II dford Xtrporkr. V! II • AL AND GENERAL. ffa T O shall be " at home " every Thanksgiving. , De . dac until CA-Vle are Ar„ain ! compelled to omit our gull variety, to giTe.placo to tho bal ance of eshdenee in the WAttio trial. . I_ • I " 'I( • - . i its; .. sabgetper 4.esires us to .s tmc. NI bai, its the stalard weight of buckwheat. We answele, forty-eight posnula to the bushel. I 1 I • oil. 1 scholars' Prayer Meeting is o nslucted in e9tinection With thelf. E. finntlay tiel:col, in this tßir it-the 4eriff t3ale of G. L. i i sto - k, on Teielty last, Jomotort WELD.; ail STEPITEX Trrk's were the prehaeers, aL,I ntinne the bassinetta. OV: WSV-MCGIATIMITY will , . canon on KOOday morning next, on it his parislllin relation to tho new (li the tlioscean. - I • - } , reach a the atity o , c c and wing to the absence of sev ers, but little'business wag transact ( last week,' The jurymen were die- Thursday. 11. 1 110- Etat atto ett i Cou 1 on' on. U. XERCUII, has been b; the Philadelphia City Item, for tlie Zionla make tho boat Execritire he men mentioned in connection with nominate (o; era( r. I o4' rny of t the Iti,:c gra„ 'Miss 31Annia NOBLE; of Ulster townslAp, lias been elected a teacher in the Seliool of this borough. 'Miss has La I F.-vor , 4l,years' expeilence i , and stands bigh iii . her profession. here ts now in jail in. this 111 charged with forger,yothose father ili a million of dollars,::'. and whose lary beim; hastened lo the grave by itnila of Lii worthless son. 11'1,;..1:y EMI 1 1 • rtil. 1 guy tht air The Episcopal Mite Society meet at trio itigidCnco of Col. Cirmi. Vim; cti.. on Moinlayrening - nest. The Pmst*tersait AM Society wilt mot nn Tn.2e:Lay e'venin: - .7., at tile'regi‘lenc," of Cti.o. P. I=l tip. The Ladips Aid - Society (.4 tilt; Congn.gational Church, of Ldtaysv!ll.., tcill.h , d;l a Fair aro Fell at caw,' Hall, Thar,!inovitv.; elay, afternoon and evcnlrpg.,N(w. $O, f 1.;,.z,nt of Ole ClituAl. A r.n, iil in- Vitati , gl t itt . ll . lea lo all: '0 1 ).. A lecture n ill be delivered in 4 ".',lcrenr's on Wednesday, Nov. 29, at S o'cbrok. r. n. by Dr. I. W. 11 , 5eir.r.... Subject ; "Indflizuee tretaud on EU rape and America." Proeee.k to he applied in payment of debts • agamst tbc• Church, at this plare. Tile Adjutant General dis banded the ." Itrot:Lway llattyry," of Blooms burg, hecxte , e thry tai ,1 .to comply with the requirernent6 or Nt .41 the- matter of uniform. MET:ert: ittgrrr;ea the I;:tocKwAV Latter/es 111 the- Wh , AO da-triet, 1:14 year. , Ls. The new. Protestant churei. in thcw.o.b. ok-.:ln•igltbarliorl,•Forl;s town-hip. Sullisan carnal', ‘‘,11.1 be (1,41(.2 teal Dr.in, permisEiion,Dc. 7, 1871. 11ey. Ar.:- 4.1 - :n•i - -;11 - Er.s . rt:it, D. 113.,[0f. .Baltimore, is ex pect, general u 1 ation extended. A goo.] time • •,:i,•••,tt tl. I JANE 84 1 ETLETT; wife o tce 1:,t.• DANuI , 11A:tert.rtif, died at the resi &Do- ~ t spn, 0. r. Ilittn.r.TT, ill this place nn Ta..,,1n,y morning lagt,n the 96th year of aft , . tilr• e - : an exe4iplarS•:Cbristian wt. man'. rne.l by all who• - 1 We do not remember that we . , = 4,, av y notice of the Typo, one of the ne;,lest Mile papers ever rnnni in. our table., It c mainly devoted to the nllE:read of the tie:, and cbould Ito" ttn the_ bands of every eunutr)l. JAI is published by J. F*r.,.euae. N. Y., extensive prinivr in the &r. P. GAhi i 4 I,r; Itisnrancei policies in comp a-. v.Lich hare liven Corar4 . llCll to ,uspend in 11::. 0: the 11,cavyi peaces hi Chicago, be •otorhei to i• the ac.ents and canceßat, • •••••v • • as 011.,..rwi)se the' , res:onsitle. companies with theY insure, will only be Tnosible fo'rb.ucli piportiou or the loss tiv.y be liable. for n caso the former v.( re (till gonl. TIA• Lewisburg Chronicle says ei p ',rent s of Vlcront4 1 000nyt.t.. at one pt tavern mt " Clicsfput nicige," i.. F. :'• • (tr V.R.-rontA's mother was a Itos.txsA and w. 16 . uorri about thrt.e miles fnim . . - In 1539 l i married Cl- , I"iLIN, a 'Yankee fr.)ra Bl i f.A.lford county, and efter-a short residence at C4ettint Ridg© mov rd t,, Ohs , . ..eherri Vtr.7l r natA Nyas born. • female ilas a number of i:r this count::: . tte- The otlieers of Rome Lodge 1. U. ti. Ta, for the present term, n • -E. L. t•H .11:A YOnal. :L.LA EICKEL , .. LEX. KEE:rr. --M. D. CARET. . WA rn.E, ELI I_ Il S. 11. A. N. AV Y. V. 1.- t'. I IV. )I. YOUN(I. MAYNARD. CAIII.V. -P rial 111::, I. G. `V. (. .1\ ATEr Gr.t.:N.—A correspondent TM: lieu' proprietor. of the Glen arrive.l and formally 11.71, , 217011prriiSCJASiOn 11. I i I 11 propertY, ilicludin4 the Munut.tin 11 i, a Phliadelphiatt of ample 'means aril eKi,erlen, ru lo.tel keeping. lie his , fq)iy an - . mount rent of ,?7.,0nt) for the 111 -, •I T. •viz lt flits vainable pr,Terl y, r;1:1:,; , 11, ,, re Le hinds himself to mule tnenN upon the pr perry 1 - i'd,‘Ptd.per annum. lle will ensuite.t , seAson erect v. new ,ara, ! ity L.; ;el.:• hundred sleeping • the soot., time Glen, opposite 1i0n... omttect tilt , t tvti A - , lsnerotion. bridge the Glen, 4 .1 ',Lad.-ir eltriage way will 1 , 0 cop .liotel to. the Nil- OLITCA . RY.—BISHOP PETER WOLLE.— f 3 ETEiI W01.1.1r; Scrikpr Bishop of the 11 , .ra,,, 1 Church, ilicfl At Bethlehem, Pa., on 1 ; , -• in I.it ei:Thneth Hianative ll= •, , Island-.of t:t. John,- W. 1., tuber: :Jaw two' 5, 1.7..f.2. Ilia father was a r- , ' •k' or that Ci.flre,), and was et the tirfiP i at that Irt the year 180 i) he v-C1.11.s fa tiK-i to the United States, and • d Nu:irk-Us 114. He completed the in ,- nlzir vounze, a're.l was admitted to the class of lug Church formed in in the rc•a:• tSf,7. He graduated t"ilr the Entry he rcceived the np paztor nt S.tlem,, N. C., 'and t , , Philadelphisothere he i lt;;Cl. Subsequently ho was sta , ;, • 1.,:1c.a. , :tdq• and Litiz, Pa., Canal Do other points. After ~• c•, p arlBls, he filled vari positi,nl3 in the Charch; was l a mernb-r of the, Provincial Elders' Ex , ,,atr e 13:fard i;f the Northern P-pri and rcru - .,,ved to Bethlehem, the' seat r N 11 :• rt.brernent from Hlve , orvi , e, hi, has wag an eloquent preacher slur th•rotti . i4 tnnsieian. He re ,21,1 .1%.1 r.-o - rwhi- I Ow lttnn tnhes now in Clitfr,..th by the direction et the Syn- Ltd r, 11. Nra3 the ohrci3t lißliop or the entire de llo:lo.nm*. =I Scraimm's MoNTELT.--- AN hum- Tarr= lifaalzacr. rein Tut 1 . "z0n.r., Connocrice EX J. G. 'have tho pleasure of presenting our plans for the coming year, 'be ginning with the third volume in November. They involve changes that are full of encour agement to ourselves, and of interest and ad vantage to our readers. The. inprecedented patronage that has been accorded to our. enterprise, has loft , ua in no doubt that all our attempts at greater.- cvel !once and larger results will be met with the most liberal mint on thil part of the public. We have therefore decided to enlarge the mag azine, and so to condense its materials, while preserving Its present large and beautiful type, as to furnish thelequivalent of thirty-Iwo extra Pages of matter in every number, or nearly four hundred Trim a year.' This enlargement will enable rt. rith every issue, to present a. greater number of illustration, and a 'better variety of articles than it would ; otherwise be possible to give, and help eke realize our Pur pose to make the lifonthly in all respeits the finest magazine that can be made in America. We wish td have distinctly understood; while tnlargemeht, that we do not proifose to publish the largest magazine in the world. We shall aim 'simply, cseinding all "padding," to publish the best. ova Cr)B2III7IUTOLS. We are constantly adding to the number of our contributors who will continue to be, as they have been, among -the best who write She English language in Europe and America. OVIt ILLt7STIIATIONS. While having in constant employment a .. choice : rots of designers and engravers for tho illustration of literary inateri'?.l produced at home, the shall avail ourselyeal of rare advan tages for securing the illuei;t products of foreign art, some of which we hope to be ible to pre sent with every number. coa-roas or TUE ::/;W votram. Tl.e materials which we have already in hand, enablcs na to state with confidence, that the . new roinme will be, in literary matter and pie tetial illustrations, more brilliant and enter taining than either of ibmwc.deccsgots. EIM2 With an increase in - size, ttacro. nmst bo of courso c trrresp:3ncling increase in price. The sr.Weription price Will het LOD per year, ,( iu advance ; and there will be no club r tee. For &I' we will ir...nd the Monthly for ue year, awl ale) all the beck mintherS,of role. I. and IL; i'r for .V. 5 we will scud the 'Monthly Itit ono year, and the covers for Vole. I. and IL, post age on covers paid. The . price of covers . shigly is filly c..its vac:}. u . ,..t will exchange at our i1r.1,,, uAck i‘iiii:u , r+ f. , r Lound volumes, ..on pa:. mist of sercuty•five c.nute. ' W make thew liberal offers because we de that every one .hall commence with the :ht number. We ni.2r.ii to make the series . .;orttly of earilul pri.:.3.,rvation; . ._ CI;( eh. on 1I itt.3l; in tho United States ayntli. to our and rn4.o:liee money ordtt., wsd ni.rat:y iit kiters, may vt..it at oar ri-L. Ti' tva.l.• !Jo tup,4i,,l through tho cari• nu. fl '.%s c...tup3mk,it r to Whoit) faithfaluess aua. ;facyncy are gr. , 412y iml ota.f for our prUa our o . cuhttlerl. ticuruNEtt N. Co., C:2l Broad ay; Nc v Toth. EtTSITTESS LOCAL; Lam" Moro New Go6;ils opened thi. week at TA11.013 k Co.;; llSecond arrival of full and win er gooaa at EV.O:B S Hicnannes, Dridge r Furs, Furs, Furs choice ju,t opt•ned at _ TArLotc at' Cos. f4ll lino of Dry G uoas inst -e:.•eivea at 1-',I:ANs Droche, Ottoman . , and Wool Riau•!=—all the rt , velti. - a: at Tiott,,ht Ncn;• Clotiks and ,Shawls, this weelt, at EVANS tt 1111.mm:riff!, Bridge street. Fuss The largest assortment and Lowe - st prices, T-TLor,* Co'F ZCe 3fortga,ges, neutly printed, fol. F. a lc .! at titit, .ge" Winter Cal . 's at the Keystone clothing l'alac.;:. ti.;:k-I.l3.rgtii - iis in Repellant:;, at .TAvLons: co!, A TRu..yr.—To AVoLr G cLvs - nrru's Ta.Thozi & Co. have this week opened a large Stock of Dcmepticz tuht Flan nel:l, which will be sold at porWarpeire:t. _„_ . Dar -Fourteen more eases at the depot fui WOLF A: Gat.r.s)n-ra. Mk,. Just received,- a choice lot of the latest st , yles of Ladies' Cloaks, at B. A. Pr:TT:ls J.: r. C. P. —Examine our Stock. ' wohl- Nlibias, and Knit G codi., at , Tv:Lor. and "Misses' Bonnets awl' Hats, can be bad cheaper than ever at the sign of the Dig Bonnet, in front oT the Court ( 1 :, G. Quick sales and pro, its, at. the Keystone Clothing Palace. Overcoats for six dollars, at WOLF &.,Goi.nsmrrn's. AVANTE:b. , --Agents to sell pictures every,Ahere, p,zol rf tailed by cce. Semi stamp. Wrt rrxr.v L Ca., 'orwich, Conn. and Children's 1r on] an) Cottlqt r. complete ttzsortmr.t: A great imriety of Children's and Misses' rlannel ;land 3.lerino Knit tracer•, tx., f i t received at' B. A. P:.:rrEA .': Co. • " AND NF.(7.K."-16.ineli Paper conar , . at lit`_ iteue re" 'rho LArgeßt Az,-; , irt•liz!at of IlJtititA4 rut liatit Are to V. MN. j. D. lirt , l4e strt,,et. ceir• Gold, silver and' mixed, sud d0u1)1 , 2-qtco:l Waterproo,':, at - I===l -The nicest Bonnets and Hats are to be foundst r llrs. J. D. Ifir,t , Dr Ago MEI M. Cloths anti Cassilui?rcs Ste atal in.:Orate - pricts, at in- The cheapest place iu Towatl aa to buy Millinery Goods, is • a i mrs. J. --15.. ‘ tr'olge street. 4.- K. C. P.-- 7 1:to4bic at Barclay. s 2 tcia!, 10 r. 3.r.—.Miner; en a fcir lawer trlgcs. Bceause they can buy elscaper r.w.c" at o'2 great Emystozie Clothing I'n',Etee. . To I AllnEP.g..—l Very valuable ma nure for comr..ust and top dreiilrig, • cor,l.4ting of lime charged with ammonia,: for sale cheap by the Towanda Gaa.Company. Try it. liiwLtada., Nov. 20, 1871. ' PO= .ND PLNDEll cnus7:,frnin Aton; McTieran c , :unty, Pena., was tent to the City lioepital- in this ' : zity, esterday, , by the pournial.tf.r *ahi,ve" mentioned town. .I.lr. i.i totally blind, • and Dr. Dr 4:: GILIFF has Fcrlormed an operation upOu ono dyc, by means of which he hopes to be able to afford Jinn some tision.—Elmira rln Cloths, Flannels, Ml:theta Shawls a., oat stock is domplete. Eras Gprantrrm A. good story is told of a-Brad ford county farmq, ?Rho got stack tit 'New 'fork on a pair of 32 pants, his original measure be ing 36. ThiiTwOuld not have hap pencil at the great keyEtopo Clothing Palace. L te-c onnteipanes,Table Linens and rachavlAnn's Linens, s foil ine st ••• ' Elan Foil SALE 04 Watts' house and lot, on Towanda fiats, will be for .iale until Deo. 25; then if not sol 4 it -will be rented, Ulf* the Gardens adjoining. It. Towapds, Nov. 22, 1871 A full line of Ladies', Misses, and Childreleo Hose, ',at Er.sa - sA: Ihrtr.rru's, Bridge Atrect. Igt. Dr. Ur DE GRUFF is meeting with grcjat success in the tneehanteal treatment of curvature of the spine. He has a larro, num ber of rsuns under his ere, suffering from this def.rmity.—Etrnira Adm.:incr. ID aXelveteens all colors suitable for Sacli , Snits, also cat or bias for trimmings at ELAN. k Illumnrit's. . to The Members of Rome Lodge O. ofO. T., mill give an iclySter Snpner at their-Hail:. an Thanksgiving craning, fur)lio benefit cf the Society. A general hivitation ex tentled: [Ty order of Corn. te - • Hoods, Nubias, Scarfs, and Ladies' and Children's Wrappers and Drawers, at ETAIH IIILDRE:11'8, 'Bridge Ptreet. try; The Bradford County Modica Society rill meet at the Ward House, in Tomes da, on Wednesday, Dec. 0, at 10 o'clock, A. 3!. Y.. P. ALLF.x, See'y: Vir Our'stock okfrints, Shootings, Starlings, Stripa, Cliecks, Ticl:lng,s, De,nlms, never ;vas so largo Evans Iltimnran. Fos IS.u-E.—An Oriental Heater, pearly rimy, and rcrY cheap. Apply io Mrs. E. H. ll. , ;scw, Second S. French Poplins, . Empress cloths, Merinos, and Satecns all the now and popular !lades just opened st - • • EVANS S. limnaera's. et ! 3. f , you don't want your wife to tease ,-c,-,i for money, don't let her see those elegant eir Camp Chairs at Ftosr& Sons. If she gets ier eyes on them : , . - on might as cell "slieil Oi ti" curs Qh 1 advcrt6r , jour-,ed CC 1 cfel brAtcd onh- to I Tr Cosoi, =MEI reqaccte l ncsg. t da, c.n 1' 1 nt;tf,l C0., - N. 1871, ut -- ='3,5 0, ) FoiOSALE,A House and Lot on Second litretqf near the Ward iroaFe. Ersilding nor, three stories high, with good wen and cis tun. Poi.E.esie,on given immediately. Apply to LSAAC S. Pobr. F Lo'..—On or about the Ist inst., Town Order No. 34, dated Ft-b. 27,1371, amount 72.59, au the Treasurer 'of Overton township, and paYable- to 11. Ftermz.v.v. Thirty doP.ars itn,lorbed in the ord,:r. The llnder will be re warjed I,m returning to me. L.:l , ll4hurj,h, Nov. 14,1871. TArwr'A: Co's TAI - Ln:: .°.: Co'. TA - f tor. =1 =al ALEX. REEF„ Chairman .E.—As Thanksgiving Day oc- Lau'sday the COth, the Sheriff' ralcs I (1 to come off on that day, MOND. 4 .Y, DECEMBER 4. 1.571, ' .T:l'. TAN Ft.r.rr. ShcriiT 1262 complete line of the - cele • us..ens Own" Silklnstre, Black alpr.ca, ye had at LC-!NY S Mixam - ru*s. - MG OF TN?. 11LTUTLICAN ME —The membera of the IlepuEi lim; Committ:e of Drulford arc to meet f,lr the trar.aaetron cf bug. be office of G. D. 310NTA 4 c....4. - E, Towan- JesChty the :I , '9.th of N0v(412132r imt. A ahLsee is regnest,(l. J. flout, =, Chairman. Oa, Nov. 14, Itql. „ EMI The Germania Fire Insurance report that their assets on Oct. 1, .$1,133,1132.11. Losses at Chicago, Mal:it:A- them sound beyond question. • I:40. W. 111. m, Agent, Towanda, Pa. Ea x .English, and Amen eau Vinier .Proora, bt.nglit lwrarc tl!c , adcancc aud ‘lin!l)e € - Eviss illta:LYll•s Cutlst. Coxt..—The Sullivan Anthra cite is the clif:apcst and bo.st for all purposes. Als) tliti 1113 bzst 1121 lit Coab. the Central Coal Yard. Orders left at my ()Mee, or at Dt. 11. C. Por.Tv.u, SeN Cos. Drug Store, c ill be promptly . It. M. Wr.u.r.s: • IS7I 1 1 '., , ,Lr. 1871. EVANS 4: HILDLL7II Are now really fur the fall trafle with a most comp:tic tttocli ercry Dcpartinent. Ilnyers of Dry Goixls will find it t 6 their interest to ex amine Oar stock ani rrie.i.s before making their fall purehat•es. _ WiL , ; Dr. 11. . GOOLLLL, Homeo pathic Physician arhl Surgeon—a Phyt;ician of eleven Years' empc:i I:cc—would inform the cit.- r.!.‘l tht lie ham lo cated in l'9lvat.da, and d.....irca a `Alive , of the pulik!.pi.troita..:e. Otiee in Vs . .it..:l . ti Much, cn 'l'ev.anda, Pa. iilvo liand arol cfr.2r bard^iix: 1 Grover•l...- Baker :3e wing 2 Ladd tc Webstt is " l'Whicelcr lc 1 5 ;fisan's • ;t.Fr.l;L:its t her c•An cie agerwy or ;11ANCE.--SPECIAL Nor.ct TO OVA p:-'sons holding rolisica - of ,pauics named below, :arc hereby noti t ime..reire4 prrynitim on the satni; idc,l 11 the Corupanka, provided they with us for collection within a reasona :.: J'lcare Mtend to this tit once, as the Pretr t ium cla.'(;:liv:d lite time tf sarren 'utit.j; Those living at a distr.nc'o trill cir Policies to na at Towanda, Pa. After from date tv; .. ttill declino to re•ceise • CCFre tht Eed 11, • be r. fli are left ble trol l Ttturtt I der; ig ma./ tl 30 ciri* Ithem : City F 1 Nortb Falton Cie-el -c CJ EMI MEM ,CIIL INSUILLNCE NOTICE.— The ig named Fire Insurance Cornpanics, rehants' of Ilartford, the Manhattan of rl, the Putnam , of llartford—heretofore nted by the undersigned, were made in-, by tha Chicago fur, and special notifi f the fact has bun icut by mail to all who li •Sd Policies issued at this Agency. Sr MlO ti th6Mi Se Y reprce , solcen cation l e Companies can now offer but little in c to their Policy-I:elders against lose, , s therefore adrisabla to sit:Tender such The dean; and it Policies for cancellation, in order to obtnin as ; much cit . = premium as the assets of the par ticula Company may .enable it to pay. Those Policy polder; who wish to atain any return prouilro, will please send their Policies to me at onc, and I will attend to the collection. The atisured will write across the (Ice of t4O Policy the following: "Surrender@ fir c:in cellati,n," with date and signature addcd, and so see their Policies to me. tinne to represent the test and most re nsnrance-Co's., and issue Policies at rei t rates. C. 8. I co liable sonab MC= NOT=E. sr= =:llercha kir, Bridge street. Guss To Purr JAni. 7 —Quarto, sa.cos, doz.; Ball9n, $2.50 &as., st, Wicauum Brace's.. • Stir We shall be compelled to send an °Meer to wait on our delinquent customers, who do not pay attention to our statements. Ho will collect triad fees. Comma, llossms. A; Co. • Towanda, Oct. 31, 1871. - mer Chop Feed, cheap, at the Red, White and MTh: Store. W i e have large additions to ourassortuYeatof charoVer sets inst opened. Also, a full dine of Silver rimer Ware, from llogcrs k Brother. Da. Choice Flour; by the sack or barrel, at the Red, White and Bice litore. Itnxs.tr S:, Erturrr. VANVELsort & 31.A.NNE129; Merchant Tailors, Clothing, Bats and Caps, Furnishing Goods, . G 8 Broad street, Was erly, N.Y. .May 3, 1371. . Ve" Sugars , very low, aethe Red, White anill3lc Store. ' Va..,Tobacco, by the pound, or barrel, cheap, at the Bed, White and Blue Store, . BLIX/WAY EvxnErr. ten.' •Do not forget that Tea is sold at Feeler's for t. , 0 cents. Jan. 18, 1871. Tca, by th© chest, caddy, or pound, at tie Red, White and Blue Store. Ittnowar ti Ernurrr. , . isrortc4 = —The undersigned will sell goods of all kinds. usually kept in a country store, until Jan. 1, 1372, fur ready pay -or by special arrangements, cheairr than eau be beat in 'Bradford county; and all persons baring book account, are requested to call and settle before the scar ch•ses, as my Books litrai be 'et - L. 1). T.tyton. Gramille CE,Ltre, No 7. 13, I°7l. /al" I lias'ejust received a large stock orrea, bought since the reduction in the duty °ales, of ten cents per pound, and offer them at the low prices annexed : Best Young Ilyson, $1.25; Good Young lly son, 11,00. Oolong, 70 to 90 cents : Ilyson Fine, 75 centa; Ilyson Good , 13 cents ; - Best Japan, sl.eo. Call and examine. ' Jan. 18, 1671. .GEO. L. Kr.ELLsr. VS.. The North, British iuul Insurance Co., of London and Edin burgh, when informed of their losses by the Chicago fire, telegraphed bacic: "Subscribe $5,001) for the relief of the sufferers, and draw on us at three days for our losses. For insu rance in above Company, on, as favorable terms as any other, apply to ' 0. D. D.tarm.i - r, -Agent. —AI! persons holding Poll (:r fu:t..:l, Noctli ArtirTicau, Hartford as el‘reland Insurance Companies, issued at this agency. aro requested to return thorn o us at once that cc may take account of the nn expired pretfaum, which will be refunded should the Cothpanics hereafteiProse to be in condition to pay it Oct 23.—ew FEISEIE—GARD.—AtIhe home of the bride, _ on Sat.irday, Oct. 21. by Cyrus Hulbert, Esq.; John L Frisbie, of Terry, to Mies Annie E. Gard, of Albany. McINTOSII—WOOD.—At Waverly, • Nov. 16, IT Rev. L J. Lusk, Mr. Wm. Mclntosh, of Towanda, to Miss Clara J. Wood, ,of Towan, da. BILES—MILLS.—At tho house of the bride's father, in North Towartaa, Oct. :;Ist nit., by Ras. 0. L. Gibson, Mr." Charlei and Miss' Mary J. Mills. datighter of Silas Mills, Esq., all of North Towanda. ° CHAFFEE—BULL.--By the. same, at the house of the bride's father on rend Hill, Wpm:, Nor. lf;, Mr. John H. Chaffee, of Sheshegnin, and Miss Marrion L Pull. daughter of Wm. E. Bull, Esq. BROWN—STATES.-1t the home of the bride's father, Nov. 16, IS7I, by Bey. G. M. Cham berlain, Mr. Theodore P. Brown, of Brown town, Pa., to Mies Tillie E. States, of Lime 'till, MAGEE-111£1111EN.-I.ti Camptown, Nov. 8. 1871, by Rev. K. Eln - ell, Mr. Wilber W. Ma gee to 'bliss Libbie Amerraen, all of Camp town, Pa. HIED. DODGE.—Ou 11., at hig resi &lwo iu Tttrytown, Pa., John F. Dodge, in • the 37th lear - cif Lis age. CHAFEE.4At the : residence, of her father, Mr. Ilenr;4Whiitaker, in Warren, Pa., Sept. 21, 1571, M. Elsie Chafes, aged 22 years. In this mysterious Providence which his call ed her so early from this lire, one se good, eo gentleltnel lively, has caused a deep shadow to fall upon surviving friends, who deeply feel their los4. She embraced Christ in early life' ae Ler only hope, and died ".n the triumphs of living faith. And •now we may by faith look beyond the flowing river, and join in our feel ing with the following stanzas : "Far beyond the rolling ricer, • • Where bright angt-is are, The dearest of my heart is gone. And shines a radiant star. - ho wears a spotless robe of whirr, And a shining crown olgol , l, For she is with her Savior now, Ana a lamb of Ills dear f , ..1.1. 1 "She witlicied like the bright wild t1.e.v..-,•, 'Neath•the burning noontide's ray, To bloom again'in Heaven - above, Amid eternaljlas.“ _ WOODHOUSE.—At Larevville, Wyoming Co., Pa., Nov. 7, 1571, John G. Woo.lll6tlse, M. of typhoid pneumonia, after a brief illness. His sudden demise was alike surmising and sad, for his physical development certainly gave. promise of enduring the -allotted three score and ten years, but nearlyii score of theta were wanting when eleath summoned Lim. Vital statistics show that the average age of physicians is less than any other class. The case under consideration is a confirmatory ad dition. He was born in Bridgewater township, Susqueliatml county, Pa., April 9,181 n. !Studi ed medic:ne cutler direction of Dr. PAnucs, then of Montrose; graduated at- the Pennsyl vania Uoirers;ty in Philadelphia ; was associat ed in practice for three years with Dr. I-trunor, of :r ringvill. , ;. then removed to Laceyvillc, •he remained the balanca of his days. imdided for his :tale vocation, with a dial al pc arapc.., calculated to inspire con he yr.roptly reined the geed will 'Of Immunity, and mini : Acted to. their Medi ants with a, shill rirely cu.:died by the .ry mactitoner, and soon Lad an extensive .1 , : his intercourse with his prefessional ran, lie was courteous aid fair, usually - ned by the'establislitd e:.,de of e thics, so. ',4le was somewhat reserved, but popular, .at his loss is keyercly WA; He leaves Cl ,rplialt sewn years of age—lns wile, ,ghtrr i f the late .CnAtim - s Km.z:nr, Esq., erie.F.ed the "dirk valley" five years 1 • Ll.. t cal corn tr,tl Wic.mi %sr Lu.tx go% t. cial'A sa a (la haci ago. 1 Ilartforti, Ct 1.4 Nevi. Yolk OLi^ CA:U . Vr.;c:zit, G en . eral as. A g4.--nt, rra; on , Ellen In th not: Tarr ME By t eza ltuxnraT S Evtim-rr W/C,IBAZ Ar BLACK" Rinaw2.l . S. Eveurrr Cu'A L YLNCENT MARRIED. NV. c. rrci: 1 , 7:7; .4.a=tisements. E=EMII i MIRING MILLS ! FULLER 4 CO., ! dully Inform the public thst liminq rebuilt :e elk, of the old mill, with all tuo,lern improve- I-, are now prepar ed to ti ' I - - CUSTOM GRINDING I , best pOssibis manner and on the shortest . No pains gill be st ared to give satisfaction. ere doing business in town earl. bring their an:l have it ground the sante day to talc back. Limn, FEED & MEAL, e car 2.,>ad or In rinautztie , 3 to Mit rarataiere OVND CAYUGA. PLASTER AT 1:314 of grail: to am in uling; tor Flut.:q• .pavl for ei lindo of grzio - anala, Nov. 1 „Tr.,71 ,Now Advertisement& BM L XOVEILDER IS?!. Buy Your. HARDWARE, IRON, STOVES, NAILS, GLASS, PAINTS, MCCIIANICS Toots, OF CODDINGIUSSELL VCO. 'IOWAN PA, Who not only sell' at the lowest cash. prices, which cannot be undersold in the county, bnt who, from their long experience in the trade, are able to, and do, keep a variety of goods of all kinds which is not equalled in this part iof the State.. It is their aim to sell goods that shall give satisfaction, and. they have only to refer to their customers in the pas as to what they will perform in the) future. As the ordinar-k space of an advertisement would fail to en- umerate the goods kept by the❑ whoever may wish • to purchase, should not fail to visit their stork , . I.' They have a great variety of Cooking and Heating Stores,atnong which are- the Am'erican, Morning Glory, Oriental; and nitnny other, patterns of Base Burners. They have a large lot of 3ferry Christmas Stores at Reduced Prices, although the tendency of •prices is decidedly upward. - American Cook, Magic ! Shield, Tribune, Union, anti many others. They are the only agents for the two best Heaters ever sold, the Oriental and Reyn'Ads:. Also Chaffec's National and Harrisburg Feed Cutters, Corn Shelters, Pocke Knives- and Table Knives, very 604, Silver Plaied Ware, Lard, Whale and Machine Oils; Brass and Copper Kettles, ' Clothes Wringers, Boys' Sleds, Skatei, llay Rope, Lath, Tinicare, Drain Tiic, Condit, Patent Iron Benches, Planes, &.c O. F. MASON. W. U. FUJI' 1,11 SPAAON 'Ol l 1811-2. 1.01 OFr . .O.LLEOTURES: The comnatttn have. mid° the following engage merits : Dr: J. G. .1101,.LAW), 0 I 0 0 N 04 Now Advertisements OLIVE I:4),GAN; Dateo—WI.I3"SESDAY, 04:1TIOBEIL 18 Sabject—.'Nlao Tonna Men." abtormy Trrcoarn,) Hate—TUESDAY, NOVEMBEA 14. 1871 S./Wei : •e T4c Sodel Undertow." JOHN B. ' GO UGH. Date—TT:EMIT, DECEXIMII 26, 1871 Sutject— , "• Will it ra7." ITTROLE UM WNASBY. bate—JAlVl74.ll! 31, 1372. Sytject•.•"Tboato! of Icinevrgi neh." ANNA E. DICKINSON. n,to—rEßnumlY 2'3,1872. t-übJect—... Joan of Arc." The otlx• lecturers - a ill probably be REvRY WARD BEECHER. E. R. CRAMS anal ROBERT COLXEIL The 11:END IS-SOWS QUIN:TETTE CLUB will give • Concert DECEIIBEB 1. ~5 50 . 75 3 60 General rAmisslon Bzerrse4.l SCUOTI Tickets for sale at Polars. A-. litiot's Drug Store. Sale of Reserved Beata will corom.‘nco two days before each lecture. - =MEE WA FOYLE. V. mess, VAN . Towanda. Oct. L. 1871. JNO. F. BANDEP-SOl4 L. I`.. FUOST. T HE CHEAPEST PLACE l i b. TO BUY, BOOTS, SIiOES AN IttIBBE4S, IS AT ' METROPOLITAN sTont, NO. 3 GIIIFFIT:13 P.}.I7ONS BRIDGE STREET The largest stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbera ever brought into Brad, ford County, which will be sold 25 per cent. cheaper that they can be bought at ani- othei establishment I buy my goods ,at. first hands and thereby save the Jobber's profits, which enables m e to sell cheaper than any other House in Towanda RUBBERS ! nußgEns!! Of all the latest styles, which will be etailed at,T'actory Prices Meias' Kipp . and . Boots, and Ladies Fine Shsgia, retailed at Whole- sale Prices I bare the eclusi-:e sale'of Si3l- UEL WILSON'S liens', Womerts', Ilisses add Chi Wrens 'Fine Shoes, which are the best e7.er brought into the iniWr:et ELLIS 11. NOE, Towaudz, -S:TL THE UNDERSIGNED ARCHI TECT AND lICILDEE, wishes terinform the citizens of Towanda. and vicinity, that be will give purtiettlar attention to drawing plans. designs and specifications for all tnauner of builditnztv, ptivate and public. Superintendence gh'en for reasonable compensation. 021ce at residence N. E. corner of Second and Elizabeth Parcets, where ho will ho found every evening from 7 to 10 p. nt.. Saturdays all day. . J. E. FLEMING. Boa 511, Towanda, Ps. wt. 5 1871 VALUABLE FAR3t FOR SALE. The underaigne.lOT.rs for sale, bls farm sita. ate,' in Laporte twp.. Sullivan connty,-I's.. on the stay road about midway between Laporte and Dn. shore. on the banks of the Lova!sock creek. Said, farm contains 76 acres of land,. about 30 acres well criltirated, and the rest well timbered. Has on it a saw mill, grist mill, good water power, a large plank Louse, kept as a tavern, a large plank barn, a hon. , . stable with good reds, and other 011tbUntliD7.894na a good bearing &chard. Reason for . selling, ill health. For further'paryialars address . . Oct. L. 1571. • HERMAN A ,NCHOR LINT STEAMERS. 11 Sill every \Volum* .and Saturday, to and from NF.W yon.E. AND GLASGOW. caning it Loodorrj• to hod Mal; and PasvBngers The Steamers of this favorite line are built ex preaAy for the Atlantic Passenger Trade, and fitted up In every respect with all the modern improve ments calculated to insure the gaiety, comfort, and convenience of paesengers. Passage Fate*. Payable in Currency, to GLASSGOIY' LIA_ERPOOL and LONDONDERRY. FIRST CABIN. SG!. and s73,accord , ng to locaCon. CABIN maims TICKETS. $l3O. ac cornincklaticom INTEIZIEDIATE. $33. :Trull . AGE, • rPartielmentlics for their friends in the Old Conon try can purchase tickets at relucrd rates. For tut- Vier particulars apply to nr.NnErt.sas tutoTnr.r.s: 7 Bowl:tug Omen. N. Y. or to N. C. 11F.ANS. Central Exproas Office. Towanda, Pa. ;>, ___.......... .. r .. 4 ... s,. "Z. •=••••=i ~ _.=l:-.;•E; 7:' :1 •L'-' Z. 7.2 F. 2: ~.. ~7 E 1 1 . -..= •• • I- , . " i '•?.._, 4 4 5., $:. Z.' ,','