TIMIS 111,!_11711141.041,1011. TEE Sanwa= ligrosgsmW. W pablished Miry noted/1y Waning - by ft ean el Two Dalian per annum In advance. grAdvertlsins in all oxen esclustre Of enbeettP. Um to the paper. SPECIAENOTICES Inserted at stritce came per lice &rend Insertion. and Env cams per line for subsequent Insertions.' LOCAL NOTICES, same tom. s reading mitten TWENTY CM'S line. ADTERTMENENTII will be ingested according to the following table of ratan 11' em I. 2m Isml Om 1 Inch I $1.601 8.00 I 6.001 6.00 I 10.001 $l5 Inches =I 100 6.00 1 1 5.00 j L moo 1 10.00 a Inches . I 2.501 1.00 110.00 i 15. 00 1 20.00130.01 4trichei 7 l s . 6o 1 $3 - .1!101 144/01 11135 1 25.001 115.00 eota 1171 5.00 112.001 115.00122.00 I 30.001 45.00 . .• - .s•toinmn: fio:oo I 20,00 1 50.00 I -40.00.1 55.00115.00 colomn I 20.00 1 40.00 I 00.901_ 80.001 $lOO 2150 _ - Administrator's and Executor's. Notices. $2; Audi tor!. Notices. $2 50 ; Business Cards, ilv. lines. (Per 2 • lAttional tine. $1 each. • - Yearly glivrtimerig are entitled to quarterly changes. trar.sisut advertisements mnat be paid forts Mesas. .Ailßmentirmig of It worviitioni t Conamnnications r.f tlmitel or individual Intorest. and notices of Mar riszos lo Paltba. , exresollag five lines, are chirped r.r line. -eh" itseoerre. having a larqs-i. circulation than all ewers In the eonntv combined males It the best yo.rertisino medium to Northern Penneylvania. TO rrtrytTga of ere', tend. in Plain and Panel' r nrot. Anne With neatness and dispatch. 1;11 nlcs. Cara.. Pimplitete,Rlllbeisia. Mato/Bents. ke. or•ery variety and etvle printed at the shortest The Perturryta, Ofilee is well supplied with rower 'DTP Para. a revel assortment of new tyre. and Pv. , rthinff in the Pristine line ran be exeented in hr. , rtitie ann er m and at the lowest rates. Trr•ta iu-osuravEt susiMS CARD . N v . W-A.LI ! ACE REELER 17e3TrSE. SIGN _4IVD FRESCO PAINTER, Towsadt; Rept IS. IV7II-yr cY, TRTDDELL & S iNDERSON Ana Shippers of the .srtr,TrAN ANTTurrATITP , COAL. =lx.] '7l Tewends. _ _ 1k7i11 3 k VfNCT,N7T.TICSTTR.ANTT ,4olvcrg. , --Offlre formerly orrorvio , l 'by ',Terror ',Tommie. one ant": Prmtb of War‘l Ammo. p.r OTP. 0-'7O _ R. crNerwr. T TITIrITOr'N. 11(s11Ar in nll of ttnonrry Wiritpet. Tnl,llllB. Pn. AT , rr.irrA fnr nnfanr , pr.T*o - O,IY ”I'^^lea t n . V" r t" 1 " ntt ' , Won , Tirrn tn rrrttnze ana Vmrch FOWT,FR. RV, VT, ESTATE 1 :11 •nr Nn. 1l Swith Rt-rpt. r4Ato pnrelo.Nl and sold. In v.,ctmrnto mndeand (Toney Loaned. Ony 10.•7n. CkYTHOMD riPnoral FirP 1r and hire Inrqraner arneu. PnIiCIPA covering toss -rd,claiort , c ~ i nFori to 112110 - Ong in Wyoming. nrd other ' , elinble comp:mica. ''ithont• additional ellttrgep. R. R. CONTORT). Wvalnalni!, May 23. '7l. S. C. GAYLORD. TOMT TATNYEE. PT, A OK SITTTII. NiONIMETON. PA.. pars partienlar, attention to ironinq Tinoiden. Wazmna Sleioha. ke. Tire pet and rcpairlng, done on abort notice. Work and charges: 'gnFar.tepd aatignet , my. _ 12.15.0. A "STOS PENNY? keTCER, HAS eetn-blisbeil himself in the TAITIMTNO "T'SINF,SS. Shop over Tioetwell's Store. Work of deteriptinn done in the late!t rtrke. Towanda. April I RRAYSVILLE WOOLEN MILL _,I. . .. TI, onderatimed would respectfully annonnos to the ouldic that he keeps constantly on hand Woolen ri , th. ra.imeres:Flannel*. yarns. and all kinds at w boit,ale and retaf.l , 11.0..1G1T d: B110111)LEY, .I,..7.io:pl.Pmp rietor. . : C S.-RLSRELL'S G. :`CEIL kl 1:y srnAA CE AGENCY. bra' ;9"7 c FrHP, T - NDETISIGNED ARCHT TF.,'T k.NL) 1:1111...DEP. wiriliek to inform tie To arida nod vicinity. that he will giVP htf ,. 7ltloll to drawing pLins. dv.igns and incat.dns for all manner of Imilding,at private Snperinten.lell , e civ,a for rt aLnuablP comp , nsation 7 .t residence S. E. corner of Elizabeth street=. =Ell SASH, BOORS, AND BLINDS .1 ainilrepa.e , l to furnish Biln.dried Doors, tiaro and Blinds of any style, FiZA, or thickness. on short Band in:your orders _ten days before you w.mt to 11F , P the art!cles. and tsd sure that you %OH 7, t doors that grill not shrink' or Terms cash dlliVerY. T,Aranda, July It. IR7I. GEO. P. CARII. • THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE open , -41 a Banking llonse is Towanda, nr.der the name of O. F. MASON A CO. They are p'repared to draw Bills of Eadhange, and rar,k, volleetions in New York. Philadeltibia. and .all portions of thetuited States. as also Eiklaxid. Ger many. and France. To 'loan money. receive deposits and to do a geal.ral Banking business. U. Mar.on was OW. , f the late firm of Laporte Masrn A Co.. of Towanda. Pa.. and his knOwledge 01 he Misir.ess men of Bradford and adjoining Bounties and having been in the banking business for about fiftr-n years. maks this house a desirable one througi whieli to make collectiods. G. F. MASON. Towanda, 1566. A. G. MASON. • TEAT • F I 11 ! • NE TV GO OD T, 0 TV PRICES! A•: SIONItOETON, Tt.A.CY HOLLON, , . Retail Dealers . lia GrocerieS and Provisions. trues and liedietnes. Kerossne Oil. Lamps. Chimneys Shades, Dye Stuffs. Paints. Oils. Varnish. Yankee No , Lions, Tobacco. Cigars and Snuff. Purr _ Wines and Liquors. of the best quality. for medicinal purposes only. All Goods sold at the very lowest prices Pre scrqdions carefully compounded at all honris of the day and niabt.' Give-us-a call. TRACY ik ITOLLON. Vonrnutoil. Pa.. June 21. C lIEAP PASS:WEjFRO3I OR TO IRELAND OR ENGLAND. a CO.'S LEVI: Or FLOM OR TO ErtiSTOWN OR LIVERPOOL. W.llisms ,a Ouion's old Black Star Line" of Liv. repoll'acUcts. sailing evrry week. Swallow-tail Line of - Packets iron or to London sailing twice a month. lt , •mittancea to tan:land, Ireland and Scotland pay auh' on demand. For further particulars. apply to Williams .t Gnion •29' Broadway New York. or G. F- MASON dr. CII.. Bankers, Towanda, Pa- Oct. L ISUI NEW STEAM FLOURING MILL IN Slitill.r.QUlN,. The suhe.tib de3tree to tti'.o notice that his pew STEAM FLOURING MIA la now in anecessf . nl operation. and that be is pre parLd to chi all won; in his lino on:abort notice. CUSTOM GRINDING DONE ON TUE SAME. DAN THA r IT IS RECIarI:D ^WL'.t; flu,k44..teat ami Ilye Front, Corn Meal L'ran..• aiwa2.9 on band and for sale at ~ 1- --- 4.... ,, • P 1!::1LCVL %It NOTl,'"l......Persons Jivitige on the w, - ,s:t ell, nf the river dr intut to patronise my mill. w.n•liar.. Vex ferryage sid both • ways, when they hr.;:._ , grogs )t,i.ou bushels mid ,niiivarils. , - i . 1.1'71. . F. S. 44,1T1t9• CHARLES F. DAI 4 TON,, • liarcessor ' to Humphrey Droa:, lIARNESS - MAKE, Over Moody 'g Store. ..n hand a fn.ll assortment of DOUBLE and ;I.EHAI:NE:IS. and all othee goods In his line I , ...z,airmg and manufecturing done to oidcr. • T , ,,anda. Aliont4 11471. • NEW FIRIM. br. W. IS. KELLY oh thie place and Dr. C. N. STAN LEY of AtheL.4, hate tor - J..o_4a cr,pirtneralaip for the - PINTISTRV I . N ALL ITS IWANCIU3. A rlsnay 1:e tonna at the oflice of tr. Kelly, over 4i ve!aatn Atillach's s:oro in Tow - ands. prepared at CO ton, to treat patlents in a rirstAlaisa manner. All w,rk Wa.rratited aei'represented. T-etl, eatracte•d without pain.- by the nee. of :ZUrous °tale Gas Staniry w1;1 I,e ta Lis o f 11 :' , 11y ar3 :11 ,, roluys mail fa! i 11. J A C 013 S, llca remora d his TEMPLE OF FASHION T, 2 PrAtou's 'gain street, seem,' door abore. Driaz,-e .Trt.rxt. Wi.re can u!,:cays be fou"d s compieto tttock of M.:N'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING HATS AND 'CAPS Alii;ocr3A warranted, and sold at the lowest rates t •*-1 COKE! Iti;s:T. Tot LEsiIIABLE.. 22. d. Itingt E 0 NollicAL FULI. roi eulinsry purposes drulug sum tutr. r ).r 149112 ty the TOWANDA GAR COMPANV. Torrlre cents per bushel at the Gal Berner. 01 firr. eCa relate (1011 - rrot UtsIMP,I" • 1 S. W. AJE.VOII.I3, VOLUME XXXII. TAMES WOOD, ATTORNEY • Oomnizza.ca AT Law, Towsudii. Pa. HENRY PEET, ATTORNEY A 11 Law, Towanda, in= 21. 'IA D R T. B. JOHN. P • `"'• - , - irreicum Sranzon Mee 'orer Dr. IL C. Pinter So l d Co.'s Drng Store» • WIL FOYLE, -ATTCoRNEY A LAW, Towanda, PA., Officie with Eltums Smith, - south side Merano& Block. Apra 14. 70 SMITEL moNTANYE, ATTO Nzys AT LAW. Ode.--occuer of Main an Pine Streets, opposite Porter's Drug Store. vv. B. KELLY, DENTIST. OF • flee over 'SVlctham & Black's, Towanda, T My 2d, "70. DR. H. WESTON, DENTIST Chem ical Office Stare. in ranee. Block. orer Gore j Drag - ai •611. c.K. .LADD, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Towanda. P. Office one doo north of Pay, amide! it Sanderiton's coal cram jartlB'72 TIT B. Ma K.B AN, ATTORN 11• I..TD COIITETLLOtt AT Law, TOWarda, P. Pan ticular attention paid to buaintaa to the Orphastai Court. $11420.1511. LP. WILLISTON . ATTORNEY AT LAW. TOWANDA. South ,sitle of ?demur's New Block, up attire April 21. 10—tf. NVH. CARNOCHAN, ATTOR • ICET AT LAW (Diaria IMMIX, for Brad.i cord Connts). Troy, Pa. Collect:Was male aad prompt,' ly 'emitted. Ceti 15,'69—tr. T &D. C. DEwrrf, Altorneyg-al •I •Law, nexanda, Pa.. having formed I co-part. nerabip. tender" their prefeasional - aervires to the public. Special attention given to EVERT, DEPART -STF:NT of the bpainess, at She county meld or else where. JACOB DrWITT. D. CLOiTOI4 Dif.l7/TT. • TOWANDA. Pa.. Dec.l2. 1810. JOHN N. CAISIFF, ATTORNEY *AT law, Towanda, Pa. Partletilse attention g t.. en to Orphans' Court Maims& Conytrincing and reflections. W Mice in Wood', new block., south of the First National' Bank, upstairs. Feb. 1, 1871. H. WARNER, Physician and C• Surgeon. Leßayelille, Bradford Co., Ps. AU rang promptly attended to. Office first door south of Leßrtynolle House. Sept. 15, 1A70.-pr TIVERTON & 'UMBER, herros- NTT'S AT LAW. Towanda, Pa., hart= entered into copartnership. offer their professional cervices to the public. Special attention given to basineu in the Orphan's and Iteester's Cotuta. apl 14'70 E. bratrroa. In. . c. stastuer.. tfERCTTR & DAVIES, ATTOR- I NET. AT LAW. Towanda, Ps. The undersigned haiina associated themselves together}n the practice of Law. offer their pmtestdonal services to the public. fTLYSSER WEECVIL W. T. DAVIES. March 9. 1970. • A. Sr, B. M. P • OFFICE. TOWVS DA, PA ‘4lll Ftree opposite the Court H 9 het. 27;70 AA. 'KEENEY. COUNTY SU • PERINTDENT, Towanda. Pa. Office with D. M. Perk. second door below the. Ward Horiae.i Will be at the netce the hint Saturday of each moat and at all other tlinea when riot called away on bual nc.s connected with the Snperitenclency. All lette ihnuld hereafter be addrepakt ac dec.1.70 DR. J. W. LYMAN, PITYSICIAN AND graaror. flf2ce one door call. -of Reporter builihn7, Reg d.inre. corner Pine and'2nil street. Towanda. Jnne 22. 1871. J. E. FLEMMING. 11. - m 511. Towanda. Pa TOE W. MIX, ATTORNEY A • L. Towanda, DrWord CO.. P. Particular attention paid to Collections and Orphan. I COurt tmxiaePsr Office—Mercer's New Bloch, n COMM TOCTOII 0. LEWIS, GRADII ate of the College of **Physicians and Snrgeona,:i `Ci,v York city. Cla.s gives exelniiire attentio t the practice of his pmfesaion. Mike and reahlenc4 ob the easkrn elope of Orwell Mil. adjoining Hen ffros Ws. jan 14. '69. DR. D. D. SMITH, Dent 1, ha: purchased, G. 11. Wooil'a• prorwrty, betwee Nt.•renr'e Meek and the Elwell noose. where he, • loaated hie office. Teeth extracted wtthnnt pale b •0••• of can. Towand • 0ct.20. 11470.—yr. „_ INING :R005.15 b CONNECT.ION WITEI THE BARRY, . Near the Court 'House. _ We are prepared to feed the hungry at all times ,f the day and eTeuinp. Oysters and lee Cream their seasons. March 30, 11. 1 7 , ). D. W. SCOTT &- CO. ELIVELL HOUSE, TOWANDA!, [Taring leased this tiouse. in now may toaccomm - Intr. the travelling public. No pains norespense w tie spared tri give Ilatisfsclion to those who may - gi iiim n call. p4-north side of the reline !eraare, cast of die car's new..blooL PETER LAiIq..3I:ESSER„ hidden mysteries of God, and deals flawing purebaaml and thoroughly refitted this o il damnation ,nd well-known stand. formerly kept by Sheriff fl , f • round the land OD each Se. et the month of Rummerfield Creek. is ready In --who falls below his own peculiar rive good acconamodations and satisfactory tre.afane t to ell who may favor him with a call. prejudices. _,., Dec. 23, BGS—tf. The great poet writes ; " non catu'st not to thy place by accident, It is the very place Godpeant for thee, And tools rush in where angels dare not tread." We have had much to observe within the year past. Neither Ho: .garth nor- Shakspeare were capable of adeVately depicting it. It has furnished food and fees for lawyers and judges, sheriffs and constables. It has sounded through all our streets and avenues, and invaded the country. It has furnished gossiPfor tea tables and shops. Editors have written about it, and many sage apo theoas have slipped from the pen. as warnings to fast young men; and all this while hearts have bled, anti tears have flowed, sad prayers have ascended that men might learn mercy and practice - the charity that cover eth sin; and - hopes have been broken, and peace made an alien and a stran- This rk,pulai house. recently leased by Ifeitse'er in an otherwise happy home. '"`" and'''"l having been completely ref3 P • "What matters all that ' " we hear tilre remodeled. and refurniithed, affords to the pu to all the comforts and modern conveniences of sr d I- B—on p ded, " compared with a great 4.13. Rotel. Situate opposite the Park on M n Street. it is eminently convenient for persons vi t- d u t y,.,a public duty." " Let justice ing Towanda, either'for pleasure or business. b , done 'though the heavens fall." sep3'7l BOON ik 31E158 ' Prd;)rictdr6 I BELIEVE 'THIS ACT or WIRD ' S ENT.STEN , • NIANSIOS - HOESE , 1 in Athena on Sat- Cher notice. "ELLE it STANLEY. PEMISSIONAL CMIDIL GENERAL nisiTRANcT. AGENT. Hotels. JoU C. ISTLSON p GMMERFEELD CREEK A• - Liu TEL. • VITA.NS HOUSE, TOWARD: , PA., cos. ULM AND =EDGE STSEETH. The Ilorece, ITarnerc J:a of all gnosis of • ■ h'ouee, insured against loaf' by Fire, without any e - int charge. A anpenor quality of Old English Base Ale. Pi , received. T. R. JORDAN,— Towanda. Jan. 21.11. Proprietor B RADFORD HOTEL, , TOW emA. ra. The subveriber having felfleil and lately etted p the above Hotel. lately k.pt by him u a - saloon hording honge. on the south aide of BRIM next to the rail-road. Is now' prepared eutentain the public with good accomadations on • Sociable charges.'trouble or expense will . 'pared to arommOdate those calling on him. •is bar will be furnished with choice brands of eigaris, Ales, die. ' G 0741 Stabling attached. Towarids. June 1,11471.5te1 lfsy72 WARD HOll$E, 'L'OWANDA, BRADFORD, COUNTY. BES.TA. tr.ILITSVILLE. PA. W. W. iinOt7NLS'G, raoPatrr. • This House is conducted in strictly Tempe Princsples . Every effort Will be made to o karcsts comfortable. Good rooms and the table always be supplied with the best the Market fords. Nor.l. 1871 N EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS ! THOS. IIZJIR & C Respectfully announce to the public in generid, they have opened a large and choice stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISION In the store formerly occnpled by John Merl& corner Stain and Frinkbn greets. Towanda, w they will Bel as claesp as the chearcat for CASEt ! Yon will always end Ton Ifiattnrrn there, jna as kappy as ever, to wait upon all old customers and as many new ones as will favor them with a calL TElott. urin. 11106. MESIDIETII DAYTON tk BROTHEI Dcalt^* in WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, C. sitms, rcrts. for artick the alabeercanit price la paid at all • Moe Itoceuleld's store. Main-at.. IL A. oitITON, r. L Eto - rcir • wiv./ 4 • 10 TQwwaxi, Wisher. A husbandman who for many years, •- Had plowed his field and sown in tears, Grew weary with its doubts and fears. I 'l toll in vain! These rocks and sands Will yield_rio harvest to my hands; - The best seeds rot-in barren lands. "uy drooping vine is slithezing ;I No promised grapes its blossoms.bring ; No birds among its brandies sing: " My flock is dying on the plain, -The heavens are brass, they do rain, The - carth iron—ltoil In PAW" While yet be spake,* breatlibiZ stirred ILs drooping vine, like wing Di bird, And from its leaves a voice he heard_ "The germs of fruit and life must be Foroier hid-in mystery, ' • Yet none can tail in 'rain for Me, " A mightier hand, more skilled than thir.e, That bang the cluster on the tine, And make the fields with harrest shine. "Ilan can tint wiul : God can create ; But they who work and witch and wiut, Hare their reward, though it come late. "Look up to heaven ! behold and hear The clouds and thundering in thine eai, An answcr to thy doubts and fear." Ile looked, and lu f a elenl-draped car, With trailing smote arid names ear, Was rushing from a distant star. And every .liiraty rock and plain Was rising up, to meet the rain, That time to clothe the ficlde RitL 2;rain.; And in the clouds he saw again The covenant of God with men, ne-written with Ms rainbow pen "Seed-time and harvest shall not fail, And though the gates of liell assail, My truth,and promise shall prevail." "GOD ONLY• KNOWS HOW IT WAS The above words were the first Harry Ward was heard-to speak, of ter the discharge of the pistol which terminated Wesley E. hader's life. That circumstance and the legal in vestigation which has followed, has aroused 'more feeling . and caused more animadversion, than has occur red in this vicinity for many years. Every one, almost, has es ressed au opinion, and lam sorry o say, the opinions have as a gc eral thing, been adverse to Ward. *.or myself, having had nothing to do with the investigation, _ and being neither judge, jurytnan, nor advocate, I have calmly held my peace, wondering all the while at the facility with which people worry others, when they are at ease themselves, their own - good names being unscathed. ' I believe Harry Ward guiltle* of any intentional wrong in that trans action. He may have been careless, reckless if you pleas; unthinking, unconscious, but never criminal, un less you call carelessness crime, and if you come to that, how• few of ti!.- who are complacently hugging the idea of our own merit and blameless ness, would escape the punishment meted out to Ward ? His act of care lessness has been fatal to the life of a fellow being, while yours as hurt uo one, not even yoUrself, and your act of carelessness was as great, as thoughtless and in - a peculiar combi nation of circumstances might have destroyed even a liuman life.- Acci dents are common to us all. They belong to our weak human nature.' No one so orders his life that he may defy them and believe himself inde ;.cadent of their occurrence. We may reason upon them as we will, the fact remains that accidents will happen, are happening every day., and he who undertakes an ell:oh:ma ; tion by some rule which renders a fellow creature responsible to his own narrow sense of justice, arrogates to hinnielf the right to deal with the CK'S LAW use, Towanda, Pa spr. 1. '59 WAL HENRY. Proprietor I Ist. /t was tcjibout a. motive. The whole transaction, from first to last, reveals no motive. If a man is plun dered after being shot, or made away with we•` see a motive. So, if a quarrel has arisen, and a man is shot after it, you may say the motive was Revenge. Here, there was no quarrel, for you cannot call their scuffle a quarrel. Shader, him- self, in his dying dselaratiori, says it was rough fun. Before, and after t the scuffle, 'they were talking, laugh ing, boasting, eating, drinking, walk ing in the ya rd, handling the pistols, boxing, playing, and planning rides. Does this look like a, quarrel-? Has it the least appearance of a quarrel? Do men quarrel in such a way ? Never! It is an insult to common sense to say they quarreled, and we see fiem the magnifying of this sim ple souffle into a quarrel, how the prosecution was troubled to sustain itself. It must contrive out a quar rel, or there would be no revenge to furnish a motive for a murder. How perfectly ridiculous all this appears in the light of common sense. Let candid men read Shader's DS inz Declaration, and see how slender ground the prosecution had to make a quarrel out of,- and thou reflect T110_ , 9. Ift•lßstis itucieb tottm. WORK AND WAIT. ittLsiellantous. DONE." TIONAL EMI TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY. PA., MARCH 7,1872. that the Whole case against Ward, stood upon this fictitious quarrel,' and than wonder at, and admire the intelligence of juries, or rather of this Tunkbannock jury, which' with :eyes and ears open found a verdict' upon a supposfd . existence of a- fact, which the dying declaration told them never bad an existence. Fail ing to establish the existence of a quarrel between these two men, the motive for the intention failed, there fore; there could be no feloniotiii kill ing; therefore, the killing not being intentional, was accidentaL If the 'ury did not draw this logical infer •nce, it should have teen instructed by the. Court, and the hearts which have been torn, the bosoms which have been laCerated, the sympathies which have been trampled on, wianld have been healed. Alas I alas! with no word of instruction, that jury were permitted to infer that a guar-' rel began in play; culminated in play, and ended in play, and as a play which is all the time a fight, ought to have some termination; and as no witness could tell of its beginning ncir Pnd, having never heard of it as a fight before, that jury, but for the solemn surroundings; might conceive it still in progress. Was it a quarrel, when according to the dying declaration they had scuffled in the -same way before? andif so, how comes it that these two meet in such amity on this day ? In every light in all the lights which shine on this transaction, in no sense in which it may_ be consid ered,:,can a reasonable, upright mind call this boy-scuffie a quarrel, and all that is built upon it of motive, re rise, intention', deliberation,' mur der, falls to the ground, to the dire confusion of the builders of the fab ric. Did Shader, the wounded, dying man, think it a quarrel, when, on the night of February 22d, a few hours after the shooting ~ occurred, and when all the facts were fresh in his mind, neither obsctired by suffering, nor lapse of time, when asked by Wm. C. Bogart,..- Had there been any difficulty ornitereation between Mr.. Ward and you ?" " Not any, sir," was the _instant reply. Under this accumulation of evidence, all of it, every syllable 'of it, disproving a quarrel on . that day, the gentleman from Ne;# York betrays a singular disposition to deny the truth of the ,witness, whom he affects to credit in his dying declaration ; and worst of all to manifest an atrocity of princi ple. a destructiveness of purpose, which a high minded, intelligent-ad vacate would . cast from him with loathing and scorn, the moment the devil inspired him with a desire to use it. Lawyers have no 'right nor license to overslau ; ,h a fair and legit.- imate inference from facts and words, as they appear upon the record, and especially to print and publish to the world a calumny which his own vile heart has , conceived. .sawyers are entirely inexcusable for prolonging a prejudice to wind,' they have given birth, and a verdict of thirty thous and or even of a hundred thousand dollars will be ashes to the lips if gained by such means. there are always two, verdicts ren dered at the close of an investigation ike this : one is that of the Jury— the other that of the Great Pubic. Sooner or later errors of judgment are corrected, and the public inind recants them. Wherever it has been imposed upon by passion, prejudice, and misconception; the light of plain, unvarnished truth at last enters, and men stand appalled at their -folly. If individuals have been active in in flaming the public mind, in spread ing a delusion, in -giving a false col oritig,.and in suppressing facts which favor the" best side of our weak hu man nature, then, they will soon un derstand the true significance of the word Retribution. They cannot es cape it. And the public demands it in the exact measure and degree of the difficulty of making it. Still it must be made. Not only human, but Divine Law exacts it. All the powers of heaven and earth are pledged to its rendition. It is the cry of outraged, inexorable justice, wounded, writhing iti its own house, surrounded by its own agents and ministers. I declare, I would rather be the victim of an investigation like this, than its acting controlling agent. Revert to the first words Ward spoke, •` God only knows how it was done."ti 2D. TIIE ACT WAS WITBOUT cossaors NESS, nEAsos, DELIBERATION AND IN TENTION. Reasoning is inferring conclusions from a basis, or' a supposed basis. Tho theory of the prosecution is, that there was a quarrel, and that the quarrel begat a motive of revenge in the mind of Ward, and that in de. liberating upon this motive, he form ed the intention to murder_ Shader. The quarrel, we see, is the supposed `starting point, and 'without it we have no starting point—it is like a journey starting from no where, and going no where. I defy the common sense of the world to believe in the occurrence of a quarrel there; and then all that train of reasoning fails, the deliberation; the intention to murder, fails with it. It all— the reasoning, deliberation, intention, had no existence but in the imagina tion of the advocate, stimulated by the hope of a fee, and intent on in stilling into the minds of an i ,, norant jury, a diabolical prejudice. To de liberate is to compare . opposite infer ences and conclusions: It is a men tal process, which requires time for its performance. An intention which binds one to its ultimate results, must be founded on deliberation, and that must be preceded by a .chain of mental phenomena which presents to the mind-all the considerations which should influence human conduct ; otherwise, it is not a legal intention; 'otherwise, it is not a prem ilitated intention; otherwise. it is but an im pulse, which has no characteristic of intention, and for which the law wisely provides. It is a sudden, rash, instankaneons impulse. which by its force and startling rapidity. has over leaped the ordinary channels i,f con duction, which has dislocated all the links in the 'ordinary chain of thought, and thrust the uninformed, immature will into tbe place of de liberation and reason, and made - the will the master instead of the In-' ISIMMMZiEdaNi I" r ) .1 I ! ...,.. ~. i ~. •,,. 1110AIDLIMI Of If the reason has not investi ' itted the Matter, what can we ex pect of theiwill,' which is the execu tive faculty of the soul ? It is Primer to.say, what should have been sak: before, it is well known- that Ward did not leave the room to I search for his 'pistol, as has been charged from time to time. He had no such time and opportunity to pre modiiate a murder. It has been said, rePeatedly, that he ran up stairs for; it; "ran out of-the room for it,"- ran', to got it; all the "while _ intending to' shoot Shader with it.'-' All these al- legations are false, and have preju- I diced the public mind against him. They were used for that 'purpose by the aspiring gentleman who has pub lished his speech, but they are falsi fications of facts, and this we . leave' him to arrange with- Ward himself, when that gentleman has the oppor tunity 'to attend I to it- • - It is a common presumption that men arm intentions suddenly, as suddenly as they receive impressions' and ideas. Intention, as we have remarked, is a result of reasoning. deliberating choosing. Mr. Locke says. "Intention is where the mind' with great earnestness, and of choice. fixes"its view on any idea, considers it on every side." But was that jury told by the legal gentleman who is so intent on carrying off the honors of that prosecution, that hepriblishes his speech, that such *as its defini tion ? Not once. On the contrary,' . that case went to that jury 'while it (the jury) believed that an impulse, I an unconscious nnreasoning impulse, constituted a legal intention. And nowJ I desire to call the at tention of the imblic tole speech of a certain Mr. Decker for ithe prosecu tion, who hails from the great -State of New York, and, who, yielding to the desire pt his' friends, (stereotyp ed phrase; they are many, no doubt, and are ranch interested) has had the kindness to write out and publish his speech, and give it to an impatient public, quite oblivious of that trite, homely, old, worn out adage, " never to leek a gift horse in the month." This sag ? production, having Daniel Webster 's great argument in the case of the Commowealth of Massachu setts VS. the Xnapps, as a model. overflows with law, argument, wit and eloquence, and did we not so reterence'great names, we might, in the exuberance 'of our admiration, declare it surpassed its great erignal He tells us page 18 of his publish ed speech, that " the dying declara tions are made the central' point of his argument" against Ward. In his own opinion they are all that is ne celery to convict. Ward of murder. What is strange in regard to this dy ing declaration making so great a part of the prosecution, is, that the' defense no where denies it, and what is still strange; is, that the defense relies upon it to, prove the killing ac cidental. Look on page 19 of the -speech and see these words from the dying declaration : "I don't want- it considered he had any intention, as I • believe, to murder me." Whiit words, what form of words, could give a clearer impression to him who nears or reads them, that Shader, the victim of this accident, who knew all the preceding facts and cir cumstances of that Iday, fully acquit ted Ward of intentional wrong, and -when Hannah Cranmer, Clark B. Porter and wife, William C. Bogart, George D. Montanye, Jacob DeWitt, Nathan Tidd, John Knox, and many other?, whose names it is unnecessary to mention, have laity confirmed us, in the .Ortaitity of Shader's opinion, how can we doubt respecting the ani nius of the shooting. Are we author lied to. cast ,away the evidence -of these most respectable people, when it adds a certainty to the dying dec laration? By what rule of construc tion does Mr. Decker insist on the truth of the other facts in the dying declaration, and deny this which ac quits Ward. It is a moral apothegm that a falsity in one counts, works a falsity in all the counts, "false in one, false in all." Will the gentleman commit a legal suicide,_ and murder his own case ?' The defence takes the dying declara tion just as it stands, and insists the prosecution shall do the same. Bead what this lawyer has said on page 35 : " These dying declarations, if truthful, furnish a detailed history of the tragedy, and leave no part envel oped in mystery and doubt." Pre cisely so, my learned commentator, they leave no doubt about the fun, frolic, good feeling, • good nature, recklessness, in which both these merry gentlemen- indulged during the whole day; and they show too, - how false to probabilities, how for eign to a true interpretation of hu- Man conduct in such cases, how dia bolical is the attempt to appropriate all there is which by a forced con struction favors his theory of feloni ous intention, and then, on the other hand, reject the same declarations when they explain all that happened. Is there a court in Christendom that would not have pointed out the soph istry ? Is there another jury upon earth that would not have felt its dignity insulted? Is there a lawyer to the manor born, that would, vol untarily, have taken a position, in its nature quite as felonious .as that he charges upon Ward. WO hope not, we believe not. It was reserved to an alien, a stranger to our juris prudence, and to the morale of our conrts, - to stultify himself by an act so derogatory to judicial honor. There has been a time in the his tory of oaf race, when a woroan,how ever, humble and •defenseless, was an object of respect and regard, in the breast of every high minded, 'c ' ' ric gentlemen. In that day, n one insulted her with impunity, an eve ry man felt bound to, defen er, since she had not the physical eh' y to defend herself. And in this day, she receiVes due courtesy and defer ence from every man, save one. The exception is the half-bred lawyer,who riots in his power to insult, outrage, and trample on all the sacred sensi bilities of womanhood,4;n4 who rare ly dismisses a woman froin_ the wit ness stand, until he has wounded her innate deli ,b 7 ungentlemanly in quiries and, Mkt/110118, or by what is more in his nature brutal and cra bs:wing manners and address.' The words *rend written with Any_ sliti. t-:- , . lialliaa , mac an qvasna. Bien to this gentleman, for we believe he examined no witnesses, but they are intended to apply only to those guilty of the sin we condemn. 'Now in the speech which our legal gentleman insists we shall read,what appears kith° testimony of Hannah Creamer to justify the ungentleman ly langunge he has used in reference to her? Why this abortive attempt at wit? Why this comparison of the plain modest unsophisticated elderly woman, with the - "chaste Lucretia and Ctesars wife? Is the comparison apt, or unapt? Appropriate or inap propriate? Be' it which it may, it is terribly suggestive, and it suggests just that, which no decent man ever yet hinted respecting a woman, with out incurring. the 'danger of being kicked into the street,by a near male relative. Has'this high minded, im ported, Websterian, advocate never .yet seen a modest woman that -he does not know one,when he sees her? What class of females does he atso ciate with, at home? Hannah Cranmer ia. a plain, sensi, ble, discreet woman. She has never associated with that description of the sex, to which the advocates pru rient imagination - likens her, but, fir humble unvarnished qualities which tommand the respect of the world, she is as good as the best. That low allusion to insane and idiotic asylums though it tickled his self-complacen cy vastly, finds no toleration here, and is considered by Ward's enemies; as a very great blunder, and by his friends, as characteristic of the whole line of attack, and in perfect accord with this strange effort to give a transaction, in all its features acci dental and fortuitous, the appearance of crime. There is nothing in her testimony nor in her manner a thing, which bore any the least resemblance to deception nor untruthfulness; nor idiocy, nor insanity. Who so apt to suspect idiocy and insanity; and be who is afflicted himself? Let the public judge between Hannah Cran mer, and her assailant. Why does any one question her ev idence when it is confirmed by the dying declaration, and by the long array of evidence following, by the four or five letters ho , dictated and had sent to friends and people con nected with him in business, in some of which he declared it an accident. Has he lied, and have all others lied too, who now swear in this court to hearing' him absolve Ward from blame? I know not that courts in , these days ever send juries back to the jury room, telling them their ver dict is not in accord with evidence, but I know such things have been done, and I think it to have been the manifest, binding duty,--One EIO ira perioUs, constraining, overwhelming in fact, as not to be gainsaid, to have reminded this jury to their room till ing them to return with a verdict more agreeable to absolute fact. But why, we were about inquire, was Mrs. Cranmer singled out for a raid, only because she seems most <helpless and defenseless? "A lone woman with no one to take her part. I can make her my target, I can de, molish her with my scathing sarcasm: I can cover her all over with my rid: kill°, my keen cutting wit will 'flash all around the old woman,and before I have done with her, that jury will think that Lucretia and Casar's wift , (God bless the latter how often she does good duty for orators like mc) eciere.a couple of nulls," What chiv alry, what magnanimous generosity ! It is the act of a huge cowardly bully and lout,, who pitches into the weak est, scrawniest boy-in the street, and flogs hie, because he can. The reason why he pretends-to be-. lieve Hannah Cranmer'eoath a fabri cation is, that when he (Shader) told her it was an accident, be (Shader) was so over come by the shock, and so faint, as not to be able to speak at all. The surgeon coming in a few minutes later, found the wounded man insensible, therefore,Shader was unable to say it was an accident as she swears he did, and from this,froin just this,and from no more than this, a woman, unspotted in her relations in lifejs held up to the scorn of -the comintinity, and.ttade the subject of odious' comparisons. Which of these two, witness or witemerges from this tirade of malicious aspersion, the most besmirched, which the dirtiest, which the iflinaliest? And yet it is very natural, that Shader should have beeu able to speak to the woman, RS he did at the time, and a few minutes later, had been unable to speak to the surgeon. The shock did not deprive him of reason and consciousness and power to articulate, for it is not disputed that almost in the same' hreath, be said, " I am dying." The reason why he could speak when_ Mrs. Cranmer yas present, was because the shock' was insufficient to deprive him of sense and speech, at thornomentancl the reason why he could •not speak ten or fifteen minutes later, when the doctor arrived to the scene, was be cause the hemorrhage had induced a fainting. The - bullet wounded no large blood vessel, but it did wound a great , many small- ones, and the slow escape of the vital fluid brought on the. faintness in thirty o r _ forty minutes, and abOut that time, the doctor was there first. Shock to un consciousness and insensibility,is not the inevitable resultof gunshot wounds through the body. Hundreds, thous ands of instances might be collected, where it was inconsiderable. Offi cers have ridden miles,, soldiers have marched to camp with, Bullet holes through them, and then fainted from slow; leaking,exhausting hemorrhage. This is a plain, simple, natural ex planation of all that seems difficult in Mrs. Cranmer'S evidence, and it is so reasonable that at the first' look, we wonder why the - jury and the public could not correct it themselves, and it seems a waste of time and words to press them in the service of discovering a trt.th, so prominent and palpable, that no art can conceal Most of us have heard the inquiry raised, "Why did Ward .wish to car ry that revolver with him that night?" .Now, my good friend, ,yon who in quite, I mean, before you infer a murderous intent, just satisfy your own mind that he did wish to carry it: You have no evidence that, he 143 4 4 Mu= vo Milignot act _...... r ;~:x:bßti":~~F3YlS7P\;7~'~..:'t~i-~'.~. .-:. _.._.... .=,. k 1• 'i --.si' , . • Li‘\‘ _ , . words of his which make it a fair in ference. .He did not runup stairs to bring it down, as you have been told time after time. . He did not go out of.the.room for it. No one will hay he did, no one tint the redoubtable Decker, who heaths .so complaintly on 3frs. Cranmer, and who infers that while he (Nara) was hurrying from roo t) to room for his pistol, he was in the thioes' of ungovernable passion, bursting with -desire for 7 re venge and deliberating u n murder. Fallacy, assumption,r.stsEn VD/ What a strange, sudden, con ail-- five minutes before, all smiles, jocidarity, friendliness, pleasantry, and.then the rage of a demon from the pit! Oh, it is monstrous to . think it. But if Ward had wished to take his pistol, with him, what more natural? Ward has-traveled a good deal recently,and there are few_ travelers who - do not carry vistols in - all their journies. Very few, perhaps none; and these men think it no more strange to car ry a pistol than a watch. , Will any one explain why it was, that if Ward intended to shoot Sha der, he did not shoot s him up stairs, when they were handling tho revolv ers that were lying oni the bureau be fore them ? , This was after the scuf fle, and Ward must hay,: • been as mad-so soon after as he co.ild _have been some hours later.• Here was the time and place to kill, if killing was his intention, for here -ho could have done it ii.,.•ince, and •so thor oughly-that Shader,would never have opened his lips with "dying decla ration." But Ward lot the opportu nity pass, (evidently ho knows noth; ing.about murder as a finesart) had his vi c tim down stairs in thadining room, has all : his servants about,7in fling into the room and out ofthe: room, sets all the doors open, talk\ with a voice so loud that all his con-. versation could be heard. And' there is another circumstance that seems a little strange on the theory of felonious-- intention, and that is, that Ward should have shot him in the stomach, when be might have shot him through the heart or head. It is not denied that wounded whore he was, his (Shader's death. I was certain, but there was the dead certainty of a dying . declaration, to tell the world all about it. Now on the supposition that Ward intended to kill, aro tve not driven to infer, that haplanned to be detected in the killing? That - to make the detection easy, he hailed.hini down stairs into the dining-room, and there when all was prepared and ready for the trag edy and he (Ward) standing but three feet in , advance of his victim, and a good 'marksman shoots him i in the stomach, so thathe dies a linger ing death,and his the necessary time to make a dying declaration? Are we not forced -to believe - something like this, when we know that Ward .might have shot him dead, on the in stant, and have closed his mouth for:- ever . ? liesderi ho who writes these words believes as much as he helices in his own existence, `that' Harry Ward is ..tiltless of felonious intention in the tragedy which terminated the life of Wesley E. Shader. He believes that Ward,in his first examination of Sur prise and Horror, gave to the world all it can ever know, or ever will know, why Shade fell 4ounded, bleeding, dying; at the feet 'of him, whom he believes was the unconscious instrument of his death, and so be lieving, he cannot withhold this fear less expression of his convictions. The expression he knows. can, do no good -to-day. The blow has. fallen Hearts that quivered in apprehension and fear on the one hand. and rallied in hope and anticipated justice on the other, are rigid and dumb now,-be lieves that_ a single grain of. that charity which every man owes tois neighbor; and which the neighb r l‘ has a right to demand as his du , would have saved all the wounds onr, social life'has felt.,That an investi gation should be ad it was natural to expect, .and also, men should with s hold their opinion of guilt or inno cence, until acts were considered by an intelligent, jury. If our system of jury trial is ever. brought into disre pute, it will be by verdicts like this, in the'case of Ward. There are hun dreds of men,-I believe, who,.. if they will preserve the evidence; just as it was elicited on the trial, and one year from to-day read it over, will say, that Harry Ward was convicted on nnsufficient grounds. They will say precisely that Ward said at first. •.‘ God only knows how it' was done." It was said above that it was pre sumed that an inquiry would be in stituted into the cause and manner of the death. Such inquiry was only reasonable And one could take no ex ceptiens. And here the public ought to have engaged in it without prep dice,, and disposed togive all parties the _benefit, of that maiim of law, which holds every one innoeent- of crime until proved , guilty.. Ndw was this fundamental rule of jurispru dence honored hero? I ask the just; the candid, the ~unprejudiced, those who love their country, and take:.a just pride in her institutions, those who value our 'social "fabric which undertakes to guard individual , as well as public right, if 'Ward's case. was not prejudged days before the finding of the coroner's jury. ' • There are a thousand acts of our every day life' aria reader you and I are in the daily peiformance of them, and they differ from this of Harry Ward only,lhat they are not follow ed by such deplorable consequences. His act was without consciousness,' reason, and intention, so are ours, in those cases to which reference .. .is made now. Do you, in walking along the street, think, reason, intend, and will, at each successive step?. Do you in playing a tune on the violin or piano, think, reason, will, and in= tend at each time your finger strikes the key or the chord, and yet your music is perfect, and you, have un consciously to yourself, evoked from your instrument, a succession of har monies in the - highest style of the art, and you have done it, too, without the exercise, 'The expenditure, of a single faculty of tLe soul, 'necessary td the formation of a legal intention, and had a killing beeninteijuted in to that train of Merited associations, you would have been guilds!**evs l AS Ward isouall yet! weld Fry wi ts *2 per Anmun in Advance. 'Harry, " God only knows how it was done.": We all remember the case of Vallandighata of Ohio. Ile couldto more account for the exphision of the pistol he held.so careless in his hand, than could, Ward for the explosion of the one be held. , Suppose- some zealous conservator of the public peace bad thought it a duty to in quire into the manner of his death, how easy it would have been to alarm the country with vague speculations of foul play, perhaps of quarrel's and premeditated violence, and is to be supposed that his constant, persist ent, solemn' naservations of the ac cidental character of the shooting would haie calmed. the troubled wa - ters any more thqn did the same emn asservations repeatedly express ed, even sworn to, of Shader, in this case? Both Vallandigham and Ward have - been made victims of accidental shooting, end both innocent 'of .erini: inal intention. V allandigham , went down to the grave and no voice was raised to lift the burden of imputed crime, if crime was ever alleged, but from the portals of eternity r welear one, announcing in reference' to Ward, "I don't want it considered he had any intention, as I believe, to murder me," and these imperiect strictures of a remarkable speech and trial, may be closed for the present quoting 1 1 . , ard's words''' " God only knows how it was done." PIIGNAINTY OF SEERY CLAY. Some of the inqt conspicuous Whig,s in Congress, becoming discon tented with , 31r.) Clay's imperious bearing and his determinatiOn to , push extreme measures, agreed to meet at General Scott's rooms at the Hope Club for consultation. Mr. Clay was not invited to attend, nor. Was he apprised that the meeting was to h\held; butt late in the evening the fact eame to his knowledge. - - Re turning from a whist party at Bodis-• cots, he knocked at Scott's quarters, and was -ushered into, the* . room where the gentlemen were sitting. & hawk inn dove-cot could not have created greater consternation. He remained standing, declining a prof fered chair. Glancing from one part of the room to the other, and glow, ering at everybody present, ho ex claimed,. iu a loud - voice, " Treason! treason' and in' the middle of the night. Play fair, Scott; play fair." And he stalked away, paying no at tention to the attempts at explana tion 'or the denials that anything se cret or nnfaix was intended. Subse quently he was perSuaded that the only object of the 'meeting was to consult upon the situation; and see if anything could be decided to pro mote harmony in the party and avert the peril impending. s , _ Mr. Clay never forgave the gentle men who weir instrumental in pra , curing the nomination of Harrison. He was confident that he.could have been elected by, a large majority, and always distrusted the fidelity 'of such of-his friends as had acquiesced in the selection of his rival. Ho was Bore toward Scott,. and often express ed himself in terms of contempt and derision_ when the General's name was mentioned. - A card_ party given by Gen. Macomb was largely attend ed hy the most distinguished gentle men in Washington. air. Clay onthe in at a late hour, leaning on the arm of Senator 31angum: As he entered the room his attention was attracted to a whist table that happened to be made up of politicians understood to be,especially friendly to. Webster and Scott mung, them were .Edward Curtis, George Evans, and Ogden - Hoffman. Mn Clay had been dining with n party of friends, and was. not in the most placid frame of. mind. Approaching these -gentlemen, he broke out upon them as- follows : " Yon manufacturers Of 'public opin on—yon makers of 'presidents, who assume to control all mankind—what Mischief are you now hatching?" He spoke ifi a loud tone, and was heard all over the room. Gen. Scott came up at the moment, and Mr. .Clay turned upon him, - accosting him in a sneering and insulting tone: "And here's the redoubtable general him self. He was fool enough tO suppose "that he could be made President of 'the United States: at the same time putting his hand not: in the most gentle manner' on. Scott's shoulder. Tile General, quite perturbed, shrank from the 'contact, remarking, "You forgot that is iny wotinded arm." " You are rotten all over," was the reply. Mr.' Mangum led Mr. Clay from the room, and there the affair ended for the time. Some corms pondence ensued, and serious conse quences were apprehended. But friends interposed, and Mr. Clay, who . was capable of magnaniinclus concession when conscious of being in tho wrong, - raade a satisfactory apology.—" Suggestion's of the Past, " in` the Galaxy for March. - • Du NOT Wens—Some people have an idea that-they comfort the afflicted in proportion as they groan. over them. There are times when such . a one would give a thousand dollars to see a cheerful face. But everybody who comes looks so doleful. Do not whine over an afflicted soul. Better tell the promises of God's grace to him in a firm voice,if you can master a . firm voice. Don't be a ashamed to Don't drive a hearse through the man's soul. Don't tell him the thing was "foreordained." It was foreordained, but this is not the truth: that is now presented to him. When you bind up a 'broken bone the soul, and you want splints, don,t make them out of cast-iron.—De Witt Talmage. - - " Vl= some men come to‘you it. is like sunrise. Everything seems to take new life, and shines. Other men bring night them. The chill shadow of their sobriety falls upon every.innocent gaiety, and your feel ings, like birds at evening, atop sing ing and go to their roost. Away with these fellows who go owling through life, all the while passing for birds of. paradise! He that can not laugh and be gay should look well`toottimself. He should fast and Roil until hia face b_,lsOm forth /SAO light.—Set!!, =I EMS NUMBER 40. JUST ; icE. _ . T0.8110E80113111710ALLY: As men con ' fie to shave and to be shaved (a practice which - some re gard 1111 unnatural and undesirable), we treader to our ...columns the fol lowing brief essay' - upon- shaving, . which ix; from the pen of sueelebrated an authority as Mfr. Neck: , "Never fail to well wash your-beard with soap and water„ and to rnb it , immediately before you apply the lather, of whiCh the more you use,. and the thicker it is, the easier you will shave. "Never:nee warm water,, which _makes a tender face In cold weath ea place your closed razor in your_ c.let or under your arm-to warm it. The moment - you leave your bed (or bath)is the best time to sh.ave,:- "Always, wipe your razor clean and strap, it before putting it away, and always pnt l your shaving-brush away with the lather on it. "The razor , (being only a iek7 l i ne saw) should be moved in a sloping or= sawing direction, and held nearly flat to your face, care being taken to draw ' the skin as tight as possible with the left hand; soati to preseht an eve surface, and to throw. out the beard. "The practice , of pressing on the edge of a razor' in stropping it soon rounds it; the pressure should-bo di- 1 rected to the back, which should nev er be raised from the strop. If you _ shave from heel to point of the razor, strop it from-point to heel; but if you begin with the point in saving, .them strop it from heel to point.- . • If you once . put ,- away your razor without stropp ing; or other Wise per fectly cleaning the edge, you must no longer expect to shave well and easy,- the soap and damp so soon rust. the fine teeth and edge. - "A piece of soft plate leather should always be I;ept with razors, to -wipe . - them with." FRUIT f rgrrA.—L-Tsj make fiuit trees bare largely for many years in suc cession; the soil' under them should not be cultivated, should be plough ed summer and fall,_ and manure(' every year . ; it is said that the, best manure for bushes and trees is their own leaves - and twigs ; - these should be gathered together every autumn, Mixing =therewith some 'barn yard manure, to be dampened occasional ly, to keep the I leaves from getting dry and beingt blown away ; then Spread .but the sprifig ; in addi tion,a' bushel of lime mixed two or three bushels Of wood ashes, spread under each tree once a year, would add greatly to &di fruitful:. ness. - I The reasdn, fruit treesdie in a felt' years, of begin 'to bear less fruit and, of infericir is- because the trees, notbeing maimed, exhaust the quality of the soil -about • them, necessary for their stistenance. . SOuETurso worth In;:ioNi,how to stop.' bleeding, froth the nose when it-be comes, excessive. . If, the finger is pressed. finery upon the little artery, which supplies blood to, the side of the face affected,,thc result is at'd. plished- TwoTsmall arteries, branch ing up from - the main arteries on each side of the neck, and passing over the outside of the-jaw-bOne,sup _ ply the face with blood. If4he nose bleeds from the right nostril; for ex ample; pass the finger 'along the edge of the right jaw .tillthe beating of the artery is felt.. • Press. hard upon it, and the bleeding will cease. Con thine the; prcAsuie five minutes, nu 'til the ruptured i - cisel in the nose; has time to contract. : There ii. no situitiOn in high that, does. not owe its' slightest enjoyments to feelings with - which mind is connected; there is none so low which may not be 6eer ed and refined frbra the same source. Independent of Worldly considera tions, mental pursuits invariably be stow a rich reward oit their votary, in the delight attendant upon *heir cultivation, and the temporary Obliv ion at lead of all anxious cares, in the abstraction they requires. LAN DLORD recently going, round to Collect his rent sent a servant ahead to prepare his ;tenants for the visit. On reaching the first. booze, and seeing his servant apparently endeavoring to gain admittance, he inquired, "What is the matter,John ? Is the door bolted? " E g I don't blow sir;" replied Jot:11 - f." but the tenant evidently has. " " MAY it please your. honor, " said a lawyer,addressing one of the &Rig,: es, " I 'brought the prisoner from goal on a habeas corpus." "Well," said'a farmer-in an undertone, N4hip stood at the back of the - court. " These lawyers will say anything. I saw the man get out of a cab at the court door. " ~f "TILT fellow's got into the wrong grave," said one gentleman to anoth er in a cemetery.-- "How so r "Be- •' cause I knew himlte be forger and a thief, and yet, look upon that epi- ' taph." Be careful," said the other, " how you speak, for 'none of us can live up to our epitaphs. " ' • A C0y,.. -- Ec-ricur Demixrat . - sent - his son to lk.Tew York to complete his ed ucation. After a short time his. sou wrote to his father that he was stud ying "Horace. " On: learning - this, the paternal parent-replied, "Come home; I dou't want, Greeley to make a Republican of-my son." Miss KANE, of Baltiinore, set out to write a list of the wrongs of wo men,but found so many of them that she was driven to the conclusion that women suffer a wrong in being born at all. This disposes of the whole question in a nutshell. "Tim penalty for walking on a railroad track in England is ten pounds," said one, while discussing the numerous fatal accidents on a railroad. "Pooh!" replied Uncle Jerry- "4s that all? The penalty in this country is death." AN EngliShman h:x ~ `' .g paid au Irish shoeblack with denim, was thus accused by the z. • y urchin : a My honey, all the polish you 12:-.0 is upon yourhoots, and I guy you that." -ANy two apples are alike i it they aro pared. , 4 "HAVE a snake?" is the Sati Fran cisco interrogation for drinks. . A mama his no 'right to pull the ears of his corn. It is unkind. How to prevent milk turning into cream—Buy it of a city trauma • - Lin is a malady which , sleep eases every twenty-four hears. ' A "EBY slender man asked . a friend Irnlc character he harbeter assume at a um. wed°, and wae whited to braid bit broyadi WPM is iibtplatu .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers