Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 04, 1872, Image 3

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Towanda, Thursday, April 4, 1872.
• ___
ser " SAX %any " has returned
rom the West.
WI.. The public schools of thii bor
nigh will reopen on Monday morning next.
lam Judge Rum Mows; of Wy
,s, died on the 20th of March, aged IS2 years.
, 865 - The regular monthly mooting
di Franklin Fire Co.. will be held this Wednes
-1.1 ay evening.
Buirrox Swam= has
~nreltased abet on Third street, between Chest
nt and Huston, and will erects residence this
, cason.
bitePJudge Monnow was engaged
Mast meek in presiding at the Troy Court.
udge Sratsrzn is holding the Court this
cek. •
ler Tula-$$ & GORDON are getting
e repairs on their Drug Store nearly - corn
uilkahortly open with s new stock
,f fresh goods.
iter During the severe - gale on
unday night, the frame of Mr. Wants' house,
Well was partly enclosed, in East Towanda,
;as blown down.
sfir Einanr WARD BEECRED says th©
an who don't advertise because times are
1, is about , as wise as the miller Who 'teats
t his dam because the water is low.
In'noticing the graduation of
r. F. G. Illoanow, we ahotdd have . said Le
aduated at the .Tefferson Medical College, one
the oldest and tnost celebrated medical col
es in the United States.
ter- CLirx Pores is busily sign
in fitting. up his store in the south end of
e Ward House. Mr. FLEIIISO, thearchia4t,
.s shown ni the plans, which if carried out,
11 make one of the neatest Drug Stores in
gtess. At the annual meeting for the
I eetion of Vestrymen of Christ Church, held
4 llonday morning last, the gentle..
1 , 212 were chosen : M. C. ?dream, T. F.3lxass,
c llcC.inr., E.W. Max, E. T. Fox, 0. D.
r.14.1=, H. B. McKlarg, S. W. ALVOteD.
De' "The Sullivan Anthracite Coal
iiiiany" succeeds the firm of DAY, Buronzu.
ANDEIRSON, in the coal business. The stoek
,lders in - the new company were all partners
the old firm. Mr. C. M. SANDLIZSON is Pret
tnt, of the company ; Col. Cam. Ileum's, 84e -
y and Treasurer, and Hon. E. H. Astir
It , .ks Agent.
M. In noticing the public exc#-
ci es by the students of the Sitsquehanna Col
lo: • to Institute, we inadvertantly omitted to
speak of 3iiss rEMINEY, who recited
" Itcri," from Sir Wattnr. Scorr, in a manner
to elitit the highest commendation from the
audience. This fact made the omission the more
noticeable by tgoee who were present.
e— The Anniversary exercises of
thelEpiscopal Sunday School cane off on Sun
day afternoon last, and notwithstanding the
inchment state of the weather, there was a
lark° attendance of scholars and parents. ley.
War, MCGLArner.r delivered an interesting ad
dress+, and the scholars performed their part of
tlic !exercises admirably. The missionary con
tribtitiorni of the school for the year amounted
to about .$4.05.
ter* We are pained to announce
the death of Mr. BMJAMLN L. entEsr, a gen
tleman well and favorably knOwn threnghont
this county, will& occurred at his residence ta t
Lap l orte, on Sunday morning last. Mr. C. w
postmaster at Laporte, and was noted as a
public-spirited gentleman, and as such will 10
greatly missed in that vicinity. Ho leaves a
wife l and three children, to whom we eaterid
~or heartfelt sympathies in their sad bereay.
is-in.—Free Press.
tks. We have received two nturi
lit4 of the Builder, a miniature paper pribligli-
IA at Columbia X Roads, this conoty—HcsUr
syELLES, editor, publisher and proprietor.
Tile !sheet is 44151 inches, and contains 8 col
umn's, 31 inches in length. It has just entered
on its second yeti, %nth a circulation of SI The
editor is 12 years old. We cordially commend
his publication to our young readers. Subscrip
ttons 15 cents per annnn.
"DOLLY VARDENs."—Some anxiety
exists in the minds of many ladies as to the
meaning of the s above term; now so e x tensively
used uscay:our leading dry goods houses. The
"Dolly Varden " is an overdress nearly similar
to a polonaise; it is used as a house dress, and
is'belcoming quite fashionable. Dolly Vardeu
maracter in Dicam's novel of "Barnaby
re. - She was a locksmith's daughter, a
coquette, and the garment now named
het; is a revival of the style worn in Eng
a t the period that story is laid.
11l LI.
I li 1
L. A telegram was received by
ccture Committee on Monday, notifying
that Rev. r.OIIEIL7 CortvEn would be nu
e till his engagement here on the 4th. We
t know what excuse Mr. C. may have, but
c lecturers should be careful to keep their
d ements, as disappointments are apt to ro
t-cry disastrously to associations.
*Mee the abnce.was in type, we are inform
riat Mr. COLisEn has fixed Wedneedsy
lig, April 2.1, ae the time for hia lecture in
1 -
. .--. The Galaxy ,
L.,r A p ril has the
ing.contents : " Charlet Heade," by Jos
, cCiasus; "My Sudbury Mistletoe," by
h. PArcsoNs; "The French at Home," by
i tai ItuonEs; "A Threat," by EDGAZ FAW.-
"Fifteen Years s Shakereas;" "My Life
e Plains, by Gen. G. A. Custart ; "An In
'lndent En•Elus," by J. W. DaFouzss; "The.
1 1
er Side of New York--Lottery Gamblers,"
i .ivAnD CILTErIt; " '
Woman' and Journal-
T by NELLEY ?111LCSAY Hascnrason; "A
+," by Loma C. ttOULTON ; " The Enstace
«ends," (continued), by Arrrirorr Than
; "Lincoln and lolmson—Their Plan of
.Icistruction and Resumption of National
I .rity—First Paper," by GIDZON;
e•y Narrow Indeed," by :ELLA Wnsiass;
tors of a Shadow," by Rar.acca Mama
" Drift-wcidd," etc., etc..,
'1 ED. RE.rourEs : On third page
: br y. ar paper of the 21st inst., I read, "It al-
9. pays to keep your word," and directly fol-
io*iing, "Profane Swearing ;" and then follows
Cum enta from some one—" No habit is more
. inav real, and none more unnecessary, than
Ilia; (profane swearing," etc.
w, soifar as the universal and - Olt occurring
itac ice of profaning God's namoilas compared
• aith,divers other habits, there is,fin my mind,
, 11(...paa)dy as unnecessary arid ia great deal
16.4%, damaging, to the Christian 'religion and
t'-' mankind generally. -
Z ii r ifite swearing isia habit. Is drinking, or
. g into the stomach alcoholic and poisonous
ii'la*s, (which when so taken in unmeasured
mid ett-reoeated doses), believed to bo a - habit?
r' , lYing a habit? Now, if occasionally or ire
'l.4stlS, making use of any liquors that will in
totcte, or la any way dethrone reason, (ace bit
i4 ,e, atani , - , Seiritiona tragedy), will cause men to
dcriddd God the right which Be alone has to all
(4 °II' physical as well as mental Wren, and
eat to the world " there is no God,' and that
:ass created in God's image, should rebel and
itr..r i in be excluded forever from his prefect°.
ititad of becoming "kings and primes." is
Itis .. r inramanszzzan—then there is no v*
- nil?: deplorable Quill intemperance.
I s
It 'sways pays to keep to yotir word. Well.
631 t does, always, if the pledge or 'words so
` I IC4 sill not may benefit the parties directly
co l!erae l l in the ceetrect,tbut ell mankind, an*
[ ; •
*tondo! being Wild by each egreanent ra
other von* V then km** if soy '
vent or
promise will not result In the greatest' good to
mankind. then the sooner it Is broken Ithe bet
ter. - -
. _
We Will suppose a Isleales*. ottabPannsot
employs inn to • travel link utopia good&
Among these men area number who Mar a but
do not lie nor drink whisky; Id& another por
tion of thelonse do not swear nor drink Irbil
la. but sill lie orinhireprent in their business
transaction& Which i in your estbasii m. is the
most universal and worst habit? Any Mae may
WARM 8 8..0.
Troy, Pa., March 9,1872.
Scn7nter's Monthly for April is
staffed with eiitertainmeat for nearly every
elan of readers. The illustrated articles are
" The Mare Island Navy Yard," by lons S.
Mures; "Carisoities of Plant We," byJaccs
Btcsasaeox ; Hidden Truants," 14 Sou=
DE VIM; and "The Solent College at Washing
ton," by A. G. Desna. The leading poets of
the number aro Mumma Parwros aid Mrs.
A. A T. Warrszr. . Other articles aro "Aim.
kened lapsn," by NOAH Baotou; "With the
False Prophet," by Mrs.. A. F. liassmersacurn;
"A Russian Easter," by Room &summit ;
"The Mullane° Mystery," by Jour* Hew
'mourn "Back-Log Studies—No IV," Ileum
Warms; "Shall We Say, 'ls Being Built r- by
Frmarlamllar6 "The Haunted Ckmet," by
Sous Armen Wzmil; "At His Gates," (carotin
nod), by Mrs. Countaru "The Boy John," by
S. C. Eximsra.;•"The One Human Raoe," by
Terms Leine. Dr. HOLLOWS " Toping " for
the month are "A Heresy of Art," Herraral
and Heterodoxy," "The ;Illinois Temperance
Law," "The General and His Friends." •
NW The long expected companion
to "Tex MOMS IN • nAn- Roost " is nearly-
ready, and will shortly appear. The populari
ty and greacnsefialness of thicatandard tempo:
ranee hook , is evinced by the immense sales
that have been made—much greater, it s is be
lieved, thsai that of any book of its clue ever
published. Who has not read this.Xemarkable
book, so true to nature, so intense in effect,
and so terrible in its moral, and who that has
read it has not wished for a' companion. To
satisfy this widely expressed - desire, the author
has undertaken and Just completed a new vol
tunefithat unmasks the liquor-seller and his
accursed traffic In a way to startle and arouse ,
the public.
The new book is entitled "Tonne reins IN A
1i1.t.-i-TnAr." It-gives an inside view of the liq
uor trade, and portrays the terrible effects of
that traffic in a series of life pictures, fell of
the intensest interest,with the skill and fidelity
to nature so eminently characteristic °tale au
thor. The book cannot fail to make a strong
impression, and, as a new ativitis hi the cause
of temperance, will have a wide and powerful
influence. Nothing could be more timely than
its appearance now. Wo learn, by the publish
ers' circular, that it 113 to be sold exclusively by .
agents, and as it is a good opportunity
,to se
cure a book whit* will sell easily, and at the
same time do a vast amount of good, we desire
any one seeking profitable employment to ap
ply to the publishers, J. M. &rota's= OF. Co.,
No. 733 transom street, Philadelphia, for an
agency, and enter into this work of moral col
portearage at once.
C. F. Cnoss has the agency for 'this county.
Persons desiring to canvass tho Fork in the
county can apply to him.
BYLTANIA.—The Convention met Thursday,
March 28, 1872, in the Zion A. M. E. Church,
and was called to order at 2 o'clock P. 314 by
Mr. L Burz.r.a, who read the call. Rev. C.
SMITLI offered prayer in behalf of the objects
of tho Convention. and the success of tho Re
publican party.
The committee on credentials reported, 29
The committee on permanent organization
reported the following as officers of the conven
tion : President, Rev. C. A. Surrn; Tice Presi
dents, &fawn. Powf.u., Raow - s, and H.
Hoaszy ; Secretary, L J. Ittrrumf Azaistant Sec.
rotary, W. H. flummox,
,The President, on taking the chair, said he
thanked the Contention for the honor, and Wan
glad to dud such a large number of delegates
present. He urged all present to use all their
influence in keeping the colored Toter' in the
regular organization of the Republican party;
that there could be but one Republican party,,
and one candidate; that party would assemble
in Plaadelphia in June, and pnt its standard
bearer in the field. Gen. Gas= would-certain
ly be the choice of that convention, as ho is
nevi the choice of the Americankpeople.
The following committee on resolutions was
appointed : I. J. Burr.ra, S. Power.i., J. B.
Tuottrsola, Wm. Bnowx, 11-Doustv.
A letter was read from Hon. J.' H. PAINE;
expressing regret that on account of severe ill
ness in his family he could not bo present, brit
stating that he was, at the service of the com
mittee after the first proximo.
The following telegram from War. illowar.n
Day was read: "Gen. Gain. for President. No
swapping horses while crossing. No ground
and lofty tumbling, even with Brat.nzu."
The committee on resolutions reported the
following, which were adopted Unanimously:
WIIELLEAII, Thrungh the order of Divine Provi
dence, the IteptlialicAn party has been made
the instrument in delivering 4,000,000 of our
race from chattel slavery, and conferring upon
them all the rights and privileges of American
citizenship; and
Wnr.nzas, Said party has adhered firmly to
the principles of equal and-exact justice to all
men, without regard-to race, creed or color,
therefore be, it
Regolred, That we declare our highest allegi
ance is duo to the Republican party, and to the
-regular nomibees of said party.
liesoireil, That our thanks are due Ron.
-Charles Sumner for having fearlessly stood Inp
in the nation's council and damnified such
legislation as would guarantee equal rights be
fore the law ; but that we sincerely regret hie
recent course, in making war upon the adinin
istratiou—an administration whose record is
above reproach, and under which all citizens
arc enjoying the full protection of.the laws.
Besotted, That our thanks are tendered to
President'U. 8. Grant for faithfully executing
the laws of Congress, and administering the
Government in the interest of the American
nation, without partiality, to all classes and in
terests, and in accordance with the declaration
of his first annual message, " a faithful collec
tion of the taxes, economy in the distribution
of the 133,131 C; a prompt payment of every debt
of thenation, u reduction of taxes as rapidly as
the requirements of the country will 'permit;
reduction oftaxation and tariff to be so arrang
as to afford the greatest good to the great
est number."
Resolced, Thst the continued confidence of
our people is duo the - administration of Gen,
Grant, and that lie Is oar first and last choice
for President olthe United States in the cam
paign of 1872.
!Resolved, That we warn the colored people
of our district against the so-called "Liberal
Republican Party " as an organization whose
only object is to defeat the re-nomination of
Gen. Grant, and the final defeat of the Republi
can party.
Itesolced, That the thanks of this-Convention
are hereby tendered the lion. Ulysses Mercur,
Representative in Congress from this district,
for the valuable services rendered our cause in
the Halls of Congress, and that we most thor
oughly endorse him as our choice . for Judge of
the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylva
Resoired, That it is our duty to organize Be
publican clubs in each county of tho State, and
see that each voter is brought to the polls on
the day of election, and that he deposits his
ballot for the nominee of the Philadelphia*con
On motioti the thanks sir the Convention were
tendered Mr. Isaac Mrtr.s.
Mr., Isaac Mynas, of Maryland, was then ;in
troduced to the Convention, and in an addrs
warmly endorsed the re-nomination of . (len.
Haar:. Ho criticised very severely the course
of Susnczn, Scutum and . Grmittxr, and ailed
the delegates to follow no man who was not
the choice of the Philadelphia Convention. The
present Bopublican party , was liberal enough
for him, and that four years more of GILOYS
admiaistration would give tut a united country
from the Lakes to the Gulf.
After !Irene had concluded, on motion tho
Convention adjourned.
Mr The bill chartering a free
bridge company in this place has become slaw.
Also, the amendment to the borough charter,
dividing the borough into three wards. We
ihall publish them nest week. •
Housa To ItroT.—Enquire e at a M.
WELtme Coal Office.
let. A Is ike Clover Seed at Fox &
aft. We have a fine lined Tea—.
Oolong, Toting ilyscni, Japan and Upon.
M'As aEnwaans.
is.Vendue bills printed at this
office on abort notify.
is. Irmo boot", made to oilier al
L. L . Wdater `Oo"a. •
. _
1111. Grciuha Fitter $6.63 pez foal,
at Towanda Steam Flair 'Ms. -
Fos llin.--k - good how* lift
lorge lot. Eitialre of Otters a ELUSIZZ.
Fon tlua.—A Lot near the npger
Depot. Enquire at tide °Moo.
Cheviot Shirts, "imported
goods," M N. GoiximinaliA. C. P.
sir Lame stock of Rid and 'nib)
Wheat Thar, at MoCaas do Emma'.
ie. The Bolivar Hat— lateet--at
the IL O. P.
in. Flour , and Feed at retail, at
Towanda steam Flour Mlle, delivered free.
116 Don't forget the great Key
stone Clothing Palace.
Fos Sus.--A good Safe. Enquire
at this offices. •
oar A. fine assortment of Valises,
at the K. C. P. •
CS- A large assortment of Fish of
as grades, on hand at
McCort & EDwaiws'.
Kir a F. Crum is selling Bibles
for 25 cents.
• Mir An inspection of our stock in
curs no obligation In boy. N. i3oLotearru, S.
C. P.
111§. A nice assortment of Pilger.
Books, cheap, at C. F. Close.
DS: Opening of new Spring - Mil.
Unary Gm* at Min 421arnmea, Saturday,
April G.
Pine Street.
PERSONAL.—AII • persons entaipul
painting odgne for N. Goupsitrrn thronitt the
conntaj, will please advertise Spring OrerCosts.
• Fos Su..—Fifty yards striped
B carpot. Ifra. Saga. Lombard street.
Kir C. F. Cnoss sells abetter lino
of stationery goods than any other dealer In
, le` S. WOODIVID has got fairly
settled in his now store on Bridge street, and
prepared to attend to all of his old customers,
and as many new ones aslnsy
ae" Splendid new stock of White
Goods sad Linens, st EVANS & Muntsrtes.
Bridge street.
aer Hired roan wanted, for gar
dening and general work. Enquire &t i the In
MIP Dolly 'Warden Prints and Cam
bria', at Eves fi MMDll£lll4t,
Bridge street.
Seven choice dairy Dairy Cows
for sale. Enquire of E. W. Ton==. Itome,Ps.
April 4-4 w.
Mir A large stock of new Dress
Goods st EVANS E Htusarrirs.
Bridge streot.
SEED PoTArms.—Bresoe's King of
tho Earllea, Peerless, and Early Rose Potatoes,
for sale at ,the Institute.
166 Miss R tT, KINGSLEY is now re
ceiving new spring atylns In every variety Of
Millinery. and. Fancy Goals. T.
April 4-3 w. ,
Fon SsLr.—On reasonable terms,
a first-clam, light, open twiggy., Can be seen at
STEIILVC at Co.'s Factory, Towanda. For terms,
etc., address, P. Btivns, F.astori, Pa.
M. Will be on exhibition, in a
few days, the handsomest spring Overcoats
ever Been in Towanda. "Bops," don't fail to
inspect them at N. Goitenara's K. C. P.
NoTicr--The ladies of the Baptist
Church and congregation will bold is Sugar and
Ice Cream Festival in the rooms above Dr. LY
xsx's office, near the Elwell House, commenc
ing Tuesday evening, jhe 9th
Mgr B. S. DEAN, Pistor of the
Church of Christ, at Smithfield, Will , preach in
Wyaltuiing on the following evenings : Monday
and Tuesday, April 8 .and 9, imbject, Christi
anity of Godr Wednesday evening, "The
World's need of a &More Thursday, evening,
"Ontllrie of Reformations;" Friday . evening.
"Sightly DiViding the World."
Bross having removed from Warren Centre,
there is now.a good opening for a physician.
Any one desiring to locate _mere, can secure a
good dwelling and a lucre - are practice. Ad
-dress or enquire of 3. F. Cobers, Warren Con
ire, Pa.
April 4.-4 er. •
11€9... - BIDawAYEItETT, on Bridge
street, still continue to simply our people with"
everythinetu the Grocery . and Provision line,
at very low rates. The proprietors aro both
active and industrious, and all customers are
treated the same. A child receives the same
attention as an adult. This fact has made the
!Ailed, White and Bine" the favorite place fey
farnilios to buy groceries.'
A CARD.—I am reliably informed
thitt certain parties engaged in the clothing
Vastness in this place r aro reporting that I hare
init Towanda, and this is to notify my old
friends and customers that such reports are in
stigated by jealousy, and are false in every par
ticular. I am still engaged in the clothing
holiness, and have the best assortment of
goods to be found in Towanda.
ler Special examinations of toach
era for the Summer term of schools will be held
as follows:
Letaysville, Saturday, April 13 ; East Smith
field, Tuesday, April 16 ; Troy, Thursday, April
18; Towanda, Tuesday, April 23.
Applicants will please come provided with
pen, ink, pencil, paper and reader. Exercises
to commence at 9'clock
A. A. EmmET,Va.l3 l ipt
,Towands; Pa., March 30, 1872.
14T3icCasz , & EDWARDS have just
opened a large stock of dried and canned fruits,
of superior quality. They hare justly earned
the reputation of keeping the best assortment
of goods in their line, and seem determined to
maintain their standing is this particular. It
b a real pleasure to examine their goods, and
note the difference in the quality of their stock
and that of many other dealers. They nerer
panties° anything which is not strictly first
ior We bare on hand and oiler at
1 Grocer t Baker Sewing Machine,
2 . Ladd & Webster - 1 — " "
1 Wheeler & Wilson's " •
1 Franklin
1 Leather - • " " •
Call at the agency of
C. NELSON is agent for the
Domestic Sewing Machine. Ton can see Oat
not hear„ for; they are almost as noiseless as
the snow; flake), two or three of the Domestic
Sewing Machines in fall operstkm in the ens
tom clothing department of Tawas & Gass',.
Towanda. They are boimd to make good work,
if such enterprising and experienced moa 'as
timse decide, after trying all others, tbst. the
Doinestkris hest, what better guide an
iniapsieneed have; take heed, such criteria
is dechire. thin% be deceived by agents. , May
the best amid= ; 41, staving Ifa ugr ;alto all
loch mtablisatisassikvbgin it Is bacon;
fi *
104 No ll w ii
lOW - Pitelwea
Pox Bum- -- Woolen
lackey. Zoqshe allow. Naos. near Nos•
VIII. Molasses and. Syrups of all
grades. cheap, at McCann it rowans:
trodertakinat . N noires,
Boma, Pa., 45 par cent. thin away other
arm in the county. A fine hearse ihrshbod
when desired.
is. Pea-vine, Ohio, ad West-
Branch Chrrer Soot ; also a prime article of
Timothy Seed, wholesale and recoil, at
Fon ThorT.—The house now OW 12
plod by Tnos. Dzixonn, on Man street. Pos
session given April 1. Eintdro of M. S.
lir Tomatoes, Peaches. Pine
apples, eta., by the can, dozen or , cue, very
cheap, at - lioDanz h EDWARDS'.
IMPHonaaa and Lots for sale, on
euy monthly payments, or to Bent.
Poplar sheet. Towanda, N-4.
Luatts & Moans, manufac
turers at those celebrated epoctacks; ham%
changed their agency from d. Iluoummes to
Wx. A. Cnaxamanns. .
h. Buffalo Robes and Horse
Blankets—closing mit sale regardless of cost,
at • '
•py. Nitrous Oxide GtlB for itxtract.
Ing tooth, at EaLur 8 lit!axia-es.
sir Tobacco of all grades, at
mccanza. EDWARDS'.
lam WOODFOAD will open with
an entire new 'Welt of Boots and Shoes, In the
store new oectipiql by F. IL Nos on Bridge St,
on Monday next.:
WErrucEß d; Sox, Rothe,
Pa., are selling Ilea-Vine; Ohio and West-
Branch Clover Seed, and Illinois Timothy Seed,
as cheap as the cheapest.
MS. Call at Mrs. J. D: }al.'s this
week, and see the Spring styles of Bonnets and
Bridge street, Towanda, Pft. —2 br
LosT.—Lbottt October, 1869, near
the residence of Gro. P. Cann; in Towanda, a
small oral Brooch, composed of a topaz set in
a net-work of gold. Any one haring found the
'same, and leaving it at this office, will bo liber
ally rewarded. •
Fos su-A matched team of
bay horses, S and G years old; or - would ex
change for one bean hors°. Apply to Moo
war it 1. - marry,, White t Blue Store, To
$ J. Wirrresin Sz, Sos, Rome,
Da., will pay the higlisst market price in rash
for all kinds of Hides, Skins and Sheep Pelts.
' To Maim—The House and Lot
now occupied by S. Matsu Larouri., on Wes
ton street. A first rate plicc for a person de-
siring to keep a livery stable. Apply to Orza
70$ & Ezensar..
stir;;Haring lately added to oar
regular business an Insurance Agency, and
baying-some good Companies, we respectfully
ask a share of your business in this line.
Yours respectfully,
WAFrED.—Five hundred good veal
Exuma k Ituu.oca.
Mir Partners and Dealers will find
it to their savants& to bay their Clover and
l'unothy Seed of Foi &: 31zucca. They have a
large stock and sell cheap.
GON'E Asms.—March 8, a black
Shepherd Dog, white on his breast and nose.
If any ono will please inform mo where he is, I
will pay him for his trouble.
pcco, Drumm it Co. have secured the services.
of a very 'superior workman, and are prepared
to do gas fitting on short notice at the reduced
rate of 15 cents per foot. Now is the time to
get work done before the price is advanced. A
large stock of fixtures, brackets, globes, etc.,
on hand.
tity of 4 by 4 inch scantling, and iLso dae (1)
inch boards, 14 to 20 inches Wide, delivered at
this place. Said cherry to be 10, 12, 14 or 16
feet long, 'free of heart, bad corners or bark.
All good lumber. Persons-offering will state
price, hi:4 dry the lumber is; and how soon,
and what quantities they can furnish.
Address, W. 0. liacmak,
Eagle Works,
Harrisburg, Pa.
March 7.-1 L
Fon SALL—The valuable property
known is the Bradford House, and furniture ;
also, two .second-hand Billiard Tables. Thia
property is well situated in Sonth Waverly,
.Pennsylvania, and is an excellent- stand for a
hotel, and will be sold on easy terms to snit
purchasers. For particulars in regard to the
actuation of the premises, and price, enquire of
W. B. KIia.X.EY, of Towanda, Pa., or jot= 8.
Monitor, of Waverly, N. Y., who will answer all
enqnriries with promptness. .
Now, after all that has been.
Baia and written by interested parties, we are
compelled by the decision of the people, who
certainly ought to be able to judgo,. to still
claim that the Sitger Improced Sewing Ma
chines are not surpassed. They do any work
that any rowing machine does, as easy and
simply. They no not verse out. They will
work as easily after years use u at first.
iVreEttaxr t BLacz.
General AZentis.
IEO- Examine the figures below,
from official returns. Sales of the leading Sear
ing Machine Co's. for 1811 : •
Finger Manufacturing Compang. 181,260
Wheeler it Wilson ... .78,523
Grover ,t Baker 50,138
Weed Hewing Michine,Co. . 39,655
Howo Machine Co., from Jan. to July.. 34,010
Wilcox k Gibbs • accza
American.. 20,121
TM= -21,153
"How TO Go Wesr."=-Forty years
ago, Il!biota was as far Wegt as most people
wished to go, and journeys were made in the
legendary "Prairie Schoonei," but in these
days of Progress and Improvement, the word .
West has come to mean lowa, Nebraska, Kan;
us, Colorado, California and, the Territories,
and the. Traveler reaches almost any point
therein by a splendid Line of Railroad.
This Line of Railroad is the Burlington Route,
which stub; from Chicago over the Chicago,
Burlington it Quincy R. 8., from Indianapolis
over the Indianapolis, Bloomington k Western
abort Line, and from Logansport,, over the To
ledo, Peoria A. Warsaw B. 8., and running thro'
Bususirro?r, reaches Omaha, Lincoln, zebras
a City, Bt. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth and
Kansas (Sty, connecting with the Union Pacific,
Kansas Pacific and other :Railroads rnnthg
from those - -
W____ k Buux.
Always go "By way of Burlington," and yon
WM be sure to be right.
The Burlington Route has admirably answer
ed the question, ." How to go West?" by the
imbliealion of a truthful and interesting boa
mtnit, filled with fade in regard to Time, Con
nections, accommodations, rates of fare, and
nabs: interesting items, and illustrated by a
large map, Whinny showing the whole West,
which they distribute free of charge. Copies"
with additional Inibnnstion, can be obtained
by addriedwg General Passenger Agent, B. di
LIM; autilegiop lows.
Loilz—Betwootikroranda 04V
•Ori tiro Ostridtlrilittem The Andes will
cool* favor by leaving them .t Pewit, &
881.. Fax. Baiotoss :- To show the
readers of thejtaroazzahow the &lay, recent
1Y written by me and published in pamphlet
form at your office, Is nsaided by the litcnu7
public, I send jou berenri4 a letter 1 received
finin the talented editor of the LouisrMe Qua
mercial a paper deratei to literature and
commerce. . Yours, eta,
Towanda, Mardi 94,1874.
Lommua, Ky., March 18,12.
" Gix. PATTON: Your work on the 'Origin
and States of the White and Oolored Haws,' is
attracting much siltation here in literary and
acientide circles. As only one or two persons
have pamftdon of the work, I take the liberty
of you to send me &copy. The theories
and arguments advanced by you are •of such a
elizlcharacter that even those who have
g inclined to concede to Darwin 41 that is
ed for him, are looking at your work with
critical and enquiring Morels a brilliant
originality and platy in all the biding
featureteit your work, that causes thinkers to
regard Waken. of themost valuable pa=
theme. I can onV yepeat what the
ant of this O Aaron Fontaine.
said. that' Gen. Fatima ` a
has produced the
mostatarUing truths that have been advanced
in thus age.' - Dr. B. F. Grant, one of th e npost:
learned physicians of the State, has exproseed .
a strong desire to discuss the propositions you
have advanced, through the press. You had
'better correspond with him. Accept my eon=
gratulation fur the success with which your
grwtt_ effort has been crowned. I believe it will
do good, and obtain wide celebrity . for yen:self,
the talented autilor, and for the v - .evrs *dimm
ed. God bless you anci ct k= your *lntellect
dear. I remain res U,
Your obedient ser y vant,
W. Cocatisitziry
Editor Louisville Commercial.
Sir"' shall in futnre - use none
but El aetticis Safes.'
• I OY
Cuicaoo, Doc. 23, 1871.
Messrs. Herring it Co:, Chicago:
GrzsTutarsit : I had tiro of your "Herring
Patent Champion Wes' in my office at the
timo of the Great Fire of the Bth and Otte' of
ober. Otte was on the second floor and the
other on the third floor: Both Safes fell to the
basement, and:when we got them out, after tbe
fire, I found all my account books and papers—
in fact, the euUre contents of - both Safes—in
splendid condition; the melting of the glue of
the binding of tho books was all the damage
doge. I shall in fnturo use ncne but Herring's
Batts. Yours truly,
Four Lime Safes of another make, belonging
to ./S PM7T.x.ItTON. ai de by redo with Ihunrso s,
were destroyed with-all their contents.
have testified to the preservation of their books,
papers and valuables, in the- terrible Chicago
Manufactured only by
So. 251 Broadway, corner Murray-at., N. Y:
FARREL, BERRLNG S CO., Philadelphia.
'ILERRniG .t.. CO., Chicago.
New Orleans
BIRNEY--BALMON.—In Wyabasinr, March 21,
_ 1872, by Bev. D. Craft, Mr. John D. Birney to
Miss Mary 8.-Salmon, both of Wyalnaing.
tr e z
27. 4 by Bev. D. Craft, Mr.. Jacob W.
8 nd, of Terry, to Miss Carrie E. Hanging
et, of Wilmot.
the home of the bride's father. in Stone ; by
Rev. Luther Peck, Mr. Daniel A. Fleuuerfelt,
of Tunkhannock, to Mutt Jane Anguina, eld
est daughter of Henry Fisher.
PROWLInSON.—In Athens township, March
22, 1872, Lorenzo D. Prow Union, tr, , ,1tx.1 Cl
Persons wishing to - Sell
or Lease Houses or Farms, will ihnl it to their
advantage to call on
. •
1 Jonx W. Ma, .
1 Beal Estate Agent.
°Tee 3:Screw's Bock, Towanda, Ps..
Mir Wst. A. keeps a
better assortment of Seth Thomas' Clocks, that
any one in 'Bradford county. Frices from c 2.25
to $2:5.00. Also Ithaca Calendar, and fine French
Clocks, always on hand. AU trarrapte4.
jet- Thomas Maddock% Produce
Commission Merchant, Pennsylvania Ave
nue, Scranton, Pa. butter, Eggs, Lard, Cheese,
Fruits, Potatoes, A.e., Consignments
cited,'and returns promptly made .on sale of
Goods. References cheerfully meth Correa - -
pondence solicited.
Leßayinrille, Pa
Efg. We, the undersigned, having
had ample opportunity yof estimating the abili
ty of Mr. SAILUF.L as a Gas Fitter, have
great pleasure in testifying. that we , consider
him a competent and faithful mechanic, arid
possessed of business qualifications which fully
entitle him to the support of the public.
Wo therefore hope he will receive a share of
public support:
31. C. 31xncrn, J. 314CFAIMLANE, G. F.
MASON, N. N. Dcrts, J, V. tsr, Jame
McCaig, C. lg. M.....Nvans, J. D. NTANIT, A.
31ssu:i, B. S. Pitsrr, WICSIIAM, JNO. J.
Ggtr: Evsxs Jr liumarrn.
Practical Gas and Steam Fitter,
(Over twenty, years' experience).
Shop wider Gotmsairrn's "E. C. P." I'. G.
Box 471.
osstm COMM; EANBAS.--One hundred
and sixty acres—one hundred are fenced in—sixty.
flee are cultivated. • A house, stone stable. good
well, a few bearing peach trees. a very Rood stone
quarry find a teal bank thereon. A shaft has been
aunt and is in operation, and crows to be of the
best coal In the county. There is not five acres of
waste land. Only use mile and a half from the
thriving town of Burlingame. Fnr further particu
lars enquire of . . W. DITTIIICU,
mar.2tr72 Towanda, Bradford County, Pa.
Selute . tl by oursams at Chictgo,
Selected In Cleveland. Also West Branch and
We will guarantee onr Large Clover Seed to be
Trne to name. We Lave a large stock to select from
and will tell at lowest market price, at Wholesale or
March!. I 8 2. , FOY & MERCUR.
A c ' s
Corona, Coma, Waparvra Cora& Bum-
AZIMIKA ALTD Co.trincracm. •
The few compmdtions, which have Iron the cond.
dance of mankind aid' become household words
among not only. one but many , nations, must have
extraordinary strides. Perhaps no ono ever secured
so wide • reputation or =Lintel - fled it so long as
Armes Cassel PECTOZAL. It ban been known to
the public about forty years, by • long =boned
merles of marvellous cures, which have iron for it •
ocsnildence in its virtue. never evened by any
other medicine. It still makes the most setae shine
and effectassi canes of Cootie, Coide, (bornespeiele,
that can be made by medical Indeed
Cataiur Plecimeas. has really robbed these
ens diseases of ; their terrors, to a great extent ,
given is leelthg Of immunity from their fatal
which is well finnsTed. If the remedy be taken in
mason. Every family should him it in their closet
for the ready and prompt relief of Its members.
Sickness, assffming, and even life is saved by this
timely protection. The prudent should not neglect
It. and the wise will not. Keep it by you ice the
protection it affords in sadden attacks, Ind by its
timely oak
- 20,051
.. 10,397
nuarl.lo7) SZ
. Ds J. C. 'Ma k CO.. Lomat. 3Los..
PLICTICAL AXD 11111MICAL 1213121M112.
And sold by Draggers ill round this world.
Dr. U. C. POIITIES, BON k C 0... Wholesale agents
omas, Ps., sad to: sale by dealers throughout .
the county. dIcJ. 11,-4ze.
TVELSOLUTION.—Notice ishereby
between &
L. L. Moody en that the larthersbi Wat p lately int:clefts
and kins, ander the
fun of L. L. 'Moody t Co., In been this day din.
solved by mutual count.
AU debts owing to said .co-partneratdp nos to be
paid to tilq said L. L. Woodyand all
against the laid partnership ire I to be p•of• to
and paid by biro.
GO 10 FROST k SONS. '.11711.
racraz IpILAMIrON far ass stee of De&
klizrrusz or 4 u roma 4-191sel
New Alvertisetionti.
We ..aTea large lot of
Merchants can be supplied with the above class of
goods at very reasonable prices. We are prepared
to make Boots to Measure. Mao FltatCassa Repair
lag at reasonable prices.
N. p.—Tbe above wiry low price system moat be
understood CASH Invariably dit delivery. tor Cs/1
and see before you buy. Shop opposite Methodist
Chnich, Main Street.
CHERRY PECTORAL 1 winds, Nov. um
IL 2. W.I.I"XIM&
Towanda. Pa..Nandt ZI. ISM.
.:": :+~
ow a, Jowls
Insumncio AMY.
DIMING A TERWLIIL 43:18111 - pnideed bamboos
asa pat . /halo afausisabled salwater,
a all 16.1/4r adian ,sad rames.-
&Wes metros. so &min on oroPtkok hi the boll-
W. PArrox.
usea of
U becomes or vita importance to Urn insuring pub.
do that Übe,' ped thee trust, In,timishwreti. Nr
Jested, wlealthy arponaiou, which deal In
At. a fair-rote of premiss lather than a doabyal
/01.41:1% !Aged at shakes, pries aiir bury iota glee.
Beartag eu, tw atiod we tve recentti reorgantzed
Oar Insurance Agency, disocintinuing oar eat:midi=
with some Companies and securing the agency of
others of greater age and mere as* capital
Therefore it le :with entire couple oes we mast
e tothisiag list of Campmates for the eanddere.
Lion of property 01112(211 and others, and Bonen the
patronage of all those desiring
Lurmal.—Capital anti A aetta.........$ 12,000,000
Qosex " • 10.000.000
AXIMICAN— " 1,123,000
Tostrxrts— 773,670
WtoaaSta—• 250,000
T2aczumo 4111) ACVID=II 2.000,000
ILLaw.ty Pismiort Antni,utcr. C 0.... 300,000
To wads. March 20.1872.-3 m • Agents.
Wolff 13:rcns.
.11me purchased the Stock of .Clothing of
Ono door South of FOX & ILFISCUIVS. and los=rob7
that they wilt offer greater Inohrossoeuts to cash bny
ors. t any other establieranatln
Mng thoroughly posted in every branch of the
business. they feel perfectly confident that they can
mote it to the tnterest of all
- -
Their Stock of goods comprises goods grades.
from the Ithest to th e commis; arid auttnt of i
an by
the best estabitahmente In the country.
Glre na a call
Timmls, 'March 12. 1872.
* * * * * * * * *********
She underahrued would Warm . the pab to *
* that they hare purchased the ,
op Main street, drat door south of the First
National Bank. and moan. by strict attention *
to boldness. and by the addition of every *
provement in the Art of Photography, to make.
the place worthy of patronage. . Mr. Gams *
la to remain with a; and glee bia whole time
and attention to the making of
Partlontiv attention gtron to the e
* of piesores. and to the finishing of s E ll a r 4 ai *
of watt. so ma to secure the best. veseilts. Auld *
as much time as possible given to nuking
* negatives of mall childern. -
Those wanting pictures will gesso Klee ns
a Wel, and we think that they will be ans. IL
* ned-
* janll'723l
* * *• * * at ' * * .* * * * *
[i r:►;{y:li[i r `~;f w,[.is wf~ ~[►i,y:ir ~►i:i ~~•~
Gents Rip. 2 sole & tap Root, borne made,
warranted Si 33
.do 1 ,do - do do 4
do 5 'do do - do nailed. ♦4 00
do , X double sole . do a3O
do Cait peg do do - do - 505
Boys Rip. 2 sole and UP, do 2 73 to 5 00
Youths KIP, 3; double solo, do 2 00 to 2 23
$2 , 000 , to $5,000 Per 'Annum !
Needed in every borne; is printed on tinted paper;
has sixty Illustrations; all U S Presidents; all U 8
Oessums; all U S Senators: all valuable documental
likeness of all the Pregidents; " Cost of Alma "of
all the States: and OM& illustrations. An Ency
clopedia at the Oasernment. Price, $2 ISM Ono
agent took thirty-wren orders in one day—another
serenty.dre in a few dayst It sells unmensely.
Some agents dear at the rate of 0.000 per annum.
Farmers. whoa tesebirs, professional men. young
men and ladies; aresrapwrhsts making money rap
idly in canvassing !be this work. The usefulness of
the book compels nil. ale. Write ris and we will
wind circulars and tall instruction free. Address
NEW WOULD PUBUSlll343,south-west tor.
nee lib and Nesbit streets, Philadelphia.
Tbo subscriber bow offers for sae bis new
The property is situated in Stirreaseille, Bradford
comity. Pa., on the line of the proposed railroad
from Wyabarltg to and a will
probably helmeted op e property. depot
The property consists of Aftoen acres of land, a
Iwo new Mai. two Dwelling Houses, two Barns,
ontildings, and a neverfaning water power.
For hither particulars enquire of 0. D. Bartlett.
Wm. Griffis; or N. N.Vietts. Csatder First Na
tional Bank, Towand‘Fa., Martin Cale% Wilkes.
Barre, or A. Lowls, Wyatusitw.
12100LUt itTONE,
janitrffiuS - titerenreille ; Pa.
FFOBSAL E.—The. undersigned
aria . Private Bale. Ida enilre stock of
Hoessehobi Paraltase. ou Pabetteses, Jennie' , he.
A list of the articles em be seen by caning as POW.
ICLL & Co'.. Mors.
Towanda. Fab. IS, 1372. P. BECKER
PDX k 10210/11111.
041 0 / 1 713,. TEA, SWAB, 1/71311,
jut, • • = an 4 Nuar,
•• • I.
JULIUS wol.r.
Azents wantesi for
Ar e CCAL . rArxxsTs.
-A writ at Mal Irintel tbs that
•SEEnThril l-8 virtue
of allows Ikea of DeadOeed thiuntii and 10 Jae
AMU& wIA b• sapsand to public ads st tbir Carat
House In Sr Baron& at Towanda. on THURSDAY.
the t i ono t i l ii d HAY. 18Th Us: dock.
lb. dsserlbol pima* Wad at land
situate in tonnthip, thilied as dam :
Oa Os north by land at Aura the east
by land at dark Babcock on Oa' south by Os pub.
lb allholy leading from Now Albany .10 Hibbard
Hal. and an Ins vast b? Ms Harakk Tarspiks,-.
Zeno 100 bet train sad 120 last deep. add' a two
story teamed building need se a purr sadder:Stag
and a bard stabler thereon.
• Seised esd token in esseutton the anti ill Thaw.
a l i V= the ea F. Z. Lewis A Co..
following desufbed lot, {deco ar parcel
of land situate In Albany , ,lionoded on the
north by HAW size* on the wen by land of
CompbHnbd arngert.
e on w eh
übteh by land of Joseph
Beesick Temples
Containing 18,400 sonars feet. more or less, ho
p:avid. with a dory plank hones thereon.
&hid a nd taken two in eramtion att the N. T.
Hartem'suse vs. D. R. Harshbarger. •
Ar.Aoo—Tbio thflowtft described lot, Meeo or Parcel
of l a nd' idtut. in Mn'T twp.. bounded on the
north by laud of Amos awes. on the east by the
Berwick Turnpike, cm the south by land of Jared
Hammond. and on the vat by land of Harrison
Voorhies. Contatoing one sere of land. more or
less, hoproted with s frazood house. a fraud barn
and a few fruit trees threon.
RAW and taken in executkon at the suit of Just
us R. Raynor n. James Seeley.
ALSO—The folloifing described lot. piece or meet
of tosCittuste In Moires tap., bounded on" the
north by lands of W. W. Decker and C. Remus
east by horde at Strom Sweet smith by lands of
Enka Parke, and vest by land of Samuel Groomer.
Containing 50 acres of land. more or kw, all MI-
Painkinth two framed bowies. two franied-baras
one corn house and as spple orchard thereon.
Seised and taken in mention at the suit of D. E.
Blockstan's use is. N. D. Tex.
Also by virtue of sundry vette of Vend. Expo.
seized sod taken in execution st thc_ snit of L. B.
Blackman's use vs. N. D. Fox.
&280—Bg virtue of sundry wntasf Tend. Expo,
will be Sold at same time and pb,a. the follow
ing doscrfbed lot. the piece or parcel of land situate In
Wells tap., bounded on the north by land of John
Cunningham and TbonmeLytle. on the east by laud
of T. Reynolds, on the mouth by land of Lucretia
Strong. end on the west by land of Whitney Gifford
and Martin Capron. Containing 112 acres. more or
leg, about ST acres Improved, with a double two
story framed house, a small old Aimed lumso, a
framed barn and two apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken to execution at the suit of Brad.
ford County vs. H. •
ALI3O--ille following described lot. piece or par.
eel of laid altuate in timitteleld twp.. bounded on
the north by the public highway, east lands of
Lydia Grover. south and west by lands of Augusto.
Phelps. Containing one half• of an acre of land,
more Dr less, all improved with a framed hOuse,
framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO:;.-Tbe follinsing described lot. piece or parcel
of land *Bade in Barclay twp. using it the
south-west corner of William NZatlirop's land near
the public highway leading up the Sander Creek:
thence north deg. east 38I;•pra. to spoil.: thence
northill 'deg. west 58 pn. to a post; t he nce south
47 deg. west 88 7-10 perches to a post:. thence south
deg. east 88 4.10 prs., to the public: highway
aforesaid; theme north 34, , : deg. east] 1S 040 Pea
to a pod; thence north 55 deg. east 35 3-10 perches
to the place of beginning. Containing as acres and
54 perches eland: more or less, about one acre im
proved. No buildings.
Seized and taken le ergcnticm at the snit of E. - .
Lockwood's use vs. Charles D. Northrup,
ALSO4The following described lot, piece or Miredy
of land situate in Towanda Borough, bounded on
the north and cart by land of John P. 31outs, on
the south .by land of Edward Elliott and west by
Spruce street. Containing one acre 01 land, more
or leek Depraved, with a two story framed home
framed barn and erw fruit trees thereon.
ALSO--;On e e other lot , piece or parcel o: land situ
ate in the township of Towanda, bounded on the
north by tend of R. H. Mace, east by land of Mi
chael Beldam, south by land of James McGill and
lied by John Bowman. Containing 38 acres of land
more or Ina. No improvements. • •
Seized and taken in esecution at the cult of E.
Harris's- use. vs. Benjamin Lewis and James P.
. •
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of P. L.
Ward u. tames P. 'Anis and Berjainin Lewis.
ACESO—'The following described lat. Vece or parcel
Of land situate In Towanda...Borough. hounded on
the north by land of W kh.crt & Black, on the east
by an alley. on the south of N. E. Solomon
and west by Main street. Being 23 feet trent on
said Main street. and *boot ninety feet deep (ex
tending to said alley) with A three story brick build
ing used as a store thereon.
Seized Lad taken in execution at the snit of
F. means' use Ta. Laphreall.
ALSO—The following deseribed lot, piece or parcel
of land situate 1n Towanda Borough. bounded on
the north' by lard of ]Sri. Patrick Wills. on the
ma i n and
street. on the south by Wad of Michael
ftonan and west by an a/ley. Being 50 feet front on
said Mainirtrtet. more or less. and 147 'feet 'deep.
Inure or less, with a framed house and an old framed
shed thereon.
• 'Seized and tated in execution at the suit of L. B.
Badgers & Co.'s use vs. Patrick.Gillyit
ALSO—By virtu of =dry writs of Alit Fi. Fa.
will be sold at the same time and place, the follow.
lug described lot. piece or vorM of land situate in
Albany top., beginning at a *net of land former
ly belonging to Simeon Bensor i kl, now Jerre Laraby
thence along line of land bole y,ln,g to" George H.
Kendall north GO deg. west 63 pre. to the creek;
thence down the creek 08 pre. toe beech corner on
the bank of the creek; thence - south 50' deg., west
38 pre., to Ifenson'S line to a pcnit set for a corner;
thence south 30 deg. west 68 pre`, to the place of be
ginning. ',Containing 20 acres of hind. more or leas,
about 3 saes Unproved, with a plank house thereon
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of E. C.
Kellogg re. Amass Beverly.
ALSO—By birtno of. sundry writs of Levert
w.ll be sold at the same time end place the follow
ing described let. piece or parcel of land situate in
Monroe tip., bounded on the' north by lauds of
Luella Folder. emit end south by lends of Lyman
Elam west' by lands of- Samuel Lyon. Being 20
fed In width and 40 feet in depth, with a framed
building need as a shingle mill- thereon. . -- •
Seized spa taken In execution st the suit of Wash
ington Irvin administrator of Thomas Bond, de. -
ceased. vs: Selab Wickham.
. ALSO—The following - described lot, piece or par.
eel of land situate in Wyelosing twp...botinded on
the south and east by lards of J. S. Thopson, on
the north by lands,of J. D. Camp. and on' the west
by the highway leading from Camptown to Herrick.
Seized 41 taken in execution at the snit of 15. A.
Fuller vs. J. Eaten
ALSO virtue of sundry.writs of Al.: Vend
ailt be sold at the same time and place, the follow
ing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Towanda tap., bouilded an the north by lands of
John B. Smith and the* Widow Cooh, east by lands
of William Watkins. smith by lands of if. C. hler
ear and the estate of C. L. Ward, deceased, •and
west by bads of George Britton, Bode Durex. and
Z. P. Duren. Containing 125 urea of land, more or
less. shouted acres improved. with a largo trained
dwelling house, two old framed !mutes, franiedbarn
and few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken 3n execution at the snit of H
Charlotte 'Ward, adreinistratrix of the estate of C
L. Ward, deceased, ra. Michael Meylert. - -
•i. P. VAN FLEET. Sheriff.
Sheriff's 13111ce. Towanda. April A 1672. -
is hereby given. that there has been tied and
settled to the office of the Register . of Willa in and
for the couhty of Bradford, accounts of admirals.
MU= upon the following estates, via: - -
Viola Final actxrant of V. S. Landon, guardian of Ida
Final account of Austin Of. Titus, executor 'of
David Titus. deceased. ' • .!-
Account Of Jasen K. Wright, gm:lit:in of Eliza
beth Murray. '
Adconnt of Jason K.. Wri •.1 lan of Georgd
Murray. - _.
Account of Jason .K. Wright, guardian sf Willie
F. Murray. ; _ - .
Accomat Of Jason E. 'Wright. guardian of 'Barbel
- ay.
Account of Jason K. Wright, guardian of Edith
Murray. - t . . . ,
Final aCcOnat of E..S. Skeet. administrator 'of Je
rome Blakeslee. ' :,
Final "oedema of Helen c, Salsbury. sdnaluistra.
trim of 36roine &,13alsbury.
Final walnut of D . , E. Ayres, guardian of Temps
A.'Etrong, ;
Final account of John F. Orenshirr, executor of
James A. Thomas. deceased.
11°11 account of Amain Edict]. Jesse Era 1 1, ex.
ecntors and Clara Baal!. executrix of Jonagadsall.
First and Partial account of Wm. Mix. trustee of
R. C. gdama.
Final acctiont of G. W. Brink and Boger P. Rowel
executors of Wm. Rider. deceased.
Final account of B. Laporte, executor of James
Final account of Elizabeth F. Badger and P.S.
Pratt. administrators of J. 11 Badger.
Final umbra of Emily Gore. Obadiah, Gore and
sear C. Gore, administrators of Geo. C. Gore. '
Partial Athount of Aaron Sheeler, guardian of
}ties G. finyclf.r.
Partialrine—mint of Aaron Sheeler, guardian of Eva
ALSO—The epprileetnent of property set off by
Executers oi Admintrtratore to widows or children
at the follolinzdecedents :
Estate, of John W. 80N1T6112
• Daniel Lenot.r
Thotnaa N. Card.
• • Inwood llhodebaugh.
Reuben Wettlielzer.
And the lame will be presented to the Orplian'a
Couri of Bradford County. on .Thttrsday the lfth
day of Km BM, at 2 <Veloric, p.,re, for confirms.
Bon and allowance.
Aril A, 11372
-a-Court of the Vetted States for the Western Din.
trict of Pennsylvania. Western District of Pennryi.
wank- In the matter of Jesse Ayers, Bankrupt:
Western Distrkt of Pennsylvania, se.—A warrant
in bankruptcy has been issued by the said coati
against the estate of Jesse Ayers, of the corititY of
Bradford *militate of Penraylvailia. Bank
rapt on petition of his creditors the payment of any
debts and delivery of any Property belonging to such
Bankrupt, to him or to his tee, and the kW:atter of
any property by , him are. forbidden by law; that *
- meeting of the creditors of th, said .13ankruPt, to
prove their debta, and to chonae on or more As:
signers of his estate, will be 'held by • Court of
Bankrnstcy, to be holden at Towanda. Ps., in said
District, on the Ma day of April, A. D., 1872. at 1D
o'clock a m • at the office of Edward Overton. Jr.,
one of the Reziateys in Bankruptcy of said District
Mar.l2.arl. , V.S. Marshall for said Distsh t.'
Court of th . e.Vnited States for Pm Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania. - Western District of Pennsyl
vania. In the matter of II T. Afar/dud! and W. B:
Marshall, partners as Marshal Bros., •
Western District of Pennsylrarda , sg.—A warrant
in Bankruptcy Ina been homed by the said court
against the estate of B. T. k BV. K. Marshall. part
ners doing bushaesx in the name of Marstodi Bros.,
of the county of. Bradford and State of Pennsylvania,
adjudged Bantrepts on petition of their creditors,
payment of any debts and the delivery of any proper
ty belonging to said Bankrupts, to them or to their
use, and the transfer of any property by them are.
forbidden by lean: that a nieentut of the creditors of
the acid Bankrupts tl prove their debts, and choose
one cr more assignees of their estate, wiP. be held at
a Court of Bankruptcy. to be holden at Towanda.
Pa.. in said-District, otd - the sth day of April. A. D.,
1872. at 10 ovd , xdr. P. m..• at the Ofilee of Edward
Overton. Jr . one Of the Be:Zig:Pr! in Bankruptcy of
said Instrict•
AjNatice ht bWreby given that all persons Indebted
to the estate of WILLIAM B.LICIAIft late of IX
stir, deed, are requested to' mho . Immediate
payment, and all persons haring claims against said
estate must present them duly authenticated for
A. 111111T017.7H• settlement. WILLIA.Itt 1101081/AN.
51ar.21:71. lbtecutgr
V. 8. Marshal for raid Dieted: • .
JAM. Notke is hereby elven that all persons indebted
to the estate of JOSEIII FEAB2PLY,. late of Leloy
Pa„, &maimed, art requested to make immediate
payment, and all persons having claims against said
estate must Prevent them duly authenticated foe mit
natant. - • DATED 115101Ight, .
•„=• , 4 ann: fs MISR
Linde in Readibrd
311111 Kizeh, 181 S, and other of Alieeien
bir. be entreat 1 vela* ede et the Commie.
skeriee 011c*, to the horealdi at Towanda. on the
24 Yosulay in June. A.D.. 1872. the hide of merit.
ed hind deseribed in the following on ea the
tam end ooet upon the same :ore paid before that ,
tines : -
,Acree. • Warrantee New.
• Wuxi
107 Barren John Jr
93 Bush Moms .
250 Wagner la Hanes
13 NAM* 'Swum est
dy Csuningbass D It
4uo Har lames ;
320 . IWO Asdrew
400 Nutty Mass
400 Hardy Simon
300 Lsdley Andrew
4410 • UAW Peter
330 Ladlay Joseph
335 Mart Wallet
2G3 • - Stunt Deborah
400. Bidden:is inane!
400 fUddess Josetth
323 8141 dons Samuel
175 Sidilens Peter •
Ls sok.
200 _ Bac- k How • -
202 • Beaten latedcrick
402 Dacron John
422 Piriter George 1'
ISt Binger John , '
4( 0 • • Anderson Samuel
221. Andirsen .70seph•
151„. te' noes Jacob
123 Selmer Jacob Jr
-78 `: Caatator Frederick -
172 EMI Marcy
400 Veraptori Itched .
50 Napkins Robert --
200 North Samuel
400 North James -
400 North Peter -
400 - 'Motto Peter
400 Shaft Frederick
400 netts George
200 Wallace Nary
100 Woodruff Hannah.
400 filllson_Williara
200 Toting 13amrld
• .
ALSO—In pursuance of the provision 61 'the Ad
of General Assembly. passed the 21th day of April,
lttl-1, section ilat. at the same time and place
will be exposed st public sale the tracts or parcels of
land or real estate designated in the following list,
unless the taxes due upon the same, and costs are
paid before that time :
: LT
Inow A r st:spct. .%ti
69 SS 160 1869 Beeman N p 56 69
98 . ..3. Burns Patriar 65 OS
73 150 I'Bo PLacktnan Jndson 70 405
...I- Redden Michael 46 60
...; Shaffer Doom bid 20
Shaffer Jacob 40 43
1870 Burns Patrick 6.1 98
Nichols Isaac so tin
.'Blackman Judson 76 75
. linrphy Dennis 65 98
. Farley James 81 128
. Burdick Williln , 45 50
1 28
1 73 3 90 .—. Sanderson Gpo $ 79
$ 41 438 545 1870 Welles Henri 73 11 24
345 3'40 Gardner j. • 100 6.85
2.86 292 .... 51cAurMichael 30 578
883 645 '...-. Welles Henry 8 75 15 28
40 40 54 1859 Ellie John 40 141
50 50 • 80 .... JUMP 100 180
49 2 40 1 52 1800 Barrett Jahn
7 9 4T4 300 .... Frawley Timothy 60 _ 843
108 8 19 573 .... Park 108 15 05
3 58 21.45 13 59 ....Seece SaralL.On 410 38 02
88 .... McCarty John B $0 1,4
.... Mahoney John 75 75
.... Madden Patrick 230 20 52
.. McDonald James 100 - 7 13
1870 Carey Thomas 100_ 73
Hinman k. Park 282 100
Keene Sarah Ann 410 320
Madden Patrick 230 100
McDonald James 100 66
Towner Waakingtnloo 113
90 11 40 722
66 376 2 51
1 50
2 .15
B.—Notice is hereby given that an amount suf
ficient to pay.taxes and cost will be requira in
every case when land is sold at the time of sale,
and unless these.terms are complied with the land
will be again exposer' to sale.
WILLIAM 111.7NYAN, Treasurer.
Treasure's Office. March W. len.
.LA.Notice L hereby given that all parsons Indebted
to the estato of CALVIN STONE late of .Herrick
deceased, me requested 14 make tmmedtate panes%
and all: persons having VMS - against said estate
moat pram; them duly 4nthentieated foe settle.
it hereby given that all persons Indebted to
the estate of Jr.ssr. MOORE late of South 'Creek,:
deceased: are requested to make Immediate pay.
monk and all persons having claims against the
said estate must present the same duly antbenth
cited for i ettlentent;
In the matter of the dissolution of the Charter
of the Wyeoz Brick. Meeting Hoare.—Nek 419. May
Term. 1856. •
Notice is hereby given that the above named Alio.
dation hasted to the Court of COMECIACt Pleas
of Seadtbrdcounty. their article of liseoctation.
&dens for a Acme. of diasolution. and the said
colutNorin examined the same and ending than
correct. isle Oats that they be dissolved miming
for, on . Koodsi, the Oh dig! oflLsy. 1 1 7 2, 1M 2
' ookr . :unless cause he atoms to the andrary.
r 4 4.loXeft, l l tethotifelly.
Barnes James
Bets Henry 7
Wiz John
Beta Joseph
Betz James
Byson Henry
Barnes PaWel: *-
Cooley Henry
Cooley Samuel • '
Cooley Joshes .
Caatator Harman
Castator Joseph
• Edge Peter
ESL Marcy -•
Fritz John ',
Fritz John .
:Fritz Samuel,
Hardy James
Hardy Henry •
Hardy Saimaa
Harris Ann
Hollingsworth Stephen
Ladley Andrew
Moore Gdorge
Moore Paul
Moore John
North Samuel
North Jonathan
Palmer Thomas •
Seeley Henry
Seeley Jonathan
Keeley Peter
Seeley Joseph -
/Widens Pester- .
Siddens James • '
Temple Peter -
Temple Samuel
White Janet
WoOdruiT Hannah
Held Henry
Hunt Job
Poster James
thiamin Samuel .
Ballwin Isaac
Bennett 122A1a
Catlin Putnam
Cortright Conielina
Ccirtright Jobn
tratenport tranivt-
Liollenback 51's heirs
lzh;bam's hetrik
BOAS Elizabeth
Boas Lucy • - -
Sherwood William
Thomas Niehoka
Thomas William
Allen John
Butler Polly
Barrett Joel
Fish Jabez
Hibbard Hannah
Hollenback John
Marsh Samuel
Sterling Simnel
Sterling Lncy
sterling Samuel Jr
Welles C
Welles C F
1569 Ballard OP, 202 202
Rockwel Elise
18c3 Gardner I. A, -1 00 150
I.lcAsay Michael .'.O - 27G
84 1 92
1870 Eneller elles 30 $,,1 21
.... Vanderpool Samuel 15 55
- ... Vanderpool David 25 ;;G
CANTON omicron. ...
18:0 Champion it X A lois ' 75
UONC.OE lowiranxr. ' •
1870 Nichols E G . 7 313
1960' BennettGeotgo 48 1 p
- 1542 . Satterleo Eunice ho'ncAlt 4
Chaapel Esana 19 2 L
Itedington d. F 50 150
TOVINDA amino. mar.
18715‘ Northrup Thonala 15 51
ILO =moron.
Sterns C T
1870 Carpenter Ezra lot
VandemoarY L !Jot 15
Wallazna Mrs 11 , 25
1869 Beers Jeroine • 30 36
1870 Beers Jerome 30- • 3G
.... Van Valkenberg
Isaac & Smith a T 106 225
Welk's() I? cat 135 I 69.
Welles E. , J WO 3 40.
Beltran Phcebe . 3 11
Adm'iix, with will annexeat
• .
Notice is hereby Oren. that t anndersigned. Asses;
SW ct the 15th Enstriet of Pontriffluds. wilt bOl4
Courts of Anent. for the Canal= of Erronscem
Assessments, se bis (Mee to 21LOONSIBITH,G. Cot
nob% County, on • • •
FRIDAY, APRIL' lift; 181.2.
AlLaicals mast be to writing. and should sped.
IY the particular mum, matter. or Ude& 'meeting
vrhich a decision ta requathal. and shall state the I I
ground or prthal. pie of error eoreplalned of. Ap.
peals may be made at the adios Of the Ameisor at
any time owl to the data above Axeol for hear. .
lug If. spy persona liable to Income Tax.
hare not yet reported, they are hereby notified to I i
do ad at ones or beoome liable to the penalty. It Is
the duty of
. every one, amenable to the law. to seek
the Atavism of his District and make blICe)1 reollturn.
- fielfelff,
Athemsor ththDishict. ft.
Pa, H
Assessor's Office. DlCcunsbarg. March ?4. 1873.
2 40
5 G 3
G 02
' 9 07
74 GC
69 73
74 G 7
74 67
24 00
64 00
ra. To Edwin! Ayers.—No. 481.4)0e. Tern, BM.
You are hereby notified- UM Ayerat your
We, by her neat Mend; Deestor Ayres, ham ap•
piled to the coon of common Ness et Bradford
minty, for a divorce from the 'bonds ofnustriinotiy„
and the told court has appointed Yonder: ttte - 6th
day of Kay, 1872, for hearing' the Nu Ens fp the
premises, at Which time and Phsenyon can a attend If
BM think proper. J. P. VAN FLEET, ,
nisr.2o.w4 . Sheriff.
-21 22
74 67
'6 60 65
32 69
15 45
15 CO
41 06
32 46
11 DO
To Alvin W. J oalm—No. 272, MJy T., 18 7 E
Yon are hereby notified that Emily Roslyn, your
wife, by her next friend. W. Bruthin, has applied .1 ,
to the court of &unman pleas of Bradford county. _
for a divorce homer) bonds of matrimony. and the
said court has appointed
Mauler. the Gth day - -o(
May, 1872. for haulm! the said, Emily in the prom
lam at which time and plUe Tint can attend if you
think proper. VA PLEET.,
intr.2o-w4 • Sheriff. ,
'36 '5l
- 16 BO
r • 18 15
1 27
' 16 00
37 20
18 CO
' 37 20
37 20
37 20,
37 20'
37 20
. • 26 04
9 30
37 20
18 60
To Edward .D. Stafford.—No. TU. Dee. T.. 1871.
Ton are hereby notbled. that EMU !Raiford, your:
wife. by her next friend, James Taster. has applied-, 1
to-the court of common pleas of Bradford county.
for a armee from the bonds oftmatrbnony, and the'
said rood has appointal Monday. the 6th day of
May. DM. for hearing the said Elia In the premises.
at which time and place you can attend if you think
prf__ • 3. Ps VABTLELT. _
To Catharine Harley.—No. (119. Dec. T. 1871—
Ton are hereby notified that- D. Burley, your hus
band. has applied to the court a common pleas of
Bradford county, for a divorce from the-tionda of
matrimony, and the said court - barn appointed Mon
day, the Ctlyday of May 1872, for hearing the • amid
Burky in tha premises, at which time and piste yon
can attend if you think proper.
mar.2o-ar4 , I. P. VAN' FLEET, Sheriff.
- -
Enda& Bowman.—No: 213. )fay
Son'are hereby_ notified that John .Bowman. your'
husband. has applied tp the court of common pleas
of Bradford-candy, for a divorce from the bonds o f
matrimony. and the said court has appointed lion
dar. the in day - Of 3fay. lind. for bearing the said
John to the premises. at which time and pt are you
can attend Wynn think proper.
mar.24.w4 . •"J. P. VAN PIE*, Sheriff.
14 5 5
54 52
To Efarriet - Areciut —NO . : 170 Doe- term. 'lB7l.
Ton are ]army &Allied that Cleo. w. Amara, your
husband, has applied to the court of common pleas 1:
of Bradford co.. lo divorce from the. bonds-of
matrimony; and said . court has appointed )Con- '
day. the •Gth day' of 'Nay. m r.: 1872 . for hel 'the •
said George in to prends - cs. at which limo and ' •
place yen can attend If you think proper. ~ • .
mar.2o4v4 ' - .. P. TAN FLEET, Sheriff.
57 23
29 n
ise. 20
54 G 2
. 58 20
58 20
• 10 95
88 62
58 20
58 20
2G 38
n the'natter ofthe fht. Pateck
Illenccolont Sodetyof 279, ]fay Term.
Notice la hereby : given . that the above. named
Recicty has reeenfed to the Court of Common
Wax of Bradford County their actinic of APSndation
askinn for a decree - of...lneorpotation; and Abe uid V
Conrt haying; examined the same. and &Ohm them
'correct.will decree that tber_bn. incorporated as' l l
prayed for. , on Monday. the etb day of f - Man.
15472, at 2 o'cinek p.m., unlees ranee he shown to
the contrary . . -% - Iy.. A. TITOVAg., - •
mar.2o , w3 • , Prothonotary.
.LA.. 'Notice is hereby. airen Thai arl persons lndeht. -
ed to the estate of ELEANOR MerfFFElt, deceased, •
late of ather.s, are' reanested to make , tmrnedl. -
ato payment. and all persons hating elaltaa szainst
sal 4 Mate mnst prasett them duly anthentlested for'
settlement . 'DAIVEL 31sDUFFFY...
Feb.29.,* Administrator stith Willanaexed.
- --------
. riven to persona indebted
to the estate of HARRY MOPE, late of Wyse:.
deeeased. .make immediate payment, and
all 'pereons claims • against maid estate
nit present them drily imthentleated for..aettlo•
meet. A. 3. Non&
mar 11'72‘rn Admiadstrator.
Notice fe heeetio eiren to all persons indebted
to the estate or. JOSS YEI MAHQOD. late of Spring
field. divelleed. avast mane imaiediLle naTmena• and
all 4. erson, barint!" claims imainatisaid estate mast
present them duly actbentiested Mr settlement.
Adm'r. atib the TM 'annexed.
. ;
E - Notii.e Is Iteretty giren.that all persona Indebt.l
to tho eetato of Fdman Thneetoti late of Towanda- -
NT.. deceased, are reqneated to MAR ttamedlato
Payment, and all .persona haeintr, elating spinet A
said ewtate must pewitt them dull , 'nth ted
for settlement. MARIA TITURSTO,
f.:),";243ar., Ezem:
O -
virtue of an order issued out of the OrPhanii —
Corirt of Bradford County. the . nridenrigned admin.
istratrix of the estate of Calvin Stone, late of Her-
rick township, deceased, will expose to public sale
on the premises. in Herrick .twp.. on.II9.'SDAY. MO_
22d day of APRIL. 1672. at 2 o'clock. P. m., the fol
lowing described lot, piece or parcel of land, bound
ed and described as follows :
. •
• Beginning at south east corner of -W. U. If. Jen •
kips' lot. thence north 1 deg. east along east line of . -
said JenkinNlot 172 pee ., - to a not'for a corner.
thence south 89 deg. east 42 1-10 pre., to the war
rant line, a post for a corner,: thence south 1 deg.
'TVA 0-pre. to a poet, for a corner: thence south 1
deg. west 100 pro. to a post for a corner; thence -
west 15 pea, to said warrant line, a post, thence
smith 1 deg. west CO pra. along said warrant line to
a Post: thence south 76 deg. .west .43 1.16 pers. to-.
the beginning. Containing tiny acres and one hint
dred and twenty-Eve perches, more or less.
TE1111.3.—525 down at - tinae!of sale and One half of
balance at confirmation and remainder with interest
at the expiration of six months after eduttrination
with purchaser to pay the whole value upon •
couftrmatiOn should he. so desire.
March 26, 1872_
11 matter of (r estate of J. B. /Tow, 'deceased. is
the Orphan? Court efßradforet County. -
The Undersigned appointed by the Orphan!' Coast
of mid - county. an Auditor to distribute funds it*
the bands of the administrator of said estate.,
wilt attend to the duties of his .appotatment,
at the offlrr of 11.. B. IleKean. In • the Borough of
Towanda Thursday, the aunt dry of April. 1872. at
1 o'clock, p. tn.. at Which time and:place la Persons"
Interested must present their claims on said funds
• or be debarred therefrom.
"WRIT FOR SALE.—The snbscri-
A: ber offers for Pale his IS= situated in Litelatelit
township. bre miles from the L. V.. I. & A. and; S.
C. R. T Station. and RI; wales from - Die It. R. no
farm contains 200 acres. ICOaerrolinproved.bala' zwe
covered•with pine, oat sad 'chestnut. There are
good buthlinxs and a fine orchard: well fenced and
under coo!„1 stabs of cultivation. Churches. school.
etc., convenient Triors—half down, balance in
easy payments. Enquire of S. Elected. at this
crake. or A. J. LATTO'.g.
reb. 6, IV/
W 432
FARM FOR SALE.—The subscri
ber afters for sale bis farm, edthate on Iroona's
13111, in Cutertownship Bradford county Pa., eon
taininß one hundred aces of good latid. situated
two and a half miles from tinter village, seventy
acres improved. *ell fenced and well watered, with
Rood buildings and good fruits.. The above proper
ty will-be sold low and on reasonable tonna. for far
ther 'nu-Beals" enquire of the subscriber on the
premises, or 1,. MUNDT. Towanda. -
printer. Feb. 912.2 m.. CIIa3. BOTET.
oa Poplar Street above Western Avenue. These- -
houses are now being built and will be completed
on Angrurt lat. Good well cistern. end cellar-with
each bons°. For further 'particulars address or en•
quire of .
;ot 200
Utille2Bl - 1-Inj - • d BareatELALL.
At Rod. Nrnite. and Blue Blom Tcnrs.sda. Pa.
. The Great Itheasetette Remedy should be kept and
need by every Farmer that keeps either Cattle or
Horses, every Teamster and Livery 'Stable Keeper.
every Physician and Horse Fin for it win Reny
dunes cure pain and lameness when'all other meth&
tines have failed. Miners and . Railroad Men
should certainly beep it, for it is unsurpassed for
bruses and sprains. Blackimiths should keep 31
ter their own' se and for their epitome?" tender
foe, ed horses, as nothing equals it for tender feet-.
F. cry body suffering from pain and lameneseof any
d, burns, cuts, wounds or any emptiest of the
; kin, Corns, Chilblains-or any disease requiring an
'outward application should certainly keep this cele
brated medicine. Every bottle warranted to give
satisfaction. For sale by Dr. H. C . Porter Son k Co.
Porter & Elrby and F. W. Brown Druggists, Towanda.
Pa. And by cvery Druggist and d .aler in Brad
"ford and adjoining countlet.
Johnston Holloway and Cowden. wholesale Patent
IfedicinelDepot, No. 602 Arch street Philadeplltia.Pa.,
Wholesale Agents. • H. BROWNIG.TAYLOH.
julyl2'7o4 Proprietor, Leltayintille, Pa.,
The undersigned have on hand. and Intend to
keep. a supply of Sullivan anthracite. Barclay; and
hard Anthreelte'Coal of the various sizes.
Sept. 45.1871. ' 0; U. WELLII2I ft CO.
500 TONS HO!
Good Timothy Hay .„ Wanted at Rocktrelii Power
Press, for which cash will).* paid on' delivery.
Toivanda. Der 4 8.1811. W. A. IipCIEWELLT
Clark Bend. scotch Honey, Orange. Ralson; Lem•
on and Ginger Oakes. Warhirulten .Truntffela and
Coffee Biota, and 411 kinds of Crackers of
Moth •.'7O. W. A. BOCKWELLII. • .
SEED for rate at • W.A. ROCKWELL.
Fob. 2012-Iw. - •
Black Tes sellsug *me at retain
. • . Fox ir,
PORK, Hams, Lard, Dried Beef
Mackerel, cl!ecei, Mrictsucw Trout it titan.
Jags 19, um FOX k 113111 CR.