Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 14, 1871, Image 3
frai l tior4 Wpm*. LOCAL AND GENERAL. se- Jildge BlEacua will , aceept out thanks fof public doCuments. gip I'Zrs. E. P. .HAmmoND is visit ing trio:AS in this place. mi. Teams are crossing the river im the ice with perfect gaiety. 101- "The teahera in thngpiscopal Sunday School aro preparing a Christmas treo for the scholars. • to. " WILT. IT PAT" to stay away from Gocnn's lecture, on Tuesday evening, ME • :gar STCLiN h. CO. have just tarp 01 out the fiat beano ever built outside of th e eitie , .7. /3.:ar.u.rx coat about t 1,3 tl. We notice that R. M. WELLks 4 d o ing a large trrde_in the American Sewing Machme.. This is oniaPihe best machines in the mariiei. H. ALLEN, foreman of this ollice. as sl play spell the other day, set up 272 i ems of solid Ion:: primer in at hour and t trody-eigla miuules! Where is ,Anterrsunuo now? . dEo. licrTcancsoN, son of D. of Lellayaville, was kicked by a colt a fog weeks since, and so badly injured that he only survived a few days. His age was 15 years. " Th. , good die young." SOY' VILLIAM WEED, for t/everal years past, / a clerk in the exprose ofh - ce; died of typhoid levier on Thursday night last. :He was young-nip of excellent qualities, and highly Estoenitql call who know him. DS.* man named DrtiliAll, - -- who La, t..en Confined in jail for the past fey! inontlis orOt charge of arson, has been• prof Lei/need insane by a committee of Physicians. and by or4er of the Court removed to the in sane Asylum, in Harrisburg, • Ep" Mite Society will meet dn Monday evenin g next, at the resi dence of SAC. MEAN:t. - . —The Petibyteria.n Mite Society will meet on Tuesday erpiang, at The residence of lintsst T. wl. . se- U ur faithful and obliging car rier, Jon,: l will serve our subscribers' m the borough with a " New Year's Address,' vti the first of the year. We ask for him liber aal patroicaCe from those he has served so faith fully for the past two years. , '- I *a-V . i c e regret t 9 larti that a little ion 01 Dr G. W. McKEE, of Kingston, Pa.,. tar met*. of. Warren, this County, was burned so badly on the.lst instant, by the upsetting c - .tt a kerosene lamp, that he died on the 6th. 'file lioetor was aboilqiiiti: thirrrely btirned. IP:2" Am election for officers of the Fire Dtpartment, will talc place on Mond's) evening ne=t. The following are the canai- Elites ' rlrPri um:, A. G. 3iasos. Assis/a4.—JonN 11. Onccrr, J. BILL HEWS in,.. After years of trial, the core initt,c2 htirte at last secured ON greatest lectur er of the ge,',JoliN B. GorF, fur an' evening it, this place. Froth pcesent , ndie'ations, the large hall will be crowded ; consequently persona de sirous of tieciuring seats should purchase tickets at tie earliest opportunity. "e learn that - an attempt was made to 'throw the Barclay train from al( track ile4. Mrs. WEsToN4i, on Friday nighl last. A lar;.re rock was placed upon the tract but the trlon was moving zo slowly that the only damage caused was the breaking of ttit cow-catchpr, a .d a elight injury to the engine M.The Theatrical Exhibition al Orwell, On Friday evening last, was a splemlio affair, !Mil reflected credit on all concerned. The great story of •` Uncle Tom's Cabin " was faithfully Oelineated. "Eva," was represented in an ahnOst faultless manner by a little girl only 7 years of age. By roiliest of The audienct _the dractia will be repeated to-morrow (Frida, ) evening, at Academy' - Hall,-I•trwell. In order to give all - an opportunity, tickets will be sold • CArI'ION . ;TO DEALERS Is TOBACCO, CIriAILS.--The internal revenue law Makes it the duty of every person who emptier any stamped boi, hag, vessel, wrapper .or en velope ef any kind, containing tobacco, snare' cigars, 6!ilestroy the stamp. And any- person who neglects or refuses to do s'o, is ha- He, on oinviction, to be finial $.50 and nol,::.- oned not'less tilan,lo days nor more than six months, It also prohibits the Selling of tobac co., snuff or cigars Out of anything but the orig,- package • S(IENTIF-Ie LECTURE.—Prof. GUN Nr:iy will coMmence a series , of selentiils, lec taps in 31erenr's Hall. on Friday cvening.•Dec. 'lf properly supported the Professor ail. give SiX of these instructive and entertaining lectures. The first one, to-morrow evening. describe'•' the world in the beginning." Li .-nr citizens inanifest sufticient interest, Prot GCNNINGI will continue the course each Friday evening. Prof. G. his lectured in New York. Itt,ston, and most. of the large cities, and is well of everywhere. • , A.disdraceful fow occurred in rrnut of the!Ward }louse, oir Sunday morning Is.;. between a lot. of gentlemen (?) who had Len spending the ynight.gawbhng in one of I:, many hell-holes which infest and disgrace ,this town. The parties who raused the disturb ima. on the street; as well as the proprietor of the ,3loon :where they were permitted to drink &:,I !.., , arellie all night; should he severely deal with by the authorities: We believe the boro' . f , ,r :the services of one or two policemen, ..11 ,- ;tild - luak after such places.' A. , tueeting of the Bradford Co. was hell at Patton 's Ran, lb, : lay. Among other thiriks of inter t, va, sent:slum to the &witty, by 11, , -,S,tivoas, through Its President, ..• of the celelitated c... - /o.rLANTLlt,find Gen. WeblLlNG :''' r ' ; and a report of a committee flirt.' lilrr. PATIoN, on the catty hisio .•r I'su,la, with n tOnOtEltioll to request its i: to the comity papers:- It will tip : ptar vi REFNITITEI; nest vreek.-' SA!.:DEItSON of the firm of SaNnEaso)i, did one of those thugs last week which are doubly tr:, the gt• rer and the receiver. lie i.t fr:l , to Itt.r. Dr. COLT, Ere ton er ..ftwautiful semi-a&thraelte eJal. The Dr. d , c:.tres that, ay utilitarian ant chemist, be tilds tli., coal_ to b, t..e cleanest burning and fue,lef itibalk and weight knosn to-him, and wholly free from elate. stone and clinker. He beli'eies upon experi m•-nt, it will also be proven to be tho bj - t for intnipulation of the most desirable quali n,s of tun mid steel. • Tlld CiTIF:AT CONFLAGEUTIA. • • l 1•1 Parr, I'L SENTAND FlelT ILE.—Cont&ing e.,ref 1:y prepared digest of the history of the tire, tracing its growth in p ipulat i ion and commercial resources, giving its pri4ipal topographical features, and sketch es all its great public works; the origin and progres of the tire, commencing with the now ramous cow shed, in the west division, and trite iug it ti lucre by square, until it is stopped, fool-teen hours afterward, in the oak groves, on the northern limits of the city ; describing the cllarac4ristics of the prominent building burn ed, shOlving the peculiarities andficcentricities of the hie, ami Its remarLably destructive qual. ttes, with a carefully prepared analysis of the general losses and insurance; a full sprinkling 11 of hieddentis and eagles, graphically illustratlng the terror, of ibmilay)lighS and *sudsy; and a carefully prepared statement of all the great historian Aron, with a comparison between them and the Chic'ago calamity. This work has been written by Jam= W. Smtutais, Associate Editor of tile akar/ D . Zuris, who has been known'for yeiis as one of the most accomplished journalists and re nowned writers in this country, and Gronaz P. Evros, Literary Editor of the 21-ibunc. Both of these gentlemen were eye-Witnesges of the ire, mid there write from personslobeerva tion. C. IL drain and A. P. Ls PLANT, agents for this borough.) Price $2.50 and $3.00. Is MixonLtu.—At the regular meeting of Northern Lodge No. 223, L. 0. of G. T., the following preamble and resolutions, relating to the death of W. A. !Wasp, were unanimously adopted: Wuzazati, The arresting hand - Of death has taken from us our esteemed friendand brother, W. A. Weed, who was endeared to us ail by. many hallowed associations; and ,by the holy bond of fraternal sympathy, and Whereas, we desire to e i tprees our sadnees occasioned by his death, and to have the same recorded on the journal to remain a fit monument to his memo ry; therefore, - Resolved, That in this dispensation of Provi dence, has taken from us our young brother, so kind and amiable, so full of hope and promise, we are again taught the uncer tainty of life. Besotted, That while we mourti his death, we will imitate his virtues and ethellancieta Resolved, That while we sympathize with his parents and friends, in this their lad bereave. ment, we also rejoice that he did Oof so live , as to die unwept and unhonored, but that be wee au honor to his parents, an ornardent to socie ty, and a true friend to the caromm of temper ance. Resolved, That this Lodge roco i n be draped in mourning for thirty days;it a copy of these resolutions be fOrnished the parents of the deceased; that they be recorded upon the journal,- and that they be published in tit.e 1311AIWORD lizroarzs, Bradford Argus, Tincan-. do Business Item, and in the Keystone Good Toutlar. L IdcPusases, C. 11. ALLLN, Com. S. E. Warratait, Cour.T PEOCEEDINGS.—The Pecem lier term of the several Courts of Bradford convened at tho Court House in this place, on Monday morning, Dec. 4. The commiigsion of 8:D. Efauxtmss, Associate Judge elect,'was read. After the disposal of the _usual business, Court adjourned until after noon. At 2 o'clock in the aftertdon, pottrl convened again;, Hon.? F. "13. STIIEETEII, 'resident, and Dona Z£BIJLON FIUSISIE and S. atayarEag, Associates, on the bench. The following named Grand Jhrora appeared and after listening the charge of his Hcnor, Judge BramEn„ retired : JOSEPH B. Smrrn, foreman; -EDWAILD Boann- SUN. jr., SLIEPARD H. BALLARD, NEL.SD.II BARNS, !ORS H. CASEY, WM. CILMBELLAIN, jr., Wu- LEI COGSWELL, A. 0. CAMPBELL, W. F.Alri , s, WILFRED EASTABBOORS, GE). W. G 0.9.• nx, Cita.% L..Gur.c.s, Wilma' B. GAILAGe, P. A. HOLCOM:11, BINUOP HOUTON, S. H. I2IGEIISOL, PATIIICR/KANF., SIDNEY LOOMIS, I. MANCHESFED. and Liman RocEwma.. The Grand Jury remained in session unti I Thursaay, and acted upon the following cases : 17.1. CE BILL. ve. Frank lardwell-L-Barglary and lar ceny. Com. TA:: Wallace W. Wood—Embezzlement. Corn. vs. Reuben Palmer and Shalor Brooks —Larceny. Corn. vs. Daniel Butler—False pretense: Cunt; vs. Michael Kirk—Maliciously biting 01:1 part ut an ear. Corm vs. Michael Kirk, Jas. Micha el Kirk, jr., and John Lyucli; jr,—Assault and uattery. Copt, vs. Royal Morton—Charge assault and oattery. COni„ vs. Josiah Horton—Assault and battery. COM. Joseph Gansman, 'Solomon Labe, tzlial Levi Harrir —Larceny. Com. vs. Samuel Cowell—Forgery. , Corn. vs. C. L. Crandall—False pretenses. Com. vs. - Bartholomew' Gorden iuid Daniel Jurden—Assaalt and battery. Com. vs. 3i.liirk, jr., John Lynch, Michael Kirk and James O'Herrin--Aggravatell, assault snd battery. Not a true bill as to .Ilichael Kirk. Com. vs. M. idecle—Nuisance. NOT A TZUC BILL. tom. ve. A.B. thuds—Assault and battery fLe tr,o,ccutor John W. Lanphero for coits. Coin'. vs. Jauc Hurlbut and Perry Hurlbut— t.gsault and battery. The .Trosecutor, Rebeca ianderpool, for costs. .Cout. vs. Frank 13ardwell—Falso presenses. 'Baker, prosecutor, to pay the costs. Conk. vs. E. Ilurlbut—Assault and Watery. llebteca Vandopool, prosecutor, for C Jas. Desmond—Assault and battery Luke Dolan, - prosecutor, for costs. A number of ea,es were Lettled by consent of Lourt, and seieral others were put over to next CEI3 The following cases came before the. Court and traverse jury Corm vs. Frank BardwelL indicted at pres ent term on a charge of burglary and larceny._ On ii!ading indictment by District Attorney, the {defendant plead guilty, whereupon the Court sentenced him to restore the property stoll.n, pay a tine of ten dollars to the Corn- . monWealth, costs of piosecutioa, and" undeido an imprisonment of four months in the county GO. Ns. Reuben Palmer and Sitsler Brooks. Iml4ted on a charge of larceny. Defendants ~ l ead guilty and were sentenced by the Court to pay a fine of ten dollars each to the Com monwealth, costs of prosecution, restore . the orupt rty, and undergo an imprisonment in the eminty jail fur -the term of three months each: Corn. vs. Daniel Butler—Charged with ob taining money under false pretenses. After $ full, hearing of the case, jury return a verdict of riot guilty, and put the costs upon Eugene Underhill, the prosecutor. e9m. aa. Dauiel Vanderpool—Charged with assault and battery committed upon Jane Hurl but. Jury return a verdict of not guilty, and' direct that the defendant pay two-thirds of costs and prosecuto'r one-third. Com.,vs. Royal Morton. Indicted for assault and battery. Jury return a verdict of guilty. Court sentence him to pay a tine of one dollar and costs of prosecution. Com. vs. Samuel Cowel—Charged with forg ing orders on U. Moody. - of Asylum. Jury re turn a verdict of guilty. The Court sentence defendant to pay a fine of fifty.dollar, costs of proiecution, and undergo an imprisonment at solitary confinement and hard labor in the Eastern Penitentiary for the period of eighteen months. On Friday Court. adjourned -until Monday Dec. 11. BUSINESS LOCAL. Go to COLErP.kSSAGE & Co ' s for Piano', Organs and Melodeonß. eft. P. M. WELLES is iwelit . for the ,best sewing machine in the market.' Its. If you waut a nice Christmas present g 9 to CIIAISPIERLAA.d. sm. The Bee Hive Dollar Store, Merces 0- Holiday goods just opened, a TATLint gady- Santa Claus will get 'a good portion of his supply for the coming Holidays, the Crockery store of *ICTUA.IS BLACT. • le; Jewelry in endleas.yariety, rnAmnEra.eix:s. C. • P se- The handsomest silver and plated Napkin Rings, at CuamnraLaves. z Bargains in'Holiday goods, a TAYLOIt SC CO'S. K. C. P L. 1. RIDGWAY, of Itrin e, bas a nice stock of holiday goods, consisting of handsome bookS, stationery, toys, itc. s6y- New Holiday goodik opened this week, at, TArLOII tt Co s. air 31,1tgages; neatly printed, for We at this dike. = sir; Tbe best oysters always on hind, for mete by the qiii.rt.or_dtah.. deelthr. D. W. Bcx Et Co.. •6!" The Bee Hive Dollar Store, Xenia's Bldek. Tlie largest assortment of Clothing 4ori Gents' Furnishing Goods In town, at Wots,A c.LDenaras H. C.T. G •at variety of Holiday goods, arid t the lowest prices, at wk. da ter*bny Hut's, Brid' ler T and durabili in no other. !RN F sortment of or any calla : sir A next week, Stir T, are to be fol 133121 "firOm Shirtings, St never was 13J kir ing s target lodeone, th largo Mical. Ns- Magnificent stereoscopic views along the Susquehanna, and pictures of old Mr. SHAW, for We at CALKINS'. sor " ;Bop Lite -Loo," can be seen at the Keystone Clothing Palace and the Dollar Store. iiir The Largest Assortment of Bonnets aid Hata are to be found at ]lre. J. D. Bridge street. art Miss Bsiourr is offering great inducements to the ladies in the way of Bon nets, Flowers, &c. MR. Cash paid for Beef Hides, by J. WEITTAKEIL S. SON, Roma, Pa. Nov. 30, 1871. Air A splendid Christmas present fa a first class Piano, Organ or Melodeon. Such are only found at the Music Store of CoLz, SAGE A: Co. IConnterpanes,Table Linens and Iticharisan's Linetui, it full lino at EVANS k liumnrrn's. WOLF 4Ye GOLDSMITH are friak4 ing preparations to him the most stylish spring suits manufactured expressly, for their trade. 10-21 complete line of the ' cele brated "Queens Own" Silk lustre, Black alpaca, only to be had at Erato & Hruparrirs. WASTED.—Seven sign painters, to paint adrerfisemefs through the country for Wore S Goimsfcam. None but first class work men need 'apply. sis—Velveteens all colors suitable for Sacks, Snits, also cut or bias for trimmings at EvaNs tier The American is the most du rable sewing =whine in the market. g6y- Hoods, Nnbias, Scarfs, and Ladies* and Children's Wrappers and Drawers, at Eva:is S Iht.DnLru's, Bridge street. Stir Call and see the American Sewing Machine at A. 91. Wr.t.t.ts' coal office. Ile s Tho REPORTEE office is the best place to get job Work. ter Miss GRIFFIN has a good 11S-. Bailment of Ladies and Children's Blanc ts arid Hats, which will be sold at low price?: Yon can buy Hats, Hoods, and Nubias, to keep your heads and ears warm, exceedingly cheap, at-B. A. PErrEs Sc Cots. Seir If you want a nice book, or the latest styles of-stationery, don't forget to call at trALSINEI% ll_. A fall line of Ladies, Misses, -and Children's Bose, at Evats limparrn's, Bridge street. 47ips.. The American Sewing. Ma chine does work that no-other will do, 'and is sold $5 cheaper than any other -first class ma- chine ite. If ydu wish the best lock stitch seeing machine, get the AmericarC gm. First look at the liathitshek PELI3OI befere purchasing. Ain't be misled by mhirePresentations--or dealers in other Pianos. Cone, PASSAGE & Co. are the sole agents. Drrnucn, the music man, is receiving orders from 'all parts of the State.! his gment on musical instruments is appre: • - iser The Gen:lam:an, Fire Insurance Co., of N. Y., is safe; hound and reliable, and adjusis losses fairly and promptly: Joint W. Mtx, Agent. Oli e, dlereur's French Poplins, Empress clothe, Merinos, and Sateons all the new and popular shades just opened at Evsss S litimusres. FIFA 14., Miss Krimsizy. wishes tc call the aitention of the ladies to her latest styles in dun; and cloak waking, cutting and tittle.; done. *cely, and on the shortest notice. 1. ~I NATIoN.—The friends of Rev iIIELP Psy him a donation visit at the parsonage in ,home, on Wednesday afternoon and evening:Dec. 20.' All are respectfully in. vited. After all the abuse and false . hood! thrown at the Singer Improved Sewing Machine, it still les& the whole list and con tinttt to give general satisfaction . You ought to one. im.Scoteli, English, and Ameri can ater Proofs, bought before the advance; es PRICE LIST:—A fine, stylish I. cloth Suit, $19.00 oats, tram, 16 to =l,,n = Shirts, • fl .14 - $5 Hats, rellas, .75 Bro s Ore Whi Woo. llmt Bow Co or Tie, .10 . , . ra per box,, • .15 (1 if - yon don't read what yuu want, ask for I I Wats ,V, Goi.nswrrit's great Keystone ,• , g Palace. l• it I ao - TsTies & Co's. cheapest place in Tovran .ery Goods, is at Mts. J. D. street. ere are points of strength ly in the Methushek Piano. found Bee Hive Dollar Store, l osT & Son have a fine as 'arnittiro, suitable forthe holidays • season. I ew stock of Hats ,and Caps t the K. C. P. 1 4so to 1 e nicestßonnets and Hats .d at Mrs. J. D. 7111.0tilsttridge it stock of Prints, Sheetings, !tripes, Checks,' Ticking', Denims, largo Evaxa k Hll.Darris. !LE, PASSAGE Ar, CO. are sell number of Pianos, Organs and Me n any other dealers outside of our K. C. p li. C.• P bo sold accordingly at EvAxs k HILDIItIVS - bib mil boisibCcieipes than an Gest 1112lialiy boob in Towanda. she also keeps & very aka selectkeef lake Ittrabidig goods, at bow Flow-, 36. Th. misty of articles kept 111 stock at the °rockery Store• of Wrcznaz &Am, given one s thew to *ply luny wants. They keep goods cheap and good, rich andkostly. Ton can. all find so!nething to suit MI MS, at the Poet Office Book Store, is now prepared 'to supply Christ. , mu presents of every description.. Bit assort ment of toys has never been surpassed, and having been bought for cosh,' he is prepared to offer inducements to purchasers. M.:A great combination of beau ty and excellence id Minine7 and Fancy - Hoods, and with all on/of the best places to buy just what you Want for the Holidays, at B. A. Perm & Co., at the sign of the Big Bon net. • ' declew. , la. An annual meeting of the Weld:Wide§ of tbeT ovandaTron Itannfaetur ing Company, wilLbe held in the Grand Jiu7 Boom in the borough of Towanda, on 'Tuesday, Dec. 19, 1871, at 1 o'clock r. ac. _ G. Ilasox, Seely. Fon SAL on RmiT.—Sly Watts' -bouse and lot, on Towanda data, will 'be for wde until Dee. 15 ; then if not sold it 'will be rented, also the Gardena adjoining. Tovrandi, Nov. 24,1871. War We have had the pleasure of entraining some beautiful stereosoopio views on the Susquehanna, taken by Moist k &rya imam They aro well executed and have a local interest which should secure for them a large sale in this .section. For r - sale at F. T. CALMS'. VIP J. WerrArsz & SON Rome Pa., have Oysters by the quart or gallon. Do natierui, parties and,fandiiea supplied at lowest prices. Give us a call. Nov. 30, 1871. - ter Preparations have been made by which the people of this ticinity may be sup plied with goods of all • kinds suitable for: the Holiday season, from a penny Toy up to !lino and costly articles.. The Depot for supplies is at WICEHAX k's Crockery Store. To Au. WHOM rr 31.4PS,oscERN.— All persons indebted to the undersigned, ellber by-unsettled account or notes over due, will please call and settle before the first of Jan., 1872. After that time wo shall leave such ac counts for " collection." L. B. BoDGEBS 3: CO lift. Miss E. J. KINGSLEY wishes to inform the peoplo of Burlington and vicinity, that she koeps constantly on hand a nico as sortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods, also a fresh supply.ofXhristmas goods consisting of Toys, etc., etc._ Booms over Dr. Truces Drug Store, under tlw supervision of Miss Ssnan BLAcx. SM. A lady teacher of experience, competent to give instruction in French, Latin and the Higher English Branches, wialuis — a situation in some good schooL Has the best at reference. Address, Tgacnr.a, care of 8. W. ALTORD, Towanda, Pa. Fan SaLE.—A House and Lot on Second street, near the Ward Bongo. Building new, three stories high, with good well and cis- - tern. Possession given immediately. Apply Isaac S. POST. . To Fimmas..-LA very valuable ma nure for compost and top dressing, consisting of lime charged with ammonia, for sale cheap by the Towanda Gas Company. Try lt. Towanda, Noy. 20, 1871. CHEAP COAL.—The Sullivan Anthra cite is the cheapest and boat for all purposei. Also the the best Bed and WhiteTAsh Coals at the Central Coal Yard. Orders left at my office, or at Dr. H. C. rOIITER, SON h Co's. Drag Store, will be promptly filled. It. If. WELLES. Sept. 27, 1871. 1871 FALL 1871. EVANS Eiumarra Are now ready for the fail trade with a most complete stock in every Department. Divers of Dry Goods will find it to their interest to ex amine ovir stock and prices before making their fall purchases. stir J. Wurr.tsmr. S SON, Rome, Pa., have one of the largest stocks of Boots and Shoes ever brought into Bradford county, which they sell ,at the lowest rates, for cash. Persons desirous of anything in that line, will do well to call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rome, Pa., Nov. 30, 1871.-4 w ma.- We hare on hand and offer at bargains: 1 Grover & Baker Seising Machine, 2 Ladd & Webster's " " ' 1 Wheeler & Wilson's . " 1 Franklin 1 Leather Call at the agency of tiir H. B. 3IcKEIN, Insurance Agent:represents the following well known and reliable Companies: £tna, Hartford, Conn; Commerce, Albany, N. Y.; Alernannia, Clew land, Ohio; Central, Altoona, Pa:; Penn Mutual Life, Philadelphia; Railway Passenger Aim. ranee, Hartford, Conn. Office, and Law Office, Patch's Building, Main street, Towanda, Pa. CARD.—Having disposed of my in terest in the drug business hrt7owanda, I shall in future be found at my residence, where I will givemylitiention to the practice of Den tistry. I will also continue to tarnish invalids With advice and medicine at my office as here tefire. Persons hying. at a distance wishing my services, will be furnished with suitable ac commodations during their stay. C. S. Driimuirir, M. D. Lellayaville, Dec. 11, 1871.--3 w. DONATION NOTICE.—TIIO friends of Bev. E. .Bunaows are respectfully invited to give him' their donation gifts, of such articles of comfort and use as they can spare. We hope his friends will take into consideration his' present needs, as ho has labored laird to braid himself a house, and is gilite a considerable in debt. 'Money is scarce, but grain is plenty. Bring along such as you have. Donation to be held at Lis residence in Caruptown, Wednesday afternoon anti evening, Dec. 27, 1871. An Oys ter Supper may be expected. By direction of the church. P. 8. &icings, Ch. Clerk. lbuT IN PHILADELPHIA !—THE 4ILLA- Itt:.•.LS . AT WoflK-A Duanronn COUNTY FAP.XEX is rat Fiairr.--Lunt Satui day, the Pluadelphit: Eikortint gave a (till account of the riot in Phil adelphia. According to their statement, two young men whose names could not be ascer tained (members of the Shlanteal ring) were engaged in a quiet game of "Solar and in " 'hind*" the ace, one of them accidentally tore his coat sleeve, which somewhat enraged him; and a Bradford county farmer who had been watching the game, called him aside and whispered in his Emu, that ho should take the S A. Y. train for Towanda, to purchase it new coat at the great irrepressible Keystone Cloth iug Palace. ES.,At a special meeting of the shareholders of the Mutual Building and Sav ing Fund Association of Towanda, held on Monday, November2o, 1871, at 7 o'clock r. x., Section let of Article XXI. of By-Laws, was amended to read u follows : "1. In cue of "absence at meetings of the Ilstanl of. Direct ors; or of the Shareholders, the Directors " shall be fined fined fifty cents, and the officers "of the Board of Directors ono dollars. Mein "hers of committees shall be fined one dollar " . for every neglect of duty." • iiketion 211 of same Article was amended by striking out the word " sk i " ind inserting in place thereof tho word " ten." IL F. Gooniux, &c.f. Pia= in Towanda. Or O. P. Cam. a. Ms a r n Has of 114iday Boris, an d atop doom. 'ttiiiiode Be an r• 0 r` . . While . meipi9bing bady . goods. don't forget Snacsonst. He has an ex esnent arsortment of line gold and giber notch as. anger rinp, ear rings, qientacks, and in hot eyeritbhlg fa ths lbw Don't ha to call and math* his stock. SCOVILL-LWALISDRN.-9411412- . 4 the Ha. tel of A. Tiyior, on the 29th nit. by Rev. War She Means Senvill Jibe Eve %Mum both of Towanda. VENA.BLE—FORBESt—On the 6th bilk bl Bev. & Lusk, Mr. F., W. Venable of Oxforo place New Jersey, to Mies Sale Forest, of this . _ BENNETT—BEXTIKEN.—At the reddenee if the bride's hither is diylinn, Nov. 30th. by • Rev. C. L. Y. Howe, R&.VII, J. Bennett to Miss Adslibie L itanjindn, an 01 •Attibum' DIBBLE-BTIMIGEBE.,—At the residence of the. WWI *Sher, in New' Mem, by Rev. Libbie 8 B=Nr. `hank° Dit Dibble Miss MIX= NOTIOII3. • awls TOP Purr J,,sa—Q narta, *2.00 Oa.; f Ssl3op, *2.W doz., at „ Wicßimg &Aces. shall be compelled to sen d an officer to waitpn our delinquent customers, prho do not pay attention ~to our statements. He will collect travel fees. rim; 31, io B 42 l. :inio, Em ma. a Co. Ch White and B. M. Wia.Lis. le. We have large additions tq our assortment of chamber sets last opened. Also, a full line of Sim Plated Ware. from Bogota 4 Brother. in. Choice Flour, barrel, at the Bed, White lir 1 42Ni:tile' II & MA2CGUIS, Merchant Tailors, Clothing, Rata and Caps, Furnishing Goods, "68 Broad street, Wa~eriy, N.Y." May 3, 1871. Stir Sums, very low;, at the Bed, White and Blue Store. 11111. Tobacco, by, the pound, or barrel,, cheap, at the Red: White and 131ne, store. RLDOWAY k EvEnzn. Noncz.—All persons indebted to the undersigned are hereby reqnested to call and Bottle be:ore the lst day of January, 1872, u we wish to balance our books. Actu-s, Ltorn Wyalising, Pa:, Dec. 4, 1871. ter The, simnel meeting of the stockholders of the _ 'first National Bank. of To ;ands, for thO election of directors, toll beheld at the Banking Ho ,on Tu esday , January 9, 1872, betweoo the h Fra of 1 and 3 P. M. N. Borr4 jr., Cashier. . Noric9-LTh undersigned will sell goods of all kinds usually kept in a country store, until 34n. 1. 1872, for ready pay or by special arratitemenis, cheaper than can be beat in Bradford 'county: and all persons having book account, are requested to call and settle before the year closes, as my Books lane he set tled. L. D. Tan.oa. . Granville Centre, Nov. 13,1871, POPII lI~ILLIA_`'iTLY ILLUSTRATED. ; —o--- PROP. W 1 D; GUNNING Will deliver alum of Six Lectures vu GEOLOGY, AT MERCURS HALL, Commencing on FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 151 h 1871 , And continuing through Nix Friday Evenings- Tickets for the course, Single Lecture deett'll TAYLOR k GORE Keep always on CLOTHS, WICKIIAXt I.ll.Acr. HATS P APS Furnishing, -Goods curuNG. DONE ON SHORT NOTICE.' MA,BBLED. i p r eed, cheap, at tlkc Red, itzvown h &um. -- WICKHAM & Bt.acs. Ly the seek-or la Blne Store: war & Erzarrr. ItumwAra, ErEarrr Now Advatiseme, SOW= LECTURE, FASHIONABLE TAILORS, üblic Square, ,Laort- Opposite hand a full ~~ m 001:1:$‘11Dli4Dq AND COATINGS. E CLOTHING latest styles, READY MA Tu all th, ,ND UMBRELLAS, 1 G . 4 - In renthariety .ALL WORK WARRiNTED. 96' MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, IPA dee-1411 runde ii. =CS The annual melding: of the stockholders et tbs-Towaado Brides-Co., Ito the election of a Pteddent. Treasurer, and six managers to sem As anatdoW. eral 'be held at the dile. '• of -the National Bank of Towanda, on Wednesday. Jan. 8,1879. tositipon the hours oGI and /Volga - z N. N. firms, jr., Booty. Deo. 1, - - - . . , • IS. The Nora British and Mer cantile huntrar _,Co. dr London and :Edin burgh, when Wormed of their tomes .by the Chicago Are,teraphed back : " Subscribe UAW for the relio of the seems, and draw pa mat three days for our losses. For hum= ranee in alums Company, on as tameable terms as any other, apply to " 0. I:6llawrzazer, Agent: NoTica—A spectal:. meeting oLthe stockholders of the Vatted Bonding and Bay ing Fund Assoefatkul of Tommie,. 1 611 bit - held in the Grand Jury Boom.! Towanda, Pa., bn itondsy eveidug„_Deoember IL at 7 o'clock for the - of arterial Beetroots 2 and of ArNole L of By-Lawa. R. F. Goenzatt, eery. Raw Advertisements. J IOLIDAY 3Q0.1)5. 'TAYLOR & 00 Odle special attrelloa to C I Er \ OIC E STOCK Or e NEW GOODS Selected expressly for the HOLIDAY TR A DE. GREAT • VARIETY $1 413--- LOWEST PRICES. declf•7l TOWANDA STEAM - FLOURING MILLS] W. R. FIILL,ER & CO., Respectfully inform t*, _puhlio that having rebuilt on the sire of the old mill, With all modern improve ments, they are now prepared' to do CUSTOM GRINDING In the best possible manner &1111 4 011 s kip shortest notice. No pans will be spared to give tiataction. Farmers doing business in town can bring their grain and have it ground the same day to take back. noutr,„nrcswurxr FLOUR, - FEED Ic• MEAL, By the car load or in , quantities to sun purchasers GROUND CAYUGA PLASTER AT f 6 PER TON All landau)! grain takra In exchal4elor 'Plaster Cash prod for all kind■ of grain O, F. 31ASON. Arr 4 FLU TRE Towanda, Nov .1, 18:1. "UrTY 0 M I N G .COM34ERCIAL v V COLLEGE. Etta:LIAM in 1863, in connection with Wyoming Sem _ wiry. Re.opening Sept. 1 s 1871. The moat thorough course of Commercial Instruc tion In the country. Terns lower Man al any other first elate Coleatereiat..„(;ollege. Situations furnished to superior graduates. from time to time.' Our graduates are filling lucrative and honorable posi tions in nearly every State in the Union. Telegraph ing taught by-sound and register.. _ Particular atten tion is to Penmanship: Students may pursue studies In both Seminary and Commercial College. Scholarships, for Dail Commercial course. $25.00. with Telegraphing. $35,00, Telegraphing - alone 11/5.00. Ornamental Penmanship, (three months) $lO,OO. Board per week. $4.00. For further in formation, addresi Rec. R. NWON, D. D.. Princi pal Nyoming Seminary and Commercial College, or L. L. &Fluor& 11. A., Principal Commercial College. Kingston. Ps. 0en.1311-3m TOWANDA. IRON 'AIANITAC 1 Irmo COXPNICT. G. F. MASON, • • H. L. - SCOW. JMO. A. NODDING. . N. C. - ELBDREE. M. M. SPALDDia. C. L. MACY. L. L. MOODY. • Diredorr The To=euda lmn Menufacturine Caropety offer for male $15;000 of re eont eenpon goads, I . DFOXLIATION $lOO 4.7. n, $500.. PAIrABLE lii b. 7 •an 8 YEARS. Interest pliable send.annuallY. and both princ ipal and interest payable at the Plrat Rational Rank of Towsuda. Them Bonds are-necured by First Mortgage on their Real Estate and Works nearly eoutpieted, worth at least $60.000. This is a good opportunity for a safe and profitable twreskotent. • These Bonds are for sale and inforniatiou will be furnished by the First Nanonal Dank, Mercers Bank and G. P. Moon & Co., Bankers. Towanda, Pa. . • A. 'D. MUM Treasurer. Towindit, > Rec. 1, 1871. . - - AUG imui TAYLOR & CO KIYGSTON, Pa. SEASON OF 18714. w L O. OF 03.110111R1L ?be ta eovenantee have ludo the folkeviiiit Sappe. Ses : OLIVE' LOGAN" DateLWZDSVIDAY. °aroma is Bladed—oft:o Toting Yea." Dr. J. G. HOLLAND, TITCONEU Date—TunDAY. NOVENBEII44. nal pubjait: `o , The &dal Undedow." lIL JOHN - D. GOUGH. Date—TUESDAY. pECICI[Eir4t 2e. 1871. it Pay." PETROLEUM V. 1141887. Date..—JAl‘l7AST 31, 1872. Sntlect—•• The Manion of SldncTan&L.'• EMI Henry Ward Beacher. ANNA E. DICKINSON. Data . .FIrBELTABY 19, 1572. Subject—. Joan of Arc. TN, other lecturers • ill probably ba "Wray WARD BEECHER, E. H. CHAPDI and ROBERT COMM. The.MLNDELBSOBN QUINTETTE CLUB will give • Concert DECEIMER 1. General idmisalon Gowned Sesta.... Season Tickets.... Tickets for sale at Po*m k Kumv's Dreg Store. Sale of Reserved Seata will . commence two days before each lecture. COSXITIZE • SNO. F: SANDERSON. VII. FOYLE. L. R. FROST. N. P. HICKS, - J. W. VAN TIM. .• . Towanda, Oct. 5. 1871. ' . THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, ATjTITE IrETROPOLITAN STORE, :W. 3 GRIPE' & PATTON'S BLOCK_ BRIDGE STREET. The latgest stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers ever brought into Brad- ford County, which will be sold_2s per cent. cheaper than they can, be bought at any other establishment. I buy my goods at, first hands and thereby save the Jobber's profits, • hich enables me to sell cheaper than 4 . . any other House in Towanda RUBBERS! RUBBERS ! ! Of all the latest styles, which will be retailed at Factory Prices. Mens' , Kipp and Calf (Boots, and Ladies Fine Sh'oes, retailed at 'Whole- stale Prices I have the exclusife sale of SAM ITEL WILSON'S liens', Womens', Misses and Childress Fine -Shoes, which are the lest ever brought into he market. ELLIS H. NOE, surutGE StREET Towarkle.. Sept. 28.1871 - THE UNDERSIGNED ARCHI TECT AND BUILDER. Wising to inform the citizens of Towanda, and vicinity, that he will give purtienlar attention to drawing plans; designs and specifications fpr all =prier of buildings. private and public. Superintendence given for reasonable compensation. Office at medal:ice li. E..corrier of Second and Elizabeth &areas, where he will be found every evening from 7 to 10 p. m., Saturdays all day. • J. E. PLEIIILNO.: oct. 3 1871. Dos 511, Towanda, Ps.. VALUABLE' FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for see his farm 'Ma tted in Laporte tarp.. Sullivan county, Pa. - on the - stage road about midway between Laporte atid .Du store, on the banks of the Lovelock creek. Said farm contains 76 acres of land. about 30 - 'acres well cultivated. and the rest well timbered. Bea mit a saw IDlll, grist mill. good water power, a large plank house, kept as a tavern, a large plank bath, a horse stable with good sheds, and other outbuildings, and • good bearing orchard. Reason for telling, health. For further particulars address Oct. 5,1871. , HERMAN RM. ANCHOR LINE STEA.HERS,' Sail map Wednesday and sat:amity. to and from NEW TORS AND OLAISOOW, Calling at Londerry to land . Mails and Passengers. The Steamers of Ibis favorite line are built os presaly tor the Atlantic Passenger Trade. and Stied up in every respect with , all the modern improve.. mania eakstisted to Insure the safety, comfort, and convenience apse/sugars. . Passage Rates Payable. In Carmel'. to OLASSCIOW. LIAERPOOL . and LONDONDERRY. FIRST CABIN. SC3 sod $73. according to location. CABIN RETURN TICKETS. El3O. securing best ac commodations. DIE atirDIATE. $33 STEER. AGE. $28.- ' Parties aendingfor their friends in the Old Conun try can purchase tickets at redwtd rates. For fnt ther Particulate apply t* HENDERSON Brornizas. Z Dowling , Green, N. T. or to 8. C. MEANS, Central Etyma" Office. Towanda, Pa. , ;.4 ._,f =" aiiriiii P - .41474 g 0 • ra s -As iii .. 3,., A , ' Want. . 0 1 .. ..te A § t z . it Cu ,Oli"2,11i o' d tr.lf.E'.ll', 5' tn Pl.-.1f4,7'...- 1,,, e'' ' '7: ;id2 64 ~.14 F. 4 Tc " s ,i 2 i s ,Z. 6 . f: 4 IiStAILI E I i- 14=ii4: r• Nr, X vv... =aoc: 0 2. • Z 1 az ..7, I r.IT-2-ztv. Q . ,-.,; ii,i 4 ~ ~wvig.t" .18: F i • ' 05.,r4,04t.47,m's 7 , 4 1 t1 . : ; : Agie.p.A:4-0 ,i. 0 :kr.i - tv, r ALL KINDS GROCERIES AND Thalami* and Wall. at May 20. • C. 11 SIMMS OEM • HARD i!:Jtt LEON NAms, 3B.AMADIVIDICN . MAIN. STREET Agent foi the eetebrated Heating EGLITAIINAT OR ! Call and see it with -1- a fire in ill A fine line ,of cooking Stoves, among are the AIR LINE, PAY MASTER, . NORWOOD, PRAREE ROME, SENSATION, 45r.c.; Arc. -• ora 960 • . FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Carefullg packed, aame . price . :as Corn- mon American. Sash, Oils, Putty, Paint & Ymdfthes. JEWETT'S PIaRE.II[TE TY:An Locks, - Latches,7 Butts,- Berevis, i&c Horse Shoes and Toe Cork PURE MANILLA HAY ROPE, Cheaper _than any House in the State We will sell you anythitig in the Hardware line 10 per cent cheaper or cash than any Home in Bradford Conn_V: Towanda, Nov. 1, 1871. KIP BOOTS, STOGA BOOTS, CALF BOOTS,- RUBBER BOOTS, BOOTS AND SHOES/ In endleis variety. ScocrtS. 13Cm=olts L. 11.7310 O_D YI b, co.? Have the sole control for the Retail Huxiiphrey_l3ros. BOOTS AND SHOES Manufactured in Towanda, And we are retsolnq them as low as other houses are - Tending Eastern Goods. • ' DON'T BE DgicEwz)! Be stirs that yiinare bnying these Boots. for it Wont `stand to reason that an Eastern Boot, made by ma ckine throughout, will begin to wear with the cele.: bested TO W Alin BOOTS: RUBBERS 1 . LtVßiitS! • A large assortment, which we are selling at a large rethiction in prices. We keep none but tint quality Rubbers. FINE SHOES !4 FLUE SHOES ! FINE SHOES! For Ladles, Kisses and Children, In Peb. Goat, Kid, French Std, Serge and French Calf. in tact all the styles manufactured by .the best Factories in the country. LLNE OF LLST'S GOODS 0111 ROBES! BLANKETS ! Just received, a larger stack of Wolf. Buffalo and Lap Robes, also gorse Blankets, Whips, &e., which we are selling cheap for cash. • _ • tnuims, 113ANTLING BAGS. lg.(' 'The Cutest assortment in this *action at dorreapmal- Given s Bill and fon will be suited L..L. MOODY.' U. E. WATELSS. Towaads, Nov . 1, IsTi ME -I II Stove, 31D. BALDWTN • II trade of RAID-MADE RUBBERS I ROBES! •TA• - .TA. ATOODT & CO. wh es p kwm N OVIIIBER 22, 1871 BUY YOUE HARDWARE, IRON, STOVES, NAIL/1, GLAgS, NM/4 MECHANICS TOOLS, &C., OF CODDING,RUSSELL eco. TOWANDA, Pik., Who. not only sell at the lowest eath prices, which cannot be indeisold In the county, bnt who; from their long experience in the trade, aie able 'to, and do, keep a-irariety of goods of all kinds which is not" equalled in this part of the State. aim to sell gOods that shall give. satisfaction, and they have only to refer to their customers in the past as to what they wilt perform in the e future.' As 'the. ordinary space-Of an aduertisonent would fail to-on. muerate the goods kept by them, whocvej may -wish to purchase should not fail to visit their store. They have a great variety of Cooking and Heating Stoves,among which area the American, Morning • • Glory, Oiipztal, and many other patterns of Base, Burners. They have-A large lot of :Merry Christmas_ Stoves at Reduced Prices, 4though the tendency of prices is decidedly upward, American Cook, Magic Shield, -Tribune, Union,- artd-iniy others. 'My fife the only agents for the. two best Heaters ever sold, the 04ental - and Reynolds: Also ,Chaffee:s National and Harrisburg Feed Ciaters Corn Shellers, rocket Knives land Table Knives, very cheap, Silver Plated Ware, Lard, Whaio and Machine Oils, Brass and Copper Kettles, Clothes Wringers, Boyd' Sleds, Skates, Hay Rope, Lath, Tinwaie, Drain Tile;:Cement, Patent Iron Benches, MACS," Sic-. Legal. DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.- ..Ex. Notice is lieretrygiven to all persons indebted to the estate of REUREN - ViOItEtEIZEIt late of.Orsell tsp. deed, must mak - mediate paymeat and al ' persons having claim inst said estate must pre sent theta dilly auth fielded thr settlement fi 3f. CARET, " • Admirdeizatoi.• debli':l•Gw,. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- - Notice is hereby given that all persons Indebt ed to the estate of GU'EtroVi .CLARK, deceased, late of Burlington. - are requested to make Immedi ate, payment. and all persons having china against said estate must present them dulyantlienticated for settlement.- BESJ. M. MARL 0ct..5,11-w5 Adminlitratert A DMINIsTBATORS NOTICE:— Noticeiaa bgreby given that all pirsons indebt ed to the Estate of WK. W. EASTABIIOOII.I34 late of Towanda tp, dee:d. are requested to ;mike immediate payment. and all persons havibg _claims against laid estate-must present the same duly authenticated for settlement. MIA ANN EASTABBOOKS, -4 % dULIAS GORHAM, • ' Adminiet;rtitera. Nova-w 6.. "p . X E. CIIT OE'S - =-NOTICE., .11-4 Notice Is hereby given that ill persons Indebted to the estate of JOHN F. DODGE. late of Terry twp dec'd, are requested to make Immediate pay ment. and all persona haring claims agialit said es. tate must present the same duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN. E. DODGE. = D. DI:HOCK DODGE. Esecutors. nov .3-Iv6 NOTICE IS HEREBY - . GIVEN that application will be made at the neat meet ing of the Legialataare of Pennsylvania for the in corporation of a Bawings Bank; to bo known as the Towanda Savings Bank.' to have a. capital.. of fifty thousand dollars, with authority to increaew the same to any amount not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars. 'The objects of said bank are _to receive money on deposit and to discount notew, :bills. &c., ind to exercise general banking privileges. !OW located to the borough orTowanda, - county of 'Bradford. with authority to establish branches at ' other places In said county. • • -•.• June 15.'71.Cm NoncE is hereby - given that isp plidtion will be made to the .next Legislators of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of ' • Ravings Bank, with discounting and depoilitingpriVileges. to be bested at Wyalusing, Bradford County, with a capital of $25;000, wth the privilege to increase the same to $100.4.01. under the name and style of the Wyal using Savings Bank. • - Oct.lFL VXECIJTOR'S • NOTICE.= llis'otice is here* given that all perilous indebted to the - estate of : NEHEMIAH GREGORY, late_ of Wilmot: deed. are requested to make immediits payment, and all persons sing clefts against Said estate must present , the duly authenticated for settlement. 31 S. GREGORY, OctG4F6 , Ex • tor., - LAXECUTOR'S NOTICE. -. ' Notice Is hereby given that all parsonSlndebted to the estate of Levi Huffman, late,' of Wilmot twp., deceased, are requested to. mate Immediate payment, and all persona having claims against said' estate must present them drily authenticated for settlements ' JOSEPH MERLIN. ' GEORGE EBERLLN. nct23-w XECUTOR'S NOTICE.- B.diee is hereby given thatali persons indebted to the estate 0•..ni0 W. BOWMAN. late of dletkr"t.. deceased, are reqUested to mate :immediate payment. and persons having claims against slid estate must" present th em duly authentitated for settiement.• . diEtraIETTA BOWMAN. . B. B. BOW I MAS, A. P. ALL=. ri -- ni2l-wG ADSIDTISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-- tiotice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of AMQS PIERCE, late of Troy. deceased. are requested to make immediate payment and all persons having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settle. merit. • - ROBERT P. REDINGTOR. . una2'3-af, Administrator. WX_ECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice _LA is hereby given that all pe rsoris indebted to the estate otCyrel Fairrnin, late of Smithfield twp, 'deceased, are requested to- make immediate pay 4 meat. and all persons haring claims against the_ said estate must present the same duly authenti cated for settlement.. CHARLES B. RlGGLExecutor EMT FAIRMAN. Executes dm .7.71 AVAIDZISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- -a-Notice is hereby given that all penoni indebted to the estate of Nelson B. Dunham. late of Rome. deceased. are requested to make immediate - payment. and all persona having claims against said'estate, most present duly authenticated for settlement: - ORSON =FM. • LEWIS GOFF. Administrators. nor?-a - 6 ESTRA.Y.—Came to the enclosure of the subscriber orr or about the 20th 'ewer, a Bright Bay HORSE COLT, three ycars old, with 1 white foot and i stir in the • face. The owner is requested to come forward. Prove •Prcier ty, pay charges and take him away, cr he will be dis posed of according to taw. .--- - S. D. *TIMM 4.1 a, • East Elptinz . lfill. Dec. 1. ISTI.-3to VS.TRAY.—Came J1..4 sure of E.• W. Fraith. in Monroe township. on or about the 18th of Narember,a three-year old RED PELF= white belly and crumpled horns. Ths owner is tecinested to come forward, prove property nay charges and take her sway, or she will be dis posed of according to law. W. tarps. Monroe. Dec. 4.1871.—* • . . 500 TONS HAY! (food. Timothy Ray wanted at Rockwell's Power Ileac for which crush will be Mild on dearer,. Towanda, Doc. 5,1871. W. A. acxwearsm El! li N It is their Exectre..