j -Sg Itural.. BO Tug Cow's IN • umirs.—That cows have memory, 1 ! n a age, signs and the means of enjo g pleasant asso ciation, or comb g , for aggressive purposes, has b recognized„but scarcely. to the xtent the subject merits. : Trave : 4 g in Italy many E it years ago, we la sozf the large dairy f in the neighbor hood -of Ferrer I,nterspersed a mongst mneh lo lying:unhealthy, land, remarkable for the prevalence in it of, very . fat forms in anthrax in the summer is. -on, -fine rindnlat- end the 'fields are fie happened to sa )ono tine antmn e cows .W6rentbont herd-Of over one I zing homewards: !. eir positions with e to the hons• 'and (ached, natnes re at first we: thong f o milkmaids.— . Sposa and ih were noted by xis called out by the 'the women, and wo ing pasture lands of great extent. • stop at a farm-ho afternoon when t to be milked. • " hundred. was ' The women took Stool'Anclpail clo• as the cows appr. called (4-t. which . nddresSed -to Rosa, FlorerAft, - .naany names whip nt time, We . : • overseer •or,one o were astonished I, - • cease: feeding Ur ewing the cud, and - make direct, somdimes at a trot, for the Oman that usually.milked her. The pimdtice we found wits . not con fined fo one-far , . ; all the Ows on et - Oh farm knew , their respective • names, and took up their position:in 1::19 open apace, inst as readily as-the .in,lividual mem ers. of herds in this country, banked , . on;. the,fields, take • up their propp,r 'ilaco in the sheds.— Joba 4 il. - - For the curiosity ow purposes; the big ;cess, but for bacon Ire. Why it is• that L said in favor of the ndred pound breed kstand. -The people 101 know that hogs Igo three hundred till up - to the meas- I con or barreled pork. THE 4,3 •H6G - . 1 for s hc , gs . 1 itre r, su' they area fail so mach is lObinl siN.- and eight-hi wi3 cannot •undl are .not fools. weighing-three ; a half, net, are tire for either bl Where is the f pi•efer hogs inl this for his bac; in the papers hizge hogs col Monstrosity, improvement gectit size; ..tiow,, there 3.7hy late_ ho' and but one t in their faver, bigger show three hundred 'charges the fe he Weighs. T pays as. miteh hundred in o cost t,() get' the par tS.„And feeding said t thiS'amount o than it clid . fro naeat- wil,t3 In -thrbe hogs tlia' mer who would not sizo, oven les,s than .0 and yet we read ily, reports of great plimented for their if ame advantage of vas gained . by their aro a dozen reasons s 'are cbjectionable, ,ipg only can be said nd that is, they make than bogs of two or weight. ' The big hog der for every pound Io man who raises him er pound for the eight e body, as it would Isame amountin three 6N experience in hog at it cost more to -4et meat / from one hog ii three; and then the ch more valitable in 1 , in one- huge over , whose carcass would , -slaughtered, unless 5 4 freezing," cold—and grown inonste not cool whe l tlieveatbet wi When put clot•' f!cult to get th in stilt it, is most dif big hams and Should the bone - , so as to pack t summer w•eather.— erS ilnisled tO . well in the h. 11 , :rril IT ',AII. WSE POTATU.It 18 a i tt sa,tisfaction to find Rose potatb has prow -1 'in. almost every guar eased our doubts on its i ce as to the probability THE, EIRLY ==ll that the Earl . ed.go taluabl t::r: e exp irst .appeara of its being gcncral cultiv . I.3eenieci to be erous friend . v, - •rt.li a doll pt•rfe -- Pt F41)6 1 -Ci' 1 i'St tlieir (lu, - ,•,;way—roa, then) u''re t ..‘.rcire- :IS r all Ive wets thin - outrig ,iiithat the eal advantagO to the tor, and these doubts confirmed when a gen ent u% when they were • each, three or. four ens of '' o.ood. size, to lity. We did so in eve .ted in. theii jackets; the resialt.was the same te . rly . uyit to eat—They 1, water as a sponge.— not willing to condemn on a first trial, believ- was something in the 11 they were grown thatt is remarkable influence, al. least that another' soil iu whic t o-,:qr.them; bi change all this. Ve willing to wait that 1, and it came to Tan- as lit might. .The/ potato, o instances, prdved dry, .1 . first rate quality, as Jingly productive. This tains' up to the present S . beyond all odds our ariety; and, with • the Blow for the late crop, ndantly sUpplied with tioes.—•derniUn oz . 9n Tele , ewt4e, anyw long and sel \%-c., thought except in ra .;:icialy, and wen as excet! ,21-(;)gr..(1 rnaii ::arson. It bet. early ' N - el are al) 'solid rota , ..ti l h 1 CELERY. —The last of e time to begin earthing -:I3LANcuiN( I , - August is t - up celery th inbctober I: ,lesigneel frn earthed up 1 • lor_if • neither as gl that which • er. In cart quiredto ko of the head, rator stems in on] gethei,whil t l al of ld be .1 anirpresse little earth • • r,,se, and zl • -quired, who' • 11§ .( 4 the hoe .fire not .gr t wiThe wanted for use r November. The crop winter use- need not he mtil laterin the season, hed too early it will be od nor keep as well as . bialiehed in e`v-,01 eath= ins up, some care.is re el) 'the soil on-the:outside and to do this the-dpe clail the leaves and I hand, holding them to • with the other the earth ['awn . around the plant I firmly against it. A very ill suffice, for this pur-, ;lore can be added if re- both hands nre free to or spade. • If the - plants ' ing- is vigorously asore- theth a liberal sup ' manure a few days before Ihug up. Of ,coursei the ld not be too thick and, is would cause them id t it be . strong, - and the considerable water,so, th .around the plants inaY ! )aked ; and not' merely elery •infended for a latd be frequentivAkeed dur! e.t month . ;• and -- if the lry, - Water freely, addin l of stimulating manure i qth•ed, the 4 1 ply of 'kink the first•oar, sholl MISEEI , - mist; but 1 - diluto wit - that 'the e bo s ;tinkl . . -ed. crop shoal ir.g, this weather is o kind:. necessary. • . ' P.RESF.RVI *G THE FLAVOR OF -TheBOTTFII, . Ge man Agriculturist sayS that a grea • • portion of fine flavor o flesh butte is destroyed by - the usn - - mode of w: ghing, and it recommend . :;thorough kneading for the remora • of the - buttprmilkl 'and a subsegnent • • prossing i . l 'a, linen . cloth. Butter • thus prepared; Recording to our tie ; thority °is .preeniinent - for its sweet tit ness of Au and - flavor, 'qualitiei • Which are etained alonger4me. T improve m 1 nufaetured bu t_ we we- or advised • bf ) . l,he same- atithority w ' wort' , tho ro ughly ughly: with fresh, col I, ; mint, and then 16 wash in clear wa. ~. ter, And it_is said- that . even rancid_ brit ter ma ' be rendeied palatablel • • . , Washing it in -Wafer to which-a fe• • - '...' . drops of a solution of chloride of 401 . - :has been (Idol. -.. !i• . 1 TG THOSE GETTING - THEIR Ito;c1 siotild study twotlitags. That, to GET TEEM MMELE IIiSZtLASS CLOTHIMG Secondly. And In order tube ibte-to sell a good artlele cheap the merchant nitwit understand hia hush:tem ard know how, whero !and what to buy as • practical Man does; and a -., In all Its branchos I profess to be, hating bad In the bnetneee. Hive beon a cutter In some of the Idomy o buying. selling and cutting. and divide my p:bftttsss with no man. so - that less of it will do—and with low rent and other captains in pro. portion. thus making the cost of carrying .on the business very small. see cow after cow On reading 11e above you will ago why it is that I CAN SVITN4 GOODS CWRAPER Than men following the business, -and baying no knowledge of it themselves, have to employ others at large salaries. to attend -to it, and customers must pay aceordingly---as they, like myself. DO BUSINESS TO LIVE BY IT. *JACO,I3S,' nr.r MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, AND HAT - S - AND CARS. All goods warranted, and sold at the lowest ratep„ South More 111 Behlicmam's block, Maln-st. auylBll and boiled on two oc Clothiag. CLOTEDZO MADE To, ORDER. Is awn WHERE THEY AM.. SOLD CHEAP PRACTICAL TAILOR EIGIITEEN YEARS M'E,RIENCE beet 4ousos In NEW YORK CITY If yon doubt the above statement, be convinced y c umg on EINEM ELUMIS. Tadot. Bridge Bt, Towanda, Pa. Aug %no . • , - Williae7. MISS E. J. KEIGSLEY, Wishes to inform the 1.0.14 -- of Towanda and vicinity that she keeps constantly on hand a large supply of MI T—l sultatdo to the season. - Thanking Ler pat rout for their liberal patronage_ heretofore, she as sures them that no exertions will be spared to en sure a continuance of the same. Sho also Las aline selection of . . HAIR AND FANCY GOODS, Such as Kitt Glove, Linen Collars, Naffs • ilandl.ierchiels. , Real Laces, - Corsets, . &c. ttc. . I have also reopened, in connection Vith the above my DRESS MAKING establishment, and I am now prepared to do CUTTING and.FITTING in the latest fashionable styles on short notice. Entrance next door to Fox k. Mercnr's, up stairs. April 4,11. NEW :GOODS • AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG pONNIiT A. PETITS & CO., .Are now' offering a Great Variety of DOMESTIC AND 'FANCY DRY GOODS, CHEAT, SLTII 113 PRDITS, AIIISLINS, GINGHAMS, TICKINGS, kc. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS LED SPREIDS, DRESS GOODS, PLAIN AND GROSGRAIN SILKS Extra quality SHAWLS, LACES, LACE COLLARS YANKEE NOTION-S.; REAL A:513 IMITATION HIA.IR GOODS MILLINERY GOODS., nay , pitiatity,-guality or price that the marlet delnatle. Milliners supplied it New York prices Towanda, April 20, 1871-3 m F OR SALE AND TO . RENT, W. DITTRICH'S IUSIC' siTOR,m. O'SE HUNDREDFIST-CLASS PIANOS, ONE lIUNDRED AND FIFTY ]MELODEONS TWO HUNDBAD CABINET AND CIICII D_ I OIIGNAS, Five Hundred Violins. Clarlonets, Elates. Banjos, Guitars. Concertinas, Ace.orileons. Strings • for- -alh Stri,at Idstrunietits. "DiumScltones. : etc. SHEET 3IFSIC ND tiSTAUCTION BOOKS FOE EMITIMSTItinEWT. PIA.N - OS From the only firet-class makers in the united Btates. as F. C. Liglite L Co.. Decker Bros., Stine, way. Weber, New York; Hallett and Cumatona Boston; Mathewshek, New Haven Ct.: C. Meyer, Philadelphia, and jinabe iu Baltimore. Melodeon, from B. Slm:tiger, New Haven. Ct.; Pelonbet. Felton t Co., New York. Orgtuis, the celebrated Golan' Reed American Organ, and the Sprdett Combination Organ. '','One door east of Mervar's Bank. the only store cif the kind in Towanda. mer. 2911 A NOTHER NEW FIRM. U INT r i ^ LOWER THAN EVER. J. S. A L L.YN & CO. Raving purchased the Furniture Store of D. L. Pacts/au in Mercer's Block. hare added largely to their stock, and new. offer, YURNITtTRE. , • Of eery description at prices which will DEFY COMPEI £IOY. "Raving purchased the stock for CARR, they feel warranted in saying -Oat they can offer greater in ducements :than any other establishment in the county. Towanda, April 2G. ISTI PURE CIDER 001:EY'S: BARZM POWDER : T 1 The very gest ever edema-to the pnbhc. soP. I • ,jun 15,71. • FON: kmEfCtR. I - OOD MOLASSES FOR 50 I 1 Gc ant pee pence St .FO3. k MISCITIV3. Oct. km. • TEl[74.f.s l ---Sl9o to ir.ontre. 12~ r.t tin.‘, of lq‘rriee. 4 - 111cli vr;il..ttot be, refun.l,l in L ny , % c ut, and t 1.3 , • KL,II provi.n in ft,al. Nee have - r.n.. stabling laid SASH,IatIORS, AND BLINDS. . 4 pasture. on reasonable .terms. Deg iwnsilde care '' 1 Olen of Itan.s. AU ar-el.•lt.nis and . (, , ,...:,-4 at. owners I 4222 preps zed to forxdsh Kitll:dlieti DOCTE, S4gll ; r:•.t. Season: 3lare`i 12th in 1 , :‘,..t.nd,r 1,.... 1 , 71. and iltrids of soy style, size, or thickness., on short i Towando.msr.W7l .M IX A 110NTAN111 , - malice. Band In lour orders ten - days before yon t want to lase the articles. and be 'sure that you will I TIRE rrHAcA. 11-HEEL PARE, get doors that will not shrill:. or .vwell. Terms cash I 1 Pleater an I . Grain pre.ad,..ist Sow,r -unnhinel. an delleriry : 1 7, 7 r aj 1,, , ,,: I I ly flr (7:11!/ PtIC.A,:e. f,`,4:::,; piaster. . Towlinds. ZnlY ID, 1971 GEO., I'. ( YAM. f, - rftlu. t.:c. I. f;p: , :t. , 1i , 1 .11 , 4,4. I . :4•::,f•r# mac inei.• ' tae il:..m.tkr Sower worl4 the: • will le no more sow. THE GE3I - FRUIT JAILS, MT _I u.;; 1.1Ilii• t 14.1.11:.1 - lor •I'.e b . ) .j.. btli. lxi ti.se, wheletede said retail. - lc July I. . bit.cfaLlt. & 1.11:‘ 1 Books and Statoiimr., DIARIES FOR 1871 PMM!F n.7- ' - 77n0 • 3+: NEW-YORK. PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS Pm, 'NE, MrSIO, STATIONRY AND BLANK BOOKS YANKEE N4TIONS -TmLuda, Ncri. 19,18G6. TOWANDA Marble Works. GEO.• 3IcCABE & SON Mace just recetrea the largest assortment. of 'AMERICA AND ITALIAN NE A. IR, Ever exhibited in this • Fotiori. to which thef invite the attention of the r.abilo. J They keep ou han4 or forntrlt to orjer • MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES, &e., IT THE LOWEST TEEMS Persons In want of anything 'in our Ifne:nrc re specdully invited to call and examine our stack. .•• • Towrinda, May 1, 1871. • ~ v, CENTRA_L MARIcET. • ir e . . Tee Fateeribers. still continue to keep cor , litotty on hind a full awl. complete ato , ortut,Lt of f i v.:72, - - thing Tertainirg to their ImbiLeFt4, convict nit itiritn; ly of BEEF, PORK, FRESH AND SALT MUTTON LEM% CAMS, VEAL, .wrizi:N, SAUSAGE. ' I.ALI), I.SOLO , INA, DMED DEFY, x TALLOW, ...:c., &c. - - All-. 0, - FRESH FR03.1 THE LIKES. • ovs - rEr„s nrATIVED DAILY Parties wish:r.g Oysters in Lir..7 , or B znall (plant:- ties win be furnished on .ebt , rt n0t0 , . , , at the old Ftand, CMerlt'.t 3Ltructr, ,Montanye's liiock. flrrt door north of Dr. l'orterv. Cumt. G EELLUM k I:FI.Loca. Feb. 2 1 4," j trd-tf FIKST NATIONAL BANK C,AnTAL SUJIIIXS FUND Eral °ff.:a UNUSUAL TACILITII_3 for (Lc transaction of a • GENERAL BANK INGI 11 US INE SS. 'INTEREST AID'ON DEPOSITS d2CORDENO TO IMI STETTAL C IT.O aivr:a TO TIME CeLLECTION.OI , Trz t.:ND CDECI: ti. Part!es * wishing to fMND ll.(:).Nrr to any part of the United States, England, Imland,Sootland, or the prin cipal cities and to , A ns of Europe,.ean litre ;..ro,,ure drafts for that purpose. To or from Wool(' ermiltry, by boQt strr.l ,, r. or sa+l ing lines, always on halal Fix IT-S 11E01.70/IT,Ciriat AT .r.IDLTEE , nArra. 111;hest Ptier paid for C.S Ilir.Jz. Gold and Si vcr J. POWELL, President. N. N. BETTS, Towanda. dzuxe2l, 1869. - Cashier PERSONS IN SEARCH. OF JULES RUCiUENIN, JEWELLER _& LVERSJI 1 TI.I, MERCTR'S NEW BLOCK, TOWANDA, P.I Is constantly receiving additions to his 6 ' goods suitable for (resents, such as LADIES' W,4:4ICHES, of all deeoripti,na. Albo a erected noortme.nt o: GOLD CHAINS, FINE G OLi% LT EI, VT 7 E, I_, P.', "Y- CLOCES CIF ALL STYLES FllOll THE cur..tr GOLD, EILVTII AND STEEL SIECTACLES AND EYE-CIL*.MES. to fit a:I eau! c 4 kr:Faired ~!..rht. Xi: Tr /'..A TENT .I . ^comoDATINI; SPECT.ICLAW. By tkiwpat , nt lam u:11 , 1c , 4 to exAinn,z , . , 61.353E , 9 :t any Blue without cztra churgc. Call chl see. • . • .; W..41 - C111"_9 AND JEWELL:I' DEPAILED ANTI WASS.ArTED. 1 Towanda. Dee. r 1870. rri 0 W AND A " —This higii - ;red W 33 0ir,,1 y grata VIINTEG AR i%.T .1113. V.rniont 111a.lk Hawk; strand dam, ?I , ..s.f.iitier: on , %. - hite FOX b: 31EROUR'S.. pa , 4,-rn behind, lilac k dark Lay. • cin.l 3 iut.ll, 6 high, 4-yr,us oil in July. II.• is ot,• .'t the ri-niarkat , h , animals the Ik. is beautiful. klnd, Ana ::ke. Oerfect. poss.iesing stronll. Ile 14 In ci ;Pt prrl3ll3itY to two oi th.. mart notath , i : 1 this nil : Ciotti " " and Ethan Al:ett,'• 3 moat fort33lte cross. PICTURE:Ii lirascellancons, Of every wt;le 31CCA3E SO 11.1115 I= of TO`,VANDI $125,000 40,000 AGIIrrIiENT P.4SSAGE TICKETS HOLIDAY PRESENTS, • MaPt not I orgt t th.at Ont cper nca - tb of AMERICAN WITCHES A swiss WI rdi new EST TQ . TILE BEST MB Groccilos and Provisions. TEE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING • Purcusea the =Ups late:seta It H. -PATCH, In the Itinant O. It. PMCII CO.. ie nw prepared to COrar to the eitlsonaof Bradford County and.Ticint- c' O 4. a large and well selected stock of G R 0 C.E RIES. Which f have purchased for Cash. and fed confidant that I as sell at as low !Ivrea as an be purchased O O elsewhere. I now offer to the public a splenll4 stock TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, STAMCH. Ra rr kTCS, SPICES, kc nITO ea hand a Laige stock of AKRON FLOUR, CSR TT A 'll. BYE DO., BEtTaletni.AT DO I Icrep constantly on hand, ronkatAlts,ltD, ar.d all kinds of MIL - -Wimld call the ottention of the public bc'our diet Do Belt STOOK OF TOBACCO, u quality or price. Jesae Oakley's Celebrated Darn dry, New York Chem!cal ant trown Soap. 53. Mosso call and exAratr.o otr ttork of 'WOODEN 'WARE Largo maaortatent of YANELT. NOTIONS, TOILET SOAPS, A:c., &c. I w.lll pay the hlglitst rash pricattor COUNTRY PRODUCE Farmers, .give um a call before elscatcre • All persona indcbte+l to the late A= will please call and make immediate payMenL Tocialikla. March. 12. ISGT GROCERY AND PROVISION 8i 0 . _ . 31.0 C I; F S E D IV:: A. 'lt'f_T S, Wbolesale Desk!,. in •t - FAMILY - GROCERIES PR.OVISIQNS, MEWCWS NEW ritoaE, ioATANDA. PA We do not d.'.em it 7; to enumerate ali the di:ere:lt articles we keep. Oar aEFortment le ALWAYS COMPLETE. tIRST CLASS. GOODS. Cas4 Far era Pro/pos. TAMES llarelt 1, IS7O. ' ELAVAILI,S. PEOPLE'S GP.OOEIIY AND Ii:OVIF:ION 1=3=21 =9 GROCERIES AND. PROVISIONS, will be u‘ilrrat the irwert ro. d i u bl e prices. CODFISH MAC;KEIiEI,, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, 310DE4iN STONE . WARE, YANUEE NOTIONS, F 1,01. - 13., FEED, .I‘l l l &L, GRAIN, &c Bring on your proaue. *Lich v.*.l pay cial foi DAIRYMEN, Aroustant supply ct Asl.lll3n Salt, all siztl Churns. Ilutter Firkins, Tabs,..kc. .I.lcr.se call and Io tliroth onr and wo do cur br.sf to plethpi W. A. I:OiI:WELL. Towanda, April 21..15t19. THE OLD MAIN STREET Carrin ge Vactory.i. SUU th, tiianufactu're cf CARRIAGES AND WAGON.`,, . _ Of tver7 tle,wription, at the at eland of 0. U MATS TOWANDA, PA 11.,s i, all -ef tl.e LATEST STYLE ' AND FINISH In the. e" 7. - ogons =.l6thing is ww,lbu.t BEST STEEL AXLES, COMPOSITIONBOXES PLATFOPM SPRE.G WAGONS AND LUMBER IV 4 ' GONS The beat Eartdirn gtock to iisedin the rialighirture cf 31.1wela. fqx,}o.a art% all rived eat—uot sawed. WARRANTED EQUAL TO ANY SCFEIUOR TO ANT IN T.IIIS SECTION tJ . Ll.t Wane tiecuaatev. —11.3 ITLI9'7I AVARFTELD'S COLD WATER sErzwAsany.; SOAP, Fur is.ite Lf This Soap will wash all kinds cf Cloythlrgln Cold Water. lia.r.l or F. , ft, as acy atop will by Ule old faxbioned way of 1,011113,r, and warrantel nut t• , the cloth. ileincrubcr, no 1, , d water and no bo:hu47--tstiit4. a liOt Ur:lt:v.7r. Try y0ur...4 jvnit,,ll.24l' NI. • C. B. PATCII C. X:. I'AT.CII AYD We •. , c," r..lthiv.,:c Lui 4iEREING, PORK, MUTTON, HAM, JAMES -BRYANT =I IMEMllliffill In Liolt E pt c.nEtautly 4 hand IMSIffLIMMI Ai to fultsh. aoi 5t to dorabillty 'JAMES .BRYAN TI, FCIX k SaaICUR Furniture: F URNITURE. NEW FIRM! NEVir GOODSti We ire now oftbiiitit J lAr Whole lildren4 Batol FURNITURE E?ilPlsßltilid„ NO. 107 Mini STIIEKT. The greatest Iltdoottoents to those in went It FIST - CLASS . FURNITURE! Lamer offered in this msrkst. The attention of the public is especially called to our recent hoar purchases from the late Orest #5O - Sales of CHAMBER AND PARLOR! . PITIZNIT 'UR PA We are now offering WALNUT MARBLE. TOP SETS AT $75 00. And'. NICE PARLOR SETS,. At $5Ol 00, Together with our Complete Stock of 1 BEDSTEADS, BIIREAtS,ICILOIS . TABLES, STANDS, SPRINO .B ED S , MATRESSEI, LOOKING-GLASSES, And in tott ecerAtting to bo fonud ins Pint:clam _Furniture Btorr. caziprrt TITAN TIIE CIIEAPEST: WMEMBER THAT WE ARE :VW ILICSUFke, t, truing, and do offer vooda Atqnr own Manu facture cheaper than you can' briy city.onadO goods elsewhere. Lumber taken in eichange for goOds. We else furuigh 17.08.E1V0•3D CASKETS. METALIC r.r - rasa, CASES; AND COFFINS Of crar7 1.0:111AL LOBES, CAPS. &c.. And ,vo 20,0 I,:.cre tiic FINE S' 11 E A II E In tilig lOC tinn of colrati7 GOrda denvcroi 1) pot free o( ' O. Towanda, Jan. 11, 1871 M . J. LANG_ • . I G 0 cT, TES DP ;. °VI SI ON S, WOOL, NCILLOW, AND S.7CNI: 111.0T:11, PEI.7.D, • , . f " 1 I Nu. 1 rATroN's ULOCK, COB. MAIN .:AND,BRIDGEI, I STS., TOWANDA, PA. I 4.t.';;li:e to call t?.e att , A.V‘m id the public to my a.s9rttueut of goods. which in always fulrand com and will La sold to toy euiitoinerkwt lowest market rates. My rtr.c.: of TEAS, SPICE-S; - 1.13. v, I, en purellan ,- I , inoc the late retlnAinn iu the tar'itr-en Ittetu. ar.,l :Ire offered at ]ad,; 0:19 hp wall or othrrvri•.• rrurive carefu and rron:; , l atteutien. Or 'T:lant.iu.; the pcblic I , r Elx,r3l t 1 ar - mr.r4 , - titt.y,Lalo ruin I vriv!,...'s c , ,ntannatre cf ttrz, • v. 41. fASII PAID roc COUNTRY ll:tifil'e.! fi 1):2 e7l - R SON • Mowing HARVEST OF 1571. A NEW INVENTION. PATENTED NOVEIIDEIC V, 1870; And ap. r .lied to rvery 14 so eoustrneted (bat yoit do not have, to use the lever In turtling either way. It will run ou any hue just as *VC as on a stra liv ,, ,tating all the stde pressure front th e . It has a full joint STA will, describe a f nil c1n.40 either ay. stvion half the Libor for the horaea nun driver. Toe upper frame so jointed or attach, -a to the loner frame. as to form a lifting taling a large part of the weighti of the liar front the ground and placing it track npOn the driv ing -wheels, mid hee-ning the draft of 'the machine, n,al.ing one of the lightest drift mad:drive in 11,.t.i The machine has 14,n greatly ir.sprrivel and Is matirif.ctriml by using wrought iron and . Etetsl• in tio pia& of cast ir,n. The Castor Wheel is upon r. steel spring with wrought. iron holders: making it and strong. We can say to farmers that they can. depend npon having a machine that has no cooial. It has eayt., steel shafts, and hnth shoes plitcd with ra.t ste r!. 31ael!iro:s are warranted in every particular. If an; part bruaka froth defects in material or workinanchip r.cw parts Will be seat without extra charge. The 'ring& Darns carrf.cd at both ends on wheels; can change the wheels sn as to cut three heights of stubble. The machine has a flexible .flarar bar, and will conform to the itiNvalittes of 140 grctand over which it is-drawn. doing as groti wottupon uneven ground as upon even't;:onn.l. THE REAR BAT.awriLsTE Ibis a double•foliling ringer Ittri having a lengito 'dinal. oscillating mutton. This 'machine has wheels at both ends of , the !Ancor . bar, and is So .arranged that yon se; them to cut any height, and can bac': out without raising the lever. SULKY P.:11:...TS We Lace also two raantifactolicii Oft the --S..ulkY Rakes: the well-known Taylor 'take and the Blayton Manufacturing Company flakes, making two of the best Races in use, at wholesale or retail; Manufactured - at Almon% Al erany ctiuntY. by I. G S. lIA.WSON. C. F.:NICHOLS, Ag't. api.l6,-71 TowANDA.. STILES t IIoREAF, agents for tho ' neFtern part of the county. • F O - -& 3IE,RCUR are now receiv ingui fresh sioc..k of G oode in their line, bought rine.: Vie)] st Jannary. to which ttirr invitrr the at;. trillion of their friends. -We keep the largeit str.ek in Own. Our' vods ate irnsii and chirirable. evil at lowest market pricer.. • Jan. 19. Is7l. VESIT AND NEW TEAs,lxiuglit since no r..i.-ent decline In prier. [ and. RPlling chew.) at ret:lq. FUX k [IIF.IICUR. Jan. 19,1,71. FOX & 11 - ERCIIR are selling Gro eerie! et retail. J. 19, 1371. VOX HERCUIi are selling New and Thrall Oriods, Ja6.19, vox & MERCUR are selling Gro 1. • onrien cheep. P7l. • - pox. & MERCUR are sellinfr first class Goals only. VOX IIERGUR are selling cheaper than ever. Jan. 19, 1871. REMEMBER that we are AA" Goods at • RETAIL! • _. And that 'we iten't be undeteoid. Jan. te. IATI. FOX & ICETTITTL MICHIGAN FINE-:CIIt TOBAC .I.I/ eo—,very cltok:B—at - - Jan. 19, 1871. FOX A: NIF.RetTa'S.: FOX & MERCUII do n o t; deal in Shoddy Goods. -Jab. 19, 1871. (11JR-CUSTOUERS can •ely . upan getting the very best the market affords arid at lowest price. E. T. POI. Towanda, Ail. 19.71. • 11=iTtlr'XERCUR. • . , pLASTER- , 1 L : 1 1.;ASTER. . ; P-LASTERI. _ A full supply of Pre: Gronr. , l Ctyaga Plaster frotu Yauger.'Fitch kr.o.'a brds iit' tl. s - abscribers mill. at mouth of Ilumracrfleld Cree . taloa)* pro wired and warraddod a pure article. • ap1.121141u.i• - JASIES ESPY • I FoUNDEßY,kiactaNssaor.- . • TM undersigned betted pureheeed the toesdry and Saablite Shop lately owned by Idol Cameo. ue teepiredto do sanded& el week=Lizei {beds baddeee, with promyteeee aptd MILL GEARING'S, .CIROLAR SAW . MILLS, • MA'N DRILLS, Of tho latest and most improved kinds mannlacturrxl d'kept constantly on hand teddy for ma. • piIDrM.T., =ON AND WOODEN DEAMA CULTIVATORS, CORN ?LOUGHS POINTS of an Muds, and the latest tmpineetaents kept - constantlz on hand. ' ST 0 -E rb ASTIiti.GS SLED AND SLEIGH S,HOES, And all klnda of raztinga furtdahcd March 30. 140. MEANS & ROCKWELL. BLOOD CO St:lt to 11.0115 E PCYNVEILS CLEANERS, atd te:1: a ik.,:tt...17 ]era muneT tn= can br bia risevrlicr) itl thre e.r.irkL •We claim for our um:hi:net that they will ao.. Yurcb, of mine, than way other., an.l ern zuf.wo . W;e eoptoriate.tta aka e h titzt I w. - !1.1 down. We.r.i411',,_n.,1 IMI of ectr.v.i:EiLer.. E COFFEES, .'ND 6. M. .1; LONO_ 7iEttlftAkdi:iL And all Ida& of MILL •I•RONS !JADE TO ORDiM.. ENGINES 'REPAIRED, And all work wur,anto4l to giTo watistactioot SHDIGLE MACHINES PLOiU6HS, Of all kiwis. AND : Clltiti POWERS, LAIIGE 'AND SMALL SIZE.. CELL.kII CIFAT:L73, inON - Errrixs .1 in:iclarTtyE. ONE A:7:M .7,V0 HORSE P07, - ERS, Om G: Pro SEPERATORS. Vil:6111:1: end el. F.' x FANNIN G I,L , enter.i...Lll AND MAO 111.1 z, E , A,ND GBLT MILL wer loran to ardor tii:s us pure axing elFewhern. "00 r •filloactvzia . • •• 4. 7 `,' a 0 () a_ 1 . 11, 1. 2. 19C2. . NEC CARRIAGE FACTORY On Pine, bet;oreen tad Sscond. fitrects, ot. 6. F. Mason .l• C0..6 Dank, TOWANDA, PENN'A lIENIIY . STULEN & CO., atitiottuco to 1.1. k triltA till l rt3trottA' ' tt t tLiost• Ltt:lt a NI:1V Main.: CARUIAGE. ,FACTurbY:. vidiere th , y wia con,t.intly on hand a assor 121 f ut of • FA:IIII.,Y CARMAGF,S, • TOP AND OPEN ZUGGIES, - PLATFORINI WAGONS; A\D HKELE:TONS Made oI tho be 4 rantertal and fitlioheil In the la.st city stye. rxiwrn - nro in city Carriug.• Vactonce cir,stl.,l:4 r d....-calva a4vantage vver,ull..ll in the Fi2l Lind' .I)?tgabij of Wag , ,tie. All they &aka le an INSPECTiON OF 1U WORE purchaatur ALL WORK WA kfLANTED TO clrE PE,TFECT SATISFACTiON Thankful for the liberal patronage formerly ex tendel'and rekpi:ctfully ail.k a eanUnnance of the earn ei ATTLINDED "TO rrkus Tou - ar.1.?.. Mal , . 21. 1c7.)..:-1..1.. NEW TLANIN.Gi. TAB. basing L7.P.t a largi comn:7- 11:11 tIlt• L.,:ougli of ToisaLas, Ana' ith mo imprs)vr.-3 insealLcry, iviNlltr.V :;;.:;• . 11 ',AM) Til.iCD3 r Ara pr,1.,c.re.1 to fill 4r.l.ers. n.t.,:thcr large cr ania:l; upvn ti f-LortePt notice. - : We 114,0 a largo ya riety of 310L7.1.)1N(iS of 1 1, . fe:c•nt Ettle indpsttern , which we, ran -11ye.rer tNau %Ley can 1,0 worked by 113.1u1. TyNGITINCI, oLoovixr; And all other work pertaining to Joinery - , will im done to anit q I..cu.t'°MON: reredos building,and not tiVill7. more than tit - tiro to foluteen dunce 41.Unt, will !Ind It largely for their tritereat tip buy of um. or bring their lumber and hero it, worker by enr machinery. Bring , your grist of Flo ring, or Mlle.! lumber, and whilo your.teena la feeding, have It ground out and take it hoina with you. _ _ We will Fac cAsn for I'INE AND lIIZIILOCK iielivereil at our linntsir JanL (*zxx 'nil sec us. er if pow can't came, write. • Tawaras. Feb...,1844. L.. B. RODGM.SI & BooK-BriDERY.—THE PlM •lie is Tripeettrdly informed that -the Ennt-Bln. dory his been ten:loved to the Reporter"“ , stort, where :will be done. • • BOOS-BINDI'NO! In all Its various brim-clam on terns as remonablo as ...the times" will allow. The Bindery willlie under the charge of 11. C. sturA.Kgrx; An expetionced Binder, mid all work will be promptly done in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music, It ammines. Newsrapers.Old Booka, ka, bound in every variety of styli , . Particular attention will bia to the Bu';; and Binding of • • BOORS. To any desired pattern. which In rat:6ll4 and'dura bility will be wanunktl. • .411 work will be readpfer delivery rzlien proiniscd. The patrons - go of the public is solicited, and .per feet anthill/Acton geuranhxd. Towanda. Augnst 2, ISC6—er. BASERY AND DINING ROOM. Firbt block north of Ward House BREAD, PIES, CAKE,CRACKERS, BAKED DAILY, Aid 130 . 0 Wholesalw and Detail. In'ourDWLSO moms we will accommodate the public with either a lunch or a good meal at all times of tilt day and evening. OYSTERS AND ICE CILEAU lIAND DIMING TIMM SEASON • ' . i . . "Also a fine asio'rtroerd of Groceries, Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Lc. maylp:,7o4/ pßicri j LISt-CASCA.DE ' Flour. best Winter wheat, pr. sack from .. $2 00-$2 25 ts hundred .... 4On barrel 3.00 OustotiMituling usually done' at once, ad the ca parity of the mill is sufficient fora Urge amoun t work. • ' • 11. B. ENGIIS3I. Camptoiru. July 23. 1878.. THE yIEST KEROSENE OIL IN to -by tee quintity or retail at FOI & MEILCIUM. SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, FISH, he.. wholesale And retail. ly 1. ALL ETSDS GROCERIES AND Provisious •ct wholesale ana retalt. at • C. lA.-PATCH'S. E 2112 non TIM, by the. Gallon or Bar - - rel, for +4l.r by Wu G.lB Colt:Num mA.4sHLLL : tp HAEDWARI ItERCUR'S•Nrcsr ocs, L the plea to .my 4 . 4 iituis of w E Tor cab. No Unto on iund rnd i i o rrootyinfi a lugs stock of . . HOUSE FUE.NISITLNG r GOODS, lILSNLia, GLASS, Pram AND LE.iT.I:IEII BEL. Onr Palnta. Ohs, Le., are of tbo qwlity and artll be mold Tory low. We are 'Lbw - agouta for the Great 1:1 AMERICAN STF. SIFE, • (Si:MOBS:8 PAT CT),,, 9 / 1 1.0 onl; reliabia Fire Frpefite Ins.le.• • FAIRBANKS'S kiIA.I4ES. SCHAGHTICOKE PM? SIIPHER- PEWS Ou! stock of rI.IMW Li 'guy large ail eaanntsebired - • In ;Balla]. We are also prepared to C - vojobbl. "Sl:e arethe only agent,. fur the eel' EMPIRE COOKIN The . best cooking time la gee, warm' ti.,l La give vaiielsciiol• T HE LAP, G It 02 T• ,C 0 M 1=1=!!!MLI WATOIES, C PLATED. W SILVER WARE, G i:VPCCrr. O (.I tIVICe, 13 W. A. CII A. M-I3 ST,ITULNI A. N. rcturne.l £r :era I.l!!.,Agtlf thr.t 111.4 stock. tom f:guros. *La toparclimeri e,:tabllshlnc , t4t In thP.conntry IMPORTANT TO VALUE THEM SIGUT I The !tight of the aged assisted td and the perfect .i.,.ND SCRIXJL coNcAvr. CONVEX, eirIST. 7hc Cc cave Convex Cn atal axitai tea. =tide by the above institnie are now a long thee b:dere the p nbi ie. and the rapid and increased demand for them combined with the universal achnowledganent of their clearness in vision and cure to the cys. shbws pl.tinly that they arc rapers r. to all other gdasres in tho market. . The majority of Spectacles, (.teently imported) and no matter how fine the frac:len, contain 'but a por,ir and worthless artiele of glasses, tvenerally cast or pressed;) they are vnado to .be sold only,. without any calculation respecting benefit to the eye; and therefore the gieat•complainVor or 'and week sight. Thousands are using kdasses now which - tire and =gun Ufo eye, where tn. Objects: get dim aiter short usage, or require an ;nte'r.sely :strong light and therefore destroying the ight, which. were they property suited, would be preserved a - fire time. The adrantgges claimed. Pir the Convne Ccuvea Crystal (ilasses are the fOloWlng : , The Lenses are ground of the best maicrith pure and hard, and made only for optical prir l ose.i. they are therefore not liable to get 'scratched or dint. • ' They confer a brilliancy diar.. rt Lnetnem of vision not found In any other itlaSe. '- - They can be used equally well by day or iandle light without tiring or fatigu' 1: - ; the eyes. They are ground mathematically true - In the con. Care.convex niirrOq according . trithe thileverhy of nature, and shape of cornea sal the eye, theretore • assisting nature only insteml!cf forcing it. That the lenses arc centered correct into the fame s. They can be used longer than any other Osaka without chitn4nl to a hi:riles power. The frames are made strong and ditialik by expo deuced werincen and warranted to give satisfaction. WII. CIia3I:BEILLAN, - Dealer in 'Watches, den - ch•s - and Silver C: are, Towarf da. Pa., has the solo Agency fur these giassca in Bradford county. • :So Pedlars cruploSea. • July 12, 1870-21 . THE BEST AND 1 CHOICEST , - SMOKING. TOII.ICCO,I D. W..I3COTT & ro EIcCA.I3F, & MIX Sm. that Ect:ry Package you luxy bears that lascrlptlya. TO7ASDA, DOORS, ELISII, • i nsuan•a, EAST D 9. HATE t of tho best . g , oi lil ki2dB. il.bratea nda ~d•emr; Flew E S T DM L E'T E ~Y J.EWEL LOCKS; ARE LD &C, GOLD CHAINS, =Si owli,aitt.re . td and. fc.: .141Q-z!..!tlic tr.:1111: =ME E lt L A. I • - Om the I , (pri at Iv, 'Wier 1 - •ettot : in'4l::,::•P =MEM elrenothr•n r.r,:,cr:cdj. AL PIIILAD ' ELPIIIA. OPTIC Fur the mantle:zeta, EEO LtiNsti, LONDON E=l=l 11-Itil , D I§.ILLNUFACT:CILED 0 11 0. i 13D DISTRICT OF ILIdIYLAICD, lk.c. I lrar. Drugs and Medicines. D R. EL_C. PORTER, SON & C 9., OL CAST .DRUG STORE,. ERS . i vai i , , nrrentraurliTarrallf rgina. • , ": Corn . Math and re at Strode, Tirfill3lCl3, Pi., ' /We rttly added largely to their dock, shill and vitaPle , arfortinz•nt, coistituting.fii extensivo ye. fief/. e bracing many eiteles. used in' the Arts for . p • ,wolmsouirefully selectbd with regard to the - greeehre wants of tho public, which will be kept elm y Implied with f re.h parthawei, end „ F in offered Me most reasonab le rim c.t.Wholteele or Wad. • g of , . . Dr. as, . MI7DICOIFS, ' enrmicsw, - r==, OM4, TARNIsr.r.g, OL AND TUB NTI?~1T, WUITZ4VA.:3II FI• .And alikiritia.iir ErnAle°, • ROSEYII7 OR CQAL OIL, /Irnrn?ng Flulem. WIC,N3,4CIiDIIETB. e; , ';-Fri, lard, Whale. g ou t, AND AIACITIN.B.' Tc;:rt''.lrtictrB,l rarioty, :ONGES, MICSLIES. F4).1.1.5, p lll4, EMI 11,3.1r,Dyesi PP.ll,fnif.Ty, . 'LET Ole 2'.310NA rocket, Kra.vog, POC ER CO., 11. :SELF PtITAPATLONS. .W1.1)3 ARI LIQtOItS, - • .Acco S.Nurr,•• PIPES.' LND CzqAus, I , u, Field and Blower Seeds, Truss , * Brtp. 'IS, Susperowrkes, Shoulder Brame, Brut , st in+l,4. Teething Iting 4 . l'itare,ing, Dottles, ' .iples, .ti:i.,,rle 51,114 and Shr.orl*, Svr.:,:r,rs, • , ro:d l'ac.,i, brit-Foahnz.lnid..Tars„"iler - .‘ . otn.tters, 1 , 111v:rib!: Ektrr....ts, Stone , gs. GhLsb Ware, lluttles. ViAls, COrke, llath: , ell, al:P}Stol . 3 . l3.tiekitoz, - Flelt Tackle, Awe' Mon, kr., lintsnle, teloctic and lionivelAtn- .: 1‘',...:.1 , ,Lcuiri0 , , •d :a the perular I.'. teal . • 'id. E , 143- I N. ES • , ~1!..I, sn • .. nt,l as • repro , :er.ted: repoTus at ire can r,-zetvo that orde - rs by ets , .. fe or r nytil, vr.- ll r. ~..ei,r pr,144..t .at.....ltilreful aZtt laittli.., 1 t• A.. 1 .:Vi , _..3 gtVdtl :;r t that.. ,- .1 - ,1,7 at t.; , ‘: eX.e.o. d ni! obly for raediel_n , ... . STOVE, • dig* vrt.ta cl ar , ,l vek qua; a. . Thal:in/1 fur pa.t r:)uve, WO -.43 t ?us ' , hall be F1131 , 7•1 ; t0 Nutisfy, Rua con .•a 6f•tlrcir corifileuou autt patron • , . ();0-r3 :-Malyl_mr 1 .l.t:m.; 1"4 - ...: 34 2 to 10 ';! - 1 12 m. t-:: 1.. and 5 to 6.p.m. 1 • • • • .11. C. 1•01a2:.!:, " SUN k. C.l 1. 1 7(..--; 1113 11 lIMN ToW.'S.F.P.A., PA:rr ; AND IZ E' AI L oLESALE RE I~ su J"c —C IST •••.r e-. the:: 'vas e:i ntoiP.Z C 1 . • ..; 3 9 % ' 'VAR:CIS: 7 I.LS . %NO; IX,V," • - 1.4.Y11 • 6:r 11.. e sckt. 1;F,:, '..`,.1.-:,', ..:1 SEEM • . . . I ~-n end Tulletlt7tfcl , : g. , , I, —ps cif 'every dcs.:::ptior.. ° . ... 'lce 1111talletrig, I:,lhltig, Sll-4 , ... , :ni. 7 -1. - . 1 C 611111 1 ,41 214 01 !-; 'n. - i1....:ir itnlA!lcs, -,. - . 1 '.,,,,,i1, DracAL... . - . . . • . Ictil TQoth Soap. - • • . ~._ r 41:.(4. a' r :i,. , ,, 1, 1.3 , x.2. , :a. , ; 1.0 tht.: Drug tr34le ten 1.1..1 , `11 :.::Al..lle!er!.'", ) , , vin, , the .I;zenry of the .IF,A ri. S. 21li COMPANY, GIIIUT D - Lr(EIEN T:1; f 11,':`1•70:e73 th€.ll - L 117 qi .“:1; rirt ait,14411,y li•ai. , ful tilo ro- Lb.., c:r• rt F,:4 1 - t b., ttl,:kt• Ctloll. • )r. T. I'. Ma.t.li 7:1•15 - LC c:irtsliit..o. at ti • lig tit•Ti• as , • • • • r. 1.. 1::../RN n!, PsEA.T BARGAINS IN corr'S STIOIPS 1 "I" 1 -. c.... I : ..) f, 1; rrr; D EOM EINZI ". ' "7'l A NI) C.:HUD]: \VE AIL ALL WHO LI; G ). 1; 1 . ) 0 .7;,`,' P.l ill .1"0 XI:: ATLI"' DONE "1:113!Sitflt1 f L.; I,:tJt of the , SVUEL . T./.Varld4. . . . • - I ` ' °' • 0 OTS ...: - :•: D : ,, ,11017.8 - -, ..T.';':)77. Ss..:D ' . r >. r lel i ( .q (1 - d ot:. nErAiri.:3). . . . • - . L. C. NET..9, , ,!;`.;. • ' -.- " - I ~ (1....4 rrill• arrar.' , .:ll , 6,lt A• Li at.,^onlia,),late eti , ,t,irlf.ra , - htliat are c. - ,ust:...l:tly eaLhlig with b0, , t,..,.1:.11ti11.),,`in. - 7. ' • . ,),,‘w soks, 0....•,, and LAN e '.1.1..... , :•' , .Te th'ill. to thvir lll. Ti II:: .. I.'''' 1.C1:: f...'...)P. .13: , ... I; grunt. il.!git.lr:tntnr,, , , t!r.ti ut;(,tl , cri:ay, T!... c , .?l,tllnt ! . - p.all 1,..r tb Mini cf . w'ylrk,, awl the aveirt• to late it ort, imz.le"-^t,ly, 1.z . ..-. , .tlituet,l t0.0.t..1.13,.:e ...v.ti, 'irartgen.lenr. that '-nn tr.,..d. 11.4 - rf•tr.rix 1,,, IWahont :...ur I , zir..:tc.l. ! *, .1 ; oil: 1 Irvr hotwst and th•kt 11.1‘ o r. that a: •• •;;,: • ,To this r,patr•slee., 1, the ph,e•• for to •••• re-vaturva, ?wetly halfotole,t. kaa yeurf..•-et pret&trd slia the :•se...e wark. w e can make- y. 3,1 vi;itli :he ';',1,,,,y0 ‘l.,ul)lr t , • qul,ll, , Wo can ! ,, ,11:,....2nt f. - r.y.):: th : n. r':' ',7; ..:,n niv. , t , ..., ,, n1 to you t1 . ,, , ..21; , We p . .. 0 ill.A.;(` tr,'lll fl::il'I : • :::-..1 ... i : ,, or N.') ran h3NC‘ ' tht;rll to y 071 eht,L' ~ i ' --- ISJ Tort,l:Ti,l lo , t ,ass r ,5 , ..::4 a bro. I: :ii your 1.1z.t. 1 ' N.TI.--(;•,:o . 1 4 - ', lor 1.in....m . fc., t - .2.1,1 , 1. ^ .r , ,,1 or 4.m1: Frout et lieilio.ll,4 ,- I.utr.:,b, 111;t;t1 ~1 , t .N.q..., I.'..warota.'lve. .1.:1, J.C.'it. ' . - 1.. C. .'"? . r - t. ,, . ,N. , . ....___ 1 (2.."._71(j.? ,p, , ,:, VINCE:?• - j's • ' • • , Irrsurunee -n , c ;37. Fritz. LIFE. AccIDE.NT INurr.v; . cE • • • p o nd, %%r,:+ 31„: 1, ~r t ryt nt tWA of s ( To ::aiL2aon n:ii iutt,'! ta . o^t:i\: et~r 1 _ • " OFf'Ter, ON - MAIN -STIZETT, 110ICT!,'-'GREtN AND I L.ICI~ Ti:l. vr. 20 4 r.t Jun , 15.1571 ' '.,- rosil, PORK, HAMS AND LARD _L. at .atYlard: For 31441C11141 B R Q• ; PEIt 4 I'VatILY. MCI Fi;le Tomb P‘iwdcrr.,. Toot/1 W2tAli,•q, ori ' t \ :4 all Bcotl c.r.a ;71..cszi EMEIMI i: 2.;(4../r .7 V%f„ SHOE south eila of Wr)i. Eroq.se EIMEM! MI c'll !i: ti i .VI ) ti,:ii;ll.:.: lor 11:c. '!i. 'DF, MEE ME =I OMB ALs.; D I=FIESE=I Gr:ci i:AA. =I by LIt:IITNIN , Ccart T; A, CAMP, " W. "S. VI:CCENT FoX k nEilcurt Insarim. whoNt*liine LqSI:IIUIiNC CO. OF FAA ZAsit Caprzaz, rvu. Cbstierea !)igPt CLAIWZCE 11. C7..i.EIZ, Pretrktout AV - 00bKE, Clainarrt Financo and ct.us. Zni:ABS D. COOKE, lamfrtsidnst ; nEKUSON, W. PEET, B:A:.retary . tuld Artury Tiv.o a;lvsntigts of are: ". I. It baNstoallCorr.pauy, 6barb,red by 2: It Las a pall up copitzl of 0710 D, a. It offrrs 191! rate! of preariam!; . • 1. It Lan/Alla! largfa Ing.trauce !Lan Pthfa C. • pante% fas• the itz.m.svrx)net ;. '• 5. It Is defiant, aad'eurtain Writers is r.&piesiltint7 ref pr.isPlPprp a;•.-ate, of Ittstglerdtprelirw, by holy •:,-11.4 7. Tias polities are rlain •• rauce fAr soarstie inonty 8. Nipolicfes arc aon-ft.rfennia The ;Potties aro zora E NT. CLARE & CO., 13.11iL. - .. rr, I - G4arial Agenta :4. )1w1: , ; ;•r:. N. C. 11.51:{P.17E k A. 0.->r ss.. - Agent.i tor TOwartila and vicinity Jr.n. 2, 18.T.2. UARpIAN. MUTUAL LIFE INsuitlxci; co r 251 . 8R0.% MAY, 'NI,7 Vitt POLI..Lrf; } 9 .111 , :11 O. . !, 4 An approved for:; or Poncir.3 •TAberal mod ~s for. payment of prezoMres. nofteka nov,f,rfcitz'olohy their 1•-rxi,- - ; . The entire prontq - ,,r tht ro7nr.ny aWy :to e,t4; the LuMlre,.l. • • ANNUAL J/LITIDENDS.. AVILLIAIt T. 31()0N..}:4'. -. • . M:err:A . 31 ADAMS, ANo VteTS ;C. •I 1111...A.DLLP1.11..; : JA.i• GMJBY. • Dayst:r. • • Woousmic 3: Cu„ le2 s-. t. 3l.F.J.wrr., :c. • j 1,12": J tf 0 NV D A .W:'TTLL •TiVi .I.i -riatcntl..Lt 11C.LLIC Lit--' LUMI;Er:: Fi.LTFo7C.[WA COVERED A).7D 01)EN ig.:Gt efft,r, - .1 in this :csrl•ct. 1 0.1 IC A Al) : 1-tT C K OM' e ll'ilt [:...• ~ ..: 1: E. ~ E ItIENL: EL WO 1.: li 11EN It We 11 we TEA T Q CSSIA IiZON :,!?; very light, 1111.1 E.) tIU ';` little ...42 do tl.ltar.l,. tl,‘•• It'll 1 1 /. 1 • 1k 1 ,1 • •• r:n M. . • j e L. 13OLLLf;,::,. ,•• ... _ 111 '11• 1 1 . ,' -(l . fk, - '.li ON, -P... 1, IWT Lit. ei‹, 7.‘ tie -t V• .1.1",123:1 I • : ci - 1-t.. 1. - N 7, f:er, :it t lEEE [IJZECi L... L I 0.1 - 1.11;.. 1%.r..1.N . v 5. 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