II . -. Ho* APl'm Tans anow,--41 we make a deep hole with a iirowbar in the onbatratum .of Ithe earth; Ifill it with sand and mellow soil . and! plant :apple aced in autumn near-enur ml lace of the ground Where the ho e.ivas made; the ne# spring the will throw out a root directly downward, initil the - end\leaehes the to of perpetual moisture, ---prby'dei) - the earth is not so. firm that a root can not, extend further; and a stern will _commence wingupward, at the _same tinie bearing the apple 1 seeds on itoiend, to the surface, where the kernel Will separate in to eqtta parts _forming the 'seed'. loaf of - the yoturg tree. AfeanWhile, the tap-roc t con tinues to obtain a more firm hold'Of the soil, . which fortifies "' the . tree against iujury incident to dry Wealli -e.i. ,- In a congenial soil, restingon a ~ p orts subsiail, tap-root of a ree of !most anyldnd, will extend farther, by .:actual measurement,..into the earth, when the tree is three or four years old, then the top is grown upward. But, mien the trees have bedn. pro , , duced from pieces i_of roots planted in nursery rows, rthey rarely semi_ -- down tap-roots. Consequently such trees can be taken tiri and transplanted _far more advantageously - han if the toli root-was severed and left in the' . _ .1 ground, So long-as vegetation does not su ff er from protracted IdrOuths it will make no difference Wh Cher a_ . - tree has a tap-root or not. - Bt when ,t.the roots near the.surface a not ha tii bilyzi one drop of moisture out of the dry_rtil, if there be no tap , -ro . f3t to - , bring up moisture to the leaves, the fruit mast fail, and the tree Lwill re- ' ceive such- injury that the Id-form ed bulls can not yield fruit ill season: Every tree ought to epring ronallie seed where.tlaat tree is to ow. If a hole a few feet deep, ,and fi, ed with sods mellowor soil, and an apple _seed or a pair seedehestnut or hisk ory nut were planted in autmn, and 'the soil kept clean, or were mulched I li during summer, when the land is poor, a tree would' push up ,ard over twenty feet in one decade years; and if the ground were rich/ it would grow thirty feet -in the sam perodit. :. ViIi.EAT CULTURE AND • Wheat culture is the‘mo:tiimpoit ante of all agric'filtund prod:nets, and has more:influence upon t , 7 world than any' other. Wheat is fie staple toe breach and the prigreSs of citili- zation and intellectual • culture'be traced bythe e&tent of its growth and consumption. • ~ ; Over 200,000,000 bushels of wheat aro annually raised in this; - country, and we have the soil_ancl Machinery for am almost unlimited expe:usion; ( r d . ,*.the product: The best soils, forwheat - are the clays, Clay and limc,:clay ancl • - sand, ch i vy and loam. ; There iiltist clay for asticaclssion of'good ,crabs. Muck or ';:vegetable 'clepo;stt is' not - adapted to wheat cUltnre, ; fib_ cause produeds large wheat stocks, and'„hat_ little or no grain. Vaderdraming Wiil- - d4inci - rc to pro mote the .growEh of whee Ton most tim.rn any one thing. -;iGlay con tains The feed for . the wheat , plant, -but it is also 'the, Most retentive of water, and au. excess of wa er is death to" the winter wheat. Aft.(..drainage of a heavy clay soil,. a feW 'hundred . , bushels per. acre of 'sand _Complete the werk of ithprovement, and such a soil can 'be made alifitYs t6. - yield re -1 mtmerative crops., A parr-sand eaa t'lo be made a remunerative wheat Soil. - ' Cray - can always •be made so by the • I application of sand, line, .- .-- O.nd ashes ' -I•.t - al barnyard . manute". • - • • Both' early. and I=-kite sowing lia'n±. - their advocates..-. If thetio Were no Hessian fly, in' -the laud, I the. last of Augnst would. be the best ..,time 'to Sow wheat 'in_ the Northern States but earlisox.vn wheat is liable to be . destroyed by•lhis Rest. 43 it is, ' probably the'best time Would. be about the middle of September, especially if a sharp frost occurs (before that ' .time. Rich, mellow; well-prepared soil may be sown later than - its oppo r. "site. 'There is a great gain in fre quent plowings and the Use of a cul tivator before sowing. 1 . -• The-selection of seed fr • wheat is ' as important as the selee ion of stock - for breeding. Seed who. t_ should be grown ;separately,. harvested separ ately; threshed separately, and kept separately for 'this spec al , "purpose. The wheat crop can be increasedlroni ' fifty to one hundred pe,r 'cent , b' at tention to this subject. In sowing ten acres of wheA select 94e acre Of • the best land, give , it special atten-' Hon, saw ashes, plaSter, Salt and lime i i mixed together uponi ; add a few loads of rich compost, 've it extra cultivation, sow , pure wheat, and while growing go. thro i gh it often .• and pull out all • foreign stuff. - It shonld.be Well ripentled when cut, ' • and n 4 threshed with a Machine nor allowed to heat_in the bin. Smut is a great enemy Ito the wheat crop, and the only help•for.it is brin ieg thoseed. Rust is al4o one of the enemies the wheat grog 0s is obliged _ tdencounter. The cause\is found in the condition of the soil tand• damp warm Weather. -The •diicase - .Occurs ' *,,to thesgreater ' e.g.tent *on soils deti cieutin silicateS, 'N7 Ur,!-11 a 1 .%) .needed : . to.f.iiv - fstiffer.itik atali . trm:Gill to the • -:itrzilv, mid abound.; f n vegetable - aud . animal deposit,- which give .a -..rapid C,T T O IV til to the- plant.. Wet, weann weather sets in, iqe cells of the . . st•tikinrst, tiny idle& runs out, and the git revives bill; little nortrisli=:. went, - .t - Th e - Wheat ishrnnken and • neftily,,Usnless. The wer4ntive of this • - disease is the application, at'thetime . of sowing, i !of sand, 'Wood, :ashen, or • po:n:sh frad-Ein7l." 'Pile. wheat peini:lekt-- sisonietinici v.P 9 ru:dant en all theear::A wheat in the field; sucking the jure and int- TOverishing the grain: The J Midge or.red weevil, by its .de,?redations, is cue of the failure of the wheat ercip in some sections, b 4 causing the abortiOn i pf many_.of the rains in, the heads attacked by it.. '.=Tne Hessian ily makes 1n attack 'upon particular ;listricts. The Sound, fall wheat at tacked by thee maggots wither next spring.; and death is .canned by the . loss of its juices. The only prev,n tiv_e is good:laced; cu lture„and - the ail) Lea ion o f D..S ies. aTM lime. Nationfil Cnorr_~G of till tive..to athe produi chards. The r and kept iti good -( plying immure Viso ace4ing lea ashes, and salt. A `,of these. substances isn't; or one fornief . i suds and refuse slod etc., - well mita - T all dealitibs, and -,and gall ea:ch other, eri that feed upon • - Ti z buikwli6at this part of tho co, ■ MI The7!"7".! and Machine •• • art premed to • • thett Imams". Id MILLI pIRCUL; R S - 441'ir MILLS, MAbi DEfILLS,, d ell kinds at . ',.,,. t s _ vro oip.ma. .:-.0 • • ENGIN REPAIRED, .. And all work - . snits . : ILE MACHINES .., Of the lidest and •• oat improuilkitalsaaminfactired and kept coral' on hand ready for use. .:-.1.----- P OtiGII S -, , fl3l.pE- .0:1- ADD WOODEN D2AISS . .._. Of in ritual'. , R CULTTVA ' . , CORN PLOUGU.S T • S AND PLOIIGII POINTS. Of 111 tlxos, a EEO 7,A1101.1 STOV SLED • _AIN D .SLEIGH . SHOES, L. ~ ki G.'.7 ir.o:.; ra..-rn.r.s . :sad cil :Su sof .stlngs furr.isca. tc !!arch SO. 187,, . - MEANS tz 110 c T.2,":.77.11. ENV -- • C /I ,IMAGE FACTORY ! . .. - On P.nc.1.;:,t1 e:,11 !A t.:11 Lat.', : , 12,311.1, Urettn, 40.0 - . of G. F. ]Talc tg Co.'s 131:44 Ea M_ . T , N Hespedrtitty• a' tha tL hat•cG ESEI • - T-. 3 EiE- were meld of • EN 103•1 IR ROT rr. Made cr tan) city styli), Factor:cB giN tu.th? UM of hie Wag,: MEM ar‘icriq in A.,/, I; OR Tharl'sl tendra xn.,3 10733. MEE Teswi a TH" Ca EtMi Of c,•,:•:3- pun 111 the Ina it:fact:ar wacona n ti4f d but comIEHMEM .T! . oirlt sriziNG wiGoNs Tho. VAl , ter:. Kock to n,.4-.1 in tile cf %%lac' ' .•!•I, , t•hes arc al: Isr;rl crat—not WARIUNTED EQUAL TO `NY o ko to ft:i.fl2, n. 7.1 :,-.1 •:J Pc7rab.:l7. • ' sr 1:n70: ! . : TA - JAN': I; 7::::..5^:.-...ECT.10S _. i ir ‘ , ..z.5. 'n . 1...n._17.v.p.....Nr,..D.. ap!.lo*\ 1 ' — l,: - • -,.. . , B 1211001) C 0... -Still 4.11.1I1V: I , to: -...;f47 , ..,1 - ,:. V •••,.• er`...l;rr.t. J 1 HOli:'* , t.. PO .1 1 1 '.rtl_t'.*; - ..`_:', c : - L - E.A_.‘ - . Erts, - • 1 and x iet.:l.:. b 'At. r v:4'!•,- ~. f.: , r 1.. i 3 :11:1 7 .1.1 , tt1a1n - e3n be LAII t0..c...t- . 1-..tro ut tra4.l4nc--, t.:..t ti. y ~ .J: ... , :: ; t..,... ..... ..t. an trly L-1.1.1t. , r. tn.! . ..TA M.2:2. tlm;7::y 1..‘1!: pe..;onanr stye-alt,l-3 el:- sr,i,r;:. r.r..!: ~..--... \ we.; \ lcr.r.. We .l.'ll t. Oa \ i lol... , :::-tII - 111%.: CAT.'I.Ot",:rI7.S. El ol,r isl.:.ltir.ce, cr. r..r.1.16..:1:::.m". ONE A D T IVO HORSE PO V,' ER S, Otte tt: .;:',l 1rr...:.? T.t.".,!rili"lfi: t.C. Si..:?1:1:.-1.7:,17..v, FI N,:k".1.,Y0 -11 ILLS, • t CTIICM3....ND MIAS tAlt" !ETU" .. 4. ,.. liD OUIS • MILL work tloue to ureter a all Irefo\ puz4 , .. - .;ug cite tr!;tTo. ~' CIIAN , 0 EON BEE NE The uddSriiirarti bit-cingbullt a large and comma &via Mill in tho Borotign of Towandarand =led it with thopost t00d5...--n.snd improved nisclinery, for the saanltia' erre of -.- _ - '' :: . I TES - DOW SISIVANILPLINT , I; _ ' Are prepiired to fill orders, Whether Ir7e-,..i. sr_ssuall, upon al' ' short nit nothrz. 'We him eb , o a large ra shly of OULTS' LOS, of the latest style a:A pa t ter.? t which w can fueliqrla/d1 cheaper , than they can be ' wake,' by hand. - - PLANIV I -4 . '' 47 7 , :v‘. OL'InVG. — . GiVOTIG , - ' . -• AND S=OOL \ SAWING, And all rthitt. work portroo:*!liS to 3 obiril, will be done to snit our ctlatonaers.• Persons building, and not t..ving mote than t'rel" to fourtien miles distant will ii.' l ll larVF . .for their interest to buy of na. or bring th., ,r,."2 ber '"42,_,,,hay.!, it worked by our nuichinery. Br. I lg 7 ° u r 1 "••• "` Marlor o th er !anther. and whit ... ,y. T r tear: l u l u s feeding. have i.t. venni' out ar.d. take .. ]Tr me ••••••• rola. _ a re lily cos for ME Amp b.. 12 3 C /, LW Allitli delivered at our lumber yard. ' co. ''''''.•••• *mita, OrayOu can't come, Trite. VOSsda. Pah.. ftidi. L. B. BODCW.IIO hipt.: - • tl, . - f inds is destrue etireneSs of or list be restored, °edition, by ap- Nritlt.i'egetab!e Ives, lime, wood-. compost formed' would be' excel !; in part by soap s, chip-dirt, turf, ilea trim them of those that •cross and of all suck trunk or limbs. rop is good in try. - BES Y & MAOHINE SHOP. lowtog ownsi porlVA: Yonadry =Ai or work =dos to • 'pro:optima end dEARINGS, to give asttatectios. the latcat improvements kept c..astantly nn hini. RN POWERS, AND' SMALL SIZE .1 S T JNGS ?I , n ar.ATEs,.. - - JAN DA., PENN '1 ;17 STULEN 4: CO", , .11:10(111C3 tJ 'bulit a ItlCrt CAP.E.TAGr. r.ecicT.•Y o= !tzlhl a-3r: I= MNIAMBIII2 TE,.C.)IIAI 1 .',IL_G ON S, est taatur:a it; 1.1.•; et tiv 7.: a llv.:1•:tod s.lvaztta,, .0,.1 .iJurr. li(!; I=MM3 FEMEM )7.1 7.!.!.4 Tr; • d L':' P'.: cT (.:. l:h• \ I : onr•re foricAlly ~ Z . e9ntfeltmczp of t!.:e 17.:3 ATII.I7:I).CD .1 . ;:•141c•JAI lIENIII7 STLZ.I24I U. S. CLAIM May . T4.14 . 70 -1-tf LD - MAIN ,STREET via EF'rzetory. JAMES BRYANT ' MEE • TAGES AN IL WAG ON .tes , _•riptlcrt, r.t of G. If 4T\ ST.S T. I W.1.•:i.1, i'! 11;3 ziwk i 6 E.ll ef T STYLE AND riNI:Af. 1 4 'ST STEEL witl the Li i.!1;111 17,ct IMMEIIMVIIII, ett I r,:. ;31T O 3 (MO Ta\Ala 003 CLO 0 its 9. •- • - M2Ml== ~:OT THEL . 8 1E 13 MOST OOMPLE-TE a sip rtakent at JEWELRY, 3VATCHU, .CLOCKS, PLATED "W-A.11,E, SILVER WARE, GOLD RINGS, , • ' GOLD': CH.M.'S, &C., &C., Zref o.trin,,l in ttlbs tnarket, ie now on exhibition =ll. for. sale at the well-known .to c of A. 'CI IT.B ER,LA. I N rt C. hag j aft returned. from Tao city. c.2ll.tlat= t.,rs himas.?Ltqhat. LIR stock, has been bought atbst tna r,.gn7es,Font that he can oiler better hadtics pr.rc hascra, of . fL-t.,t•Cla , is gooii ALAI au ectablt,hmeut . b the p.EnsoNs IN SEARCH OF I 0 DAY PiIESENTS • 3ULIEB HUGUENIN, :If: WET"'Eft (f- SI rE RS3f ITII, -- BLOC:St:, TO WA ND .4 PA Ie cf,rAtactly roN.ivlng sAltlltiots. 125 - his &tad; -or p 22,13 Li: pr'eat u 4, encli • - • 7.1.111t1C.iN WATC ' WATCHES, of :1:1 1,11 , 43 s sekcird is4orpsdn' GOLD CIL-% INS; FINE GOLD 0 - 7EI "W • - 1J Pi 7r., CLOcas Ur ALL STYIXS. molt Tit LIMP 130Ln. FUSER AND ST=. srtcrActm AND X.TE,GLABI , ZS to Et .41 C.2.K$ of Imprired XL'yr PATENT ACC0.11014A21: ,- G SPECTACLES. It y :Lin rah.r.t I as e=hleit to ex: Lange GLasrAwt nt any tlnte withunt extra charge. ,C 4.1.1 cant cam• CLOCKS, 'WATCHES &NI) J7:W1:2117 AL VD WA:IRAN - IZZ Ta.:311(13, 8.1870. I T - 2.IPORTANT TO ALL WllO ti, : t.LtE Tarn: 1 - ithirrr, • The b.'jlt of tbo abed zsalt-ti 41. t.b0V073: strcn;tl:ra , od end tke perroct.prok!rced. L'CSTIIUTE, I' . or the leanule... - .l.V.ring ei the CONCAVE craFAL LENSD,i, LONDNi rn - cr.l.no Ivrn:3) outs ron war on IN. The Concave COIIN CI CrYea SPOCtII:IC2, made ty the above institute arc now - a long time before the I public, and the rapid and increased demand for them combined with the univertial acknowledgment of their clearness in vision and ease to the eye, ahovra - plainly that they are superior to any other „lases._. in the market. - • The re - TO - cc:Ay of Spocacles, (Mastic imported) and no matter how fine the framesse - conikin but a . pot,: and worthlesa article of glasses, (gcr.crally cast or pressed:l they are made to be sold only, without any, calculation respecting Isenent to the eye, and therefore •the greak complaint cf poor and weak eight. Thousands arc using glasses now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the ohlecta get dim after abort usage, or require an inteusely strong light luid therefore destroying the might, which. were they properly suited, would be preserved a life tip c. The adrtiliages clainitd for the Concave C‘..1. - 1?..t. CrystnlEilassesi are the following - - The 'Moses are ground of the best niateliaLpur.i andlard. and Made only for optical purpoitea7they th.ereforn not Ihible;to pet sentehril or dim. - They confor a brillis=l distinct:leis - not Bandh: any o.4.erk, Thy can he - used ••eqtratfy -well bz„dak..ur. •- light without tiring or fatiguing thtreseat - ' • They are ground mathematically true Mine-con cave co,rivev referee, accordin7, to the pluloriphy of nature. and shape of cornea of the eye, thercske nature only instead of forcing it. That thli I ens•-e art centered correct into the framer. They can be used longer than any other glassea without ollanifm; to a higher power. The frames are made strong and durable by expe -1 riciarcd we:live:a and warranted to givettatudsztnat. W - 11. A. CILtidBEF.LIIq,,. Dealer i n Viletzh.s., Jewelry and Elver Ware. Towar ds, pa., has the ulu Agency for theze glioisvi in Bradford county. :tie Pedlers enirloyed. July 12, In7Ci:tf • ME= Cal lEEE 1 ISS _I . J. IiD:GSLET, ' Ti- Wiebes to inform the laedes of Towanda and rielulty that she Leer's c,ms;an 0:1 Land kluge sandy of . ' leer J dboile, ricitible to the season. 119111‘a,f- - 1.:•:, Tat ronetor their liberal patron:Tv Leretoforo, ,i. 1,,, c ,,... *me - them ttuit no exertions - will be epo-rt 3. to r:S , sure a eanttaf the ra.:l - 11`. She alto tr.? s acre scloction at • _ j: - . • . . , : '_. - - 1 —lll A N D FASCY'GOODS, 2,:... Cia as ' 4 • Kid -- Gloves,' --'!' -. • . Linen Collars • . Coffee, 3 .... . . . • . . .Ha macrchiers. . • Real IXICe.g; . . ' - de. ,1-e. `x lain also reopened; in connection with the shove my \ DRESS IILUMCG ost.blisbnient. sad ,I amnow vrepared to do I\CTITUNG and FITTING in the west Inshionahle Mlles on abort notice. En next door to fox 4 Mercer's, tip states. - . • : .. . - • ~ \~ EZIEM not !QC*: that Ono elooenorlU of an new TO T. 111:: LEST Ir 11 cry. -•• .._I • ONCINWI Pik rium 1311 DREOW 110 0 " VIRG al. rig a" min lima. . ‘ 1 a t FL. PLUM • ape sos WA. 11. PM= ft CO. to my Mina raemtomaem..atsepaibra Colatimi AA& tr.' hags sad selsoled stook. me GROq:E,BrE . I3, rr-TT=-rrnw‘ffrrrri-rrwi SON 1 ora sell at as low Amm is out be pardissod stoonrhers. I sow of* to thopublio a spizautill dmk TEAS, COFFEES, SIVARS, Ern as Una large tock a OEIION FLOUR, GRAHAM DO Drs po.. otrarwoza Dc I keep constantly on Land. PORE. HAIM: Lin% sad all' kinds of Flirt. Would call the atteatton of the public to oar Can't Be Bag STOCK OF TOBACCO, iIn quality or price. Jesse Oak Uri Celebrated Laur- dry. Now York Chronicled and Brojrn Cap." Vows cattaral esstotas oar stock aC WOODEN WARE. Lugo sasorttapat of TAXICEII 1501103113. TOUZI SOAPS. &a.. kc. ITM ray Om bighestaaaliprice for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Parmeraveoima call trfore WM:4 clambers. FIIrMMMPIrn?Tr , M7!"rAI and make imereadlate payment. Itticanda, March. 12.1887 o - 2 4 Yr 127 •. 41.), T a w z E ., 17 0 0 v 1 15 2 • •• l.• .2 Q crl El 0 7 A • .2 4* . ° ~-•• fr 4 2 ''•• •?: 0 (1) • rn :I r I.a poi t o ;11 H!• - - - 4-A h - z 06 1 La 4 frs f.- s S r 4 E• 4 - o • , 72 - « 1:64• g E. -4 7, I 1 FA `" ;4 et • p 4. 7 111 0 •-• e E .,2p on a 2 - 4=l c) .1 2 g ,s - 0- f. gt •• r_ 7 lg 0- p n r - Oct 1: P 4 Fr i I H E-i 0 061 5 71 -2- 7 - ) '-' g 7,.,24 7 4 1 r; P c (A 211 H t -6 s piz) g o P - -• P 9 • E 46, 2 -4 A i . J. LONG GROGERIES ANli PROVISIONS, ROOD. SYII~LOW, A CD STOVE WALE, FLOUR,- IMP D, MEAL, No. I PATrO!..i'S - .;. COIL TAA.LN AND IiR.I.DGE STS., TOWANDA PA. • I I Cr^ire. to red the attcr.ticat of Me . TIM() to atri ne,ortmi. - ut of goods , whirl* is' ahrare tufrand el:'1'11; plcto. and ••xlll be sold to: rnY coFionarris it len•atf, ...•.! mnr-I:et ;ales: . . ;...... • , ..IPcl - . ct TI;AS 11111 P , nave hcria rurchase.l since the late reduction in the tailff on them. awl are offered at prices to oar, rerpond. Or,lern.Ly'rrall otLerxlF.e mnivo eztv.:l2 iota procrin :A:c.v.-km. • • Tharitingthe put& for the liber-.1 ilatrone they haTogivea ale, I wish a continua:Lee of the Omar. CASH PAID rou COLNITS ruoDucs, GTE= ei OLD STILL COMING DOWN • LND Mr.r.Tunco A-zie GROCER PBOI7SIOI are net *lag offkrbd C-OWELL . 4; MYER'S at prices that cannot fail to satisfy ailltbat they an determined not to be Undersold by any one._ They have enlarged *heir Store by building au' that they now bare room for the fresh supplies that are daily nee:red by them: They hare coantoted with their store a Market where they am-keep fresh meats to sell by the quarter orniece, me • raU supply or Gra perks end Provisions„ to which they wouldcall the attention of all cash buyers. Cgme and examine our Goods and Prices, before purchasing and satisfy yourselves.. We gusrentee all goods to give entire satisfaction. We are thankful to our rustomers for their past liberal patronage and solicit a continuance of the same. COVrELL k MYER. Dec. 20, 18C9. • Confider the fact that you can buy, at 110815- num k 10LP,773, beautiful and substantial Clbtth lug fora mere song. ROSENFIEILD & WOLFF. .._ 'August 23, 1972. TIOOLEY'S BAKE( POW)DER !G OOD ' - MOLASSES FOR SO The very vest eves offered to the public. aold c ant pa Oka at PDX k iprItCUBIL • jun 15,71. i FOS &.1121:11413211 Oct. SAIL • G9...70.%9!_}*#f.(;!;.! 3 1 2 , !. 41.1:.- GO TO TAILOR do GOItE'S For a NOT/ Dresi Ouit. GoTOTAWEhGOBE'E i . Fax New Spring Stiles itqantat , GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S GO TO TAYLOI .4k, GO 'S, - For tll the Lfttest Styles - in Cue otn and Ready-3lado Clothing. GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S For Hats and Caps, all the Lates Styles. C. B. PATCH C. B. PATCH. GO TOtAYLORZ.; GORE'S Bows, Ties, &c. ALL WORK WAEILLVIED 2 CU 1 iNG QDONE . O'N.`! S I ORT COFFEES, DM I. LONG - - - 4, • *•• - For a New . Spring, Oilizeoat. ~ • i _ For (Rnlis' Good', =I i \ IiCEI 96 MAIN STIIEET, .t- TOWAND.3, ap1.1511 TO THOSE_ GETTL.IG THEELE, CLOTILLNG MADE TO ORDEr.) You 'should study two this4R. rind. to GET' TETE3I - WEINELE' TIEST CLAS9 CLOTILL'I3 Frnm So.Andly. winzar. -THEY Aril SOLD CILtAP And in order to be able, to sells good article cheap: tho merchant must understand hie busineAs, bra: know bow, where amt what to buy . as a practical, malt does; and a TA.ILOF: In all itn trant•bc• I profeEn to be r bacing luta - EIGHTEEN YEer.,..SAurscit In tbe'liceincer. Mire br;•d a cutter In sumo of /Lit bomt homes in., NEW YORK CITY I do lily own baying: sclting and cutting.' and divide my profits with uo man. So that less of it will do—and with low rent and other expenses In pr',- portion, thus masking the cost of carrying on the liminess very small. In reading the shore yon will ace vlir it tat that I CAN SELL GOODS CTIAPER . _ ~ hawing no Thin men following , the business, an knowlodge of it themselves, have to employ others at large salaries to attend to it, and customers mast pay accordingly—ca they, Uhl myself, DO BUSINESS TO LIVE BY IT. .If you doubt aboTe rbiterAmit, L 3 conr:rice.l by ug on • Iftrehatt 13:13;o St.. Ti)iranaz. itiv.lo.lo 1717107%! EUREKA!! • _ Every htody has ahsocr:crod. that THE'OLD CpOTIF,SV 49USI: 110 Rosenfield & Wolff 'One door with of To: k Ife... THE PLACP-FOIS D4ll e- - They rc hare a l item. full RICEali AND MOST 'BEILTIITL BIEN IND DOTS' CLO Tn be found mashie the ct The;r k00e , . 5 aro FINEENOUGHI TO SUIT A* Y, TASTE, AND CHEAP ENOII,G . I4. \\ TO ACCO3III - COATE AITiPM3SE DON'T tE_DECEIVED 1 ;;Iferer leave an old friend for anew one.' -- Remember that mamma) S ,1! F ar permanently located. time, and can biYeergrester in ducements to purchasers than any other bonae tn • town. It is the tittered of gentlemen in this section to coins eisinitudion end bring all their.boys, and give their goods ea . • - " AND .11011 MI, aIIIMFFINII arat sissaria. GIME=3I23 AND 1114:MBIONS, WWI lin be MI M Os purlbils pdow CODFISH, : 7 1WDEIEL=, POB 1111 , FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, 'MODERN STONE WARE, • FLOUR, FEED, Arr. vt,, GRAIN, 4cc. Ikelng on yoer produce, ybleli Iro . pay piih far. A Matt amota ant supply of Ashton' PAM all abed Chants. er irk_c!ta. ibs. ko. _____ Please call and look throttgb cnie stock. and Ire well do one best to please yon. W. A. ROCY.WEILL. Towanda. April 29.1609. GROCERY - PROVISITt . • MaCSBE .: ED_RAItDS, . . FAMILY .-GROCEAIES 'amour.% SEA lILOCX. TOWANDA.• PA. . . i . , . . , . . i We do not doe It aor.easAry • to enutc.kersto all tie dtterent artictes o keep. Our auortment is • FIRST CLASS GOODS. asith pall for Pram= Produce Mardi 1. Is7o & ILE:ROI:TR aro now receiv ing • fresh *feet of Goods in their line, bought since the Ist lantuiry. to which they-invite the at tention of their friend*. We keep the lamest stock fal town. Cali goedeare treat' and desirable. We sell et4oweet market price*. Jan. 19. 1871. . FRESECAND NEW TEA.S, *tight recent (Incline 10 - price, and avdtln; i FOX .t arrncrn. VOX & MERCUR are 'selling New 1 and Frimh Gooda. lan, 19, 1,371. T . C X & 3IERCUR aro selling eeile s chr4p. Jen. 19, 1871. pox & MERCUR are'selling first -1:: class Goods Only. Jan. 19, 1.871. • F°XIIERCITit, are sail) g cLeapee than Ja a.. 19, PEMEILBER that we aro toili i ng :Lt) GaAs, at nVTAIL! tut that Ra won c bolumpreold. Jan. 10, 1871. I FOX & htracrn. I=l ATICHIGAN FINE-CUT TOBAC CO—very cJiolce-at Jan. 19, 1571. VOX 31ERCUR 'do not denl in shoddy Goats. Jan, 19, 101. OtnCUSTOMERS can rely upon gettir.l tb very beat the market affords and at lowest pricer!. .0 - \ . . E.T. I'OX. - - Towanda, Jan. I:N*7l. HENRY, lIEECErn. p EMEM.BER THAT FOX - & MEB 1.111 OM • are rettiltzuf all kinds of Groonies. wholeeslepriees. The lamed stock in town. Goods flrat pLlss. recce WA-. E. _____ • Qept. , 2A'79 BAIiERY AND DIN ECG MOM., :btutxknrfhiitWardllouae. 1 - tEAD, PIES, CAKE,CRICItERS, 121:n OAIL ' Wholerela..azil In onrDLNTNG ROOln we will accommodate the riiblie with e.tlibr 'a lunch or 'a goof meal at all tiri.ve of th' day and evening. N. OTSTIIIIS AND ICE CET.A3I,OS ILAND DURING TIME REASON. Albn a fine ar.eortmont oftlrocerles.Confactionery, 'Fruits. Nut's. c. Inaylie3(l-tt , D. W. SCOTT k CENTraL'SIArkKET. • Tho:echocribere still continuo to kelp equitaiitiy on hand a full and complete aisortment of eery thing pertiinlng to their business. consisting of TIENRY ILLRHIS. BEEF, PO.IIK, ETESH,LND SALT ,$ 1 . It' r.TTON. _LLIIIi, Vt....AL.- rovitsl. furs.to . .. LARD = DULtiCili'. l l.. DMIED 13.1...t.2; ' - - TALLOW.jr.c., &c. Alto, S FRESH FROSI THE T:,►7:FS, r.r.rties eriallingsOpiers In lar:e or email qcants. will be furniebed on abnrt notice. at the old stand. enema. !Unix:. liontanTe'e. F.loclt, first door mann of Dr. Porters. • CHAIN o,S.r.t.ttle, I Kr.u.ux klfulabcra. Xm.wcz. Feb. 24, 1870-4(• • ElI :SOUTMEST THE BEST AND CHOICEST ECLNG sarazlxo ..1001166 - 4 , Every Peaks yea bui bears that H. Mr \''S AND BOYeCLOTHENG, \ HATS AND CA P'S. . :•.• • t All goods warranted. and Sold it the lowest sets& South atone in Beidismo's L00k711 213 1 4 t. MUM. A two mil is Medid :,:tt:1:1::.(cl MUTTON, YANKEE NOTIONS, DAIBY3LEN, STORE. Masale sad Eetail Denis la, AND P'BOV I_SIONS, ALIVXYS COMPLETE. Wo se ll but' JAIIM3 Mee&BE. WM. ERWAIWK. 31ERCIat ar© selling Gm ntaiL Jan. P. 1871. roi k.3ititCCß'S. lII:NRTX MERCITit HE "BE. TRO'SENE tovri 1y the crir.htity or MI : eßri,s. 8170,Alt;,CCItED ILLIM ter, -OTSTUS VLZEISTD DAILY In ter sessen. TOBACCIi, LS ILLITUFACTUEED dT A T R N 0 . 1 , pp Dzstawr OF ITABITANIX j 14.1870. d A 0 - 0 :13 s, .\ D74.lXtill MEM • • , ' . StIPPLIEB,4MRI3 .. 3:F =Z4,khZ)lO lIIM WICIIEHLM & , : II 6 :EA: CHINA,' ` From' IL k Oa, —w---4nace GLASSWARE. Iloir and best:aful pattorr.s. STONEWARE. SILVER PLATED WARE, FRUIT JARS. Towanda, Aug. 30.11 Purnittre. F UR NiT LT R . NEW FIRM . NEW GOOPS! We are now offtriug ar oar 143:211 PURNITURE - ESIP,OP4T_TV, NO. 107 X_UN BM LET. grtzttefl=Socomants to tii6s:4r, %rut of FIRST' - CLASS ITURNITURE offeral in thin. marht,t. The 4tteintion of ttio public DI copoetally :::11.1Ad to oar recant-boa' tovellues from ttp tato C...tut Ana Lion Salem of prAmßra, AND PARLOIt PUP ITTT=?.IS.I! • Wi aro "now offeriwg -- • WALNUT 3fARBLE . TOE • AT $1.5 00. Ara NICE PARLOR SETS, At Tegetiler with ccr Compleo St BEDsrEiDs,'BußE.lts, TABLES, . STANDS, Si) : BEDS, MATRESSI • LOOKING-GLASSIP' aal In taLt ty•OF)t.liiug to b touml lu • • l'artati.oro StOre, CHEAP= THAN. .C117.-1' 11E311.1111.711. TELAT Anr.: NOW taring. and no ler goads nt oarl facturo clulawr than yam C4ll buy citt• eh's-where. caber taken hi cachauL;4 Wrifslso furnitlx 7UOSENVOOD CSSUETS. We:MSC BET.IIL cAspi. , AND 'Or•overy deecriptiirn = And we alio *.avo'tiia fiNEST 1111 Ar. M=El croo i delivered to tho Dere; free of .1.A.311.'S 0. rnosT t. SONS. .14.1 a. 11. ISII -17. E Grcrtt i:ept al, J.. ta,(lo, by Farluvr Viat keep elth-r.e,ittlo or etory Teriinstei ay.l Livury . !:'l.able Keep , every Physlciru inri„•tintcs cute pain aril tlaier shonlil I , r it is . 1:1: - .4urp.i., , ..n1 '1 or: b . rt.eß aria sprains. th.p.l.l it. for an 1 f.,r , t11,1r ter.e.i?.r it Evt ry ariv kind, burns, ,:ats, woo or I „.ny c &Lin, .cr. any ‘',l::i•aso an outward. applic.l.t. - ,r, sTior.l•l ecli, brated 1 , ..v0ry Nrarraut , ..(l to r:Ve sat,.. , lact!..:n. Fur - • i.y.l)e: IL.C. Porte: Co. 'PorterKirby r. W. A (';cry ford au.] Johindon,ll)liow4y aiidC Ptent AI. Th.: P:1;!:1,1,111hia ,P a . . , Iir,OWNICk TAYI:CY:" 01 every description at pricoa which Rill- ANOT:IIEW NEW FIRM . FU.II.NIT 111. LGIVER THAN ETEr. J. S. ALLYN &•100: • Having purchased the Furniture. Moro or, D. D. Paramus in Mercur's Block, hay° added largely to thiAr stock, and new offer • FURNITURE DEFY COMPETITION. Having purchased the stork for CAUL they fc:cl warranted in saying that they can offer greater in ducements than any other establishment in the county. ToA - anda. APril 2g. 18:1. Boots arid Shoos.[ GREAT RARGA.I.IsTS.,I.N BOOTS. & S7E-.I:C:E2,S • \ -! NETT BOar SiltiS • Arc...::11‘,. South elatt of Wart nCarif.o TlAnnell,rvlznel mrz rec!cl:l77 large :••.ed :1 4 , - lecied sto,k of • \ s . • AND .'8110•ES • . • Saltablo for the ",• S ANDN FALL. '7'llV - IF.:, -.• 1 Which we arc: 1 w for Sash. ."Corakniiilccur GENTS, j -, LADIES, AND CADRE'S' WEAR. SEWED A ArD PEGGED BOOTS 'll.lDr. TO OM)Fit REPAIRING Ar',27Ll-"PO.:?`,rE .ALICD 'READY WIIMT rrboaasED 'Thanlfol for past fasorp, vs soUclt s coatis. of CO asmae. WVOIY/0"«.2 , : Soulinar , , April 5, ISC4 BOOTS AND SHOES lt ADE OFD _UP EEp 4 TTII - 11 • L. C. NT-LSO:cf. flu made arrangements_to accommodate custome that are constantly calling with 'boots and Shoes for new antes. etc.. and hive hid to leave them, to their great disadvantage, until snchher day. Tho constant call for this kind of work, and the desire to have It dodo Immediately, has Induced me to make such ar rsuagedscnt* that you need net return home Without Teat sole being rinewed and mit heels apt aquare, 4 For prim that are.boncid and perfe4l7 fair; '. Ladies that have gaiters that are broke et thci too, To this repair-shop is the place for to go . To, mit them no-vamped, neatly tipped or half-soled. diadycmi feet well protected from the wet atia,the coki New work we mn Make you with the above don DIA; Tack. We ran make them for you thin, or wean give then to you thick. We an make them with high beds, or we can give theta to you Sat. So you need not stager with a brick ln your bat. N.S.—Good ordervinegar for sale . by banal or gal. Trout of Methodist church, Main street. Towanda, Dee. 19.1870. .L. O. NELSON. norrEE,. TEA, ,SUGA.I3, FISH, to.. wholesale and'retaiL - • July L *. • NcOAILE & *IL "PISH.PORC HAMS AND LARD coin= & Num DB. H. O. MATER, SON & C 6., 1111 OLD CAS DRUG STORE, loriereauttr maid lova:, to their Bieck. a tun illa Omplate assortment. constitoting an eztgashe risty. embracing many Wicket need to the Arts for ansebsolod purposes, medially selected with to ths isomemitf - re mots elf the public. width will be ae o d ons n tantl ym r i s red s wh Mies pro W claim e s s . & m Batik cognising; of . • , • • Tull Ilsos umrsopext. ALCOHOL AND TURPMINE, atsa, PAINT, vsuzasit, MILITIrrWASEI, 1 KEROSENE OR. epit, 1 i POCKET 1300.EAIPOETMONAIS, complete assortment, • -„rot 3iedtcl n al uze, ...1032teCO; &MIT, PlKrir s .l,Nri 'Garden. reldauia newer - Snsla, Teusaee, porters.,. St:venter:Cs. 3/iotthlert. lkeltat• Pumps, Teethin R.nga, nuT,ing Bottles, Nippte9, lilKale Shells and hltlelds, Syriuger, Bet' I.Paus, Self-Sealir mit Jars, Titer mete:Acre. Flarering Extract". Stone Glass Ware. Battles, V - 1,4e, Corks, Datil Brick, and Stan, Bltaticir.T..l - 101L 14;1. -Ulc• vx.unitlon. Fsiectic and liatzttcle4lT is Medicines, and alt the popu lar P..tent E D I (I,:i •N E S From DoLis , 7lk DrotLer articlea trarr:.tited as relFcrentat Ter/lona et a distance can receive their orde,rs tt..14:3 Cr rota, which will receive prepapt and careful r.ttentlosl. ••• ulvice tzvtici gratu.tonaly; 4 .1; the once, clutrilluit only for • Kir Thankful for pact libent tearenr..e. v. - 4.mM ee. peet.rully anttante. to their frit:mot and the publlcAtia.t. no.pains shall be rpersil to eatisty. auil merit the con tinuation of tlic,:r rohlt..len , •e'encl . - ip-Oven Sundays for preacrrptione ..frent .0, to 10 'terz.. et.; ,to 5 to t: o.to. • /1. C. YOlefEll, Co. Jely 1, 1i:0-.—yr. The tvit kind in market. SETS $5O 00, -- Y . x k : ',BLUM s S, riret cLass 131.4.:ZurAc own m» :U, 1-scaile gl)0(13_ for gooa, ,orrn.L; v El ILISSES, ou.n.prz Y. CLLSLY Dna ant itium IS WM '2wzrn acts* Mtn sod lina Streets. Toviindelp 31zDrsorcs,. :arm MK" TA II And all lands of Braattes. Buraing - Finids,. • LAMPS, HILLDES,VTCEEI, Sperm, Lard, irhalp. Noata roof. - 1 ANNFOS AND MACHINE OILS, Fancy end Toilet Articles in all tLeir variety. &rasa.= intusw, so,tri, Col= , POmades, Hatr•Dyetr, Pocket rialvisil26.zore, • • • TOOTH. SILLS' .4..!.**D 33t.8 PREPAILSTIO'SS, • . . ! • Mitt `MUMS AND QUOILS; F• . . B O ' lA ' N., • MAIN STP:I7-*T. 7.47.7.k1; DA., il. , , WiI.OLEBALE .' . AND lIETAIL ~~`~v-C .ice ~ ~ -~ . . The sr.bsaiitcr reapect,'.ll;; - aira0..u...7...s lc, tbc pub. Ile in general tbatlte :.as oat hand n -1....4;e, and well selected stock qt.,• - • . .. . . . . .. DRUGS,! . . . ''. IfEDICMES .. . CHEMICALS, : ' i'Ar...7d, - orr... - - wAri.l, - 1 - s - H.Ls -. ---- . IV.i.s.;TX)Nr GLASS, - - • ' . • '. DYE ICTUE - .7 • :. - .....tc. - • ' Al . lite prp:11:-. 0. itirtnit licejair.ce of !It:: Z:c.: PURE Ivr. , :E A D Lig,r9.;z. Far 51rliGtl r air bar. t; . • PEI IV 11-111.1:. Y. . • rancy and Toilet ertitelev. - - .• . tioapi o every description,'. ~. • Thermomeler3, ' . .13: tlii cg , P.r.rge on 9,...at,1 Cern.rr.‘r., 5',...7",.), - : $ 3, :Lir I.lrpahes, . . . . Tooth Erdithc., : \ -Dr, s- . .ing' Con.il .9, . . • Nackerntylnau Comb 3,, - Toilet Pow+ler, . ' - - ruir 1:o v.rg, ' • - To6th Powelers,, . .. , Tontli Wtt,shes, . . . . - •• ilait Toxth Soaps. Ana othr: a.;10.4•4 1y,..1 , .):4; - Inl'tl the Drug tratiO tou aurnellAis :r. 1 entinn.._l'..vill:: Lye agency of the , GREAT u: s: TEA. COMPiLNY, I 'GREAT 'INDUcEIIETI3 puri•Laer4 pt., Ilicir • PLysit.: , .:2llprclwrir.t.'.or.r. ar,l farai.V - ••-dj p•;,ulitlea 1;:or.21.1g - .115 - it aa Lears of tLc I.ty or r.:„nt, Tnat.. - j - .:1 f.r the T3l- libc:111 pa:x(lll44, • I r. - .•- ,5p...4..tfu11y s , ,li,.it a col:Li:ln:ace if the ,1141 e, lilvdg in.!: aixself that no e . :l6rt ?'±fall to , :: 611areil to lay e,.tabl iAl.raent. sr.:coind to r.or..i• tri titi.; st , itie,.a.. - Dr. T. r. 7.u.t.t.il r.:::.y 1.•.• .-0tt , u1t , , , 1• at Ibis st. - ..re•a.. I.l.2.retofcAr. - .. i". W. L.. 10,..... zi.. , , an. ' . 1, IsV.s. •• . —_ • '-• • . AilLOlt ' S CELEBRATED C1.1_,! WEI; 3rA.TIK I-NEURA_LGIA: ' 4 .sr,C)o - 1 .%17..17, BE PAID " \' •• .1. - -• La% many Ilvblg. cm - vs aa h FirEcn's n•,‘,l only. A pleas tut frvra injurion4 W.trrarzt... l ..'tu‘.lcr cats. to taco. omanCnt cu:vd. In ev, , ry if o patlenb, trer.t. , .l in thn ten yt . c.rA. (Scc• 1.4. thy :ivier.tifie pre , ' .s.ctint:on - of Prof. Jo:.; P. I , lth , r. M. Pb. a ::raiuste of tht• Unici . :;:iC. - of .Pcnc , :dv.on.i. A. U.. b..:33, —"coo on.• of rnb. Piy : l- , ,50: of Ch.rlvi - c,•y lu!::.limt,ry - Rheum, Baia the siv , 112ty of his entire fact eQll.:•liqd for 10. - the FignatniotA ac.e , nnpanym,..; each bottle, and other p rc c t ren . w.enctl physicians sod elergyrnon. To pro. teat sufrcrer3 fr,ra voir.onotts quact no6Armus and u•s...lcgA cxpiqxditure. a g:iztivcl I.tar.' 'antcv. ctat.ng ntiribvr of bottlos v. - arrantea to cam, fory. - ardttgratis'to any utterer inl by It tter a full .I.6'V:ll4:jou of ani - ution. In casl ct fli!nre to cure, anionnt Ifrdivine pynt any - when , by'eND:CRI.; c , ,fic-ct on de livery. Afr. , :ted incited to r. - 1 - Lti; l advice; formation an,t n.- - .lt by' !'vtt. - sr gfatis; Addra , ,s Pr. J. P. FITLIiIt. 2 Sonth'For:rth etrert. 'Pln!abetplain. Is. Th Ilem.eh is e , :bl or obt.titre..l • 1 :Id . ' r. '. mowAND.A. .31 b 1 W k CEO. McCABE,.. I / 4 , SON likre Jc•a In: Z'AVe.l ;1(3 tar; ca aucta o: M F2R CA IT ti LI XN M A .IR.; I The exhib:tod in s •thii srotsn., to sC.V.oli tlvoy lutita.the ittention of the vtibtie. . . • • • • Th - .y koepon cz : furr:isp. toorcl.ez. 0 N M:E , TOMB -STONt'S, an ()f.i,cry . Ftyt.e, LOWEST TERMS. Persons in want of anything in our • line are re ventrally* Incited to call and esami%our stock. McCIA_RE_,& SON. Tolkudi, May . I. 1871 ALL KINDS GROCERIES AND `Prealstana .at whaleaala and retail. at Kay 20. - • U. PA TCWS. • h i I'^ NA . 410 .INSITAIIANCEL • - • 4)3 :tip u.s. sareas. !leg ;. - Outriaaa Flagg aWI nr. • lrlas Praddriat Socraiwy aral artasey CLAREISCS JAY COO DUST D. EXEMEION • The ad SLIP 1 it of the Itational Life Insurance Co I. at Is a N •• • dummy, chute icld by Corms, - . 1 ' .2. It Atas • •. up capital of One 121.21u0 Dollars 3. It 'offers krw rates of prendunis : . • 4, Itmrmiber brier tosminee thsverther Con . virile:Allot the mama money ; 1 6. It L and etataln : ' '• • • • 6. 'There no possibility of eilsreprescatatios 14 • or uniniuderstsreitim by policy-11W,, ZI, de Q. The po ' are plain IStracts, so mu c h j u , - f ' ranee tor sou:such honey ; -. 8. MI policies are'non-fdrfcitlet; ; 1 , 11. the policies are mil:2W nun aLt.iirtunput, -- . . . . .... . 'ABE & :.tlinkeris, Plavirlp 1.... - oeu dg elan • ' • 11. a. Bus. Mt. btaijavr. EMU ET-Spilt:EA A. G. MASON, ta far Towanda and vidnlty DI AN lIA G LI7M INSURANCE COMP!N 251 tnOLDWA7, NET.' TcJlti: Fowl:— TOLIMA I AtME . 2I/, - 01 .1101 Cit, I! All ilipr4ved forms of Poliates tuned. 'Liberal modes for payment of premium.. Policies boMiorfeltable by their terms.. The entiro profits of the Company ably among the truMreth • =2 DIVIDENDS: WAL . O . ,N -H. PE011141t; Pam roost. . TAU . T. 1:1001(EU, • LUCICS SI ADAMS, Sr.o'r • - TU.ILADELIMIA REFERZNCES J& .Coolau . k Co., Esnicra. - • - Erst:m 4 Co., Ean.tiirs. Jaffa WoObstpr. L,Cp., Tot Merclotr.t.s. MEnors.. Prat. Farze: - o• rritZlnhe.r. '• J. A..1 . 41C0RD.: jlyl2.7o r tf • Towto: , o C M AP • ' s g ri • •2 ^~,; _. ~: ~~'_:,•.'~•, Boa- ~ c ec:L't_ ct ti c;.4, inEure eja:Egt an ' T;_i,1:::31.11:310 - i and et Lte ti or lire MEI 01.".1CE ON MAIN STWTT, - C1 irour.o, EEG , COZS I)LUiES PAPER . 1 .: i : LOPE: • TY. : • / nr. SCi!OL P; I;, VLAI-IK .lioOlis , J.ANN . 1 7 ..1-,' .N0'11.0;‘, T. - Aran:lo, Nov. 15, 1:40,?. B ()017L-331'...-:DERY.:-THE PUB tunrinNl that remove:l to thts ••11 wLera L00 . F.-DINDING itR Nrtric , r.A I,7.tnchr9. on ',lnn, -ti,v th.! r2::ui;t• u. Azt ext4rri.-na•-d u,ler % ana' a.. - nie in a t.43 - It and .tuan'acr in Partionla: at.;.•:ta.an rain to 1.5 n liraitc and. 4 .7,lndrag of To sny pattn^.), - I,•llll , enurran . t..,l. 11. - ork 1.3.3 rei.ly for e., -o .tviry . The pata-I)nago of the p0'.)1".... e.:ol:eito 1, r. , „:d f..".et,.saT.is!ectios goarentoed. Tdwr.nr..Et. Aucust ONc - A.IM: :'.tCiIIICULTURAT, Th ,'. 4 ir.tpn- - 'o t! _T ,31 1E Ii VT" (1;12)..N C•01 - ERED AND OPEN 117C-:GIES,, : 0A - HICKORY TIMDIT, 511,1 tzt ISMEM P.! r RUSSIA ;it .! T ve7 F') allreo:o l:l;:vvtir tow,:ezOr, 4 cut.ne.ne c..nr work 1,, , 1br0 wh,ra. Ittpair c. Nlmcrtic .Prest. G. W...V.INCrNT , To . zarda.iTutyM, 187 P. . • r.. BOLLES & COL, GENERALTIZOPrgE Comni.isiO4'.3lel . ttlizt.io,,,- , ;. Le , pzetitilly soncit col:s%tancuts I3L7=, LOGS. CELESE, tha firm haring resitita in 'Si, ft• the'peet ten years, and having tin eater,ive 3...qua , 72 anci, with the Leeinexa Lieu of the city, we feel fident that we can sell :produce tate acor.Tignors, - MI L. P. critmeuer.. A. G. rrastar, Orxc9. M. lIALDWDVA: BLACKMAN, 001114 AM .t COLE MAN; Leltaysville., Pa, S. G. CIiAFFEE, NLUTLN - MiNNING, Warty. ' • CESBY SHOEMAKER, Rot? Pa li \ ROLLEA. [apt2e',7ll E. notaxi. p , TER. PLASTER. . .., \, • , . • ~...full supplf , Froth Ground (.`Ayti;....: ]';:Ater from Taut-er. II la & Ca.'el 1.., , 41,4 at the N1.1!”,,1 iLvrs utill:lt mouth okliumuierficlA Creel:. fuov:Y pre: lured Au f trarrautAl aTm:e arfs,:m apt 12'71•Ihn• \ , JAM na' ESPl7.___ CHOICE..GhEN • AND .131.J.10 1 i . TEA. and Coffee, ciKsp, at , • Juno 15, 1871. . , FOX A: =EMIR.' '_it uT n 4; .11 . coogreas. int 2 0,1.01 . 1,000. t - ( 0r.2:, ::.ti !...T. 15: , 71'. N.NC:Z w. a. VINCLNT :;.•;••• • ANL.• 11C - 7 r. Irr,rrAKEy... srtr.r. f-. 1 PI I.TFOrt:tl tilts L^3: et. 71"0::k111:N SCRANTON, Ps.; EMM REVE'RENCES ` 2 :P L A T II Ir' CM --• I Z.,3 ' r• •..... 1 RN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers