H . TERMS UV PIIIMICATION. ' .... —...... . 1 .t - . Titv., Uilitroan Itzeonarag is Publlsjited ern* , Tim:o l y 'llorning by .8. W. &Norm. at Two polars per annruli, in advance.: , I n i-Advertisitig in all 'caeca sib:al:idea or subscrkp. 1,1 ,, to the raper. - 1 . .. ItirEVIAT. :NOTICES Inserted stirrryins awn par q‘r tie ark insertion, and r t , in entrzi per line tor ~..bso, l oent insertions.- . L0....f.L NOTICES, same style as resding nutter, , T ives. - n - cEN - rt , ; , s line. A u vr.l.TlttratiTS sill be lupe ) rted sleordbag to •1 .. r, , :,,wiv.g table of rates : j . • v I 4:4 . ? 2373 8m jCM I lyr. $.1.50 I 9,00 I 9.00 1 6.001 10.0011 16 2.0c.11 5.00 I _B.OO 1.0.00 1 15:00 I 90.004 2:5111 10.0011 woo 20.001 3 . 0.00 '5.00 - riaiTll 7- 00 reali s.(hTt 12,00 18.001 22.00:7 30.00 145.00 Tio.ou 2A.00 I x 04040.00 65.001 16.1* i„ nv , 20.0 1 40.00 j 00.00 50.00) $lOO l $l6O talriint4trater's and Executor Notices. $2 ; Audi t ir•ANotiMP, e 2 5a ri3nsinesa Carda; Aso linesrjper ,la t ti.ocal lines ll each. ' .. ,c4 r t ,.. rti , sera are entitled tn quarterly changes. •ertivonents inn at hp paid tor in actra ace. otht,, , as of AllPocistiottO ; Conamunicationa t,• t nr itilividnal interontiand notices of 'Star r n,t Boat t'3. o ( 43 dflig lines, tire charged rst pei Th.. Err.nerxn having a larger, eirerilatiort than all 1130 cauntynlrabtar...d,ttiakeS it thy beit trxWorthent Pennaylvania. eeery kind. in Plain and randy with neatnexs and dlapatch. ritinpitteta.BillhOads, Sgstemcnts. Ac 'l l %tele. printed atthe aheirtest Ti,,ce aae acippliod with a •assortintnt or ntan type. and in the Inintrng lino ,can ha! niecuted , manner -arid At fin lowest rates, nttb INVARIABLY CABS. zUSINESS calm: M. TINGLEY. Lieenked Aye • Pa. All csitla promptly attend \ 1day.3.1870 , Vr WALLACE. illEEtrit, i -. , • nr, -, , i. ,s•ras . :1 SR Fflth CO PA INTEIi: j . . 1 r.—.7 . a1 , 11.. S , pt. 15, 1970-3 - I'' 1 . ». TITDDELT, & SANDERSON • M.n , 137!.i Sl;lrigeils of the - r' T. 7 To want. Pa i.orP ,k VINCENT, INSURANCE • k..1. , - N.—rll: , formerly 60417004 by Itercur •.nP hoot smith of IV3rd 0011;% . ' s. DI:111.10CR, !Dealer in all 7 , of. llor.firr Rlnto;. iTmcands. N.. MI -, ';:ng promptly rttr.mlea to. Dirtier/1u t•• Cottlige * itnil Frtm nUor.r.g 7! . • - - 1 7 01\71,Ert, REAL ESTATE e T:1 .1 T.FIt, lal ,I.Vm4llllOnD Strut, nn-1 6"1-114 Rtre,tik. Chicar,o, r-11ft,q1 4n.1 hivi , 02110:.7)2,P made My 10.'70. ". - - P!TTEI ANT) lITINai in nil raFli , . ninii.in •rt ,lIOOII',P, in 7,intelln . f3 New fVor:t.Pr Drine Stnre, • ' Mlls 31. . . •,1.1.111;. TIAIVOR OF ILLIINDS, runts, 3, FltlZ flin 1,. , :riztanr. , •: - and lateNt siyle, Mil .11'rf)J11) f/ederal Fire r P(4l, ks e4 , v , rlrt.T 1-y '11•!..,4r 71e. in WI-ortilila. • G.1) . 1. 4, 111), :1:e. '7l. - K. r. GAITE,II.II, • TTI - tiFEF„ BE /10 ,‘'`.117777: .k... ratil , rdar attcntt.n t' ,• ; •- • Tin• Ft.t. and . • 9, - irk atht eltarve fi ".‘I( Pr:A C.CEER, HAS " -•• r. tt o T VLORTNo ' St , . wt. of at -t t‘. NENE MEE t • : • ti : I .G11 , 01111,1'0 , hard-Wool. - •n ' .11 1' 1:f • \DIAN, u s i t '' .I. .7 r'% _.l GENC l' El r T 3 II 11,y .T. , I ), 1:e! ertnll,l ,- T.t t;tl 411 IT. ) .11 Eli, T EKE 7. _ 1 i '11)172'. 1:14," -I'S, EMI tkitt !sr:111 . 1. t:11 et:nt s h t {'. , , 1 .‘ 1. - :'lY7,•'"irt'.. - P.l`.-V1:1) II A - V F, • • TOWZZ., rtLc • •l'a.! of 17.1,1,411, , , nr n , V . - 7 , i. I tki::::`,4l, , ,,Lt„ .r,,•.l att. tr ~ . . 1 uh.o .1 , • .1 14 0 aa:•1'.•••• ••I 1:1•3•;6orti mil a Ijo!..•11. MIME I V.t %‘: MEE I .i 1I f I El ~ .b- J .. ~. y , :Y }'~.. ~ -0; ?~ j ~~` p . 1 .•, V".••.1 t , „roil . -t:: I e FIIOM OR TO : -il.l li., en TO =I 1.:1,.1 a:. I ,•tl.ol I pay 11•1111 L . • ay{.. 31 / ',,k; (*M., Bar,!:,•ritt, Towta..l3. Pa, MOA.S .Ni I:tri‘Wp.ENT j- 0 U 1:- ' N 7‘; flt L _l. '.O FEE D .i:.l !I• , r : C.IS'J ' . JUNI` I • "' ° oJiiTLL 1 1 ( t'l,(ll.ltiNG ❑a4 that b.- la pr.., rva 4.1(4rt is )St: U TifE SAYa DAY T." ti :Cht.',l:lVr.ll. I I:: nfrar. Cor:i 1 , * • I .11.1 A C.Jr T. th iivtn2e on the rt • c.r. 1••••Lnaj t.t patr0...1.i." my null. ' • "1"F V: ‘,O/.11 thf.y 3:3,11 tipu - ar.1,1• r. `i 1. i"..Kt I:t Cf2.).l.`l_l"k SCIIOOL, L . ' '1 iv ., Angliet to • RIRIE =I Lt. h , Dried Btcf, r , P• 011 - EP.O . . , •1: )1, .E.IS AND COFFEE, !COWELL S ZIYEIL SL .A.l4VColtb, Publisher. VOLUME XXXII. • JAAIES WOOD, AI-row:Er An) corNErizon AT LAIC, Towanda, P. TTERRY PEET, ATTORNEY AT _LJL LAW, Towanda, Pa June 27, INTAL r( 7 ),YLF, RNEY thanan .AT LAW, Smith, south side de co 9, 6 311 T H St. IIONTANYE, ATTO 1 1 / 4 -. 7 MIPS ex 4,51 X. t OBloO—ooll2l# Of if tin and Pine Streets. oppoolterarter's Drug Store. IAT B. RELLY, DENTIST. OF- T • Hoe W over Wickham & Mag.Towanda,, Pa. Mar IL . DR. H. wESTON, 021 co in .Patton'► Block, over Gores Drug sad Chemical Stare. • jaa LP. _AN . ' LISTON. ,• ATTQTINEY ANSW. TOW/ DA. • Botith elide of 3fercur's Now Mock. tip et rit April 21, "10—tf. B. 31 cliE A N, ATTORNEY H • axn Cormxiazon er Law, Towanda. Pa. Par. tlenlar seeution paid to business In the Orphans' Court. ynly 20. WH. C ::„. ARNOCHAN, ATTOR • „ A., L.tw (I)l.tri( t Attorney .for Brad ford COllll ty), Troy. Tn. Collections made and prompt ly mraltted. fcb '62—tf. I' • tc,:: . D. C. Dr.AVITT, Attorneys-at e" • Lrn ., .., ToscandA, Da.. Tracing formed a "co.part nereblp. tender their iibrofeccional rereimor to the public. Special attention gPien to EVERY DEEKIIT MENT of tho buainecs, at .the county sell. or .else wb.c. l :4 &COD DiTVITT. 4. CLINTON Dr.N. 1 El . TOWA.rDA. Pa., Dec. 12, 1670. • T . . ToreCll,ll 7 P,, A.TTORNEt OAT LAW. Tinratldll, rtl, Paztientar attention tn. to Orphans' Court business. conve3 - aneing and -Conr•etious. Mee in Wood's new block, south *4 the rtrk Nst.t.l,3nal. Bank, ur awn 1. 1571.. ei H. WARNER,. Physician and sur g eon, Lenaysrille, Bradford Co.. l'n. All calla promptly attended Oane trot dOC): Banta o LortayavilleTionse. S.,pt. 1,5, 1870.-n riTETZTON & ELSBItEE, 'tcuy's AT Lap.', Towanda, Pa_ having entered into copartnership, offer their professional services to th.!•pnblie.. Special attention given to. business in ills orphan's and llsjister's Courts. apll4'7o r.. ostrvrott, rt. N. C. ELFERM 11. TERCCriI 1 S, ATTOII- IT L Nr.YA AT LAW, Towawla. Pa.. The underahntect having a.en..•Jat4slthenzaptreti together ia to at Law. ofrer theri pmge,gonal aerriera to the public. .I;LYSsTi3 mEricrit. W. T. DANTE& March 0:1919. W() A. & . Frick: Amet. cipoFit, the Ccmrt 'nous°. Towanda, Fa Oct. 27,'70 A. ,EF.ENEY, COUNTY SU • pr.I:I'....:TENIYENT. Towanda, Pa. odlee with 11. 7d. Peck, - seennd door Isrdror the "Card Ifonse. Wid he at the oak, the last SLltord:ty of rash rooith and ot all other Ono,nb, n not Palled away on ecnur eta" with the Follwrit , nd , nt-y. ]'tiers shrotZkl hereafter be address.. dac above. dee.1,171 N.. MOOD'S, I.llATrrVv , es! ,, x. - Z 'Sgy- Alttsma and vicinAY. Oft!,l asl re?9,dence It , A. T. Cli,r ‘ rch Arlg.lo.'7o Ny. • r ;IY,It I east Itopyrt,r builuiu~ Seal MEM 1`,71." • TORN W. MIX, ATTORNEY AT rowan s u. nitafora F. P.l7tirritrir atter rar.l to C011...t?( , ms awl Arpllans' ?Id,* Nev. - 'north I^lll,l le S•funre. al,r. 1. "n. T\ol7ol - 1 0. LEWIS...A GraDtr -11 of ;clam and Srircr, -, 11,4,." Se,v 5 •rk.e;ty, vivo , Ittb•nti6u t• • t , .. , •• 147p•t;:•,.t otter an.lrcFlilenre c: , tet 5•.1,,p.• Orwell 11E', ri..l„ j obnor Ber.rt II•ot • t;•,t,•i.tt. 1) 1.1. D. T). has ,;., 11. w,,-, 1.4 rty. !,1 .r the Elev; s+ ?.•:, It•eliss i ;.. • T, • tl;:In by ;, •, Tr. - :zo ; 0;1.. 1.7. t -yr. lit 0 (-) S' • _ -_ .I.l' tliewirt is arr to ft-1,• tIo• Intt.t..;,-•:,- at :I'l et . ay. ;lay all.l I ..N.4:1...± .10, 2;7.7.4, scol - rk ' t•. 1-41.1:11TELL e • I I,f .- • r! v. 11.1 .1 N, r:ve -.• ,51.9 :21::3 - pro t•: , mgilyv•r, 3:cr n•,,k M. , : I:. • , - . FIELD CREEK r. c. 1.1 r., • , ••••. , n f.,ruiPrly I'v S!,,frift Grit -1... ;Lt. Cit. 111 , 1101 Of I:llrmuf , rfiell Cr',.'k is reLoir tt, Kkitinit itatisf.a.t , 3ry m - ty fm,..r him with a.call. • ;,.TERN 7 -0 USE, TOW AND-1, r The ilnr , n4. gn.Rta r.f ellt A va. , rior f o.4 y bf O l To:dir!" 13:to Ale, T. .R.'10.122)1 - .7 , 1.T.C . 3, Jan, 24.'71. FropritAnr. Ln Liv , pill. ADF ORD HOTEL, _,JI ~ • TOW".,:im., PA. V., wil, , , , rlber Latilng lea , Alarel 14tkly litteit IT , c , th , "love rioter, lat•- l.• 1 ,. ....1.t by 41.71 i r.f4 a • salooli 4 latt - . 1 1 1.., ilin..; Irra•e, or. tie sont'f, -- f•ele vf - Ilitlty)}: sTi; :1 - :r.11, , :ct so the rail.ro:el, le 1; ' , w prepared' to entel.tain the public with g , e , lo,ce,ciatlati.4 me on r , a ,,nel,le cliarg , .a. -No tr , .elle or osp.ree will 1, erar.ki to aeoteni(Orite tlin , o ealling—ots him. Ma . 1,1. ',ill t., Syrtileleel Vilth. CAVACe rut of Ci.r47A, . I,l,ce,rs. Meg, &e. - (4 , ,,,,1 Stabling attaehed.• - 'MI. ntsny. To.,..ia.Julw 1,1 , ,71,0t01 May 72 Yroluiet.e)r. Or NEW • PLANING MTT,L RE.SAIVECG, :STOUT.DINGS, At the nla "Licit rt: R. rnii.alrief, Wooden Factory SaA - ra9'..l, in ✓ Ii:1~r SSS ;:':LS, t 'f.L~.~` ASD'd . IZCIILCG in c:larvt , -.l An tlat inr.y ro:::•:,•.• I" ,,, Ncrr. lain a 2.! w 4,a , )::= of tbr yonr and fowl W.. 01 CIO F....W.1%;!1 crr ..;J:, to Zur b I Li: r. r to i•ccicr. cz.L•aa7,e for 42. ,Y.11:11 = EY SAVED; =RE ..~~::.~~t.~c cL•a; )~:> nc~s = T ASSES LIBERALLY ADJUSt .II ed and pro:x.ll)2ly paid. LIK:ro la the GEITAT.A',.: INST. - RANCE COMPA.NI - , OF ERtI, PA. Anthoriv-cl capttal • ' 71 , (LVY.'9 02141 C:4•ital,.. ... • • t'2•OJ - ,( , (24) SCITLAIIint-'fi.E/2.1.:•••a• T. BECRETI:Trva . O. 0. I , ..llitEriuilat, Vice Pr e. 3). B. Ji IJNE. Sccy. J. A. Li:OAM. Ag,i.a. Towanda. • CITABLE:S F. DAYTON, hand a fr.".l nr,d and a;i !: . ,1 his I!ac 4 E4 palring al 17 p manufactuil.4.; d;) 'owanda. AtLATIPt 23, IS7I. AND )14 If y, on and t:inz , :r' sVainingt..ni L. d u.n.ilps. and 1.11,5cu1t, and all ki1..16 uf Cracker,* te 7%. 'Lamb 4.'.u. W. A. ROCKWEd.I.JS. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ti Duzi, and ca.nizp rucrra, at • 5144c11 LON( Frrt rct B. Inzonsuom cans. MEENE PITSICIAN AND si-Ri3roS GI:NERAL ucsruaNcE mitNT ctelt PEI-`-B I= ./1- t lIINI, (30(y: - ) MHO iori STOVES AND HABDIVARE W. L. .PENTLETON July 21.'71 Slit'Cl:citt ,, 7 to illvtll,llmy H A WN: ES S Over llocAl;'s St ow Iffic • \ - ti_ II El ME! N:23 500ITSPAIID. ItOrPTIVAED. P. M. A. At. . . V. 111. P. IC 9:"0 8:00 TOWANDA 12:21 .7:10 2:40 8:10 135.IICZAY .1 - UNCTION 12;10 10:10 3:00 8:30 310NROE 11:50 6:40 3:3.5 9:95 WILCO X/1 11:15 6...05 3:45 3:55 NEW ALBANY.... 11:05 5:55 3:55 .9:25 WILLEM 10:55 5:48 • 4:30 9:50 1)131311011E 10:30 5:90 V. X. A. Y. , 1... At. P. Y. 31. P. G DlsAii, °col Passenger agent EEO NEW :ROUTE TO PAILADEL- • NORTH rEtiNSYLVANIA .11L11,110AD. Shortest and most direcillne to Philadelphia, Bal ldrooro, Washington. and the Seath. Passengers by this roots take Pomaylsanla k Neu - York - Railroad train. passing Towanda at :13 A.. 11., make close connection at liettdChan with Ex. press train of North Peun'a Railroad, and arrivo In Philadelphia at 5:45 P. IL, in time to take ntifbt trains either for the South or West. CitTpaatiengercare are at the Depot oti arrival of a I trot 'convey taisoimgers to alio victims Depots 4t, ali pi rta or the city. Leave N'crtli Petah, Railroad Depot, cornet Berta av .1 Amyl-lean acre Philadelphia, at 'ldid A. SC, arriving at Towanda clip P. 31, flame erelaing 31antes Da -.mg° Pape...—. collects and delivers bac , gage. oftleeNo. 105 Sort , / 11th street, Philadelphia. Freight Teri ired at Front and Noble streets. FLAB delphia, and forwarded br Daily Fast Freight train to Towanda. and all points In Rualuebanna 'valley with quick diqiatch. ELLiS CLAIIKE: . Art. IQ. P. li. R.; Front and W llo w Ste. 21, ,3 Philadelphia. ERT:p RAILWAY IWO trs2Eld S4IME.4 Nrrrilotrr • O.ICkALLVAGrArp4: MANGE Or coannikel BROAD GIJAGE-DOIJELE TRACE TOII CIFDLAND, TOLEDO, DETROIT, CIIICAGO, li!TLNYAU.E.RE, ET. PAI7L. °MAMA, And all points TS'est and llorthwest. .777.11. 17...1202e; , Mara. DAYTON. CINCINNATI. INDIAIWOLL9, LOL'ISVILI.E, ST. LOUIS, • • And all points South and Sontlnrelt. Nrw Ain Dirr,OVltro PrAWIPta n 0011.6 1 ,13 Stztnnd CloAcuna, combinttiq all lrfodorn ImprnvilanAtA, are run thmuch on all Trains b, twee n Bctdo, Nta,,--ara SnspiAn,nm. Drid4e, Cleveland. clinctxuaan and New York. '.(l - 0 and :dter 'Mon& Aro. ISTI., traits will icsrs Wsvcrly arsi,oa: the fullowit,j hours. : 4:02 aunt., NIGHT I.XPRESS Nerula,) - s nocheptcr, Buffalo, ‘DnuldrY.- Cho o:auLl cinnati, cortnectinz with the rah, ShGre: rout (,rand TrUnk kin:Brays at Butia ro3,lCleyclal:tl o. the Wrol; also :..t lona with the C: C. C. & Ina. 'Bailin ay for Indian tuul at Cincinnati with the Louisville t:t.vort Line Ilru!way, telt the Ohio k Railway for (fr.: S , rub. and Southwcst ; also with connect ltl fines at.priticipal f , tatirtna on main hue, 4:4:: a. rt.—Nit:HT 1 - .3.11:F-S- , ;, daily. for Bac,ter, Duflalo, 'Dunkirk. C'...•,1:1..nd snl elneinn4l. mak ing dtrect ,7.onnevtilm with trains of Grand I-rtn.k and I..ake Shure Itai!,ra,:.l. at Buffalo, Onntirk and Clvvytana. for nil T)Wokt, and at Cincinnati . „ with tha Ohio h 3 - fic , ism!ppi and Lcratsvi.llr Slott LIK , Railways for ti.. South and Soutti-wt,t ; also v Ith r , utt 1 , n.:3 at if.riciplo st:o. , .rila on ''‘T D , n'. fl line. 8:2" a m.—.II . AIL .74A ZN, gamlaye for IlaZain *Ltd tam.k:rk. ACCOMODATII3 I *, , SumIaya 5:'.35 p.m. —WAY 71:.11:ti, fc.r raMra, Samlays ex- 341.: M. I , AV ea.). pl,l, for unr, r).:, 4 . int . tr..nar• ti 7.1 s' .10 si prir.6l.ll tiat . ..l3s Ltd polutß on train )/nc. New ant th.,w, train tr.na ig Writ to r.nff..tlo. nn.l rtg C.m..11.•., sr.. ur tact.r.l nt rnn. n:r a thr,' ton Cir.ar , l:.: , tlith.l(l4ol.l /0:1. a .ra .-la. 3i ill.. ;Sin/days Lao, Dunkirk and C'eveli,nd. connecting with trims Pr - t-lIP Stem. A tilr , ;pine Coach if, attactc...l to thla train tanning thi-imth• In 72+ziTa:o. 7:C , (1 a. w Raztaass 2:V:1 p. tn. —EITIORANT TRAM 11;1,4 1.,,r . —NIG TIT llSPRESSAinticlayx escefltx'd,coa• Ni.w York with 6.ftervoon trains amd ‘7, - I:arl.;era for );,a , t,,t; and New' Etagland cit.:ill. Coarl,s a.,,onlvany thla train In N. Y. a.m.—CINc.INNATI EXVIIESS. a ex . ; c(l:tod.. connam.nw, tt Jerei.y City vitt/ att,rzioml even,n• tra:ll. of Sl.Nr 1 , 4 .14 , 7. , -:l , lr.'n. Wado.4.ton: and at Y..,:1; ntth Ft , 22.221 ,. ni .n 2,01 3.21.•r2x2,2272 1.1 - xprvem t.,inq Er......./attl 02124. A 1,2 2, gtoloi At 1 , 622- i:1•21 ptati(4l. arnl c a gn.222 . ct2221.2 points itue. •!: ... :v.rovipalry 1.123)21 - rsin Net* . YOrk 12.x+: ;).111 Striatlaystlxrept,2l, eon -42. .1• city wall tuirl2 , 421 , 2 Erpn.s• , train r S 1: •-.• 411"1" , ,rld for lqii!...l,:ph?:t. t.rrs 3t nt:.t.goll6 aOS COL:Lt. - Lug I.nisitt. No.w t' , •:).:11 , F a , corn pzily thiA troll fro.n rAlfitio to 1" , :c:w York. 3 :rel.!) .ra • 'Co MA:DATION TR.UN,Iy for EMMWM 6:2,1 p, torta• 6ttliday4 excepto . 5:47 p.ta . ITCNING • rouni..3.- 1::: , at l'at,r,.ll fer N.r.Trit ; at Jc.r. , , , y -Clty with 3t,,trung rrv.o Ilnitro:, 1 d at N., 1.71; w:th 7,lorna :: t^air.,l,,r t,:y, 'and c:ti,s. ,•• ,t aU , nr.cipal i•,,Lt, E1,1'711 '. 17',., ;14,0, - Yl,:pany tllis trzin thron,,!i to • N, Yorlt. . —WAY . Sututlye DAGC,AGE CirECEF.D TITUCTGII '. A rf , c - id and Turo. 'Dal6" r Trails cr. Tzir Italway Sad con -2iev:.l., t and can vroerir, , 3 Vie Ti A;44..c.d of L. 1,. (:. AiL..ItCL „s BA N , N 1"),A PA . (5;11.7.:. ,, ,0r s: DanterA.) Le•,