Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 12, 1871, Image 1
I TRAM cm POBLICA, 1, , - , -T E 2 :, . .... Its=os Is issISIA8•11 mei - .. .. .11aulos to , 8. W. As. si Two 1), . .' ",..... . , _•••• in advosose - -oir %, • . 1- la all ewe, airabsamtp. siosis to she . .. • SPECIAL SOT N . .. inserted At siortsorseasse for the !feet inlertiol2. and Pnrs pielf/10 for - - -enteequent Insertious. IX/CAL NOTICES, urns style as •-• Mak, vwssre esirre • Cue. ADVENT/SEXEM vill be. Inagua .. • •• • ft the table of rates : . lw itiri2miSmiresitlyr. toe. 1.61.60 3.00 I 400 1 e4Ol . 040 111 3 lichen 1001 6.001 8.00110.00115.001110.00 S inches. 2.50 J .7.00 10.6011 13.051 I 'inches 3.00 f 8.50 114.00 I 11.25 I X column I , 15:001r 2.00118.00 1 column I 2 OD 0.001 60.00 180.001 1100 fiaso Administrator's and Inteentor's Notice $2 ;,-Actill tor'nNoticei. 2220 : nosiness nerds, va bank (per e 5, sadittonallirma $1 each, • y, ael y adrertieers are entitled to nriarbany ehanges. Transient advertisements meistbepahl folisedeossce. An Resolutions of Associations ; Conantlidellitiani aT limited or individual interest, and notions of Kar r isees I'M] Deaths. eltabOdiag Miss. ire charged LE y tr.• - rs per lino. The P.F:PORTY:It having - a larger decidean than an th p .rsin the county combined. may, it the best ailortising medlnm in northern Perinsybarda. zolt PRINTING of every kind. in Plaid' and Fancy co 'on.. done with neatneaut .13:1mhs. Wonphleta,Bin. manta. ke: vas: vr.riety and atyler printed at the shortest ~t l ro. The prsonm Mote Ls wen intimUed with Presses. a good assortment oftine, and thnmin theTrinting _line can br:"lxecated eit:ionst artialle manner and st the loirest rates. 114p:R1.513LY . OAIIII. BUSINESS "O43)S ; )1 - IINGLEY .Licen d Aue k • twnerr, Rome, Pa. All calls prom by attend. „• t • 5y9.11370 Tr IV I A - LIAACE:KE O'LER, It • . fmrsE.:SIGY AND- rnEsco PALTER FeTt. 15, 1810-Sr ,„:„___ WY, EtuDDRT. , Ti & SANDIRSON 1 = . 'Miners slut Shippers of the Fri,Ll“li AtiTHTtACITr. OAL,. ' ror.l'7l To • ds, re. VINCENT, Tics e • ANCE Nr.ry:T9i—Office formerly occupied by Mersa LrrPw. o.f‘ oonth of Ward llonsei, , PINTPro.r. T. T DI7.IIIITOCK. Deale in all Ileoflne Slates. Towzmi 4 . I'o7 promptly attended to. IPartietlar , !I , in College and 'French itOofing.' RFOWLER, REALETATE 6 prAf.,Eit, Wn. Icn witabineon Ptrret, be and Wells Streets. purchm.rd and sold. Inveirlosnients made an-I:tion , y Lnan IMO 10,10; . ______ .._ nPEgg - M. KING, I.E I PA: 4 , . RN . ...I.'r erl - TIN(i AND MING iii tal7l(nuble f•tv , , , 9 nn 1.1“ - 4,rt nc)tiro. BomitsAn Me eft Nov T'lo-1: - . 11...titt-k.;°ls`ret . Porter k Eirblet4 D g Ettoro. . , mils. ELY.. caurm. 'frAvu , ltia. Pa., Apriti3. IR7O. _ • TTATT' 'ORK. OF r.iliLL nicSIVITCITES, CURLS, RRAIRS, FRIZ tn the beet manner endl*text style, `Next: lienee Barber Shop. Ternteltesenable. 17-..,t1 , ,11. De^. 1, 1 ACO. BYLIRD - BROS., Genera Fire „. o ner Li Le Irisuranee. A gmew. Pont+. .denr6ring. clll:Fed by lightnlna. in 17porning. r!-1 th..r r.v,ab!e cc,Tnparke, witbont 11. B. GATLORD, ',Tay GAT-LOUD. ' Cr TOTS' DUNTEE, PLACE VITH, pA., pays particular ate s r.ticinlet : g 4 ,11 WaS. Slcighs, tai T set atuir rn Fho t poti rr, Wo . Fk al:tax:Rea 1•47: r1.7:tef.,1 rat',factory. mos•• PENNYPAGKER, -HAgl hirr.gplf in 'the T 'RING Store. Work of tt , latest gtyles. , Towln.l2, Aprll2l. Iwril —tf T F.TiAYSITT.T.E, WOOLENkEELL __Ti respr•ctfplly anpalinen to Cot-t bath] Woolen c' ras,te:-,, 4 Fllnnels. Yartis. and ati kinds at /5ellOAlll - .£ . l'. ..„ ' Pr.Trletor. --' S- : P SELL'S „z• • Z-`; ,c; I,: N,CE A E :, 4 1 %7C , I r.1;~E;:,.u. • TAILOR SHOP. '1- ..• H. SPAULDING ' . ,„ • e,„l - a'..Ta:lor Si,.', over Relltno St L hillock's '. at. "Jarket.'fortnerly eci'upted by J. IL • Tai .•• Fr ,n lone exp.'-fence he feels• confident he e , ••• S'' ' • t ill .afi.fartion. Cutting aerie at all times. ' I 1 , 4-.,n,i ,: ,htly 1 , ..'71.-3ni - H. Kt...Art...Dm:l. ..._ . 1,-\,:',..-I1.0:.'s; & BROTTIER, .. 7 N 7 EZEIMICI '%'..(01,, HIDES, PELTS, 117 ES, .../ - . '. , - .. - n t.f.r.iblglic•At rash pricA IA paid at all times. I 1ff. , .. i 1 NI. EJl:o*.Entleld ' s store; It atu-rt,l. . . , 1 - ... i. F„, I...yrriN .', V r,C),. i 1.'7) , TOW.VS.V • A. l ' X. 1. , 1 - 7 - , • . V - _ , I I II C... ‘ ITI :5 DER SIG . ': , - E-D If AV E A ••.<•; - .14 - ,1 ; a 1 13Itrikiri lionAA m thb tn.., "f ti.; F. I.I.I.SON'Ir t.... 0. ''.. - iAr.i.r.r(ipiridtr) draw Bills of‘Exeltange. and .t .• • .. ,.. ..t.I - .1i9 to '2:A . A . York. rililAdelpla.l. and all ._,... of tl.“ Vult.,l St ii-q, &A also Eng and. Ger ,,,. - • .n.l Fran o. To Inan money, recelvi deposits, . .!. d , . a general B7lllking ImAiness. . . • • F. 111-1 , 01 l was ~ : s '4' th:. into firm o4 . Laporte, <'.,.. ilf trowari•la, l'a., and Ns kn ledijo of •rr-s 10..0. of Bra , :tord and adjoini conntioo 1-'1 nin thn banking Iniairreaft or about .• , rioll - , ti,i, , llllllF a dr.firable on, through •-''•••,,neetioni.... G. F, *AMON, ~1 fi , it 1. IS.'nfi. I A. G. 4.ii.SON. • 1 9 , v NTEw!FI. R m ! :t 1G )1),S" Loft' I) l(Af' t/ "Y HOLLOItI t . . , '. 1 , 11 , ...1.:er., ia Cii:o, and Provisit , ' . Drt:f;lß 4 , .. - '. -- Irt . ''t•t . t.t.,. Ktro , ..n. Oil. Lamp? Crai:unel - a., i „--- ••• , ',.. - i, , ,.• se•, 4 1',, l'air.ts. Oils. Varainli, Y r.kre No ' ;..• , ~ l:;ars . 'Snuff. Pare N :LICA 114 -• t'f Ili! ~,, quality. fr.c• raedicinal,parr-r. :sea ...i 6 , .. f. , ~. 1,3 at the ct'lrc loccest rrlpes. Arc '1: ...,, , .. 1: , , , ,,zt.k...1N1 at all houke, ttre (i:•,,, , i , ea c:,11.. - . • TRACY 24. I r ' 11'21;-;.S.A(it FRO) LA "CD- 0 t,iiirg Fr.. oz. I..svEr..r(x7.r.: maerrstar LI •,, Ir • v•-•!.-Y wc-rk, Line Pact fttrdi or . Irellnaml apply to Will:al .1,, 14,-.:v 1: , ,,ri;.; or Cl. F.' 3IASON 1 C.!.. TON OMEN 17 - yrizirx.ElG 1 ' 1 1 LA7C: 1. , .71-1, A',.:D BTCIiIVIIEXp .- -f- - : i . -0 • T_T 12, ! - • , 7: `....)11.N. MEAL IND FE r D .. __. 4 _. :,.; •.,..1,1, 1 ,..i..-.1f:1-fc•F s3.!e cheap for ': - .7,ASH. • :.;-•:::., 01 Wiritril svAnatytErj • ; ; !arr. ,: riantity or 61:1)V.ND . "I \TO4 '" 0:..1 Ytn47!_st ttedsf 03ts takou ia.ezcugo for E. IC: • \''',..sll:A. - .IIFLOURINANrILL 1 , t ssiE.-551.Eiza$.yX. - Lltt!r...l to give ia , ,tice his new , 11, NM, FIAOLTRING 1.- and that ais pre- P a.! lif ui. Ilne on short notice. DJ:Nt ON' iiiE SA Z DAY —r — . ZEOY.LITD. and Irst :Flour, Meal; Y ' at eiye ou maul and f r alto at • ' - %*. !C IL—Persons U oou the .1 i 41,:kring to patrontiemy • tt: r5!...1 both Vani, -liven they of tau buehele and upwards. .•;.; F. 8. • 1.-411.8. xploiAL SCHOOL, NIANSFIELD, it wal ~,tilmeace' Woneeds ;* - Animit I. cat iv&jue adtail . lloll apply to, „ K MEE riZY : Op :,~, .._: _,.,M~z.'~_>:.me7!!'k'i'.l.:,~s2.Y^'-`~.~ ,-ham`—`~.9f.3e'r :~:-~.. ;••.`ih4bM6 MOO . AtiLiVOZIJD, rNizbl*sher. 001 85.00 VOLONE Pixemssms alms. FAMES -WOOD, Arrow= Asa COMILLLOS AT LAW. TOWSIIda, Pa% ENRY PEET,, ATTORNEY AT Low. Towanda. 146 June 27. '66. _2 I .! A . Ii FOYLE, ATTORNEY' AT ran, south'sid T Z)l wal =es Bloch. April It, -S0 SMITH & MONTANYE, ATTO "- errs AT Irv. Oince=ocener, of Main - fiumd pine 13ftnets, oppontte Potter's pm • • TIT' B. KELLY, DEN .T. OF . • Zee over Wickham & Tcnrande, MAY 2d. 10.. Di~ a WESTON , DENTIST.-, Moe in Patton's Block, over Gore's a trng and Chemical Store. j 1.'68. P. WILLISTON 1J• ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA. • Sontkalcie of Iferonei New Block. try stain. Eprg 21, '7o.:—tt icr B. 11 cKE AN, ATTORNEY DID COMISELLOR LT Law. Towanda, Pa. Par Unitas. attention paid to, lin alums in the Orphans' Court. jtily 20. T.& W IL CARNOCHAN,- • WET AT LAW. (Diesict Attorney tor Brad. ford County), Ttoy, ha. Collections made and prompt ly remitted. - feb.lB, T isz D. .C. DENVI'r.e, Atiorneys=al tr • Law, Towanda, Pa., having formed a 'co-pare... nerthip, tender their profesaionaL envie*, to the pwbre. Special attention given to ENTRY DEPART- IiftiT of the business, at the county seat or dee where. - -- • • JA.COB D. CLINTON DzWITT. TOWA26A• Pa.. Dee. 12. 1870. JOHN N. CALIFE, ATTORNEY AT Law, Towands—Pa. Plattenlai itttention giv en to Orphans: Court brudness. Conveyancing and Collections. liar Mice in R'ood's new Mock, south or the First 'National , Bank, up stairs. - • Feb. 1.1871. . CH. WARNER, Physician and • Surgeon, I,eßayarylle, Bradford Co.; Pa. All calla promptly attended to. :Oftleo first door south of teßayssille HOLM. Sept. 15, 1870.-yr nVERTON & ELSBRVM, 'llTron virrs sr Law. Towanda, pa r listing entered into copartnership. offer thetr, prertessional services to the ptiblie. Special attention , given to business In the Orphan's and Register's JO mats. apll4lo MERCITR 8z DAVIES, ATTOR 10ETS AT LAW, Towiteda. P. The undersigned haring associated themef . yes toge th er la the practice of Law. offer• th eir profe . • • nal to the public. ITIt ULTSSESMERC T. DAMS. Starch 9, 18;9. W. A. ck?3..M. PECK'S LAW • A. • Main F.t:citi.t. on, °Ent , the Court House. To'insida. Pa. Oct. 27;70 _ • A • 2 . KEENEY, COUNTY SU ' u.r..NTE.ND•cr, Towanda, Pa. Oaten with 13. M. ' xk, second door 'below the Ward Howe. Will h. at alt. OS/Cc the last Saturday of each month and a all rther times' tot called atCay on bust. C's • connected - The Superitendetfey,:.6ll letters ran lid herCatjer be sukreased as above, deej.:o, . E N. :Al 0 0:D Y , PIPMCIAN AND SrEGEON,- Off,rs ilia proteaßinnal Ewrvices to the people of Wy alnsin;q and vic!aity. Oflloa anti residettei) at A. J. Lloyd'g,clittreb street. Ang.lo.'7o • DR. J. 'W. LYMAN, AND :41 - 110,K1.X. elliegi one door east of Reporter bui:Ja.u4, 'Les dvneo., corner Pine and 2nd street. Towanda. June 22, in]. • OEM EM3551 • TORN W. NIX, ATTORNEY AT 'Law, Towanda. 'Bradford Co., GthElll.l, LNSCE.A.NCe. AGMS - T. . Particular attention paid to Collections and Arpliann• C.urt busincsai Office-I.lcrcur's New Nock, north rtdc Public Squire. apr. 1. 'I% • ' T\OCTORO LEWIS ~A GRAIYU ate of tho Callete of "Physicians and Surgeons," .N . Pw"Vurk city. (lass 1843-4. gh7cs etclusiveattention to the practice of Liu profession. Oftlce and residence cn the eastern slope a ORWITIIIII, :kljoining Henry Hata e's• • jan 14. DP.. D.. D. SUITH, Sias purchased (:. .H. pror , rty, Lctvreon Mereur's Block and the Mwell House. "%'P - Tr L. has located hi 3 office: Teeth ,extracted witbont pain by tore of pan. Towanda. Oct. 20. MO.— 1 „.... TV N I ~N 7 G R 0-0 ).1' , 1 S ,-- , : .. / .. I_l_7 IN coxsamox WMI THE 113KDDY, ' Near the Court House. I '•• •-- We tire prepared to feed the hung at all tiro es of the day and evening. Oysters end Toe Crear..l In ltheir seafwas. 7 3la.t-t-h ;...a). IS;). D. W. SCOTT .1: CO. EL ELLS 110CSE, TOWANDA, Pa. . i JOHN C. -WILSON ~ flaring leased this Ilotae,Js now ready to accolnrno d4te Cie travelling pnblic. Nopains norexpense will 1, , ric:r....l Co give satisfaction to those RIP tiny give taro a ;:all. , air North side of the public square, east ofNier. car's new block. , 7-5 -- • ,rIIOFIT.7,LNIE,REIELD CREEK HO= TFI t PETER LiammEssza. • !Mrlug purchased and 'thoroughly refitted this old rdWia,.. -1 1-known stand, formerly kept by Sheriff Grit the mouth of Itummerficld Creek, is ready to ' givP good accommodations and satisfactory treatment to All with may favor him with a call. • jiee. 23.• 868—tf• - 1,1 - EANS HOUSE, .TOWAND.A., Atti_ PA., • 51A111 AND BIWOE Bi LETS: I • The Horses, flatness. t.:c. of all guests of this house: insured aisinst less by }lie, icitbout . atiy ex tra charge: A superior !reality of old F.ugllah Bags Ale, just received. , q. 77, It. JORDAN. . • Towanda, Jan; 41.'71. Proprietoi. TO T') RADFORD:.HOTEL, _1., - ) i . TOWANDA, P.K. The subacailier having leased and lately fitted up ilia above lioter, lately.liept by him AS, a saloon iti+.l boarding house, on the math alai of BRIDGE STREET, next to the railroad, is now prepared - to eutentain the public with good accamadations on res.- •puiable charges. No trouble or expense will be spared to aconamodate thoce calling on him. Hie b p ar will her furnished with choleo brands of Cigars, :Liquers, Alen, Sm. - • Good Stabling attached. • W3f. 11.MIllf, Towanda. June 1,1871.*t0l Nfay72 . Proprietor. e don, BEI PLANING- :ATTriT4 MATCHING, RE-HAWING, MOULDINGS, &e.,: e••• tl4o old viand of 11. D. Ingham's Woolea Factory tao Sitwzill, in t• chatPxown. A 1. ' 12....VY St BOLL FLAN'..ti - Gt AND MATCHING In charge of an experiencixl 2Sechanic :end builder, the public may expect a 'Ex= the recent enlargement of Ibis water power, work can be done at all seasons of the year and soon as sent tor. In connection with the sawmill we are 'able to furnish bills of sawed lumlyex to order. STEWART • Cemptown. May 23, 1870.—1 y ~-310NEY SAVED, runcrssncei Tura STOVES HARIS WARE or w. rOmmixim Qraell,l L, .7ttly 21,11.; LOSSES LIBERALLY - ADJUST NI and promptly _paid. Inure In-the GERHAN DZSDRAY4 COMPANY, or ERSE, PA. Authorized 'Capital. ..$500,000 Cash Capital - $200,000 31. SCHLAIIDECEER. Prea. P.' A. DECKER. Treas. G. I'. BREM.LIER, Vice Pree. D. H. RUNE. Secy. J. A. RECORD, Agent. Taffetas. Pa. ang2ll Ch ARLES F. DAYTON, • Successor to Humphrey Bros., HARNESS MAKER, Over aloody's store, Beeps on hand a full assortment of DOUBLE and SINGLE fIaILWEIS, and all other goods In his line Repairing and manufacturing done to order. Towanda. Auguat 29, 1871. CAKES AND CRACEERS.-GRE ciiii Bend, Scotch Honey, Orange, Baisou,Lero on ant Ginger Cakes. Washington AISIIIIISS 1164. 1,0)&43 Meerut, and all.)dndsof Crackers at I -]larch 4.'3D. li. A. P.OOBWE:LL`S. A FITLii AS S 0-R TiSIEST OF DIU= and CUM= 11011114 at March 10, 1660. LONG k.siztsiz OM ME Hotels. YACIIItit GOOD JOB EVERY Tnn:. I= IM ~; s Rail-Roads. 'ABLE OF THE SULU !AN & ERIE RAILUOAD.—Tating cited. on Monday, Jan. 23,1871. . _ 110421111FAIM. Erma= • atokiirwann. P. Y. I. IL - P. M. P. W. 2:30 . 2:00 TOWANDA 12;20 7:10 2;40 .8:10 DANCLAE JUNCTION 12;10 7;00 3:00 8:30 MONROE _ 11:50 6:40 3:35 9:OS WILCONS 11:15 805 3:45 3:55 NEW ALBANY.... 11:03 5:55 '.2:85 9:25 ...., ...MILERS— ..... 10:55 5:4.5 4:20 9:50 ' DL1141013.E 10:30 5:20 P. x. 4. it. . /. A.' it. P. it. R. 7. GOODMAN, Gen' Paraenger-Agent. ESE NEW ROUTE - TO PHILADEL MIA. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RIILIIO-10 Shortest and most direct line to Philadelphis Bal timore, Washington, and the South. Passengers by •this route take Pennsylvania k New-lroft-Balroadlraln. passing Towanda at 7:16 make close connection at Bethlehem with El train of North Penteallailroad, and arrive in Philadelphia at 605 P. )L, In time to take night trains either for the South or West- 1. City passeng n er care are at the Depot on iritrtil of ' trai c ovey passengers to the variaDepots dt r al: r. i rts of the city. nriII1551:10. Leave North Penn•a Railroad Depot, corner Beres and American atre-t•, Nazi L, ►t 7:35 A. 11., arriving at - TONranda U.. same evening. Mann's Itaimage tip* F. collects and delivers tag. gage. office No. 105 bout ; iftli street, Philadelphia. FEZZGIIT #.OOO3I2IODATIONS. Freight received at Front and Noble atrccts. lhila delphia, and forwarded br Daily Past Freight train to Towanda, and all paints in finequebanna valley with quick dispatch. . ELLp CLARKE, • Gen. Act. N. P. B. It., Front and Willow Sta. Nor. 21.18 W. Plilladelplda. ERIE RAILWAY. 1900 WILES UNDER 660 MIT • SITTUOTT 0241 WA.VAGE3CICJI. MIMS. Or 00ACILER. BROAD GUAGE-DOUBLE TRACE TOZ , CLErELAND. TOLEDO, DETROIT. ClIICAO.: MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL. °MAMA, • And all ponda Wed and 'Northwest. • lawnwrimo. nAt3on. cansx"..- DAYTON, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS LOUISVTI T r ST. Lows, And all poluts South and Southwest Nrw asp Tiarnovrn Dsawrso Boom AND BLET.vtro COACHES, combining all Modern Improoenaodis, arc run throogli on all Trains between Buff. 10, Niagara Suspension 13riage..Cleveland, Cincinnati and New York. = Ou and after 7tfor.e.ay. At(7.2Btla 1871. t , -artr3 wIJ loave Waverly at about t 2 fatlo*Lae, botra. , ._J3OINt3 'WEST 4:02 &an.. NIGHT EXTBESS 'Mondays f Rochester, Buffalo. Dunkirk. Cies', land and Cat. cinnati, connecting with the Late Shore, Michigan Southern, and Grand Trunk Railwaya at Ituf.slo, Dunkirk and Cleveland for the West; also at Clear land with the, C. C. C. A . Ina. Railway for Indian apolis; and at Cincinnati with the Louisville Short Line Railway, and the Ohio A: Mississippi Railway_ for the South and Southwest ; also with oatincet log lines at principal stationa on main 4:13 a. ta.—NILMIT Er-PRESS. daily, for Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk. Cleveland and Cincinnati. r.ialc- in„ direct 'connection with trains of Grand Trunk snit Lake Shore Railways at Buffalo. Dunkirk and CleTclanit for all points West, and at Cincinnati witlithe Ohio k llissixsippi and Louisville Short Lino Railways for the South and Sonti-west ; also with all connecting lines at p.ritelple Ftations on =in line. 8:20 a.m..—IkIAIL TRAnt, Sundays execptea. fcr Buffalo rind Dunkirk. • p. ACCCAIODAtION, • • excepted. 5:35 p.m. —WAY. TRAIN, for Elnitra,'fimidays cx ceDteet. • - s:le p. 31.. DAY rsynEss, Sundays riot - pt. d. for Itrichester. Dottie.% Dunkirk. eloreland;(3lteintia, eand the .sotitli. Stops at principa: stations and connecting points on main line. NCR' and improved Drawing Room Ceachos accom pany this train from Sew York to Buffalo. and SieeMpg Coaches are attached at Borneßseille, run ning thro' to (*la-eland and without change. /O:SS a.m.—EL. knit,. Spndvil eireptecL for Buf falo. Dunkirk and Cleveland. connecting with trains for the West. A Sleeping Coach is attached to this train-running through to Buffalo. 7:00 a.m.—WAY Yr.:FIGHT, Frindays exceptkA. 2:(t p.m.—ENIIGIUNT TRAMS, daily for tiro WcA, cor_la EAST I EXTUESELSnuanrs etelpi&l.ool/- tocting at N'cw Yoe:, with afternoon trains and steameralor E.oaton and Nett: England cities. Fireplug ar ehea accompany this train to N. Y. 5:38—cts:cpcsATl yanttpas. Mondays es cept6diconneetin get Jersey Citjt with aftertioon andeeening trains . of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wailinigton; rinditt. New /York with steamers and afternoon Express tra'ne for New England Cities. Also stopet at prin. I cial stations and connecting points on main line. COWS/us accompany this train to New York 11:03 p.m.—DAY ENPREFR. Sundaysexcepted. eon- Recting at Jersey City with midnight Express train o',; New Jers e y Railroad for Philadelphia. Also stops it prin,]:,le stations and want...thug pointa on' multi line.' • New and improved Drawing-Rom Coarhes'accem pany this train trent Rnfftdo to New York. 3:50, p.m.—ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily for . Sthwriehanna. 8:43 a. m.—ELMTRA MAIL. Sundays cree;dl 6:22 p. m.—NEW YORK MATE. Stinlaytt exl,epte4. 8:47 p.m.—LIOITTSING EXPRESS. daily. connect ing at Paterson for Newark ; at Jersey 'City with Morning Express Train of New Jeney Railroad for Baltimore and 'Washington;. and st New yank with Morning Express train tor Boston and New England cities. Aloo stops at all principal *tat' ons and con necting points ma main lino. Sleeping Coaches - accompany thin train throirgli to 'Sew York. 3:50 p.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Sunday& exeophsd. BAGGAGE MUCKED TTIRCCGIL irw;.l‘. rexteed and complete Pocket ?info Tibla" of Paasenge: Trz.tna on the Erie Railway - 11.nd con necting. lines, has recently tee publiabed, antrean be procured on application to the Ticket dgcrit of the Company. L. D. RgeKE.ll, Gen'l Supt • Ilicellancozs. ATE it puns BA. , - T(1 TA" A D , PA. IST:ccesrc , r t,) 73t5. iias•kf:;,l!:. Cn.. Ball.ots.i Reortves DeroFits, Loans Money. "Sates non!, amt does a 11.1 ) 1CKDtGr same is s i dlncorporated Bank. , - To IXTSOCIS deS:11P1": to Vend money to ANT 1.. , ,R1 attic United StatAp. Cannda or Europo. nits ItAtik offers tho best fa:ill:J:3 and the lotre,q ..P 3-14 S ( TICKETS To and from Nova ri.: , itis,Tn-tand, Ireland. Scot trtml, or any rart or Europe and the Orient, by tta) CELEDIZATED. ECAIAN LINOf E. • Steamers alrMyet on baud. Buys said I , lls Gold, Sheer, I:Mtcit States Bonds at rnarlet rates. Agent for the Fr-le of North:rn Pacinc 7 3.10 DOLKIB. 21T.8.C7.11, Pres:dcut. WSf. iv VINCENT. Cashier. FIRST NATIONKLBANK OF TOITA:s:DA. • ,_ICAIITAL .... $125,000. ''.ii....St - intrs ' F1UND........ . . 40,000: TUN Illal: rtrers • AL F. , ..C1L1T/M Z- 4 . the traneaction of e "-- G BAY/17NC BUSINESS INTERPST AID.ON DEPOSITS" , ACCODDISG TO SPT.CIAL CLz t cr; TO T.= CeLLECTION Q ::o 11 Ant Cauca. parties within; to cr.sif kofrrr to any part of the reated State*, England. Ireland, &otland, or the p n n -401 cities and towns of Europe, can hero riocure drafts for that purpose, r.issAGE TIcEETS To or from ti'e old cOnntry, by best stzam‘r or sail ing lines, always on - l'ammis =Ott= OTIM =Dram SATIZO. Higke.l Priv! paidfor C.SBonds. Gold and Silver J. POWELL, President i. N. DETTS, Towanda, Jane2l, 1869. • Cashier. NOTICE TO CARPENTERS ! Tibet undersigned have =ado arrangements to in. Imre Carpenter's CHESTS or -I"uoLs. covering silk them =ma Tarr Jur D. All desiring such !ream are respectfully incited to give ne avail. - CAMP & rtscma. dee2B'7O .‘, Gen. Insuranre Ants., Towanda, Pa. COKE! Ths BEST. most DESIRABLE, and 1730#11, ECO NOMICAL FEEL for culinary purposes during ratl2. mer. For sale by the TOWARD!: GM COMPA.NT. Twkve cents per bushel at the Gas Rouse: or tlf tien cents delivered. t05y30:1670. C RYSTAWE DE FRANCE. - This new and beautiful Perfume is tea tunes stronger than any other perfume ever brought be. fore the public. It is made from French Crystals. Also Powell's celebrated Cocoanut Oil. an elegant Farallon for the-hair. For sale by C. 11., ELS. dealer in general groceries and provisions, , Meter. Pa.; GORE & GREGORY, sbeebequin; PRA.? ZEE & DREW. Athena; WERE PRO'S. Frank! .n. dale.. aug2•ll..wit LAKE TROUT, some very' fine mu, at a very low prim. by June 15, 1871. FOX & =WOE ;•-• ISOM W:q. R. BARf,i GeielPsuser Ag't RFPAI !MIMI itletttb coax soNa. • 1 flit roux warrrom. Help high the firmer'srlrintry hoard ; heap high the goldmi corn; . No richer gift has Antu • n ponrca From out her lacith • • • Let other lands, exultin The apple from the p 1 The orange from its gl. The cluster from the Sao better lore the bar. Oar ragged Tales Ix" To cheer us when the a • Our harvest fields wit Thratigh vales of grass Our ploughs their f. While, on the hills, flie Of changeful April pl •. • I We'aropped4he seed io,l Beneath trio sun oyity, bud frightened front ot• Pprouting grain Tho robber-crows awriy. All through tilt/long bright days of Jtipe Its teams gtew green!antl fair, And wacelin ho( midsaturner noon • Its soft / ti / nd rr hair. • .1! And txpW, with Antnnic's moonlit uses; • Its,lisrvest time is coliie ; WcyPliwk away its Ircrst.T leaves, • bcar Its trcastirc home.' . Then, richer thaii the fabled gifts , • Apollo showered.otold, Fair hands the broken grains shall sift, And knead its meal ofigold. Let vapid idlers loLl Arotual the costly boaid; - Give us the bowl oi saMP •nd nut: By homespun brand poured. Then sltarna on all the p 1 1 r0w1...4 tiaiu Whose folly laughs to 'Scorn The ble:4lugs of our LA Our wealth of golden Let earth her - Let mildew blight the Cove to the worm the Or `hest fields to thl i .0 , 1 . , crol fatliere Still let ce, for Hio.*:111. S,q111);) c.tir t11.1111,1_ ~z.~cPl~~u L ME A TRIP AOROSS So. NXVIL "In hoc cnriu ePt it r. Muro.."—!lrsqr, Sheitcreci beneath roof of •John Priesti iorkshiretattu at Doti; the . cessation of the he succeeded, accordfilg St. SWITHIN . S* day. ' rains prevented ray p sons to Ramsey and_ ward—a voyage .tirbun 3rona'g Queen—and ni Liverpool, across the stormy_ waters " of Meanwhile,in a—Apaie, apartment, overlookini Tar IsLE OF Ma::—situates in St. corge's Chan nel, about midway bet een England and,lltlar' t d, has been uentioned un der cartons names b. ancient au thors. Modern poets in common with ar and Ptole a. y, - call the B land MoNA ; the Scand i ravians term ed it 'Mos, while ill th native dialect it is MANNIN--sornetiings Env V.cs xix; or (tear little Is1.2) 1 : a term o endearment remindin; ono of the Irish "grin Ilavournee n..." SOme dif ference of opinion esis.s in regard to the origin of its usual , tune.; but the moat probable idea is 14 it was de rived from 3.IkNANNAN 3 !tc Lia, (Lord of the Sea), a famous "ink and Ma gician,. who. is said 4 - .) have ruled II there some three cent 'es before-the Christian era. The sti gestion in an ancient rhyme; 'to th effect- that bachelors.should be Se 't to the Scilly Ma and spinsters toteh hie of Man, is evidently baSed upon name rather than reason : inasmu h as in the whole popula.tiou of th . latter, (some 52,000 Ythere is now a eminine sur, phis, of over 3,000;, 0n... half of ads', Lac in f , mid -in ! the city of Dou f g,las alone. Whether this dcess has been occasioned ,by any latiintAttractiott of the Island's name;l.conducive to female emigration thither, may. re ! -Certain, main a question ; it is Certain, -, how ever, that woman there constitates, 1 in quantity as well asi quality, • the better half of creation. -1 ' . • The centre of, the Nand is in about 541,degs. North latitude; its greatest length, N. 11 and S.W. - being about 33 miles, and general 'Pat from 10 to 13 miles; its area 20' A chain of mountains lengthwisn, --- cif which Snow Mountain) is the being 2,021. feet in hei. summit, a magnificent • 'ew is afford ea, not only of - the Isl nd, but .also of the peaks of -- ,Snowd•in and Cum berland, Eastward- f Morno and Fairhead in Ireland, 1 estward, and of the-Mull of Galloway and Crefell to the North, in Scotia 1. The ricers are dimhintive in size, affordingno grand cataracts, but a number of beautiful cascades. Two of them discharge the' waters into Douglas Bay ; the Dh t (or Black), and the 6/ass, (gray or _clear) giving the town its name.• • Until within the as! : : hundred Tears, fighting, fishing and smuggling seem to have prevailed gileatiy among the occupations of thepeople• but since 1765; when the lovereignly of 'the Island was vested tho British"' crown, mere attention as been given to agriculture, and great improve ments Wive taken- place. Varying considerably in nature, and quality, the soil, when properly cultivated, is said to be not inferior to that of Eng: land. Mani - English I fanners are scattered through thelcouno7, and have introduced improve& thodes of culaation. .-, 1 1 - - The climate of the •nd i (enjoy , ing the benefit of the Gulf Stream— " that great thermid OCean River, in cessantly flowing froth warmer to colder regions, diffusing warmth and moisture along its course "), is galarly a mild, genial, and conrcive, it is said, to longevity. ,1 According to a report of the General, taking an average of se en years end itig in 1860, the me temperature Relrar of the summer mo the was ..56 s degs ; autumn 47 degs.; winter 41 degs., and,spring 44 Begs .' In con nection with,the cheapness of living • • Natal.. Sst.,-uit,'3, as it \lmp appear by No.XIIII. . • MEE - E ' e \ °WANDA, BRAD and gen. • ty OA is great an. as I expl. • but notice robust ap . ulation The' H. taut item commerce four or five actg. gl glean ' Fecal ne. • 40 tons . 1 1 this pursui tumn. It i scrupulonsl bor on a Se ing,iand on short praye fleet to the they usual' alxint 'dusk used are a probably w Considerabl requisite ,in term it : if , shoal of laei The fit • .4% • / . . MI 8 . 1 01 , 111 1,13 =own / IBoyers ws / irisdo, son/sod showers • 'ed.., .r hill and plain ed : if this • •ntain few Or no fisl?, the whole fleet .f nets is all Owed to re main longs in the sea ; if on the contrary, it s found to be , glittering with itii'silyry contents, the others ( t e are speeclil drawn. Especially if there be agleam of 'moonlight, the scene is sai tp be remarkably-bean tiful : there , ing sometimes 80,000, or 100,000 sh in an enormous mass, so that the urface of the sea . seems but one She t of molten silver. Great quantities o herring Are sent fresh to LiVerpoo and other markets, ite , addition to .he home demand, which must be co .siderable, according to the sta.teme , t of a native poet, who says : • l I V grln --- 1111. " Ilertitg'm t] Who vat the: . —That. t] have anythi of Justice; >n evident; but ties of Liters Isle of Ilan, Judges ii Ni..he of judgment,l der justice 1 ' as - ncrivally a bet Ween thel which could any people .n ring fishery.' • - 110 returns of thin branch of busi ness here, ita - said averngoanunally about L'70,0 , or 050,000 ; they x) claim, too, til at fishermen's gains are unquestionably net projits.. TheprincipA mines of the . Island anl at LA_xxv,l•on the Eastern mist, in the shadliv of SNArrnia.—' that ;lemons hill ii,Ltlaq-Island Mena," (as says Cowley the poet, who wrote in. the days ofilton), ".• which:hasi the prospect of t ee great and not long. since most h ppy kingdoms." About 120 tons of cad, (containing about, foni' percent Of silver) and 30 tons of copper, be ;des other vain tble min erals, are he obtained per month, The deptifofthe mines is about . 1,- i h 300 feet ; a for the purpose' of „pumping the Water from the interior, •an immense sled driven by water .power, 'is contantly in operation. As it is claimed o be the LAFAEST SCATIIIIELL IN THE, wor.I.D, ooslly root; ye; bard's fruit, • tly. roil; . Nyil, God: 13 I the r.l.Teerrit:, rl WATER. Fula gas appelia .lo aalliC9,. • ho 'uospitable 1 , , • an honest !las, I awaited Itvr storm that rule, a wet t 'prodigious posed eicur-,, Laney, north the Island in • departure for 'ow "-dark and, 41e channel. second story I will give pa in diameter pumping 256 a depth oVov, standing its 217), feet, it - what is call, brevl uthed. Mr. Casernen In regard., o the Manx language, according to he opinion of a learned philologist, " the Irish is the parent tongue : the ottish Gaelic is Irish gripped of a ew inflections'; and the Manx language is merely qaeliz, with a few tpeculiat words, and, disguised by a corrupt system of orthography." It is said that ht the beginning of the I present cen , the Mann tongue was generally understood throughout the Isle, and as used in the Church 8,21-vices in the remote district. There are ex ant, translations into the language, not only of. , the Bible, but also of. iton's •Paradise Lost, Parnell's.llermit, and a number of religious works : it iii still preserved in some forMulie - of the 'l'ynwald Court : y,t.„ s far as its actual use is i concerned, t i said that " the an cient idiom, llonajs ~nearly ex tinct." Those. versed ih it, 'Claimthat 0 it is ".a noble copious, dig,nified and sonorous ton e.' In order that the reader may j ge for himself, I'.en tract from K eale's work a few sPeci meas-af the nz proverbs with' ` their traaelati•n s :,... ' " Kftayi oh inml ' 114 , , , ,,zg1i rd ee (Wit bought ilt if it be not bon o‘ l Ecisltt lesh da .. N i s: (Libttn wit 1 k meat). 4 As regards the religion, anciera and Modern, f the Isle of Man, it is maintained b some writers that the Druids once eld sway throughout the country :while from the number of Mountains', etc., that bear the name of different animals, it is thought that t an. early period the worship of be sts prevailed there. According t tradition, (which says 1 . so much orh'in, while ' history says so little), St., atriek was providen tially cast as ore upon the Island near Peel, which still bears his name ',- and by' his p werful eloquence and, astonishing , Miracles succeeded in es tablishing°the Christian' religion in the country. It is even stated by an i n early writer t - "he slew all of that ysle which fo k not their sorcery, and christen the rest." A succes sion of bisho foll Owed him, but in ,the ninth ce tnry the '' Island was overrun bx P" s Korthmen. Chris tianity was, however, disseminated' amo the Scandinavian inhabitants i in - th ng e beginn i ng of the 11th century. St. Brandon, from or Bran on near Douglas, and m whom Kirk Brad before allude 'to, derived its name), being Bishop of the Island in 1025. Among thoSe who succeeded him, the report of t lohn Merrick, (bishop in the 16t dentnry) shows well for the Chanteter of his ;people in those times., He'asSerts that they • " abhor the eivii• and ecclesiastical dissensions ci! the neighboring na tions. Theie 'ever were any religions 'I euds in the *and, but there never were any penM or incapacitating laws to create theM, or impede the inhab- square miles. traverses it Snaefell (or loftiest peak, ht. From its . , OW IMMOUTIOW n, gm qv/m & 'ORD COUNTY, PA:, OCTOBER 12,1871. attractions, its poptdari for seekers after health increasing ; and so far the - Island, I could not he 'general healthr and nee of the native pop- ng,Fishery is an unpor ; the occupations and :f the Isle of lien : some !hundred 'easels, from 15 tutben, being engaged in during summer and an ' -said that the fishermen ~• avoid leavingtheir bar urday, o: Sunday oven leaving port, they use a . They go in a body or fishing grounds, where commence operations'at • the evening. The nets nt 300 feet rong, and are at are called ggl-nets. judgment is said to be' hooting the nets, as they not. sufficiently low the 'ng will pass beneath. E. et hauled in is examin- e food of Moss's greedy sons, up ns tut u buttered buns." zs scaly subject should to do with' tho scales l 0 a l 'y not appear at once ,ll'lsraeli, in his Curiosi 4nre; states that in tho " the two Decm,,teri or appointed to the chair declare they wll ren 'vtween man and man, the herring bones lie two sides' ; an. image not hare- occurred to n.2custoMed to the her- iculars. It is 42:1 feet d of 200 horse power,. , allons per minute frdm T 400 yards. Notwith great circumference of Would seem to be not A- an orershot, It- was -nonanicted by a native of-the Island. it n 6064, yi share, kio7A,H it coo glee jr." the wit best, ' ght too dear). Igh cittysli; iiett pant brit each isr, evil then do jpd, EMI Rants froin.worsLippinOtbeir Maker in the form \ which their consci ences dictate." In 1697, Dr, Wil son was constituted Bishop.A. 4g id Aiisciplinarian, his zeal involved him is many difficulties, athome and abroad. Yet Robertson, the histori an says of him : "Hospitaliti stood at t his gate, and invited the stiltoer and beggar to aplenteous inpast. The day he devoted. to 'benevolence, and the night to piety." ' 4 , 1 1 4ppo to loQlrinto his works," said Dr. 1 John son, for other purposes than those of criticism, and after their perusal, not only to write, but to live better." He died at the age of 93, in the 58th year of his consecration ; and Was followed to his grave, at Kirk Mich \ ael, it is said, by , nearly the , whole population of the Island. The Rev. John Wesley visited the country in 1777, and preached to im mense multitudes with great success: at this time the 'Wesleyan. and Pro testant Methodists have upwards of 60 chapels in the Island. - Prom a re:mote period in the ,past, Mona seems to bare been a bone of contention, and the fightint , ground of various conqueror& The Welsh kings once held it—until - driven out by MAtish invaders': 'lrish chieftains have veiled There, and it has been .overrnn by Dane and NorWegian, Who prevailed for centuries., Fe* were the eases of an amicable Settle ment of its • sovereignty Ginildns; however, mentions a dispute toetween - The kings of England and Ireland therefor, Which, it was agreed, should be settled by the introduction; of von onions reptiles : which, of course, would sot live - on genuine Irish soil. But the snakes lived ': and conse quently the King of England• took possession of the milt In 1093, the Irish - under Gndrod Crovan, were routed froui the Island by Magnus Barfoed, (or the Great Barefoot) • a Norwegian chnqueror ; who, notwitLstanding his hatne, is deserving of creditable notice,' as having settled flourishing colonies in the country, (at the time nearly de civil war), commanding the people to build houses, and tak ing care that they should be provid ed with necessaries of every lcihd. An earlier Norwegian . king (Eric, Oirigh, or Orrey) is however - held in more general remembran,ce: and in the' current caricatures of the Island is introduced as the emblem of gov ernmental' fogeyistn. He took pos session of :the country in , the 10th century. Being asked by the natives whence ho came, he; pointed to the, Milky Way, saying, " That is the road to my country " ::and to this day the Great Galaxy is termed by tho Manx people, King Orry's Rbad.T Ho divided the 'country into districts or sheadings, and with - him originat ed the branch of its govehiment known as the " House of Keys." To Alekander 111., King of Scbt land, who drove out the Norsemen in 1270, the Islanil.tiwes, it is said, its remarkable coat of arms. This, (in the no less remarkable, language of heraldry), consists - of " Gules, 3 arm ed legs argent, conjoined in the fess point, flexed in triangle, garnished and spurred; or, with tho.appropriate motto, Quocu gue jeceris, stalni." More plainly, 3 armed legs, bent at the knees, and conjoined at the thigh: the motto, " Whichever way you thrOW , it, it will stand." -Notwith standing such 'an etnblem as this, some writer, a century or' two Sthee; absurd enough to' say' that " Mona - haitno - fiL leg to stend'uPen." It is seen everywhere through thels land and on its vessels abroad: simi lar to it is said to be the elassiaal symbol of Sicily. In 1290, EdWard L of • Englind, took' possession of the Island: /twen ty-three years after, it was fi eld. by _Robert Brice, King of Seethuid ; and twenty-four years after that, Sir William Mbntag,uo again drove oht the Scots, and was crowned King/ of Man. 'Subsequently, its scivereimity was for a long time held by the SPtan leys, Earls:OfDerby, in fee 6 1 the British King, on the payment of two falcon s at his coronation. James, the seventh Earl, wasAaken prisoner by the Parliamentary forces and execut ed in 1651. • - ,One of the Esxls had found means to compel the,freeholders of the Is land to surrender theiri-titWiu change for leases of 21 yearS, and a petition to the widowed Countess of Derby Ih-the people, fora moditieu tion oithe'oppressive land tenures, was headed by William Christian— who, for his' activity_ in tho matter, was tried and executed by the Maiix court in 1663, on the false charge of inciting an insurrection. A success, ful appeal Was made by his heirs 'to the British Government "for redress, and-committal for trial of the k two Deemsters; his judges. The radiator! of Wn.r.ttai Cunisms, as, a martyt' to his championship' of-. 'the .people's rights,' is to this. day held sacred throughout the Island.s In 1703, the Act 'of . Settlement, • (Which has' been styled' the Magna Charta of Man,) was obtained, chiefly ibion b -tif the influence of Bishop Wilson. It terminated the disputes /goncerning land titles, and the people obtained a full recognition of their ancient rights. • Although ; the title of King_of Man had been fr some time in disnge yet'the Derby family, and the Athole; their, successors, continued to eier; else= o.uthoritiolittle less Ilan royal.' The distinct jurisdiction of t1.,x3 Is land, which made it to sonic extent an asylum for debtors, outlaws and smugglers, was finally found to be inconvenient for the purposes of jus tice. In 1765, John, Duke of Atholo, and his Duchess, reluctantly aceept ed the offer made by Government, (being the sum of ,i 70,000, besides an annuity of 12,000), for their rights in the-Isle: and on the llth of July, 1765, John Wood, Esq., the first Lieutenant Governor, took for mal p ) , -.o , sion of the regalities ;of Man, for (;',erfre TEL of England. 4 O. C. 'l4 diatingaished Manx naturalist declares. howersr,•that Ow Islasid is exempt iron "ven omous reptiles ant gads, while frogs ire abun dant." • - - It m i ght almost be imagined thAt the old Norse Eiti,g borrowed this idea from the Boman poet, who describes tbellilk 4 r Way u the rdth of tho gods to the palace of upiter.: "Est 'it snblimis, cudo Mantua* sereno: = . • Lutes neaten babet; esculore sotsbilis ipso. Hie iter est Semis sd tomtit teets Tonantis Itegelamqae domain." • areani, .t.: § Upon the bent at =anion In Douglas, (probably that of onoof his descendents), I no need the following strange Inscription: . •'TIIE STXNDSILD TO TIIT. PT.OPLZ. (rA_ ELIJAH CHRISTIAN. • . The perscanted Woman In the Wiltleniefis._ • . XIL TWENTY YEARS OF VICE. Many years ago, a celebrated Ital ian artist was walking along the streets OI his native city, pe,rplexed and desponding . in consequetice of some irritating circumstance or mis fortune, when he beheld a little boy of such surprising beauty that he for gbt his own,- trouble and gloom in coking upon the Angelic face before h'nt. ) T.Nat face I ranst•hare," said. the .. atiSt,.. "for my . studio. • Will you_ come' - -In and sit for n picture;. The, Flee the was glad to go and aria pFncils and en- the artist's room, and 130!18 he was . jro pleased when he. saw what seemed to be another boy, looking just like himself, smiling from the artist's canvass. 0 The artist took a....great' deal of pleashge in looking 'at the sk - viet, in dcent face. When he was .t,tlJubled, irritated, or perplexed,).4' lifted his eyes to that 15vely_.iie on the wall, and its -h )eful feat ures, and expression calmed his heart, and made him happy again\ Many a visitor to his studio wished to,pur chase that lovel' face; hut though poor, and often in- want of Money, to buy food and clothes, he...would not sell his good angel, as he, called his portrait • ---- • So years went on.- Oftentimes, as ho looked tip to the face on the &w -ing canvass, he wondered what - had become of the boy. "HoW I should like to see how.le looks 'zloty! • I wonder if I shotild. know him! Is he a good roan and true; or wicked And . abandoned ? Or has he died and Bone to a better world ?" . •• Ono day the artist was strollin,g, down one of the finee-walks of the whon he beheld n , yonng man -whose face and' mein were so vicious, so de praved, so almost fiend-like, that he involuntarily stopped and gazed at him. " What a 'spectacle! I should like to paint that figure and hang. it in my studio opposite the angel-boy," said the artist to himself. The young man asked the painter for money; for he was a beggar as well ac a thief. • • "Come to my 'room and let me paint tour portrait, and I will give' you all you ask," said the artist. ' The young man followed the paint. er,.and fiat for- a sketch. When it was finished-and he, bad received as few coins for his trouble, he turned . to go, wbeb. his eyes rested upon the picture of the bof; lie looked at it; turued pale,l*il then burst into tears. "What troubles . ' 'you, my man?" asked the painter; - • It was long hefore the young man 'could speak. HOsobbed aloud, and seemed inerced'with agony. At first be, pointed to the picture (Mho wall, and in broken tones, which seemed to come from's broken heart, Said: • ",Twenty years ago. you asked me to Comemp here and sit for a picture, and that angel face is the portrait. 'Behold me now, a ruined man,. so bloated; so 'hideous that . women and .children turn away their jaces _from me;" so fiend-like that you wanted my picture to show how ugly, lornian could look. ill! Lesee now -what vice and crime have done for me.. / The artist Was amazed. - He conic' scarcely believe, his own eyes and ears. - "Ilow did this happen?" he asked., The young man.then told him' his sad and mournful story; how being an only son and very beautiful, his parents petted and spoiled him; how - he-went with bad boys and learned all their bad habits and vices, and ,came to love them; how having plen ty of meney, he was led into wicked • places until all was lost;. -rind then, unable to i'Vork and what:Ad to ben., he began to steal, was cauglit- and imprisoned with the worst-, criLinals, and came out still, more depraved, .to commit worse crimes than before; .how every bad deed he performed , -emed to' drive him to commit a worse one, until it seethed that he could not stop until, brought tq the gallows. It was a fearful tale, and brought; tears into the artist's, eyes. He be sought the young man to stop, offer ed to help him; and tried' his best to save him. Bat, alas! it wasUct late., Disease, contracted by dissipation, goon prostrated the young man, and hoqied before he could reform. The painter hung bid portrait directly op posite that of the beautiful_ boy;'and when visitors askadaian-Noy_lie_r, loweitsuch-a - Zdeor;s lookkrig face to -beltere, hehold,them — the story, say -41,1' as he closed:, i ,Between. the. an gel and, the deincin there/are only_ twenty years of Vice." J The lesson of.thiS talgis in the tale ,itself. 'Yon who rear it can tell what it is. Think of it often and heed it always. 4 Oxr. of the ) importunate juveniles who solicit pennies was asked," \There is your mother?" She answered.dgri ently, "She is dead.'.'` Have you 0 father ?" "Yes, sir, but he is sick." "Nhat ails him 2" continued the que.4tioner. "He has got a sore fin gerA sir." "Indeed?" !! Yes, sir." "Tlin why dont he .cut it off?" "Ple , sir," responded the little k e maid, "he ha'nt got any ?money ta buy a bode. - ‘, CANDMATEB for kOlTTllnielat offices in England areker.amilied Upon vari ous literar: scientffia - topics. otAti,of them by a slip cf the pun wrote "Vennice" in one of his papers. "Do\you , know, sir, that there is but.. on 'hen _ in. Venice?" &shed theindignat eluminer. "Then eggs must be- sciamilttere," was the reply. • 'FASHIONABLE young ladies are re x:62l(lrd that the printed labels on the ends of thread spools are an , excellent materiel from which to cut patterns for the new style of fall bonnets, • 0 per AMMIZI: . tn Advance. • , .THE DEATH OF HERO. Most of our readers are inorn . or less familiar, with the' character of the-Romat, Enperor--Ners, and' with the pevmen tient' the' Chridians . suf fered under his reign.,.." A ' .gTaphic description of the sufferings tosivhich the Chri s were exposed - by this merciless 4spotlivould lint harrow the feelings of the'reader. 'Deinoniac ingeriuiV, was' employed in inflicting the most revolting an& terrible tor tare,i Thuvictims were so disguised by being. sewed up in. the skins 'of wild beasts, or: wrapped up iii tafred sheets, to be set on fire as torch to illuminate the gardens of Nero, that they were deprived of all sympathy; and exposed only to 'the' derision'of the brutal limb. ' Tender, Christian maidens' passed through ordealS of exposure, sufferin and death tdo dreadful for us in these modern days even to .Contemplate..l. The divine support which Christ- pronlised his, diSciplek in these predicted , hours of, persecution sustained them. . .-.._. - ' Ono ni . t*. ero,•. dressed in ,iv-o -gi1,,,, men's cloth , Was in one of the pall aces4of - Rome, ' surrounded by his booeCompanions, Male • and, feimile, indulging in the most loathsonie or gips, when 411: great, uproar was heard in the streets. A Messenger was sent to ascertain the,cattse. T:le returned with- the appalling tidings . that Gal ba, at the . bead of an avenging army, was marching rapidly tipou Rome; that insurrection had broken out in the streets, and thata cont/thss mob, breathing"threatening• and slaughter, were surging,,toward the palace. '' The wretched tyrant, as ,co..varaly Ir. as , he wa. , ;'infamous, was . stroCk with dismay. He Sprang from the table so suddenly. asto overturn it, diisli ing the 'costly rases in fragments up on the floor.. Beating his "forehead like a madman, he dried "Lam ruin ed I I am ruined !" -and : c,d10.1 f..i . ,:i cup 'of poison. Suicide was the - - mon, resort, in those days l ef the cow ardly in, the hours :of wretidiedness. Nero took the poisoned cup, but dar ed not to drink it:- Ho called for a' dagger' examined its polished point, 2 but hal not - sufficient nerve to • press that to his -heart. He theU - nt , ,lt\l from the palace, iti hiswoljaan'f - :gnt-1), and with, his lotog' hair fluttering in the wind. Thus 41i, - --giiised - lie aline ;t Heir thr.ingli_ the dark .a;:d narrow streets, intending to plunge into. 41e: Tiber., When he reached ' the bank and ga2ed . upon. . its glo,”:1~ . -- wares, ("e atnirr's courage failed. ' ' .. 7 , - Seeral of hi 3 coMpaniont h a d g. c _ - `,comparl'ed him: One of th2m sk_;- gested that' he sh , i4id flee to ,I coun try-seat, about- -tlirec. Mile:4 1 5 7,;.0 , : Rome, and-tiiii:tl,conei•al.hiniseif. In -sane with terrbeiutreheaded. inhi3 &ionic:fa: garb, I;c — covered hi:.: f.tee with a handkerchief, h;:iped upon a horse,] ndsucceeded,through a thou sand-perils, in gaining •1A . 1 . ,-3 retre:it. Jutt before he reached 'the vilia,senw alarm so frightened him that he leap ed from his horse, and - - plungial into • ti thicket by the ioadside: . Through briars and thorns, vith torn -Clothes and laeerated - flesh,. the reached - the insecure asylum he- sought. • _ . . In the meantime the:Roman Sen ate had hurriedly assemblid. Em boldened by the insurrection, and b' the approach of Galba,' they passed a decree declaring Nero to be the ene iay of his country, and dooming him to death; nwte "inajoruni —that is, cording to ancient custom. Some one of Nero's companions • brought -him khe tidings in his hiding-place, Pallid 'and trembling, he inquired, "And what is death more-majuruni -The appalling reply was: '"lt is to be stripped - -naked; , o Lace the head. fastened in the, pillory,and scourg , ed to death!" . - The ' monster -who had: Merist:d himself iu Witnessing the torture of others recoiled with horror from this I dreadful affiction. Seizing 11. dagger, he again endeavored•to nerve himself to plunge it into his heart. A prick from the sharp point was all he doubt sunniaon resolution to inflict.' He threw -the dig , rer aside and groaned in terror. HI; :then strove to talk himself into: courage. "Ought Nei.o," said he, "to be afraid? Shall the Emperor le 'a coward? No! Let me die courageously. Again he yaspe'd the dagger, anx iously'examined its keen edge, and again he threw it aside with a groan of despair. • . Just then the, clatter .of . horseen was heard, and a party of dragoons was seen' approaching. -His retreat was.discovered,aml in a few moments Nero Would - be helpless in the hands, -of his enemies. Then there would be no possible escape - from the ignO minions and agonizing death: In. the delirituroof despair he ordered a -freedman to hold a sharp ‘sword, so that he might throw himself violent ly against it: He - thuS succeeded in :Severing the jugular vein, and . his M life-ood spouted forth. As he sank upon the gi.ound the soldiers came p. Ike looked at. them kith a ma lignant scowl, and saying, " You're too late!" and died. . . *Thus perished this monster pravity. It is said that this event took place on the i9th of Jutie, A.D. 6S. Many -Christians at the time supposed Nero to be the The wretch, had reigned • thirteen years and died in the thirty-second year of his age. In view of his career the only solution upon which the mind cats repose is found in the-.dec laration of Scripture: "After death owes the • - These events occurred eighteen kindred years Daring the long and weary centuries which have since elapsed, what a spectacle has the world almost constantly presented to the eye of God! The billows ofwar have vith scarcely any. intermission surged the.nations,consigning Count less millions to bloody graves. Pest-. Hence and famine have ever follOtNted in the train of armies; creating an amount of misery which no hutrian arithmetic can, gauge. Slavery, in- I temperance, domestic discord, un governable, passion, the tyranny of kings, the oppression of the rich, and powerful, and the countless forams in. which man has trampled upon his 'feebler brother 'man has made this world indeed \ a vale of tears. The student of histOty is appalled in view ' ofmocs which 'during century after century, man lias visited - upon his felloN!-men. - L..~ L ..i , ~ ME NUMBER 20. A totromict Brag, The Bath Taw telb tho following • pathetic incident: ' • . Two beautiful little boys (twins) aged about t three years, of s remark able loving disposition and unusually precocious for their age. were each attacked with the scarlet &Ow- _and in a short.time ono of them died. - The other one, after wrestling with' , diiiasee for a long-lime rallied, and no doubts were: entertained of his recovery, but he constantlY.called for, his departed little brother,- and re-', fusedto be comforted unless he could tee him. In vain his attendants bold' him that he had only gone away on >6 short visit, he would not be satiii 'fted unless ho wee taken over the 'en tire hove and assured that his broth 'er was. holm* His entreaties were so urgent thit-ho was carried one afternoon 'through every , room in the 'house, and his eyes searched each , room hopefully . and longingly. . Having-Made the tour of the house . ho -returned to- • his ehamber,2 , and seemed- to have 'given up all. thought of seeing his - tbrahbr. -He did not even mention his name, but Seemed to4ealize that his brother could not 'come to him That same night," nll unexpeeted..., the Angel of death came,, ia a the we eping attendant tid.tcr the dyilig \ child clasp his little hands,and heard him exclaim -exultingly. "I See—l see" "See'what?" said the watcher. "I,see, I see Albert," and then, with'a, smile, - he closed his eyes in death. And shall any dare to af ftrm that his brother had . not come back to accompany him to the man sionsva bliss ? = PATIENT CONTINI'ANCE.,-41 is not - oftenthat a needed .lesson is more - illustrated than this by the. National- Teac4r: We remember a very pleasant visit toratif..*,'s cele brated Clxibmo - eStablisbment,. in Boston.. Those nuacquaiitted - with the process of chromo-lithog,raphy , 'do not know the elOis tedious, almost iruperceptiblerstepS that aro taken in, printing each picture. • :The different " colors and shades of colors are separ ately printed, • and require's, each its. own.. stone. SO= twenty- impressios, and frequently more are:required to - pr . oduee a single chrome. - The first iinpre.ssion .looks very much' as if some earel2ss hand had accidentally' spilled - some . paint, and had tried ' clumsily to wipe it up. The - -second one appears as if, in, trying to wipe that up, he had: upset some More of • a different color: And so it goes un--: til you think. he might as , well quit ing to-recover his Mistakes, and . let the &albs But- some-where r4.iuttt the-tenth painting a design be gins to appear, and .afterii while, in the. complete picture: evident that each. apparent liplittter. was the skillful addition of one who-saw far (,cyond what - then doing: Fr.-yield, are diSeonrageinents of the .'oath 5c1,06.1 u': Cher. He is la boring 4) brink out:in his scholars the inta,K.-e of the Lord Jesus Christ. How little every impression ,that lasi:.: t. v«.•1( p`nny- liken ess . S.)n of God?' It is a blur—a• ult-ve daFib, i•y :4:faila and again. foriu assanie shape and likeness and. it shall he ti o image", of "Him whom -I,yv'etri. HOW many, =t ink c:1 1 , t ake to .111.7:13g oiit t hi- likeness -of 'Him. who sitteth file....i . ;;itt-inuid.of the throne of God? T:f G Lit LS. —Cin we not bring. up • orr More usefully; less - .showily-. - . I. T pet; 'on luxtuT and wealth? = _ teach them 'from baby , . 11-4•l4ltat to labor is a higher thing • Iherel.• to enjoy; that even joymP r.tit itself is neve :50.,„ sweet as" whtin 'a is earned? Can wo . not put: 4 : . into their minds, . _station-, principles of truth; simplicity of taste, hopefidness,hatred of waste; and, these being firmly rooted, trust to their blossoming up 'in whatev er destiny the. young 'maidens 'may -. be c , .111ed.?-Ifiss 3/u/Och. . • I Z.N OIV pAVEat, ycy beau's pretty white horse's name js,'? said • a little boy to his grown-up sister, the slither morning: 'lt's Dative." "Hush, . ,Eddie," said the horrified sister, "that's a naughty- word." " Well, I .cloift care if 'tis," said the juvenile, -" that's his naive, 'cos last night T. wtl.s outside the fence when he pedAt- the. front gate, , and L heard", lum say„,'Whoa, Damye." , • Tal: poor in pocket may be blessed, - or may not be blessed,; as the. rase way be, but the poor in spirit are. al- , . ways blessed, and we have Christ's . authority for so, saying. Theirs is a poverty which is better than wealth; in fact,it is a poverty which indicates the possession of the_ triust of all. richt: ttrgeon. - t WE cannot emphasize to o ' rongly -. this ' grace which pincher s hne§s. I care33.ot. how orthodox i 'ft, man's creed, or - how eloquent ni y be his ' .prayers invpublic, if he 1ia,.3 novers:, learned to say " ne;"-to the demands - of fashion, and pride, and luxury, he is . but te sorry - specimen of the Christ's-man.-I'. a Ctiyler. -''-, „ _:. A ta:Yrtc happiness is favorable to 'virtue and to morality,'; as -ercessive excitement and warningand discon tent are favorable to murmurings, and to rebellion, and to sin: And he 'who .can please his neighbor ir .good,is actually making his heiglsbur, a better man by -making - him a hap pier mau.—lkecher. " , As Irishman noticing ft lady p* down street,. eayied two strips ,pending from under her mantle. Not knowing that therm *were: , styled " sashes,"•and were hanging in their right ho esclaime; "an, faith, yer galltises are loose." ", TimaE,is only one stimulant that never fails, and yet never intoxicates —Duty, Datyinats a blue sky over every iab.n—ttp .- .. an his heart maybe ,—into which the skylark happmesi always goes singing.--Geo. D. Pren tice,. _ . lICTEIER was unitised. the other day to bear this bit of "aritunemt" from. her little boy: "Mamma, I don't ' see how.. Satan could have turned out to be such shad fellew there wasn't any-devil to put him rip Uhl" .No man's spirits were . evaihnit by doing his ditty. On the Contrary, ono good ac tion, One gacriftarof desire or interest, purely for conscience sake,- will prove -a cordial for weak or low spirits, beyond - what either indul gence, diversion, or-company can do for them. " Jos v , I-saw your cousin Isaac s few weeks ago, and he hid just received, a ter rible fall which cut a Mosthorrible gash in his aria " "Ah, poor fellow ; what did he fall oer "fflell, really, I forget now,blit it rather strikes me he fell on Tuesday morning." • • An-enterprising farmer, in order to supply the market with fresh eggs, brings his hens alottg and lets them lay in the yelps on . theway. Tag new departuSe is now- called he "now fracterti" of the Democracy.