IsmME 13yadfoid eporUr LOCAL AND fiIAINERAL. .• • i ' ft,- 1V..8. Slum, ..4)f Washingto l hii rift :limed IluitTiLlin Baca.' Store, j , }fain I.Z.t. Twenty-Ave `hundred p!(1) hare perished in the fires in the w sta on the prniries, druinA the present man re,.. HoxucE Cowt,is,..of Pontt Y s. Y.. has rented 31c3funno 'Bakery, and 1 4 , I, rr , c - o f it about Me 25th inst. :..5 , .. e ••._ ~ '... . . 7 .. . . ... _ ~ :Er HottAcE HEAT/1,. of : Ulster . " til leriTsilhis office II potatoes of the buckeye i't:•'. do:7', from one hill, weighing 18} lbs. - 1 0.- The local.,lioard of and „ o , r s'are tho rates of tom:rine° ~iKlve: The Ovalle, in some eases is qn MEM fic'coritance with .the r - ,Inurendati.n_pt th e Bishop, chllection was up in the Episcopal Church on Bumf y T the Chicago sufferers. vp i . Among the return judges Who Lae im Friday last, was Bev. Z. Lts; o;)f trhp acted in the same capacity Tpr I...,gy, , ,itip ti r 7 y years ago. . • Mr. 34.40 has just return I fro - m - 11; cty n where ho has pnrchas r so stock of goods; which aro ,% thi cset l k at PovrELL & Co's. semi-annual Darado The mmt camp off yesterday aft , a,good turn oat, and eve ff plesarktly. Lants . scr.'sEt, l !,, , ,1 which was eac r, Di par Thera pa` - =a 44' :lice pleasure in— faxl of Messrs. PALrn iota merchant,i, -of New Yo :Lai. home is flrst,i . ,elass, and af;business entrusted to th. -)riiy attended to. Al' =NM MBE ' ''. ilt t , nti-fa Is hire commenced wol Monoves house on Main . 4 .4 I . ,•sidence is an ornamel4 o .ve" should judge from the pla s Lc- Moat convenicnt dwellin l s re. AIEL BAnNE-At has ciecut 43 •orl:, to the entixi- satisfarlion,Y,f Yr ,J rISO n, ~~^•t -=-~ - 7 1Ve . ilotice among t .'~ .5 .[ !I znilitrii . :e. at th gyn.,l, Hot. ~f Piiiiii.doliikia, Dr: CAT - 71 t.; i. linstr, of Kingston, Gr.°. l''. li.iilolphia, Dr. WOILTIITNGTON,pI I ',i Dr. M.i:Lon, 'author of ' N g C Ili , ~f t!,(J. 1:,11,1e." EMI TIE 1:1.16}-; 3tErtc t -n has oSr t h., nl „ a ejyy of presentatives on tte Tion.j.TouN j. P. 11...T.J - J-1; trai accol t (Jar neknos.:oar e f..r ~f Lt•f", tive lIaS c 3 P •;* D n....1T ) -.- . • Int,listi to-clay an appek • mftrirs liy the late terribly *f t:, ,:ors lsacd on th.e prairiekin •. ta;b: of this I I ::!:;;ration. are bnart-pickeni tg . The magnitude of the lugs aid ardly be conceited of. Shall lu'e ng flu them? as h peoplef is . , ! •e. 31Mily blest, and ee till , rttiliftqii it 'lLO:rib:o.v on: of - onr a bunda , lee g f.l:Luvbeings. t-. wt. BEE l` ~'~i L I it Ft-.-.--: ( ; • , Fl - r7rrn -. .:(;Tox .—Friend iltrord : py ..f 'FL iinriph Division. Nelbf.i S. of , 1 ~ .t. , _ . 1 1 I- , / , ...ic.. , through your paper tha h l. f.:,; , ..1 1 , •thcii officers, and 'receixe thtir t h : , ; ,;,. ~.......,,,!;1 I: , .pullicntls. We Lase Fur' !ti- . 1.. 1 .. r. ei:a not utrt• c.opperile-Ael = .mcctim; of 'riumph Di‘iEim. N :.tate of Penna., District D; l'atrjarit E. D. fli Nu .; -I DI a : - i - rll.l , i9lled the oflicsrsaAf(.llll3VS W. P.-- S I\NILLI KNAPI ME I E IS 0111\ (iIITYT • lo 1: rItl:YnE :II MEE l'”rlmi lifil gEs Z. L.txr l'-,- 1:1.1s 'SYNODS :13‘. folloliitistatothent : " 'h • 12: ~,Ir'elinrch PhilarblpLin 40,216 e;i:nt Sa l , lrath school. -.33, tlo• ti 3.. Syn:Q of , risttst - ,: 2.37 c!.t3n:l3,s, 37:41 alin:l.z.9ill Sabbath feboolnim tlic Synod of t:s:e73 . Y r ME * A. ,4 a ;4 , , - our ellurcia.s 1.6", churc and 2-1,8 , 30 Sabbath se ; b ip• , rtnur_ to our (1,:::,:o SyrdldS, .rovPr 1= ,:irt ef .the State - ii; New York,'e.he l'ent - ,, - ,vivania, arid New Jolley, t.l l, ~ i ii Cie state,nient that their ''ilit.- im. s amniint 1,) $3,1113,451 or :1 th. 2. 12 ..:',,, y.-: reported w' the er ‘air asseinb:y. They also n' •n -,.,... cf i'l,e. ministers, one-sev,„ ith -,;ate , t,,, and atm on,- L'urtL'of 111,e pre:Lobel this evening, }u id '! pr,,bal;lv r. , lj(eirn to-moilrow 11118 mr, ' ILI Tula - lion continues to re eh 1 , .. of Wu and rr..orty by dim later ills 31ichigan and lutvc been `APsti•thi•ell, Th , ainds and Lent+ of thous r.dg 1:1111M1181 j =EI entirtly diAti ?nd elJtEn , z. The call 1., an urgent ~ .;nnirt:n rnai - c'act: wurttly lIF. 1 1 :t;. - 7t us 114 , ) wiel to,gice, trait p arc litribr.t..,ns to Fug'?. J?crrrtib .;,,,- „T s-ther new (.: fte, o " , t+s :111,1 b1101:11, curl in :fact I . T. 36:1 S.t•Pir.eta- I= tly 41n1 :ty 11",1,;11 the poor h, , th what - ho la,ctit!...out it If -s JAS. " Dr. Pnirr, "0:)! D. A. Orr.nrqx, MI I'iMMSII I® E =I t. , .v.ty.-I.7hder, the up'. . - .)vcd :). I:ntr. V.F =I •• • 7 .1 1,1 . 0 ) 0 Wyalu,ing Itlilty - iY, • 1 ••1 .,, - • :S-I::f`r, capital one i , 1....1:11 .! .I:nrs, t.& extend fro . the i, X. l'. C. & tt. It , at the yi!l. - ;e of to or hear t ,- ; Lee FiJr:in ,-,r :Jain with G. It om...tvr C. Sit it, ;of LISP, Prt,itleut, and),..lanit:i 'out - ::. i:.! I .:-ro t - 4. Esq., AtAto:: F, ro7•1•.• • •: , :. fitft-•:11: k lit.innows, Rev Sax 1. II ;. .I.l`V. i`.STILIIJRI), I. H. ..t . ;,...! 41: M, INR . IIASI STf): ,- f' 11'1.1.- ;'" • 1).. V.!..NEY Hotifv. - .7airov i . .ire -1.9; t :Ito:Thee:l, wtober TY. ~. i , ••; .'..: •• -: .rs i.„-Ing, present,ll. di ' .•1 ~.: ~ ..,4 li; :111:Lf.1, " and ..1.11 - 11 . .1 f • i:.... , 41 SC efoll7. ,• .1.1 .1 , :t. , 1 :,r.t hp p;esen ~and - .2.'4 , 1: ..ttl 'Lev. ti.txtici. F. ~ t,t• •1 a ,i,:.i:itte to 12:itain , u.r.:l t•.) carry oqi an 1 ISM Mil ME MEI MEI - !ItS lif the !Let aml hist •uct..(l, ),eve the ime , ssary :leet,d at the earn- ME MEE thneand tO take Arach other titers as old. facilitate the enterprise. The next meeting of the directors Waa ap pointed at Oamptown, Nov. 1, at 1 o'clock r. iL with an invitation to all Interested in the pro ject to attend. ' TOWANDIt.—God 'helps 'those who help themselves, and the only_ way for "a earn: triunity to prosper in material thingals to ma* together with thole forces that ire tinder their lawful control. • In a town in Ilassachneetta fifteen years ago, a timber of men worked. hard and erected a small nail and.iron mill The capital wait r,vis- Sid in tho iminediate vicinity. With well direct ed efforts they made money, and to-dey they have one of the most saccesifal nail and bar iron works in the /United States. 'Shortly 'after the erection.of the Iron Works, a'party of men erected a Cotton Factory costing abont 000, and today they_bavp $15,000,000 interest ed in cotton factories; and the most of this mo ney vela furnished from the immediate vicinity of the town whero the mils -- and factories are located. - • - Not. long sincest sew corporstion-rkas created for another factory: the capital oh:lel:Was to bo $200,000. The first dsy the books were opened there wits about $200,000 more offered the WAR wanted. • - This is the way Blasaachusette has become prosperous and wealthy. tVonld . etich man of large and small means in Toranda and the surrounding comity, Use his money in the same my, it would hecomm i iii the space-aten yekrs, one of the most 'flourishing towns in the, State. . The Meosrs. litturrtamr .are going into the boot and shoe mannfactur. mg business quite nitensively. They should have all aid tieties,iary to can: off' a rneeesstul business: • • The Idwanda Iron Manufacturing Co: desire al"an 0f:*,030 or ,c 20.000.. should her run it at reasonablo rates, as their suctevs the success of the town.' The loan they ask for is secured upon, the real estate and fiauchise of the comrany. They will tarn() 7 ier cent, con- Ton bonds. ef $lO9 to $3OO, interest payable semi-r.unually. Thel" , i. - 14,ey ii wanted for worli ing capital. WilLthe cilLens of Towanda and: surrounding country, cone forward and help themselves to a good lovestraent, and help to build up the manufacturing interests of'. the county/ Will the people learn to thrOv.- off their- self- - hilmess, and stop the 15 to 20 per' cent. shav ing, and make .investments that will add to their own prosperity and that- of a whole com munity. Do not , say that this :ndn•or that ie entatlod to the credit, but take hold with coat ;pa .or: more, and help roman' any et:terprisa that 'Off :Led to the,proTerity of the masses be. placing them ;i1 a Position to help tht,taFt-it'el tea emi pc:L.l.lre of material . ge" EDITOR IiRADPOED lir_POßTEß— bear : 'here i, in this. seetiou of tilt, cunt try n man by the nani) of D. I'. Ititazpi; to_ he a minister of .the 069;6i,. and ulycs,rerns t.O think that his :darter's work is . b. pert (-rifled. by an upni and r.irnis tent secret soc:,tics, and more es pccially to Free 3lasnury. lle leas bruit I‘..etal - - iug r:;;aiurt all lug to diseldre the seeratA tor 3.1t.i. , 0ury, he says he learned whiles Member of Jc."•• '5 Lodge, No: 24, Shebuya.u.drall..., in order to enlighten the pulilic to the tiLle character of this man ; you v.lll pl,tase , , ue fullowing let r.,r in y.Jur valuable paper, and Your,: truly, S.W. 111 A, hzdtty Y. M. L.-lt.tysvnie,.itet. 11, 1871. oblige • SLISIMIXGAN " FALL 3. Wt. 7, .71 S. W. Ilt•;iN, ESq."--Pc - ar (fad Bre.: letter of the 11th Sept. at hand, mid contents noted. Theie is no nuch tnxu as ,I). P. ll:Wilma belonging to our Lodge, bur ever ti d. V. e have aithuh the past ;Ivo- or three ;scars received LIM -113 columunicatiohe freni Lodges in the: Sato York; cum• this slat: W2LLre It ale pearsAhat he has been the same in those places as in Ili: LS Ti cat hint roi birAi. :1 4:i•: 11 , .t ahstver 1..: et totitic, litcause ilat bun Immly living in,thismeighh d I ,ant -d t.i ascertain trlie:le-r he was . Ila:ou lug to some L ether Lodge. ut it appears that nooode Imous the man except by tho in:pines of N: F. State Li1.:4;4-s. Fraternally yours, CifAiILES A. UUELL.Lit, Sr.e'y St. John's Lodge, No. 2.1 A.. F. A. A. AL Since above wus in type, we haw lec,:0;- erl rho foll6wing letter from Mr. Fi:ErcitEi:, a well kncrvn titiztqlof Pike towilAiti Oet. 1571. Mu. Etaron—ltear : I wish to ini,rm you that the Secretary of our Masonic Liab.,t, claims to have written to a Lodgo of ."liisOns is ti c West, Where D. I'. Rathbun, a WeslLvan 3loth edislpreacher, is said to have been initiated, and Lave learned that he is an impdstor, and is _going to have you bublisll him as such in :.(vir paper. Now I wish to say to you that said L. P Rathbun is esteemed by the Chriiiian commai ty a pious and deve.ted man, whose labors hare been much blest in Herrickville es well as in most places tiberelhe has labored. I have 'seen the President of the Wekleyan Methodist Conference, and ho informs nut that he has known sada Rathbun ever EinC3 his conversion, and he has ever borne a..tooil Christian charae ttir ; and as a preacher' - his labors have "_bc'en much blest. Also, the Wesleyan papers ala sYs speak very highly of him. Now, sir, I ltis crime is this : he claims to be a seceding Ma son, and sometimes lectures against Masonry, for which ho Las been mobbed and slandered, and much abused. I think yon :t-u serve the citu , ,eo•f truth by rerusing7to pubitsh the (-lieu "m•-.qs ag-inst Yours, Ix:cm:it I'Ln - a um D. MMEIII rue, The M. E. Church, of this place, bas adopted the free ,pets system. Sunday morning last . ,..carda with blanks to be tilled out by the niembera, were placed'in each follo•qing is a copy of the card on _ . 'the :tont bile: Go ye into en the tyori.l anti proach the Gos pel t 9 every creature. There is that scattereth and yet iiterer.s.?th. There is that withholcleth vi ro than h meet and it tentletli to poverty. Net grudgingly or of meitssity—Gutt lovetli n checrttil giver. TheAnonal Collections for benevolent end evangelical pnrposes, ordered by the Gene Conference, are as follows: MissiMis i (Foreign and Domestic). Tract Cause S (Gratuitous circalation of trams and other religions literature). Ihhle Cause c (Circulation or the tureA without note or coinmcut). Sundxr- Sclt+cl Union S (For - establishing • and supplying S. S..auiong the poor). . ('har.ii Extensi. (For giving as:ih:tance and encoorng , mient to church erection in new and d. te regions). Finedincu's Aid 5..'.. (For fdionshing secular and religions instruc tion t ) freedmen). Conference Claithants (Bette( for disabled ministers and the svidte.ra and orelians Of such as have thedin the wort: 1. I herehy agree to pay weekly the smn set :-.;:alust A.:tell of tlic, Ltt•Jv can,.3 (1,1 tc ..~'...., M. E. Clnirc To•Nao.1". Arrablt,:ttent' fur p-nr, S,ats livery traly Cordtaily NVelo,:twal -- The foilordtig . Statt:ll , 4l.2 d etturch s for the St pt. - 1, 1-72, to- be dorra:-tai cont-rjhution , i, snhmittk.ri ht'' and Stewards Cwirett, : I'ryshltt4.., }.D.y ofScxtutt and Orgafttst, Soft,iay Ittrotratica , , TUVA , and t intrrlt and propt-rt, so" abd L:t:huntt the Char it, and' for t,th pr, httbit colittbtrent espettst,s, thy:sled by :165 isives tur tho tsvertßo'daii.-• •Speni s, if this sum bs a gran is•about the number ot tiiC. a ns tura 'which I'- required to pay per d ty, provided all I, till a;;',.e. 'would - Three Cents. . _ Please ihsert in tlso follshtia..; the arnount.per dat, which, arte.rp:s7•;. - sf,s: cuss:saf e/ea:se,, you think you ouglst to giN, I•)r port .): the Gus Tel at Holm, yurtr /lnae tiered. Dr. TrziNflt, N. N. th:rrs, DEEM 1111.1 - k:by t., P 1 14 - . F de_y, t., meet th , t!:e S, p. 1, 17172. t pi:nn..l ID til• 1 , • .4r.t 'All : 4 ,11 , ath coil -ctions •t-1 .1•11 Tut:. \,Syr.ll.l of ,r,f,t.lis tLi , 1;!:tc, tit ~pcning I:s.r. Dr. D:.: j•( M , tor Her. Dr. -. ."1+10..i!.. cli 'Motler:l„tur; Dr. 'Mourn:, :itat.„ 1 Dr. Illcr.,l'erinatii.'att 5.11.1 11. 11. 11'I:(1.17-`4, itllll)Un:ry Tir , o C Wa.. 4 11./lUni.i•'( . l , I a Wed- v.ft:rtwo::, v u llidi r•-reetic,n foe - Chicago eutTeni.Te swan token On Wednoeclay evening Mis , ioimry niNces,cs ware deliver( Dra. rind Iter. J. L. WatiEr.ow. mk..Great variety of Embroider•iea awl Guiptiro BanLig, in hew p3tterus, at TATion, 17 Co' MEI I= 'PIPE GOSPEL =I S 1::(up:. =MOB LOCAL ter Look at -the new Two ,Button Bid Gloves, just opened at T► & COL, cop.. Auything,d_i, else." - - Wotr & Ourierima reirA full line of Goods just received at EVANS & Htumertt's. Ma. Outfits for sll.oo`at the Key stone Clothing Palace. re..Scotch,' English, and Ameri can Water Proofs, bought' before the advance, and will lesold accordingly at Evasi fc lElmnarru'a. ter- The New Goods displayed by Tarcon, 4: Co. are very attractive. - ter We expect to open thiii week iinotheT lot 'of those Bronze Lamps . , with those tuper.or Safe, Burners. BLA6. =IE3 ar French Poplins, • Empress cloths, 'Merinos, and Sateens all the new and popular shades just opened at EVANS & Fan SALE.—An Oriental Hestei, Ilearly non-, and 'very cheap. "Apply to Mrs. II 11. 51asox, Second St. lic - wish it distinctly under stood that ire do as we advertise. -1 • • Waslli GoLD zEr — ln - Cloths, Flannels; Blahhots; Sliawl4 our stoeVis c9urplet.o. .11vANs L Itn.rntra. • -Pe . The. most complete stock of Clothing and Pin-dishing Goods can to: seen_ WOLF G:itz).:Jrrini Clothing Tall. 1:621•• The eclehrated Madame .F oy Corkt, and Ladics'rurnishing Goods are now Felling very ellon at :Mrs. HILL'S, on Bridge strcc.f. An orphan child left its moth er'* her.r.e, barefooted, with its father's shoes on,-to purchase one of . WoLtr. C GoLry.:arra's velvvt.stlit.A. Tho most exqnisito styles . of Hats f.•+ Lnd:. a and Cladr..4l, priccA, jnr.t n...:ve fat 71r.)..11iLL's. `lCyVelcctecn= all colors suitable for s A cio. 6:tils :Ili,, cat nr f r trirt . ntings . , The rakgest and intiit wmplete t;iz.c.k. or is exiiibNon fit Mrr. .1. D. HIL.T.'4, tn 11. id u s . • . . 1-I.le o 6i11; la.t.rc, I LD FILT. . . This pleasant, weather is just the t:mr,fan—li.-r..1?;, el , 2aning, papering and paintinr. - Tor gr...C.c. , t variety and hand somest styles of Iv.1:1 p,per, Cr.o3s beats the world; and 'ho: very !ow. flgtams. 'l';.!maifilg (fez The Gornvinia Fire Insurance Co., N. V... i rtl)ort that Let on 0:1. 1, 1871, `` ..1.9:f0i at Chien?, them s questimi. Mix, Agent, .Towanita, Pa. ME stoqic of Prints,. Sheetinp, shwongi, Stripes, (71tuclts, Tickings, Dentin t, neve: wa?, itrge• , EVAN 4 ir. : "ConriterpaneS,Table Linens and Meharls9ti's Linens', a full lino at Ev.t s S lituniones. FOR SAT.R.-A House and Lot on strect,l nr:r the Ward 'Howie. Building new, thrco st4rio.: high, With good well and cis tern. I'ossession given immediately. Apply to ISAAC S: POST. te - Read the nAvertisemeat of TANufr. ~ .ce near idea "next . Saturday tho Roy Atone Clothing Pance. , z r A New arrival at the Crockery re this nt f . k. WiCT: tram 111. Act: announce a fna relccti.m nt Ilont•r.4 S. Bros.' Silva Plated 7-? Ware.; CHEAP CoAL.--The Sullivan Anthra c:t.• eLc.ap,st for all par rippes. ant White Asti Conl. :A C( atritl Coal Yar(l. el il,rs left at my of:ice, at Dr. H. C. I'oz - r.-.1:, 5..,; Co'd.DrtigSt , ire, ...'N. t 7, 1871. 1871 FAI.r. 1871. r.v.k.vs w" ITru)ItF.TR Arc now rendy for'the fall trade with a most i••:mplety 4o:1i in every Department. Dnyers of Dry (3 , - , :flA will tirg.l it to their interest to P5:- amine (Or and lvi er ucf,re waking their fall Nrelin3e,, -M.. :qrs.. J. D. 'TILL wishes tc; in form the ItiLesof Tow.inds and vicinity, that she a , ,;: nt for M. CiooDS'::lll.'s or, the Croat Piuiai Dcstroyor. Three bottle , warranted to VII n. the werrq pimpled faces. It is recoup:le:pl. d Lc all who have used it. Ai ;n, for the Crylt.iu Polish, used,fOr eletn glas,t anl silver ware. I=l Associa ti!l•4 its nn.c.tilv4 the M. 1:. Rome, Brad ford C‘ , ., l'a., .I.ltn-ndrig 0,-'tol,n. 21, 1871, at o'clrwl., hey, J.:6. tit - mirn deli; ,r the I ,p . ini:l,;• addr,.. , . a nd 11.. v. F. jloi.naGoa a prCa.'ll the cond daing. 'The other brethren of the di , trict, traveling and loaal, are exr, ter: to Lc pr. s..nt. ICit:l es:' , l3's, or such other i a-- to 111 , ,"in proper. Convey ..aces will tD pot for, ll.ose hrethren \iho inform Rer. Simla. Pa.. that eon- voyatii•c. I.rctlan n, if you Aroula li= film. • The Mii•i , t,rial I,r,..thecn of ;be a ij , .irki7,T ,:;I,:vrenc , !. aro cordially incited C P. E. Tov.T.B, • Oct. 3, fir,,; The Examinations of Teachers for the prisent 1,c1i0,4 3 ear, Ic.lll Le held as follows: Octol , r Ig, Wrimot, Su,zir Bun Schoolhouse. • 17. Albany. L.' ilt.i'a 1., I'rs7.tlin,'wr =!. Franklin .. . 12: tiratirille, Centro 20. 1..e110y, Corm:ra - . 21. 4. triton, Borough .. 23, Troy. Borouge - .r. 24, IV, st Burlington, We'd B'n- . •.- :-•,.-itigtield, Center 20. Colombia. Atiatinville. •• ' 27, Welle. Rowley Rill e 24, South Creek, Gillette • ' an, Ilidgbury, Centerville '.• , • at. Smithfield; Center ' -•• N L eren l , 1, Burlington. Luther's 31i11i. - - 2; tilster,.Villsge , 3, 'Sliephekptin, Lower Valley o , 4, Athens. Borough A, Litchfield, Center e. . . 7, Windham: Krtykenclall, o R, Warren. Bowen hollow, e. . . 2, Orwell, Orwell Bill, 13. Borne, Borough . “ • IS, Pike, 'D Lellsysville.-------;- _... 15, 'Derrick ;Camp ; i ' 10. Wyalitsir.g, tunietiwil •• 1 7 17, Tuftearnra. Ackley .. 1 2", Terry. Terrytown 21. A•3lltm, Center . '22. Standing Stone. Stevens •• I 23. Wyaox. Myerehurg . • 21. stonioe, lilonmeton .. .23 ; 71.5 - iwanda Borough - 1 December 9; Towanda Borough . .. Teachers; will please Lrmg reader, pen, ink, paper and lead pencil. Llerelses to commence at 9 o'clock. A. M. f A. A. KEENLT. i . Towanda. Sept, 20, 1871. Co. Supt. . —.4. D.T...'5111.V11LE PR .O PIRSAEL AND LENT. —11,7 Watts ll:rase and tot of between fire and ! , !x acre.i ot land, with a large l.ain,*wag,..n and toul-bouse 20%1S feet, quarter acre ;Pon lug strawberries, bearm,s. orchard,, :ze., thereon: fitnated upon Towanda Flats, one and a halt miles from i i i ° l " l , 4l o 3 Ya Mttfrir7 belt, grid ralothks for StifiriolOS. PorPoteil. Possession can he Oren at ones. Drill also sell uAtrholesale, upon fasoralds` terms, my present liarsery Stock; ottustathrig of first "thus Apple, Pear, Peach; Plum, 'Mother Fruit frees and fiSrubst also, chided ltrerveen and other Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, &c. Also, II acres strawberries growing in my Rardens upon any farm, , tind adjoining said Watts lot ; Including a lease for a term of years on reasonable terms. of said gardens with bonze thereupon and six bi tweh.e, acres of lank as may be wanted. This is raluable - andyich gar den land ; one and a half acies-have been mini rated for onions for three years, prodtcing - go - nd crops. This is a tine opening for any per son desiring to go into the Nursery, or Small Yrult and Gardening business. Apply to Toiratlils, Pp., Sept. 1, 1871. MARZIED. smxrii—BUSH—ln Mater, at_ the house of A. D. Smith, Oct. 15, 1871, by Rev. 8. C. Ho. - vey, Mr David W. Suitt, of Phillips City, Mo., to Miss Clara Jessie Bush, of Tomah, Wisconsin. . CAMP—OVEMPECIL—At the Pareortage, Vier rya, Oct. 11, 1871. by Rey. 4. Cook, Mr. Wll - and Mies Maggie Overpeck,-of ' • Merrick. • DECKER—OBCUIT.--At the reaidonoe *of B. B. VanGorda; in Ashland. N. T.. on:Wedneo! day, Oct. 11, by Rev. H.. Lamkin, Idr. A. L Docker, of E lm ira, and Mu 8. D.-Orcutt, of Chewing. DAYTON—WRITE.I—In Pile, on the 12th hut" by Itev..T.,Thomas, Mr. Watson Dayton. lot Jessup, Pa., to Hiss Betsey A. White, et Pike; Ps. DIED. .• WARNER—In Windbam Pa., Dee. 7, 1870, of diptheria, Jessie Flori L--daughter of 0. J. and B. It. Warner, aged , Kgears and 4 months. •A precious little one wild' talk‘d much about the angels before they came and took her away. KEELER.—In Albs, Oct. 5, 1871, liarry C., son of Edgar and Clara Keeler, aged three months. "None but a parent's heart can toll The anguish it hail caused us • To bid this lovely child farewell." WARNER.—Iti Wiverly, N. Y.. Sept. 19, 1871. Melville Bliss, oldest eon of O. J. and 8. B. Warner, of heart disease, agdd 18 years, 7 months, and 4 days. The diver cord in twain Is snapped, The golden bowl is broken, • The mortal mold in darkness a - rapped, The words funereal spoken ; The tomb is built, or the rock is cleft, Or delved is the grassy clod, And . what for mourning man is left? 0, what is left—but Clod? The tears arc shed that mourned the dead, The flowers they wore are faded; The twilight dew bath veiled the sun. . Aad hope's swo tAreamiuss shaded; ALd thought; of jey !lilt were plsztea deep, From our heart or heArts are siren, And What is lett us when we :yew? 0 what is left—V:ut Heaven? J., inrcnt Fo , i of Charlts i,nd Wells, died at thc residence of his 1 , 11 the Gth inst. aged 3 daya. s_. .., 4, 1 711( --'l:s. Pra:l.-t•I: , wiro of Henry in Ulster, un the 9th iutst., in , tlto 71 year, of Ler Ilge. - SPECIAL NOTICES. I=M=l Dom' HENRY HARMS, Merchant Tai lor, Bridge street. Fon SALz.—Cotswold and Loister Lambs, for breccling purpose*. • C. A:J. L. PENDLETON. Pa.; Sept. 21, '71.-4w. GLASS TOP Fxtrrr JARS.-9,110,118, $2.00 ( - Lt. doz.; f.-,Allon, $2.50 a doz., At Meow.: • is,. All kinds of choico Groceries, chuip for tub, at tho Red, White and Mae Store. ItteawAr S EMMETT'. Cr. 3" Chop Feed, cheap, at the Red, White and Blue Store. am— Choice Flour, by the sack , or barrel, at the Bed, White and Bine Store. B/DGRAT .S; Erankrt." tel. We have large additions to our assortment of chamber sets just opened, Also, a full line of Silver Plated Ware, from Rogers A Brother. - WICKHAM BUM Cam' VANVELSOS 4 3.IA.NIiEBS, Merchant Tailors, Clothing, Hats and Caps, . Foriv,hiug Goals, 68 Broad street, May 3, 1571. Sagan, very low, at the Red, White and Blue Store. -Tobacco, by the pound, pEdi, or Varrel, eocap, at tho Rod, White and Wm, Store. UIDOWAY h Evsarrr. Dom. Do not forget that Tea is sold at liceler's for 50 cents. Jan. 18, 1871.' ME itS..Cofiee, by the sack; mat, or pound, at tfieJted, White and Dine Store.. Rtnow & EvEurrr. N Tca, the chest, caddy, or pound, at the Red, White and Bine Store. RinoXrar S EvErarrr. have just receivedlarge stock at Tea, bought since tho reductionln the duty on tea of ten cents per pound, and Oiler them at the low prices annexed:, Bet Yoimg Ilyson, 11,25; Good Young Ily son, MOO Oolong, 70 to 90 cents : Hyson Fine, 75 cents; liyson Good, 53 cents; Bjst Japan, Call and examine. Jan. 18. 1871. Gr.o. L. KEELER. tlf t 9 PII want your watch or doe , : repaired by a competent and fellable worl;man, go to - A. M. Warner. He is also re ceiveing a large aaditon to lila previously largo stock of watches and jewelry. Gw sept.l3. 49,- The North British toad Mer cantile Insurance Co., of London anti Edin burgh, alien informed of their losses by. the Chicago fire, telegraphed back : " Subscribe $5,000 for the relief of the sufferers, and draw on us at thret days for our losses. 'For insu rance in above Company, on as favorable terms as any other, l apply to 0. D. Emertzrr, Agent. New Advertisements. SEASON OF 1871-2: • • L O OF GL T. LECTURES. The coultnltti , .: lave • L'll , lo the following engsgir tunas : ' OLIVE LOGAN 2 Date,—NTEDNIMBAT, OCTOBER 18 Sul.cmt—"Nlee Young 3len." JOHN .13' GO UGH. Dalt. —TUESDAY. DECEMBER 26, IE7I Subjoce--" Will it Pay." • - PETROLEUM V. NASEY. Date—JANTAIIY 21, MI Subject—.. The Illusion of Sklnewsogil E. DICKINSON. ANNA:- 132te-YEBRIaItY 22, 1672 Sibject—.. Joan of Arc Th'e' othe. iedurers probably be lIENRY WA RD BEECHER and ItIARK TWAIN. The MENDELBSOM 4 I-QM/k./jx, CLUB will give a Cou':t DECEMBER 1. flencral admission Reserved Seats.... Season Tickets Tickets to: sale at Polars k Snatra Drug Store. Sule of Reserved Seats will commence two days before each lecture. .INO. F. SANDItESON, WM. FOYLE. L. 1. }LOST. . ' N. F. DICES, J. W. vAs TI:YL. Towan:ls. Oct. 5. 147]. FOR SALE.—Fifty-seven valuable building lots in TowaUde borough. on Cherry street, York avenue and Center street. Liberal terms given to purchasers, both AS to price and terms of payment. Apply to " G. D. MCIiTANYE. Oct.lB. te.l4y. 01115e:1 Emaw_yr& EvzitL-rr IlmdwAt 3: Evzurrr El7l 3 50 1ii04 , 111 , •7 &MI NoW. - 1:- ~ SEPTEMBER 25, 1871! s : ;o) 4 ♦T TfLE LOWEST PRICES 1 TAYLOR MITE ATTENTION TO A 11 IL FALL AND WINTER GOODS. DEWS GOODS. lama Silks. Colored 8111 e. nary Wks. Irish Ma c trench Yzegllsh Batter& Black Alpacas. Colored Pore, lack 3.= 'Merinos. Em=.Cloths. P I V I " VELVETEENS, &c., i, &c. wit= GOO& Linens. • Napkins. Towels. Embroideries Meg, .Wkille Flannels. RAM Flannels. Cheek Flannels. Skirling Flannels. Opera Flannels. A. COMPLETE STOCK OF CLOTHS.. C.ASSXIEREB. BEAvEr..4. REPELL.II2iTB. (memos. { AND BACKINGS, AT BARGAINS. ?y: 2LI g 2 ts sr p g Fl - ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES ' it; 13: Atv EXAIIENE OUR STOCK BUY GOODS CHEAP. EMI THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO 13171 t BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, IS AT T 1! METROI)OLITAN STORE, O. 3 GRIFFITHS & PLTTONS BLOCH BRIDGE STREET The largest stock pf Boots, Shoes and Milites ever brought into Brad ford County, which will be sold 25 per cent. 'cheaper than they can be bought at any other establishment, I buy my - first hands a.nd thereby save the Jobber's profits, which enables me to sell cheaper than any other House in Towanda. ' RUBBERS ! RUBBERS !I Of all the latest styles, which will be retailed at Factolgyriees Mena' Kipp and Calf Boots, and - Ladies Fine Shoes, retailed at Whole- sale Pricei. I have the exclusive s'ale,of 'TEL WILSON'S dens', Wdinens', Misses and Childrens Fine Shoes, which are 'the best ever brought into the market. ELLIS H. NOE, BRIDGE '3TRE.Kr ;Towanda. biTt l . U7l & CO. 1 • ECt rS gb g § . v ot tis :I 9, TAYLOR & CO. E b , • - liii • S C. ; I • ca g -.I • A 44 ri • 41 2 0 p bol Ag Tr 4 1 1 1 4 . • & f o L4' FT4 w. ILI N' W A ri: _ ril w z ~ . -,. 1 . .t MI =SI Ma MI ST - C is -TH. N STOCK 1?.12 il ---"‘ 1. DI ES Ftunitshi FLOOR OIL CLOTILS CI A. R► N soars TRUNKS s EP 4 171 d iz3 cuocsEny Pamil y[IGI-rocerie's iX)RNEi: O 1 THE ronticSql:TAHE, August ZWJ, 1871 I II I i NMI RICES tra ASS GOdDS R w. - 1; AT •, •• X. A. W co3n;hrrE IREIN KLNDS OF 0,0 ID'S ! I.ID AIENTS g Cr coo ds! EU L - P E'M'S ! AND SHOES! RAYLL, LNG BAGS! 1:1=11 AND CAPS ! HATS MI., .I_,A.S I AND GLASS-WARE: 0 I C) o.ostariDT STREET, _ MERE TO D R IjRQUHART: CHOLERA 0011,DIA. Gives prompt relief in ail derangements the Stomach sid73crorels. such se PAM, Brasil, • tc. 011,011112 Moinsusi, Cnonvis lawn - run or Stlol/.2 ,Conrusitrr, laraittnas mes Trarrn. Mazzoni, Irre. SterEltY, he. It is pleasant to the taste. and In ise. lid periodical female alliments, it la s mtverign rem edy. A descriplave circular ropioto with utsoral in formation accompanies's:lmb bottle. -. IttrrlYttqCLlLJl wince snow zriarnai RIIPVTA - 102. • This may certify . that. Ihavo Song known Dr. O. Urquhart of Wilkes-Barre and believe that I speak tile sentiment of all who know him, When I say that all the relations of life, he Ls worthy of thereepoct and confidence of the virtuous and the intelligent people of our county. .- THOMAS P. II 7: 'Hating - derived-ranch benefit from taking D :Ur quhart's Cholera Cordial, Its !recto roc ud it omn i as a reliable preparation in ebiarrkort. ' ZIBA BULL!. i . . - -It is a most minable medicine, speedy in its!opor shoe. and always surote fjord relief. .. ,c. ..• NiTS;Palitso S. . From crperience - in the nee of r pr.• Urtrt's Cholera - Cordial. I have no - hesitation' in isayin it is the beet remedy I hero ever tried for -Chelan, Mor bus. Cholle, and twain the Stomach and BoWels. , , • - _ SA.NIUMII.OTT. . I havemed the Cholera Cordial for ten pe l ts . In every cit effc'eteil a cure, and Ifcel pis ed in saying lMt it is, the-best medicine Inc 1./ hoes. I/am:deli, Pains, and Cramps in the Monne and. litwels, ever cdercd to the publle. • S. MILTON COIMIT.IO •I. have experienced the most ' surprisin g l y no- Ocial effects friMl Dr. Urquhart's Cholera Cordial ; it. is quick in action. and I regard it as unequal ed in cares of Celle. Diarrhoea. &c.. and I really de ire to recommend it to all affected, 11'1121 Bowel Comp ate. .. . W. W. 1,00 . ~ Tir. Urquhart's Cholera Cordial e - it pre dat Wilk&Barre, Penn's, and seat by 'express' any. where. - Fifty ceutla a bottle. lutile,Tirsm 7 1 (TALITABLE ItEAT 4 .ESTI;TI MMINI 101 The subscriber offers fo; bile the follusriii• des cril•eityroperty in Sucth Towanila tuiruship, • bout 'Gem hu:le from Towanda Ihirough: • Ei! EM EfEE=STIMEME I Z 1 , The lot contains one and a-Ltlf, The House is large and convenient, with 11,rti1, Item. do good barns, and several carietlesiif choice fruit, including apples. pears, Poaccoi - t,:raPv< .1,14 1 141 m -r' ries, raspberries; etc. . ALSO—kb cut 20 acres of .I.atilicoult,'.nicr.o.l; aced nn the east side of the Waverly road and CO rods south of the House an i Lot ALSO-,,4llinllneen - zt ft , thd. known:as - JIY E R S Of this prorerty there is •alwut 4' acres ofl . l , large Grist and Flouring MM. Saw )fill and a lug Houno., The Mills are in koe.d ioml do ore doing a prosperofia business. Red' rotate in and - law:ma 'rani vancln?„ and in - a few - s , ears, nO doubt, this will be double its pre3ent value. Will be a:A.I together or separately, to Ica' pilichaerr. . . ror farther infonr.atiou elllitlite . oll the pr.• sitc an Towna , ia. Aug. T3,•71 A. PETTES CO 13* • 4Lia. r, L,w ...1.11:111 Et.l42k 0 FALL AMY WINTER 690 :f2 Mr' GOOD MILLINI:LY FANCY-, o'6oD§ AND NOTI Mg=g=fflieSE VI4 LV ETE ENS; . X.ITE:RPR I A.Nb'suAwL NVlzich Ailey . jvln sell .t M-A:R E 4 •P R =ME= Court) Uou !Mil ! MAIN STREET, TOWAND 2, ~!-:•‘Z-:.;•-t-7i-= 3! . • ••,,eg ti="74 -- . r 7.0 n „ g, ;4, .".:.-=•;7-. .• • %.", ' • r.i5. 7,3 tc 4 • E 4 .t «~al~ckls~ - z® lit' i t; :F. .7 -!. , • • -.1 1 El N E ) 1 ," . -. :AND . NEW GOODS THOS. it- TJlrt nespretl'allitatounee, to the radic in gen' they hive opened, a larje awl choice stock GP►OCERIES AND 4?IZOV-1.,*1 . . • i . . ... In the store formerly oecripied - by aolin *'erliisth, einner 3tain othl • Frgaiktin strecte, Towausia, which theyerilbscil ae.eheap as the ehearestldr 1, . ;CASII! , I . ! \ - . . , .. Yon w:11 always find To sr 7.4r..P.lnvrni thole. just as hippy as ever, tf.) . wait'uti.on 411911 Cnsto:n t rs and as many - n.iw ones as will favor them with a Ball. MIMM 7110 e.. 31FIIIDETIT. 'CI.ITTION. Whereas. wife . - I.CITTIVIss left my 1x.4 slid b04...t without just ealir_ , or provers - eon, .all 1 - 4 , ...r50ns ate hereby forbid Harboring or trusting her an Inc 4eonnt. as I will ply no debts of- her ennirecting after this dat'. 1 • -- I'. O. bODGE. Leltoy, Pa.. Sept: 'II, 1i471: • -TOTICE.-Harin, 7 o• been . ar t ed Tbisteo ni the estate or ii..nti,:, )re. late of !Canton t6tinship, Bradford coin de 'Ceased, ;LI her .laAt will, and testament. •eby aarn and forbid all personA from- par,* , way rroperty on the premises, from Isaiah, (+ more., or removing the •eatne without my conse t, under penalty, of proe.nation— WAL S. J. SE,, '''!' r epe..vr , - Trustee. r. DR.' S. SMITH'S • ' PF.rr.1... / 2Z(Lr.. - N1 POIN T- Di : 11 1 r•lr. A POIVELL & et)'S, TOW IN 9I I • . . •. • . TV a`1,:.••• CO v aril , . , l: . • POR SATIE.-:=The farm o. Jo iali JL - 0tt..14.61 3. SA:id Carta Is sit'or.ted. :AA the road Windlefm to Owego. Hai sixty, o? I. v. - ell watered and well improved. About aereA of 'good hemlock timber. good house barD-, w.t.7,0u hogs:, and granery. Terms made easy. ly-,:intre of L. Jl. WOLCOTT. ur of I.IENIIT WOL- - Col-T.ou the premisi-s FePt. • • TALLIA_BLE REAL - }";'S, TATE FOU 10t..23 , ,i7.112 feet. or•on6 lot any de.aredlvrityth or length, s'Anate,l nearly oppo x;te. O. D. rartlett's Fonndry. tho i.toperty of tho latoJtunes Makkaon. A ;.tor t jnlyl27l . . - • I , .!.IZ.iItETII ',lt A KIN SON . 'l)ffer "liny fsrsu for rale, cotitainink 200 wres„aituated to N.,. Albany township. - 110 serer improved, 'with a' large variety of fruit trees and spiondid buildings of all Linda thereof,. roil! give the porehater a chanoti to pay - my debts and EOCLITII , title. Any,pet , son wanting a good fariu will. do weil to'.caili and examine for himself; New Albans, ra. An,;. ito.'7l THIEF •• • • I.IOI3SES - AND LOTS IN Tol 4 ..otDA monouGH roR sAts..L.sltnitod on pop ;sr Street above. Western Avenue. These honees nowlicing built and *ill- be eoroplet4d on Atuniit lot. Good well ,cistern, and eeilar:witli ceeh house-, rtir further uattieulars address or en gill re . of 1' LionP4'7l-iti IfitlllfiALL, - At lid, White, and Bine Store. 'fowaada, Pa. F°'ISALE.—A House anti Lot on Itai!road 'street, opposite John 13eldleixt - I-evidence and tonvenient to the Iroalkorka. The bou.:e is new, contains 5 room and a brick basement; a well and other necessary conroncies on the prem ises. • Apply . to_ ILMBT, at the - Bradford Hotel. Bridge street, Towand a . Pa. . sag2"4-tt pROCLAMATION.-WHEREAS, Bon. =RIM IL STREMlM,PreeidentJudsa of the 12tb-Judidal District, consisting of the coun ties of Bradford and Suaquehanna, and Hone. Zany. row Pawn and J. W.lfanDrwl, Assoclda Juds. la and for said county of Bradford , have leaned their precept-bearing date the 27th day of Seyl , . 1870. to coo directed. for. . holding a •t" , -of Cowmen Plena, at Troy for the County of Brod ford. on Monday,. October 23, 1870; to continue we week. gept...2.8. 1871.-3 w rriruAL ..LIST • FOR OCTOBER JL TEEM, 811, AT ITAY : .. . _ Ebeit Donning vs. A. C. R. -W. Co - ' _ lIPPeal A..ltt.'Fiteh is. C.: - T. Kerry 'et. al . ' Issue L.A. Heedley vs. Poineroy Bros . ciao • • D. 4. Hoagland vs. J. C. 'lt/ant/ton replevin A. C. Moore vs. Erasttts HUI et. al.. • ed. fa. ' Dewey Buell vs. William N. Dobbini eject F. U. Person TIS: P. retzLiff et. al for nit ' do John Wolf et- al.. appeal • - li. re... Long vs, Alonzo Long's adm'rs... mss Henry Hickok is. Putnam . Baxter ' ippoal• _ Goodrich, Newberry & Peck vs. Etna Fire in. CoAP- A. C. t Moens vs. John Cummins deu - r -Fleury hillier vs. N. Smith's administratore - ;.appeal Julia Astell, &c., vs. MI. Merry et- al elect • do . 0. P. Ballard do P. L. gallant. vs. Edward Bur ke'. adners.....appest O. C. Covert-vs: Geo. Jones - eject O. D. Field Ire. A. B. M00re..... . David Boughton vs. W. IL Moore ' ,do S.W.. Paine vu, John Ballard C. C. Paine vs. Delos Itockwed..kc • ' eject Pranqls Yates vs. Charles ..trespass • • Henry C. Gernet vs. N. 0. B. W. Co ale - - &Mon Morgan vs. William Mosier- Wog ' - J. A. Parsons vs: 0.41. W. Co trespass 0. W. Langford vs. 'Farr/ter Oates, " _;algat • G. B. Davison TS. W. 8 . Dobbins use . ..... • bt N. a mmtorkg.vs. Wm. Harkness . ...... —appeal John McClegui vs. N. C. B. W. Co , do . .W. S. gconton vs. John IL 'Calkins._ - dent Bnbpavu returnable on Monday, October TI, IS7I, at 10 a. m. • Oct. 5, 1811‘. LIST OF THE NAMES . OF PER=' SONS drawn to act . aa. Traverse Jurors in a ' Court of C,ourmon -Pleas to be held at Troy, ow • MONDAY, ocroslat 23. len Asylum, George Graves ; Athens borough Millen Mitchell ; Burlington Bcoro, William Henry Minton tarp., Charles Knapp; Burlington West flerris Ward, Joseph Foulke; Barclay, Charles D. NoribruP ; Columbia, John II Watkins. Oeo. Billings ration twp.. Benson Wright; Canton born. Hilton Trout; Franklin, _Monroe Walter; Granvill. John, Truman, 2d; Herrick, Henry K. Blocher. Wm. A. Squires; Lsßoy,'John Kelley. sr., Charles Hoagland Litchfield. John C. Campbell; Orriell.Aaran G. Prisbie; Pike. Jose Burrows, Alfred Nrcirilen. Mar. ens E. Warner; Ridgbary, Smith B. Brown; Stand. log Steno, Hiram Gordon; 'Ellieshequln. Daniel Gore Sylvania, Chas. E. Waldo; Towanda lkoro,..F.mmops Iluntiey: Towanda twp.. George Britton; Towanda North,.WM: Manger ; • Trofbore:gheodore Waldron Vister.:John V. Hue; Warren, Nathan Newman jr.; Wyaluslivr. David L. States, Clark Hollenback, Ki r= A. Illifok; Wells, James Owens. - J. P. TAYFLEET, Sheriff. oan bout MO ILLS Sept. 28. ISTL nJ, a o well .and • • ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.-By' virtue or an order Lsimedr . out of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county. thel undersigned istrator of the estate of 11. Stone, late of WyalO. sing twp.. deceased. wilt sell. at public-sale on the • premises, on SATURDAY; I'IOVEMBER 11,1871, '• at 1 o'clock, p. in.. the following described real es tate, bounded as follows : Beginning at a coiner on the cast side of the private-road known as the Eben Lewis road: thence south 82 deg. east 25 'pm to a corner, being south-east corner of. Wm.. Conover , ' land; thence along the I.4l32o'north 13% peg. east 43 pr.. to .icornee-on the line of Calvin himp's Lind: •thsnec north 77 deg. east along said line 28 percheis; - thence eanth 38 deg. east 75-pre. to a corner; thence: . south S 2 deg. east 17h pre. to a of stones on a rock for a corner: thence south ie_xler. east 21 pie. ' to a comer of land conveyed to 13isba Lewis: thence along s:,il line south 82 deg. west 116 pre. loan old road t7,rmerly it's4e by Ebenezer Lewis, 'thence along said rotd the :leveret courses and diStances to . the pisee of begihning,. Containing 40 acres, be the same more or lees. - • .y. na y. rty MIT.I Ell ALSO—Anther p , .ecC oe por.,cl of land in Raid townsh;p of Wyalnsintr. adjacent to the lot stove deßcrit, - ,1 and apart. of Die same farm, bounded and o ceibed RA r.) . ./. eginning at Canip's ' lend: b I glicray- -leading aicnig Wyalusing creek.. thence tthingtthe came &oath 3 deg. tweet about 48 'or... more or lt,t, to Leals road on line of. 11; D. cleccland's lend ;thence along the eamo south 84' ,fea... west 75 pre. to a corner on the treat, bank'of Wyalneinz Creek;-thence up said creek north west 9 prs. to a corner; thennliteontli 84 deg. west C,2 pre. to the Old manor line; thence along said Eno.nerth 10 deo. .cast:2B 5-10 pre.. to - &boxwood; thence north 77 dep. elint 122 - -2 re., to the place of 'be:tinning. Containing 31 acreo.otland, be the Paine • more, ord'ese. . t. a 1 TETIM3.—SIOO to be .the property when trrrt an . dn. $9OO upon onnflrrnation 'of sale, one half tb(.l.;alaneo one year after confirmation of sale, the remainder of the iirehase- money two fears from the date of onnfmnatinn of sale. The aeTeral instailmeat, T on interest'. Ell o .t. 1. I,.'n .4 DITINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-- tlce is hereiuc riven that alt persons incichts eel to ti; c.tat. of GURDEN ClAltrx, deceased. late diurlimzton. :Ire requested to make immedb at. payment, and all pepons having claims against said estate must present them dilly authentiCated for settlement. REV. M. CLARK. 7.- OFS , 1211531:3 A RPLI,C.A.TION IN DIVORbE.— rl_ To Caleb Sherman.—No. 495 Stair T.. ilan. grit ore LorebyMnited•thai. CMG D. Sherman: TOW r.ife: by her text friend.. A: M.. IL -West, nae ap plied to the court of common pleas of, for a divorec from the bonds of matrimony; and the said court hal; appointed. Monday,. the 23d' day of Troy for hearing , the said (toe in the pn mi=re. at which time ,yottean you think proper. s t • fhi1.28 . 7/7W4 A" PPLICATIOIst DIVORCE.— ..I. — x: To Perry Duell.—No. 440 Dec. Term. .1869. - yen . hereby notified that Polly 81103, your hy her next friend. 3. G. Rathbun. bii applied to the court of common pleas of rd county. - for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. and the , sai.l court has appointed Monday. the 23d of October 1S 1. et Troy, for hearing the said Polly Ituell.ln QM premises, at which time and place you can attend if, you think proper. J. PERKY VAN FLEET,. - sep. 23'7144'4 B 3 A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE.— To H6nrietta M. Wright„—No. t3B, May term 1870.—Yon are hereby notified that Francis M. Wright, - your liueband has applied to the court of comtOoff pima, of Bradford county, fora divorce frmii the bonds of matrimony, and the odd/court haq appointed Monday. the 23d day of. Oct., 1871. at Troy. for hearing maid Franclkin .tho premises, at which Cmcand place yon can attend if yon, think proper.. SE sePt• 1.471.--4 w PPLICATION IN DIVORCE.- :To Jeremiah tont—No. 48 Dec. term, 1870. Ton are herebrnotifiedthat Augusta M. Look. your wife. by her next friend, P. .L. Pettingill, "As ap plied to the court of common pleas of Drndforl county, for a ilivorce . from the bonds ofmatrixtiony, and the said court has appointed Monday,lhe, 23d of October, 1871. forbearing the said Augusta in the prerniifBs, at which time and placo you can attend if von think proper. - Sept. 28, 1871.=4w TNCORPORATION NOTICES.-- In the matter of the incorporation of "The Towanda Lyceum' and Library Aseoclation.—No. 203 Dec. Term, 1871. - :Paco is hereby given that the above.rianted As soclation has presented to the - Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County their article of Association asking for a decree of Incorporation.- aufl the said Court Waring einmined the same. and finding theta correct. will degree -that they• be incorporated as prayed for.. on 31onday, tho.4th day of Ik-c. 1871, at ' 3 o'clock p. m., unless cause be shown to the con trary. W. A. THOMAS. .ral, that I - Sep. 2i'7l-w3 Prothonotary. Co. A PPLICATION FOR THE BEN. ti EFIT OF THE 'P.:SOLVENT LAW.—To my creditors. take notice. that I. BenjaminF. tau, have applied to the Court of Common _Pleas of Bradford c"nntf tor the -benefit of the insolvent laws of this Commonwealth. and that 'the court have filed the 111,4 MAnday of December next for i hotting of my self end my creditors. _ • • Sept. 2:1, 1571. BENJA`Ifts3 r. BALL. MI 1331INISTRATOR'SINOTICE.-L- A 16 , hereby given to all persons indebted to the estatp of Wli. ll. MORSE. late of Litchfield township. deceased. Meat make" immediate pay ment. and ail persons having claims against, said estate must present them Only authenticated' for settlement. :JUDITH MORSE s .. 'EMMY MORSE. ang:lo-wp' . Ma ITDITOR'S. N 0 1 1 I 0 E.—TellerA & Vaughn's we re. T. I. Lacey. -No. lIL-Foyt. T..1d70. in the Court of Common Plaaa Iliadfordr conn t y. Tfin oindcreigned an auditor appotated by said Court to - distribute money in the Sherifrs hands raised from the gala of defendant's real estate, will _attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Towanda Boro„," on TUESDAY, OCT. 31.1471. at o 'o'clock, a.m., at which time arid place ail yereons having claims on said money aro required 'W sent the same or be . debarred from coming iMuyou said IL J. MADILL, ort.:rfl-w4 'Auditor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- . , .I„Notice is hereby Oven that all ps.rsons indebted to the estatevr SALINA COPE, late of Emithfield, deceased. art requested to make immediate payment and nil persona basing claim against - 'said estate must present them duly authenticated for settle. • ment. ADAM SHILL, . sepl3-wil ' ayAdmdnistrator.. ,t • • . T:DTTOR'S NOTICE.—The Toiiii of. Wes= es. if ayes ltiood. Leander Wood an T. F. ,ifaih!/. No. 426, May T.. 1871. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county. • • • The umlsrsinned an Auditor appointed by said Court to distribute money tho Sheriff's hands raised froth the eale of defendants personal property willattenii, to . the duties of his appointment at- his office in the borough of Towanda, on Saturday. the 4th day of November, 1871. ta 1 p.m., at wblell time and place all persons haring claims to said money are requested to -present such claims, or be debarred' from coming in upon said hand. , . • ~, • W. 6. 4 PCIC. 0ct.8 . 71--w4 • ',Auditor. - A trDnorts , NOTICE.—IN THE atter of ilae Fatale of D. S. Horton, decia4.4. In the Orplian't Court of Bradford-County. _ Tbo undersigned. appointed by the Orphans' Court. - . ,aid Auditor. to mare:ail assets and dims, trlbut, funds in the hands of the adner of said estate., till attend to ,the dutlea of hie appointment. at.the oflIci• -of Overton 'A. Ellibree to the borough pf • Touintla. on FRIDAY. the Ist day of DECEMBER. 1:471,-et 1- , o'clock. a. tn., at which time and place. all - persons taring' claims to said moneys, are required to present the same, or be torero: dabs:rad from coming in upon.saidfhtid. oet.s,'7l4w E. OVEItTON, Ja.i•Andlbor. . • 10E=1 VALUABLE- FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his firm site lord in Laporte twp., Sullivan county, Pa.. on the stage road about m idway between Laporte smd shore, on the banks of the Loyalsoek creek... Said" harm contains 76 acres of land, about .30 acres well cultivated. and the rest well timbered. Has on it a saw mill. grist mill; good water power. a iarge plank house, kept as a tavern, a large plank barn, a Wile 'stable with good sheds, and other outbuildings, and a good bearing orchard.. Beason for ?wing ill health. For further particulars address 1 Oct. 5. 1871. =MUM HMG; Cow & BriFER ASE SELL" Tag TEA very cheap. 1/4 J. Pe:VAX:FLEET. Sheriff. WM. d. TERM/A, Prothonotary, C. S. HOMES,: i is ..AdnaLnisiratot: AdzaWitrator T. PEPAIY VAN FLEET, Sberiff. Shqrif. .T. P. VAICTLEET. Sheriff D. MORs— Aldmlniatrattors.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers