Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 28, 1871, Image 1

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' .... —...... . 1
.t - .
Titv., Uilitroan Itzeonarag is Publlsjited ern*
, Tim:o l y 'llorning by .8. W. &Norm. at Two
polars per annruli, in advance.: ,
I n i-Advertisitig in all 'caeca sib:al:idea or subscrkp.
1,1 ,, to the raper. - 1
. ..
ItirEVIAT. :NOTICES Inserted stirrryins awn par
q‘r tie ark insertion, and r t , in entrzi per line tor
~..bso, l oent insertions.- .
L0....f.L NOTICES, same style as resding nutter,
, T ives. - n - cEN - rt , ; , s line.
A u vr.l.TlttratiTS sill be lupe ) rted sleordbag to
.. r, , :,,wiv.g table of rates : j .
v I 4:4 . ?
2373 8m jCM I lyr.
$.1.50 I 9,00 I 9.00 1 6.001 10.0011 16
2.0c.11 5.00 I
_B.OO 1.0.00 1 15:00 I 90.004
2:5111 10.0011 woo 20.001 3 . 0.00
'5.00 - riaiTll 7- 00 reali
s.(hTt 12,00 18.001 22.00:7 30.00 145.00
Tio.ou 2A.00 I x 04040.00 65.001 16.1*
i„ nv , 20.0 1 40.00 j 00.00 50.00) $lOO l $l6O
talriint4trater's and Executor Notices. $2 ; Audi
t ir•ANotiMP, e 2 5a ri3nsinesa Carda; Aso linesrjper
,la t ti.ocal lines ll each.
' ..
,c4 r t ,.. rti , sera are entitled tn quarterly changes.
•ertivonents inn at hp paid tor in actra ace.
otht,, , as of AllPocistiottO ; Conamunicationa
t,• t nr itilividnal interontiand notices of 'Star
r n,t Boat t'3. o ( 43 dflig lines, tire charged
rst pei
Th.. Err.nerxn having a larger, eirerilatiort than all
1130 cauntynlrabtar...d,ttiakeS it thy beit
trxWorthent Pennaylvania.
eeery kind. in Plain and randy
with neatnexs and dlapatch.
ritinpitteta.BillhOads, Sgstemcnts. Ac
'l l %tele. printed atthe aheirtest
Ti,,ce aae acippliod with
a •assortintnt or ntan type. and
in the Inintrng lino ,can ha! niecuted
, manner -arid At fin lowest rates,
zUSINESS calm:
M. TINGLEY. Lieenked Aye
• Pa. All csitla promptly attend
\ 1day.3.1870
, Vr WALLACE. illEEtrit,
i -. , •
nr, -, , i. ,s•ras . :1 SR Fflth CO PA INTEIi:
j . .
1 r.—.7 . a1 , 11.. S , pt. 15, 1970-3 - I'' 1 .
• M.n , 137!.i Sl;lrigeils of the -
r' T. 7
To want. Pa
• k..1. , - N.—rll: , formerly 60417004 by Itercur
•.nP hoot smith of IV3rd 0011;% .
' s.
DI:111.10CR, !Dealer in all
7 , of. llor.firr Rlnto;. iTmcands. N.. MI
-, ';:ng promptly rttr.mlea to. Dirtier/1u
t•• Cottlige * itnil Frtm nUor.r.g
7! .
• - -
1 7 01\71,Ert, REAL ESTATE
e T:1 .1 T.FIt, lal ,I.Vm4llllOnD Strut,
nn-1 6"1-114 Rtre,tik. Chicar,o,
r-11ft,q1 4n.1 hivi , 02110:.7)2,P made
My 10.'70. ".
ANT) lITINai in nil raFli , .
•rt ,lIOOII',P, in 7,intelln . f3 New
fVor:t.Pr Drine Stnre,
• ' Mlls 31. .
. •,1.1.111;.
runts, 3, FltlZ
1,. , :riztanr. , •: - and lateNt siyle,
.11'rf)J11) f/ederal Fire
r P(4l, ks e4 , v , rlrt.T
1-y '11•!..,4r 71e. in WI-ortilila.
G.1) . 1. 4, 111),
:1:e. '7l. - K. r. GAITE,II.II,
TTI - tiFEF„ BE /10 ,‘'`.117777:
.k... ratil , rdar attcntt.n t'
,• ; •- • Tin• Ft.t. and
. • 9, - irk atht eltarve
fi ".‘I( Pr:A C.CEER, HAS
" -•• r. tt o T VLORTNo
' St , . wt. of
at -t t‘.
t •
: • ti
: I
.G11 , 01111,1'0 ,
hard-Wool. - •n
' .11
1' 1:f • \DIAN,
u s
i t '' .I. .7 r'% _.l GENC l'
r T 3
11,y .T. ,
I ), 1:e! ertnll,l ,- T.t
t;tl 411
) .11 Eli,
7. _ 1
i '11)172'. 1:14," -I'S,
tkitt !sr:111 . 1. t:11 et:nt s
h t {'.
, , 1 .‘
1. - :'lY7,•'"irt'.. - P.l`.-V1:1) II A - V F,
• • TOWZZ., rtLc
•l'a.! of 17.1,1,411, , ,
nr n , V . - 7 , i. I tki::::`,4l, , ,,Lt„ .r,,•.l att.
tr ~ . . 1 uh.o
.1 , • .1 14 0
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t , „roil
. -t:: I e
-il.l li., en TO
1.:1,.1 a:. I ,•tl.ol I pay
L . • ay{..
31 / ',,k; (*M., Bar,!:,•ritt,
Towta..l3. Pa,
.Ni I:tri‘Wp.ENT
j- 0 U
' N 7‘; flt L _l. '.O FEE D
.i:.l !I• , r : C.IS'J
' .
I • "' °
1 1 ( t'l,(ll.ltiNG
❑a4 that b.- la pr..,
rva 4.1(4rt
is )St: U TifE SAYa DAY
T." ti :Cht.',l:lVr.ll.
I I:: nfrar. Cor:i
1 , * • I .11.1 A C.Jr
T. th iivtn2e on the
rt • c.r. 1••••Lnaj t.t patr0...1.i." my null.
' • "1"F V: ‘,O/.11 thf.y
3:3,11 tipu - ar.1,1•
`i 1. i"..Kt I:t
Cf2.).l.`l_l"k SCIIOOL,
L . ' '1
iv ., Angliet
Lt. h , Dried Btcf,
r ,
P• 011 - EP.O .
. ,
•1: )1,
SL .A.l4VColtb, Publisher.
corNErizon AT LAIC, Towanda, P.
_LJL LAW, Towanda, Pa June 27,
INTAL r( 7 ),YLF, RNEY thanan .AT
LAW, Smith, south side de
9, 6 311 T H St. IIONTANYE, ATTO
1 1 / 4 -. 7 MIPS ex 4,51 X. t OBloO—ooll2l# Of if tin and
Pine Streets. oppoolterarter's Drug Store.
T • Hoe
W over Wickham & Mag.Towanda,, Pa.
Mar IL .
021 co in .Patton'► Block, over Gores Drug sad
Chemical Stare. • jaa
• Botith elide of 3fercur's Now Mock. tip et rit
April 21, "10—tf.
B. 31 cliE A N, ATTORNEY
• axn Cormxiazon er Law, Towanda. Pa. Par.
tlenlar seeution paid to business In the Orphans'
Court. ynly 20.
• „ A., (I)l.tri( t Attorney .for Brad
ford COllll ty), Troy. Tn. Collections made and prompt
ly mraltted.
fcb '62—tf.
I' • tc,:: . D. C. Dr.AVITT, Attorneys-at
e" • Lrn ., .., ToscandA, Da.. Tracing formed a "co.part
nereblp. tender their iibrofeccional rereimor to the
public. Special attention gPien to EVERY DEEKIIT
MENT of tho buainecs, at .the county sell. or .else
wb.c. l :4 &COD DiTVITT.
4. CLINTON Dr.N. 1 El .
TOWA.rDA. Pa., Dec. 12, 1670. •
T . .
ToreCll,ll 7 P,, A.TTORNEt
OAT LAW. Tinratldll, rtl, Paztientar attention
tn. to Orphans' Court business. conve3 - aneing and
-Conr•etious. Mee in Wood's new block, south
*4 the rtrk Nst.t.l,3nal. Bank, ur awn
1. 1571..
ei H. WARNER,. Physician and
sur g eon, Lenaysrille, Bradford Co.. l'n. All
calla promptly attended Oane trot dOC): Banta
o LortayavilleTionse.
S.,pt. 1,5, 1870.-n
'tcuy's AT Lap.', Towanda, Pa_ having entered
into copartnership, offer their professional services
to th.!•pnblie.. Special attention given to. business
in ills orphan's and llsjister's Courts. apll4'7o
r.. ostrvrott, rt. N. C. ELFERM
IT L Nr.YA AT LAW, Towawla. Pa.. The underahntect
having a.en..•Jat4slthenzaptreti together ia
at Law. ofrer theri pmge,gonal aerriera to the public.
.I;LYSsTi3 mEricrit. W. T. DANTE&
March 0:1919.
W() A. &
. Frick:
Amet. cipoFit, the Ccmrt 'nous°. Towanda, Fa
Oct. 27,'70
• pr.I:I'....:TENIYENT. Towanda, Pa. odlee with
11. 7d. Peck, - seennd door Isrdror the "Card Ifonse.
Wid he at the oak, the last SLltord:ty of rash rooith
and ot all other Ono,nb, n not Palled away on
ecnur eta" with the Follwrit , nd , nt-y. ]'tiers
shrotZkl hereafter be address.. dac above. dee.1,171
I.llATrrVv , es! ,, x. - Z 'Sgy-
Alttsma and vicinAY. Oft!,l asl re?9,dence It , A. T.
Cli,r ‘ rch Arlg.lo.'7o
r ;IY,It I
east Itopyrt,r builuiu~ Seal
1`,71." •
rowan s u. nitafora F.
P.l7tirritrir atter rar.l to C011...t?( , ms awl Arpllans'
?Id,* Nev. - 'north
I^lll,l le S•funre. al,r. 1. "n.
T\ol7ol - 1 0. LEWIS...A GraDtr
of ;clam and Srircr, -, 11,4,."
Se,v 5 •rk.e;ty, vivo , Ittb•nti6u
t• • t , .. , •• 147p•t;:•,.t otter an.lrcFlilenre
c: , tet 5•.1,,p.• Orwell 11E', ri..l„ j obnor Ber.rt
II•ot • t;•,t,•
1) 1.1. D. T). has
,;., 11. w,,-, 1.4 rty.
!,1 .r the Elev; s+ ?.•:, It•eliss
i ;.. • T, • tl;:In by
;, •, Tr. - :zo ; 0;1.. 1.7. t -yr.
lit 0 (-) S' •
-_ .I.l' tliewirt
is arr to ft-1,• tIo• Intt.t..;,-•:,- at :I'l et .
ay. ;lay all.l I
..N.4:1...± .10, 2;7.7.4, scol - rk
' t•.
e • I I,f
.- • r!
v. 11.1
.1 N, r:ve -.• ,51.9 :21::3 - pro
t•: , mgilyv•r, 3:cr
n•,,k M. , : I:. •
, - .
r. c. 1.1
r., • , ••••. , n f.,ruiPrly I'v S!,,frift Grit
-1... ;Lt. Cit. 111 , 1101 Of I:llrmuf , rfiell Cr',.'k is reLoir tt,
Kkitinit itatisf.a.t , 3ry
m - ty fm,..r him with
;,.TERN 7 -0 USE, TOW AND-1,
The ilnr , n4. gn.Rta r.f ellt
A va. , rior f o.4 y bf O l To:dir!" 13:to Ale,
T. .R.'10.122)1
- .7 , 1.T.C . 3, Jan, 24.'71. FropritAnr.
Ln Liv
_,JI ~
• TOW".,:im., PA.
V., wil, , , , rlber Latilng lea , Alarel 14tkly litteit IT
, c ,
th , "love rioter, lat•- l.• 1 ,. ....1.t by 41.71 i r.f4 a • salooli 4 latt - . 1 1
1.., ilin..; Irra•e, or. tie sont'f, -- f•ele vf - Ilitlty)}:
sTi; :1 - :r.11, , :ct so the, le 1; ' , w prepared' to
entel.tain the public with g , e , lo,ce,ciatlati.4 me on r , a
,,nel,le cliarg , .a. -No tr , .elle or osp.ree will 1, to aeoteni(Orite tlin , o ealling—ots him. Ma .
1,1. ',ill t., Syrtileleel Vilth. CAVACe rut of Ci.r47A, .
I,l,ce,rs. Meg, &e. -
(4 , ,,,,1 Stabling attaehed.• - 'MI. ntsny.
To.,..ia.Julw 1,1 , ,71,0t01 May 72 Yroluiet.e)r.
At the nla "Licit rt: R. rnii.alrief, Wooden Factory
SaA - ra9'..l, in ✓
Ii:1~r SSS ;:':LS, t 'f.L~.~` ASD'd . IZCIILCG
in c:larvt , -.l An
tlat inr.y
ro:::•:,•.• I" ,,, Ncrr.
lain a 2.! w 4,a , )::= of tbr yonr and fowl
W.. 01 CIO F....W.1%;!1 crr
..;J:, to Zur b I Li: r. r to i•ccicr.
cz.L•aa7,e for
..~~::.~~t.~c cL•a; )~:> nc~s
.II ed and pro:x.ll)2ly paid. LIK:ro la the
Anthoriv-cl capttal • ' 71 , (LVY.'9
02141 C:4•ital,.. ... • • t'2•OJ - ,( , (24)
SCITLAIIint-'fi.E/2.1.:•••a• T. BECRETI:Trva . O.
0. I , ..llitEriuilat, Vice Pr e. 3). B. Ji IJNE. Sccy.
J. A. Li:OAM. Ag,i.a.
hand a fr.".l nr,d
and a;i !: . ,1 his I!ac
4 E4 palring al
17 p manufactuil.4.; d;)
'owanda. AtLATIPt 23, IS7I.
)14 If y,
on and t:inz , :r' L. d u.n.ilps. and
1.11,5cu1t, and all ki1..16 uf Cracker,* te
7%. 'Lamb 4.'.u. W. A. ROCKWEd.I.JS.
ti Duzi, and ca.nizp rucrra, at •
5144c11 LON( Frrt rct B.
Inzonsuom cans.
GI:NERAL ucsruaNcE mitNT
./1- t lIINI,
(30(y: - )
July 21.'71
Slit'Cl:citt ,, 7 to illvtll,llmy
Over llocAl;'s St ow
Iffic • \ -
P. M. A. At. . . V. 111. P. IC
9:"0 8:00 TOWANDA 12:21 .7:10
2:40 8:10 135.IICZAY .1 - UNCTION 12;10 10:10
3:00 8:30 310NROE 11:50 6:40
3:3.5 9:95 WILCO X/1 11:15 6...05
3:45 3:55 NEW ALBANY.... 11:05 5:55
3:55 .9:25 WILLEM 10:55 5:48
• 4:30 9:50 1)131311011E 10:30 5:90
V. X. A. Y. , 1... At. P. Y.
31. P. G DlsAii,
°col Passenger agent
Shortest and most direcillne to Philadelphia, Bal
ldrooro, Washington. and the Seath.
Passengers by this roots take Pomaylsanla k
Neu - York - Railroad train. passing Towanda at :13
A.. 11., make close connection at liettdChan with Ex.
press train of North Peun'a Railroad, and arrivo In
Philadelphia at 5:45 P. IL, in time to take ntifbt
trains either for the South or West.
CitTpaatiengercare are at the Depot oti arrival of
a I trot 'convey taisoimgers to alio victims Depots
4t, ali pi rta or the city.
Leave N'crtli Petah, Railroad Depot, cornet Berta
av .1 Amyl-lean acre Philadelphia, at 'ldid A. SC,
arriving at Towanda clip P. 31, flame erelaing
31antes Da° Pape...—. collects and delivers bac ,
gage. oftleeNo. 105 Sort , / 11th street, Philadelphia.
Freight Teri ired at Front and Noble streets. FLAB
delphia, and forwarded br Daily Fast Freight train
to Towanda. and all points In Rualuebanna 'valley
with quick diqiatch. ELLiS CLAIIKE: .
Art. IQ. P. li. R.; Front and W llo w Ste.
,3 Philadelphia.
IWO trs2Eld S4IME.4 Nrrrilotrr
• O.ICkALLVAGrArp4: MANGE Or coannikel
And all points TS'est and llorthwest.
.777.11. 17...1202e; , Mara.
• And all points South and Sontlnrelt.
Nrw Ain Dirr,OVltro PrAWIPta n 0011.6 1 ,13 Stztnnd
CloAcuna, combinttiq all lrfodorn ImprnvilanAtA, are
run thmuch on all Trains b, twee n Bctdo, Nta,,--ara
SnspiAn,nm. Drid4e, Cleveland. clinctxuaan and
New York.
'.(l - 0 and :dter 'Mon& Aro. ISTI., traits will
icsrs Wsvcrly arsi,oa: the fullowit,j hours. :
4:02 aunt., NIGHT I.XPRESS Nerula,) - s
nocheptcr, Buffalo, ‘DnuldrY.- Cho o:auLl
cinnati, cortnectinz with the rah, ShGre:
rout (,rand TrUnk kin:Brays at Butia
ro3,lCleyclal:tl o. the Wrol; also :..t
lona with the C: C. C. & Ina. 'Bailin ay for Indian
tuul at Cincinnati with the Louisville t:t.vort
Line Ilru!way, telt the Ohio k Railway
for (fr.: S , rub. and Southwcst ; also with connect
ltl fines at.priticipal f , tatirtna on main hue,
4:4:: a. rt.—Nit:HT 1 - .3.11:F-S- , ;, daily. for Bac,ter,
Duflalo, 'Dunkirk. C'...•,1:1..nd snl elneinn4l. mak
ing dtrect ,7.onnevtilm with trains of Grand I-rtn.k
and I..ake Shure Itai!,ra,:.l. at Buffalo, Onntirk and
Clvvytana. for nil T)Wokt, and at Cincinnati
. „
with tha Ohio h 3 - fic , ism!ppi and Lcratsvi.llr Slott
LIK , Railways for ti.. South and Soutti-wt,t ; also
v Ith r , utt 1 , n.:3 at if.riciplo st:o. , .rila on
''‘T D ,
n'. fl line.
8:2" a m.—.II . AIL .74A ZN, gamlaye for
IlaZain *Ltd tam.k:rk.
5:'.35 p.m. —WAY 71:.11:ti, fc.r raMra, Samlays ex-
341.: M. I , AV ea.). pl,l, for
unr, r).:, 4 . int . tr..nar•
ti 7.1 s' .10 si prir.6l.ll tiat . ..l3s Ltd
polutß on train )/nc.
New ant
th.,w, train ig Writ to r.nff..tlo. nn.l
rtg C.m..11.•., sr.. ur tact.r.l nt rnn.
n:r a thr,' ton , l:.: , tlith.l(l4ol.l
/0:1. a .ra .-la. 3i ill.. ;Sin/days
Lao, Dunkirk and C'eveli,nd. connecting with trims
Pr - t-lIP Stem.
A tilr , ;pine Coach if, attactc...l to thla train tanning
thi-imth• In 72+ziTa:o.
7:C , (1 a. w Raztaass
2:V:1 p. tn. —EITIORANT TRAM 11;1,4 1.,,r
—NIG TIT llSPRESSAinticlayx escefltx'd,coa•
Ni.w York with 6.ftervoon trains amd
‘7, - I:arl.;era for );,a , t,,t; and New' Etagland cit.:ill.
Coarl,s a.,,onlvany thla train In N. Y.
a.m.—CINc.INNATI EXVIIESS. a ex . ;
c(l:tod.. connam.nw, tt Jerei.y City vitt/ att,rzioml
even,n• tra:ll. of Sl.Nr 1 , 4
.14 , 7. , -:l , lr.'n. Wado.4.ton: and at
Y..,:1; ntth Ft , 22.221 ,. ni .n 2,01 3.21.•r2x2,2272 1.1 - xprvem
t.,inq Er......./attl 02124. A 1,2 2, gtoloi At 1 , 622-
i:1•21 ptati(4l. arnl c a gn.222 . ct2221.2 points itue.
•!: ... :v.rovipalry 1.123)21 - rsin Net* . YOrk
12.x+: ;).111 Striatlaystlxrept,2l, eon
-42. .1• city wall tuirl2 , 421 , 2 Erpn.s• , train
r S 1: •-.• 411"1" , ,rld for lqii!...l,:ph?:t.
t.rrs 3t nt:.t.goll6 aOS COL:Lt. - Lug I.nisitt.
No.w t' , •:).:11 , F a , corn
pzily thiA troll fro.n rAlfitio to 1" , :c:w York.
3 :rel.!) .ra • 'Co MA:DATION TR.UN,Iy for
6:2,1 p, torta• 6ttliday4 excepto .
5:47 p.ta . ITCNING • rouni..3.-
1::: , at l'at,r,.ll fer N.r.Trit ; at Jc.r. , , , y -Clty with
3t,,trung rrv.o Ilnitro:, 1
d at N., 1.71; w:th
7,lorna :: t^air.,l,,r t,:y, 'and
c:ti,s. ,•• ,t aU , nr.cipal
i•,,Lt, E1,1'711 '. 17',.,
;14,0, - Yl,:pany tllis trzin thron,,!i to
• N, Yorlt.
. —WAY . Sututlye
'. A rf , c - id and Turo. 'Dal6"
r Trails cr. Tzir Italway Sad con
-2iev:.l., t and can
vroerir, , 3 Vie Ti A;44..c.d of
L. 1,.
AiL..ItCL „s BA N ,
N 1"),A PA .
(5;11.7.:. ,, ,0r s: DanterA.)
Le•,<iv'es Dcrewits„Loatlft Mikes Collet
tiouß, szta 1oe•p a _
r.orsons tl,Hrittt , t, I. , •nd - rrlnney t 9 ANT rAn't
of rtitod Stat , ...4,CtLrlad.i OTIV/pi, tWA Ij3.ak
:..:L1 Uz.. I.,,Cetit.
nt.! .t::. ~1, Ir. Fwcst.•
Iftn , !, any-p:47t r.:.d 11:.• Oriett, by the
B:SeunlsullaC, Cn!ted‘Stat„a L'oncla
at Inarket
Avr•ot for the salo of Northt,rti Pacific 7 3-10
SuLPLus Frsn
Am= is ink efft..; e rlstsr..k..t rAciunm far the
transac. 'xi of a .
cci - ratvia• .ON LEPOgrN 7 0 0
• Ackr.r, ,, Aw tiT.
l'astiss wishing to sznio No:NT:a to any part of the
.tiLlir,lStatt. a Ent , land. Ireland, Scotian 1. or the prin-
Ciled citiee and gaits of Europe. cam bete procure
drafta for that purpose.
So frcua the old cotuatrs, bg best stestcss or Sca
tty; lint s, on Lz:o. .
naCZEZE.b.ri&SVGILI OVV3 Earm.
Ifi,7).ttt Pri:CC paid for MS 8.r45.44. Gold air! Silver.
J. rowELL, S. BETTS. Jrc...
Tr..4 - atifts. June2l, , eschier
The, ,
nrOvrcPrzed hare mode arranszernetits to in
gun c;.:l,.sya clitsTS ,OF TOOLS, covering
than eatenrctrt.virT EMT nr- All desiring such
tre c'epeettally invitAlo rive 11% ez.ll.
• Pica. lanuranto Acts:, Tovrtinda,
:n^ed: DESITIADI.X. and Y.Y.,t ECO-
N . { 7. 1•1 0 .1 L FITT. ior cialinary pr.:To:Qs during wan.
/or b:110 by the
Twriro c. , nts tier bubeLat. Gan GAS Donee, or U.
te.n tentp delfrer.ed. • . Yin-WARN.
4 1.-1 This new tifil beautiful Perfume is ten tics
stemger than any other perfume erer brought be.
for , the: public, It Li =WIC from French Crystals.
'Also Powell's celebrated Cocoanut Alb an elegant
PreParairOn for the hair. Tor sale by C. I. ELY.
1331EE, dealer it mineral groceries And PrerWons.
t'iter, Pa.; aort.e'&4lil:clolll'. sheNelniti;
LILEW, Athens; SIT r.Ro . s. Frar_klin
dale. ' 'ang.21143
_RE TROUT;--come very &le .
eves. at a vcry low price} ,
to 15, 2871. FOX k MIZOCir
Val. R. 33.knr.,
ti, Ag't
F 311:.? 1: 4 51.1 I:?c,rforatP.l Lank
Of :mtr r2,..l.•vayz nu hand.
3t. C.
triginal 'Poetry.
6..;ttirig here so tad and lonely, •
the snaliatt'd tiarting beam.
Watching night's dark , gloom awdshadow
Cliiso away each golden gleam
31ontoi" over wiugd tee backward •
Through .bo nnforgotten pant,
With its few bright gleans of sunshine
Chased idvay by clouds at list.
Through its gh:iom and thro' its brightness,
Through its Nended light and shade,
O'er the sea of case and son-ow
That the fright o(' time tics made :
'To the days when tlifie f4tano
Favorz strewed wit.hish hand,
When warm friends tha gathered round me,
Formed a loving hs-prband.
Tortune frowned, acs life looked dreary.
" But forfrieudship's brighOeing ray .
To my friends I turrl—whenaddened,
Clouds hid Olu..qed them all 4ay. •
And through life tl.e.Felf-sitme , stOti
Time's relentless hand has pe.une .
Wheu we ba...1: in ( ertude's sunlight,
Then v‘ill smile our summer friend ;\
When ontharque Is wrecked and stortunkoss'd
On life's ever restless sea,
And when dark clouds round us gather,
rricntla will with the sunlight Ceo.
.• 1
When all earthly irit.ntla lead faltered,
Of toy trtn.surPs all btreit.
Ono I found was still analtered,
0n7. , brig ?t praralae had I lclt :
Wben rely 'barque ot, are should anchor
On that Li- (AT, golden shore,
All the future should be tltodtAl
With Owl's vutiltglit everinure.
Towanda, F4pt. 12, 1571.
(4.!he church of St. Ger
-111; -sounded: over si-
Pari-. Its ceninoir3 Fail awoke
an awl& Clain , lr, such es the earth
had tievg . :r before. A clang
of belts respomicd front ("lily tower
and- I -lfry, the adherents of t lie .Pope
seized, their arms, rushed .to the
houses of the Hugueaots, and mur
dered every inmate, front the sleep
ing infant to the .gray-haired grand
sire and the helpless maid. Tice . city
had been suddenly illuminated, and
from over;: Catholic house the blaze
of torches lighted up the labor of
death. cat their rays Were seen
women tt.l:-,2%Cd, anirchildren'endow
ed with An unnatural malice, tortur
ing and treating with strange malig
nity the dying ;::id the dead. It is
impossible, indeed, to narrate the de
taiils of this awful event, over which
Catholic kings and priests rejoiced,
and fur which the infallible Pope At,
itqwe gave public thanks to God:
'Within The palace of the--;Louvre
itself, Where -a few days before every
saloon had rung with festivity, and
where mask and dance , and throngs
of gallant kniglifwand beautiful mai
dens had !.zre.etiA the nuptials of Hen
ry and 3iar4 4 1.11 - ;rite, now echoed the
cream s of the dying Ilugtienots,, end
the the terrified Queen. In
the evening llarf.m•rito had been
driven by her enraged mother from
her presenec : ::ad from the arms of
her sister Claud&, who woal have
detained her, forceg to go
trembling to tho zit:tient -of her
husband, lest leer ..lence might ex
cite. Sl:c lay; awake all
night. ; tiUed with sc•fise of impend
ing danger ; she pretends' that she
kneWnothing. approaching,
event...- evil ry r.lonts ti.ere filled
with l ly 'companions in artn4, who
pas!-:ed tie. ni : ht utterinfz vain
threats against the and plan
ning projects of revenue. Toward
-morning they all wont ont in compa,-
ny;with the king ; and ,Marguerite,
weary . with watching, sank into a
brief slumber. She was aroused, by
a loud cry without of " Navarre !:.iNa
varre l"lind a knocking at the door.
It -was thrown open : s man wound
ed and bleeding, pursued by four
soldiers, in§lied into the' room, nu:l
threw his arms around the queen.
He eln'ng to li r, Ise gging for life.
She se.r42ained in her terror ; the cap
tain of came in and drove
off the soldier, , , and the wpun4ed
Huguenot was allow c 1 to, hide him
self - in her cle ,, et. lqargnerite fled
hastily acro:;;; the halls of the Louvre
to her ,sister's rlom, and, as she pass
ed tuaikhit the scene that had-so late
ly rung with the masts and revels of
her wedding night, she saw another
.lingutnot, pierced, by the spear of
.his pursuer, and heard the clamor of
the general massacre. Faint and
:,he went to her mother
::id 4,1 4 0 threw herself at their
feet, and begged the lives of• tWo of
• h er. ha4and's retainers.
Arcatmhile, when Henry of Na
varre had left his room in the morn
ing, be had been =Tested, - and car
ried to the king's chamber ; but of
the throng of Huguenots who had at:
tended him only a few escaped. Each
man, as Le passed out into the court,
between two lines. of Swiss guards,
was stabbed without mercy,, Two
hundred of tbe noblest and purest .
r6foriders of France lay piieii in a
hive heap.befora the windows of the
Louvre; Charles IX., Catherine, and
lir - infamthis train of maids of honor,
inspected and derided them as they
lay dead. All through that fearful
Sabbath day, the feast of St. Barthol
omew, and for two succeeding -days,
- -the murders went on ; the whole city
MA in firms; ere& hat or cap was
marked with a white cross, and every
Catholic was converted into an assas
sin.' Charles, a ragind ° lunatic,- rode
through the streets laughing and
jesting over the fallen; the streets
were tilled with corpses ; the Seine
was turned to blood; many Catholics
drew rich bythe plunder of the Hu
guenots; and it was believed that
the king and his brother,
shared the spoils of opulent :mer
chants and skillful goldsmiths." The
.papal -nuncio, Salviuti, oeerjoyed at
the spectacle, wrote to the Pope that
nothing was to be seen in the streets.
but white crosses, .producind a fine
eact . ; but he did not see ti7e, heaps
oldead, nor the scenes of inexpiable
crime. - Charles 1. shot at the
ing Hugueuote from his -bed-room
window. The rage of the murderers
was chiefly turned against women
-and infants. One man threw two
,r;' , A .•,- , -.••••-',1 • t vi', -..4'. `'-- .--- - - '.- '. a. t . .\
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zuwwwuctis or .D=ECILTIC)N ,IX)3t "4UtT IQUU=a.
little children into the Seine front a
basket; another infant was• dragged
through the streets by a cord tied
round its neck by a throng of Catho
lic children; a babe smiled in the face
of the man that seized it, and played
with his beard, but the monster stab
,the and, with an oath,
thren it into the Seine.
• For three days the massacre con
tinued with exceisive.atrocities ;
month later Huguenots were still be
ing Murdered in Paris. It is coma
puted that several thousand persons
perished in that, city alone. In every
part of the kingdom, by orders of
the king, au effort was raado to ex
terminate the Huguenots ; and Ly
ons, Orleans, Bordeaux, and all pro
vincial-towns ran with .blood. • Pour
thousand refermers are said to have.'
been killed in Lyons. At Bordeatix,
Auger, the most eloquent of the Jcs
nit preachers, employed all his powl
era in urging on the work of slaugh
ter. " Who," ho cried, " executed
the divine judgment at Paris? The
angel of the Lord. And who will'ex
ecuto it in Bordeaux.? The angel of
the Lord, however man may try to
resist .hirit The number of the
slain throughout Mrance has been va
riously eat/.:natal at from ten to one ,
hundred thousand. History bits no
arallel to offer -to this religiousanas
skere, even in its most harbarous
S ..Peiler the head ora "Visit
'row Senator Careeren—renliniscenee
of Doylston:in fifty - years ago'," the
Back:4 County Itiklligencer gii;cs the
following interesting sketch of n
from Gen. C.txtiatoNl
Hon. Simon Cameron, ono of the
Senators from Pennsylvania, paid a
brief visit to Doylstown last We.ek,tir
riving on Friday afternoon. His
coming . .wn.a'unantionnced and unex
pected, ands appeared to be without
any other motive than personal inter,
est): anarvitioymenf. Gen. Cameron
mide his lfeadquartprs at Corson's ho
t,-' on - -cconnt of old associations, and
Iii;• airie looling over the town
az.d • cElling upon his personal. ac-'
, quairitanas, Fifty years ago Gen.
I;Aeron fold about, a `rear u res
- . -
i; lent of DOlesto . wn. He was at that
tiro il~eir tWentv-one years old, just
free from his 4pretiticestap as a
printer. ^;There-were at that time two
factions .of the Democratic (or Re
pnbliean) ,arty in Bucks county,
eil`ch of which was represented by a
newspaper. The llztaw antnty
lijr,nyr was printed by-Simeon Slog
fi ie , l ("AM - living,) and the rival pa
per Wag issued by a man named
'llieffeabauch. Young Cameron was
induced to come here by the adhe
rents of • the 'Fox party for the pur
pose of trying, - to cotnre the other
faction. A perfect stranger, he came
to Doylstown by the stage line from
Philadelphia. There were two other
persons in the s6tge, - ' who proved to
be 3fathias Morris ' and Benjamin
Mifflin, both of whom were interest
ed in the rival paper. At what is
tt.o.v the tavern the stage
stopped, and the news was told to
the travelers that the Democrat had
boon sold out to a rouge man named
C:1:14'1'011. From that place to Doyls
town the conversation of Messrs.
Morris and Mifflin Was devoted to a
discuksion of the character and pros
pects of the new editor, and the
change which promised to give tlion
some trouble. When the stage reach
ed Doylst6 , .vn there happened to be
a "jour" printer standing by who had
known Cameron, and PO* spoke to
him by name. This threw his com
panions into considerable confusion,
but did not prevent all parties from
being good friends' afterward. At
that time the Democrat had. about
809 circulation. The Corre4xmitent;
then printed by Asher Miner,' had
nearly twice as many subscribers.
There *as a lively controvresy be
tween 'the two Democratic papers,
but after a while Mifflin came to.
Cameron and proposed a part,ncr,
This was what Cameron was
after't.all the time, but he allowed
himself to be persuaded a little be
fore consenting. When everyting
else was arranged, the cwstion as to
the name of the new- firm arose.
Should it be Mifflin & Cameron., or
Cameron Si; ? To settle this
impottant point the partners resorted
too a method known to printers as
letfing." In this contest Cameron
won the game, and became the senior
member of the firm. He (lid not re
main in Doylstown much longer, but
wekit to Washir.,gton and worked at
his trade ay a printer. All this QC.-
nred about the year 1821, twhen
political feeling was pretty-high in
this State. When Gen. Cameron
lived in Doylestown he boarded at
the hotel noir kept by Corson.. The
landlord at that time was named
Marple. The house opposite, now
Cleaver's,was-kept by l3enjamin Mor
ris. The Dentof:mii was printed in,
the frame.building
owned by' Mrs:
Sherer, in the part ee c upied. by
George' E. Donaldson. There was a
stone house adjoining, and a wheel.-
right , shop- a little -further up Court
street,."and then nothing more until
you came to the Academy and the
Fox residence. The house now oc
cupied by Mrs. Ross was dulled by ,
elndge 'Watts. Asher Miner's office,
was an bold 'frame building on life
Easton-road, since occupied by the
German Express, but 'now torn down.
When Gen. Cameron reached Doyls
town he thought he was in a strange
place, but when he reached Main
street he saw several homes that
were • fturdliar half a century ago.
There are few or no peopte hung
here now with_ whom he was
quainted - when 'a resident of the
place. The inhabi tants,have Zntirely
changed. Although Gen. Cameron
is upwards of seventy, he enjoys ex , .
cellent health and spirits, an. is yet
good for_ a great deal of useful ser
vice. Few men new living have pass
ed thrOugh amore active and promi
nent public career. .He was as fa
miliar with tke political affairs of the
times fifty ye . s ago as lie is to day,
and he' is .a perfect encyclopedia of
dates, facts and incidents of personal
bittory. He was accompanied to
Doylestown by Mrl Goodrieh, of To
wanda, Surveyor of the port of Phil
adelphia, from whom we htui also a
pleasant cull'
, '-'
Would anybody' bo yowig .again if
he had to take with it tho penalty of
going back and doing over again all
the foolish things he was gailty of in
his south? I wouldn't. •
" Give me back my youth again ! "
did you say?' Friend, it's a mistake.
Ten to ono you wouldn't :have it
again if you could. If. old Time were
to come boldly back to y ou to-day,
saying, "'Take back, 0 wise thiddle
aged Noodle, these tweutipast years
of your life, with all the pains and
disappointments .which have made
you clear-sighted and sound-headed
with all the silly actions you perpe
trated in those days, and all the oc
casiona on which con made a long
eared donkey of yourself; worrythro'
a second time all the tight boots end
- tribulations, all the tooth aches and
headaches of your yolith; do, be and
suffer it all again; be, in short, once
more just the soft Noodle' you_ were
twenty years tt ,, z),"— ten of manhood's
hearty hopes ° to one dolorous wail
fur your lost youth, that you answer,
"Pass on, Father . Time I And you
may Well tip those twenty golden
sand-grains back fiito the lower half
of your hour glass. Ido not.. want
- It gives an odd feeling, especially
if you aro a woman, to find yourself,
getting to be a little . bit middle-aged.
First, you will notieothat you begin
to be left out of very young folk's
pie-nics,' and to get fewer notes in
pink envelope's - Than you used. Then
you begin to, be faintly
vague, sneaking doubts as to whether
white muslin and bine ribbons are
becofning to you. Finally:, and worst
of all, once in a while yeti will see au
infant of the,male sex, wham you re
member as a rosy little fellow in
checked aprons ivhen you Nakt'
twelve years old, suddenly lifted over
yonr,head in the shape .of, along,.i
gawky biped, with the tender !down
of a first . intistache g:prouting ". trona
his upper lip. • That ni-,es you Atli/2 . -
tensely - exasperatca sensation. • N'or
is, it pleasant to have such young
snips of girls talking 'Of von behind
your back as old Sarah Thompson.
. Theb, ° too, yen may •as - well make
up your mind to the hard fact of
middle-age when you chance to open
spine gilt-edged book of .poetry, and,
discover, careftilly 'pressed away be
tween the leaves, a little lock of fad
ed hair, and you can't remember in.
your life. whose it is.. Ijuive bad a
dozen such myself. They were pre
cious as gold once, no doubt, but I
make confidential confesSion to you
that if I were questioned on the rack,
I couldn't now tell whose beads they
carne from. What . triages me know
that they were ,predious as gol'l in
their time is the Lid', (you will 0b.. :
serve this is another cotatiantial con
fession) that they arc nearly all locks.
of longish short hair, before college
students began to . arect the present
prize lighting style Of shaving:their
pates. 0 poor_littlf! ring.t4sf-laded
'hair—. , ;_thicarze iiiiar;rothiSralar,
(I,7ws Illar- 7 -1 - grieve to say it, but I
have forgotten - you all I
Again, when you go to a party arid'
dance more than half the, hie
into the small hours,:md :then' par
t:l'4i? of that griLtistolte nLCSS efilled a
party supper, mayba lon notice you
feel grumpy and out% c , f wrts next
clay. Well, that's a sign too. Espe
eir.il2.• if you liktve yourpelf
pang to listen nol4, :aid then to
ti.e oh :attiring, t!lik ofAiersous young
er than yourcolf, aid - 11artastically
wondering whether von ever made
such a wholesale idiot of Yourself, or
whether very yuuiu always
delago society with, such quantities
of sirunering n.Onsense and affecta
tion. believe they do). It is a
sure , sign -if you fitul yourself con
stantly feeling n cin to give your
Younger sisters hdvice which they
don't want, or t, - ) treat them t a bit
of parchinent, for which you et no
reward except thankless insinuatiAns
,about Aiiing,one'S breath to cool
one's.hrOth:. Or, maybe you say oc
casionally to your sister Nancy, whp
is sixtbea and pretty, " when you
have lived as long. as I have, yon will
find that the' majority of very young
peopfe4Lave: pre'cious little common
Add to your faith virtue; and to
virtue knowledge; and to knowledge
temperance; and to tetnpe.rarice pa
tience; and to patience godliness; and
to godliness brotherly kindness; and
to brotherly kindness love.. (Peter
Add in. your heart this perfect
'number of seven graces together, and
if these things be in yen, and abound,
they will make you neither barren
nor unfruitffil in the knowledge of
our Lord hats Christ.
Ho that lacketh_ theso things is
blind, and bath, forgotten be wtd
purged from his: old sins -- (2 Poter
. ..
Grace and peace be multiplied in
to you- through the • knowledge of
God, and of Jesus Christ our Lord.
(2 Peter I, 2.) '
He that thinistereth seed to the
sower - cloth minister bread for your
food, and Multiply your seed' sown,
and increase the fruits of your rigbte
°muds. (2 Con ix.
Come out from among' them, and
be ye separate, saith, the Lord, mid
tuck not the unclean thing; and I
will receive.yotr, and will be a father
untoiyou, and ye shall be my sons
=4 daughters' saith the Lord Al
mighty. (2 Cor. vi. 17, 18.
Spzirmin hmths•can only be spirit
ually discerned. The -Bible is a
most delightful and somprising book
to those who are under '?the illumi
nating grace of the Gospel
MARIE no more vain' resolutions,
but proceed at once to duty. N.noW
your trust and pray. God
will help you through and giro you
ALL.Yr are eery careful-,to hasp a
fair said'well printed Bible; but the
fairest and finest im_resaion is to
hai , e it well printed in", the heart by
the, spirit
• ,‘ .
l -, oi
. ~t
~11&\. , , , , i5 i, .
t, 1". - - .-• Irf - '.-. .
t ,
• • .
. 1
~ :1: - • ,• • :
_ ~ • . -
$2 per Annum in Advance.
nr:ol77oAx - r . ..
' •
`Looking out thetight,•
. i I•behuld laepaco afar •
lionder beaming, blazing star
Awn marvel at the might
Of the Giver of iI raYa.
Anil I svorabiVas I
I l eooking — out into the,
t •
lieeking opt into the I
I espy twOlotera
And theft* happy w;
their solemn
And I-bleos the lot`
linttin pleartire,
LOoking . out Into tile!
rds 1:11 ear
tL Cioy plight.;
'rig twain,
►vin pain-- •
Lislin; out-into thc4l;,glit,
_a.sconnus pa:ltho; by,
- k.nincing round with anxithis eye,
Tiiiirf al --Tearful a the
I think what tniglit have, been
lint fur treachery and
h.itiohizg out ; into the right.
out lota tho ` tug irt,
behold a *Latatit kit .
beat b;tlthe gafe, •
it vaniaheis from sight, .
‘t„..lnd I ponder 0n41;6 strife
'ISM our tleeoting huinan tiTt
Looling out into tho i night. ,
I,a yt,in4 out into tho night,
I bethink WO of the r6tt,
A. 124 the raptnrooithe Neat,.
In t 1 lantrtrhere stile light;
Sitting on the Leve l nlylehoro,
[ Weeping never—pevermoio
Looking out into thr
A ; pleasant run !ofi about Afteon
miles burn Birmingham, on the
land Railway, brings us to the great
centre of the- EugliSh needle 'trade.
lkdditch is a lair-lOoking, compact;
bastling,, clean country town, sur
rounded by some oil the Most charm
, scenery' in Woiceetershire, and
presents a strikingJ contrast to the
black and htisy - "hardware "
ne ;have, just left behind us. !Why
the neeale:-nirdiers chose this place
aleive all others in (which to settle
down to the pursuit of, their callin g, !there nd evidence' to show. Si
earl 'gas the'year 100, however, 'one.
ChriSteph•or Greening ap p ears to
haves set up a rieedpj!. shop at Little
Crenklon, hanilet just outside Red
ditch, and he was I followed in the
course of a few years, by .several
other members of the craft from Lou , .
'don.,! In a short titue, however, eren
doniwas abandoned, owing to the
absence if water-poer, and the nee
ale-Makers established themselves'at
AlceSter, Studley and Redditch. In
time S-still more remote the district
lyindbetween Alcester and Redditch
was. a great industrial centre of some•
kind; mills dating ! from monastic
"ages,l and great danil, no longer used,
still temaming to tell of a departed'
and forgetter, industry.
The first mills used in the needle
trade were horse mills, one being es.
tabliShed at Studley very early in the -
last Century. These mills were used
for Scouring and pointing needles,
superseding the priniitive reeth&l of
wratiping 7 up the needles in buckram
~viEtilemery dust and olive oil, and
rolling' them to and #o hy !the.move
meat of- the workman's fool. The
earlii , st needles made in this district
we.rel " square-eyed," a shape most
readay produced. I was with square
eyed needles that _lMary Queen of-
Sects wrought thoe beautiful tapes
tkiesjer the walls of her prison - cell..
After many fruitksS attemfota; drill
ed-eyed needles were successfully
brought out in 18:.43; and two years
kilter the burnishing machine, which
pre a beautiful • finish' to the eye,
salt introduced. In this latter pro
cess,' as now carried! ont, the needles,
are threaded on steel" wires which
have)been " roughed " With a file and•
hardened. The ends of these wirea,!
are then attached to a steam machine
by which the needles are made to re
volve:At an enormons speed with an
oscillating motion round the wires.
Precious to the year 18 - 117 . needles
were hardened in ler, during which.
process the reajorit. becameierooked,
and straightening the crooks was, in
consequence, an' occupation for a
considerable number of workpoople.
In the year mentioned, however, a
Redditch manufactrxer revived the'
_practice of hardening in oil, and the
result was that crooked needles were ,
the exception instead of being the,
'lila : . This so exasPerated,the crook
straighteuers that they mobbed`the
enterprising manufacturer out of the
town; - and - for, some time great ; tu
mult 'preveiled. - Eventually, however,
the revived process ',came to be gene
rallTadopted. A Pointing machine
is the „latest inventien of importance
in the needle trade. On this inven
tion, Vessrs. Bartlett it Woodward- 7
two- excellent autherities-:-thus re
port Ca. a little while since :
• The needle-pointing machine is an
English invention, though it is not
generally supposed to be
-so ; and- its
forerunner, which, though not per
fect, approached so ttearlY to perfec
tion as to alarm the pointers, was
some, years ago purchased by them,:
andbroken to _pieces on Readitch
Church Green. .Theneedle-rinting
machine is may. par.tially • used in
this district: A grooved grindstone,
resolving at great speed, is employed
Kgtind the end of each. wire into
the 'desired shape. To this grind
stone the wires are !applied -from an
inclined plane, on Much a number
are placed ready to!cnt to the length
required.'" By means of a disc, sur
rounded with caone-chonc, revolving
slowly . in a, direction'transverse to
the grindstone, a continuous supply
of wires rapidly revolving in succes
sion rat supplied to the stone; and the
same disc causes the wires to revolve
whilst beirg pointed. • In , Itedditeh'
and' he neighborhoO4l needle-Making
now) employs. something like 800
workpeople, a considerable _propor
tion of whom are fetualea The earn
ings 'considerably vary, those of chil
dren ranging from l's.
men,. Bs. to 155., and men, 12s. to
408. Per week: •
A !needle has to pass through sev
enty pairs of hands)before it is con
sidered to be finished and ready . for
usein subdivision of labor to which
may be attributed the-combination of '
escellence and cheapness in the pro-'
unction of these' articles The varie
ty Of needles made in „these days , is
marvellous the 'surgeon, tailor, bar
nese maker, saddler, glover, embroi
derer, and housewife, each requirios
needles cif',shapes ' sizes and lengt
`almost infinitp. Redditch; and
inimediate district, may be regarc
as the only important centre
the needle trade in the three kin
dents. The principal seat of the
Anstry on the Continent, is' Aix)
Chapelle, but at Lyons and one I
two towns in Normandy the cometu•
qualities are alsolargely Made.
The Chinese supply their own
quirements in the needle way, anill
is thought that the craft is more e
cient in the Celestial Empire than.
Enrope. Certain it • is that rottn
eyed needles' were made in Chi ,
long before the primitive square-ey
coms were }:Hawn in England. The
is nothing. new under th(i'sun
- No Candid, person int,he South will I
deny that thtvgenctiVerperience of I
the negro.: sineeYernancipatiori has
been progress . ; that in -.nearly every
respect of . his life turexhibits some
improvement from-that date.,,,Sonth
tan men are Outlier). mal:y.t4 adver,
tise •thin to, the World - ; they would
- probably confess if4;Wit . l.ovltic4anee
toga Northern corn rniA . Ein -of inqu it+ ;
bht in private conversations among
themselves, where no prided Con'tre7
versy interposes - ,•theY•freely admit it
and wonder at it. ' The negro Moves.
lie is showing the greatest - eagerneSs
for knoWledge and education ;,,attest
eil by. the fact, for- which examina
tion is challenged, that in the free
sclthols of the South, "where .he - has
equal tidvantages, there- are 'more
,black children than white. ones in' the peptilation of each.
race -in the given community. So far
ISM becoming the' idle -Vagabond
that the pessimist . theoriziers would
liayt.! him after emancipation, he.% is
exeMplaiily . i n d ustrion s ;
..attested • by
the fact. that to-day
.thenegryjepre : ,,
sents nearly all' - the Jabot :'.of the
South, and admitting this. test,. that.
..of persons iti equal conditienl:of
.erty and of necessity of work, there
are far mere' poor whies thrill- ne,
groes.who are idle in the . i.nitin, 4/1,
the vices that .ire to a'Ssad and :Ile
•stroy the negro in his ney,e:,tittb- of
freedom-there are no proofs ; quite
the 'contrary.. The terrible :vice of
intemperance,. which ~.has been' the
scourge Of Well ;'races, and the almost
unfailing ~ .incident. of :a kreeei!ioas
civilization, is - couiptratively iiii
known. among the Southern _ frved
men. So- far from being ''itittprovi
,the .wonder-is- how ; the negro
economizes, ; gets so many, gOod
.clothes 'and real comforts out of his
very,scanty wages. As a vtiter, be
has shown a discretion and .ihrb-pezt
&ace that have nonplussed the wi:.eSt
of our-politicians: . 'There. white
wiseacres who, so. e , titne agO,.snp-
posed that the negro% vote might be
• procured by-the merest . solicitation, '
a mere wink frouphis emphler,;:,and
a i.lonimon joke iu the South on. the
rifteenth. Amendlitent was, that - tie
diSfranchisedwhite man might bily
some cheap old negro to do.' his vot
ing for laidn Neier, was sneli "distal!.
ponatinen,t.. 'The i spebtaele. has not
been uncommon in the South of a
negro, who paid a - d`oferenco. to the
white man scarcely less than he had
shown in the days ofslavery, ivho .
possibly yet said " Mas'r,'-' who did
his work in all humility and with all
' subjectioh, yet -going. openly to the
polls and casting his vote,:there.
against the' party , :of his employer.
Such - tin instance of - self-respect and
moral courage is to be admired even .
b hos© against whom it acts.—"l7o;
o l a
.n ancTV the . .Se,gro," in Oettil;Pr
1 Gal9;a-y.. - , •
Charleston Advertiser tells the follow
ing good story: . Some" young ladies
who were taking .advantage of the
fine sleighing not long ago, in at
tonding a wodding'or donation party,
or something of that kind, were
oblidged to sit thfee in aseat One
of the seats co:pit:lined two gentle-
Leen 'Who ' of criiicse, did noVallow the
lady to take an exposed seat, she
therefore sat in the middle. As the
night was extremely cold, gentle
man N. I. quietly passed his hand
[a remarkably small hand .by the
way] into the lady's muff. As the
muff Was not very capacious she qui
etly removed one of her hands from
the same. , In a few moments she felt ,
a movement on the other side; and
foundzentleman. No 2 attempting to
pass his hand in on the other side.
She then quietly withdrew her, hand
from the muff 'and allowed him to do.
so' What . took place in the muff
afterwards she is unable, to say; but
each of the: gentlemen privately re
ported* a small number of friends
how warmly the lady had returned
tho pressure of his hand in the muff,
while the lady as quietly, reported to
her friends the magnificent sale she
had made of both gentlemen. • •
, .
min YOUR, ONM Lisnoms.—To tell
a man to his face to Imind his own
/manes& would be "considered about
equal to knocking him down. And
yet it is one of the simplest 'rules of
conduct, and the most useful that
mankindcan adopt in their inter
course with each other. There is a
great deal of Paul Pry spirit in the
human heart or wonderful inquisi
tiveness in regard to the personal
and private affairs of friends and
neighbors. This spirit makes more
mischief in a community than almost.
any other 'cause, and creates more
malice, envy, and' jealousy, than can
be overcome in a 'century. Let eve
ry man mind his' own business, and•
there will not be half the trouble in
the world that there is at present.
Caltdaxiy ; " says Arch
bishop Lelgp.ton; " would soon starve anti die or
itself if uothing.took it in and gave it lodging."
"There Would not," says Bishop
. 11111, "be .10:0
many ortln months if there were not so many
open ears."
A cxximm of Conneptient, iebeotly
introduced to a.nowly married man, congratu
lated hint wurnly and, said: "Ab. the Littlfield
coun tyent. girls make defer wives; Tve had three
SPraoEON Indignantly declares that
"s sleepy seraph before the throne of Jehovah,
or a cherub nodding a sacred song, it were re
dim:dorm to Imagine.".
.. .
. 1
jr Yon want to eatjast - such a ptid
dizlg as your mother mule when you were a
boy, you mast somehow revive a WO met a°
so plate.
The island bearing: this familiar.' 7 .
name has been conspicuous for its
production of salt, of wltich - - ,
of bushels finds its way into the mark-;.
Ots.of the -world, our . own
receiving about half million Inaeln.
annually. Balt is obtained-from ~sea
water by -either extreme . .cold or heist;
here-it is made by solar evaponatiun.
Lying q
nder- the intense rays of a -
: the sea 'soda gives Up its
water andfleaveS its salt and .
were" it ,not for the 'influk of The
mighty niers of the tropics,- and the -
general system of currents and ; tides, *.
'the ocean lying near the - equator
Would : SoOn become
: a vast sea of salt:"
For centurieS advantage has liten
taken of this natural process, arid, in
the dry seasons, 'over a - thensand
tivea are at work in- the differeat
stages of the- prepaiiition :of salt for
the market. :•The.sea water is lot
'to the basins, or "isms,' by . a canal , :
cult-through the
,bench, ,sepa
, tates the sea from the interior lagoona
and affords a good fOundationforilia:
toßn proper. •
nia heach-is a- few togs—perhaps •
tenter lifteeniu- width,- and back 0f...
this,- extending • toward . the bluffs .
about a quarter of A. mile, Was '
inally a marsh, liriFs :been ..gonverted
into salt tanks.' These: -tanks arp .
shallow, with a varying depth 'of front
eight to eighteen inches,' no bottom
made of.stiff marl or clay; and they_
coVer several hundred acres of this
evaporating gronnil,.- divided into - a'
great Many' compartments,-varying
from n quarter Of an acre to two 'or
three acres in size.- These are sopa-•
rated from each Other._ by low stone.
walls, Which serve also.ais walks. In -
the middle of these walls is att . impen..
viovis clay,which preveptsthe passage
of water-by one tank to. another,ttu- -
less by the little gatew,ays. or splices
through which the re.gulat= -
"ed.... The water inetliese.paps •is foriud
in all stades of evaporation. In s9rne A. •
you see; tire •elear, limpid water. of ;
the ocean; in others it has a roiled
appearance, and, when far advanced.; •
in the process it aslifimes . beautituf'
:. •
pink color. The first pond allos _
the subsidence- of mud arid
. other .
physical. impuritieS,, and' is, cons6=
quentlY, the 'deepest, Ak . the ,fluid
runs from tank to tank, it gra.dually
I)tcomes thicker, giving tip its Arolter
arid , becontingxmore and: moro. con-.
centrated, until .it: reaches :the - lust' -
and shalloivest pan,_ where erCstals
begin to appear 'on its stuface.
first crystals aro:the purest, and are
raked off with an . iron hoe. 'Exposed
for a still longer titne,, more crystals •."
krin,_but, "these Mostly, forn.l on the
iit t
:bom ALI& hi(l6, :111(/- .tae, , Eci•ape d
or.; When the`':nether- liquor'
di:aWn away. They-are then *hauled
ini carts, to the, heach, there piles, _
'like great. white -sno.w-bapin.;,,may ho- -
scull from the deck. , :
salt is More or less impure— • ,
the chiannpurity !Wing chloride of*/
and, 'to get rid of this, / •
the heaps are covered - with -straw.andi e
hay; the eliloride:of
deliquscent, moisture
the aiiym:• , pliero end drains oft, lea '
;Dvl.tth't•eideride ; .
I. —l:i proditee -
the sar.M resitlt, sonittitnes-slacktd
hme is 'peed in the list tanks. TL';o
n.ediing satr evziporitti6n
dt i ! ( ripontlie; abliE'llei . ! Of
IA 111. z111(1 if :s this .
ra:l7.agt . , I - :Is I AtTC11.11:! . in.
In • trade
tie,,p,;:tiN, aa <1 t uns furilit:hte•v;hl:
- )c.'rtais , l Jfimfidyfiji•
irntr:o4°T, • - -
t ;:,,t r
160 V
-1.1%th, a. keen sickle tire• rer.per,
1.) , .:01r, i, leu wing down the, ripen Al
graiti' and. tlie - ytmng arid tendtr.
stales that grow between. We are
staitle,l nowazid qien- by the ,intelli
genve lhat o . ne .whoin- Vice Zlli know,
one . who has been popn - lar awl Ma l i"-
l'a . r with All -of tts; is stricken unto
death. Though we all know
tohat the: time is near When we 'too
shalt silent, still and cold, tind
ahali e%perienee. that-- tremendous
ijitinge r --we hear with- - a.O air of in
credulous surprise that - those whou
wojinpw so.welrhave dune. It scans
- that we shall , not meet.
them Upon tlp.s.treet once more; 112:it
merry laugh, the-hearty vuice,aro
hushed forever.
- Affect what we will, speak as care- 1 .
lesslYaS will—it, 'eannot:be y)nt, tho'
stridden-;death of so many
: we)flmown
citizens, produee s s some, infpression •
upon the most. • unthinking. Some '
.metirmay make light of it—they - may
even laugh fis - they allude" to -- their
own time which is coming; but the
awful the dread sikupe and
inevitable certainty of thei,grave—
in spite of 'themselves cause
them serious thoughts=--doubts and
apprehensions. They may be'shaken
off in a. moment, but they have been
there and are not With . Out their effect.
It-is strange how • often you will
shear men say, "I am not afraid to
die," and .evenswhile they speak they
are endeavoring to shake off a terri
ble"feeling 14 uneasiness. It is no
shame to a man to he afraid of death,
for there`is that in its cold embrace
which, make the boldest shudder.
Of all evidences of weak mind there
is none more palpable , than that of
resolutely refusing to thick_ upon the
subject; living along - with a feckless •
i - -
assumpsion of indifference; while the
coward heart dare not reason to'it
self of the life beyond, and, cherislic
:a groundless
. hope, of "it's rill coining
right in the end." Men 1601, ar,,uLtl
them in this life and see the results
of neglecting physical culture. in de-
formed - or imperfectlydeveloped-bod
les and they resolutely shut their
eyes to the fact, that if the. Spiritual
part of a man be neglectel -and al
lowed to ram into grossness, the spir
itual;b-Ody will surely bear the pun--
ishiuenk_ lien of education• who can
reason well will refuse to reasonsupon
this subject-rand yet, with transpar 7
nut pretence of 13ravery they will ay"'
likfl boy; Whoa-" afraid'e'
And the "harvest of death . goes on.
The church-yards' fill, and one gen
. e'ration fiucceedcth another, It is.,
the_."ohl, death,. that
came in with ourifirst parents." and
with the experience of the. ages to
guidons, we refuse_ to profit by its
A ' CLE.XOI3I.O* wait itsked whether
tho members ut his church werg baited. 110
replied that they were, pcitectly
.AN Eng . lish prelcheihelieves that
there will be twelve time* as many women as
men Mheatea..
A C,onoxids jury recently 'returned
a verdict, "Death by banging --- anew] tl/1.3
Wazx a wile reigns, it seems natn--
ral that the should atorrn, too. She generally
does. ,
WHY i 8 a sowing machine_ like the
IWO s? I.3ecanae, ()fol:sum, it m tkoi notsdleS
A ifs snu is oft-ilmes like ruin
on the dmert; 'tutu it Wakes glad tl.O twist'