Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 29, 1872, Image 4
tCa't~d. HO* to IMprove a Farm. t. Many of our farmers spend money freely in purchase of manures—guano, superphosphate% bone dust, gypsum, etc., and usually find, or think they do, that they realize a profit by it. I. 'do not wish to say one word to dis courap,e-therni from a continuance of the practice but I would advise them to _be a little, more careful in their experiments and statistics. If a fanner puts a Winifred dollars worth of either of those, special ma nines, or an i other Manures that drain his pocket of thii dollars, he should be able to - ascertain that he gets his money back with a profit on it of at least t wenty per cent to pay for,his labor and risks. He can only at,ceitain this by cultivating a meas ured part of the same field 'without manure of - any. kind, giving it the same care and attention as the por- . 11 tion =inured. After he shall have done this and measured or weighed the crops, a little arithmetic will bring outlill e facts ; there should be no guess work or hope so about it. 'lf a mercha nt invests a portion 'of his capital in any description of goo& he will know when these goods are disposed ofwhetlier he has gain ed or lost by the operation ; if the speculation has been unsuccessful he will seek some.other investment for his capital.. l'o be a successful farm• or it requires tti-mach shrewdness as that of a merchant of any other pur suit in life. ---7 Now, brother farmers, allow me here to be a little critical. will . You acknowledge that there is no manure that you can buy, that will give such satisfactory results as the manure made in our Out barn-yards. Will it always b9ing the answer wet season, or dr7 season? Yes, then, why do yon not make more of it? or, why, do _you not take better care of what you do make.' I have seen some of your immure heaps levelled out to a feather edge, whizli edges shoul l i have'been shoveled up into a • 'cinTs. - ct heap, so as to expose as small a° surface as possible CO rain and sunshine: These remarks will apply - as well to your milking and - -feeding yards as to the'main manure heap. Collect all the vegetable matter • from every nook and corner of the farm that your stock will not eat,and - incorporate it with the manure leap, or, with swamp lime and gypsum from a compost heap, -collect leaves from the woods which contain. more potash than many of the phosphates in the market. Fork over this com post heap once or twice in the course of a year, and top dress your grass • land with it.. Leave a strip across the field - not so top dressed, and if book farming" will not satisfy you, you- will begin to learn by "example." To do this, work will require labor, and labor costs money_; labor is always = worth money when° well di rected and properly applied. By pur suing this course, you 'accomplish two purposes—you improve the ap - peamnce as well as enrich - the farm. I would direct attention first,- to making and ,saving all the manure that can be made e 'by collecting and applying to the manure or compost he.s.p every spear of vegetation that ,is grown on the farm ; this, you will soon find, will pay ; then buy as much of the. fertilizers as may, prove themselves to be profitable by the . tests above named. " The introduction of so muchlabor saving machinery into the farming system is, I fear, making our farm ers a little lazy, and they would rather take a hUndred dollars out of L their pockets to buy fertilizers `than - to do the extra work of collecting the material and making compost, as they consider this a little out of the regular roatine of farming ; Ibut they mayas well hire labor to do this and secure the profit to themselves, as to spend their money abroad and give the profits to others ; this, too, will keep the laboring men in their own :neighborhood ; a ciass that ought to lie encouraged by constant and well . paid employment ; productive labor lieing-tiae_foundation of national suc cess. Plowing down rid clover is one of the cheapest. and quickest methods of improving farm 'land. This plan cannot be too often, nor too strongly urged on the.farming community. I have tried and seen it tried by others :often, and always with success. The best time to do this is when in hill blOom, and the'seed about cOmmenc- ing to form. 'Not only the green crop plowed , under, bat the roots en rich and mellow the soil, putting it in good condition for the reception of any crop.—American Stock Journal. Efo : ;:v` THE CHHiESE Coos RIOE.—A stew pan with-a close fitting cover is chosen. Over the top of the-pan is tplaced a piece of white muslin, large enough to allow it to bang down in the pan, without touching the bot tom. Into the sack so formed, place the rice . : pour over 'it two cupsful] , of water, and put on the top of 'the stew-pan, so as to hold up the Inns ',lin bag inside, and fit it tight all around. Place the pan on a slow fire, and the steam generated from the water will cook the rice. Each grain, it is stated, will come .out of the boiler as dry and distinct as if just taken from the boiler. 'lf the water boils away, before the rice is done, more may be added. The cook ' ing must be slow and moderate. THE noo rr.x.—Hogs are :excellent animals for manufacturing manure,if they are furnished with the raw ma terial, as peat earth, straw, weeds, &c., and a suitable place for conduct ing the process. The compost of their formation are among theeheap est and, the best that are used upon the farm. The slops of the ldtchen, the weeds of the garden, the refuse fruits of the orchard, and the offal of the farm are readily converted by the swinish laborers, into meat or ma nure. liogs are profitable laborers, and shonld be employed to as great an extent upon the farms as the pro prietor's circumstances will perm t: • A Rural Caroliiiian correspondent ires. the following, as the best Meth od of putting up hams, to prevent skippers : liill the hogs in time to A_ have the meat6cured and smoked by the Ist of March, at that time take the barns and rub the flesh part well in oak ashes, leached and pack away i i kLarrelit or troughs, and the skip- W;ra will tlot disturb them. Since I haw: adopted the above plan. I have tooter lAA rkipper in uirmeat: Trio iffh:,b.-11.ny be ricittdo iletgAligigot t' i l , ;1 0 : 4 : fit fertility to the tryx.c.m.y uo.ssagernertt itrintY;',..t tit litter, :repelawd rt„. 1 .4, - 44111ipient tO i J4Y4 1.14 TAA: '0,1i44114g SLR efol 444:. ZAXA•gt yr tiiriAMAtA4'4lo:lo4 FOUNDERY 8; MACHINE SHOP. td iU lD lawidwi lmde =riP i c Z d anniebining ; t ji= ri l an prepared to do_all kinds of wont t their twwitww with promptness sad psic - MILL GEAHINGS, CIRCULAR SAIV MILLW, MAN DRI,LLS, `wan TO OWE& ENGINES BEI'AIREA Andei work worroated to gin sattalsettos. SHINGLE MACHINES Of the Wert and most improved Made •• • • • -• and kept coaatantly oa band 'ready for use PLOUGHS, EILDEaII+. IKON AND WOODEN BEA= Of AU Ith, CULTIVATORS, CORN PLXCHS P L H Pi 0 I'N T S 43 ' Of e 4 kinds, ukd the .. Istze k ti ; 117 B1"4. STOVE CATINGSII =LUZ GRATEK I SLED AND EILI4GH SHOES, • And ' ll lftula at castings foiniaked - Wirth $O. 1970. AMASS k soczwzia.. NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY I On Pine. between Min:Cenci Second, Streets, bib* of G. P. USA= Si Ca.'e Bank, Ilespecttally announce to his riencliau,l patrons, tht: ti bare built a ' where they will constantly keep me band atoll meet meat of Made of the best materiel and finished in the best city style.. His long experience In city Carriage Factories gives them a decided advantage over others to the of his Wagon. All they was' re at DTSPECTION OF ! HIS WORK = Y~II~OI~O~'IIr. Ana in Nada at MIL - X; IRONS AND I CHURN PO EWERS, LABOS LED $II).-LL SIZE. LLLGZ IRON ICEETLE9 TOWANDA, P,ENIsI'A. HENRY STITLEN & CO., NEW BRICK CARItIAiIE FACTORY, FAMILY CARIIIAGES, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTTING a SULKY'S. AIM EiIiELZTONS. Finish, Slyre and Durability previous to purchasing eliewilere ALL WORK IrdiUttNTE/J TO GITR PERFECT SATISFACtIOY. Thankful for the liberal patronage formerly° ex tended and respectfully ask a continuance of the same. REPAIRINO PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO reduced prteos Towanda. May 24, 1870.—t! THE OLD ALAIN STREET i Carriage Factory JAMES BRYANT Still continues the 'maul:Actors of CARRIAGES A4D WAGONS Of every description, •t the oldlstand of G. H Drake, MAIN STREET. 7'6WANDAAM'A. Wa work le lilt of the LATEST STILE 'LAND FINISH In the manufacture of wagcMb nothing to lased Ant the; BEST STEEL AXLES, 'To ether 4aai the CO3LPOSITION BOXES In -Light 'Cork PLATFORII SPREsTG WAGONS AND LUABEB WAGONS Kept constantly on hand. The best Eastecia stock is peed In the manufacture of Wboels. Spokes are all rlSed eut—not'sawed. ALL WORK SOLD WARRANTED EQUAL TO ANY as to finish, and a, to durability, SUPERIOR TO ANT Xi: THIS SECTION grir ALL WonZ Wir.s.ecTraL JAMES BRTA.NT; ap1.19 71 B1_,001) & CO., , Btlll contlatul o manufacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS, & crx ANERS, and will sell a better machine, for lees money than isa be bad elsewhere in the world. We claim for our machines that they will 'do as much. -or more, than any other, and we isms durably built. We personally superintend our work and see that it is well dawn. We win send DISCEIPTIVE 4TALoctuES. 4:0 of our machines, on maks on- ONE AND TWO 11 RSE POWERS, One d Two Horse THRESIER ft SEPERATORS'i THRESHER and CLEANERS, . FANNING l MILLS, 1 CINCVLAZ AND DIAN SAW KILLS, SAW AND GRIST MILL I work done to order. Mrs ne a call before pnrcbAaing elsewhere. I r a ** Oa zuoaalvusi `sica-Rtv - 00 7s. Aug. 2. 1849 NEW': PLANING MILL. The s undersigned having tinilt slarge and commo dious hid! in the Borough; Towanda, and tilled it with the most modern and proved machinery, for the manufacture of W=DOW 86SEE BLLNDS. Are prepared to. All orders, !whether tams or man. upon the shortest netice. We hare also a large ra• rietycd MOULDINGS. of the latest 'kyle, and pattern, which we can tarnish much cheaper than they can be worked by band. PLANTS°, Tosimmji, asoon.• G. • • AND SCROOL litt.NMEt, Mod ell other work pertelt4yr to Joinery. will be done to own our costomere. , Parsons building. and a l lising more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, sr dud it largely for their Interest to tray of us, orb their lumber and base It worltsd by our machinery. Bring your grist of Mewing. or -Other lumber. and while your team is faeolimy, base it ground ou and take it home with PAL We will pay CASH for TLNE AND 1313ELOC8 L4iff4.l4 &Meted at our l ber yard. Came and pbe as, . sr yoa croceas3 e' Torseils. VW, 1164. *ODGllriO II CO. EMI F&CA & ATHENS RAIL ROAD o ll ik am GM. ICol s4 ol: l llmanabar UNA 1811. P..mpr Testa gate/ lath win ken Album st 11:45 a.m. maim IA Mat Ithaca 1145 am. Mouth lesietthnos at 1:1* entre d MIZN IIII 4 MAO p. fa. e SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD. —On and after Itandiy, *ay. 13th, 16/1, Trains wili run aa tams : * =ATM - minas Auburn: lAthena. j Auburn. I Athena. 7:30 A.N. 10:20 a. as. I . 10:55 4. N. .12:45 r.N. 8:30 4:55 4% N. 4:00 P. N. 4:10 r. N. 4:54: r.m . 9.:130 p IL Traini lams OWORO , OT Auburn at 12:40 p. an., and 5:45 p. m Trainsl Auburn_ from Auburn at 1116 a.m.. 2:30 p.m.. , /TIME TABLE 0 THE VAN k ERIERAILIRDAD.-.- • MondaY. Nor . 13, 1871. I earnEwAsii. 824.220x8. P. Y. lA. Y. 2:10 7:00 TOWA..4DA a 0 7:10 BARCLAY .11:18ICT/ON 2:40 7:30 9;10 8:00 3:20 8:10 ANY.... 9:90 .8:20 • MILLERS 3:30 8:40 DUERO= Xitak.namtmcr or o,Assin - aza Trums. To take effect Monday, Nov. 27, 1871. 00011111rAIID. in 1105711WAIIIL ransciy No. I No. No. No. No. No. 9. T. STATONS. 34. 2. 36. MAX Alt IX 2Y42* iii iiii 'Fa mai, i 4 is 'e 45;846 330 12 15 830-Waverly • 11 55 6 05,75 5 340 12 50 8 - 40 Athetrs. 11 45 555 745 4 301 135 925 TomOda 11 00 525 7OS 530 2 15,10 25 .....W.1311 1 0; - 1 955 4 33;6 10 555 2 35 1 10 45 —Lam le. ...1 934 4 15;5 45 617 2 55111 09 Mesh 1 .... 911 3575 23 625 3 Ol t 11 16 . liehoopani....; 903 3 50,5 15 650 3 23111 45, .:.TtinkhannOck... 1836 3 25'4 45 '5O 425; 1 30; --Pittston. 135 225 335 ,15 4 45 , 200' Wilkes' Barre... 17 10 205.310 .... 7 '4l 4 20; —Nana chunk— I ..... 11 20 . .... 14 e 624 535' Allentown.. —ialt 10 19' rar. 8'351 5 551: —Bethlehem .... ♦ 10 051 910' 625 925, 10 30 815 ......1201a4 1011....1 • 8 00: 6 45 9 45 New York _ .. • x No. 30 verly. A 00; arrive at Elmira at 900 a. it, No. 31 leaves Elnilra at S 45; Waverly. C 45; Ath 700; arrive at Towanda at 7 45 P. IC. Down Trains dine at White Haven. Up Trains dine at Pittstor. Passengers to and from New York and Philadel phia without change of CAWS. Down train connects atentown with' Through fast Express for Harrisburg. All Pittsburg and the Wed. R. A. PAMPA.. Superintendent. EW ROUTE TO PHEGADEG PMA. • Ti;. NORTH rmsrs6"i'Li'ANlA EAILBOAD. Shortest and most direttlins to Philadelphia, Bal timore. Wiraahington. and the Smith. Passengers by this route take Pennsylvania .1c New'York Railroad train t ipassing 'Towanda at 3:25 A.M. and 1:35 p. m e c'ose connection at tic ttdehem with Eapmss nof Yorth Penn's Rail road. and arrive in Phila4phia at 8 : 15 P. 31.. and 10:10 p.m.. in time to e night trains either for the Routh or West. . . _ City passenger cars are It the Depot on arrival of all trains convey passeneiTs to the various DePote and to all paits of !!! a. - Leave North Patna Depot. Depot. corner Berta and American acre . Philadelphia, at 8:00 A. M., arriving at Towanda 5:23 P. M.. same evening. Mann's Baggage Ewe • collects and delivers bag gage, sew No. 103 Bout I ifth street. Philadelphia. tartan* AOCOXICODATIOWS ! Freight received at Front ask. Noble streets. Phil& delphia. and forwarded b Daily Fast Freight train to Towanda. and all pain in Snaviebsnmi valley with quick dispatch. . ELLD3 CLARKE, Gen. Agt. N. P. R. B. Front and Willow Sta. Nov. 21.1670. Philadelphia. ERIE RA.I.LWY. •,. NER LIM 11/1%0171M DICVIGI P.OOIN LIM BLIMPLKO Coacaes. combining , all Modern Improcemedta, are run through on all 'Fraina between Buffalo. Niagara Falls. Suspension Bridge.lCleveland, Cincinnati and New York. • Abstract of. Time Table. iAdopted Nov. 13th, 1871. STATIONS New York Jersey City .Snmuchatina Great Bend.. Binghamton. Waverly Elmira Corning.:... Painted Post. Rochester.. Horne Ductile. Buffalo,. Niagara Fall" Susp . nolon Bridge " Clifton Dunkirk Cleveland Cincinnati HENRY STULEX H. S. CLASH. ADDITIONAL LOCAZ n:ne 1.111.. eXcept kundityx, from Owego. Stoop:Dß at Tioea.s:27 Smithboro 5:55. Barton 6:12. Waverly 7:00 Chemting 7:30. Wellsburg 8:05. Elmira 9:25. Big Flat+ 10:20. Corning 11:50. , Painted Post 11.48, Addison 1:00 p.m.. 11.4thboneville 1:33. Cameron Mills 2:05. Cameron 2:28. Adrian 3:27, Canisteer 4:05. arriving at Bornellisville at 4:23 p.m, 5:00 a.m.. eteept S itidaya. from Snsunehanna. Stopping at Great Bend :21. Kirkwood 5;40, Bing haniton 6:15. trooper 6: 2 rninn 6:33. Catnpville 0:52. Owego 7:14, Tines . 30. Smlthhnro 7:50. Bar. ton 8:00. Waverly 8:20. L hemung 8:35. Wellsburg 8:48. Southport 9:02. El ies 9:15. , -Big Flats 9:40,- Corning 10:00. Painted Posit 10:i:8. : Addison 10:32, Ratbboneville 10:51. Cameron Mills'll :04. Cameron 11:15. Adrin 11:37. Canistep 11:55, and arriving at finvnellaville at 12:03 p.m. 6:50 a m... daily, from Sipopiebanna. . Stopping at Great Bend 7:15. R:rkwor 1.7:110, Binghamtnn 8:03, Rnnper 18:20. rnion IS: 7 Campville 18:45. Owego 9:14. Tines r9:27. Smi bboro 119:40. Barton 1'9:47. Waverly 10:20. Cbemnn P10:=. Wellsburg 10:50, Elmira 11:20. Big Fiat.' 1:19. Corning 12:20 p.m., Pointed Post P12:24. Ad liaon 12:53. ltathboneville P1:07, carneron Mills i11:12. Cameron 1:32, Adrian 11:55. Caniatton 2:08. an. arriving at iiiontellsvillo at 2:20 p.m. ' I= 1:00 p tn.. exocnt Stopping at Groat Dend harnton 3:40. tlooper 4 5:05. and arritina , at Ow 1:13 p m.. exeept Run at Big Flats 1:39. Corn( and thence. via Aron. to 2:30 p.m.. except 14, Ftopoing at Hooper 2:45 Owego 3:37. Tines 3:53. Waverly 4:40. CheIIIIITIii port 5:28, arriving at El Cincinnati LCATIEr Clev slam • Dunkirk Clifton Rusp'nsion Bridge '• Niagara Fes. " Britrain Bornelissille Rochester ;Corginr, .Elmira Waverly - Diego Binghamton..... " Great 8end,..... " SuSquehantut • ..• " Port Jervis Arrive _ Middletown Goshen 'ewburgh Paterson • " Newark Jersey City :igar York 5:00 a.m.. except S. Stopping atCaniateo 5:21 Cameron Mills 7:01. I 8:25. Painted Post traS 10:42. Elmira 12:40 p.m. 1:20, Cher:stung 1:55, Smithborc. 9:42, hogs 4 at 4:91 p.m. 6:55 • m., dally, Cry= Cimisteo 713. Adrian - troneville 8:42, Addison ning 10:15 B:g Fl.ts Southport 12:23. Wells Waverly 1:50. Barton 2 3:05. Owego 3:40. Camp hamton 5:0, Kirkwood, arriving at Susquehan 7:00 am.. except Sim "at Campville 7:45. Erato , hamton 9:40. Kirkwood' arriving at Susquehann , 7:50 a rm. except Sun at Southport 7:54. Well, !Waverly 8:43, Barton 91 '9:28. 0. 9:45. iornellirrille. Stopping at :33. • ameron 8:09. Rath •:oB. Painted Post 9:57, Cor -10:52. Elmira 12:20 p m., urg 12:52. Cbemung 1:19, 25, Smabboro 2:40. Tiogs ille 4:15. Union 4:48. Bing -6:22. Great Eend 6:50, and at 7:30 p.m. aye, from Owego. Stopping 8:28, Hooper 8:40. Bing -110:30. Great Bend 11:15, and f in at 11:55 a.ra. 1 ym , from Elmira. Stopping \idnirg 8:10, Chen:lung 8:26. 403; smtbboro 9:13, Ting" .prego _ _ peal& 10:93, Union 10:11.. ;Hooper 10:27 .. and arrif Mg at Binghamton& at 10:73 if.m. 1:58 p.m., except S ladiys. from Painted Poet. Stopping at Corning 2: 5, Big Flais 2:2% and arriv. i n. ing at Elmira at 2:40 p. 2:10 p.m. except Sundays. from Hornellscile, Stopping at Cantata° 1:21, Adrian 2:40. Cameron '3:05. Cameron Mills 9:15, llathboneyllie 3:30. Addi son 3:50, Painted Post 4:17. Corning 4:25, Big flats 4:47 Elmira 5:h3, Southport 5:26 Wellsburg 5:42. Chm rating 6:57. Waverly 6522. Tiogs 7:05. Owego 7:25, Cstriprille'7:4s. Union :05, Hooper 6:12. Bingham. ton 8:35. Kirkwood 8:5 . Great Bend 9:17, and ar. iiclina; it Suarpacharms at 9:37 p.m. 2EMI=I REM • • ...Waa1441.012....1 6 at I r• leaves Tqwaada t 10: Athens. T. 50 ; Wa. REE 2 OE3 CM 9 30 7 45 D 430 gm I B!!! 11 40 8 8.53 12 00 12 48 12 53 1 GO 2 22 7 00 coo IM3 .adapt. from Anwirielmans. :SO. Kirkwood 2:24. Bloc!. 0, Colon 4:28, Campville • o at 5:40 p.m. ya. from Mears. Stopping 2:00. Punted Pont 2:06, it neralo. arriving at 8:35 pm. Maya. fmm Binehamt n. Union 2:55. Campeille 3:15, m101)001:08, Barton 4:19, :54, Weribtirg s:l2.Bonth tra at 5:30 p m. No. 12. • STATIONS 11E3 9 45 7 25 1 25 1 40 1 45 1 52 2 45 15 4 00 7 35 8 12 I 847 12 110 11 11 o'3 2 52 353 5 40 7 00 33 7 00 A. M. BM ADDITIONAL LOCA ndays from Hornellsii , Adrian 5:48, CatneronG:so, tbboneville 7:30 Addlnn , Coming 10:00, Ma PIMA Southport 12:45. Wellsburg averly 2:42, Barton 3:20, :10, and arriving at Owego • pans. t Mondays czeeptod Port Jervis. ' • . t Strip Entidzyz only. betwt , n_n Horneilsvirm and to 41 points West at the ramie in the • Corupauy's °ince sta-Throwth Tic very Lowest Rates, tor, at the Towanda Depot. It or:zed Agency of the Erit .e lisle of Weateitt Te_ltta This le the only ant Railway Cinxigeny for t rowancts. Pa only ju T3:'keti rurella rag2ZP will, be che . c at. Die Compaira o 15•. - L. D. RUCHED, Chan ensi. MEM= :Jd~ • et. ••:'f r THE UNDZBEIUDIXD. RAVING • tin amid Ss Nan Mei* at 18114_1es d& t. PAT= a 00.01) Infona to vibe to the calms et lloodand ooost7 sal "Utak $l, 11,11rPlip.i rite sokelot gook at Ci,BOCERIES, TM At Oho ,• • SI pm. WM* I bays puobusil floe Cliab; sad Owl eisaSdaa 221 eat I sell at as low lam as tan be mamma Glatt/ism I rim sari° thapabileasplisdidipelt P. K. T. K. 12:15 TM 12035 11:55 6:45 11:15 6:15 11121 605 10:55 5:55 1015 as TEAS, COMM, SUGARS, STARCH. am so land a largo stock of riT.T77•I'mF--nr—lrl-71: e:s7rIFMI $.i(1:,A\.1.1 I keep coadsatly Go limit YORE. HAIM L►SD..DA all kinds of ITESiI. Wadded! elastication or Ow public to oar Coal Bs llama STOCK OF TOBACCO, In quality at galas. Jams 9alW•OslatestaaLses- otry.' gni Tort Cbisikal sad Brown ease. rl!i.T?sr!tyym..Tl!!'rl I WOODEN WARE. PUITTP I "!w!!.'Ire f‘. •.4 7,.jyr.).f.Acoiik SOAP% ke.. to I siltpicr thkAishmitoash pries tar COUNTRY PRODUCE. Farmers. givens a aaTl baton se-113:4 eliewbars. AU perms haskolpOol to the late Ars trtll plow call said staks immediate pornoni. Tcnnuuta, Mich. 12.1 M. M 3. LONG. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOOD, WILLOW, AND non WANE. FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, COR. MAIN AND BRIDGE STS., I desire to call the attention of the public to my assortment of goods. which Is always full and Com plete. and will be sold to my customers at lowest market rates. 'lty wtoek ot EMI TEAS, I T. au T. Y. .... .. 00 .. 530 1 5 451 720 1 551 235 3 171.-- 2521 325 345 4 1.1 427 448 , 5051 525 ' 552 j 001 11 001 11 15 8 15 83i 9 13 1010. 11 00 1 11 BO 12 33 1238 Have been purchased since-the late redticton in the tariff on them, and see offered at prices to cor. respond. 1020' 10 20 B 7 05 B 7 20 11 20 11 20 12 10 12 19 1215' 12 15 12 20, 12 20 12 54 1254 R 55 655 700 700 A. X.l A. Y. Orders by uTall or otherwise wal romve carers and prompt attention. I 05 C 25 7 05 7 10 - 15 720 6 55 Thanking the public for the liberal patronage they hero given me, I wish a continuance of the =XI& QM CASE PAID FOB. COMATEY .PRODECIL NS WESTWARD feb.2Cr7l GOLD STILL COMELNG DOWN 1 GROCERY & PROVISION LINE, COIVELL it MYER'S at prices that cannot fail to satisfy all that they are determined not to be undersold by any one. They have enlarged their Store by building so that they now bare room for the fresh supplies that are dilly received by them. They have coanected a ith their store a Market where they . now keen fresh meats to sell by the quarter or pi ml . ••• a 'al supply a' Ora' corks and Provisions. to which they voidu cell the attention of all cash buyers. Come and cumin our Goods and Prices, before purchasing sun satisfy yourselves. We gnarentee all goods to give entire satiafacticm. We are thankful to our customers for their past liberal patronace sad solicit a continuance' of the same. COWELL h MYER. Dec. 10.1869. CHRISTAIAS! EWE UM2 12E3E3 40 oe T HE UNDERSIGNED leas just re , eeiTed s Large and Taxied amnia:tent of 10 00 .... 10 001 4 10 05 4 1012, 4 1140, 7 3 30 i 10 455 11 535! 12 6 OA, 12 6 - 45 1 72 .7 1 752! 2 R 25 2 32 05 6 12,53 LADIES' lA. ;HES, 2 471 8 6 15... 393, 9 340 9 P. Y. P. of all descriptions. At.lso • selected assortment of GOLD CELLOS, FINE GOLD =mom SEWELR_Y, CLOCKS OF ALL STYLES MOM TOE CHIAN GOLD, SILVER AND STVIL SPECTACLES AIM EYE-GLASSES to St all cases of impaired sight. NEW PATENT 4CCOMP DATING SPECTACLES. By Ods patent I ant enabled to exchange Madames at say tine without extra charge. Call and see. CLOCKS. WATCHES AND JEWEL= REPAIRED AND VAMEASTLD. Towanda, Dee. 8,1871 P.( = .-471-..0. , ...1g....t0 t - . • —. eZlllAg= Z -U 1 =:121. -g,aga : M wlth.tta2. = 1::: A -- a 4 2. .v. a a " 811Sio v • •-, .., Q• a .-q , c ,' g e tifEll . v e „I . 2 . g 0 12 isg.e-4e6 4 - t 4 2 4 tMal,i6 W . E-4 A . ZU=VSgr E v. 104 1 01:1174r - g 43.1. 2 40.2-.-...,=.18 ....1. i :.. . Q x 43 1 ,121t4t31. z , 7-4-z t' , ... 1 .”....:2 'l4 gstfeVilaq "i' *°l 1e: .441 r 4u . y...1:m6y-A.E. _ c o IN. ..... 2 11.1 "....22.- .1 ;7 1 4 • 1t0.411115 0 I MidßAFAill . wx. B. BAUR. Gan Pharr Aft IL 8 PATCH, . RIM. la. C. B. PATCH. C. B. PATCH. No: 1 PATTON'S BLOCK. TOWANDA, COr'iriES, ♦iD SPICES. Y. J. LONG JarD ZVEBT TILING IX Tint are now being offered at NEW YEARS ! HOLIDAY GOODS, donksung of AMER ICAN WATCUES ':. - SWISS WATCHES, all new EST TO THE BEST .11:TLES littGUn.l2i =ME MAW* i .• HENRY FRANKS, (Succonno to RIM= Mum) MERCHANT TAILOR. • No. 1. Griffith & Potton's Illocki Bridge Street, To wanda. AL good sesortosent otiOlothe. Posting" and Onionneess. opeotantly on hand. Goode made i ' to order la the best manner. doe-701.-Iy. f I e. E uREKA! EUREKA 1 Everybody has discovered that liv:13romaoocoloolk(M:011MDI .1 Rosenfield Sp Wolff *as door south of roils Meru-nes) to THE PLACE FOR BARGAFNE. They now hare a viat etore fail of the /;A Of: s kl • tit WM:4 • tAIN , •• • 4Lli fI.SZ`VAIT f EC, I HEN AND BOYS'. CLOTHING To be found outside the ultlcs. Their goods are FINE ENOUGH, TO SUIT ANY TASTE, map CHEAP ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE ANY PIME DON'T BE DECEIVED I ...Neves leave an old friend for a Isew-one Remember that ItOSEiFIELD k WOLF? ar permanently located here. and can offer greater in ducements to purchasers than, any Iqther honed in town. It le the interest of gentlemen in this section to come and bring - all their boys. and give their goods ad esamination. Consider the fact that you can buy at ROSEN. FIELD & wours. beautiful and substantial Cloth ing for a mere song. . ) ,e• ROSFSFIELD Sr, lOLFE August 23, 1871. • IMPORTANT - TO ALL WHO T4LCT TIIELA SIGHT! The sight of the aged assisted. the Iceak strengthen ed and the perfect preeerved. PHILADELPHIA OPTICAL INSTITVTE, For the resaufakuring dr the CONCAVE CONTES. CIifSTAL =MS. LONDON SXOIXD 1-ND TOT= OLE; TOZ WEAL WI LS ' "Immo me. • The Concave Convex Crystal Spectacles, made by the above institute are now a long time before the , public, and the rapid and increased demand for them combined with the universal acknowledgment of their clearness in vision and ease to the eye, shows plainly. that they are superior to tiny Other glasses in the market. The majority of Spectacles, (mostly impaited) and no matter how fine the frames, contain br spoor and worthless article of glasses, (general] twat pr pressed;) they are made to be sold only, , e without any calculation respecting benefit to the eye, and therefore the great complaint of poor and weak sight. Thowaands are nsing glsafeknow which tire and fatigue the eye. where the objects get dim after short usage. or require an Intensely strong.* light and therefore destroying the sight, which, were they properly suited, would be preserved a life time. The advantages claimed for the Concave Convex Crystal Glasses are the following : The Lenses are ground of the best material, pure and bard. and made only for optical purposes, they are therefore not liable to geracratched or dim,- They Confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vision not found in any other glass, They canto used equally well by day or candle light without tiring or fatiguing the eyek Thef are ground mathematically true In the con cave convex mirror, according to the philosophy of nature, and shape of cornea of the eye, therefore assisting nature only instead of forcing It. . That the lenses are centered correct into the frames. They can be used longer than any other glee/we without changing to a higher power. - The frames are made strong and durable by expe rienced workmen and warranted to give satisfaction. W2l. A. CHAMDEBLIN„ Dealer In Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware. Towan da. Pa.. has the sole Agency for these glasses in Bradford county. Fo Pedlers employed. July 12, 1870-tf TCIWANDA STEAM F LOURING MILLS ! W. H. FULLER a; CO., Respectfully infordthe publ!c that• bsving rebnia on the site of the old mill, withal! modern improve. ments, they are now propired to do CUSTOM GRINDING In the best possible manner and. on the shortest notice. Ifo pains wilt be slaved to gate satisfaction. Farmers doing business in town can bring their grain and hare, it ground the same thy to take back. FLOUR. RUCRWREAT FLOUR, FEED lc MEAL, By the car load or in quantities to suit purr-Misers GROUND CATITGA PLASTER ♦T $6 PER TON An kinds of grain taken In oscliangepr Valdez Cash paid for all kind. V grain Towanda. 181.1 MISS & J. liINGSLEY, Wishes to inform the ladle/ of Towanda, and vicinity that she keeps constantly on hand' a large supply of MILLINERY Goods. suitable to the season. Thanking her pat rons for their liberal patronage heretofore, she as sures them that no exertions will be spared to en sure a continuance of the same. Elbe also has a fine selection of HAIR AND FANCY GOODS, Such ea T►id Gloves, Linen eollara, Cuffs, Handlcerchigfs. Beal Laces, Corsets, I have also reopened. in connection with the above my DRESS MALMO establishment. and I inn now prepared to do • 1 ' t an* t In the Weil fashionable stiles an short notice. Eatratice next door to Fox & Iltrour% uP stain. April 4 IL IjOTICE.In consequence of the death of Charles G. Kellum, late of the firm of Kellum k llinllnck. It beconum necessary that all outstanding accounts of the Arm of Kellum k luck due the 30th. de/ of September, 1871. must be paid by March 1, 1872. or costs will me made, though the bualness will be continued under the old firm name meal farther nohos. - The books are at the market ready for settlement. Jan. 31.12. lm. - KELLUM k IiTSLLOCK. r:y a rfy.v... .._l.r.. OrMitt* P;OVW01111. I SWIM AID mmixot emir. . • • sans coaassi aims ais mar ensais. - =I MI GROORIUES AND PROVISIONS, Wilke' will be wad at lb. lowest pewit& prices., CODFISH, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MODERN STONE WARE, FLOUR; FEEL), MEAL,, azo. Bring as your produce. which we par cash for. A. °mutant supply of Ashton Salt, all aired Marna. Butter MMus. Tube, to. Please call and look through our .toes, and we will do our best to pious you. W. A. . #OCKWELL. Towanda. April 28, 1859. GROCERY AND PROVISION McCABE k. EDWARDS, FAMILY.GROCtAIES 4EOtUtl3 NEW DLOCXO TOWANDA. PA. - . We do not dee= It necessary to enumerate all the &tempt articles ire keep. Our assortment to FIR - ST CLASS GOODS. Caah paid foe Partners Produce. JAMES "AIcCABE, March 1. 180. W.M. EDWARDS. FME.RCUR are now receiv ing a fresh stock of Goods in their line. bought since the Ist January. to which they invite the at tention of their friends. We keep the largest stock in town. Our goods are •Ireali and desirable. We sell at lowest market prices. Jan. 19. 1871. . , FRESH.AND NEC TEAS, bought gime the recent decline in price. and Felling cheap at retail. FOX k SIEECT:II.. Jan. 19. urn. & MERCUR are seiiiilg Gro cerles at retail. Jan. 19, 1671. "PDX MERCtR are selling New 1 and Fresb Gonda. I Jan, 19, ISII. VOX & lIIERCUR ceries cheap. 2211..1'4 UM. Fox Sc MERCUR are sellingfirst clam goods ouly. Jan. 19, IR7I. • - pox MERCUR are selling 1_ cheaper than ever. Jan. 19. 1871'n— Elrustßhit that we nze A..V Goods at RETAIL! 4fld that ire won't be nndersol.l. :an. 19.1871. FOX d: ILERCIM. ATICIIIGAN FINE—CUT TORIC 14`0.—Tery cho!c—at Jan. 19, ICiL FOX & )11ERCUR do not deal in 81103,1 y Goods. Jan. 19, 1871,. OUR CUSTOMERS ean •rtily upon getting the very beat the elutet affords and at lowest prices. E. T,. FOX, - Towanda, Jan. 19.'71. HENRY lIEUCriI. - Pt EIIEIBER THAT FOX & BIER AN CM are retaging all hinds of Ort , c....rien at Wholesaterriers. The largest stock in town. Goods brat class.. Prices lux. E.'.. FOX. Kept. 29,'70. ..ENRYX mEnern. THE BEST KERO 'ENE OIL IN 1 town by the quantity or retail at , FOX & Irnnenn.s. RIRERY AN'D DINING ROOM BREAD, PIES, CAKE,CRACRI:RS, In our DINING ROOMS we Will accommodate the public with either a livrAti or a good meal at all times of th day-and evening. OYSTERS AND ICE CREASE ON HAND DUEL% TEEM SEASON. Also $ Ana assortment of Groceries, Confectionery, Fruits. :Cuts. &c. rnayl9' CENTRAL MARKET. The snbscribeis continue to keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment of every thing pertaining to their business. consisting main ly - BERP, PORK, FRESH AND SALT - SUGAR CUBED /lAMB, MUrro C. BEEF. - VEAL. &LINAGE. LARD. BOLOGNA, DRIED BEEF. TALLOW. &c.. &c. Ala% I S S. FRESH FROM THE LAKES. OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY In their season. . • Parties wishing Oysters in large or small quanti ties will be furnished on short' notice, at the old stand, CVCTIIAL Minim, liontanye's Block, first door north of Dr. Porters. Crus. Gllstaxar. KELLIIII-h MULLOCK. num. Kcitioct. Feb. 24, 1870-U 0. F. lIASON. W. 11. FULLER &c. &c. knew sad sasaddale do* at 31.W:im:011 HEILRING, • PORE, IdIITTON, HAM, YANKEE NOTIONS, DAIRYMEN, STOKE. Who Janie and Detail Dealers Us AND PROVISION, ALWAYS COMPLETE. w. sell nothing but FOY & 31ERCUTCS -1-_- First block north of Ward. Mouse DARED DAIL Y,, sold at Wholesale and Retail D. W. SCOTT lz CO TEE BEST AND CHOICEST SJ!OKING •,..TOP.ACCO . , IS 3LANUTACTURED AT • F.A.OTORY NO. 1., 3D DISTRICT 07 lIAIIILAND. sr See that Every Dr.clago you buy bears that Inssaiption. Dee. 11.187 t. HOUSES AND. LOTS IN TOWANDA BOROUGH FOR. BALE--Situated on Poplar Street above Western Avenue. These homier are now being built and will be : completed on /kunst Ist. Good well cistern, and cellar with ear h honer , . Tee further particulars address or en quire of ' (June2ail-tfl W.,ER AILHALL. At Bed, White, and Blue Store, Towanda, Pa. Crockay ancl Gliims% strppum IDE THE 3213.A.zazi Trit.A.D333 WICKHAM & BLACK'S. CROMMIY. 081 CHINA, GLASSWARE. 6'i~ 1f~?~ 1 aLs'li ti ~ SILVER PLATED WARE, FRUIT JARS —Toirands. Aug. Dtl.'7l FtRNI,TURE. NEW .NEW GOODS !.. We are now °Err:l;g at Cl= Wholesale and, Betas FURNITURE E3IP9RIUAI, -t-11 NO. 107 31.11,1;9 ra The gmatest irkteenn.nta to tho!o in . want of FIRST - .CUSS FURNITURE! Evcr ofered in this market. The attention or the public I. especially culled to our recent boav purchases from the late Groat Auc tion Sales of • • CHAMBER AND PARLOR P'lo-RNITITRMI Wo are now offering WALNUT ABLE TOP SETS AT $73 00. And NICE PARLOR SETS, At $5O 00, Together with or Compl6te Stock of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CHAIRS TABLES, STANDS, SPRECCr- BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKTNG-GLASSES, Ana la fact everything to be found in a Etret-quart Furniture Store, CHF.APEE. THAN TUE 'CIML£E:67 P EMEMBEIt THAT WE ARE 7.;0W MAN FAG L nut= and do offer goods' t,f our own wow facture elvaper than you -'ean buy cite-mwle goods elsewhere. Lurdtier teen is ezchang,e for goods. EZIMEMZI StETILIC ISCLI kL CASES; AND corrms eery devrij.toon. iscram.. ROBES, CAPS. he., And we aloo have the I'INESTMEARSD Ce,oas ,!..1".i . cr,1 to the Deput froC. of JAMES 0. FROST k SONS. Towr.nda. Jail. 11. 1871 G REAT It liRGAINS IN BOOTS (f?z SHOES .1. Boor 8110 E STORE, Thy ung:rn+Lrue3 mcfc•cazg a hro ana iecird et...1cl of 7300 T S STYMIES AND FILL TRADE, Whir we'olrer low for Cwh. 'Cow.'sting of GENTS, AND CHILDREN' S WEAR. SEOED AND PEGGED BOOTS REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND READY WREN. PROMSED Tbatikfta for past rayon., we -solicit a continaszca .of the sartio. SLUM, WOODFOILD. GLIZMILT Y. CI,JOLX Towanda. April 5. 18G9. D T() RENT, W. DITYRICHPS MUSIC STORE. ONE HUNDRED FIDSDCLASS PIANOS, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY IIELODEONS TWO IftiNDRED CAIITNET AND CHURCH ORONAS, Firs Hundred Violins, Clarionets, Flutes. 'Banjos, Guitars, Concertinas, Accordeons. Strings for all String Instruments. - - Drums, Bones. etc. SHEET 3ILSIC ND INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR EVFICT INSTRUMMT. • PI.A_NO;S• From the only first.-lase makers In Hie United States. as F. C. Lighte k Co.. Decker Erse., Stine way, Weber. New York; Hallett and t Mamma Boston; Mathewsbek. New Haven Ct.; C. Meyer, Philadelphia. and Knabe in Baltimore. Melodeon, from B. Sboniuger, New Haven. CL; Peloubct. Pelton k Co.. New York. Omani, the celebrated Golden Heed American Organ. and the Burdett Combination Oman. One door east of Slercor's Bank. the Only store of the kind In Towanda. mar,29":l Ni..;HOR LINE STEA3IIi RS. Sall every Wednesday and Saturday. :to and NEW YORE AND GLASOOW. M a ni: at Londerry to laud tails and Ps/runners. The _Steamers of Shia • favonte line are built ex pressly or the Atlantic Passenger Trade, and titled np i.. every respect with. all the modern • Unprove n/eats calculated to Insure the scs'ety, comfort, and convenience of persecutors. Passage Rates Payable In Currency. to GLASSGOW. LLAERPOOL and LONDONDERRY. FIRST CABIN. 863 and $73, according to location. CABIN RETURN TICKETS, $l3O. securing best sc. commodatiotua INTEII3IEDLaTE. S-Td. 8T .Elt- AGE. 1198. • Thula% rending - far their friends In the 01.10on\ridi try can purchase tickets at - reriu• rd rates. For fut. ther ,mrtieulars apply to UM:DEMON BROTHERS. Bawling Green. N. Y. or to S. C. ]LEANS. Central Express Office. Towanda, Pa. ' 3mortlS*7l. cO-PAItTI'ER-ItlP:—The ntider afgued hare this dis forined a co-partnership under the firm name of Humphrey !tracy, for the purpose of manufacturing and jobbing boon.. Shore an Leather. The busii.e.2 will be carried ou at our new rictory and salesroom. corner main and Elizabeth Sl:tete, Towanda. Pa. IRA B. turstvitnEt • - C. D. H U3IPSHEY. CIIABLE.f3 L. TRACT. jant'72ll 3 AT . Fall lines noir open. Prom U. dr. Co.. --Yalu* New sad beautiful patterns. A complete assoltment, From k Brother The best kind in market. Paniture. ROSEWOOD CASE ETS, In this section or country. Bzots mvi Shtoz. ITEM end o Want SHOES Suitable for the LADIM, MISSES, WADE TO or.atut Drugs tuth Modicinori. DR IL o PORTER, SON a: CO., El= OLD . 'CASH STORE, reign Coma sad Piot Undo, Tcriniads:PL. umrsoentilt ake•iturgai to thair OA*. ftn and compliite ameirtment, dattilltuting ea inimmitie gat MOT, embracing many 'Metes used ln_tbe Arts Ow Purlimirli. direfully selected with la the prognimide wants of the public, which-110 be 11=sdcantantlY inrylied with fresh purchased, and an the mixt reironable terms at Wholimale or Mat 4 damisting of • DRUGS, Miancma, Cniczaus, , azga. ffnastaxial. ALCOHOL AND TunpENTmE, j . usu. PAM. 'CLAM= WHITZ-WASI7, And all kinds of Mahe*. ' KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, LAMPS. SHADES. WICKS. C4IISLNEFB. Sperm. Lard.' Whale. Naga Foot. TANNER'S AND MACHINE OILS, Fancy sad Toilet ArtWerth •C their variety. SPONGES. Swam. SOAPS. coxes. PonOldie. Ssir•Dyea. Pertaroary. POCKETBOOKS, PORT MONAIS, - rocket Knives. Won, MOTH. KM- AND JUIB PREPARATANEI, PVUE WINES A:ID LIQUORS, ix!!l'r~ . TOBACCO, Slirf7, PUNS . A ...ND CIG AR; Garden. Mall and Volum Seeds, Trusses. Sup , porters. Suspensories. Shoulder Braces. Breast Pumps. Teething Rings, Nursing Bottles. Nipples. Nipple Shells and Welds, Nyringee, _ Bud Pans, Self-Sealing Fruit Jars. Ther- trlOiDetern, FlstortnQ Fstracb.Stone Jags, Glass Ware. Battles, Wats, Ciotti, Bath Brick.. and Stare Blacking. Flab Tackle. Am munition. kc.. Botanic. Er.ladle' and Ilimmtrpaiti. In Medicates. and an the poptitar.Yatest • • M E D.I C I'N ES. yII aritcles warranted as represented.. Persona at • distance can receive their orders by p age or mall, which will receive prompt atiitcureful attention. . ' . Medical advice given gratuitously •at the office. charging only for medicine. W Thanktal for past liberal patronage. would i es pectfully announce to.their friends and the pnblic.that no reins shall be gparod to aatisfy and meritthe con tinuation of their confidence and patronage. sir Open Sundays for prescriptions from 9 to 10 a.m.. and 12 1. and sto 6.pc. rrt. • - IL C. POItTE.I4 sox & co_ . July 1. 1970.—yg.. TAYLOR'S CELY.,I . 3RATED OIL! The Graatitiieumatic Remedy should be kept and used by every Farmer that keeps either Cattle or Mosses. every Teamster and Livery Stable Keep every Physician and Horse Farier for it will many times cute pain and lameness when all other medi cines- have - bided. Miners and Railroad Men should certainly keep it, for' it is nut - nrpassed for brtuteli and sprains. B acksmiths should- keep, it for their own use and for their customers tender footed horses. se nothing equals it for t oader feet. Every body suffering from .pain and lameness of any_ kind, burns, cuts. wounds or any eruption of the akin. Curtis. Chilblains or any disease requiring an outward application should certainly keep this cele brated medicine. F.rery bottle warranted to give satistaction. For sale by Dr. H. C. Porter Son & Co. Porter k Kirby and F. W. Brown Druggists. Towanda Pa. 'And by every Druggist . and ,dealer in ;Brad ford and adpitnin,crcounties. . Johnston II Aloway and Cowden, wholeitale Patent Medicine Depot, No. Ca; Arch street PhiladePlhit,Pa., Wholesale Agents. H. BROWNIG TAYLOR, Jr.dyl9": o -tf . Proprietor, LeMayscille, Pa., RHEITMATIS3IL-NEURALGIA. $7OO WILL BE PM? to any permit producing any 7dedicine showing half as many -living, 'permanent cures as Dr. FrrErtes TCOSTAIII.E' RITEMIATIC REIWZDT. Vilect. inwardly only. A 'pleasant Medicine, free from injurious drugs. Warranted, under oath, to have permanente ly cured 93 In every 100 patients treated in the pod ten years. (See testimony!. It is the Pcientific pre scription of Prot: Jos. P. Fitlcr, 31. D., a graduate of the Cniversity of Pennsylvania. A. D.. 1833, —now one of Philadelphia's oldest regular physicians.. and Professor of. Chemistry and Toxicology,--ewno has made ICentilgia, Chronic and Intiamatory Itherimq- Ban the specialty of his entire professional lite—a fact vouched for by the signatures accomfarcving t each bottle. and other testimonials of many-promi nent renowned physicians and clergymen. TO pro ! ! tem sufferers from poisonous quack nostrums and useless expenditure of money. a legal awned guar antee. stating exact number of bottles warranted to cure, will be forwarded gratis to. any Pilferer send ! trig by letter a fait description of &friction. - In case ' of failure to mire, amount paid positively refunded. Medicine sent anywhere bysexpress. collect on de . livery. Afflicted invited to write for advice; 'all in- I formation and Medical advice sent by letter gratis, Address Dr: J. P. ITTLER. 29 South Fourth 'street,- . philadelphlit. Pa. , The Remedy is sold or obtained by Dimmeisti, l For sale by POI:TT:P. k Elalll7, Druggists, ller -cur's Block. Towanild. 1. a. . : • ... , TOWANDA Irby WorZks. GEO. :4IcCA - BE S6N jnot, rectilwd t 146 la:gest aortm,•ut of , AMERICA AND ITALIAN R .E 1 Ever rahibited In thin to which' they traVite the attention of the pubiio Tbey keep otttan ! cr tarnish to order MONtMENTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES, .4., of every slyle, AT THE LOWEST TERMS. Persona imvant of anything In oar line aro re arectfully incited tacall and examine our stock. 3IcCABE & SON Towanda, May 1, Is7l. 8. -. PETTES S: CO., Rave now oaband a Lcx atock of FALL AND WINTEL GOODS In great variety, such as DRY, GOODS. -MILLINERY, FANCY. GOODS AND NOTIONS, I .I:LVETS NILTETEENS, WATERPIZOOFS, AND SI! t1V1.44 ;:wy 'll et LOW FLIST II .111 1:T PRICE, th - - MAIN STIEET, Towv , tl)t. FA LARE TROUT, Fotne very ,rice oaew, at a very tow pre. by June 19, nuct-r, • linminer NATion LrFE msuAl!Lixei Co. OF U.B. A. Claur CAPITAL. $1.009.090 wan stru. • Chutem )37 Cowles; VW& CLUIVENCE FL. CLARE. President ; . JAY COOKE. Chatrutan Pinups sad Ps. Cam. DUEY D. COOKE. Vice President ; • - EXERSON -IV, PEET. Becretar7 and Arty The aslvaatoges of the liatiotial leta ors I. Itla 'National Company, charteredb 2. It has a pall ap "pita lof One Da y con lian & It offers low rates of prerninma ; 4. Itsties larger Insurance than *the? fee the same money ; Cos 5. It is definite and certain ; • • 6. Th ere ig ne-posaity or misr epresentru oz 1) agents. or misunderstanding by pocy,t c :,,,,, T. Th e policies sre plain contracts. so noleb molar so much maul B. All pollees are non-torfeiting.p. O. The policies Are exempt' rem aitacMnret. w. CLARK CO., Bankers, D. R. RCMP:L . I., liazsgrr C. =scum k G.-XLSGX, Cpl. Agents for Towanda and - ;ricfr4tl Jai.9.11W9. G CCMIDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE compASi, Vin• 25 BROAD AT. NEW von": Pouctr-e tv ror.e% Aserts. 0ver..:... Iscoxr.. over Lours PLEB ... ' 'All approved forma of Polleira tgxupd. Liberal modes far payment - of . I , u:trauma Policies iionsforfeitable by film arms. The entire profits. of the Comp any st.r.,:e.lei ably among the insured. ANNUAL DIVIDENDS • WALTON' IL PECKIIASf. Pr.t.stnExt, • WU:JAM T. MOORED., %%cr.. l'kEthr.rr Ltcrcs *apex& grc r AND Itr.aras^ PRILADELPII IA ItLIT.P.ENCL3 . : JAY Coos":Bankerr, Damn. 4: Bi:uktris. JOlllll WOODIODZ di CO.. Tea Iter , bant.. - B.' A. Uncer.n. Premt. Farmers' lltthay.e.' Eta T. B. Prrxr.sox, • ' i1y12.7C-tf Pt 'CAMP & NOBLE'S In - sui 4 A g e=n c 3•. FIItE. LIFE, .k.ND ICCII)ENT INSLTANCE Policies wrtten as.d lusrYe Fett:cd,z.t We a7 , - . 4, Insure agnir2,4 clan:v.e To buildiag,s ati.l contetta cr :/re OFFICE ON MAIN STREET, ervo:+ita Court -Ilato,e, fcb ) 72 Booko atd D IARIES Frm 1572. k ENTELOPts NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOORS, PpS, 71./DSIC, ST,ITIOI'4ItY AND - ' BLANK BOOKS, YANKEE NOTIONS Towards, Nor. 19: Ive.s, 800K -BINDERY.-1H.1: prE Ih• tg regteceally iteortar,l that the .I‘r,rk•T.:• 6ry hag been roinoved to the -P,porter" third story, where w:11 be Inue • BOOS-131.11* DING fa ail It.B varlene brar.cbce. ontllrreo a: :•the times" T1ie..1.1111.1-ry 1, t: the charge of An experienced Binder, and all wnrk will be pron:rf. done in a style and manner which cannot be carer•-;. Mnsie. 310.nozines, liennapere.Old 80010. kc..l.4;aut:. in every variety of style. Particular attennon paid to the Ruling and Binding. of To any deaired pattern. which in quality' and din' bo warranted. AU work will be ready for debvery when promised The patronage of .the &bile is so:i.•ited. and yes feet sattaisetion guaranteed: Towanda. Annnet TOWANDA. AGRICULTURAL • Thn superinteadent of this .61101 , >a r. ^ W Offt 7, N Some of tho beet LIIM'BER WAGONS, COVERED AND OPEC BUGGIT.S. ever offered in this market. It. , t fe;t4l,\l SOAK AND HICKORY TLIFBER used, and all work made by the nl,),t L'St wor.EN:r.s I=3E9 PATEVT RUSS] A 130..V - ' SEATS. very light, and so durable that even tan' lac Ezt little to do toward{ their decay. • Please examine. our work before purcr.l!•rg." where. Itepairtn # done-on short uotwe. 11.-C.Nznern Prost. O. W. viNceSr. • - Tows,dairu'y 20. isTo. T . E. BOLLES 4: CO , • . Commission Merchants, It.cpectrully 0,01;,:t1 cct,i.!nr , rt . c LtrrER:T.GiiS, rc.,rar.7 Anil all other Farts One t 4 the firm 'baring r,Fided ft!...ran!or.t.:lr the past - ten years. and havitn; an, arqurat, mice with the buriness rn.-11 of. the clty, 're f,cl o'r • Citent that we can r.,11 produce. Iv the at' faction of cou,ignoni, - L. S. C111713131;k7K. A. G. FRISBLE. LiALLMIN 3 F.LACK3LAN. - GORE:OI'x C.%:.•D Lettaysville. Va. • . . . S. .a. ALANNEYO. War' him. Pa. :' 11. J. CEIL'II.I3IXS., J. .g..110LJ..E.4. .130.211.7r1 a. soul'. CASEVA INSURANCE AGF,NCY, TROT. PA. EIRE. LIFE and ACCIDEN f :SST in nn'ot-elassfeomplub•s. - Also Land Sura,..w,z iN'n'reYabring. Twenty . itevou war* Ordera 'by mail promptly attenalt-31 10 . 11. A. MIE=M COAL AT_ WF_ILC•SIMG The ianderFure , l :Vivo on Lantl, an.l keep a atipply of Sullivan Antbra.,te. l'arcLiy. hard Anthracite Coal of the variun , slz4. Sept. 23. 1871. G. WEI.LES VERY CHOICE GREEN. AN Back Ten Atllcug cheni , at. VOX & retail by General Agent'. *La 2,u.; ; 50.1 d. - A. RECORD, &v.:lA:Towanda. Girs-;Er.A.L LIGHTNING, T. B. CA3fr J. NOBLE. IL C. WEITASER BLANK BOOKS WORKS STILL ALICE! PLITFO33I WAGO'S3,,, ENUI.U. ruoDucl: SCRANTON, PA., 1