News - From —Richard Eiwe trainer. Nitro-glycerine - -Gen. Butler wa:' intended by his 1: Parents ter a clergymen.. • —Over $120,000 pital will be in vcatd in bus ball this ye 4... —Ffve Lives of tunes - Fisk, Jr., ere a'ready.iSsued, and moo are threatened. —The Englishman ' 'who' called the llocwile tunnel a "blasts. holottaa Ixterally Purred. . . Au auction ein London re ,:i•ntg, of over 1,01.10 cart s "Cape Diamonds' £1.14,PZ0. ~ —Two. Indiania s fired a salute from rm old iron tube at. ut twelve hours be f ..:; x111 , funeral.. ' : - . . _ --Natchez, Miss. is the only cit.. :u the world %Well has u ly ten thousatui-iz bab,t.wts aud' not a tqugl hotel. _ —One church in fizi.v.n.,antl mud t Lir ty;.: , F..'1101.1. —Figaro t.outeia 1.;r3.7,1 is the •%ttits Thh , rs roue in . - —3lrs. Fair has 0.3+ of ktil - te.the cu. MUM —lt is 'fashionab e at-this Season f , ,r th(-ladies to incite tl iir young gentlemen -, bitalfait instead of dinner or supper. —An extensive raveyard, dating h (In thr• &lert paean times. ha'. been disc -- ,-red at. 'thorn, in rrassiiin rolluod. ... —N7hy is it thtit :very ybungbach ,-Jor who cir.s snddenicl n a alwAYs reprti.cnttd v. ermmged to be marrie I ezt day? I --An ivory Man cifacturer in New Sark, his a $6.000 contrast for outfits for a gam 'o7 e-t.iblibliment in Saratoga. —Frenchmen boast that ridicule I.ztls in :tar ct.ntitry. ad that no party or in ,tnution canf.ur. - ise bei . g- laughed at. "L --The Senate of Virginia, by a rote 21 -- 1.. 8.1,17 . zr...e.3 to etc - pt female pickpqcket,. 1, eta th 0 punithment dt the la.h. - -Dr. Cal tell, of Lafayette, repro ,f,t,,i the c .1!< , ,-. 7 ‘Ate inierest et Pennsylvania. ~-t. the Al lac t.g , :npiet.: - , j . - —The law delis. tment of the How ,.-1 uniy, , miey, At Waidiin-"ton. last evening -:..aflimted thirteen yout l keolored lawyers. - - —.ln . American writes from Paris bait these ii not a - _I harper shop in the . o —llly tell of li railway in Ken t: he nto re!a the loco iot,ecs are aseibted up steep grades I.; a yoke t 0/cii. 1 . —John Tayle - r, dr.. ;'has writtch a ~- , , r y chic article in fit.7.or of the Iteptiblican par: t;and prediots its triumpn and its perpetuity. ;;e. is Lew a-itLy.f.rn of Florida. 1 , • —Soincliody ha discovered tha! :t is a curious fact tha , rhe*.peak or summit of R ' 1, , til t'S!ii tree almost aieays leans toward th, —lt is reported the (7 ,-, ,m , •etwrit Dr: 1!•, , f— ›.(—rctari y;,•hle,4. —lu ibe Trinit ins.rmatiou ME --Tile Emperor D. 11.4 - 11, in an , ;ff 1:, 1.1; nqui:t • nnt of.kacterc. --:1" candidate Lienry runty. Oh 6. Lis , gitn i =lt is Irr.iiee .0.01 '-it simmer. lie is it to byeak litO; er describes Lord lous boxl;r, who "once erF4, ti&, hn%band o' —A Paris p p Cheßterf; 14 a fait nr,ht with I,.nt —The local of ) rstr. 'And wrPrie, l . over a inouth.l --Tolay, a little, ....• and a pr iver put in the fol ii , dantaloon.., Ft-nt to tt. There. talsn 'ern. d-- pt pct turned out Agin.' —A c•licc-'in; g 11 , 6' in a plir v•utl , :rosz last I've 'get : - 1 3:trofi von S oC Itarnn Gemlt , raid t —Tha most fa . •I orttniner:tr.) with 113 r,f tho nevohltiori N't - ricM vr.-t• gl , 200 a vitritt, th? eiokr of 11:.• i,,,nrrs.i —An Indirfnit, th, nttpr al,to Ire re: &Milting roll knots% till,. W. on ht to knot rIt.:IFe Waelitel &aka hia htt. tlie'aCeontl act.jnat caw v;e , in a - tight place. editor makes a pa I.lera. sa3inc : "If then that is wertii Rnon-ing - -TFAILIA - which M ittl tare for an enyr, win! t. " War in 1i•72-41 n far In oninrn 7 - `,.* 110 t 7cptt't ? Two corny 1 v lio ' r vo heen noted I have rece7 , llr icenree lISP, the physicians it tnet'co or tariotis hind: -- ; i • .The ilanAtcr of the Mayor of ~..10 or tla. larger Western cities was revel-di st-rested in fiat stricta for if tunkenness. vo.' ltf-r irtlit„ , :itint fstherdintl, the policeman who perropu tl-the duty dirharged., —Sonie - Penns:l:iv:lll2a WOotictltterS. r.'e(. ti tly 'sawed down a large popular t re. and tram.l ,:1111iV C11Ft54nc,4 1 :4 therein a hickory sat,- ling. folly four int-hea r t inside -the bark. Both hickory and popular .ere perfectly sound. • —lt is repo eti that Cardinal 1.• fi .cretary o State, and President of the Ptoitifical Ministers.-has signified to the Pope tic intentions iiflre.,:izi:ing from his Cabi net. Ile is new sixty- 'l i year. of age, • and fail ing health is the catis F. -. of Ins_ resignation. • —Charles Cordic , f, the Pcnlptnr. i:Rs ju.t diskinrui , .lo the modeling of a spirit ed group. which is Tn he r cprodneed in bronze A lovely water nymph iii gricrfully riditur thror.cli the wares 'OO the hack of an Ozer , - S"':d, %Vb() seems very proad• of his fair burden. —The Hen. T.l A. R. Nelson, who - defended .Andrew Jehr,on br.fort4 the High Court cf Impeachment with more' vizor than pidgementnow exhatists" the political vocahndas TV and the ritience 4 Tennessee in defence nt the p. - 14.-ire policy ant denunciations of Pr:si icut Grar4.... ' 1 - —Divan" B. Bingham, pissed as -o.,:atit antic:eon in flirt United States nary, ..ho *erred iu th.'North - Atlante squadron and on .I , •!Ltes riv4r duristg died inatantly in 0 island, VsUnruh:, jou Sunday last, of par - ot the ht.:rt. • I • • —Mr. Mori, the charge d'Attaira of Julian in -W shingtonl-hastarnade a formal pro pokal G. North pp, secretary of the Con ,. ucettent Board cf Icdacition, that he take etittrL-,e. at a salary of. SIO,OOO per annum in ;,,td; the. cdrit.;:tiJnal :uteri sts of the Tap - The Piti.iburg G'azette 'says : suyij that none ot the charges tur.ite be hitn against tho Admtnistratlon hare (.::provett. 'llia Senator's cbargcs are y l,•ut it has been proven that if his .l....nuatln,v.s had bee ehaYges the:• would hare -3Lusical erit • in 1 tmnnici with E . 1% hat' -6:erga•. itorca r p,N..evea, 01,1 wlth vltne t.hvict, Itud tli raLiz thnly." • —The engines e,scgalere 1 - . 4 1,r bc , f M IiZSA find ibex .111 orqp,lltrat":labr, &ovcr the tutor ce tartS u cbt:! , :t to can Prk.Afoi .._ ._ , caas.. beti,.:;: cri.:Gred.d.e Le .Tt direct reproiente tir‘, of thei , , ,, :e,r/.1 r2O?. sal te-exitte, tieing en ;'l, lad 4re-it !ram, /,•• tAili .equally rep i' rei'.:l.l:arl.o' l. 011,..; ii.i,o4 ~ /.4-I:try., .. —Mr. John h.ft!gqar,r.if Cine;zinati, hat jr:s: .ei., c.,:, Pr...a. acta• fl-b i nd ab. 4 tio,tot, r, Wr,./o . 4erer t:.O. "au f.beervetory be f.Teetvi 0; it. 74.1 g , O. y Lee 'Me gm awl trAt4 I to eed OA 144:d , rt; Yef4-tit Mirr.., ' *Li Ir!it , ..b.les !fie,* VAr U.. teet.t.* pitrp-Ae. ler---zeorne*LAArs v.44,et.:44/4 t", ;be stilt, ob itt'llei Wit 'be webs," '4., Lis r oi z to tt.. , „ cuLloersocis of Oa art EWA ge - ire:tilt* • • ....- clt lit t 4 O r • Natior.s padfordgqi:!ittO was a Montana - MOITORIIis . 0. GOODRICEL L W..IALVOSID Towanda. Thursday, March 7.1872. of Bradford County. .bject to tho deeiaicni of Republican State Convention.] H EADQUALRTERS. REM:TM CAM STATE . CENISAL CONIIIMITE UT PENNSYLVANIA. In pursuance of the rcaotution of the RtEURLI. CAN STATE CENTRAL COIII.II.ITI'EE. adopted •at ilzrriaburg. Jan. 18 li7:, • REPUBLICAN' ant. CONVMION. composed of Delegates from each Seuatarial slid Representative Maui. t In the num. her Io elaiclisuch D. strict Is entitled in the Lentil& taro. will meet in the Rallof the House ot &prawn. tatirea. at Harrisburg. at 12 o'clock, noon. on WED. NESDAT, the loth day of April. A. P. ISfl to nomi nate etodbatee for fievernor, Judge of the Supreme . Court. Auditor General (should the Legislature Fn. redo far the choice of one by the people.i and an Siettoral Ticket: and also to 'elect Senatorial and Etspresentattre Delegates to represent, this state in the REPUBLICAN lATIONAL CONNTIIIITIGN, to In held at Philadelphia. June 5. 1872. • itrastu, imßErr, ICkiiirna in. Philadelphia has irscholarb in its Sun- s that the Em= an for France, and Lis favor. . (been allowed to talc or the theriff, to Rx Eu.rari. D. F. llorirrox Fz.aa Ltrirs s. Secretaries P. Lrrr.z. -ow- Laboring men whohvo a for what is called a labor reform .candi late for an Executive or Legislative position, must not forget 1 that the movement is entirely in .the interest of the; Democratic party, .and that the vie : tory - of that organization will tie a triumph.for free-trade; in which even the p ice of labor in this corm, try will decline at least one third . Every workingman; the 'mechanic and the Miner liner.' that the Demo cratic party is pledged to 'free-tradt —in fact that freejrade is the onks. live issue in the Democratic creed Why then do the organs of that part encourage and puff the labOr reform movement? Surely not that they are favorable to the welfare of 'American . -labor, because they seek to place it on unfavorable competition with for eign pauper labor; but because the hope by bolstering such a faction t. entice sufficient Republictuis into its Support to enable them to defeat lb. Republican candidate for President.- 'tud put a free-trader into the Whit. House. The British free trade leagn. is at the bottom of this intrigue; and it is the last of the miserable subter fuges invented abroad to . cripiii. ‘merican industry. and enterprise. The workingman who is deceived t. it, and who will vote a labor reform 1 ticket that is Advocated by-the organs of free-trade, has a poor apprecia . tiot. 4 what is necessary for his protec tion and welfare. that the platform I: era.ry watt prepared by i,r tit.: Navy, Gideon Tablet is fonud "Joe Dallas and Ned 11/s. a•To. Don- of Brazil is " see Intl, unofficial manner. ‘.2 - les himself the or stloolinarna in t,t~zl nn eXaraiftatioll u.rrrh: from thd Vir ie What an independent paper - says of Hon. ULTSSEf 31Encra: that the es-Princt visit- tire United finite :A.l,', years or age, and guf:gcs fluently. " SUPREME Coral. —A number of eounties.are movingin favor of Judo Nl.Eactit, member of Congress, from this district, for the Supreme Bench. in place of Judge TuomrsoN, whom term expires. This is not a Repub ;jean paper, but Independent, and a,. such, it is proper to say, that no bet ter man could be selected by an, party. Judge 11Itacra occupies r , ugh place in the Nationkl Legisla nre,Tor good sense, sound judgment And legal ability. Perhaps there j. .tone, who, as a jurist, stands higher - hati Judge lltscra; nor has any on, n the State held a higher position is a district judge. Honest men o' dl parties who dare -to'Speak their -entinieuts, will agree that ho is em' , lently quailfied for the Supreme Tudgship. Let the true interest of lie Constitution be ratified -at the 3olls, by the choice of the best mei , .viihout regard to party politics.— Dan ago 111;Wittist ME the Terre Haute lv " Why Jo nti , i‘ roan la 4 not Iwo! Italian. who ped in a baaket at Eureka. •rowa merchant ofiiacra r tilosser the succes tg 'Ntirilster 2 be n remarkably fin, 'biortable pololiaisu the Fraumin enat, whivl he s mare packets .and times. el ikes sine itdcont. nnit se.ti know that w. kno:r AC`igliana" is the Jrnvie Arm. vin7 Ay cirxing Italy. Th.. pre:EV.4 a 'brill hil;t fu hen has; been lay: n.criptinn in ritiFed .fo !Enz.auci and America. knee 1:1;c1 Ile4ing. dies in Neer York for th..-ir bvanty and .t*. 1. • 'rept- paralrz , d from VI , flirni. of rainta and cos- claru nowadays runs wore a ritil purple ilandvono nhade of laver' lellt, 'ti Fla littiue. with white bo net, trinimet• of pt:: plc and lavender= sent fromlittsfieki, Ito quench the lire in tin ,i-. colby. at Lanesboro.' iris unavailio.- art -r two l and it haii hen decided if burnieg charcoal with I:guiah tike fil/31 , ,P. er, the i-G