II New.S.,,..rroiiill.:Na - tb3iii - new City Hall will cost $2500,000. - • • Italtimori wishes to repeal its Sunday-liquor law. —They propose to build a hospital at Omaha by aid of a lottery. -' —The Louisiana Legislature le galizes pretty waiter-gtrl saloons. • A. T. Stewart worries along on between fifty and sixtyons. —A new milita post'-is soon to :174 established at Fort Ellis, Montana. -Illinois is puzzled ever a brass button found inside of a hen's egg. —The Hartford. Courant heads its list of divorces "The Se?aratkm Business." —Prince Bistruuk has a half broth er in Albany, N, Y., nanicd IL Lilienthal: , I —Professor 3lo.conticines in a dangerous condition. se —Salt Lake felia slight shock of • the California earthqualo. —The capture of Zacatecas by the revolutionists has been f.erdirmed. —A new style 0 necklaces is made of Dead Sea shells and Tabbies. —A new style o artificial 'flowers is called "Chicago smo e buds." Tameness in women is, with most men, the most paidonable offense. 1 - —lndiana boas of an inhabitant who Was put kto jail be ore he was twenty-four hours old. —The decorati n of St. Paul's for the Prince's thanksgiving cost $BO,OOO. What'will Sir Charles Dike say? • satin bed-skead is on exhibi tion in New York, richiy ombrniderod in gay colors, the price of. which is $3,000. —Eight young ladies have recejv ea diplomas from the men's 'Medical College at New York. —A rich lode f cinnabar, some .ten'inches thick, has lately been struck in the Alameda, mines. —A police offid 1 at Constantino ple *as hanged beca be could not ` - account for the money taken in. • —Tho butcher of Corvallis, Ore -1 gon,bave bad to shut up their shops_ because they cannot obtain any beef cattle. ' - —La Crosse, -. Wisconsin, has an os with.a horn ten inches In length growing from his breast, between his More legs. —The report of the first six..months' sale of.postal cards in England Show that 58,- 485,060 were sold daring that period. . —Paris letters say that the fash ions for the spring And the coming summerin dicate' the wearing-of a i profusion of jewelry. —The burned out and. - suffering Chicagoans squandered tB,OOO . on Charlotte Cashman the other night. -- , -The Japanese Minister Mari de nies the statements published of the persecri- - . tion of Christians - in Japan. ,_ —Forty thousaiad pounds of Cali fornia butter was shipped from San Francisco to New York and Boston last week. —Senator Bacidew declines to be the Democratic candidate for Governor of Penn sylvania. He has no appetite for defeat. —The Springfield Bepublican says that the its in thennectient shows little signs of breaking up fore the Fourth of Jnly. 40 --The indigo plant is indigenous in Florida and South Cirolins. It is easily cul tivated and remunerative to the producer. —The New Piltssian Gazelle con tradicts, "on inthoril , "'the reported engage ment of General Von -hweinitz and Miss Jay. --:The Louisian Lottery Corlpany can't find the man wh drew its last "50,000 pride. The other com etitors look blank about . U. • —Rev. Peter C rtwri l ght is report ed to have recovered Minn his recent illness,and will,it is thought,be able to preach again short ly. ' ' —Connecticut papers have discov ered that tho New Hazhpslaire election has giv en Grant a lift and the Democratic party a —Some one s4s that a strong ar gument against suicide i 3, that it is the height et impoliteness to f4O anywhere until you are sent fur. I I —ln consequence of the rapid con sumption of the forestis in Russia, no fuel but coal Ls now permitted [to be used 'on the rail ways. —A minister's danghter,young and prpity, wap arrango in a New York court on Tuesday, for titealinig, two skirts from anoth er girL —Barnum announces That " 300 employes will be ernbr ced " in big circus and museum. Pnt us flow., for ono—the beautiful Circassian. —A Jewish he' baled in Boston wher, cooked - after the fAstd. ligion. • . ~ —Twelve , . hun i have been bought by al in the past three taunt tin:Kite. ' • ••• —lt is not alo' that the Japanese are to be educated. Slit Berlin. —The English' accounts of persons be, to send their children educational law. The Senate ' Naval Committee has come to the conclusion that action should be taken looking to thel establishment of ti - o - rks , for building iron rem ... —Hon.: Wayne a clreigh, who has been lying dangemnsl `` ill for some time past at his residence in Liarri sburr is considered out 1 ..,, of danger. Dolly Warden " bonnets. are said to bo the prettiest and most becoming head gear that has be n worn by women for centwies. —lt is said th t the Marquise de Cans (Adelina Patti) o vizs more diamonds and handsomer jewelry the any lady of the nubili ty in Europe. —A Brain:Ulu p 'est in India, ,who forgot his sacred calli.g and 'murdered a man in aSt of passion, has 'been 2013 t to prison for three years. —The Massach ;setts' State Color ed Convention have chosen six delegates to the National Colored Conve Won to be held in New Orleans April 10. 1 -Henry R. Co klin, Ike Secreta ry of the Now York M ket Savings Bank, has been arrested in Mon eal, and is now in jail, preparatory „to his retn to New York. I--The latest - fas ionable ornaments. are of amber, and will, in a few months, eom pletoly supersede the' tortoise-shell jewelry, which has hold its own for an unusually long Our. . 3 I t— The Norristown (Pa.) Herald PAYS :.London dahlia 700,000 cats—which is not a siugle.cat too many to have in cue England refiseslo settle the Alabama claims. 'Lemont , ber /Paris. • •• T l—The " meanest man " in central linnets is a firmer living near Decatur. He , disOarges pis laborers Saturday night, and • 'chs them for lodging and board overSen da r -- e The Quebec government intend adding a stationery Idepartment to. their ser vice, which will be for the purpose of supplying ail officers under their control with paper and staliime A ry; ftrm in Ne' York advertises ' ~ itsitrrangemcnts "for he purpose of import _ ing each goods as are pecuilly adapted to the waits of religious sonic :es." The place of ex port is not stated. 4 --During the t five centuries more than $2.50,000,000 . orth of land has been washed away_ from the eastern coast of Lag .. land by the encroachine is of the sea. Holland has lost 1500,000,000. 1 4. T. Trowbridge, editor of Our 1 Tami l g Folks, received he other day w medal . • frorn the Humane Sock ,in attestation of his brayery ih rescuing a y i ung lady from drown ing.! ,1 Animmense meeting was. held ID ' 'Salt Liao City latAW ednesdaY evening, against the admission of,litah as a State. A memorial to Congress against the admission waeadopted.. , The case of JUdge Barnard, of Neyr 'fork. was closed j beim . ° the Judiciary CoMmitte Thursday. The Madge submitted a protest against the consideration by the com mit* of hearsay testimony., -;- , 1 H Smith , Hank Smi late Preicident of -th ei epinc Green Sevin& Bank, New York, has promised with the depositors, who re -1 Inns Mama ntspoultibglif deposi t Pai,04.530.. 000 An. .Instsicesats, to WM& stO ...rem/ -of p.. ri,l ~ tadfoultP"tet ZDITOSIS - • S. O. GOODRICH. S. W. ALPO RD Towanda. Thursday, - April 4, 1872* TOE JIIDO E OT THE MPH= COMM HON. 'ULYSSES ILERCIJR, [abjeet to' the t a ll= of republican State EAIVIIARTERS REPUBLI- J.JL CAN STATII CIENTILLL COMIZMCI 07 PENNSTUVANIAL Pam armzesua. Feb. 6,1872. In pumas= of the resolution of the UMW CAR STATE CENTRAL OORGERMIE. ado= 1111 . 1s vi Vi Jan. 18.1871 h. 11124711L1C1A21 CO ON. composed of Dekstates from each Senatorial •and Representative Dtatrict bi the num. ber to - which such District is entitled to the Legiah time, will select in the Hall of the Rouse of Represero tenses. at Harrisburg. ai 12 o'clock noon. on WZD. RESEW, the lOUs day of April. A. D. 1871 to non& nate r candidales for Governor. Judge of the Supreme okmxt, Auditor General mhoal4 Leglidatum Pm' vide for the choice of one try the, people.) sad en Electoral Ticket: and also to elect Senatorial and Representative Delegates to represent this State In the REPITILICAN NATIONAL OGGIVEDITION. to be held at Philadelphia. June 5, 1872. RUSSELL =REIT. • Chairman. Wx nuorr. D. F. Roveron, Erna Lamm, }Secretaries. P. li. Lmz. 10:4,1A:1,i Pitt :7.1, V CIA An absurd story, which has gained currency, that President Grant had expressed a determination, to force his renominrition at Philadelphia, even if he was defeated in the oleo= lion, is . disprosed of. ' A special dis patch to the Philadelphia Press,from Washington, under date of Thursday last 'gives the true position of the President. A prominent Republican Senator, in the course of an interview with the President this morning, brought to his attention the recently publish ed statement that he intended to force the nomination of the Philadel phia convention in his favor,and that he had declared his purpose to com pel the placing of his name at the head of the ticket, preferring to ac cept the risk of defeat in November rather •of failure of ' renomination. The President's responce was most decisive and emphatic ; in the first place, that he had never said any such thing to any person ; in the second place, he had never intended any such thing. He declared fur ther he has never yet stated to any person that he desired to be renomi nated at Philadelphia, nor has he asked the influence or efforts of any one for that end. He said that. his position to-day is precisely the same as when, eight years ago in front of Richmond, he received letters urg ing him to accept the nomination against President Lincoln. He re gards -the unity and success of the Republican party as greater and more essential than that of any man in it, an is ready to obey the dic tates of its leaders and its necessi ties. The President spoke with more than usual warmth upon.the subject, and with evident and entire sinceri ty. THE INVESTIGATES° Faums.—The assault made in and out of Congress so simultaneously upon the President and Administration has crunablep.ke fore the approaches of investigation. The proceedings show the end is really reached, and that if brings sig nal discomfiture to the assailants, thus bearing up those who have rest ed their constant confidence in the President and his advisers upon a general knowledge of his and their probity. The substantive acquittal of Secretary Rosssos will be welcome to his many friends,bat it is no more than was anticipated from the begin ning by all who knew him. The Boston Traveller, of Monday, says: " Hon. J. M. ASIILEY spent last week here on an anti-Grant mission, and Messrs. ATKINSON, ALLEY and a few others were engaged with him in ral lying a party for the support of Mr. Strimmt :is President. His success was small, because Republicans have made up their minds to renominate and re-elect President Grieve Sen ator WiLsoN says he met but one an ti-Grant Republican in Connecticut. These facts have a connection with the instant proceedings at Washing ton that can be seen, and that will not lessen gratification over the re sults coming to hand. el has been °stab . Tunelnes can Snd food in prescribed by their ro red iiolecat skins firm in Paris, Ky., *kb . s, for shipment to Bal e to this country ending their young men •.en lately .graduated at -papers are full of ng tined fur neglecting o eehool, under the new of Bradford Cotionty. Stir E's-Governor Lima S. Foam, of Tennessee, has been writing an other letter, devoting it to a lameta tion over the evil ways into which the Democratic .party has fallen. "That party," he says, "fearfully en feebled of late by the revelations of deep-seated corruption in its own vi tals, is yet struggling with -something of its ancient energy niid.valor to re cover its former position in the pub lic esteem, but certainly without the least possibility of being able to do so in time to take a very controlling part in the coming Presidential elec tion." - us. It is wonderful what political prestige SUMNER and Gummi have given to GRANT: Before these shrewd managers conspired to break the sol- dier President down, no one gave him credit for political strength. After hammering at him for a year, it is suddenly discovered that Gus= is politically the stronge# man in the country. Men striving to destroy a fellow man whom they envied and feared never filed .more signally than have GnArr's 'enemies. The fact will constitute a marked feature in his biography. . , ss.. A Herald special from Cairo, Egypt, says that General Sam= was splendidly entertained by the Khe dive. A. state breakfast was given In his honor. He wag' invited to review the troops, and a special train was provided far himself and suite. The palm e was tendered him for his resi dence, but he, declined it. • He leaves Monday for Constantinople, where he will be the guest of the Sultan. sir Califonda has been visited by another earthquake.. Over three hundred distinct shocks were felt. A chasm thirty miles long, and -vary ing in width from three inches to forty fed was Made. About fifty persons vain Olodand one thousand Ware Into Pt Iniumannui. uniarvia, Mara 20, tem The NI fle the deadosrad of the• North Thou* Osi si, psmsdilis ca Widow Ong sda as sussede‘i din* lir *mks providing tor Obi rased eat litaislisee' the, earel a ied restiledniebeight train -all Mel endpbtst*fa Mid Wrodatieolittise; toes - toll rad' of MO sad the osnal.was In I 'eider* opesation, This boon whether valuable or not, cod a friend of the bat a triple Bethlehem to obtain the consent of Mr. Sayre to the einsedmiett fin diverse, the Beeraratatives at De geode' raid not act without such comsat. Ace amend meat was offered by Brume of Wyoseing,ra 'Ming that local freight Agrees oh all tonnage to or from points in Bradford and Wyoming, ran not exceed the charges on thrash freight from Pittston to Waverly. This amendment so modest in its requirements,and so aimlessly just, wu voted down by a Urge majority on a rising vote.-was afterwards offered byMr. Filch I in the Senate and rejected by a sweeping nia jority; so the lees/store of Pormsyhaisla have " said to the Railroad company, charge more It you please for carrying coal from Pittston to Tunkhanrak. or Wyalteing, or Towanda than to Waverly ! Make teal higher fn the markets °tour own Stith than In the State ofliew York! It was admitted that freight could not be car rigid short distances for the same rate per ton per mile, as king distances, but here was a proposition that the gross charges should not be greater for Short distances than longer, and the combined, rillroad powers of the State' through their tools in both Mouses crashed it ' , out, as though the legislature had no constitu ency but those person!: owning and mainging l railroads! Other amendments were offered by Mr. Dartt providing for the payment of damages to own- I ere of warehouses and other datum along the canal and for compensation to the owners of the Janctiim Canal. But by that time the dem ocratic side of the Haase under the lead of Brockawsy was drawn up-almost solid against any amendment ; Samuel Noon, agent for the Pennsylvania Bail Road was on_ the floor. as usual, and under his direction the Bail. Bond employees of • both parties united against the members from oar section of the State' and 'paned the bill. On the question of suspending the rules, only about twenty were found in the negative, the members from Bradford. Maw henna, and Lazeree being of that number. The clerk of the Heise being from North ampton, was active in favor of the bill, and her toned to message it over to the Senate. It was reported from the committee on Friday even ing about 10 o'clock, taken up immediately and passed. Mr. P.tch made an earnest effort to which I have alluded, to get some security against er tortionste local freight charges in vain. The inevitable Moon was now on the floor of the Senate, and-that body seemed even more facile in its obedience to the great oorporations than the Rouse. I send NI herewith the bill as it passed both Houses, and will also try to send you the most important amendment voted down. My observation made during the three days I have been here, satisfies me that the legisla ture is now more completely under the control of the great reload corporations than ever be fore. The amendment which struck at the great atone and grievance of the day/Werra ate and unreasonable local freight char" aroused and united the whole power, and made visible the fact that upon such questions the people of Pennsylvania and their interests are no more regariLed here, than under. the most Amniotic? governments on earth: On any other toed question than one affect ing the interests of corporations, the united ef forts of the members from oar section of the State would be effectual, but when a lob is set up by the agents of the Baliroad presidents, they might as well try to Stop or control the locomotive by - standing on the track. They have in this case tried to serve the people, and get the best terms possible, and I could detect no want of faithfulness in any quarter. Mr. Back secured—by keeping the the bill in the Rouse committee -- the only concession made to the people along the line,which is rep resented by the railroad men as a reduction on coal and plaiter freights of 20 per cent. , on the present rates. It came out on the debate through Mr. Rod gers, of Meßean- - --or of the Philadelphia and Erie ILlL—that Col.:1'1°11ot had stated to him and others that he could get three-fourths of the people of Bradford county to sign petitions for the abandonment" of the anal. No doubt the CoL is great on petitions—for instance : in favor of Herdic's new county—but I confess I was surprised to learn, that be had been. here working for the passage of this bill, as he as sured me since it was introduced, that unless the people were protected in the matter of local freights, he would have nothing to do with it. Surely I had a right to expect that I should find this disinterested friend of the people, here working in their interest upon the freight ques tion; rather than on the , other side notwith standing his $25,000 in the stock of the company. 1131 speaking now for the ' three-fourths" of our county is my excuse and justification for treat ing this "private citizen," as a public charac ter. With him how working for fair local freights sus a condition c:f release from keeping the ca nal in order, I should have looked for help from the Domocratielside of the House, and in the Senate something else from Buckalew than the cold question to Mr. Fitch, as to "whether he meant pro rata freight chargeer whiChwaa all we heard from him. Well, I have no great regard far the ditch oaf of repair, and'do not mourn for that. But the owners were bsiund by the law under which the canal was sold, !to keep din repair as a high wayfor the peOpte forever, and to charge only three mills per ton per mile on coal as toll; for the use of the same,which insured the people cheap fuel forever, and cheap water transportation for all bulky or heavy articles,hul the company kept its part of the contract. Bat no,u soon as 'the canal was no longer useful to them in car eying materials for the construction of the rail road, it was neglected to such an extent that boatmen could not depend upon it, and it pro. duped only a trifling revenue. This last fact resulting from a violation of law on the part of the company is with wonderful candor 1 men tioned as a reason for its abandonment in the preamble of the bill. The great highway made by the State and for the construction of which the State is still in debt, has now passed with out' any important restriction, into the hands of a company, it will become one of the great est and best coal roads in the world, the State never has and probably never will receive her pay fir the same,. and the people along the line must bear whatever is imposed upon them, un tfl some other great corporation by the spirit of rivalry shall build an line along the valley of the upper North ;Winch. Those who built warehoues, basins and docks, as well a connecting - canal, can pocket their losses, and reflect upon the fender warier of corporations, the securities and - blessings of a Bepublican form of government, and thefafth fulness and care, for private rights of our pub: lie men. I'. 8. The Legislature "adjourns on Thursday next, far which let tui be devoutly thankful. jlir The Supreme Court of Penn sylvania, at Philadelphia Monday, announced I, decision in the case of Bishop O'Hasi., of Scranton; against Father SrAcs, of Wiliamsport. The judgment of Midge Giums was rev ersed and the isjunction against Bish op OM= dissolved. SS. The United States Grand 'Tu._ ry sitting in New York, have found indictments against over one , hun dred persons for defrauding the gov ernment of revenue on whisky;. It is claimed a whisky ring was foimed, and operations began under Jim sox's Administration in 1867. R" The- bill for the removal of the Capitol from Harrisburg to Phil adelphia was defeated, to the great relief of the people of the former city. The public debt has been re duced fur the put month $15,481,768. 64. co, zagnar -311404Mma. - . • =US 0111-NOMANT The election Which - mane cdf in dirMesticut on the bust., malted in the election of the entire Repub lican ticket, and gave both branches of the Legislature to the Republicans by . increased majorities. DUTTON TEL AID OOFFEE. Renterks of Nom Simon Onneros ta the iheiltd Sates /*was, nodal, Mara A. tefavor qf reputing the deeke oft Da s.d ape. flussaas, who has always identified himself with the best in terest of the people of Pennsylvania, made the following sensible and elo quent remarks on the bill placing tea and coffenon the free list : Mr. Cameron. I voted for the ex oneration of tea and coffee from du ty, because I believe that measure to be right. There is no house in the whole Milted States so humble that its inmates do not use. either tea or coffee. No family is so poor that it does not sometimes use one or the other. I have always acted on my votes on such questions upon the ground that it is my duty as a repre sentative of the people, the lowly as well as the high, to take care ji the humble- who cannot take care of themselves. When Mr. Polk was Preisident of the United States, he sent in a special message asking Con gress to put a duty on tea and coffee, and it was made a party question. I belonged to his part) , then, but I re fused to vote for it ; and whenever I have had an opportunity to- vote on that subject, I have voted to make these articles ofprime necessity in the houses of the poor free. My course through life has always been; if I wanted to succeed, to do one thing ate time. It is an old maxim, I believe, that if you do but one thing at ktime, you will be like ly to do it with better .execution. I trust, therefore, that the gentlemen, who want other articles made free will let this tea and coffee bill be dis posed of by itself._ - The Senators from Maryland, I think, vote against protection s to eve rythir' ig except - They have a special article of coal . that no other part of the world produoes; and it can take care of itself. I vote for a duty on coal, however, because it is my-desire to take, care of West Vir ginia and Maryland. They have coal and they' have salt, which are in great danger of being useless to them unless they . have some protection. Their representatives know that, but do not seem to appreciate that their States and other portions of this country have interests that they must help to protect if they expect .help from us. The people'- from Minims have almost as much interest in coal as the people of West Virginia. Pres ently, when coal from Iron Scotia comes up the lakes and around to Chicago free of duty,.the coal owners of Illinois will begin to complain. They have more coal in Illinois than there is is any other part of the world in the same extent of territory, and they have in Indiana— not only an immense quantity of coal, but a bet ter coal for certain specific purposes, except that coal in Pennsylvania, than _there ib in any other part of the world. Mr. Trambul - There is nothing about coal in this motion. Mr. Cameron. I know there is nothing about coal in this motion,but you cannot expect the coal to be tak en care of if those who are interested in coal do not help others to take care of their interests. I am not speak ing of log-rolling, but lam talking to sensible inen,as I be li eve, in a sen sible way, and I tell them they can not be protected unless they help other people to be taken care of. I speak now in favor of the poor. The poorest woman in the world wants her tea or her coffee. In our poor houses, almost the only .onso lation of the old women is their tea or coffee. And yet - gentleman here who have great interests at stake,vote against taking the duties off tea and coffee. But, air,. I rose only to say that I trust this question will be de cided upon its own merits.- I believe with the Senator from Indiana, that we can reduce this taxation very much.. There are a great many other arti eles upon which we can take off the duties without a loss to the general revenue of the country. I believe with him and with -other gentlemen who have expressed the same senti ment, that the growth of our trade, of our commerce, and of our wealth every year not only astonishes' our selves, brit astonishes the world, and by its great growth we are coast ly able to pay more taxation than anybody believed we could have done the year befoit. That is.one of the strange peculiarities of our country, that every year as yen try to press us' down we rise more and more. We are constantly growing and constant ly able to meet the emergency of the occasion. I trust we shall settle this ques tion, and then I will rote with gen tlemen to take off taxes as they call them—l do not believe they are tax es—to take oft the revenue from oth r comma:lilies. .11,14 em: 0 I . :Tours_Tn4y. B. .L The following is the act permitting the Ps. &N. Y. B. B, Co., to aban don the Canal between this place and Wilkes Barre: Wminas, Under the provisions of an act, entitled, An Act to anthorixe the North Branch Canal Company to change their name, style, and title to to the Penns:Annie and New York Canal and - Railroad Company and to construct a railroad along and upon the towing path or berme bank of their =al," approved the twentieth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, a railroad I has been constructed in accordance with the several provisions of the act aforesaid thus aftrding the public of the counties through which it runs and otherportions of the State of Pennsylvania and adjoining States a more reliable and more expeditious avenue of transportation: AND mom" Since the construc tion of said railroad the use of the rang for transportation purposes has steadily dimirushe d, so that for the year one thong nd eight hundred and seventy-one, the receipts were only nine thousand two hundred and eight dollars and eighty-two cents, thus showing that no public necessi ty exists therefor:. . • Anrritungai, The canal being a serious detriment to much of the pmerty throe* width ft nu. in easeneano sae leakage innikewli the land inflt kirfing i torsU 6re the • , Tat anit e ' =4trY l- V ' 7l equity to kaap repair their_ or any poems thereoL Provided, That the vodka between the feeder 1 dant on the -Lackawanna-river- and Northampton street Wilkesharre shall be kept in repair to long as it may benecemsy to feed the canal between Wilkeabure and Nanticoke dam. That the rabies of the obligation to 'coop in repair the canal as above wor stall not be con strued u a surrender or abandon ment, by the - said compav of any rights, property, or franchise, here todore granted to the said company on the line of said canal, or its op parkas:tom or af any title, inta ar estate heretofore vested in them, in, upon or along the site heretofore ooeupied by any portion of their said navigation,or works connected there with, except the right to roomette! the said eanaL Sze, 8. That all the rights, pow ers, privileges, and frameless, here tofore granted to the said company. sabject.to the gumption. expreesed in this act are hereby *misused to this company and declared to be in fall force an effect. Sac. 4. That the title of said com pany to the real and personal estate embraced by their general Mortgage and deed of trcust of the fist dsy of June, A.D. one thousand ht hun dred and sixty-six, execnt by au thority of the act approved the twen tieth day of March,one thousand eight hundred and 1443 P-five, shall not be impaired by their release of obliga tion to keep said canal in repair as aforesaid, and is hereby confirmed to. the said company absolutely, subject however to the lien and trusts of the said mortgage, and to any other liens , that may exist thereon, and to any estate or right therein of other per , sons, and subject as aforesaid, the said company may hold, possess, and enjoy, all the real and personal estate now owned or used by them, and the managers may sell and convey, or exchange in the fee simple,or for any less estate, any part thereoL On motion of Mr. Bun, the follow ing amendments were passed: Provided, That the company shall either purchase all canal - boats be longing to Bradford, Susquehanna, and Wyoming counties,so as to allow the owners of said boats to float them out,'or in case of the destruction of the said canal by freshet, the cam pp shall themselves deliver all such ate into some adjoining canal. And provided farther, that the company shall transport coal and plaster by their railroad to and from all points in Bradford and Wyoming counties, charging no higher rates for such transportation, than they charged therefor during• the years 1.870 and 1871. The following amendment offered by Mr. BEITSGZES, was voted down: And the gross charges for local freights of all kinds in Bradford and Wyoming counties, shall in no case, exceed through freights between Pittston and Waverly. GLEANINGS. , —The Readout Frepnan says that 'a very respectable young lady cor rf Saugerties, N. Y., has had her reason pletely restored lately, as the following incident shows : She discovered in some paper an advekisement, purporting to have come from a highly respect able (worthy and handsome, o course) Chris tian young man, desiring some young lady to correspond with him, probably 'with a view di rected toward matrimony. Now, as she was a plain country lass, altbongh l her folks well) well-to-do people, Jibe was by no means one who shonld ".oraste her sweetness on the des art, air;" so she concluded to answer. In due time a reply came, and as time passed on the letters became more and more affectionate. At last affairs came to a crisis, and the 'young gallant was invited to come and see her. He did come. But, ales I for her hopes and fancies of delight, he came dead—. But the joke,of It was, he had to go two or three mikes out of the village, and every house be went to he In quired if Miss hied • there. Being very tight, he would generally state the object of his visit to her, and would read her last letter, and then pass on to the next house.' Be Made out to Mriye at her house at 10 - o'clock at night. The old folks were absent, but two sisters were there. The meeting can better be imagined than described; suffice it to say that the corres pondence has °eased. —A Canadian lumberman tells it tither dubious story of catiriballimi among the Indians of the Upper Ottawa, which is given for whit it is worth. lie 'says that owing to the enormous quantities of now and the terribly severe weather, the Indians who inhabit the more remote localities, are literally forced at certain seasons to satisfy thicravings of appe tite by devouring one another. As an instance, he relates the proceedings of one Indian family The squaw —so the story goes—slew one of her children during the protracted atom:m(o_9f her husband, and the family had partiallydevoured the child when the old Itiugan returned. lie then joined with the rest in the horrible repast. When the food was gene another child was sac :liked and eaten in like manner. The imprac ticable weatheicontinuing, the Indian toms hawkeel tie squaw next, and he, and his only matter this additional supply gave Out,start sd to make another attempt to reach t ; s seetfle. went. This failing, the son idled father, and proceeded to satisfy his wait* Iwith his flesh. Arriving at last at a settler's shanty, he told his - awful tale, which it is said could hard• ly be metal by the listeners, and which it may also be said will find little credit else. where,untfi substantiated by indubitable proof. —The telegraph has mentione l the , • death of the Arethhfaisop of Lima on we 10th alt. The Pumas Sar and iferaid says : "Dying at the ege of eighty t, wea the eldest bishop and oldest arch m : the Catholic Church ; the first by reason seniori ty, the second by reason of ag ho a se Another more agreeable circumstance to t dftc.W inter ested is the fact that the late prebitei was prob ably the richest man In South America, his prm•V at the lowest estimation &mauling to 140,M0000. Elie life was spotless and his virtues many ; his fault wal a reraarkable desire to increase his wealth." New Abut:amts. BUItELIIS for five dollars at MAT k 80X8. rROST &, SONS have the .= mmetmied of renntase In the country. CHAMBER SETS, cheaper 119 ever. at 3023. SALE OF DAIRY . - STOOK ! wm is mooed to potaso 011 SLTIIIIDAVAPIUL 13. 4 272. = At 10 o'clock. a. m.. et the hones of O. P. llonget. to Teat' township. the settee Detry Stock of the hon. eamstatteg of COWL , Pr" Pans. Many Ohara Paw. to. 1111CSIL-1.11 sum under $lO. cub; Isllei sums 8 months aeon on appronel penes. WKIZZA. Mach 20,11,7%.-7vt.• 111151130LUTION.The co-partner i, obip beeetalbre eeSsaaa batmen the eigne4, male tbe Arm imed ot TAILOR is tam day diametral by a natal oternit. seemade at tbe bee sum be eeMbd lIIRAX TAI4 th Poisons baastag web" Mir any f tbewastres wM sea ado gteleg tbe MAN - frau:a. : Ware - Tonna. Mira it; UM ==l 44' k EKVITEIx ibs lies' is "Al •-• &DIA* FaaBAIL'. 3 kessOmadloitrifir= - - ums ilea lllOl l /1 - 1114 r. lir a = 41* e="ii• view m. pIESOLVTION.—The covrtiser _ aij• addlinall. ares of Levis &Oft le Ws Ist aliselveit sissed .ististiii,W.A.Oilm 1.-mallgraa ky It. LW% IMEMNI 101 l austerrYi et XL Lifts k Boa ink assisholl. AB papas Itedstftel to the boasta rowhl7 tritftS to oW aad soft. • WTSira. X. =MIL ANCHOB LINE MUMS san. ZTUI IMECIMAY SAITEDAIN lammagara Weal So awl fry any Rehm ma. Ms at asapart la east &Oita. Diana Yam/. avales. Dausark. Ganamq, Triamm. Eolltad. Hai. gtas aad tbe tlakad 4r. - "Le • lX•m . b. l • c•IO 71,* Ofibta tare tram Nem York to GLASGOW. UTJS I.OIIIMDZITI at QUICOMITOWS. $ll. and $ll3. TINTWCWIO3. .13,11MIACM DIMS TIMM POE LET AIM= PattiotiOndlog **lb* him& laths Ole Ckozo try too maw*Ws al isdoosa raw. Tor tot. tier pailookoo ogrof to lIIMRSOX BZOTHM Dodgy Gook X. Y. at lo II O. =XL COMM Zeno OOoa. Towoodo.Zz 11. IL MUM Jo-. , Tint Mika nook ot Ta MESSRS L&Z&RUS & MORRIS, Esti "tat a liar to abed lb* tacreasiag demand foe their • CELXBIENTZD 111:1171X= SPICTSCLZB appotid•l _ W. A. criaIBIEBLIN, Rata Kokes and Janerder. ardor is Swiss and Assuieen Widebas; TOWANDA, PA., Sole Arai la this locallhe. "Ibt7 Dave tate" cue to en en feedrat lialMom. sod have exaddessee la the allattef of their swat to "Wet tie same of all outcome. An wepatweal, _VT; thus allurdat itO proms— at all Wank llpectaelle- V. equalled ter Wry foe lb& Uwialwa sod Pr o. ervallos Qoahlies. 'Poo ands cam* be odd as to their Seassiorta7 our the maim* stases" "cm 'There le we glbowicen: . isaveltag of the alight. Ma dan& or Wow wanallan asusetiou, but ea the culdisli. haw the perbet coustroctles at the less. ass. they are soothing and *anat. cantos a Wa in of rad 10 the V 10121114 pittl= elowe mod Magna on . as ln the natural. They an the spectacle that pm as eta; amid the and are the "beeped because the bat. alwanbstlag =swears without cheap be tni nateesary. . CAUTION'. W. A. TOWANDA. PA. Bola Again in 'Towanda. Pa. IA nal) 4F.XeI Di :I: at an Vines contain an vi up if 41 Or all *See sod orlon. combining with tbw Rich Ind Lisent. the Ilea= Priors. suitable for GM sod so amp Una a a em afford to love them. Also the Inset nod most YARRIONARLE BLACK WALNTT, PARLOR AND ÜBBJLEY was. Of new and oeiginid designs and of the most pelt style and Wok. Moo a choice assortment of TABLES, WARDROBES, DRESS ING "ChliM BIDE-BOARD% =AIM • BOOZE Alm • complete lloe of Booeland Par T lo e r e e C e h • Tsoe flounmet outset misty of styles and pekes. Alio an endkes varle t, d • BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CHAIRS TABLES, 311=OBS, - meraza PILLOWS; MATRESSE:3, & SPRING ,BEDS, Of every description. and in feet everything to be fternd in • first Om Furniture State, CHEAPEE Taw -Tux CHEAPEST 1 We Came On Lamber t or to Loather in In foe furnitare. Moo a lam stock of COPFENS Of may deetription'iroen tho most 00212111011 to the Anent Iteeeirood, always on head. We. are sole wits far • : : C. ;Ili Whkh are ow cotweedol by all parties to be tar the beat Natalie Cue in nae. We have the FINE - ST HEABSE In this motion of sal will furnish any thing in the UNDEBTAIING ilne AS LOW as the same quality of goods am be got at ANT PLACE. either In Towanda or asewhem, and from our la ISPERIENCE and thorough acqualptanee. wi annorm th ose ira business, we =weave pawns to which they many me alwsys subject when dealing with inammetent patties. 11:10)14.N.` ci)i nip- Do not forget the pbce. Tarinds, April'. 1872 M. E. CLOTHING EMPORIU 111 OPPOUTE THZ 31=011 HOUSE. (Formerly oftupierkbi N. Jacobs.) ~,," The rapid growth of Towanda requires tba man aloft ot baabsom and the nwhwatcuml. reabAng ttda vant et the ootaintinit7 tztatbe ...c- READYHAYE CLOTHING LINE Nu mood s- Der Wrs is Beidistoan's Blpis. ock (fotiosety oompied by H. Jacobs,) awl is ow wed to offez to his old CIIIIWELICIII and the pat& gsserally. a bathos stock of MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING =;=g Ny Mock ban all boss paretrasettami the mow Wanes this duo% so east I bays co old doek to elt. WSW se kWh pekes. I hats s fuII Has ot of the ax rat gaallV and Latest styles. wbkli lam Otraing at low agoras. • rtiaIEMBER I haws so connection with tho old stead. sod Whoa you watt sayildasdo otothfai Las. tor yoarsslf or boys, re oa tas Ilsidlsmaa's Mock. Tovsnih. Mach U. lilt ,THE HONE SHIPITLE SEW.- , 121 G lUCEINZ. TXII - 113VID=Of OF ItECILAMEIKi llnamre, Trims. Brum. Oosaaso, nuncio. Swam% tuft. Tvcaso, Itersizsa. Thoff-arrecanfo LlDGarsWVar6. Ps waled In AMERICA. AND EUROPE, gyp. Durable sal Complete. Every Machine Warranted for five years. EQUALLY GOOD YOU ME OU ULM !OBE. It h s Triumph of Ita , ^7 genius. riricie **Mac) Th. Soli genetical law peke! loreistitenfleuing Madge ever invented. DINA be bionbegath by other Agents bloomy. us matter bait smooth their tames may be. be sure they meta Imp props to their own pathos. D. D. WOODDIDLL SwttheDruthed asd thaltreafteatise. ageabe lass, Dridlbrd meaty, Pa.lfeb. Liam TROUT. IMO very line L ai • wig km: sift V tio UM • inaaqs- 1872 - 1 SPILINti rr...!mTmT9 0Y rThINEME ! or 01.0113tliat BEII3 J. 9. ?BOW BOX& =2l G GOODS! E 33 ,111 , C~ =I '•' - 7 . '..'. • ' '', ..f..5 . ."L'..; . :. _ .. : - !'i • - J . , ..::',- -- !, - 4 .-..-...-•': 4 EVANS R . lIILDRETII RAVE JUST OPENED AN ENTIRE STOCE. OF NEW SPRING DRY GOODS ! WM= THEY ARE OYrk.IIIN3 AT POPUtiAR PRICES ! PLEASE CALL AND ENAXLNE. vviAzgtiit as Ao Dv 4:01 mums nrEr I:=1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF TOWANDA. CAPrre.t, $125,000. Stamm FUND 40,000. Thla-Bank Wars mirostrAT., recrimrs for the transaction of a - GENERAL RANKING ;RUSINESS. INTEREST LID ON DEPOSITS AOCORD=G TO AQUEIDIMIT. EMzetaz.. Cass amai TO TUX Couxonos 0/ Noma Cancia. • Parties Ong to anza nos= to any part of the Mailed States. Sagland. Ireland. Scotland. or the prin cipal cities and tram of Europe, mat here procure drafts for that purpose. * PASSAGE • traTETS ." • To or from thi old country. by best "inter or mail bag lines. slims en hand. • 'Amuse tommanT ova AT amino root.-' nAna. MkplAtf rrier.paidfor. Ita Bonds. Gold sad &Seer. .1013. rownz... President. N. N. BETTS. 3 m.. December 411189. Cashier. SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSike TOWANDA. BRADFORD 0017FITT, Thli Lnatitntlort will commence ita Seventeenth Year MONDAY. AUGUST 28. 1871. -. The menses of Andy are English. ltorinal. Cent raereial. Acakenic, Scientific and Classical. la all of which the Inatniction Is systematic and thorough. The Prinelifela will be masted in the various departments by a large and very excellent= taatructors—three graduates, eryerieneed = been namlo7 tageged no elect will be to make um, lostlfrite. to comfort. discipline and effiriency, second to no other The Meted Department will be under the charge Of Professor H. yr. Johanzioseen. This Mettlxlitote la now In thorough repair. . the Mailings totter extensive impr ps ovement@ daring past year. new antambra, ma and , mast approvedlpsteed desks and seats for all the e 'lndy and rediation rooms have just been pur chased. Prisdpal at the Ilrocatal Department I'M ingsataa Angara 211. a Tairobers• Clan. sad by emu& =arm leaid to template the moat time. to=rai passib during Um time. form Be $lO. Board and room in the ros4. Itaestrahla, students may obtain ta town and hoard thearselees. Early appli cation for board and rooms at the Instihne ahonidte mirk. as minas are being midi, engage& Par farther particulars or Maws% apply to trim& V. mitt Z. L Qitinian. Pr= Toinsido. Pa. PDX: rat P7l President Board Trustees. NEW STEAM FLOURING MILL SECIMEQIInt PA The Wm:at) &Ores to eve notice that Ns now STEAM FLOURING MILL Is now in waxesaral operation,• and that he is pro posed to do all work in his line on shod antics. • CUSTOM OBERDENO DONE ON.TNE SAYE DAY THAT IT IS azorrvp • *bat. Buelortied and Bye Flour, Corn Meal, rani. Bran, be., always _rya band and far asla at, Mist rata& "PLETLCULAII NOTICTIL-.Persons living° on the week stele of the river Codeine° patronize my tau dill M ir es tbeir .guni ftym es peid ai leth upwird linye k when they Y. B. AliElS. 'MEW PLANIN,G MILL. 4 . 1 The vid 0/ to onigood Mtn; built a I;rge and comoio.- dims Bogo of, TowandaWed it the with Ow moot mod of em Auld lorprold mob/nary, !co taw mosalketwo WINDOW SASE A)W SURDS. Are prepared to IM meets. - thettieli large iz a:. mon We shortest sheiks. We have also a ts etse, et lIDULDINOIL at the latest Wile vbkk by eon resat& much ebeepte thanthey awl); trate, by hand. •t . . PLANING, TOTIOVZEIWG. GROOVING. lielLOM . sawiNa. And sil other wort perbining to lobar:. willbs dons la sun oar eustoinars. - Punt= buUdi g. and not Lt#ng man i twelve Ibultsse miles disbmt. will Sad it cc th eir Mout to buy of sis. or bting th eir 1 and lors itvoted by err lincidnery. - Wag yaw grist is Viomft, or other lumber, aad utile mu Wait is maw, Mrs it ground oat sad take it bams 11111 L wttb- VS Vin ply (11Z11 far PM =LOCI WNW gWiliiisd at our bomber In& Dori std stall ea l wadi. ray Ufa OM QIN SEASON OF 1871-2. 10.0 E -01. LECTURES. =.< _ ocuunith:4 have nude the following einnige monts: OLIVE LOGAN, Dato r -WEDNESDAY, ocronra 18 Subjeet—"Nicn Young Ifen." Dr. J. G. HOLLAND, ". • (MOTLEY TITCONII4 Date —7IIE9DAY. 140‘434:1111t 14. 1871 Subject: 0. The &xdalUndertrt." - _PETROLEUM V. NABBY sablact—' , The =salon of .Bkibewangh." 4Nlr4 •R. DI ILINSON. Data—TED umor 2'1.1872. - Subject- -" Demagogue ana Workingmen." Bev. _Robert Collyer, Date, April 4, 1872. Subject—. Clear Grit." 1872 JOHN 13. GO UGH. "pits.-WITNEEDAN. May 1 187.1. Tbe ILENDELSSOTIN QUEINTETTE CLUB will give • Concert DEMMER L Ganarst admission. Unasssel Sesta Beason Tickets Tickets for sale at Pewits bk larar's Drug Store. Sale of Beserred Beata will commentz two days before each lecture. :NO. P. OANDEE.SON. -8. W. ALVORD. L. IL YLOST. • N. P Limo, J. W. VAN 'run. • Towanda. Oct. '5, 1871. KIP BOOTS, BOOTS AND SHOES 33c)cotss. Scicotss. MOODY &.CO., Have , the sole control 'for the 114 ail And vre ng them as ldw as °the:houses ara retailing Eastern Goods. • Be sure that you are buying these Boots, for it Arent stand to reason that an Lastern'Boot. made by ma chine throughout, will begin to wear with the celo, bested RUBBERS! A largo aeaortatent, which an arc.selling al a largo re:lnchon in ptinee. We keep none but tlrat finality Bubbeis. . . 1 . FINE' SHOES ! For Ladies, Misses and CLiblren. in Peb. Goat, $ll. French NIL Serge mad French, Calf, in fact all the styles manufactured by the best Factories in the country. A FLIA LINE OF Lcla'S GOODS ON HAND! RO I BES ! but ivaelved; a larger stock of Wolf, Drag° and Lap Itobeacalso Ilorso• Blankets, Whips, &c., which we are awing cheap far cash: . - _ The largest assortment ill this section :t correspond ing prizes. 1317 e to a call and you will be Pllapa NEW COAL FIRM 11We are recorring direct from the, trainee the very best prrrsros, PINNOTII, and SIMIZVAN TIMCITi. COAL. which we propose to sell at th e We reareetfully incite thor,e washing to purcliage to call and examine our Coal. - . . We will deliver Coal or Lime whenever decirad on shortmotler, lading only the customary prices: MERCURS BANK; TOWANDA, PA, tsncoceiloi to B. s.p.uskis s.: Co., Bankera.l Receives Deposit., Loans Money, Makes Collec tions. and doos a. -- GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS,. same as an Incorporated Bank.- • To portions. desiring to send Money to ANT TAUT ~. of the United States, 4,lsnade or ,Enrope, this Bank offers the best facilities and the lowest terms. PASSAGE TICKETS To and' roin Nora Scotia. England, Ireland, Scot land, or any part of Europe and the Orient, by the CF , FRR.ITED INMAN LINE Of Steamers always on hand. • Buys and sells - Gal, Sliver, Untied States Bonds at market rates. . Agent for the sale of Northern Pacific 1 S•l6 Bonds. . - - M. C. AITMCDE, President. WAL S. VINCENT, Cashier. . mar.ls'7l Ihto-7A2tHARY. 31. 1372. Subject—.. Will It ray.' STOGA BOOTS, CALF BOOTS, _RUBBER BOOTS, In endless vnriety. trade of Humphrey 13i...05. ASD-ILADE BOOTS AND SHOES 3L•wiifactured in Towanda, DON'T BE DECEIVED ! TOVaNDA:,I3OOTS RUBBERSI FINE SHOES! PINE SHOES-I BLANKETS! TAIINKS, TRAnLb:G BLfic, kC L. L. MOODY d,:•CO. L. L. MOODY. _A H. E. IT4THINSA Towatirla„ Nov. 1. ISTI On Cansi Stmt, fronting TOWANDA, Fa. meat market price. We inso,keep Limo, fresh from the kiln. sep2oll-U VABISERS,. bring your =co sad t yo 4t Jay. 110, 14. I,lox 'NARK ETE; , • - •oxit uan ua& mem weglacwlay. by C. C. PATCH subject to chatugas Wheat.. di•al% • . busk. Buckwheat. * bash Own. * hash Oata. Saw* la • • Butter trolls). .. do n0 w........ W ra , ajoes. 9 In* llour. bsiTel 800 -'ut lc (24, Wthme.l6hmh k 3 Waco= 417 Gatae.—Wheat Ul tb. ; Corn 56 lbs.t aye se lbs.; Oats 32 lba.; Harley 46 lbs.; cwi l .b .a 68 tba. t-Butua 62 Ili.; Cm 20 lbs.: Chertb a , ; Timothy Hord 41 ; Dried Pestles fif*l tri ; 33 Driod Apples 2? lbs.. Flar. Seed 50 4s. IRIOE LIST--CASCADE Inus . FlcarbestWinter wheat. Fri luck •• • • .... ... S 2 (Y) „ hundred lb . i ... as .. s • barrel. ... • ................ 1164 custom grindlng sultutily don at once. as the (L i parity of th e m ill ti sufficient fo r • lam, nt stork. caerrptown, July 23.1870. •IL E: maim." CENTRAL .COAL Y.ctD, SLwazi:s, Proprietor rota further nottca.pricea at yam aro, pe r r ,.. t of 2000 putrid/1: • ' Egg, or No. 2 SS r) Stove. or Noe. 9 and 4 ........ Not, or No. 5 ....... It 77. soz.r.rowt alivnalcrrE Draken Lai-go Stove • ..... ..14 tty, Small Stove - ta) tl ............ The following idditlotel charges will be mace!, delivering coal wain the borough lunge: Per ton 50 cis. Extra for arri-tyg in 14 it• re i. - Han t0n.......35 " Qturtor t0n...25 " Is " • Legtvo Ordors . st my Cosl Oface, 'No, 3, 3 n , r. cr.rs New Block, south aide, or at. Dr. IL C. l'ortPr Son & Drug Store. ire Orders Roust in all easel* accompszled the cash. Towanda. Feb.l:73. T OWANDA COAL-YARD. ANTEDIADITEAND DITMILCOCS cow. The undersigned, Laving leased tLe Cool Uri Dock at the old ..13arcligt Basin." and just completed a large Coal-house and Mee upon the premises, sr DOW prepared to tarnish the drams of Tosrmls sa vicinity with the di ffereut kinds and idaeloithistarts named coals upon the most reasonable terms it se• - quantitg desired. Prices at the Yard lentil iv notice 'per net ton of 2060 pounds: MI 3 30 74,r; or 'No. • Stovg; or Noo. 3 tead 4.. • - Nut or No. 5 Arr. zaya's Airmx&crte coAr- Broken - La Steve 4 • . - - . - 4 N Small Stow; , I o . Nut........ . -.... 3 23 "Barclay "'Lump ' 4 f Brat of Mines 4 fe ~ • Fine, orßlackarailli 3 Z.) - • The following additional elargea will be male Zo: delivering Coal within the borough limits : Per Ton —5O cents. -Extra for carrying in, 50 cr. cis. Half T0n..35 .. all dig - Qr.T0n...25 " fiar Orders may be left at the Yar,l, comer a Su , road and Elizabeth Street, or at Porter t Drug Store.. V3.orders must in alteascs be atm - MI.IMM Ira tho cash. WALD s DON - TAME.. Tosfranda, Feb. .I.„ 1872—u. CODDING lIVSSELL Would say that tht rise in prices of many goods, tha they continue to - keep their usua stock of .111 - ON, STEEL, TINWARE &C., arid Rill sell * at close prices fo ready pay. The .7ilERIlt CHRIST MIS with iron copper-lined reer voir and ii:atent slide, ELliowingstraw to : F.ss into the smoke pipe, ihads fa'v - wherever tried. •We Lim.e ais LEI Nor Enipirr, - Amer:ran, . National, • .2t tnno, Wide World, We continue to pipe Liouf,c.4 La gas, and to do all kinds of pinnibiag. Leal and Copper ;cork as well as general Tin and Sheet-iron jobbing on shbrt notice. RUABERS !- Dexter ret'd Cutters, 'National F.e,l ruiter.. s Clafrees Feed Cutters. Cburn rower,. Cora . She Cletites Vringe.ri, - . . . " p .Carriage makers wp: vtAill offer FeNoel!, Spokes. . rattia \1 bee's, Trimmings -- We arc .I,llvitys heacl . quarteri. ur all kinds of Knives and.. Forks, - P«•uors . Pocket knives, Strops, Spoons, nated *are., Leather Babbitt Metal, . nay Lath, Twine, Fairban.C9calea, - Baas, , Nrkmibarrows, Stove's, Picks, • • GunP. 'Revolvers. Piittdp • . . • Cat ri•ige,. ROBES 1 (7all and - see us wheu you wish. to CBS CODDING RUSSELL & 1512. , HILL'S VEGETABLE SIC " HAM RENEWER. . . Every 3 - ear increases the popularity of this rafts ble Haterrepiration; which is due to Mir:talent. - We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fe r ry up to its high standard;-and it is the Only relial t L? and perfected preparatiOn, for restoring Urn tf Eaded Bair to its youthful color, making insoylt 4 . - kraus,. and silken . : The scalp, by its n=o , - white sod dealt. St removes all eiaphinivond d al ruff, and, by its - tonic • properties, prevents hat's from . fairing Gut. as it stimulates and neasiik. , . 1 * hair-Elands. By its use the haii grows stronger. In baldness It restores the capillar3 . to their normal vigor, and will create a uts - g: o4a . except in extreme old age. It is the most oconorii . cal Bair Dressing ever used, as it rinuires fewer , .plicatioas, sad gives the hair a op leuilld glossy al' pearance. "'ayes, U.. D., Stan) assayer sl Masiisehnsetts, says. "The eaustituents are pare,. and carefully selected for excellent iptality sail l' consider - it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists, ar.tr,Vealers in .tintiriser. L. S. CASE, fr. CO 4- ^ II.IOE ONE DOLLAR. IPILEMILED ' - • Dn. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lon'ztt, 1114: Practical and Analytical Cliamilt3' . . AND BOLD ALL DOTND 'INN .IVONLD.: _ Dr. EL: C r POSNIM. SON. CO., WhOlefalo-AgC/. Towanda, PL. mid for i4:10 111 „il,slers "threngbo.i the counts. , . .- -.- - .. _ ... Dec. 7. 1571.-17eow Samuel rowel. Son k Co., bare wncured froni Se w York l/ronsew, an 4 will lmlAca-' 6l - 1° hale ,the TOW11:146 Mil and Ciallaike . . -11 UP 1-60 ft. 1 an . . COAL, wntz, .02111tSCIT; COAL j 5 r 3 01 • I Si „ TriIVANDA. PA rumig hot BLut, • Uniott,' . ,QUeeu Ex , vl.:or Laby Wag.nly, SPhc; ::, Tcu ;ve.+ t,i„l. Salaam, - • • Lamps and GlitavyA., Rotary Force Pomp;