& Ei/l.efil CHAIIIO23-13135, = than ei giIOXIL WM. el 54140. 0 . P . 1 : 0 4 1 4 1 r , P 30 K bi! imposed !MOW is a • ' 11i717111X1X.: _ At IS stink. a: v 4 Se limo; 41).4. 100124. ta rem a/1W seeks Duerr ileck etas M. ~wag at (OWL sus. ?Wk. Aim 1131a=1 mai tab" no. eisbr imp! . sumo II Rafts Graft oft mowed pow. Medi le. U71.-3..40 TVISSOLUTION.!--The ecipartner- A.. dm* bendeders stades brims. am wader. Munder Ms Ikat aim at TAMS CiOai iley dissolved b tautest esamat. soesasts ad tar tie dna ettl beirettled by IMAM SAMOS. at* old stead. earsoas knowing tbstretros dobl. d6 =san cods by airbag the asigina Omar early Bladlt TATWL Wit C. 00113. - , ?sambas. Ksrebrt, lift ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS UZL WM =mammy Ail, insavaors booked to and team was Sanwa/ Mr non or depport la Wait Mids. indand. Norway. Ihrodas. Deam.A. Gannany. ?Nam Rolland. Dei st= sad IM Unllail State . IT LOWEST CURSUIECT ItATEL ' Cabist Ws from Ikea To*. to °LAN; 011. LIVER POOL. LONDOIDIMIT ae QUICEMITOWN. $l4. sad $64 INTIQUIXIMAIM i>'4. R4=. 10: 14 r.... Partiikasodlng toe ithatr Meads to the °Memo. h 7 Mall= **atm at rocal aka Poe tol. Uwe portloalffira apply to ILlMM ad lltealt 1120TEZZIL T Bowes Chian. 11. T. or to B. 0. KUM antral Zoom onos. Tamils. Ps.. or N. S. arm& Jo.. Ylrot Taloa Dank of tofflusda. aottrlL VROST 4k.' SONS -make the best Zziesioa Table In the •or%d. MESSRS LAZARUS it MORRIS, Hare with a rim to meettbe Lemming demand foe they " ka .~tf: •af ~ t: ~. ~71~,ff :f ~l~f2 h is W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Watch Maker and Jeweler. dealer la Swiss and Anode= Wachs; TOWANDA, PA,: sae iigeat ia Ude ifoosllly. May have tikes care to eve all medial lostractloas. arid bays ocsAdeace la the 'batty at *dr spat to meet the metre mate clan caeteemira. /la appoetially _win b e . thna'attorded to procure ad 6U Ulna% Uo. equeihd by ay foe their dareagtheao24g sad Pre& ersallea Qualities Too mach ammo& be said as to tbelr Superiority over the ordlaam adasaea worn. Th ere la as alttmertait. varailas et the might dbl. :toes. ar GUM mapiremaat seametloa. bed oa the contrary, hom the whet constractloa at the Lea ns, they're Boothia( sad plesalat. an d • bid ing ot yeller to the aserer. mod Prods:ft a char sod &Wort 'Woo. sr to the stare& h e alsht. They ere the only apectecle that Preserve as well Y mod* the sad are the cheapest because the best. ahnkteUrdaa may pars without change be. aeoessery. C.LUTION W. A. TOWANDA. PA Sole Agent in Towanda. Pa. amp c 1 no Warn. Xarea.94 1813. T . 0: FROST & SONS, MANUFACTURERS 0Y our marroruoala at all times metals au kit 1 . 1 11 11 . 1 4).,{ .1.. p1[7164.1% 1. 3.1.1•1 Of aft styles met prim. • combining with the Etch and Oman; the Medium Primo. mitabbs toe alt, and an Mow that sny can afford to hire them. Alm the finest and mot FASHIONABLE SLACK WALT PAULOR AND UMNADY MOM= Of new and original desiins and of tbs most us. pato style and Antall. also • donee asKannent of MLBLES, WARDROBES, DRESS- L via CAW, BILM-BOARDS. LIBBA3 Aln) BOOS•CIASEEL Also a complete line of Tetea.Tetes. Sofas. flounges Boding. Easy and Parlor Mans. In the greatest variety of *On end prkns. Also an endless vane. tr of BEDSTEADS, BIIItEAUS, CHAIRS TABLES, MIRRORS, • . FEATHER PI LOWS, ItIATRIMSES, & SPRING BEDS, Of every deraine. and in fact everything to be !band fa a Chas Parniture gtore. CHEAPER THAN ME CHEAPEST t _ • t:= l. Cane forfor Lumber. Cr take Lumber Sa fn VA) 41 41141 Of description from the most common to the fined erns on hand. We are sole scents tor mum lama= zreaux. man. WWII are nos eoseetehd by ail parties tope ter the best Medatte Cue in sae. We terra the FINEST IIZARBE la this esdion_of omen, and will ticraish slue thine inqualit this ~ .IITI1(1 line AS LOW as the y of goals can be got at ART PU either In Towinds or eisewheta, andiron oar la CK. rge TXPERIIMIZ and thanAtgli sapunptance with the bastnees. we can see persona many•snnoyanoto to incoorpel which they areparties. always added whoa dealing with est STOXII lot ltAllf 8111EZT. Sr Do not forget the place. Taoists; April 20872 M. E. OLOTHING'EMPORIUM! OPPOSITE SSE NUNS ROUSE. (ronatell ,toy E. lambs.) !be ragkid growth of Telma* requires ths swiss dm of butitam, sad tau amidarsigaat radtslag Lids want of the coaassalty m Oa MUMV . 7g7r' . 7I7;WP not Vomit s our atm is Beithusal ))lock. ( ond" MEOW by E. Jacobs.) tad Is ISM Pr_fi• Mond to sere to bit aid automats sad imbue emaraltr. abetter MO* at /JENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING Thanthe b. found In say cithey establlshmot ad- cilia. Sy Moat Las all ken parctralid tram the miler Thetarimi this seances se that 1 Ism so old eta* to set ad ct. Mast, at Idea pima. I base •MI Ibis ot LF)Aoi tall tit S/; I:, ; 1 Sk(tNe LIM 1.":11 ate toast quality and dabst styles. ableb I un 011astss at leer Ogersa. . . . REMEMBER!• . Ilan miasmata* milk Ms old and. sod mum yos mid mallas the aoldialas, Issrarsia boykssit se am ..Idets Towsaids. Mira Ilk MI T _AXIL aome :Tor7 imme. a,..7 Jame 114 un; . FN ABlamc l"ig M ar I= ee A te . Jawl • 1171. . ass polemic blot tit isabeinSarlitsisimenry. invidlas W i estgeriatosi. ireak. r rickka. esi specs.. &Min coasiorns. so dudes anqptioiz h 1 UM bal. MO Or. ANCE = W. UM& It biomes latlilet Imports** to the Waling pub. no that 'OP not their frost la Hasalloyorvi. Ore kikrt. f weld. inakii deal Is it • fair pia tr 'miaow zither Man a doebtfist Sete* adored it mietlaser peke the lope eeia lbw* au fa naiad, ari have rreally reorganized asir Ifl IT l ki 7.d1i0011U2141 . 16 am; comusectkm lidtla momCampania and aoraring the agency of I others agnate?' age and sere ample erptki . netttote it le with entire eattidenee we present • • the falloolag Bet at Cowpoke to the • tiro of property ousters said others, said solicit the Ptrxmill at thous &Wilt INSURANCE OP ANY littill : Q1313:11- Alll2l=ll- " • " moor— _ " 011211r1 •• . WTOXIXO •• • TUTU= Lir/. AND ArcIDEIST BiILWA! Pars%an AISLILINCT. C 0... B. CAXP I A, a. . I CAMP &NOBLE, Towles's. Mach 20.1871-5 m Aiwa*. HOITIVID, COIN., C HANGE IS INDELIBLY STAII PED ON EVNItY TRIM ROSENFIELD & WOLF, Otte door South or FOX Is SIMICUIVF3, and hereby that they vill offer greater inducements to sash buy en, than asp other establishment is Being thoroaglay pouted la every branch of the boatmen. they feel perfectly cottruktat that they can snake it to. the Interest of all TO PURCHASE OF TREK lam zikgwvil: al Thar Stock apede commiace goods of all grades, tom the dacet to the coarecat. and manufactured by tie beet eritabnalunonta fa the country, ' • * * * * * * *a******** *IOIHOTOGRAPHYI * * A- Tbe marnelvert would Worm the snahlle * {het they hare perehasea the • GALLERY OP AItT, of • * on Slain street. drat door south.ol the Mrs! _ National Bank. and mean. by strict attention w * to bananas. and by the addition of to * tbe Art ofl o botogroyhi. to swam * the et parttime. Mr. O=* * ill to remain with nik, and give his "tole time • * and attention to the Raking of * • * * PAISXI:NOS n OIL AND WATER COLONS. * * As well as PLtCWNG m INDIA INK. Pa tenla attention given to the enlarging * agility.% and to the finishing of all kinds * * of work, so as to maze the best results, and as meet time as possible giron to making * sal=es el small children. * wanting pictures win please give us * • trti, and we think that- they will be sans * • * * OEO.II. WOOD . di CO. ******.** * * * * * * * -FIGURES WILL NOT vorr DOUBT TOM OWN EYES , TBIZTIGLINEB. AT OILESITZ NED Gents Itp, 2 sotsit tap foot. Lome=de, • ' wartsated 14 38 • do ' 1 do do do 438 do ' 2 do do do naitcd. 400 ,do g doubts sots do 8 300 do affix( -do do do 600, ' JW I Nob and tap. do 2 73 to 3 00 Youths KV. 14 dotabio solo. do 2 00to2 23 3. 0. 'PTO= & 00118. Nerebants can bti.e plied with the above clip or atry prima. prepared to goods snake Hoots to IlLeanare. Also Th We st Cl are ans Repair ing at reeeonabla pekes. . Ti,--Tbe above very low price sisters most be undessfood CASH invariably on delivery. gap Call and see bean son bug. Main lareet. Shop imamate Yethodist Clogeh, Towanda. Nov. 1871. L. C. !MHOS. To THE PUBLIC ! ' they ere DOW prepared in every way to attend to the In all dry branches. And we trust can 'glee. sattidani the services of may one in that line Haring stored no expense_ or trouble In proms. Ing from the shop at H. exam h Co.; at our plea. a hearse which not be surpassed er even eqUaled lak slegsaaas.thts sids of our largest cities. have sho secured tbo sauces of a mod rettahe. mow, sod gestkoosaly pen= to attend to 'Me branch of the tastoots. ' • flosibas star.. as bides street. sad C. X. mix, the oast isember ot tai himi. at hi. rod. Alm on 72the street,. ft the oft of Dr. 3, Loma. a vary roßabk saa cidet r wsted &N am Hem edge la es Park street sear the Laren I CA TO FROST k SONS FUR .‘..II NUM 11Mewit. toe yaw *Os at Bs& „. . (SEAT REDUCTION IN. FUR NITUSE first aside, at Tour k am. IM)911/3TED SEMan, pita! and /aortas $ 20,030,000 10,600,000 1,133,000 2,33,E 773,670 500,000 250,000 2,000,000 300 M DAILY ACCIDM TICEXT&_ w v • im. z nave purchased the Stock of Clothing of GIVE PUBLIC NOTICE BRADFORD COUNTY, Give tun' call. Tcrosaila, Much 12, 1872. ILUID/30 k GUECILV. IVORYTYPES, CHEAPVIT PIA= Ut TOWN BOUTS 1 ,'I Tho toglemigned :woukt most mit . etttali qt WO , t :USENESS J. & Auxe, owe et ear be found K the J. 8. ALLYX. C. IL YAM= 872 I • SPRING ! EVANS & lIILDRETII AN ENTIRE STOCK SPRING DRY GOODSrk WHICII TUFT ARE OFFERINeI AT POPUIJAR PRICES ! EVANS & lIILDRETH: lIDIDJE sTurxr :tiara WOLF wor.r. NOTICE.-IS HEREBY GIVEN to the tax payers of Towanda Borough that an application will be made to the next Court of Com mon Pleas for the county of Bradford. to authorize the School Directors of said 'Borough. to borrow a sum of money not exceeding Tea Thousand Dollars for the purpose of building a School House in the second Was of said Borough. - P., D. MORROW, President. JAY CIIAP.U., Secretary. April O. '72. A CUM. ' SMlTH.—Whitewasher XIII and Calm/incr. .will attend promptly to all work entrusted to him. and guarantees satisfaction In all rases. Orders lett at Wilson barber atop an • Main street, will reoelre prompt attention. • Veranda. April 11,12 SPRO OATS FOR SALE.—About 30 bushels of a prime quality. Seed obtalried hum Patent thrice. Wal be sold at $1 per. bushel. Eoquire of ir.i. NOTICE IS HEREBY GI kIN that an application Las been made to the Gov-) ernor for pardon of Guy Smith. who 'WM convicted' of adultery at a Court of Quarter fiesaions, for Brad ford county. to February last. The petition is sign ed by the following named pinions, to wit : G. W. Emery. Wm Snyder, V. Smith... Ralph Gore, Mar. tin Tompkins, Edwin Gore. F. S. Ayers,^. Thomas Weiler, Robert McDonald. Moses Watkins, Geo. M. Smith. Oliver Skinner, Ass French. Charles French, W. B. B. Chamberlain, Chia. - Tompkins. Orrin Kin ney, Henry Forbes, A. Hill, A. Rogers. D. W. Kipp, 4. P. Rogers: G. Gore, John Brink. L. D. Mime, Ly man Beek, O. O. Gore. Ephraim Watkins, Ephraim Wolf, Lloyd Fish. Peter Wolf, E. Forbes, Brink, 0. B. Forbes. C. H. Rockwell. George P. Ford. Cloy Kinney. Samuel Osborn, Jesse Brown. S. R. Osborn. P. H. Kinney, J. B. Gillett, B. J. Gil let, L. B. Gillett. D. H. Bid**. EL O. B idlaek. Lou t Horton, C. D. H. Cole, D. Wandell; - 11. H. 'John son. T.F. Hill, 0. F. Ayres. 8. G. Minter,. D. A Watkins. H. Watkins. Darius Tompkins, H. Hughes' Henry Vann. D. Burtin, B. L. Gillett, J. P. Malts: bon, E. W. Gillett, Borten Gillet. W. E. Gillett, B. Childs. A. Forbes, Henry Shaw, Geo. Chaffed, BenJ. Horton. Chat. Chaffee, D. Horton, J. S. Tripp. E. G. Gooding. J. F. Blackman. E. J. Newell. Joseph Towner, Marvin Lovelace. W. J. Lent. E. H. -Brig ham. B. Brip,harn, B. F. Brigham. D. T. Gillett, P. M. Towner, S. Davidson, Jr.. Jetties Vann, 'Joseph Humphrey. Wm. Vann, George W. Horton. D. D. Tompkins, Samuel Davidson, Benj. Forbes, 0. D. Hontanye, IL C. Mercer, J. P. Van Fleet, L. T. Rove. Jay Chapel.. J. Kingsbury. TO BUY ll= A= •, PRICE= DISSOLUTION. -- Notice is hereby given that the partnershi W atki ns. misting between L. L. Moody and H. E. wader the firm of by L. L. mu consen t. If oody k Co., los_ been this day die. solved tual AU debts owing to said eo.partnership Are to bo paid td . the said L. L. Woody. and all &roan& against the said and paid by him.partnerablp aro to be presented to Towanda. P. March 73.1672. FAII3I FOR SALE.—The subscri ber offers for sale his Minn situated in Litchfield knraship.-five miles from the L. V., C B. IL Station. and six roiled from Erie IL E. Tho Sum contains 200 acrea.lBo acres improved, balance covered with pine, oak and chestnut. There are good barldiaga and a Ana orchard. wed fenoed and under good state of adtivation. Churches, school, eta, convenient. Tams—half down. balance in easy payments. Enquire of S. W. disord, at this office, or Feb.• A. J. L.ATTON. Litchileld. bB. 1872. • ' "PARIS FOR SALT , . —The eitbscri , bar offers for sale his farm situate on Hoare% Mil. In Ulster township Bradford county Pa.. con taining one hundred acres of good land. sheeted two and a half =llea froth Ulster village; seventy acres improved, well fencel and_ well watered. with good traildings and good fruits. The above pro ••• tj will be sold low and on reasonable terms, for fur ther perticrilars enquire of the subscriber on the premises, or L. MUNDY. Towanda. Ulster, Tab. CHAS. HOVEY. E HOUSES AND. IN LOTS ' THREE Boaouon roa SALE—stuudea lea Poplar Street shore Western Arenas. These bottles are now being built and will be -completed on August Ist. Good well cistern. and cellar with each hone. rash:other 'particulars address or en quire of fjuneGalbtn B MUM. At Bed. White. audit-We Sto r e Towanda. Ps. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TIEICOS: *titre. .16 CO. Demectnilly announce to the public in general, that they lows opened a large and choice dock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS corner Main and Franklin streets, Towanda, 'which they will sell as cheap as the - theapett /or _ CASH 1 - You will always Dud Ton Micainsmu. there. tut as happy as IMP, to wait upon aD cid enstameraand many new Oneaws tam them with a cats. sea. atria: - THOS. MIIxR k CO, XLMIDICM. • Ape. 11. 187.2 A D3IINISTRATONS NOTICE— .L-3. Nodes beceby shun_ tied sillawme Indebted to the obits ot JOSEPH mums. late nt talcY P. deceased. are raquested to maks Iminedless =and persona deltas spinet add tst present them beets* duly authentkided tor set ttetneht. - a • DAVID INGHAM: 77-reb.w,ThrG lo' lIESta 4r. , !NM • ct REM UWE JUST UPEND OF I'LLASE CALL AND EXAMLNE. I. F. - WOODRIIFF. . Monroe twp L. L. MOODY. IL Y. WATEMS. THOMAS J.IRNIB. Administrator., M.::~a.Y- ° :~..F:.~ {p + bey.<£?id.:+Cfv"%=C?b:R.FL,eY;. ' .. _ `. SEASON OF 1871-2. • LO. OF G.T. LEMUR The committee Ure wide tho following. engage mods - :arliVIS LOGAI ocrima Stlidect-41ce Young lien." • Dr i . J. G. IitALLAND, - - Mica $Z TIX001121.) • DuIIe...TOZSDA.Y. =VIM= Ur 1871. Subject : 0 . The Sedal 17niketanr." PETROLEUM V. NASBY. Oita—mivany 31, 1872. • Eintivt-=•• The Wake of sidnowingtk." ANNA B. DI *.trilirSO.N. Date—IMEIBLIARY s9.lBTh. . J suwed,-,Dem a o g ... Rad Working=la.' Rev: Robert Coflyer, Date. April 4,1874. tinbjeet—" Clear Grit." 1872 JOHN B. GOUGH. - Dite—WEDIMIDAY. May 1, 1672. dublect—•• Will it The lILNDELENOTIN QITENTETTE CLUB will give • Cosiziert DECONBEB General admission— Reserved Seats &este Ticltets Tickels:S4aale at Points k XXIBVII Drug Mom Sale of Desersed Scats will commence two dais before each lecture. . SANDE:IIBON. MOM'. J. W. YAli TUYL. Towanda, Oct. 6,1871. THE HOME SHUTTLE SEW THE PEEIrECTION of ~fECHAEhSM - roz Branceio, FtLuso, COUDMO. Itiumma, Szaaccia. (rap:ma, Ttcwora, Rtiortmcd, )12:311MICTIZNO AND GASTITTLM. An - MICA. AND EUROPE, &Mph), Compact, Etlidera. Durable and Complete. Every Machine Warranted for fivo years. EttitA;.Lif GOOD lOU FINE On HEAVY WODK. It Is $ Triumpb of 31eclianical geaJaa . 2:0 $8 7,00 Tb... 13; practical low 'priced Lock-istitchlSewia Stliebine ever lavented. rk)n't bo hcmbe=ed by other _Agents blarney, no matter how smooth their tongue may bo,be sure they mean large profits to their own pockets. D. U. WOODBURN; Agent fort radford and Sullivan Counties. Agents wanted. Rome, Bradford county. Pa..reb. 29;12. - 000 to $5,000 Per Annurii! 41", ;T_HE' NATION, ITS RULERS AND LtiSTITETIONS Needed in every home; is printed on tinted paper; has sixty Illustrations; all V S Presidents; an S Censuses; all II Si Senators; .11 valuable docnments; likenesses of all the Presidents; "Coat of Arms " of all the States; and other Mustrations. - An Ency cloptedia of the Orrvertnnent. Price, $2 GO! One agent took.thirty-seven orders in ono - day—another seventy-Sve in a few days! It sells immensely. Some agents clear at the rate of $5,000 per annum. Farmers, school trso•nrs, professional men. young men and ladies, are everywhere making money rap idly in canvassing for this work. - The nscfniness of the book compels iti sale. Write `us and we will send circulars and full instructions free. Address NEW WORLD PCIILLIRIMG CO., sonth-west cor ner 7th and Iberia streets. Philadelphia. janlB'72m3 $1,006 TO SE MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. .• . . The subscriber now offers for sole hie new Fliclllß MILL, cARAP, Z-ILLLZ c Sx.IUIANCZ fx ANNVAL PATAI3IB. The Property la situated in Stiftnintille. Bradford county. Pa.. on the line of the proposed railroad from Wysinsitg to Binghamton, and a depot will probably be located on the property. • The property consists of fifteen acres of land, a large new 11111.1wo Dwelling Houses, two Barns, outbuildings, and a never-railing water power. For father particnlars enquire of 0. D. Bartlett. Wm. Griffis, or N. N. Betts, Jr... Cashier First "Na tional Bank. Towanda, PL.. Martin Coryell, Wilkes. Barre, or A. Lewis, Wyslusing jan2Li2m3 ,ER'S CHERRY ~PECTORAL You DIESEIATS OF :MC` THMOAT ANTI LVICCia. SUCH ♦e Comae. COLDS, WIIOOFING COIJOIL Br.os carrn, AgrrtruA AND COSAVX2I:IO:7. The few compositiolm; Which have won the cord- • deuce of mankind and become household words among not only one but many nations, must have extraordinary virtue!. Perhaps as one ever secured so wide a reputation or maintained it so long as Aim's Cromer Pscrousx. It has been known to the publi9 about forty years, by a long continued series of marvellous cures, which have won for it a confidence in its virtues, never most by any Other medicine. It still makes the most aaton _Ohm and effectual cures of Pmolts, 'Colds. Presumption, that can be made by medical. skilL Indeed the ,CHEEILLY Pecronal. has really robbed these danger ens diseases of their terrors, to a great extent, and given a feeling of immunity from their fatal effects, which to welrfotmded, if the remedy be taken in season. Every family should have it in their closet fbr the ready and prompt relief of ita membere. Slcknese, suffering, and even life Is saved by this timely . 'prOtection. The prudent should not neglect It, and the wise will not. 'Seep it by yon for the Protection it affords in - sudden attacks, and by Its timely use. • PTSZ 131 DE. J. C. ATER . k CO.. LOIN - Z/Ift MASS.. PRACTICAL MID ANALTIICAL Canaan% • And sold by Druggist& all round ate amid. Dr. IL C. PORTIM. 802 , 1 do CO.. Wholesale agent• Towand4. Pc, and for sale by dealer• throughout the 41:nutty. ENV COAL FIRM Ou Cana/ Street, fronting WSltritu Street, SWI> are. reCelling direct from the mine& the very best PITTSTON. VLIXOTIL and SULLIVAN AN TIIBARTE COAL. whkh Are propose to sell at the Sweat market prim. • • - We tvepectrolii invite those wishing to purchase to call szutexamine our Cost ' We also keep Lime. heath from the kiln. - We will - deliver Coal oeLime whenever desired on short, notice, adding only the caetomary prices. L. S. CASE & CO. sep2o•7l-tr CLOVER. AND TIMOTHY SEED. We have a barge lot of ' ILLINOIS TIMOTHY Sidn), Selected by ourselves at Chicago, OHIO CLOVER,- CleVeLand. Ms; West Branch and: LAROE CLOVER SEED. '1 • will guarantee our Largo Clover be True to name. We have v. large stock to select from ant will sell at lowest market price, at Wholesale or Betall. March I.lBT]. • Fox k XERCUB. A GOOD FARM FOR SA LP, IN 4.A. OSAGE COUNTY. KANSAS.—One hundred and iizty acrea—ane hundred are fenced fire are cultivated. d home. atone stable. good wen. a few bearing pearA tress. a vary good alone quarry and a coalbanitlhareon. shalt has _been sunk and in in operation, and , proves to be of the best coal in the county. There Is not Ave acres of waste land. Only one mile and a-half from the thriving town of Burlingame. For farther particu lars enquire of • :W. DITITICH. mar.'2ol2 - Towanda. Bradford *May. Pa. p 0 .8 A L R—The tuido6gn. will sell at Private Salo. his, enUrd dear of household Furniture, Oil Paintings. jewelry A list of the articles can be seen by caning at POW' ELL & Co'.. elate. ' - Towanda. Peb. 13. 1379. P. BECXIht STUARTS WHITE DRIPS at FOX h MERCURIO no9' Iv ~ , • $ ISO 'O6O 1.14'.' *ref Al B. W. LLVORD. N. P. HICKS. Pa entr4l In Agcnts wanted for mizquAm STONE. Stecenaville. Pa. TOWANDA. PA. ~ 3 ?7ys'''.iv+z~tl`A'.[;'~~"~:..~n„s.. ~ '~M4: %il %?::.~.:-tea :. MAItICETS" T 0 W'ANI)4 , - , igety_wwmeaday. by 0. B. PATCH .... onbillet to amps deter.. .IMo% Uri. • • it 40 g i go =II • 7r, 4.. , , seam.or m As-'* -- , g I so Dotter troth,' *II . 64, do 10 flail b! am 32 4 21: It 20 It book now ; si. iixg 10 , oe Wass II boob ' KS . Asa or osonc...Wboot 60 lb. ; Cm; 56 lbo. Ma l Bye 56 Dal Ctido 52146; angst MINI.; Bud n ,h,,, . 48 8m; B a se s is tbo, ,1- Ems 20 Mo.; Claret Seed 60; tbs.. Turiatb7 seed 4.4. ibel* 19 Ibt:; : Dried Prrichee pliek Apples 22 Mc. lftiltlkled Kt Ibis. PH SICIELIEV---CASCADE Haag. pair, bed Winier wheat. pr. sack ...... • ..... $ 2 00 ••• •• 'ad ...... Oo Um! ........... . . Um 00 Out= iMadbig omits 41x4 ias Mmm ca raft of M. mill lit adileicat tot a largi R acquit 0 work. , H. D. 1316H.LX. Conspeown. July saosv. CENTRAL COAL YARD, XL IL =LUX Proprietor. Vent bulbs! =dm prices at yard net toc of MOO pomade : as 7" Per caw., Mgr/ or No. and ... .. ".. $5 oo at. 4 gs Nut. or No. 6....... .. • .$1 rn staarriat sinewasigsz COLL: Broken.,. Et no • Largo note ....... 4 co' throdl Store— .... 34 oo Nut The following additional_ charges' bes 3 25 mate for delivering coal witbiu 010 borough liana: • Per ton 60 eta. Extra for carrying In SO cis Nat tow" —55 .. " " " - 25 Qtlllllef t0n...25 •' " • .. 23 air DIM Order, at my Coal Ottice; No., kbr. cars New Block. south aide. or at Dr. B. C. Porter lion k Co.'a Drug Store. Sr Orden must InTall web. accompaaled the cash. Towanda. Feb, I."FX U. If. WELLys. TOWANDA COAL YARDT . ANTHRACITE AND BITBILLNOCA COALS. - The - undersigned. having leased the Coal Yard Dock at the old .• Barclay Basin." and just completed . a large Coal-horse and Office upon the premises , err now prepared to furnish thccitizens of Towanda an •fclnity with the different Idnds and sires of the abcrre . named coal' upon the most reasonable terms in any quantiT desired. - m at the Yard until further notice per net ton pounds: • Egg. or No. 2 Rton or Nos. 3 tad 4 Nut or No. 6 rcurrAs .cmhLai.l::nr. COAL. Broken 4 Large Stove 4 06 &null Rove - 4 no 'Nut 325 ••Barclay " Lump 4 00 Run of Dine. -400- 4. Fine, or Blackamilh 3 50 The following additional charges will bo made for delivering Coal within the borough Smite : Per T0n....00 cents. Extra for carrying in, 50 - zents. Half T141..35 ••.. '25. •• gr.T0n...25 " " "25 " ler Orden May be left at the Yard, corner of Sail. road St and Elizabeth Street, .or at Porter k Eirby's Dgug are. Orders must in all cases be accompanied sdb the cub. -31014 TAME. Towanda. Feb. I„lB72—bf - . • COMSING RUSSELL, & CO, Would say that notwithstaaing - th,, • tine in puns of many gnods,jihat they . continue to keep their usual stock of IRON, STEFT,, TINWARE &C., and will sell at close 'prim for ready pay. The MERRY CHRLST 11AS Fah iron coppef-lihed reser- voir and patent slide, allowing steam to pass into Memo Tic pipe, finds favor. vherclice tried. • We-bare also the New Empire, American, National. Tribune, Wide World, We co . mtinue to pipe houi,e . :i for. gas, and to do all kinds of plumbing Lead- and Copper work as well as general Tin - and Sliect-iron jobbing on short notice. Dexter Feed Cutters, National Feed Cutto: IA . I Chews Feed Cutters.' • Corn Stilellers.. ' Churn DcrA Cothen wringers; Baby _ To : Carriage makers .wf: offer Fellocs, • Spokcil, -P:atrut \Slicels, Tbills, nubs. Trim:mango, Wel are. always headquarter; for all kinds of Bnlvesancl.Forks, Basorit, j. Pocket kaircs.' Strops, • Spoons, Scissors. Plated. ware, - Loather. Belting, Babbitt Metal, Hay Lath, Twhie, Fairbanks &aka. ,Saws, - Wheelbarrows, Shovels, ricks, 1 (inns. . lievolvers, - ribLul6. I Catrid,,f aua see us when you-wi.Ql to buy: CPDDING RUSSELL CO ri.b.,_22. 1872. HALL'S - VEGETABLE SICILIAS rarrsoDizplyno Every year increases the popularity of this rent ble Mair Preparation; which is doe to went atone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept full up to 101140 stir Ward: and it -Is the only and perfected . lpreparation for restoring arir er Faded Hair to its youthlul color; making it son: ins- - treats, and silken. The scalp, by its use. becomes .white and clean. It removes all eruptions and bud riff, and. by Its tonic properties, prerents, the - hue from falling out.ati - It stimulates and nour ishes th.• haLe.glands. - By Its use the hair. gross thiaer 3ti't stronger. In baldness It reskores thempillarY. to their normal rigor, and grill Creates new growth. except in astral:de old age.. It Ii tha ID ast erour ra '' cal Thdr Dressing ever used, as it regidieefew er ap plications, and givet the hair a splendid glossy sr Feermice. A. A. Mayes, 31..; D., State Assayer et Massachusetts. says, "rho constituents ire pure and carefully selected 'excellent quality ; and I molder it the Best Preparation• far its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists, cad Dealers in if4icises. race ONE COMM riutaaszn 'sr ' On. J. C. AlXltia CO., I,owicli. 3rio* , Practicarand Analytical Chimista, • awn sou) ALL - 201:611) TSUI wows), , Ur. U. C. Town:a, Sow & Co., Who;aside Agel!. Towanda, Fa.. and for aide by &arra throlF"'3 the county. ' , 7, 1871.-11-eow Samuel Powell. Son * Co., biro sawed trciaPic York a lady hair Drama, and wUI be plcued et l a We the 12,11 re of Towanda and cumin* b ...:5 ( ). ....... 6 at. ....... i 7.S TONVANDA, PA Fong Empire, Hot Slut, Union, Queen Exce4ior Lau,: OE! Tcu • v. Pik 3k,xc K 3 /snips and ehinirys Rotary Force runirs , MI