CI : Towanda, Thursday, January 4,182. ,LOCAL 4ND.04-4BAL *IL; The County Auditors are now In gesion. b. GURDON azwrrr die& in OW`e - g;), on the 21th ult., aged 82 yeas.: sir There is now a fair prospect that we will has* a. street railway , bait next year. • QtrEstion r —Where in the Bible is . the passage; bed tempers the wind to the shorn lamb r " has been Bta tioned-at Colorable X Roads for the beano° of the confereneoeer. so. Iroun Foal.= has sold his liongn and lot on Houston street to MARIS, aho batlesied it to Cuss= • BELLS CHAAPEL skated into a bole in the ice a few nights since, mamas rea med by C. E: GLAnanto, just in time to save her life. • - to. We congratulate our friend, 0. A. r,At.nwix, Esq.; on his invaluable and ap propriate Christmas present. Wife and . boy lvith doing well. lei. C. M. SANDERSON, of this place. less purcliased a tract of coal land - containing 4,500 acres, adjoining the Fall Creek lands, from E. A. PAcaEE. ger The First National Bank of thiA place, declared a dividend of • I:6 per cent. for the past year, - besides adding $5,000 to the burplos land. Is there a better? _ ltre. 3L. J. LONG, after suffer ma a painful - illness for several weeks, died on Christmas morning. She was a lovely, Christian and her loggia deeply mourned by all who hei. . .. t If*. The Superintendent of the Fresh rian Stadar-school,llr. D I A Orzarti + x, gate e e scholars in his school- an entertaiir menu f n N'ew Year's eve, in the basement et the ;1 larch. Messrs. HUIIPITREY BROS. have 1 1 ed Mr. C. L. TRACY as a partner in their nd Shoe-Mannfactory. , Three more en rang cannot be found in thin admit Bost terpri et4o t We wish them almindani success. New Year's Day was general joyed, especially by the young people. Hof the citizens received calls from the gentlemen. As role, we believe, no intoxicating liquors were offered. ly en 'Many IZMI Our enterprising market men, MpglS. 'KELLUM. & 3fruocK, have our thanis fir some line oysters and venison steak for a-Cinlistrnis dinner. We take this occasion to with them a prosperous New Tear. • 3 The Sunday-school children of th Baptist church, had a tree and fixtures en F . day *night, Doc. 25. The exercises con of,speaking, singing, and giving of pres i.nts. The affair paa'sed off pleasantly, and we profitably, to' all connected with the St.'ol( The commissioners have made the f, noising appointments for the ensuing year: Ceric.—E. B. COOLEAUGES. ('cot /$01..-11. PEST. PitjSkgar).—J. ,LTHAN. .11011,1rilde Appraiser.—RonrsT Goran!s illness continuing, it has hrien deemed expedient in order ro incom,enienue ' to clear the board at roam & Ernr.vls of seats reserved for his lecture. The holders of tickets are therefore notified to pre sent the same and receive their money. No tieketS heretofore sold mill be good for any lee tu're hereafter to be deliverer! M E. Cauitm.—Revival services w(ry ounneoced in the 31. E. Chnrch, on Tues day el e n iu g of this week, to be continued every_ ilEnuM iItTN - rmiros will be present and pn•arli on Friday evening next, aad also on Ruud c evening. Q•ia terly meeting next Sabbath, commenc ing n•: h a love-feast'at . 9 o'clock, A. M. .. . PilitsoNxL.—Maj. G. B. OVERTON, Rev!! er of 142L1ie,Moneys for the Territory of tuih, paid Lis friends here a visit, last week, mlth 1 i. 4 wife: The Major wq , looking hale, 10 and happy. - . , —llev. E. P. HAMMOND paid a flying visit to li!s frii rills in this plac4 last week.. He was en 1 . ~e t, r: , r Kansas, where ho will preach for seV ly. era! 6.. Ls. ----•-•-- Rev. Dr. PrucKEtetNG;.—o t f Bos tan. lent is4t.witek iii thts Vace. Although the Ii )tor 1184 lived more than three score year.q he is - still in the enjoyment of vigorous inent:il and physical health. On Sunday morn ing Ifs} preached in th 2 Presbyterian church, in the afternoon visited and addressed all the Sunday-schools, apd in the evening delivered a rturnig temperan&.: address before a meeting of all the churches, and afterward visited the meetings at the M. E. Church and col hurch. We hope to have the pleasure of lam hero often. watc c rt d CUE lIISTMAS. =The -happiest flay of itsear, as it commemorates the greatest uirthe history of the world, was very gal -1 observed as a . holiday here. All business . ispended, and the day was celebrated in ,rinng•rnatiuer. ME t, Lral' waaa a lee he morning service was held in the Epis- Church, which had been .neatly and ap .ately trimmed 7for — ibe occasion. Illness Lector pr.:vented him from delivering noon which he had prepared for • the oc i, but marring service was read, said the anion celtrated. r the Christmas Festival. of the as held.- The teachers had ifnl tree and decorated it for he children and their friends to overflowing. After read ' service, and singing several ns, each scholar was presented tidies and puts which had bkn tree. Afterwards the scholars o the basement of the church, , shments were served. copal rop f tl ECM he eeenin•' y-school, 1 rot] a beau , -zaqhm. Saud. Srep 'h., t hi PT with LEES MIME nat i dsc of ca 1 o.i the ei%itc 1 • ref st hot° air, it was a success, and passed ighly gratifying to. the Rector, olars, all of whom, will anti& e a recurrence of the happy =I era and se 11%.•11 pl. aq —Tuscarora has not ap: %al for some time past, because n time and pains to, report. seiaut ionai people, it -is said, • brings. something new." A o'price of "town lots" along l ip like sky rockets, because the roleum Co." were boring for ht thousand dollars' expense, t gas resulting. The bubble since passed through railroad excitements. Of late Tusca mequarry on the brain. We last. Several companies have ring business, while owners of ,end for but goat pas ruing up - their noses at any a; thousand dollars an acre. l ot ." tidal waves " in the mental Z ell as .in the business world? u communities in which the •ere for a time- intensely t in cam; I it of knowledge, the many pre /e school teachers, making use ts, literary societies, and every al agency within reach to pro object in vies. Then, gr.-ow n doing, having reached a point I.eyond which.they do -not car" ak'AavlCAl i Jo 11 t3,1:.<1 A,, a : 1 fi the ISIMEiII moo an: ago t •reek went earo-i - re Nearly ei ltothitig b. t. BSc 1.1.1 - F6 and othe i hi, hid:lst Itio-k at e.. , :4111(1 . 1ceil p larA Nrmerly tlr4i, are now, Brit and, 1‘ ssti are then • moral, as 1•a;a kuo lEEE In tht puts ing to bee, mumspare - eJueritio the lauds; - lAcary in w .tclligcnce i~tai~ lil.: Aka r By and by the Ares tarn Icor - and with —dins—N' al* the neit thing that's ,"all th • go • is matrimony.. It goes , through the • ••• • • • ylllte the itch through; the good sebool. Having read that it is hot "goOd for man to be alone," they scorn the Mosaic' junction. to ""tarry at the erico (of sing blessedness) until your beards be grown.' If i ll ii tt n get back to Tuscarora. Had our ar le t "Julius CumMixicie his whsle duty, we shOuld have heard of a Sunday-school convert at East Springhi ll , Dec. ; also oi a successful, musical convention at same conducted by Prof. Harass Cooswzat. Also, that two of our public spirited 'citizens-were pained 4osee a neighborhood several miles fa - Ira-them, destitute of moral and religions in struction, and tratlest spring they proceeded to organize a Sabbath-school there. Se sue cessfhl were their labors, ill - it some of the good people at the.close of the school, in a very neat little .slecir by one irt their number, presented their superintendent each with an elegant six dollar office chair. Served them right. Christmas brought the usual toys for the children, Christmas trees and Christmas gifts. Speaking of Christmas preeents, reminds us that H. X. Lvos, of Springhill, is the "trickiest man out." He was presented with a - fine boy [Von valued at one thousand dollars. Mrs. EL:M. LI was the generous donor. /ants Dm. Doe. 2L,.1871. ROBERT NELSON, 9 few dayei since, struck his foot with an axe ac cidentally, cutting a gash in his close-fitting boot on and a half inches upon the sole and two linchesin length on the top in the upr per leather. ghe edge of the axe passed b twcen the big too and the second one without doing any injury to his foot whatever. A'young man in his employ, by the name of Gnzm, a few days afterward, let his axe glance, which split his foot open so badly that medical assistance has been required to dress-it -and take care of it. • Mr. RI D. TvitriELL - is still very lowwith bil ious fever. Dr. Wiz. Rica, of Rome, was with us on Sat urday last, vaccinating as a preventive of small pox. There are a half dozen eases in Orwell— but not of small pox. Mr. C. N. BEMS has a sheep (wether) thir ty months old, whThh a few . weeks since weighed two hundred and twenty pounfial How is that for mutton? The alt i endance at the repetition• of "Unclit• Tom's C was larger than at the first re heirsal. It was thought that the scenes, ta ken as a whole, were better rendered. Con siderable interest was added by the introduc tion of sMigs and quartettes by the " Orwell Beechnut Club " between scenes. A humorous-' quartette entitled "Jolly Jonathan," by P. P. Buss, •with an additional verse by J. P. Cosmic, Esq., in keeping with the evening's entertain ment, sfat sung in national costumes, and greeted with prolonged applause. • Mr. Swrxr gave a very interesting exhibition of the "Wonders of the Microscope," at Acade my Hall, .on Wednesday 'evening hit. The weather was so extremely cold and blustering, that the attendance was small. The Christmas tree at the IL E. Church seemed So pass pleasantly, to all receiving pres ents at least. ' T. . . Jan. 1 1 1872 Seri e find the following notice of the death of Rev. ALBERT Tarr, in the New York 4angelist. Mr. Tarr. was - quite well known in this county, having married his wife, Miss 11+ta T. Prrcura, in Warren townshit A few weeks before his death he paid a visit the family of Judge Monaow, in this place : ANcrrrtFa Manrrn Cnowszn.—"Tellbur peo ple I haYe laid down my life to set Christ before them, that they might be reconciled to God." Such was the message sent by a dying pastor to his loYed and loving people. Rev. At Tara was born in Owego. New York, 04t. 30, 1839. At a very early age he gave evidence of having learned of Jesps, and ever after cherished the purpose; of preaching Christ tp a lost world. After „graduating at - Williams College, and Auburn Seminary, he entered ;the ministry at the age of twenty-five. Immetliately - aftei leaving' the Seminary, he took charge of the. Presbyterian church in Ce dar Falls, lowa, where be labored successfully for aborit two years, when he was forced by ill ness to return to-the east. May Ist, 1860, he commenced laboring with the church iti El. bridge. N. Y. his ministry there was greatly blessed,l unusual harmony prevailed, and a goodly number was added to the church. i Durini: the week of prayer of the present year, ankl for weeks after Ward in special meet ings, liellabored unceasingly. His anxiety' for the impenitent was such that he could say with Pant, •• have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart." The spring following these.-extra labors found him tnuch worn in mind - I'nd body, and yet ho felt that he conld not rests for no stranger could know jest what was needed by his people at such a time. And so he worked on until the first Sabbath morn ing in-April. when he was forced to leave his discourse unfinished, sinking .-down 'from sheer exhaustion. The weeks and months following were filled up with wearisome days and nights of suffering. Much of the time he was away from the home and the people he loved so much, trying according - to the advice of physi cians to 'obtain strength by change and entire freedom i from care. Meanwhile prayer without ceasin was offered for his recovery. But the will of God wastotherwise. After intenso gut feritig, but supported all the time- by a most trminphant faith, he fell asleep in Jesus at Sa rafriga Springs, Oct. 18, 1871. Thus cyod has taken from earth one who was remarkably successful in presenting truth, and whose heart was fully in his work. Thus a rhnrch ip alMOst disheartened, and ready to ex..laim, "God bath forgotten." Thus the light has gone out of one at earth's happiest hotnes. Thus heiorlio seemed' eminently fitted for the w , •rk of 6 - inning souls. ie at the early age of thirty-tsvo transferred to the work of Heaven. "For my thoughts are not, your thoughts. neither aro your ways my ways, isith the Lord.' HISZ'ORICA - L.—REPORT OF TIIE COM MITTEE, .9PPOINTF-D BY THE BRADFORD COUNTY HISTORIcAL SOCIETY, ON THE EARLY HISTORY or TOAVANDA, P.C—When Bradford county was organized& as a county, commissioners were appointed to locate a place for a county seat, and were restricted, in their selection of a site, to Within two miles of the geographical centre — Of fite county. Towanda, then called "Monmpnth," being at the eastern extremity Of the limit, and on the west side of the Susque hanna river, was selected by them as the most eligible Site - for the salt of Justice. The larid on j which the 'location was made, was owned by' different parties, viz : by War. MEANd from the - original southern boun da, up to the Bun between Pine and. Bridge streets; by Tnos. OVERTON, JOHN SHEPARD, and B. Donitaacr.. from Musics' land up to State sheet; by E. 13. Clamour, from Oviarox, Suarsatt and Dousscz's land-up to a line near the Run, by the Episcopal Church; and by ILAR HY SPALDING and - Tnos.;OVERTON, from GREGO RY'S Jana up to the northern bounditr,t- line. After th 6 location of the site, a plan or map of a countyf town was made by the Proprietors, designs ed as "a plan of Overton, in Bradford county,, Pa." The names of the streets, ',as shown tit the original plan, running from the river tO, the western:boundary, were South street (uow sometime; called Washington S which WLT as go called because it was the sOuth ernmost, street in the pl1t; aOil north of it were Spruce I (now- Bridge) street. Tine, Poplar, Beach {now State) street, Maple,. Lombard, Tanner{-Chestnut and Walnut streets. Those riannirgporth and south, were, Walter street on the river bank, Front (now Main) street, Second; Third and Fourth streets, tritii a tier of squares west of Fourth street ; making five 1 squares in width, from cast to west, as Sar ;as, and a little beyond, Lombard street, where the i txuandary line runs off in a diagonal, noith. - easterlY direction, along the line of thelitllple warrant or the Kohn - tract, as it was called,l to the cotter thereof on the hank of the river. I i Eight lots, between Wafer and Front (now Main) street, including part of P•plar street, were desig,uattid for a Public Square, and allot on thecorner 'of Beech (now State) street and IFront nnw Main) street, was marke , 3 "Public." Two 1 i s on the corner of Spruce (now Briilge) c i t street,land Second street, Were dedicated' by Wm.. Mr_aas, one of the proprietors, tor' a church; and two lots on the corner of Secrind and Beech (now Stale) street, were dedicated, by F. B. Gamor.r, another of the prop:lie - ors, for an 'Academy. All the streets, except Frtnit, (or Main), Poplar, Beech- I (now State) street, (so called, because the State ro..d was loclted along ,it), and Water streets, were laid font three rods or 49i feet Wide; and Front (or Main) Poplar and Beech streets, Were laid iout four rocks or Csi feet wide. ' Wateretreet, being located Oen- the_ river bank, was irregular_ in width; and owing to the narrowing of it, below the court house square by freshets in the river, its location was chaaged below that point, far ther w7t, bTviewers appointed by the court. The hi hest price for the most valuable corner lots, up to about the year 1850, was $lOO, ' l and aide lots from $5O to $75; and now the samedota on Main street command $lOO for i single fiont !f*/41/geOPPtWili, gip. • • andftwasesimair absorbs 1 11100.414 1 0 1 i 1w lots, and about 1110.000 for comer kat& The records skew a deo, kiwi Two Om. roi, dated Aug. 111, Ism to:sine:K=o* Joins Uwe and W. Kt* then county far and their successors, In trust county, - foe two acres of ground, more or ; and also for one °Ow* described as " out in the plan of said county town of 141:Icounty, called -Overton, cortaining sere, being part of a larger triet - of land pa nted to Wm. Kama in 1795, and conveyed by hip, to ADAMI Eons in 1795, and, by Ida; to Taos. Ovzsves, in 1810; being the tract of land where the stake. was stuck for the ciennty town of Bradford county, now called Overton.* _ .There seems to have been considerable rival ry in regard to the name of the town. Foe we f designated as Mearuiville, in deed!. ;jinn toots, by Wm. Maass; and as Overton in ds given for lots, by Taos. OTZETON; and by others it was called Towanda, or as it was then 'commonly pronounced. 4-Town-day," Ibut the Indiana who named the crack, in its vicinity, from which it eventually tool its name, called the creek " To-wandaugh." The strife between the advocates of the nameirokOverten, Means villa and Towarula, more particularly of the two lattgir, was ; kept up for several years, until, en the petAion of the inhabitants, generally, it was Incorporated as a borough in 1828, by the nam6 of Towanda. When Hon. Batumi Wrriina represented this .district in the State Senate, be got a bill pass ed a 4 t ropriating SlO,OOO towards the erection of a ridge across the. Susquehanna river at this lace; and commissioners were appointed by ov. Wets to locatothe site for it. Points at t o court house square, State street, Pine stre t, Spruce (now Bridge) street, South St. and Means' Ferry, had each its advocates; that -the fact of a rock bottom covering the bed' of the river from Muni Ferry to- the upper side of Si•ruce (now Bridge) street, and from thence running diagonally, north-outwardly, across the r iver, being pointed out to those commis sioners, induced them to fix the location at Spruce (now• Bridge) street. " - The early inhabitants of the town u far u can now bie ascertained, were; Wm. Means, E. B. Gregory, Harry, Noah; Morris and John Sodding, Barr Ridgeway, .Tits. Catliu, L. .F.. Fbu3ks,'Adlim Conley, Simian Kinney, Henry 3lercnr, Gordon Hewitt, Frederick Eiklor, Wm 1 : Prindle, Jas. Lewis, Thos. Simpson, Abi jab Northrup, Benj. Hunt, N. N. Betts, Hiroo, G. AL and St. John Mix Elisha Munger, Mph alet Mason, Nathaniel Hicock, Andrew Irvine, E. Mellor, A. Mclntire, William Hart, John Towers, Benoni Austin, G. H. Drake, B. Spec?, Jesse Woodruff, Jesse Taylor, J. Esn, HuLET, DANIEL Barturrr, J.D. and Elf - - JAR /40NTANYE, W. PATTON, D. F. Bassiow, W. W. GOODRICH, EDWIN BEILTASEIN, EDWARD and W. 11. OVERTON:C.' P. WELLES, E. S. Goo mot, Tsur r s P., GEO. H. and D. M. Brim., JAS. Boort, DAVID Otill, Anoxusu Moonr, Davis and WIL SON YANDYNE and their father, WARREN ,TME INS, 7M. KEELER, TUGS: and JAS. ELLIOTT, WM. and !LEWIS KELLEY, WARREN Bnowx, J. D. GOODENOUGH, 'PROM BARNES, JAS. OLLLSOX, Drs.j WRITE/MAD, HUSTON and - WESTON; Dr. Cstatn W. MUM, who was the first practicing phyiliciiii in T9wanda, lived whero MILLER Fox now lives. Dr. ETHAN BALDWIN lived ,I t ack or wheie W. W. KINGSBURY lives, and. practiced law Ind medicine in Towanda. He and Srawir.r KINNEY were the first p , aiiticing lawyers who f settl in Towanda and its vicinity; W. F. Di:f rig° , PERRIN and WELTS, S. Hrfar, A. °UZI. STREAM; -- LEAVE_NIVOILTR, G. W SET, BURTON KINGSBURY, A. HESS, H. A. KEE ;T. GEROL - LD. A. KEI.LoGG, J. TruNta, P.. ..McCLArcnr, B. Gnorta, Z. THOMAS, C. HElrrr, Z. Toxems, A. Srtirmax, 4. Tuoaus, W. yATEINB, -- POLLIS, J. Cm.x..-Ns„ J. BUR GUIt,, A. Hc.Nrz., D. Mnixu, C. Al: and N. BROWN, G. K. and W. BINGILLY; W PLATT; W. MORLEY, J. GABIUS, G. Ilomsox, Ji" tiiAVAGE., J. PH NET, H. RICE, P. NicnoLs, J. WAYORD, J. E. 1 EIGEr., H. PALBEY, N. J. Krri wi STE ART.*. Inithe above list, the committee have given the Leads of families only, who were here prior to 1830; although there are some, whose de scendants were born and raised here, and who are :low over fifty years of age. Pri34ollll to the death of Dr. E. H. Mason, the late chairman of your committee, ho and Patton. a member thereof, had agreed to visit the venerable Barr Ridgeway, formerly of Tow .da, and now of Franklin township, to ob • n information from him on this subject; but e sudden and lamented death of Dr. Ma- resented the consummation of their pur- BOEI ; poet Patton, however, being next to Dr. Mason e list of the committee, became, by par- oa t liam !wary usage, its chairman, and addressed a note to Mr. Jas. Ridgeway, the son of Burr lidgleway, requesting him to procure from his Whir what information he could, and who in repl, kindly sent the following : " (!ir_NE.IIAL : I received yours of the 4th inst., and d&VC herewith given you a few of the recol lecti init , of my father in reference to the early hist( +of Towanda. , "Mt father came to Wysox in Dec. ISO 3, Wml Means was then Using in a log-house op posite Bartlett's Foundry. He had raised, and partly finished, the He'd Tavern, so called, which he afterward.; moved into and kept a tavern; he kept etnre in the old house till 1811, wheii he built• an addition, and moved the .itoni in the new house; this was, I think,Gll ring'the year 11104. This was the fi rst tavern and so the first store in, now Towanda: Har ry S aiding kept a small store, aftergrard, be low here the Barclay Depot now , f tands on thetoad leading up Towanda Creek. Spalding afte wards built a store near where Edward Ove te n now lives, which was alter-Ivan:a used by tr. Prindle for the first printing office (bradfOrd gazette) established in Towanda. Spalding having built and occupied the house where Wm. Mix now lives. Means was one of the first settlers. James Lewis lived about the sam time, on the-balk of the river near Over ton' , anti afterwards sold out to E. B. Gregory. Soot after Means, Adam Conley, a blacksmith, and rother-in-law to Means, built and occupi ed u small house on the place where Powell's 'stet. was burned down; his' blacksmith shop was n th e opposite side of the road. Frede rick Eiklor built and occupied a house where Mc am ..k. Black's store now stands, and, why dressing flax one day, it took tire and bur ed the house, and Eiklor moved to Orwell (in hat part which is' now Rome). Abijah i No rep built soon after and occupied a log hou e where the First National Bank now l stands. A small frame or board house was i bail . - and occupied -by John Schrader, sr., 1 standing on the bank of the river back of the Court House and near the Indian grave-yard. A log house was built near Ed. Overton's .and occpied by Henry Mercur for a hatter shop, and the chamber by Jesse Woodruff for a tailor sno . A log house was built on opposite side of t e gulf where the new Episcopal Church is now building , then owned by Spalding—this h.. 0 0 my father first moved into on. going to. To arida. which was in 1812, a short time after the onnty was organized. These Comprise all the uildings in Towanda in len." El Iphaiet Mason, the father of Col. G. F. .n and the late Dr. E. H. Mason, of this ,e, and who *as the first Democratic coma-_ immissioner elected in the county, Lught put up a building on the corner now. &en , by J. D. Montanye, about the year 182:), was then considered the most valuable the place, and_ was estimated at .100. 1. lea F. , Welles built the house now occupied rs. D: F. Barstow; her late husband having I ' based it from Mr. Welles. Warren Brown t and occupied a house near where J. J. Übe' house stands,• which was known as "County-House," because it was built with nd hand materials owned by the' commis erg of the county. pla.' t l y And - die following add ional statement of Mr. 11i geway was also communicated by his son : In the year 1813, the first newspaper in To ws oda (the Bradford Gazette) -was published by homes Simpson, who continued to print it, on e a week, for about one year, when Burr lii geway took the control 01 it for , the uo•it th e or four years. During -that time and w. le the editer was occupied on the days of pp •o al, 11. county commissioner, Oetavitui A. Hr Icier', who-had the care of the paper, in his ab ace issued six numbers of a paper called T 1 • limes, the object of_which was to adver ti. o the unseated lands—a majority of the corn rod • sionth s being -"Federals' and opposed to pa ronizing the Gazette, and took the opportu. ni and paid Holden to print the sii numbers of he Times, under the direction of Simon Kin ne , then county treasurer, and issued them as attar dates matured. The scheme 1 hbwever, die. not succeed, as the treasurer did!oil think it prudent to sell the lands advertised upon such &dice. The first Federal paper was Print ed in the old commissioner's ofiiov, situated where Russeli & Co ., afterwards Laporte, Ma son A; Co's. Bane building stands, and was edit ed by Lewis P. Franks, and was called Me 11 hingfonian. Franks published it about g t s on year, when it was turned over to i t h th e e .l, n r i a an d. - a meat of Octavian A. Holden, who only, coin ti d. Gazette a sh s ortti In 1818 t purchased by Streeterand amin. and the title changed to Bradford .' er. The history of the different payers, an their editors, 'tom 11 at time will be reet - ol- I ed by most of the older inhabitants of To w da and the county.' e first settlers in Towanda were supplied wi h provisions and merchandise transported on the river from distant points, in 'boats pro pe 'led by boatmen with "setting poles"; and tho midnight howl of wolves, and the piercing at am of panthers, were often heard in close pro ahnity to their primitive log dwellings. Report' is unavoidably meager, on se- la* Ing ICll4ookilitir 11111611100 y H. L. Hc* G. Y. Xonw • . •Role.—Wr. liftman's@ a !ma who pm* tiood here it a seiy eatifilay, and Wilt abase on the corner o Lombard and Kahl strati. He went ouritist, was decoyed by a man who was Jealous of him, into a sham duel, to bi *sight with hlank cazaktipa but his adversary secretly put a ball in his pistol, and with it kill ed Mr. Stewart, and then left that locality; but in a Year or two afterwards he was arrested, tried, mulcted and executed for tho murder of Bir. Stewart. - BU 2:1 LOCAL. ,NOTICE.—I am authorized by the Jueges to notify all jurors summoned to at tend Court at Troy, on the 29th day of January,- 1872, that their atternditgie will not be requir ed, u that Court has been discontinued. J. P. Vas Frarr, Sheriff. Towanda. Dec. 90,1871. lir A new stock of Hata and Caps next week, at the H. C. WEr.sin is agent for The beet sewing Machin° in tho =stet. K.. C. P Mortgages, neatly printed, for sale at this office. . • O. P. ser Call and see . the American Sewing Machina at A H. Wain' coal office. larThe Rsi , osTEß :Him is the best place to got job work. E. C. P sar' The Ainerican is the most du rable sewing marline in the market. 16P " Hop Lae Loo," can be seen at the Keystone' lothing Palace and the Dollar Store. • • $3. If yon wish the ir best lock stitch seal: g machine, get the American. ram W01:1? & GOLDSMITb are mak ing preparations to have the most stylish spring suits manufactured exoressly for their trade. K. C stif - Counterlianes,Tablo Linens and Richavison's Linens, a full line p• _ ETI..NaI k Ilmournfs. Its.. The American Sewing Ma chine does work that no other will do; and is sold $5 cheater than any other first clam ma chine. IVANTED.—Seven sign pa tern, to paint advertisamets through the country few Nt'otz Nono but first class work men need :mill:. DS. A full line of Ladies; Misses, and Children's Hose, at EVANS .t Hn.nntrn's, Bridge street. Ol' The Germania Fire Insurance Co., of T. Y., is safe, sound and reliable, and adjusts losses fairly and promptly. Joni W. Mix. Agent. Office, Mereur's Block. - Stir Hoods, Nubias, Scarfs, and Ladies and Milken s Wrappers and Drawers, at ETA-ND &. HILDRETift, Bridge street. Thavrasuram.—A Copference of the North-Branch Association of Universalist., will be held at Franklindale, Bradford Co., Pa., on dattirday and Sunday, the Gth sad 7th days of.Jannary, 1971. Come one, como all igi-V - elveteens all colors suitable for Sacks, Suits, also cut dr WO for - trimmings at EVANB HILLIDXI7I.B. FOR SALE.—A Hous© and Lot on Second street, near the Ward House. Building new, three stories high, with good well and cis tern. Possession given 4omediately. Apply to ISAAC B. Pout'. tftScotch, English, and Ameri can water Pioofit, bought betero tho &drama, d will be sold accordingly at - - EVANS , HILIMIETICS To FLUME its.-4L very valuable rim mire for compost and top dressing, consisting of lime charged with ammonia, for salo cheap by the Tolland& Gas Company. Try it. Towanda, Nov. 20, 1871. ser French Poplins, Empress cloths, Merinos, and Sateen!' all the new and popular shades Just opened at EvaNs k Ilitzurra's. Fon SALE Oa RENT.—My house and - lot, on Towanda flats, will be for salO until Dec. 15; thou if not sold it will be rented, also the Gardens adjoining. Towanda, Nov. 22, 1871. is-A complete, line of the cele bratzi Nueens Own" Silk lustre, Black alpaca, only tii'be had at Bram! it: Hilzkrries. CHEAP CoAr.—The Sullivan Anthra- cite is the cheapest and best for all purposes. Also the the best Ilea and White Ash Coals at the Central Coat Yard. Orders left at my office, or at Dr. 11. C. Docama, Sox A, co.& Drug Store, will be promptly alled. It. M. WFT T Sept. 27, IS7I. ifirOur st.4k of Prints, Sheetings, Shirting:l:Stripes, Checks, Ticking% Denims, never was et, large . Evaxs HlLDniern. To Au. Wuom rr M Corral:Ex.— All persons indeb t ed to tho undersigned, either by unsettled account or notes over due, will please call and settle before the first of Jan., 1879. After that time we shall leave such ac counts for " collection." 1871 FALL, 1871. EVAN'S k Hrtnnern Are now ready for the fall trade with a moat onmpiete stock in every Department. Buyers of Dry Goods will hind it to their interest to ex amine our stock and prices before making their fall purchases. • 319.. We have on hand and offer at bargains : 1 Grover Baker Sewing Machine, 2 Ladd k Webster's " 1 Wheeler S; Wdson's 1 Franklin 1 Leather Call at the agency of Wicxtuat S MA= thirt • PRICE - LIST.—A fine, stylish Broadcloth Suit, 819.00 Overcoats, from 16 t 0122 White Shirts, ' $1 to $5 Wool Hats, .75 Umbrellas, Boor or Tie, .10 Collars per box, .15 And if you don't read what yon -want, ask for it at Wou (omen ITII'S great Keystone Clothing Palace.' • gir The" handsomest siker and plated Napkin Binge, at CamormAnes. The Bee Hire Dollar Store, Mermen Block. • . " -Ha 4 ►iagl.llpoied ‘l7 Sweat inthe dm/business in I rma*l sben in Mars be tonod at my reside:wo e where If wib givers; atinntioti to the practise . or Deo tistry. I will alao continue to furnish Invalids with initial) and Medicine at ear adios as here, token. Persona bring at a distance wishing uqi sortioes, will be humisluat with suitable gm- IZO . .. ~ Plarrnz i crtom.—The well known t • ton Junction, On the great thorough- Jere of • . Northern Lines to Boston. has ceaw ed to be. i " th a large and increasing popula tion, proud as weal as prosperous, fig citiseas, 1 in masnineeting nibled, have toted to change the•name of eir town to " Ayer-"=Af ter ono of the best kn wn men in America, Dr. 3; C. Arm of Laren d the Legislature of Massacbtuietts has'e d that decision into law. We commend theirohotce, for not only is the name short and distinctive, but [Dr. Ana's Medicines have made - ii - gratefully known to the ends of the earth.' 'Probably no living man has carried relief to such} otwmtlessl multitudes of the sick as be, and thhildgb honor. from /4 1 neighbors, tells the estimation in which he is held by Motto who knOw him.—Bristol lbws. STONE—VAENEY.—At the parsonage, Mon rooton, Dec. 21, 1371, by the Bee.. Hallo& Armstrong, Mr. Darwin Rtone of, Leroy to . Miss Abbie E. Varney of West Franklin. NEILY-:-BWEET.—At the parsonage, Monroo ton, Dec. 23,1871. by Rev. HalloCk Armstron, Mr. Charles M. /icily to Mi 9 R. M. Ewer both of Asylum. • `- SIIMER---GILBERT.zAt the parionage, Mon roeton, Deo. 25. 1871, by Rev; Hillock Arm strong, Hr. Melvin G. Shiner of Burlington to Mbis Frank Gilbert of Franklindide. 110AGLANDELLOWS.—At the parmiage, Ifonrooton,Dee: 25, 1871, by Rev. 11a110 , .k Armstrong. Mr. Marshall Hoagland to Miss Ruthßellows, both of Leroy, BELLO RIGS At the parsonage. Mon -1 rocton,.liee. 25, 187'1, by Rev. Hillock Arm strong, Mr. Franklin Bellows. to Miss Halilah Riggs, both of Leroy. CAMP—TALADAY. —At Albany, Jan. 1, 1872, by Rev. Hillock Armstrong, Mr. Thornton Camp of Moore, to Miss Amanda Louise Tal i aday ef Alany. . , • WILBUD—TC , REL.—At the M.E. parsonage, in in Rome.. 1, 1972 by Rev. W. Sbelp. Mr. Emery B.Wil bur of Orwell to Alias Churn Tyrrel of Windham. ANNAB TOTENIIEER.—Ati the house of the bride's father liv the Rev. S. I'. Gates, Mr. Chart W. Aiinable to Miss Albinia R. LE—; Stotenhec , both of Granville. BENNETT-IBLAITTELT.--At the H. E.' par menage, Towanda, Doe. 24,1871, by Rev. O.L. Gibson. Mr. Ransom Bennett and Miss Mari on E. Blauvelt, both of ToWanda. • , lIINNETT—ROBISON.—At the residenie of J. W. TanTnyl, in Towanda, Dec. 25, 1871, by Rev,O. L. Gibson, Mr.' Elmer Bennett and :-. MissE?nma Robison, both of Towanda. SPENtEII—KINC. r -AI the residence of the bride's father, onlPoncl Hill, Wysox. Dec. 27, 1871, by Rev. O. IL Gibson, Mr. Henry C. Spencer and Mis 4 Susan Kinr, daughter of Gabriel C. King, F.stiii - all of Wyse:. IfFSGLS—KD/GSLEt--At the house of the bride's sister, in East Towanda, Dec. 25,1871, by Rev. J. E. Stewart, Mr. Wesley Mingus of Holland Hill and Miss E. J. Kingsley of To wanda. GATES—KEiGSLEY.— At the house of the bride's father, in Smithfield, Dec. 25, 1871, by Rev. J. H. Nason, 31r. David T. Gates of Springfield to Miss Daraaris E. Kingsley. WOOD—YOUNG. , --By the same, at the house of the bride', father, in Smithfield, Dec. 28, 1871,31 r. Collin Wood to Miss Augusts, Young. TYRRELL—DOINE.—At the M. E. parsonage, in Rome, Jan. 1, 1872. by Rev. Wm. Sheip, Mr. Vernon 31, Tyrrell of 'Windham to Miss Steps A. Doane of Orwell. - SHAW—DETTRA. - ---At the residence of the bride's parent, in Ulster, by Rev. J.J, Turton, Dec. 21, 1871, Mr. Hiram 7.. Shaw to Miss Katie B. Dettra, all of Ulster. RICE—JENNEY.—At the honse of Rev. S.C. }lvey, irf Cleter. Dee. 30, 1871, by the same,' NV: Edward M. Rice of Shamburg, Vermarm. Co., to Whet Seba C. Jenney of Smithfield. - NEGLEY,---BAR37B.—Althe Loupe of Elder C. Schoonover. Dec. 23, by the same, Mr, John Negley to Miss S'opiah Barns, both of Asylum,. Bradford Co. CAMP—TYRIIEL—At the house of the bride's parents, Doc. 24, 1871. by Itet•. Maze Darner, Mr. Geo. T. Camp of Sublette, 111., to Miss Jeanie Tyrrel, of Orwell. DARLING - A3P-30/.1.1-At tho house of the bride's father, Doe.l- 25. 1871. .by Iles. Sills Eiszner, Leroy A. Darling to Carrie E. Upson ' all of Orwell. ROLLES—HILLIS.—In Merrvan, Jan. 1, 1872, by Hey. D. Cook, Mr. J. IL l'olles and Miss Halals Hillis. CLINE_WIT FT.—ln Merryall, I Jan. 1, 1872, by Hey. 1). C , ok, Mr. John P. Cline and Miss Philena I. Wiley. - Wm. M. Ds Lox°. Monroeton, Dec. 13th, 1971, Mr. John Mingus, aged nearly 72 years. Mr. Minps was born in Northampton Co. Pa., June 5, 1800. He was o 3 German descent, , 1 his grandfather having come from Germany. "hen ho was 15 years old his father moved to Tomp ins county, S. T?, where the son resided until ho was 21 years old, and when he married about the year 1821 Mr. Min set set np for him self in Alleghany county, N. T. with no capital except his own strong arm ande habits of indus try and economy. In 1840.h0 came to Monroe township, where most of his descendents now live: His father died seven years ago, aged 95 years: His wife died the same year aged 63 years. They raised's family of fourteen children,' all of whom arrived to the years of maturities cept ono. Eleven brothers and sisters are now living—all are, or have been married, and all are now living within a circle of ten miles. Mr. Mingns' living descendents are eleven children, forty-four grand-hildren and six great grand children. liearlyiall of them were at the funer al Mr. Mingus Was noted for his industry and economy. I He was a man of peact, and had no contention with his neighbors. None doubted his integrity, and he was ptinctual almost to a fault. Until quite recentivdho enjoyed reason able health, never requiring !the 'services of a physician until he was taken with the stroke of paralysis from which he died, • G LAS., TOP:- -FRUIT JABS. —QUart S, s2.oo6dazt , FgAiirm, $2.50. 41. dq., at Wicuttax d Br...tcs's: B. M. Writs..q gar We shall be compelled to Send an officer to wait on our delinquent enstomers, who do not pay attention to our statements. Ho will collect travel feta. CODDLNG, PCSSELL CO. Towanda, Oct.. 31, 1871. se- Chop Feed, cheap, at the Red, White and Blue Store. RIIXIWiT Ernurrr. Ng.. We hava largo additions to our assortment of chamber seta jnst. opened. Also, a full line of Sliver Plated Ware, from Rogers , Brother. t WICKHAM r BLACK. It :. Choice Floor; by the sack or barrel, at tbo Red, White and Blue Store. RUX3WAIT ENTMEIT. L. B. itoixixas lie-Sugars, very low, at the Red, White and Blue Store. - iIIINIWAT Evnuarr. 18,.. Tobacco, by the pound, pail, er barrel, cheap, at the 'Bed, wiiti;ind• Blue Store. RiDow.t.o Evr.curr. NcrrlcE.—A.ll-peron3 indebted to the utidersi_guecl are hereby mg:tested call and .10tle before the lit thy of January, 1e72, as we wish to balabre onr books. ACELET, LLLMD at Dicsuma. Wyalusing, Pa., Dee. 4, 1871. /fir The "annual meeting of the stockholders of the First Nstional Bank, of To wands, for the election cf ihn:ctors, will be hell at the Banking Honse, on Tuesday, January 9, 1872, between the hours oft and 3 T. : I LS N. N. Bern, Jr., Cashier. ' NOTICE.—The undersigned will sell goods of all kinds usually kept in a country store, until Jan. 1, 1872, for ready pay or by special arrangements, eheaperillan can be beat in Bradford • county; and all' persons having book account, are requested to call at 41 settle' before the year closes, ati my Books ratild be set tled. • L. D. Tayuon. Granville Centre, Nov. 13,1871. as... The North British and Mer cantile Insurance Co, of London and Edin burgh, when informed' of their !cues by the Chicago fire, telegraphed back : " Subscribe $5,000 for the relief of the sufferers, and draw on us at three days for our losses. For insu rance in above Company, on u favorable terms as any other, apply to 0. D. Barrixrr, Agent. duthqg their stay. B. DIIIMBZWI, M.D. Dee. IL 187L3tr. HARR LE D. DIED. SPECIAL NOTICES. ler VANVELSOIt R 11.1ANNE1s4, Merchant Tailors, Clothing, Hats and CapA, Furnishing Goods, CS I3rosd street, Wa% erly, N.Y. May 3, 1871.- ,H=l4lr - .4:14X1Dik,-. 1111 Ei=rTvg wets: viatica tee CHOICE STOCK OF NEW GOODS ISoloctonexpreosty for mw HOLIDAY TR A DE- GREAT VARIETY lIF ,r LOWESTLPRICES dec 1411 FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Buyers of WATCHES, JEWELR AND . SILVERWARE, M Are invited to an inspection of the H. A PMt, Of goods Et this lino ever offerel in Tovsnds Comprising GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, From to cheapest to the best. (TMNVMIJR, - Y, Of the fined quality and late it idyls*, suLtabl to HOLIDAY AND UT.DDING. PRESENTS. TABLE CUTLERY, A largo assortment and every style of NAPKIN RINGS In.erldleas variety. Solid itiver aad plated GOLD & SELVEit SPECTACLES, To malt all elm! In fed I have everypat, tf.e J.-retry line, Lad at the very Icrwrat prices. EVERY ARTICLE WARILL'ITED as REP W. A. CHAMB • o . &41111 NM .-'. , KW / 111173 TAYLOR & CO. REM TAYLOR & GOBZ .!"ASHIONABLE - VAILOBS Opposite Public Square, Keep always ou hand a full aleart- niout of ro 0r..) 4 : 1 CJW3iIMBRES AND COATINGS. .0' frEAPY MADE ,CLOTHING In all the latest styles, RATS - CAPS AND UMBRELLAS, Mil GENTS' Purriiii!hing Goods In great variety. El CUTTING DONE ON SHORT 04 v oki A ALL WORK WARRANTED. 96 1 MAIN STREET:- l'.. 1 4 -,- , I TOVANDA,IPA; dact.ICTI ltl ON T AN YES Are offering BUFFALO ROBES .I.ti:.► • HORSE BLANKETS GItAT BARGAINS. deelt"n [4:1:0;p0 IKII NEW SEARS THE UNDERSIGNED has just re wised a IL-go and varied fuoitmetit of • HOLIDAY GOODS, Coniialing of . LADIES' VATCTIES, • AMER ICAN WATCHES . SWISS WATCBES, of all derefiptioni. salectid aaaoctmeot. GOLD-CHAINS, FINE GOLD I '377 , all mw. CLOCTS OY ALL STILES THE CHEAP ) na TO TEE BEST. : 1 1• . GOLD, SILVER 'AND STEXL SPECTACLES ADD EYEGLASSES to et 111 cues of inipaired sight. . NEW PATENrAMMODATING SPECTACLILT. By tins patent I am enabled to exchange Glasses At any tine without extra charge. Call and glee. 1 CLOCKS. WATCRES AND 'JEWELRY lIEPAIERXR uca WATALIIT&D. Towanda, Doc. s. urn UF(IISTEIiti NOTICZ--goties is hereby given that there has been flied hill milled 1* the ones the rof Willa. In mid lbw the malty of aceounla of adzidnistra. viva < lion upon thi following iiii _ Second partial amount cir hits IC* HirPlat.l, guardian of Charles .Kinne7 , - Final aceountiof Esther WM' and J. L. Joliet, adminWidors of Charles David, deceased. T FLuaracconnt of -J. W. Lewis, administrabot of George W. Wells, Final account of Cluirlotte E. \pcoogherty, (late Allen.) and David Drown, executors of Lorenzo Allen. V. The appraisment of property_ eel I . ; the Ex ecutor or Adminlattstor to widows or - it dren of the following decedents. '.. • Estate of Chubs Wood. .. . Simon Fuller: -\ Wm. W. Eastabronks. - ' ..\ , Cyrel Fainnan. • \ Nam B. Dunham. ___ \ The above will be presented to the orphan's Con of Bradford County for confirmation and &lowan Thursday, February 8, 1812 • - ' C E CLADDING, ' ' Register and Recorder, A PPLIOATICiN IN DIVORCE.- To Henry 10.1/face—No. 210 Sep. term. 1871.- lou are tereby notified that Louise E. MCC, your wife, by her 'nett friend. Ames . Sennett.' has ap plied to the court of common pleas of Bradferd county, for a divorce from the bonds of rastrisnony, and the said court has .appointed Monday, the Bth of February 1872. for hearing the said Louisan' the premises. at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. - • I. P. TANITSET. ,;.frjsa4•72w4 • Sheriff. A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE= 11 To' dam Yeager. No. 201 Sept. term. tsn. You are hereby notified that -Elects J. Yeager, your wife, by her nest Mend. Jas. Bcniamino, has op. • plled-to the court of common pleas of Bradford co , fora divorce from the bonds of matrimony. and the said.court has appointed Monday. the sth day of Feb ruary. 1872, for hearing the said Elects. in 'the premises. at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. jant°72w4 APPLICATION IN .DIVORCE. To J. P. Sfartin.o. aep. Term. 11371. Yon are heieby notified that Sulam Martin. your wife, by her neat hiend.jamcs Burnham. ban applied to the court of otmunon Oafs of 'Bradford county. fora divorce from' the bonds of matrimony, and Ric said court bu appointed Monday. the Mb day of Feb ruary. 1872. for bearing the , said Susan. In the premises, at which time and place yon can attend if you think proper. J. PERRY VAN FLEET, • A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE.— . To Calvin-Steele.—No. it4B. September term 1871.—Yori are hereby notified that Achsah A. Steele; your • wife. .has applied to the court of common pleas a Bradford county. for a divorce from the bonds of -matrimony. and the said court. has appointed Monday. the tth day' of Feb.. len. for hearing wed Achsah • In the premises. at 'which timcand place you can attend -if you think proper. - Jan4'72w4 INCORPORATION NOTICES. , In thematter of the incorporation i)t' the Canon Cornet Band Aaaociatlon.—.No. 71. February tem. 1872. . I Notice hereby given that the above named Att tsxMition has presented to the Court of Cornmen Meaner..? Bradford County their article of Association eking for a deem°. of Incorporation, and the, aild Court having examined the same, and fin Court correct, will decree that they be incorporated Clic prayed for. on Monday, the sth day of February, IS 2. at 2 o'clock p.m., • unless cause be - Ithownito Ahs contrary. ' W. A. THOMAS. - jan472-a-13 Prothonotary, A UDITOR'S NOTICE. G. F I.l.Mason TR. Dr. F. Fleschnt. NO. 34.9 February Territ.'7Q. In the Court of Common Pleas of Dradfdrd County. • . I _ The undersigned baring been appointed Anilitor by said •Court to distribute funds arising from the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of above named do fendant. will attend the duties of said appoint ment, at his office: in the Borough of Towanda. on TUESDAY. 'the 10th day • of JANUARY, 1E172. at 10 o'clock. a. in— at which .time and place all, persons . having claims - qn sale money are requested to present the Rane or be Sa barred from coming in for a share of said money. JOID.: W. 1. Auditor._ Jancl2wi A UDITOR'S NOTICE t - Addison .13 G. Masons role and also Adeline R. Fermuinn ya. Charles Welles. Nn. Dee. term Pei% tin. eil4 May term. 18C9, Court of Common Pleas of Brad-. ford county. The' •undetiigned an Auditor appointed by Fi;(3 !Court to distribute moneys in the hands of the 'Sheriff arising from sale of defendant's coal estate. wilrattenel to the duties of said appoint ment at hi; other in--the-Borough of Towatulaen FRMAY the 20th der •of dkti.: 'le72. ,at 10 1 0 - - 'clock a. m.. [ at which time and place all persons har ing claims to said money are .required to present the same or be debaried from coming in upon said fund. ovEntoN, .11t.. ,tedeor. -janiT/iel • AUDITORS' NOTICE.--4N THE matter of tho 6 Estato of li-wu Joh won. Brewed. In Ute Orphan's Court of I:rig:ford ('nun: 1. . ' The undersigned, appointed,by the Orphans' Court of =id Auditor. to marshal' a gsets and dis tribute fundajn the hands of the adm'r of said. estate. mill attend to the duties of his appointment, at th , orrice of Overton k borough of Ti - 'ocranda. on TUESDAY. Om 25th day of JANUARY 1812. at 2 o'clock. p. in.. at 'which time and plaoe,all persons haying claims to said motleys. are required to present Ihp eameor be debarred from coming in upon said fund.'.N. C. ELSBREE.. - jany72w4 -.•- ' Anditor. A IIDITGRS. NOTICE.-IN THE natter of the atee of A. N. Swell, cteased, in Vv. Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned appointed by the Ortiban's,Court of said county, an Auditor to marshall asoetn end distribute funds in the hands of the adm'r as shown by Ids final acconnt, will attend to the duties of his_ appointment at the ()nice of 11. Peet. in the Borough of Towanda Wednesday. January 31. 1072. at 10 o'clock, a. m.: at which time and place all persons havirr_clairns to said money are requested to Pre sent the-same or be debarred from enniina• in for a share of said money. L. P. I ATLLLSTON. jan4'72w4 . Auditor. A UDITOR'S.NOTICE.-IN THE matter of the estate of John poky (I,erefieed, - in the Orphan's Courtofßraifforsi Chnintv. The undersigned appointed by the Ordhcn's Court of said county, an - auditor to marsharl assets and dis tribute the balm* of the rands in.the bands =of d F./ Chaniberliis adminiktlator. will attend to the dtities of his appointrereut at the office of H. Peet An Towanda Boro.. on THURSDAY. Feb. 1.1 512.-at 10 o'clock. cm.. at which time &nil place ail persons haring claims on said money are required to pre sent the same or be debarred from comma in upon L. P. WILLISTON. • Auditor... jan4'72w4 ORPHAN'S COURT - SALE.L.By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county. the undersigned admin. fidgeters of the estate of Nelson B. Dunhantdatc of Rome. deceased.- will• sell at public sale on the prem ises, on SATURDAY:. JANUARY 27, 1872. at.l o'clock p.m.. the following described real estate. bounded an ;follow: on the west by - Richard .110Cabe: on the north by said McCabe: on the east by George McCabe, and aonth by George Baxter and _said Richard McCabe; .containing about thirty acres, be the eaem mere or lout. - TERMS. SO on day of sale; balance on conar =than. (104:21 . 71. A MIINISTRA.TORS NOTICE.— ...**Aicee is hereby given to all 'persons Indebted to the: itate of REUBEN WORHEIZER late of Orwell twp. deed. mast mate immediate .paytneat, end al persona having claims 8.7311151 said estate must pre sent theta dtdy authenticated for settlement. J. H. CARET, - Administrator. decICTI•Cw A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-- Notice is herciTe Riven that all persons indebt ed to the estate lit OURDES CLAIM, deceased, lat.; of Barlington. are - reiplested to make immedi ate payment. and all persons bang clalme against *aid estate must present. them duly authenticated for settleinerit. 0ct.5,11-Ir6 A D3fINISTRATORS .CIL. Notice IN hereby given that all persons indebt• ed to tho estate of WM. W. EASTABROOKS, late of Towandstp. deed, are requested to make immediate payment, anfrall, persons having chime against said estate must present the R3lllO duly authenticated for settlement. ' =LTA ANN EASTABROOKS, JULIAS GOESAM. Nova-wd ' Adminkilrators. EXECTJTOR'S Notiee is hereby given that all persons indebted to - the estate of JOIIN F. DODGE. late of Terry Om., decd. are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all persons having claims against said es. tate must present the same duly - authenticated for settlement. ' .1111 IN E. DODGE • . • -D. DENIOCK DODGE. n~r.:i: ryr, Execnteirs. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made at the next meet. log of the Legialataufe of Pennsylvania for the in corporation of a Savings Bank. to be known as the Towanda Savings rank, to have a 'capital of flfty thousand dollars. with authority to increase the same to any amount not exceeding three - hundred thousand dollars: The objects of-said bank are to receive money on - depojitt and to discount notes,. &c., and to exercise general banking privileges, to be located in trio borough of Towanda. county of Bradford, with authority to establititt branches at other places in said county. ..- june 15.'71-6m . VancE is hereby given that ap plication will be made to the next Legislature ofTennotylvania for the incorporation of. a Savings Bank, .with discounting and depositing privileges. to be located at Wyalusing, Bradford' County, with a capital of 815,000, with the privilege to increase the same to 8100,000. under tha name and style of the -Wyal using Savings Bank. Oct.lB x 'CUT 0 R'S ,NOTICE.- E yotire is liteieby given that all personsindebted to - the estate of`Yi Huffman; late of Wilmot twp.:deeeased, are requested to make immediate piyment, and all persons having claims against said estate must present -them dnly enthentieated for settlement. . JOS. EPII EBERLIN. Eieentors oars-Ir6 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE= Notice is hereby given that all persona Indebted o the estate o' JNO W. BOWMAN. late of Monroe, deceased. are ,requested •to mace isomed..ate payroent. and all persons having (datum agabiat sakd estae must present them duly authenticated for settlem\it. ' BENRIETTA BOWMAN. B. BOWMAN, • ' A. P. ALLEN, Eseentora. BIE ADMJN "BATOR'S NOTICE.=- Notice Is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of ANTOS, PIERCE, late. of Troy. deccased,are requested to make immediate payment andl persons having claims against wad east* must present them duly authenticated for settle ment. . i 410..8ERT F. REDINGTOX, nov2 w 6 1•• - Adtniuistrator. XECUTOR'S NOTIOX.-Notice E is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of Cyrel Fairman. late of:Smithfield twp., deceased. are requested to make. immediate pa'. went. and all persons having claims against the said estate must present the mnao duly authenti cated for SettleinenL CHARLES 11. moos. ExeentOr. dee.7,71 LUCY FAIRMAN, Executrix JVLES HlloMilli ECM J. PERRY VAR FEB'.Y. Merit!: VANYLEET: Sheriff. LEWIS GOFF. ORSON RICKEY. Administrators. BEND. 31; CLARK. Administrator ~,~5~.. Dr= 4 II6TTOB'S NOTICE. ANotios to botobyApvien thole psromotsitsbooll to "tber Mob of Nelson B. Donbast. tolo Iforoo. deemed. are otoppreotod to mats- tatimoilisto payment. strl all lawns - bottoil ol im or= mM estate moot . wood than duly 16* settlement 01111011 nem, 1.1:1978 001fIr. noti-oti Atttotototniton. E_XECITTONS NOTICE.- 106349 L beeehr Oren theta meow listable! to the estate or JOHN OILSTLAND Isis of Nrysitt sing. !toed. us 'awaited to make tmatadishe payment, and sU persons Daring elatma Wind On Wats must present them drily anthantlestest. *sr settlement. JOHN GANILAND. JR.. Jan4l2wB • • lesentar. • At3TINISTRAtORS Notice Is hereby Oren to all persons to2abise to the estate of /MTN 1110001. late Nontostste township. deceased. net make pay. ment,end ell persons ebilms spawn meld „estate must present them dale' anthentiested for Settlement. „ . PNILO A. L. CRANIUM. Wt ken . Administrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - 414 is hereby etre that ail persons indebted to the ea to of D. LENOX. late of Smithfield, deed, are requeited to make immediate payment , and all persona baring claim. *lnd said estate must pea sent them duly autheaticatod for settlement. I - D. S.ISNOT, lanalkad \ Adroligitriitor. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF tho United 4 Stites for the Wertern Diet** of Pennsylvania. In the \ matter of 'lnmanf. Learr. • Beetrapt• IN RILNIINUPTCY. N,otice la en that a second generalusest.; Iv of the creditor hereby s liven ef amid Bankrupt will be bel4 In Towanda:ln said district. *slits 17th day of Jana. ary.A.D.. 1812. at 11 - 07 clock. amt. at the once of E. OVERTO2I. JR.. one of thellegistans In Bank.. ruptey In said District far, Ent purposes named fa the twenty.sereath section of_the Bankrupt let. of March 2d.1867. and also that I heat flkal =yenta account with said Register and dal at the said time and place apply for a Anal diseluirge Rem all liabilities as assignee of said estate. • • GEORGE giant. Asawse... jan4'72wa A UDITOR'S NOTICE. , — d. \O. EA. Freed* use TO. F. B. Ford :No. 642„ Dee. Wm. 18G8, in the Court bt Col:Mien Pleas of Bradford County. , \ - - The undersigned an Auditor appointed by aid Court to distribute money in , the itherirs hands raised from the sale of defendants intereitt in a house and Ibt will attend to the duties of his 'appointment at his Milos in the borough of Towanda. on Friday. the 2Gth 'day of . January. 1872. at 2 pm.. at which • time and place all persona haring claims to said money are requested to present such claims, or to debarred from coming in upon mid !and. J. N. CALIFF. Auditor. Jan4'72w4 Wzallaneons. AYERS - CHERRY 'PECT ORAL Fos DMEASIA OP THZ T1E1101.2 LSD LLINGS, secs AS Cocas, Count,'Wsoormi :Cocas.' Duos. .. • clans,. ALITHMA QED COSSUMPTION. - TliTifew compoifitiona, which have won the erift. deuce Ef mankind and becOme household words among not only Olio but many nations. MUM have e:traarditiary virtues. perhaps ne one ever secured so wide a reputation or maintained it so long as A.Yrn's Camay PECTOILLL. It, has been known to' the public: - about forty years, by. • long conlinued series of marvellons.cures, which have won for it • confidence in its; virtues, never equalled by any other medicine. It still makes the most Aston idling and effectual curets of Coughs, cattle. Ontaustpfievt. that can be made by medical skill. Indeed - the Camay PECTOM has really robbedthese danger. ona dli , eases of their terrors, to a great extent ,and given a feeling of immunity from their fatal effects, which is well founded; ff . the remedy be taken In season. fiery family sholild have it in their closet for the ready and prompt. relief of its members. Sickness, suffering, and even life is saved by this timely protection. The prudent should not -neglect I'. and-the wise 3%111 not.. Seep It l you' for Mil 9 otection it affords in sudden attacks, and by l'S timely Ulle. , -. . . PREPARED 731 • Da. J. C. AYED.I.: CO.. Lowell.; MAPS.. PRACTICAL AND AN,, ' And eadby Drug to cll ronnd the it kW. Dr. IL C. 147..TE11. 5014 d: CO., Wholesale agents at Towanda, Pa., and :car sale by dealers throughout the county. TOWANDA lAON MANDFAC TCRING C9NPANY.. O. F. MAW'S. - IL L. SCOTT. TN°. A. CODDINCL N. C. ELSBREE. 31... M. SPALDINGi C. L. TRACY. MOODY. The Towanda Iron- Manufacturing Company cdrer , or 5a1cJ2...'1,000 of 7 per cent cenpuzi Bonds. , , DENOMINATION !!.100 Ast, $506. PAYABLE IN 5, 7 AND S YEARS Interest payable rerai-annually. and both prinelpat and intereat payable at the First National Bank of tos-anda. These Bonds are secured by a First tlorteagis on their Real .Estate • and Works' nearly. completed: • worth at - leant $60,000. This is • good opportunitY for a safe and profitable investment. These Bnuds arr• for safe and inforznation will boa furnished by the First:National Bank. 3lemurs Batik and 0. - F. Mason k Co., Bankers. Towanda...Pa. A. G. eIASON. Treasurer Tascanda. Pl.. Dec. 1. Isn. THE BEEHIVE DOLLAR STORE SOCTII SIDE :BLOCK, TOireCDA, I'A. der2lll BEREISET COMBINED Clover Th4slier AND SEPARATOR This machine Threshes, Separttes, Hulls. and :leans Clover Seed at one operation: capacity rang . ng from 20 to 50 bushels per day, according to yisld of seed. After the clover is fed Into the Threshhig Cylinder. the seed contained therein Is deposited into a bag or measure at the side of the machine.. SO ILEEMIDLII":0 or CFLAFF.OII'TAIISNGS. -An elevator conveys the =billed -cb back to the Huller Hopper, and an, extra elevator conveys the light seed, &c., back to the Fanning 31111: TIVO_THOtS. I II`.7) NOW n tSi theot f tihor.t the tailed States mid Canada'. . AWARDED FIRSTTREMIL7II u 73 State Plan since 1856. Send for Cr.ovru Lear'." and Colored Engraving which give complete description. ' BIEDSELL MANCPACTUELNG CO.: Mtn.; Harrisburg. Pa. - tiome Factory, South Bend, Indiana. • An Agent wanted for Bradford Co. faug3o:7l4ba SOLD OUT . .„ , The subscriber haring sold his store an 4 teal es tate in North Orwell: Pa.; is no* olleritg. entire stock of goods AT COST I_, . HEAVY CLOTHS, LIGHT, CLOTHS, TS. SHOTS, HATS. cars, It1):11WAR2. and in-fact all goods of -eery description that i• found ins first class country attire. Men:battle and 'others Sill do well to Fall and exatnine. - . All persons Indebted to me aro respectitilly re quested to call and settle their acounta and II&Y0 themselves cost. " A. lI..CASS. - North Orwell, dec2l'7l-3w SOMETHING NEW DI TOWANDA. GRAND, OPOZING OF VIE BEE - HIVE.. DOLLAR STORE! • is MERCIIIVB BLOCE. SOUTH orth BID Where yon can get $1 w for $l. The bargaint ever offered in Tatiana, Don't milt the plico— door to 'Alerting Bank. B. sito*s 1: CO. Towanda. Dec. 7. 1871. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his faun dia. .ated in Laporte twin. RuMiran county, Pa.. on the Mese road about midway between Laporte and Du shore. on the banks of the Layalsock creek. Said , farm contains 76 acres of land, about SO acres well cultivated. and tho rest well timbered. Has on it a saw mill, grist mill. good water power,alarge plank house. kept as a tavern, a largo pia& ban. a horse stable with good sheds, and other outbuildings, and a good bearing orchard. Reason for . aeiliug.' 111 health. ' For further-particulars address Oct. 5,1971. HERMAN -Baia. VSTBA.Y:=-Came to the enclosure IA of the subscriber on or about the 20th Of Bo:' voltaic?: a Bright Bay HORSE COLT. three years old, with 1 White foot and a star in the face. The comer is requested to come forward,: prove proper ty, pay charges and take him away. or he will be die.. posed of according to law. -- S. D. eruanzvor. , East Spring Hill. Dec. 1. 1811.-3 t. _.„ ESTRAY.—Carcie • into the' envie-. mire of E, W. Smith. lu Monroe township, on or ab'r • iut the lath of Novernber,a three.year old BED PEEPER. white belly .and crumpled horns. The owner is requested to tome forward, prove property nay - charges and take her away, or, ahe - will be die- Posed of according to law. • - • w. malt. : 'Almiroe. Dec.' 4. 1871 .—* 500 TONS HAY! Good 'Timothy Ii trollied at Ilockwelre Power Press, for which - each will bo paid on delivery— _ Towanda;PvP-• 0.1871. A. ROCK :WM"'