Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 04, 1872, Image 4
FATrEltriM ' . EIKEEII er • IN WIT. We believe the win fatten t.i sheep, to be sold for the batch' latter part of Marchr first of might be Made , a pro fitable' ' the fermi, even with a so limited; deiland form i ntton so, al in • our coimtry. iii _few q ... farmers have tried it and are - satisfied the grain fed brings them than it would if con by other meaus. Whoever wishes • try — it . : .onld begin on a small scale, and 1. • . the business 'from expetience. Begin with a lot of 1 fifteen, or at most twenty; and see how you z . creed. . Some essentials are to be o. :•:rved at the. outset; amen them . ese : Have a good feeding shed,.we ven tilated -.and. light and pr $ vided z i pe with some sort of feedin_ • rack, Constructed in . auch s way as '. save fodder, which is inde usable ,Fur nish a supply of pure ater, an' keep salt, ashes, cte..; whe the sh -= p can have access to it. K p the yard or pen well littered tha the sheep may have a dry chance to lie down. Ab solute quiet is bad ensable to fat tening sheep. Mr. ttrian Winnie,, an experienced sheep feeder of New, York; found that sheep in a secluded shed,' visited only lo be furnished feed, 1 litter, 4c., fattd much faster than those in Sheds situated where_ there was coosidera la passing and re-passing. Feed cl ver hay twice a ii.avand barley, oat or pea straw once a day, a,tlnoon. For provender give corn, or Corn and oats, with peas and , oil•-, caked if not too expensive. Whole; graiiatied to attening sheep gives far beqer res its than ground 'grain. Giv4S, roots of some kind twice a WeE-1:. Th manure (and litter) of fattening sheep forms a most valuable fertih er for light ran -out lar,l-31aine.,F2rnier. ' • WitiORING CALVES. -It is a common belief among hetds men that it is as mich of a task to ,carry a calf through the first winter as it is through the second. It has -been a fancy of ours to handle calves for three „score years. - About the first.liard work we tried to do was to 'yoke up the calves and teach them to t go . at-the word Of co 'nand. In out boyhood it was - the practice to'feed theini on - nubbins f corn or a few oats besldes their h y, and when we began on our own (hook we fed car rots,-, apples, turnips Old; potatoes. Forty years' experience have • con viuced,us that they is is little trouble iu getting through he first winter, if the calf is in fair condition to begin with.] Wit prefer one or all the ESti __clt.ahoVe named to grain. • C* l ves should_ h i a place by themselves, where they can • enjoy their food undisturbed by older ani mals. A good shed is indispensable; good i early cat hay, and free ,access to good water, are equally important. • Stil* or leaves for bedding should not lie overlooked. , Now if you will visit them once or twice a day, always with I 'reularity; wit i ti a quart apiece, m if twice a day, of ft ely chopped ear -1 ‘;.• rots,lypti will be pretcy sure to rind thtm glad to see yon, and ready for thdit,rations. Wel give the carrot prefeience because' experience has shown us that for a calf it has no equal.. Regularity is more important with a calf than old i tanimals, though it:pays on all. Witl these provisions, we ha 4 - scarcely failed in keeping our number• as go la in spring as. iu the fall.=-Predunia .Censor. A TEN WORDS /BOUT HORSES • • - Hay and oats Ma - e the best feed for horses that are obliged to work hard and regularlV. If the hay is cut pie and thel pats bruised or gro-aud, the whole'Maxed and moist ened, the horse wrll;eat his rations quicker, digest theta sooner, and thus haamore time far 'resting and re newi!n g his power; Ifor labor. Farm s _Ors horses that wdik but,little during wintir time May be kept cheaper by e.uttibg bright straw and hay in equal quarltities, and 'adding a ration of - ,steallired potatoe4 . or - raw carrots. 6„.1.q should be I,A liberally ou good h:iv---bright cloVer is Lest—end bruised oats;. give them a roomy box _stalhin stoney weather and during iliguits. Litter freely, and do not let tlav raanure accumulate finder them. sawdust or spent tan makes good and convenient bedding; iu cities and, villages they are often cheaper than stray: on:iota horses well; and let have emereise'every day:, a run in the yard is excellent. See that stable floors over basements are ' •so - un'd and strong. Arrange the reed . . , tug-tacks so that-dust and hay-seed will not fall intO horses manes or eyes . ; some horsemenAniild their man gers itoo high - , thus fOrtiug the ani- mal to take,an. unnatural and pailaful position when eating,: Farm-horses _that: aro not worked should haVe their; shoes taken off, and those that _ are ilriv - en on thrl i . road should be kept'well shod. CI AIX FOR CAFqx.—When an'ani mat !is found licking his fellow, it is v ::i proof that uneasy ess is present in the stomach, and' the licking of his neighbor is a habi contracted by in stinct, with a vie of removing' the unpleasantness. Unfortunately in stinct, is not at.all times sufficient to avoid dangerous p actices, and if we take for granted that the stomach is at lan times full charged with acrid matter, We, shall without hesitation find a remedy. It is only necessary to placewithin, their reach shallow troughs, in which I is kept a supply of common chalk. If an animal has a superabundance of acrid secretion it will roost certainly swallow some of the ehilk, which will as certainly neutralile the excess of acrid. If an , 1 !4:1 aniniat istrot ac ' in excess, and partakes of -the t:' alk, - it will do no harm, It is ofte too late to admin ister remedies to young stock, and the placing 'Ol hall within their reach cannot be a , tended to too early. VALUE OF LIME. A writer in the Journal of the oval Agricultural Society clescribin the action of liree, says that he know of a piece of land conttilning one •h ndred and sixty six acres, Which • rmerly grew no thing but heath. A good dressing of limaiwas applied on the surface of .the i4ward which has nearly doubled its ialue: This I was done several year; ago, and 4.iliilly eradicated the heath. The lime { this . day appears in fall :condition, asl:ts effects usually t ii test' Y, from the rChness and steal ness of the herbage; the texture e. whi has been entirely changed by the Pplicatiou al the lime. , .. -4 littltiorir-i . ear old boy bein;'; aekedit, big iNtottler if tie trot:lld not like vel to be *aid be as 1 an;t:k replied, "No Ina * I -fird ja be a herr a t Lad hre en chiekeni." FOUNDERY St MACHINE SHOP. tae t od elial lateglos o led cn w : 1 1 .1:4 O o ttassa.. - Um& buidness, with prompt:um .ss ?d a =wll. , 'Wig to MILL GEAR NGS, CIRCULAR SA MILLS., MAN DRI LS, And all IdadH MILL IRIONS of the Pte• what Rener- Ef oar way, sand gain ►oney 1111 a s hay, zoo a better erted to And all work warranted Of the latest and most Imps and kept constantly cc ISIDS-lIIELL. IRON AND CULTIVATORS, CORI . PLOUGHS AND PLOUGH P INTS of all lads, and the latest impressment& kept constantly on hand. LANGE •ND !Y• -STOVE GASTI.N,GS crri AP 011.1=1, - SLFD AND SLEIGH sHo-% mos r‘ And all hada of dadtaga fa I, March W. 1270. - MF.AN k 1;OCZW11L. .FACTORY -1 On Pine. between 'Stain au t S+on.l. Streets, back of G. F. Mason St Co.'s Itsulisl [ ne'pecttully enuounes to his triauil-iatil tutroLs, that th have built where they will conmtantly keep c!n hand a fclrog.lart meat of TOP. AND OPEN. BUGGIES, TROTTING i ISELKTS, AND SKELETONS Made of the best rcatrial and finished in the best city style. His long experiende in city Carriage Factories gives them a ilor.cled advautage over others in the of his Wagons. All they asks id tn DISPECTION OF ails . 7,'0111i. previous to parcharing elbrullert ALL WORE WARRANTED To CI VI! PERFECT Thankful for the liberal r. at:ona e formerly ex tended and" reapeetfully ask a continuant e of the same. THE OLD STREET L i ! • -- Carriage 'f actory. Of irfory r.t sand of C. 1* LATEST STYLE AN D FINISH In the laanuf.let , .:re , bz.t . C.., 1' COMPOSITION PLATFORM SFRM3 WAGONS NUDE TO ENGINES SHINGLE PLOD Of all 1 CHURN PO 1 TOWANDA, PENN'A. HENRY STCLEN I tt CO., NETS BRICK\RAPLIAGR FACTORY. FAMILY CARRIAGES, PLATFORM WAGONS, Finish, Style and Durability FIEMZEZIEF2 REPAnIING PROMPTLY ATTEND LD TO reduced Towanda, May 21': 11570.—tr JAMES BEVAN T Still continues ,the manu:actur• of CARRIAGES ANIj WAGONS, D ralt. MAIN Sri:LET. TONNIAND.k. Ilia work, Is id for t BEST STEEL AXLES, IM!l=Z=l Iu T:4311t troik ME LUMBER NVA.6 ' ONS Kept cor.irtatol of 1 nd C. The beet Eastern stock Is usr.4 In the , :ture e Wheels. .Spols are all riv,lieut—not sassed. ALL woi:E S6LD WARRANT-ED EQUAL TO ANY As to finish, ant at tokurabli...ty EXTERIOR TO ANY IN TEIS SECTION star ALL Wow( WAT.1L,13.-rED. JKIEES BtIYANT 5p1.19'71 B 1 .4003 D &-1 CO, Still continuo o monnlactirti their cp!cbratcd HORSE POWERS CLEANERS, and a better machine, for less money tha . o can be Lad elsewhere in the We claim for otw machines that they will do =awl. or more, than any other. and ar e more zrably built We personally superintend our wo:IF and sc,* that it is "mil dew:rt. We will send DIf3CLUITIVE CATALOGrES of mu machines. on application/ ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, Vat d' Teo Horu THRESHER' d SEM:RA TORS, THRESHER - and CLA_VERS. FANNING i r ILL CTICIILLI LID DILL° tiave ][ILIA. SAW AND GRIST MILL virk done to ordor; Give tit e ati/1 before renaming elsewhere. 'fa "op allodaYila `SXaELIT '• 0 0 7 ? U Log. 2. 1569. NEW P-EA,NIN The nude:whined hating brdit Mona in the Borough of T with the moet modern and imp the manufacture of • WINDOW BASLE AN Ate prepared to AD enters, wh upon Mie shortest notice. We riety of MOULDINGS. cf the lat, which we can furnish much worked by band. PLANING, ecniNo 0El:0 VL,N4:, AN And Atl other work pertnthlr. t tea =lt ow ertstomers. POTIOTIS I;l:aiding, and :.,.t i,s, to foarteett mile+ distant, w -,3 lip Intcrsct to buy of. us, or br.l,-4 t It itorko3 by our mahluery, r.exirtng. or other Icrnbcr, on ford:Dz. ha-. It grous.o.t you. pay CA.YTI frr AND ITESIL')C7. LUJIILIMLabs•ark4 at our turutvr - yard. CuOv, and als U. or If yoo ain't oor.e, or ta. Towsou. tee. Psu. L. 8 bovezzs k.OO. . • . . MI A & ATTEEitgIf,AZ 0 after biteda7. November 1101.111 TI. Train going. North; win leave Athena at - Co a.m.. solve at Ithaciret 110.1 a.m. South kin Itbsea - at MOO p. aritTe fl.Atitt2g2 a ao p. m. S °l ROAD 4, ' , o On and ran at follow Auburn. Athena. :AntrurnT 7 Athena. !. 7:20 A. 14. 10:20 at 100 A. Y. 12;44 A la, 5:30 A. 1:0 P P. 7:00 A it. 4:10 AIL .4:30 4..Nt. 9:00 P Y. Trains leave Owegc for Auburn at 12:40 p.m.. and 5:45 p. m. - - Tratna arr, from Annan: al 11:...20 •.12.4400 TIME TABLE OF THE. ST] VAN - A MILE It.All.llo.o.—Tatung aQ Monday. Nov. 13, 1071 SOUTIIWAIID. - 1 rums". .• Norm P. W. lA.I A. A. M. I , 2:10 ! 7:00 'TOWANDA 12:15 2;20 I 7:10 11.5.13,CLAY JITSCTION 12;05 2:40 7:30 MONI4O.E. 11:45 9:10 8:00 i WILOOSS 11:15 3:20 8:10 NM.' ALBANY—. 11:05 3:90 0:20I MILLERS 10:68 9:50 8:40 DVB.IIOIIE - 10^35 4:23 .9:15 BitrencE 10 1 .00 P. Y. lA. It. I _ _ A.M. P 4. 8, V.Y. CANAL & R.R. CO.- AILIANGEIIIENT OF PAISMSCITZt TILUNB To take effect Monday. Nov. 27. 1871. SOUTIMAXLD. i ,1' /11XCIPAL , I N°. 1 - , - s 1 'No. - T. 1 iiTATIONIS. 13.1. ---1— -4-- , , ' , YB•m imi : . 1. rP 11 . .. ..... .... i : 9:43 11 581 . 7 451 I thnira,... , ~ ...112 45 3 30 ; 12 151 8 30.1 'Waverly '.- ,11 55 3.401 2 _ 501.8 40: . : .Athena 1 11 45 1 4 30' 135; 9 211......T0wanda 111 001 5 30; 2 15;10 25 Wyalusing 1 9 13 , 5 55' 2 21,10 45 Laorycille. ...1 934 G 171 2 15.11 09'.... N'leshoppen...., 0 11 .6 25 , n ot !Il 16 31ohnopany....1 903 6 501 3 25 11 45' ..."Punthannock.:.' 8 56 1 7.501 4 21; 1 30' --Pittston ' 535 5 13; 4 4a. 200 ..'. :Wilkes Harm.. ' 730 '....1 7 2 0 , 4 20....11anch Chrint.... •1 ...... /1. 31, 524 533 Allentown • Alt i 8 35; 5 5.1 ..:-Bethlehriu .... ' . 1 910; 625; Eaton ME L SIZI '.,lg 301. a 45 , New, Tort • I W 6 45' ~...aghington.... • • ;0 leaves Tawamla at'7 16; Athena, 7 r,O Wa. no; arrive at Elmira at 9 00 A. M. 37 leaves Elmira at 5 45; Waverly. 6 45; A th• 01); .ta - rivi, at at 7 45 r. T o. sell>. No I CP, 7 Down Trains ("trio at Mao Harem. Vp Tribal Mae at Dlttanr. Pr- 1,7,4 to and from New York and without chant:es-I • Pmin train connects at Arentown with .Tbrough '.tat for Harrisburg, Pittsburg and the West. It. A. PACKER, t , upeTintendent. — t JEW ROTE TO PHILADEL- NORTH PEICIZSYLVANL 4 . EALLIIOID A . Shorted and moist direct line to Philadelphia, Bal. timore, 'Wash ingtin, and the.fionth. Passencors by .this route take Pennsylvania k :s.:ew York itailroad train. paEsmg Towatada at 7:15 A.M., maize close connection at I:ethl47 hem with }:x. prey, trdn of North P nn'a ItaVroad, and arr. re In Philadelphia at 5:05 P. M., in two to tare night trains either for thy SQ:lth er Wwrt. • City p.. - .s.aengr,r cars are at tin• Depot on arrival of a I trot c a nary passel:ice:a to the va: - ivus Depota 1 rta of the city. nve North Penea nallrcrad Depot, corner Barka and American kit: .t , PhilalAphia, at 7:35 A. M., arriving at Towanda 4:59 P. M.. name erculna. llanu's Baggage r.xpr !,- collects and debtors bag. gai.e. °Eire No. llt; Soot fifth street, Phila.lelphia. Fo•ight r. , c01v,:41 at Front and Noble FtrectP.,Phila ileiplov, and formtrded br Daily Fact Freight train to Towanda. and :all poitita in ting.inehanna valley with oniek di.patt.h. ELLIS CLARKE, (;en. Act. N. P. 11. E.. Front said Willow Stp. Nor. 21. 1S O. Plitla4lophis ERIE "RAILWAY 110 MILES 'CYDER El OAT '.!SANAG V./ENT. COACE BROAD GI - AGE—Pon:LE TRACK CLEVELAND. TOLEDO. DETROIT. rilleAGO PAUL, 031.\R.\, I:IOMI7F.E.T. nAi T. ITITIANA. 1 1- .=ati. CINCINNATI. ENDIA.N.kroLI ,- . Lomsvu,Lr, ST. Loris, And tai pe:.ntx and Slatim,-s; Nrw•ANDIMPIIO,Fp n a R' 'M 10:11Sr,truING COACITE... c , mbirlitvz all 'Slo.lorn Impenvenielte, are rnn thr , olt;tl on alLTrain,lo-twor , n Li ttlalo. N.r.:rara SloTomiloti fin,intiatt and cl - Toil. nh an-1 alter Mouday. Nor. 13th.,1571. trainc r leave Ncavt!rly at about ttio followie..^, boars. Ti: GOING WEST 4:27 a Expralss otnna2 3 7; 1,..1,t,11 for Rocta.stvr. Buffalo, Dunkirk, Clevelana 3r.,1 Cu einnatl; ronioN . tln,.; with the LEA - , Ilia bran Southern, and; ;rand Tnink Itailways at Buff.; 0, Dunkirk and (lo:eland for the West; also attf:elv land with the C. C. C. k Inn. 'Rahway for Itulfan apolis; and at Cincinnati with the Louisville Short Line Railway. and the Ohio A; lliss.ssippt Railway :or the South and Southwest ; also with ectinevt in;: lines at untielral stations on tna!n line. HENLV s - rrLLN u. s. ciALE. 4:4, a. in.—NIGHT EXPRESS. daily, fur RollePier. lUt!falo, Dnukirk. Cle.eland atlC:ne'rninutti. rue. iutt direct C. , 1110,th , t1 with train* of Grand Trunk and Lake shore Raißvayv at Minato, Runkle,: and th•velauh. for all T,oluts We et. and at Cm:int:an the 01:o 11it,,0 4 'No and I.C.llll[Viih• Short I..ue Itailwaya for the South an.l ; also N4:th eo7:neetitut hr., aat pr.r.ol;ile. atationa uu I.r. —MAIL TftllN, Sdndays for I . an i ituninrk. ' frt.) p. A,Xtr:MODA.TION. SardIJYF t;:a.; p. SI.. nAv gr.r.daya et , rptod. fur, Dunlat, (Mk inDA ti and IL, Scmth. St.Tft at prmeipal Ftatiomi at:tl cnnneeting pututt Imun .I.:••tv and onpror. a Drawnt.t Auntn nano thi. tram Irma N-r; Ydrit to Buffalo, and _tilt.epdag Cnarli , •a art , attaeLed. at Enrwiletitte : ntn nnm Cir.,' to eleat -, dand clld ttanon wdhom 1 Lat:o. 10.11.1 u.ra .—EX MAIL, Sun,l,:p. extrept , d, fur Pal- fa , . 1,t , , Ur1; and CI( Vellnd.ct,nrxctin,:V.--Patr• fo: tL V:t .1 S'o-t.pli)ii G , c 3 ix titt-teliol tra:a rot:a;r.g thron ; zli t‘, 7:011 a.m.—WAY Stmlmya f-creptra. 11.:10 TRA 4.1. My ::"72` , 11.—N:(1111"1".X ex,:r.ptrd.c.,n- Loctan..:l,l N••tv Yi.rl.; AA an atl. , rnotax tr:..ans and =EN=ZI tilt< p (% thig tnin to N. Y. .L.L .—CINCINN:AI I !IXPRI:s. , .. :{fun,!aym c. et.' 1...r0w...pi - Caw r.t J-rt y ( - Ay Arlfll aftktt.flon Jr..l 4 Tr. Tl.: fraill9of Jorsey Itailread for l'iii , . , J,ll.ll.a.l;altm ore.. and \Vashnii.. - t,,a; and at Now York Aoth stoani-ra and aftornoon EirtiOtA torN. w Finzland C .flan ftopa at in ll viva: szatna, find conne,tin.• point a on inain 4 l,ne. Co.arhos aceempany this train to N , w York 12:11 p.m: - .. - -DAY UNK:r..SS. tiatirtayattooploal. .1!a at .7orsoy 1 %V: o fth 111:.Innalt Etpat,s train New '.ii.rsor liatrond for Al-a at"P"l/ ,, i1).0 statoao and connecting pninta on main hno. New au.t itnpiLovrol Drarrihir-lloorn Coats xcoin, i.any tliis train from liniTalO to Now York. 1 p .—A C 110311101) TnArs, aa , .: F fur Si4:l :11.-111.V4ITt 'l. MAIL, Stztidayg exccultid. 2p. 1.1.-S EW SII KIT %di,. 'cirinday's excepted. 8:47 p.m.—LI(iIrrNING cnuriiict. 111;4 at l'ateri , on for Y.•was: ; at Jcrbey City with Ntorr..m2 F.xprog. Train of New ;Imo,* ilailn;ad for .I.i:tit:noir., and War hint,-ton: and at New York with Morning r.xprrius tram for ilotton and N( Alqiii.tiipp at r.ll stauona and eon points on main C In t. uadheti soot. pa / y - 1.11i , , tram thron.;b to N e u, York. FREIGInt. SundityP excepte<l. .lAfi IGAtIE 11.11 . _ . . _ A ret-!..ed and comnltite —Pocket Time Table", i.(Pasiwnizrr Trnina the 'Erie Railway and con nectin,z I.nes. has recent 47 I eon publu.bed. and can be proeured lapPlicatiou Ito 'the TiAet Agent Of the Company. L. D. RUCKER.. I WSI. R. B.A.R. Gen'l Supt. "Gtu'l . :0- , = ii z 74, 1 - ,;=Lt - = i 7 .. ,—.=. ' „.. • _ -...,.„...,-.. -. _ . . .. " -.i. - ..-77 . 1 —. A;' ,T 4 " -... e 4 ' -:—.,;ai. , 6., r.. ti.?'7=6,, ~_. E 4.7.4., . ,.... 1 ,--:-. .., P7l - ...- . ~..,.: . a -, .--.. n - 1!t-lE3i ;"- , '.. - :.17. , -r « ... -... = '':t. = a; ''' ;-., rAlgt. '.l . ..' '.% . 4 "41,14:40, .4 E 4. - .... -- ,..4......:E.5 ., ciN ,- . • !: '7';',^.E...=,e^,4. . . -,- - -,4 , ..,-.-.- , .-"' ..., -... -,-, : , -,-. i C Za.• !... .-....,,.,,, • 74 ‘ii!ait..±.T,TTZ ..i .. .:t271F. 7. .. - ~, -1:, -;-"Vr4 ,:-..a - ." , t -- _ .1'"1-711. ! . . :..,.'.= ✓ . mir.L.,,,,„,„ •.....4 ,-,,,..--,.. —,..,,,.—...._—r , H .... --,a. = ATISS J. IiDriQSIX.3.", R"i~hee in ::11' . 2111 till' 13 , 11,.. of Towanda and vic/nity that ohe kreps coubtanny On hand a large sarply oY :2 IT I N .— IEI o ri a G MILL G 04.1.5. au:table to the Peas On. Thank:n.l her pit ron@ for their liberal patron:cc . sures them that uo esertioug by eparod to cu lture a eontinuttc, of the gar,. She. nue seettet. - m cf la large. and cotimo lAranda, and MINI it UTI2d Inscidnery, for HAIR AND FANCY FOODS, BLS\D~, ~Lbrr large or smaa, lye also a Large cr .lt style a tia pattnm, per that. ttey can be 51.:4/1 a. • • Linen'CoYars, .I.7lrvikerch scitty,,L RAWD;(I, .1 0! ter". d'or.e.- I have 1:t 1112 ztovr• cly I:PRI:S.4 7%1 - AXING c.17 , ..t1.:•. and I zul twe.;ve 4, taro , ly for ttif,i: ,f-r1.41/..twr and Liat• Lean; y,nr 0. - hr, ycitr team it Lame, 1 , 7 ZL. , •11,rt FLtraitre !U -it t , k 4./X A :tir,t . ' Ir.r. up April 4, '7l . P 13. E I i) -1. ISE NOG 7:25 a. an, yeatOirego It. P. 0 Gen'l Passe DMA er A MEM =I FILIIIIIIT ACCIJIMODATIONP bal MILES WITHOUT Ani all pointa Wert ant Nr.rthwee— )INr. EIAST , tr-e Cl', TTING .. , .. 11 i 1 FITTING VINEGAR - AI Fox mtacur..s. VertiM:ll - 40 THE VNDltlifittMgiiktit;q4ot sinkana *sedan tams a H. PATCH, to the Sit qa. ?Ana k 00., le am Fewest to offer, to tbo Whom off itaidford Coo*, et•stot. ty. Luwa sad vett adacied dock of GROCERIES. mac I have purchasedfat Oats, mid fast ocalftat 0 that I dui sell at u low firms as auk be punbusi elsowhen. I now oft:. to Mop:Mica vplanittd stock AZD. P. Y. 7:15 7;05 6:45 6:15 6:05 5%5 5:93 5:00 TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, "SALIMATUS, SPICES. to Bars w hands large stock of AKRON' FLOUR, GRAHAM DO. DTIC DO.. EpOIEWEIZAT DO I keep eonttantlyon /Lind. WILE, HAMS, LARD. and kinds of FISH. Wotdd call the attsstion of the tio. . ti o. ii. 30. public to our Can't Be Beat rut FAO 45.8 40 0 05 7 55 5 5. '7 45 5 25 7 OS 4 33 6 10 4 15 5 43 3 57 5.23 3 50 5 15 3 35 4 45 223.334 2 05 3 10 11 20 ... 10 10 pm 1 10(5 1 25 STOCK OF TOBACCO, In quality or price. Jesse Oakleys Celebrated Lox} dry, New York Chemical and Brown soap Please call and examine our stock of 'WOODEN WARE. Large issortnient of YANTEE NOTIONS. TOILET SOARS, ke., kr. I will pay the highest cash price for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Mil Fa.rmeri, giro us a call before sellog elsewhem. MI persons Indebtoll to the late Lim will pleaea call •ad map immediate pay-x.mat. Towanda. March, 12.1 s'e7 s 1 .6 4 .o• Q IN 0 H E 0 VA IA OEM 0 ;Li "' Ma VI(.1 0 kN e l I - 1 r g P A> 1 4 4a M lag =2 BEN EMI V frl `7.4 ME E-1 z H p•I N 1.4 m A 14` El 31 , J. 'LONG. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS WOOD, WILLOW. ANT) STONE: WARE, FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, 4c., • COR.,MAIS AND BRIDGE STS I clraire to call the attention of . the ,p - ablic V) my assortment of goals, which Is always full anyf corn and.will he sold to r.:ty customers Ld lowest market rates. / If y stock of TEES, Have been pnrcham4i•ince the late r , , , toction in tLe tart! on theta, an't xre ZYZered r.t prices to cor respond. / . Order.] ilin2l nr SZ:I( . .rX ihe T.1;I c.`iTO unrefit and proru,liattentiva. CASII r.O FOR cotyrizr PRODUCE. f.. 11,201.1 1 V. d. LONU G OLD STILL CO:I7G DOWN ! GROCERY & PROVISION LINE, COWELL & MYER'S et prices that canuOt fail to catisfy all that they are determined not to-be undersold by any one. They have enlarged their Store by building so that they now have room for the fresh supplies that are daily. received by them. They have connected with-their 5t.4.1 , a Market where they :now keen fresh meats to sell by the quarter or piece, WO a full supply' of tiros eerie& and Procisione, to which thcr stoup, all the attudlou of all cash buyers. Come and czar...tine our Goode and Prices, le_fore purchasing inn satin:). yourselves. We guareutee all goods to gtve entre satiefisktlon. We ire thankful to our customers for their past liberal patronage and soli: it a continuance of the Fame: le . e. irr.9 AFULL ASSORTMENT OF DS= 7 rul CA.2, , MED THUM a March 10, ISCD. L01:i0 k =car. 8. C. B. PATCH. C. B. PATCH NEI s 2. A( P MI li e r' ." :~ Go 0 2 .E-4 e 1 • I is 0 GC c p - = ' C F r,- , -4 x 1 7: 711 O r".l ;.° •"'1 ••••4 • • 7; J it -"" 1 .4 c r- E-1 s ti 2; 1 a laisM:l a 1 2 . e ".." 4 0 :4 C '; i 4. - - 1 E- 1 ... .• L. O MI C 3 c g MI = " • : 4 • Y• EMU gum •-• •• • • 0 • a • p Ir tog el -- = - 0.. • ;:".‘ I; •••11 =I TOWANDA, PA MI WA for the liberal v. - aro:l=e yvtAi 3 cwatrauzhce of the =3 being Garet'. at COWELL h. BITES. ; pt.3 31._ to t MEI SEJ ~ iS ITENRY FRANKS, (Successor to Hoax Hasius,) MERCHANT TAILOR, No. A, Bridith k Patton's Block, Bridge Street, To. wandi. A good assortment of Cloths, ,Vestings and Casa!mem, constantly on hand. (hoods made, to order in the beat scanner. EUREKA! EUREKA!! Everybcvly Las dlezcrscred that THE OLD CLOTHING HOUSE Rosenfield & Wolf! 'Ono door south of Fos k Ifercues) is THE PLICE FOR BARGAINS They now hire a great stare full of the lIICHEST AND MOST BE.kLITFUL ASSOUTITEIST MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING To be found outside the citiei. They goods are FINE ENOUGH TO SUIT ANY TASTE, CHEAP ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE ANY PURSE DON'T BE DECEIVED ! Never leave an old friend for • new Remember that 1105MNFIT.LD k WOLFF ar permanently located here. and can offer greater in ducements to purchaaera than any other house in town. It to the interept of gentlernen in this aeiction to, coma and bring all their boys, and giro their goods an examination. Conoider the fart that von can buy it 110 SEN; FIELD & womsrs, beautiful and rubatantlal Cloth ing tor a mere nialg. I.IOS72STMLD & WOLFF Awagt 23. 1871. • IMPORTANT TO ILL WHO VAIXE TLIEIR SIGHT: The sight of the aged assisted. the weak strengthen ed and the perfect preserved. PIIII.ADELPIIIA. OPTICAL Lxs r I TE, For tbe manufacturing of the CONCAVE CONVEX, CLYSTAL LEASES, LONDON FI:OKZ.9 IND T1N17.11 °LAM TO r: WILAY CU VC • The Con...ace Convex Crystal Sports. les. rta3o I.f the above inst_tute are now a long time before the pnblic, and the rapidand Increased demand forthera /ombined with the universal acknowledgment of their clearnesrm vision . - and ease to the eye, allows plainly that thcy.are superior-ta- any other glasses in th• market. The majority of Spectacles, (mostly Imported) and no Matter how lane the frames, contain but a poor and worthless article of glasses, (generally cast or pressed:) they are made to be sold only, without any calculation respecting benefit to the eye, ind therefore the great complaint of poor and weak an:ht. Tho.isands are using glasses now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the objects get dim after abort usage, or require an intensely strong light and therefore cleat:lring the sight, which. were they properly siut.d, would ho preserved s life time. I The advantages claimed for the Concave Cont . ez. Crystal taa, ,, es are the following : The Lf4l.4e are gsound - of the best material. pure and haul. and made only for optical purposes, the are therefore not liable to get scratched or dim. ./ 7 1 4 ,< .:.: ~--... 5. 4 E: They c•nifer a brilhaney and distinctr.eas of vildon Oct found iri any other glass. :They can be Used equally well by d'ay or 4ndle light without tirir.g or fatiguing the eyes. They are ground mathematically true in / the con cave convex mirror, according to the philosophy of nature, and shape of cornea of the ey.e, therefore assisting nature onlyinstead of forcing'it. That the lenses are centered correct tato the frames. They can be lased longer than any other glasses without changing to a higher power. • The frames are made strong and durable by expe rienced workmen and warranted / to give satisfaction. WM. A,/ CIIAMMERLIN, Dealer in Watches, llt7 and Silver Ware, Toa-an - Fs., the soli.: Agency for these glasses in Bradford county. :!co,Pedlers employed. July 12, le7O-tf // §il.l4,:kt FLOURING MILLS ! W-/.11. FULLER d CO., • Itei.pectftilly inform the pnbl!e that hating relonilt oa the / aite of the old mill, with all modern Improve, nter.y. they are mra• prepared to do • CUSTOM GRINDING - / In the best possible manner and on the shortest notice. No puns will be spared to give satisfaction:' Farmers doing business in town can bring their grain end have it ground the same day to take bad:. FLOCK, .LECKWILEAr FLOVIS, 1,71:D L MEAL, By the car lcad ar in quantities. to suit...purchasers GROUND CAYUGA. PLASTER All kinds of gran taken Iv exchange for-Plaster Caglf paid f.r alfkindg of grain Towanda. Nor .1. 1571 A NCHOR. LINE STEA.3IERS. LI. Sall every Wednmlay and Saturday. to and fr,nn. -- NEW YORK AND GLASGOW, Cu:lin.! at Lnmkrry to Isral ]tally and Paaseagers The Steamers of this favonte line are built es preezly or tlie Atlantic Paeeenger Trade, and fitted up 1.. every n.enert with all the modern tmprore mrnts to insure the safety. comfort, and convenitsnce of raceenreni. Passage Rates Payable in Currency. to GLASSGOW, LIAERPOOL and LONDuNDETIRY. ritzsr CABE'S. .le>.; and $75, sccord!fig to location cAr.cs RETURN TICKETS. $l3O. securing beet ae rerun:Mai:eta. $33. gr Ent AGE. q. Parties sending for their friends in the Old Connn try can purchase-tickets at reduerd rates. For flit ther particulars apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. 7 Bowling OrtVD. N. T. or to S„, C. 3IEANS. Central Express Oftlee, Towanda, Pa. amoctlB'7L WY 0311 N G COMMERCIAL V COLLEGE. Esta!,fluleJ in rstz, in conwetirns Kith Tryonsing Sea nary. 47.e.cpening Sept. 1, IS7I. The most thorongh course of Commercial. Instric tion in the country. Terms lote , r tArto of any other fire clan Commercial' Cdieve. Situations famished to superior gradmites. from time to time. Our graduates are filling lucrative and honorable post tiOllß in newly every State in the Union. Telegraph ing. taught be t-wad . and rest e r. Particular Wen, tion is p.. 1.1 to Penni,lnahlp. Stadenti may pursue studies la both Seminary and Commercial College. .scho:srehips for full Corutner(nal course. $2.5,00. with- Telegraphing. $2,5,0)). Telegraphing alone $25,t 1 0. Ornamental Penmanship, (three months) 110,00. Board per week.. 54.00. For further in formation, address Rey. R. NEI-WM. D. D.. Prinoi: pal Wyoming Seininary and Comuieretal Pollege, or L. L. SraAort, M. A., Principal Commercial College, Kiagstcm, Pa. sepl3ll-3:n ME =a ~i , ..., AT $6 NI: TtiN G. F. 'MASON. W. U. FULLER ELLNGSTON. 611 Rfaii4 saiticilia; AND ISCREIMI WM !,poitni.ociatio,wzois'OA4o ronam, • • A*014.0400444..#4.* intomum AND Pi6ViSIONO, leh will be sold a& tho lootosk posaldo :. CODFISH, M6.~lLrtc~L; HEBBING, PORK, • , - MUTTON, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODEEN STONE -WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, GRAM, &a.• Bring ou your produce, which wapay cub for. DAIRYMMN, A. constant supply of dabton Balt, all sized Clam& Butter Fitting, Tub's, Lc. Please call and look through our stock. and we will do our beat to please rm. W. A. ItOCEMELL. Towanda. April 28.1889. GROCERY' AND PROVISION STORE. McCABE tl EDWA.RDS, Who:ostle and'ltvtail Dealers in FAMILY *GROCERIES PROVISIONS, MITPUVELNEW DDOOK. TOWANDA. PA. We do not deem It necessary to enumerato all the dlferent articles we keep. Our .ssortzuent is ALWAYS COMPLETE. We eell nothing but FIRST CLASS GOODS Cuh paid for Partnere Produce, 111.-rh 1. 11.470. Fu., & lIERCUR are now receiv ing a fresh stock of Goods in their line, bought ainee the Ist January. to which they invite the atk, Wuhan of their friends.. We keep the largest stock' in town. Our goods are fresh and - deinrabie. We well at lowest market prices. Jan. 19.. 1571.: • FRESH AND NEW TEAS, bOght . since the molt &dine In price. and *pity; cheap at entail. FUX A 3,LF.Y.C1.11:. Jan. IJ, Irl. VOX S 3LEIICUR 'are sellinc , Gro c,nea at n tad. Jan. Ir. Is7l. VOX ST, )IERCT3I3, are selling titer and Frealatiluotta. Jan. 19. IA7I. - pOX & 3rEncrn. are sellip(2: cellos cheap.. Jan/11 1 .1RM MERCUR are selling' first- Klass Goods only. / Jan. 19. IS7L - Ph 1: illeaper Lk than Ever, MERCUR are pilling Jan. 19. I'l7l. F.11731DE1l ,13 / at we are sel4ng Goodi it . *g/T R AIL! Aga..l that we won't I.le un.lerso`l. Jan. 19. 1871. / _FOX mEitcyr. - , "VrICHIOAN FINE-CUT TOBAC : Co=-Ttry choice—at Jan. 19. 1,1f71. OX <<IIERCtR do not deal in F Jan. 19. .Is7l. CUSTOIERS Can rely upon XL/ getting the vet 7 first 110. rnai•ket affords and at / lowest prlevs. E. T. FOX. • Tow-ands. Jan. 19,11. 'IIE'RItY mEr.crß. R E)IEIBETI THAT FOXI.: MER ..It, CUE afro ret , lllln•_! all kind,' o 1 Groc.?riea at Iheaaleprices. The largest w in ton. Gcods frat clans. Prices low'. • E. FOX. Sept. 29.'70. llENltTXllEftelilt. T at OIL IN FOM s lIERCRWS. TIARERY AND DINING ROO3I. Firet north Ward How, BREAD, PIES, CAtiE,CIZIC:KERS, BASED DAIL.Y. Ara sold at Wholesale and In our DINNING ROOMS we will accommodate the pcthlic vh-42 either a lunch or a good meal at all puma of Ur day and eveninj. • .oysTrlls AND ICE CREAM OR BL-RDIG THEM SEASON Al.o a fins assortment of arcceriss. Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Sc. to yl9' tf CENTRAL MARKET The sulyscrfbera still continua to keep constantly on hand a full and complete of every thing pertaining to their business, consisting main ly of • BEEI', PORK, FREW - AM) SALT StGAR CUBED HAMS. SIETTON, BEEF. - :LAMB, VEAL.. POtLTRY. . SAUSAGE. LARD, BOLOGNA. DM= BEEF, • - TALLOW, ac., &c. A.leo. H FRESH FROM THE LAKES; ors LEI.S IIEcEtVED DMLY In their seuon. Parties swishing Oysters In large or =all coantl. ties w4ll be furnished on short police, at, the old stand, CINTIIII. MARKET, Montanye's Lid*, first door tsjith of Dr. Porters. Cu*.4l O &ataxy, I K. 14.1,1111 INFCLLOCK. Tuao. J - Feb. 24, IS7O-tf • • THI BEST AND CHOICEST • . SMOKI: I NG TOBACCO, .5 t• _ IS MANEFACTUBED AT - • FACTORY NO. I, 9D DISTRICT OF MARYLAND. -. irir See that Every Package you buy bears that Inscription. Dec. 14, 18;0. THE UNDERSIGNED ARCHI, TECT ANT) BUILDER, wishes to inform the 'citizens of Towanda. and vicinity. that be <II give purtictilar attention to 'drawing . plans, designs and specillcatione for ill manner of }mildings, private zuckpublic. Supenutendence given for reasonable compensation: OfSlix at residence N. E. corner of Second and Elizabeth sareeta, where he wiltbe found ever • oyentris from 7 to 10 p. Ai., hatnrdaya all day. J. E. FLEMING. Eal 511, Toviands, Pa. o.•t 5 1 1871 tlrTttai • -. t t 7 • • , • W I 0 KifikArdia : Bt K'S. CROCICERY. CHINA, GETASSWARE I:krozpavi:toa4 SILVER PLATED WARE, FRUIT . ..TARS Towanda, Aug. 30,1 1 FUENTVI . TRE. - NEW 1 1 1E51! r NEW GOODS now offering ut our Wiiolestle stud Dotal • VURNrIVRE The greatest indoceiFtents to thou, in want of FIRST - CLASS FURNITURE! The attention of the public i■ especially called to our recent hoav panel:ousels from the late Great Auc tion Sales of • CHAMBER AND PARLOR 71-CrP,"I\TITURM! WALNUT . MARBLE TOP SETS NICE PARLOR SET'S, At $5O 00, RN Together with our Cott:Tale Stook of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CTIAIRS TABLES, STANDS, , . BEDS, , UATRESSES, LOOKXNG-GLASSES, JAMES 11eC.133E. W3l. EDW&RDS. A•id fiwt everlethitig to be found in -3 FirSt-Citll/1 R EeEIIDEIt THAT WE ARE NOW MANEFAC 7r(' trim:. and do - °M.:. goods . our own mann• fa. 7 tire cheark:r than you can buy city-made good. gew`ocro. Lumber taken iu ectiasitze for goods. . ' We - also furuieli NETALIC BritnL CASES, AND COFFINS And we aLIo h4ve the delivrrel to the Depot free of charge. • JAMES 0. FROST a.• SONS Towanda. San. 11, 1871 F GREAT 'BARGAINS IN Fox S: MECLR•S ZI•I ID The undefelgned are recleving a large and well se lected eta. k et BOOT.S VD SHOES SU:SLUES AND FALL TRADE, GENTS, AND CHELDRMN S WEAR. P. W. SCOTT tt. CO SEWED ..4 \'D' PEGGED BOOTS REP-4IRING NEATLY DONE Thankful for rut favor!, we solidi a continruince of the same. ; KAMM, WPODFOED. GILIMET M. CLARK T0W211614, April 5, 1809. • 711-IOOTS AND SHOES MA DE AND REPAIRED. C4TELSON, .Elas made arrangements to accommodate customers that are constantly calling with boots and Shoei for ,new soles, etc., and•have had to leave them, to their great cliaadvantagc, until another clay. The constant call for this kind of work, and the desire to have it done immediately. has induced nu to make such ar rangenicnts that you need net return home Without your sole being renewed-and your Leek set square. Fcr prices that are honest and perfectly fair Ladles that hive gaiters that are broke at the toe, To this repair-shop is the place for to go To get them re-vamped. neatly tipped or halfsoled, And your feet well protected from the wetland the cold New work we.can make you with the abOre double quick, We can make them for your thin; or we _wt give them • to you thick. We can make them with high beela, orwe can gife them to you EL4t, So you need not stager-With a brick in your hat. , N.B.—Good cider vinegar for sale by barrel or gaL Front of klethodisfchtirch. Main street. Towanda. Dec. 13.-1870. L. C. NELSON. FOR SAU AND TO RENT, W. DITTRICH'S MUSIC -STORM. ONE HIMREE FIRST-CLASS PIENOS, ON'E EIINDEED AND 1 ail MELODEONS TWO ITEINDBEVCAIIINET AND CHIIII,CII OBGNAS, d• Five Hundred Violins, Iliationets, Flutes, Banjos, Guitars. Concertinas . Accordeoms. Strings • - for String Instruments. Bonee,-etc. • SHEET II IC ND nisravanos BOOKS FOB EVERT rsgruntn-r. From the only first-dais . makers in the- United States, as F. C. Lighte k. Co., Becker Bros., Stine way. Weber, New York; Hallett and Cl:materna llio,ston; Mathewshek. New Haven Ct.; C. Meyer, Philadelphia, and Ruabe In Baltimore. ' Melodeon, from B. Shoninger, New Haven, Ct.; Pelobbet. Pelton k Co.. „New INork. Organs, the celebrated . Goblen Reed Ameiittn Organ, and Czn Burdett 1 1 : TARTS WHITE DRIPS at Combination Organ. - One door east of 'ilereur's ' . Bank, the only store of the kind in Towanda.. . / I : FOS & StEltetura znar..V I 71 note . OEM MIS Erg 11-11aes flow Frame Wit New and beautiful pattern:, A complete aiwortnamit. From Rodgers k Brother. The bent, kind in market. P=liture. ITAD; SCR :ES. 'Ever offered in this upshot. We are. tier offerina AT.s75 O. And Furnituro Store CHP-APER 4 THAN THE CHEAPEST ROSEWOOD CASKETS, Of 'every deacrirton BLTLIL 1108 I.'S. CAPS. tc., FINEST HEARSE In this sectien of country, Boots and Shoes. AT 1 TIE SEW BOOT AND SHOE SI-ORR. South end of Ward TIMM Sartzblefor the Mitch wo clot low for Cash. Consisting of LADTFS, MADE TO ORDET: AND HEADY WHEN PROIIISED P~A ; NOS ~i XEn DR. a a Antll2% EN MI wit 'l:4ltrG : =RE at duim) vnist istits; • • :"Cwtg llatit t owd . lino Shrill. TornolN 1414 ‘ totentbr ithdoditelrotr totheir seadr.shall gel esatplate aosootatont. coadttatUNl an 6110 111 0 1 1 its• Asti. wahreetag way silkier tilled in the tato for twobsiksrowepossi. terotutlir with to thoproiriewiro motto of the pa trhich wtfl kept gea cciustintiy sosollod with *ea - rotas.* ract act the mod twoomablo how oh Wisdom& or of ; - 1!i - vq1354 - imam mix vat:imago. • , • , ALCOHOL muipirisrgnital, sasu.i.arr. And an kinds of Tig,absis. SEROSEN.E . OII: - COAL LAMPS, WADES. WICIFS. atiIL4ET9. RPM. Lard. Whale. NeatitsTooL TANNER'S. 4.ND.MACRII4E-,01,L5, Fancy and 'Add Artlahr In sld thidr Tiriatb aPosoth. lirausszo, spars, coma. 'Paasadea, AalnDFear Partaraar7. POCKET. BOOKS, PORT MONAD • • Pocket Balm, Rigors/ TOOTS. 81115 . 0D,HA111 PHISPAPAI3OXB. ruuz filsots An) x.IQUONB, *or MrMad ase," Tonna?, SNUFF, Pins Lisp _Garden, Field d ad Flower Seeds, Trusses. Sup. r• otters, Sturpetiacciee.. Shoulder Braces. Breast Teething Binge. Nursing Battles, Nipple Shells and Shields, Syringes, Pans, Self-Sealing Fruit jars, Ther mometers. PUTaring Estrada,. Stone Jugs. Glass Ware. Bottles:9l4s, Corks, Bath - Brick. and Stove Blacking, Fish Tackle, Am• munition. kc.; Melanie, Eclectic and iloincepsth e Medicines, and all the popular Patent M I•O S . articles warranted as represented. Permits at a distance can receive their Orders by stage or mail. which will receWe prompt-and mend attention. Medical edit Boren gratuitously at pie ofilee, charging only f medicine. 'fir Thankful forpast liberal riatrotiage, would tee pectfuliy =nuance to their friends and the public.that no pains shall be !pared to satisfy, and merit the con tinuation of their confidence and patronage. • Open Sundays for prescriptions from 9 to 10 am- and 12 m. to 1. and it to S p.m. • 'Et O. TOETEEt, SON & Co. July 1, 1870.—yr. TAYLOR'S CELEBRATED OIL! Tar Great Rheumatic Remaly abould be kept aid used by every Farmer that keeps either Cattlnor Horses. every Teamster sod Beery Stable Keetlo-y. every Physician and Horse Farier for-ft will many times cure pain and lameness when all - Other medi cines have failed. Miners. and Railroad Men should certidnly keep it. for it is vmmirtgissed - for bruises and sprains. It!acketuiths should keep : it for their own net and for their "customers tender footed bories, - as nothing iiwials It for Yoder feet. Every body mfferitig from pain and laineneas of any kind. barns, cots. wounds or any eruption of the skin. Corni. 'Chilblains or any disease requiring• , an outward application should certainly keep thi• mile bliited medicine. Every bottle. warranted to give satisfaction. For sale by Dr. IL C. Porter Son k Co. Porter k Kirby and P. W. Brown Druggists. Towanda. Pa.' And by every Druggist and dealer in Brad ford and adjoining counties. Johnstontlollouray and Cowden. wholesale Patent Medicine Depot. No. 602 Arch street Philadeplhia.Pa.. Wholesale hgenta.. H. BROWNIE TAYLOR. - julyl9lli-tf Proprietor, Lellayrrille. Pa., RBEIDLITISM-NEURALGIA. ! $5OO WILL BE PAD) to any person producing any Medicine showing half as many living. permanent cures as. Dr. Frrzga's TEGETAMLE REEVAMTIC RENEDT.. Used inwardly only. A pleasant Medicine, free from injurious drugs. Warranted. under oath, to have permanent ly mired 'Xi in every IGO - patents treated- in the pat ten Team )See testimony). It-is the scientific pre scription of Pros. Jos. P. - Fitler, M. D.. a graduate of the University of Penneylvania.- A. D. 1833,—n0w one of Philadelphia's oldest regular ph ysicians, ' and Professor of Chemistry and Toxicolocy,—wno has made Neurlgia. Chronic and Inffamatory Rheuma tism the specialty of his' entire_ professional lite—a fact vouched for. by the signatures accompanying each bottle. and 'other testimonials of y prom nent renowned physicians and clergymen To pro tect sufferers from - poisonous quack nostrums_and useless expenditure of Money, a legal signeduar antee, stating exact number of bottles warranted' to cure, will be forwarded gratis to any sufferer; send ing by letter a full description of &fiction. In cue of failure to cure. amount paid positively , rehinded. Medicine sent anywhere byrespress, collect on de livery. Afflicted invited to *rite for advice; all in formation and medical advice sent by 'letter gratis, Address - Dr. J. P. FITLER, 2) South Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa. The Remedy is sold or obtained by Drugeista. TOWANDA • Marble W 6 i'. V 8 . GW. McdABE Ai SON Have JIM reodyed the . 'west Assortment-of AMERICA XYD ITALIAN MI _A. 12, 33 L, Ever exhibited In thin eeotion. to which they Invite tbo attention of the public. They keen on hint or furnish to order MONUMENTS, TOMB .STOVES, MANTLES,-&c., AT THE LOAOST TERM'S MISSES, rgrsons in srant of anything in our line aro re• sportfully incited to call anti examine our stock. AIcCABE & SON Towanda. Mayl, IS7I. • 1 B. A. PETTES Have now on liana knev st.Ock oL FALL AND INTLNTER GOODS DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, PRESS SILKS, STLR VELVETS, VELVETEENS, WATERItopFs, tbey will sell st the . . LOWEST .MARKET PRICE; At the si;:n of the th ITennet, opposite the sep2o 3 , 111 MAIN STREET, .Td‘VANDA. P► ~,~,f:z-0 Of every style, In great 'cariety,' MIIITh - EILY, AND SHAWLS 0112131E12111 IMI IEII NATIONCLDIT. • stiamxto—fizzo writ. itirtiriAbidoseress. CLUIENCIE CUB& Prealdett ; poomp,cbainnali patios sad Ez. Oft. ; Eau tl. 000$2; "Ileekresident zacessqww..PZlLT. Beiretariaid Anna* aisiatice. as chi Tais.buitm3e. Co 1. It i.ellattansf *lmpair, chartered bic" tees 2. it has s pettup wail of Otm ILlllketDoltes 3. /t offers toes mos of pecostiots ;- 4. It Smashes Urger tositesobe than other Gam, peaks, foe the isms mono Lit is dant* Oat eertifn ; , ti undWdl no posoitoufs of inimapheautitton Ot nslaundentand4a g by poli c y.h lde , 7. The wades sre phith efflthsetil. 40 mach tai nom for so mur,h - moos7 ; 3. - All pot/etas ifeniolorfeithie ; 4. The polktes a exampte ram atmchmem. E. w.. A k CO4 liza.ers, Plg . ll/01p tt, "lasi 44ents. B. 81122.144danager. DE BEE k ♦. G. MASON, •11.4 1 Intsf• "Tan.% 1869. Toinmda sad vicinity GUARDIAN 3!UMIrh.LL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ::CO. 2AI BROADWAY, NEW. YORE. Poucua not rotor. Alums, over - Arrarat. INcoltn, over., 1,4181.21 PAID AliAppTOVed fOIMMII of PoLh:fes lamed. Lfberal modes for payment of prereinms. Policies non-forfeitable by their terms. The entircrprOldts of the Corona:ly divided tqa, ably among the insured. • ANN:lat . DIVIDENDS.. • WALTiTh' M. PECKHAM, Panatncri. WILLIAM T. HOOnit. Vrce Pirrosr: LECIUB M ADAMB,.liier sign AcrrAa- PHILADELPHIA BEFLBENCE9 : JAY COOK.H . &-CO. Bankers. Maxim Co.. }linkers. JOHN WOODNIZI & CO.. Tea , 'Merchants. S.. A llyncse- Preat. Farmers' k Bechaniee T. B. Prmsox. Publisher. 31712.70-U' CAMP & VI CENT'S G=ERAL , Insurance A g_e n cy. FIRE. LIFE, AND .A.SpDEti T 'INSrP..e.SCE Pahetes written •an 3 tosiie:s settled at tlL's oLse We afro inrarelicalnsi in damage 1,7 LIGHTNING, i Tu Int%linia and cordenta or lire ,wk 7 OFFICE ON MAN STREET, Opposite cc:l:rt-House an:1611 ' .. Books and Statdnery. . - . 18;1 . D 14111:ES: ' Ent' - - • • PAPER k ENVikOPES . , • • NEW PAPERS . - • SCHOOL BOOKS Piers, Lis, Muste; Stoursis AND: I Z . PirrußEs • • - • 1 ••1 BLANK BOOKS ti L . _ YANItEP .NOTIONS. .• _ _ • . • 47 ..•. , :o;‘: - 19. 1868.. • BOOS—BINDERY.—THE PUB tie is refrpecthilly informed that the Beuth.:, dery has been removed to the -Reporter - 13r..11:24. third story. where will be done BOOK.-BINDINGt In all its, +aeons terms as r•ssor,&? i the times '• will allow.. The Bandery will'be the charge of ' ' H. C. warrAxErt, An erperienced Binder. and all work willbc pr , mts.: done in a style and manner which =not . be ex;v:led. If usic..3.lagaziues. Newspapers. Old Sotto. kr.. 1.,cr...! to every variety of st,Vle. Particular atteni....m paid to the Buling . and Binding of •• • BLANK. 7100E.8 To any desired pattern, wbiCh in quality and dais' bility will be warranted. - AL work will be ready for delivery when prondeed The patronage-of-the-public is solicited, and per fed satisfaction guaranteed.. Towanda.. Aucust 2. 1886—if. TOW.LN . D . A AGRICVLTUBAL WORKS STILL. ALIVF.! The superintendent of this shop is now offoris some of the best • LIFAI,BER t -WAGONS, PLATTORM. WAGOSB, CGVERED AND - OPEN BUGGIES eier offered in this market . test selected IbAX- AND HICKORY ITIMER used, sad all work made by the cost riPRIESCED WOGSum; We have, the P.A TEN 7 RUSSIA IRON SEATS. wr~Yight, and so durable ttuit-ectit time has t! little to 11°1w:cards their' decay. Please examine our work before pnrrhunng where. Reptarin done on short nonce. 6.3l.racrn Preet G.W. VINCE:4 - Towsldallu'y 20. 1870. Superintendent _ . _ e j . E. BQLTIPS Sr. CO., GniERAL PRODCCE Commission Merchants. _ - SCRANTQN; Rfspecth:laly epteit cOultigumenU. i;rt BATTER. EGGS, CHEESE. • VEAL. .POCLTIvY And all other Farm Frodnor One of the firm having resided In Scranton '=" the past ten yvari, and haring an extecuncescgrai st: ance with the business ma of the city. we feel un bdent that we can sell produce , to the entire I 3 faetton of consignors. . . . . ' REFERENCES. • L. S. CHLTSBUCK. fk. G. rrastirE, Orwell, rt B.iLDWPS /v. RLACSILLN, GORII.k3I :.t OYU: MAN. tellaysville, Ps.. . . S. 0. ,CAAFFEE. 'MART ILANNViti."i Viana ICJ; CULT RUCS, HEM 17 SHOEMAKER. Petls ville, Pa. 3. E. rAP/.426"n1. A 'n. TASTER. P AS.T E it • • - A full supply of Fresh Ocouud CAFtle:s Plu•ter frum Yauaer, Fitch k Ce.'s beds at th subs,•ritvri hall. at mouth ut Runatuertlehl Creek nwely ere pared and warranted wpikra article. apl.l2ll='3rn* • • JAN 'N VERY CHOI E- GREEN A ; NP • Black Tea sang cheap at retail by - ' • FOX & 11F.11CFB DI FEE 325.0)0.rk 2 rko,re, • 1,0 , y) • sor `y,s— .7. A. JIECOED. • Aget. Tawar.h, H. T. B. CAMP, W. S. TINCLXT. PLAISTE