A Itegideitkof Apici4t6. Knowledge is what is...requisite in agriculture. Experience in bad sys tems of farming ; or in farming Where no system whatever -exists , amounts to very little, for though the man himself considers he is a practietil farmer and others will endorse • him as sach,ankin fact he is as fain the performance of labor is concerned, yet he really possesses no knowledge, and cannot rightfully lay claim to it 'Verniers do as their neighbors do, as their fathers did,nnd if any One dif fers from them in epinidti they will all condemn the holder' of this for eign Sentinient as a maxi who knows nothing. • • Knowledge, that is of the genuine character, would show any one how to -farm so as to increaseihe produc tive power of his land ; how to man age his cattle so as to avoid disease, abortions and ills of all kindaexcept -kg common accidents ; how to rip, .portion his sheep, cows and horses on pastures so as to make each of these varieties of live stock; do the better for the other's presence, end also at the same time improve the grass by encouraging and thickening the. most' nutritious varieties, so BS to cause it to carry more stock and'be come more fattening in its quality. Knowledge would make a man so discreet'as never to plant any crop which would impoverish his soil, without such overwhelming returns as to enable him to more than rec ompense it; as never to sow any seed' without duly considering what previous Management would have on this crop; and what the issue would be on following crOps, and as never to =ivy grass or manage it in any way so as tp ran it down, but on the contrary torunent such varieties as will monopolize the ground to the exclusion of such natural grass es constitutes a permanent sward, and having established a thorough dura ble track of meadows on suitable land, never to spoil it by the customs which cause all the complaints made by Atherican farmers. KnOwledge carries a man above tradition, and no one having it will fail in Obtainingg What he desires, for it is only the snseless who cannot have every field in exactly the state in which they wish to have it. True knowledge on agricultural subjects • would produce deeply-felt commiser ation for the ruinons errors which ex ist as ,to cause and effect, particular ly in obdurate dispositions. r"? ENRICHING DAIRY FARM& Hearth and Home says : Several • .5 by which to enrich dairy farms : .ggest - themselves. First. By artificia ma nures, wuch . as bone-dust and nitrate of soil. In some circumstances these manures might be used with .profit. Where genuine bone-dust can be ob tained for s2s,per ton, and nitrate of soda for 24 to 4 cents per _pound, we should not hesitate to use them ex tensively, at the rate say of 500 pounds of the former and'2oo pounds of the latter to the acre. On many fields such an application would double the grass crop at puce. Sec ond. Beep a large stock •of cows, and buy more or less bran and grain to - supplement the home - -grown feed. This would increase the quantity and quality of the manure and.speedily augment the productiveness of the farm. Third. When any Portion of the •fa"rm is low and wet, , drain it. Such land almost invariably contains a large amount of latent plant-food. Draining, by removing the' stagnant water and letting in the air, renders this plant-food, available, and fre quently makes this low land the most productive and profitable portion of the farm. And the increased grass so obtained enables us to keep more stock and make more 'manure. STEWED OTSTERS.—We suppose that nine out of ten housekeepers will con tradict us point blank, in a state ment,that nine out of ten of them do not know how to stew a dish of oys ters. By the ordinary routine; that nearly every one follows, either the oysters are stewed and shriveled_out of all semblance of themselves, in shape, size, and flavor, or else the soup—" thickening " has a raw taste thatpoils ;it. Hero ia the right method; try it _once, and we'll war rant you won't need t i ling the second time: Pick the oysters out of the juice with a fork, as dry as possible.; stew the juice, thickening with the.milk, of which the soup is to bo made, until, thoroughly cooked; then drop thg-ciysters in, and just as the cooled soiip begins to show signs of simmering, empty out altogether, and you wiU have a rich soup and plump *oysters, luscious enough to make you think you never tasted real oysters. liftmen Cows, if fed liberally, niay be fed until within six weeks of calv ing. -In ordinary cases; however, it is better to let them go dry for two months.or ten weeks. The cow and calf Will both be stronger ; and any fat or flesh stored up during this pe riod, will, in case of a good cow find its way to the milk-pail next sum mer.• FOr this reason we advocate liberal feeding, even when the , cows are dry. There is a great prejndice against corn-meal for milch cows. If fed withbut 'judgment it may be in jurious ; butiu onr Own experience we have never known two quarts of meal a day, cooked or nncooked(bnt far better cooked, have any other than the beneficial effect. Do not forget to- card the cows, or to give salt regularly and an abundant sup ply of fresh (not ice-cold)watee BAKED BATTED. PUDDING WITH PRUTT.' -Take a half-pound of flour, one pint of milk, the yolks of four and the whites of two eggs, half a tea spoonful of bakingpowder, and ono teaspoonful of salt. Rub the powder )Itlktill tmooth,mix it well with the flour,- adding the salt, and as much milk as will make it a eiff batter ; beat tin til ,- 'minder of the milk, and the eggs, „ . ,,,H , •— well beaten. , Put some apples, cut •' as for a , pie, into a buttered dish, - pour the batter over, and bake in a ) moderately hot oven., Damsons, cur-, rants, gooseberries, or rhubarb, may be used in the same way._ . - _ 40 7 4 41•10 - PissArs it is not generally known how much pleasanter and more agreeable, as well as efficacious is a poultice made of potatoes, than one made of bread. It keeps longer, can be reheated several times, and does not wet the clothing. Peel, boil, and mash the potatoes ; inclose in a mus lin bag and apply to the. affected, part.. To boil them in hot water has a very soothing effectand -enchances their virtue. A poultice made of boiled beans is by some thought to be bolter than potatoes, bat both aro weitairof a trial. - • FOUNDERY it MACHINE SHOP. The nederfigned bating portheeed the Youndry and Itheldne Molt Well _awned . by Sohn Venom eas premed to do eV kinds of work •=tion to their businees. with prow:plates end :MILL. GEARING.S, OIROULA.R SAW MILLS, MAN DRILLS, • Antall kinds of K •MI.LL IRONS SLID/CIO 011DIZ. ENGINES REPAIRED, Ltd all wadi irunotail to give sallstactloa. SHINGLE MACHINES Of the latest and au* improsedldade • ^ • • • • constantly on bezel ready for we. PLOUGHS . i BIDE-HILL. MOE AND WOODEN DEANS Of al/ kind.. CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS Of sad the TOTltinents• kept I CHURN POWERS, Ir-AZGE AEI?. SSIALL SIZE. STOVE CASTINGS g CELLAR GRAM, • SLIM AND SLEIGH SHOES, LARGE • MON .NEITLES And an kinds of castings farniabed - ts March 30. MO. KENNA A ROCKWELL. NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY 1 On Pine, between Main and Second, Streets, back of G. F. Mason k Co.'. Bank. TOWL.NDA, PENN'A. HENRY STULEN & CO., . . . 17 snnonaes to hta tritadsuid patrons,, that thtuivo built a HEW DIUCE rJAILILLiGE rAcTour. wiWze they will constantly keep on hand a full amid meat of . FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN MIGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS, TiorTora aIcuLEIT, ADD SKELETONS, 'Made of the best material and finished in the best city style, His long experience, in city Carriage Factories gives them a decided advantage over others in the Finish, Style and Durability a his Wagons. All they s.ska la an INSPECTION OF ELS WORK preiione to pcirchsalag elsewhere ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE PERM'? SATISFACTION. Thankful for the liberal patronage formerly ex tended and respectfully ask a continuance of the name. . REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO reduced prices Towanda, May 24, 1820.—tf "THE OLD MAIN STREET Carriage Factory. JAMES BRYANT still continues the znanuLuturs of CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, Of every description. at the .01,17 stand of G. H Drake, YAM STREET, TOWANDA, PA. Ilia work In all of_ the - LATEST STYLE AND FINLSIL In tho unnufactare of wagons totting is used but BEST STEEL AxLys, To ether with tLe COMPOSITION BOXES M Liglat Work PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS LUMBER WAGONS Sent constantly on hand. The best Eastern stack is used in the manufacture of Wheels. Spokes are 11l ricedent—not sawed. ALL WORK BOLD WARRANTED EQUAL TO ANY As to tintsh, and as to durability, '` SUPERIOR TO ANT IS TIM SECTION. /Sir Au. Won: W JAVES BRYANT] spLl9ll BLOOD ek co., BIM continua o maw:dub= their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, and will sell • better =chino, for leis money than can be had elsewhere in the world. 13:i We claim for our Machines that they will do as itch. or more, than any other. and are more: durably built We psrsonally - saperintend stir work and see that it is well down. Ws will send %. ' of ,enr tasebines. on application. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, Ole d Dm , Horse THRESHER & SEPERATORS. rizer-srale end CLZ42fERS.- FANNING MILLS, CIOCCLLII AND DRAG 1011 . ,1111LL14 SAW AND GRIST MILL work 'done to order. _ Give as a call before purcbuiing 4So:where. 'va "op auoaavaa `sizaais `•00 2 7 ao Ang..2. 1869. • NEW PLANIN G MILL. .. • • The ondersigned hiving builof o t a large and commo• dime 11.111 in the Borough Twll., and ailed it with the most modern and improved machinery, far the manufacture of ..~~,~~ ~ .. ;u 4Y y; Are prepared to All orders. whether large or small. ispon the shortest notice. We hate also a large vs rico of KouLDIKOS, or the latest style and petterh. which we can furnish much cheaper than they can be worked by hand. . . PLANING. TONG =ENO. ' • osoovisa: AND SCEOOL &MIS% And all other work portal:Ong to Jobsory, will be done to ontt oar awstotwors. Personsend not living more than -. twelve to rowan wise dhow, vill And it hogely tor their blood to buy of us, or bring their lumber and hare it wetted by our roneldniwy. Bring your geld or Mooring. or other lumber, and while your teem IA holing, More Li ground out and We it bogie with V will pay CANN for PM AND ILIDISDOR W i lts our lumber yard. Come and roe ecime. MOIL ' ' Ider, M. L. A IMCXUM3 & CO. F On RAC& & AtirMiLLIVROAD awlalts: loaday. Noiniaboir IMI Un. pftempler pow itarthlsm Motu st 6:1/1 cat., soft 'at M " sr acs sk sitas. Otaig Soca imera Wawa 11 AO at 4 entre at Alban at ,013THERtii CIMIAL ' BAIL : - -Con lad eta licaeW, Km. Ligh. mu , row se Mows : I % - 42. I W illtilKlL -94 Athens j ar Auburn. I Athetis. 5:20 AM. 10:20 A. x. 10:55 A. X. Ir 12:43 .K. 8:30 A.m. CU v. 44. T:00 r., x. 4:10 r. IL 4210 r.x. . 9:00 w it. Testes leave Owego Auburn M 1.13 a. se.. 12:40p. ro., and 5:45 p. as.. Trabn salre - st Owego from itibo29 at 11:7K LIM, 2SO p.m.. and 8:05 p.m. S i ROM ;'..l7lf*Ml VAN & Monday, Nov. P. N. A. K. ; 9:10 1 700 TOWANDA 30 1 .2 ao 7:10 *BARCLAY JUNCTION 2:40 7:30 ......,110N110E ' • 3:10 8:00 3:20 8:10 ....NEW -ALBANY.... 3: • 3:20 KILLERS' - 3:50 8:10 - - DIIEHORE - 4:25 9:15 ' szleNicar: k. aid A. 3i. 1 . . - B.j r. cio+ Oval Pwei pi. & N.Y., CANAL', & R.R. CO.= LIILICCIESSENT PIE44I3GER MUM, To take effect Monday, Zion. 27, 1871. aotrrnw429. 3OZTUWAID. rinct9A6 g 3( '.. No No. 4. BT - ATIO ii ;I . No. No. 1 No. . I It • M •Id ' • I /I' II P 111 P X • la liii . i . {6 ......EklirS . 1 ... .. 12 45 i 45 8 49 .3 30 12 15 'B3O Waverly' . - ,11 55 605 755 34012 50 840 --Athens.. . 1 11 45 5 55.745 430 135 925 --Towanda ;11 00 5 257 05 530 215 10 25 Wyalueing ' 9 4336 10 555 235 10 45 1 ......1.40. ... 934 415 ,5 43 I 61 7 25 5 111 09 . ... Sleahoppen.... 911 3 57 1 5 23 6253 01 , 111 6 1 .... Mehoopany...'. 903 350,5 15 650 ° 525 11 451. „Tunthannock... 836 3 2314 45 750 425 1 30— ....Plttaton. 799 2 2513 35 I 15 445 2 00, —.Mikes Barre... 710 2 . 05'310 . 720 4 201. —Kau& Chunk... ..... 11 201... 4 , X 8 24 535 1 Allentown.— —•n1019 ir X 835 555 --Bethlehem 10 051 9106 25 .......Eut0n!...... . 925 1 . - 11 ___ _ ._'- 10 30' 815 . ..,F9U454191215.... _ 9 00 1 9 45! Wow To* - 600 ' 6 45 I....WashingtOn.... _'. AM I' 31. Alt • No. 30 leaves Towanda at 740; Athena, 760; Wa verly, 9 00; artiiii at Marl it 9 00 A. M. No. 31 Leaves Elmira at 5 45; Waverly. 6 45; Ath ens, 700; arrive at Towanda at 7 45 P. M. • ' Down Trains dine at White liaren. I:7p Trains dine at Pittator. Passengers to and from New York and Phllsdel phis Without change of cars. Down train connects at Allentown with Through fast Express for Harrisburg, Pittsburg and the West. R. A. PACKER. Superintendeot. NROurE TO PITILLDEL -LI PHU. 'Shortest Enazoost . direet lirlelto Philadelphia, Bal timore, Washington. and the tenth. Passengers by this route] take Pennsylvania k Few York Railroad train. passing Tcsranda at 7:15 A.M.. make close connection" at Bethlehem with Ex press train of North Penn's ;Railroad, and arrive in Philadelphia at 5:05 P. M., lin time to take ;night trains either for the South or !West. City passenger cars are at the Depot on arrival of a 1 trel conieypaeeenjtcrs to the various Depots d is all pa . rts of the city. Leave North Pernes RsDriad Depot, corner Betts and American - afro K , „ Philadelphia. at 7:35 A. IL. arriving at Towanda CM •P. M., Mine evening. Minn's Baggage Erpr collects and delivers bag. gage, office Igo. 105 gent tfth street, Philadelphia. Freight rewired at Front and Wade streets, PhDs delphla. and forwarded br. Daily Fast Freight train 'to Towanda. and 'all points in Brisvehanna Talley with quick dispatch. 'ELLIS CLARKE, - - Gen. P. D. st, Front and Willow Ste. liar. 21. 1870. Philadelphia. E RIE RAILWAY. Nrw Mtn Lwrrtaviro Dnawrco Boom asp Summon COscmrs. combining "ill Modern Inaprovemedts, are run through on all Trains between Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Suspension Bridge, Cleveland, Cincinnati and New York. Abstract of Time Table, • Adopted Nov. lath, 1871. — 7" • wrgrw.ir.D. New York.... Jersey City... &untietiannn Great Bend.. Binghamton " 1 13 13 Owego - " • 5 53 1 Waverly .. 8 30. Mmiza • " !I 05! Corning 17 38' Painted Post...-..' " ..1 . Rochester ArriTe II iO Ilornellaville.... " S'S 53, Buffalo, •' 12 00 1 Niagara Falls—.. " 12 48 1 ; Snsp'rsion Bridge " 12'53; Clifton " . , 11 ;2 GO. Dunkirk " 22 ; Cleveland I'7 00 Cincinnati " ;i6 001 • r at.' EMMY EMILE& H.. 13. CLARK. AND CATALOGUES. 'I Et ABLE OF 11 ERIE BILICAOB7).— . 13.1871. _ curious NORTH PENNf3YLVAIKU. P.AItROAD. TLXSCIET ACCOMIODATIOSIL STATION'S. 1. Leave ! p3O 45 • •• D 4 30 ADDITIONAL LOCAL TKAINS WESTWARD. 5:00 except Sundaye. from Owego. Stopping at Tioga 5:27.43mithb0r0 51.5.5. Barton 6:12, Waverly .7:09 Chemting 7:10, Weilaburg 8:05, Big Flats 10:20, Corning 11:30. Painted Pod 11.48, !Odium 1:00 p.m.. Rathlionerille 1:35. Cameron Mills 2:05. Cameron 2:28. Adrian 8:21, Catalano 4:05. -arriving at Hornellsrville at 4:23 p.m. 5:00 a.m.. except Sundays. from Stusinehanna. 'Stopping at Great Bend 5:1 0 . Kirkwood 5:40. Binr..- hamtnn Homer 6:22. Union 6:33, C.:my/Ng 0:52. Owego 7:114 Tinge 7: . limithboro 7:50. Bar. ton 8:00. Waverly Chemung 8:35, Wellsburg 8:48. Southport 9:09. Elimira 9:15. Dig Corning Painted pot 10:08. Addison 10:32. Itathboneville 10:51, Cameron Mills 11:04. Cameron 11:15. Adrian 11:37. Canlateo 11:55. and arriving at Hornellaville at 12:05 p.m. 6,50 a m.; daily, from Su ebannft. Stopping rt Great Bend 7:15. Kirkwood-17:30, Binghamton 8:03, Hooper 08:20. Union 1i4:27.1 Campville 18:45. Owego 9:14. Tioga 19:27. Smithboro 19:40. Barton 1.9:47, Waverly 10:20, Chemung 10:35, Wellsburg 10:50, Elmira 11:20..111g Fiats 11 49, Corning 12:20 p.m.. Painted Post 112:24. Aadision Ratblioneville F.1:07, Cameron Mills 11:221 Camemn 1:32. Adrian 1I:55. Csnlsteo 2:08, and arriving at ilornelisville at 2:20 ran. 1 1:00 p m.. ex , rnt finnOays, from Suagnchanna. Stopping at Olst Bend 1:50. Kirkwood .:24. Bing hamton 3:40. 1 ooper 4:loi* Union 4:29. Campy - ilia 5:05. and arri ving at , °woo? at 5:4n p.m. 1:15 p exCept St:mains. from Finite:a. Stopping at Big Flats' 1:39. Corning 2:00. Pi lilted Poet 2:05, and thence. via Avon. to Buffalo. arriving at :35 pm. :2:30 p.m.. except Sundays, from Binehamt :n. Stopping at Hooper 2:43. ;on 2:55, CampvUle 3:15. Owego 3:37. Tina's 3:53. Rinithboro 4:08. Barton 4:19, Waverly 4:40. Chemung 4 :SG, Wellaburg 5:12, South port 5:29, arriving at ElmiS at 5:30 p. m. ILISTIVIILD 30. ci o L, , •4. STATIONS Cincionat I Leave Cleveland • " Dunkirk Clifton - • " Suspension Bridge " Niagara Buffalo Mornallaville Rochester. ....• • • " Corning Elm Ira • Waver** - Owego Binghamton.... • " Great 8end...... " • Susquehanna..., Port Port Jervis Arrive Middletown 48 Goshen Nesiburgh , - Patcraon Newark . Jersey City...... New. York " ;z OO oo 033 goo A. Y. ,ADDITIO:`.;AL LOCAL TIt.UYS EASTWAfiD 5:00 a.m.. except Sundays from Hoinellaville. Stopping atCaniatso 5:22. Adrian 5:46, Cameron6:so, Cameron Mills .7:01. Rathbonerille 7:30 Addison 8:25, Painted Post: 9:15, Corning 10:00, Big Plata 10:42, Elmira 12:40 p.m.. Sintrbport 12:65. Wellsburg 1:20. Cbemnng 1:55, Wriverly 2:42. Barton 3:20, Smithbort 3:42, Tiogs 4:10, and arriving at Owego ar4:B7 p.m. 6:55 am., daily, from Mintellsville. StOPping at Canlsteo 7:13, Adrian 7:33. iuteron 8:09. Rath boneville 8:42, Addison 9:08, Painted Post 9:57, Cor ning 10:15. Big Mb 14:52. Elmira 12:20 p.m., Southport 12:25. Wellsburg 12:52. Chem:mg 1:12... Waverly 1:50, Barton 2:25; - Smitliboro 2:40. Tiogs 3:05, Owego 3:40. Campvllle 4:15, Union 4:48. Bing hamton 5:4 , 1„ Kirkwood 6:22. Great Bend 6:50. and arriving at Susquehanna at 7:30 pan. 2:00-aan.. except Sandgya. from Owego . Stopping at Campville 7:45. llnions:2B. Hooper 8:40. Bing hamton 9:40. Kirkwood 10:30. Great Betid 11:15, and arriving at Susquehanna at 11:55 ram. 7:50 am., except Sundays, from Elmira. Stop ping at.Southport 7:54, Wellsburg 8:10. ChemungB:2o. :Waverly 8:43, Barton 9:03. Km thboro 9:13. Tiotpi 0:28. Qwego 9:45. Camprille 10:03, rnion 10:16. Hooper 10:22, and arriving at Binghamton at 10:33 1:58 p.m., except Sundays. from Painted. Poet. Stopping at Corning 2:0, 'mg Flats 2:20, and anis thg at Elmira at 2:40 p.m.; 2ao p.m., except /Sundays. - from Hornell/1'713e, Stopping at Canisteo 2.24, Adrian 230. Cameron 3:05, Cameron Mills 3:15. IG.tLtwnccille 3:30. Addi ,lloo 3:50, Painted Post 4:17. Corning 4 '21. Big Plata 4:47 Elmira 5:23, Southport 5:25 Wellsburg 5;42. Che mung 5:57, Waverly 6:22. 'Slogs 7:05, Owego 7:25, Campville_7:4s. Union 8:05. Hooper 8:12. Bingham ton 8:33. Kirkwood II:59, Great Bend 9:17. and ar riving at Susquehanna at ;37 p.m. rl=l t Monday* excepted * between Hornellscille and Port Jerrie. j• • e Stop Snndaye only. oar Through TULA' Le all points Weal at the Tery 'Lowest Rates. for side in the Company's office 'Lino Towanda Depot. Vila is the only &nth mired Agency of the Erie Railway Company for the:Weed' Western Tizteta to Towanda.- Ewan. will be ebscle,t onlyou Tickets purchased at the Company's oaks. ereOM a Ili Crf 1 1 1011 L TUE tfXDIEBEIGIGID, HAVING •Itimobillad Cho man tailiad at Is es eta IL PAT=i Co, Ile geom. Se eft te ta. dinar of aradlord Om* latelata; tb a hieg• mad inn Waded do* of _GROCERIES, rTITTIPP•rrR.Tt•iVoi.In SITIALI aIto:* on thail can all at ea law Agues ea ass a• inwebasen otundaoro. 2 Dow of2os to thopablicasploadidotodi I f FEES TEAS, CO SUGARS, P. 7L r. Ilf. 12:15 7:15 12;1 7;03 11:55 5:45 11:15 5:16 11:051 605 10:13 5:53 10:25 5:35 10:00 5:00 A. N. P. IL I DMA , _ , . . Agent. STANCE. SALIZATIIII. falai:Et. /go. AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO I keep oomasatty oa band. PORZ. IWO, LARD. aso2 rr!!Mrr'"lla'fM7rlll,l l •lTlT'firri public to oar Catkl Bs Best tToc4 OF TOBACCO, In (minty or price. Jaw Oakley aOpLobrated Lana. dry, NW York Chemlad and Brows Coop. Please call ana emogot our otodr of Large sago:twat of T INOTWAg. TOLL= SOAPS, tc., to I yfil pay the highest each mks Los COUNTRY PRODUCE. Farmers, gire as all bolas r7r!•`Mrti7MM!lfirn7`!rinn?'•Till and maks tannadlats payment. Tcrwsada, March. 12, 1867 M .. J. LONG. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS WOOD. WILLOW, AND . STONE WARE,. FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, tic., COR. MDT AND BRIDGE STS., I desire to all the attention of the public to ray assortment of goods, which la always full Ind com plete. and will be sold to my customers at.lowest market rates. My stock of NEE TEAS, P. P. IL '.• 530 ,•. 700 545! 720 155 - 235 211 2 52, 3 45 4 271 505! 13E3 11 001 11 15 8 15 8 371 9 15 1 10 101 11 to 11 501 12.51 12 39'••..--0 20 1 0 20 2 058 7 05'B 7 20 6 25.: 11 201 11 20 os i 13 101 12 10 7101 1215 , 12 15 7 151 12 20' 12 20 7 201 12 54' 12 54 6 551 • C 551 C 55 ..17 001 700 • , A. A. Y. 3 25 4 11 4 48 5 23 GOl ELave been purchased since the late reduction in the tariff on tihem, and are offered at prices to cot• respond.—'- Orders by mall or 'otherwise will recei‘o c►refa and prompt attention. Tharddig the ^public for the- liber.J patronage they Iwo given me, I wish a continuance of the same. UM CASII PAID FOR COUNTEE PRODUCE. -feb.2oll GOLD STILL COMING DOWN GROCERY cE PROF ' ISIOIV LINE, COWELL' & at prices that cannot fail to satisfy all that they acs determined not to be undersold by any one. They have enlarged their Store .by braiding so that they now have room for the fresh supplies that are daily received by them. They have monocled with their store a Market where they now keen fresh meats to sell by the quarter or piece, ono a full supply Or Gro ceries and Provisions, to which they amok, call the attention of all cub buyers. Come and eumine our Goods and Prices, before purchasing ono satisfy yourselves. We guarentee alf goods to give entire satisfaction. We are thankful to our customers for their past liberal patronage and solicit a coiitbinaziae of the same. is Dec. 20.1869. CHBLSTUAS! S. t C!173 es 3 Iriff2 11 40 10 00 •• •• 10D0 5 40! 10 00 5 451 10 05 5 56! 40 421 6 45! 11 40: 1045 i 3 301 15; 12 20 4,551 1258, 535! 137 ,6 081 219 j 04 51 3 05 , 7 271 3 351 7 52. 4 00. 8 25 1 7 50! 12 05 1 845 12 53 1 9.04 , 12 10!.... 11 001 247 2.05, 515 11 381 323 12 001 340 M. r. M. 4 40 4 41 4 52 700 10 03 715 11 30 12 08 12 41 1 IS TEE UNDERSIGNED-has just re ceived a largc and carted assortment of toDIES' WA i ;HES, rizm of an descriptions. Also a selected assortment of GOLD CHAINS, FINE GOLD JEWELRY; CLOCKS OF ALL STYLES ritol; THE CHEAP. GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES AND DIE.GIAININ to Stall oases of Impaired idight. NEW PATENT ACCOMODATING SPECTACLES: By this patent Ism enabled to exchange Glasses at any time without extra charge. Can and see. • cWCES, WATI*I AND JEWELRY REPAIRED /MDIMMIX JULES EUCIUMMI Towanda. Dec. 8.1871. E.; m t e lt g l r 5 0 r 0 8 .ra°Ii ■ 0 q tialii 3 d p 1,1,00 5 . 1 4 11_, 0 91 - • E., _., 4 z 'frig 2.ntl4ja Z - . 0 1 2=Z - n - 49 14 1 ! IV ZI P 1 11 3 1 gL 4 I Ani4 l 4 i i! . .8. - ILPMIH. Eno al bind a large stock of Pf C.M ; 0 /‘ 4 C.l WOODEN WARE. C. B. PATCH. O. B. rATCH. 'No; 1 PATTON'S- BIRCH, TOWANDA, PA COFFEES, AND SPICES . , N. J. LONG 41.. ND EVIZT 21.1M0 nt SUE are ncrw being ofrgred st NEW YEARS ! HOLIDAY GOODS, Conairting of AMER I6AN WATCHES SWISS WATCHES, all new. }BT TO TILE BEST Clothing. ITM , Y FRANKS, AA. , itioaosaor to Ussart Ilangs.) . . MERCHANT TAILOR, xi, 4. thank k Petten's tdoek Bridp Stiat../* wands. A good eaeoettnent of Clotho, Veetnntelad Ctardmeres, coastaatly on hand. Goods made-to circler In the best town" de0:4'71.-Iy. I EI 25 EUREKA I EUREKA 11 Everybody baa discovered that "' THE OLD CLOTHING HOUSE Rosenfield & Wolff 'One (Isar south of Fox t Straw's) is • TH PLACE FOR BARGAINS: Ttiey now rim a great store ful/ of the 0.1.:04.101. - 111:1:41.10yvily1.14:iejiiy7,fbia•I Or • KU AND BOYS' CLOTHING To be tounA ontableAbe cities. Theft goods ue ULhiaL.Mlk= TO SUIT ANY TASTE; CHEAP ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE ANY PURSE DON'T BE D=]M:l3 ! Never leave an old friend fors new one.' Remember that ROSOTTELD k WOLFF sr permanently located here, and can offer greater in• &moments to purchasers, than any other house in town. It Is the interest of gentlemen In this section to come and bring all their boys, and give their goods an examination. Consider the fact that you can buy at ROSEN- FIELD S WOLFF'S, beautiful and substantial Cloth ing for • mere song. r, ROSENFIELD & WOLFF: August 23, 1871. IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO VLLVE`THETR, BIGHTI - The sight or the aged assisted, the weak strengthen ed and the perfect preserved. PIULADELPIIL& OPTICAL IssTiTtl-ra, For the manufacturing 'of t he CONCAVE CONVEX, CRYSTAL LENSES, LONDON • 1113101XD AND TINTID GLANS TOE WAX 03 IS- The Concave Convex Crystal Spectacles, made by the above institute aro now a long time before the public, and the - rapid and Mere:teed demand for them combined with the universal acknowledgment of their clearness in TAIOI2 and ease- tothe eye, shows plainly that they are superior to any other glasses in the market. The majority of Spectacles. (mostly imported) and no matter haw fine the frames, contain but a poor and worthless article of glasses, (generally cut or pressed;) they are made to be sold only. without any calculation respecting benelt to the eye, and therefore the great complaint of poor and weak sight. Thousands are using glasses now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the objects get dim after short .usage, or require an Intensely strong light and therefore destroying the sight, which, were they . properly suited, would be preserved a life time. The advantages claimed for the Concave Convex Crystal Glasses aro the following : The Lenees are ground of the beat material. pure and hard, and made only for optical purposes, they sae therefore not liable to get scratched or dim. They confer a brillianey and distinctness of vision not found in any other glass. They can be used equally well by day or candle Light without tiring or fatiguing the eyes. They are ground mathematically true in the con cave convey mirror, according to the philosophy of nature, and shape of cornea of the eye, therefore a/stet:Mg nature only Instead of forcing it. That the louses are centered correct into the triunes. They can be used longer than any °their glasses without changing to a higher power. The frames are made strong and durable byexpe rienced workmen and warranted to give satisfaction. WM. A. CHAU:BERLIN, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry and Sitter Ware,Towan. de, Pa., has the solo Agency for these glasses in Bradford county. No Pedlera employed. July 12, 1870-tf TOWANDA STEA3I F LOURING MI L LS ! w. H. FULLER ..4; CO., -onno.ggro.finfonl the o d th m e li tu l t r ig tha m t o lg r tu i t ro re pm blig merits, they are now prepared t4 a ) il lo 1 CUSTOM - GRENIDEiG I. In the beat possible manner; and on the shortest notice. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction. Farmers doing business in town can bring'their grain and bare it ground , the same day to take back. FLOBILIBUCKIFIIEAT FLOUR, FEED k ?ZEAL, By the car load or in quantities to snit purchasers. GROUND. CAYUGA PLASTER AT tf. PER TOE. All kinds of grain taken in exchange fur Plaster. Cash paid for all kinds of grain. 6. 1 W. 1 . 1 . . FULLER. Towanda, Nor.l, 1871. ANCHOR LINE:STFAME.RS, Sail every Wednesday and Saturday, to and from NEW YORE ANDt4LASOOW: Calling at Lcmdeny to land -Mails d Passengers. The Steamers of this favorite line are built ex pressly tar the Atlantic Passenger Trade, and fitted up fu every respect- with all the' modern improVe. meats calculated to insure, the safety, comfort, and convenience of paesencers. Passage Rates Payable in Currency. to GLASSGOW. LIU-SPOOL and LONDONDERRY. FIRST CABIN. 185 and $73. according to location. CABIN RETURN TICKETS. MO. arcacto,s beat ads commOdatiorut. ENTEILIIKDIATE. $33. STEER, AGE. 1128. Parties sending for their friends In the Old Coun try can purchase tickets at reduced rates. For fut. ther particulars apply to H.LNDERSON BROTIEKILS. 7 Bowling Green, N. Y. or to S. C. KEAN% Central Express Office. Towanda. - Pa. 7 1. WYO3I IN G CO3IMIIIICIAL COLLEGE: /dabtishal is 1863, in cemnatfew with Tryon*, dew. ward. Raopesimw Sept. 1.1871. The most thorough course of Commercial lintruo, lion fa the country. Tams lower thee at asy odor Ant clan Commercialßattalions furnialied to superior graduates. than time to time. Our graduates are Whig lucrative and honorable poll . lions in nearly every State in the Union. Telegraph ingtion taught by aoaad and Inflater. • Particular atten is p4tl to Petunanshi Baldest, may pantie studies In both Sea:nary p. and Commercial College. Scholarships for fell Commercial j coarse, $25.00. with Telegraphing. MOO. Telegraphing alone Mkt Ornamental Penmanship, (three. months) 510.00. Board. per week. $4.00.. For ftarther in- formation, address Rev. IL Nsimix. D. D.. Moi r' wzaming &mi., and Commenial or a.. L. smears, M. A., Principal Commercial . • ag61311-ina MEM= BEENE 1 1 1 SINGEITON,PA. Graces Nut Proviikinc pE9PLNS • • • I Aumxm 03) IliiIM1111:011111TOSA • MV IN CUM MOON .11101 IMO WNW & ♦ um ant asoliele flodit et GBOCEMIES AND pßomion, Mak& Ida be sold a 1 time lain* poodbis prices. s'a)r)4l:i:sl lIIMI likClti=4, HERRING; =I poßrl, A(11110(0;11 HAM, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, FLotm, FEED, TV. A Tl, GRADE, &a. Brittion your produce. which we pay caah for. DAIRYMEN, A constant 'Ripply of Ashton Salt. all sisal Owns, Butter Parkins. Tdba. &e. Plsass call and look through oar stock. and we will do our beirtVplasse you. W. A. IIOCKWELL. Talmud'. April TA, 1869. GROCERY AND . PROVISION STORE. McCABE & EDWARDS, Wholesale int! Detail Dealers to FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, YEELVIII NEW =CS, TOWANDA,' PA._; We do not deea it ne;oessary to vita:aerate sU . the diterent articles we keep. One wisortnient u ALWAYS COMPLETE. We sell nothing but FIRST CLASS GOODS. Club paid for Parmers•Produce. JAMES IfeCABE. March I. tno. WM. EDWAIIDS. MERCITR are now receiv ing a fresh stock of Goods In their line. bought since the Ist January. to which they - invite the at tention of their friends. We keep the largest stock in town. Our goods are flesh and desirable. We sell at lowest market prices. Jan. 19. 1871. VRESH AND NEW TEAS, bought since time recent &cline in prize. and selling cheap at retail. FOX ts ILEUCCII. Jan. 19. 1871. VOXa MERCIIR aro selling Gro en.lea at retail. Jan. 19. 1871. FOX 4: 11ERC1711 are selling New and Fresh Goods. Jan, 19, 1871. PX & MERCUR are selling Gro erips cheap. Jan. 19. 1871. FOX & =CUR, are selling first dim Goods only. = Jan. 19,1674 F"' ROM are selling cbeape; than ever. Jan. 19. 1811. REME3LBER that we are selling 1.11) Goods at . RETAIL! And that we won't be undersold.. Jan. 19. 1811. PDX k BIETICInt. MICHIGAN FINE-CUT TOBAC CO—very choice—at J u. 19,1871. - FOX k VOX Sr, MERCUR do not deal in Sbbadi Goods. Jam 10, 1871. OUR CUSTOMERS can rely upon getting the very beet the market affords and at lowest prices. ' E.. T. FOX. Towanda, Jan. 19:71. MEECTIR., D EILEMBER THAT FOX & MEM, CUR are retailing all kinds of Grocories at wholeaaleprices. The largest stock in town.-Goods first class. Prices low. ' Fi. PDX. Sept. 28.10 THE BEST KEROSENE OIL IN .1. town by the quanta)* or retail at FOX it ILEF.CRIIII. BiSMY 1.7%.TD DDIVG ROOM First block north or Want 'House. BREAD, PIES, CARF.,CRACKER.S, ,BAKED DAIL Y, And seld at Wholesale and Retail. In our DINING moms We will accommodate the public with either a lunch or a good meal at-all times of thr day and evening. OTSTF.I2 NDICE CREAM ON HAND DITIUNG TWIN SEASON. Also a fine assortment of 0 roceries;Confeetionery, Fruits. Nuts. maylfr tf CENTRAL MARKET. The subscribers still continuo to keep constantly bn band a full and complete assortment of every thing pertaining to their business, consisting main- BrAdo, PORK, FRESH AND SALT itroin,cusED ElAus, . BEEF, VEAL POITLTBi, . SAUSAGE. LARD, I BOLOGNA, BREED BEEF, TALLOW, &c., I. S • FRESH FROM THE LAICFS. - • OTSTI:11.8 RECEIVED DAILY In their "sawn. Parties trishi Oysters in large or small quanti ties will be furnished on short notice, at the old stand, CINTBAL Sisassr. Montanye's Bloch, first door north of Dr. Porters. Cuss. O ErrAtne, I EIIILLUM & =LIOM Taco. Ainixocx. Feb. 21. 1870-ti THE BEST AND CHOICEST. SMOKING TOBACCO, IS MANUFACTURED AT . FACTOBY NO.I, 3D Dormer. or ItABA:LAND. Er See that Every 1. arThage you buy bears that Inscrtption. Dee. IL 1873. - THRER HOUSES AND LOTS IN TOWASDA • BOROUGH FOB SALE—Situated on Poplar Street alsresWestern Avenue. Thews houses are now being built and will be completed on August lat Good well cistern. and cellar with each house. For tint= particulars address or en quire • Un052811.411 , W. HZ ILIIIIALL .1.! Bed. White, and Blue Store. Towaada, Pa. Ordekuy id Munoz& SUPPIAHEI FOR THE TRA3DEI WIOKHAM4 BLACK'S: CBOOKIKEtY. CHINA, GLASSWARE STONEWARE. SILVER PLATED WARE, From Badgers & Brother FRUIT JARS The best kind in marpt. Tcrwauct2, Aug. 30;71. FURNITURE. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! Wearis now cidering at our Wholesale and 'Retail FURNITURE EMPORIIIIII, The greatest inacioementa to thole in want o/ • I FIRST - CLASS FURNITURE "The attention of the pubilo L espeeisny called to our recent hoav purchases from the late Groat. Abc. Wm Sales of CHAMBER AND PARLOR MR, "ZT I TICT M Wo now offering WALNUT MARBLE TOP. SETS I -- • AT $75 00. Awl NICE PARLOR- SETS, At $5O 00, BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CHAIRS TABLES,. STANDS, SPRLNG. BEDS, MATRESSES, - LOOELNG-GLASSES, - And in fact everything to bo found 42 a First-esu 113 EMEMBER TEAT WE AUE NfilVf 31ANEFAC IL taring. and do offer goods of our own mann, fsetrueehespe.r than ydu can buy clty.ruade elsewhere. Lumber taken iuezeluinge for goods. - We also furnish BUlttiL CASES, .&1.\17# corrnls And we al.* hare W In this section of country. Goods delivered to the Depot freeof chugs. JA311.3 0. PEOST k BOSS. Towanda. Jan. 11. 1871 GREAT BARGAINS IN =•• • The nu &reigned are re:laving:a largo and well se. laded stock of HENRYS IfERCLIt BOOTS AND.- SII3I3EE,S AND FALL. TRADE, GENTS, D. W. SCOTT & CO SEWED AND PEGGED BOOTS Thankful for past favors, era solldt a con_tinrisoos of the same. • • Tcrincids, April 5, 1869 BOOTS AND SHOES MADE AND REPAIRED. C. NELSON. Has made arrangements to accommodate customers that are cOnstantly calling with boots and Shoes for new soles, etc., and have bad to leave them, to their great disadvantage, until another day. The constant call for this kind of work. and the desire to have it done Immediately. has induced me to make each ar rangements that you need nit return home - Without yaw solo being renewed and your heels set square, For prices that are honest tad perfectly fair. • , Ladies that have gaiters that are broke at the toe. To this repairehop is the place for tolgo ,' To get them re-ramped,, neatly or half soled. And your feet protected front wet and the cad New work we can make you with the above double Vi We can ma ck. ke Mein' for yon thin. or . Vre can giro them toyou thick. We can make them with high heck, or we can give them to you tat, ' So you need not stager with a brick in your bat. Ntll.--Good cider vinegar for sale by barrel or gat. Front of Methodist church, Main street. • . Towanda, Dec. 11.18:0. L. 0. NELSON. p)R SALE AND TO MUSIC ST'ORM. ONE lIDNDILED FIRST-CLASS PIANOS, ONE HUNDRED AND JIM MELODEONS TWO LIDNDRED 0133ZIET AND mu= OBONAS, Flee Hundred Violins. Clarionets; Flutes. Ba4oll. Guitars. Concertinas, Accordeoas. Strings tar all String instruments. Drums. Bones, etc. MELT NEMO fiD DiSTEIIICIION DOGES FOR EVERY MITRITMENT. • - - • lrmen the only drat-class makers to the Haul Butes, u C. Lights k Co.. Decker Bros., Stine. way, Weber, New York; Abllett and Conistans Boston; Mathewidusi, New Haven Ct.; C. Meyer. Philadelphia, and !Cube In Baltimore. Melodeon. from B. Shoninger. NeW Haven. Ct.; Peloubet, Pelt= k Co., New York. Organs, the celebrated °olden Reed American Orgair. and the Burdett Combination Organ. ' One door east of Mercur's Bank, the only store of the kind in Towanda. mar. 2311. AT Full Vasa now open. Tram U. k Co.. ---Ilanos. New and beautiful Patterns. =;; Fsmaittro. xo. for mist sra Eve offered In this market. Together wltlt acr Complete Stock of Furnitnre Store. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. , ROSEWOOD CISKEI'S. Of every descripUon itUIILIL LOBES, C'ArS, Le., • FINEST HEARSE Boots an Shoes. I= NEW BOOT ,AND Syoz sratur. SyJt.ll . ead of Ward House Suitable for tllo Villa" we offer low for Cash. Consisting of LADTES, AND CHILDRMI'S' WEAR. M.tDE TO ORDER BEPAIRrYG NEATLY DONE rtiop: l s*.loyayt:iwil:):T./Yekg)il/ OXlStilitT M. CLAIM. W. DIT'TRICH'S PIA_NOS Drip ad 16aid= D a a " ADIAD CASH DRUG STORE. I ; • • sssa® irimm Corns MI6 lied Hee Brut,. Tonna& Ps. arm tetwetty addedlte's to their ehmk, shill eat esmplette irsoetoieat. ea esteashe v, eletetilintweeteig y ou sztieles oiled in the Arta Ow mechanical eseefully selected with to the wants of the wubtio. Which wiU be with trash mama, end Wired ow the 10, 561 1reieonable tenni et Whole s& oe ettostithig of Daum, ' lizzatna, Omoncus, pitch cna. vamorMUNI. ATAPIPII AND I BANE, PAINT, Tenpin. Wunz-wasa. And all kinds of Brushes, KEROSENE OR,COAL • LAWS. SHADES. Wl= CEMENEY)d. Sperm. Wd. While. Nada toot. • TANNER'S AND MACHINE OILS, /Panty and Toilet ArUcles m all their Inatety. EGONGE% iItIISICES. soars. CMOS. ftcliadel 6 Eatr•Dies. Pest:mem POCKET BOOKS, RORTHONAIS, Pocket !Wets. BAzore, TOOTH. SKIN AND . N.ADI PILEPANATIOSS, PUUE WINES AND LIQtrORS, . Far Nodhltnal use, TOBACCO, SNZ7IP, . Pais AND CIGANS I Garden, 7141 and Mower Seeds. Trusses. Bap porters. Ilmspeneories. Shoulder Braces, Braila' Pumps, Teething Bangs. • Nursing Boa*: Nipples. Nipplefihells and Shields. Syringes. Bed Pans. Self-Sealing Fruit Fars, Them , ammeters. Flavoring Extracts, Stone Jr" -Glass Ware. Bottles, Vials, Corks. Bath - Brick. and Stove Maine. Fish Tackle, Am. scoardllca. kc., Bolania.-Eclectio and. Hcicacepoith lc Ifedic4u9s, 1 . 51 d lathe popular Patent' - All articles warranted as repreenated. Persons at it distance can receive Zees orders by stage or mil; which will Twelve prompt and careful attention. Medical advice Oren gratuitously at tho office, charging only for medicine. xi- Thankful for peat liberal , m-hronage, would tea. peetnally announce to their Mends an d the publie.that no pains shall be spared to satiafy. and merdthe Con tinuation of their confidence and patronage. grim Open Sundays for prescriptions -from 9 to 10 a.m., and 12 in. to 1, and 6 to 6 p.m. • , IL C. POET,E3. SON k Co. July 1. 1870.—ye TAYLOR'S :CELEBRATED OIL I Tie Great Rtieweatie Remedy should be kept and need by every Farmer that keeps either Cattle or penes. every !Teamster and Livery Stable Keep r. every Physician and Hone Father for it will Many timer cure pain and lameness when all other medi cines have failed. Miners and Etafiroul Men should certainly keep for it is unsurpassed for bruises and sprains. Blacksmiths should-keep it for their own use and for their customers tender footed hones. as nothing egads it for.tender feet. Every body suffering from pain and lameness of any kind, burns, cute, wounds or any ,ernOtiort of the akin, Corns, Chilblains or any disease reqnlring an autliard application should certainly keepthis cele brated medicine. Eiery bottle warranted to give satisfaction. For sale by Dr. H. C. Porter Son Fe Co. Porter Fe Kirby and F. W. Brown Druggists. Towanda, Pa. • And by every Druggist and dealer In Brad ford and adjoining counties. -i:Jotuuston Holloway and Cowden, wholesale Patent Medicine Depot. No. 602 Arch street Philadepthia.Pa., Wholesale Agents. H. 11BOWNDI TAYLOR, - jnlyl9lo-tf Proprietor, Leßaysville. Pa., • RHEITMATLSM-NEURALGIA $5OO. WILL BE PAID to any person producing any. Medicine ahcrwing half. aa many living, permanent cures as Dr. Frxxim's VICIZTA2III Bn v aTIO ItLYEDT. Used inwardly only. A pleasant Medicine, free from injarliocut drags. Warranted. under oath. to have permanent. ly cured 93 in every 10(1 patients treated in the pad ten years. '(See testimony), It is the scientific pre- Scription of Prof. Iola: P. Finer, 31. D., a graduate of the Vniversity of Pennsylvania. 'A. D.. 1833, —now one ofiPhiladelphia's oldest regular physicians, and Professor of 'Chemistry and Toxicology,—wno has made Neurigia. Chronic and InfLamatory Rhentna tiara the specialty of his entire' professional life—a fact vouched forby the egnatures accompanying each bottle, and other testimonials of many proud: pent renowned physicians and clergymen. To pro- test sufferers from poisorfons quack nostrums and useless expenditure of money,, a legal signed guar antee, stating exact number o bottles warranted to cure, will be forwarded gratis funny sufferer Send ing by letter a full descript'ou of affiction. -- In case of failure to cure, amount paid positively refunded,' Medicine.sentanywhere by express„ collect on de livery. Afflicted invited to write for advice; an in- Ibrmation and medical advice sent by letter gratis, Address Dr. J. P. FITLER, 29 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. Pa. The Reined yis sold or obtained by'Druguists. yqr sale by PORTER 3: - FIIIBT, Druggists,Mer cur's ttlock, , ToWand.i, Pa. TowANDA Marble, Wo'rks. GEO. AIc,CABE & SON Itsve p 5.5.1 xectivel . the la... Test - aesortzurat. of AMERICA AND ITALIAN 3VC A. IRJ 33 . I_, Pa 1 Ever exhibited in this seotion. to which they invite the atient;on of the Tile, keep on. Lana or tarnish to cider SHOES MO'Li ME,NfiS; • TOMB STONES, MINT ,ES, , • 41i. ~i~: AT THE LOWEST TERISIS, Persor.a in 'runt of anything in our line are re. apectfully invited to call and examine our stock. • ' McCABE S. SOW. - lowapda, ?lay 1, 1871. B. A. PETITS & CO., Hasp now on band a ner stock of. FALL- AND WINTER.-GOOD DRY GOODS. FANCY pOO . DS AND NOTIONS, DRESS 4 SIIRS, BILE VELVETS. VELVETEENS, WATERPROOFS, LOWEST MARKET-PRICE, thosigo of the orpoCto the • ' Court rx. A FULL ASSORTMENT•OF MELD arld wan= mamas; at /Larch 10, 1862. Loa . & = EL MO. FORTES, SON & CO., ; Of every style, ISii In great satiety. bucli as nU.I,O'ELIY. AND SaAIVT,S Mick they %in 61)!1 at .tha MAIN, STIII:ET. TOWANDA. PA NATIOXL . INSUAIIiNCE • co l . or vs. ,a. - - Oaaa oamegas..sl ? ooo.ooo—fruCzu Matelid b 7o3ll4ossilB4e; OLAREINgII CLAllE.Trealdeot ; Jay mon, cubism Mance aid EL Cora. ; OMIT NOCKEEE. Vico Preoidost reessoNlv. PEET, Secretory and Aetna, The Advantage. of the.NaUonal Life Ire: • It is a Nittoodpocipsny, eltsaacied:b 7 ens It has a paid nit capital of One =lon Dears It obeys low rites ewe:chum ; It - Ititnishes lafger tosnraoee than other Com. pack* forth. same money ; - • • L lUs &pile sod certain ; 0. There l nipainibility of misotpresentation ty agent oilsozolorstanding by policy-holders I. The policies are plain contract.-so =oda - rime for so touch money ; • 8. An policies &Toon-forfeiting ; • - ; he p 0 11 ,1.2 ate ezenapir tom atisAlOeut. ' ' • E. W. CLAII.E' I h CO., Binkers, Philadelp De o . . -. ~ .mess t Agents. . • • D. S. ILI7MCM. Mw:mger. N. C. EL4BItEE k A. 0. If.tSCY ift.Agenta for Towanda and vicinity. JIG. 9, 1849. - GUARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 , 10..231 NEW YOU Pouctza u 'Fulton AssgrA, over... .. ' ... Amu. Irconz. over Loos= Pato . .All approved forms of Policies latne t t. Liberal ;nodes for payment of premium:. Policies non-forfeitable by their terms... The entire prollte•of the Company ably among the insured. -ANNUAL DIVIDENDS. WALTON IL PECIIIIA.II, PREsEMT. WILLI33I T. MOOSE% Vvm T nu Luaus 31 ADAMS. tires Arti • - PIIILABELPHIA. BEFIMENCES : SaT CMTE it Co.. bankers. Daz.r.m. k Co.. Bankers. 701171 WOODSMY. k Co.. Tea Merchants.. - S. A. Mrsenn. Prest. Farmers' k 3teehati,3' r.. 4211 T. B. Parrimson, Publisher. j1y12.10-tf CAMP & VINCENI"S GENERA! Insurance Agency. FIiE. rarr. AND ACCIDENT INSYDINCE and losaes !settled at frit Lt. Pollcies written We alb° sure against all tLlFaige by IGHTNING, To buildl s and contents live stsa OFFICE ON MAIN - STREET, posits Court' House Ing16"11 Books and Stathinory. DIARIFS Fill? 1872 PAPER ti ENVELOPES 1 • NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS 1 -"`; . - . Z. Pnzs, Lx.E, Music, STA:TIC:MS ASD ",•• - PrcruitEs . • • . `•1 BLANK BOOKS • a . YANKEE NOTIONS. Towanda, Nov. 19. 1868. BOOKBDIDERI.-'stir: lic is regiectrully.intornied that the llook•Bia diry has beetirernowd to the “Reporter"l3nilhin:. third story, where will be done ' BOOS-BINDING: In all its various branches. an terms as reagebible the times "- will allow. The Rinciery will be nal,: the chargo of 11. C. WHITAKER, . . t An experienced Binder. and all work will be promplo , done in a style and manner. whin cannot be evened. Mnisic,MaglizineeLliewpapers.Old Books. tc.. Waal in every variety of style. - Particular attimtlen w;:lbe paid to the Dulling and Binding of ,lILA,NR.II43OES To any desired pattern, which in 'TWAY and dun tinily will be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when prom'a , ed. The. patronage of thepublic is solicited, and per. feet satisfaction guaranteed. • Towana. August 2. 1866—tL- TOWANDA. A.GRICULT-URAL WOUES STILL ALIVE! The superintendent of. this chap :6 lOW Grerig some of the best LUMTER.WAGONS, PLATFOr.3I WAGONS. COVERED AND- OPEN BUGGIES ever 'offered-1n this.markek Beat selected OAK A.NI3 HICKORY TJ 3 nsetl, and all work: made by the meet ITOIIE.Un; We have the PATENT ReSSIA • iRON 5E.1.T.5, very Eght,-and sa durable that even -tizie ts tat little to do towards their decay. ' Please examine onr work ktore purclirairgyis where. Repairin i done on short - nonce. M. C. Mzacru .Preat. ' - ~;0. W. VINCENT, Towandallnly 26. 1876. __ Su n perinterat. - _ _ T BOLLES . A; •CO •, J • . , GMrlit T, PI ODUCE Commision Merchants, SCRANTONi ARespectfully solicit' conmigum.cute. of BUTTER, EGGS. —CHEESE.ITST t And ell other Fann Produce. One of the firm having resided in :Scranton fer the paid ten years, and having an extensive acqnsist ance with the bysir.ese Wen of the city, we feel con fident that we can sell produce to the entire Wis. faction of consignors.. . . REFERENCES. L. S. CHUBBUCK. A. O. FIiISIIIE. OM'? DALDWEI A PJACE.ILM GORHAM t COL E IL&N, Lellaysville. Pa. ' 8. G. CHAFFEE; 311.1tini 31ASSING, Ware& 'ham. Pa. 11. J. CHUBBUCE. 111.. - NET SHOEMAKER. Foto •ills, Pi J. E. DOLLY& L 26.7ll_,____• _A 11..DOLIXS.• C ISEVA INSURANCE AGENCY , TROT. PA. FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDM . INSKR - Cide.R et,..l In thst-class sompatosa. Also ' A nd s am pug Ca` I Conveyancing. Twenty - seven years esee:eco Orders by mail promptly attended to. l[. It. A. CASE., COAL AT WYALUSLYG Tho undersigned .halo on band.. and iutea keep. a anpply of Sultival -Authracittyllaratiy, nr..t Lard Anthracite Coat of the various sizes. - Sept. 25. 1871. 0. 11. WELLES a, VERY CHOICE GRE'EN AND I/ • DWI Tea *alma climp atretail &bi rox =Rail 125.00.69 2.V.Po,fint • /,000,f 4 • 55.1,f I J. A. moil). Agent, Towanas : Ey. T. R. CAMP, W. S. VLNCECT.