litadforditgort6 El Towanda, Thursday, February 291872. LOCAL AND GENERAL.' -in- The Iteptiblicans of Elmira have 4 ro•nominated Mayor FLOOD. - pie , C. T. Hems has purchased the interest of his partner. Mr. Wueosr, in the Gleaner up. We nndeistand that petitions fir a free bridge charter for this place, have I.i en very generally signed through the east. • tir Only one train a day on the Sullivan & Erie non. Leaves this place at 8 and re arriv a here at 4 r. at. t er An . .ttteresting and acceptable letter from Ekie was received too late for pobli cation this week.- It aball appear in our next BEE ~ J. 0. FIIOST & SONS have pnr chaFed a handsome pair of matched horses. a Loeb are pronounced by judges of horse flesh to be the best-team in this section. • - tom. CLARK B. PORTER has purchas ed the store in the' south end of the 'Ward House, now occupied by 8. Wool:worm, and will t it up for a Drug-Store. : - Commission's for newly elect ed Ju..tices have been received by Prothonotary Thomas, and are ready for del.vety to those en titled to them. lam. Messrs , . Antes & EvErtErr, of this place, have the ageney fortho life of Jaw. jr. The book is in pamphlet form,- and s :is for 50 cents. Orders by mail will receive proatpt attention. - - n. We print in another column E n teretildlag letter froth Maj. E. W. Ilat.E. The Major, Mr. lal'iliTNG and J. G. PAITON, ap p,ar to be enjoying themselves to the fullest IBM The popOlation of Chestnut Ftr,pt was increased lonO, last Sunday. The nor-eoliner, took up his abodo nt tho hospitable ider4ee of Mr. W. G.- Truck.. - Weight,, eight ounds. "Both doing well," etc. W" . ANZCA E. DICEINSON will deliver r great lecture on "working Men and Don .agognes," in Mercues Hall, this Thursday eruig. This lecture is universally conceded to be the greatest effort of this gifted lecturer. Lobo to see a full house. _ At a meeting of the stock hialers of the Towanda Iron Manufacturing C,cipany, held on Friday afternoon, the capital r.h,ck was increas'ed to ono hundred' thousand (I , llars, and-arrangements maclo by which all the capital required to put the works in run- Lin g order, raised. • rILVNU W:ELLEP., of Athens, Pa., Lilted a spotted adder about the middle of .aintary last, while it was crawling leisurely along upon the top of the snow. His snalieship inzist have been originally acclimated in Esqui- IMMIX latitudes. Dog-days, in this climate, v,,,u1,1 have been scorchers for him. Ho was isn.l.ably on a missionary excursion to our :ohon sneles, now all burrowed up in holes ‘,f Nkiched indolence. PutsoNAL.—Cant. A. J. TROUT, for foreman in tins office, and now engagcd f , ,, Williamsport Standard, paid us a call IP.-• recd• .111. SION,. of the Athena Gb.aner, was in 'Aluinla.!. IL) says the Wenner is a r:nanrut iNititutian in Athens, all reports to th. coatrary',Dotwitlkstandiug. -1. E. vcl.l lcave fur Germany on GM= te- Postmaster General J.l A. J. Unr.swELL, issued a very importan notice on ;Lie iir,t instant. It is earnestly desired that 3:/ all thy name of the county, as well as the p•~st ,- 21Fer:and State, be superscribed upon all letters, circulars, newspapers, and ;other natters to be forwarded by mail. The De partment urgently requests a strict ceinpLance t. 11,1, crder, to facilitate the distribution and : - Ire a - speedy . transmission of thc; heavy n , Low parsing over the different railroads. A. largo number of citizens of un hnd adjoining counties hare been swindled atly by a man calling himself them agents' for an attachment to tauwing machines, and taking their notes there f):. The notes We o afterward disposed of at r. shave, while the article represented as being n. , ,,ttd, is good for nothing. A man who has pn thei notes, was arrested in this rew daysisince, and after a hearing be f..rt J . l,tice Booanr, was held to bail in sl,tCk 1,. r a chat ge of swindling. . > We clip the following from c,r7,on. hcraoctrat: Ilcinnunr..—Cel. E. V. Piollet, of Wy- FOX Station, near Towanda, while on his way I me from Harrisburg, on Wednesday of last stopped with our late townsman, Dr. G. L'. Liedeaman, at his'reanionce in S.Mth in, expecting to go home the next day -on the L. V. IL R. On waking up in the morning, 'to in , utter astonishment, ho found that he was minus his entire snit of clothes, even to his drawers. Upon his giving the alarm, it was !wand that the Doctor had been relieved of tee valuable silverware. The Col. was trial:, a sad predicathent; he had to return to bed until garments large enough to fit him ...LI be procured.". • \. A short series of rneetingti, in direct efforts will lie made for the imme ,;.4te e. , nversion of sinners, will be held in the Cong:egational church, at Leßaysville. De g.unnig on Tuesday, March 5, and continuing Thursday, Friday, and Sunday for- S...rvices at 101 A. 31., aud- CI r. cL ,lay. D. - Porran, whose labors hcce b.,11 so . signally blessed in many places, [roach at each session. Let all Chrtitiaus pra:.f,r a Nntecosta! ont-pOuring of the Holy Si.*l; ; Devote these few days to Christ and to Yotrioften leal'e business fur hy not this once; for eternal eonsidera- I.ct the impenitent secure the salvatfon too lung neglected souls.. Is it not t.cce to:prepare to meet otir Gnd? it The /Peon./ of the W2 , k , :--llarre, thus notices ; our old townsman, I'. fitittatipt, Esq. his many friends in this ‘.otlly will read the item with pie .sure enjoying a skigh ride the wher day. w , -; wed at the green-house of Mr. Daniel Hark; s, and enjoyed a eight of the plants he is Isr , pAring for market. He says that his inv.- are iu excellent condition, and he expects t , put more ef them into market this year than r ttufo:e. He has in carious - Stages; about eco ettannints, and a still larger number of Mr. H. intends to erect larger and bet ' r - 1 1ust.3 tie .1 summer, and will then put !ar,7,•• iminh,:r of rare plants. A great ma:. and trees are sold hero every year, 'cot catzens should give Mr. Harkins the 14,t us encourage every industry to oar tnitiNt.." Ite- The small-pox seems to bo rag:n. 4 in Mthoepany. Tl4o Tunkhaanock Be- SEIM F .r the past week rumors have been afloat c. q:e•-•. - rete4 the prevalence of small-pox in Me -li'"P4tiv, county, and so trequeutiv denied, that a tevennh anxiety has taken hold of the need , sith reference to the truth. We hive talon some pains to look into the credi- L.ntv of the ruator, and feel authoriied to say .that theie are some thirty or more cases of rzaani:oc. more or leas severe in Mehoopany vielutty. Lir. J. W. Dennison, an efficient 1,rx,.:101!“; physician of that place, in taking - the a 1 prte-titha l s against the disease by vacci r_vin,.e, rectlypd vaccine virus, as he had every re.t..n to suppose, genuine and healthy, from to ,, .11:1 . places, Philadelphia and C'incin- Lan. r,clViug the;virus from the latter place thr., , n.h his broth( r. He vaccinated a large !.:amis,r with this virus, and subsequent events . Prov.kl - that he was grossly imposed upon 'me ow. instead of vaccine he had been t l-. .rig-einall pox virus—that received from Chi p:L:l:n proving genuine. Dreadful as the eon seque:lve may be, Dr. Dennison is in no way tr van; of rice censure heaposd upon Lim. lie 4 7.'" ph3aician, highly respected wherever !sn'" , n, and is now doing all in his power to al eviate the pains of the suffering, and prevent.. it o Its tread." 11111 PA, company of ospitillotifoom; posed of I:serintendent B. '41...P Acom Wad others, ha ()leased the Schrader coal mines, sad will co ewe operating them soon. The Schrader (Jemmy fa to-build 'a railroad• tram the mines to intersect the Barclay road near the foot of ithe plane. The vein to be opened is said to'bo the beat bituminous coal yet dis covered. • We have before us the first number op the Ahtruga Chief, published at Owego, N. Non= A. Ihuxtra, editor and proprietor. It is Republican in politics, but op posed to the Coiaamsa sing of the party. It is well fated with local news. While the founder is undoubtedly instigated in the movement by a feeling Which". is sometimes- denominated "soro.beadedness " on account of having been Wasted fo4 nomination to in once by the Re publicans st fall, we wish the enterprise suc cess, but shall be disappointed if it is not a fail tk as holt i tcs seldom achieve much prosperity. COM.P.I43I:EXTAIIi—Rer. IL. RiaiPST spoke in ins pulpit a few Sabbaths since, 'virtue ally as fo1l4w: = " Whenl have been briztging forward the cause of Me church periodicals, it iris my purpose to nay s wore touching your local pa pers, bet it passed my mind. So far, only two of these have come under my observation much; namely, the REPOIITILIt and thia Athens Gleaner. li i have looted these papers over care fully to asabstain their tone and morals, and to judge how taro these papers might be in a reli gions family. I had learned the latter was •not partisan, but that the former was. lam more than pleased with the elevating and inteligent Gannet:try of these papers. • A manly purpose seems to pervade their columns. They do not meet an enemy by what is called " vulgarism." and " broanbetting," but boldly put argument against argument. "Hard argument and soft words," a pears to be their motto. I do .not say this invidiously against other. papers,: but these twobaving come under my notice, I have deemed it ziav privilege to make this honorable mention of t.iiena*" DEATU OF JACOB DEWITT, ESQ.—We were deeply pained to learn on Saturday last. that Jscon DcWrrr of this place, died in Phila delphia, onl Friday. Mr. DcWrrr had been io heal for some time, but his tre•case was of that character that but 'few, and' those his most intimate friends, knew anything of it. About two (weeks since, his mind became so much affected that his friends took him to Philadelphia"for-medical treatment. An exam ination of 1,4 ar 8 care by tho celebrated Dr. Ha- MO ND, of New York, left bat little hope of his ultimate reC'every, but his immediate death was not anticipited. Brain fever set in, which . ter minatectin death after a few days. Mr. DiWirry had been a resident of this place for some twelve years, and had gained for him self the reputation of being an upright, honest man, and had acquired a large- practice at - the bar of tiiisand Wyoming county. He leaves a wife and onk, child to mourn his early demise. .They have the hearty condolence of this entire community;in great affliction. Ems' The Naiad Sociable was a complete success in every particular, and net ted the corepany nearly one M:idled and fifty dollars. The musial entertainment with which the performancb Was, opened, has seldom been equaled in this place. The. performers. were heartily applauded and some of them encored. , The company disiiibutecl a fair portion of their_ profits among the worthy poor of this place, thus making a precedent which might well he followed on similar occasions hereafter. Much crOit is duo the various committees for the very, prompt.,and satisfactory manner in which•thOv performed their duties, • The folloi;ing proceedings were had at a meeting of the Company on Monday, February 23,1.872 : • - Reintreci, That we express our heart-felt gratitude to Mrs. John D. Montanyc, Mrs. Dr. alontanye, Mrs. Branch, Mrs. Henry. Merctir, 91is. Goodwin', Miss Howes, Messrs. il.enrylitu len, Charlea Gladding, A. J. Marsh and Dr. Johnson, fur their highly accomplished vocal and instnaniental entertainment at our late S. ciable ; also; to the Musical Association for the use of IheirSiano. Re:Olred,. That we return nor sir.cere thanks to Mrs. Felton, Mrs. E. L. Woodruff, Mrs. C: IL Allen, and to Misses Peckham, Cash and 'Mien, for arranging our tables, etc.• and to the ladies who so generously furnished thb slipper ; else, to the many friends who so lib,- Fatly gave iue the encouragerhent of tlaeir .pres enee and patronage. C. P. Wi ni.e , foreman. • Wm. F. Dirrnicn, Scey. Se'. A party of railruad and coal men visited the Sullivan m.ues, on Saturday test. The subjoined not:cc of the trip we clip trem the Elmira Daily Actgrrtisfr: •' Tens TO :it'LLINIAN .kND ERIC M.LNES.—On Saturday last a very enjoyable party or gentle men, comprising Superintendent 11. D. V. Pratt, lion. 1i1...e.. Mercur. J. ...Ward, - Esq., lion. Geo. D. Jackson, col. Stevenson, and many more, made au excursion trip over the beauti fully graded Sullivan and Erie Railroad to the Anthracite fields of.SUllivan county, Pa., ope rated by Day. Huddel :.: Sanderson. ' At these ;mines this- enterprising company have built it town called Bernice, containing one hundred double tenement's, in addition to mammoth In eakersi ,sehutes, mills, shops,• and all necessar'y appliances fur carrying on a large coal operatiOn. Ike mines arc being extensive ly developed; new gangways and drifts are ex posing as tine quality of coal as can be found in Pennsylvania. the vein averaging from b to 9 le feet in thickness. Since breakers were eree d the . faclitie4 of the company have been ina 'e quate to tlorders pouring from every quart I': to provide or the demands inure breakers aild pockets are , se.,n to be erected. The coal ha been Very generally introduced into market fur all purposeig_ for domestic use it has become a great tavorne , ,vith the public. These collieries, at no distant day, are des tined to. )ii id a production in excess of any works in this region. The coal ping nearly horizontal, nu water level, is cheaply and eco nomically mined. In being transferred from the mines to 'UM market, it is exempt ,rom the embarrassthent (quite usual an this region) in the way of Nt eep gradients against the trade, switch-backs, inclined planes, etc., a n.l has the advantage of being 50 miles nearer the vast, marhets of the Empire State than any anthra cite. ' We pr( diet a prosperous future for the Sulli van and Erie Company. Success it eminently merits,:and will have while' the far-seeing, in domltable Mercur and irrepressible Sandcr,en shape its destiny." TEACI, #l:'S iiRSOCIATION AT SMlTll rumr..—The Bradford County Teachcrs'Uso elation met in the chapel of the Graded School building, ai East Smithfield, .Fehruary 9, IS 72. President 6. F. Torso, iu, the chair. The dercitional exercises wZre conducted by Res. B. S. Aran. I • After theireadieg of the_mirmtis of precious meeting, the titaness Committee submitted the fallowing : Resolreci,l That the rai irnuue school Corm eliould be six•months. Reso:red:, That attendance at school should be comoulsbrv. Reso!red, that corporal punishment. act a rnsans of sehoolvliscipliee, shbuld be the last r,s-ort. I:e.cdred.F That the compensation of teachers shoal be lasetl tiprmi qualiticatiom4, irrespect ive of sex. Reso,tre,/,! That every teacber should take and red,/ at least one edneational.periodical. :- , -liesolre(4 That the .Directors of Smithfie!d township are worthy Aid commendation. in es tablishing 4. Gradca t•fellool, iu the village or tiniithlield,laud that their example ought to be followed by the surrounding districts.- Tim! firstiresolution. was taxen up and 4i4- etiss(...d witlE tune. intereet. Adopted. Prof. C. TA:e Stevensmid Edith Phelps were then appointed ns Committee on..llembe.r -ship. Socond,roolution More, the Asncciation: Ad jourced. AFTERNOON SE,SI , )N. Opened rnnsiai: "Tim alnatasi Soak.' Mr. Franklin Pierce hen faroral iho Assnci: jion with al(ltdamation. Subject Teach• Etscussion of second resolueon now resum ed. With' such debaters as L D. Fuzes., Dr. Underwood, Supt. jiceney, Hon. J. IL Webb, and Iles. B. S. Dean, the discussion could not be otherwise than pithy and spirital. - Ber:'Dela then offered, as an amendment, the followiiag That parents be compelled to gie,e to their children a certain degree of education. • Lost • Dc rektinibt, toe t encrable Dr.' Dailoch made a few rentarlis upon the original resolution, which was then yote , d upon 340 carried. Collection and distribution of question. Adjourned with song, "Only Waiting,-" to meet in the Onngregational clinreli, at Lair past G o'clOck. = Pleasant, church, intelligent audience, •and good spirits. The night being co , very bright and z earri f tioubtlms explains the reason why the son g th6 ":•:t(rr (;avers" Iraq Fr) higlily appreciated. After aniiv. - erbig questions for a tina , , the A - sociatipn Istened to a dec!arnation by Mr. Du rand. Miss Mafy Plowman contributed to the en , tertainment by reading an eSsay, entitled " Pa tience." c"ltnidy Rand! flallosial by in may on "Ciativersißon," by Iliss Eitlia Gates. - Dr.siloderwood them - read a eoutismuication from Prof. B. IL Hutton, stating the reason of his absirce. place alba anted leCtittn, the reins/rider of the questions wore answered, .By req'iest, Nisi Annie Ellsworth read an or iginal poem, eolitie . di "The Old - House at iiiWy.* and Miiinsra Laing_followed with a song of the same title. • SixtNresolcition called up, and discussed by Bova. Cons, Coclarin, Harpst and Dean. Car ried. Nage, "Styrian Song." • _ Adjotirned to Saturday morning, 9 o'clock. - I NOUSING SESSION. Reading of the Scriptures by Rev. B. Dean, and pMyer by Rev. H. Harpet. Fifth resolution called up. As this resolution was one upon which the ladies were interested, —a relief them aware that Wires only iri the I chur: hcs " where they were forbidden to speak, took thoadvantago of the school-room, and ventured a fow remarks. Carried. Declamation by Mr. Weller (not Bam Weller of Pickiviek fame). Subject, "The Ghost." 1 , The 45sociation voted to bold its nest meet ing at lAthens. The follotring appointments iere made for that session: Lee firer. Dr. E. P. Allen. Declaimers, Wal ter Grantham and George Gorham.- Essayist'', Miss Luburs and Hiss Louise Plummer. Bust ness Committee, S. N. Blood, A. A. Kutner, Da na Park , Miss M. L. Allen" and Miss Eden °Mei. j Mr. Dean then submitted the following : . Respired, That the efficiency of our Common &boob* would, be promoted by holding seisaintus Fali and Winter, instead of Summer and Win ter. Carried. Third and fourth resolutions adopted without discussion. With permission, Rey. Cochran oc cupied la few moments on the subject or !lista ries. The folloWing was offered by Mr. Keeney: , .17cso4ed, That our thanks are dim,- ani are herebyrddred to the citizens of Smithfield and vie ity, for the hospitality extended to the members of the Asseeistion; to the trustees of the Congregational church, fir the use of their Wass* edifice, and to the singers for the mu sic with which our exercises have been enliven ,ed. Afterl.theDianlog,v, Rev. Corss pronounced the benediction, and the Association adjourned to meet at Athens on the second Friday of June, 1372 .1... M. nIDOWAY, Sec'y 1 BUSINESS LOCAL. • 1aT, 4 . 1 Buffalo .Robes. and Horse IllaULCO—closing out sale reigartllem of cost, at BIONr K. C. P. Rai Persons desiring to buy five or ten acre lots just ontishle the borough, very low, aliOuld. Call on W. H. Monona. - K. C. P tat 4 The income of the NORTH 311,S'SOVRI INS!CO., increased more than ten fold (haying tho last year. 0. D. DArn.Err,'Agent K. C. P its.; Ground Plaster $6.00 per ton, at Tow I nds Steam Flour Mills. K. C. r • seri Th© NORTH MISSOURI INS. CO. paid its Leavy Chicago" losses filteen (lays after the fire, without the least discount or delay in adjustment. 0. D. LA.II2LETT 3 Agent rED,.IWe do,as we advertise Za -; r . Call and see the American Spicing Maelline at R. M. WEI.I.Fs' coal ()nice. . . tai m Tho NORTH MISSOURI rqs. CO I . has filed a statement with the Insu rance Department of this State, ShOlXilig its as tots to do Tan. Ist, 1872; .fG15.417 I'l. O. D. Durn.rrr, Agent. tsj Molasses and Syrups of all grades, 'e l Itear, at k EinvinDs'. 11,161 From the. income alone of the NOILTPI r.s . s. co., cou:d bo paid daily oriz two thousund dollars ct" lossos witll - resorting to its capital or stsscts. U. D. B.11:111:77, Agc•nt. tel.l Flour and Feed at retail, at Towsnd i a Steam Flour delivered free. tii3 l , The NORTH M. SOURI CO. mole than dc,111):ecl its capital stock during the past year. D. D. BAnTr,ET - r, Agc nt serf Mortgages-, neatly printed, for Bale; at this•cfice. p.n.! Iu point of real solid assets and reliable security, Cul' Nonni MISSOURI INS. CO. is emphatically the leadmg Ere un derwriter of the llississip;.i 0. D. BARTLETT, Agent, its 4 P. M. WELLES is agent for the Lest P eirng machine in the market. tai+ l The NOR H MISSOURI INS. CO. wa , l in all the great conflagrations of the r,"yet_e4:nes from the flames with its obligattons protuptly met and honorably paid, and off rs to its patrons indemnity that has stood t e ordeal of lire and flame. 0; D. aurrt.nrr, Agent. ' • If you wish tip best rock g machiue, get the American. tit A . liberal adjustuieut of its a prompt payment of its debts; a con increasing capita!, and a vigorous and management, hare created for the MISSOURI INS. CO. a national repo • ml its agents are meeting with success • part of oar country. 0. D., Agent. lo scs btantly prude n NOIZT tation, CPC The American is the most du tying ma.chitie is the inpft r4blo F s i The policy of the NORTH 311sSOFP.1 IN A. CO. i, Lrivr, and always his been, tlo liMit within the range of any one fir, so that the dotdructiou of imy town or city mitild not _sweep away any cons'derable portitni of assets. This prndclit forethought saved he Company at and will be (no uC its s ifegnards in the futufe. 0. D. BATITLETT t Agent -The Itr.PORTEI: vale° is the bcst plaget Job Printing. The NORTHr3IISSOLUItI INS. uld pay back-eve/7 dollar to its Stoek- CO. c( 1 hulde all it., of c.r.e horn tome? re-insure all its Mitstanding risks, pay itherliabliities, and still have a balance Thirty Thousand Dollars. It has always ust to every requirement, and prompt :t its (a:Alsatians. 0. D. lAnn.r.rr, Ager4t r Tomatoes, Peaches, Pine etc., by the can, dozen or ease, very t McCane .t Enn'.►:cPs'.` apples chean j The year 1871, so disastron4 to ma y fire insurance companies. was One of ammahaplocl proaperay to -"FIE NORTH MIS- Oat of the fee it• cones, with rn.FEcts Miiii doubled ; and now Intli record un- more ed. otters inilotanit: to all who aro will !pay ari. sacquate rale. , 0:D. illirrixtrr, Agent. tarni ing to A large assortment, of Fish of dcs, on linnti at WE EDwerm,s' F I n Slit on RENT.-A WoOlen ractoiy. Enc l aire of Ill.:NJ. I.6n roctope. IS. Pea-vine, Ohio, and Welst- Branc i la Clover Seed ; also a prime article of 'llmothy Seed, wholesale ard reti il, at Mosvalins. . - , tociyt mide to 'order st L'7 L " Aszealassi. - ! • 1-: - .Aainimense stock of Clothing in• few days, at the K. O. P. is. Nitrous Oxide Gas for extract ing tooth, it TULLY &-fluxurrit ear All persons indebted to TfoLy• Gotmaturn, wdl pleaso make payments to N. Gousezrrn before tee lsth of this, month. Fon SALE.—A good Safe. . En quire at this office. . _ NATIIAN GOLDSIELTEI Will halm the greatest Spring stock over seen in Tow, a ds, at " K. C. P." gek,..We have a fine line of Tea-- Oolong, Young Hyson, Japan and Hyman. MCCAiu EDWAMDS. IS. Mr. GOLDWETH has ordered a See assort:moat of Satchels and Saratoga Trav eling Bags, which will Le ready_ for sale in , a . fevi days. Fon SALE. —The undersigned has for galo n good fArm in Burlington Ixonigb. J. J. Grumrns. - Towinda, Ps., Feb. G, 1872. Be. Straw Hats, 3 for ;ie., next Summer at N. dowairnes Neyitotta Clothing ralaco. For. Rt.-yr.—The house now ocen pied by Tuos. DtEr..OND, on Main street, l'os sest•ton given April 1. Enquire of M. ft. Las- NENci. tap-An immense stock of Linen Goods nearly ready for tho great Keystone Clothing Mr All persons indebted to Miss S. 3f. Gnrrrrc. will please sets 3 up before the firbt or Much. reif NATILtIi GOLDSIIIIII will have an immense and 5.t1i..41 stocx of rdi - aishing Gc•c•in in alew days. Da' Largo stock of Ited and White «'teat Flour, at tar- Don't fail to cull at the great Keystone Clothing PalaeO next Wetlncsolay. la- The American Seiving Ma chino dues work that no other willdo, and is told Tr) °la.:trier than any other limit class VIA. All persons indebted to Miss J. ‘;st.ry' plcar.e call and settle before the 15th or March, 1572 is a. J. IlTurraztu & Sus, • Rome, Pa., aro selling Pea-Vine, Ohio and We;t- Bratich Clover Seed, and Ilituots Tanothy Seed, as cheap as the cheapest. • re- Miss E. J. KINGSLET is new re ceiving lier new Spring htyles in every variety of Millinery and Fancy Go , ds. ti&-• J. ZV intAspl 4S: SON, Rome ; Pa., will pay the liii.thetit market prico . in coAh fur al! kinds of Ifitle , a, Skin and Sheep Pelt& .WANTED.—Five hundred good veal Calves. 110 - IV:a. A.. Cm=vai.tx--keet)s a bettor aasortmcrit of Seth Thomas' Clocks, than any one in Bradford comity. Prices from t 2.11 to V 25.09. Ms') Ithaca Calendar, and fine French Clocks, alwais on hand. Ali tzar:ran:ed. N. Got.Ds.sarn Cnoss is still selling goods in the Book . ant Stationery line at lower rates than an• other establishment in this section. • Wics.n.v.o & have op'en cd a Fire Insurance oat .% • • Cnt ColL—The Sullisan Anthril ca,-.! the cheapest end best for all purposes. Alsq the the tr ,, t Pe 1 and White Ash Coali et the Central Coal Yard. Oi•Elera tuft at my orico, er at Dr. 11. C. l'or.TF.a, Cu'; :Drug-Sttric, will be promptly 31, Sept. 27, 1871. For. S.VI.E AND TO Rix - r.—At Dia- TLICE . S 1r112 , 1C Store in 3lrrcur's Block, Pia - r.os, Organs and 3lelodeons. Old Instrurne!its takes in exchange for nc-w ones. 1.83 for sale Flute..., Clarionets, 1111403, Accordions, Concertinas, Violin., Guitars, String 3, Sheet ]foie and In. structionlloolis. - Jan. 9' 4.t. Ems' We hare on hand and offer at, 1 GroCer Baker Sewing Machine, • 2 Ladd & Webst , i ,r's 1 Wheeler 4 - , 1 rran ti 1 Leather " " Call at the agency Ze - Tobacco of all grade's, at Alcesnr. pk. El:P*1111A' CLOSING OUT S&L:C.—Miss BRAN DT offers her stock of Millinery Goods at retail, at . cost, for the next fit) days ; or she will dispose of her entire stock together with the store fix tures, at a great b.trg,aln, to any ono who may wish to engage in the business. Tao Meltina is one of the hest in town, and Miss 13. has bee; doing a paying businiss. Satisfactory reasons given for desiring to sell. For further particu lars call - ati the store, one door east of Mercer 's Bank. !'After selling over $20,000 worth of American &wing. Machine 'it affords us great ple.isnre, to state that nut one cent has been - expended for repairs on one of them, and every one gives entire satisfaction. No agent has been able to exchange aoy other machine for the American. with any perSonwehave so 4 to. WEIGHT L: I.lancoes, Agents, ' - Auburn, N. Y. Jan. 9.—tf. ts. Now, after all that has been said 7411(7 mitten by interested parties, we tri'D compelled by the decision of the people, who certainly ought to be 3 . 114 e to judge, to btill Claim tLat SLgcr Improved Sowin; Ma chines axe nut surpasse 1. They any work that .any rowing ,ioselline does, as eaFy and Thu do not :rear out : . Tlit,y will work as easily aft 7:: years use as at firA. IVIcEnAlt General Agents. • TOWANDA DUILDING AND SAVING I'CE'D, Issfku - rms.—ldy clire . ction of the President of: the above named Association, there willbe held immediately after th^ rest. regular meeting on Monday, March-1..1872, a spelal meeting of the Ft' ckholders to take actiOmin regard to the following prop;:s-...1* arac-admeiits to the By- La , ss, namely: That the 21 Section of Article 1, bo,ameinkal tO read at 7 o'clocr , instead of 71 O'llock ; and that Artielo X. (ten) be amend ed to read the -Plt Monday of etch and every month. instead of the Ist Monday. Meetings will be held in the Grand Jury Room. Feb. 21, 1572.-2 w A Sri:IOUS WORD WITH Ora NON r..tiSNO CrSTo.lluls.—Wagons cannot run with out wheels Mists without water, bull frogs without lega, nor a hardware business be car ried on everlaithigly wthout money, any more than a dog can wag his tail when he has none. Our customers ,are all good, Lot what good does a man's goodness do when .ho don't do any good. We liase_no doubt that every one thinks that all have paid escort him; and as wo are clever, and hi; account i 3 a inuall matter it makes no did'erenee. Bat it does make a dif ference, and any one who L - nows that.,.he is tip a tree had better co ran down betoro ire throw stoue3. Don't bold back to save interest; we charge interest on all accounts, and we have resolved to go for all . who have accounts over due, with a oharp stick. Those who don't pay and never intend to pay, will please buy else where. c ' CODDIN. - 0, Brs w & CO. ; 41 - ESE] 3.1ru..0ct Bf.tca. - Cu.t.s. F. Ctos, Scey known la the Ihndfiiii Bowie, and fuirdturo ; second•hand Billiard Tables. This property is well situated in South - Waverly, Poonsytiania, and is an, excellent stand for a hood, and will be sold on easy- terms to Suit purchasers. For pirtieulars in regard" to tho situation of the prendees i and price, enqulre . of W. B. Bazar, of Towanda, Pa., or JAZES S. MCILUAT, of Waverly,,N. T., who will answer all enquriries with promptness. • lair "I shall in future use none but Elutarto's Safes." DETELTIVE PINKERTON 03 • • HI Rlltiat SAFES. Cirtmoo, Dec. 1871, Mcs.s, s. Herring& Co.; Micago: Gmn.intss I had two of your -"Het - ring Patent Champion Safes" In my odic° at. the time of the Great-Fun of the Bth and oth of October. One was on tIM second floor and the other on the third floor. Both Safes fell to the basement, and when wo got them out, aftor the Ciro, I found all raj account bookiandpapers T in fact, tile euttre contents . of both Safes—in splendid condition; the melting of the glue _of the binding of the bola was all the damage done. I shall in future use none but Herring's Rees. 'Yours truly,. ALLAN. PDIKERTON. , Four Large Safes of another make, belonging to Ur. p15, - riTox, side by side with UDIAINCI were destroyed , with all their contents._ ONE,IICNDRED A‘D a w L.:. 1 VESCAT4.I MILS have tesnfied to the presuvation of their books, papers anl valuables, in the territAo .Chlcago nre. • llnnufactnred only by ' 11E1ItriO, FARREL S §IIERMAN, No. 251 Ilroadway, corner Murray-at., N. Y. l'&1111EL, LIER.ItEsp & CO.,' l'hiladelphis. Trgur,LNG 4: CO., Chicago. FARREL Nov Orleans "How To Go Wrsr."—Forty years a;o, Illinois Was as - far West as most people wished to gO, and journeys were made in the legendary "Prairie Schooner," but in these dspa of Piogrts3 and Improvement, the word West has come to mean lowa, Nehraska,--Kan ass, Colorado, California and the Territories; and the Traveler reaches almost any. point therein by,a splendid Lino of Railroad.- - Thifi Line of Railroad is the Burlington Route, which starts front Chicago ov,r the Chicago, Darlington t Quinc:',—R, r ~from over the Indianapolis, Bloomington S Western short Line, and from Logansport, over the To ledo, Peoria Warsaw It. IL, and rennin.' throe 131. 7 / I LINGTON". reaches Otnaba, Lincoln, Nebras ka City, St4oseph, Atchison, Leavenworth and Kansas City, connecting with the Union Paeide,_ Kansas Pat:We and other Railroads ranni.4 frorn those cities. Always go "By way of Burlington,' and you will be sure to bo right. The Burlington Bente has admirably answer ed the ques.tien, "How to go Wt..7st'i'l by the publication of a truthful and interesting. docu-. moat, filled with fi is in.regard to Time, Con nections, accommodal L iona,, rates of fare, and oh*.er interesting Heins, and ilinstrated by a large map, truthfully showing the whole West, a - hie:obey distribute free of charge. copie.t with additional information,, eau be obtained by addressing General. Passenger Agent, B. & Burlington. lowa. • 11,1R1?1ED. McCRACKEN—SHORES.—At the residence of Mr. Ira slnrphy, in Sbeshequir, Bradford CO.. Pa., Feb.." 1872. by Rev. E. T. Dinah er, Mr. James McCracken, of Towanda, and Mir , 3 Vendia Shores, of the former place. ROBISGN—BEERS.—In tbis 'place, February '2l. n 72, by Ike. Win. 3lzGlathery, Rector. of Christ Church, Carnclius Robison, of Canton, and Harriet: I 1 of Towanda. RITTTY—BrIoNso.N.-At Wycoa, February 22, 1572, by Ike. P. craft, Mr. G a. S. Batty .to 3lrs..l.aura F. Erenson, both of Wyalusing. WELLti—FIRSIAN.—At Bin same time and - - - - place, by the aty. , ..e, 31r John M. "Wells, of Terry township,lia A. rirman, Wysta. COE—EASTMAX.-St "^st Canton, Feb. 17, 1872 by the S. P. 'Gates, Mr. Edward Coe to 11:1;:; Helen E.tatan, both of Gran • • lIOLCOMB—WATTS.- -At the If. E. Parson age, in Canton, on Feb. 7, 1812 ' by Rev. M. C. Dean,. E. D. llolemab and Lydia Watts, boCi of Jranville, Ps.• STCEDIVANT.—IIOCKWELL.—Jan. :13, 1872, at the NI. E. Parsonage., Canton Pa., by Itt.y. M. I C Dean. ate. A. C. Sturdivant, of Frank lin, l's., and 31.iss Lous Rockwell, of West Frankfia, Pa. BAIINES—TUI:NEI.I. —Oa February 13, 1872. at the residence - of the bride's mother, by W. C. T.. Sanders, Pastor Cuurch of Christ, Can t .n. Bradford county . Pa., Mr. An.6.3n Barnes, of Elmira, N. Y v Sarah Turner, of Canton. :1 4 ..CLEL41ND-ura:Nr.s3.—Feb. 14,-1572, at the house tic' the bride's mother, by Itev. J. IL Nason. Mr. F. N. McClelland, of Can ton, and Mies Carrie Harkness, of Smithfield: WF,BII—PIIF.LPS —At Smithfield, Pa.,Febru ary -17, 1872, by Ilex. B. S. Dean, Mr. George 11. Webb and Missal-Rh:Phelps, all of Smith field. SIIITII--TIiO3IPSO .=ln Laceyville, Feb. 25, 1872, by Bev. D. D. Gray, Mr. Shepard It. Stnith, of Tesearora, and Miss Emma .N. Thompson; of the former place. INSWOP.TII.—At Burlington, Pa., Feb. 22, 1872, by J. J. Wright. Esq.; Or rin B. Betinctt and.Elizsbeth E. Ilainsworth, all of Burlington. CIIAFFEE—AIINOLT).—At the home of the bride, M Warren. Pa., Feb. 14. 1872, by Walworth. Mr. Corals It. Chaffee and Miss Nettie Arnold, both of Warren. WBIGIIT—ALDBED.—At the It. E. Parson. age, at Smithfield, on the evening of Feb. V. by Bev. H. Ilirpe, Mr. Edwin Wright, of (foie tubia, to Miss Charlotte Aldred, of Smith field. DIED LACEY. —ln Wet Auburn, Suaquelianna coun ty. Jan. 13. 1572, Darling. iwa of Miles C.. and M. Ellen Lacey, aged 13 =Mita and 13 days. Tin.earora, Bradford Co.. r Feb. 13, 1872, Mrs: Lorain lreardsleo Peat,-m gloricras Lope of eteriaal life, aged 69 years, 10 months and 19 days. EARNER.—In Fln-sLequin,. TLIC3a9 morning, •b "" 187' thrall, 13arner, aged Gt; years. SMALLEY.—In this borough. nn the 17th m , t., of brain fever, Frank. enu of W. R. and Mar garet Sinalley.'ageil 19 yeSrs and 23 days. WEBBER.—In Franklin, Feb'. 12, 1872, Polly.. u ire of Samuel Webber, in the fit)th •year of her ftge. Was a woman of sterling char. actor and of many nolde virtues. Etrly in ben married Lfe, under the preaching. of Elder L a Joie, sho found "peace in believing," and joined the Baptist Church of - Franklin. From the time of her first uniting with the church,' til her death, she-held fast the precious princi ple.; and txperiences of religion, and that holy hop 3 of the Goz•Pe.l saz.tained and comforted her all through the pilgrimago of life. Her t and home were al , :taz . s open to the wants of .he des itnte,- and especiallr so to those who preached GoTet of herSavioiir: She leaves mans dear friends and relatives t t mourn her loss. -Tlie..ze nlio knew her Lost, loved and prized her most. In her last sazhness she in spired, comforted and , _ncouraged all who saw her with those confident utterances,!d of faith in Christ as her only lif-decnier. Bat she ha, gene to that hora, "not made with. hands," and note rcac..l - 4y sleeeps in the bo som of her :;;Z.V1.311r. " Atleep in Jesus—blessed sleep.'? rt. SPECIAL NOTIC33. I= 1:9... Persons wishing to Buy, Sell or Leave Botts , ' or Farms, tiail it ta their atlvaatago to call ca Jons W. 311. x.. Agent, Ofticr )tercnr's Bock, Ton-mm.ll, Pa. ler Thomas 31addocks, Preduco comrut?.,,ion mertlinr.t, 2.14, Pennsylvania Are nue, Scranton. Pa. ltutter,Mrgs, Lard, Chees.e, Potatoes. tic., Cousigtitnents soli cited, and returns t roraptly niatie on sale of GiVl4:s. 11 , 2ferPtIces cliezrfully given. Corres pot:d solicited. V.INVELSOR & 31ANxtr.s; . Merchant Zailora, • Clofhinz Hats and Caps, • , Furfliating, _ t - CS troad erred, 3,4571. WaN erly, NOW Ailrertisematz. SEEDI SEED! LARGE AND_SUALL CLOVER AX!) TrAffrliii SEED for sale at ' W. A. ItUCEWELL. Feb. 20'.2-ivr. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF A Darin and CAM= rarrza. at Mara 1% 14139. LONG a KIMUGIOI. zow — Lhertismati• --- .' 1 -* • " , . GREAT (;VHEMNG - OUT BATE BOOTS, SHOES, & RUBBERS, at the No. 8 thiStba k 4 Pattona Block.rßridge. droat. Towanda. Pa. - The entire stock to be closed out druingthe nest ixSays, and I hereby offer m enhm stock ROOTS, SHOES k RUBBERS, and STORE FIX TURES FOR SALE AT A MARCUM This is • grand chance for an enterprising man to enter into •go 4 ming business. My reason for selling la that I hare purchased an interest in Wien Vino Shoe Manufactory in New Tack. and I propose as. I:abashing a Jobbing. Nouso in the interior of the State for the rile of those goods call early soda :cure bargains. Brix's! iodocornents offered to the trade. The entire stock , shall be sold try April lst. ELLIS H.l O& jais.3l. - Bridge street. i _ Ti VANS & HILDRETH, Will. fur the tiext platy days offer:great • bargalatvia DBE,SS GOODS, 1 SHANVLS, -I CLOAKS, BLANKETS, 1 L~'\l~~4l~ To ruck° room for SPRING GOODS! We also Imre tl.•e best BLACK ALPACAS, 1 . g I . . Whichlre m lain d old pri gs, EVA2tB & EILDItETB • J=lll2o Bridge .beet. Tolima. Ps TATIAM, k GORE • .__:.FASHIONABLE TACOII4-: 15111 Opposite Pnbjia Squie, =I Keep always" on hand a full asacrrt, ri . 70 1 7M1 MEM CASHMERES AND COATINGS. READY-MADE CLOTHING In all the latest styles, HATS CAPS AND UMBRELLAS, GENTS' Furnishing o o ds CurliNG DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. ALL WORK WAMAI'TED. 6 6 MAIN STR!EET,S TOWANDA,',PA. NI ONTANYES BUFFALO. ROBES HORSE BLANKETS GREAT BARGAINS.: Dec. 14. 101. 4C., &C., TO THE PUBLIC The - undersigwl would moil respeciftaly . 'ay they are now prepared in every way to attend to the iStklool: 4 4l4rs . Weila* hl j In all its branches. Ais;l ‘ wa trial. can give eatisfac. the sertices of any one in that line Mainz spared no or trouble in prorur. fog from the 'bop of H. stulen & Co., of our a hearse which =not I, , er surpassed or even equaled is elegsrioe. this side of our largest cities. We have also Seam; the services of a most reUabTo, careful, and gentlemanly person to attend to this branch of the buil:wee. J. S. Au n, one of our Strui,'wlll be found it the Furniture Store, on Bridge street, and C. 3L mix the other member of the firm, it his red dente on Third street, or • about the of& cf Dr: J W. Lyman. a very reliable and relebrated physician whole °lna) is on ??ark street, near the Mien Ilouge jan2sl2tf meat of In great variety. ' • 4 Aro Vioriag lEEE S. ALLYN. t C. M. US:WI= ....~cti`!!.`!4~.RM ds"..a~'~'^.~q': ~hr4~lC'o.~"~RlG~`KF'_#"?~r ~~w~~Rt: AQ_^F ~:~`t~~+l~'l: .WWI7AIa ropPov 08 BlLADFORDFOtrirnriatilitiMitratrilet to 07 TI'LC D,ECISZVALB AID . . s ock saetten. - .:.. Bridge Contracts....... Bridge Views • Commomrealth cost— Crier • • Constables attending trpon.Quirt... ..... ..• 625 25 Counsel to C0mmi55ini:...:,;.;........ • 60 011 District Attorney • .._ - . 223 00 For Eleettfnar - ,____ . 630 75 Grand Jurors 1 657 31 Traver". Jurors.. . - - 4,904 83 . For !manes on inblic Buitlixars; ..... , 484 59 For Fuel and WM ' . 272 42 tnry Commissioners Clerk - " I ' 162 03 For 01100 Books and Stationery '1,283 83 For Prisoners Oripport in County Jell. ... , 1.400 51 For Prisoners Support in Penitentiary,.. 1.170'00 For Conveying Prisoners to Penitentiary , ' , 613.60 . . • Of Oda amount; batmen three and four th , la the treading. _ . . , • . . • Ateotrad Ida t 1 Boer& OlDeelori-of Ctowsty - Tax for tie Ceunfy of.ara4ford., far the year lE4l, • trinfprestour.-, TowsisAipe 46 Bareasis. 7 Natter of Cfaceont: ': . Irert Chiargedl Ateceicri; tEreeled 1 !pipe col Due. • - -.., - -F. , -= - , .I —.;...--.1 ~.....,... 1-...-. k-,............. Elko - . J J Stevens, - `1270 49 64 2 ."..- .. ; ..'.. ..;...1 4 . ' ‘2'l Some Borough Daniel Vaught, - 1....1 . U3:031 107 61 •176 ; IS;68. - ..'.! Wysol W W ! Wood . 1..-- /602 :a, 32 1 ..,..I ' ...1.-I *...1.. Armenia " - , / P Burman - 4871 '571 . . 331 62, 5;50 17,45, _ • !J... 4408 - 37 3 * 40 64! 48115 21.e451 • 951.00 Albans Township William Elabree AtbensßarOligh • L Efitinsabangli.... ' 1 ... 165'2 39 15,59 89, /0;40 82;101 • • •1,.. Asylum. Myron Kellogg 1:...7. 1410.76- 1239 491 8;14 10 , 13! ...1.. Albany- . Alssander English.... - ..-. . .839.03 841 191 ; 13,67! Wilt . Alba Borough - A D Wilson-. ' . 1.... 1 210,10, 200 00 • - ' - ':-Y.• I , . I • i ii.iii Barclay.. . ....." ;Georg!! Aliortt • irup......1.2:.:.:4 2130'.80, 1944 38.; R1!;9:1 iiriff,iii - • !.. 13urlington • Townahip...: tD t. mollentork . . ..... , . ......., 1331124! 1247 61); 77t2 , $5,661 ... 1.. Burlington Borough ' 'Orlando Vosburgh. -•-• , ! • .....! '3lO 12i a . 293' 2 78'. .. 98 15,45 1 ... _ Burlington West. Samuel Bailey' • !' ' 1 1243;11 ;1751332. .4153 61:91/ .. -1, .. Canton Township. ...... ,E C Cole 2441;91 '2=192; 2'03 1.22'94 1 .. Canton Borough 1 Eldah La . 1!....1 93417, ' ' 833124 •• 504 40;41 ••• '••• Columbia. %.--I II Morgan 1.-- I ! 2673,76 , 2486 ; 66 4 - 111 - 22 130 is ....;., Franklin .... ! 7Y Fairchild ...... -....11....11 953 - 26 1 903'021 ' 2:7/ '47;55, •..I .. Granville.' -1 0 L Streeter. _ 1....1 1679!95 I IPOlB4i 9'59 ' 83,ff, ••• :. - Herrick. I Charles Bice • - ' 1....1 1099:35,1 lon 56; ,-13:50 • 54 1 39 i • ;31.: • Leßoy '‘..... Carpenter Bevil n. !' .. 1417 , 70 , 1 1249 00' 10'95 - 7034; 08.z41 Litchfield - - t 1 P Munn- r...... 1 4 16 1 101713'901 1243 `9021' *-1- Leltayaville IN W Pierce 1....1 - 349,99,i' 332j491 . ..1.. - 17150! ~.!„ Monroe Township IW A Kellogg, 1 ' 136908 '. 3 701- -72'0W :.. .. . 44.1 " I Monroe Borough.. ''' John I' Miller 1...•, 39311721 3041404 2i7.7; I 16!021 :.•.!.. Orwell • - • 'IR 13 Case 4 ....1 2 1935,00,1 18321931 .16;10; 2 . 25,95; ...,; . 2 . Overton _• } Jacob , Heterly * • 1.... ti -ea7' av 4 11 3,33', 5. 8 21 i '23!4 0 ' •• • .,. . . , Pike - IM E Warner !I 2420;49; 2`..918,611: 11:115jI 120145; -....-.;-.-, BidithilrY • - • I IC.O ThomPlun I-- -..! 1941.114' 193;1;63. 14 . 19(1 90;33; ...!.. Rome Township '' 1.3 11 Cole • ;; • .•• ,1 , - 1435.81 i , 1337197; 7'42 ' 71'42, .. , Reuse Borough. :, ......... ti V/ BIMINI:dna ..... e :...!,.....; ' 23929221 ni 60 2 1124 . 1188, • ...1,. Smithfield '---' '1 W P. - Forrest.' -1! • •...( , 2963,e6il 1339'34 . .. 1.... 2 ... - ' :16;4 71. Springfield - .........1 Oicar Harknes ' ' 1.......1 i 27i.12 341 I--.2418!5?.' '6'32:1 121 2911. _ .1, South Creek. i W If:Moore - ••••Ii 1113,84' 1054;14; - 4.24'0 ; . 55148 2 1 .... -.. Sylvania. 111 C Peters.; . , 41 ''' 216'Nf; I 272'96' ..184• I 2 ' 12,2 G! '...". • gh e ol equ i n • illyprsee Borten ' A 1....1 - 1 V;80:941 I 2187;GR 1 62 7 4A4 - } 130 19 3 : • ••••• 1 - • Standing S;one..- lIF A Ennis *., ;. .1 1 12 7 5,761. 1198 , 971 13,te ,- , 2 63 2 1111 ';• Terry Shubef Bowman. - I, .: • ..i Wi3:274 843 4 41; 5; 47 i4 14 ; 33 1 ••• ' •• Towanda Tcrrnship....,.ll,orarige Bowman - 2' 1 .... 1 ite:rinji 1104j42: 's,w' 58,08 ; • , Towanda Borough.. 2 1,1 H Kingsbury - • ....:1 5273 23;1, 5890,01; 73:22; ' ; 31000;1 ..,.. Towanda Borth • 129,8 Harden i- 11 8394•49' I 794 09 3:13.1 411731 .. ..L.: Troy Township ...'..--7-, 1 J a s e p h P Mint .... , ..... ! .....I. 2729'6111 1 2574,521 19;5 8 1! 13315.0; •• ' Troy Borough Borough .1 E C - William;' ' I ......i I 1720 99; ! 1387:021 - 130i 34 ,2 - 9.32534, ~,,,,`..' Tuscarora. -- .. ... • I H Atkins ; ; . 1361;11 4 ' 1 1 42'00' , 5 81 9 i 671.01! :He= Mste" , ' ltilton H01c0m1.......... f ;1 1461',5/fj 1393 62' 5; 38 ;2- 72,8011 •.1I .. Warren • 3 P Kinney I _ ; i 2146 ;9, , 7.0312913 ' ..2;71 2 ; . 10120,2 .. , . Windham 1111etiry.Walker , , 1842 89 '' 1734'40' 17' ° 1' 1 2 91 28'1 .I. ' Wye...using. .... •.. !, tbral-Lewis - I ... 1 2189 OS! 2066,52 . - 13;77 1 ' 108 76 , .!. Wysox - 2 DMZ anaphear ....; 2/113 , 64 . : inn, 0,1 . ..1., 1 .. di. 24 3 , G Z.- Wells - } II (1 Grinnell • -....2 -"I . 1710'491 550100 1 .. F.. I 83,321.1074,97 Wilmot • !ira 11 Rogers ....... •••••! • • • • , n61' 2 83: 11_ ; 74'491 2.5151; ;61 82'; ...; .. 11 iteassegsmicuts..... .... ~..1 ..: -- ..1 341 1 721 • 277 r _.: '. -- . 7. • ... .-.1 ., .., .. Totals ' 11 - li-_,- 1 4. 2 ... L...-:. - I l ••• • % 77113 15!;683551841 6411552! • 3513.74 2 , 4662: 02 • , . . - --- - - --- —.----.------- C?,ar:nt,K. La'Tf, Treci:urri, i,t ac nett wi •. . . Due upon enplicates 011870 and previous $ 1180 53 I Returned unocilleeted fcr 'TI andiiretions $ 4602 CI. Duplicates of 1871 \ 76057 84 Exonerated to Collectors 76t. 76 31111t1A Tax MlB7l ,•,.. • . , I 857 .17. Percentage to Collectors " " • ' ' 3513'9 • 'lncidental rectivals 1 148 13 -Orders redeemed - . • 47803 5 Amount in Treasury Santnny lbt. 1671 3127 17 Two per cent. Commission on same 954 OR --, One per cent connules3lon on $693G 14 , 694 00 V33C9 It Paid State Treasurer. • ' . ' 5213 18 I Amount In Treasury January-let 1872 ` 19820 11 • -: . . _ Total ' gay St . Tota County order: 01 Btroury.trih tlte . Cotnty of Brcdfordfor tee year 11171 Orders bunked in 11171 }-1111ADFOUD COUNTY, F 53. . We tho undersigned. Commissioners of ssittLe.ineiy.. do 11.0 - .;rby certify that tile abovels a true and correct statement at tho receir.ils sniterpcuditnres of vs.d count; frpm tho lst clay of January to the gilyt day of December, A. D., 1571, inclogive.. . . Witness garlands and val . of oftice at Tozzranda..thls:2l,a,4 damn c, 1372 Attest—E. B. COOLISAEGII, e.erk. • I NTYEESBUIIG, ITTT.LS WHEAT, it.TE, BTCE:WHEAT. I 0 :U "P., CORN MEAL AND FEED ciaarp for cis-ff CUSTOM WOlig. ah;:i en hand GI OrND CAT-L.-GA PLASTER, trcim Old Yougr Beds at $7 per tor Wheat, Ityc, Cot dan:.l Oats tak2n in exchange for Plarer. ,W 11512 NEW C9AL 05 Canal Street, frtriaim: William Fleet, TOWANDA. TA "„We are receiving direct • froln the wines .the very - - .beat PITTSTON, PLY MOTH, and SULLIVAN-AN 17111.SCIT.E COAL, which we propos., to cell at the owest market rim We respeetfolly invite thost , .. - tvishing to perck...aEe to call and examine oar Coal. We atso ]:cep Brae, freah fit= the kiln. We will aniver Coal or thus whenever desired On short notice, a Iding out: the enstemayy priers. sep.N77l-tf L. S. CASE A: CO. ***** * * * * * *IDHOTOGRAPHY * 4! The undersigned would i &urn' the public * that they have purchased the • GALLERY OF 11.1E.DING k GUSTIN, on Main street, arta door south of the First National Bank, and mean. by strict attention * * to bitsinessPand by the itddition of every ina- * prevenient in the Art of Photogripby, to make , *. thO place worthy of patronage. Mr. Grsm * * is to remain With us, and give his whole time * and attention to, the making of - * * IVORYTYPES, * PAn - riscis IN OM :AND WIT= CoLOriS . , * * As well as PENCILING in EcDl.ln-s, Particular attention given to the enlarging * of pictures. and to the. flnlshing•of all lan& * .* • o asf work , guch t ili m a: t aa a se p T s rv i, : b . t.f elee e g tl e v s , t n re t s u nits a i n n ‘.! negativesis of small children. hose wanting pictures w - . 11 please give us • a trial, and re thini: that they will Le gaits * fled. GEO. 1.1. WOOD CO. - * . . MMIIMINN $2 , 70 to . $5,000 Per . Annum .I:gonti; wantel for THE NATION ITS RULERS AND Ts.TS lilt, lONS. Nerded in every home; is printed on tinted paper; has sixty -illustrations; all U S Presidents; ail U Censtiseit; all U S Senators: all ralnable.doettments; liketiessei of all the Presidc r.ts; "Coat of Arms" of all-tho. States; and other iilustrations. An Ency clopredia of -the Government. Price. $2 50: 'One „vent took thirty-z:cven, orders in one day—anotLe4 seventy-Sere in a few days!' It sells immensely.. Someagmahrelear at the rata of ss.oooper 3101211 M: tanners, school teachers. professional men, young men - aud ladies„-aro everywhero making money rap idly in canvassing for thts'worh: The usefulness; of the book compels its mile. Write us and wo wilt send circulars and hill instrurtiorrs -free. Addfeeri NEW WORLD PUBLLSIIING CO.. etonth-Rest co . D; ner ;th and Market streets, Philadelphia. janlB"72m3- • - FARA FOR SALE.---Mhti subscri ber offers for, sale Ws farm situated in Litchfield ton - nship. five miles trom the Lt fi , A. and 8. C. 11.-R. Station. and ail miles from Erie It. R. The farm contains 200 acres. IGO acres improved. balance covered with pine. oak awl che,tnut. There are good huildings'ana a fine orchard. well fenced and under good state of cultivation. Churches. school, etc., convenient..Tesima-• -half down. balance in easy payment.% Enquire of S. IV, Alvonl. at this office. or A. J. LAYTOIi. Litchfield. Fcb. C. 1572. VIRSI FOR SA E.—The subscri ber offers Tor sale his farm, situate. on 3foore's Ilill, in Ulster township Bradford county Pa.. con taining ono hundred acres of good land, situated two aud a half miles from Ulster village, seventy acres huproved, veil snd well watered. with Font buddings and good. fruits. The above proper. ty will be s:4l low ant} en reascualdo terms, for fur ther partierdars enquire, of 'the subs,:riber on the premises, or L. `AIUNDY, Towanda- • ' Ulster, Feb. 9:72.2m. CEAR. TO: Li. gill X E C 31 TO iris NOTICE. Notice is hereby givf•xt that a ll pensons tudebte d to a estate 'of SirrolTuuratoo late of Towania tap,. deceased, are requested to make LeamedLatr parraent, and all persons . having dab= agaitho add estate mud present them dote- atith , necated for settlement. MARIA TEILIO37O:If, F 0. 2'..l - .'l2..Ctr. F.xe utrix.-. A DMINISTRATOR'S - Noticee is bereby given that all persona indebt ed to the estate of ELI:11501t eliFFEEodeceased, tate of Athens, are regimi Itif tz4l to make ifinnedi ate payment, and all persona' has claims against said estate must pment.them dnly authenticated for settlement. D2iNIEL McDUFFLE, Feb.23,1-w6 iiimintstratorviith Will =mud- • L' TROUT, 'some - very IMO 1.1 - ones. at a very low price, by 3nne 16, 1871. FOX A; NEE= tinplate 8161, 187 L EXPEND rot zuouteas . . .For Pnblto Pring 'Prothonotary sad Clerk of thipalons _" - ib4=on Pub li c _ a as per net of 1869 For Entannendon tarots- Meld, ofMoaso for Co, nil at Troy:— State LanaW A 591103. TWU4,Ca t haehers Utah:tss per Act of Cartilloates ..... Mrs; Masan. for lot for Jail7,ooe oo • Upon Buildhin of ' ' 16,362 110 Ezra Lomas, lato 446 co. - J, IL Hind% Coninsiadoaer ' 82a 00 q: Kellogg, Coonalsakater • 670 - 00 -, Morris *Mew& Conn:de/stoner.. • . ' 60 00 E. B. Coottsulgh, CM of Comtidssionirs 1,200 00 Puna Total ' 47,803 95 2,300 30 . ..... ..1..• 2;22 01 ... 30.05. 173 00 d dollars le for - material paid for I nd Dot 3-et Used 'fh: the County of Bradford ford. D..., 1871. -. C, $47803 9,3 I Orders paid in 1871 _ TRIALL LIST FOIL 31A,RCH TER3I Dow:F.l3ml; vs W. S. Dobbins. T. 11. Persr-r. vs Tetzlaff t do VA John Wolff et al F. F. Lung vs....A..(opLci Long's miners William Rogers vs:James A. Rogers!.. Thomas Drt. ram vs George Csmp....-.. T. J. C4ssrvs Canton township, • Daniel Boughton vs W. IL •Moore.. G. P. Manley vs Bailey Van Names b CO. Bailey k Norton vs k. M. Johnson Job Crandall vs Northern C.R.R. Co debt Levi ttull vs. • • Weal S. W. Paine. va John Ballard ease James Finnell vs William S. Baker far titlark Delos W, Cornell vs Charles Colony_ t. Henry. 0: Gernc t vs Northern C.8.R.C0 - case Simon Morgan vs William Mosher et .appeal 'John A. Parsons vs Northern C.R.R.Co...‘trespass John Jorolomen vs F'rancis Garen— • G. W. Langford vs Schnyler Gates.; .. G. B. IhtN 4 rott vs W..S. Dobbins use debt John McClellan vs Northertt C.R.R.Co. ..... W • F. Soonion vs John H. Calkins et aL debt 3L-Cc Colethan vs Charles L 0021138 ease Hannah Sreensy vs Thomas A. Jtekson.. ..... set fa do Ephraim Case vs Henry Matson.:..: C. A. Hese vs John Sweeney Isaac Holly vs Orr Wilson E. B:. YEP. A. [.Fitch vs C. T. ITerry &Co A. R. Moore-is L. Putnam et at. Julia Attell vs C. T. Merry et al. "- vs O. P. Ballard... -- William Drabs vs E. Pomeroy • debt 0. at Covert vs Gm.- Jones eject A. B. Monte vs Lcunttia Putnam. Jr- . - GSM William Rraine vti W. R. Foster - ..debt William R. Foster vs William Brain° ...... --case Allen E. Artell vs Niortl. ern C. R.R.Cd trespass Supoiims for first week. , ie.:Tunable' on Atonday liareh 25. 1572. at TO. am. . . For second week on Monday April 1, 2:472, at 10 a.ra- - riII.PHAN'S COURT SALE.—BS ~. ..rirtnn of an order issued out of the Orphan't - !Court of fired ford County, the undersigned-wilt offer . for sale on Thursday. the 28th day of March, at 2 o'clock•-p.m., on the premises, tho following - scribed real estate. Situate in Ttukarora twp., of the estate of AnUSITi4 X-EWIS. late .or said county. deceased. ; preinning at a poirtbeing the nortb west corner of 'tends to be described. _and south-west corner of land4' 4 - George Sumner; tlience.east alotig lands nt fleorge, Sumner. sixty perches to a corner; thence south 5 deg, west 111 5-10 perches to a centre of prildiel , ighway, along lands of R. Sumner; thence north 41' dog west along the contra. of highway 9 2-10 ne-ehcs to a corner in said. highway; thence south S Bee 11".nt. flinda ' tho lands' of said George 'Sumner 72 2.10 perches to ii point; thence south a:. dog east S perches alone -lands of said Su ner to a eorner: Thence smith-5 (leg west along land of Rein nor 37 4.10 Turlice. to a state or earner; cos, north Pi deg est 35 perches to a conger being a corner of lands f Henry Styer;' thence north 5 deg east 22 perches go ng lands of said. Hon - 3. Styer to a corner: thence nt.h 55 deg west 251410 perches to a corner; thence norths deg east alone lands of J. J. Lewis 130 peen ea to place of beginning. contain ing sial , -fonr acres and 2 .tx.vehes bo the same more or less _ . . Excepting and reserving the following piece of, land which store his death the - frdca• has had ap praised and set apart to berth° following described real estate. which is 4. pert of the above described land. to wit: Becinninz at stake and steno in of J. j. LMFIEI and hurnstin Lewis deeeasied, on north silo of mein toad: thence north 4 degrees east 9 perches to a stake and store; thence month 73 deg east 11 pOrcbes to a stake.; then& sonth 24 dig west eleven perches to roaq; thence north 59 del west 8 perches to plaee of beiTinnina. containinz79o perches more or leas, with one frame dwelling-house there• Also: o - eppting tho undivided One- th ird . interest In th" land to be sold, dart cd to Ona.Letrts, by tho docfoent. TERlf.s.—IM to bo Traki 'oil the property beftttt etTnell down, one hllf the balance on fin-al confirms," motion of polo. end. tho balance in ono_ year frogt final corfinnatlon. Fob. 2.3,'72 EXECTTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hsr.r 4 6 given that all persons Indebted to the estate of - BETSY late of Burlington, , legeasNl. are requested to make- iminedtato Pay ment. and all. person a basing o'l=4 arab:mt. tt - eetate must present the same duly authenti cated for ceftlentent. . _ - r h.14.'72 A DATINTSTRATOR'S NOTICE.'— LA-Notice is berebv'even that alloet`sons indebte to the estate - Or 011.13NRT If..T.T:ll.fite of Asylum (Tv-erased. err reons•stetl to mate hisincsliste tarlltellt and all' persons having cloitirritaslttst elltlito most present I.hern duly" autbentleatcsl fen!: setae meek B. B. tArnnTr. • Feb.14"72-6w. - Administrator. A - • A PP-LICATION IN DIVOTtCrE.----_, To Thirript 1 1uri.out.—No. 170 flee. term. 1871. Ton aro liercby rcitificd thsit (1(.0.1 Aurnorit, your hn.hand, pa. applied to the court-of common pleas otiFrodford co for a flit - MT." trim the bort& of matrimony. and the raid' court hag .app9inted Mon the Gth day of 3lity. lA7t for beano?. this said George in tiro , at which time and place :con can attend if sow thinit.proper. • d. PF.RItY VAX FLEET. S'heriff. • Feh. A DIII).TISTR..kTORS rt. - NOtire is heretic }riven to all i)0110118 Indebted to the estate of .IOSATTI-liti PUTNA3f late of dee'tl, moat make- immediate paymoot. and all persona hat ina claims against said estate moat prctent them duly authenticated for .settle , meat. - - EMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- = ANotiee is hereby given That all persons indebted to tho estate of THOMAS EGAN, late of,„Warren deceased, are reqnested to make immediate rayment, and all peessnt having' claims against said`estate mast present them duly authenticated for settlement. ' JAY CHAAPEL. fcbr724.w. - • Administrators.. A D.IIINIqTRATORS NOTICE.- 1. Notice is hereby given that MI persons indcbt al the estate of • CHARIMS Emit late of Towanda i tp, deed. are requested tomake mmedlato payment. and all persona having claims against said • estate must present the same dilly authenticated for settlement. - CONSTANT DITHOZ. „ febrrltett =M!=a=2 J. I.3.IITKDS.' 1,. E. C. KELLOGG. ComniEss:oners M0R111.5 SILEPAE.D; , . E=ll ELT3ND Fii£ll. =TON' L=3. Execistor DrILTON °M DT. - I 'EtOntor. it.vacus A. PORTER AdmiWkftstor • feb 7 '72-Ew ;: II ISM I I I , 4. IS 74 871 00 sin 23 423 72 ISO 00 241 20 XX DO 214 00 MO 00 S 00 ?me ft 803 05 ..tresTwo, for attach ...appeal • .Saes appeal ...C3BO ...dse appeal .erect appeal 'rject
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers