Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 14, 1871, Image 4
, Setintitural.- I . _. ' THE,; or WHEAT. E. ,-- According to_ the last census, t,he ' ' yield of wheat in New England was so small that if , the e tire harvest • were, Squally distribute among the inhitbitants, each 'perso would re ceive Only twelve • qua s of grain. Yet . the ' aggreptol yi Id of wheat thiough all the States and Teirito • ries, if evenly distributed, would give each persori about five , bushels. In 1860, the State of Illinois produced, as nearly OS 'c oul d be ascertained by the inperfect manner 'f collection - ,.statistic's, 23,837,03 r bushels of wheat.; ..,The return's fo , 1869, show . 29,200,000 bushels; and in 1870 the amount was 27,115,000. In 1860, the State. of•NeW York ,was reported - , a's haiing produced .8,01,185 bush els of wheat; whereas die -laSt sta tistics4tables for 1869 shOw 9,750,000 lnu.llets, and for 1870 • the'amount is 9,133,00 bushels. Ohio 'raised, in . 1860,15,119,037 bushelsj of Wheat: in. 1:40, 21,000,000, and in 1870, 10,150- ot) bushels.* Wisconsini was report- An as - havir , ..g prodUced,lin IS6O, 15,- .657.458 bushels of wheat; in 1869, 24.003,001 and in 1870, 2.0,185,000 1 , ! - shels. The foregoing are ranged anE,ng the first States of the Union fwr the.prOdution of -wheat. It will'be Perceived).ry these quo- I.:ti. - .la thnt those Stat4i; Which pro duced;the largest aggreirate yield of wln-Aiin 1860; have repP'rted a much .n.f.ateE-• nurnb6r of bushols,i in the ag. - .... gr.-gate, for :the cr op of :1869 and • 1570..1 In some in;.ti*es„ - however, tha yield pd. acre is larger in the ' pn - ,,ent report . than !WO given in 1 , ;.....'. ; On the - contrary, in other . :-.. - 1t..i.., where there hass_ been an in crease- in the l aggregatei amount, the dell .per acr -, is reported less .than iu 1:601. ' Tins: single` fact reveals the • startling consideration that the agri, cultur . e. of thOse Stalk, instead of ixe ing dliar4ctelrizaxi by lan improved s,,tem . of cultivation, lis really of a .retro e-ressive nature, Or there is an. 1 ,-.. error in the Statistics - . ! The average yieldiof wheat per acre in Illinois is renorted at a fraction more than elev enl bushels, "which is l'ar, below the . (!,apaCity of the . 5011, in - that great Wileat gro‘A - inf,! State. New Jersey, which is not ranked arhong . wheat growing States, is reperted as pro-. _Awing, on an average, abont• sixteen and one-half bushels p. torl -i, ',.(anputed at si per tivre. The faellitii4 statistic.: are so ineom reiurn,, , *can only be I appr;)ximatingqo i the ItUNNIN,C3 API pritelice of alloy st - o and !site - op—Lto :wand/ public roads ,is ire irc a vi.ry , ff ahe i-alne the feu..q' properly fed -and kept turnid in the sll.ltpe if ;:tiliek droi,petl ~ ! 4 - ne perquisite 1 farmer w . e.') hI dfai l Hi anti gutterB op liett reeeive-; al nt 114, ier;erty (if till' i!1 Wli`l".• ill) sI ( :1119'.1 tu '1(.4 fara l:+• calk e x l seet ()I Pigs, and (iften uni-casonabh; desiral)le parentage. sr:delii in 1 Inslu want of ca TICX. :OA is hardly worth- ),rin . .l)2s. . Besides, it i. very unfair to of rrs who - keep better stock, and l;.-c), pasturtk meanderingstoek it; guneralt r y uhruly ; and will ~,T t :::i,)) , .) ;1 11,,- get into itlii-n-lields than their trxners' :it tilt es_ when their i>reserisc- can do mise let which their owntrs can not Irepai . It would be better for all persons l .concerned that IF) ?stock 'should be Allowed to run at large. ) In Ni . ell-ordetled: and prosper onS. col nnunities t liifl practice is con ),..idk!.i,.d 11)6 - •roversl of proper or prctitable. 1 . 1 . .4. ---'- 1:7,11:1) I run OviLl OF Tlni A sure prArentative ; of the oti,..rilowing of the twill. in cattle is • iso,;,t and salt, given in equal quanti-' titS otacc a week, Or s occasion May . ire' dire. If SoOt- is not convenient, eoPperas . with salt te the amount iof one te4poonfal to la creature, ~vers a good . purp . osb. Then cattle ~,t ; very weak from t' I he effects of this T • c w h ic h th ey I sometimes will in. the best con di tionl), take eggs, turn • out the whites, and Xll the shells with scat and salt, and give three at tirne, three _mornings in succession, and then omit tbree and so on until • have given three times, which iiaF• always effected rt cure. A symp t of the disease is a dull sunken cy_e ; •diseliarging6 yiellowiSh, watery sub,:t :ince. ,r-4- Goon Pf.kINPI:I-CursT.—A quart of sift&d flour, a q4rter of a pound .orlard, the Sire of butter, a tea spopuful of salt, reidzrve a little flour for rolling; work the butter into the I'c-lU:tinder. Di:;:-.00, 4 .• a :piece o f sal voiiitile the , sizs- large nutmeg in lilf.a tumbler of water; add this to . the, flour, using as lmuch more cold water A ' S is Lt ITCS:'tary to wet the (hli - Igh to a proper consistence for handling; roll the 4ongli, spread half . the 'lardup - ou it ilo within half an inch of the'edge, to nipg theedge to;pr,'vent the lard from -oozing' out. Sprinkle ; fold twice and roll. Repeat this process with the reMaining lard, 'a d set in a cool rhicc for half an liciur or more before - This answers well MY an un de'y crust where pull' paste is used.for the upper. " CoosiN(i - 11.ttiml"3.— Many people attinire.rabbit roasted Whole, except the _head. This is best stuffed. While roosting, Jiathe frequently with,but ter, dredge' it • with flour, and: 'an age as with .any .. other roast. 'The 11(ad . and liver itia• be boiled. Split thk, head, take out the brains,, mash . tLnn with'the liver and aditto the Wine and jelly are liked by people in the gravy. Beep the rzil. , bit in weak saln9:id water at least hours, if the Weather will per in t, l!fore dookipg. We prefet rab, .bit stewed. 'lt isla deintier disk ;To.llE,Toni: Coi,op.s.- - L-When color on a fabric Lay been accidentally. or (4her,wise - destrpy,cd by acid, ammo nia is applioa Wiientralize the same, .after ;Ip'plication of chloro form-Aviil, all. cases restore the orfginal. , ....f,!or, The application i)f annooni4 4:1 4::, , but that of chloroform is . but.littlektOwn. Chlo rOform. will remove paint from a garment or -elsewhere. FOUNDERY & MACHINE SHOP. . The undersigned Wing pnrchmed the foundry and Yachts. Shop lately owned by John Carman. are prepared to do all buds of work a to their brudness. with promptness =la MILL CIRCULAR ..SAW MILLS, MAN DRILLS; MILL- IRONS ENGENES REPAIRED; Lad ill work warranted to give aatialution. SHINGLE MAMMIES OM* West and most Ireproveittndsznansifienned and kept constantly on hand ready for us. PLOUGHS, primarrz. IRON AND WOODEN DEANS- CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS Of all kinds, and the lateston hand improvements kept constantly . . C MIN POWERS, LARDY AND SMALL SIZE STOVE CASTINGS SLED AND . SLEIGH SHOES, LARGE LEON NETTLES ILIA kinds of castings furnished to March SO. 1870. . =AM & ROC/IWO-L. - NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY ! ; On Pine, between Main and Second, StreeU, back of G. P. Mason k CO.'s Skit, TOWANDA, lENN'A. Epspectittlly ancionnos to his 1 . 64zi durd patrons that th have bul:f NEW BRICK CABUIAGF, /ACTOILY. where they will consti,ntly keep on band urn. matt of er acre. New xteen bushels fOr obtaining olete, that the considered as eal aggregate. TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, TROTTOG SGLEFS, AND EiKELETONB, The ICa—cows,hogs, !r. about the üblesonie land great portion of an animal Made of the beet material and finished in the best city style. His long experience in city Carriage Factories gives them a decided advantage over others in the Finish, Style and Durability in yards is re-. . maruire; but au 4 large, all by Them he if some long .€;;Ss the road .2ll on his farm; the wash after iticetible cause stock met with I ; custom is Oh -1 iou4oixing up rig animals of of hit Wager* .A.U. the, l arks ti to INSPRCIION OF HIS WORK preirioll to yurcbatfing elaeure. ALL WORK WARRANTZD TO Girls PERFECT Thankful for the liberal patronage formerly ex. bis led and- respectfully ask a continuance of the gismo. ytEPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTMOED TO Et= T can not' tell ealf or a litter H come at most Ind of: very ,un- Thus, without iaa nartieular, e n•enerally, the to worthless, Le foarll77ai- Towanda. Ilay 24, 1270.—U THE OLD MAIN STREET -Carriage Factory." CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, Gt every deg. - 410ton. at the old stand of G. II ILLIN ' BM:MET, TOWANDA. PA. I llle work to all of the • LATESTSTYLF: AND FINISH In the manufacture eY sragotis nothing is used but COMPOSITION BOXES SPRING WAGONS The beet Eastern stork is used in the magmatic tare of Wheels. Spaes are all rived out—nut sawed. ALL ccon. SOLD W.WRANTF,D EQUAL TO ANY ap1.1911 BLOOD 4,z_ CO., BUM «muma o marrafacture their celebrated HORSE POWERS ISr. CLEANERS, and will sell a bettor machine, for teen money than • . had elsewhere in the ,l world. We claim for our machines that' they will do. as much, or more, than any other, and are more durably built. We personally superintend enr work and see that It la well down. We will send of ear =chines, on application. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One .e Two Horse THRESHER el SEPERATORS. THRESHER and E CLZANERS. FA'NNINGt MILLS) crnortaz Ain Dila aaar-wass. SAW AND. GUIST LULL work done to order. Give us cal before purchasing elsewhere. va "op auoacrvu, -`sNatus • o o Qooritr Actg. 2. 1869. N E N PLANIN,G MILL. The andersigued biting tidlt • I and .conntio diens Mill in the Borough of a s wad tilled it with the mad modern and linpecnied triaeldnim for the manufactoge of _;• • it , mow Bess ka.)BI.LNDs, Are prepared to Ell orders. 'whether lari7 upon the shortest notice. _t!fe have also s large ra. riety of MOULDMift , of the, latest style an ,Pliftern. which we can furnish tunchlebesper than they can be worked by hand. • `, • • PLANO°. TONG iI'ELNO. I . OILOOVINA, I AND SChOOL BAWLVO. And all other work pertaining to Joincy.will be dime is suit our customers. Persons building. and not living 140 TIS than twelve to fourteen miles distant. will dud it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber and have It waked by one coachindry. Bring 'your grist of Flooring. or other limber i and while your to la feeding, bate it ground out and take It biome with rm. We will pay CAHN for IPINE AND ITEMLOCZ WEB= delivered at our timber yard. come and mos es, or If yon tsunamis. writs. Tarsals. Yob.. 1104. 20DOLISS 4 00. Mmt filet:riff!. And al kinds of Of ali WM& AND CELLAR GRATES. HENRY STULEN k CO., FAMILY CARRIAGES, PLATFORM WAGONS, SATiSF4C7IO.V. rAtteed 'wires • Lintra fiTCLKK 11. B. CLAIM. JAITVIS BRITANT Still continua' the manufacture of EMI , the BEST STEEL AXLES, fin ether with the In .Light Work EMI LUMBER WAGONS Kept constantly oniltand. As to finish. and to duribility SUPERIOR TO ANT IN THIS SECTION sa- Ass. Woltz NC/Ras:map. -IA JAMES BRYANT CATALOGUES hwasiy; IMI E 4.11 • ' ; ^ • - MOST COM , dEWE WATCHES P-LA-TED SILVER WARE, GOLD CHAIN txvor opened in this marketi and for aide at the well•tnown store of W. A. CHA.*BERLAIN. ,Mr. C. has just retttrntql from the clti, and lat. ters himself that his stock has been bought at bot- tom aguren, and that he can offer \ better induce- menti t to pOcbsisers of drat-class goods Um' any cetahlletonent in the country pEISONS IN SEARCH OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS, ?dust nut rqrget this JULES HUGUENIN, JEIVELL 4 ER & SILVERSMITH, °to door north e 'maws :am BLOCS. TOWANDA. PA. Is constantlyyroosivinst additions to Ins stock of goods suitable for presents, such u LADIES' WATCHES, AM:ERICA'S WATCHES at all descriptions. Also • selected assortment of GOLD CHAINS, FE CE GOLD JEWELRY, CLOCKS OY ALL STYLES MOH THE CHEAP EST TO THE HEM'. GOLD. SILVER ANY) STEEL - SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES tot all CUMIII of impaired sight NE W`PA TENT .ACCOJTDATINO SPECTACLE& By tbliz,patent I as enabled to exchange Gluten at any tine tiftbout extra charge. Call and see. CLOCKS. WATCHES A.111:0 JEWELRY REPAIREDwa6Areriox, Towanda, Dec. 8, 1810.1 IMPORTANT TO ALL _ WHO VALtE THEIR SIG T! The sight &Atte aged as sted.The weak strengthen. ed and the IK ect preserved. PHILADELPHIA I PTICAL INfiTrITTE, - For the manlescthring'of the CONCAVE CONVEX. - at sva. I•kqv.S. WNW'S .SNOLXD A.31:0 ITFTLD LAU TOIL WILII OE lE. ISTIM • The Concave Convexlqatal Spectacles , made by the above institute are n w a long time befoie the „ Cased public, and the rapid and deritaml for them combined with the venal acknowledgment of their clearness in 'talon and ease to the eye, shows plainly that they are or to any other glasses in the market. The majority of SpictcYcles, (mostly Imported) and no matter how Ara the !runes, contain brit a poor and worthless article of I gist/see. (generally cast or pressed i) they are made • *old. =IL without , any calculation re benefit to the eye, and therefore the great oo p tof poor and weak eight. Thouianda are using glasses now which ttre end fatigue the eye, er the objects get dim after short, or require an intensely strong light and t n the sight, which, were they properly putted, would ' presorted a lib time. (cranks The advantages cla im ' for the Concave Convex Crystal Glasses ere the The Lenses are nof the best material, pure and hard, and made for optical purposes. they are therefore not liable p'get scratched or dire. They confer a brilliend distinctness of visiorr not found la any other filar They can be used, egtiall7 well by day Or cendle 'light without tiring or Mining the eyes. Theyase ground mathematically true in the eon. , cave convex mirror, act ik ng to the philolophy of I nature; and shape of . of the eye, therefore I assisting nature only in of forcing it. _That the lenses are centered correct into the haznes. ' . 4a They can be need lo r than any other glasses without changing to a h ;emir. The frames are made and durable bY nape rienced-workmen and ted to give saththiction. A. CTlAliriti=l; Watches, J and Meer Ware. Tcrwan. the Ag ency for these glossas In Naas employed. Dealer to Watches. Jeweil 1 di. Ps.. ham the so A , Bradford constr . . . r Adr 12, 1270-tf NWCI C ' ' MISS E. J. Mahe' to inform the ea of Towanda and vicinity that she lutepi cons= on hand a large supply of MIC I 1., Zt "N" Goods, suitable the4eason. Thanking her pat roas far their Liberal patronage heretofore, she an- MIMI them that no orseetioue will be spared to en sure s continuance of triune. blie also has a line selection of • HAIR. AM) FANCY GOODS, - Bach u Kid Gloves, Linen Colla Cuffs, • Ha, 1 hate alsoreopened, my DRIES ILLICEiO* prepared to do - eta .EING, In the Istent Iltahloneb Damn,* nett dam • . April a7l. S T Aid* PLETE Y, 1 , LOCKS, ABE, S W RINGS, lICEEEI now on exhibition Dec.8,•70 SWISS WATCHES, ell new kerchfiffx. ReabLaties, Confets, ate. ;iv. in connection;with the 'bon • • ' • "ea, and I am now • and FITTING . • striae on shoit notken. • lox k. hievaites. Of Maim @xool N,toa'l%Adairt.r: llcu, 4AInCIiG ~ftwommewmagtamast Ji,AL PAT= bias MI 11.1. *MX, aswrippol albou at baba Oassaiakiii****, a.* bap aal sikailat do* et .GBO.O - EBI . ES, Rebel bins ltd fir oisk, 'au tad await UM I caw sell elms low "ins es IsiS M pissilmsal dim. I rreoeseb!aspabliesspiesdidstoek TEAS, COMES, StIGLBS, NW=ll. aricss.-eq. Emma bassi slap stock a AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO. UM DO.. DINXIVIDUT DO. I keep ovisaikr on haat, PORI. EMS. LARD.Ind all hash of ma. Would all the aft iation of the public to oar Pal Be BM STOCK OF TOBACCO. In guilty at peke. isms Osilers delabraled WEN- ?fry, Nen Tort Ctunakal and Brown limp, Si. call and inamlne ow sleek of WOODEN WARE. Lazio sasortmeat of UN= NOTIORB, TOZLX? SOAPS. &a., to I will pay Mr lilabast prim for COUNTRY PRODUCE. ihrreeze, glre as s call here se.llns elsewhere. C. B. PATCH. All pericaus indebted to thslata 'arm will plass. eau sad make Immediate psymeM. Towanda. Mara. 12. 1867.: C. B. PATCIL - • a 4 a 2, -at 2 ;xi w C 0 E 4. !. tltt , 0 IN .41 :1 14 a 51 - Aci R.scr. 0 g tri z 5 ° E a 0 6 : 71 k E cT 4 '4, 2, M 9 t O 5 4 - ; 61 0.4 al 0 Z 1-1 41 E. 4 gfi,-ti• t y, g F g ' 4 7; & 44 - A 2 2 41-20i° 2 ge I I : l a t 4 :1 4 e ! a I 1-8 : 4 I 3 -11 C: El `o• 44 0 ‘: H 1 6 1 z. a 0 W. a 4 r t ; c.) E 4 t g 4 ;A .03 ip ;° H 7 ! iotao - 0 frr , S 4E 2 - E., • AT J. LONG. M. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOOD. WILLOW, A.NI) STONE WARE, FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, ic,.; No. 1 PATTON'S BLOCS. COR. 3LUN AND BRIDGE STS., TOIVANDA,I'A. I desire to call the &Unction of the pahlfe to my assortment of goods, which L always =ll and corn. plete. and wUI be sold to my cnetotitots at lowest market rates. Y 7 stock or TEAS, COFFEES, AND SPICES, Buie been pacbseed since the late reduction to the tariff on them, and are offered at prices to oor rezpond. Orders br mil or otbarwlro liqa rout,* reran owl pm* attention. Thanking the pulite for the nerd they hive girls sin. I wish a oantManoePatri:d CASH PAID YOB COUNTRY PEODVaIt. feb.2oll N. J. LONG GOLD STILL COMING DOWN I LID =MT TI MM zir TEI GROCERY t PROM/01V LINE, areixor betas offered at COWELL & 11YEICS at prime that cannot WO to gaily all Mug theur y determined not to be undersold_ b y any Oar. hare enlarged their Store by filni so; that they now Use room for the best eandise that are daily receired by them. Tbey have counts:tad with their store let where they now keep fresh meats to sell by thequarter or Now. am • fall rangy of Oro cerise end. to which. they wonts tall the attellthan of all cash burrs. Came and minim ear Goode sad ?Mose. before. purchasing aim vasty yoareedres. We insrentes all goods tod snare astitgactian. Wa ere thankful to our cisiamets for their Pad nerd Patrenage sad solicit a aratinuanee of the mama. COWELL a MTE& Dec. SO. UM- A FULL - ASSORTMENT OF men and cinna Mane nt, • • - Meth 111. 110. 1111 tat =MI IL • 1- ....~ GO TO TAILOR -I (KM'S - Fir youillew ocrro TAILOR & GORE'S . For elprir DraiSuit. GO TO TAQI4OII a GORE'S ForiffewEBprin Wes jays:its. GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S For.ii New Spring Overcoat. GO TO-TAYLOt & GORES For ail the Latest Styles in Cus tom and Ready-Made Clothing. GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S For Hats and Caps, all the Latest Styles GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S For Gents'i Furn Bows, Ties, do ALL WORK WARRANTED COMING (DONE ON SHORT Narks 96 MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, PA: ap1.1911 TO THOSE . GErxLNG THEIR i manta° meia TO OILDEIL ,- 1 I i 1 4 L kss You alwald study two things. st. to 1 I mu meg WHERE Finn ' ourrlcer6 Is MADE ' ! 1 Eiecotully. WELTS TIIEY AEk BOLD, MAP And In order to be able to Della good article cheap the merchant must understand his basin s , and know how, where and what to bay me a racticsl nun does; and a PRACTICAL TLOR In all tie branches I prase' to it ring had EIGHTEEN YEAILS EXPERIENCE In the buzinesa. • Rave been oat r some of the boat bense4 In NEW YORE ITY I do-my min bruin& selling and cutting, and divide my profits with no map, so that less of it will do—and with low rent and other expenses in pro. portion, thus making the cost of carrying on the business very small. KU reading the above you will sae why it is tbsd I CAN SELI, GOODS CHEAPER Thanrnen following the voidness, and having no knowledge of it themselves, have to employ others at large ealaztes to attend to it, 'and customers roust pay accordingly—as they t like myself. DO BUSINESS TO LIVE BY IT It pm doubt the above statement. be 'conTipoeil by ca. +mg on /Mira' H ARM, ; Yercbant Tailor. BrLdge St, Towanda, Pa. Lug. 0.10 EUREKA! EUREgAII Rrerybocty has diaamml that THE OLD.CLOTaiNG HOUSE of FLosenfiekt • Wolff 'Ow door swath of Fort Nucor's) is THE PLACE FOR EAEGAINS. T 1 4 ,7 now have a great store fa of the MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING robe found outside the cities. .. Their' goods ars FINE ENOUGH TO SUIT ANY TASTE, LTD 1 CHEAP ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE ANY PURSE DON'T BE DECEIVED ! Never lam an old Mend for a nay one,• itamentber that 1108:MMELD & WOLPY al permanently located here. and an offer greater In. dneetnente to yardmen th an any other house In tam). It Ls the interest of gentlemen is this section to come sod bring all their boys, sad glee their goods an mounination. Consider the feet that you eau bay at ROMI. FIELD & WOLYrS, beautiful and substantial Cloth. tug tors mere song. ROSMtilikiD & WOLFF. Await 23. 1671. 1 ITEM CHOICE GREEN AND V Black Tuyellaig clump at retail by ~• 1 01, laactra i -Arcadia Mt beam& fsooai MiPiMigt.ll MU. miossiconia =nu int isloux sesams- i~ .. (M!M31!11=1 AI4ID'PRON7FORS, Vbiolo4l bead" Melba kTest posetble palm. PORK, larfrozi, FRUIT OP -. DESCRIPTIONS, i FLOUR, FEED, UAL, GRAIN, &a =1 Bring as yon produce, which vs pay cub fa. A coultitut IruPPir Of Addeo Batt. au dad Chum. Butter Firkins, Tube. to.. Please call and look through oni ■sock. and welial do oar beat to please you. W. A. ROCZWELL. Towanda. APO' 28 . MA , - GROCERY. AND PROVISION ST RE. I r Moe ABE ik, EDAV ARDS, J Wholesale a 0 Retail Dealers in FAMILY GROCERIO 1 • ilk , _ r SSD PROVISIONS, ILIMCIIIII3 NEW BLOCH. TO4AND.I. PA. We do not deers It necessary to enumerate all the Were:dart:ides we keep. Our igwortaient Is ALWAYS CO3I4 I LETE, ' W. sell nothing but , FIRST CLASS GOODS. I' C;h paid for Pariiiers Produce. .1 s •, JA.1163 McCABE, • March 1. 1870. WM. EDWARDS. Goode, I • F 0.%. 3IERCUIt are now receii-- trig a frevh stock of Goods to their line. bought Since the let :atntar7, to which thy invite the at tention of their friends. We keep the liriaeat• Stock In town. Our goods are fresh and desirable. We tell at lowest market prices. Jan. 19. 167/. VRESH AND . ,' NEW TEAS, bought 1 since the recent decline In price. and. selling cheap at retail. • F(JS NIEE,OrEt. Jan, 1.2, 1871. • 'OX MERCUR are selling Gro ceries at re# Jan. 19, 1871. • • - Fos & RCUR are Belling New a ) ;,1 Freph Goods. 1 Jail. lg. 1911. pox & 31TIRCUR are selling Gro ceries cheap. Jan. 19. 1911. VOX tt 'II are selling first -1 class Goocle only. . Jan. 19, , 1871. VOX tkr., MERCLIR are selling .1. cheaper than ever. Jan. 19, 1671. ATEXIBER that we are selling Greeds at . RETAIL! se And bat see .won't be undetaola. RI i.m. 19. tail. FOS & METICUIL MICHIGA.II FINE—CUT .TORAC .c CO.--tery ch ice—at Jan. 19, 1871. • FOX k MERCER'S. FOX& tR CUR do not deal in SM:xldy Good Jan. 19. 1871. OUR CUSTOMERS can rely upon getting the tery best the market affords and at lowest prices. • E. T. FOX, Towanda, Jan. 19;71. FILNRY MEECFR. RE3tEALBER, THAT FOX Sz MER CFR are retailing all kinds of Grocales at wholesalepricea. The Largest rtock in town. Goods fret clans. Prices low. E."... FOX. Sept. 29.'70. • - GENETS IfEECUR. THE BEST KEROSENE MIA IN town by the quantity or retail at BAKERY AND DINING ROOM BREAD, PIES, CA-KE,CRACKERS, In our D1NT..40 ROOMS we sal accommodate the public with either <a lunch or a good meal at all times of th . day and evening. • - bTSTELS AND ICE CILEASI ON ELAND DERMO • Also a Ane assortment of Groceries, Confectioner''', Frans, Nuts, .ta mayl7' tf D. W. SCOTT k CO. CENTRAL MARKET. - The irobscribers still continue -to keen ammtantlY on hand, a fulla,nd complete assortment of every thing their business, consisting ot • maia- BRF:F', PORK, FRESH AND SALT SUGAILCURED RAMS. MUTTON, BEEF. ' VEAL. POULTRY, SAUSAGE, LARD. BOLOGNA, DRIED BEEF, TALLOW. kr., &e. = Also , . S - FRE.Sti FROM THE T. ARRS OYSTERS RE-FELTED DAILY In their season. - Parties wishing Oysters in large or small quanti ties will be furnished on short notice, at the old stand, (humus MAnsorr. 11mgal:qv's Block, first door north of Dr. Porters. CEA& G Exu.vm. KELLUM & murrxxx. Tas:o. Mumma. , Feb. 24. 1870-tf THE BEST AND CHOICEST 801" OKING TOBA'CICO, IS 31.3....NIIFACTITZEDAT . AC T 0 R O . 1, 3D DISTRICT OF aIARTLA,\ . zr See that Ewe, Package you buy be that istactiptkat. . Dtat;.l4.l3To. JACOBS,` DILI= IN MEN'S AND' BOYS' CLOTHING, &V) HATS AND CAPS. All goods Irv:sated. and sold at the lowest rstea. .Bouth .tor. t Beldleauta's block. hisha-st. za71814 sow spa, mob* do& of CODFISH, i [y:~:~l (7:H lIF.RRT! MODERN STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, DAIRYMEN„ FOX k SLERCIIR'S First block north Of Wasil Limas. BASED DAIL I And sold at Wholesale and Retail THEIR SELSO,N Crociay sat Glammrsii sUPEVESFOR 'l*lp'. -1 : . : , , , I . ; TRAIN 1:1 RI WIOKHABI &IBLACK'S CROCKERY. Mll A., i Prom 11. & C0. . ,----1--Traties; GLASSWARE. Now Intl pesistlfal-pattecrus. STONEWARE. SILVER. PLATED WARE, Prom, Rodgers klirother FRUIT JARS Tha beet kind lu market. Towanda, Aug. 30,11 Furniture. FURNLTURE NEW FIRM! . NEW GOODS! ice, art now offering at our 'Wholesale and Retail' FURNITURE 'EMPORIIJII' , :CO. 107 MUN sra • The vcatest inducetients to those in Sitint 'l of FIRST - CLASS FURNITURE I Xver (I.lllered 1n Vila tnarliet The attention Ofthe putalle is eapeetally caUe4 to one recent hoav purchases from the Late Great Atm. tint% Sales of - CHAMBER AND FURNITURE!PARLOR- We, are now offering WALNUT MARBLE TOP SETS AT $75 00. And NICE PARLOR SETS, At $5O 00, To^,ethi . lr with our Complete litock BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CH IRS TABLES, STANDS, Sf'RENTG BED MiTRESSE.S, LOORIXG:,:dLASSES, And in bc - t" everything to be found in a Firat-r-haa Furniture Store, ca) trEn "ItAll TILE CHEIPEST D MEMBER THAT WE ARE NOW MANIETPAG iL luring., and•do offer good* of our own manu facture cheaper than you tan buy city-made goads elaewb4re. Lumber taken in exchange fur goods; We 11.6 furnish ROSEWOOD C..5311.ET5. CASES. dND COFFINS Of every description BURIAL ROBES. CAPS, &c., Ala we also have the FINEST lIEABSE In this cectiars of C0111:11.ry (iced« . delivered to tLe Depot free os charvi. - JAMES 0. FROict & SONS. Towsnds. Jan. 11, Boots an Sh GREAT BARGAINS IN BOOTS 8z SI±OMS I=3 NEW BOOT AND SI161; NTOSZ. South end of Ward 'louse Tbe mpierslgliod rze recievir.g a large wad well se lected stock of .1; 0 01 AND 'SHOES ti,xii%l4lte for thti SIMMS AND FALL TRADE, Which we Wier low for Cash. Cootistieez of GENTS, LADTRS, AND CIuLDREN S NrE &R. SEWED .4.3'D .1 3 EGGED BOOTS MADE TO ORDE.E. z - REPAIR4VG,NEA-TLY JJONE. A m ) 'truly WREN PROMISED 'Thankful for past favors, wit soliclt s continuance of the suns. • WOODIVIID. ounamxt Towanda. April 5. 1.869. -ROOPTSAIRED. AND SHOES 3r vpE AND Itt - L. C. NELSON. flas made arrangements to accommodate customers that are constantly calling with boots and Shoes for, new soles, etc.. and have had to leave them, to their great dimivantage. until another day-. The constant call for this kind of work. and the desire to base it done immediately, has induced me to make such ar rangements that you need net - return home Without your sole being renewed and your beds set For prices that are honest and perfectly fair. Ladle' that have gaiters that are broke at the toe,. To this repair-shop is the place for to go To get them re.vamped, neatly tipped or half-soled. And your feet well protected from the wet and the cold New work we can make yon with • the above double quick. We can make them for,you thin, or We can give them to you thick, • • We can make them with high heel., ar we can give - them to you flat, So you need not stager with • brick / in your hat, N.13,--Good cider-vinegar for said by barrel or gal. Front of Methodist church, Main street. Towanda, Dec. 13, 1870. L. O. NELSON. F OR SALF, AND TO RENT, W. DITTRIC_H'S MUSIC Sri4ORM. corE litmnßED rrns - r-cs PIANOS. ONE EfUNDIIED AND pi% - rx MELODEONS TWO lIITSDRED.CABTNET A.ND CHURCH OBGNAS, Elie Hundred Violins, Clarionets,l Tildes, Banjos ; GOitars, Concertinas, Accordeons. Strings . . Tor all • String Instruments . Drums, Bones, etc: • SHEET 3lt - SIC 1D ViSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR EV EMI INSTRVIELNT ID I A N 10` S From the only firtittlass =tees •in the United States, as F. C. Llghte k Co.. Decker Bios:, Stine way,Weber, New york ; Hallett' and Cumstons Boston; Mathowsh.t.„ New Unveil CL; Pluladelphia. and Eriabe in Baltirbure. Slelodebn. from . 13. Sbordnger, New Ilaveri..Ct.• Pelonbet. Pelton Co., New York. Organs , th e celebrated Golden Reed American Organ. and tbs. Burdett Combination Organ.' One door 'test of lide e cur's Bank. the only store of the kind be Towanda. • 1nar.2211 H. Q. -PORTER, fillni& _ LT =II OLD CASH DRUG STORE, ' Zarerecently added limply to their-MD*oohand as lete sesartmint, constlintityr an elieNollll Way. embreciag many articles used In the Me fee chanical carefully selected with to m Me wants of the nubile. which wil i rie keS 4 _impute:WY *Milled with ireah purchase. and mired on the most reaaouable terms at Wholesalers Reird; consoled= of • Fall lines . now open ALCOHOL AND TURPENTINE , TANNER'S AND MACHINE OILS, Pang and Toilet Articles in an their variety, seosois. - !Busuls. SOAPS,- cans. Pomades., Reir-Dps, Perftimery. POCKETBOOKS, FOB T MON:AIS; ♦ complete assortment. TOBACCO, SIMI,. PIPES AND CIGABB, Garden. Field said Flower Seeds. Timms, Stip. porters, Suspensories. Shoulder Itraces. Breast Puirms, Teething Rings, Nursing Ranh* Nipples. Nipple Shells and Shields. STrinali. 13edPans.Self-Sealing ProJtJars, Thar- =meters. Flavbring Extracts, Stone ' Jugs. Glass Ware. Bottles. Vials, Corks. Bata Brick, and Stove Wicking; Ftzlt Tackle, Ara munition. kc.„ Botanic: Eclectic and Homorpath• to Medicines, and all the popular }Vont ."\. . , . - All articles warranted att represented `` Persona at $ distance can receive their orders by stage .or mall, which will receive prompt and careful attention: • \ • Medical advice given gratuitously at the °flee: charging only for medicine. sir Thankful for past liberal patronage, Would lea pectfully announce to their friends and the publie.that no pains shall be spared to satisfy, and merit the con tinuation of their confidence and patronage. W Open Sundays lot prescriptions from 9 to 10 a.m., and 12 rd. to 1. and 5 to C p.m. rioy2.llro--,T TAYLGR'S CELEBRATED 01 Tie Great /Vientiane Remedy should bit kept and used by every Farmer that keeps either Cattle or Horees..every Teamster and Livery Stable Keep'r. every Physician and Horse Farier for it will many times cure pain and lameness. when all other medi cines have failed. Miners and Railroad Men should certainly -keep it. for it fa unsurpassed for brumes and sprains- .liacksmiths should keep ft for their own use and .for their customers tender footed horses,' as nothing equals it for tender feet.feet. Zver7 body suffering from pain and lameness of any lad. burns.• cuts, wounds or any eruption Of the akin, Corns. Chilblains or any disease reqiiirtnteati outward application should certainly keepthit eels. brated medicine. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction. For tale by Dr. H. C. Porter Son k Co. Porter k Kirby and F. W. Brown. Druggists. TOWIESIII, Pa. And by every Druggist ,and dealer in Biad. ford and adjoining counties. • Johnston Hilloway and Cowden. wholesale Patent Medicine Depot, 'So. 602 - Arch street Philadeplhia,Pa., Wholesale Agents. H. BROWNIG TAYLOR, inlyl9'76l Proprietor. Leßayerille, Pa., RHEeII.A.TISII—NtURALG . IA ! to any person producing any Medicine shosing hall as many living, permanent cures as Dr. Frrxim's TYGETA.BLZ Ilaixtmate Itiattart. tied inwardly only. A pleasant Medicine. face from injurious drugs. Warranted, under oath, to bare permarignt ly cured 95 in every 100 patients treated in the pat, ten yearn. (See teetimonyl. l It is the scientific. pre. _scription of Prot. Jos. P. Filler. M. D., a gratinatelif the rniversity of Pennsylvania. A. D., 15:33, vow one of Philadelphia's oldest regular physicians. and_ Rrofe:lsor of Chemistry and Toxicology,—woo has "pade Neurigia. ClaXonic and Intlatnatory ftheuma. tem the specialty ,A his: entire professional tact vouched for by the •signatures accompanying each bottle. and other testimonials of many promi nent renowned physicians and clergymen. To pro tect sufferers from. poisonotia quack nostrums and useless expenditure of money. • legal signed guar-, antee, stating exact number Cif bottles warranted to cure, will be forwarded grate to any-sufferer send. lug by letter • full description of &diction. In case of iailure to cure, amount paid positively refunded. Medicine sent anywhere by express, collect 'on de livery. • Afflicted invited to write for advice; all 'in formation and medical. advice sent by letter. grata, Address lit. J. P: FITLER, 29 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa. The Bernet* is sold or obtained by Drugeists. TOWA-NpA Marble .Wo-rks. Rave just received the largeet assortment of e. .• A R 33 I_, Evet exhibited in this seetiOn. to which they tisettention of the public., They Yeti:, cu har..d or furnish to order TOMB TONES, MANT-LE-S, AT THE LOWEST TERM& MISSES ; • Personain want of anything In cur Ilne are re spectfully invited to call and examine oar stock. • 3IcCABE &- SON. • . . • Towanda. nay 1. 1871. B. A. PETTES & CO.; FALL AND WI TER-GOODS DRY CO OS.. FANCY GOODS AND NOIIONS; VELVETEENS, WATERPROOFS, SHAWLS, Which they will eta at the . . LOWEST MARKET PRICR, At the sign of the Biz Bonnet, erpoiito the Court !lotus. Pe1 , 2 13 - 3 m • MAIN STREET. , TOWANDA. I PA. SoceTIJA.RTS Ivarrepßips at • FOX S: 'turuPUß'S. n Drags Ist *Mini :warn ism; Cocas Yea sad Pl= ands; Tow*. Ps., - Dams, lizelciamp, Cmonium, nitro; cutif, vassomact. sass, vsztass. rranz-wass. And all klzKla at Bragger, KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, BundagPi Laces, ELIDES, WICKS, attiNEll9. Spars. Lard, This. Nash Foot: • Pecked Knives. Bazars, !roars, SIErleiND mum pmzpAßrnink riihE WIN asp rAtrosEc- For Biodkinal EL C. PORTER, BON & Co $5OO 11.1 . L - M PAID dEQ. McCABE k SON AMERICA AND ITALIAN II O-NT.TITE.N T S, crery stye, lisve new on hand a nov. stock of In great variety. suet. as 41ILLLSIEBT VAIr-S3 sruts, sus vzr.vrrs, '~f~c. r ; p 7,F =II 1V4.170;,74 ,LIFE ,INSUARANCE 4L bumf Claim. $1,000.0 ea a aza. QuiUsed by Ocogrise, 1864. CLAMOR R.. CLARK, President ; - • .TAT MOIR. Chairman Mums lad Ez. Com. REFRY D. COORE, Vito Preside.* ; RMEBSON W. 'PITT. igocinArry and Attaamy TM advaritat'ea7of tbo itt l ona 3 Pre rte e ate: Co I. It is aNstiouslCOmParty, chartered *Cos r.. • 2. It has a paid up capital of Our =hog Dollsta 3. It Cfrers low rates emu:alums ; • .. It formulas larger Insurance than other co l * guiles,' for the saute irony ; & It is dellnitS and catsu k ; 6. There 16 Di possibility of colsrepreeenu tion L , agents. or adiroodsestanding by poik7.L o i d ,4 T. The policies are plain eantivets, so touch In, moos torso much Gooney ; & All policies are son-tortelthig ; t. The policies are yzeoiiiiT rem stiachic.t S. W. CLARK k CO., Bankers. Phable (lateral Agents. B. 8. RIZBBELL. Mardwer. s: a. =Ban a A. 43:14505, ga.Agenta tor Towanda ar4 vicinity Jan: 9. 1869. 'GUARDIAIir. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE. COVPINt 251 BROADS:AT I NEW TORK. . . . . Poucrce x Foams • ... • . t'25.09. - Jo \ Ann.& over • 2,q00,r,nr; Alcatraz. Izacomr.. over - ... ,.. .... I.lo.r.vis . Loam' Pun .14094 All approved forma of Policies burned. ) . • Liberal model for payment of premiums. . . Yolk:lei non.forlettable by their terms. The entire prolna of the Company divided elz , ably among the !sunned. ANNUAL DIVIDENDS. WALTON IL. •pr.cxlmi. PEzmn-r. WIT.) TAM T. ITOOKE.g. VIOL Pampas. LUCIUS II ADAMS. Sze) AND AL:TA).- . . PRILADELPHIA : COC3XX & Co., Bankers. • • • Berm. & Co.. Bankers. Joins WOODATDI 1 / 4 Co.. Tea Merchants. • -:. A. Mennen, Prest. Partners' a Mechattice.Btei T. B. Prxrasost, Publisher. • .: J. A. RECORD. .11y12.70-)! Agent, Toeatigi. CAMP VINCENT'S • GI.I 4 2iEIiAL ' In sur4pce FIRE. LIFE, AND ACCIDEIN.7 iNsrtANcE PONeies written sand settled 3t. We -insure against all , laina,g e LIGHTNING, - To buildinzs and conter4 orlive *tort ". OFFICE SLAIN STREET, Uppoeitc Conrt Etou,3e... T. B. CAMP; engl67l : - S. VINCENT. Books and Statoinery. . DIARIES FflTte 1871 PAPER ENVELOPES • NEW—YORK PAPERS - • ,• - C . • a.: SCHOOL BOOKS /NE, MrSIC, _ST-Mb:MY AND' Z Picrtl= *- „ . • BLANK BOOKS . . . . YANKEE NOTIONS. Towitsidz,*Bl - . 19, 1868. - - 800K -B IN DERY.-THE,' PUB lie is respethilly informed that t.M. Rapt-hin dery has'been removed to the ' , Reporter" Railime third story, where will be done ,' 8008-818 - DING! In ail its vitriol:us branches. an terms reatecalzte "the times" will allow. The -Bindery will be the charge of H. C. WHITAXER. An elpertenced Binder, and all'work willhepr:crt:l done in a style and manner which cannot beelLeirl Music, Magian:les. Newepapers.Old to every variety of Style. Particular atter-tcr: 1r.1 . 4 le' raid to the Bulir.g amlltinding of BLANK BOOS& . , To any desired Pattern, whkti in griklity end aura. .I:linty will be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery ben p:osnlsed. The patronage of the public is bolxitva. an). per feet aatiptaetion e t7teed. Towanda, An .2. IE6&--tf. _ T OWANDA*A.GRICULTURAL WOILES STILL .4.3.4 XE Th e o ;fl t r e ofrintendentl this sliop is cow JfErik lon Dent 71J1j9MBEi1 WAGONS, PLATFORM WAGON'S COVERED AND OPEN Bt7GGIES ever offered in this nisrket. Best selected OAK. AND HICKORY TL\IBER used. and all work made lky.tne mo.l EIEMENCED WOIMMEN, We have the .rAricv r RUSSIA IRON SEAT?, very light, and to durable that even' time has tz: little to do to their decay. Please examine our week betnre pnrchabirr where., Repairin f done on short notice. M. C. Mumma Prest. G. W. VINCENT, Towaidallu'y 20, 1570. E. BOT T & CO., fIENM!d, PRODUCE mission Merchants. SCRANTON; P Respecttplly solicit 'consignmuctts et— BITTER, ZGGS, CHEESE, VEAL, POULTRY And 'an other Perm Produce. reshied in ScrAnten to: no an extensive acqux l k' of the city, we rec.t e'°' lee to the entire sc.*: One nt the put ►nce sit fltient the fiction , SCES. imam. orgren. GORHAM S COLE" L. S. II tLD\ MAN, Le TIN MANNING. Scx<a S. G. ham. Pa. H.J. C cille. Pa. Y SIIOEII,kKES, lons 1.i . 14.2e'711 ' ,a H. 11J9 1 .! PLASTER. PLASTER. PLASTX-ll • A full - supply - al Fresh Ground Ciyugs Fate fromlauger. Fitch & Co.'s beds at the subscriber: mill. at mouth cif Rummerfield Crook. tale:Y. rr e pared and warranted a pure article. ap1.1211-m• .3 ERFT. IJINTIR A_PPLES.—New, York State apples by the barrel or noel. at POI .t .111:13CCTS'S