News Frani T --The new ' ' " del#, at Bead ing WM aid 030,00 D. —The young m a of Saabtiry UT° organized 'bad club. - , —A'- firm in troit sends "fine .ent" to - England, • -Fresh, disco's; 'es of gold - mines lir Tenneasee.. . ^ , ‘ --- A. Tenness a cat' whiped a snake in roar round& . , • —Pic nice and p m eetings are on the decline. - —There are ov 3,000 Languages spoken in tho wc ' - i —ln many lola in Ireland women act as elm) - - --Paniel J. of Roraco'Grooir —Bnifido meow gas troll, • —so , cents one in Wilmingtt —•Thirteen " g ong np" vrithir Serl claims n cirenlat —Another -is on the way to David book seller in N • —Horace :wont Ftealin —A West+ their towit colore , wolf a ]ryes to • —.Clifton Sp . a Turkish bath to it gri trying their Land —A' thirteen turns the scale at, . , —Karl Gutz islting,his last twve —Feathers e! uro aro oiled sold ' -,Wise r onain .harper breed tha —Miss Kate rising lights of the 'i -L--Steam th doing good work: ii • "—A new "J wish Synagogue_was &die:lied. in East.) - on last Saturday a weeli.' , ' —Gen. M i :Demoeratie r - G candidate foOv rnor of Chid:is conitilscent. —.A: rich ine of lead has been. nf, disoovered in the Island of Jersey. '.,.,. • ;--The an of Belgium .hits .ad-' vanced its rates o. discount to 44 per cent. —The isles 6, bit .of popular music is called, "bury ytnt dog in the Garden." . —Geo. H. Oker, poet, of Phila delphia, is to be air naisister to Constantino ple._ ' - . brightest day of loavdf recent um. evitio WAS than. Mrs. I sbeliv" ladies o -=-Thfee anent drowned. —The jo trip are to have the 20thinst. . - -A Inks iriN York human hair. j--The_ as scarcely vigible for The first tim The 2-: has a ara*ty fo ttNicating &jut —Oliver • (i al musical L.Adarns has left the tie la will take"eharie of the Lyons Th©` IlanIc;of Franco of 17,3000,000 I • ekly statement of the allows a decrease of the bullion aucs. - A co been Kpp.inted hal% fa v,esulA - Itnitt..ce, • of exports has toinyoattgata trre rocents FaigliidillmV is manyitesilave such love nders that tits) , havo sniligglod o way. —The Ta l fOr trrasury pL Es an t i ont of -4.Sorithe roniplain that : thaloyal .11 lterwblictip. journalists I good effited B#o beatowed on per men. Parent: fothlico of thai tic. is mauago -L -TllO . ur Ilishup Putt next tr.Ontlt r.t numonts to the memo ' , I. and his wife will be oreete Sautli Laurel Men rho aro - ,l'ilecoytt ( 1! & AIR in cities ifiobbed, should ay the f • • feit. 'li t ccp miand learn not to be docoy4d,. ; The hio Slate Journal says "The editor o the Atlanta Sun is the wore Fpeller,Anie , ica. 110 spells ass A. S." Pq - roit boy; who founcl ti l / 4 11 of money, was too proud to lakeit i rem•s.2ll of two cents, and declined It. _ --Mrs Laura De .lord Gordon ran to Scnatcir in California. She took the slump and fo - .lit bravely but did not v in —Miss 3 aria Gidding, a - da6ghter of the,,,late J.. shun It. (lidding, recently died whilo on a visi to Hon. Cii..orgo- W. Julian. be. girl in Vermont' was 111.)3. - 'falling Into a tub of hot flre'yeig c s old., is describ , Iy City docket as "an ha ; d. vewburypOrt, Vass:, R 4- Tnet their elegiacs to vote for Governor. - A lit el ponlded to dea l ' tomato cat6upi, —A boy, c'l on the 'Jtar: bitual drunks The puhlicang, tns• Gen. Butler ti . Sa.xo has boon visiting lidn't stay long. The are I that quarter. —John il Vermont —lio all temperate 1 -Th© tr l is now being I k of the Cat Mesa road laid both ways between Mnncy tort:- - • -=—Oar C of the State tic ptemt)er temporaries in all parts 1 ..: poetically of tbo pleaaant !her. —Moro orso-racing in Pennsy lca. , ver beforo. Every county ban nia now tL its comae. - -=Let • • time district f Se..iitt OIL+ fall. epnblicans in every elee rui a dose organization-and vote n buerne they haie a azVm 11to kthMAtamtet sine p —Ovor wwn called, 1 supposed to —The a N h4" , riitild this • Le at any "pre Ghat '!warty I thtt'agno". - - • e is worse Northam • B OA than it was ever knows to tons time. r =arn from the .Miltonian Ivory otlitr man is slaking ;kith —TIIO AMTin, hag timary Icade shot. lirge town of liellifka; in ern deetroyed, and tho intiurree.. re iu the LEteinity i'esptured and :npporters of Glslistone ciastio meeting at Glasgow FT.t. id adopted resolutions at city. , - • —"The Iteld au cuth dap night.. a • - • him to rittif,t —Negot ations now in progress at Veriaillet , R7O S2i(l to Involve territorial rear rangemont, hick will ratify boundaries be• iNCI en Franc and Germany. The khannoek Republican Ric es an soco nt of a family named Parks, con noting of a. fs ker. son and daughter, Into are living in 2 stn o of nudity, in Monroe, township, Wyoming cot ty. —An i menso mill for the manu facture of cbt at •Rochester, twenty-cight miles from • don, was, burned - on 'Friday night. Eigh hundred workmen. were thrown Out of emplorent. , The S ltan, of Ttirkey„ has Order the.Grand mier to institute reforms to the. endlhat the Inblie-r*Yht morn secure. sad —the diPpell , 2 ion of jnotico be inktustod to . worthy and c pablelmen, - !••• - • —There •werd 93 new cases of chol era at -Ronlm ~rg on the 13th, and 63 deaths. There wtire G new cases a.w.146 deaths cors:the 1303, The (Leese hasdk4piranwl from Dant: , rig, India y • edit at Stelin. - all Nation mckldFw i bast be over an im-, nd witornael, .Nispayers here y Bepublican hinese emblviwy, e eldest law sad. "ged to Ver- , advocates' for tory. in Charleston s of a Mas . te&al have Latown, N. Y. - ngs; N. Y. is adding attrAction. dere in Vermont are inctaidiarieraa. ear-bld girl inlirwa Powids. • ow succeeded in fin in,9 volutnos. • _ , the American ci3trich feathers. has a pestilence-fly, the tbosquito. , Stanton is one of the Ipcenui stage.. • ing machines are We tern New,York. the great said "the la man's life, is tho day he writer is satisfied that be first 'language' spoken by ow . owper; one of the "good It,olidcm, la jail for ,swind- , ys in Covington. Ky, on 'Thntedny and ynco all I eymen printers of Eas n excursion to New York, on oleo has been arrested smuggling thirty boodles of I , inge done to Paris is o a Oran); who now vbsita it th ward, Pbiladelphia ttia 6 . lapproe,stou of traalc to In who ettonot get the eon children are generally defer, tent or temper. fradfont Ittporitr. " • EDITOR/ O. GOODRICH. S. W. 11.110711* Towanda. .01414+7. Sept. ,21M ILICPUBLICAN "Wit TICI4CT.- SOB AI3DrIOIiREIFEItALI O.oL DAVIDWTANTON, - 1111aliES, EMIIIVEgoa - 61E8PLLL 4 - 001. ROBERT B. .BERTH, OB SGEUTLIZLis. ; Countv. .zvckcac. L F. FITCV. GY B #BQuiamir 4 Cl 3. P, H. BUCK, or. LERAljaviur..• MM. B. S. DARTT.,s Bono' hi/OMT' aVI I. S. D. BAYPIPSK. OF SVIPOPIELD DIIIMSZOI ATMIXIMIXT, ' - oth. J. & REEVES, og Area. . • TaLOMA. I BUNYAN, or CiiiiiaTuaz. MORRIS SHEI'ARD, WEtzs. ‘6oll'olll. R. BROWN, OF Hsznira Ttivr rCat - 00131911r 117111117011. JOS. E. SPALDING, of REPUBLICAN MASS. MEETING 'We. 7 *-. . •_ . The people of Bradfoird =tat, are Welted to attend I }es. Meeting to do held Towanda, Saturday Sept. 23 -- Commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. The tunes now before the country win bs.fairly and ably discussed... , - - The following distinguished apogees will certain ly be present and spe.alt on the oozasiont Oen. sixo's C.t.hpUUlN. CoI..IOILC W. FORNEY. and Ilon. JOUR RICKMAN. As thisas the only meeting those gentlemen can attend in the sounty let there bee hire alai:taw:we from every township. egSs. Assessors in the various town ships should be particular in gettin; every name on the register. vt. We are glad to learn that Hon. G. AT Gnow will be here on Saturday next. The people of this county always give him a hearty re ception'. , i The following* named gentle men have been appointed Republican Standing Committee for the present year: JUDSON HoLcoma, Chairman; Wm. LEwis, Hon. Jolla PAERMORE, A- G. FRISBIE, J.W. INGRAM, C.F.. SAYLES, ROBERT ALCM, I:..SNELE, Jr., Joint VANDyss. - Bfir The °maul:) t the temperance (?) party says the people have-, the power to punish demagoguei and put honest men in office in this coun ty. So they have, and the power has been exercised for several years past, ap4 will continue to be as long as the cppperhead party exists. _ *fr . Grant's laconic order to GOll-' oral Sheridan, during tho closing bat ffej.of the rebellion, is now pertinent tOithe Republicans of Pennsylvania —Press things. All we want is unit esliPepublican'action, which we are boned to have, and which will cer tainly end • tho efforts of the Demo ! cratic party for plunder, as it did tbnse of the traitors for power. Si:Spicrors.—Democrats have been greatly irritated because Gen. Grant ills not spent all his timl in, Wash ington. Gen, Harrison, Gen. 1 1 E11ot., and Abraham Lincoln satisfied the Democracy in this respect, and the Means iiis furnished . to make their te l i7ns short, whenever affairs were arranged to have the Vice Presidents play into the hands of the Democracy': I :M. With a majority of . one in the S i enate last winter the Democracy were able to , impede legislition and, increase the ordinary expenses of the Legislature' many thousands of :dol lars. What would they not do if they had control of both houses ? Do not the intelligent voters of the cbnnty know that every vote cast for Branews and ROCKWELL, the pledged tools of Col PIOLLET, is aiding to give the Legislature to the democracy.,, , Rxrchticss Tramiras.—The open ing campaigns of the fall result glo riously for the - Itetpublicans. Cali frnia not only wipes oat the majori ty of 8,000 by Which the Democrats ciirried the State two years ago, bid rolls up a Republican majority of from 3,000 to 75,000, being a gain, of 11,000 to 13,000. 'The Golden State Makes the best kind of .a new depart- Tire -and sends greeting to the Repub licans of the East'and . North, the ex iimfile of a well fought battle .and a qlortons victory. REPrBLICANS, Turas or Jr ! The Democratic papers are anxious to have " the Democrats of Pennsylva nia bear in mind the important fact that a gain of four members in the Legislature will give us (the Democ racy) a majority in the Rouse as well as in the-Senate." The Republica of Pennsylvania should -also keep in 'View this important filet, that . the next Legislature will be entrusted with Making an apportionment of the State into Congressional distiicts. If the, Demcocraey gain the four members. and with them' the ascendency in booth ranches of the Legislature, we , will have the State of Pennsylvania, so apportioned a ,as to smother her honest Republican majority in. Couto* for the next ten years. -A defeat of the . Republican Legislative _ticket this Year will inrolve the Ilepublicand aster for - the next decade. Let. Reßepublicans throughout the State bear in mina this very important, fact EMI J:) I IJ ' iemirrnrae. The &don! resultant the recant 4.ohuguee ifshie f Om* 01 . 1 Wail" have hopirei the, yep adui .?ai , thig:a ll6 Irak 14 10 16 * *111 4 7 .4/ el* l'fralk im petus- to / the canvass: The litale Central Committee have issuictihe following address, which will be read with interest by every Republican: Thum . ThErvoucarOrar: Cierrial. Co .. • or PZESIMVANIA,- • Li. Puma Holm; • PIIIIADZI4III.4 Sept. 12, 1871. 7b theßcpublieans Primegfccinia We tender you our hearty eongratulattoni over the gloriotui vistoties recently won by the Republicans of Califamta and Maine. In the farmer I if Wets& been won, after four years of _Democratic Wavle, by an overwhelming majority, and inithe latter the drm -hold of Mt Republican party upon the people has cann ban tom:alibied with • tenuity . that ot be shaken. Tho victory In California has been gained Ad! for in arduous and exciting struggle. It is the result of systematic work, and itdemonstrates the value of organization and well directed po- litical labor. _The victory in Maine has been won by keepizieuli the admirable organizations perfected in past years, under-the operations of which the Republican vote has thoroughly been brought out. Both these victories show to us the value and the necessity of thorough orgaintion. ought to us with the most ardent seal land with a determination to imitate the exam ple so worthily set „ We appeal to you. there fore, while rejoicing over the victories of your I brethren elseirhere, to do u they have done, and secure by your.systematle la :s a victory as complete as theirs. Tho steady stream of Republican success, which,' setting in with Connecticut; has since flowed on without interruption, =list not be ebeekedin its onward flow by a Republican de feat in Pennsylvania. Wo owe it to our friends in the States which have so gallantly upheld our banner to stand by them, and keep Penn sylvania in the phalanx of fiepublican States. I We can do this only by cultivating a spirit of union and harmony, keeping tip our local or ganizations actively, arid working steadily end I with a will to bring ontever7 Republican vote. Everything depends upon organisation and work. Our intelligence from all parterOfthe State Is cheering and encouraging. AB that Le Wanted now is a little close attention to iho details of local organisation. No political victory was ever won without attention to these details ; and .we rely upon your spirit, energy, and'ual to carry them out systematically and reader them ef fective. Let the Itepublicaniof -the State be tine to themselves and to their cause, stand firmly by their State-nominees and local tickets, and put their ward and township committees Into vigi lant activity, and we shall bo able to send back to Maine and California, and their sister Re- publican States a response as cheerful and gladdening as their messages of triumph have been to us. ' . . RCRSELL Enntrr, - WM. ELmorr, Chairman. Eras Lruars, D. F. Bottum', P. M. Lrrry., Secretaries. • =I L&J. B. E. MATT. - I The copperheads are moving heav en and earth to convinee the peiople that Maj. Dam? is in favor of a divi sion of the, county, and that he was nominated through the influence of Px.rE' HERDIC. The truth is, Mr. EfEEDIC'R infamous scheme to make a new county with Minnequa as the county seat, has no more uncompro mising' opponents than most of the 'nen who voted for Maj. D.tarr in the - convention. Besides Maj. Darr has always publicly declared himself un qualifiedly opposed to division, and his .standing -as a Christian and a gentleman are sufficient guarantees that he is sincere. Lastly, it is the interest of every business man in Canton borough to oppose Mr. HER DIC'S scheme, and - we are assured that with one or two exceptions they do oppose it. The real cause of their intense opposition to. Maj. I/tart is the fact that he rv'used to allow 'Col. Pipumr to use his name in place of Mr. ROCKWELL'S. -tielow we give another lettei• from Denrr on the division .question. ,Persons acquainted with - him do not require this pledge, but on account of the malicious falsehoods in circula tion, in parts of the county where he is not known, wo print it: Cusimcwi Cop trr Brianrua Coxsarnir.— Pear Sir : In reply to your communications in relation to my position upon the division qua& tien,permit me to repeat what I have heretofore stated pubbely,th at I am-opposed to any division of the coanty whatever. That if-tbe good people choose me to represent them in the State Legis lature, I shall use my utmost endeavors to rep. resent them by sake and vote, regardless of the interests of an man or set of men t or clique of politicians to all of-whom, thank God, I stand free and unpledged. Yours Truly, - - B. a Darrr. 'TELE 13IPORTANCEI OF THE, NEXT The Bearer county Radice has the following article on tho import ance of the next election. The refer ence to that district applies equally to this. -Reflect before you vote for any Democrat. Here is the /pdicars idea: The State will' have to be, appor tioned into Congressional districts at the next session of the Legislature. Six members of Congress may de pend on that apportionment.. That is, if the Democrats control the Leg islature, they may so apportion the State as to gain six members, - while the Republicans may prevent this if they retain their control of the House. If the Democrats get control of the Souse of ,Representatives, having' now control of the Senate, they will take Lawrence county from our dis trict and add Fayette, making this Congressional district hopelessly Democratic for thenext ten years. If either: of the Democratic candi dates for the Legislature in this leg islative' district is elected this maybe the result, because the election of one Democrat here may give,the House to the Democrats. Every Republi- , can, then, who votes for a-Democrat ic candidate for the Legislature votes to make this Congressional district Democratic for ten years to come, and to give the Democrats six more members of Congress in this State; and every Republican neglecting to vote for our whole Assembly ticket is contributing to the same result. This is the issue; and Republicans who are such from principle will not hesi tate in discharging their whole duty: Vil We have been reqiiested by Gen. Prorron to pnhlish a long /ad dress to the Temperance men of this county. We declin e to give the 'Gen . l ernl's manifesto place for several reasons, prominent among which is its length. We have no fears that anything he can - say to' the- temper. once men of this county will influence them to aid in electing a copperhead ticket. His fidelity to temperance principles is not above suspicion, while his devotion to the behests of Col. Plum= is patent to every one. ss.. Remember the Masa Meeting on ISfifirday . next. 'lt is not often that this county is honored with so distinguished an anarray of able speakers as willbe present on tilat'oc casion...4 good brass band will also 'furnish music. before anti and after speaking,. CA:rrox Pa., Sopß IS, It 7 ELECTION. LEVU 11OY TILIMIEMON. • Tr:ailairog, — D. 0., Beck Mink KB. EcaOs 14* - 11141D1 Of tile put lemiewas the deb immilloog of the Wedgair ka.lbeesealdWidow Yates. bald et. th eir wok= pile Ike northern boyeedary of Se car.- inptit!!k_lbet day et eoesemboa red. "tLbimay. =Cabers attired to elhoegeg beet, and 11000111plia• led b 7 othos Gamma sordotios from Baltimore and °booboo; pooldsd with bombers 'sod mu- ale la. grand yeomen errors! ot the streete preview@ to making to the peek said the open• lug of the Me. These large and commodious 'grounds owe red with a thick growth aline old oaks, and delightfully cool and pleamat, were, without other toduannent, of satlielent Mks*. Lion to Oen any one bunt. the hot walls,and dusty streets of the town, and &Mod much to the enjoyment of the pest body of people U. . Daring the &dire meek at tbefeet, the streets and samosa leading ba this ditediac e were arawdal . wilb carriages Med with/ V(lW* and otadotheit tabs gkokrooly aka& eager tojoin la lbo 'parte of the Now German liraplie or rather German ilitimlUe. 17n4er, the wide spreading branches of these old oaks, lager and ginne wino In implore dreams flowed constantly, and was as constant ly in demand - yet notwithstanding all thliappar entriot, there- was manifested no unseemly drulieness or rude behavior. lJnderlying all this Whams, for exlviviality, the solidity of the German character was plainly evident and a generous hospitality 'with genuine good will universally prevailed. The large admixture of Anis:lean element en,loying the simplicity of these amusements peculiar to this people, gave evidence that they were not only admired and appreciated, but were being better understood. In the various genies introduced, ladles and gentlemen alike were competitors for the valu able and elegant prises to be awarded to those who excelled. Target shooting and Bowling were made the specialties by the society, and to the successful contestants were given the prises of the greatest value. At or near the close of the fete, the person judged to have been the best marksman, amid the cheers and plaudits of his comrades, was invested with the badges and insignia of office, crowned King.of the so ' clay B* the ensuing year, and - marched with triumphal procession to the grand Feast, whore appeared and were entertained 'many- distin gaished ladies and gentlemen of tuts and other cities. -- --- - iii another portion of the giounds and along the gravelled walks was eroded a tillage of booths, gayly festooned with sags and banners. and where could be finind tie - whole catalogue of refreshments that are pleising, to the Ger man palate. Here W W oe Rhine e and seltzer, Lager and Weiss beer, bologna and -pretzels, limburger and sweitserkase, &c., &0., all of which were freely, partaken of bY the killiest of the jolly; reminding ono 'amid the ,clatter of glasses, animated gesticulation and Confused Babel of tonnes, of the exciting scenes of the . past when so many convivial 'lneetiiigs of Ger mans were heralded with the patriotic Inquiry : "Yon fights mit Seigel? ;ben yeti drinks mit me." At evening the grounds were brilliantly light ed- with a variety of Mutes° lanterns hung up on wire and stretched among tho trees in every direction, presenting truly a pletuiLeg and pie- turesque scene. Bands of mtutic_ discoursed a concord of sweet sounds to the delight and en joyment of the many wandering about, or who were witnessing the various amusements. While the krge partition was continuallycrowd ed by those who found pleasure In dancing, not the Boston but the Germain dip. Throughout the entire week, there was no pause in the whirl of excitement and apparent ly, its last hours were fraught with the same interest as the first. The midnight gun an nouncing that the Festival was closed. ~tier a whole week of devotion at the shrine of mourns, still found many expressing their regrel, that the Bchentzenfest of 1871 was ended. Among their m=ay distinguished viiitors, were the President scwmpanied by'Senator Camaro; members of the Cabinet who ; -,while being conducted through the Park, expiessed themselves highly pleased with the order and variety of the entertainments, and with, the harmony and good will that universally pre vailed, The comparative success which crowned the efforts of the Woman's Rights party last Win ter, the converlieiidf General Butler together with the growing strength of the cause in the House of Representatives; as developed by the vote for striking the Word " male! from the bill, providing for a° government for the Dis trict, has inspired them with new hopes. It is said that the leaders of the aggressive 'Wing of we free hire party,-are making prepa rations for a vigorous campaign to commence the moment Congress amenable' in December. With this in view, Mrs. Woodhull their candi datelor the Presidency proposes to reside In our city during the Coming Winter, in order to be'within easy reach of the National Legisla ture and accordingly, has requested one of the prominent leaders of, Woman's Suffrage in the city to secure one of the finest furnished &wellings to be obtained in' the vicinity of Ar lington or Welker*. • This of course will be headquarters for all the apostles and advocates of the cense, where will be discussed and perfected,all the various plans and strategies of the campaign, Offensive or de fensive. On the - liith and 11th of JanarayaNa- Urinal Woman's Suffrage Convention will be held at Lineolitleall,;whicis has already been engaged for the-corMision. As they promise to make things lively for Congress, we may expect to witness some interesting ecenes before the session closes, as they say in the circus some "grand and lofty tumbling." • „Hon. Sam Randall of Philadelphia,•Chairman of the National Democratic Committee and generalissimo of all the fortes, arrivedin Wash ington a day or so ago in post-haste. Recently a secret circulai mine Into light which was is sued in the "Sodthern Association," showing "How the lost cause may be regained arid the Independence of the South secured." It was a document well calculated to 'arouse and keep alive all the bitter hatred and animosities of the 'past., Appealing to the baser . psissions, it evi dentlrsonht to Jnflarne the Ku-Klux is the commission of greater deeds of violence and barbarism, if such a thing were possilile. De nounclng the Union,the North, and the Nation al government in'the - strongest terms together with italipacious sophistries, its revolutionary purpiiiierwere but too plainly evident and as such keronsed'a general cry of indignation. Bearing unmistakably tho ear marks of its democratic origin. aid fearing "destruction the whirlwind of their own raising, no wonder then at the hot histe of the Chairman- of their committee to deny through the press, blamed in dovible-leaded typo all knowledge of the cir cular and to pronounce the same a !mud. • The result of the recent election in California must surely destroy the fond hopes, nourished In the breast of the Hon. Chairman of the core-, mittoc, who of late has been so frequently as serting over his 'howbeit, that with a Democrat ic victory tn that State this fail they would give us a Bourbon Democrat for the next President. The signs of the times 'fire,thAt the gentleman's bourbon appetite and anticipations . are-deemed todisapixdatment. He mirreturn u leisurely as he likes to the green valley* and blue moon= Lain/Peaks of his own State,where in a few day* ho Will hear the anuouneeinent of i continua tion of the' work so gloriously. begun by the Golden State. The flat has gone forth, and hir may as well cork up - the • demijohn, put up the shutters, and close the shop. "2,, • ). Dd. The Argus professes td\be greatly exercised at the extravagatic,a of the Commissioners. The truth is the material 'for the new jail is being furnished at prices which every per son conversant with suchwork ad mits to be low, and the superintend ent air. -Faros is very confident a the cost of the jail - will. not reach the estimate made by the. defaulting bid der Mr. CLAux- Tar Copaii vaos.u. Cosurnos.— The Republicans of the State should not forget to urge all voters to east ballot for calling a convention to amend the constitution of the State. We. need many reforms that_cannot be reached otherwise. Let us have them settled beyond the - power of the Legislature to,change. - . hone a horse A • dont.* horse El The •• '. • • having Wed tn./44,7 emelte metil .14li oant4raft 1 . . 14 .‘. in the itepubliion party. - It 1113 . ,in gentlemen, the notarial 'pm see'lc nee, nilknusied in _nkskkinll, Jog; 4konn .1116 The lading copperheads of the county were ieconcleve herooniTeee 'day in rehire:lee to allentitorlerzeini inse. That earnest and consistent ite publican, .Toseus. Bonaoink woe (with them. , 7 - I • Mb The developements tta. N. Y. frauds interest everybody ~!xteept copperheads. The natter is s tittle too wound for the= 11%. An anti-dram shop tad ' been nominated in. New York. ". New •Adnitiamats. TOW.A.WD.A. GRAND j GIFT ENTERPRLSEI • .11'011 THE BENEFIT OF NAIAD FIRE CO., NO $5 0 0 TO BE GIVEN. TO TUE. HOLM= OT TI loco TIOSETS, PRICE $l.OO E4E. The distrlbenon of gifts by chance .111 he made by the thirst hoiden terres. imetedlidely after the tickets have been disposed of,. due notice of which will be given. ssooln Gifts to in itararacid. One Cash OM Two Cash GUM, $5O each Pour Cash Gina. Ten Cash Mits. $&O each. TWeney Cash Gifts, •5 each,.... 'Mirk,-*even GM., atootostlrca to.. „ . We reskettully refer to G. P. Maim k Co” Bank ers, Tina Malarial Mak. sad Woreaft Dank Tickets for sale by the Committee and As t auss ben of the Company ; and also by our is else where. The following an the Committee: 'L. R. 71108 T, E. G. NICECTIB. L. IL 091)0111. W. & NEVIN& W. A, lit EI:D. All osmmusskations should to addressed S' o L. R. FROST, Obalspain uorrin!u”oe ilep2oll4f I ' B. A. PETTES Uwe now on hind ti - boir stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS P la great ♦arteti. rueb ea DRY GOODS. iridkijmq FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, VELVirns., 'ELVETEENS, WATERPROOFS, AID SHAWLS, Madch-chop will actl at tbio, LOWEST MARKET PRICE, At the sign of the fig Bonnet, oDpoitte the Court /loose, mMitim ILLLAT STIIpIT. TOWANDA, PA'. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOE BALE: The sawedtwr of:brit for solo be following flos ezibedmire. if In North tcnringdp, shoat acs •A HOUSE AND LOT t The lot contains about one acre sad s-kalf. The House is large slid convenient, with well, cistern. two good bares, and several varieties clack* fruit, including apples, pears. pear.hes.lgrepes.. blackber ries, rsapberiles. kc. ALSO-Ith out 20 acres of lard ootoresdently sits. ated on the east We of the Waverly road sad about 80 rods south of the House war Lot. ' . • known u MYER'S MILLS. Ottbir • . propcV Mere Is about 4i sores of land: a large Grist and Timing MM. Saw SEM and a Dwell. tog Hoses The lens -are In good ea=„ l o4l we *nag • prosperous business. Beal estate in sad about Tewanda Is ad vancing, and in a fly jean. no doubt. Ulla ftfol;frt7 will be double its present tuba. • Will be 'old toolbar or eeparstely. to suit the I _ • Tor further Inforroatkon enquire Oil tbe MAUI itYEB North Towanda. Aug. 93.11. PROPOSED AMENDMENT Constitution of Pezasylvania ' • JOIST 112130LUTION Prwpotiog an onetutowitt to a cowman= of Pennrylianla. - - Bs it /noised by As Smola pd Hisao ' 4 lll mentstiiter of Lie Classonweatta of Aro in aniesal Assembly d. That the following amen& sant of the Conatit a atlon of Ida Clonusxnartahlt b• =*sibs people for their adogtkiii of Nino aunt to the prorlahina d the tenth arti* them* So wits , - ALMINDXSZT. Stab eat the Bbih Seeban el the Kith irttehait the Coaatitattaa. sad lamed to lien thereof the tot lo : • *.A State 'Treasurer shall be chosen by the coal tiled electors at Um Stale, at each- lad kw inch lean of service sr abaft be by.lsen , JAYS H. WXBD. \ Speaker of Saki:louse of Espiesentiiiips. - WILLIAM A. WALIACZ. , Speller of the Senrkr. a= 4 the itbr za Z of Arne. daub *raid' ens deg and stresnepons. - • Jolrli WaIICANY. Preperedand articled for publication pursuant to the Tenth Article of tbe Constitution. escrstary of the Caemboavealth. Wks Beantory ot Ooento Flartimbarg. bib.lsm SASH, BOOBS, AND BLINDS. I ant prepu . to burnish IClnrhied Doors, Elea andmnft at seyatrte , id" ar hcness, on abort notice. Band in your orders In days before you want to use tae srfldes and be acre that you will pit doors that will not steak Tams each on • - Towanda. Jury If, 1871. ‘O3O. f. MEL Co,lla TAR, by the Gallon or Bar rei.lor sal* by the GAS CONPANY. Now , ...,......, _,,,,„.. .......,,., ~,,_.„„, _ !..„, .. t• ', .. ~.., '''. •."-- i '-' (-'`,---",-; 1 Ell El ... •100 too 100• too .. 100 ..i,.SSOO , -. 4 1.,.: .2 . 6 : B • - ,g E -- pit : . _ . . 01 • co , • . 04 ' ' 4 ' r ., 1 p.. 0 4 tsl &I p. 4 . . 1 si t ' g r... 0 ca _,_ x : . ..,.. 412 0 .5 ;;) ° , c , 4 ....,1 fri Ei rk, v :, •.ti 1 gl ' 01 P 4 . 69 . 4 ' 2 a o 2 tz ;., t ; „.. tti ; i 4 a. 1 7. 41 = ti CO '4 El i '-' ' i • a 'A .. z W -4 1:i!MI j t ,~ & ~ ~~ . ~ c Y. 10E6AN, Julyirn E 9 818 =I BE =I warn indforbLlall • 77 50 from purchasing SU7 proportr on tbe from Isola% Gitzoore. or • • • tit- soma "MOM ray ormisloot. -coder' penalty of prosonaton. ' WSt. & JAY'S& • septim Trds6ser D R. J. IL SUITE'S , .DETERGENI POWDER,) Tor sale at POWELL / a CO'S, TOWANDA, , casii ivziartitso. Try It izat bo conriunxL • sop2oll NEW COAL nllll - Ott Canlii gtreet, trotting W TOWINDA„ PA. To aro teixtvlng direct from Abe space the very belt PIITSTON. PUN. OM and StilliAN THII,WiTY. COAL. which we propCaa • I to ei:l at the • I oast market price. • 1 • I ' We raspectfully invite thEie wishing to purchase to all ind examine our Coal. ' W 4 also keep Limo, fresh from the kiln.' We will deliver Coal or Lithe wherievor desired, on short notice, adding only the customary.prices. .. 1•L. B. 4SY. k 00. , WARD HOUSEj . , . 1 . . TOWANDA, • . MlatiFOED COUNTY, PE. A. . . , This poptilir house, reientlY le Iby Maxims. Koos & &buss, and havirmbron cow letely refitted. remodeled, and refurnished, affords! to the public all the emnforts tad modern conveniences of a first class lloteL Slinsts opposite the Park on Main Street, It is eminently convenient for persons visit ing Towands,'either for pleasure or husinesa. IC00"1 & Proprietors. A NEW FIRM. ,`, • Dr. W. B. Emil' of this place sad Dr. C. M. srAs- LZIr of Arbon, hare formed a copartnership fur the rarmilre of to11:4 ahrITY IN ALL ITS R I NCll£s. And may be found at the calico cif - Eelly;ovei Wickham it.filaulea store in Towanda. prepared at all timea to treat patients in a firatelaaa manner, AL wart warranted as represznted. , Teeth extracted without . puin, by the toe of Nitrous, Oxide Gee. AP. SbEkt will bo at hia office in, Athena on Sat uidays and Ikendaya until farther notice. Ant. KELLY 3: STANLEY, ItO MING .0031. COLLEGE. KnitGaToN. PA Raabhiked in 10543: in connection scii r li &In.: nary.. • Reopening RTC_ 1 1147 I. _ _ The moat thorough courser of Cc;itilterrtal Inetruo- Vim in the country. Terms lmeei Oran (ft any otaer trtt class COgiffierria . etgfrge. 9 ituntionc furnished to superior graduates, from time to time: our graduates are filling In . ..rative and; , honorable poci- Sons In nearly every State In the flr Sou. Telegraph ing Inaght by amend and roliater. 'Particular atten tonic pnii to Peconamibili. Stuleuta may.pursue at - Tidies In both Seminary ,and Commercial College. Scholarahips for full Commercial' cotirae. 725.00.: with Telegraphing. 435,00. Tel+eraphinq , aloue 727.0 0 . Ornamental Pencunnebi (three monthel 710.00. Foard per week. st,oo. For !o=ther Ln , formation. aildreas Bay. B. Kr a. D. 13.. Princi pal Wyoming Seminary and Commercial College, or L. Smarms. M. A:. Prim - Mpg Catiamerebil College. Kingston,. Pa. ' • I pepl3ll.3m THE WHEELER & Sewing Ma THE BE . ,ST IN THE Its unprocedouted popularity th test of Its racrit. OVER 1.1)-, 4 IiONONV IN TFI SALES RAPIDLY.INC Warranty .of three 0) ycars eve sates Apply to 11.711.1250 N ,k C Nercttr's 81. reps'7l BIRDSELL CO:NIRL Clover .Thr. Thin machine Thretihos, Sep. Cleans Clover Seed at one operataim; capacity rang ing !rota 20 to 5n btpthels per dayd accordina to yield of reed. After the Clover in fed into the Threshing Cylinder. the seed contained therein is deposte4 Mt.) a bag or measure at the side of the machine. NO lO:IIA.NDLING OS CII&F An rI.A-....ter eouveis the ~m h the Mintz Itorper, and au ea the light Pec,l, , d:c., tact to the Two TnorsANn Now rg . t. Unit“l States awl C,ruadss. AIVAR9r.DItST PREMIUM skim: I. Send for "Cr..orgri LEAF " and which give complete description, DIRDSELL 31ANUFACTJJ.11 Finnic Factory, S•out;i Scud; 1m Au A,F,,,at w•autcd for Bradford EXTRA NEWS-! Large st,),*a of Vl° flpc , st lleakly roazht to this m.trket, by a Rwm u!ulerjtax , l: Alllch Can be Two at E. SCHWARTZ'S Clothing airowell 4-."o3.'s,*ancl nobody, 3Dezt or alivO, can best Sclaiart.'a 000DS, "°." the City of T o or in the alratila. And at Schwartz 'a y A. 3E(c)fges, fall for a little no=ciotna Lc fins good chew c•r rircyt, Tor:ands, Pc. September 6, SUSQITERA.NNA INSTITI4T.EI. • TOWANDA, 88-AI:WORD COMM'. PA. This instlintion will conarcienx. ft' Seventeenth Tear . AUGUST 251, 1811. Vie courses of study are Incliah. Normal, COM. mertial. Aciderole. Scientile and Classical. to ail of which the instruction is I.7stetnatt,- and thoronah. The Principals will be assisted - in the various deParbuttaa by •WO and very excellent corps of Laatiuctors—three graduates, experienced teachers lining been recently ongagear-and no effort will be spared to make the Inctitute.lln comfort. discipline and general et ciency.. second to no other slo‘lls - The Musical Deprtment will be under the charge if Professor U. Pr ,2 Johann.-- 13,`"" 01. .., ri Jot, —icsacn. This institution:ls now in thorough repair. In - addition to the extensirO improvements during the pad year, new apperairts,lraapiz and'charts, and , most improved patent/del and seats for all the study and recitation ms , haze spat teen pur— chased. .. • The principal of Inc 174unal Department will organize August 28. a Teachers' Class, and by :sere= grtzrrros aid to complete the most thor ough course possible during the time. , Tuition from Si to Sid.i Board and room An the Institute Si. If desirable, 1 "Wentz may Obtain rooms in town and board thmselres. Early appli cation for board and Totiffs a the Institute ihoiald be 4, made, as theromus Oro bin rapidly engaged. 'For further , particle...ail% Or catalogue. apply to ff. a. W. Ryan are; E. P.. QUInlaH MILLn, Principa Eß ls. Towanda, - p . 11*. aug.9'7l. . rreE l iklerit Board Triagtees. _, Ncrt Mme. 4 00;DDING, RUSSELL & CO., ffl .. . Ask Agouti= to their taatiltlei for kfundigthaig ell 2 MAO or , 1 •. BUILDING - MATERIALS! LIKE; SASH, . GLASS, -BLINI-?0, Street. PfArzTrrs, OIL S. Alwiys anbe lowelt rates. ,SEATING & COOKING STOVES, GAS FIXTUTUEIS, MOUSES PIPED UPON SHORT NOTBCE. WITH :TIN OR SLATE. ZXLVDUCTOR I 3 AND EAVNT.4OIIc.II.9 MADE AND PUT UP SIERCIAL I3ESP CEMENT AIWAYS . ON THAND.- o- • KNIVES & FORKS ,VILSON FOR SILE.AT 15 . CTS. PER SET blue, MARKET CLotla e s Virripgers, Duly Lecdful trIRFT ! I.RON,,STEtL-, POWDER; itEASrNG ,palaying Gem Fruit Jars PE\TEFR.• 'Toomnda. re Augnstl.lB7l ! esker TOR. GO TO TAYLOR & GORE'S tea, .11utlf+ atd c.)11 TAmmics. 11e41 chaff back to elQmstor convey• 992 g Mill: r GO TO TAYLOR k GORES E throughout the at 73 Ststc Tatra '6_ , lent, 1 E.igraving SO CO.. Mfrs:. I.l.trrisburg; ra. GO TO TSQLOTI & GOE'S ,Co. jaug3o'7l-3m Qothlng ever GO TO 'TAYLOR Sr, GORE'S For a New Spring Overcoat. h aura blo Goods; GO, TO TAYLOR S:, GORE'S (a . pre, onc . 66r south tom and Ready-Made Olothing dtiler CLOTUINO, FUEL. GO TO TAYLOR k,. GORE'S For- Hats anti Caps; all the Latest Styles. ntiro Stato ofi Penn- on caii Uny GO TO TATLOR'& GORES ezia Bows, Ties, At.e. See. 4ave aoc). ALL WORK lei ARIa,NTED COLLEGIATE CUTTING !DONE -ON SHORT iTlit9ll TOWANDA, PA., riem 4 sutures A • • .IX)ORS. NAILS, LOCKS. ^ ALL HINDS OF JUNGES AND pinixem, oi3 GLOBES, &C. ROOFS PUT Q ItTED, SOLD IS THE ccitrsry Used July , tth by the 0(0 Fellows, paAss =rms.. 1 PLATED WARE, LEATfiEB BELTLNG; • TILE CASE OB DOZES For your New Spring Suit. I For a Nor Dress Snit. For Now Spring" Styles iii Pants For all tho Latest Styles in ens For Gents' Famishing) Goods, NOTICE. 96 •MAIN STREET, - . 7 TOWANDA, PAI LOMB . , .. • T° W A N D* a M Ali KB rs • -..- , - --- irnota tak .gy c0,..44,447,.*N0,0 N rm r.,b, CL . 75. PATCH 111;64 s 9 bosh -.' • - ti io 0 1 rio 9 bunk . . ;•- , i •.,,,.. - co Cseastbusti • . - ~•- 90 . .. rri nrinte.l34"44o ( 1i a1dr1 ; }1426 1 .. " ,.. : I I 1 LI 20 1 8 OD 0 in on 35 adons, Ilk brab . " 90 •liirsumrs op 094111.-14/llest 80Ib. Cons WI tbs.; lye 66 Ma ; Oats 11l lbs.; A grirr Lat h s.; Sackirteat 44 The t . : Rearm st lbw; Bran 10.Thosi Olovei Se :d oo ; lbs.; Timothy Sued 44 tbs. • Driod - Psothea .83 lbs.; Wed Appka 22 lbs.. Flax Seed 60 lbs. EMI 11l CENTILIX YARD, rt - 11.,WELLE8. I'mxrieUx. 132188 further B'6Bo priceast pird aro, No. 2 airs:um= COAL. - 'Malt' • atm*. or Noe. 8 and 4 Hnt,o; No. b... ..... - inrusvax minalAci*OSAL. Broken— • _ E 3 Large Store ' S+ oo Small Mira f t ima _ Nut 3 7.; The following additional charges will be ina.t.trr delivering .coal within the borough bruits: Per ton Nets. -Extr...a for canning ra 50 if 25 Halt ton.— —35 ". Quarter tan. .2.5 • "' "33 " .a Lease Orders at my Coat Office. No. 3, Mer - rare New III" pontlf - it2e. • Sir Orders *Mt id ill ease be accompani.l the oaab. ' Towanda. Aug. - 30,77 L TOWANDA 'COAL 7ARD, • The wrilemigeed. haring lamed thertoal Yard and Dock at the old • Barclay Basin," and Jnzt compl, a large Coot-house and Oflice : nport the premtnew. am now prepared to furnish the citizens of Tm•'ankla and vldnity with the different kilids and sizes of tbc v,. named code upon the most reamonahlo terms. in P.:: y qnawtity desired. Prizes at the Yard until forth , r settee • z " ' - - Store ' -> s I,A • Large Egg ' . 81041 Egg Lamp . Plyrooth Nut •• Pittaton Net ‘.Barsky" " Emu of Itinea Fine, or Blackaralth thrift Sußiven Anthriete, - 3 The ftillowingaddltiont.l charges will he made for delivering Coal feithin the borough limits Per T0u...60 cents. 'Ears for carrYing in. 60 ante. Half T0ti..15 - • "<.; 0 26 Qr. Ton: —23 " " " " " XT I Orders ma, be left it the Yard, comer of Rail. read and Elirabeth Street, or at .Porters filrhy's Drug Store. • - lei -Orders must le ali•cases be accompanied with the sash.' ,f \ CARD te MONTAME. . Towanda, Juno 9. 18TI—tr..., The oldest, largesi, and safest purely Mufua) Life Insurance Cob pany my the United States! THE: MUTUAL Life Insurance CO. OF NEW TORIC: W W. K.IiIGSTIURIi, Agent. Att 'rney ' in , fact for f Mrs WM. H. MILLER, in the etdrn eent of her in ter sts arising out of the Estate of the late C. L. WARD. IEI Cora. Main c?'-State-Sti.' TOWANDA, PA, rL,.23'71-tf D R: URQtEEART'S • , • CHOLERA CORDIAL!' proropt relief in it derangomonti of .111. Stomach and Ito:sob+, such as PArs, St , Arm, CmltsaA•llonnus, CUOLERA INP.vs - ryst or ST - ]t74:l: CoStrcAls - r. IMP. FILE Tr.rrnt.No; DIARPOth. k.e. It is - pleasant to tho ta.4to. and nf frti p42ri-odiallemale is a snvertgn r‘rwly. A steec . rlptlve re'ploto with ns , •ft;', in. formation at - companies each bottle. I*-rtatextAts 'waren snow ITS Unit: This may 'Certify that I haa i r)orm tnnum Dr. G. rrlutiart of Wilkes-Barre and bflieve that I Fr , :I'.; the sentimont of an mho know hini. when I say teat all the relations of life, he is worthy of the t and confidence 'of the virtuous and tim.intpri*.e. , in people of'.our county. • TEIONLVf P. Having derived much benefit from titking rThart's Cholera Cordial. I am free to ree,imm,:‘ , l an a reliable preparation in eases nf Piarrhtwa: „ • , BURNETT. It Is a moat *minable reedlcino, opertlF in its rr:•:. ation, and al-pys pure to afford . . From caperlenee in the Ina of lir. Cholera Cordial. Lhave no hesitation 10.03yInz thz best trilled,' I have ever tried for Cl,kra bus, _Cholie, and rain in the Stomach and SAMUEL 11017. I have nsed the Cholera Co:dial for ten yeari , every ease it effectP.l avaire,-;and I feel ••1 saying that it is the best fueditine for Mare,. Dy.actitery. Pains and Cranipe in the Stomach .Dowels, over offered to the public. . . • J. MILTON COURTRI,fdriI. e I have xpe_rieneed" the most ftruTrisinely 1••:.^- ficiatefierts from Dr. rrqultart's Cholera Cord:al : a is quiet In action, and I regard it as unequaycd'M cases of Colic, Diarrhoea, ke... and I really tleFer. to recommend it to all affected with Bowel Complamie. W., W. LOOSIIS. • Dr. trqnhari's Churn CordiAL•l'ts prepar,l nt Wilkes-Darre,' Penn's and. sent 6r exrac. , any where. ruts. cents a attic. Jun 11.71. iin • SUPPLIES. FOR THE • TRADE \VI CI KII iAt & B 14 - I'C 'S CROCKERY -). 'l CUIN A, GLASSWARE STONV,WARE SLLTER PLATED IiCAPY. FIWJT JARS Tnwa . ml:t; MILITARY NOTICE. ilE.All QUARTER. 13th fnl. iSie , !l I - = National fltrirls of pcnn•a. ) Cornprinit,g tilt , Cataltie9 cf 111,1: - .00, TlV...' WELtstone, June ill. 1571. • Parties wishinftio ormiults military C.M!1 ,41, shonlit. as poop 53 they have 35 men r...finte:1,...e0 .1 to, the A•ljnbUit General's oflicc: at llsrrist ,, r... -through these headquarters, a notill.•atoueo: tLI _fact, signed by one or triora petitioners for tief cola! ilany, and attested by. the County Cominissien .,-4 . or largess of a borough. On reeelpt of sti,•ll eatiou.liy the Adjutant, tioneral, the eompa•lY be directed to hold an -election to elect oinCer , .the company. 'Therewill be r detii:ean to these. heademarters to superintend' s id el. et,ui who Isiah° furnished with reees , ary blank 4. . anil at the same Vino there will he two ompw Y furalshed, ono to be retained id thocittuimuY ,eenituanclor; the ikther should be forwardL d fo'tie. beljulant General, with the election returns. .tr... 1 4• accrtuderinants. 3M, vrtli be furnished by thofrSlir••• I du requisition and bond, after approval at flit 4 headquarters. Each Member of a company es his owriunifnrrn, and is entillel to receive- f doing air allowaneo ont of the brlgailejoihtary L Sec section 6th of supplement of. act of' Ti' .the term of service Ls tivo years. 11. CCI. )0.2371 313 J. - Gen. 13th Division MEV Is oo :goo L.l oo R.. M. .147..1.T.K, AIiD , III=d:MOZ;I3 GOALS ME . 50q 4 b 0 . 4 00 . 3 00 -ALSO OFFICE w. S: PA RS, ,' run hum Low c,lt'n IMIE From II..l• lieu• and 14.antlftil c . omplct- a- I=ISISIM Th . (' I,c.t k!:11