/ I cultural. - lOULTUB,E. OM . This' month he Seson - will begin' to change,'Wh7 i tender plants will, have to be. pr4" . arga:for.lheir . winter iters, an. i _7iii:Tect to tne house •in October. %itch as \have ,been planted_out have to be raised and `carefully i otted and] kept shady situatio tilt they recover from being disturbe 1, :as they are more or less liable tell , se part of, their fol _ iagp. , ak - en - -IK4M the open (..u.ounct beive opreftd the opera tion; sortie Sri 1, need cutting down • 'and - divesting of their' foliage alto- Itether; 'if. they cannot .be moved with cl the roots; give plen ty of whter_af ier potting, and keep in u coot , situatio . now begin to flower; tip .neatly, and "give, good . watering of lick his- will make them': w much' stronger, be g the tubers for anOtb.--: have them tie uec.:.-io.tralv Ilia • Guano; tto.tr.r wad gr si O. ..-. g i ninie asi of fine kinds inay bo in i cuttings of the yo acing their in a coo rr, from shoot-:, I,y ',1)1 WI plants - of many kinds removed towards the: this month. - Petunias and Verheri d , from crittiMis not', t for , pmts l unms struck-frlinfe small pots,and eiscour_ th_ to flower, this' fall. Orange:may - 6411 :Il e sap runs, and oily [ant a Double Peach, • 110-11a.c.ro*I'v :ti.fafely 131 1:•.11,v i•d)art li • eliotr9pe •priip . gat , 112:11ib un he f r li.;;:: t, 'off i theicroN I,::Rto11 o 2 Clif_Try,_Dott v - 1.;;;.11 se (in tall .r. , laptc(l for PelPrgopit pit - off ill gm little !Lore w Tlowering Almbmls, Hite ornamental. whdn .toms, And 'admirab htandara on lawias. ns raised from cuttings, 11 pots, and as the old to grow freely atc.:d a s.—As the leaves begin V be more snaring of ?:wan Lili to fli;c watm 1;1 .the Nile.—Reppt 'pots. " Ltav now lge, • taken up, • .1 planted again. • ~`Anyrillus, and other niav ho taken up the. the niontln _ LM iL czJea MIMIC • 'fellac bulb tyy,. part, Greentiou: Luni,, Oxalis., Ida, 1 , ri r.ll sncb, repot in mlt ts; select the strongest • trad _plant jiu 'r to sin soots, whichl,i's flower,- . and ; Lave a Uue IX.ed repotting—pique; lg. in the house, which early' bloom. Priniroses: =Repot a!nd rd;. seedlings repot'] in uul keep iu a shady s4n- sizc.4ll el:Jug4 to I'. , .?sc's wil I>uToVi.k`alii. will-74ive an bri fatv, f• 1139.11 i•ots, ILI . _ will - 11011" have forined op dress , the tubs or Ps" l ot soil, - and give frequnt l ' : . fres;l watcr; this keeps clean, and hardens!. 'lie 1,- liesides giving : them a ~caranbe. nany kinds 'may be . tow )ansics, Stocks, Mignon 'summer,- and- such; j for lirongh the minter prepare I, light soil, ( - with a little - C:tme.lias li-re--Jowls; syriuging4 . Woo ti'-:•.f.:of If SO %VD , ::: St , s ' ` l d • (ttte,. Arix , / ( .7411ttill Ty(1(.1, v 2 4eg , linss, Orlox.r9rps, 1 ,1 all like a shady their•fuliage hest;• ..erirtg is required to have -..T.etien, and there is rioth beautiful when in -tine or- fleet ien srmirld be without thcy_r are plants for ,L . ? ' the in the summer, -whan all plants are , out , of • 4ors, a continual:bluer:l &trim* 0 -I.llinnt-, , r months. i47.11'', N% - . Li tzti . NV:I -7. - -Q: , ':•: . 11 111, li:, jelly ~~ (ivy; 11c) t tray [Er mum lardy lin - J.llll(ms° Pants iii;r:.ovtr, and gettiuss in 0 - mare in; repot midi if I 1 line and tie up neatly be- Ing in tLo Louse, and be divest Wem of the diffprent infest them,' therehrguying ble when in the hotie, - as r_itions.are'injured for !want 1 •ri. ro 'in „homing phini - 74: . I ' Eqriiier. lii ‘. 'l4 1 100 1 7 ! . 1. 1 ..ih0'35 - 1.i!c...1 , 2.i1: I: [0.:,.. 1 ring I-1n...A:11l it :-,: t'-' Illl:(;ll tra =nil of. pri.1,.01 =IA MEOZZ:r=IEI=III toN:. con ' CATTLL.---Vxdy,, farmer who uses gtanehions mangers forleeding t there is somethinn-frqug augemenf ; he SeesthaTho NES 7vmg nom 1::. 1 1i , ,wf; to ar ie given a particular', ani n almost every herd One or Aires 'extra food or case. - It own that some CONVi3 are mg Ai - their food as Others, ecouut of poor ,teeth.:; and their - natnral habits. (Then lon open manger animals in food-rapidly, willilswla-: .Nefore theth and stall i their ~ neighbors, and, to,more - tkeomplish this, we have ii theta upoii,AheirAnees. raightYeach ti greater dis ,oate rin:intals also, that have ,_..ry, often act very'sh+dly, - ffTlil arr.v - the fochKT alia.e-to keep \ ' • .. i Cic:,i,fiist, keeping their own_ allow aura -to hisurely' consume, or work'' oYer ;lad gather the - I.3tt, - after the „\ other, is gone. Somepmes grain or .., \\ roots arc fed to a fewlarct not to the '\ \ whole, a - id. in t-hiz - ',Case . with ” open A man the neitibivinv animals- are ~ ,• ':cct inio-i stv.te,of agitation., and they i'eac'll-a.nd struggle tat:Obtain altaste. If - the,te . :ll is given .dut .of ' bight of Others;* such - commotion occurs. n-, this faulfma-y_lie easily remed ied by- d ividiu -,,. :the ma.ri er, into se" tirr.i.s wi,h\boardS, allowing etkeli 'mi . mat, spnee et oil ;h to contain just the food allotted 0 him.. -The - ouN dif r fieulty inn i sing lose mangers s'feed .-A corn ,sfocks,,, nt, this is ol.)iated 1:y. clltt ng them .`apice eT twice .in two, or .or feeding them outof doors, whiiii it by-far the best way 'when. the-coultion of the 'ground and the .)scathe will adinit of it...--,Q./tih Far i :? .. favor can anti 1:1 wii•e WEBB Iltlters f•) timt activ I MEE ofLua se tbat the• lEEE ME Im: 1 ariiict.ncho •refuses — to , learn t) % frOni le.better 'practice of his neigh- Lori; a,. a depe,adi - lsolely upon I - ( - Aill p i Tsonal experience, . May coitp l ed to_ the little - : sprint, In ling frdm the earth-always the sw, while tile farmer of more en,a4 V:ind, who,tidops , ,the better p.-ael s ncighbOrliood and pro its improvements around.- hi like..ned ..to a noble rivl fed from • *many, 'fort taf: ieh bears. upon its ';bos O nt t' .lat-ed wealth of experience. -well the' oontrast here pre bctween; the narrow,4inded who is exhausting the [riches oil which- Providence.design-: )osteritv - and the pro, , Tessive whosc . faborsnre adding mill the product 6 Of the - country. 1 Ell 'of pll thc. v,h ,-1 seated farmer of the ed for far apt ion.; to tr,OTTE.'llas a pettiON foot, tr , h,e says IF ton w Irshap fwal: nttnr,. IZSiIENT will- buy $4,000 . 000 of I ,soli is,oofl,ooo pi gold claw Sep. ell which ti ed to be bonds an tw-nbcr. I - NAMWRY & =OMR SHOP: , The undone , good hiring" purchased I the Ironedry and /Lachine Shop lately _owned by John Carman, are prepared to do all kinds of work to their business, with promptness end CYRCIILAR SAI MIILLS, r I MAN DRILLIS, Lad all kinds of 1 1 MILL 11i02.113 MADE TO OWN= mL ,_ l3 And all work warranted to give sittarkthan. SHINGLE MACHINES Of the latest and most imProvedkhzde • • and kept constantly on hand ready for use. Ein)F;EIILL, IRON il.tD WOODEN RFAXB U uLTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS 1 0f all lands, and the Watt finprepeeneuta kept constantly on hand. hITJRN POWERS, LARGE AND SMALL SIZE STOVE CASTINGS STET) AND SLEIGH SHOES, And all bads of castings 1bai:1121LO to March 80. MEANS & ROCKWELL. NEW CARRIAGE" FACTORY 1 • On Pine, boiween,Main and Second, Streets, back of CI. E. , 31 - ason,k. Co.'s Bank, • , TOWAYbA, PENN 'A. Ilespecttally announce-lb his Mead bad patrons, that th have built a where they WO constantly keep oalind a full assort went of FAMILY CAERIAPES, TOP AND OPEN EVIGIES, I • • PLATFORM WAGONS,, . : TROTTING SULRYS, , / iND REIM° NS, Made of the beat material andliniihed in the beat city style, llte long' ca r peltittles in city Carriage Factories gives them a decided advantage over othets in the \ of his Wagons. An they asks.la an INSPECTION OF HIS. WORK previous to pu,reiltug, elsesthero. ALL WORN WARRA . NTED TO OIVE PERFECT ' .SATI±FACTION; Thankful for liberal patronage sforratkly ex tended and respectfully ask • continuance of the maitre.- , HENRY ;81 . IILLN U. 8. CLARK. Towanda, May 24, 1870.—tf THE OLD MAIN STREET Still continual the ; manufacture of CARRIAGES AND WAGON Z,; Of every description, the, old stand of G. H Drakt!', • LSTF,S T STYLE AND, FINISH I <,~ - ~~-~ . In the 'manufacture of wagona-liothing to used but EST STEEL 'AXI;ES, C_O POSITION. BQXES PLATFORM SPRINT WAGONS The best Eastertt stock is use/ In the manuftettwo of Wheel& Spokes aro all rived out—not yawed. • ALL WORE. 4LL , , ' - 11-1" ALL Wonx 3FAILItASTED.' - u.a. .40./9.7i SAME BRYANT BLOOD CO., ..- . 1 , . Still continuo to =nut.. ie their celebrated I • HORSE POWERS CLEANERS, and will sell a better ireschMeil for leas mice,' than na be had elsewhere in the world. We claim fbr • onr machines that they will do as much, «rummy, ilasn any oilier, an‘l;:are mori4 . lfirably Milli. `We Versmislly eeperiotend our w lc and see that it is well aceiii We • will send I „ DISCItiMIVE cAtaLociitms. ESEI r:=2 I giaufactories. ' P.LOUGHSI; Of all kind& CELLAR CHUM LAUGH. IEO7 IMITLFS HENRY :STULEN E C0.,- NEW BRICK CLRILIAGE FACTORY. Finish, Style and. Durability IMPAIRING. rncimrnx/k.L.CDED TO redneed Carriage Factory. JAMES BRYANT MAIN. °MEET, 'IOWAN - DA, .PA the work is all of the Tce4ether:wlth We L 3 Light Work AND LUMpER WAGONS Re pt constantly on, hand WARRANTED EQTJKL TO ANY As to finish, ani as tci durability SI:PERIOD, TO ANT IN I'HIS SECTION of 'our roailiines, on application. ONE AND TWO HOiISE POWERS, Owed Two Horse 7111LESHER E SZPERAFORS, 1118.SSIIER arid C:LEALITIM . - FANNING cmLiFLAitt Ain liami AO/ lalla t SAW AM) O8& MILL ort done to order, Give Ds a call before pu7,larnf •va "CYJ aaokiyuit !sicitav 0 - aooaa. Aug. 2. 1889. NEW PLANI.,NG The undersigned Wing built a fitice and comma dims Mill to the Itarotigli of Towanda, and filled it with the mold modern and improved machinery,' for the manufaeture of WINDOW BASE •ND BLINDS .ro prepared to fill enters. whetherjsrge or tmati. upon theAtiortest notice. SVe have Web a large, va riety ofNOt.p . DINGS, of the 'Latest style and pattern. which g6 - bah furnish much cheaper thin they can be Workedfby band. PLANtNG, - TONDUELNa. •-. : GitoOVlNia. • ScitOOL • - • €0.3511(0. 'And all other work pertainingtodolnerir.willbe dope to salt our ctudomers. Persons building, sad. not living more that . ' twelve to fourteen miles distant. will and it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber and have ft worked by our machinery. Print year grist of FloOring. or 'other lumber. 'load whda your team la feeding, have it ground out 'and take it" tome with We will pay 'CASH for *lig Ain WIEHLOCY Will= delivered at our lumber yard. Come sod mos ma, or Kral can't corne.lwrite. • . Sir tebl WA- !..4 1 39Pingt4 6 00- fn9roix3Pc.); T "II AB AND [ 1 MOST C- O M JEW.E WATCHES, PLATED SILVER WATE, GOLD CHALN, Ever opened In this make and far sale at the W. A. CHAMBERLAIN. Mr. b. has justTenumed frm the city, and flat ten himself that Ws stock has been bought atbot- torn Ames. and that be, mer.to purchltters of/ mmf!em PERSONS 1-10L1bAY ElllllB JULES H • JE}iELLER One doo MERCUKS NEW B U Is constantly receiving goods imitable LADTES' WAT AMERICA of &U descriptions. Al GOLD CHAI, M ••VT CLOCKS OF ALL sriiEs ,Yllok THE CHEAP EST TO THE BEST. GOLD, SILVER A 1 . 403 ifrEEL SPECTACLES AND EYE•GLABSPs to at an cams of impaired sight. NEW PATENT ACCONODATING SPECTACLES. BY this patent I am enabled to exchange Glasses it way time withont extra: charge. oau and see. CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED AND war.i . arrso; Towanda, Dec. 8, 1870. IMPORTANT I . TO ALL WHO VALVE THEM SIGHT: The eight of the aged assisted, the weak strengthen ed and the perfect preserved. MILLADELPIIIA 'OPTICAL LCSTITUTF, For the manufacturing of the ' CONCAVE CONVEX, CRYSTAL LENSES, LONDON wo= AND =TED °LARS POR TZAR OR IN -71..4;:p The Concave Corivei Crystal Spectacles, made by the above institute are now a long time before the public, and the rapid and Increased demand for them combined with the 'universal acknowledgment of their, clearness in vision and ease to the eye, shows plainly that they are superior to any other glasses in the market. The niajonty of Spectacles, (mostly Imported) and no matter how fine the frames, contain but apoor and worthless article-Of glasses, (generally cast or pressed;) they are made to be sold only, without any calculation respecting benefit to the eye, and therefore the great complaint of poor and weak sight. Thousands are using disuse now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the Objects get dim after short usage, or require an interisely strong light and therefore destroying the sight: which, were they , properly suited , would be preserved a life time. The advantages claimed for the Concave Convex Crystal Glasses are the following •. The Lenses are groind of the best material, pure and hard. and made ohly for optical purposes, they are therefore not liable to get scratched or dim. They confer a brilliancy and distirictness of vision not found in any other glass.- j They eon be toed , squally well by day or candle light without tiring or fatiguing the yes in are ground roe , eee , true in the con ease conses.nlirrori according to the philomephy of nature, and shape of cornea of the eye. therefore assisting nature only instead of forcing it. That the lenses are centered correct into the frames. They can be Used longer than anY other slaws_ without changing to a higher power. The frames are made strong and durable by ape rienoed workmen and warranted to give satisfaction. • . , WM. A. CHAMBERLM Dealer hi Watches. Jewelry and Silver Ware, Towan da. Pa., has the sole Agency for these glasses in . Bradford county. No Pedlars employed. fluty 12, : , o -ti HMtery. AFSS_E.. J. l , KINGSLEY, • Wlshes to tuba= the tidies of Towanda and vicinity that she keeps constantly on band s bine fupply of MILER. ' "RY Goods, suitable to the season. Thanking her pat rons for their liberal patronage heretofore, she as sures them that no exertions will 1;?• spared to en sure a continuance of -the alone. She also has,' fine riled:lon of HAIR AND FANCY GOODS, • Bach so Bid Gloves, -. • • Linen Collars,. ' Cuffs, _ . HandicerchUfe.' , Real Laces • • • f Corsets, , &e. dc.. . I have also reopened. to connection with the above thy DRESS 3LLEL'iIa establishment, and I am now prepared to do • 1:1'..N0 and FITTING In the latest i'aahlonithle atTlra on short notice. Entrance next dodr to Fox & Murcia's, up 'tsars. April 4,11. THE tINDEBBIGNED, HAVING 1 G E 8 T ist the Ina eta a. PATCH • ca. la DOW WOWS& Walter to the camas at BraUted Clow* sal viand,. P•LETE ty, slaw sod Inn sekeled dock et ,~.. t. that lan sal it u low Ilinnsa 9 can b. purchased awake's. I so* oar to Mope:111os orphausA stock BY, TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, AARON FLOUR, 4:IRA.TTATif DO imc DO.. DIICIWILTAT DO. . LOOKS, I kap anurtantly oa laud. POSIT. SAME. LARD, and OM public to our Cant Bo Bait In quilt, cr price. Jesse °skiers Celeinsted Isna diy. New Work Chamkal mad Brown &op. Please all and maim our doe/ of OLD RINGS, Large toortment•of.YAßYEH NOTIONS. TOILET SOAPS, &c.. &e I will pay the highestesali pike for , &C., &C., Farmereddre us • call before selling elsewhere. All persons Indebted to the let* Arai villlpleasecall sad make immediate paymeat. Tcnraada. Much. 13.1867 L now on exhibition 11-known store of can offer better induce. at-cLua goods than any Dec.B.'7o EARCH {OF PRESENTS, orget that GUEN,IN, SILVERSMITH,. .r north et OCR% rOWANDA, PA 52E3M11 :MIM„ N WATCHES WISE WATCHES, so-s solected assortmeot of S, FINE GOLD , nll new Chvoaise htniihu MFTPN.ITM!!rrArI a H. PATCH, 61t00ERIES, . snow. STARCH. Bays au hand a large dock of STOCK .OF TOBACCO, WOODEN WARE. COUNTRY PRODUCE. C. B. PATCH. GE " • "? 4 . 1 5 J •Ei 4 o 5 2—P-1 E: E a W e E 4 1 ;1 5 'P ER / A 5 ris 1. 0 X U : e .. .. a 4 .7ai E It -•- Q r 4 c., i: I ) = 1 O E n • .... g 7: ce .<. a o t•L` `. ' Eli ci (1) L., :,..--.. -g z' -2 P. up 0 .1 : P y g I_, 00 c. Z ii ri: -4 0; g 5 .1 . .3 il ' g ,.. P . ,. .. 1 , 1.1P?s&"; MIV:-;! p. 4. - , - E i PI ; I l p. u 4 a A 1 41 g ° i Ed 2 1- g . i r n t c n a. ei 4 - . .c• g i 4 ;.] Bf, 1 W El ;:9ICE; 1 ' rA es Eig 00 . i . .6. m r ; . 4, •t- L A E 4 ‘...., . .--.• H 2 A Z ;l4 E 4 -. -z.- g ..e. 5. 0 Z - - - r _ 3 _ .. W I grnE. V. .. ,. 0 Ar. r% Tal c 2 A -'• 0 .: 4 i• & 1 ›. Fs r ... t. c f., g 0 0 - ; = c n .e • a c •-• ; ;g 'n = g , A - I'' ;'' " - `e' -,. . 1.4 r.' '..° -f; Ea , ,4 , p. l 2. g 0 - I. I 1 ,,, a !II c.) - , -.1 i i t,' g •}l. 6 i :. ~ M . J. LONG: GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOOD, WILLOW, AND STONE RARE. FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, &re., No. 1 PATTON'S nLock. COR. 31A . AND BRIDGE STS TOWANDA, PA. I desire to call the attention of the public to my amwrtment of goods, which is always full and com plete, and will be sold to my customer" at lowest market rates. MT stook of - TEAS, COFFEES,. AND SPICES, Have been parclaaed ginee the late reduction In the tariff on them, and are offered at prices to ear. ' respond. Orders by mail or otherwise will receive oaten and prompt attention. Thanking the public for the, liberal Patronage they Iwo giren me, I wish •?anthem:lee of the ammo. CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PLYJDUCC. feb.2oll G OLD STILL COMING DOWN AND trzsm 'bingo 77 Tint GROCERY d- PROVISION LINE, I are now being offered at dOWELL- - & 31YEI1'S at prieek that cannot fell to matey all that they ars determined not to be undersold by any one. They _have enlarged their Stme by, building au that they now hare room for the fresh supplies that are daily received by them. They have coanected with their store a Market where they now keen fresh meats to senly the quarter or piece, inn a fall supply or Gro. ceries and Provisions, to which they would ‘2ll the attention of all cash-buyers. Come and examine our Goode and' Prices, before purchasing anti satisfy yourselves. - Ne gement^e ail giodit to give entire satiestactiaa - t We are thankful to our customers for their past liberal patronage and solicit a continuance of the mama. . COWELL k 211 - 121. Dec. 20, 1869. D . OOLEY'S . BAKING POWD The very gest ever offered to the public, jun 15,71. FOX & =Bain GO TO TAYLOR & °OBER - For your Now Bptialg Ettat. GO TO TAYLOR Ar, GORE'S For a New Driass Suit. GO TO TA,QLOR & GORE' Per New Spring Styles in► Pant& GO TO TAYLOR & GORE' - I ror a New Spring ,(. gvereoat. GO TO TAYLOR & GORES For all the Latest Stylei: in Cns- torn and Ready-Made Clothlncr. .IP GO TO TAYLOR & , For Hats and Caps, ; all ttio Lates Styles 0. B. PATCH. GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S For Gents' Furnishing Gool;, Bows, Ties, & 1 . ALL WORK AIT.AR4NTED CUTTING DONE ON SHORT Noncp. MAIN STRIEET, spLl9'7l TO THOSE GETTECO THEIR You abonli ittudy two t!aingw. First,Cc; GET TELEM,WLIERE curnirsLi IS WADE i/ Secondly WIIELE THEY ARE soLp anal, . 1 . And to order to he able to Bella t,...,0f.1 - extlele cbrlP the merchant most understand h a l.osinesa, and know how, where and,what to b y as a practical man does; and a . • In all Ita branches X prt.fers to tr , , iniing had PICHITEEN YEARS EXfERIENCE In the businees. Hare been a cutler to eome of the I 'do my own buying, selling ir.d cutting. and divide my profits with no man. so put Iran of it will do—and with tow rent and other! pu t In pm portion, thus making the cost of, carrying on time business very small. Tln rti,4sig the •lwrc you will & Idly it is that I CAN SELL GOODS; CHEAPER Than men following the busineelt, and having no knowledge of it themselves, hare 4 employ others at large salaries-t 0 attend to it, aret customers most pay accordingly—as they, like rayielf. • DO BUSINESS TO LIVE BY IT If yon-tioubt the aboTo atateme be Tourism] by tag 17=1:7 Merchant Tailor. Mridati St., Towanda. Pa. Anit.lo.lo EUREKA! EUMIKA! ! 'stir: OLD CLOTHEsa HOUSE n.oseniield .I'.. Worn THE PL- ACE FOR IIARGADIS. BICIITbT A.ZD itk)ST BEAVTLITL A7inoliY ][ENT MEN AND BOYS' GEOTHING '`l3. I TO ACCOMItODATt ANY PURSE serer leave an old friepd for a new one: nemember that ItOSIM'FIEIf t .DI • & WO4l , ar permanently located here, and e4n offer greater in ducements topurelmers than' any other hamae In town. It is the Interest of gentlemen jin this section to corns arid bring all their boys, and giro their goods co ,examitutttou. ' I -'Consider the fact that you 4 buy at 1108:EN FIELD it WOLYrii. boantihd and substantial Cloth ing for a mere song. rW,, 1971. .GOOD MOLASSES FOR 50 c cct Pir Wien 701 k =taws. I Oct. 6:70. 1i :Mag. MI E I= TOWANDA, PA IMMO CLaTIIMI MADE TO' O*DEIt. PRACTICAL TAITLOR MEM NEW YORK 'ITY Everybody h 3 diacaertad that 'Oni door south of Fox Tcrenes) ie • They now havo a great storT Um. To be found outside the cittee. - I Their goods area FINE 1:5'017,43/H TO SUIT ANY TASTE„ I==i CHEAP . ENO!IIGH DOFT BE DECEIVED! K ~Lpo ~ ~ 'F r Eu) it WOLFE Grooeiies sal Provisions. pEOPLE'S •:i f I .441•61fi v.t.fyvil,l wow . moms sums Kaar one= ♦ now mil ocumpicAs Mock at GROOMES AND PROVISIONS, Ind& be mold at Me lowest - poeeible pekes. CODFISHi MiCKERIM, , HERRING, PORK, MnV)N, HAm, 1:0;401MilertrIfin7D 1 ;100141v(eNt:1 MODERN STONE WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, ' I OlDririrlir'.7lS-Milrer/TMNI Sting on yomr produce, which we pay cash far - ' DAIRYMEN, \ , ‘.. . • igitg liv, • constant 4 of Aaht o n Salt, all sized dawn. nutter Firkins Tubs. kc. ' Incase call an look tbrongh our stock. and we will do our beet to ple ' you. W. A. DOCEWELL. Towanda, April 1869. . GROCERY ‘A.ND PROVISION =EC 3IcCABE fi EDIVADS, . litolessle and 1 elall Dealers In FAMILY` (.SRO-diRiES PROV,ISIONS, %IELCIM'S 'SEW BLACK. TOWA.NDA. n We do not deem It.r.ecessary to entrizierlte, an tic. diferent artkles iee-4ero.',-.onrzsso:tment Is , ALWAYS' - COMPLETE.' We iell nutting but kI c R S T ASS GOODS Cash paid. for ,Parmcrs Produce. - JAMES 7ifeCAlM Marcb IS7O. WM. EDWARDS. • ALEIICUR aro now receiv ing a fresh stm.k. o: Goods in their line, laenght since the let Jannary, to.which they invite the at tention of their friends. We keep the largest stock in twn. Our goods are fresh and desirable. We isrll st loweit market 'irices. • Jan. 19, 1,471. DRESH AND NEW TEAS, bough since the rteent decline in price, and "elan chr3p at retail. FOX & 31E11Ctli. 19.1871. MEMCI2[II are selling Gro- A. series ii retaal. • Jul. 19. 1871. - ox-k MERCER :Ire selling Sew and Froth Good& Jan. 19, 1811. VOX & 3LERCUR aro selling Gro reties cheap. Jan. lt!, 1871. po X 31F.ItClat are'selling firs 1 class Goods only. Jan. 19, FOX & are selling cheaper than ever. , Jan. 19, 1871. EIIEILI3ER that sve are selling JLL. Goods at R E T A,I L And dist we won't be undernol.l. Jan.. 19, 1871. FOX srr_ncutt MICHIGAN FINE-CUT TOBAC 131_ CO—very ebni<.e—tit Jan. 19. 1371 VOX & MERGUR do not. deal, in Rhcddj thxxl se>. Jan. 19. IS7I. Om CU.I.:iTOIERS can rely upon gating the v o cry be_attlie rAarket'affords and at lowest prices.. "E. T. FOX. Triwanila, Jan. 19,1'1. • HENRY 3rfutcru. EMENIRER THAT FOX & 3EEI _Lt CUR ire retailing ail kinds of firoszrles at wholoutlepriet.s. The largest stock in town. Goods first class,— Fries low. E.:. FOX. Sept. 29.'70. HENRYX ISERCUR. THE BEST:, KEROSENE OIL IN 1 town by the 4 antity of retail at . FOX it lIEII.CILIVS. BAKERY ..ND DINING ROOM, ; , . First bleclnorth of Ward blouse. 1 PIES, BREAD; I, CAKE,CRIC,KERS, DA END'.F D A.'i L Y . Anil ac. 1.1 at: Wholerale - and Itebtll. In our DINTSG IZOC , AS wo will accommodate the public wl.e:thcr a I.lincti o; a pay). trial at all times nit . day 'and evening. - OYSTF.ES AND ICE CREAM ON 'I:FAINTS Drill:NG TItEIR SEASON. '1 , 4..• /ago a flue a.....oitzwritof Oro•r-c ries, Confi-ctionery, Fruit , . Nuts, Ae. ruayl9lo-tf ' • D. W. SCOTT A CO. • CENTRAL MARKET. The sutsc.ribers F.tin COLtaIUO to Imp ton!ftntly on hands full and coral,leto assortment of every thing pertaining to.Uielr br.sinces, consisting main ly of " 81 7 14' . ; PORK, FRESH AND S„113 51.7Cilr..,CrIIED ELINTR. : LAMB. VEAts I POULTICi. SAUSAGE,' LARD, • BOLOGtA, DRIED 13E17, TALLOW„kc., &c.„. Also, FRESH FROM THE LICiES. t oYSTErS RECEIVED DAILI In their season Parties wishing Oysters in large or small quanti ties will be furnished on -short notice. at -the old stand. Ctstrrnat.l Maustr. llontar.ye's Block. fast door north of Pr. Porter.: Cana. 0 Sza.tru, t . KELLUM tt 1117-I.OCS. Tisco. Ifrr-tocx. 1 • Ftb. 21. 11k7U-tf - . THE BEST 4Nlj CHOICEST SMOIrtNO .TOPACO()k, El IS SIIISLTACTLIIED AT FI.CTORY NO. 1; VD DISTRICT OF. MARYLAND See s thatEvery Packago you buy beers that tiscription. Dec. 14. 1870 H. JA. C L O B Sid MEN'S ANDI BOYS' CLOTkiisTG , '• • I aXp r • • HATS lAN ' Di CAPS. All gcrods warrantc4. and sohret' the lowed rstak South storo la ileldlguatt's block, Malu-st. tuylSl:l M . ARSHAtL BBQTHERB MERCITIVS NEW BLOO.IC, .A. Nicr A. me, r, Tar coat. We bays on haa4 and are reoek/eg a - large stock of HOUSE FURMHING GOODS, Onr Paints, Oils. ke., are or the' beet quality and will be sold very low. ' We aro silo agents for the Great SCHAGHTICOKE POSER co., SUPHER PHOSPHATE L Tory lax& and nuouiaciorod out of the bat . material.. The beet cooking "toe* in nee; ant every \ oe4ve. warranted to give satisfaction. March 10, Fox k MERCUR'S ITEL HARDWARE STORE, TOWAZDA. Is fhb ploso to boy 614 Idnds of DOOlll3. SAE% BLINDS. GUNS. PETIT., AN.D LEATEIIM DELTI2g6 AMERICAN STEAM SAFE, (SANBOIO.III PATENT). ,}'he only reliable Fire Proof Safe lade. klio FAIRBANKS'S SCALES, Il&L'01111 UAW BONE Oar stock of pookiveArz. :alai Wo are *leo prepares! to do Jobbing of an tirtA. 1;Ife are the only agent' for the celebrated new, EMPIRE :COOKING STOVE,. Puritre. FURNITURE NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS We are now olll4.ing at our Wholeasle awl 4etiil' FURNITURE E3IPORIUM; -' 'lO7 MAPS SMELT, greate4t Inducements to those in want of s : FIRST ;:7 ' CLASS FURNITURE I rirr ofTf•r%l in this mazket- The attention of the public Is expeciatly called,to our recent boav purchases from the tate tircat 'Aue. Lion Sates of " CH AArRER- . AND P 41131,011 M - "CTPINI T IT IR, MI. We,itre now offehar . , , ; W.A_LNT:T MARBLE TOP SETS AT $75 00. - Aid NICE PARLOR , SETS, At ,$5O 00, •Together wrth our Compete Stock of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CHAIRS TABLES,, STANDS, SPRING- . . BEDS, lIATRDSSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, • And In tact everything to be found in a First-elms Furniture Store, CHE.kPFX. TIIA* TUE CTlEArktir • • T) EMI-MUER THAT WE ARE NOW SIANITAC ft, turitrz, and do 'on",•r- goo4a of our osrumann facture .itti.e.r than you can buy city•made piml elsor!4re. Lumber tal. - en iu exen.:lngu for goods. We: also furnish ROSEWOOD CASKETS. METALIC r.via kL CASES, AND COEFZ'S Of Every dEseripti”:l 13L'Iltii, ROMS,- CAPS. hr., Atia we alm) have the FINEST HEARSE Iu this section of country 43Cadat delivered to the De of free of charge rAME - S O..FRosT S §o:is Towanda. Jan. 11, 1871 ANOTHER . NEW FIRM. . , ."..- IF U 111. IST T. '1" u - n. la. ~,,, LOWER THAN EVED.. k J. S. AIiI, Y N- A: .0 0 - .i - Raving purchased the Furniture Store..-..0f . 0. L. Pia - dliatt in 3lercur's Mock, have added largely to their stock. and non. offer • • FURNITURE , i ~ • . . Of ev'ry •description at prices which Iva. DEFY COMPETITION. 1 • Haring purchased the stock for (IASI!. they fee warranted in\ saying that they can offer greater in ducern,nta than any other . establishruent id the county. Towanda. April 26, 1571. Boots and Shoos. GRSAT - BARGAINS' IN BOOTS ez.STIOMS EXI:2I sn BOOT' AND VIDE STORE, Sonth end of Wird Rowe; The ttroliirsigned are resiciyir4 a Large sua,l, laded stock cif" ' Y .ND SH(YES B 0 T S Suitable for the • SUMNMS'AND i'ALL TRADE, licbleh.wo offer low for Cub. Consisting of GENTS, LADIES, AND CHILDREN S - WEAR. SEWER AND PEGGED BOOTS MADE TO OLDER REPAIRING NEATkr DONE g.ND READY WIIMi PROXL9ED ,Thankful for past !Ann, a Porldt'3 continuance of the sanTar" MAIM= WOODYJILD. Towanda, April 5,1649 TtOOTS AND SHOES ADE-AND ,REPAIRED.: I J. C. 'NELSON, j Ilas made arranireinents to accommodate 'customers . that are constantly' boots and Shoes for new soles. etc.. and have had to leave - them, to their Past disadvantage. until anoth'er day. The constant tall for this kind of work, and the desire to Dice it done immediately. has Ludt:Lad me toinaka such ar rangements that you need net return home- Without your solo tiding renewed and yotmheels set square, For prices that are hoiii;st and perfectly fair. Ladies that hini gaiterw.that-are broke at the toe, To this repair-shop is 4 — &6 for to go To get them re-ramped; "neatly tipped or lialli•soled, And your feet wellOrqtected from the wet and the WA New work we Mu-make you - With the, above double quiet. -. We can make them for you thin, or we can-give them to you thick,' We eau make them with high heels, or we can giVel them to you flat. So yet. need not stager with a brierMemr hat. N N.B.—Good cider vinegar for sale loy band or gal„ Front of Methoelist church, Main street. , Towanda Dec. 1;,W0. . V.V. NELSON. - OOFFELF.i TEA:, SUGAR, FISH 2 N.../ ..tc., wholesale and retail, . i • ' - July 1. -- - McCABEAk MIX. I'ISH .PORK, HAMS AND LARD "COWELL & 11YEIM. Drugs and Uthitio. R. H. C. PORTER,I3ON & CO.-, OLD - CAbbi. DisIIG STORE, 09iner. Main azulL,Piao Streets. T0r4414 PL. , - titan reoently added largely to their stock. &Mend e.... plate assortment, constituting m ettenOve Vb. Seg. eirdssciag many article* need to the Asti for inechanical purposes, cared ulleielected with to the previa sive wants of the public, which wl ll ll korre a constintly supplied with fresh purchases, end ma the mast rmeonable Mime at Wholesale or eta. consisting of , • [• . . . . Dnros; MitICJSII4; Ctuonceis, • PAINTS, 02LS. YLltiall. • - . • ALCOHOL TITRIMMITE, PLECT. VAILNIS}4. \NIEL Axe:PTAS/1; And LltklDds of Brushes, KEROSRNE OR COAL OIL, Lew* sUADIEB, WICKS, ansmErs. Sperm. Lazd, Whale.lcreatsFoot. TANNER'S ANN . ILIMENE OILS; - Fanny and Toilet Arlinlaa all.thiti - variety. SPON4:II23,:IIIWSIIES, SAPS. comas, romatklt, rt:rtLyaery. POCKETBOOKS, PORT MONAIS, Pocket Knives, Razors, TOOTIL EIIEM AND HAIR .krizeaßanoxs, PURE WISES AND LIQUOIZS, • T9BAEgq, SNUFF, rIPE3. AND CIOARSi.: , •OardeMPield and Flower Seeds, Trusses, Sup porters, Suspensories. Shoulderzliraces. Breast Pumps, Diethimj Wants. Nursing Bottles, Nipples, Nipple ediells su.l Shields, Syringes, Bed Pans, Self-Sealing Fruit Jan!, 'ilk:- • mouteterso' Flavoring . Extracts, Stone • Jags. Glass Wire. Bottles, Vials, Corkii, Bath Erick. and Store Blacking. Fish Iseir.le, Am munition, /yr.:Botanic, Eclectic and llomoTath- Ls Medicines. and all the piqiuLar Patent • -MEDICINES.. All arti,lei warranted an represented. Perilous at a illpitance can receive their or‘b•rx by atace or , , Irluch w.ll receive prompt aml careful attention. -Heavlal advice given grata:l,4.ly :it thc. (non; char,nul only tarnat•ltrinec Thanlaill tor East liberal Fitt oni,;e, Would ICA. pcctfully antiounc•oto their thendAand the public,that bn pains! *hall be 'spared to eita,ty, and io.rit, the con tinuation of their confid. , nce and . are vreacriptions trona 9 to 10 acct Ithit: to 1. and 5 to 6 p.m. • - "H. C. 11/11TElt.' SON ,k. 0.). July I. I