r4uftu'ral. • 1 ABLE GREEN FEED. ing.: table !shows the 1 ter, in the: ft`'nabstances eli hundred pounds of !e ::named. Deducting I .•nained from 1011, leaves f the more • nutritious e snbsbuice: . . M.013T The folio,' amount of wl named, to c. 'the subStrui4 the oaths her the ai*ornit (j pvr tivis of ; tll Water. ..• 0111'r r :'.. : ..:......75.0 .. .... • • blwznilig . • • RLO ,locanitig 4 781.0 blooming ; 811.5 of 'r, bort , ciovcr, full tilv , tlis II du% er, i;v• - ,1,411.c10vcr,, t I . ..nc,:ru, in 1141,1.• I I , in Cl , • -• :' 'hilts, in in flut /111itar , ni , . Vci.Aif..S, 1n It• in flowers. I: - . 2t-ticit )cg fling blooming:. t 83.0 nil . .... .:82.0 81.0 2 . I 11,,w4- 74,0 • 81.0 iii tlowt , r . fl,v,rer 80.0. ::r!:: ;tzar. c'ili•!•114.•;t• C 3Cna ' MOM= .1`; FEI;PINC: Caor.—Fre-, ti: u 1 in oar rambles among . t the crop of tomatoes . is !lid rot:till:4. on the ground. dlo von' leave thpia thus? " oh, tlhcy- will. not sell =EMI ~; Li;~ii~~.y '~I~C Mg DM L il:~l ~: 11-;t :-..ply to 1 - ;ay for picking and _marka" But we say II (aliulUl which,howc-:er, = t Ind cacti innonvenient to t osi, in the house, and lot of two to lon bushelii sill, not flay to crot a sap- , tons:: and cooking arrange- . fhb -canning, the other cafes of toina-, them as a variety} un-:. donne stir one peck of 'wipe to-1 Is tis3zzabl. two_ quarts;, d d with corn , , quantity :Jove believci: the balance the - fowls would ! l la; tomato. Fel to .toes wlll :: - dxto the .11 the salne ciniount of `• then). greedity,l MN jr;10 ES lINEN IMI 1 •'_ tki:t ah,l EVE BKIIII -,; 4 ' 4 1, fif MG =ll EIMME ' . ,1 - .' ill , •:r 1 :;.. - 7 t 4:(.., i :ril ;. - .1%; 1.:,-n2litictil 1:nov; thura is an in lAA in Una one item the ilc fe,l Oil grain will b 4 by tun .r_ ing of renew= r and softer skill. : 11_ ,;re . il_,.-.11 the value of tlal. hair, colaipreil with shorts. e ofteii- - won - dered that our who buy brewer's grain 4 alerity ()I laud, should oiniL the Lnow . iodge that, a bu.-11). : ; Atic . h ! 0 Jes will, insure ao lunei fctl 'to the COW as a bushel ;-; any' have • tLnL try it :Ind report. EME 1‘( IL . I I 1 ., Tr.': HoitsEs ca is not oniv• valuable as la le fur sick hnrses, but 'is useful in ,faseii of inflan.4- hp 511elubralleS pperiliar Te6piittion and dige, - and lubricates the .rn(laiii>.-2s the irritable parti.-1,. - s la.ahliy action. We 1116 . 0 tea, in large quail • horse:, laboring under the ginthif .14a; they seemed to r.ch Iwnelit from it, and gen •:1111; it with avidity. out henellt we derive from ithe mucilage and oil whim contains, its nutritive e of - some acount, especli:il - to. animals laboring 11(;s organs of deg- L'lGal:11:1 it :3%01- f6o;1. In the eveut cLI 1...cc0.ni.u;:: prostrated 1.13- 1.11:1t-liC:tte .%r !;W:1 1 :1A%1V may lie .;1 , .- %,.r.11,1 of irritable 1. , addition of It little honey mory useful. In the latter „iv :1 Co -the animals umicr acute er chroiiic i, ,, •,1 n lEEE • 1 o MEI lEEE =1 El BEM El ROE , 1 ,' ' 1 fwi l arattis; To iy.t R CO111)10 jOl L . llO i!,to a kiric...klet, a''.v.l balf Of 1)(il1- ESE • npon it. ' Cover it vt) eutipVlof it =I ===l -IVe have ocica a,;*to the prepriOy re4dy Im?Wag' for a rise We cannot mlitlt a matter on svhieh .11.tve difror r ont th,•?:; - • eireninstitn i<•i) may find '10.10.; a- to which cot&H. , , 1, an(' make a 111411 . 8 ; 'A car Mer !A: ivarlat. ithout 105 , 3 of BUIE 111 EMI cr o p. If GA; I);Arii•.e , l a rart of-tho Jiro la,nt sty to a:. the earliest claw. i:U~} i ... :ii4 RIM = . ift i:s tte , .. , r wise fora ar -10:-...row 't,totteo rather than ; ~...i, . .en 9). Ire Wll afterwr.irds r,tt7ret "tilt- c. , )nrs .. The anexi th•_‘ cp:-. ahlor --mil NpOnstinne a eVi'll Should he sneeeetit in 1 all :VlVl:nee, the cost of it4er -1r,nbth.,...,-; eat it np. 'ari.ler liaittioneylin hand land iris,barn, he is indepen4ent .th2geneit.s. ';:n,l dati do tis he .I , nt, for all others, we think they - get to - market the H'LL.zrf.;; an , l :17,,1n,.. , • Einq , .i 1 , , ,:u\ =I 1151 If a =EI 1.., ... TAI:L!:.—Ta aid. fardtc•rs 1, illg. - 41:aveunle.y in. estilua i - rig .oli 1; t-.:, , i 1,-1 ml in difiercut 11 Ids cultivation, - filo fplio , .viiiff ta .,..,. . ,Tl _~ ~ ~.. ~,-:~~, NES by 481 yards evg 3 0110 ncr ntr yards wide by 2 .yards one acre. ,yyartls wiklc . tty 121 yartls twg :is- ono acre-. 1 , y:vds wi4le by 69 1.-7-y4ds out gins one flexes. • ya - rtj!: 'vtrds flcre. v TucA by s_t; I , !c!t [long .^.!•r(, 1 MI and n ft - :et - by eontivilB One aert ! . 1 twt.lity fo - it f. t . .. litaius one nerP twenty feet ecmtains one ne forty feet t lo:i;;'Altains one and forty fe , 4 f)li© act OM I • 1 = =a !T.l 111 A Rai)Stailee of the f9,r a coming I)..lieye whlit the what thelliihlo r Nl-,1 ME E.:, in • 11 • ISE EMI 1 1 Clothing. 6 Tif.SSE,GETTIN G : THEEII rir , CLAIMING MADE TO =EH. - 1 'rim should study. two things. Flrd. to GET THEM WHERE IMISTALASS lIUMIIIOI IS MADE Secondly. • „ ' - WHERE THEY AIM BOLD CIPEAP I . • . !Arid In order to be able to se/la g ood article chop ttho merchant must 'undorstand his badness, sod knees how, where and what to boy as * practical man does ; and a • - PRACTICAL TAILOR ..:..4 IS all Its branches I profess toy; basing had ..1 1 EIORTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE 1 In th e business. Have been a cottee in some of the beet houses In I t . 4 I ; • 1 1 NEW YORK CITY. I do my own buying, selling and tutting, and &aide my profits with no math sit that less of it will . do—and with low rent end Cher expenhea in pro portion. thus makin g the of carrying on the businces very small. . .. Oln readin g the above You will me why Gls that • . 1. CAN SELL doo,Ds CHEAPER than tutu following the lnisineaV and haling no leedwied g e of it thetaselves, have to employ others at liar g ‘• salaries to attend to it. and customers must they, like mys e lf, !pay accordin g ly- - as I ;. I BUSINESS . IDO -T O -LIVE BY IT. If you doubt the above statement, be convinced by ,-. I. n it on ' - } DENBY HARRIS, -Merchant Tailor. Bridge St., Towatula. Pa , An t :AVIV ~_. H—JACOBS, . DEALEII Dirk,, ,, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, ADD • ' `' l lIATS AND CAPS. An g oods warranted. and sold,at the lowest rates. South store in Beidletaan's block. Main-st. rnylBll Willinery.. • M . L3S E. ..If 'KINGSLEY ? Wishes to inform the Ladies of Towafida and vicinity that she keeps constantly on hands lar g e s g pply of lel I 1..1 I 1 I N - P.l 8./ "E Ciessis, suitable to the season. Thanking her pat rons for their liberal patrona g e heretofore. she as. sures them that rio exertions will be spared to en sure a coot-I nsilco of the same. Ellie also has a line selection of- , •t- HAIR AND FANCY GOODS, Such as _ Kid - Mores, Linen Collars, Cuff , - - handkerchiefs. Real Laces, Corsets, cfc. ((C. I have also reopened, In connection with the above my ',RES:: XtARING entabliehrueUt, and I DM DOW piv i and to do CUTTING - and FITTING In the latest fashionable styles on short notice. Lbtrauce ueat'door to Afot.h Mercer's, up stairs. April 4,'71. NEW GOODS •• ' AT TILL SIGN OF - THE BIG BOr.NRT. / ,/ "B A. PETTES k CO., . , . Are trove' offering a 9rctit. Variety of • / --- . DOMESTIC AND FANCY . . DRY GOODS, CHEAP, .SUM Ad ' . PRINTS, MUSLINS, GINGHAM'S, TICKING'S, Ac. . LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. BED SPREADS, Ac. DRESS GOODS, PLAIN AND GROSGRAIN SILKS. Extra q uality . . SHAWLS, LACES, LACE COLLARS - • - ••• • • YANKEE NOTIONS ; '`l t Itt.A' .1. AND IMITATION . • lIINIR GOODS. . . ~ , • MILLINERY GOODS, can ; : q o in lily. q uality or price that the market drulands. Mlllthers-stipplied at New York prices. -• Towand a , April 20. 1871-3na . ---• .FOR SALE AND TO RENT, -Li AT W. DITTRICH'S • LTSIC STORM. ONE HUNDRED FIRST-CLASS PIANOS. ~ ONE CENTRED AND Ferry MELODEONS TWO nrNData) CABESET AND CHURCH , ORGNAS. Five thalami Violins. Clarionets, Flutes, Banjos, Guitars. Concerbuas, Accordoons. Strin g s , for all Strin g Instruments. Brame, Bones, etc. SHEET MUSIC ND INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOB EVERY INSTRI:IIIThT. r ) 1 A. - .N - - 0 S From the only first-class ambers In the United States,as F. C. Lighte k C 0.,. Docker Bros., Stine way, Weber. New 'York: Hallett and Cunastons Boston; Slathcwshek, New Haven CL; O. Meyer, Philadelphia. and Knab in Baltimore. Melodeon, from B. Shonin g er, New Haven, CL; Pckdbet. Felton k Co.. New York. Or g ans, the celebrated Golden Rood American Organ, sod the Burdett Combination Organ. Out door east of llercur's Bank, the only store of the kind In Towanda. mar.29'7l -... ANOTHER NEW FIRM. IPUIZNI9CUR., v. LOWE,/ THAN EVER. J. S. A•L L.Y N &•C O. Baying purchased the Furnitu r e Store of D.L. ante Paea in Mereueslilock. have added lar g ely to their stock, and now offer , F - ' ' URNITURE : - Of every description at prices which will . . DEFY com - ReittioN. - ~/. is Bating purchased the stock for ant, they feel warranted in sayin g that they can Offer greater in ducements than any other establishment in the c o unty. , Towanda. April 20,1871. R UBE CIDER VINEGAR AT , , FOX •Ar HERCUR•S. DQOLEY'S BAF.ING POWDER! The very ( l est ever offered to the public. sold , • junia,7l. FOX At HERCUR. 001) MOLASSES FOR '6O Ge 'ent \per gallon at FOX St =ECUS'S. Oct V= \ SASH, BPORS, AND BLINDS. I am prepartfl to furnish Klin.dried Doors, Ebert and Blinds of arta a ' r ua Lae, or thickness , on abort notice. Hand in orders tea days before you 'want to use the and be sore that you will s et doors that Will not shrink or swell: Tarns cash on &Rimy. \ • Towanda, July le. ISM . ^ -- GEO. P. CASH. rri.--,__ _ fIE GEM FRUTr JARS, THE 1. best to use, wholesale and retail. • •1111 7 I._ • \ McCABE AMI . . 80.0 ' 82.0 81.0 . _82.2 _71.0 b 9.0 90 5 75.0 80.0 • , - 41 5 . . . [MI h'~ wide acre. I' M== lybßlßg FOR 1871 PAPER c ENVELOPES NEW-iORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS PENS, IS; 1110310, SiATIONDT AM) 4 •rti~ : >: BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS. Towithja, Nov. 19,1861. M;+:021al - zoons. TOWAI%4I3A Marble Works. GEO. * McOAI3E do eON Mr, JUM receind tho 'largest timportamat cot t, m - 4awl rwyml9 ILE 4 Pi ;El Es i! Ever exhibited in this eeotion, to whieb„ they brviter the attention of the public.. They ►cep on baud or furnish to ceder a 1110NrUMENTS,. TOMB STONES, MANTLES, Of emas7 style, ~:y~yy:i~~~11y~.`y1i~~~IQ~~1i:~ 'Persona In want of anything In our line are reo spectfully Invited to call and a:amine - our Mock. MrCABE & SON Towanda, HAS 1. IH7I CENTRAL MARKET The enbecribers stall continue to keep tangent', on hand a full and complete assortment o( every thing pertaining to their truenness, consisting ;main ly ot BEEF, PORK, FRESH AND SALT SUGAI4CURED UAMR, MUTTON, - BEEP LAMB, VEAL. POULTRY. SAUSAGE, LARD, BOLOGNA, DRIED BEEP, • TALLOW, kc., kc. Also. M -1 FRESH FROM THE.LAKES. OYSTE.II9 RECEIVED In tbeir season. Parties wishing Oysters in largo or small quanti ties will be tarnished on abort notice, at the okl. stand. Czarinas. MAILIOLT. Monts/aye's trot door north of Dr. Porters. CLUB. OIKELZOL 1 XELIX7tI & 11117LLOCK. Tuao. Mum.ocx.. Feb. 21, 1870-tf FIRST .NATIONAL BANK OF TOWAN'DA CAPITAL StnIPLI3B FUND. Mile Sank ofterrEMCSIILL FACILITIES for tie tranoction of a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. INTEREST AID'ON DEPOSITS ACOORDECO TO ple1:4:4,01A;v0 &mast. GAZE OITIOI TO TUE GOLZ4CTION or Nand 431T0 GIIICEE. Parties wishing to Eli= Illcrarr to any part of the United States, England, Ireland. Scotland. or the prin. etpal cities and towns of Europe, ad here procure drafts for that purpose. PABKAGE TICKETS To or from le: old country. by best dreamt or ratil ing lines, al ya en hand. ru in= LIMO= Chit LT ILLDIICED 1/373. Highest Price paid for MS Bands, God dad Aber J. POWELL. President. N. N. urrrg. Towauda. June 24. 1869. ' Gabler. PERSONS IN SEARCH OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS, • Mn(fit not forget Walt JULES HUGUENIN, JEWELLER tf SILVERSMITH, One door north et MERCURY NEM MOCK. T 4 O WA YPA . PA Is constantly receiving additions to his stock of goods suitable for present*, such se- LADIES' WATCHES, AMERICAN 'WATCHES SWTSS_WATCHE, Of ill descrlpfiagi. Also • selected assortneot of GOLD CHALCS, FINE GOLD JEWELRY; Es= CLOCKS Of ALL STYLES JEOX THE CHEAP• EST TO TEE BEST. GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL ,SPECTACLES AND EMGLASSES to It all cars of impaired ;Right NEW PATENT ACCOMODATINO srscoTACLEZ. /3Y this patent I am caabLed to eaehazige Glasser It any time without extra charge. Cali aa.t 110-0. ',CLOCKS, 'WATCHES AND JEWELAI V.EPAIREL. AND wa.rwrrza. Towanda, Ike. 8, 1870. 66 MOIVANDA."—This high - bred Stallion was sired by Ah•wa-ga Chief; grand Aire, Ilysdyk's liambletonian;" dual, ,Vermont Mu* Hawk; grand dam, Messenger; one white . pastexn behind„ black pants, dark Say, 1:5 hands and 3 inches high. 4 years old In July. He is one oi the most remarkable animals .the country ism pro dlioad. lie is beantifni. kind, and blood like, action perfect, possessing groat strength. He is in close proximity to two of the most notable .stallions in this nation: "Hanabletortlan " and "Ethan Allen," • most fortazate cram TERlO—$lOO to Insure. $25 lit time of service. ettettedll not be refunded In my event. and $73 when prtrven in foal. We bate tine stabling and pasture. - en reasonable term. Beet possible care taken of Mares. Al] accidents and escapes at owners eta. Beason. . March 12th to Soreniber lit. 1871.. • Tau4da.llllar.ls"ll , MIX k NONTANTIL rriHE ITILiCAL WHEEL RAKE, -L. Plaster sn4 ()rein Breedesst Sower oomblnad. Yor raking bet or grain stubble. sowing sauster, grata, ke. oplendld snows& Farmers oboe see the Mater Sower work there will be no more sow ing plastelpy hind. !or 'ably It. It. maxis. 5p1.1211 Towanda. PL a~ee~..aa`ro~., THE UNIMIISIGNIED. HAMM Parokand Um eillr• labored at Ts the ara Id a & PATON Co.. Is imixi priparal to Ow le the 'Abase 422sdior4 Coastriall total. th a lap NNI v&loeisoled dock al GROCERIES, Midi I love parthised to Clest4 sad tat oomAdiat UM I eon Mil at ae kne bearer ee as be purchased elarirbem I now oar to their:lb/los splendid stock TEAS. COFFEES, SUGARS, STAB=B. lIAIXI4IIIB. SPICES. #.c IMIE Sate ea bead a large ago.* of AKRON FLOUR, 9pali4f DO. RYE DO..._stracwircir DO. I keep constantly on kind. PORK. 11Cal8. LA.8:1), and all kinds of V!SU. Would call the attention of the public to our Om•t Bo Bert STOCK OF TOBACCO; In quilltkpr prim Jew OsklarsOslebrstadLaun- dry, Sew York Chemical and Drown Soap Plow all sod esomlne oar stock of WOODEN WARE. Large sasortmout of YANKEE NOTI 0158. TOILZT SOAPS. ke., ke. I will pei the highest cash priceder COUNTRY PRODUCE. rimers, give tie s call before selling elerwto_re. • An pawns indebted to the bite arm trill plow oau and make Immediate payment, 0. 8..E117111. Tomittiti. Korth. 12, 1867. GROCERY AND PROVISION 8 1 1 1 0R.M. MoCABE k EDWARpS, ft ti" Wboteaale att4 Retail Dealers la FAMILY.. GROCERIES PROVISIONS, M 010711,13 NEW 111.901. TOWAXDA.. PA. We do pot demi it neevealry to etnucterste all the diferent articles wo keep. Otkr assortment is ALWAYS. COMPLETE: FIRST CLASS 'GOODS Cite paid 'for Partnere Prod lid; If arrlt 1, 1870 PEOPLE'S POLTII , WIC.= 733.11K1N MIT , Y.•SX 5TL.1.1116. GROCERIES AND PROV,ISIONS, Whklt *ill aa rola at Ma lowest posiible prima CODFISH, MACKEREL, 125,000 40,000 MUTT OF ALL" DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, GRAIN, &a. &Jim on ycnir prodn.ce, whkh we p ash fur A Butter 71. r constant Irlna supply ba of Ashton Set. all lazed Morns, , Tu. ke. Please all and look through our stork, and we will do our best to please you. W. A. IZOCKWELL. Towanda, April 28, Iscp. • THE OLD MAIN STREET Carriage Factory. . . Still continues the manuficture CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, Of every description, at the old stand et. O. II ULM' STEEET. TOWANDA. PA LATEST STYLE AND FINISH In the munifaanre of wagons nothing is need bat • the • BEST' STEEL - AXLES, COMPOSITION • BOXES PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS Thoi , fieot Easiora Mock la used lntlae snannraetrirt er linnol% Spokes are all rived out—not saved. WARRANTED EQUAL TO ANY SIVERIOU TO dIST IN TIIIB RECTIOII. O ;„t!XF.S . BRYIYII apLL9II " WARF'IVLD'S COLD W...rra SZLF-WAELICLNG BOAP. For solo by Thle Soap will ariah all kinds of elothiair b did Wate4 either hard or soft. as uty other soap will by the old fashioned way of boiling, and warrweted not to Wore the cloth. Remember, no hot water . and Do boilbte—quite a aastnz this hot aroather. Try it, Illad oath* Yonne% - lanedt7l4la Ft., H. PATCH, C. B. PATCH NV* sell nothing Cat JAMES .McCABR„ WM. EDWARDS. qIIOCERY Alit, PROVIAWS UTOR.t. A Dew aud complf.te stock nf HERRING, PORK, IttIITTON, HAM, YANKEE NOTIONS, DAIRYMEN, JAMES BRYANT Ws wet is all of the Together with ttr In Light Ruck AND LUMBER WAGONS Kept constantly on hand. r , , ALL Icons SOLD An to finish. and as to dlltsbalty; *1 ALt. Worm 7ires,a.t.crr.a. Iva k MUCUS. ninftire. F1:1!INITUBE. NEW FIRM! !izw,cfcpci; We no sow anisi at. oar .111idessi• nd Sohn E EMPORIUM, *O.. 107 BMW. ' Tbetrobst tigu o lo4l!/1110 Urns In said of rum.. cuss i • t I :4: •' Iken offend sK fhb mast • • • : The sttentlikketAlthliablio Is sapeotelli caned to our ret bo est both • masses from the Ithe Greet Aso bon Sa at ovvaaßEß AND PARLOR • Wo are now aliwitg WALNUT MARBLE TOP SETS AT 811 08. And NICE PARLOR STS, At $5O 00; Together • r:tit oar Complete Stock eir REDSTEADS, BUR,EktrS, auras TABLES, 'STANDS, SPRING- - BEDS, MATBESSES, LOOSING -GLASSES, And in face everything to be found. in a Pbsbetue Furniture Stote; CHEAPER THAR THE-cfmaTM. 1") EMXIIIIIM TEAT W ARE ffOW 31ANIIPAO turing. and do offer goods of our own manu facture cheaper than you cam buy city-nuide goods elsewhere. Lumber tabus In exchange for goods, We Also' furnish ROSEWOOD CfASEXTS. itzrAue =mu, CAB E% AND COVIMIB eircry descripUoa. DORM BODES, CAPS, ke.., And we alga have FINEST 11.E,ABSE In thtr rwiton of country Geode delivered to the Depot free of charge JAISIES 0. FROST t; Towanda, Jut. 11, 1871. M. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOOD, WILLOW, AND4ITONE WADS. FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, &c., No. 1 PATTOi•B BLOM. COR. MAIMANNTRIDGE STS., .‘TOWAN34, PA • I de . nre to call tho attotition of the pnbtio to aesortrivnit of Foods, which 14 alwa7e.toll and corn pleto, sad will sold to tui o:tattooer', at lowest market rates. -- • myie . - oi ' • COFFEES, A?,9) Have bt.n perchasea ',lnce the Mato te!turtlon In the tariff on them, and Ire offend It, prima to eor rearoni. Or...rrc. 71 Mill or OfherlClPt., Ral te:cll• olirt4l3 \IA ptill:rt • 11,aul1tg the public for the liberal • patrouw eli'Y 1 , a% 11:e I , ris.l. a ow,tlr.oatica of the aanxe. CASH PALL FOR COUNTRT PRODUIF. feb.2o'7l RAWSON Mowing Machine. ELUIVEST OF IS7I A NEW INVENTION. PATENTED NOVEMEErt 2~, 18114 And ap: to every 3fechimix / 3 so `constrOcted tkat you it net Live to tee the lever in turning either wee. It will rtm ou any line just as easy as or a viral - 4M line, biking all the aide pressure/ from the homes.. it has a roll joint and will describe a fall circle eitl, r * 14//113g half the labor for the. horses sod driver. TUC uppo, frame is 'so „jointed or attecl.rei to the lower trainer, 118 to form a lifting lovcr taking a large part: of the weight 'of the bar from the ground and pleangi it back noon the driv ing-wheels, and lessening the of the machine. making one of tho lightest machines nee. The meeting has been grica ft tly improved and Is manut,:etured by using wrought iron sad steel kn the place of cart iron. The Castor Wheel is upon a steel spring kith wrought iron holder". making it light and strong. We can say to farmers that they can depend upon having a machine that has no equal. It has cast steal shafts, and both shoes plated with cast steel. Alsclitnes are warranted In every particular. IT any part breaks from defects in material or workmanship new parts will be lent with at extra charge. The Finger Bar is carried at both ends on wheels; can change trio wheels so ma to cat three height. of stubble. The machine has a dexible finger bar, and will conform to the inequalities of - the ground over which it is drawn: doing as good work upon uneven ground as upon oven ground. . THE REAR BAR MACHINE HIM a double-folding Finger Bar, having a longitu dinal; oscillating motion. This machine bas wheels at both ends of the pub bar, and is so arranged that you can met 'them , to ~ .eut any height, and can back out 'without raising tho lever. SULKY RAKES Wehare also two znanntas of the thilly Rakes; the well-known Taylor Dale and the Dayton Manufacturing Comparly Rakes, making two of the best Bakes in TllO, at whcdessle or retail. Manufactured at Almond, Allegany county, XT.. by L & H. RANSOM., C. F. NICHOLS, Genl spL24ll TOWANDA. Ps. BIILFB k SicKEAF, agents ter the wake= Part of the county. VO.. & = ROUE. nre now roots-- _a; ing a fresh stock of Goods in their line, bought since the Ist January. to which they invite the at tention of their friends. We keep tbo largest stock tti town. - Our goods aut lessit and desirable. We sell at lowest market prices. Jail. 19. 1871. IMESH AND NEW / TEAS, m bought .enne the reit decline In_ price, alur 11100117 g cheap at wall. TPX, k xteacint. Jan. 19. 1871. - pox '& mEßcwit, are selling Giro eerie,' at retail. , lan. 19. 1371. VOX NEERCUR are selling New Jl.: aria Fresh Goods. Jan. 19. MIL. - pox & IitERCUR are selling Gro- JI: onioa cheap. Jan. 19. 1871. pOx biERCUR are sellinefirst (loods only. Jut. IP, ISM O IiERCIIR are selling ictierperthan ever. • Jan. 11P. 18T1. EMMEMBER alit we are selling RGoodi RETAIL! Ala that we won't b tindeirold. Jan.:l9, 1911. FOX h. lIEECTIL AN, AN FLNE-CUT TOBAO ILL CO—vel7 choice—at Jan. 19, 1871. OX & HERCIJR a3not deal in F Sboddy Goods. : Jan. 19, lett. OUR CUSTOMERS can: tely.upon getting the very. beet the market Medi' and at Weed prima. ' IL T. IOX. Towenda. Jan. 19.11. . =MIT ht1=1111." pLASTER. PLASTER.. A toll supply of Fecal Ground Conga Plaster trout Yar.ger, Fitch k Co.'s beds at the imbeeribera rplll, at month of lttugunerdeld Creek, ilk* tiro- rued and *am:lW a pore article. JAMES Mat: rummy& miplang SHOE 111 " baylle roams ti. "waft mai Ifteblio Wl* awasta Jobs VinMe• = i t i F sh = • i d ll= 11( I 0 MILL GRARINGS, • CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, - • MAN DRILLS, And in kinds of - • HILL IRONS *Ammo ma= IMPAIRED, And al; yeti warranted jo give satisfaction. BB:INGLE . MACHINES Of tbe West put Met 13:11kInfis •• •• 4 44 _ and kept anistent4 on baud ready f:3l4luBe, - PiIsOII,GHS, u:DSMILL. IBOJ A.31:0 ,WOODEN BEAM CULTIVATORS, CORN-PLOUGHS P L 0 II G•H P.O IN Si - • , Of all khep, cohe West hapreeemmta kopt constantly on handL CHURN POWERS, - LA,BOII . ANV SKALt,• 1114. E. STOVE' CAST-INGS SLEI AND . ST4EIGH SHOES, An all kinds of castings farntehed to • • M&rcb SO, 1870. t 'MEANS k ROCKWELL. BLOOD & Still continue to manufacture their celebrated 11013,.5E POWEIiS & CLEANERS, and will sea a better nischins, for lesernoniy than as be had elsewhere to the world. We claim for orik machines that fttsy will du es much, or more, than any other. and 'ere More •durahly beilt. We personally roperintend ear work , and sec 'that tt la well down.. We will send DISCRIPTIVB CATALOGUES. • of we machines. on appli4tiOn., gE AND TWO llORSErowEtts, Oaa e Zoo Horse 1110. SHER of SEPERITORS, TIIRESERR.aNd PANNING;AIIt,bS; tariccian AND ini r to saw nap. • . ' SAW .016 GRIST 3.IaLL wort doneto order. Give rut a call before pi 'irchaitlig elsewhere. • •va "co eznioaavva. igKaIELIN 0,0 QO-0 EC Aol. 2. 2862. NEW tARIgAGE FACTORY ! On Pine; between Nan- and 9 oad. Streets, back 'of O. /P. Kam k Co.'s Bank, Respectfully anhonuc's to las frimalsial patrons; 11,st tbhaire built a where, th.•y will Oonetontly keep on hull a f all wOlort txzeut of TOP AND OPEN D_UGGIES, CaTING' S::LEYS, LND SKELETuNs Ms& of the best material snl flnisnod izi tin butt city style, His long experience in city, Carriage. raCtOrkell gives them a ckcided silciotaim ore: ,;;hers In this of Ws WSVenli, Ali they salts Is an . LOll,l INSPECTION OF HIS WORK proticms to purchasing elw2whero. eLL. trfißK wasica.vrieD To GJrJ PER yEer Tt.inkful for the rotroatige formerly ex ten~cl sad redspeettony *4; 1 contlzuaoce ofte same! B.Y.V.U.B.I.:SC . +IIIiONIEELY ATIENDLL , :0 Towamt 3, Ma r 24, tt. N EW PLANING MILL The undersigned basil.: bill:: a large ant Ce.ronio. dions Mill ln the 11 , irsu::ii o Iwo-awls, and Bird it with this tBost morn stit improved tusainery, for the'ratralactare of . Are prepared to ftil enter'. whether tarns or- small, upon the ahortret netiee. haNte alma a large ♦a. riety of MOULDINGS, or the latest style and pattern. which we =a furnish ranch ; cheaper than they can be warkisd by hand. pLerma. • • TONGCLING. oitooyrso, _ 4 4 - ND • • RAWDZO, And all other ork per'4.lulug td 3criuory, will bo dons to suit our custonfera. Person" building, and not living wore than twelve to fatirtecn miles&gent, will find it largelyfor their Interest to buy of usAerr bring their lumber and have it winked by our rolachinery. Bring your foist of Flooring. or other hamber;end while your team is feeding, have It ground out and take, it hotne with 704 We will pay CASII for Alit) itEMLOC/C LIIKEIgh delivered et our lumber yard. Como and see us, or if you esn'teome, write. Towanda. Feb... 1864. L. 11. BODOEBB it 00. 800B -BINDERY.-THE PUB .r.EO rheiiicittily informed thai•the took-Btu dory bee beia rembve to the ..Reporter" third deli. 'Where *ill be done In as ita carioca branchee, and;srma pa reasonable as "the times "Rill • The -Bindery be tinder the charge of An invniesieed V, nder. sad al: work will be promptly done in a eizrle and mugger 1r hiceininnotbe Mink, Eagicitioa. Newepaperi 3 Old Books, kn.. bound 11 1 elrel7 valletY of stile, Particulaz attention' will be paid to tho Baling and itintllng iof To any desired pattern. whlch. in (peaty and Jura. tatty will be warrwatvt. .• All work, will be mid, for. delivery. Wren peel:Ward. The Petreele.we of the public,ie solitne4. ant per.. feet eatiabiction guaranteed. _ Towards, /4..a;.rus:t 2, 1854—tf. - , IiAIc.PIY AND DINING 100271: BREAD, PIES, CASE,CRACKERS, In . ocreD6ILNG BOOKS We will lc:Comma:late the public with either a lunch 01.• a g . a.3.l meal at all times &the day and evening. OTSTERS AND ICE CREAM ON DA.ND prnmil Also a fine apartment of Groceries, Confectionery, Fruit". lints. mayl9lo4l PRICE LIST-CASCADE MILLS. Plcutr, best 'Winter wheat, pr. Pack from.. $2 00-7225 hruidred Tb 5...., .... 400 ~7." " " bum] 800 . Onatom grinding nanaily done nt once, u the„ca putty rattle mill is . sufficient for a large amount o wort. B. INGEtlid. Campton - 0.114p 23. 100. PDX ik MEUCTERT. THE BEST KEROSENE OIL IN to by the quantity or rotail at & =RCRPM TOFFEE, - TEA, SUGAR, PIM ‘4,../ dc., wholosale and retail. Jray I ..IIIeCA I3 E & MIX. _ _ 11 fl-T:/ Cc! A LL KINDS _GROCERIES AND A Pfarieous , at wholesale and weal, at May C. B. PATCH'S. COAL TAR, by ibo Galll;l3'4 Dir. reldar aalc ty , '• o GAS courANY. -~...wem+.: Of au tma. CELLAR GIMTEB, - J.AMig MON Errnrs TOWANDA, PENN'A - HENRY !FITLEN k, .CO., NEW BRICK CAIMAGE FACTORY, FAMILY CARRIAGES, PLATFORM WA.GO*S, Firll.qh, Style and • Durabl:ily S'ATISP.4CTIoy. :•r:t-es fT STULT.,.; h. S. CL.tli.S. WIND(W SASH A -O BLINDS 00K- . IIINDINO . I 11. O. WIIITAKEL MOM 1300458. Pint block north of Wand Honse DARED DAIL Y., And soli• at Wholesale and Retail THEIR SEASON D. W. SODTT k CO .4 • 4 M 4&R SILAILL BRO . ' UZA lIARDTARB. STORE,; mzuutra r ig NEW BLOCK TOWARD PL. fa 'lto plaits to boy 'Abode ot 1:0 W. A R. 2`fie cash. We bars on hazid WA ire recahrtimg • HOUSE . 11HENrsin0 G&W: ,DOOlO. - Busio; su f um kND LEATHEIVDEtTING Our Paints. Oils, &c., are et the beat quality trill be sok! rerylow. 'We , aro sirto agents for Cintat AaiEBICAN STEA'SI SAFE, (aim:taus:B relv l / 4 7). ad! reliable Fan Ihrnf Safe made. Also • , FAIRBANKS'S SCALES, auti.AGHTtcvKE -POWDER C DillOE4- RAW BONE - - SUPHER- PHOSPH AT - I Our stOck - of Ti .12 very Cargo and manutscinrod Out of tse material. ' - I Wo are also prepared to do Jobbing of all kinds We are MO only agents ter the celebrated new . I EMPIRE COORING - ' . STO Tto best cooking stove in .use,. and every warranted to givo agisfaction. March 1(4_1 iWO} S T 1 T H-E • •L e.lsy a MI • MOST C DEPLETE • • AFsortmcut of I \ . --- J WZRY, AVATCIES, CLOCKS. .'LATED ..RL, SILVER. WARE, GOLD RIGS, = COLD Ori.iNs,' .c:, &., Emr cypeual thla ti.ar§et, to ttive ou exhibition atul fur em:r at the well-known store of A. C`IIAMBEIiL ATN I i M 3 Mr. C. has re.terned from the eity, and flat t. Lhasa! that his stuck has Lean tx;t7ht . ft bot tom Agmes, Cis.; he um oCes better 'inAluc tuuntl to pnn•Lasers of ;l goods than any ettabhshment in the t.onutry MRUNT TO ALL E VIM SIGHT! The ei g ht of the 4 , ed aseisted. the Weak St. ed and the perfect preserved. PHIL:KIDELPHLII OPTICAL INSTITI.ITE, Pqr the manufacturing of the , CONCAVE CONYEN, CRYSTAL LENSES, LONDON yt L I ratoKrr, AND iIkTED GLASS TO A wr...ti OR TY- ,• The Concave Convex Crystal 81!ctailvti, .trade Dy the above institute are now a lima -time before tLe public, and the rapid and increased demand for them combined with the universal. acknowledgment of their clearness In vision' and ease to,the eye, elitists plainly that, they are superior to any other gists. in the market. DIMEEIZE ' The mudority of Spietzcles, , iftostly importu.” and -no =heehaw fine the frames. contain .hilt a poor and worthless article of giaMIES, (nsuerslly oust or pressed;) they are made to bo sold onlY, without any calculation resPectin.g 'benefit to tho'oye. anl therefore the great complaint of poor and weak sight. Thoosands aro using glasses now which tire and fatigue the eye, where the objects get dim after short usage, or reeplire' an intensely strong. light . and therefore destroying the sight, which. Were they properly suited. would be prerierved a life time. The advkatigea claimed for the Concave Cenve Crystal Glaases Lie the' following 1 The Lenses arc gt¢und of the besi matetial, pure and hard. and made Only for 'optical purposes, they are therefore not hable Urge - scratched or dm. They confer a bollisiacy and dt.tliactuess of vial - id not found Many other glass. They can lie used 1 equally. well by day Or candle light without tinn.. cr fatiguing the eyes. r. They arc i,-round mathematically true in the con. cave convex mirror, according to the phi' ksppliy of nature, and shape of cornea of the eye. erefore assisting natr.re only instead of r. ,, rcing it. . . That the lenses are centered correct into tb frames. They can be nsed'longer than any Othe glasses without chait,mt,,t, to a lusher power. The frames are tusdo strong and dnrabl4,byexpe. rimmed workmen and warranted to give satistactiem, '- W3l. 1. CHAMBERLIN', Dealer to We. 'her. Jewelry and Silver Ware, Tmpati.• • da. bas the sole Agency for these glasses in Bradford redlere employed. July 12, Ino-tr THE BEST ANT) CHOICESt '‘ _ I'OBU MANITACTITLED AT F_ G' TOR Y NU pp minim OF UAIViLAND See that Eiers Package yen' bn inuctiption. • i : li, 3r70: > Drogivid. Nedicinet • .. DR. g. t 7. i'ORTER; SON- 404 .NATioNri .. t711.00:05..'• • OLD' OMR" DRUG STORE. `iberazumarn Twiargr ri&nor. Comae Main sad rive /AMU, TOIMILIit Ilwes racently &Idol largany to tlunr stoat. *WI Ltd complete assortment. oonstinnUng Oltenitsli 'Or embrathig cosny articles used in the Anil let moo ••••k urposes, carefully selected with ch to th enro p ra wants of the public, win will cTivdoeuatantly supplied with fresh purchases, and en the most ressonsble tonnaM.Whaleple OF Wad, consisting of Drams, Ahuncnnas; Onzmicus, rns: oas..Aaacmizs. ALCOHOL AND Urri,PEFITNE, SOIL PAIItt VARNISH, ':11S-INTEI, And all ktilido cif:ttri4tues, KEROSENE OR COAL . 0111; Burning flnlda, .'41h1:03; fcHA,DES, WlCits, CH:=ZZEI. 44;n3,14 1 1 1 4 'Male; Licata Vogt, TANNER'S AND MACHINE OILS, N4larand Tothat Articles In Ni tlictriaricky, SKISGE B . BULB na‘ goers. cola*. • Naas:lea; Ital.r-Wes, Nita:nary; POOEBT BOOKS, PORTMON.4IB, • - Po4e t !palves, Baron Sfll AND trAnx PBEpAAAITO C 3, ' PURE WUtF Ala/'LITMUS, • _ ' P0i.2110 1 . 4 " lnei T6BACOO, .SNifFr;,TLII.EB ASD eardet, Field atedlitilver Beech". Trinasek. Sap porters, gmvetisorles, Shmildcr Braces, Breast Pumps, Teething , ; Rings; lguroing Bottles, Nipples, Nipple Shetld and Shiads4 Syringes, BOd. rams; Settee:sling Fruit ham, Thee , • morneters. Flavoring, Extracts, Stone • Jugs, G Ware; Bottles, Vials; Coiles, Bath • • Brick. alicklag. Fish Tackle, Am-. • 'munition, he.. .Botanic, Ecle:ctio and Ilea a path.- lc'Medicines, and all tile popnlar - - M E: D I C•I Aft articlioi ;warranted represented. Persona at a diatonic° cam receive their orders by stage or Milli.. which will receive proMpt and 4Nirernl 'attention. Medical ad4doe gratuitoorly at the of char;.•hin only for medicine. • fat- Thankful for past liberal patronage, wonld i es peetfully announce to their friends and the nublic.that no pains shall be spared todsatisfy, and merit the con tinuation of:their confidence and potrotiasiai. gir.open Sundays for -urenexapihnis front 9 to 10 'l2 re, to 1. and::: to fi p. m. • • ix. / SON' At Ce t , • JnIV 1, 187.0.—yr. - • ' • • • w..- 13' R 0 W Nc,. 167 . alms wrice.4 - r, Tow . .,..NDA, WHOILESATiE IiETAIL I)Ri - U - C3-GIST. Tn subscriber respecHnlls announces Pith° pub lic in general thathe has on band a large and w•eT' selected stock of t • DUIIGS, CHEMICALS • ; WINDOW DIE STUFFS All the popular - Patent Medichiel oh the day PURE .. WINE AND :LIQUORS roc 31 . 1ical PT - Poses only - PERFUMERY:' Fspey'att Toilet settee*. ' ... . • . . Soaps of every description, Thenewaseters. . - ' Itatitine., Surgeons, an.:l Olt:mon Sponges: Hate llenshes. • .• Tooth Etruspev. : . ' • I.)rt seltgz Comte, ... ' . - locket and riDC,COtLibi. . Toilet r.)lrder - ..- - . . tiPaff.llo:CF. I . .. , Tootb Powders. . .... .. - .Tooth Washes, - - , • •ad Tootli- And Pti/or art 0.0.14 to the Drug trade too nur.lerous 3 , waig the Agency of the GREAT t. S.. TT CONYANY; GREAT.: -INDUCE3IENT::,', ;To rurchutirs of g.." 6,13 m tly•W rh - oticaa.as macriptiona Ana ry,N•ii.ta com p 1 y r.•r, on, th , ,,r , 1....1:12.- at al; Or Tbanidni for the plat liberal patronage, I re p-pr.:If:I:I:* perlll'if a ~ ,r .tityran7P of- the slum , . 00,4.-- toir tuys;..lf that no ',M AI .sliall be spared to mat? my e,"4.4lklis.llll:qtt se..-oth.l to noneln tids section. , . !Loy 1.2 at this more as heretofore. - T. W. Jan: 31. 18711- and ',Sr. ccs. ' . 1.3.02GA1NS IN BOOT'S 67,-Sl-1.01.7,S NEW .t.% D ST .4: Srf ARP south cad of IL,lzs, Th - qt.lqter,4rnc-: az , te , i...ljit k -, 3 I:F.:0 31.13 grl2 se stoci:ef 0 T Suitable ior the iL7 . '.‘l..'S D FALL TRADE, • 7.7 m....ofrer :ole for Cr.rh.,„ . aoti,iK44.; of :GENTS, De l c.B,'7o AND CHILDREN_ S - '+ WEAR. MI SEE'ED AZO PEGGED BOOTS MEM 'MADE TO .ORDER. R'EIP.4-111:1NG NEATLY i)()NE AND ETON' wilts - PROMISED. . c • Thankful fOr Nst tato:a, w suLtnit a continuance of the snr.e.. SAMML INGODFLBSI Towana, April 3, 149 B OOTS,AND SHOES 711.$.DE.ND L. C. NELSON, s Has n:adt arianztutil2llt,+ tc aeconunc.date cnstomera that am constantly 'calling with 1,0.4,, and Shbee for uer soles, etc.,tu...l have had to le.t.a . t., them, their mat di sa.ltansia.. until gnother day. The coolant t Xll for:tjiis laud of work. mild the .dt•sire to have it done immodiat..ily, has tuduced me to make .such ar. •razigetneuti that you u... -^a net - return twine aalu I>Ang wetl'atia your EK!I, • aro' • For prices that are honest an•t perleetty Ladle,: that base gaiter , that, itrt, 1,r04-e at the toe; 7O thiy rerai , -shw for b. ; :o A TD set them twatly tippet or Iptlr-oletl. yr•uc feu:t well pr , •t , :etc.! fratu I he xe.t an i the soli . . 'New work re (u e1f.1, - .• quivh. • We can 1"..r vuu lain, or we Can give elte_tu to you We raz.b. :Lem vat.h ltigN hoa:e,, or re cap :five :1.1..rn to roil ales, • , So you Lev..l nut ata4;er v. - Itlia 7 brick in your ',Lat. •.. N..8.—C, , 0d oiler a:net.;.tr for sale by barrel or gal Front. , -f .!tlet.lan.gst.,loircb, Main street.. 7 , oratala, Dec. 13. 1870. - •_:. L: C. NELSON. . _ .._. CAMP :VINCENT'S Inp:uraznee A a e,ne y. FIliF.. AND AC RENT INSIJItAIscr CO; P:l,-, ,%7...tt0l- rettl.,l at this etnc, Won 1, ,,,, i: - ... 4 . 11 7 ,.: 0. - ,-atnr,t all jaulag e 1 LI(4IITNIN(4, Llu:diwA'aul ccuLlut , 4 or uFt. • 'OFFICE ON MAIN ,STREET,. • Opposite Court Iloww ..~:iFlf'~1 ('CHOICE GREEN: AND • BLACK 17 TFA. and Coffee, emap. at June 15: 1 1971,. FOX &Mf Ult. its that VISIT, PORK, - RAMS AND LARD e at -COWELL k Emi AS 211 i MEDICINES ,PAINTS. VARNISHES AN MCI !SEMI N- I) SEi Es LAI)L L ES, 'MISSES, filLlll2:tti Z. CLAUS w:tl.l the alkA'u GENET RL T. B. CAMP, R. 8: VINCENT lEEE I=ILI faiist Cavan; imooktoo—nzi) nt rvis. Cbirteatd bypongiras. 1868. des E. CUBE. Proiddont 14T COOKE, CluOusiti Mance sad E.t. Con, H*2iE D. COOKE, 'Vico Pretidnat ; • $2029014 W. PELT, Elocrebn to /Khan, - The advan*ree or Abr. Wiens! 4,tre ere I. It is a NationalCcocs 2. It Lass paid up capital pi vac 3 , 4:1,10a b 3. It