pradfordltpodn Towanda; Thursday, March 14, 1872. LOCAL AND GENERAL. ma'.Next Sunday is St. Patrick's Day. vg. Meeting of Building Associa tion on Monday evening next. vs. The senior editor of this piper vstthe gr, andfathcr of a Pope. ter. The Luzeene . Union hal passed zuto the hands of a joint stock company. & STOIWEVANT, artattS, hsce removed their headquarters from name to New 31ilford. be' Most of our lawyers are in sttending,Supreme Court, so we may expect quiet times during their absence. 1611.-Weregret to learn that Dr. LIMAN . icaz called to Tunkliannock last week. fn .laud the funeral of his mother. ta. The editor is unavoidably ab ,cut, which must be taken as an excuse for the large.amount of original matter this week. A ir L. R. BROWNMO has been ap pointed Postmaster t t Borne, in place of L. A. IlmotrAr, resigned. kir C. 13. PATch had sold his house and lot to Superintendent JUDD, of the Barclay 11. R. Consideration $ll 500. or R. B. Damn, conductor cin a train. is to. succood " Bnoapr " as con- Juctor on the Wilkes-Barre and Elmira tram. tar The Grand Commandery of 31. 1 e,,0s will meet in,Beading,lo June next, in- ~tend of ibis place, se heretofore announced. t„ airs. ELIZABETH PETITS, wife ut B. A. Prrrr..s, of this place, died on Thurs day last. Alm I'. had been a great sufferer tor many:year& She was a daughter of the late 11 ,, ra.irr filoonr, of Ulster. ter l'onroeton - elaims to beat She shequip in the matter of snake stories. kr. 11. T. V,..:S(IOELDEIty °Tile fernier place, informs us that there were forty-eight snakes killed on hie farm, on the 22d day of Febrnery last. =3 iterTI T S. ItAcnEL SMITII, widow of :iv: tato JileliNkm. SltliTir, died in Sheshequin, Thusday last, aged 81 ,years. She was per haps the oldest native inhabitant of the town, and was the mother t f 16 children, 14 of whom grew to manhood. AZILNVAIEN'r TO THI: BOROliCill CitkE alt.—A bill has beau introdnedin the Senate by Mr. Fircrt; - 0 amend the charter of this bor ough by making three. wards. Towanda has increased so rapidly pf lite years, that a Inca ,nre of this kind has heeisnO a • nceesfity. tti'j The students of the Sasque- LaLiia Collegiate Institute will give Public 1: - ..x.- et Mirctu's Hall, on Friday evening, ‘onsisting, of Charades, Detnama (;yruustic Exercises, Cantata and 3lusie. Ensuing term at the Institute opens Monday, 257.2. • We last week published at the iequcrt of Mr. W.tult's friends, a review of the tweet:tugs in the Wann-Skcn oto. case, and Lis neck print a short article on the other side. Yar ,sin opinion is, the soi.ner this unhappy . affair is forgotten, the better will it be for all rmict-rned. The ease was fairly tried, and- we no doubt a conscientious verdict awarded. Vr The Pitt,ton Gazette says •of fumi•r townsman, D. HArair:cs, Esq.: "Atre met Major parkins the other day, in \Val:es-Barre, and amed that his lint-house plant; are in fine cond , tion. and that he has a very large stock on hand. The Major has a reputation as-a horticulturist and florist second to none in the State. All articles from his es tablishment may, therefore b' confidently. ta h.a Tor what they are represented to be." se.. Last week we paid a 'last vi,ir in 'Tonawanda. anr , enjoyed the hospitality ermine host Wilson. of the Elwell Manse. Mr. Wilson is a jovial genthsmau, and.knows bow to run a hotel. We also called upon our editorial tripods of the, Argw. the Itrrourr.u. and the and found them all rushed with hos - bless. The Tonawanda•papers are all lively. enterpris b7,nheet&' Wyoming Volley Come. again, neighbor AIIIIRTRONO. and spell Tnwanda icith one less "n " and one less.," a." Deb' The annual meeting of the 40(11:olden of the Towanda Gas and Water Campan:e, was held on Monday, March. 4, and :he following Board of Man'acers were re-elect ed ter the lenening year: E. T. Et.t.torr, C. B. its4-Et.t.. W. G. TRACT, Mrs. OLIVE ELLIOTT. C. .I'..Sr.u.nrc,.C. L. Tr.Acy. At a meeting of the Marti eanie..4y..E. T. Et.uorr re-elected TTesiaent, and C. L. Tr.Acv, Seieretary and 1n:1 , 1: Ter., ASTHONT, ELMER & CO . . are ire:l:wing to pat np their fifty dwellings on the 'Aim , . early In the spring. We have been shown tke designs of many of . them. prepared by Mr. fißhler, and we can assure those who may be Interchted in the-matter, that they will be of Is:e styles, tasty. nea awl higlv creditable to 'he "City of the Plains."— Warerly Adrocate. few enterprising men like the litmus% are 4itaent to make a city of any ordinary town s few ycgrg. • Tiltin No. Z on the Lehigh r.,ad, was thrown from the track • at L1.2:1.C.r . ..1 Eddy. on Friday evening last , acid do . '..33ed for e*o four hours. The accident was ' 2, 4 ,4 1 I;Leimisplacement of a switch. The 'llin vas Fa tilled with passengers, and for a :k.a torments great consternation prevailed; lint :vane whtj, injurett The train, however, was , 7.raLtnz, eery blow at the time, or serious con .vlumces iniglit have occurred. The passen .7w enj.,:r4attlio hospitalities of the Tuscarora al4 - Ectlried to be Well pleased with treatwut. • te... J. R. BROADITEAII, who for a. _letj time lass Itcla the 'position of a popular crtchteta• on the Pa. &N. Y. E. 8., bas' been firip.:ntid Superintendent of the Buffalo Branch ,1 R. Llis absence from the road Rill be hat we content ourselves with the know that the L V. I. roads .have still A = Pit) Packer, Torn. Desmond, Billy and (1 . - . l ' , .yCuramings, George A. Parka, Geo. Fin . Aa Nichols, Garret Broadhead, Phil Faz.n. Pete Hilcman, A. Johnson and Sigfried, tlgoal a dozen of genial. gentlemanly, hon2rable men, all can be picked from , c of the globe..J-Pittsion (bad. Pre. The circulation of the Item is than that of both the other Towanda pa ,3 the o”rough. •Ttal assertion tre are `r:,l t) s'abstant tate. Th•• abJre Zrorn the lii,,e is go , nci4bengli for ] ,, •c)..provided a man does n t care what be tr.t. 8 tato too 'thin to be believed by rele,,lP. The circulation oethe R.trot u, Ti.wanda Lorough is nearly it not quite IQ the enure edition of our aspiring non who seems ambitious to ride rough tGoc beer ail edmpetitors. Go ahead, boys, h e t rouctiber that • ambitivu'o'orlcaps &Lis down on 'tother sido." SrE i 1; FATALITY L.IIONU HORSES.— " C., " have heard within the past few days of the .th Lc accident, y four beiges in this place A tardily horse owned by Capt. IlLavvrus.. nn sxec,Triably broke one of its legs, and was shot its wise y. E. T. Et uorr also lost one Lr ills braes in the same , manner. On Thurs a.'o.,'•-,remg last, J. 0. Dieter !alioxs on going thou stables, 'found one of their valuable L , E^h, 1 horses with a leg brOlte, and cause ruinel. L. D. %WV ax also had a val "L:, L'lr6e killol in the , stable a few nights t,3 by tiding through a trap doer, wbleh hid stv.i c 't .o . l "r/1 1 .:it otro., • Tait %Olaf or Ekroczes.—The true secret of the growth of any - place is the Wear meats held out to 'strangers to settle among theni, Encourage actin° and worthy men, whether they have money or not. Their labor alone is worth money. Stimulate every mate enterprise, by giving It all the friendly aid in your poorer. Cultivate a public spirit for it, and help your neighbor. It he is in danger of tresking down before you know Ida situation, Bet him upon his feet again. His misfortune to be:pitied; not blamed; his talents and labor are worth money to the community. Besides, it may some day be, your turn to need a corres pondhog sympathy. Let us speak well of our neighbors. Talk well and eneouraginglir.of oar town,,of Its , growth, its prospects, its advan tages,' and in short everything likely to advance its welfare. Fist:.—Abont six o'clock On Battu clay Morning last, the old frame dwelling just eontla of the Means House; was dkoverod tote,. on fire: The fire depat was promptly on the g rimy], but tbe flames had made such pro gress list it was imposidule to save it. Theo frame still stands, but the building is quite nn. tenantable. The house was owned by J. I'. lizunv. and was not Insured." The tenants were H. E.Bnowa, A. P. Slum and .Tows Una and Mrs. Straw were absent at the time of the tire, and lost all their furniture except a sewing machine. Lairs and Bitowa saved most of their furniture, and the loss is fully covered by insurance. It will tot be considered invidious in us to state that the Franklin boys distanced the Lin ts this time, and put the first , stream on the fire. • Kir Items from the Northern Tier Gazelle :' -BCSISESS is pretty well set tled that Join and THAD. i'Vetx buy out the establishment of Wzr.t.tam 3iOROAIS in the Porn eroy Block ; and Mr.. Ifoaci.H and Dust. Querns buy the store of DAVISON S McCall; who intend to continue the bruaneas of purchas ing and shippingyroduce, and dealing in coal, brick, lithe , etc. —Mosas Gverni sold Ilia fate► noar East, Troy, to Ana= NVI:. - rnaoost, for 133 per acre. —Snrrrt Darren sold 37 urea -near East Troy, for $3O per sere. —N. A. Tartot, of Columbia, aola i 7 %arts, at ;60 fier acre -11012. WE TAILO/L, in lkAutubia, sclil 4G acres for t. 30 per acre. PER.Sonkj...—Lsmex E. DEWOLi, at one time Register and Recorder of this county, and now d practicing attorney in Chicago, is cisitingjold friends in this county. —Prof. Ono. T. Cots:, of this place, is con ducting musical contentions in Susquehanna county. —We were picased to west our young friend F. C. 13mutotons, formerly of Stevensville; this comity. fie is now located in Wilkes-Barre, en- , aged in the practice of the law. We wish him abundant success, and neartil+ commend him to the' confidence of the people of Luzern.) county —Dr. S. F. WAREIRCHN, t*t), it will be reruens tiered, 'a - as 'some years sin co a hotel-keeper "in this county; is now general agent for a tempe rance paper published in Ballala. Ho was in this place last week, and addressed the Sons of Temperance. May other publicans follow his example. llf " ,Baldwin's 31iintidy," edited and published by Ba.r.nwlx, the Clothier, is one of the prompt and welcome visitors to our 8.1.11 C, tlll9. The litareli Dumber comes to us with interest mg originalleo'ntributions from several authors of note. The editorial columns bristlo with sharp, pointed paragraphs relating to trade, which are id marked contrast to the lin , %kneyed style of introducing a business to the public. The article which appears in the first place among the original contributions, is by LACILI C. Hattow.t l r, and is written in the author's best vein, entitled "Memories of , Adors and AvtresseB." iThe srAections from other journals evince a pains-taking seldom seen in the monthlies uflthe present day. Ba.r.nwrs's is the larm st ready-niade clothing business in the United Statek His sales, at rclai!, amount to over twelve hundred thousand dollais annually. We are ari•horizad to say that Barmwm the Clothier, corner Canal and Broadway, New York, will place any name op his list and send the Aroatid:i frcle, if the addressis sent to him. nunaher will be crobtlit.heil with an origi nal en;:raving. 11=2 EEC The wife of an olti, subscriber in Wyoming county, sends usi the folipaking. Although we: pre.sume it was licit intended for publication, we tato the liberty),l giving it a place ; Mn. S. W. ALVOUD—DeiIe Sir': 'Enclosed find $l5O for which please send the Raroarr.n as long as you can afford to We can't do trithout it. even if wel are in al" foreign land;" and our subscription Would have been renewed much earlier, hadnut sonic one suggested,' weeks ago. that we follow the Bradford county fashion and send Yon some historical items. Iluaband 'says, "Biltti! I can't. You inn-t." So 1 en tered on the work with zeal, hoping t, "use some warning and find myself famous." as a newspaper correspondent. But alas! few and Jar 11,etween. The Aborigines, both copper-eolorqd and white, have passed away, and scarcely tradition remains. Some of the oldest inliabiants can doubtless tell me some-, 'MN!, of the 1 ng ago time. but just now nobody can talk of anything bat s»taft-por.. There are no cases here, but we are anticipating a visit from the 'dreaded monster any of these fine (lava. Aboutlls veritable cases in Mchoopany. three miles below us. Four deaths have occur- red. Hoping to be more successful at some future time, I remain, yours in haste, 11. G. S. I M.:41011)cm l'a., Feb. 26. trg• Oral genial friend, liou'Ann EL2EII of Wtiverly, has been spending the win ter in'thc tooth. The Waverly Adeneate gives the following et:tract from a private letter writ- ten to friend in that place.: "Last Sun ay evening I attended the African Baptist Cbur b, a small building without glaz ed windows, but with openings covered with hoards, benches without backt and the whole interior unplaStered and undrushed in any way. The pr . eacherl,w as an African Methodist. who spoke in oppoSition to the colored SL E. Church here, claiming that he was a Southern man; th it the 81. L. Church was not a Southern church, and Lauded the African Church greatly. His speech waW negro, but he.could read . a lit tle. Ills subject waft the separation of the sheep and the goats,' and was handled in an original manner. Speaking of the meekness and gen tieue• s of the iR Iteep, said : "Sheeps is the most harmless beaatess," while he could not find words strong enongh to express his dislike for the goat.; :maiming it all up by saving, "Thu:. is the moat deVilish brats created." After the hymnrcame hinging and praying. The singing was cMigregational and very good.. The hymn is lined out, two lines at a tune and in a docla nation tone. ;After the prayer,. ho arose and thanked the Baptist congregation for allowing him to preachlin their house, and apologized for - speaking sO•wartrilv of his own church. But he amused inel greatly, by afterwards lining out a hymn, the last lines of the first stanza 01 which were: " Through all the way his name I'll bless, And strive hi live a Ilethodess!" MONPOE. 7 FRIEND • ALVORD : The very able reprlyit.ntative of Monroe affairs ("Ai ley") has passd into silence,- ant we hare been; waiiing with anxious hope for his public apkara t nce in your cobstuns.again, that our town might share with others the honor of having one at least to look after onr public and private interests. We would not have the peo ple think icestise we are silent, we are inactive to saving; and doing, but that we are wide awake to on own business, tometimes as S well as that cf our neighbors, (specially when an oppoitzmity lihe the tollotring pre- Bente e On 'Saturda3l. the 21 lust., our venerable neighbors, Jar.n and Sorau Weennurr had enjoyed forty-tight years of married life; and as the aunireri , ary or Duch events. especially with the early ,ettiere, Are becoming matters of general interekt to their neighbors, they bad invited their nfinister and lady, and the elders of the Presbyterian church, with their wives, to share with thein this festive a:cation. .The in sited guests ai3peared in proper person, and found Mr. andiblrs. W. ready to welcome them in their usual whole•hearted style. The affair was a very soc ial one, as all seemed interested to make it a tone of mutual pleasure. But with all the good feeling in the way. of social inter , course, there vus nothing that seemed to rola ' der the occasion a success so much as being introduced into the' dining room; where their son and daughter had prepared a magnificent dinner for the ,?coaiitin. We country folks know what good thi gs are, s ti end what to do wtth them, as you wild have judged to tine as, dis pow of the no, is tuzlny 'and the xich viands , that i t liv,/ Ott tit's.. T!t er.n std * 4 -t. wf IM== the all of their - aunt, lira. U. presided -mar the table in lityle that told thq bur bow to manage such ibingsw After dinar we all re paired to the parlor. and spent oar time in Naha) convasatipe, the evening drew nigh and we were warned our meeting; must end, the item AJUOMMIG read bone the family bible that had been their guiding star fOr many years, and we alb sang with the spirit when prayer was offered to God for life biassing upon the company, and especially upon Mr. and Mrs. W., who were celebrating an event that formed one of the most interesting chapters of their history. Mr. and Mrs. WOODZIIIT were respectively 82 and 78 years Of age, and had lived, prospered, and raised their family on the same farm where they now enjoy the "evening of Ilfe," reaping the fruits of honest Indeustry. Monroe, Manb 4,1872. $ Rey. DAR= WIT r. Au% of Wy-. soz, died on the 22d of February, aged 72 years. He was born In Wyoming 'valley, Pa., April, 1800, and bad been a resident of Wyse% for 27 years. His father was a boy in Forty Fort. whose two older brothers were fatally wounded at the masaacre there. Mr. Watiaus has been a . preacher for forty years. For some years, at first, in the Methodist . Eplsiopil church; when. from conviction, be united with the Presbytery of Chomtutg, and served the churches at Elk land and Addison some five years. He was on the roll of the Presbytery of Montrose (N. 8.) when it was merged by the ":anion'. into the Presbytery of Lackawanna. He was set tled to supply the former N. /3. Presbyterian church of Wysex. for a number of years; and has supplied Monr oeton and Lellaysvfilc. He was retiring and disposed to quiet ; genial and tender in the presentation of the Gospel mes sage; of fine presence, and clear. sweet tone in utterance; was eminent ass son of consolation at funerals, and probably has been tilled upon to preach more obituary sermons than any other minister la the region. For several years his health had been very feeble. He leaves a wife and one son. Doubtless ha has met on high many redeetood, who gladly welcome him as the honored instrument of first/ceding them to Christ and with joy may they bear him to his Lord and theirs. es. A c,,mmittee of colored men appointed to take into consideration the -expe diency of calling-a Convention of, the colored citizens of the Thirteenth Congressional Di,- trict of Pennsylvania, passed the following reso; lotion : &welted, That we, the colored voters of the Thirteenth District of Pennsylvania, will meet in the Court Renee, hi. the borough of Towan da, on Thursday, the 28th instant, at 2 o'clock; r m., to take such steps as to secure the suc cess of the Republican party in the to-election of General Grant to the Presidency. Let every village and town in this and ad joining counties send their delegates. Let the colored citizens of Northern Pennsyl vania be represented. We cordially invite our colored brethrearom the State of New York to meet with us to raise the standard for Grant and liberty! Colored cititizens l you will be called upon next November to assist in electing for the tirst time the Chief Magistrate of the United States. Let your votes be cast with tlist conception of propriety that will reflect credit upon yen. Let us make such a demonstration that will throw terror into the ranks of our enemies. • The Hun. J. H. Jitney, colored member or Congress, will be present and address the Con ventext. Prof. Wm: Howard Day is invited,_ also Goo A. Johnson, of Ithaca; J. Johnson, of Ow ego; Rev, J. C. Gilbert, of Wilkes-Barre, and C. J. Hin,_ot Elmira. Freemen Bally! Come one! Como all I Committee : I. J Btrrixa, Chairman, Smartt. Powxt.i., Treasurer. W. H. Roams, Secretary. Wx. Baoww, .t Re*. C. H. Stirrit, Aset Sec's. W. H. llorasoN, Secretary. • " BILLY " Woopwsite, Baggage Blaster on the Willies-Barre and Elmira Accom modation, Pa. t N. Y. IL IL, bad the lingers , of, his right hand quite badly injured while coup. ' ling em at Waverly, on Tuesday last_ teii-Eggs for hatching from foie, large, pnre-bred :Brahma Fowls and Bonn Ducks. C. I'. Water, Towanda. lek. Persons desiring to buy five or ten acre lotslust outride the hgreugh, vety low, should call on W. Moco.tx. - Fine boots made to order at L L. Moony k Cair. Ground Plaster s6.ot) per ton, at Towanda Steam Flat:x.lElN. Fun RL - vr.—A gOod house with large lot. Enquire of OVER TON it Et ~Prerr se a., F. 11; wrr T TN is agent for the beet sewing machine in the market. mfr. Patronize N. GoLnotrru. ipsL. We have a fine line of Tea,: Oolong, Young flygott, Japan and Union. McCar.r. 1;. EDIVAIXD. ter Large stoek,of Red and White Wheat Flour, at pleCeat tr. EDIVAZDS% . te1.3.17 different styles of Hats an: Caps, at N. G oi.ns nines Keystone Clothing Palace. M. Flour and Feed at retail, at TovVelida Stearn flour Mille, delivered free. Foi' Su.r..—A good Safe. Enquire at 111151!oftlec. OR.. A large assortment of Fish o all grades, on hand at Fon Su.r. Woolen Factory. Enquire of Bp:. Norrru. 71Car . rocton. Molasses and Syrups of all grades, cheap, at Mee= k Etowarzs', 118; Try one , of N. Gorzsmrrn's summer overcoats, tho "latest novelty," and the moot comfortable invention of the age. {g. Pea-vine, Ohio, and West- Branch lamer ileed also a prime article of Timothy E y ed, wholesale and relidl, at Mmtramme. Fun RENT.—The hOIISo now OCCiI pied by Taos. D/XXASD, cm Maio Arcot. Poe swims - Inc - en April 1. Enquire of N. U. Ei3El lir Tomatoes, Pear..hes, 'Pine apples, etr.; by the ,can, clazirt or cue, very cheap, at Itlcetts Z. EDWARDS'. 18.;11 you wish tho best lock stitch scwirg machine, net the American. $9. Ail persons indebted to lam E. J. Kraostar will Once call and settle before the 15th of March, 1872. tes.J. WErrrAram k Sox, Rome, Pa., are idling Pea-Vino, Ohio and West- Branch Clone Seed, and Illinois Timothy Seed, as cheap as the cheapest. NI" Mae E. J. Kamm ie now re alising her new Opting styles In envy mink" tit Okla isdrevy &Mgt BUSINESS LOCAL. K. C. P K. C. P. - K. C. 1' K. C. P K. C. P K. C. P K. C. P. , " I sweet ?" IIoCADr. S EDWABAS% " A'int I sweet ?" unsuun.ciG (P. C. IL) N.urrAli K. C. P Is. Buffalo Robes srid . Hares inasketa—Olostaig oat sitta revadhas of eon, at - llorzunza tor Mr. GOWN= intends to Larva uttsordiztuy lino of Gents' ranslobbtir Goods. 06.13. A. Parris &,,Co. are receiv ing a splendid assortment of Prints and into has, and other goods suitable for the Spring trade, at the sign of the Big Bonnet, Slain St., Towanda. - sir All persona indebted to Wow esoosztomig, wtn plasm make payment& to Gozzazrrn Wore the 15th of this month. A Onter. Fon ilux..—The undersigned has fur sae o good farm to Borlingtoo borough. • • . J. J. Gitnirras. Towanda, Pa., reb..6, 1872. Illir a IL PErria & Ofx have Com meecee the Sprizig Us& in their Millinery Da partment; and are prepared to furnish goods in all styles at the lowest prime, at the sign or the Dig Bonnet, iiir The latest style Bummer High at tho Keystone Clothing Pekoe. 18.. Nitrous Oxide (3as for extract ing teeth, at Ezzsz & sir Spring goods receiving daily at the Keystone Clothing Palace.. tor Tobacco of all gluiest, at mccin a &maxim'. • itir J. INTurtipre & Sox, Rome, Pa., will pay the hlgbost markot price In cash for all kinds of Macs. Skies and 13beep_Pelts. Stir'Haying lately added to our regular business an Insurance Agency; and Laving some good Compsnles, we respeethilly ask a stare of your business in this line. Yours reapectrally, • Wellman & &4 t. _ WLYTED.—Five hundred' ood veal eats. KrLLVU & MrUtscg. -. Farmers and Dealers 41 find it to their advantage to buy their - Clover and Timothy Seed of Fox .t litrr.cra. They have a largo stock and sell cheap. • To Itzsr.—Throe or Four Booms convenient to the baldness portion of the town, situated on- Second Went. Enquire of E. 'Scawir.drz, Clothing Store, Towanda, Pa. To REN-L—Tho House and Lot now occupied by S. llicHr.A.x Loom, on Wet. ton atreei. A first rate plane for a person do• siring,to Beep a livery anibk. Apply to One- TON & Lunar-L. Del K E. ROMFIELD requests us to state; that although he has-sold out his in terest in the establishment of Roacurtsts) & WoLr, he:will not leave - town. It•ls his inten tion .cropen a now store . in a short time, with an entirely new and rresh - stock of Spring and Summer clothing, which ho will bo prepared to offer at greatly reduced rates. Due notice of his opening will bo given in the Rzrorran. Watch - Tor his advertisement. liar We have on hand and offer at bargains: 1 Grover Sewing Mar/We, 2 Ladd & Webster's " 1 Wheeler & Wilson's 1 Fre'+►tlfn 1 Leather . 41 Call at tbe agenzy A WORK or MERCY.--$150,000,000 L in MOO cash prizes is to be distributed legally, March 29, 1872, at Omaha, in aid of the sick and destitute, at 3lercy hospital. This enter prise is endorsed by the Goremar and the best business men of Nebraska. The tickets art f 3 each, or two for $5. For full partumlars, ad dress PATTEE & ti►anircn, Business Managers, Omaha. Nebraska. . . • CLOSING Orr SALE.-I.liSB BRANDT offers her stock of Millinery Goods at retail, at cost, for the nest 30 days ; or sho will dispose of her entire stock together with the: store fix. tures, at a great bargain, to any one who may wish to engage in the business. Tao location is ono of the l in town, and Illiis B. has been doing a paying business. Satisfactory reasons given for desiring to,sel . rot farther polio:t -iara call at the store, ono door cast of Mercur's Bank. Fon, SALF--The valuable property known •s the Bradford House, and furniture ; also, two Second-band Billiard Tables. This property is well satiated in South Waverly, Pennsylvania, and is an excellent stand for a hotel, and will be sold on easy terms to suit purchasers. For particulars In regard to the situation of the premises, and price, enquire of W. B. KELLEY, of Towanda, Pa., or Jsxra B. Illuartarrof Waverly, tit. T., who will answer all enquiries with promptness. _is. Now, after all that has been said and .written by interested parties, wo are compelled by the decision of the people, who certainly ongbt to be able to judge, to atm claim that the Sic. ger Improved Sewing Ma chines are not surpassed. They 10 any work that any raring inachino does, as easy and simply. They au not trear our. They will worl: as eseily slier years use as at first. Wiegnstt & Ittscs, General Agents. CHERRY LVNIUM WA NTIV —A quan tity of 4 by 4 inch scantling, and also one (1) inch boards, 14 to 20 Inches wide, delivered at this place. Said cherry to be 10, 12, 14 or 16 feet long, .reo of heart, bad corners or hark. All good lumber. Persons offering will Mato price, how dry toe I=ber is, and' how won, and what quint nen they can furnish. Address, W. O. Rsczoi. Eagle Works, narrisbrirg, Pa. :larch 7.—lt. sar "I shall in future use none builirtumca's Saul." DETEuTIVE PINEEBTON (Ds MING'S WE& Cnicaoo, Dec. 23,1871. Misers. Herring Chioago-: Gszcraszr..4 : I had two of your "Herring Patent Champion Safes" in my dike at the timer of the Orest Fire of the Bth and 9th of October. One was on the second door and the other on the third floor. Both Safes fell to the basement, and when we got them out, after the , fire,. I found all my acooimi books luta papers•— in tact. the entire contents of both Safes—in splendid condition; the melting of the-41tie of the binding of the books was all the damage done. I shall in future use none but Herring's Safes. Tours truly. Four large Safes of another make, bekoging to Ur. Pormarros, sido by side with HEttacco a, were destroyed with all their content.. ON't ECNDILTD AND TWRIUT-SZTVI Fnuts Lace testified to the rftevarration of their boas, papers and ralttables, in the terrible Chicago Fire. Manufactured only by REIIRLNG,.hurttEL SHERMAN, 211 Broadway, corner Murray-at., N.Y. FIRREL. HERRING t CO., Philadelphia. MERRESO . CO., Chicago. REEIRLNO, rsnum MERMAN: New Orleans " How TO Go Wm."—Forty 11=3 ago, MittoisAnis as far West as 1120111 people wished to go, aria journeys were made in -the legendsry "Prairie Schooner,' but- in three days of Progress and Improvement, the word West has COMO to mean /owe. Nebtanbs. Kim* saw, Colorado, California and the Tenderise, and the Traveler reaches almost say point therein by a rplondid Lino of Railroad. This Line of Railroad is the Itatington Rode, which starts from Chicago over the Chicago. Btirilopm h Quincy R. R., from Indianapolis over the Indianapolis, Illoonikigton I Western short - Line, and item Logansport, over the To. led% Peoria Warsaw 8. Ls boa =Was OWL Prear sa t read= Ocilitt Ltartbs Vetter "YT'^ 13~:h`..'~-F. ~ ~. ~jY ~". =raw-f'_~.✓Xi~.?~H:..'. P. WiciaLut PENICERTON a My, &Jos*, Akillstwlisminnulit and Dam canwhit the 17nkinPseitlet, Mines Paclle ila4toads ruzad..g heft Moss alba. ! • AIM" ffi Af Ina onftsgarks: 1 1 P4 lOU WM be sore to be right. The bran Sou* has admirably answer ed** quokka, "Bow to go Westr by lbs pubilcation of s nuthftli end intoresting doom suet, fined with fs to in regard to Thus, Con nections, scoomnsodations, rates of fare, and other Intennting nesse, and illustratsd by a large Snap, truthfully shawing.the whole West, wblth they distribute fres of charge. Copies with additional inforrnstkot, can be obtained by addressing General Passenger Agent. B. & IL LP" fludingten. loWa. MARRIED. ORD—KELIAXXL—it the hobo of the W! father, New Allteby,_Plk. t b 7 BeT• W &eder% *arch 5, LOT; Terasado Font, et Loa. Wis., to Xba =en Kellogg, ?"4"11Y1 Ps. WALDO —OOOLaiIIGIL—Lt residence of J. B. Coolbauals. Zsq., Rome, Feb. 29, 1872, Bay. ti. F. Colt; D. R, t‘sd bia rsi ler. /navel liyhtbss i Kr. Lasts Waklo, of N. Y., to Kiss Ltais 04iolbangtt; of Bows. TRDXBULL—SFRONS.--Feb: 27, by Res . . L. W. Peck,James C. Trumbull, of Asylum, Pa., sod Maria L. of Home, Pa... WILLLUIB—NANLEY.-:-In Alba. Feb.'22 by Her. J. L. Menix; Mr. Nut Williams, of Troy, and Mks Bello Manley, of East Canton. TRACY-821T211.—InEalit dirdadield. Feb. O. by the Hey. C. C. Corns ; Holden Tracy. of East tbultbuteld; Pa., and Nile Jenny Smith; of Blectiardrilic, Susquehanna county, Pa. conaoxzET—meauxr.—ln 'Troy Bora% Feb. 14, by the Bor. T. 8. titioaokint, lir. Clayton A. Mon bromeay of Troy, to Miss Julia A. Morley, of Wed DIED. ALLESSON.—b Pike ihip, Bradtlud Co., Feb. 13, 1872, Margasnt Alkna, only child of Henry C.,wesi Mary/J. Alderson, aged ono year, firs months and nineteen days. WAILiE/L—ln this place, Feb. 22, of apoplexy, Daxid W. Warner; aged 27 years. WESTBROOIL—In Standing Stone, Monday. Feb. 19, 'Henry C. Westbrook, aged 71 years. PEITE.4.:—In Towanda borough, Mar* 6, 1872, of consumption, Elisabeth a ; wife of • B. A. Pettes in the 47th year of her age. MCRILLY..—Lo -Troy Pa .; Inboid rarer, Murray,M March 1, Ambrose aged 61" years. lIPMILL NOTICES. I=l lie. Persons wishing to Buy, Sell Or Loam Elonaes or Farms, 1011 And it to thick advantage to qll on . Jona W. Mix, Beal Estate Agent. Office Meteor's frock, Towanda, Pa. air Ws. A. - Ctuatuzaus keeps a better sascirtatent of Beth Thomas' Clocks, than -any one in Bradfard county. Prices from 2.25 to $25.00. Also Ithaca Cakaidar, and dno French Clocks, always on hind. Alt warranted. ilir Tbomas Maddock+, Produce Cotnmisadon Merchant. 220 • .P=sylvania Ave nue. Scranton, Pa. Butter.4o;l; 4j : c ard, Mose. Fruits, Potatoes. &c.. etc. Con mendsoli rited. and returns prompt )' tea e 'on sale of Goods. Referencesc- -•• fully given. COITCIII - solicited. Now Livortisconcage. QTATiEIZENT OF RECIIVALS kJ AND EZPICSDITVEZS of TOWANDA DOW for Quo Teas It -4 Streets Street Otearstissioster,.. Tire Department. Stihttrateb sad Polies. des. Legal PrinUsg .... ItoroaviAngineeF G. D. M0NT..71 - .. Tzmak,cus. Ds. To amount !payed 91 Collector IClase., Ilan7e7lnt7teabs 0f1871.. Lkenaec tee:. Due Tarasurer January 1, 11172, By Borough Orders redeemed... Dae Treasurer. Jsartary 1.1871. Salary Secretary sad Treasurer. ALA-lit'ST R':/11 COLZ2CIO2. DCP. PAW. ram. rn. CT. 11110...6.525 32-5.523 34...445 22...438 86 1811..1 ,436 $4..5.144 86 Due from Collector. JUL. 1,1572 soltoban mars ACCOVtiT Orders outstendlzg. Jan:l. 19 0 ' Orders Darned is 1511., Orders redeemed in 1671 Orders 0utw0 , . 4 41,7, Jan. 1, 1.'1! I\DLEITDEL'e. Orders outsteruilm, Jan. 1. len $ 8,930 8$ Due Treasurer 2017 11 C. U. Maurine, certificate iudelitedoeu. 830 00 MEiE2 Dao ou duplicate - Of the Ludebetedncs in Borough orders. 11 7 3.1504 00 le for Wykoff Portuureble * ithout trcterese. ono. ttird each Tear, on 31. OM- 734 e. 1. 11. R 7UPHREY. Burps& ALU.LXII/I:2lDtmc, • 3L C. Miami. • A. G. ilesoat. JOH.% 31ZEUMMit. JA..1110 M. WARD. • Town Council. "ZOWLII.II 110110001 rocs AO= EXPIDIDLIMUSI ram 1112 WAS 1871. Relief flynidied L. 01818ple aid wtfe,....8 337 31 " " Yrs. ![altar 64 119, " '• . Sarah Ogden..... ...... 117 80 Dr. We. 127. 03 Km Bertrand and dud 19600 . 8. A. dor - 89 75 *nes. 1 1 JM!SME Te.aparsry Vodka—T. Cottle*. J. Avery;.. • Lacy Cob, , •4 John 5ager,....... Scott. ..... . . " B. 800th,....... .. •• H. Seeman,...... Bannon. - .. John Viols, - 305 .. D. W. llosbes. 300 .., . • lairsbeth licCratuten. 400 Paid expenscs sandbag child to Tin..... 19 73 Beading colored woman and chant to I 25 01 Sakti ng woman to dileghaity count, 15 00 lisisding Outline Basle; to Datil° 9 OJ Paid Dr. T. lt. Jobasott. :medical attend'ce 3 Oo To Disabled illoidlers. 5 00 ComolnScoois Of MP= Too nib* on amount of G. Post. 12 SS , Thos. Harms for awn VMS. ... 750 C. I. Ladd. sumilleis ss menet of Poor tad Ptgralolan. 1871 83 00 Wm. MU. servirecas ororisor lic ror; 1870. 84 78 John ranter. totoporory re 12277 Tearporsry reUtt to Btroogeso, . , 2OS BOROUGH ORDINANCE:—Be it Granted and it is hereby ordained by the Town Coundl of the of Towanda, That the Borough Ordinance, Jan. 9th, 1860, and IMP. &Dent th ereto. to the erection of build ings be amended and extended sof that it shall W ebs& the following limits. wherein no buildings ma be erected escept in pursuance with the terms of old ordinance: On the rut and west side of Main street, within one hundred feet of the line of the street from Franklin street to Hereby street. ,11. 0. JiLASON, Bargees Attest—(i. D. Mos Tarn, Secy. Towanda. Pa., Xarett 4tt4 1172. CLOVER IND TIMOTHY S'PRD. We hare a large iota ILLINOIS TIMOTHY SEED, Selected by csuwalres at Chi. ago, OHIO CLOVER, Solectol In Clorelama. Also West Itranch and LARGE CLOVER SEED. - We vW guarantee oar Largo Qom Boel to be to name . We bare a large stock to stud oboes • will sell at lowest market price, at Wholesale or March 1.187:. 101. k NEW PARLOR OF FASHION. 111AVINO, 1/%111 CITITECCI, SHAXIMIT.O. and DAIS Intnio Dane in the West Stile. Also particular pains taken in Cutting WSW endCbildren'a Bat Sham pooing. Cattier and priming. - Go to GAVIARAY & rocnoomm, ores the Sentinel Rotel. KAM Street, Towanda. Ps. Match 6. ISM DISSOLUTION.—Tho 00-partner-. .lip beratethre editing beeves* the ender- Waned. taster the dna name of 110612LVI12.1) & WOLF'fa Ude diasolted by tantnal consent. The. day seconds d the leis dam nal be settled by JVLWh IFULtr. at th aid etas& Panama kneeing themselves in debt: tettl ewe nate by &Wag the natter their cart: ettindlon. . . . . LAKE: TitorT ° fine 7toi*Nolvits WICENGSBUBS, i • =AL MA= tilt. still k AIX:WM • INSURANCE .AGENCY. 018 c; maw of MAW .ad State Strecta, Much - 13. 1872, ' TOWANDA. Pa.' . A TIDITORB NOTIOR-IN THE .ainw mattere the estate Mon. demand, is tOrpdae' of &fed*rd away. he andars Osmt tiond appointed Count of mid county. so LaMar to MeirlOaie Mote La the hands of*, nbehiletrator ea Mown by me Anal manuit. Ifni *ldeal to the ditties WWI at the rem of IL B. McLean. In ttio llab rf Timm& Tbeinday. the 11th. slay at loth. at. 10 o'clock. a. irL. at wtdcl i money nom and place ell palm' hates dance to odd am regomftd to pro. mot the mane or be deigned therefrom. Xse.l2:72wi IN BANKRIIPTCY.—DISTRICT court of the Vetted States for the Western DiM trim as Passeybeeds. Weetern Magid of Pemn7l. male. In the matter of R. T. Karehell and W. S. Tbashall. patine* as Marshall Woe. Weenies MAIM of Pronsylvenla. ea—A mama la Bantraptcy has been tamed by the satd mart against the setae of the k W. X. Warshell. Part nere doter be shems In=DO offershan Bros.. of the oceinty of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania. adjudged Babe** on pien of their creditors, of any debts and the de/reery of any gcc i : rbe=nt to odd Ihnikreloo, to them or one. and the trasersr - of any property bf. than in forbidden by law; that a meenne arms asdlttns of the sent a t prove their debts. and choose one or more irsese of their estate. will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy. to be hoiden at Towande, Ta.. esid - Mriet. on tbe 3th day ot Apell. A. D.. NT% at 10 oelock. a. m.. at the Mice of Edward Overton. Jr . one °tee Registers In Senkroytg of mid District* A. WITEDOIICII. U.S. Marshal for said District' Ifsr.Ll.l24lr. HALL . '8 VEGETABLE SICILILN HAIR BENEWEIL Every year increases the poposarity of this vain ble Bair Preparation; which L tine to ment . siorre. We can assure ma oldistrorm that it is keje, tally up to Its high standard; and it is only reliable and perfected preparation for restoring Gray or Faded flair to its youthfral color, tasking it soft, Ins. trons..and silken. The. snip. by its use. becomes white and dean. it renames an eruptions end din& ran, and, by its tonic propartlie,. prmonts the bate from fining out. as it stimulates and nourishes the bairstands. By its use the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldric's Ur/oboes the oppillary glands to their normal vigor, and win create a new growth. except is extreme old age. It is the most econocal cat Bair Wearing ever used, as it requires fewer sp. Orations, sad gives the 'hair a splendid glossy ap. pea:luxe. A. A. Hayes. 11..D.r Bide delayer of Illosechasetta, says. ”The constituents are pars and carefully mime for excellent quality ; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended Pure" INACENAL AND ADAINI7CAS. arcassi, And sold by Draggtste all round the void. Dr. R. C. PORTER SON & CO.. Whehms/e - ageata Tossed*. Ps.. and for !ale by dialers throsighost t the county. "71.-4 m. CHANGE IS INDELIBLY STAII PM ON EvEnrnirco 171i7011f. inecws. ROSENFIELD IIMM:E1 200 U 2,014 51 1.091 00 519 33 ..... TOT 01 • 131 00 • 40 40 • 2150 - • A.. 50 Ose duiir South. of FaX A: ILLI CITE:s. and homby that they arlll offergreater Inducements to ~11 buy era, than any other establialunent In $L$9 41 . 6,14.1 86 . 86 Oi . 2.037 Doing thoroughly posted in every branch of the business. they feel perfectly coundent that they can make it to the interest of all $12.877 45 011.393 il2 SI 1,384 ,00 00 $12.877 as Their Stock of goods comprises goods of all grades, from the finest to the coarsest and manufactured by the best establishments in the country, SG,'NI Oel LEVO na a can $11,134 .10 11:49 11 To•vattla,lktartli 1•2. _ $K= .X) $11.322 C 2 CPO 0 S2OX3 50 * ** * * * ** * * * * pHOTOGRAPiIY * $ 11,307 09 The undersigned would inform the * * that they tune purchased the GALLERY O'F ART, $ 6 0 221 98 NAILDECG k 0178=‘, on Italy street, first door south of the First * National Bank, and mean. by strict attention * to business, and by the addition of every * peoent in the Art of Photography, to make * the pLae worthy of patronage. NM. Qin= * * Is to remain with us, anditive Ids whole time and attention to the mating of IVORTTYPES, - PAMINGS IS OIL AND WATERVOLOUS, * As scu u PESCELISG in INDIA =X, * . * * Particular attention given to the g * of pictures. and to the finishing of =di * of work, so as to secure the best res alto, and • ** as numb time as poss ibl e given to making * negatives of small children. * * Those wanting pictures will please give ns * a trial, and we think that they will be sails. * fled 833 MEI Ern GEO. U. WOOP k CO. * 1an11'7271 12 00 24 00 53 00 10 00 300 7 15 26 42 13 50 4 50 FIGURES WILL NOT LIE ! THE alum= PLACE IN TOWN TO Din BOOTS ! DONT DOUBT YOUR owl. EYES! HERE LEE THE FIGURES. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES" Gents Sip. 2 solo .2 tap hook Lome -trade, utrrantod . It DS do 1 - do do do 438 do -2- do do dosiallA 400 do X doubts's:ls do 360 do Calf peg do do • do 600 Boys 144'2 sale and tap. do 2 73 to 300 Torahs NIA, doable gals. do 2GOto 2 23 Merchants eta be aapplled with the above class of goads at •rery reasonable prides. We are preened togomake Boots to Measure. Also to Nepali% reaaponable prices. N. 11.—Tbe above very low price system aunt be andeudood CASE Invariably co delivery W Call and see baton you bay. Shop opposite Methodist Chtuth, 31ain Street. L. C. NELSON. Towanda. Nov. ICI. $1,512 82 C. S. LADD. . :NATHAN TIDD. Overseers of the roar VI 000, to $5,000 Per Ann= ", JULIUS VOLT. . a n. Xr.Saila, Min= ET Ds. J. C. AYES k CO., Lakszt, flare parchased the Ski :k of Clothltig of GIVE . PUBLIC -NOTICE - 271.1CLLAL' TO PURCHASE OF THEM Aleasta wanton 16r THE .14ATION, MI =LEES AND L.";. - aLLUTI 53 Needed in every home; is pantsd on tinted paper; has tasty ilmstrations; an V S Presidents; all U 8 Oenstmas; sy U 8 Senators; all vsluabio docrunmsta; Ilkenesses of an the Proddents; ."Coat of Arm. " of all the Natal; and other - illastratlons. An Racy cloptedia or the Government. Price. $2 50! ' One spat took orders In 005 day—another eenrenty-ave in a few days! It sells immensely. Some agents dear at - the rate of 115.000 per 'stanza. Fanners. school teachers. profeseitemi teen, yawns teen sad ladles. are ereryt►here tusking money rap idly to canraseing for this work. The useftilimeas of the book compels MI sale.. Write ns and -we will send &cedars and MR instructions free. Address NNW WOULD PUBLISHING CO., sorith , vest cm ner 7th and grate stryets, Philadelphia }stalrita3 • CHANGE Or FIRM.—Tho co partnership heretarcin existing under the name of Dr. R. C. PORTER SOS k CO» has been dilwOrt. ed by mutual consent. and a new Inn_ornanizea umber the name of Dr. U. C. PORTED. k SON. Dr H. C. POUTER it SON will continue in the Drug lluainewsk a 2 tillt 02.1) Meet, Corner of Male and Mae streets., Will settle all the accounts of the late Axes, and all parsons Indebted are requested to make pernent to them. Dr. 11. O. PORT= k SOY. Towanda. Dec 12 - 12. U. „ F°RS h L E.—The undersigned wi,ll ai Private llak. his entire stock el Household Paraiba% Oil Paintings. Jewelry to. A Hsi of the sticks an be secs by calling at POW. ELL tCo 'n Stone • Towanda. Feb. 13. , P. BEM= CARES, AND CRACK ; -ORE dna Bead. Gaeta Homy, Orange. Ream. Lea. au sad Ginger Calm Weehingtos rambles uvl Gaels Blom* aad ail Wads of Crackers at - hatch{, W. A- BACKWIELLT. SWARM WHITE DRIPS at SOX a usacvs•a. tionl comg, TFA,-13161M11; FISH, 1 ;41 : guava aid rasa sivars * eas GREAT CLOSING 0 BOOTS, SHOES & Ii No: 1 Griffiths "k Patton' Block,! B _ The entire stocit to be closed out during the nut =solays. and I hereby offer my tattto stock of MSS k SIMMS. end STORM IIT. TUW FOS SA = AT A BARGAIN. 1. This tea mud chance for ak, enterprisi roan tat enter into a red ming WO's,. My f rowan for salting Is that hats porthased an in to a Ladles line Shoe Namdsebary hi New York. lad I propose es , tabtlehtng Stets for M & ea b lo ing t h M os u o tiins b n i t y e i ri n o d r socuhls ladnocznente offered to the onstack ihmll be mold by Artll lit. ULM If jan.3l. • Bri n't.l.Vill WOLF W3l. WOLF. E VANS J 6 HILDR Will, for the next etxty data offeegrest. DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, SPRING '-000 We deo tune the !Rat we are selling at ell priced., ftairrgi Itttes otneArralrasi maim New liwitthisamtik st the ittruorourn STORE, .40LOAXS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, To maw room La. BLACK ALPACAS, . , . , i. - • L'V,INS •t. lllLDliprf TAILOR 8 .908 E 17:r.r1W.T7M. Oirpobite Public Square Keep always tm band a full ussort•. 1111 CLOTHS, FTIM,TrF nf MI • READY-MADE CLOTHING BERS, In all the - 14test etvley, e skeet, HATS CAPS AND UMBRELLAS, NOE ge stnet GENTS' Furniishil)g (4-gods • great variety. CUTTING DONE ON SHORT ALL MOBMWARRINTMO 6 6 MAIN STREET, I:6IV4!aiDA, ya TH, lONT:VNYES , „int oarizig BilFj'A.Lo ROBES HORSE !BLANKETS GBEAT BARGA.IIjB. Dec. 14, 1471. - 14; LC, tO THE PUBLIC ! _ Tlm3 lawkrzigutd wouLA most respoctikly .say User are, tow t:t: . I , u:ea in every wr; to attuul to the' UNDERTAKING} BUSINESS SI In at Its I?raziehes.. AD dwe try's: can - hive fatisfaa Ova seivicea of any (ma In that Itti Urring voiced no expense ur ttoablty iu rrocur- iv; from the sh , v of 21:littlea vticrlte.T; a beam which cannot be inuraese4l es iirest equaled in eirgance. Wm side t our !Aron*. cities. VS haiya also oeCUIV/ the earvialtur • taint ro/lable, ciretul, and gotitlavinly per*. on to attend to Oils brunch of the temtnees. J.' 2. ilstatv, ono of onr will bo found at tin' Furniture Store, an Bridge vtroet, end C. It.'Ne.T. ercla. the Other member Of the aria. at. 1101 res deuce cet pied street, Or Stout theof& of Dr. J. W. Imucta, • %or/ rtilsiab 614 islainitrisibrilaisa Warm o;tee to ou, dart oireqt,: wiz the Elwell Roam . , . . *a r m. « 4? - e , •e{: '-;'-`« wont of AND COATINGS. .; NOTICE ME =I = Uvl. T IST OF JURORS DRAWN. FOR 2J WWII 'PERM or own?, TO ISt IfirLIVAT TROY. commesprooos MONDAY, 312110123,M. * FOOT mug. Asy Ulysses Noody; 111run.ttociteri Atlitss Bomarnlre Osborn. Win Coleman, A N Spalding; Athena-twp..a-twp., Frank S Morley; Alba. Chas. G. Usti ley; Brirlinirton West. Wm II Shiner; literawn N Stikv; Burlington Pap.. Samuel B Mosiord: atodal.. W lecCraney. John ••Whostley; Canton Bontith, -George Ufilez. TM* A Owen; Colainbia. It SI VV. ;men Granville. Thisolorer Porter; Herrick. darnels • :Lackey; Litchfield Alfthaa Decker; Monroe twp., - Jsraniah C Holton; Monroe bons.. Philq S Alden: Orwell. Beverly Kronen Win II Rudy; Pike, Both Blakeslee, John Aldorson. Jr; South Creek, Robert Winton! ; SpriauScid , Wooden' Litman Abe/he wer'. ICUs lieldiemint; Troy. bora.. Ben," 8 Leon. ard. S B Aspinwall. Tray twp.. John N Waite; To. • wands r.oro, Chas.D. Cul; ,Terry, Georae.Ria. ardo; Valor. Jason S Smith. Joseph itercenten; Wilmot, Richard Comiskey,,Warren, llsrison:Whit t aker. ' Aqium; Wilson Harriett Atheastarp., Alexander. D Users, John 1) Hoyser. Wm 'lrlabroo; ;Athens Bore. Samuel% Blood: llariMaton top.: Chalet E Campbell: Burilneton Dom, U B Phelps. Canton Itoro.. Warren' Whitman: Columbia. U Taylor: Franklin, Samuel F lierrie4 Robert Haney. Charles McCann. John 8 ADRIO. :OW/ Brown; Litchfield, 'Wm Rieltart3s; Daniel Stevens, Stewart Candela; Monroe tsy,.. Dwight Dodge. V - Pondlettin, Dings) Dimock:. Pike, Lacey Stevens: Homo Dom.,: It morbangh; Ithlgehury. Walter Dewrylfilwattegnin. P Illseirman; Standing Stone. Utrant Vannem: upringtiehl, W P Mattocks; Tovmdda North . Azarialt Judson. Beetled Hardin, Dark! Betty; Towanda Bo 0.. John A Coddino. Edward Walkar: Wetlea. Goo. ll shopard: - .Wsloa, Ahrk- T ttle. hl J Cool touch; Windham. Joseph 0 DoweariVilnwt. John ildrrow. ' • - J. P.NAX FLEET, Ilarch trAL LIST FOR MAECH TERM JL 1812, AT TI401". wtric. DtulY /hiell ye W. S. D0b1,45 T.ll. Penton Vs Tetslaffetal do ea John Wolff et al ' F. 'P. Long TIL Alonzo Longs' Ades's*. , tVilliato Recent vs James Thomas Brown vs Ideorge Ca*rt T. J. CAP.O TB Cant totn:othip Daniel BonghtotiVs W. fl Moore- P. Manleyvti Batley Van Namea Bailey k Norton vs A. 31. Johnson I Job nrandaii vs Northern C.R.U. Co. Levi Stullks v ft , -.W. Paine vs John Ballard - • ease. JaarliniYlnnell vs William S. Baker for attach Del W. Cornell vs Cbarlas - Colony • trespass , }len* Q. Gernet vs Niertbern C.8..11.C0 case • SOnon Morgan TB William 3fostker et al - appeal Jebn A. Parsons vs Northern' 'John Jorelemon va Francis 02oen-...... s• 0: W. Lan...xrd vs Satinyler Gates.... .... :...appeal 0 13. Tarison vs W. S. Dobbins nee - debt John Meel.lian vs Northern e.n.n Cn appeal W . R. Se•nifina ca Calkins et al debt M. G Coleman vs Cbarica Loomis ....... - Hannah Samenry. vs Thomaa A. Jackson. . .. ...act fa , do . - • .... .. Ephraim Case vs Tlonry tfataon • C. A. Krts.... vs Jobu Bneclacy Iniac 11611 y 'vs Orr Wilson::. szcoxy 'crtax. A. 11. Fitcl.3 Nil C. T. 'N'TOTTy A. B. Moos L Pntriati et a 1...... Jana Aztell ris C.. T. Vent et a 1........ Trt O. P. Ballard.. William Brain° re: E. Ponicror O. Carertra Oro. Jones A. B. lifOmri rn Lum4n Putnam. J VR Wm. B. Foster William R. Poster tit Willirm Allen S. Aitell vs Nart , " era C. 8.8..C0. Sum.nzu tar ilivt week retarnable on Mop4ay March Itti2, at 10. a in. Fur emend week on Monday April 1,1872, at 70 (\RPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the COmitan's Court of thsolford County, the undersigned will Offer for sale ou Thursday, the 26th dar of ]larch: at 2 " (i , lock p.m. on, the premises: the . following de scribed real t state. Fitllat. in-Tuscarora twp., of estate of AfltiBTlV T.F.WI4. late of said county. de.-eased- Lieg , ratlng at a point beir-g the north West corner- of lends to 1.0 drsrehed. , and. south-auk corner of lands of thlorm7t Sumner; thence east along - lauds Creorge Sommer. sixty perches; to a corner; therwesonth 5 deg west 111 640 perches to a centre of publlc-lighway. along lands of G. Sumner; thence ttrotth 4.7 deg west along the cer.tre, of highasy 9, 2-10 rerrhes to a corner in saCt highway: thence south 5 deg- tosst along the lands of said George Sumner 72 2.10 perches to a point: thence south 85 deg east 8 percher: along lads of said Sumnerdo a corner; thonce Tenth 5 d--g West along 'indite:4lBnm ner :17 4-10_ pershes a- tahe or corner: thence . north t: deg west 55 panties St et - garner being a con., of land. of ph.oryPricer; thence north S deg, - east P. 2 110 , -'etICR arrort lauds At sad lien - y fityer to a corner; thence north 85 dee.tcrest 26 8.10 perches O a earner.; thence torth 6 d east along lands of J. 3. Lewis 1:111 perchei to plar.e-of b.:tinning. contain ing slat'-four cores- and 2 perchos be the eamr. attVre or less Excel-4 ana rrr-crci•ol the following Pfeen•of land which since hi. death the widow has had ap reafve4 and Wet apvt to her (he following .leacribett real Which is t part or the above' described land-, to wit : Beginning at kaki and stone hi lino of J. J Lewla- and snenatitt Lew , s dereaced. - - on north Ride of main t thenre north 4 fleareNt east n.14-hpa to ;i Ara e: therm annth-23 deg east 11 nerphea to a .41 , 7 e: ther-e soot!, 24 deg west eleven pi , re,hat to road th.ltt , e * north 50 deg west 8 nerrhea toVaer , of befAnning. eantainin. , 90 nerehes more of leas, Walt one irate!: clweliing-hanse there on. - tAn.. e-copting the ;111f,1 one-third interest to be Rai, der' ca to Crna 'Lewis, by the clorea.nt. - - paid on . Vie nros:eriv, being etritek down, one hair ilu halanee on final confirma marina of sale. nod the bazance in one year from heel co ,- firmaii .AiILTON LEWIS, Executor. rd). :):72 AITIN - ISCFRATOR'S Noeen hn-aphr eivnn that all Demoui indebted ,maul. at .I(F.F.PFT FEARVLy. late et LPUT vavmpat. !tail trormostt , A to make itrirnetllato taunt e•entirtirmatasine elating araitrat sal.l ticmait. • - DA vtl.enti,ated for 1110MA.S.rntat.. AtlxotaUtraicrr. Feb..192:2-A EFevrow n s NocE.—Notiee hereby rime that all psmns indebted - 19 tfie eatoto late of norlinatelti deceased, are reorwateil to Make immediate pay ment. and all persona having akin* the said elute innst Present The same duly authentd: cated for -settlemer.t FL1).14.'72 A- MTINTSTRATOR'S Entire is hereby Oren that allriaersoria indented to the estatit of GTI,EPTtT MTLLER. hats of Aayhtm i.ereaaed. are rfarested to, bate immediate Taymeal end all 1101%01:111 limo against said estate' moat wesaat them! Inthatitiestsaa fn mettle meat. . B. LAPORTE. Feb.14"72.-rar. Admitlatntor. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.- To 7farriut anrnont.—No. 170 Dec. tonal. 1671. Ton are. honey notified that non. W. Anrnont. your applied to the euwt..9f common plzaa of Bradford co . for a divorce Truin the hem& of matrimony: 1114 tho said court has appointed Iron. (lac. the .(7th. day of liar. Ts 72. for bearituz •do said George in the premium'. at which Vine and place you. can attend it you think proper. 7. PERRY TAN FL'EST. Steriff. • • , • Feb. 13. • TRATOM NOTICE.- Aint rfsb riven to all nemesis indebted „nth., adatP of ToNATH AiN W..PITTNAII - labe diesel% W.V ..leed. must make immediate 'payment. and all nem:inn barind claims acainat said estate innst present them duly authenticated for settle ment. • feb 1 '72 Csr l'sA l 1 rsT T - StRATOR'S NOTTM- Voticr Is beroht.eiven that all persona indebted to the rotate of THAVAB FG laic latO of Wafroo deceased. are rerittaated to ,inskt .Immtallito porment and' all 'optima; harlot rioting awatnat aid eitsta must present them duly. wathantlestied, 'fa/. sksfilatspnt. SAY CaAPAIEL, fehr72-ST- - Adratnlatralors: A"ri‘n nntit4 iR hetebr aiven that all Deranis toilet& ed in the state of annuli - REVS. lata of Tnoratull tp. deed, am reminded to make immediate parroent. *rat all per haling claims eesinsteaSd iodate prosept the same dole anthentieated ftt settlement. coNsTANT DEBITZ. feb772-wfk. - Administrating. FECUTOR'S NOTICE: -- .IZottee to hereby ten that an pertonatntlebtia to the estate of Sim.° Thruieton late of Towardi tap.. deceage,t, are ri , que:Atedi to make 1mp:1443*0 pitymeat, and all persona having , claims strand said extate trawl present them duly enthentiespm =far settlement ' %MIA I"- b. 2 .'72-6sr. ' - - Exe • AMITNISTIiATOR'S NOTICE =- Notice is hereby riven that all Doraona indebt ed to the estate of FLEA:MU MIDI EE. deceased. lath, Of Athena. are retyacited to make Immodl ato mrrfient. and all peranna having cialma astalnat said estate must present thorn ()nip antheralcated for settlement. DAN'Eft. lirenTr7FrE, reb.2P.'7-yel AJralnt9tritar iirith WUt itmess4l A33III4ISTRATOR'S NOTICE- Natlee is hereby riven to all persona Indebted tolhe eatato of ItAIUtY STROPE, tato of Wyse. decesaed. must male immediate payment, and all persona baring claiins against sad estate must present them duly authenticated fo leak recut A. J. IfOI3LE, Mar 1T12 , 46 • Admtniglatnr. A DMINTSTRA.TOE'S NOTICE.= Al. Notice, is hereby Owen to all persons ithlebted to the estate of JOAEPEt lIMESOOD,-late of Sptitm-- &old, deetaaed. most mako immediate payment. and alt peraona hating claims against laid estate taint rtesent than duly - authenticated mt. settlemant. • - 8 4101= MAHOOD. Aar.i r r, with them annexed. 2nzr.l3'..)2wa IN BAN IiItUPTCY-DISTItiCt eourt of the United States for the Western Dis trict Pcen.ylvsnia. Western District-of Pcuusyl same. In the matter of demo Ayers Banta-opt: Western District of PeunsYlvani_,a wart= in bankruptcy bas been toned by the; , said court against tbd estate of Jesse Ayers,.of the county of Bradford and State of PeansytraMo. adiadred Bank rupt on petition of hie creditors the payment of any debts and delivery of anypropertybehraging tosuch Bankrupt, to him or to his use. and the transfer of any property by' him ars Unbidden by law; that $ Mcetina of the creditors of tba said Bankrupt, to prove their debts. and to choose one or more As signees of Ina- estate, will be held by a Court of Bankruetcy, to be holden at-Towanda. Pe...112" pia District, on the Gth day of APril. 18!t at 10 o'clock a m., at the °Mee of Edtrard Overton. Jr.. one of the Beaten:Da in Bankruptcy of said District- A. 20111110teff. Marshall for rail Diatect. ' 3tar.l2 1 R3l FOR SAVE,,—The game -A- bet otoicrialb.bis Ann. situate illoore's Sill. in Meter township Bradford county Pa.. con taining one inindrea- eons. ettasteil two nuts ball Wiwi trona Mace winses.' Nora ecrelimprerek well Anted end welled nstiel. PIA M 11141141 0W 4 8004 fruits- The aborilPC =Weald law and on ieneosabiletertleti tarticulars remises, or L. muxtly, nera2de, • :Am rit .. trespass ...for attach .....wppowl ..appotl -.appeal ..debt appeal .eject zupetll Mg ..ejeCt J" ..debt ..rject ...debt MEI GERTLV, Executor. m.tncrs A. voiTEn - -ealidnierstor.