pidfordltportit Towanda, Thursday, February 22 1872 LOCAL AND GENERAL. eft. The old school house lot is for ser Look out for now mnplo su gar. Mir Naiad Sociable this (Wednes da, 1 5 .) evening at 'Merced flail. Judge Sfawrza is holding Coati this week. es.. The ice bridge over the ricer t this place, still continues passable. ice. We are indebted-to Jon PAT. c; for a JacKsonyille. Fier., paper. Bar Meetings are still kept up in t be 1 - 'regbyterian and Methodist churches every mg -The next meeting of the North- Ea.torn ConvocatioMuf the Episcopal Church, u. 1 4. be held in Troy some time in Aprii.' • _ ftir At the sale of shares of -the Association, on 3tonday evening — last, p l cventy dollars pretWntit was bid. NVILLIISI .3.1m.r.n. a brakeman mi the S. A: E. road, fell from the cars at Mon roeton, this Wedhesdu morning, and was kill. COLLECTORS. —W. RENEE DODGE has lx en appointed collector of State' and county taxes for this borough, and Joux IL Orictrrr collector of borough taxes. tax. A party of young gentlemen and ladieg or this place, paid a AIME to Rome 4:na Monday evening last, and werollandsontely ntertanted by Judge PASSItOItE. :Er An unusual amount of build iug has been going on hero during the present sinter, and the business seems to be on the in crease. e- The weather for the past few days has been delightful, and baring the terri ble drouth , friini which we have been auffering for Fevvral mouth ~is all that could be deAred: M.. her. Wm. 31cGLATHEgy, Rec tor of Chri-t Church. has so far recovered his health a , to be able to bold the usual Lenten Een icos in his t'hurch every afternoon at 4 M. Under the'proper head we to day chroMel r e the departure from single-bless• nedneaa of twomore Benedicpt, li. B. M0u0.0.; and J. W. En , uor. Both det*rve good wives, and we doubt not have got tlit'ru. 'seat. IlittitY STREETER,? son Judge - SruarrEit, was aclnuttel to practice in the set , eral courts of this county, on 'Monday last. We are informed . by the conmEtteo that Mr. c;rae.E _TER -passel an• examination. and he ‘llll- Undoubtedly beccipe a successful irac•ittoner. • PI - .IIsoNAL.--!We underAtaud that ''r. I. E. 501..05.10:5 intends leaving for a trip to faderland to visit his parents, in a few If all the foreigners who make this coup try ti. it home, became as — Useful eitiaens as 'S•2„.t.o.mti:4, "we should have no 'reason to 11:i3Lonn.e.s has been re-elected Born Engineer fur the . present year. • -11:‘ R. Ilc3trunty, is nrating a tour of in iiewoon through the huge 1t of and shoe es t,111,1.111( nts of the east. It is the intention of iirmlw ;11.V Bill TRACT to introduce all the unproVVIIICI S itit their establuditneut. of the Wro, : erly At!comb', was a candolate for SuperviNor (4 f(ii town, but the 011,, r ica , , fleeted. An article in the Xcur- York of a rceent date, in referring to the mine `e.nsasti s: a: the lien-n• mine near Wilkes-Barre, ra-t s mie n :leonine: upon the Superintendent, F. MI E , 1., but the finding of the cones pleat, whi:h we give below, fully eson r:ol.` him from any blame in the matter : :Tv from the testimony of witnesses the Luz. rile (-oaf and won company, the present r: of the said Henry colliery , tinder the manag . .l7n . nt and supermiion of Fred 11, r , E -it., superintendent, war. M. Will iams:, none inspector, since June 16, 1871, hare teen and are now making improvements and ripairs: which, if completed , will perfect ' the ,ventiiii'tion of said mines, and make it Safe for the so long as the appointees perform the v." Qom' En. ItEion.TEtt. : You Sotuetinrws get a whisper from flonie b9rough, but srl.,.ma receire any news from the township ; I therf ore thought I woind tell you of some orthe doings in Vought Hollow, It begins to look like busi ness here in - our narrow valley. DAN. Itassim. abort to erect • a large steam saw-mill and lath-mill combined, on his premises. The gear ing is nearly all on the ground, and a new v , ,und of industry will soon break the silence of the -.a lley. ItcssEm. is .thoroughly re ta!rnig his saw-mill, which will be ready for .Sprig sawing. The Wesleyan Methodists are 'oollt to i.rect a large church near C. 0. Bus , sELLs ; some of the timber is already upon the They "Wo are marching onward," etc. Eclat BP. A t the regular meeting of To: cyan Divielon 10S, S. of T., February 7, 17.2, the following resolutions were adopted : Wrir.inus, Our sister Esther Walburn, has lee tal.en from among us by the hand of ‘, atia rum 'vett from the .rials of this life, be .tbarer in a - better one; therefore, • I;eso're•i. That we bow to the inevitable that awaits us all: and ne feel our own lit tl,tr•s• when the fairest d o wers are plucked, an I te• reaper coiner in the Spring-time as • n ll as in the harvest, to gather Ills own. " N.,t they, but what - they-wore W.-nt to the house of fear, rbr.y were:the incorruptible, They left' corruption here." Aln in a blessed immortality through ('hr ,t, the Division extends its .symapthy try thy relatives and friends of the deceas,d, who ra.wer., her h,AA. Pek ,,, c , i, That a cop: of these resolutions L. (%, o. t#,N anzl each of the hurougt P&-Iteu:s from the Alleens.Gleaner G•izele boastA of a preacher among Lt. - 4 , ta , •11 , A, Lev. E. Wet.FE. We are not be- 1,, 4111 d ill the New York Baptist Amin .:ar• of Rev. 0. N. WOW/EN, as • at their last C'JUVentiou. C'l tiLLES is engage.] in build '72;-; argc, railroid bridges in curious (.;ir Union. Re Is now building a large iron 1,..r..ige in Alabama ; the irons artrall made ut 11 a C{ .4 - I,s in this place and forwarded. z. , a g,tod interest in the meetings of li , .•!, , ,abat • Itaptiat churches of this ::!](1 a large tinniber of con veraions are rtp r: There have been baptisms in the s-tui oh on each of the list two Sab ha...L.— are expceted to go -forward L , xt 'u:.,l s. wevk a t.on of Join W.trias:s, of Alb ens t whilr running backward, fell and his hand, Woke his arm in two ME The Boot and Shoe Itanufae tiny rs. of Einnri, have become 4tred of being . : ,I !o'C. , l(iiitlrely by their employes, and at a m" , • -11 :1; cn the 17th inst.,' adopted the moisible re,olutions : o Every reasonable effort bas. been agree with the slciety of PhOettlakerri C11‘; Elmira, 11110%1 as C pmi, upon Z of ri s fir then. labor for the coming bY of,ring theni better prices than they in coy of the Leoghboring cines; and 10 (iptv the redemi.M iu the prices of brsa.!-stits. niu , ll better Mice's than were paid Yeur, apish efforts have proved unavailing, and . tt rrp , o,, A large nuniter of shoemakers de kirc., to work upon snit) terms as are fair and % 1 -r 1, it ere ii,rtvi2hted be the roles of said so el y; ntvi tt ~0 4,15. It is a fact that the priceg of loath fr tund tilitlingB are ail:roaring„ whye the tee (I,r,c.y of 'manufactured goods are 'on the do dice, and • Whereas, ThetatritiVle and arbitrary condo* of those who I laid society. hi alike denimental to said sty generally , and. c e a er mica. iallY ry tl k l ee e l la i b r a ft i t4t e tt le tt s nii l lo l f h ltris inactive that wow: otherwise b e employed. and ales perilous to all who engagein manufacmr 7 fug ttotrefore, . Reattieed. That we believe said organization a positive evil, and we will henceforth ignore Its existenee, and open our manufactories to any who depiresto work upon fair terms, regardless of whether they , are or are not members of the so-called Crispin society, and that we believe it absolutely necessary that we should control our business, and not be dictated to or controlled by any 'outside organization. Revived. also That all employes shin be km 1214511 with work through the current year. We b'elieve there is nothing more dot/julep tai, to the real interests of both employes and employers, than - the various -wood , ations organized by the laboring men, and we are glad to see that 'some manufacturers have the independence to assert their rights, and employ such workmen as 0) 0 3' please. - TUSCABORA.—The "splendid run of moon-light evenings during the past fort night, have been pretty gettirally improved in httendizig donations. temperan e meetings, and the like. Bev. G. M. Cuaaremtuatt has been holdingia series of religions meetings at the beater School House. Quite a number have, given their names to the church, and n society formed.; The mcaathly meeting of the Tem/e -ranee' Rt4orm Society occurred at East Spring lull; oa the evening of Jan. 20. Reading of Es says. rehearsals, and free discussion of teinpe ranee doctrines, belong to the order of brisi ness. Wednesday- afternoon and evening, of January 24. the Mends of Bev. G. M. Cusx nreux made him a donation visit at T B. nay, Springhill. January 25 the friends of Dec. E. 13criuovotts paid him a similar visit at ..Tuscarora creek. January 26 a like visit was made Rev. P.R. Togas, just over the town line at the Eddy. Saturday evening, January 27, a temperance meeting was held at the Springhill Church. Dr. N. J. Coomptr. addressed the people in fa veirrof instructing onelouf/4 in .Ithe formation of right habits, showing that we as temperance people need educating up to a higher standpoint, any. that this work of e(hi eating could be best attained by organization. A society!of twenty-eight members was imme diately formed, by taking the usual pledge, adopting a constitution. and electing officers. ;to-wit :H. B., Prest., - and two Vice- Presidents.. M. Mowroont:ar, Sec'y., and P. M. Joust-vox, Chap. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of this week, Rev. T. P. HUNS has been stirring np the people of Wyalu sing on the temperance question. Of course, some of our Tuscarorana west down to bear him. Ile gave the ram-sellers and their peti tion signers some pretty hardltnoeks. Feb. 2, 1872. The vast week's "splendid run " oV••aleighing has made business pretty brisk. Every spare tenth has been brought into '-requisition, and the logs and bark have been piling " up." The report that small pox. is "abroad in the land" has 'treated some- sensatlon, and 'most of the schools have been vaccinated—the scholars, •I mean. Amnia Feb. 10, 172 ruocEEDINGs d F couscit.—Couxicil met at office Of GEO. D. 31osraItirs, Esq.. Satur day evening, February 10. Ireinbers present, A. G. liasos, Burgess, 31. - C. gr-lICTII, JOHN MEIJNETII, JAPES Baterr, Jur& D. MONTANYE. On motion proceeded to elects collector for cat4ent year. The names of War. E. Mairsnarz, .10115 H. Oncurr and S. S. Pimacz,were present ed. Joan; 11. Ouccrr was elected, and author ized to proceed to collection of tiles on filing bond to be approved by the Burgtisa. The following bills were ordered W be paid : Wu. Fon.E, election, £3.00; Is ; Ac il. Dr.caEn, health account, $B.OO. The following bills were presented and refer red for certificates : J. W. BisuoP. Firo Depatmont, $1.00; B. W Alsor.D i Prwting, $23.00. Ou motion, W. H. Aloaciati was elected bar ough engineer for current year.. , The clerk was directed to -procure a set of books fur the borough, to be opened in double entry, in which all accounts of the borough shall be kept. On motion it was Resolved, That the secretary be authorized and directed to issue a duplicate, of borough taxes for the ensuuig year, and that a levy of 2 per cent upon the last adjusted valuation for State and county purpose; bo made for born' purihmow. Adjourtwel to meet SA ttirday, Feb. 17,1872, at (Aloe!: t. 11T. Council area par.nalit to aajlarntueut. Mem bers pre-eut, A.. G. 31.t.905, hargeEs, 31. C. MEiteur.,J. , UN Mr.nEDrrit. JOIN U. MoNrANrE,. JAS. BI NT. The following bills were presente 1, passed upon and ordered,to t,, paid : G. 31cCanx. SOS, streets, $5.00 ;E.\V t man A Co., stre-tg; $67.03; E. WALIiEIIA Lealth, r2[.' 7; Geo. 13:1c;, health, .5139.00. .13:11of streets, ;12% laid over for certificate. O motion, it was lieso/red, That the borough ordinance relat ing to dogs, etc., be pubhshod;with tutt,ce that toe same will be stlictly enforced. 011 motion, it was, /,:esoircd, That board of appeals he held Weduesd.t Feb. 28, 1872, at 7 o'clock, r: u. The Burgess aupointetl, with approval of Council, Jun LINEs as special constable, to hold office one year, if a, long he Inbar° him set well. _ On muti ii, it was nesolred, That the secretary be dirceted to give notice to , collector to settle Lis duplicate at once, or proccedtrigs will be commenced to enforce the same. Adjourned to mil February 21, at 7 o'clock. _ G. D. gONTANTE, Ckrk. BRADFORD COUNTY CONVENTION I. 0. of G. T..— Bradford Co. Convention of I. 0. of G. T. met at Wyalnsing, in Academy Hall, WednesdaY, Feb. 15, 1872. Called to order; W. C. T., WurrE in the chair, who mac:\ the. folloaing pro tem appointments: W. V. T., Sis. Maynard, Bonn. : W. C., Bev. D. D. Gray, L. eyville; r. W. C. Craft; Wyalusing; W. I. G.,,0. F. Chamberlain, Wyalusing; W. 0. G., Bro...Euttx, North Towanda. Also, the' follow ing Commdtees: Credentials, Bros. J.F. Sander son, A. Keefe, J. Stafford; BuSineas, Chamberlain, E. Keeler. G. Swa ts; , Lesolu tious, D. Craft, S. S. Butts, C. F. Hoe. - A oinnittee consisting of Bros. Craft, Keefe, and Stafford, was appointed to make arrange mentslor the pu:die evening meeting, which repGrts as ionoms : That the evening settion may 'so . depted to the discussion of the toll O wing Roo)lred, That it is tho duty of temperalice men to labor for prohibition, rather than for local option. Ou motion D. D. Gray was invited to sit as corresponding-delegate. = Afier the usual opening exercise N, with half au Lour derot .onal (.xorises, comltuited by Bev. I). D. Gray, reports were rciec.fred from the following Lexlges Northern, No. 223; Martha Washington, 471 ; Wvalnsing, 472; Canton, 498; Trojan, '51)0 ; Llr ert:. Corner 4, —; Springfield, .506; East 'Smith field, :344,; . 8tevensvil:e, 767; Nos. 770, 788, 817 be Dro. Mall. Followed by verbal reports of Deputies for the Wyalusing,, Towanda, and [tome Districts. Committee on atimdmeuts and suggestions, submitted a series of standing- rules and regula -90n4, which they deemed preferable to aniebd merits to the Constitution, and the same acre adopted : • -liesetred, That the thanks or the temperance -people of Bradtorl county are due and beret* - teudertd to Bro. Thomas Roberts, Grano Lodge Lecturer, for the manner in which by has aroused temperance sentiment for the past new Weeks; and we take this opportunity of ex- IpreSsing our sorrow for his nidispenition, in consequence of which he was reluctantly forced us, burore clmpleting the canvass of the county. Committee on Hes:du:ions reports tliefullow wh.cli were adopted, after a, free and 'sag mated dtreission. Resolved, That in tl?t , .. continued harmony, peach and prosperity of our ordtr, we recognize the'evitioice of the approval of our Heaven* . Father, and His call to-go forward with renew ed faith in ins blessing, and greater energy in our work of restoring the fallen and of saving others from J:eso/red, That w.e again call upon all Chrii.- Hatt people, and especially non all Christian miuiaters, to sid us with all then - might in the p ro ,ccotion of this wort: for thal audhumanity. Res°feed; lhat we recommend to the vanons churches of oar county to appoint the 2d Sab bath evening of the month, (jr some otter "it more vnivellient) for temperance prayer meet ilesdeed, That we would call the attention of Sup.-nuteud..nti , of Sabbath schools. to the im pomace of estab:ishing • juvenile Temperance soavties among the members of their schools, and that the va , lous Lodges be 'requested• to aid and encourage such societies. . . Re-so/red; That the present advanced state of public sentupent ou the question of temperance vre'regard ifs duo mainly to the - efforts of our •o • • order, and indicate' that our orgaidastioo is the one call:Waled to carryon a:Woefully the gr=eranee That reform. outioodgee be reotesird in their regular meetingOto make the devotional exercises more prominent than has heretofore been customary. I - Rooked, That ourtiod be requested to unkerenewed efforts to Ovulate widely tete., perm's* litershao.- - • • • • , .Resoked, That we ask of the Legislatirre of thil commonwealth the passage of a stringent prohibitory liquor law. with severe penalties far ib iviolatlons, for Bradford Ounty, and that the W. C. T. of this Convention. be instructed to appoint a committee of Ave whose duty it shall be to prepare blank petitions for said act, and with the assistance of such sub-committee' as may be deemed necessary, circulate said pa titi.!ms thoroughly throughout the county, and forv,niro 'thorn to our members of the Legies, true, as 'early as possible. Committee: p. Craft. C. A, Stowell. A. Reda, C. .11. Ball, Ben. 3f „ Reiotred, That the thanks of the Conventio4 be tendered to the citizens of Wyalusing, for the lhospitable entertainment of its members. Besolred. This u temperance men, we will noti support in soy way persona for office whO arenot known to be in harmony with our priti eiples. Resol red, That we deem public gatherings in the beh If of temperance, of great benefit to the cause, and we recommend a general ma's me 'ling to be held on the 4th of July neat, and that's committee of nine be appointed by the chair, whose duty, it shall 'be to make general arrangements. Committee, S. C. Gaylord, Geo. &tell C. M. Ball, A. Keefe, E. Rutty, C. Stowell, A. 11. Spaulding, C. Avery, B. F. Iteit bee.! • The following was offered and unsinimonalY adopted: Rewired. That in our Representative, B. S. Dartt, we recognize a true and tried friend of temperance, and will give him all needhil en couragement and snpport in his efforts to se cure. prohibitory legislation. ' Dr. 0. D. Stiles offered the following. Wite.nr_its, We, as a temperance organization hellfire in the plan nriiinblishing the names, of petitioners for tavern license. which may be filed office of Prothonotary of Bradford Co., as soon after said names are filed u practica ble, and present them for publication in two of the count, papers, having the largest circuity; lion.i itesolreca, rat we will not give out support to any paper, whose publisher shall rornso td publish said names. Adopted. . . • A iarge and interesting meeting was bold on the evening of the 14th inst., and the resolution prescinted was ably diszussed by Bros. Gray Bowe, Craft, Butts, Hall, Chamberlain, Keefe and Eaten. Adjourned to meet at llonioe, on 'The sth Wedilesday of May next. - B. C. G.ixt.oun, Diet. Seey. Wyalusing, Feb. 15, 1872. ____ - 1 - BUSINESS=AL. DO.. Buffalo Robes and Horse hlardiets—closing out sale regardless of cost, at Mceira..7.irEs. I . . eg- Persons desiring to buy five or ten t scro lota just outside Um l;orough, very shOnld call on W. H. Monona. lei-Ground Plaster $6.00 p" at To naa Steam Flour Mille. Call and see the American Machine at IL. M. WE.t.LEs' coal ofixe Sowin Jfolasaea azd Syrups of all , cheap, at SicCanE & EtivrAtm'. grade Flour and Feed at' retail, at a Steam Floar Dtirs , tie:ivereil fent, 'rowan' 1 Mortgages, neatly printed, for this office. mile at' F. M. WELLEsis agent for the wing machine in the market. Mr Linen goods will be at a dis est Summer, at 1. CroLusurra's K. C. P. count If you wish - the best leek ewi. g machine, get the Ainerican. MEI The American is the most du ri.wing machine in the marlcet. rablo ! Th© REPORTER is the best 11 get Job Printing. I= 1 3 - Tomatoes, Peaches, Tine- I etc., by the can, dozen or case, very at ' McCant k EDWAIII/S% apples cheap, . large assortment of - Fish of le3, on han.l at F,b. 17, 172 all gra! SALL: on RENT.—A Woolen iv. Enquire. of BENI. Sonia. near Mon- Fo 'facto roe ton Pea-vine, .obio,f—abtl West- DraucAl Cl‘, , ct:r Seca; alo a ,priute article (..f Timut ticrd, wh - olentle ararretCll, at . ti* All persons indebted to WOLF GotuSllllll, Min please make payments to N. . urrit b€6-re t..c 13th of thli month. I*. NATHAN GOLDSMITTI will have the greatest kpring stock ever seen in Tow n da, at Ow." K. C. P." lei. We, have a fine line of Tea— Oolung, Young Ilyson, Japan and Hylton. McCant S EDWAILDS., 14& - A fine assortment of Gents' Gov •at N. Got.n3ltyrit'a great Keystone Clothing Palace. Fun Sttn.—The undersigned 'um for bale a good tarn in Bnrlington borough/ • J. J. G111171711i3. Towanda, Pa., Feb. G, 1572 Fon RENT.—The lion's° now ocen pied by Tilos. DEN.IIOND, on Main street. ros seppion given April 1. Enquire of M. 11. Lizt- EEO cam' All persons indebted to Miss S. 31. GRIFFIN will pl.:aaP settle up before the first of March. Pa* Large stuck of and White Wheat Flour, at McCaw - . k EDWAIIDS% Fon SALE.—A. good Sife. Enquire at this office. ite.. Nitrous Oxide Gas for , x` I.:Act ing teeth, at KELLT 8 9 rAiLET'S. 1186. Fins boots made to order at L. L. Itoom M. Th© American Seairv , t) Ma chine does worl:that no other will- do, and is told t 5 cheaper than auy other first claws ma- DuNATioN.—.The friends of Bev. Ita.u.oes Ansisvd.vo will pay him, a donation visit at the Parsonage, Slonrorton, on Wednear. day..Fehritary 2i, 4fternoon and evening. All are invited. 'By order of Committee. ' • ser Wx. 01231BEuLni keeps • a better assortment of Seth Thomas' Clocks, tilt?) any one in Bradford conn!y. Prices from $2.25 $25.0 1 .1 A 'sr , Ithaca Calendar, and line French always onhand. AU warranted.. • ter When you go to Rome, it you tulle* the crowd you will soon find }ourself n p ßo afs G & W ry, where you can get card photo graphs for t 1.50 per dnzen. Large pictnres for frames, tll.OO. Al! 'Work warranted to suit ens-, towers. . is. W. L PMVDLETON has just a?. mitecia F. A. DAILDOW as partner in the Hard: i ware and General Merchandise business, at the' old stand cf S. N. Dinetsox. at Orwell. We' understand that the nature of the blismess is to remain unchanged, and the firm lobe unchr the nano of "PENDLETON it ainuow." To FAnnEas.—A: very valuable to i-1 nitro for cotitpoit and top dressing, consi4t:ng or lime charged with ammonia, tor sale cheap by the Towanda Gas Company. Trait. • ToWanda, Nor. 20, 1871. . • • mar I want an experienced, care ful and trusty man to erprk my far.n in Burling ton, 6•l take c:iarga of da.i7. I the right kind 4 , man I will make• a ltbe:alb Lrgain. For frith:: particulars enquire et or address, C.F., Tewanda, Fr.. q, Thi l'klcee C EuwAr.ns IiONTSNYES. Atkeetketablekeet wi>i be gi l e' ea 1a the Uethodiet Church, et Heirk3 We, on the emeritus of the IX of Yebreary, t1t179. ' The exereiseeHl 41 be of s ottegetkoworts character. and perhaps - jam interesting to an. o mission Ib cesits.,. Treceeth wi ll go to the boa. eat Of the eliatilL. Ida Pitoir & SONS rap offering great Indnoementa to buyers of farniture,tn or. dor to make room for new stock. . Nertcr..---There will be a Quarterly Meeting in tho First Wesleyan Methodist Churchott lierrickvillo, Bradford Co., Saturday and Sunday, FebrUary 24 and 25. Bea. A. Caooas, editor of American Wegegan, from Syracuse, will preach cm Sunday. , Cross is still selling goods in tho Boa and Stationery line at lower rates than any other establishment in this section. Fon SALL—A House and Lot on second street, near the Ward Bohm Building new, three stories high, with good well and cis tern. Possession given I immediately. Apply to . In S. Pow. ra. WICKHAM & BUCK have open ed* Fire Ineursoce office. " A SNOW-BALLMO Arius."—Mr. IL Barran, commonly known as "Shoo. Fly," was snow-balled in the most terrific manner at the post-office, Monday last, while - carrying an advertisement for N. Ootxwzrrn'ai Clothing Palace. _ Co.ti.:—The Sullivan Anthra cite Is the cheapeit and best for all purposes. Also the the best Rod and White Ash Coals at the Central Coal Yard. Orders left at my office, or at Dr: H. C. Potirr.n, Sow &Co'a. Deng Store, will be promptly tilled. R. 11. Ww.its. Sept. 27.,1871. , Va. The firm heretofore existing as Wour & Gou,sgtrrn, hag been this day mu tually digrAve,l. Wot.r & GoLnanrrn. I will carry on the brisiness at the Keystone Palace Clothing Hall. Thanking the public for past favors, and trusting a contirnainee of the same. -Yours truly, NATIIAN VOLUM-MI. FOR SALE AND TO RENT.--At DIT- Titicieg Music Store in Mercnr's Block, Pianos Organs and Melodeons. Old Instruments taken in exchange for new ones. Also for sale Plates. Clarionets, Banjos, Accordions, Cone - camas. Violins, Guitars, Strings, sheet Music and In struction Books. Jan. 9 4t. r•We have on hand And offer at bargains: 1 drover 5 Baker Sewing Ifachiue, 2 Ladd h Webster's " " 1 Wheeler & Wilson's r ton, 1 Franklin ?Leather Call it the agent 7 of Stir Tobacco of all grades, at 3rccADE & EDWAIIDS% CtosING OuT Biustrr ogers her stock of Millinery Goods at retail, at cost, for the next3o days ; or oho will &afore of ter entire stock _together with the store fix tures, at a great bargain, to any one who mac Irish to engage in the business. Tea location is ono of the best in town, and Miss B. hiu been doing a paying business. Satisfactory reasons give:4(43r desiring to sclL For further particu lars call at the store, one door east of Mercer's Bank. sey" After selling. over $20,000 worth of Ai:uncap Sewing Machines, it affords tts gmat pleiutare to state that not ono cent has been expended for repairs on ' , no of them, and every one gives entire satisfaction. No agent has been able to exchange , any other machine for the American, with any person wo have sold to. ' Wtoorrr E lltooocg, Agents, -Anunro, N. Y. Jan. 9.—tf. Wir D. C. Mari ES and family re turn thanks to their neighbors and friends for theichoico entertainment unexpectedly furnish eikhem-at their home, Friday evening, Febru ary 2; also, for the tokens of the good will and generosity of their friends, bestowed tipon them on that oc , ±slon. Their nuite,l rayer is, 'that those who i V given so liberally, may reap bountifully o. the blessings of Him who is rep resented as saying : "Inasmuch as ye hate done it unto one of the least of these my breth ren, ye have done it unto tno." Now, after all that, has been said and written by interested artaes, we are compelled by the'doeision of the people, who certainly ought to be ably to judge, to still claim that the Si..ger Improved Sewing Ma chines aro not stapassel. They do any work that any retying machine dm, - as easy and simply. They do not wear out. They will work as easily atter years' so as at first. tom. IL LL Lima DCSI.:WE2 and at the head of all articles for a•similar ptir p-)se. The testimony of our physicians is con: elusive as to it, value ; and wo are personally acquainted with scores of cases where it has been used with tho best of results. It m7l re store gray hair to its original color, and teat-co it glossy, and in a healthy condition ; while, for heads troubled with dandruff, or any disease of the scalp, it acts like a charm In cleansing them. Try it, and you will not be disapNinttds Couri'or, May 2,185 i. TOWANDA BUILDINCI AND SAVING FUND ASiOCIATION.—By direction or the President of the above named Association, there will be he d immediately after the next regular meeting on Monday, Usich 4, 1872, a tizcial meeting of the Ouckholders to take action in regard to the rolloiriug proposed amendments to the By- Laws, namely : That the 241 Section of Article 1, be amended to read at 7 o'clock, instead of 7} ('.:lock ' ; and that Article T. (ten) be amend ed to read the ith Monday of each and every month. instead of the Ist Monday. Meetings will Le heblin the Grand Jury Boom. reit. 21, 1K2.-2w A SElllOt'S WORD Wall 01111 NON- Patiza Cusrostitris.—Wagons cannot run with out wheels boats without water, bull frogs without leg., nor a hardwore business be car tied on everlastingly wthout money, any more than.a dog can wag his tail when be has none. Our customers aro all good, int what good s a mitis goodness .t'lo• when he don't do any g ood - . We have no doubt that evtry one thintY that all have paid ezcopt him; and est we' are cl ver, and his account it a small matter it makes uo difference. But ityloes make a dif ferenco. sni any One who knoirs that be is up a tree liAd better come down before we throw stones. Don't hold back to save interest ; we charge interest on all accounts, and we have resolve , ' to go tir ad who have accounts over due; with a sharp stick. , Those who don't pay and never xntend to pay, will Please bny else where: " Connom, flUsszu.ik Co. Tug ELatItIA. EYE., AND EAU INSTI n-rz.—We maileit visit to Dr, Cull). S. De Da-• Gaol' on Saturday, and inspected his estab lishment. We sa ■ many strange and curious thirigs. We were not aware that it was possi ble for the human frame to get so badly out of repair, until-we bad made an iciventory, of the appllaures necessary for correcting all forts of deformities. • • The D.peter occupies eight handsomely fur nish' d apartments, in which he conducts his tnism,s , . At the head of the stairs we were shorn iutrythe Ladies and Gentlemen's waiting room.; two spacious parhus on either _side of the hall. Here, the patients who attend upon the venrniiig and evening clinics, await their NM'. until summrmecl to the 'operating room bythe ringing of a bell. At the time of our call the patients were receiving treatment for of the cye. We noticed that every pa tient was known by a number, which corres ponded to a cup and brush on a Urge cabinet, kept for the l virpose ; from this-Le received his application to the eye and then departed, vt he ringing of the bell, to make room for oth ers. In this manner from forty to flfly patients, afflicted 'with eyo difficulties, arc treated daily. Batt = the der surgical Ado is bid& at which operathem ira performed for the cure of tillndome, mess rte, crooked limbe,aal for the rentoval of tumor% etc. The raaag room Is a wmadeirthl pbsee, fitted ne• ell manner of oontrivancee for the relief ef bijoriee, sad the care of deformities and disease. The large in- Instrament malt, cutup one end of.the room is filled with beautiful surgical instruments of the most perfect workmanship-..instruments so ingeasui in coastructlon and design. that one is alneist persnided to submit taasurgical ope ration for the Pleasure 0) of seeing of brilliant little thing. do their worit; Operating chairs, comfortable in upholstery and curious of machinery aid shape, aro Also to be seen in this room, Inviting the sufferer to an easy position under the sturgeon's knife. Fracture bode, that can be converted into chairs or traveling carriages, bract= for curved spines, shoes for club foot, contrivances for contracted limbs; In short, all sorts of appli ances for the cure of those suffering from acci dents or deformity. We were also shown the now process for re moving highly vascular tuners; by mesas of the galeaso-cautery. A platinum Wire Is Pim ul about the tamer to be removed, fastened to an instrument called an ecraseer, and then connected by mesa of wires to an =men= battery; the wire surrounding the tumor is brought to an incandesced heat, when- the loop Is gradually shortened, until the tumor is burned and lifted from its resting place. We raw a young man at the Institute who bad three tumors removed from his neck in this manner, twit who declares thp operation to be almost painless.' The examination room is perfectly dark, sod fitted up with an oPtilhalntoscope, by moans of which the interior of the eye is illuminated and examined, enabling the obe:rver to detect any disease of the humors of the eye, or of its retina or nerve.? Also the laryngoscope for examhuhig tho throat, speaking apparatus, etc. But What astonished ns most, was. an electrical instru ment for Illtordnating the interior of the ando re=4-relideriee the interior of the body so transparent as to (=able the physician to' de tect the presence of abdominal tumors, enlarge ment of the liver, et - c. Indeed., it is marvelous to see the ingeniods contrivances with which the intelligent surgeon is equipped now a-days, for discovering diseases of the human body. Dr. Ur DE Onarr has thousands of dollars in vested in these cut4otts.and interesting dint and it iy a rare treit for any person who is for; tunate enough to he allowed to examine them. We spent a short timo in the Doctor's pri vate study, looking over his handsomo library and beautiful pictures. -This is the cosiest room in the establishment, elegantly furnished and open only to the Doctor end his ultimate friends. The laboratory is a nest little room arranged and furnished purposely for compoundigg and dispenEng medicines for the prima' of Dm In stitute, and is under the care of • competent pharmacist. - Me Ilistoury, the neat little magazine of which the Doctor is editor, and which has se cured so widespread a circulabion, also has a room for its accommodation, in which it is mailed, and other business of its publication a - tended to. A neat little printing press is kept in this room, and is busy printing envelopes, blanks, notices of subscription due, Sc., for the use of the magazine. Wicxtux &• BLtce. Dr. UP pi Gluts has pra c ticed surgery in oar city for the past ten years, and is perhaps as widely known as any surgeon- in the State. Patients are found in his Institution from all parts of the United States, which is sutliclent evidence of his popularity and success.—Eimira Adrerfjser. SQDMES—WHIPPLE.—In Camptown, aky 14, by Rey. E. Elwell, Gideon P. Squires, WyaluNing, to Miss Har/iet Whipple, of Standing Stone. Camptown, February 15, by Rey. K. Elwell. Silay Hine, of Pike. to Miss Emma Brink, Lt Pike, Bradford Co., Pa. MORGAN—MORAY. —At the residence of Dr. N. We Is, Meshoppen Pa., on Tuesday, Feb . . 20, 1571, by Rev. Samuel F. Colt, D. - D.,• 'Beecher H. Morgan, Esq., of Wysos, to Miss 71.1ary Moray, of the former place. BISHOP—RFt•TR -Also, by the same, at the same pl a ce and time, Mr. Joseph W.. Bishop, `-,of Towanda, to Miss Mary H. Wells. FREDERICR—CADETT.—At the house of I. 0. Wought, Esq., Feb. 11, 1572, by Bey. S. "Lent, Mr. Win. Frederick, of Shestiequin, And Miss Harriet Catlett, of Rome. • stanammonomsomas IRVINE.—In Monroe, on the I7th iu t., ]lra Margaret 'teed Irvine. Mrs. Icvme was born in Nor.bumberland Pa., do the 2Gth orMareb, 1780, and hence was almost 02 yeirs oh1:1 Mer husband, GCC!IIGE la rum, died in 1844. They came to Monroe in 1813. They bad eight . children, all of whom arc now living; grandchildren, and a num ber of great-grandchildren. Mrs. Invm - r. was a consistent member of the Prcsb?teriul church for more than 70 pears." Blessed arc the dead which dio in the Lord from henceforth ; yes, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors ; and their'works do follow tbem."—llev. air: 13. H. A. 16,- The Germania Fire Insurance Co., of N. 1., is sate, sound and reliable, and adjusts losses fairly and promptly Tons Mix, Agent. Mercers Block. Wsorunt t BLACK. ral -Wu: a. - SicruAs litg the first, SEASON OF 1871 -2. I. O. OP G. T. LECTURES. Th cotrinnthe have made the following engage mento : F.Czoss, See). MARRIED. DIE D. SPECIAL NOTICES. I=E1:21 iter VANVELSOIL & .ILuomas, 3lerchaut Tailors, Clothing, Hats and' Caps„ Furnishing Goods, 68 Broad street, May 3, 1871. Wa%erly. New Aiverti;ements. OLIVE- LOGAN, Dato—WEDNESDAY. ocroun 28. Subject—"lice Young Men." Dr. J. O. HOLLAND, • iTtuartry Trrcomp.) Date—TUESDAY) 1COVFX131;11 14. 1871 lEilbject : trudertow.7 • JOHN GOUGH. Dlte--*EDNESDAT. May 1, 1622 ,•••• win a ray." .1 111 PETROLEUIEV. NASII Date—JANUARY Si, 187.2 SnbJect—"The lilfulon of theirangh." ANNA 'E. DICKINSON Date—rEnutthitt 29. 1872. ' Subject —" De =Rolm e• and Workingmen Henry Ward Beecher. Date, 1872 Subject—'. The Billet." Tb311END71.33011,1 QUINTETTE CLUB will give a Concert DECEMBER 1. General admission Reserved nests Season Tickets Tickets for sale at Ponrea k Sinst's Drug Store. Sale of Reserved Seats will commence two dayn befime each lecture. 1•01 , • ••••••.-1 JNO. F. SANDEIISON, . N. W. ALVOIID, L. R. FlWza. N. F. LUCKS, J. W. VAN TVTL Tcrwatas, Oct. 5. 18'11., MANGE OF • Flllll. —The co- Ortnersblpp heretofore existing under the name of Dr. R. C. PORTER BON k CO., has been disseds. by mutual consent, and a new flan organized under the name of Dr, H. C. - PORTER k SON. Dr H. C. PORTER k SON ; will continue in the Drag Fluidness. sr THZ OLD PLACT., Corner of Main and Pine streets. Will settle all the accounts of the late firm. and al! persona indebted are requested to snake payment to t h em. Dr. H. C. POUT= & BOY Tcrtrado, New Adventism& GREAT CLOSING} OUT SALE BOOTS. SHOES & RUBBERS, 1221 zarraoPouras cross. No. 3 Griffiths it Patt and on.' Block.. Bridge street, Towa, PS. The enthw stock to be closed out dining the nest eirizr days. and 1 hereby offer my Wise stork of TUBROMS, SHOES it RUB BERS. and STORE - TOR SALE AT A WU/AM. This Fls U• grand chance for an enterprudmi man to enter Into ago d paying badness. My reason for wiling is that I him purehmeil an' interest in a Wiwi Plan Shoe Nanntectors in Neer York. and 1 propose ee. tehilabing a Jobbing -Houser In the interior Of the Slate the the sale of those goods cal early and secure bargains. t • . . inaneementa offered to - the trouts. The entire shah be sold. by April lst. ELLIS H. NOE. jan.3l. Bridgentrieet. • E VA N S & HILDRETH, Will, fur the net telzty offer great bargains in. DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BL&NKETS, To make room for • SPRING GOODS! We also here the best $ 5 0 TS 3 50 BLACK ALPACAS, Which we ars selling at 4:l4lp:iota. salr72:l Itildip street. Tawanai. TATICII.‘ MPS Keep always on..hand elan assort- - p CLOTHS, HATS CAPS AND UMBRELLAS, FurniShing Goo d s CUTTING DONE ON SHORT MONTANYES IJ FLANNELS, &C., &C., &TANS & a seas ru FABRIONABTA Opposite Public Square, moat of WM) COATINGS \ RELDY-MADE CLOTHLNCt In all' the latest styles, - EMI GENTS' In great variety. NOTICE. ALL WORX WARRAIiTED 61. 6 MAIN STREET„ 'I'OWAN.PA, PA. Are arming BUFFALO ROBES' .1 ...) ' HORSE BLANKETS GREAT BARGAUNS. Dec. 14.- 1811 TO Tap PUBLIC ! .! -The uttleilegiaed Ircrald most respectfully say they are cow prepared In every wayto attend to the UNDtEtTAKE;;G - I:iUSINTSS In all Its branelne. ' And vs bad can ere atlatac• the services of sty one n itvg kne Haring spared no expexiiis or trouble - In procir. um from the shop of kr..Btulen k Co.. of oar Nice a hearse which cannot be surpassed or evea equaled In elegance this side of one largest cities. W, hare also oecared the service* of a moat reliable. etrPful, and gentlemanly .paracat to attend to tV.• bransb at rrn! , 'lTmT, J. F. Az. sx, one Vou t firm, trill .be . toned St the FOillitilre MOM on Bridge Stint and C. Y. Ka" U.LI. the other number of The firm. at We red deuce on Third street, ne iboitt the ofh. of W. Lyman, very reliatgo and dabrated Ord dart whose orace Is en stress, near the Elwell Howe J. IL ALLYN. I jan2ll2tt C. IL MANYILLE, f A.1%7Z.T1TA,14 OF. XUZ xizczarsul AND EXPDNDUVRES OF BRADFORD cauxiiTrisolingtuanc isc FrErr" iussessors Bridge - C c Brides Vie" Comstgenreatth cost' Crier Constables attending upou Court—, Counsel to Commissioners District Attorney ?or Elegetionr • Grand Jurors Traterse Jurors. • - Tor Insurance on Public* Buildiagi.. For Fuld and Light July Commissioners clerk— r. For Oleo Books and 16tatiortery... 1,183 For FrioonereSupportin County Jail—. 1,4C0 .61 For Primmer' Support in Pordentiary..; - 1.170 06 For Conroding Prisontre to Penttadiary 613 GO • Of this eriorent, between three awl fear the , is the building. Ace:aunt will Da Sertnral Collectors , of County Tax jbr as CdtugY of Bradford. for tlio year 1171,anadyirojems, Twaships NE borowAs. I _ L .lyaws of Collectors: ..I"s's 1 i Ciargi;lL Rectieigli ' l Legged P er ca a .._. 1-....1 1 --1 —.......-... ...,....... Pike' 1I .7 Stamens, • ;18701 42 841 . ' .1; 1.. ' ....1. 42 1 64 Koine borough , . Maki Itonght • 1-,... 113 93 1671.51 1 ..: 70 - /I'6o ...11. Wysat. :1717 Wood - . 1.,.; , 602'321 602,321 .!. !! .f-1-. ..; .. Armenia •• I P Burman - • 1871 354 571' - 331;621 -5,50 • 171651 -, - _ 1. Athens Township. ' William Elabree. 1 .-- 4408 371 32001641 • 48,75 , 117.961 661 No Athena Borough - LERLosabaugh 11,- - 1662 39 15591891. 'lo'4o , 81:11•10 1 .., _ Annum.... ....... ....... Myron Kellogg 1 1 •••• • 1110,19 - 1331491 104 : 70!13 .., Albany ' ` Alnander English li• •.. ~,. 899 03, 841 191 13,6 1 7 4417 •• • T.. Albs Borough . IV D Wilson. • ll ;• .. 219110. 200-001 • ..1, ~- ~..1- 190 1 Barclay ' George A Northrup-- ,;1 1 '2130 601 1946139' 4 811951 1 . 02,44. Burlington Township-, DL !Idle nback IL; • ..1 1331.241 12471601 1719151 65661 .... .. Burlington Borough -• Orlando Vosburgh. .....i.....1 3101121 293,78 ; .- car - 2,61.61 .... t ~,. Burlington West. . Samuel Judo. i.-...i 1243:11, 117613 v 4:ss, 61:91 • -I' Canton Township. .... - E C Cole +.•.. 1 24(2/1 1 21f t 2315[921 2105 122;94, ...1;.: Canton Borough.. • Eldah Landon.' •• .1 -1 934;7711 '11183241 ~„ 5104 ' 46.69 i„ .. ...1:: Columbia. 511 Morgan: ... .- ... -...: ~ ...1 2.62W76. 2486 1 }68 t 2C22 , 130:66, --- 1 . Franklin F F Fairchild' , 1...., oso:2811 90302 - .1:711 47!1531 ...1: Granville. 0 L Streeter. •• - . 1G79;951. 1586(44 1 o;lsoi WM; • ...I.: Herrick ' Charles 17.1ce • • 1 • W 29.350.1031 56; -13150; 64.291 . I ,d- Lerto7 - '-'• C 4 /Tenter 110ag11n.....-.,11....1 1417'7011 12481)01 /0, 9 41 70'34i pia Litc/alleld. ' 1.1 P Munn.- ..... 1.16 ttOil 17131961 12.61 - IKI2III .1 . Leltaysville. - , 11:9 W Pierce . ! .1 349 99.1 sa2:49' - ,, 1 17 ' ,10 •• i. Monroe Township '-', • 1W A ..Kellogir . ........ .:., .-. I ~... 1.441411 1369:661 • 3',70, 71,061 1 :.. 1.. 1 Monroe Borough. 1..70h ti F .11.111cr . ;41..... 323 1711 304140, 2.7511 15,02: • .... 1 .. Orwell • ."ift 8 Ciao : . .: -- - ....1 1915 00., 1822j93 1 16;1011. 95'921 ... ... Overton - 1 Ilacob Haverly . , 1 ,••... 6171554 433;31; 81421 2540 f, •••-. Pike . : St E Warner • 1 , ..., 1 2420141:, V. 11816 1 1, 11.4311 120145 1 1 ..1. Itldgbilry. - ' 1 ',C e ThOmpson ~ 1 • ~ L. 11 ••• •1 /941.144_ 1830(13; . 1411 6 / 1 96 35, ~,,l , „ Bette Township 8 H Cole - t .. ;.... 14341814 1357:171 7: 6 9 71 421 ...1-. HOMO Borough' fl W Browning : . • 1.... + . 23i1:921 226:80 1 - 1 1 24. 111811• Smithfield. IW B Forre.t. ' !,.... 2963'n8:1 1T19:34 ..1:.1, f . : l-1 1611 1 7 2 Springfield.-- -1' Oscar Harknes - 1 1. - ...1i 2552.32:1 2414:52 6:52. 12712a11 ...1.. South 4...Yeek ' 'IW 11 Moore . 11.. ; 1113:861 105404 4 , 1 241 55.48 1 . ...... Sylvania.. ......... ...:..1111C Peters ~..,., .... : ... 246166 1 .1. rt 2,96 ..f... „... 84 1 a . 21 ,,,„ 261 1 , .).. Shesheqnin ' Horan:. Horton 11 " . . ; . 1 ,1 2680,94 . 2447.60 t,2 ,• , .. , F .44. IWI 4 ... ~. Standing Stone- - F A Ennis .. ......... .:....1, . 1275;70, 1 ,1193197. 131 1 66 j ' 'Mall ...... Terry. . liShnbel Bowman/. 1:••••11 693;2711 8431411 5,4711 441391 ...... Towanda Township. . t Oringe Bowman . L I. 1167.701, 1103',421 s,Gult 56 , 013,- t = , ... t .. Towanda Bomug,b.. 14 H Elngabury ' 1 ....1 0273,23., 5890,011 73,221! - 3101091 I. .. 1.. Towinda liorth...-....... i l 6 B Harden • , / 11 . ' •• .1 839 : 9 0'1 794081 3 , ,111 ' 4179 1 ,. ..... Troy Township 1 Joseph P Hunt. 1 : 2729'601. 2574 ; 62 19,56 1 '135,50'1 - ... - . 1 - Troy Borough ' IE. C Williams - ' -- 1 , - 1 1720:891 1547 1 021 51/1 3 4: 8315311 ••- I Tnikutr0ra................ 1 111 Atkins ,- 1•-. i •. ma .itt I . V 42 firi: 15; 11 0. ' cnoo i t 2411,13 Illiter .. ' Milton llolcomb ...., .• 1 ..... 1401 1 4'211 1363' 62; ... • 51 36 . • 72180 ii .• • Warren -11.1 , P Kilniey •-!• - i -214 6 . 79 i 1 203081 2.711 .. 107'20 1.. .L1... - Windham- . Henry Wafter............, .... , 1842 891 1734'40: 171211 , 91 2611 • • •1.. Wya.:naing.. 1 , Abral Lewis • ll- . l' 2189:05 !: 2064:521 13 7711 .11:53 7611 !••;••• Wysoit. • :I) 31 Lamphear t1„_.;1 2013 64.1 1770:04 1 .. •• ~ . - -11 243 pt . Wells •on 0 itrinneil .-1..H...6 - 17.10;49:1 -aso,on!, .. •;t1 85 521, 1 1074,97: , Wilmot 1 Ira 1.1 Rogers 1 -.11 L 261.6311 1174:491 1 25 5111 '6l 82.1 ~.!..• Ileaascsaments. 1 .....1 341172; 1 .29.73,1 ..k '... ..11 _l. l ' • --._ - , _, 1, —,ll Totals „ -.9.77113 16,168355;641 6.411.5 e " 2513i74,14502:02 • , • Dr. Charl!t K , Ladd, account with ac C.. my of Bradford ford. D.,iIS7L. Due upon duplicates of 1170 and previous $ 1130 63 Returned uncollected for '7l Inapt : extent' $ 4302 02 Duplicates of 1871 • 78A057 84• Exonerated to Collectors • - Tad 7.1 Militia Tax of 1871 it 37 17 Percentage to Collectors., ' • " 3313 74 • Incidental remiTals • Amount in TresenTrdannary In. 1871 QM County Order? in account with County of Bradford for tee suns MI Orders issued 1n 1871 L-i. }IIIO.DFOPXI COB= BS- . • . - . . .. We the ritslerSlgned, Commissioners of said county , do hereby certify' that the above Is itrue 1114 correct statement of the risseivais and expenditures of salt cannty from the Ist day of January tolhe'3lst day of December, S. D., 1871, 'lnclusive. . Witness onr 14n 3s ani 'seal or office at T•1t*311.41: tilill23a dag of . danuar,y, 18112. - • . . .7, K. BINDS. . . . E. Q. KELLOGG, Cocamfgaloners •31O11EIS KLIEPAED, . ', 1 Attesi—E. 13. COOLIIIIIdII, cle:k WERSB.IIRG MILLS: WHEAT. RYE, - AND ISICFAVITENT F. Z 0 'CT CORN 'AITIAL AND FEED rhenN . tur CXSII • • CESTt.I a 31- WORK WARRANTED tag) ba band GROMID C.VirGA PLASTER, from Old longer Rea at . tt 7 rer ten Corti'anloat.9.!aken in exchart,;e for Planter. janlS'72 .NENf 7 C - OAL.. 011C31.131 Stet.ltroutinglll4lll TOWANDA, Pi. We are recr_iclug direct from the . .relm , l tl.o very . . beet rirrsras, PLFMOTg, and 5U.1.47VA5 COAL, wltiOi we prova:ie to th 6 ow”t martet peep , We respectfully incite those st pt:nlisse to call and examine our CoaL We also keep Lime, fresh from the kiln. ' We will deliver Coal• or Lime whenever desired on short notice. adding-only the customary prices. L. S. cAr. k. sep2o'7l tf *******`4******* * * *pHO'rOGRAPIT.T.! * The understgat‘l would inform the tottaie • * * that they have purchaletl the * * -G -A.L L E itT • OT All T, gt- * lIADDING GUSTTN, . * on Main street, first door .aontti of the Find * ,Nations Bank, and mean. by atrict attention, * * to business, and by the addition of every hip; * provement in the Art of Photography; to make i * the place worthy of patronage. air. Orwria * * le to remain with tis, and give his whole tinie * _l * and attention to the making of IVORYTYPES, * * PAINTLNUS IN OIL AND WATED. COLORS, lit * .As well as PENCELING in INDIA INK, * * • * Part =tar attention given to the enlarging ' * of pictures, and M the finishing of all kinds• * of work , so as to secure _thobost results, and * as ninch - tinae at possible given to making * noatives of small children. * •Those wanting pictures will please give ris * a trial, and we .thick that they will .be satis• * tied. • GLO. IL'WOOD A. CO. • * jan111•41 030 to $5,000 Per Atinum! .kaer,t4 wanted, 2',.)r THE -- NATIO IT3 RULERS AND ENSITiETIONS: Needed in every home; is printed on lintel paper; has sixty illustrations; all U S Presidents; all U Censuses; all U S Senators; - all caluahle documents; Likenesses of all the Presidents; "Coat of Arms*" of all the States; and other blnstrationa. An Ency clopedia of the Government. Price, .12 50! One. agent took thirty 7 seven orders in one day—another seventy-flee In a few days! It sells Immensely. Some agents clearat rate of $5.000 per annum. Farmers, school ace , professional' men, young ioenand ladies ' everywhere . making Money rap idly in cauvassi g for this work. The usefulness of the book compel its sale. Write its awl *we wtll mend circulars' nd . full Instructions fr&.. Address NEW WORLD PUBLISIRNO CO., south-west cor ner 7111 and Market streets, Philadelphia. janlslZna $llOOO TO BE MADE ON SHORT Noncr.. Tha subscriber now offers for sale his new FLOURIzi U II I'LL,. CHEAP. ONE-11.11.?:Ctrit, raLAXCE IX .t2CSTAL PiT3MITS. The property Is situated in Stevensville. Briulford co.inty. PA.; on the line of the proposed - railroad mom Wyaltisits to Binghamton, ant* a depot will probably be located on the property. •The property consists of fifteen acres of land, a lame new Mil. two -Dwelling Houses. two Barns outbuildings, and a neitzt•trAlling water power, • For father particulars enquire of 0. D. Bartleti Wm. Gniris, or N. N. Betts, Jr. Cashier First Na. Banal Bant. Towanda. Pa.; Martin Coryell. Wilkes. Barre. or k. Lewis, Wyatt:mine. = • • , j3n23'72m3 r j OR SALE.—The subscriber offer. for We the following property in Ulster. Brut •ord county Pa., to wit: One Cartago . Shop doing a too,' business, also his Hotuie and Lot eontaitim one sere of lurid all m the yillage of Ulster. troildine. orsr.y . new and in good order with plenty of fruit ,nd good, water, also a Hill farm containing one hundred acres of excelent land within one mile of the Tillage, pecerty.ftve acreeimproved, well fenced md well watered. with' -good buildings. The &bor, prop' rty will be *old' low and on reasonable term.• further particulars inquire of the su b scriber at Ulster. Ulster Jan. 25.11. CAIITION.:---Tiiis is to caution - al N./perform against imizonfiffretwo rotes given by the naderaigned to David 'Mead. dated Dee.l9. 18:1 for twenty live dollar, each. and payable three and six menthe after date. No value having been reeeiv ed. said notes will not be paid. Wu. EDDI. . ALFRED EMI. West Durlington, reb. 3,1572.--or. • . DECENBED• Slat, %WI. =UBE& EMEND For Jusgoo 's Ingnisitiono -mpg • S 221 00 _ Vor MIS Print._, Prollgaiotarr sad clerk of Sesafoas.. - ... Repairs on Reltdings Referees sr per Act of 1862 700 00 for Sumuriming Jurors.. - . .".. 261 20 her Rad of noose for CoarCatiror — ,.. - 226 SO Stade latastio Asylum - -216 OD Twirlers Instil** as per Act of 1857., 2oo_oo Wild eat anti/testes 7- 11`00 Mrs. goon. larlot for Jaa.. ........ 7.000 00 • Upon' Building of NI - 10.361 ak Extiapoinia, Isis Couradsalcates.....:.. 446 00 J. B. Blade. Coarraisidireer.. . 00 B. C. X 011 044. Commissioner 670 00 Morris Shepard; Ccnrunisakater . SO 00 E. 11. Coolbatigh, crk of Coturalasionsrs 1,200 00 Sura._Total .... 2.300 30 • 2.222 01 4.7 30 57 07 00 173 00 cos 23 „ 60 00 223 00 ... • 630 73 63? 3t • 4.906 33 AM 52 272 42 102 WI nd dollars is for . nutorlll pal& for end not yet need .14& 13 1 Orders, - re - deemed - 5127 17 Two per cent. commission on same SR — G 9 81 O a n b e Spta 'c nTtrm r m r aion on $6336 14 I Aramint in Tre-aaury January let 1872 . . . . _. • Tef,2l . - ' • 47E43 03 Orders paid in 171 UXECUTOIrS NOTlCE— uisssitit 411.Notire is hereby givent ell'persoai Indebted to the- estate of JNIS okra% - 1) late of Wysirt sing. deed. aro requested to ake immediate payment, and all peteone hating a against iald estate muqt present them duly en ant/dated for eettleineut. . JOILN GAIITLIND. "TM ... _ Jatit'72wd• _ Execrator. . . ExE c u TOR'S NOTlCE.,7#lstice is•hereby Risen that all persons indebted to the estate of BETSY GESTM, late . of Burlington deerss r d, air requested to make immediate poi nsent, and. a l persons basing claims awnst, the said estate most present - the same duly anthenti -' sated for settlement.' • Ft b.14,'72 DMINISTRATORS A hero*: given that peraotialudebted to the estate of GILBERT MILMB, tate of Asylum deceased, are requested to male immediate 'payncent and all persons -- Easing claims against gala estate mmst. present them duly authenticated for settfe- nt , Feb.ll•Ta-Ca B. LABOR=-. Adiainistratai. i'... r.. 'AMER PPLICATION ,A- To Harriet Auruout. —N0..170 Dec- term, I‘7l. You two hereby notified that Geo.W.Aurncint, your husband, has - applied to the court of common .Blear of Bradford cc, for a divorce from •the. bonds of.. Matrimony. and the said court boa appointed 3Bin day. the CM day of - May. 1572. for bearing the said Deeree in the premises, at which tinie and place yoU can attend it you thifik proptr. d. rraur .TAIST FLEET. Sheriff. res. 1, AD 3 TESISTRATOR'S Noece is boebr Oren to all persona Indebted to the eatate of JOHN 31 - INGOS, late of lifouroetou, towtuddp. decoued s mug mike immediate paP; mencatoi all person., biring claims auainst opiate roust present them duly auttiontteated'for rettlemeut. PITILOIIII.II/4110R, A. L. CUAlnfillt. Adminlsb•stora. tVit'l%!sS A DIITNITRATORS NOTICE.— • its hereby given to sU persons indebted to tbo eststP of JONATHAN W. PHINA3f late - of Sfld- Allege*. ILL, deed. mnst make immediate payment. mid all persons! Lacing dolma against said estate mist present 91Mii duly sutbentlatted far settle ment fel) 7 '72.-Gw AD'aISTRUTOR,-'S Notice is hereby given that all persons Welded to the estate rt. THOMAS EGA N, late ofWarren; deceased, are requested to make itimediate. payment, and, all person haring against said estate runst, present .them duly authenticated for settlement._JAX CHAAPEL, febr724nddininistrateri. AIDMIXPTRATORS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that all persona Indcbt , NI to the ekate of CHARLES RESIN. lite of. Towanda tp. deed. are requested - to make tm.metttate, payment, and all parlous having - clatmi sgshist said. estate mutt pre - sent the saute duly authenticated fq" af Memel% CONSTANT 'DIIIICZ: feb2'72-wG A D 3 LINISTRATOR'S .ci.Notice is hereby given that all persona indebted to the estate of D. LFSOX. late of Smithfield deed.. are requested to make immediate payment. and all persons having claims against said estate mnall sent them duly authentiotted for settlement. D. S. LENOX. Administrator. jan4'72wil • A DMECISTRATOIeS liotleela hereby given (hat allperscunt indebted to the estate of CHARLES KELLUM. late ne ambit born deeeased.are rermesteil to make inuneatat4 payment. and all pereons haring claims aga sat said estate must present them duly authenticated for set tlement. DW/O.I37XELLUM. Administrator. VAR.II FOR The stibseri- Lber offers for aate his farm situated in Litchfield township. fire miles from the L. V.. r. & A. and R. 0. R. R. Station. and stx nules from Erie E. It. The . farm containa 200 acres. 160 aCces Unproved . balance mrvered with pine. oak and chestnut./ There aro ,tood.beild;nge and a fine orchard, well fenced Cad under Rood Mate , of ezdtdration., Churches. 'school. ~te., convenient. -, Trams—half down, balance in ~. a.3r payments. Engtdre of S. W. klvord, at this cake, or A. J. LATTON. Feb. C, IS ro - AYER'S HAIR VIGOR ! FOIL IIZST4Ittia GRAY HAIL Advancing years, sickness, care, disppointinent. and hereditary predisposition,. all . turn the hair ass; either of them disposes tt to NI of prescui-. - turely, snd elther•effeet is unsightly and unpleasant to behold. Dr: Arm's cousuninutte still his pro. duced en antidOto for these 'deformities, which has won gralltud9 for him from multitudes of women and men.- Ills Mint 'Clams: sometimes reproduces. rod hair; and always 'restores to faded and gray hair its natural color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. The comparatively few bald and gray finds '. that we now see, are those who hays not yet discos. eredthe virtues of 'Arrat's Hsu VlOOlfar renewing ; the hair. The fresh and youthful hair we -ses on. Older heads fa ften the produet otitis art. If you 1 na.l u are disfigured , or ' o old, masters and ugly, by gray hair, restore its dant color, and with ityour eestnres to their orlg' al salmis' and Sgreesblets; .. preeslon. . - - ' : - • =Guam SiVICE. Atevenaville. As an elegant & - esainlft bountirling Metter, It N, I no superior. T. V. linT.l`nutt SEED! SEED I LtiltoF, AND SMALL CLOVE.P. AND .niurrar SEED for owls at W. A. ROCKWELL, Feb. _01,24 4.• ADla FULL ASSORTMENT OF . ; i5.A.D2 709 11 4f 4 r . nir all At ZraXol3. - 41.80$ 95 ISUBTON orsrror. .Executor MARCCS A. - PORTER Adminiesator TO rrs =Tau, rrzezrzy A.v) COWES. 151 ECM VI 02 NT 95 428.42 41803 93 956 09 694 00 5213 18 - 71 19920 11 *. $83342 si 847803 93 IM