Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 19, 1871, Image 2
News , m all N!,tions. —Venison is eight cents a pound in Wisconsin. =Pittsburg has 1,500 maanfaeto rigs of variow kinds. —ls the Philadelphia Day "look -ing towards ',lnset?" , —The fortttlieof - Quen Victoria aT , rt? tints to $5,000,000. ' —Queen. Victoria /s not insane. sties only "kind o' (pare." —Mrs. Horace Greeley and het t daughters are in Paris. —The entire Buddhist -scripture are being revised • —The yellow fever has disappeared• from tharleston B.•C , . eed's cure for the -44' form" complaint--A sinecure.. --The cultivation of tea is rapidly here ling in the Southern States. --The - yellow fever is prev at at Tampa,. Fla., in an epidemic form. --Cotton is arriving at Elizabeth N. C., to be shipped north. New York 'Herald wants a ra, hang all abortionist& = —Elizabeth Gray, of Salem, Mass., died ILA wee:: at the age of 100. • The Mammoth Cave of Ken .l.ueoy is it) the market. Price $500,000. —Five young ladies have•been ad laitte74l to the University of Vermont. = ;Enfield, Ct., has voted, 171 to lot, to build a new high school. P, tngor, Me.,-had ono. hundred , a,7,1t.7is batreen Marcia 1 and Oct. 1. --North Carolina i hai3 a six months Kg tisrpt wei g hs fire hundxelt porMda. • =--13ryant has tranSlated and 'Cis ' good published "The Odyssey of Homer. T . • .-z--Chain lightning—To be relied catch chain by a_ pickpocket. , Grant; - since his 111- ntiguratien, liaa gained 28 pounds_in weight • ' —A bakers motto—" H ever p4t off b.r to-morrow yorican dfi N ugh to-dai•:; 1 --Onlyzix.teen .pesons. intend tc; IL eau,: eirthe Yo Semiet'next Nvintc} . . Wattio; thQ_Cherokee chief, is T .—• Amadeus( is, suppressing 1 ,(1. 51. 4rr, • • 11,f, population of iftixas is in'- -;rapl4l.7. lie Milwaukee paper. are served ip piAty Spaulding is in very bad health. —The relief trains for Chicago -0 era go fifty miles au lwuur. The tobacco in North Carolina int,l;:( iiijuyed-by frti4t. 471ie cotton caterpillar has dune much damage in Alabama. n•arden. , in Jericho, •`, t., last weekipriTduced ripe strawberries. . is plentiful in Marshall, Texas, atseverdy-live.cents a bu,iteL-L -. —Seventy colored inen pay taxes owe real etiate to 3lontgeruery, Ala. Quite a storm has prevairc - id along the southetb - eoast for the last few days. lias-again politically pro*Ved is "the Vermont of tale west:" —At Corydon, Ind., n - vein of salt Water has been struck at a depih of 3i feet. Thanksgiving day is being talked o liare.itlY in the ?yew linglarid-States. —One death every day is the rule :tning .the Cornish !liners. —Miss Phebe Cozzens, .Is, has 1 4 ecnqtppointed imbl ' —A "Society for the '4 cruelty to IGres," has boon orgy - Wharton 'th Vismar, brill abt be tried till N du:. at .f.nn*blis. : -IVozncist as county st :it hatro satiatied sutra so well imealnated three fur that office. —:-Miss Mary Alcott, author of "Little Women," is pro ty in the, pictoi ial art at I..ondon. • —lt, is said that. Louis ) looks plueli younger 'than ,he di fo awl thirty-two death's for the ' —A three (sere .field ca 1 foroa iroduced $125 per moll around.. —They have a Munn !, 'hull hi' Norfolk, Va., which prim; the poi": of that city. —The Superior ports that"ccry• fine.crops of Loh' ra;,.,1 in that localitv. - —The, St. Paul Pre..zs t! t • has dwindle,. theuittus crCvli." at that place. —Democratic t the eolbred. vote east in Citliforn tivn at 2'..`J.N Republica , —Leai 0 113 of a Iver; r Itas!b!3en W:hcovered • U (Trarthood-sount..y, —An lowa woman pn her husband's beer, thinking th. nic , and T..a:.4 ,:urnrised because . Terre' Haute girt al,liut time some young fellow pi, hne Moen bridesmaid eight times, tantalized cunugh. - —"Woman of the Old Time ant the New" is the , tlientO (ai which George Ititu Curtis 1611 delight he lecture-goers through out the country during the corni l ng season. :--At the Chieagorrelie meeting Detroit a ragged and dirt boy gave ten cents, ‘ - inch- wag all he .had, .:,mid the vehernet cheers of the audience. .--111kcitizeps of NCW4 York. city have subs(Tilied afore tlian fitly 'thousand dol: lax* to enable tht. Cl2 , :nnulitte.e of Seventy tn-fol low up and punish the Taus tarry thieves. -- • • Nilsson appeared Mon ay opf ra for the first ti eft America. The Wee was ",Faust," the praixi the Boston Theatre, applause tremendous, and there -Mrs. Oliphant will be in one-of her Most - powerful sthries in tlto November ntimb , r of Scribner's. It is entitlea "The Two Mrs. 6endamor.c 7 s;” and will not appear at all in England. J • - • • --The death of John b . , Harvey, orthe firm of Harvey k Which occur ed in Richmond, Va., Thursday last, occasioned r..nieeting of the Corn and Ellmi Exchange,. and the adoption of r(,:olutiOn of Tespect to Ids memory, I • • =The eolored people 0 1 Wilming ton, N. C.; , ara. organizing a g'enbril :grocery and dry g6ods business on the co-operative plan. the organization-is to cal led the "erre - Dian Coutpany." Capital stock, I_,ooo rih TeB . ..75 each , . • • —People should be _et:U . 4l'lll in the appfieglicirr of acids. A young!lady With goilr ".1,11 4resses fainted the other Inight, and a "nl'arnied friend bathe'd hap forehead with vino... - gar', and in the moat expeditinusananner bathed . tile golden color out. of bell friend's front 'hair. : —They have 'begun in Ciinada to 'European rabbits as an article of food, and in European Countries'hurlreds of miles.of coast lands are uhed as rabbit warrens. and their produce furnishes a cheap nutritious food for tnill4nns, ti bile the furs have considerahle value ,in trail,. -The discovers of valnable mines of tini ore in the Lake Superior rOgion is report ed. Thus far the supply of this metal has al we:vs come from foreign countries - , Although er.ionsire cloposits have long been known ti c ii_<4 in ~-euth-eastesn I • —Another dreadful earthquake is reported •-truim the West'ilndiCs. Tibe news . comes by way of New York, andlis to. - the effect that 7,1i0i) of the inhabitants of Tctrt6la., - - thh prindipal of the Virginia islan4 have hecn rendered lionseless by an earthquane. 'I • • . copper„ ni c kel bronze eoinagezedeomed at the...llint dhring-Septina ber amounted to More than 11000. The total amount rech , emed under the act of March 11371, is nearly!' third-of a millien of dollars. jaston -journal Isays thilt a well-known sea captain GC lieviditirypert feels certain that he has been cured of a cancer on, his nose by drinking tea made from elope tops, and taxing the same preparation as an extfrnal application. d ' • - • fradford *getter. E. 0. GOODDICE. 8.-W. ALVOILD - • Towanda, Thtm,4.ay,,Oct. 19, 1871._ WYALCSIN; , --=The . organizatiin of :the Rail Road. company by tlie'itii r ens at the Val ley of the 7yal ' ing, prdves theta to be alive to theirt rue intereats,. and they -intend to i crease the — yalne of 'theirlandi and roducts;and cheap ? en their coalan4.groceries by.. Cheap and rapid transil i ortation, and to give comfort -and conveniences to their families. '.'" . This roadrnot !only opens up to the citizens of Wyansing. creek from the Mouth to the terks, which is sufti men of itself o . warrant its easy construction, b tit will be, emtended to near LeThlysto Little Mead- - ows, -and even towards Montrosd; which is. haring a road of its 0wn...- This Road alp is on the natural route; and may soot be a link; by which the two jtreat;. rail - centres of Bing,hampton, I'eNy York, +I Will iamsport, Pa., connected.au4.l passing throng the large un developed'coal and timber land of Sullivan countl; . This road wit enable a hu•ge num ber of citizens tom the eastern part of the cetr.ty to visit our town who are noWpreverited by the tedious ness and delay; wand the great d;scont forts of bad roads; as compared with the rapid tranLit and the ease by which the jourties can be. made by rail and comfolltaye. cars. A favordblodotintry and_ au eco nomical 'road Just prose a ”reat suc _t7 CM JUSTICE INI: 12ZUJINE COUSTV.: i During the r lasttcrin of conft in Luzerne Co., a . hotel 'keeper named DILLEY was tried and convicted on a charge of - lu:cling a gambling house. The evidence elici:ed the fact that the license aplication had been re fused by the 'resident Judge, and that thelssoc,pttes' had altered the 1 records, and granted the license. One of these : - :).me Associate Judges 1 was-afterwardfleeced to the'tune of forty:two - hun reel dollars ill DILLEY'S place : conscq iently, when the trial came off; (lit not appear on the bench. In: s ntencing the culprit, 1 'o Judge RoillDi tints refers to his Democratic a sociatcs. The people of Luzerne should rejoice that they have a .fearl.tss and incorruptible President . ' ju,ge. 'lt ,is a sourca of (.1 gratification o Republican:; that he belongs - to ouf party : "Your inflitence has .ever 'extend ed to the Associate Jui.V . ,es upon this bench; and o e of them, thoogli .he has probably!bcen a long time a part.: ner and.c9 , -w)rker with you in the species of 'tic , with which you are charged, has at last been Made your victim, In ylir gilded place of crime he has been ..espbiled, as we learn; of the sumo, t-1.,: - .)QO. 'We h a ve' no l i pityn or corn mission for him. Incited it would gre tly rejoice u 7; if he and all your oil r confederateS and sup porters, were now before us, if they be guilty' of, the crimes which von publicly imp to to theiii. — We then should have ha-satisfactiba of ac 3.,. ministering ven-handed justice up on you all. We earinorrefrain Irvin f St. Lott .e. vention of s ized in Louie- Baltimore ienther, and ierentend hat she ha i ter of the 6 ressiug fine % I ' r- I ;Napoleon . (1. before the alluding to iour conduct in Conne tion with the place you have kept in this city, for; the illicit sale of liquor: Without haling anV 'of the requisites which the Irt.v points out as eSSecitiar for the - keepr of a house known as a, hotel or a tivern; without either fire , place, kitchin, beds, rooms, 'or stab ling, you asked this Court, atitApril r t 1 1,tsb Sessions las , o grant you a tn-ern license. :11 ho h twelve men certi fied your a licati n, it was well and' ,openly knovn that their certiffeate• was uot tru.,•; and that vmjr house and its. app , Iliajments werc - , El.way out side of the &fairer:lents ofithe stat ute in relation to such matters; yet,' yon.had tl_l-e-41'rentery, to ask this Court t,, grant you a license to keep' .a hotel. St,ell an act on our part would haveß,een worthy of impeach mei:l. .z„WOrefuscd von license, - ,.'and ON 'your aOlication the President. Judge, wit his own hand, wrote, and otflciO ,- signed the same, the words, "fl jected by the, C,3'nrt." Some six w i eks later, either your in fluence was soreat - witlithe Asioci 1_ ate-Jpdges, or their apareciation of theioiliei, duty and position was so little, t /at they • sfealtbily took from-the ELI ! - s in the Clerle,s Oleo this- . salV.e appli'ation, _and carrying it, li b probablyi to your place-of unlawful trade, then falsified the records of this Court,' v writing over the for mer adjudi !alion, as appears in the hatidwritin r of the Associate Judge .now, right, {Mr. Collins] "Be conshyred i and grant4d. 'By the Court." 0 this shameless piece of judicial vill iny, you were quick to I, avail your -elf. ' You carried this ,wicked ofli lal work_ to t n he tut di. k of the Courts, and he isshed to y• u your license. Bold in your evil d >ing, you Ining7up this li cenr.:e in th . most conspicuous part of yourpl4e ofiunlawful ',fl e shless. "The Nsitkedne: it of yoursAf in this business, aid the greater wickedness of this pair] ofAs l sociate Judges, was soon discovered by au outraged com munity. l'ourself and yourjUdicial confederate i s were about to be pursa ,ed and punished. You sfirrendered (. 'our livens to them, and they, of themselves arid-by w themselves, 'ac in some hi den recess - of this build ing, drew 1 p and had somewhere en tered upon} the- record a revo6ation of your 'leen . • ?--:s'l menti In this matter at this time 1 in justice t you, in . order that the ithblic ma . , understand that you were not alone at fault-in the perpetration i _of a crime, really greater in its 1,-,, , en- % eras niN.,rni nde and effect, than the 1 one with N hick you are charged, and to which y u have pleaded -guilty. '.ln the mblic print. you have em blazoned, under the soletribity of your 'oath i the probable caile of -11 2) , - this sim. - n - ally -wicked act err the part of the Associate Judges. You swear, .the you Paid one of them— , y prosecutor—the sum of 0 hundr d and fifty dulizlrs as his compensa‘on fo - rhis crime. , "As Pr silent Judge of this Court 1 I have no • done what I cenceive to , be, my du y, in stigmatizing, prop- 1 erly -the katov.-a and estaliTishcd of fence of he - .Associate Judges' If anything 41irther is done, the mem- hers of.:th4 b.,1;-7 ilnd the people must I 'act:" : ' 1 F hundred o .Ith of Scp- bananas in alI tho,voar 1 0 ASSOCia ldps wood for ;Times re ceo have been complains down In "ri- .estimates at t'so :ICII ihern pait Qf 't starch in t it Was arse ' didn't etiffeu I . thinks it !bpOsea, 88 Falf• ' ,.87111.11a8 been BEE A Bain ExtinpOWS° au the Fires, I Exciteinent ooer Reported :itteinifi of OPENING OF BANK FAULTS RAILROAD. CONTENTS MOSTLY SAFE CUSTOM UOUSF FAULTS WORTHLESS . One Mon of Coln Melted fitto One Mess Two. Millions oftreenbacks Destroyed Tisit the Illinois - State ,Legislatnye. CONTINUED RELIEF CONTRIBUTIONS A TlitLY ItAl!.; ^Tilt EIRES ALL EXTIN- CuxcAoo, Oct. 14-:--The rain which commenced falling, last midnight, steadily continues. It has extinguish ed the remaining fires, thus saving thousands of tons of coal, and the apprehension of danger from fire no longer exists. TUE OPE:SMiG YAULT6 AND SAFF-4 c9ntinues to be prosecuted as rapidly as possible. In most instances, -so far, the . contents' have been found in a more or less' state of preservation. In some cases b. heap of, charcd leaves and melted tin boxes-. is all that is found. - The safe of the Republican -is one of this class,-only four of thirty or forty , books contained thev3in being preserved. The funds in the cash boxes inside the safe shared the scone • ,fate. THE VAULTS GT lIIEretiST3II 1101:SE were opene4 It contained one million. dellars in gold and two millions in greenbacks. The gold was melted into' almost a solid mass but is safe inn - the shape of bnlliori. The gr.embachs were entirely con . Most of the members of the Illinois Legislature -arrived this • morning frona•Springileld, and were received by a committee of citizens and are now making a tour of the burnt dis trict. 1 3. An informal :pint convention of the Illinois. Leg slatttre .assembled this. afternoon a.. the Standard in this city. Lient.-Clovernor Dougher ty presided,antrHon. John A. Logan, in behalf of the committee appointed at a -meeting of. citi;ens,. presented reports frbin that committee. It suggests. that the lien held. on the Illinois Michigan Central, for three millions-by the city of Chicago, should be assumed by the State, as provided for in the internal improve ment act passed at the recent session of alb Legislature, and that the amount be paid to the city - at once; that the State should at once provide for the support"of the various charit able institutions now 'sustained by the city and - county, including the .County -Insane ' Hospital, &ci - The report, was discussed by General Lo gan, 3. S. Hayes, Senator 'Fuller; Samuel W. Fuller, Wm. A.. Bartlett and others, and referred to the joint convention for their consideration at Springfield„ It Was also suggested that the State taxes for 1871' - be re mitted, and. that a new assesment,ln accordance with the present co3dition of of be made. REPOPTS OF AT TEMPTED INTENT/TARTS:a' There is still considerable excite ment'oyer reports 'of attempted in cendiarism, particularly in the 'West. Division. The arrest of persons charged with_the devilish work con tinues. Ther - Pujilic mind is so sensi- , tive on this .subject that the truth of these reports may be doubted. " That there are fiends who would not hesi tate to apply the torch to what is left of this devasted city,is probably true; but the strong patrol which guards eery street and alley, and the con sequent certainty of detection and equal certainty of summary punish- Ment, would seem sufficient to-deter the most reckless and desperate from such attempt. The Tribune of this morning says flierc can be :no doubt as to e only course to pursue with the incendia ries caught in the act. The fate of such miscreants should be certain and sure. I'RESSE-; .kxl3 TYI The Reptiblican arenounces this morning that it has ordered new Tresses and typo c.:nd will soon - ap pear in thc,-old shape. The same pa per contains the following:' "Although the aggregate of sup plies from - abroad arc immense,-there is little danger that more will be sent than can be used to advantage. We are informed by Ckne'ral, Sheridan that the present stock of .provisions, in the city will not last - twenty-four hours if Lot continually replenished. We make this statement to correct the impression that the city is sure kited with supplies. Clothing for women and children is specially needed." The Stoat.: 7; ,, ibrag is publishing a 'handsome sheet. The proprietors of the Cincinnati 1 - 014:$ Yretoul have of fered to print the issue of weekly until its business is fairly re- to-day PassSed-a resolution that iiil outstandiug contracts be settled on the averago prices of Saturday, Octo ber 71h. The stockholders of the First- Na tional Bank voted to open on Mon day next and proceed with the' Lusi ue.,3s at once. of paying all depositors ou demand to the full extent of their deposits. The Union Stock Yard National Bank was not disturbed by, the fire, and in consequence' their' business is not interrupted. co;utc Oct. 15.—C01. Wood, as sistant superintendent of the railway mail service, to-day issued and order to all post Masters, postal clerks and route agents, revoking his previous order, and directing all mail matter to be sent to Chicago -as before the lire. • prevailed laSt night. It became al moSt a hurricane by night, hut sub sided before moriing. - It caused ranch alarm to the citizens. especial ly-10 thoSe residing in the vicinity of the late fire. File brands were blown in_ every direction. Skeleton walls were prostrated, shaking the;-build ing,s in the vicinity from foundation to apex._ The excitement and 'dam was scare;-ly less than on the night of the great disaster, Fortunately it had rained for twenty-four hours previous, thus preventing a confla gration as the result of the tornado. has bc.‘t , ;.r ,,.gaiz ; A in a ma.rli.ecl ; manner in all the churehe3 left stand ' ing. „In - many instances two and CHICAGOI FURIOUS CALE. • GLTSHED VISIT OF Tlll ILLINOIS .I.24lstiTcr,E OPLEPOLD THE DoAra) or TRADE TilE BANKS. TLIE A FURIoZ'S GALE s I..rnATA 01'11 ML YOU OF BROPORD COUNTY, II WS TiVP. & D 08.0170113. B Armenia Alba BoroUgh... Athens Towsialilp Athens Borough Albany - Asylum • Barclay. Burlington Township Darlington Borough. Burlington West Canton Township... 'Canton Borough Columbia. Franklin. ' Granville 'Herrick Leßoy ...... . Lelbsysvitie Monroe Township... Monroe Borbugh..... Orwell Overton Pike Bidgbury Borne Township Borne 80r0ugh...... Smlthlleld Springfield. South Crock Sylvania Standing Stone • Terry Towanda Township.. Towanda Borough...' Towanda North.— ... Troy Township • Troy 80r0ugh........ Warren Windham ' Wyalusing. Wysox Welles Wilmot Totals EH Scattering Votes—Repreaen stoner, E. E. More 2, A. U. Ch The names of the Repnbli three congregations of different reli gious tenets worshipped in the same edifices at different hours. ALI. lir-STITCTE YERSQNS arc receiving passes to go where they desire. Passes will hereafter be signed by George M. Pullman, chair man,and countersigned by the agents appointed by each railroad which ro ceives them. All roads are requested to notify the chairman of their will ingness to- honor such passes. - Collections for the sufferers have been taken tip in almost every town 'of any size in the country. A. T. Stewart, the New York merchant prince, subscribed $50,000.- , - All Railroad Companies are carry ing goods to Chicago, entirely free. WORK FOR VIZI'. 'AI. C. A PRILA.DELPIIIA, Oct. 15.—George H. Stuart received a telegram from - Dr. Robert Patterson,- of Chicago, en treating him +9 organize a work sim ilar to the Christian Commission, to aid the suffering thousands left home less and penniless there. Mr. Stuart recommends the Young Men's Chris tian Association throughout the land 'to organize immediately committees to collect funds to be forwarded to D. T. 310(304, chairman of the relief committee of the Association at Chi cago, or to Mr. Stuart's office, No 13 Bank street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS coyrracurioNa. NEW Yor.u,—The foll:owing cadtributions for Chicago are report ed by telegraph: Washington public se,lool children,.... $ 1,000 Lancaster, Pa., Common Council, 25,000 Salt Lake City, 11,000 New Haven, (collection in chtircbes,).. 8,000 Sari Francisco, lOO,OOO Oakland, Cal. . 1,000 Sacramento, Cal., ~ 20,000 Cincinnati, , 0 25 000 Philadelphia, additional,..... ...... .... 10,000 Utica, to date, • ' . 80.000 New-York, (collections in.churebea,). . 30,000 FOREIGN RELIEF 3IEETINGS '2.!EETING Or AMERICANS P.uus, Oct. 15.-1 meeting of the citizens of the United States, now in Paris, was held last night to take ac tion for the relief of Chicago. Minis ter ..kVashburne presided and made an eloquent appeal, speeches were al so otade by Gen. N. P. Banks and J. Meridith Read. Two hundred thous?- and francs 'were subscribed on the DONATION FROII THE E3IPI:E.-li AUGUSTA. BERLIN, Oct. 15. The Empress Augusta, greatfully remembering the kindly feeling shown by the Ameri cans for - Germany during the laSt wa, sends 1,000 thalers . fo;the relief of Chicago. ACTION OF THE lIERCIiANTii OF I3EUSSEIS Bat-sums, Oct. 15.—Merchants of the Brussels Es.ebange have appoint ed a committee which is receiving subsciiptions for Chicago. SUBSCEIPTIONS TO Et TAKEN UP IN VIENNA. ~, VIENNA, Oct. 1.5.- 7 Mr. Jay, the • ; Nnierican Minister, has opened sub: "-r,cripiions for assistaneto Chicago. ANIELICANS LEAVING FOR HOME. LONDON, Qct. 1 .--INlany Americans are leaving for home on account of the Chicato calamity. Gen. 13uin, side sails on Tuesday, MEETINGS AT EDINDURGII AND NEW CASTLE. A meeting was held at Edinburgh last night,the Lord Prevost presiding. Resolutions of sympathy for the peo .plb of Chicago were adoptediand sub scriptions opened. At New Castle yesterday a mass meeting was held, and one .thousand pounds Were subscribed for Chicago. The Argus and every promi nent democrat in the county, were untiring it their efforts l cto. make re publicans believe before the election , that - -Frn;il and DAarr were running in the interests of PrrEr..lTPanic, and that if elected . would aid, him in di viding this county. Their crocodile tears had no effect however, and it now turns out. that linarec had con tracted with IVALLIcr Chairman of the State Central Committee, to car ry two or three hundred republican Votes in this and Tioga counties over to the, democratic State-- Ticket, in consideration of the, support of the democrats in the Leqislature this xvinter for his Minnequa . scheme. _this was attempted in Alba, and Canter: and nearly fifty Republicans, in these two districts voted the dem- Ocratic State ticket. We have evi dence which leads us to believe that the Argus understood this 'arrange ment, all the while it had the effront ery, to charge our candidates 'with . being in favor of division. We regret to learn that Mr. I:) . A1:Inin was defeated in-the Luzerne district,.but WAs.riv is elected in the Crny'borland district which give ns the Senate by cue majority. In the House we have- a . working majokity. M 252 207 111 41 145 230 137 133 120 ICO 119 .1615 121 5750 CM , Peter II Coucty MEE e didates 4 r,o. in Boman, PROgLMEATION BY THE' PRESI DENT. • The South Carolina Ru-kluar. Ordered to Disperse Within Five Days. and Sur. render Their Arens, Disguises, aic. Whereas unLavvfel combinations and conspiracies have long existed, and do still exist, in the State of South Carolina, for the_ purpose of depriving certain portions and class e3 of the people of that State of the rights, privileges, and immunities, and protection named in the Consti. tution of the United States, and se cured by the act of Congress approv ed April the 20th, 171, entitled " air ; act to enforce the. provisions of the fourteenth amendment of the. Co nstitution of the United States:" And 'whereas in certain parts of said State—to wit, in the counties of Spartanburg, York, Marion, Chester, Lauren; Newberry, Fairfield, Lan caste and Chesterfield—such combi nations and conspiracies do so ob strueV and hinder the execution of the laws of said State and of the United-States as to deprive the peo ple aforesaid of the rights, privileges, immunities and protection aforesaid, and to oppOse and obstruct the laws of the United States and their due execution, and impede.. and 'obstruct the due course of justice under the same: And whereas the constituted au thorities of said State areCruaable to protect people aforesaid in such rights within the said counties: And whereas the combinations and conspiracies aforesaid,,- within thit. counties aforesaid, are organizectiuld armed, and are- so numerous and powerful as to be able ta - defy the constituted authorities / of said State and of the United States within the said State, and .by reason of said causes the conviction - of such offend ers and the preservation of the pub lic peace and safety. have become im practicable in. said counties: Now, therefore, I Ulysses S. Grant, President of the 'United States of America, do hereby command all persons composing the unlawful com binations and conspiracies aforesaid to clispdise and to retire peaceably to their homes within five days of the date hereof, and to deliver, either to the marshal' of the United States for the district of South Carolina, or to any of his deputies, or to any milita ry officer of the United States within - said counties, all arms, ammunition, uniforms, disguises and other means and iinplements used, kept, possess ed, or confrolled by them, for vary ing out the Unlawful purpoges for which the combinations and conspir acies are organized. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this twelfth day of October, in the year of our Lord one Lsrl...] thousand eight hundred and seventy-ono, and of the inde pendence of .the United States of America the ninety-sixth. U. S. GRANT. By the President: HAIRSTON FIAII: - Secretary of State. BEAUTt An THE BEAST. Enrroa or TILE ItEroarna : I have last read Ctlntraetar Piollets's letter, under , date or October 2nd, in the Anyur of last week. You must have . succeeded in some manner, in puncturing the entiele of his Ilhinc:cocos skin; or he would not whine as he does. Is he so, weak as not to kcow that, with all his buster and pretontion, the people (without distinction of party), retr..r4 him as the embodhnent of demagogism? He complains that the Itinvirrut assails "a private. citizen." So far as I have read, yovr paper has made Ira alltjadon to him, ab a "pri vate citizen," but only to him in his connection with public affairs. He says, "I am in favor of the Reform ticket, presented to the people of my native county for their support at the corn-' ing election." This reminds me of,a little epi sode which occurred in Orwell a few days sing; in which the Ctibtractor was &prominent actor. His mission as a Reformer, brought him to our town to deliver a reformatory address to the Sibbath-School children E .:altered at a picnic. He began by saying flat he had no experiiiivir it Sabbath-school matters; as be had not al tended a Sabbath-school / since he was‘a child. The church in Wysoz bad divided many years ago, and latterly had made 'an effort to unite; but had got wider apart than ever before, ind ho, stood in the breach and did' uot attend church at aU. All of which must be'set down as profitable talk, calculated to exOto high moral emotions in the tender minds of the youth. He wound up by saying hcwas glad to seethe children, he was once a child \himselfir born in Bradford county, and one would think to hear him ring the changes on tkis, 'that ho was about the only child. of any consequence ever born in this county, rind, that most others are foreigners. • i , . 1 . A reversed gentleman present: was balled upon to make some. remarks, and hol took the Contractorto task 'for the indifferent man- manner in which he treated the church difficul ty in Wysoz, saying he should have administer -1 cd the same•remedy that a certain 'deacon: id to st-ttle a tii.cgreement batween two of his brethren 111 the church, he placed himself bu tween them And invited them to get down upon M < l them lzUces and pray withjam ; and after, offer ing a fervent prayer, they became reconciled t each 0111E4., and tints great good was sena/W. I] 5253 3175 5603 .Jane! gua GEM 5590 a - Judge. Joseph Fe' Morgan 1. Italic." The Tesapennx;cazidlditea ire marked thus, • and tie Demon's, ORWYI.4 Qet: 9, 1871. E EIIEI 34 9 126 . 173 1411 341 1541 4T 93i 1 &DI ' Lio I E 1 66 47 DE 191al • 11 88 73 33 47 88 91 73 EIE El 611 1091 90 31 99 SI 51 22 37 63 46 10 114 ISO CIE NE 78 108 38 71 17 as' 38 17 II 98 98 111 • 41 19 OE 43! in 143 98 36.120 36 119 46 62 42 65 68; ; 37 68 37 ,!!. 181 832 10 531 - 32 53. 31 98; 91 1981 89 371 72 138 ; 71 11 31: 350 31 1 , 21 1 109 113' 113 ea ; 44; VW. 54 17: .104! 117[ 101' 75! 109; 191, 91 11, 1 1241 133' in 70,1 123, ; 841 108 91, 83; '94! 83 I ,3239.5391;32119 k 1: District' Atiornes. B. LI. Pack 1 CoontiCantrAtit- plishekand thiarwai what PioHot should done. After the close of the - cereincges of the oc motor', the Contractor, still intent upon bls work of Reform, did not cease to "persuade men" to rote for his "Reform ticket,'"./and in his usual vehement style, informed deighbor L— and other*, that "we will,, stave this Re publican party all to h— this fall, by the G--trs, we wilt" "This 'new departure' dodge works weitand wq will show this Toviszt da Bing that their time is coming to a close.". But to the COntractor's Astus letter.• It is amusing. He says: "And what is more corn fortin-g..1 have preserved, my manhood. It has been the settled purpose of my life to strive to uphold a moral standardin the management of thiyernment4, as well as private individual tiiiisactions. An unscrupulous set of politicians who live by office, and bend the' supple hinges of the knee that thrift may follow fawning, do not possess the power to even riffle the sereial ty of a closing life." And hero no doubt ho dropped a tear. Cot, remember an old saying, long since passed into a proverb : "It # always the under dog that whines." Suppose we call to your mind certain occasions when you did n:.t "uphold.a moral standard," nor did you preserve your manhood." Do you not recolloc the occasion of the defeat of Mr. D. AL Bull' as an independent candidate for Congress; when you acted the part of a bovine animaL / going in the night time to his house, and /getting down upon ell fours, yon pawed up "e dirt and -bel lowed, and tried to stick - nr horns in the ground.. And do you t recollect when you bent "die `get ,jiiiiges of the knee," as ranch as to get dstn and tie Gen. Cameron's shoe for him,/whilst you be sought him as _a Senattir to „ procure your confirmation as a l'oymaster in the. Army in the war with/Hezin,that thrift may (might) follow fawning?” This was all cdtinected with public) affshes or we would not mention it; we might mention others, but will wait until you are call ed upon todeliceranother reformatory'address. Yon make load professions against public plun der, but the taint is in your blood ; and there fore, your professions are worthless.. As In the case of the - wolves in the old fable related by Lowell: • "Ea for their oaths, they wont . be worth i •, • (button, Lang.'s you tiara cure, 'fun 'et their taste for • [mutton." Pam [ For the Expoerza.]• AN INCIDENT_ OF THE ELECTION. Enrron REPORTER : As one of our •tolored citizens was about to vote at our late election, a DeMocrat whose breath' steamed with the fames of al cohol, and so long,pickled in whisky that one could smell him a rod, stag-. gered up to me and said-: " Ain't you most too white to belong to the same party with these hero niggers ?" I made no reply to him, but answer. ed the question mentally : I am too sober to vote the Democratic ticket forsuch a reason, with such a speci men of Democracy as you before me. • A 'Farm. TowAN:n.t, Oct. 17, 1371. D!4 The return judges foi the Sen atorial District, met in Tunichannock on Friday last. Below we . give the aggregatecote in the several coun ties : Bradford, , Snsquehanta, Wayne, Wyoming, Majority for Fitch, 2,995 Now Advertrettaionts. IUBLIC: SA TN. —The undersign ed having Sold his farm, will sell his personal property at public sale on MONTaIf.LOCTOBER 30. 1011. commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m.. consisting of 2 horses, 1 mule, cows, calves, about ad tons of hay. cider mill, chain, for pulling stumps, a quantity of white oak staves and heeding, wagons. sleigh, oz yokes, harness, - fuming utensils, Household Pura iture, Hooka, and other .articles too numerous to mention. TERUS.—AII sums onder $3 ash, over $3, one years' credit at 6 per cent. Interest with a security. - - C. 11A13C 1 W d New Albany, Oct. it. 1R71.-2er• F OR S4E.—A - farm of about - 100 J. acres, situated In ?forth Towanda township, near the Overshot kill. adjoining lands of Eilt= 80 acres improved, watered. house, large and horse stable. N9lll be sold at a bargain. If not sold will be for rent next spring. io five acres Al of corn, 2 acres of potatoes. 3 acres 'of buckwhitat. from 20 to 25 tone of hay. 300 bushels of oats, not threshed, about 60 bushels of wheat, 1 mowing ma chine, horse rate, two wagons, plow, drag and other farming utensils. Also 4 hogs, 3 spring pigs, II yearlings. 4 two year olde. For further particulars enquire on the premises. • RL1323 TTS. Nardi Towanda. Seri 21 , 1811 C HA .-3 w* HA NEW - COAL FIRM Oa Cane , Street. frmatlag 'William Street. We sr receiving direct from the mines the very best prltsTos. roxarn. and SULLIVAN ix THISACITE COAL. which we propose So sell at Use owed market price We rerpeetAtit~ inTite those staling to purchase to calkand evT onr CoaL Re e.!so keep Lime, fresh from the kiln. We will deliver Coal, or Lime whenever dallied. on short notice, adding only the customary prices: sep2oll-U OASEVA DISVCE,AGENCY, Y. Pk. FIRE ,LIFE and ACC MT lIII3CRANCE effected in 11M-elass companies. Also Laid gorvoying and Conveyancing. Twenty • seven years erpociener. Orders by mail proMpily attended to.' Ang.3.1.11..17 H. A. CASE. COAL AT WYALUSING! The undersigned have on hand, and intend to keep. a supply of Sullivan Anthracite. Barclay, and bard Anthracite Coal of the rarionlialzes. Sept. 25, ". O. H. WELLES & CO. F.RAFAIRsi, bring- your produce nd sell to For k uua. 'Jan. 19. 1871. 187 L EJ ii U 60 M 14 10 2O 167 196 192 174 159 11 141 184 100 831 ,661 10 60' 106 199 139 138 116 168 117 183 E 9 IN;a Filch. &pen 5737 3081 3.435 2516 2050 2406 1352 0 1587 12,617_ . 9,622 TOWL.NDA. Pa. L. FL C 1824 CO New Juiridbol pRAVLAILMON.—AII IMIIOUTnea Caul of Comm Plots win be bold it Ow Court non" in Ow Scam at TOMO. cossaisto MS cm OomMy. nommodwitlin. conic counts@ two woes. Junius. cud en Sicrelsl sortie 'ls re goosicl to be peospijsthate aliwoloses. , Vir since of Roo. t. B. llMlTlMPftifthad J.P. Yratn PALMER & BOND. • PRODMIN 00m - sasslON unicastrrs. 247 Washikion street, New York: Solkattuttar, Eggs, Poultry, demo, ete, ides. s 3 3l6“topt refaums awraredL Send for yards or i plate. Sept. 10. lbs II STOLL JOHNSON • . • coAnuasameitsucaorrs, viwi4tvA, Warriorlve and forward all kinds of produce en trusted to their care. to such polies u the owners may direct, in 21111111prk or New Trek after Oct. 21et. Ofike at the stns of lf arshall Bros. Cola pilld foe all Wads of Poultry. • • U. P. STOLL. Oda • ; • - S. H. JOHNSON. awn() into . thn en the subooriber. in New Albany tw, or or &bona the Ist of I Xlesre o = 4 Th e Owner CM bare if Al ;MINI reolie l J. T. lIND C ESTRAY—loeft my encloinvelac* West Ifistikllst on or shoat the first of Boot., eight middle class @beep and one white heifer calf. rid whoa grins Information of their whereabouts be liberally rewardel. 8 A. MINING& • _ . • MOTICE is hereby giv , that ap ./..N • i;ilicsit*i will be made to the sat Leglidature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Savings Beak. with dieconatbig and deposithil Devi/ 0 0W t be located at Wye:Deism Itnidforel Openly. with a caMta Of ULM, with the privilege to increwee the wane to $500,000. under the name and style • of the Wyshisii4 ea Inge amt. Oct.lll • STENVAIITS' . . MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTLES • - A very large.aasortment, including a dl Tartety bf Elegant New. and ;Metal Designs. N DAYEWAItT & CO., CO3 instb"avenge, between 35th and 56th sta.. IC. Y. Oct.lB.3in "p7.S.CIITOR'S NOTICE.- :4Notee , b hereby siren that all persons Indebted to, the estate ot REHEMAII GREGORY, Ash, of Wilmot, deed, are requested to mats Immediate payment, and as persons haring claims soling wild I estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. IfARSELLL 8. GREGORY. Oethire Executor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. Josephl lOW. Conklin vs. William can Brant. No. 361. Sept Terni.lB6B, Court of Common Picas of Bradford county. The undersigned. an Auditor appointed by tia. d l Court to distribute motleys in the Minds of the Shorts arising from sahi of defendant's real and peri sonal eirtsAis,wlll ahead te duties of said appoint-. went at his cafe° in therough of Towanda en MONDAY the 20th day of NOV., 1871. at 10_o'1 • clock a. m., at which time and place all pervious ravj. flip claims to said money are required to present the Same or be delaimed from coming In upon said fun WILLIAM FOYLE. Oct' IS, Auditor. A UDITOR'S 'NOTICE. —Lpia , 11.-Brewer vs. Timothy Clary. No. 417 Dec. T '67, and No. 778 May Term. '67. In the Con Common Pleas of Bradford County / _me undersigned having been appoluted,auditor, by said- Cdurt to distribute fonds in the/Ueda df the Sheriff will attend to the duties of ht's appointment at his office in the Borough of Towanda Ftki!y. • November 8, 1871. at 16( o'clock. a. M., —eons haring claire, said Court to distribute Duds - arising tram th . o 13herirs sale of the real estate of above• named de fendant-grill- attend the • duties of said appolit 2thernt, at lials office in the Borough of Towanda, on FRIDAY, the. 10th day of NOVFAfuva 1811. at 10 o'Cloclr, a.' m.. at which time and place all persons having claims on said money are requested to present the ease or bede barred from coming in for a share of said money. 11..MiltY PEET, II Auditor. Oct.lB'7l-w4 ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS. Sail every Wednesday and Saturday. to and tram •NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. Dining at Londerry,to land Mails and Passengers . : The Steamers elf this favorite lino are built ex pressly or the Atlantic Pusenger Trade. and Stied up lu every respect with alYthe modern improve. meats calculated to insure the safety, comfort. and 'Convenience of paosengers. Passage Rites Payable to Currency. to GLASSGOW, LUERPOOL- and LONDONDERRY. FIRST CABIN: $65 and $75, according to location. CABIN ILETUBN TICKETS. $730, securing beet ac commodations. /NTEDNIEDIATE. $33. STEER.; AGE. $2B. , Parties sending Kr their ,triends In the Old Cowin. try can piaci:use reduced rates. For fut. ther particulars apply to BENDEESON.BROTBETIS, 7 Bowling Green, N. Y. or to 8.0. KEASB, Central Express Office. Towanda, Pa. BmoctlB'7l. IF YOU WANT CHF(AP PARLOR AND COOK' STOVES, And art kinds of MITSEF..EEI'MG GOODS MARSHALL BROTHERS MERCITR'S t BLOCK, ToweNnAtps. We would reapectially inform our Minds and the public that we have on hand a large and well select ed stock of I HOUSE leuENISHEcG GOODS, Of every description. Such as PARLOR AND. COOK STOVES, COPPER TEEN. KETTLES maws, roam LADLES. LANV'S TUBS, BUCKETS, BASKETS, &C Also, an Cntliess variety ut 3,622 . TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE. ga-110071110 uul SPOITTLVo done to order in any pact of the County. REPITALNO promptly, ,tended to. Oet. 18.1 y, BIRDSELL COIEBDIED - Clover Thresheir. AND SEPARATOR.. This machine Threshes. - Separates. Hulls, and Cleans Clover Seed at one operation: capacity rang ing from 20 to 50 bushels per day, according to yi,ld of seed. After the clover is fed - into the Threshing Cylinder, the 'seed contained therein is dertoin - W into atag or measure at the side of the machin&. 'NO IMELLNPLEiG OF MUFF Oft TArtaxcs ..An elevator conveys the' tudattned chaff ,back to the Huller Hopper, and an extra elevator 'conveys the light reed, kc., hack to tho Fanning Mill. TWO THOUSAND NOW Li LASS throughout the United States and Carutdas. fame AWARDED FIRST PREHTIMI at 73 State rain 1836. - • • Send for .5 Clovis " and Colored, icing which give complete description. BIRDS= HANHPACTUBLWO 00., rs.. Harriet)" , Pa. Home raaory. South Bend. Indiana. • An Agent wanted for Bradford Ca la.: •111-3 m THE UNDERSIGNED - ARCH:I - TU AND BUILDER. wishes to orm the citizens of Towanda. and vicinity. that he give particular attention to drawing plans, ' gnu and sportficatione Sae 411 znanner of bnildinv i ati. and public. Superintendence given for r dorner nabie compensation. Ofilce at reside's'!" .N. E. nof Second and Elizabeth sareein, where be will be found every evening froml to 10 p. in., Saturday' all day. J. E. FLEW:NO. ' Boa 511. Taman* Pa. Oct. 4 IST! VSTRAY.—Left the enelosOre of .ii the undersigned, h 2 Towanda tnpi. on or about the 15th of Septembh. a &Irish red 2 rear old heifer. =tallish horn.. : Any information in re gard to the whereaboutrof said heifer' WI be paii: for. Information should be left at the loner meat m= Towanda. GRIFFITH k 'PETERSON. bar 28. 11111.-47 r• ,- • SASH, DOORS, ANDS I Rmjpeepared to furnishl/lln-dried • •rs„ Aid • •of any style. sire, or thkkness on short notice. Mad In your orders ten days • fare you want to use tb, e articles, and. be sure thst i you ntl get doors that will not shrink or swell.. T rum carb on delivery. Towanda. July 19,1971: QIIGAR OF ALL BINDS lag at wholesale prime at Fox a IfEngfrivir CODDING, 1111S'IrTN, & CO., Ask atteation to their facilities for furnishing .all bads of • 11VOING MATERIALS! Ta'AM, SASH, CLASS, .BLINDS; 15. 4 §,rairp, L S. Go to 1 ;: tIEO. P cesu MinaUanens. - . , ibwAziDA, 1.;26. SUCH AS - DOORS, IC&ILA LOCKS. Alms stabs lowest rates = LEI - ALL ZIND6 OP REATTLIP& COOKING STOVE.S, NANO= AND tww.ozs. 431.A.S GAS GLOBES, &O . . Holiers . ?MID UPON SHORT: NOTBM COOPS .PCT OX WITH TIN QR. SLATE. CONDVQTOBS lath LAVE TiIa:MOLIS MADE AND PITT ILP El BEST - CEM E NT SITES SOLD IN TEE COUNTS ALWAYS. ON HAND. lENAVES R-, FORDS - - Used July tth by the odd Fell Awe, FOR SATN. AT CTS. PER SET: BRASS . RETTL43. Clothes NyringerS, PLATED .TFILDE, IRON, STEEL,'POW-.DER-, LEATIIER BELTZiG, Gem Pruit I . IY-'I7IE CASE DB DOZES Aug it 1.1871 L. L. 311_0 0-D Y • BUCCWOIII3 TO ITCUTITOST /11108.,,, Having addod largely to the immense ttock kept by theta, hare now oti hand THE LABOEST ASSORTMENT OF IR BOOTS AND SHOES, , TIANFLING.B.IOS, That has ever been (sieved in this market, and are constantly receiving additions direct ii a; ;WI a 0 : i Dwri.toaxiiite ;i4 DIM 'Which onabics them to give to their cultomers BETTER GOODS I= LESS PRICE THAN ANY OTHER HOiTSE IN THE .TRADE We have also the sole control of the Iletalling of •- - , . I.IE-lumphrey lIAND-MADE COARSE, ANI? CALF BOOTS AND SHOES. For Men and 'Boys. ALSO TIMER -CALF, GRAIN, AND GOAT SHOES TOR 4 LADIES; mans & . lit this,maritet, self4,le, AT AS LOW.PRICES As otheibonses are 50G14.. EastOrli Goods. ALL GOODS WARBATED Givli as coastal yon wiJI be utialled that It if tho place to bay all goods la this ' - L. L. MOODYATO, - L. L. MOODY, • 11. E,WATKEZS. •agast 9, 1871. . . ...... .... . POWNABKE TS. -4. VTIOrrAtT3r parr m • • • Co'rreetod. errery wooneedaY. by C., D. Ylicil =Wed tosbinske daily. -. . - • • - Wheat. 1 11 bush... .• - '.EI 4 . 0 6I GO Dye. Bewkwhoai_ . p bush Corn. * Nun Oats. 1 1 Beans, II Butter trolls) IS 35 .. 44 ( 4 8fry) lit Ns new • , 1 881. V doll Polatoes;.* bnsb • 3o Mow. 9 barna—. -•••• 8 00 9 10 co Onions. * bash *mins of Gtuw.—Wheat 401 b. ; Corn 38 lbe : Sy* 561 b ..; Oita 32 lbs.; Daley 48 lbs..; Burywlw.,t 48 1b.,: Beau 821 be.; Wan 20 lbs,;CJerver Sem ea • lbs. ; Timothylbs. Seed:44 lbe. ; Dried Peaches 33 rb c ' : Dried Apples Zi Me- plat Seed 30 lbs. . . in=il pIICE LIST-CASCADE Floor, be st Winter whe.:4 pr. itric .'2 . Inindred .... GI ti • • •,• barrel •8 co ' Costoin ''`Lndins tirtially dons at . once, as the ca. }malty stirs WU is iraMgdotat for s largo Oka:mint n sort. . • ' Camptown, Znly 28, 1878." , CENTRAL COAL YARD, tratil taftlior.not!ca prieem,at yard are, Nr a toa - . of :MO potwas ; • ANITIJIAaTZ COAL. • Egg. Oi Rio 4.. = ...4. . stove. or Noe. 3 t ,Nut, or . No. b... ' tit'LLITAN AIITAILACITE COAL . . ---- ATaktir • • • 13 75 large, &ore, ....... 14 GO Stove . 14 on -But tf 75 The fallowing additional _chazgca will be nunitt/r delivering coal within the. home/ Licata: Per ton - Extra for carrying In so Halt " • " " • " "25 '14115a•tar.t.0n...25 " , "" e " • 2.5 jar L•zre Orders et my Coal NI ; r enrillew Block, son th phl ifirOztera must in sil Catig be , Accompar.,:ed ;the cult; TOramis, Mtg. 3V71.• IL %L EJj TOI,VANDA COAL Y •The andel - shine-1, :caged thy Coal tarc the eld "llrrelay tardia,..; and Jim rbi;i: a large co,l-tior9se=a °Mee upon the preiniiv... a. now . prapared to ttiraiali tLe citizens of Towata, vicinity vita the ditertrat Undo sad PiZeti of the ah rimed coals Upon the roost Ina:unable terms quantity ilesired: Peces at the Yard until :ure notice yn.t. net ton of 2Ud tag, or No. 2 . gtove, or Nos. 3 nil 4.- Nnt or No. 5 ..... Broken Large 5t0re.....7... 4 Small Store 6 Nut— "Barclay" Isals. 4 Elan . I.` . " • }inc,, or,ln - acksm:ln . Sul:isan An thrav tei The folloutig Will bf. de.lV(leDg C03“iit...N,7 the i:pnr.r.ll4h Pn11 , .5 : Per Tou. - ..f4 cents. Extra for I:arrylnz in. '.•••, ••• Half Ton..ns „ Qr.T0n...25 ” " " " - 27; - fNr Orders may Itft et the.Fard, cerntr.ti readund: Elizabelh Strt et, Porter Drug Sttire. • tM6-Ordirs tral'l In all n'nr-ra'Par-: , the easb. .V.S.ED 'Z.: I.IONTASYF. -Towanda, June ' The oldest, la'rgest, and safest purely _Mutual Life Insurance Corn 'yany-in the United, Statesl TH MUTUAL Life Insurance- Co. OF Ar.E TV TO 4K. W. W. Kp:GSCI:RY, Agent. - Attornq fact for 1-I..NIILL-F,R, the settlement of terests arising out of the Estate Of the late C. L. WARD. qr:FICE: Cor. Main State Sty. .TO-47A.NDA, PA. • . T ° Girt EHIE I= 1000 TIC. • : 1 ` by the tieks ray! the. tickets hnl .Which will I.)til MEM 0n.,; Ca:sh Gift Taro Cash G t Foie Cash G:if Ten Cash G!;:t Twenty... Cash We rempectl ers, First Nat; Tieketa for hore , a)f the Cc her?. r:zo OE EaL:blislad Tie.,:.. ino.t tlinrou::th er.uri...,•• of Conunci,*.il (. tion in tlic eL'untr:.'. r , r; . ... :,, , r. re/ .1 r,' , first clziss ren -ree,7l- / . .i1f.. 1 7.-. sitnation. , f:,r to superior •ra.lust.t. Ingo tme ;,1 -:,:ee. graduates an filling - nett i,,,n,,,:,` Lions iu neatl4. every Stat.• in ti•.,•1:11i , '::. T, ', ing taught b$ sw./rnt ant r;; : —".-- 1.,..1.....•.., .t.iDn is p..i,111) Peniustu9:nii. tin:l. : nit+ ni' , Y ,K11(71P1! 1n bntti Sonlitiriry .171.! 0.111:11t r,,,,.. :. 1 Stlifila , •sliips for• :nil i'orniii , r..ial i..•tir,•. with. Teltar phir.g, 1.35,C4). Te1e;.73 , ,•1:; - ..r $25, 0,1 . :Wm: mint it Penni:lnt-hip. :t hi-v. , f: $10,04.--:_:Boitl per woi'lz : .; 1.00. For ac:' ton - nation. ai dress Rev. 11. Nr.i...os: D. P.. Pr pal Wy,ening gimuitiary-finil i'ofilliwq,lll Co::. i.. L. L. zfunAnft, 31. A., Principal C:i..nin , re:^il i] `i'r^ Kingston. P. ieTi3 . 71.3r.... , _.—. L W T A pnpt rr ail auo co rn cla. s Ilotc Strt lA, 'it is insToxam s( L ir7l NENV lir. W. B. V: 1.1-;.l' of this p1...,..,•ran,1 Dr. C. S, - o` -r-r La% ' . e.-,isartat !DA rctice \.l • Anavuay 1. , 41u1 at the offiro of Pr.. ; effort• tit TJw•anda, all t.:ues to treat patient. in a first-41-g -, Nil' work ws.rranted 'a. repres?,,t • Teeth extraettql -without , by ft' Nitrous Gak. C.. Pn tintutly aIII.L, 2: Atife:is en - unlayit and .Ilonilays 11.ntiVfitrther notice. . . _ . . _ . .. A. 30,'71.-tf Iit:LLV . 4 .: STANI.I:I - . PURECIDEIt . VINEGAR AT •. ' eox• ,t ItEuctirs. OOL Wt -50 Ouo . I. Ai - lut e ' t. by N;. A. lix'xW M.f., Fir which t he i lig kr• t prim will le paid. • • jutS;7l4: '~c©llaudon~: IL WELLS,. It-oprietar ANTIMACITE A.ND C4rpl.S COAJ- ' t3r-Lav't* AN-rar.tra:: coal Aug:2;l'7l4f A I\T 33 A. I - rItAND NTERPRISE! FOB DEN= 0 FIRE CO., 1\0:.2! 5 0 0 , T,C) 17= II , 11,1;r r : o'2 T i ^S. 17:10.71 $l.OO E.:•,Ctr,Ci ra rhoat.. c. ill I,i , 111,1.41._ dery Vat•no:C.:l“.-. ounti..liatdy aft, r Leen o', due 'ht:, alfts-t'; $5OO i C - 111 cacii lEUMME FETE! ft,, el-` t;:fts, Thtr.y I]v mfer to G. F. rd.asou n3,ll3:eak. Mrears •ate by the Ccmmittee upauy, and al6o by our AVVI:tr ?I.lcmixt2, are the Cumtuittec: L. M. (.)iDOIn.: OREM ..-.'aticris honla TnosT, Chairnraan comma .k..1,2J 71-tf IM I N I \_r_. EGE. 1: LS l' ISt: 3. -5 , 2;:. 1. Is7l DIIOI"SF. TOWANDA tDrORD COU`NT,!, !arlnge. recent:: iler.A,l by ~ -, and havinfy, been ,opmp'.. rt t: refu rnisht-1. afrords"t. , i!1 , •,1 , 1!! I,rtzt mil modern con., a :•: •SitEl,lto ONU:Ate, 010 Park r!) 313 , f thine . fitly couvetlitilit for p•rrs for.t!ra , ttro or Imbintg,s• EbON' fi 3rr7 Lq:NrISTP:: IN ALI. 0 50 22 g - 21 23 © 25 $5 51) ...$4 611 ...... VS 2:i ■ MEI ME E. G. .M.E::(':1 W. x... NM