Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 04, 1872, Image 2

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    News 'Proni-m-
-- The tolnuiixy. facto
vosptry xup*)ef 1,032
one his been lynched in Li
,runi-for over a week. • • I
- , -Indiana averages ferty-one' di
vorces a day the year round. • '
--LA statue of . Shabspeare is to be
ireeted in Park Lane, Lonaon. • '
—lowa has forty-eigh t les:idea In
dians. - 1 •
Smoking is reported to be de
clining in England,. ;
--:-There are ten nulliOn cows in
the 'United i3totois.
--Sixteen railways of England own
's,too locomottree.. ,
—Nebraska; hao an editor so lazy
that he vpells wife, yt. _
—Street ears will not inn on Sun
day, in Pouglikeeple, this winter. •
—There are G4O inmates at the
&Mien? Home in Milwaukee.
Atltmta; - Ga., had a meteoric
'fbnwer lasi Wednesday morning.
—There . are now 13,000 "Dakota
Indians- uniler missionary influence.
—Lawrence, Kansas, will organize
a branch of the International Society.
—Vito de Mae, an Itti an brigand,.
is said tii have committed 180 milers.
. ....
• -.,-A. California eoron r was inter
ruptedin his inquest by the rpse salting up.
--JIM International .is saidro have
mow in Europe nineteen newspaper "organs."
The church property of New
York is valued at 1200,000000.1• l•-.
In i
Minnesota there are 161
Baptist ch rches, and in Wisconsin 21)11.,
—ThC famine in:-. Persia has not
yet reached its climax, it the latest reports he
true. . ' I
—The- populatioir - oi ! Nebraitka, is
said to have increased 10,000! during the past
six mouths.
—The Illinois Legislgure propos
.' es to increase the Gevernor'll salary to 'VAX)
per year.
• —There are 28,779 children in De
suit, Michigan; who come under - the compul
vry -
—Sixyears ago therel l
was , only one
flooringlilt in Carroll county - , Mo., now there
are .
—A Keokuk thin boasts of having
4.-.1113;7 Loge, into -,..0rk seven hours
and fifty ninutes.•
—Ah Indiana - editor say's : "We
leave to-i I)rrijl: conotiv hog SiI6W, and
hope to t:ke the rriz.Ea" • r •
—Tb • aggregate sa.les from one
chepsr is Fa.ncitil Hall 31arhut Boston, netted
fa3l 411. Ciiee,e that.
—Da Argue, Iowa; has expended
, wore thal t i st,olymoo for building end street
improvements last year.
—There were some close contests
-in Virginia in tlxe 'Legislative i clections. Four
members were elected by 2, 3,15, and 8 cotes.
—The Western cisilizlation is
tally evelrflowing, all nations. Japan has just
seen its first ball match.
7 -11eGehan i in who - defence Val
10st his - life, has ceu acquitted o
the murder-0f Myers.
—Hpn..T. W. Dickelison, member
of the Legish:tare from Bedfoid, died last Tues
slay. I
Hampshirel man refused
to tray slx cents for an almanac of 1872,because
a last yeir's . o-ne had been offered to tini for a
----- The Cam - bridge IMd.) Demo
chit :44s' that . otters are dhing considerable
damag, , ito the ra dread track near that place
by tuidormining.
gale . on Saturday, night did
consideiable damage at Fall Itiver, demoli,kting
chitlings, fences, ke. Several AeW buildings
, uerc, blown down.
—Miss Charlotte Cushman is build
in a 'cottage at Newport. It. L, which is to
cost i 20,000. it is so plannetlthat all the rooms
are octagonal.
Deaths hare neCurred in the
fcmiroc of two-of the jurymen in the Wharton
case, a:11 warrants are awaitins; two others for
the election laws.
n English magazine says: "If
the stain of the air opl:ere does not always
rl. frail' the advent of Christmas, tile state of
the slem-wind,ws inv;:riablv aloes.'
n;wny,l onr ice.tntv
Ore.;:r.n. nee ntly. !kr ..-11
--Not unite -a third
Lurnb.,r of lanidia g g - fn Ch
but tlp" value of those tleftro
to th , ,io savea.
—Alicia a rear a
dumb couple of New Jers
Lately the wife gave birth t
now both hear and speak.
—:Two Japanese
high n:hble, - rhoße nnmeg ar
bitiatidng of monosyllableg
Citiver,tty at lowa Cit
—According to -. the
prnde,it. there are 3,1165 Om
fi.n4 rawint 3,90;44:eat - le'
lirith.t empire.
.---The first congre,, i
rAi,ts:evi r in Me i
luninlit together at La Ju
r only eleven nativ
- 1 —lt is believed in '
circley: m llome_that the„. Ca
; I`.ll , :iivi has the best prol
Pint; IS, in the Papacy.
—The Presbyterian
.6ip in Cincinnati , arQ value
capentqa of maintaining the
num; about twenty dollar"
fif. -- touis lawy
try a ICUS° the other. day
drnak, bat the juil.gti . stoppe
lawyer can pract:ce at, two,
nine." .
--Middletown, Ct.,
the detectives are going to
Cliseago. Anutiymoint lett
declaring that it must meet
—'Beef cattle .are .
in Swill: City, lowa. The J
en head of fine cinm-red etc ,
last neck Tor two and agnar l
- .
—4u - Wisconsin, wi .h a total popti•
lation of 1.054,570, -there ire 345;000 foreign
born,!718,000 having one or both parents of for
eign Ibirth, and 671,000 having foreign-born
father and mother. • `‘,..1
The. popular superstition that
overturning the salt is unlnekY originated in a
picture of the .Last Supper, by. Leonard da
Vinci;, in which Judas Ise not is represented
as overturning the.salt.
—The question arising as to htiw
-many ottbe members of lio 4.lberlin council
.were New England born o bred, and all who
were being requested - to st rid, almost the en
tire Monde arose.
• —4- The first Pies ylerian church
of Elizabeth, N. J,, was or anized in 1664. and
for 24 years has not mil a service. 'ln the
-last ten-years :.11.5 penons have been added to
its membership.
is t.le hea gof a Para
graph in a Western paper ecoriling a suicide:
"Re blew his head off. Bilious, poor, disheart
ened—the gun muzzle in Its month, his too on
the-trigger, and up goes his hair." .
-7-The- Fort NVitype woman who
sued, he r husband for pay r fourteen years of
service in'his household, n the 'ground- that
there was a flaw in the m nags ceremony, has
been awarded $1,164 by th Allen Circuit Court
•÷The railroad sy tern of Kansas
is daily increasing in use ulness and import
:lnes., not merely on aceon tof its local service,
but as a cennerting link i the great national
bunts of iron which bind t country together.
Winnebago co l unty (:Wis.) wO
- whu has paid tAXCS her house for many
rears,_and who has been female -suffrage ad
- :roe to (hiring all that till e, now declares that
she if land it no Tong r—she will vote, or
hu her , se. •
The lie' liiver embraces
aboi l t 70.(l00 sigtare irides, or nearly double the
• are of-Ohio. Its fall ca 'aeity of ..trheat' pro
drie ion is roughly esti ated at 600,000.000
eloper annum . or d int.& the crop of the
who e Union in 166% -
. ' The' Mennonites are expecting
. lame accessions the pretient year - from emigre
- tion from Priassia and lintssia. This religions
rr,e t t.em
---- ord r has existed in A# ,, ies,lso yeras, and at
t Wadsworth, Ohio is the.pirotai centre
- .1 .t
' - , There are thretriarge denomina
tions tri Wales, the Calvi4ists, '.Methodists and
Baptists, and the Independents, holding pre
ciselY the seine sioFainal tenets, Why they do
not!seek for organic union is a question that is
being considered. I '''
rOfoid -lqi!.Oci._
inT this
Towanda. Thursday, - Jan., 4, 1872.
Republican_ County O. i l vention;
_ . • 17-
At a meeting of - the Republican Warding Com,
mittee of Bradford County,held at Towanda on the
28th of Fehrtia4. following ias adopted. .
Wlereas, The laelinblieesis of Bradford County.
will be called upon to choole delegates to represent
them in a State Couvention,ason 101 be milled. for
the purpose of placing in norinnation a candidate for :
Governor, and also to take - action with reference to
the mode of chocedng I delegate to represent this
Ccnigiessional District in the Republica& National
Convention for the choice of candidates for Presi
dent and Vice President of the United States, and
also with reference to she choice of la Presidential
Elector for this Congressional Distrid. therefore;
-7 Nsvoleed, That the following named Committee.*
of Vigilance. which were 'appointed for the several
election districts on the 28th day Of July, 1871,
to act for the ensuing year, are hereby requested to
cell - electiotis for the choice of two delegates to rep
resent their respective districts in ri County Con
vention hereby ailed, to meet at the Court House
in Towanda, on likonlay evening. February 5. 1872.
at 7 o'clock, p.m.. for the purpose above mentioned.
Said delegate elections to be opened at 7 p.m.. and
chissiat 83:,, p.m.. of Saturday evening. February 31.
view of the importance of the
convention the Republicans of the
earnestly requested to give the subject
tion in order that the county.maybe ,
vented, aid the will and wishes of the
fairly expressed.
dtherss boro.-3. Ji..E.17, Jr., Chas
Hays. '
Asylum.—n. r. Gilbert. John 8
, t e/bany.—Warren Ayres, Frank Jone
Armenia.--Legter 111pley,Cluia. Rlll,
41/.2.—5. D. Carman, Dr. Hooker, A
Barelay.—W. H. Taylor, Wm. A. I 1
I.4srlington twp.—W. A. Lane, H.
Burlington bore.-3. S. Clark. Scott
Burlington Writ.—C. L. Rockwell,
sun. Bailey. "
Canton tip.—Wm. 1.. Manley, Geo
Canton G r imp, m. 1.
nach. •
Ca/um/dd.—P. Peckham, W. R. Gem
Franklin.—Jas. C. Ridgway, Chu.
Granrille.—L D. Taylor, Seth P
Ilerriek.—D, C. Barnes. Jo•epti Lee,
Le RaysriUe.-11. 11. Codding, J. H
Le Roy.—H. Stone. Benj. Tears: Sid
Litchfield.—Wm. Bostwick,- liansot
.IfoAro , try, kfollen. F. tiw!
Monroe boro.—J. B. 31. Hinman, B. C. Tracy. 0.
Ortr , ll.—W. L. Ftishic. A. G. I,tattliews, Isaac
Orcrton.—Daniel Beverly, James Molltneans. M. F.
Pike.—G. N. DeR - oil. H. B. Chaffeei Lacy. Stevens.
Ridgbury.—J. C. Itobinson. H. S. .)wens. James•l'.
Rome twp.—Wm. park, L,:Prinee..l. A. Moody.
Rome born.—A. S. Keefe, 0. W. Strung. D. Vought.
Smifkkeld.o, T. Beech. Bnrclitird Tracy. E. S.
Davidn. -
-Springfield.—ltobeit Allen, 0. P. Harkness. Win.
Sylvania.—E. G. Triwy...A. Tinkluu i. G. P. Monroe.
South Creek.-=-E. C. Parsons. John L traig, Ira Crane. i equin —G. L. Fuller. Jesse Brlown, 0. Gore.
Standing Stone.—Mywu Friable, I%Vm. Stevens, P.
Terry.—Wm. Horton, Hiram L. Tem. Albert Mil
ler. I
Towanda trop.—H. L. Scott, 0. D. ooodenough . Jud
son Bowman.
Towanda born.—C. M. Hall, Robert 11cCutchcon, W.
111 Marshtll. 1 t
Tonda North.—E. B. DeLong, G. B. Mills, Alva
8 ith. ,
frO .rp.— Scott Manly, W. H. SIME, M. Ilikkwe - 11: -, „
Trny - tor°. —l.lenj. Beclee. Jab. Gustin, John .1.
Tuwarora.—A. B. Sumner, Wm. Shumway, B.
- Cogswell. --
rtst.c.—Ed. Lockwood. E. B. Miri l ier, Levi Noble.
Warren.--G. W. Stone, H. Howell, John Beards
Windham.—L. Olmstead.. James Johnson, Asa
Wyalusing.—S. C. Gaylord, H. B. Ingham, S. S.
- Butts.
Wysoz .—R. F.. C. Myer. W. M. shores. George A.
Wood. ' !
..:Ifilinnt.—John S. Quick, F. Meeks, Jr., U. W. Ing
Wells.—C. L. Shepard, F.. Perking, James H. Brink.
The Pennsylvania Legislature met
on Tuesday at 12 o'clock. The House
was organized by the election of Hon.
'Emaorr, of Philadelphia, s for
Speaker.. _
In the Senate the Speaker pro tent.,
announce the death cl Senator CON
NEL, and gave notice ghat he would
issue his warrant for au - election to
fill the vacancy. Untilr 'such election
the democrats will, probably, prevent
an organization of the Senate.
divorced wife
gn, at Portland.
,ject, was, "Behold
of the whole
:c4 g t. wt burned,
I,'ad was fully equal
1 0 deaf and
1y 'were married.
I) a child, and can
tar There is nothing whatever of
good for the Government in the one
term principle, and it has no consis=
tend unless it is app ied' rigidly to
all offices, legislative, xecntivo and
judicial. If it is necessary for the ,
public safety and the l
success of a
true 41itical economy to elect a visa
President for one term only, it is
equally right
,to do the same with a
United States-Senator,) a Representa
tive, a Supreme- Judge, - or any Other
officer. The people, in the exercise
of their discretion, will regulate the
business of terms in aacordance with
their o,vn interests, and at the same
time deprive thetuselVes of . no right,
'which they now 'enjoy. It is no re
form to abridge the political fran
chise of the people in order to pro
vide regulations governing executive
or judicial officers. The people must
have power to express i both approval
and disapproval of all , official officers,
and the reform we now need is to
take - out of the hand of executive
officers and 'legislatures appointing
power, and give the Isame by elec
tion to the people:I I The less ap
pointments an execu tive o ffi cer has,
the more successful ie his adminis
tration of public affaifs. -
- )rinces and a
polysyllable 'Cod
; ha% e -entered the
EngUsk bide
' regational church
* stations in the
ri •
ation of Meth
ico has just beep
rdinal Archbishop
Acct of s4cceecling
houses of wor
dat $850,000; the
f 70,000 per an
, year,
r attempted to
hile he was half
a him, saying: "No
"bars at the same
s the next city
have burned, a 1(
s have been een
to doom next week
4ld very cheap
r 4 az says that sec
rs were said there
or cents per pound.
€4e wi •
ll be uo change in the
policy of the Aoiministration toward
the Ku Klux in consequence of the
appointment of ex-Simator Williams
to the Attorney Genctralship in place
of lir. Akerman. The policy here
tofore pursued will be continued and
prosecuted probably/with more strin
gency than it was under the latter
gentleman. At least:Such seems to be
the impression of thf3, bestinformed
persons at Washington. • The vigor
ous prosecutions of Imembers of the
Klan in North and South Carolina
have had a good,effeCt, and if Contin
ued will cause a disbandment of the
organization, or at 'least restrain
them from: the commission of _ fresh
outrtiges. ;
itrii-While. Northern papers are to
be found which wicedly deny the
existence of Ku Klux outrages, the
better sort Smith admit them. In
the case of the first legal conviction
for the convict, and t while defending
him on terjuiical ptiints, did not at
to . deny the proved facts,
" -- These `outroges,"sa:d he, "are to be
-deeply deplored." Il outrages did not
exist, and were mitt palpable, that
eminent Baltimore wyer would not
have "deeply deploy d" them.
That ii
county ars
their atteu
fully mute
majority be
Joni PAncuoir.
C. F.
A. C. Fatitniz,
A. Sina.s..l
itoßrar A :
E. Weller, S
palding, 11. C
wens, ti.
, Junes Terry
ez. Cease.
yin Dunbar.
is. I. 0. Blight.
M. Knapp. 1'
1 Pultz . Thomas
co. D. Bonnie,
Goff, dimefi L.
t. IL Ferguson
Stevens. F. F.
john Fur•
Johnson, J. J
et, M. T. Van
• I -
. . . . .
—Bev.Bobert„Jeffergim Breckin'
AD,4240, died'*PAWL", Kr.,
:11tairemberilith, wag- Wait," alblaPlaas"
ii-irtiti r litiliehOett l / 4 4 8 4 k i 10 63 00 4 at
.1",3k )11Y-1 PM !kilt; lij s Zt4
for t yearn practlnawl that,
froak — V2s *AO *net a ' es
the Hentackj Legislature. In ;1822 107;loinfa4
the Presbyterian Church, aid having studied`
for the ministry was in 1832, installed as pastor
of the first Presbyterian Church of Baltimore,
Md. " 1n1845 habecanie President of:Menem
College; at Washington, Pa - . In 1847 he remov
ed to Ellington, Ky., and became pastor'of the
first Presbyterian Church of that place, and
was subisequentlyamintedSuperintendent of
Education for the State of kentucky. In 1853
he, was elicted by the Presbyterian General
Assembly ail'rofessor of Theology in Centre
College, at Danville, Ky., and he held this po
sition until the school was suspended by the
brialmg -out of the; rebellicin in 1861. Dr.
Breckenridge enjoyed a high', reputation all
over the country for his eloquent:sr and potter
tie a speaker, and for his cast and varied in
formation in all branches of learning, whether
sacred or profane. He was a very prolific an
thor,'and‘ besides several large l vokunes on the
ological-subjects, he-caridished;a great number
of pamphlets on the most diverse themci, and
edited several religion l a periodkak. Dr. Breck
inridge was decidedly opposed to soceselou,and
at Ale Old Scheel Presbyterian G e neral Assem
bly, held in 1862, at Columbus, Ohio, submit
ted'a resobition p'edging the , united strength
of the Presbyterian Church in: support 'of the
National government l and of all persons in au
thority, whether civil or milita'ry. This resoln
lion, through the powerful advocacy of Dr.
Breckinridge, was adopted by an overwhelming
majority. He was alio, a delegate to the Re
publican National Convention which met at
Baltimore in 1864, and 'was made temporary
chairman of that body: Fpr the last few years
Dr. Breckinridge hat lived in retirement from
public life. He belonged to a family all the
members of which were distinguished for their
great ability.
—The Tilikadd Gf Japinlas order,
ed the closing of the Buddist ,temples, and the
priests, like the monks of England in the dayti!
of the Reformation, will' have either to starve
or earn 14 . 1 honest livelihood. In a land where;
superstition and feudalism have hitherto held:
sway over a semi-civilized race,this isa delicate:
and dangerous exercise of imperial power. The
decree, it appears, has caused little excitement
hi the cities, but was'regarded as intolerible in
the rural districts. The disendowed priests
will no doubt help to fan the flame of dis\.eon-
tent, and may yet succeed in' seriously endan
gering the throne of the Mikado. Institutions
venerable from age, cannot be overturned
out a convulsion. This has been shown in the
history of all great reforms, both civil and re
revision of the treaties between
Japan and , various foreign powers is to take
place some time, next year. Already the repre
sentatives of Great Britain, - France, Germany
and the United States are investigating eziat
ing treaty-styulations and acquiring the infor
mation necessary to form a satisfatory and en
during agreement between their respective gov-'
erninents and Japan. The maiapoint aimed at
is torpen the whole country for purposes of
residince and trade to foreigners. The treaty
made\by Commodore Perry, in 18.14, is the.
foundikon of all the treaties at present in force-
By this agreement t r iso_ porta were opened to
American ships, amPtrade, under such restrict
iol3Bl.4 might tro imposed by the Japanese gov
ernment, was permitted. Since then, Japan—
breomniercial intercourse, by the education of
a number of the children . of its ruling families
in this country, add by the liberal character of
Mikado—has become impregnated with many
modern ideas. - In consequence of this change,
the Japanese themselves are discussing the_
prospective treaties
.in an intelligent. candid ,
way, and a new mission,to-be composed of some
of the most influential Japanese officers, is , talk
ell of as about to be sent to Ameries and Eu
rope. Everything seems tolindieste that before
another Christmas day Japan will be brought
entirely into the family ofi civilized nations, so
far as its dealings with tireign countries are
liOn.unas or Myra -Ann CURIIMNCY.—Tho fol
lowing changes in' the regulations governing
the redemption of defaced and mutilated cur
rency of the United States, has now gone into
effect. After this defaced and mutilated Unit
ed States notes and fractional currency, instead
of being redeemable as formerly by the Treas
urer of the United States, subject to discount
for mutilation, wid be redeemable at their full
face value in new notes or currency by the
Treasurer and the several assistant treasurers
and designated depositories cf. - the United
States, and all national bank depositories, and
will be received at their full-face value by all
officers of the Treasury Department in payment
of currency due to the United States, provided
that three-fifths of .the original proportion of
such notes are presented in one piece. Frag
m.ents less than five-eighths will be redeemable
only by, the Treasurer of the United States. If
more than cne-half of and less than five ; eighths
is presented, lialf the face vats° will bo paid;
less than half it not i e Will be redeemed only on
affidavit that the niissing portion 'has been to
tally destroyed. Under the said rules any per
, smn, firm, bank, crirporation, 'or public officer
will be permitted to forward fire dollars and
upwards in friistional currency, and fifty dol
lars and upwards in legal-tender notes, for re
demption, to the Treasurer, by expreis, at the
esperibe of the department. under the Govern
ment contract with the Adams Express Com
pany. Heretofore nothing less than $5OO was
entitled to transportation at Government ea
A circular embodying these changes is now
preparing in the Treasurer's office. The officers
of the Treasury are determined to remove all
Cause for complaint concerning the condition of
the United States ;currency. and to that end
have concluded to extend to all the most liberal
facilities for its redemption. It is expected at
the department that the new rules will result
in aspeedy and marled - improvement of the
condition of the enrrenc.
Kir Colonel J a mt s Mon tgomery,'Of
Kansas Free Otatei memory, died at
his home in that Mate last week, at
the age of fifti-eight years. From the
Tear 1856 to 1861 he way the central
figure of the Free State cause in Kan
sas,and his namel was a' tower of
strength to the persecuted and strug•
filing settlers of that dark and bloody
frontier. He wai a man of great
otiginalt_powers o. mind, and brave
as a forest of liens. During- the
rebellion be Comotianded:a regiment
of colored troops' with which he
wiought gallifnt and valuable service.
He was ono 'of the most intimate
friends and advisers of John Brown,
.and.was ono of a arty who proposed
to rescne the 01. man while he lay
in prison at Chart stown, had there
d i
been any reason ble probability of
accomplishing tha l t result. .
VW At Newberv, England, a gen
tleman recently Inade a wager of
$5,000 that at eight o'clock on a, par.:
titular evening he would set down to
dinner in- a welltwoven, well-dyed,
well made snit of iclothes, the wool of
which formed the fleece on sheeps'
backs at five I o'clock the same porn
ing. Two sheep were shorn; the
wool was washed, carded,, stubbed,
roved,vonn,and rven; the cloth was
sconied., fulled, tnted, raised, shear
ed, dyed, and dressed; the garments
were made. At a quarter past six, he
sat down to a dinner at the head of
his guests,
_in a complete damson-col
ored snit—thus Winning his wager,
with ono hoUr and three-quarters to
'lir Con:
Monday ne
Wssaisem7lk7(oYi‘ —' se, 1871.
Entscal Tlisfliof Congress
pi .musty more than
cabs* 21,01 of the lel'
Slielwridsts***Me Z thOitti members were
priper#4lo,c9orA .upoti their leg
o *lt; indijit lOUs observed, much
'-' Am bees seceMplisbed - then is usual pre
pi snito the holiday, recess.- •
• lithe Souse the Appselleimemit bill se pre
sented by Judge Xercur,lsa been settled and
referred to the fismate.- WS bill, with the fee.
tures of which your. reader* are already famil
iar—in iti passage tioWnat the BMW, inspired
an animated and spirited'discusaion cc-Copying
the greater pit t orso entire week. t In its sup-
port Jadgelfercor as. incumbent L upo!' him,
took a proMinent part, and as the results have
gum, streceenlidly sustained !limier through
out the entire debate. The contest merging
into one of unusual warmth enlisted, up to its
close,the earnest attention of the whole House.
If this bill finally passes.and the States are re
districted, as will be required by the change in
repreaentatlpn, there ball follow a general
consolidation of the internal revenue districts,
providing tb;e bill Mtn:awed by Senator Sum
ner does not pass, which proposes, after the
first of July next to abolish the entire revenue
Mr. Sumner asserts that if the recommends-
Hon of the President be carried ont for redno-
ing the number of articles from which revenue
is to be collected to. three or four, - he sees no
use in continuing the vast machinery of the
revenue bureau. .The people have, as the Sen
ator remarks, endured a Trojan selge of ten
years from the internal revenue system, and
will be rejoiced to learn that• it can bo temin-
ated without detriment to tho interests of the
Many 9tber important bills have been intro
duced, among which is a blirtor tho equaliza
tion of bOunties to soldieni trho served in tho
late war . with amendments offered by Judge
. 31ercur.1 This bill is substantially the same as
was introduced in April last, giving to each sol
dier who sorted at least and month eight dol
tars and thirly-three*Cents {}er month for the
term of service, deducting any bounty already
paid, and excluding soldiers who served in the
regular army._ Another bill bag also boon in:
troduced extending the tittle for payment of
bounties ander Act Jnly 28, 16GG,which expired
by limitation in January last. This bill was de.'
signed to make the payment of bountiesrsom6
what equal, but that falls far short of its pur
pose. In very many respects it failsto give
that satisfaction that was expected; and corise
'quently the subject has been agitated at every
session of Congress. By those who have given
the subject proper atteutionjt is generally - con
ceded that the . only just and fair way of finally
disposing of the question is, to giro each sol
dier eight-dollars and a third for each month
\of his service.: The bill has been rcfeired to
ifie Committee on Military Affairs.
\The civil semce commission have concluded
tlAir labors, andhave submitted their report
tb the President who has submitted the same
to Cimgress. The report is drawn up in the
form of a_series of rules and requirements as
to character, education, and ability, which in
the future, are to be observed in the examina
tion of all persons, with bat few exceptions,
who may desire to enter the civil service of the
government. They very generously propose to
throw open the doors of government patronage
to all persoMriegardless of their political ante
cedints, whether friends or enemies of the ad
ministration or•their country, providing they
can solve a few abstruse problems and intricate
puzzles to the satisfaction of a board of exam
Will tk masses of the . people he content to
quietly srfrrender into the hands of a few men
the entire power to saYwho shall or who shall
not be appointed to otlice,:and that majorities
shall no ideger - rule ; or is it a fact that the Re
publican party does not possess sufficient abili
tyto carry on intelligently, the work of the gov
ernment, and that members'of Congrees in this
respect are no longer competent to represent
the people. If so then perhaps it is all right
and proper that the 'Republican party should
hasten to-appoint its assignees
The committees, which do the real work of
legislation, are now fully organized; and we
may expect, after the holiday season is over,
that they will be prepared to sottle,down per
manently to their work, although much of an
important character has already been accuna-
It appears that the democratic meMbers,of
Congress have decided not to hold a cauens_for:
the present. Their discomfiture and disorgan
ization aro so overwhelming as to render them
unfit for duty at this time. Their only hope,a3
far as expressed by those who are still able to
speak, is to hire leaders from 16111413 g soreeheail-\,
ed Repriblicans, who are to assume the leading
parts on the democratic stage. and during the
perforMance,the old democratic war horses are
to be distributed among the audience as "subs.
or claimers, and join in the• general- chorus
while the solos are to he performed by Carl
Schurz and other pseudo Reptddicans for which
positicin the 4serviers of the Honorable Senator
have already been secured—regardless of ex
pense—to the Blair family.
The grand Democratic performance will open
with a new play called It•fila or " Will you
walk int., nay parlor said the N,i , ipr fu ILP fly."
The management of the play to be exclusively
in the hands of the Blair family ; and from their
well known experience in political acrobat - J.
„and two horse straddling, it is.
tearfully and earnestly hoped by the untcrrified
that the thing wilt
M r siwce.H.
The distinguished Senator Carl Schurz lies
already, during the past week, favored us with
a public rehearsal of several of his pieces ; and
he will no doubt give us the whole play- before
the session - closes. Senator Wilson, heretofore
considered not very friendly to the President,
made a telling speech in reply to Schurz & Co.,
vindicating the honesty and integrity of the ad
ministration against all the foul slanderers of''
the democracy and their allies.
The fashionable season has-not yet be'ren-fnlly
inaugurated, although a few "soeiables " have
been given by some of the different State Asso
ciations, and a few festive youths have, made
their appearance with "swallow tail' and care
fully colored mustache—yet, as we are told, one
or two or three swallows do pot make a spring.
On Monday evening of last week, the Penn
s3lvania Republican -Association held their first
reception of_.the season_at the Masonic Temple,
which brought together the Pennsylvania resi
dents of the District. The hall was tastefoll3
decorated with flags, evergreens and photo
graphs of distinguished Pennsylvanians, while
singing birds iu fancy wrought cages warbled.
it not "wood notes wild" at least very sweet
and pleasing mnsic,from all points of the room.
During the early - part of the evening -the
Preaiderit, Vice President, members of the Cab
inet, and many other distinguished personages
were present, and several interesting speeches
were made, among which Senator Scott was:ac
credited with havingmade fhe speech of the
evening. This over, then followed music and
dancing generally. The whole affair was then ,
onghly enjoyable, and was purely a Pennsylva
nian assemblage. •
Christmas came with a Swale storm of stiffi
eint duration to afford fine sleighing. For two
entire days the air was filled with soft fleecy
particles, falling as
: lightly . and softly as the
winds that moaned a requiem to the departing
ycar,covering the fields and draping the hones,
trees ana shrubery with garments cf pure and
spotless white.
For a little while, there was "music in the
sir" in good earnest, crowds of sleighing par
ties, as if by magic, appeared in almost every
street and thoroughfaie, presenting an animat
ed scene,—youth and beauty, dashing joyously
away over the crisp, smooth surface. All day
long, and far into the night, could bo heard
-laugh and shout, and the merry bells trinkling
beneath our window or dying away in the
distance. •
Then came the relapse ; and the scene, 13
mud, eras quickly changed into a field of mud,
—extorting from the pedestrian,at almost every
crossing, remarks and ejaculations that might
lx, deemed more emphatic than elegant.
gEr Brigham Young, the telegraph
from Salt Lake informs - us, was Tues
day_ arrested in that city 'on the
charge of murder. 'What will be
done with • him for the present has
not vet been announced. •
tom. The National Debt was de
creased over four millions during the
month of December. 1 oct 41671,
re-assemble on
xis-A- Bonin workingelts* , *to
seams to Uire) very little stympatliy ,
with the foolish twaddle iit34. sad
writtaistxmt the Jartnifingini4 lends
to the Trirreller Ituilialliorwing toads.
. apra at thenellt wOrkleiginen's
dinner: sllapitslifithatiiborts itba'
faith without work---tkad.! , Libor
without capital is like work without
faith-usludess.,ln the nature of things
there is perfect harmony between
them, and selfishness abut suggests
any antagonism. Let capital beware
lest it alienate labor. Let labor he
ware led it cripple capital.: Let cap
ital asy'to labor, "lend nie thy hands
and leti,b3bor reply, "I will ; but let
me hold one of .the strings to thy
• oar-.
. -
Dr.Fosrza, the geologist, Las written
a letter in which he gives many intef
eating details respecting the newt -
discovered coil, of Indiana. The
variety known as " block coal;")af*r
ti r e
being submitted to both theoreti
and praitical tens, has .been fo d
to have most of the properties ofp
charcoal in the manufacture of iron
and steel, and is ono of the very few
coals that can be introdnied into the
Bessmer furnace without PreliminiWy
cooking. The value of Erach:a miner
al depositin developing the industrial
interests of Indiana needs
,io dem
onstration other - than l is .offorded'iq
the rapid
_increase in nUmber of the
iron foundries,rolling mills and man
ufaCtories of that State. ' , It:
, tilir Secretary Boutw'ell, . his
public debt statement for the, last
month of 1871, sho4vs , that. since
March 1, 1867, a reduction has been
made of nearly three hundred mill-.
ion dolltirs. The dee ase during
-Deconiber was four milli n four hun
dred and twelve thousan 1 nine hun
dred and fifty-six dollars and seventy
one cents. •
New Advertisements.
no-PARTNEIISIiiit.—The under
signed have this day formed • co-partnershi
undrr the firma:tame of Ilumphrey Bro'a. &
for the purpoze of mannfactunng and jobbing 800
shoes an i I..cather. The business will be cant
on at our new factory and salesroom. corner Mein
and Elizabeth. streets, Towanda, Pa.
• CitaRT.E9 L. TRACY.
- jan4'72*3 . '
Proposals wil be recrlved by the undersigned un
til February lit, 1872. for leasing that portion of the
fichraderiklining and harmfully ihg Co.s property;
known as the ..Carbon Creek Landi." which contains
- a vein of about seven (7) feet of superior quality of
Semi-Bituminous Coal.
The company will require the lessees to erect all
Improvements, and mine, or pay mine) leave for
50,000 tons during the year 114731 75.001 f in 1874:
100.000 tons in 1875. and 150,000 tons ;luring the
next and each succeeding year of o lease.
Any further inrormation dealred may be had by
application to
Pres:dent Schrader Mining k Manufg. Co.
South Bethlehem. Pa.. Dee. 90.,18:1
AA, of the FIIVT NATtomAx. EtArr.... Of Towanda,
I. at elope of business. Deerrober IGth. 1871 :
Loans and discounts
U.S. Bonds to secure circulation 132.000 00
U. 8. bonds and securities on hand...—. 25.100 00
Duo from redeeming and reserve agents.. 24,788 12
Due from other National Banks 22.109 6l
'Due from other banks and bankers 10.181 20
Banking House 6.000 00
Funaiture and fixtures' 3.000 00
Current expenses... 2.89,5 88
Taxes raid 1.093 67
Cash Items (including stamps) i
r 9,881 07
'Exchanges s 3.829 77
Bills of other .N`ational Raub... .. .. 899 . 00
Fractional Currency (including nickel... 1.127 49
Specie 723 13
Legal loader notes 22.241 011
Capital Stock paid in $125.000 00•
Surplum fund 40.000 00
Exchange 2,275 3
Profit and lo,m 14.678 34
• Ziatiotial flank circulation ontatandin4:.. 111.2.4P5 00
Individual Depogna 207.677 .PA 4
Dne to National Banks
IM' t other Banks and Bankers
and Bills redtscopt4ted
s - rAi.t. or Pr.". -
County of Bradford. I
I. N. N. IIETTS. Jr., Cashier of the First National
Dank of Towanda. do solemnly swear that the above
statimentis true, to the.b.est of my knowledge and
brhet., N. N. DEWS, Jr.. Cashier.
SubsetibOd and tovorn to before mi. 2 1,a day
of December. 1871. W. G. GORDON.
Notary Public.
Jos. DowELIS'
0. D. DAffrr. I
irrt 'Dirrctors.
C. S. Icrgsr.L.L.
SEASON OF 18711.
The co:l=M4', h►rec made the tulloittin engao±p
indite :
Subject—“ Nice Young Men."
Date—TUESDAY, IiOYEK I ESEB. 11. 1811
'Subjret : " The SdClal Undertow."
Date—TUESDAY. DECE3LDEII 213. 1871
Sabjeet.—" Will it ray."
Date—JAN - UAW 31, In 2.
.. Subject—.. The ILlspion of Sktheira h."
Henry Ward Beecher.
Date—FEBRUARY. 1872.
Subject—.. The Ballot.
Date -FEBRUARY 29. 18:1-
Subject—.. Joan of Arc. '°.
The other lecturers will probibli be sr ißY
WARD BEECHES. E. 11. ClLtPlii end R(7
The MENDEISSOIIN Qtfli 1 /.z. extri will MT*
a Concert DECEIIIiEIt 1. -- ,
General admission.,
Reserved Seats •
Season Tickets
Tickets for sale at POEM k Drug Store.
Sale of Ileserved Seats will commence two,days
before each lecture.
L. B. 1110S'T.
1. P. HICKS,
Towanda. Oct. 5,18'3.
FOR SALE.—Fifty-seven valuable
building lob in Towanda borough. on Cherry
street York avenue and Center street. Liberal terms
given to purchasers, both as to price and tams .
payment ..Apply to G. D. 310:170YE.
Oct I
FOR EtALF.—One lot 23 xll4 feet. or one hit
any desired width or length. situated- nearly oppo.
site 0. D. Bartletrat Foundry. the property of• the
late James 111sui , ”econ. Apply to
• julyl2'7l EI.IZABETB MAIiEMON.
TECT AND BUILD= wishes to inform the
citizens of Towanda, and vicinity, that he Wi ll give
purtleular attention to drawing Plans,.designs and
specifications for all manner of, blinding*, private
said public. Superintendence given for reasonable
compensation. Othce at residence E. corner of
Second and Elizabeth sweets. where he will be found
every evening Irma 7 to 10 p. in.. Saturdays all day.
J. E. FLE:boxo.v
Bog 611. T orsada. Pa.
powzrm & co..
la peva* tie Abe sprou?hiaa
have availed th masolves ofthe
Or ; the ors SILU In !taw To, at wiakh
And bare bought for cash a large sad *landed
$20.F31 07
2.022 42
'Olt= 55
4,800 00
1511,315 85
CS II rk 4 D 4::
In fact every DEPARTICEST of their dors from
Up. In now filled with new and
*•1 r s
..... 3 50
ey- (xAtUidly invite their friends
and customers to au early invecti
of their stock, promising them
. •
stock of
• - ,
il'. . ...... .._.,
' '..-.."'
" I " WC
-f. 1411 17 111
80. 11 0111311Trp b PATTOKB,IILIX94.
The largest stock of Boots, Shoes
and ItObers ever brought. into Brad-
ford dounty, which will be sold 24
per cent. cheaper than they Call be
bought at any other establishment
I buy my gonna at Ara hands Mind
thereby save the Jobber's profits,
which enables mato seltchealiet than
any other Eons° in Towanda.
Of an the latest styles, which will be
retailed at Factory Prices
Mena' Kipp and: Calf Boots, and
Ladies Fine Slioes, retailed at_Whole
sale Prices
y i
I hive the exclusive Sale Of SABI-
lIEL WILSON'S liens', Vomens',
Misses and Childfen.s Fine Shoes,
which are the best ever branghtinto
the market
Toiranda, Sept. 28.1871
Lunil - ER BOOTS,
. •In endless variety.
Boots. 33c•cota.
L. L. MOODY d;CO.,
Have the sole control for the Retail
trade of
Manufactured in Towanda,
And we are retailing them as low as other houses are
retailing Eastern Goods.
Be rare that you are baling these Boots, for it Wont
stand to reason that an Eastern Boot, made by ma.
- chine throughout, will begin to wear with the cele
RUBBERS! • <-\
A large.aasortment, which wo ire selling at a large
redaction in prima,: We keep none but Arat quality
For Ladies. Hisses and Children. in Peb. Goat, El&
French Kid. Serge and French Calt. in tact all the
styles manufactured by the best Factories in the
Juei repelrect, a, larger stock of Wolf, Budge and
Lap ItThes. ahoilloree TUenkete, Whips, ac., which
Re sr* Bening cheap for each.
The largest assortment in this section at correspond
ing prices.
' •
- ,
Ohs ass call aad t you will-be salted.
L. L, MOODY. t
Towanda, NoT. 1, 1871
• - - Ilk- ,
; • -4
' 44;4
N orothwt 22,1871.
bizczalacs Toovs, Scc4 o
; Who not only, den at the lowest cash
prices, which cannot be undersold in
the county, but who ) frons tbeir long
experience in' the trade, are able to t
find do, keep_ a variety - of
_goods of
• • -
all kinds wbich is , not equalled in
thii part of the State. it is their
aim to sell goods 'that - shall give
satisfaction, and they have only to
fer to their customers in the.past
as to what they will perform in the
future. As- the or - dinary space of
advertisement World to "en-
umerste ,the goods kept 'by them,
whoever. may wish to purchase
should not fail to visit their store.
They have a great variety of
Cooking an' Heating Stoves,among
which are the Ametican, Morning
Glory, Oriental, and many other
patterns of Base Burners. They
4ave a large Id of lferry Christ as
Stoves at Reduced Prices, althoiagk
the tendency• of ••prices is decidedly
upward. Atilerican Cook, Magic
Shield, Tribune, Union, said many
others.. They Ste the only agents
for the two best Heaters ever sold,
the Oriental and Reynolds. Also
Chaffee's National r and Harrisburg
Feed Cutters, Corn Shellers, Pocket
Knives and Table Knives, very
cheap, Silver ' Plated Ware, Lard
Whale and Machine Oils, Brm„s and
Copper Kettles, Clothes Wringers,
Boys' Sleds, Skates, Hay Rope,
Lath, Tinware, Drain Tile, Cement,
Patent Iron Benehes, Planer, &c.
p =V-:.‘i " IDAvAvAII a b:iliz--1
Agent, for the celebrated Heating
Call and see it with a, fire in it. A
fine line of Cooking Stoves, among
are the
Carefully packed, same price;
Sash, Oils, Putty, Paiiit S Tarnishes.
plaroknigetku; AiYM:IIM . 4
Locks,_ Latches,' Butts, Sbrews, &;(3
PURE 31A..
o . - HAY . ROPE,
Wo will tell you anything in- the
Hardware line 10 per cent cheaper
for cash than any House in Bradfard
mon Ameiican.
Horse Shoes and Toe Corks.
Towanda, Nov. 1, 1871.
/4PliI .11KETS.
Corrected every 'redoes:Lily. by CL 13;. tlacat
Wheat. 9 brob , -. , . . 1
ars. 9 Web ... .61 40 6 I g o
. . 110
Bardorbeet. ...budi.
Gore, II bulb ..• .
- 80
Beede, 11 bash , ' •
Batterp 9le -
do ) new - -
Mdee -
1 1- 21
ow 9 bulb • -
Chi . e, 9 9 bush
bora. - 0061000
asl rice aS fos
lirstoirre or Gamar.—Wbeat 60 lb.: corn se n u .
Eye &ribs.; Owe $2 lbs.; Tuley 46 lba. ; 8 11r .i., th Q
de Mc; Bemis 07
.d u; litSu 30 lbs .: Clover Seed Cr.
Me. ; Ttmothy Se 44 lbs. Dried Peaches aa lb::
priedApplee 22 lbs.. Pli es Seed so lb.
— _r------------
irlorrr. bad Winter mhos!, pr. seek .......... CO
hundred. .... . t
' • ".• barrel . , . 05
Won; grleidlag straitly done at ....... as the
paelly nithe min la antdolent fso • large arnou t
etork. • 4
Consptown, July 23,1870. IL a. DidEtaiL
R. Y. WELLga, Proprietor
_ .
17atin timber nottce•prtoea at lard are, per lot t on
of 2000' poonds
arras's:cm 00.11.
reft, or No. 2
Stove. or Nos. Sand 4 ,
• .Not,:or No. S
Broken _ .
Large Store . ' .. K so
Small Skive -St se
Nut , - ..... Ss so
- S 1 TS
The following additional charges will be row,.
delliering coal within the borough limits: .
Per ton 50 eta. Extra for carry t ing la SO eta
Half ton. ...35
Quarter ton ' ":
B' Leave Orders at uty Coal Office; No! 3 - .
curs New Block, south - alde„or at- Dr. H. C. pea,
Son & Co.'s Drug Store. •
IT Ordeig must in all case be aooompaufed
the cub. -
Towanda—Nov. W7l:
ANTHRACITE AND tirrtrunious cons. _
• The underipipesi. harinitieioedithe Coal Yard
Dock at the old Barclay Main," and just cotepkt,:d
a.larsie Coal•houae and Office upon the prezeises, tr
now prepared to furnish the citizens of Towanda a ,
vicinity with this different kinds and sizes of ill. abnr. .!
named coals upon the moat reaeonaldeteruis in sty
quantity desired. Prices at the Yard anti farts
notice per net ton of 21200 pounds:.
Arg. or No. 2
Store. or Nor. 3 and 4
Nut or No. 5
Broken -
Large Store
Small stare
rrEarelay t' •
Run of Lamp
Minis ....
. . f•
Finer, frrßlackamilli .......... ... . 4 6 0
.... ..... 3 br ,
The following additional charges will le made I
delivering Coal within the borringh :
Per T0n...50 Cent'. Extra for earrilt4 in,
Half T0ix..35 •• . -- PI •
Qr.T0n.:..125 "
Ira-Orders nuty be left at the Yard. Corte: c! Baz;-
raid and Elizabeth Street, or at I'crter Ezt;.'t
Drug store
sa„ Orders must in alisasta be aeeen.tamei
the cash. tVARD:k. .1102(TANIE.
Towanda, 14ov. 29:1871—u.
On*Canal Street, fronting William Pzet:.
We are receiving direct "from die manes th..
best PITTSTON, PI:YMOTII, and §r7..LriA2;
THILACITE COAL. irhieb we propege to
- owest market price.
- Ire respectfully invOttriel to
call and ersi.ine our Coal.
Re also keep Lime: fresh from the kiln
We will deliver Coal -or Lime -whenevir
on short notice, adding only the customary
L AND OPERATORS.—The Ruffians C , al
Lumber Company receive proposals
Ist,' 1871. at their office, for the mining and dies, r.
lug of their coal in the schutes at their. MitPi
Renova, Pa., or for the mining of the coal 1
The capacity of the present Openings, n'me ac l
ischut.s is from 500 to 700 tons per day. • .
Those,wishing to view the premises phase it ~ r.
William D. Pollard, Superintendant, EttiiiT/:, uti
will show them the mines. Fcr terms addni-,,
No. 10 Walnut street, PhiladelOda.
FOR SALE.—A Rouse arid Lot on
Railroad street, o'piegite John " Reed esan'e
residence and convenient to the Iron Works, .Thi •
house is new. contains 5 room and a brick haAoccent;
a well and other necessary convencieS on the prem
iss. Apply. to W3I. lIESRY, at the Bradford,
Hotel. Bridge street, Towanda. Pa. seg.:ll4f
F.d./ TROT. PL. " •
LIFr. and ACCLDM.IT 1101UltAISCE effected
in Irst-class cOmpanies. Also Land Surveying and
Conveyancing. Twenty - seven years npeciena.
Orden bymad promptly attended to.
The toaderaigned hare on hand, and intend
%rep. a supply of Sullivan Anthracite, Earday, azA
bard Anthracite. Coal of the various sizes.
Sept. :5. - G. IL WELLIM it CO.
VARMS TO RENT.—Three rah--
able farm, to lease for monejr
wanda Borough; front" April next: Fanamrt
Clurt - rrria Patron, at their of on
. .
I am prepared to furnish Elin.asisd Doors, Sip:.
Ind Blinds of any style, size, or thickness, on Et r.
trolice.. Hand in your orders ten days betwe
Avant to use the articles. and be sure that you v.:.
pit doors that will not shrink nr swell. Terms
on delivery.
Towanda, July V), 187.1. j GBO. P. CASH.
ESTATE.—WiII be exposed to pnbl9C- 4 r,f.r.
SATURDAY. the 25th day of NOVEMBER. b7l.
farm of the late Amos 'B.. Co!eman, dee'd.."
busing tn.... Bradford eatinty, Pa.. lyinn on thy pu
road leading from the flyer to Camptowr.,
twining about eighty acres more or less. abort 51It;
acres cleared and.under improvement, with a has.:
log houpe and frame barn and other out luuLt:tz , ,
thereon erected.
Terms made known on ,day of sale.
October 23, 1871.-4 t.
NOTICE. -11i6 copartnersh 41 here
tofore existing between Mrs. W. se r . sY
and D. J. Newman. under the name of Newri:
Co.. has this day, 'been dissolved; Mrs. - W. G. Ner
man retiring from the firm. '
tloco aw, •
All bills against. stadia' bills due the late far,
be settled hy the undersiarned, who will coat:m.l2e the
busineis at : the bld stand on-Bridge
D. J. NEWNIA.`..I.
LARD. AT A GREAT BARGAlN.—ltelightf;:i
'climate, perfectly healthy, Farm lies on lialtmv. , :e
Ohio 11..Rone and orie-haltpt il es from two &pl.
13 mile,' horn Washington ; tby Tnrnplke. trt
froth Baltimore, contains acres, , ttrell rife ".1
with springs. about 30 .acres of choice tintlh , r, Ivz•
amount of fruit., land anceeptable of the hit:h , tt
tivation, exOellent neighborhood.. farm home I , rzt•
ed last winter. only e log house-and a loir • vtabir.
the way of buildings. Any good farmer: can ears
make °tit a very good property.. Price t , 7,G 0 ; c-` third vial'. km 5 per cent. off for all cash perfect tl•
tie, must be sold soon.- Address;
.T. P. wmus - ros.
Athens, Ps.
October 2.5, 1871
.Every year friereasesthe popularity of this Talcs
ble Hair Pftparittlon; which is due to malt Cone .
We can assure our old patrons that it is kepefuly
lap to US high standard; and-it is the only reliable
and perfected. preparation for restoring firm - Z:
Paled Hair tolts yonthfal color: making it sett, la:-
trona. and silken. The scalp, by its Imo. becori ,
white and clean. It removeS all eruptions and dsni
ruff. and, by its tonic properties. prevents the
from falling out, as it- Stimulates and um:rig:is
hair-glands. r By its use the-hain grows thicker
stronger. In baldness-it restores the capillary glarl ,
to their normal vigor, and will create a new growl:-
except in extreme old ago. It is the most econoni . ,
cal Hair Dressing evei,nsoll, as it requires fortr
plications, and gives.the hair a splendid glossy, ar:
pearance. A. A. Hayes, M. D., State AssaY ,l "
tassacbusetts, says, nThe -constituents , are pl*:e
and carefully selected for 'eacellent quality ; anl 1 ,
consider it the Best Preparation for its
purposes."' ••
Sold by all Draggisis' , and Dealers
' 1117.PANZD AS •
• Du. J. C.-ATER & CO.. Lowv.L.
Practical and Analytiva Chemists,
Dr. R. C,Ponres,.Sow k Co., Wholesale
Towanda, pii., and for sale by dealers lb:out: 0,
the. county.
Dec. 7. 1571.,--IyerAr
-A- HAL E3CHOOL. • '
mxssFLEu, Tloux co TT,
Winter term ll{ weeks). wit, ualmence
December IS 71 ~print term ~ o urtee.rWek ,
will commence Monday, 51*xch Studer'?
admitted at any ;Anne. Apply to
. Hans& eld. rec. 7. 1S71:--4w.
J.'l'O ll NVANDA BOROVO FOR sALE—son Itustedd
Pop Street above Western Milos... Thte‘t
e ,a
bonzes are now being built And will be e'` ratty
on - August Ist Good werl 'cistern. and cellar
earb house. For Vurtber particulars &giro er
quire of
Onne2B'7l-tf] •. ' NV: BR LNIHALL.
At Bed, Whte,ind Blue Store, T2wawds,
9i 0)
Au 9, 22
SS so
SS so
M. WEI L .,
• .....
• w.. 4 1'. •• • ... r.n
.... 4
.. .......... . 4 Si
• ... • ... ....... 3
" • 2$
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3 25