Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 05, 1871, Image 2

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News Frain all Nations.
ex has -appeared-in
—Tlie small
White: ro,his are new being
captured to verieue parts of the country.
—Nilsson wits announced to sing
Wilkes-bare on Friday orating _
=Lock Haven has ceased shaking
with the ague:-'.--
. .
- L--- - . The peeilii3:sof . .Bellefonte think
h i i
the pun water -t si wate t flows in the State, •
—Tyrone is,. *.otning, one of . the
m ist prosperous bAhughs in the State. ,
--L - Theaas Ogle of 'Erie '.are the
..i . I
most prolific in tbe i State. •
--Thd' weather at Salt Lake City
is very warm, and here, is much sickness'.
—The Freshinen clasi in Powdoin
collego.ntimbers fifty. ' .
—The - ferry boot at Quincy, Illi
nois, is kept busy try emigeant trains bound for
: } :,-7. Mr.. Elli 4 of Moultrie county,
Illibois last week, , ook a rich specimen of g old
q uartz from his coal mine.
_ --
At Vienna, - lampwicks which
1.1. , t a yeal: are -made of asbestos boiled in
--Somebody is anxious to turn. the
'Mammoth 'Cave of Kentucky into a -inuahroon
- - --There is more military enthnsi
'aim in the western'than -in the eastem - firt of
„ . •
~'"-- -L ast week' the-:Clinton county
,rants jute recOmraended theta clock be placed
is the court botte.e.
--The contract to remodel and re-
F air the -Clinton bounty jail has been let to
I:lebard Clendenin for $.17,000
—Typhoid fever has been very fa
i44 York county, particularly the southern
pee-tion thereof.
- —Larger qUautities of buckwheat
efo harvested th tho Northern part of the
St a c thap any former year for.many years.
is claimed that there is less
Lif , iy,s,i in Pittsburg than in any -otfier city,
conlraratively, in the country.•
Benjamin - -lenness; a wealthy_
rf-siilent of Lynn,ltass., aged G.l,' shot himself
on Friday.
--The safe of the,SOuthern Hotel
tAIiF, was robbed of $3,500 on Saturday of
• --About 2( persons committed su
icide by jumPingifrom.theSt. Louis ferry-boats
during the past lace months.
—The .ext usiyomorocco factory.;
t' .loscph Selipenning4,M Philadelphia. was
• 1111111 ed 100,000. -
u-Kluii members have
.be- -n arrested in 'ork Cminty, South Carolina.
They will he trial in Columbia in November.
. _
--A daughtkr ofl-John . ._ Mainers
residing - sbar I."rei , :nfield;'. - '.ohio, accidentally
sh,d her sister op Fl.iday.:.:Witir a pistol. The
. .I‘,.und is supposl tfr_be mortal.
• .
- • —H. H. Eaget4 committed suicide
sr St. lA,nis on Friday.;_by,-.drowningi A coat
fund on the riv - q - barik-e.optained a:letter
that-lottery tieLlts'.had ruined him.
—The fanners of Franklin county:
_arc becontink f moss as - scientific groweiv of
superiol . fruit, aid ship Large quantities to for .
7„ mixt:eta.
—ln Norristown there is now being
laid a cinder pa - emeut, -matinfactured by the
, "Impervious St no Company." - They must be
.a hard set to de I with.
—A man ied his horse to a port
co in St: Loui . The. horse pulled it down,
and the ims - ber the - hem had to pay seventy
' five dollard"dan age
—A Chic go. heiress .has made-a
. runaway match with a-gentleman employed by
• her unclo-in tle respfmsible capacity as host
---- - Tuttle e comet will be, visible
during this int ith - and next, . Its i)eribeliolt
passage, according to . Professor Luther, of
Berlin, will declrabolit November ;10.'
-- - -
—Lumber is becoming scarce 1 . 6
Cic.aitield (Anil, and
raising crops than 'fel ing
Mnbc,r, h - .
• .
- -It is ciimeit the 'Reading rail
road has laid - 14er° rails. thus far, thamany oth
er road in the /State. It is c.mpelled to- have
immense side racks. - ~
• .
=TLC st; dents of Wesleyan- Uni
ersity, at Middletown, COnn., aro only requir
e] t. , .att , ndOelreligious service each Sabbath,
mstead,of two al heretofore. . .
—Ninelysim new dwellipg-houses,
not to speak olmanufactories, and stores, were
added. to the { luation of Beverly, Mass., last
>ear, and thera atO over fifty Imildings now be
ing erected. 1 -
~ c,
I-, -
—New - I[3eclford enjoyed its -first—
icle.vide tire-alarm on Monday evening.
Tio 'remen }sere espl , rially pleased, as the
alarnl. was a falsa one and was followedThsa
colialion for their benefit.
I •
—;-Cho 1 Memphis Appeal sayS:
•'ls+'have a half dozen ears of corn grown on
' the plantation of NI, Nealitt, -7 two miles andia
- half from theleity, that contain six thousand
grains. They weigh about twenty pounds.' I
- --- 1 fledge;Sterling — ' some eighty
) cars of age. has been sent to the State prison,
on Pochniond.l Va:, for a term of twenty-ftve
year. 4. His chance of serving out his term lis
all) till: 1
-•- . i
—A colored swain in Owensburg i
. r . ' Ka., was poisoned on Friday night by a rival,
who administered tko deleterious drug In a
glass of beer. The patient was saved by a jp
dioious tin o i epicac and castor oil. 1
Sainnol. M. Carpenter, a well
• Lcowujourmilist, died at-St. Paul, . Minnesota,.
on Saturday , 16f consumption, in the thirty-first
yaar of his al.;le' At the time of his death he
was managim 4 editor of -the,SL - Paul l'ressi-t
--= Dnrin the past' year seventy
i— . ..
...,,,.. life 'just ance companies in the Statelof
. ..N..v I* , :ik - re eived as income $106,651,004, Of
whichl9l,46 - 119 was paid in as premiums,.
The sum pair. to the insured Was .115,158,301. i
- • ,
At Al ,any, all whom it may con
cern are in a delightful state of bustle `acid
preparation fir the State Fair, which opens
next %eel. the flriral tent 100 by'Bo feet ar
ri-ed at the roimd,on Wednesday. ' - 1
i .
—A Ge 'an convict:in the Pitt's
,bprg Peniten iary was seized with hydroPho
- ltds. last Salrt . rday. Ho was bitten in 1865 *t
vnhurg, irginia, Hydrate of chloral was
TlhidniT, used i the treatment of the case. 1 •
—Mrs,l3yers, , widow.' of the late
Charles EA3Yera, chiel' engineer of the - .
ing railroad Oompany, has just received 110,00,
the 'amount of insurance en- her husband's
life. '
-At • th
week, Johri
was sentence
for robbing
i+ Lis fiurth
• courtm Lock Haven. last
Brooks, aged _sixty-seven years,
I , to thepenitontiary for two years
' shoe storo at Clintonville. This
to that institution.
•orouglt fathers of Lewis
burg have font:id it necessary to appoint Jack
son M'Fadden a policeman to keep a watchful
vie on the law-breakers and rogues which in
fi-ktt that-gads..
cated with Jr
ton City Tree
tenced to.tbc
on iiaturdtty.
Collins, who was impli
lin Bull in the robbery of the Boa
isury somo months since, and son-
State Prison, was pardoned out
erap,arailee Reform party
ncaster county, it having. keen
r .l some of its leaders are the acf'
eta of the lager beer interests,
the principle of doing anything
• Tire
fiz7,le in
dit.eovered t
tine legal a
Filo believe i
for money,
inton, lowa, Eagle saj's 1
I xt
irosny.peoplo anxious to attend a
ore were in that -place liondaylof
hat was the day after the diseer
tnpt-to set the Vinton graded
never saw, sol
funeral as";1: 1 1.
last; week. ,
ery' dtt;
rchoul un Ar.!
nday night of last week,
•,. Wis., a house was struck by
current passing down the chlin
lepipe to the-floor, killing a dog
Av. and knocking the slipper off
Miss. iShcrnuin, who sat at the.
—On S
at Sexton ill
lightning, th
- ney and sto‘'
under the nt4
.the foot of a
lb revolutions cost,. on an
I li,sog- francs ($4,600,000 in the
inage alone; and -the papers aro
' iluestion of dting away with a
must be than ged every time.there
government, and substituting
r•CQin stamp . ”Giiilia," or ."La
would bpld
aveyage, 12,
matter of rt
agitating ill ,
stamp which
is a change
1 r it a shill)!
Franck," aril:
Lou factory, 323 feet .in
J' et in depth, with a capacity for
is just being completed at
.'k,1,4 is One of the most.
g of -the kind in the
the .1,-ropp r .y a company with
." —A. e; CO
length awl 7
15,t00 P paid]
Nashville, T
it in
:ing of IS'ilitwin and the
ic. - 14,..,, iz.,i-t... in .-. 7, , ,,,,,,r, j ,t. pay*:
.4.rf14 tiVtl'lri 'a:::-' FiLI.W4.4 1.4.11D f:-;-t:,7 mr-itaii - bg libe
, t , t, :„.„,;, 22 , -;,-;:*%/.. , ...,za.,r7 that trio
; cal. a-4,;.1",
..-t.t. a ~ .:.....4),, to. t. 4.41 a
~rdv,A., . .41.- 1 ., 4 ~- 1, . .q.e..q. tua , irovrirk
• td.l',f, trA P.L.....L.
ewaling Pre -x.
For the Brat
opera' p,rl4
gres t.t.::t art:,
c Laracei
hitherto etri
viii4o%* ‘,! Li
fratlfoxi %gotta..
E. o. aooorucm
Towanda, Thursday, Oct. 5,18 n:
ItErvitiLle-lic STATE TICKET.
OF 13FAV)2.-
001. ROBERT , B. BATH,
OF satin:am-
Ir , epubilean County sUket.
as:rxmca:l - TATtrsA,
B. 11. BUCK or LERaYscu...Bono'
*.T. B. S. DARTT, or d.orros %no'
Assodu:rs 3g Yo r..
CArr. J. B. REEVES, or' kruENs.
- tasirciusk.
WILLIAM 17.. LT—VAN, or Grum-Jur..
A. -R. BROWN, :Or HEnuicE TwP
von corxrs
Republican meeting have been
sppointelaS follows :
CENTEX. Curncu, wiNnirxm, rm - DAy AFTER
NOON, October 6, 2 o'clock, p. 3t., to be ad
dressed by lion. GEO. TANDON, lion. E
cry, Gen. T. 11. HITE, Hon. U. .11E1ICUR.
Ltßitysvtu.r., SATURDAY, Oct. 7, 2 o'Clock
Speakers, Gen. T. M. HITE, of Hen
lucky, Hon. U..3IERCUR, Hon. GEO. LAN
'DON. '
EAST Smai.votrul., MONDAY, Oct. 9, 2 o'clock
r. u. Speakers, Hon: GEO. LANDON, Hon
EasT:Sx - rnini:Ln; 3LONtIAY PNENING, Oct. 9.
To'be i acblreviejl by Gen. T. 31.. VITE, and
Diher,speakos,.-, '
0 >I Oiti)t• il 11 t lA/ titti tl:Atill
In the County ticket, the tickets
,shouid read For District Attorney, in
stead of ". For Prosecuting 'Attorney,"
as first printed. 'The error has been
corrected by a reprint of the full sets
of tickets. ,We call attention to the
fact, for fear that the corrected tick
may not reach every district, in
which case-the word "Prokcuting"
should be erased, and "District "
written in:
Election Board S —will erase upon
tally and return papers, the word
"Prosecuting,?" and write` District
before Attorney:'
WS' The Legislature of, 1872, will
make the Congressional apportion
ment of this State. Upon the com
plexion of the next Congress will de
pend the fate of the Tariff and the
salvation of the Union men of the
South. A Democratic Congress will
gise us flee-trade-and the Ku-Klux
rule. Under-the Legislative appor
tionment bill of last winter the Re
publican majority will be but six' in
the House,if we carry all the districts
calculated upon. If the Democratic
party has wmajority in the House,
as it new has in theAenate, we will
have a Democratic Coitressional ap
portionment, by means of t which the
State would be :misrepresented for
NOW Suppose, by seine, mysterious
dispensation, Messrs. Bunaows and'
ROCKWELL should be elected to the
Legislature. By whom would they
lxe influeneed, Col. PIOLLET, to whom
they ow E e their nomination and eled
tion, or would they act in good faith
with the Republicans ? i lf the Colo
hel.could persuade thein to take a
Democratic nomination, would he
net_find means to control their course
in the Legislature, so as to benefit ,
his political friends. If these gen
tlemen should be in the'. next Legis
lature, elected under exiting circum
stances, it would ha co4trary to all
,precedent, and against Xll reason, if
they were not controlled and dictated
to by C - 1 . 1. , PIOLLET.
Therefore let every BJepubliean on
eleetion lay discard personal feeling
and vote for members of the Legisla
ture for PEar:Ly H. Bitcx and B. S.
DARTT. wa;
-,. They are, faithful Representatives
and true nul—they are sincere and
earnest Republicans--they are not
tainted by affiliation with Democracy
—and their Legislative coarse is not
involved in doubt: While regarding
the public welfare, they] will not dis
regard the interests of the. Republi
can party.
M.. One of rioLLit's', hobbies, has
always been the taxes, 'And he pro
fesses to be particularly Aggrieved
this 'year. - Let the . candid reader
judge, whether he has caitse for com
plaint. V.
_E. 'A: J. E. - PII4LET own
some eighteen hundred acres of land
in Wysox township, most of it under
the best state of cultivation, besides
a large amount. of personal property
in the shape of horses, cattle, dc.
Two hundred thousanddollars would
be a low estimate for their property,
and yet they vVere taxed on eighteen
thousand dollars: Mfr.. HINDS one of
the Commissioners knowing the facts
in the case advised the ra, isitrg of'the"
valuation, which was done and four
thousand dollars was added, so that
thode gentlemen, who ate worth near•
ly a; quarter of a million, only pai
taxes on less than twenty-five thous.
and dollars.
sel6 Copperheads are reporting ell
over the county that the cornrnission
era have - already exPen'cle , l over Len
th9),F . :7nd dotiar: , on the jail. The
it)eit (Attie work itu.frfitr-cloelt not
halt 4hut .Liul4. I Exatiine , the
Pay Ltoll4 and wiavityHe pArselvea:
•... _____ •
We fear that the -Rep:Limns of
Bradford are not sufficiently awaken
ed to the importance of elixting the
Republican State Ticket on Tuesday
net. We would make. S last . and_
earnest appeal to every l'tepublican
voter, not to neglect a dnt which is l
as urgent and pressing as yhe die:-;
charged during the past ten years.;
That the offices to be fille are ofiit
tie political importance, , hould not
decive any one es to the magnitude ,
of the interests involved.
vania is confessedly the ba
upon which is to be
Presidential contest of 872. Suc-,
cess this fall, makes
. thit'
victory in the neatelectio ._compara .
tiyely easy. The glorious victories
in Maine and California, cif followed
by oar triumph in this . §tate, com
pletely rout the already demoralized
Democracy, and insures the. re-elecl•
tion of Gen. GEIST.
Nungylvinia, through 1
neglect, will inspirit
and make the work more
We urge upon every
the duty of casting his v
Republican candidates
worthy of support is u
We have seldom been inc l
in the selection of our sts
ers. Of their honesty at
even the Democracy ha ,
iu utter a doubt. It is
so much for their perso. vindit
tion,that we desire suceiss, as for the
support and efidorsemenl , the triumPh
would give Ito the National Adminis
tration. The defeat - of he Republi
cans in Pennsylvania would be held
over the cOuntry as a want . of confi
dence in the administration, and a
rebuke to Weir wise and- beneficent
policy, Are Ole Reptipcans of
Bradford ready fo‘becoine a party to
such injustice?
It would be an insult
Bence of our people to suppose that
they are not fully impre'ssed with the
importance of not pe mitting the
Government to fall into the hands of
the Democracy. Yet th y will direct
ly contribute to the danger of such a.
disaster if they stay at home on
Tuesday next and pernait-the election
to go by default against us. At no
time within the piLat teia years, has a
victory been more of a jnecessity for
i the. welfare of the count,ry than now.
The conflicts of the pat, the results
of previous victories, an the hopes of
a prosperous future to the nation,
are involved in the pending
The Republican party of.:Bradfo4
which has 'heretofore contributed so
largely to the success of correct prin
ciples, should not now falter. A Ma
jority of 4,000 for 'tbe RepubliCan
State Ticket, will be onr,share of the
majority which Pennsylvania should,
and we have reason tO believe t will,
send forth on Tuesda:ci evening next
to the country as an erapheic.deelve
.ation that the eudavor of GIVLST i and
his constitutional advisers, to tackles
ly and economically administer the
affairs of the nation Ire appreciated
by a grateful people. 1 ,
' Republicans of Bradford! U we can
give that majority! Shall it be done!
Answer, every - true Ripublican a the
polls' '
166 l ed that
t i
reports are in circa ation in Some
- parts of the county the effect that
the CommisSioners dined Messrs.
CL krieS bid "for bra ding the jail.
The author of this aeons false
hood, "knew that he /irdAen started
the report . The truth is the Com
missioners offered seileral parties the
work after Messrs. 1 CLARK refused
to execute a contract
in-es they agreed to I)
is CLAIM ' S letter:
7i, t!te ().10 bis io nerd 0
For reasons dully explain i t
Loomis, we withdraw our explain
the jail, in Alcor of Vie no
• After consulting with ori
matter as well as our own
not enter into the contract
is they arc. We think , w
selves in so doing. We rtzi
very mach we assure you,
good faith as builders. '
Not thinking it particthi
you to-dap, we remain,
• Yours,
The explanation spoken of as made
to Commissioner Looms, wasi that
they had made a mistake of ittecire
thousand dollars is estimating the
stone. Mr. FaiNs'sstimate was five
thousand dollars legs than
bid, and sa fa'r as the work has pro
gresSed, the cost has
. net come up to
the estimate. The Pay rolls cif the
commissioners will be exhibited to
any one who desires to see them.
i i
11112, - The Chicago 1 'ost says: '' The
Democracy are fond of declaring that
President Grant is the weakest man
in the Republican Party." They are
so well satisfied of , this'that an actual
shiver comes over them for fear he
may be renominated, and put ;their thntest4 One of the latL
eat dodges to get rid of this "weakest ,
than" was to set afloat the report
that he had refused a renomination.
That,indeed, is their chief point. If
he would only decline, the party; could
sleep nights without a, vision of de
feat forever taring ;them in the face.
As it is, irere is nothing they ;dread
so bad as his "weakuess."l .;
ags.on Saturday, at 31illfor4.' Pa.,
Judge DECKER senltenced W MAIO!
CAr.nou, and JOHN trAERINGTONi, aged
respective'y fourteen and fifteen
years, for puttin . obstructions on
on the , :.Erie Rail ay a short! time
since to pay a fine [i)f one htindred
dollar each to the County court and
f,, ) two and a . half gars solita6. con
fin ement in the Philadelphia IPeni:
ten liary ; Judge deliver , ..d the sell
tene -2. with great feeling. strong
men wept - and I.llk, scene was very
irnimogi. iNe...
.o 1
Nothing-now remains to be done
to secure a splendid victory in Penn
sylvania' but to organize at once, and
then get out the Republican vote on
election day. Strong as are , the in
ducements offered to honest , Demo
crats to, at least, abandon their par
ty, which seems incapable of honesty
or of progress,yet eve are not of those
who rely much on conversions from
the Democratic party. The rectitude
and the courage of the Republicans,
their devotions to liberty and their
faithfulness in the administiation of,
the Government, their truthfill devo
tion to the best interests of the la
boring men, their redaction of the
debt, State and National, their light
ening of the burdens of taxation, and
their vigor in .pursuing official cor
ruption, whether in their own party
or of their opponents, is before the,
country, and is well known. If these
attract the votes of honest Demo
crats, well. Bat let it not be for-,
gotten , that party fealty holds men
after respect for party rectitude has
departed;"and that fear of denrincia
tiontiften causes men to remain in
political fellowship long. after that
fellowship has ost its charm.
Seeing this, let it be remembered
that to get out our own votes is al
ways the best and most effective thing
to 'ao. Every voter who stays lit
home might as well not exist, so far
as the triumph of his principles is
conec;rned. And it is seldom so ur
gent a call can be made on every Re
publican, based on real danger, to go
to the polls and vote, as can be made
now. Our noble party is just in the
middle ofta noble warfare. The re
construction of society in the lately
rebel States on the pripcipleslof Lib
erty, and on a foundation of Jruitice,
is being secured; brit it is not yet
done. The hope, yet lingering in the
rebel heart that a political revolution
is imminent' in the North, which will
place the Democracy in Federal" Po
wer, is sedulously inculcated, and in
many places believed. Under this
hope a bitter warfare against the just
and merciful reconstruction of socie
ty in the South. is waged. Destroy
the last vestige of such a hope and
the peace of our land is secured. • No
longer enabled to rely on their north
ern sympathizers the recalcitrant
rebels will give' up, and sulkily ac
quiesce iu the inevitable logic of the
• war.
'Tennsyl- ,
tided the
e loss of
pathy and
r. enemies,
severe nez
•• ts for thp
i Messrsi.
t they 'as
questione .
k.e fortnnat
.3 . ldard be's. -
id capabilit
re not dared
ot, however,
tat 'ndita•
o the intel
This is - the first; and highest duty
of the Republican party, not yet fully
performed. But it is by no means
tlie-obly one which renders the con
tinuance of our iu power a na
tional necessity. The steady reduc
tion of taxation and of the expenses
of the nation; the continued protect
lion to American labor and capituli
the splendid financial. achievements'
by which the nation's debt- is being
paid, and our bonds negotiated at a
reduced rate of interest; all point to,
e absolute necessity for reposing
power and confidence in the great
party which shows such high opaci
ty in both„war and peace.
If these are true and cogent rea
sons for refusing to withdraw confi
dence and support from our party—
and there are few honest patriots who
will gainsay it —then the duty of
every Republican is plain and high.
The prominence of Pennsylvania in
Federal affairs is universally acknow
ledged. Next year comes the bitter
est fight yet known in American pol
itics. The effort of the • Democracy .
to grasii - again the misused power
which an indignant ~a nd betrayed
people wrested from their grasp in
1860 will be the last frant,ic struggle
of desperation. Their ,defeat. -will
bring despair. And, deprived of all
hope of future victory by a crushing
defeat now, the festering infamy of
nic4ern times will die, and 'rid. the
earth forever of an anachronism in
politics, and an intolerable nuisance
from which our country has only re
ceived rebellion, obstiuction, and na-
' l et the ea*
it for. Here
..„una, July 3,
to CoorarnisHioner
id for the buThling
'eft lowest bid:
tional disgrace. To reach so desira
ble nu end it is only 'necessary to de
feat the Democracy-now. To defeat
the Democracy now only requirts
that an organized effort be
get out our vote. It is every man's
duty. Reader, see to it that you per
form yours!. •
r friends upon the
r interest, we could
knowing the, facts
are justifying our
the circumstance
3s we were acting in
ly necessary to meet
S. Ci.AnKr,
ete-Twenty.eight leading pennsyl-
Tanis Democrats, with the Hon .
Richarh Valli at their head, - have
published an address to the Dem
'ocratic party of the State, in which
they argue at, some length that the
fourteenth and fifteenth ainem3ments
were illegally adopted, that to accept
them would be in direct antagonisinto
all the history and traditions of the
party. This is another specimen of
the wayin which the 'new departure'
is received. There is not a State in
the Union where the Democracy are
unanimous 'in supporting it.. In
some instances they coldly submit to
the. Ohio platform. But in many
others the principle pen aro bold en
ough to come out, as the PennsylTa
nia men have, and declare that "this
is a white man's government, formed
for white men and their posterity for-
sm. Pennsylvania is sure for ten
thousand majority for Stanton and
Beath . Democracy everywhere
throughout the State is divided in
'council and demoraliied in action.
It has become veil known that Chair
man Wallace. has abandoned the con
test on the State tickeCand is bend
ing every energy to see ,e. a _Demo
cratic majority in the Legislature,
hoping thereby to secure - the positian
of United States Senator. To our
friends we say, stand by our own
nominees., don't be persuaded to cast
a complim - i - ntary_ vote for a Demo
crat. Our eandidatea are eminently
worthy of support, and should receive
it. We owe nothing tO Democracy.
ofir7 Vote early
This gentleman, selected by the
Conference as thelltepublican candi
date for the State Senate, is eminent
ly worthy of the csiinfidenee and sup
port 6f the : Totem Iris personal
character is - above reproach, whilst
his abilities aro of the highest Order,
and will command for him at once a
Position of influence in the body to
which he will bo elected. To take
advantage of the feeling in this Coun
ty upon local questions he has been
falsely represented as being.favorable
to the Herdic scheme of disruelieber
ing.the County. His-very frank and
emphatic letter, denying the allege
'Eon should be sufficient for every
citizen. But,to those who have not
a persopal aequainiance with Mr.
Frrca, we would say,that he is a geli
ileman in whom perfect and implicit
reliance may be placed, and who on
this, as well as all other measurer,
either public or private, will consci
entiouslyrendeavor to carry' out the
will of his Constituency. He is ac
custotned to think , and act for him
self—and will not be an instrument
in the hands ..Of any' man or - iit of
men. ye have no hesitation in coin
mending him to the_confldence of our
people—and in stoking, -our. reputa
tion that lip• never abuse that
confidence, but that ho will, iu 'his
legislative career, consult the wishes
and interests of his constituents, and
Close term of office, without the
suspiciOn-of improper influences hav
ing clouded his reputation. I •
The Harrisburg Telegraph, of Fri
day 'last. says that Evans is in New
York, under the protection of the'
Tannrianytribe,and that "under a dis
tinct bargain and:understanding, the
loaders of the Democratic party of
Pennsylvania have engaged to pro
tect Evans, and to aid iu cheating
our State out of a large suiu of mon k
ey, in consideration of promised help
from Republican, depply implicated
with Evans to assist t-hem to elect
11cCandless. HeCandles:_i, if'electedl,
is pledged to cithcr abandon the
prosecution of Evans, to obstruct it,
or to so audit his accounts as. to coy-.
er np his defalcation, and thus phut
• der the out of the sum of $:337,-
000 !""
. The Republican's of the 'State will
stop this speculation by . electing
Stant -
jn and Beath; and carrying the
Ler," ature, and will then probably
get to the bottom (4 the Evans busi
ness. . .
How ts IT L.—Does P 1012.1.7 echo the
Arimg,or does the Argus echo PioLLET?
We hear retailed upon the streets of
Towanda by the Colonel in advance .
of the issueing of the paper, all de
defe - stable slang,and low abuse which
that paper contains weekly. We are,
therefore, forced to the' conclusion
that these gross misrepresentations
find their way to the editorial columns
of the .4.,rgus' through the Colonel.
We have little taste for dealing in
that kind of warfare; but, if the. Col.
will persist in spreading his trash
before the public, he must not com
plain, if he is met hi the same spirit.
WI- If the Republicans of Bradford
should unwisely elect Messrs. Bra
prows and RUI ELWELL, - IVllO . Sf.' Repre
sentatives would they be,t andiwho /
would control their actio'n in the
Legislature? If Co!. Prou.rr's cap
tivating ways were convincing enough
to 'persuade them to be candidates
againSt the nominees of the Republi
can prty, woulfl not hid gentle and
winning manners be potelit
_in in
ducing them to 'vote to Satisfy him
upon all important questions? Would
they not represent Col. noraxr in
the Legislature, and him alone? •
c The Democratic pres. 4 of the
State iS constant in it reminders to
the party, rank and file, that a Xaiii
of four members of the Legislature
will, give them, a majority in the
lithme as well as in Po Senate. Les
sons of the most valuable character
are often learned from an enemy; and
this is one of. them. Let the Repub-.
licans of Pennsylvania remember
that it is their duty not only to retain
the control' of the House; but also to
redeem the Senate.
WILL HE ACCEPT suggest to
the Commissioners that ,considering
the past experience of Col. TioLtarr,
former Superintendent of the North
Branch Canal; that it might be well
to appoint him Inspector of cut ,tone,
anil other material to be used in the
construction of the jail. le services
would be valuable in case there
should be any suspension olthe work,
in taking care of all material_ left ly
ing around loose.
Scsaion.--Let,there be 4 - full Re
publican vote for Mr. FITCH, our can
didate for Senator. An erroneous
impression . prevails in the minds of
sonic otpur_p_eoplc, in -regard to the
man nominated by the Democlats for
Senator. He is is not A. P. STEVENS
who vvas - a Republian representative
in the.logislatpre frbm Susquehanna
county - last winter,
v but another
SrErmi, who is of the Democratic
stripe, and not a " Reformer."
lie asks support for his Candidates
on the " Reform ticket " for the legis
lature, because they have.lbeen Re
publicans, and then dencfrtnces the
whole Republican party as corrupt
and venal. If his philosophY is sound
why go to the Republican 1 party for
his candid* s ? lonest Democrats
will very naturally conclud'S that they
may as well vote for a rCgular
publican as for a PIOLLV.T , reformer.
The Gra.hd Lodge 1 1 . 0. of G.
T., in special ses`sion last Nteek,
ed a resolution censuring the editors ,
of the Keystone Cowl Tengilar"."for
vocating a third party. :
• -
One would think to hear the talk
of 'some persons, whose minds seem
overbitrdened with predjudice against
Towanda, on amount of the influence
which they ,claira is centered here, -
and -wielded to oppress them with
taxes, that the 'people of Towanda
Boro., taxed the whole county for
their own benefit, and paid , nothing
themselves, We entreat such to
move into the Bore,. •They would
then begirf to, suspect that the people
of the Bore. are taxed as. well _ as those
outside. The fact is, there is no
town in the county Which levies so
heavy a percentage of tax as Towan
da Boro., adding all taxes together,
they account in the aggregate to
about 1 - nly-three mills, or four and
three-tenths per cent. on the dollar.
very many honest well-meaning
citizens permit themselves to be pred
judiced, and their minds soured by
designing demagogues against the
'so-called "central influence," of To
wanda:- It is a convenient bugbear,
and furnishes the Whole stock in
trade of democratic leaders, and they
deal it out in profusiOn to disaffected
Republicans, for a purpose. •
*V* The Republican Senatorial
conferees for the counties of.Luzeine,
lloardb and Pike, met' in Scranton
on. Tuesday of last. week, and morni
nated Charles Parrish, Esq..,of
zerne„on the second ballot, over
Hon. Georg Coray,. member from
Luzerne ,in the last c. Legislatnre.
Parrish ranks with the best men
in the Common Wealth, and will, if
I elected, piove an honor to the dis 7
ite.. The New( York Ref)nblicitn
convention whil met at Syraense
last *eel: nominated the 'following
amyteoiler--.Nelpm W. ll(Vein3.
Slate 7)-castire,.---Thomas
AM.rheu Barlow.
1. - nginr ,, ,. awl s,trre , y,r —Wm. B. Taylor.
. tom.. After a, vain. attempt to find
some sleinoralized 11.cpublii:an willing
to accept the' empty -honor of a dem
ocratic nomination for Senator in
this District, Ptom.Y.T had to fall back
on a democrat from Susilmflianna
Wt. If Bunnows and ROCKWELL are
not Finder the control of Rigi.i.l7r,why
did that gentleman offci to take
ROCKWELL out of the field, in the
event of an independent candidate,-
coming into the field against DAHTT.
Ticiirrsi.-:-The tickets arti all ijitit
and put up ready for distribution
to the several districts. Such as
have not received them should send
at once for them to this office.
Every' EtTablican should vote
for the Constitutional Convention.
New Advertisements
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Nov Advertisements . . -
- TROY. PA. . '
In fast-class companiem. Alt&Lind Surveying and
Conveyancing. Twenty. yr;ars • esp. , ..cienen.
'Orders by mall prouiptly.attended to:
. .' 11: A. CANE..
Thu nfolvinintio,l hive on hind. and fut , rul. to
keep. a aupply of Sullivan Antbra4,te..l.larela,y, and
Lard Anthrarifr Coal of tbo variona altra,
St!pt. 25, 13.171. . G. H. WELLES & CO.
CAUTION. = Xinereas, lIiV wife
'ATTU:. hag mit my' 14,1 and hoard withont
just:cause or proYocatlou, all persons are hereby
forbid harhorin; nm ttStfling b , n• on my account, as
I will pay no depts of co:Tire:tin:4 after. this
did , . • I. 0. IX)1.10 E.
Leßoy. I's., 14, 23, 1.k.:71.
OTlCE.—Having been appointed ,
Trmtip ot the estate - et IR.nriett Gilmore,
late of- Carlton township; Itrsdford county. rn.,
ereeed. by her' List will and teatament: , l hereby:
warn and fqrtad all persons from pert:lasing any
prevrty en the premiere, from Issiah Gilmore, or
removinz the' same without ray coresesit, undei
penalty of prosr<ution. W3f.. 8. JAIINE.
srpll-w Trogee.
_ _
. , •
For sae at
Try it 4n4 be convinced
T i lOit • SARE.—The farm of ,Idsiab
Wolcott, late of Warren.. `Said farm is.sdualed
on the road from Windham t;l Owego., ltas silty
serP9 of good land, well watered and well improved.
20scruk of good he,tulock amber, good Loom
barn, wagon house and granery. 'Terms made ea...s
Enquire of L. B. WOLCOTT,. dr of 11E.S.It'y WOL
COTTom tbe-premlAes Sept
7 VOR SALE—A,larbi of about 100
A. aeires, situated iu North Towanda township,
near the Overshot 31111, adjoiiiing - i;inda of S!nyter.
SU acres improved, well. watered. Loom., largo barn
and home stable- Will be sold at a ilaru'ain„ If n. I;,t
sold will he for reirt ne-tt spring. A.).0 rive mere...
of corn. f.t acres of potatoes. t ac.r..4 of
. from 2U t 52", toner of 1.0 , !4e1.4 or oata,
threshed., 6 about LO bushel. cif wheat., I iiiow.m.; ma
chine. horoo rake, two warrolni ldtti., dra,.; and Other
farming utensils. Alio 4 le•gA, 3 Fpring pigs, 11
Yearlings; 4 tie, year 0144. For 4urthet pal tr4ulara
enquire , . on the proznis...e. •
• f'llAlll,E3 it.IYI:S,.
* - North Sept- 21. 1-871.—:iM..
• .%
.•I1 2 . 1.. or
PALI, .\ND - \VINTER (11)01)s'
rja...31. yn.4,sty.
DRY % G-qc.)7-)8
FANCY (t.)01.):•;; +':v ,
"VELN'.IU.EENS, \V - ,\IC'EIZPiI, - 0; )1:
Lo\ll 2 .l' It N. :IT I. it I C;
'' 'fl
c: : 4 ; ..•,.!.
k. J.
‘ 1 ,111 . 1-1:1il
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(11:1"-; AlrE!".l-. CA:lll.t•rAri. •-'i
Pa.. :01 trani4lllu,: litatemal at:,l
111 /11.1,
t:•-ay t. %
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ILIZoN ,';'
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,;01 - MES.
--•÷‘ E.
s,pi. 1.71.
1 1 0 W 1 4 - ir.D.
It A
•. THI: PAN .
--- : FOP, TITE - 13ENEVLT tri'
S's 0 0
TO ill: 07NIN Tel THE I)F
1000 moice,7B, r2z0r,..v,00
diSkrlllll . .i. l li 1 , -,./1 6 1‘ 1.•;.• • i I r , tri r ,
by lit,:r!rrs nlttr
tickrtr4 r •
. ,
$5OO in rl:4 - to "ir.. Awar3.-41
One Ca, GaL
Two (tick Gift q.. 5 3 .0 each
I'onr 6:ft", :a•:3
Ten Cash Glftst.
Twenty t•-•.,11,.
IV.• r.,pret.fully r t•,f;. r..
TCyket4 for sal- by t!:••lam:th,
ItcrA, of the Coulnay, a!Fo by our
ylp-re. , r , q , `" , '1114 Culamith
L. It. inosl
NV. F. N
AU c.. , ::ilituuicatiol.6 ...1.: ,, 111,11., a. 1...::,
1.. 11. 1'.2 s•iT, Chairmn%
• I,],i :1-:f
IV, aro frr,n; tiu . mi.nes,th, eery
brat 1" . 11"P‘ I TO:Ci, .PLTNIOTIL an , l SULLIVAN AN. I
TIMM:3:M COAL. whirh-m p-onos to ,;.11 at. flu
owest taarlicLrr:c.:
We rrmi,ectfally invite tlio: , .e.,vishir,ltornr..!,afie ti,
call an 9 examine Onr Coal.
Re raso kr•cp I me, fr b fr,•ta t;lir kiiii
We will deliver (041 nr Limn qhpne.ver
on short notice, naa:n.,- only the ciLstotaary price.
I. ,p'.,ls'7l-tr
r wbcat. pr. sack trt , al).. $•.; tv 1.2 , 2zi
•• •, a a . 0 ..... 4 I.:.
1. .. •• .• lyarcL 5171
Cagoin ariadina usually demo at onre, an the cs
pazity of the mill Is stfth-lent for n Inrgo amount o
Kurt. •• .
Camptom .I , lly 2:1, 15714
FON . 1 / 4 .
AATOOL !-50,000 DIS Nvanted by
:Iv. S. i;tICLWET.T.',
. V
prfre will paid. jai:S.7llf
SLTG_ It or.v.LL KINDS 111:47.1IL
tog at wholesale prkes at
7 New Adv'eitisomenti.
- .
. •
A.e.: atkidiot) 2.) tlr.:ir Carnal. , . 2 , 2. 2 . 2).2 . 22i51aug; gal
12:22.1r iL• ' •
. ,
F-Amzis ; - o z, S.
I{E\'TINU ~ z .• ((> sTovEs,
lIOUSII-; C.VON S!!():11. NOT.I.:C;I
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if A. I) P.' D P T U
13 s
(2. It) t. h e NA-1-11:1Lrers,
1. State Sits.
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1 1 RAN A; -- ~.1- y i- l iil: i..1P,',4: iN •i'iDIC.::AI)Pi..
, 0 A A. IL
NV. A.
rux mentrirs
Tt % INU.I, PS.,
Alwiy3 at. tivf
ItAN . Gr..c.VI:I)•I , CI: 2 ;.\ Ct.ti
C.A.; e•Lfi
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Itumphre7 - 8. - 13ros._
_.\ . Nl) SHOES
Vc - Yr :Olen and
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.his wh!LII 11:. 64•11.iti.:
AS . I,ol‘;''PlllEii
tiro riOlin; r-Liter.ll
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l' tlivi , 'p.m- a cati :mil yiiii wil . 1, • A.:Lustl.:l thftt it is
1 C.,. j•i ; k1•• to !my sik. , , , • - is J 9 thlAir,i, - . . .
I I. `fit
I "
,0rrc , ...:tr.(1 eyed rredr, • • • b
object to chtm got 4La11y... y C.'
7 et.intsb
Bnekvrtuld; i bilth •
Corn, bush
Oats, IS
Beans, Fro bush.:
Batter (roll?) - 1.1 Sr-
(10 (16147.1 M
roteitocs, Vi burl
Flour, It barrel •
Onions, "IS hush ...:. 9'....,.
Wrr.itrrt. t5O ; Cont. Pol !Ls - .
Rye C. lbw:. Oats :12 46 lbs. Ittpoks„!,,' a i
4 lbs. : Itramt Ibts..; tran ^0 lbg.; Clover
•, Timothy fier:ll 41 lha. ; I)rittd Ylisches - 32 - 11”
Dricul.A pities 22 lbs.. 'Flax &Ad 60 tbe.
ft.rthf:r noti r e.e.prireo yard
, 2090 poundA
Er. or No. 2 -
Slovc, or No.. 3 and 4 -
Silt, or No. 5
.Large Stnve
'S hall Stove."
Thir follow - 1w;
delivering coal the bnronl.-4 :
Per tott Web'. • Eth a ft..r carri'Atif, in 7..1
litar " • " ••
Quarter tt.n .
'Aare ljrrlttra at
Tura I:l6ck. foPtL.•
e"1 - ()rd ,, ra zinst„in' 'all ejo.4` 1)(". nce(jr
T.wStifla. Air:. 31.11. 1TE7.1.L.‘•
The C , •al Yard L.,.•••
Dock at tho ;.,
a large Cyal-litav , e and.thlice . •
rtpir pre t:,r(4l to fri ell .!..11 th" ,
tirinity with tto,lifereut tiN
I 4 Is , h - v r!, t •
p•r •‘..7
... ..~~ .:,::T.
r.t:e. cJfl
1: , a W.t.o•ral
'Half Ton •• ••‘.
fir; T6:l. •;.25 ,r • • •
(o , i•le , s f , 'at
tl• S•r• _t.
Druo. .t r••.
jqt.. .1,
The oldest, la'
sakst purely
Life InsUran
pany iri
(,) K 1 r.;
Llt SET; - n .'!,_,,,;, 1
' rittorney ii.
Mrs. Wm. H.
1 '
the semen - lei - 1
~ .
'state of the'
.'..; WARD.
• • k • ~;.•
NIT y ;1)1 N G .-C!
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pt.- t:.
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Th. , I , , i7niur 1,-1,, I 1 , 1
E:1111.1 •,
c.•.,1•1; •.•
rrm.lel,d; refr.rpti.lled.'
tit, rondo:lg an•l ulculerti •,••
4 . 1.1••••• 11• . •:••1. Sittiat. oppo,r!te •
•••!;::••• I.•r• • • ;
:14! Towan•la.. itht r :or 1 , ,,:t• • - •
I s•Tr.'7 l .. KOON 1 .; :••••• ; t
• •
v NEW - riltli. -
I , r. NV. 11. E'-ul tit'...'. , ; 1 .v..t : . 1: 1 l'r. t , . M.
z i.v- . of .10,r5.-ha,o f-r - ., , I a; Tort.ll
::e 4ru:>
• _ .
2 ,.
. . .
.\;t nlayll, f:. ;It.l at
•to tr pattnln n
T. 1,1 iwlth ~ k , aor
Startf,y %, - 2;11 , .. 6t It'
ttr.lays and ; U.Lt,'
1.1 '?.l-RAY.-1-fe:1111t• 11A1(r 111,c , 11e 1 - 0
of it, ull.lorifzilt..l
.mnruing Svi.t.:7lll , - r 1.
IMart,,. bout ID or 12 yrrq • o , *;tvr
1:11, 4 .
1,4 to 011111 11 MA{ll.
.Thar . .l. H••ll •
d'ef • , .II2VIMIng
cAIa•ENTEt: %Is;
.Nlo g tDY .CO.
- u. w.vrKlNs
St 40 ; 1
8 (B).,:ii)
IW, _
IL Piop
DAT, per it, t (raj.
•4 will lit rrLaui,!,
C ,- ;31 No. :, li.r.
Yard, C ArTIPT r , f
st I'..rt.
.0• aq-r.ll;r.ant , k c
0 0.6 t and
tt:t Ira!
ce Conal
Ince Co.
P.Y, Agent
tact for
of her in-
-r LL
A 1~1
1..-1 ArDA, PA
-7 5 - - - r 2 C:bil II 7, -
Y ~i f' y
• .1
ri'ONV_\ ,
Ilit.11)FOIU) eI:VN;TY.
. .
Irq 1
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$4 'co
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L. •
Dr ht ty