El Breeding hairy 00 • In view of the rapidly !extending importance of the dairy iierints in New York State, through e estab lishment of cheese - facepries -_"end creameries, it would be well if her farmers would study the' matter of improving the milkitelding-Tutlities of their cows. A good form , — .1011 farea47 in the native breed of cattle, a hardy race, well adapted to-stand tolerably rough xisag,e in winter, and generally fair milkers. We believe that by. a careful selection, and , pie use of good bulls from a milking family -of Short-horns, a racci,of cattle might be established that Would combine milking with feeding propensities. After one or two' crosses of Short horn, Ayrshire blood might be in fused through a single cress, in order to give a larger ' milk secretion. A very mistaken Lotion prevails that small cows and small censumers of grass . arc mostfiofltable for the dai ry. Such is not the case. A good dairy cow must have large digestive powers, as the more fond she can consume dtiring the grass, season, the greater the amount of milk she can manufacture from that food, 'other things being equal. Hence, large ' framed cows, 'with capacious atom achs,will usually be found large yie l 4- eis of milk.' I ' Wo believe a great mistake will be made if dairymen should be led away by the prevailing fashion.o favor the introduction. of. Jersey blood into their herds. It,- would result in re ducing the size and feeding qualities, and enfeebling the constitution,with out any corresponding gait in the - .way of additional milking value. True we might, have richer milk for butter-making bat not I for cheese. The milk of the Ayrshirel eow,though somewhat lacking in richeess for but ter-making, is lull of casieri, and therefore valuable to the Chee-e-mak er.' The finest and hest: dairy cows we ever saw were obtained by a cross of 'Ayrshire on first-clasanative cows followed by a cross of ; Short-horn, the result bg cows having half Short-horn to a quarter 'each of Ayr shire and native. They were splen did milkers, and always full of flesh on 'moderate feeding in winter.— Rural Home. Cheese Making The first address delivered before the New York Dairymans' Conven tion was by T. D. Curtis, Esq., of the Utica Herald on the standard of cheese making. The addtess was short and pithy, • and went to shgw that as yet there is no received mark et standing. Mr. Curtiss reminded his hearers that cheese for home ccm- . sumption should be made with a lib eral use of_rennet, while cheese for the.foreig,n markets .should be made with less rennet and more heat, so as to develop acid; also . more salt was needed for the foreign markets. M. Poison, Esq., cheese • dealer, of New York, read a paper which went to show that. cheese and bitter dealers were an amazingly honest and under- paid class of merchantE,and he begged his agricultural hearers• not to enter tain even for one moment the idea of selling their produce direct through t heir own agents, but to patronize middle-men, and especially cheese dealers. Gen. Pratt spoke briefly on the various breeds of horned cattle as milkers, and recommended the crossing of the. Ayrshire and Can nel Island cattle to secure good dai ry cows. Dr. Cordova, speaking of arnott o,ivarned the -audience against th 6 wie of the manhfactured article, as it frequently contained arsenic and red lead, both highly poisonous iu their effect. Han. .Harris,':Lewiß " Corn as Winter Keep, " showed clearly that corn was better than starvation, but that was all ; where as that grasses wvre better than corn, being the natural food of the animal.. It seems to be the generally received opinion that well-cured grasses cut in flower were the best possible dry Winter fodder for cows. ;., . • THE , LIIHAPEST WAIN ' ]' os CHICKENS.' —Nowt that chickeni.raised the past season have attained the "hungry age, " and the 'frost has somewhat diminished insect forage, the quan tity of grain that will be disposed of by a large flock. youtlg fowrals as tonishing. The. qiiestioia arises,What is the cheapest ,'food (and *he best, all things considered), that can be bought ? The:reply is, Indian corn. Give cooked and raw, whole, ground fine, and ground course, for the sake of change. It is the cheapest thing that can be bought, generally speak ing, the amount of ,nutriment ob tained in it considered. But to give ; nothing but corn would be a mistake: It should Predominate for oconomy's sake, but oats. buCkwheat, wheat. screenings, boiled potatoes, scraps from the table, and as many other things as possible, should be added to the billof fare.—Dutchess Farnter. SHELTERING STOCK.—An experiment -made in . England shows that one hundred sheep fed under shelter on twenty pounds 'of Swedish -turnips en4h per day, at the end of a few weeks had gained three pounds each more than another hundred which wereTfed twenty • pounds of the same kind of turnips each, but in the open air or field. Five. sheep were fed in the.open air in 'November, the tem - - peratnre being at forty-four degrees. They consumed 'ninety pounds of food,per day. At-the end of ten days they ;weighed two pounds less than when at first expos - P.l l Five other slieep were`then placed in a shed, the temperature being forty-nine degrees; at first they, consumed eighty-two pounds per day,then seventy pounds, and at the end of the time they had gained twenty-three .pounds. Thi: is proof sufficient of- theadvantag,e of sheliering of stock iu winter. FARMERS Too FlCSLE.—Farmer's wife in -the Lansing lOpublican says : "Farmers, as a class, are more easily discouraged than men in merchantilil - pursuits. For instance, when wool is in,brisk demand, people -will rush into, the business of wool-growing ; this being a branch that is quickly available. Thera will soon. be a de• dine in prices from the abundance 1 of the, supply. Then, though the farmer may have realized great prof ._ its fOr tiro or three years, he is not - content to live a corresponding pe riod svithout the enormous gains to which he begins to be accustomed, and. !with a recklessness like that • whiehtpo4ensed him in the beginning, he sacrificers his flock to the knife for the mere return of the price of pelts. WIUT 18 bigger than .th© biggee taittnee Almtmeg glitter. Vimor is gi woman like a oopszrow wbsa saes to arced os bar sest,) ~TA!4l4~'!~ MILL :11. 2117141:8sT, lad Tbo min= turfing g ovi n ug ue i biwetl i lthit Toothy Awe plowed to do nub r lsar 2 anmili g tO tbdr lbudooso. with procaptners sad OIROULAIC, SAW- 31 - I . LLS; • M A . 1 4 T. - , T maimugura'l, . MILL IRO ItaXll3o Min& • - ENGINBEPAI S ED,_ • Lod di work 'morrbotol to rho. odtta,os. ; exists SHINGLE MAC 311 Of the latest and most ImprovalletadssontOnnetalnd and kept amstantly on band ready for use. I - PLOUGHS, SHILL litOg AND T 001421 BEM Of all kind. CULTIVATORS; CORN.P.TIOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS of all kinds, and ens latest ttoncorsaunts kept , ' constantly on hand. r • PTIMIN POWgtS, LAEGE LEE SIE.SLL SIZE. 7 STOVE CASTINGS 8 MUM OUT= _SLEIGH SHOES, LAB= IRON EMUS ' 3P n 1 W M And all kinds of asettnis tundOed to March 30.1870. MEANA *1 ROCKWELL NEW CARRIAGE - '-EACTOEN I • - • On Pine, between Stain and Sowed. Streeta, back of 0. F. Mason kco.'a Bank. TOWANDA, PENN. 'A. HENRY STULEN CO., Respectfully annonnce to bts felelasand patrons that th have buns • ' :NEW BRICK CARRIAGE LFACTORY. • where they will constantly keep on hand a rallaasort Lunt of I FAMILY CARRttGES, TOP AND OPEN PIIGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TROTTING SMITS, AND SKELETONS; Made of the best material and Dished in thehest city style. His long experience; In city Carriage Factories gives them a decided advantage over others to the Finish, Style and Durability of 41s Wagons. All they oaks is an INSPECTION (OF HIS WORK previous to purchasing elsewhere: ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT Thankful fur the liberal patronage formerly ex tended and respectfully eak a continuance of MS acme - REPAIRING PBOMPTLT ATTENDED TO I ' Towanda, May 24.1870.—tf THE OLD MAIN STREET Carriage Factory. JAMES BRYANT • Still continuos the manufacture of CARRIAGES AND . WAGONS, Of every dCiteriptloo, at tLe old stand of G. El ILtIN STREET; TOWANDA.r_PA. LATEST STILE D FINISH. In the manufacture of wagons nothinz is used but BEST STEEL AXLE. , COMP&SITIO).; BOXES PDATFORII SPRING WAGONS LUMBER -WAGONS The best Eastern stock is used in the inanettacturs of Wheels. Spokes are all rived ont—not sawed. ALL WOUK SOLD WARRANTED EQUAL TO ANY As to Artist, and is to 4torabtlit7, SUPERIOR TO ANT IN THIS szcnox. zar,ALL Woar, 1ip1.19'71 BLOOD & CO., NU continue co csatratactue their. celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, and will sell a better machine. for leseinoney than ca abe bad elsewhere in the world. We claim for our machines that they will do as much, or more, than any other, and ars more durably _built. We personally superintend our work and woe that it is well dawn. We wilreend I o!ammacidoes. on opplialion., r I • ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, Zoo Horne TIMMER II SEPtII4I.ORS. rmassmat and CL.IFERS. , FANNING MILLS, CMDCULA2 AND MUG liAle *LAZA SAW AND GUST BULL lir* dons to order. Glee us mail before pruchaintg elsewbere. *fa `vo auoaavaa `sxamv "OD (100'IR .3kns. 2.1869. NEW PLANING MILL. The undersigned having built a large aml common thous Mil in the borough of Tows, mud filled it with the aunt modern and improved machinery, for the numuisetare of WINDOW WS AND BLINDS.* . Are prepared to MI mans, irhether tam or small. upon tho abated notion. We bare also a lags vs. riety.of WOULDECOS. of the liteed-stylo and pattern. which ,s can himilati much cheaper than they can be worked byband. • . , PLANING.. TONG VELNG, GROOVING,: AND scnoot 11AW1243. , And all o th er work pert:Wog to Joinery. will be Otto to soft oar intotomora. Perm, building. and not litho/ more than twelve to fourteen Win &stmt. odd !Ind It largely for their Worm! so bay Otto. °Wining AMP lumber and barn it wafted by car oischluary.l Wing prat eat of flooring, or eOw umber. . and while your iron to feitilw bin tt,grossel out take It lour with • We MU _pay CAW! ter Ano 13.Ciageg tadigagdoersd .t oar ttoober yard. Come and emb elites reareeal o.‘wrlts. Tpowig. L, iZODGRaIIb 00. =MI SATISFACTION. reduced prices HENRY Em:rimir H. S. CLARK. Drake, His work is all of the To wilier with the In Light .IVork. AND Kept constantly on band. JAMES BRYANT! caTWGUE PMak tr, . C! sad saw s. uts Prostairsastin getag: int% shi South Isms Maio 11:10 - -ArTEti - . - ,ERN CIENTAL —Oa awl altar lioulLa7. So. nui as Sonars : alli& i - • Auburn., IMinn Auburn: 1 A th ens. 7:60 a.m. MID .t. at. 10:A19 al m. 12:46 r. r. 8:30 Lat. 4:0114. r. -1:00 r; at. 4:10 r. m. Ad , rm. 9:00 r. sr. . Trams Nam Owego Auburn at 19:40 le. m., and SALMI& Troia arr from AribMs M11:38 a.m. 230 rim .1 gOl, La sou. Trains .in TINE TABLE OF TILE SULLI VAN Ak ERIN RAlLllosD.—Tazing Whet on Monllo. Nov. 13.1571. 110171111/AID. • 11741101111 L ' XONSHWAILD, P. 114 lA. W • . P. X. P. X. 9:10 7:00 TOWANDA.. . 12:16-7:15I 1 220 7:10 BARCLAY JON ON $lll 12 i 706 3:40 7:90 .......mmum, .. 11:45 6:45 3:10 1:00 WILCOES A ...' . ...... 11:15 6:15 8:20 5:10 ....NEW ALBANX. , ... .11:05 • 645 3:30 8:50 MILLERS.:.... 10:45 5:55 3:50 , 8:40( MIRRORS.. .... 10:55 8:35 4:25 0:15 BERNICE.. .... 10:00 ' 5530 .r.Y.IA. Y. I - , A. 111. P. M. DNA. Goal • .. • Arent. pA. & N.Y. CANAL 4 B.R. iCO. AltitaiGEMTT 07 PASSEirGER Mani& To take effect Motutar.iffir. 27. 1871. SOCTWIWARD. • : • 1 1 WOZTHWAILIi. -........ " r l Entere4 1 ' No.lNo. No. - 1 No. N o. ro. 1 33. 9. 9. ' ST A TIONX. 34. X. 311. 1 , I— -91 a.9a at , - 'll SI lest it 9 •I• I • !. • .. .. • • • 243 115 6 745 ......Eimire....1...11245 645 340 3 30i 12 1 830 1 , Waver1y...!...,11 55 605 IS 5 3 40 t 12 5, fl 401 Athens... 4.: •11 45 5557 45 4 30' 1 351 9 251......T0wenda f 41 On 515 70; 5 301 2 15;10 25! .....Wyaiustng 1 i 955 4V16 10 555 2 35;10 45' ....Lareyville. 1 ... • 934 415 543 6 171 2 55;11 09.....14ie5h0pp0L1...1 911 a 59.0 23 621 301111$ .... Meboopany... 919 350 5 1.., 650 3 25111 45, ...Tunkhanno r el...l 836 325 4 ~ .5 '5O 425' 1 30i ......Plttatoo.. ... 1 735 225 533 715 4451 2 00; ....Wilkes Ba ... .7 lir 2053 10 .... 7 201 420'...Ranch Chou ..i'..... 11 20 .... p if 8 281 535 Allentown. .... a 9 10 19 P 11. 835 5 ISS' .....15ethiehem . 1 10411 910 625: 1 913, • • 10 30 815 ....Phlladel .... 1 1 8 no, 955 Vew York.. -. .. 645 ....17uhIngton... , 6 °°l •9e x I - - I Tat ..l - L - • No. 30 leaves Towanda at 7 V ; Athens, 750; Wa• verly. 8 00; arrive at Flntira at 4410 A Y. No. 31 leay.4, Elmira at 5 45; "Waverly 6 45: Alb. ens. 7 00; arrive at Towanda at . 1745 tr. at. Down Train! dine at white dine at Pittgtot Passengers to -and from We phia withont chance of cars. Down train oonnerta at Aria fast Erpreaa for Harrisburg, Pi ESP ROUTS : TOI PHILA.DEL; NP. NORTH /P,ENNSYL -41A VAIIA . RAILROAD. Shortest and moat direct line! to Philadelphia. Bal. 10 4 ak timore. Raabtuition. and the nth. 'Psewmgeis by this ronte e Penneylrani* k New York Itatlmsd train. rig Towanda at 1:15 'A.M.. make close connection t Bethlehem with E xpress train of North Penns ftailmad. and 'arrive in Philadelphia at 5:05 p. M.. lat time to take night trains either for the South or 'lest. i . Citrpassenger ftrs are at the Depot on'arrival of a I trai convey mutsengers to the various Depot, d t, all p I rts of the city. nava-Ditty . Leave North Penn's Rail Depot. corner Berks and' American sire c , Iptita. at T:33 a. 11., arriving at Towanda 4:59 P IL. same evening. Mann's Baggage Eine • colt and delivers bag gage, office No. 105 Rout street. Philadelphia. ' iMlanna AOCOXY DATIO3I. • • Freight received at Front mid i Noble strecia. Phil• delph la. and forwarded - br Daily Fast Freight tra!n to Towanda. and .1.11 points hi Sus inehanna valley with quick dispatch. RLLIS CLARICE. Gen. AO. N. P. R. R.. Front and Willow Ste. 1Co•. 21. 1870. ERIE RAILWAY. NEW AND IWPEAVED DILA 0 Bunt AND litturruc. Cutouts combining all Mod rn Improremedta. are run thnumb on all Trains between Buffalo. Nigger. Palls Rnapension Bridgo. Cie eland, Cincinnati and New Yert. lir • - ••• Abatme:t or Time Table. Ad led Nor. 13tb.1871. WEST WA D. STATIONS Learo t 9130 .45 . D 4 'Sew 'York.. 11 001 Jersey City... 11 15. - tiosquebanna .. 8 151 Great Bend . , I 8 37, p3inglumion 1 5113 9151 Owego . — -. " 1 553 101 0 Waverly " .1 530 1110; I.3tuira " . _7105 1 11501 Corning • " I '' " .8 12 asi . , # 1 P.irlted Post.— " 1 .. 12 39; • ._. Roeheater Arrive I 11140 ..... 1 10 20 10's. Hoinellittifte.:.. " S 8 1 53 2 0518 705 13 720 Buffalo, •". - ; lioo .08 251 11 20 14 so Niagara Fall"—. " 1 1 48' 795; 12 10' 12 18 Stiep'n don - Bridge " - 1 1 53: 7 10i 12 15 12 15 Ctifton "it 1 01 7 15, 12 291 12 20 Dunkirk - " 1, 2 23: 7 201 12 54 12 54 Cleveland . " ' 7 00• 6 551 855; 655 Cincinnati "-! 1 00 ••....1 7 0?, 700 ADDITInNAL LOCAL TAINS WESTWARD. 5:00 a.m.. evrept Rimiiava.tfrom Owego. Ethrline 'at T•oga 5:27 Smithboro 5:53 Barton 6:12. Waverly j ti 7:00 elletpting 73' wellal rg 11: 11 5, Elmira 9:25 Brag Flat. 10:'.20. Corning 11 rp. patnr•4 p. Kt 11.4 8 r .I,l(liann 1:00 p.m.. Bathneville 1.35. Cameron Mt lea 2: 0 1. Camernli 2:211.1 Adrian 3:27. Caniateo 4:n5. arriving alHornel'avllle at 4:21 p.m. 5:00 a.m.. erent Rnn l Fa. Porn Suannebannft. Stopotot it Great. Rend 5:241' Ediorood 5:40. Dip!. bamhin 6: 5 iloor.er 5:22. Tinton 6:33. Caronvilte 5:52. Clamart 7:14. Tinos_7:3o. grnitwhoro 7:511 Ttar• ton 14:041. Waverly R:2O Chetnnoce 8:35. tirellaborir 8:49. Southport 9:02. IFlmfrir 9:15. Etln' ran. 8:40. r , rntug 10:00 Pm , teed Pn4 I0:"13 -Adoisou 10:32. Ttpthbonerill. 10:31. Cameron llflha 11:44. Cirneron 11:15. Adrian 11:17 Canisteo 11:55. and arriving at H.,enelitiville at 12:03 p.m. i". 6:5 41 a m dailY, from litu•innehirrna. Stooping at Great Bend 7:15, Kirkwood :17:30. Ilineltamton 6:03. Flnryper 1 1 8:20 Union 1:4:27. ramnrille 1:4:45. Owego 0:14. Timm 19:27 SmithlYwo '9:40 Ilartnn 19:47 Wayeey 10:20. Chemung 1 .1035. tl -st 10:50. Eimir, 11:20 WT. Fiat. 11:4 1 'ncirnitt7 12:20 p.m.. P-iinted Post 1:12:24 AddisOn 12:55 Rathboney,file lll:DT:rameron Mitia ':Came-nn 1:32. Adrian I:SS Canisteo 2:03, and arriving at Ilmmellerville at 2:2 0 n.m. 1:00 p m.. ex^erit Smulrya. from Snairelianna Stopping at Oret 13 , •ne1 ,1 :51 Virkworo 2 : 24 Rin l . h*mtnn 3 : 40. II per 4:10. Union Campvlllot 5101. and arriving , at flare o at 5:40 p.m. 1:15 P m 'Trent sneulaya from Plmirs. Stoppiitl at Fiats 1:39. Corning 2:00. Pt tiled 2:05: and thence. via Avon. to $1141i111:1 at 4:35 rim;; 2:30 p m.. eirort 4 4zintii. from Similyitmt ni I tonning at Poop!. 2:4 1 . r "mi 2:55. narnpville3:ls . , Oven 3:37. Tines 3:53. fimithboro 4:4 1 9. Barton 4:19. Waverly 4:40 Chemnnv 4:55. Wellabrirg 5:12, South port S:M arriving at Elmira at 5:30 p. ni. EA.S. STATIONS Cincinnati Leave Cleveland Dunkirk Clifton Rnep•neion Bridge '• Nia.rara Palls.. - .. Buffalo " - 14Ornellaville . " Ra Lester " Corning Elmira traverty Owego Binghamton... Great Bend... - .,.. " Stisilnehatma •' Port Jervis krrive Middletown •• Goshen " „Newburgh ..... " Paterson Newark Jersey I ity New York '• ADDITIONAL LOCAL 5:00 &in.. except fkiiid Stopping atCanistio 5:22. A Cameron Mills 7:01. Rat 8:25. Painted Post 9:15, 10:42. Elmira 12:40 p.m.. 1:20, Chemung 1:55. Wa Satithbotu 3:112. Tioga 4:1 at 4:37 p.m. a . 6:55 m.. daily. from Ho Canlitio 7.13, Adrian. 7: boneville 8:42, Addiion 9. mng 10:15 • Brit Flds 10 Southport 12:25. Wellsbn Waverly 1:.50, Rarton 2:25. 3: 1, 5, Owego 3:40. Campelll hanitou 5:4 , Kirkwood 5:2 aeriving it Susquetuinnt itt - 700 am.. except Kunda3 - o rd Campville 7:45. Union 8: tii hinstoil 9:4 , x Kit kwood 10: arriving it Susquehanna at 7:50 a m.. except Sundry at lonthrmirt 7:34. WAlab l 1 Waverly 8:13, Rrn 9 :031 9:28, Owego , 9: 5. C impvi, Hooper 10:72, and arriviugl a.m. I 1:58 p.m., except Wind Stopping at Corning 2:05, : Inc at Elml , a at 2:40 p m. 2:10 p.m.: • xcept Stopping at Cantateri 2:211 3:05. Cameron Slira 3:15. woo 3:50 Painted Poet 4:1 4:17 Eledr. 5:93. Soothpoi mnng 5:57. Iraierlr 8:22. Camrvd.e 7:15. Craton 8:0 ton 8:35. Sirttrood 8:59.. t : .riving at Suipinehanna at o' t Mocdtys =copied, rot: lon - to, stop Smodo.yi oa!y. WThettish Tickets very Lowest Rates. for at tilt Towanda Depot. -- This is the only *litho Railway Company for the Towanda. I Throw , * wlll be cheer: st the Comma:4'6'6sv% L. D. ROMER, Oval Supt. PURE' CM - ROAD Illtb. un. i Mimes at fisAaLl. THE uNDirasici i fBATING . loM~wilMhl.ol of RAIL latb. UM. to Ile ens 03. S. MOW 61016 Is am pawed im /Os 116 Ilio atoms it Snails/1 Omer mai MN. tr. a Imp sail Iran adesisl Omit et 7:25.. XI. Is Owego" • • SAW • in. llbkh I bine perelesed for dub. lad bet tot I era Jell el le km lone se asa be pediesei olinodmico. tao/ of to thOpotitosopisadidotoolt TEAS, COFFEES, SUGABt3, AKRON FLOUR, 'GRAHAM DO. I keep cloostaatly on Med. MIL aual. USD. ona all and. of MIL Roatlante.saeaticia tba pobile to our Baal Be Bast is oriattr.cir peke . Jams OsiairitOstebestalLasiir dm Nei Tat Cheadcal ai4l Brovin Soap. Moss matt sad amino 0013 . AD* OS tarp arportmat TAMIC NOTIONS. TORIZr eOAPII,te., he. I trill psi the Idsbeeteeshprkiefor Farmers, pti as • call before se3lng fasewbarb. siren. Up Trains 1 z .. t~~ Tort and PhWel sal make Imitiedista I town with Thmeish bnrp and the West. B. A. PACKFII. , Supertniendent. Tcrwriada. March. 12, ter. M e J. LONG. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, COR. MAIN AND BRIDGE STS., Putladelphja. I del ire to call the attention of the public to my assortment of goods, which is always fell and com. Plots. and will be acid to my clubmen at lowest market rates. My stock of Na No. No. 5. 7. a. • IP. Id l P. Y. lii 5 30, 700 545 720 155 235 2 17 1 252 i 325 3 451 411 4 271 448 505 525 5 421 601 No. I No. I No 4. IS. t ' 2. ..1 to no;.. • 546 10 AM 4 - -..1 5 45, 10 051 4 152 5 55; Itt 12; I 2 451 6 45; 11 40' 7 1 s 151 10 45, 330' 10 001 5 , 5- .. ... . i 7' 35i 12 20; 4 55; 11 1. 12;1258 1 535'129p 47 1 137 1 608 'l2 4. t 2 219 ' 645' 115 1 15 3 05 1 7 27 1 155 3 351 7 52; 217 I 03 400 523 1 247 ' 52 ; 750 121 1 3 618 . 53' 8 45: 12 53 ... 904•..../ . ...... 121n' , 533 ,40, Um; 247 840 i 00; 205, 515 1 43 THE UNDERSIGNED has jest re 52 no veived a large arid varied wort:meat of 1134, 323: 913 12 00, 3 40, 923 y. P. X.•P. K. SUNS EASTWAIID ys Boni' Horne Flan 5:48, CamenarB:so. • • neeilie 7:30 5343180 a tontine 10:00.. Big Plats ; thport 12:43 'We Inburg erly 2:42. Banton 3:20, and arriving at Chino Stopping at .tb -1.4417:47411417:in!t0r-132. 132. Elastra 12:20 pin.. 12:32. Clietom:kg 1:19. Broltbboro 2:40. Tlooni 4:15. Union 4:49. 4i014 Great Bend 6:30, and p.m,- , from °wear...sopping :28. Boomer 8:40. Mug- I. nreat Bend 11:15. wad :55 a 111. • from Elmira. Stopping rg 8:10, Chemnng 8/6. rtm thtyro 9:13. Tiogs 144 1.(1:a. Union 10:1b. I at Itinghamton at 10:33 hom Painbd Po•t 1,7 Flats 2:20, and anis' 72. from 17ornetleei le, Adrian 2:40 Cameron thboneville 3:30, Addl. Corning 4:25. Big Flats 5:29 Wellsburg 532. Om ; Tio,ga 7:05. Annan Tr 2.5, linnper S:l2 Bingham rnd. Bend 9:17, and at' tNreen Ilwrellsril:e and all point/ West at the • in the Company's &Dee zed Agency of the Vie to of Western Tickets In Daly ciVrickets parr:basea WU. R. BARB. tirn'l Pair! Art VINEGAR AT fox sllll2l=ll. Qlooilli~'~; B. a "Aim GB'OOEBIES,. hi.4:4,:i5.11,14 • •.1 Hale en Wad &large stook et Drs Do.. =rim= Do. STOCK OF TOBACCO, WOODEN' WARE; COUNTRY PRODUCE. O. B. PATCH. 'WOOD. WILLOW. A..\l) no= WAR; FLOUR, 11313 D, 31E AL, &c., No. 1 PA'TTONI{ BLOCI. TOWANDA, PA. COFFEES, TEAS, AD SPICE S, Hare been purchased sines the late reduction in the tariff on them, and are offered at prices to cor respond. - Orders by maltor otLer*iaa Till ready* l essen and prompt attention. Thanking the public: for the liberal they have given me. I a continuum* of tie =De. CASE PAID you icourrnir Paoritrcs feb.2oll GOLD STILL COMING DOWN • asp xviir l :lino co TUX GROCERY it PROVISION LINE, are now be r iag offered at, COWELL & .MYEB'S at prices that cannot tall to !pithily. all star theTA• • determined not to be undersad by =roe& have enlarged their Store by building so that they oow have room for .he hub 'supplies that are daily received by them. They have connected II ltb their More a Market where they now keep mesh meats to sell by the quarter or piece. son • roll supply ft , tiro caries and ltoriafons, to which they wool.. enll the attention of all cub buyers. Come aid evaudne our Goods and Prima, before purchasing atm middy yourselves. We guarantee all goods to give enure satisfaction. We are thankful to our =touters for their past liberal patronage and solicit a continuance of the unie. COWELL k MYYB. Dec. 90.1869. CHRISTMAS! NEW YEARS HOLIDAY GOODS, col:owing ot. _LADIES' WA :HES, AMER ICAN WATCHES SWISS WAICKES, of all damerlptlosa. Also a selected aaacchaest Cl GOLD CHAINS, FINE GOW JEWELRY., in new moms -OP ALL strum num THE CHEAP EST TO THE BM. GOLD. SILVER ASV; EiTEZL SPECTACLES :AND EYE-GLASSES to cues a( •latpatred NEW PATENT ACCOMODATINO MICTACLES. By WA patent I am enabled to Mat Lay tine without extra cloirge. band . .ee CLOCIES. WATCHES AID JEWELRY REPAIRED Asa wAsaurrro. 'Dolmas. Dec. It, tell. §:Wigs i = tov4 , A 4 g PA " ViI • . 1 'fllivav a ' i z a z i g O 0 6 4 8 I s _, ... * 6 OIL 2 0 o 4 al jig a .4 ?.. 0 ' .. - 4.2b g w 2 d' 1 31 ~0, 4 F. 4 4- 4ztVlo2 1 Li Z 0 2 jril la 5: .7 0 x ' is3l2lt.3so' 1 w' ~ 771 t/dILI. , q, .. cao l ,—. WI 4 2 i . .i • -';,;_ Ag i l l v a . ii ia 1 1/ i va v. ' it 3; Is 1 ; 1 4 i m i fl °w iia all4s HENRY - FRANKE!, papaws as Ulnas liasais,) MERCHANT TAILOR,. Ira t. Ottglith k roam** milk map woods. 6good amortmod of OWN. UMW sad csawasels. coessaistkr oo bead. Goods mods to order In taco boot ware. EIIREKA.! EIIREKA.I 1 THE OLD CLOTHING HOUSE O. 3. PATCaL Rosenfield & Wolli tOns door south of Fox k Nacres) t• E They wir bar. a most Man full at the -44vtactis=11 , i4larg.4.14 , v , ::.li?".t a 31:10 AND BOYS' CLOTHING • . •. I 1r• . 7 Tr• 7 m . ! T•i7l : r3.rra I 7 , 7 lamer lam an oldlrked toe• sow ow.' Itmassaber UM pennanwitly located bete, and cut othw treatier Imo dace:Bente to poachasere than Gay other bone in town. It to the Interest of gentleman to this Seethes to some and bring ail their boys. and atm their goods Consider the fact that you as bay at BO EN. FIELD k wourrs. beautiful and substantial Cloth. • nig toe • mars song. ROSMIFIELD St: WOLFF. August 23. 1871. ThIPORTANT TO, ALL WHO a. VW= THICB 8101171 • The tight of the aged iodated. Or weak straegtbao• ed and dm' perfect mean PHILADELPHIA OPTICAL lawn o Forme rosatthictoring of the I•Leßto 1•"02:ii • •IL•0 +rt. / MI A 1111011331 AND TINTED CLIPS nal TIAN Olt OF The Concave Coiner Crystal Specie , lea. nude by the abate institute ate now a I Uae before the public, and the rapid and l demand far them combined with W. univereal acknowlederment of their clearness m slab= and ammo to the eye. shows plainly that they are superior hi' any other &mei in the market . 111. J. toil. The majority of apectsclei6 (thostii Imported) and ao Matter bow fine the frames. matelannt • poor and worthless article of glasses, areaerally Ma or pressed:l they are toads to be sold. only, without any calculation respecting benefit to the eye, and therefore the great complaint of poor and weak ai ht Tho.mands are rains glasses now which tire and fatigue the eye. where the objects get dim after short meas. or require an intensely . strong light and therefore destroying the sight, which. were the, P *rifted, would be preserved a life time. Se r t Y advantages claimed for the Conclave Coal* . Crystal Glasser are the following : The Lenses are ground of the best m►teetal gars and bard. and =RIO only for optical parposes, they are therefore not liable to get scratched or dim They confer a brilltane7 and illattheiziess of stilton cot found in any other . They can be need equally well by day or candle light without tiring or fatiguitqr the eyes. They are ground mathematically tree in the cote cave cony.: mirror. according to the philosophy of nature, and shape of cornea of the eye. therefore assisting nature only instead al fordag It. • That the louses see centered coned Moils. hums& They am be used longer than any other flaws without changing to a blaber power. • The trainee are nude strop" and durable by expe rienced workmen and warranted to etre rdistaction. W. A. CHAMBERLIN. Dealerth Watches. Jewelry and Biker arere.Towast da. A. ha. the sole Agency fre these items in Bradford county. No Pedlars employed. Jill, 12. 1870-tr TawANDA .STEA3I . - • F LOURING MILLS ! W. H. PULLER. & CO., inform the pnblk that basing rebuilt l o g i e i= l iPt the old mill. spitball modern Improve. meats, they are noirprepered to do CUSTOM GRINDING • In the beet possible Renner and. on the shortest notke. No pleas will be apa-ed to ere satisfaction. Yarmers doles business in town on bring Mete grain and have it ground the same thy to take beck. HAVE: BUCZWIIEAT FLOUR. TEED & KM, By the car load or in quantities to eta purchasers. • GROUND CAYUGA PLASTER • AT $6 PER ' TON. • All kinds of gran tan bi6mxdiange for Plastite. Cash paid for all hinds of • 0. F. MASON. • W. N. YVLLZR. Towanda. Nina. 1171. ANCHOR,LINE STEAMFILS. Sail gamy Wednesday and Saturday. to and from SEW ,TORT LED OLAVIGOW. Ceiling at to land Oda and* laessenews. The of this lamas has aro pain sa. press)" 'or the Atlantic Peaspearer Trade. and Atted up 1.. every respect with all the modern Improve. meats calculated to atom the sa. ety. comfort. and convenience of pima/tern. Pismo Rates PRYthis in Currera.7. to 01.1110G0W.. LIAZILPOOL and LONDONDERST. FIRST CASTS. SO End SI& wording ta Ration. CABIN RETURN Ileilrfs. lln newing beat ae cow:l6l4lmm IrFEMEDLLTZ. $33. SIXRR. AIM S2S. Parties mains for their friends In the Old Conroe. Meereau porelme tickets al redo rd rates. Tor.lnt. paltkoalsra apply to HENDERSON lIIHMERS; 7 Bowline Green. N. T. or to S. G. =ANL Orntral Express Mee. Tmrsolls. Pa. 7enartUr7L JULES M 101712 ME TVr YO I N G COMIERCIAL TV COLLEGE. anglild is 1163. is owassetias wJtl lrysadag Das. nary. Storergap Sept. 1.1871. Tainoid thorough mord of Coormerds3 instruc tion 10 the eountiy. Asa ismer tilas fat clay Wier Ant dad Ciodaescisi Ceding. latbaations furnished to anprede gridnates. trod time to time. Ow graduates ire lucestlis and honorable pod. tionsin ne e State isa the Tinton. Telegraph. lag Wight by sesoi gad respidsr. Particular attar clan Is p..ld to Penmanship. Waked day Mow studies In both neaninary and romaddsl Mists. Eleholarshlps forng. hall Conunercial course; 11111.00. with Telegraphi $61.00. Telletreptdug atom 123.0 1 1. Ornangstal Pennsusship. (three mouths) 1110. id Board per week. s&m. Poe further In formation. address Day. B. NELIIO3I D. D.. Prind. pal Wyoming fkadrary and Ood.o.serkil noUegs. or L. I.; Itrusans. •. Pdaelal Cathie. WO O % 111. • 6.111T11161 Ki= OISE Ereabody has discovered that To be found =bide the them Their goods are -FINE ENOUGH - TO SUIT ANY TASTE, CHEAP ENOUGH DON'T BE DECEIVED I It WOLF! se XINGSTON. PA. amoeba inaltentilea- r , ....i. ear RECiI OBOMBIES Inigh ribs soil MIN booed rola§ ye,. CODYISH,, MACKEREL, , HERRING. PORK, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, FLOUIt, FEED. HEAL, GRAIN, aco. Wag_ as roF prolasa. alikk ea psy cash tar. !la asesisatttos b et Aublos Wt. an slued Charm. tter Tir. Tu. ke• Plow rah sod blob through cum mock. and we wit! do earliest to &or you. W. A. ROCZWII.L. Tenada. Apri3 28. ISM GROCERY PP,OVISI,ON STORE. MoOABE & EDWARDS, 'f• _ 1 1. FAMILY GROCERIES PROVISIONS, Imams xi* Ewes. TowANDA. w• do not dem Waimea" to enmneeste ell the &Went &Melee we keep. Onr resort:Dent to ALWAYS COMPLETE. WI soll wain( bat FIRST d - LASS GOODS. Cob pakt for Partneri Produce. Merl c 1. 1870. & DIERCUIt. are now a. are a fresh stock of Goods in their line. • • • lit since the let January, to which they invite •• e at• tendon of their hienda. We , keep the • deli* In town. Our goods are fresh and •- • • We sell at lowest market priors Jan. 19. 1971. VRESH AND NEW TEAS, b. lef Mire the recent decline in price, and champ at retail. FOX & Jan. 19.1971. VOX & MERCUR are sellin Gra ardor at retail. Jan. 19 le7l. • VOX. & BIERCUR, are selli a _ New and Fresh Goods. Jan. 1 . 1871. VOX& MERCUR are sellin errix cheap. Jan. 1 . 1871. F°X & MERCUR are selli a first, claaa Goods only. Jan. • 1871. FOX , A; 3IERCUR aro selling ebesper Win ewer. • Jan.l9, 1871. • • pg31:6133ER that we are Belling Goods at RET L ! And that we won't be undereol.l. , Jan. 19. 1871. FOX & 111E11CUR. ikIICHIGAV FINE-CUT TOBAC AN.L. CO—Tery choice—at Jan 19. 1871. - fox #-11E11CL71'8. VOX & MERCUR do not. deal in Shoddy Ikaada._ Jan. i.e: 1871. (A ult CUSTOMERS can rely upon V getting the very beat the market affords and at loweeit prices. E. T. FOX. Tonatute. Jan. 19..71. HENRY lIERCUB. pE3TENIBER THAT FOX & SIER ISt CUB are retailinz all kinds of Ortrzne• at wboleaaleptices. The largest stock_in town. Goods Ora clam Prime low. 101. Rept. 29.10. lIENIt TX METtetrit. THE BEST KEROSENE OIL IN taro by the quantity or retail at Fo2t SIESCIarfI. BAKERY AND DINING ROOM. First block, north of Ward Ilonick. BREAD, PIES, CAKE,CRA.CKERS, ,BAKED PAIL r, AM gold At Wholesale nit Batall. In oar DINLIIO ROOKS en vitt accommodate the palate *nth either a lunch eir & - good meal at all time§ of th day and evening. .)f :7y . I •4 .o‘ll : . t • II: I. t ciao a nue assortment of Groceries. Oontectionery, Trnits, Anta. te. amyl" U CKNTRAL BIMUMT. The* subsalbsts stal continue to keep ix:instantly cm bead a full and , occipiste assortment of every thin; partainhas to their business.- mmaistlng min t/ !ad BEEF, PORK, FRESH AND SALT MLR CUBED BAWL • MUTTON. t' - • • YAMS. VYAL. POULTRI. sartakcia. LARD, -- BOLOGNA. DR= SW. TALLOW. ha, &c. • Abp. - I • 8, Et FRESH FROM THE LAKES. • M 1111215 ILDCZIVID DAIII Paribas isisbiligbt law or mall tau vtll be amoeba au abort maim at CI seam. CZIIIIIII Maas= Itaatanya's !look list door south of Or. Panora. Qua. 0 lauxat. ZELL= a lIIILLOCIL Taco. krieLOM Fab. at. UMW THE BEST AND CHOICEST SMOKING TOBACCO, FACTORY.,NO. 1, ID DISTRICT OT MARYLAND. ar Se* that Every Nano 700 buy bears OM Insalpticra. , • Deo. la. Ira, • THREti• HOUSES AND LOTS IN TOWANDA SWUM FOIL SALE—satusted che PoPlar Street abuse. Western Avenue. These bowies are now' being built ind will be cornplend on August Li Good well cistern. awl cellar with each hawse. For further pfirtienlare address ar quire , W. DE iNNALL. Unnelllll-111 • AI lid. Wbieheind Ms Store. Tossatts. Pb. L i gg=liß DAIRYMEN, _AND , JAMES X -WY. EDWeACR. D. W. SCOTT k CO. ifi~'r!' •'!~ Id lIILLIC7LCITILIED A? V: --.1,L, sums Boapm Ifl.AtaJZ4l wzoKHA4 ~ :r_i'm :4 A :VA CHINA, !rat B. . GLASSWARE. Jew GNI UMW potato& ~r~•)~r~tiY~;i: , ~ -1 1 L tLUII i . 6 . aa 1 . a j Ai I ' . : ' FRUIT JARS. All main wareated ea repreeminted. Persons M • &Mena an pasta their adore by awe or whkh reatia pmtupt and anneal attentkon. Idedkal Maks eau gratuitously it Lbe oda% ataxia may for medicine. • tarns:Mal for pat Men/ patronage. amid tee perch:By manna to their Mende end thii public-that no pains shall be eared to atidy. and menttbegoo• tinnetkin of their confidence and patronage. • . sp- Open Sundays for - cnecrtskma from II to 10 fun.. and 12 a. to 1. and sto p.m. • FL C. 191=11. 1 10a t. Co. , NEW FIRM! NEW .GOODS I I hay I. iffe.—yr— Towanda. Aug. 30.11. Parnituo: FURNITURE. We are now dieting at our Wholesale out Itetail FURNITURE EMPORIIIIIII, 110. 107 YAM fan LET. The greatest thinematente to those in want , of FIRST - CLASS FURNITURE Ever offered. in this market. The atteistioo of the public la especially caned to our recent boar_purchaen from the late Greet /Ato ll= Wee of- CHAMBER AND,PARLOR FURNITURE! Wa az* now otkiing . WALNUT MARBLE TOP SETS AT $75 00. And 'NICE PARLOR SETS, Ai4so 00, Together with oar Complete - Stoat of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CHAIRS TABLES, STANDS, SPRING . BEDS, 'ijATRESSES, LOURING -GLASSES, And In tact everng to be found 1# a Iriret:eleat rtitultare Mom ClEtEtiPilt I TELLN THE CHF.AiEST. DEWENDEE THAT WE ABE NOW MANI77IO. It Wing. and do oder goods or oar own mann. facture cheaper than yon - can buy city-made goods elaewlawe. Lumber taken in ezchang• tear goods. w. also !Umbel ROSEWOOD CASEIM-• METAIIC*BIJRIQ CAM. .L . CI) COFFERS Of eTet7 glescriptiou, auntu. ROBES. CIES. ke... And we aldo hare the ' FINEST HEARSE In thLs section of country. Goods delivered to the Depot tree at charge. JAMES 0. FEAST & BON& Towanda. San. 11. 11471 Boots and Shoes. G REAT. BARGAINS IN MOOTS & S H OES I= SEW BOOT .AND BROS. STORE, South end of Ward.Hatioe The undersigr.ed are recteling s large and val:lse. acted stock of BOOTS - 'A ND SHOES Suitable for the summs AND FALL_ TRADE, Which we offer low for Cull. consisting of GENTS, LADIES, , , AND CHIE,D, 'BEN'S WEAR. SEWED AND PEGGED BOOTS 2dADE TO ORDER REPAIRING NEATLY DONE 1FV3§1:4.714 & . 1.1,5,..4 ICIA Thankful for put favors,' vs s =flotsam* of tbe sun. Towanda. April I. IMO. ROOTS AND SHOES MADE AND JLP REPAIRED. L. C. NELSON. UM made arrlingelneln• to wpm:iodate costomms that are constantly with boots and Shoal for new soles. etc.. and hare to leave than. to their great disadvantage. until another day. The constant can tor this! kind of work. awl ths desire to bars it done immediately. has Induced me to make such ar rangements that you need net return home Without Tone sole befog renewed end your heels Net vinare, For prices that are honest sad pelted)" t►ir. Ladles that hale gaiters that are Woks at the toe, To We impale-shop Is the place *Rile To get them re-aampeg. neatly CI ortaltaoleg. had year bet well protected tram wet and the cold hew work wean make yen with the above doable gulch." We esti make them for you thin. oi wean give them to you thick. Ws ten make them with high bee:.: or we an glee them to you est. So you :need not "seer with a brick in your hat. La—Good eidee vinegar for sale by barrel or pl. Front of Ilethodist church. Hain street. Towanda, Dec. IL 1870. L. C. NELSON.". FOR SA Y. AND TO RENT, W. DITT RICH'S MUSIC STORE. - ONE HUNDRED naszil.Ass IWO% ONE - 11DEDRED AND Firm , mmlormoss TWO iiusparzo CABINET AND OWE= ' ORONAS. Tire Handrol roltna. Clariotteta. Flutes. Banjos, Galtara, Concertinas, accordeona. !Wings for all Riming Instruments.. Drunk Slam etc. SHEET ursic Dlr CiNTRUCTION BOOKS FOR EVERY et4'STRUNMT Mi I .A.. INT 0 S Prom the only Best-elan makers is the United States, as F. C. Lights k Co.. Decker Bros.. Snow nay, Weber, Pew York; aallett and Commons Boston; Itattmesbek. New Borten Ct.; C. Maser. . . . IFlninielpbta; and Keane Ip Baltimore. Iltedcak;th. from D. lithordnger. Near Barea..Ct.; Peloathe% Prlton Co. , PNer Tort. Organs, the celebrated Golden Reed! American Onion. and the Runlet* Conkbitranon Organ. One door net at Iderearn Rant. the only store et the bind In Towanda. • iner.29ll I Etvp sail' ablichm- t)R. H. CI. PORTER, SON & 00, . In ow CA= DRUG STORE. " Oar Iteth Rho 1111 Tresitht. • 'eve mess* 116 e, le their de& ettill see itiehlete espoutneeL iNtate ea edisithe es• = 6 . eind embeethel mu mildew heel ts INF - Arte aredir stoma idol mia tr o, "" lmobi at the peblia. wtkb ea be pattheeeti. see WWI en the ter lisd eassteellis aim el WlolwrM se Sul & ettedettee et - • Divas, Madam% . ammo, P• 1317116 ana, nainsw ALCOHOL AND ;z • ' u sum parr. MX= inms-viss. AM al kinds if Infolitaft KEROSRNR OR COAL 014 • samiedinsimk. imam ma= mmaiL smummu t Spend. lan!, Mob. Nail !oak lall Itoes mow iiria. TANNER'S AND MACHINE OMB, ream sod TWA Az*** Its all tidristfatt - sposorkillumus. 110A211. COW% Posthrs. aide-Dres. hifearea. POCKET BOOKS PORT MONAII3, From Rodgers I Draillser The beet kind In mating. ,S I i:ri ~: oaaar•a. CLLZI. " Mid intim Maar& ki.:.,1• 4 1_ , 4. IV Mi .•11vu•t• nu warn Ain) =mos% Tow,* Ebro* .Pzeisi (hams. Gomm siwi mad Mew ends, Temal6 11111 P IN:dank - enspiarariss. Shoulder fleeces. Breese Teothion MUG: lfardni Nipple Rees end BMWs. lerelmeas• Pam. flelfileelissreasJsze.thec. emonsetem Tleveelna intern. Mee Jun. Glen Wm: Bottles. Vials, &eta Beth . • Beek. And Stove Illseklas. Flab Tackle. Am. munition. he.. Botanic. ErbelLlo and to lisdielnes. and aD the popular. MEDICINES:. ►TAYLOR'S CELEBRATED OIL ! TM Gore Jthesneatie Resetly should be kept sad used by every Fanner that keeps 'either Cattle ass Horses. every ?asunder ind Livery Made Keep Ir. every Physkian and Home Puler for It win many tunes cute gain and tameness when all other Medi eines have tidied. Meters and Railroad lien should certainly keep it. for it is mustrpaseed for brumes and sprains. B acksmiths should - keep it for their Own- tue and for their customers tender footed horses, as nothing equals it for t mder feet. Every body suffering from pain and lameness of any kind. burns. cuts. wounds or any eruption of the aids. Comm Chilblains or any diseaae r.ipitring an outward application el mild certainly keep it& rale. braked medicine. Every bottle warranted to, gin satisteetion.. For sale by Dr. H. C. Porter lion ,k Co. Porterk Kirby and 7. W. Brown Druggists. Towanda. Pa. And by, every Druggist and dealer In Band: ford and adjoining counties. Johnston H movisoind Cowden. wboleolle Patent wahine Depot. So. 602 Arch stmet PhiladeAdttia.li%. Wh•driale agents. EL anoWNIO TAILOR. jtdyl9,o4l Proprietor. lett:milk, Pa.. RHEUMATLSII-NEMAI,GU ! $5OO :WILL BE PAID to any person producing any Medicine showinitue as many thing. permanent cores as Dr. ?men% VioSTAILLS RUIRTNIATIC Used Inwardly only. a pleasant Medicine: tree from injurious drater." , warrented, under oath, to have permanent ly-cured 93 in entry lest patients treated in the pot ten year , - (See tertnutour). It la the scientific pre scription of Pros. Jos. P. Fitter. M. D.. a graduate of the University of Peonsylvanha A. D.. =I. -now one of Philadelphia's oldest regular plash:ben and Penfeurer of Chemistry and Toxicology.—woo has made Tirades. Chronic and Influnatory Rheuma tism the specialty of his mem profesokinal Ike vouched for by the signatures accompanying each bottio.-and other testimonlab of many inmost tient renowned physicians and clergymen. To pro tect sufhwers from poisonous quack nostrums and makes earn/More of money, a legal egmed guar antee. stint** exact number of honks warranted to cure, will be forwarded gratis to any sufferer send. ten by letter aMB deacripton of anction. In case of I: are to cure. amount paid positively refunded. Medicine ore iurywbere by express. collect on de- Beery. Afflicted invited to write for advice: ill In. formation and medical advice sent by letter gratis. Address Dr. J. P. FITTER. 29 mouth Fourth street. Philadelphia. Pa. . The Rented, is sold or obtained by Drug"lata. For sale by PORTER 'k KIRBY. Druggists. Mar cues Block. Towanda. TOWANDA Narble Works. GEO. 111c0ABE There just , received the largest assortment of e ' AMERICA AND ITALIAN 1.1 A. 12., Era: exhibited in this section. to' which they invite t.:e attention of the public?. They keep on hand or furnleh to order 110NUMRNTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES, &c., Of ever i , t 14 AT TIM LOWEST TEEM Persona In want of anything In our line aro re• @weirdly invited to call and examine our stock. McCA.I3E & SON. Timiada. lbw 1,1271. B 1 PETTES & CO., Have now on nand • new stock of FALL AND WINTER 000DS In great variety, waelti as DRY.O- 0 0 r) S mtm6alr, FANCY GOODS AND. NOTIONS, IA r:~:i , A:ir~~v t~: 'VELVETEENS, .WATEBPROCiFS, .Lm) SHAWLS, - ' Which they will sett at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE; At the sign of the Big -Bennet, opposite the Conn lloire, , 3.1An4 EMMET', TOWANDA. PA. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF 1.1.. MILD Ind COMM nuns. at Muth 10. WA LONG e 111411.6 IP F9 $6,11 GOMM. $ p.a)ff mom among ir oewsgs. wit CIEJMENCI ILlProildest /AT 00013. rK ts . Cow ; =XXV D. COO= Parade* MOZIKIN W. PELT.Dierflary sal Aitsaa INN The atmatagaa at lamkiatissal.lda I. 1114•111414414014pumbselsndbyeas roes 1. Dam • imikl capted et ON Saba Donut ' L b ears low min ate; 4. It dandibee tamareets ; Uwe Mbar COlll polio. Liras alum L as 449*, . aims ; • e. Thew le a - wee% et T. Tee policies we rum ear so it All "Aides en IL The policies see CLAP* S. L IMMELL. Maaapr. - - • N. d, menu* A. O. MASON, es, Aims for Tronada l arid' waft?. 8 ' GU I N MUTUAL LIFE • INSVRANCE CQSIP,Viy . , , • 'NO. 251 BILOADWAT. N W TORIL Poucua rieFastes. j ..l.. _Amara. over.. .. .... Miami Isubler... over ' Loam P ' ' • All topes . .wed foram of Policies fined. LtbeesEmodes for payment of premiums., Polieles'noreforteitabla by their terms. The enttro of the- Company divided olio ably noon . ANN DIVIDENDS. WALTON H. *LEAK. Passzocrs. WILLIAM T. HOOK= Pm Pazsowis LUCIUS AI ADAXS. Area AID Amax- , PULLADELPHIA 11X1FlatENC151 : Jar Coomr, t Co.. Butkus. Dust_! Co., Beakers— Joss .Woos ms A Co...Tas Werelisats. • - & A. ,Kracza. Rest. Farmers' A Recbaidor' Baal * T. B. Prrussear, Publisher. 11yL1.70-tf CULP k VINCENT'S Insurance Agency. vs: .4 I. : Policies mitten sod losses settled at this otie We also inture Against all damage by To buildings and contents or lira dark. OFFICE ON HAM STREET, glom DIAMES- Fr) 1 1_1872 - PAPER & ENVELOPES NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS PENS, Lis, • Mvsio, STATIONIff AND BLANK BOOKS YAIiTTPR NOTIONS. Towanda. Noe. 19. lad& WOH-BIN. DERY.-THE prr. -LP reipeetkily intoried that the Book-Rta; der: bast been remand to the ..11eporter";BaildIss: third story; where Will be done fa a➢ its various branches. on teems as reaionable as '•the times" will allow. The Bindery will be inkier the charge of _ An experienced Binder. and an wiabs= done in a atrie and Wanner which cannot be Music. Ksaasines. NeOld Boots. kr-, booed in every varieo of style.. attention will bs paid to the Boling and Binding of . . To any desired pattern. whteti to quality mud dery lenity will be wernented. - All wet wit/ be teed:, for delivery when promised. The patronage el, the public is @elicited. and pw. hoot eattenettoo guaranteed. • Towanda. dame 1 tome_er. ToWANDA kARICULTURAL wow STlLL suns , . Theiragatntea4ent of this oho? Lnow dela some of best 11BERTWAGONS,' ; PLATFORM WA00143. • COVERED AND OPEN BUGGIES, iner Gabled In thlotairket. Best itiortod • _OAK AND HICKORY MOB used. and all work ins& lq the most ; ' . _ EZEREMICED WORKMEN. -YY Re itti, the - • rArzt r 4ussza IRON SLITS. ; war 7 IllAkt. and so durable that even tow Ina bat Ittliorto do towards then. doosy. . , - Pismo ermine oar work before parebatind 111 • where.lepshin done on stcar C. Ysacva Irl.Vocm. - Tows da lin 3' M. 1870. Superintendent. J. BOLT •F 4 , ca • e • " GENERAL PRODUCE Commission Merchants, BUTTER. , EGGB. Cltharr PEAL. POUL TRY ' And ell other Farm Produce.. One or tbe Arm haring resided tin =Scranton for the put ten years, land bidets an extender acqudat• ante. with th e business men of the city, we feel Oa' Adept that we can sell produce to the entire sat* dation urconsignors. • REFERENCES. - - L. B. =BITCH. A. G. FBABIE. Orwell. PL BALDWIN 4k BLACKMAN. GOBILLM t COLS MAN. Leßayinelp, Ps. 8. O. WAITE& MAI= BLMOG. wares. bani. Pa. . H. J. CHIIBBLVII, EMMY BHOENAHBR. I'D Mlle. Ps. a. s. [01.26111 CASEVA INSURANCE AGV;, TROT. PL. FIRE. LIZE and dAVLDENT INSCBtlCCEeirrcte d in drst-class compardett Also Land tiroirlinti Conveyancing. Twenty • seven years _especiency Orders bymall promptly attended to. Ang.3".11.-ly A. " COAL AT AV TALUSING • 3 The und PPlT iraigned hive on hand. and inten4 to hard ou of Sullivan Anthne.te. BarehlY. Ind /Int:incite Cosi of the 'ilium sins. . Snit 25 1521. 0. H. WE:1.1.0 , 1 a CO. VERY CHOICE GREEN • V Black VediaeUeas &In atairicisevi Itist . Muoi , VAL AL ~.4, 6 lm imWMftW bypeepbaften • ; en,taidisoo mach tor UMW i=fl al; amain. riffle dsito ,• • 125 OOfl • • 2.034064 500,001 I. A. )10 ECORD. Agent, Towanda, pa, GMERAL LI(IHTNING, Opposite Coed House. T. B. CARP. R. B. VECCEPL, &aim and Statolnory. PICTURES BOOIE-MDIII4I st. a wgrresEa. MANZ. BOOKS. SCRANTON, PA., Respectitilly solicit consigaments 01 ■ ♦ IL DOTS'S.