importance of a Frequent Okange of Seed. It has long been observed by intel ligent farmers that seed 'or plants I:matted from distant Owes, within the same collateral parallids or lati tude, appear to grow with more strength or vigor in their new eta : tions, than when kept and cultivated in their native 4lace. fact roles for a change of seed, or •of one species of seed for another of the same genus, are founded. A change . of seed is always praztically .safe and eminently beneficial. • A change of seeds, sets or plants from , one description of soil to another, or froin valley to mountain, or vice versa seems to' possess a renovoting influ ence on the crops. It ',is on this principle dist the practice of rota tion of crops is based. Plants ap pear tol become tired of an - old sta tion, except aquatic plants, which are constantly receiving new elements of nutrition from fresh supplies of wa ter. -, • -, Land imts, as trees for instan. e , occupy* same - spot for ages, but they ati last decay from sheer decrep itude. The lateral extension of the roots—the lateral runners or offsets with which many of them tire far nished Borne above ground,: as the strawberry, others under ground, ;as the conch grass, thistle etc.,—shoivs that; plaits like animals, require a change of pastures as well as a change of air. Everyone well acquainted with the growth of plants knows that they require a. - frequent change 'of soil , though but few consider that a change of air as also beneficial., It is well kr:town that some plants thrive much better in one loedity than in ,another. There - are I.many plants that never thrive or scarcely live in the smoky atmosphere pf London,but when removed to a distance of twen ty or thirty miles from that city,gr, ow Weatern Age of COWL :The, age of a cow is known by the teeth and horns. .The animal is far- nishe4 with eight cutting teeth in _ the lOwer jaw ; at the age of ten Months the two middlemost of these fall out and are replaced by others that are not so white,; but broader ; at thel age of sixteen months, the two next Milk-white teeth fall out like wise,land others come' up in their room"; thus, at the end of every six months the creature I;sses and gains, till, at the age of thre years all the cutting tettlthire renewed, and then They are Long, pretty -white, and , equal ; but in .proportion as the ani mal advances in year, they become irre lir and black, their inequali ties come smoothe ~ and the ani mal l ss caiable of c.ewing its food. Thu% the cow often declines from this Single cause ; or as as it is obliged- to eat a gre t deal to .sup port , life, and as the smoothness of the teeth makes the di , '. catty of chew ing great, , a sufficient .nantity of food cannot be supplied t. the stomach. Thus the poor &tarn• sinks in`the midst of plenty,and a ery year grows leand• and leaner till t dies. The horns are anther - and surer method, of determin' . g the animal's ' age. 1 At three ye: a old, a very . ' slight external shell 'ding falls off the places whore the ores are about rising'. At four ye: :of age the cow has small, pointed, neat, smooth horn% thickest nee the head •, at five the horns becom . larger, and are parked around wi h- the former year's growth.,:- Th . -, while the ani inalleontitines to live, the horns con tinue to lengthen a d every year•a new ring is added t the root ; so thatellowing. three y • ars before their appearance and of: T reckoning the ' number of rings- we have, in both to gether, the animal's age exactly. - 1 1 - ' 4.--- 7 - 17 - ,, o.IIOIIT H ORNS AS ILKEES. - -41. cor respondent of the !felt/gen Farmer writes :" I notice article in your paper from the Gift' f ittry • Gentleman regarding Short Horns as milkers, t'n , which the statement is ' made by a Central New York - correappdent, of 1 his, getting 34 quarti of melk in one day from a Herd 13cOk cow. . I don't think I can beat that, but think I can furnish additional evidence to sho* at least that Short HornE are not I aisws poor: milkers.. I had a heifer lour years old the 23d °Nast May, that dropped her third calf on - the . 16th of same month. She is now - averaging 48 quarts ;of high colored and Inch looking milk daily. The ' - recent hot 'and sultry weather has beeri unfavorable for butter making, hence I can only state as a butter -maker she appears fully as good as . either of eight others we are now gi ll milking, some of w ich give about the same quantity. She is neceasiiry small from haven I been bred so .1 -yo ung. 1 , 1.-44.1-.--------- , BAND DLTUOP L T OF Eaus.—On leaving the ovari an , the egg to be extruded a week he ce is not much larger than a pea, in a, common pul let. In its passage through a tube hardly eight inches long, it im bibo fluids from the wall to increase its gie. On its transit through the four inches the growth is still more rapid, while it also is cleated over with lime, mixed like paint with mu cous, which hardens quickly. That is the finishing proCess before being laid: In twenty days the eggs of one hen 'would exceed the weight of her body. k So of any bird. Yet the whole of that mass of albumen is from drawn directly her -blood. If stinted in food; of course it would limit the number as well as size. In the laying season, if domestic fowls cannot range for insects and worms, which furnish albumen for their eggs, they must be fed with animal food`to meet the demand upon their systems for that material • I .... 1/ •-._•,„,........._____ PLOWISG SOD FOR I CODS.-1. Moore, West Bangor, N. Y,asked the farm ers'anb if he shOrrld plow his sod i i. for 'corn, spread - e manure, and cross-plow before planting? Dr. Trimble said in Pe nsylvania, where . _large., crops of co are .grown, the sod was plowed an harrowed sever, al times, but neler cross-plowed. the lest practice_ • as to spread the • manure and plow . . •in time enough to he,.d the corn in the - fresh-plow land. i Weeds the . had no chance to get a, start 'of the orn, as on earlier plowed laud. Bizrzo 31EAT waylto keep it Teat Ire/ the le to eat -t rk iftrAnda r if FOUNDEaIY it imam mop. PlOrdl tale ralla ,em ami nalapata own" r - &ink Ceara. ankpototoog to all at Tart =lag to Do* WOO% ilitailemitiessa4 MILL GrEABING.S, CIRCULAR SAW. MILLS; MAN DRILLS, And all kin& of - 'MILL IRONS ' PADS TO ORDER. ENGINES And all I warranted to sir. astlataction.- SHINGLE MACHINES Of rho latest mal moot improved kinds . ond.kept cansiontly on Wad reed y tor use. 'PLOUGHS,' WEDDBELL. IRON AND WOODEN BEAMS CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS Of an kinds, and the latest b in stu rnmds eo ksi9 constantly on ' LANGE AND SIIALp SIZE. STONE CASTINGS CELLAR OR A= SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES, And illAinds at castings farnishnd Mach 90.1870. WEANS k BOCIEWELL. NEW CARRIAG E Oil Pine, between Main and Second,)3treeis, back of ci. F. Mason & Co.'. Bank, HENRY STULEN & CO., Respectfully announce to the friercidund patrons. L: ,have built • NEW BRICK GAIIIIIAGE: FACTORY. There they will constantly keopon hand shill &mood wont of TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, 1 Made of the beat material ind finished in the best city style. His long experience in city Carriage Factories gives them a decided advantage over others In the Finish, Style and burability of his Wagons. All they asks is In INSPECTION OF HIS WORK previous to pitrolt?sitag elsewhere ALL WORK. WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT Thankful far the liberal 'patronage formerly ex tended and respectfully ask a continuance of the MOM SEF . .AITUNG, Pao3IPTLY ATTENDED TO Towanda. liar• 241. 1870.—tf THE OLD MAIN STREET Carriage Factory. Still continues the manufactare of CARRIAGES ' AND WAGONS, Of every deacriptiou, it the old stand' of O. ta, Drake, LATEST STYLE AND FINISH. In the tustodacture of wagons nothing is used bn COMPOSITION BOXES PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS The beet L., tern stock is need is the loanufacturs of Wheels. 1 Spokes are all Need ent--not sawed. ALL WOZI SOLD . WARRANTED EQUAL TO ANY • JAM MS BRYANT; v 135.711 Bi f s pn ay CO., BUD condone o manufacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, and will set a beater machine. for less money than ass be badlelae,wherer in the world. We, claim for our machines t hat will do as much. or more, aim any other. and are mare durably bait. We personally superintend our work and see that it is well dawn. We will send DIEMPiIIiN CATALOGUES. of our machines, on apyGention. • ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One 4 Tsie Horse . THRESH= lEMULATORS. THRESIM it and CLEANERS. FANNING MILLS,' CISICISTai 4WD Dila WV KILLS, .13AW AND GBIS DILL work done to order. e Give to a call before purellesing elsewhere. •va "oo comaavaa `skacx 'OO 7.4" - 4100'1if Ans. 2. leen. NEW PLANING . MILL. The underadgmed haring Valli lame apd ammo dims Kin in th e Borough of Torna. and Wed It vtth the moat modern and tinpuned marblnery. for the mane stars of Ato proptood to tri ortiers, orbetbet largo of open Ltio atortost, notice. Ws balm also a luso rloty at 1101:11MIN08. of Moistest style and ppattern. irldcb es eta lied.furnish usb chewer than thAr can be wend 17 • Fares. = A good during most of o meat in skips, ply a small 'pon d sat, and _thy - • MIMI% And an diner vett pastaining tojningry. wiLlAndlosi to 'Moor cosbnines. !ow= bea,ft& sad act toeing sows thin hobo to !barb= sass SAM. dad tt Imply touts biome laps of as. or *tog nods moor poi Imo tt yob* tor oos , ls• artsid Prls e s viosomqe ogre goeume. yid* you oodhos - 4mt itiptsoiri , ost oea bk. tl Mew id* _ he rum AIM -113311W1C yy siontliiesbee Pe& Grosamit "W•ltl="lliraczazas 7110.8 N• Of all Idnds. CHURN POWERS, LARGE IRON EIrrEM TOWANDA, PENN'A. FAMILY CARRIAGES, PLATFORM WAGONS, SATISF,IGTIOY. redcced prices HERBY STOLEN H. & CLARK. JAMES BRYANT MAIN STREET. TOWANDA, PA. lii! %ark is ell of the BEST STEEL AXLES, To ether with the In Light Work. AND LUBLBER WAGONS Kept constantly on baud. As to.antah, and es to durability. SUPERIOR TO ANT fl THIS SECTION. /Er ALL Wor.ic WASAANTICD. lill TONOVENO. OROOVM. • AND SCHOOL .paraca a ATEUMBAILBOAD 'Oa shwasolist ‘INONNONCUrnaIiTi q MOW, _ yak km Mims IS SaMl a.a.-erdwas Sou4k lon Sam at Ike*P. , .10.4 , ,i0grtn AAIUN al tft c . . _ ... 'ILALIM WMI Albu. MMus. 1 Atiem L Aube's. m lAO a,,et. 1010 10:113 A. Y. 12411 w.g. Sale A.w. --44 6 r. or. TAO eh, if. 4110 v. et. 4207.76 SAO P. le. Trains igen Owego labone at 12:0m.. inol irdl pow. Tobias ea from at 11.111 sm.. SSA gal../ i ABLE - OF TEE as sanacan.- 10, MOM T IME VAZ Monday. X •00211WailD. 210 T:00 TOWANDA ..10 7:10 BUJ! MANN= 2:60 :10 . ••• « • 8:10 8:00 MUMS 3:20 8:10 ... .NEW ALBANY.... 3:90 8:20 1:30 8:60 .DVIONDIX 4:23 8:15 DSBNICZ r. 11., A. pA. & N.Y. CANAL k R.R. CO. aIIitANG.EIOI3T OF PAMIONOZR MEM To take effect liondezr. Nov. ff. isn. 101:1311rAID• swaregwano. _ inzactesA lt ° lt 1: .14 i ST AT I ONB. 3O; X LX •31 WM 71.111 1•X • • _6911 '' ......Ehnlrs ..... 340 3 30 1 1216 8 301 Waverlylll IS 606 155 14012 50 860! —Athena. 111 45 6 5517 65 430 133 9 25: .... .Tosninda 11 00 625 706 - 630 215 10 231 . 9 633 610 165 235 10 ... 934 615 643 617 255 11 09 ltsdkoppsn.... 911 867 623 623 301 11 16 .... Yelloosany.... 903 360 615 650 325 1145 ...TindllanDock... 636 .325 443 750 425 130 Allston. 733 225 333 315 665 9 00—Who Barre— 710 206 310 .... 7.20 4 201 . ...17aneb amt.. T.. 20 . X ... 824 533 , Allentown— 10 19 34. 833 653 .....Bethlehem.... x 10 OS 10 625 Easton i 923 110 30 815 800 945 New York I 600 G 45 ..... =EI AY PX AX 3QO. 30 leaves Towanda a 10 Athens. I' 50; Wa nd/. 8 00; arrive at lambs at 9 00 A. x. . 140. 31 leaves Elmira at 845; Wsverty. 8 45; Afb ens. 4 ON alive at Twin's st? 45 P. Y. - - Dawn Trans dine at Whit . naTIZI. Tip Trains dine at Pittston. Penniman' to and from New Pork and Phdadel. phis without chums of cars Down train connects at Allentown with Through Dust Express for Harrisburg. Pittsburg and the West. IL A. PACICICH. I ' BOUTE TO PHILADEL PHIA. ' ' via 4 Norm rEsraivANlA akutoAD. Shortest and most dtreetitos to Stdladeiphis. re, Washroirtos. sad the South. Pa o rsengers by this route take leausylvsels do New York • Itaiiroed twin. pushes Towanda at 935 A.N., and I :3S p. at.. make close coeseetinek at De thiehem with Nivea train - of North Peun's RI& road. and arrive in Philsdelpida at 11:15 P. It.. and 10:30 pm.. In time to take night - trains either for the South or West. • - CitYpeotze ere at the Depot en snivel of a a ll nd P ustoall ing con ti vep pumengers to the Te Harlon Depots te the city. LW, North Penn% =rad Depot. Berke and: American idle st., Phttsdelphla; at com 8:00 er A. it.. saliving at Towards 8.15 P. , 31.. same evening. llean's Beast* raper collects sag delivers bli pge, office Atco 108 Soot I Iftle street; PldladelPla. 11120= A00:11010DATIMIL Freight received at Front and Noble streets, Phila &aphis. and forwarded tor Dilly Yast height train to Towanda, and all points in Susquehanna valley wah quick &retch. ELLIS CLARICE. Oen. iSt. N. P. B. II ,Pront sad WMcur Sta. Nov. 21, 1870. Philadelphia. ERIE - RAILWAY.. • Naer AND IYraorm DIAWING Iloweinto Suotrisa Cosmn combining all Modernimprovemedta, are ran through on all Trains between Buffalo, Niagara Fins. EitlVerudan Bridge, Cleveland, Cin , h , n , fi and New York. Abstract of Time Table. Adopted Nov..l3th, IA7I. 'elm-tuna). STATIONS. I°. ties York Leave 1=1221 Susquehanna ... " .4 Great Bend . " Binghamton..... " , 13 Owego • " : 53 Waverly " : 90 Elmira t,5\:...,4,2 05 CornMß ' , MI Painted Post- ••• , .• • Rochester- di. ce 1 11 40, Hornellmille.... ". ,13 8 sal Buffalo. - " 12 001 Niagara Yalta- ..: " ' 12,48 Snnendon Bridge " 1 53 Clifton Thmkirk - " CUrvelasul rmomri ~ ~ y ~ ~: V:. w : :V's~9 q 1 ~ 5:00 a.m.. etcept &mays, from,ego. ; Stopping at 77oga 5:27, ilmitliboro 6:53,6:12. Waverly 7 00. Chaining 7:38, Welk 8:05, Ebutrs 9:25, Big Flats 10:20. Corning 11: Painted Post 11,48, Addison-1:00 p.m.. Batbboneville 1:35. Cameron Mills 2:06, Cameron 2:28. Adrian 341.Canisteo 4:05. arriving at Hornalirrille at 4:23 p.m. 5:00 a.m.. except Sundays. from Snignebanna. Stopping at Great Bend ism. larkwood 6:40. Ring. bamton 4:05. Hooper 6:22. Union 6:33, Camprille 0:12. Owego 7:14, lloga 7:30, limithboro 7:50. Ear. ton 8:00, Waverly 820. Charming as, Wellsburg 8:48. Southport 302. Emirs 9:15. Big Plats 9:40, Corning 10:00, Painted Post 10:08, Addison 10:32, Batbboneville 1031, Cameron 31111 s 11:04, Cameron 11:15, Adrian 11:37. CAnisteo 11:55, and arriving at Honiellsville at 12315 OM a m., day. from Susquehanna. -010oppmg at Great Bend 7:15.-Kirkwood 17:30, Bingtamtoo 8. Hooper 118:20. Tinton 193:27. C.scanpertle 18:42, • -4. 9:14, Tioga r 4-27. Smithbero r9:40. Barton rsh4 . Wirer!) , 10:20.. Chrmung 110:35, Wellsburg 10:• Elmira 11:20, Big Plata 11:49, CorntpB 12:20 p.m. Painted Pod 112:24. Addison 12:53; Ilathboueville 11:07. Canieron MUla 11:71, Cameron 1:22. Adrian 11:55. Canisteo 2:08, - and writing at Harnelisville at 2:20 p.m. ' 2:00 p.m.. • errept Sundays. from Suarmbanna. Stopping at Orest Bend 1:50. Hlrtwood 2:24. Bina. Manton 3:40, Hooper 4:10, Union 4:28, Camptille 6:05, and arrirtnB at Owero at 530 p.m. . 1:13 a.m., nowt. Sundays. from Elmira. Stopping at Big Plata 1:30. Corning 2:00. Pa intod Pod 2:OG. and thrum via Axon. to .Thatfalo. arriving at 11:35m. 2:30 p.m.. except Filmdom fmm Bingliamarm. Stopping at Hooper 2:43. Union 2:33. Camprine 3:15, Owego 3:37. Tioga 3:53, Smithboro :08, Barton 4:10. Waverly 4:40. Chem= 4:33. Wellsburg 5:12. South, port 5:2R, arririn7 at Elmira at 5:30 p. m. r 'I - ONB .. I N . a • 1 i‘ .° • 1 50 .. go. 112 • 1 4. I &1 i 2. 1 , . Is.. side. Is.llr. ask. Y. Cincinnati Leave 9 451• ••• ... 111 40 Cleveland 0 . _ ..._ , ..... . . 251 ...... ...... -10 00 Dunkirk. ..- 125 .. 1 10 00 ... Clifton . ..1 .141 . 1411 1 1000 iii) &i slet:slop Bridge •' 1 45 5 4.5 10 05 443 Niagara Fa 115.... " . . 152. 556 10 131 452 Buffalo . .. 2 45 1 645 1140,1 700 Hornelirrille .... " 18 G 15.10 45 3 30i 10 OS itoehester " 4.00 616. 1 713 Corning - " 735 12 201 4 551 11.30 Kira Ira " 812 1258 r a ss' 1206 Warerty.•" ... 847 137 6 08 1 12 41 Owego .. 032 2 191 s 6 451' 1 1 15 `Binghamton.....". 10 15 3 051 7 271'1 65 Great 8ead,..... " . 3 sa; 7 52 1 217 Susquehanna ..„ " .11 031 4 001 8 25, 247 Port Jervis Arrive 252 7 501 12 051 618 Middletown ... . 353 845, 1.2 53, Goshen Newburgh . " . 12.101 18 ii Pa Men -.. 550 11 00 1 ..2 47 1 840 Newark ~ ~ . 700 205, 5 15, 'Jersey City ••6 33 1138; 3211 915 New York " 700 12 00. 3 40 1 925 1 a. 11. 11. ‘1... 11. 1 P. Y. ADDITIONAL LOCAL , TR% 5:00 sm.. except Sundays from If ornellsville. Stopping ahNotisteo 5:71. Adrian 5:48. Cameron6:so, Cameron Mills 711. Bathbanevilla 7:30. Addison B:2s...Painted Post 9:15. Corning 1010. Big Fiats 10:42, Elmira 12:40 p.m., Southport 12:g5; Wellsburg 110. Chromung 115, • Waverly 2:42. Barton 3:20. Sadihboro 3:42. pop 4:10. and arriving at Owego at 4:37 gum 6:55 a.m., daily. from BarneUsville. - Stopping at Canieteo 7:13. Adrian 7:33, Museron 8181, Bath bonevale 8:10. Addison 918. Painted Post 9:57. Cot. , ning 10 : 15. Big Flats 10:32. Elmira 1210 p.m., ' Southport 12:20. Wellsburg 12:52, Chaining 1:19, Waverly 1:50. Barton 210. SmLthboro 2:40. Ttoga 3:05. Owego 3:40, C smp rhe 4:13, Union 4:18. Bing hamton 5:10, Elmwood 610. Great Bend 610. and arriving at Susquehanna at 710 p.m. 710 Cm, except Sundays, from Owego. Stopping at CatirwrMe 7:45. Union 8:28. lioo 8:10. Bing. Wanton 9:10. Kirkwood 10:30. Great Bend 11:13, and arriving at Susquehanna at 11 as s.= 7:50 a.m., except Sundays, from Elmira. Stopping at Southport 714. Wellsburg 8:10. Chemung 8:26, Waverly 8:13, Barton 9.13. Smithboro 9:13, Tlogs 9.38,1 Owego 9:45, Camprille 1013, Crams 10:16, 1032, and arriving at Binghamton at 1013 amr: except 801811111. from Painted Poet. Stopping at Corning 2:05. Big Matz 2 /o..and arriv ing at-llmlra at 2:40 p.m. 2:1 0 Pm,lrlo.cpt duridaya, from Bornellwrille, Stopping at Calunterl 211. Adrian 2:40, Cameron 3: . Cameron WM; 3:15, Itathboneville 510, Ad& son 314, Painted Poet 4:17. iniag 413, Big Plata 4:47 Elmira 5.37. Southport 5:26 WaiMwg 5;42. Cho. mung 5:37, Randy 6:22. Tioga 715. Owego 713„ Mayville 713. Union 815, Hooper 6:11. Bingham ton 815, Kirkwood 5:39, Great Bead 9:17, and ar riving at Susquehanna M 9:37 p.m. . . • • Deily. matibuy. excepted, between litructlxvitle and Port lords. I Stop Sundays only.. SeThrOugb Tickets to all points West at the very Lowest Mates, tweeds to the Company's oaks as the Towanda Depot. a Oarliplall °l47 fOr the sale ot i Vrtern of Tl e tts to Ramo vlit ___ 46 abeam clay on Tickets porchsaell SS hi l e . p.stwuk wx. a. SAM • • 13•111 _ 064'3 hitt 441: 'MAIL T M m., M Owego 11:011p.os. eat on SCISTEWAIIII. IPI. It. P. IL MIS Tab 1.301 TO 1145 6:45 11:111 6:11 114 .11 5 105 1046 1:15 WAS &MI 100 MOO 1 w I P. it. ago6t. P. F. Geni • BMW 55 IE3 CM 12Ei 11 00 11 15 8 15 8 37 9 15 1019'. 11 00 11 50 1935 1938 5 30 545 1 55 2 17 2 . 52 9 45 a2'; 5 05 642' 335 4 11 4 43 523 6 01 10 20 3720 11 20 I 1710 I 1216 I 12 20 ' 1764 10 20 2 051 625 7 05 7 10 7 15 720 665 : 7 05 1110 11 10 11 15 1110 11 54 " IPO I " too SE 700 A. Y. 12E2 =2 SS EASTWAUD ~~~L riktneDiatuaiiitkititirce . :t.' - 11. IV lints. ta Oie it& PATON* OCE. Ip to elks Ss as allissio at Bollird OsasSyStsi vislist• tr. slop ma Itell isiseled deck it G 8:0 0 Ell-t E-111-, Mika 2 boo pozdared tar O. sag ted males* thstl tea all at as law fans SU eis be pareinall denrbsee. I atm oafs to theribilicamplimbistaik 'EMS, OOFFNES, SUGARS, y .H: r ti ~ : •* ..: Ban ao hand a largo stock of • AKRON FLOM GRAHAM DO I bap easdieltroa lead.Ml4llA3o, USD. mild ~~:r _ ~ pablic to oar Ourt Ds Bed STOCK OF TOBACCO, In VFW or pits. Anna Ostlers Inisbranni Laub. dl7. li, Tart ceded and Nova lap. Plow all ma minim oar stack of WOODEN WARE. large madthneat of Wl= 1/0120111. - TOUIT ke, ka. I will pay the Idgbudoisi price tot COUNTRY PRODUCE. lumen. gin tui a call beton !Otos darirbses. C. B. PATCH. AU persona inhtipted to the Me Ihma trlllphiesedl sed make Immediate gamma. Towanda. March. 12. INT. M a.. LONG. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOOD. WILLOW, AXD non RABA FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, ac., No. 1 PATTON'S ELM& 00R. MAIN AND BRIDGE STB., TOWANDA, PA. I desire to call the attention of the ptgblio to my anortneent of goats, which le al an and 01 : 110. ma plet ke e, t =tee and will be sold to sty at lewd r. Si stock of i.rEAs, EMI SPICES, Rase been purchased duos the We ndaatea In the tariff an them. Bad us caned at pekes to oar rarporuL Orden brazil or attendee will metes arena and prompt attention. Thanking the public for the liberal they burro &ea vie, I with a eoutinuancte of the Mate. - CASE PAID YOU COUNTRY psoDucr. feb.2oll GOLD STILL COMING DOWN 1 AND fIUT ULM DA WI GROCERY ef 'PROVISION LINE, ere now bring named at COWELL & MYER'S =NI at cannot to sails* aft that law not to be andiersoid_ by any one. have ealuged their Blocs by b&ft au that they now have man for the fresh sapplies that ars daily stopby them. They bare oceusected with thide sManzi where they now keep fresh mints to sell by the girarter at piece, end a fog supply of Oe . aeries and liWur, to which they would call the attentke of an cads buyers. Caine and ezeurbre oar Goods and Prices, before purchasing and setts* yourselves. We guarantee gooda to Woes:Ws satistectlea. sre thsektel to oar £• their past Masi patronage and scdicit a oaeltraince of the essm COW= rte. Deo. 20 4 ,865 * • -CHRISTMAS! *c. niUNDERSIGNED has just re pElrod a lane and varied assortment et HOLIDAY GOODS, Consisting of 1‘. 1 4 ;HES, AMER ICAN WATCHES of all description.. Also a selected assortment of GOLD CHAINS, FINE aow J - MVT3MI_I‘76'Y, .M=T:rinlM-T7 7 7=!M ° TrITI EST TO THE BEET. 4 , 1 Shp, .1. • N. I , 4 I OT.A . 11MGLAIISIES to fit all awes of impaired 840 L NEW FATLY? ICCOZODITING SPZCTACLIIL By this pateat I sat ambled to etztotoso Mama at day U wittmat Sirte amis. OM sad sea CN ref•l It:3113 104 :I 7.1, *MI t! 1 £ WATIWITIZA. MIMI 111:701:111211:11. Towanda. D. & UM c 4 W .9.1111151 0 aTills- .1 A 0 d _ • .40 e d. Z 141 1 Fci • Cio iv IRE TIMMY FRANKS, • plegressat baits Lana ILICIICHANT TIMOR, To. 4. Gollea lk 110cli,1"dip Illbooa, To. wade. ♦pea oamolowee er OliabonTallesonal Clrabrone. elmaialy as blab Osseo vide le ark. la tia WS mama .- TAYLOR & GORE O.- B. PATOII. Keep always on hand a fidl. snort- NrAcci A:11 M. J. LONG. NEW YEARS SWISS WATCM, an mmr. TASHIONLBLE TAILORS. Opposite Public Square, meat of AND COATINGS. READY-MADE CLOTHING In all the latest stybis, HL7B CAPS AND lIMBEFILLS, GENTS' Furnishing C 4. ooda In great variety. MIM::NG DONE ON SHORT L AI L t A AIL WORK WAS ANTED. 6 6 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, PA. 11/45RTLNT TO ALL WHO :01 1202:11 BIGHT I TN; algid ind sd. ad the seed andated. the weak stringthea id and the parnre P4:llPit) Yoe the nowshetuthe of the COSCAVX 00WiNX. CascrAt LOXDON swop LID am= GYM SOS teat OK LI. Illi/XSO as • The Cowers Ooenes Crystal limeades. seeds b the dim Wats% are Dow *bag teas betas the pobbs. sad tbesspktmadbas &mad for thorn oaestassd 'rah flee maimed adeseedeldpaesit el dab domain to asks sal sae to tors sys, maws Cethst they are moped= So say dem Obese ssabst. • • no ai i a etla a mad seo maw haw das i t e rsite. Cill =sVipoor sad worthless sable as asst Sr prasesld they see seeds t a r A u = wdbast was shablias Nepse*haselkt to OM 4706 of diastase the pea of paw sal wash fit. Tboonals an slam sow which the and !dm the ao. Islas otdsets pet dba eider shoat asap.nada ma ahead 114 sad =la ths ligt% SuCtsalts& presaverras Übe. r absabass damsel for the Camas Owes Glom Cr aro as C li tems as assead ot des lust ardsabl. pase mbad. sad asis so* optical urposes. iha asse mot labbi best kw sesstelsed p ar dab. Pay am*, a bMiss7 sad distautasss atria= sot bead fa ary other pees. They ema tie mese wed ta day or =die drkt without Wag or Wat Os eyes. May are (rood sediessekaltr ass ta as ooa. - cave mai= =ham sossedtmes lasels hd=i es st asters. sad Mao at Mass at dm ape. amdeltog astute sate tsedied at brass It. TM thsbasemasseadseed oarreseadothsenases. =a~Ns be and Ma way o th er an W • power. • Theriames asetude sad Maga by me diae' auto* *di al 1: 0 =0*. WK.A. Diable la tables, ires sob try sad Sitar W Tana d • As. edbrd sandy. No Ps.. Des as Amtbrdase is fits 12.12724 f , CASEVit INSURANCE AGENCY, T2OT. PA. - LUZ el AMIN= aSIMAINNalledsi J Int.direi cowl= Ake Lira MiveW I=Plalle7 il= el 1•1011 M 47 I. A. G& • COAL AT WYALIIKENG Tlaiidenlpsil Ws as MM. talisi - to tzimiguitallatrzeizassia.e;tr,biall- 01 0 . PO it r a a I th I t P m f ra . • - . Anitais. OMB Leo SENS NM ins 011111101 M c1: 7 ..1:•J :II . --jlfV.l 1 :t (IRA be rid et lie isimuit rads pekes. OODPTSH, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ( 6 ) OA :KC, ( I )l"A'iti : 4 I • ~,:yr-rr-p-r-w77.utumrmTl Erin cor your produce. "Web w pe7 cooli raG A esmilot O mmft_ad N. Ashton Me ad . dud Mims. Maw MMus. T Sm. Plow id Imlrtimmudi am , modi. me me lid do Tamada. air bed to phomm pos. W. L. 1100111riML. GROCERY AND PROVISION MoCABE 4 EDW_ARDS, FAMILY GROCERIES 11020=11 X= NAM MMUMIDA. w. do so. do It osommisry to alusoorsie an lb. • wsillesp. Oorssuottosst is FIRST CLASS GOODS dais paid for Parma Produce. MOM XcCLBZ, Keith 1. urre. - SPY. EDWARD& 'PGA. & ?MIMI are now mai bir a bob stack at Goads ta their lase. knight since O. lat Jogran7. to stick they twine at. teatime of Wade Waled& We keep the lamed stock la town. "Oar goods are hash and desirable. We sell et krwast alasket takes. Jan. 19.1871. PrAND NEW TEAS, E tb• newt &setts* to prim, es t r i eft chirp st x k Jan. D.M. M VOX & ItERCI7II are selling Gro earl's sit ntaLL ink. 11). 1,11. IPOx & IMICUR are selling New .a; and Trash Goods. ;so. 19. lint - pox & MEECUR are selling Oro cedes cheap. Jug. lf, 161. VOX & MERCITB, are selling first clays Goods only. Jan. lf, - pox & HEM= are selling cheaper than ever. Jan. 111, REMEMBER that we are selling Goods EA RETAIL! And that ...wait be undersold. am 19. MM. • 114,5 X A imam MICHIGAN 17137,-CUT TOBAC -13.1 CO—Tm duke—at Jan. It UM. vox k ]Q.B CVR 8. .pox & MERCUB do not deal in ghoddy Goods. . ran. 19, 18T1. OUR CIUI3TOMERS can rely upon wees r til l the tary bed the market VOLade mg at Z. T. Tolman. Jam 19.71. Win 10:60111.. Ito ENIEMEIR THAT FOX ;Sr. ItER AV COX are retailing all bode of °tomtit* at litlCiiilnallprifte. The kried stock to town. Goods drat cloak Prig= low. IL T. FOX. Sept 29.10. THE BEST KEROSENE OIL IN -L. tains by tbe quantity at retail at Poz k NERCRIVEL B AICkEtY AND DINING ROQM. BREAD, PIES, CASE,CRACKEBS, ,lIAXED D•IL Y. ~I ~. I. f .:.1 . r Xll ri ) ,:,....q.,1,•4414E61:4 AA .113.11:1M1111)11;i0.1t1 Moo a dna asoortmeat of Ocooorlio. Oonfecilottery. TM* Ruts. to. mu it tf D. W. &WIT k 00. CENTRAL MARKET. 71sensortbere stM oontione to keep constantly on Mud an and complete eseartment ot snap rt porteintni to theta boidness. consisting main. BEEP, PORK, PAM AND SALT KUTTON. Uos►GE. - BOLOOIIA. DRIED MX, TALLOW. tr.., Be. Alio. B .33. FRESH FROM THE LA 'CC UTEITEIB'I=I:MED DALLY' Parties tite,,hft Oysters in lugs or mill on abort notice, at C= elan& nor Cirrus. Porters. Kum= Iliontenres mock, but emir th of Dr. . Cu& (Ulzurnt. KELLUM =MOM Tano.ll3ntocz. J r 11rt0-if THE BEST AND CHOICEST SMOKING TOBACCO; Sissithaihroty hasp you tray burs est - • Dm. 14. IBM . CAIII3 AND 01401EKEM-43BEr. elma Issa. Nook* itastr. IltakteLlas, la= CMOs awl elOgnimat _ IWO 4. Mk 11r. 4.IIIOOgWILLII. pea OBX. WAMDTLM et *11114161P1 sOO, MIN Amor siiiessois iitoxxem. :1:A:1:14;(11 , PORK, MITITON, I'ANICKE NOTIONS, DAIRINICH, sirommi, 1• i PROVLSI . OI.IB, divil:V4=Miiir IA We nil nothing but HEMITI METICUR Shot block north of Ward House. And mad at Wholesale and Wall. fr„,:s., .11:741.-11 BUGAII.CI7II2D BAIN. HELP, Is t ession. cv MANETACTIMED AT FACTORY N,O. 1, w DISTRICT" OP ILIIRILAND. ckodwriaa • MVilt)N*iTie ABZwl:=ff.. -f- T i rvE_u'Ub WICIEHAM - & BLAcIE'S. GLASSWARE. STONEWARE, SILVER PLATED WARE, p7TPMririMli. : • Agency of the SINGER SEWING MACHINE, INSURANCE. AGENCY WICKHAM & BLACK'S. Tonasis. 7L5612.12. FURNITURE. NEW FINK! NEW GOODS! We are now offering at our Wholesale mid Retail FURNITURE EMPORIUM, M. 107 MAIN MT. , The greateet indooemesta to those In want of pnisT-cuss FURNIT U RE I Ever ofibred in thLs.mirket The attention of the public Is ,espeetaily called one Sales recant hart purchases from the late (treat Ilan of CHAIM= AND PARLOR PITRNITTYREI We are now alboing WALNUT MARBLE TOP SETS AT $7l Oa And „NICE PARLOR SETS, At PO 60, Together erith our Complete Stock of BEDSEEADS,BUREMJS;CILUBS TABLES, STANDS, SPRING BEDS, MATRESSES,.. LOOKING-GLASSES, yr•. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. D =MB= .TIZAT WE ARE MOW MAMMA°. Lb luring. sad do rear goods - of oar crwn therm facture c.hreg,er than you an buy .cikr.thade goods elsewhere. Lumber Ulm in exchange for goods. We alio fundsh EVESCWOOD CASKETS, ItETALIC ELIIIAL CASEB, AND COXYLNS Of arm . description. BUBIAL BOB.S CAM &c.. And we able has the FINEST HEARSE In this section of county Goods delivered to the Depot free of charge. Towanda. Jan.ll. 1871 GREAT . BARGAINS IN Doom's & SHOES NZIT BOOT AND SHOE STORS. - The unclerelgtwei are reckering a large end well ee• ladled dodo! BOOTS AND .SHOES SUMMI AND FALL TRADE, Which we offer law• far Carp: Consisting of C: oL . L I 1 W AND CHILDREN'S PiMilt SEWED AND PEGGED BOOT:, MADE TO ORDER-R REPAIRING NEAT', DONE p11. 1 . 11 1:74 41.1•4LrJAAV):11)`ss:144.1 Thaaktal tats amosloe put times -wit solicit • costinusnos i►YQII. VOUDIOLD. GUM= N. a.►i=. Towanda. April 18/19. TOWANDA\STEAM F LOURING MILLS ! W. H. FUTN & CO., ci ticer& a tni tte ort o n la tt nt ubta a rt having rebuilt mats, they are now prepared to do CUSTOM GRINDING In the best poseible manner and on the shortest =s r . .21=e b nil be Ted to give asilalkotton. torn. an bring their grain and have it ground the nine day to take beck. FLOM. BUM - WE:UT FLOUR. FEED By tbe car Iced or in quintals. to =lt parcbisere. GROUND CAYUGA PLASTER LT $G Phlt TON : • 111 kinds of grain Ulan in exchinge for Plaster. Cash paid for all kinds or grain. I • G. F. S. owanda, Nov. I, um. a W. S. inrijaa T LAYS; POULTRY. LAUD. A NCHOR LINE MOMS. A. WI every Wedaseday lad Saturday. to sad tram SW !MLA= GLASGOW. amber at loaders, to. had Mans sad Tie Stessers at Ms tarots Sae psi* for the Atlantic pr espe Trate. sad Atha up le waxy moped al* mu the soda:! Immo. meats eakadated to !mute the aataty. omen; sad oomealme et sie= ow jtatositqablia la=r au t ir o . UAWOM. sad nencsat. 11111 and $75. seamt*si tolocisos. CASON 111=11TICIZINI. SUS. imeadog best se . ... v ., S., •I. AGM 1 Oaks xedagfoetheir*laudsistheONCanna. try as potebase WM, al maimed meas. Nat M. reissies *Fly to ZINIMIIKOI Defteg Orson. wanda. T. or PoWt. O. 1111311. 1116 = wen Moo. To. llotatOSlL CHOICE MIEN .4%.0 , werreloottimite r rA t i aars • CHINA, CROCKERY. A assiAlAo imoetineat From Rodgers & Brother Furnitare. JAM 0. FROEIT k SON& Boots and Shoes. MEM South cad of Ward House Kcitible for the LADIES, MISSES, DawskMWom . TAILORS GEILIORATED OXIA fir frost itkomotio Jam* sbada 'to bpi oat( 'Oat by way Yoram itatop gam At& Cr Ilionoarratro rat Lama Robb trapor, Nor I MOM sod Zone lts kfr om migssuir lbw aro polo oat tooroasoo Tama Woe andi. dear Alan Maws sad 11100 onfrialploopa. tar a to Oar leant sal oprotaa, Blattamiall keep It *Oar ova Y. ..a for Sete esaborsoro Orator bobstroarra mein again ator Imam sot Vey body eagle* tam polo sad foorsom ot gar ratiorasoto or rotp oreptioa et tar MON Goma Ctrabadat or Meow ropdapia wawa raaarstion *add kap id aoloratt loop adsorb! broad mitialso. Mori brats 'muralist to pas oradoertao. Tar Web, Dr. IL C. Pon • es ilon at Ca Palma Wry oat 11r.lianra lawasto, Towsado. Aadg i m eo = rad fake is lira& toed sea a Job Itaaawor oal Garda% oboloodo *tea Itolkamalapot. La SOS Arritorroot Inar to rptil. 11, 31111Cnnin g t h W I" Progristat,laidiquale, Pa., , EINUIttATDEIM-NBUR&WIA. ! $5OO WILL BE-PA.IIO to nay person producing say Maine showing halt as many Mviar rwrinaand cares r Dr; ltarlat's irsommans Mimms= Misisim treed immailly =JP d_Plisimist_ Medicine. free Door intsricas drags. Wananted. ander oath. to have peramialat. iyarredlill brewery 100 pedants treated ia the pat tea leers. pie _taftoo It la thireci ProL Joe. P. Mm. M. D. s of Wverft , ' of Inamiltmlahi..d. M.. one at PhDadvipidies oldest airsiirliliTaciami. sad Pmfassarof _4lbeadatry sod TooMadoinfr—v oo l llll made Itenrigla. chrome mad bilmostory Mains& tam the specialty of Ms attire prolhasksiel fan reached Sir by the aignabires maxermsaylag esdi brine, and other todimoniale of masy_prond. bent renamed physichme sad T pro led sufferess from palmooons To and cameleer arastiMirs of mossy. s legal awed guar antee. Mining tact number of boWes wermated to 'care, will be forwarded gratis to say sufferer eon& Mg by hiller aMI description at MM...m. In case of Warm to eme. 11120023 paid posttively refunded. Medicioe sent anywhere. by swam collect ca de. delleted Mated to writs far edam; all in. formation sad medical @dyke sent by letter grit* - Addrema Dr. J. P. PITLEB. 29 South Pourtlieamuse Philadelphia. Pa. Th e Damedy Is mold or a DmilPistr. Yee sale by POUTEII & MOLDY. Druggist', Mer car's Moth. Uganda. Pa. TOWANDA: Marble. Works. GEO. McCABE SON PHILADELPHIA I 'CTFITitNCES : UT Coca & Co., Bankers. - - Damm k Co„ Bankers. Josar WOODUDZ & C 0.,. Tea Mercbanti. B. A. Karam Preit. Farmers' & Mecbanica' 1:n1 T. B. PrIZIISOIf, Publisher AMERICA, AND ItAIAIANs 9s4lo—u MIMI just received the largest assortment of Id Zs 333 Ever exhibited In: this oeotko. to whkh they • Invite the attention of the public. . Tbry kee o n band or harpist' to oiler ItQN 7 tr - BigNTS, TO3IB.I.SiONES, MANTLES, &c., Of arm style. AT 'THE LOWEST TERMS. . Persona in want of anything in oar line . are re igloctfitily invited to call and examine our stock. McCABE & SON. Towanda, Hay 1, lin. 8 ,,. A. PETTES & CO., !lava nun ou hand s net stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS In great variety - , such as DRY .010 ODS. MILLLNYRY,_ A.NCY GOODS AND NOT-lONS, DRESS SILKS. RILE VELVETS, VELVETEENS, WATERPROOFS, AND SHAWLS Which -thay, will aell at, the LOWEST MARKET PRICE; At the eign of the Biz Bonnet, opposite the Court House. MAIN STREET. TOWANDA.P.k. ►ro THE PUBLIC ! The undersigned would most mapoetttaly . my they are now prepared in every ell to attend to the L . L . U ... 1V t,.,:... h=1iW .. hi& 3 In all its branches. and we trust can 'give saitafic. the'lereiixe of any one in that line Raving spared no expense or trouble in procur- tag from the shop of H. Stolen k Co., don? &re. a hearse which cannot: be stirpaaeed or elen equaled in elegance, this aide of our largest cities.. Wi have also secured the services of a most reliable,' easeful. and ptOunaaly person to attend to this branch at the baldness. J. S. Aux'. coe of oar Arm, min be found at the fa:Whirs Store, m Bridge sheet. lad C. If. Mat. nrik, the other member of the flrm, et blirresi- Ames on Third Wert. or abont the °fib of Dr. J W. Lyman, $ crap reliable and celebrated plgreician; whose olsce is on Park street, near the Elwedl House Jas223l72tt MYERSSURG MILLS. 'y 4 WHEAT; RYE:AND F' L. O. TT I CORN MigAT, AND FEED cheap for CASH. cuerox w9az wiattwar.D, also on baud COMM!ED CAYUGA punTEtt. trace Old Tower Bede at SlPer ton. 11111 ail. Coro and !Az taken is eFabiswltie Maim AVM . • t' • 1: t, 1011011616 - `,4 .• . • - . NATICINt4AFE - SUARANCE I - C 0.07 u 4 L, cue Caezzh dl,ooo,o3o—iuto n race. --IChartered by Caperton, lam' • aussorar. E. 'CLARY. Prestdout ; . JAY Cab= Chairman nano; *ad Itt. ath. MST D. 00011. Flos Plesklest ICILERSON W. 7Prifr, liciattari and Actuary, ?he sdistOges of the National Lai la 10 Wei 1. It ls a listlonal Uompany, charb,reti by to ree labia &Paid up capital of ' ,One 3i1020n Mart 3. 13 oars kw rate* of premiams ; 4; It fundshis larger insurance than ether con, ponhis, for the Emus money ;• • • • 5. It is definite mut certain ; S. nom is no possibility of inicreti , i . etwutatk n t,) muds, or misunderstanding by paitcy•boldtt • 1. The policies ire plain contract*, so mu c h 1,, '- rams for so much money ; • - polieles Are non-forfeiting; The policies are exempt rom attgatLect. - Z. W. CLAIM k CO., Bankers, rltilAddv tr. .Agents for Towanda and riclattr Jan. 9.1869. • GUARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CCMPA2CY Stumm fir lamover..• • • ......... Moms brown, over .... .. Loom PAm • All approved forms of Policies issued. •• Liberal modes for payment of premiums. " - Policies non-forfeitable by their terms. The entire profits of the Company divided apt! ably Amor; the Insured. . - ANNUAL DIVIDENDS. WALTON H. PECEHAX PIIE9IDEST. WILLIAM T. BOOZER, Vice Paztor.s. l LL'CITTS M ADAMS, Bier Acre.a.- 1:191748. FOR 1872 PAPER & EIiVELOPES NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOM BOOKS • \ , • tz: \ ' V p AT -UBlO, - AND' PICTURES Ce.' BLINK BOOKS yANKRE NOTIONS Towszult. Nov. 12.18e.8. . . BOOS—BI DERY.—ItiE PUB tic is respectfully Informed that the Book-BM: dery has been removed to the "Reporter" Building, third story, where will be done- In all its relit= britnchea an terms as reaeonabif. m "the times" will allow. • The Binder? w7l be under the charge of An experienced It:index. and all Work willbe prurrio.;" demo in a style and manner whichcanuotbeenalled. Magazine, Newapapers.Old Book!, kc.,boun , l In every variety of style. Particular attention will be paid to the Bulir.g and Binding of To any desired psttern, - which in quality and .-durs. lady will be warranted. - - All work will be ready for delivery' when prorre.l. Ttie patronage of the public is solicited. and per. fectlsalisfaction gitinteed. , - Towanda: august 2, lB66—tf. TOWANPA. AGRICULTURAL • The Ruperintendent of this label) is some of the beet tII)IBER WAGONS, COVERED AND OPEN BUGGI,ES, OAK AND HICKORY TIMBER We havellie very light, and so drirablo that even tur.e Las For little to do towards their decay. Please examine our wotk before purcham4 e!.. where. ' Itepanin E done on short notice.' M. C. 3TERCIT, I'rtid• Towanda, July 20, 1870. _ _ _ J . E... BOLTNS & CO., Commission llerchanLs BUTTER, EGGS, CIIvM;NEAL, PurLTRY . . One of the firm having resided in Serattloa f , r the past ten years, anti having an extensive ecquya'-• Autos with the businees — pien of the city, we feel con • 'Went - that we can sell produce to the entire eat:' faction of consignors. , REFERENCES. L. S. LIIIIBBIICE, A. G. FRISRLE..Orwro , r. BALDWIN k ILLICSHAN. GORHAM A COLE -MKS, Lellaysville. Pa. 8. G. CGAFFEE, 33/LIITDi MANNING. War" , Lam. Ps. H. J. CHUBBiJCIC; U UY.SIIOI:SIAELER. It " Tills. Pa. [4046"M tr. roux , MISS E. J. K.DIGSLEY, Wishes to inform the Ladies of Towanda and i ty that ahe keeps constantly on bind a large !nil:P. °I MIL. . GoOds. suitable to the Season. Thanking her 14t* ions for their liberal patronage heretofore. the sures them that no exertion will be spared to en sure a continuance of tho same. She also 1135 a Sze selection of • HAIR AND FANCY GOODS, . Each ma - Kid Glotvg, • • • • Linen. Collars, "Cuffs,. . Handkerelkitfs: Real Laces, • • • Corset, • • tfe. de. also reopened, in connection with the rhos e My DEESE_ WA N 1 4 .3 establishment. and I am Doe permed to do CIITIING and FITTING -, ill the latest fashionable styles on , short notice. Entrance next door to Fox do 11..scur's. EP ti' r ' Aprll , 4 '7l. • MONFXSAVED, .1. B. ALLYN: 1 C. IL YANVILLS. Orwell, Pa., July 21;71_ - WM 1131129, Lard, Dried See 1. Mackerel, awes, Mahn"a Valli itC M feta .1.1111 4 111411 W., D. *TER. Genera/ _AgantA. 13. UCSSELL. ISSIIREE & A. 9.1t450N. 2.5.1 BROADWAY. NEW YORE J. A. RECORD, Agent, Towanda, Books and • Statoinery. B 00K-BINDING.I H. C. WHITAKER. BLAYK 11430 S WORKS STILL ALIVE! WAGO!.:9 ever offered in this ranziet. Best eelectt:,l used, !uad all work meals by t 1,9 ILCA 'EXEIIU - -N•CED IVORK'Str-'4: PATENT RCS:SIA IRON SEATS CMZIELIL PRODUCE SCRANTON, PA., ResNctftilly solicit Consigiiments et Ara all other Farm Produce 13T.PtliCZMING 101111 STOVES AND HARDWARE_ V. L PENDLETON . • $25,0011, , >.1) ••• 2.000,061 • 1,000.04 •• • GOO.Ori- MEE El