flyadford eporter. MI Lger..t.t,, AND • GENERAL. 116— We understand that Wykoff ,ar,inent ie to'be put down on Bridge-street. diamond cross stolen from )Ir. 3i1.11(.171CS was fonnd in the yard. Miss MARION' XEELTIt ' S gold 4,1 and chain were stolen from ber room W'vairsany Aiight last. No-clue to thief. I=l ~ 1*).„31..r. C. R. _l3.ltowli, of North T Aranda, Fltyi he deg one lamared and one po- T .,; . . Trani olle , hill, the other any. • , ._..._._.....A..-'7---•-:...---:, ge -,The Tuesday evening socia ut the - M. E. aural), aro very enjoyable satne . tirno quitei profitable. vl_ _ Some rhseal . stole E. 0. GOOD ' -sateiii.l fi m 3 tlie cars qt Niilketl-Barre, ;ter 1!y. I=ll D. fr. DODGE, of Monroe, has . ..: thr.lo:s\ f , w 'half abushel of the largest Early notatocri ice have 'ever seen. Some of them: WCigll 0V(.4 two pounds. , . chi' ..Join: W. qOpptlN has sold 1114 rissvienre nn eltestniit street to WArzin G. T•;t1'1", f.r i 3,200, nnd bon ht 0. B. Nrixt.':4 lot s.uston . stroOtjoi $l,lOO. ' • re- I\-:-11.. lloriciA_Nrs fine residence str. t ..;it, is raPiilly approiching comple- It is ;4.4•, -, thelinost complete and Tewanda. I vpry.pleasant garn6 on. Siturtlay last, at "Caraptown, is the Schnlastic Nino; of florricic, clnfoat "; Cainlptcnim toys by a'. score of ato 33.. r II A„ v . raDD and / N. C. ELSBILEIE (.c.much sea thelotlrist north of tho Epiil -ai Pr.rg9 ftge. It is ono of: he best brinding .t. w the , 1 lrolical. - : r. ._ )lis. Wren, mother of 'l,ll. very suddenly, while - eating her on hursday morning last. She had 1 , , 01 in fechl health for some years. Her age 831 ears. . ~t4),_ The, dwellitg houso of ELisirA ,:iniata,./. in Sheshegnin township, ,Nvith contents, was burned on tneralny niorn ::.z...The family were all abseut,4nd the origin •! !Ttinnlinown. . - -1 le- By request of some of the eiti :, if rittoon, Mr. G. IV, Gilt:TIN, of this `AM solicit dollar snbsi - riptions for the ry by Ulu bite miuu accident in rittitint. V. intrzem: gt , ncrally \via t(altributo .10- !Lis ~bj(•ct itif A correspondent at - Nort4 roan ~ ; n.; lino. a tilt ownc.7lllyLyri runt the pas -421,1 MI int r. exploring for rata t ita•ro vt ' 0 reef t Aar , 111 , thAtiettl. Th.,: auitnal was 11181111 ~i witLr ,, :t ur:'.~y. , •rir,'r, i:.;•: ~ rA , ripi L ; to tile marriage ~:~: ; Th yo 4L hi gool =I I , omunimity i ' ;,•ty. I !,1111-nitif.l of .1 I. tui•r \ - I•, O. ur' T. Leetilre ~,.,i 1,,,.r it I'~':'e theitthe ,h i te s for them lEEE E. t 0111) uv!: ; 3:1 ! • . ..r Ifp Cu htir A. coyresi.ondelit of the Pitts . (;. we", gi3i:l:g . i tiOeCrirtloll of SitAW • : 6i.,pl,:ng wl.on thv ank,,Dg. n.r i /,.1..iig , •%1:y, that .` .tr. S. (luf:i any rnantirr, 1. • ; ,,, r tt t f,,yry yea.ry oflle hire I it.t th • •,. arg , ml-1:t t•lliponotc., i.. t!t.• tat.. thwro, Mr. i:,litor." iattieiltions tit presefit are te...4ere ( , 1 Teachers Institutvm to open t MC , 110:1V stV. IStil, will he the Ir. ..-; (Allen tivu:4l.nteetine;s trver behi I:I 111, (.0:1:: , :.. . . t 1 DI , th, lust vletc , rs lit•rt , tofil7e announced, .i, - ,.. - • ~!:.: ~,; i ; ... • 1 ., •:,(.1.:rol by .I'n•f6. PY Is :11:0, i... , . .'t :.i's ~ f ill. (V!,.giate IzigiLute, :. ...1. i,2„ c.` Tr w, aro tc d by 1 . : 11t . no:: and STEWART rr4l,. A melancholy 'acei.lenf, occur : no! Cr. 1 . , '•n Tut r..lay Inornite:. Mr. T I., : eht kilt° till' 10 , 1;111!,1 ' Plitlf•llK, ti, I.:111: tizdr Eipriy tie le; ow - of th , limn empti . frotti lit :4 pipe upoli the th...r,_ l z.•p, w r haa hen watter,i. 111.• . • tflt` in/Pii"alllt.rt' ', 311 rxpl , tsiou , and Inuby wonnthng TkV.;- , ';:. J. ws JOHN 11.1.1.vr.r.1t, Jur,:c and En v.::.; - )11. T.vrto , ..; nod i-jm . .or the other men qGal NortAlly injured,. All work. on the -• ' ''' F.° 'lore of IMIE ..' • • ahure, w: !cam from Mr. 1.. , that Mr. Tsrhou i. not :so bully in .t i...? tint ,m..1.ege4.1. It is hoped theft he `:•• ef the men r •.•a an•wer-qt, I=3ll DE -Ceq',. C. L.:.• of : 4y, ,Ins, o_lll , Elw,•1: Must., nn ;:i',l1 - 7T;' . .1,. 3 id:,uhliq.n ccndidat, for I :,..‘Litrthse, wo or day, Cit.•l , ll.l;i: ',... 4, 111-rilay y' u 1 ME - ca :14. be !•!: fnr. 'past ;,•;tr, Syr:: his CND'S; :VI the riNd f! , rit t.. t , 11 ~ ?1 to his I ,1, n.,•rly of t comity, C 01.,, n tie in town 1.. Is G. W. C. T. of Colorndo. MEE Mil •. tityi Pturtilr,left for their Tinplay, .arter a : , tay :71 are'retteh fnuti!y, have r6trtrned I:: 4 1!r..n.•!1, dntl will remain here n few haYe beep.'-gen -1-; • a, t itiong f.itr "Pfitinnac" for `sevt.ral Insen A sort of preilifi i;;;;,..s" in npprAtni-.,ion u!' Ellll 411.1 in sonte casts the agf , has istatc. Bit v.-rt. : spring droutli, the' short 11. er.p. daiusge hy hail, low price of cattlr‘ k that ••grassholiper.isabnrden k " r..; I liar(l thing to horror:, we " stilh 7;r..1, ru t wflthl-say. And r.nw thts ; ;•.• , upon us. Last noel; our 1.- j - 4sc 4,•v4q„ ihe lino to a Furiday ~I: oblpic-nio, , Ltivt:tville. 'toys. EvEttErr, cp.....1,11;r1 speaking. 3i Br o+ ;sand and" ti:e choir gave the A irai held ef. the , 14 ,-, .r . Q1,-r ; Aug. 31st. Men, Wpnren, Children, ...tit at an early hour. OW- Jag to dampnem in ,tho grove, the different schools were pricked ikway in the F. W. Baptist Church—a goodly number obliged to tierce on the , standing. committee. Boy. 8.. COoswELL spdko of "forty-years ago," and a class drill es excise was given by Dr. N. J. Couswrx.r... Dim mer followed, the tables being spread in the open meadow, as it was cloudy. Speeches were made in the afternoon by Revs. Bonnocans, P. B. Towzn, and DAVIS G; 817111DEVANS. Able a short class drill by Dr. (Joaswets, after which several crates of fino peaches were distributed among the little folks. The choir did good ser vice in the music lino, and. a look of happy sat isfaction pervaded the assembly. It is a hone ful sign when the different denominations join heartily in the work of the Sunday school. Sept. 2, 1871. So far as WO can learn the names placed in nomination by orui late Reanblican County con vention, give geitdral satisfaction, and oar Re. pubjicart voters mega tO Cho fair thing by them at the polls. Miss. M. G. Aciiity vetted a select school at Spring Hill; on Monday last, Sept. 4. Our ge nial voung friend, 8., - IV. Davis, A. IL, fresh from LaFayett. , , Open6.l the Wyalusing Acade my same date. Miss Naney Lyon, another of our Spring Hill 'teachers is at Ileheepany, as principal of a school. AU we have to say is, the youth of the above! places arc fortunate in hay such competent instructors. Quite a number of our people are just nes' at the camp-meeting near Meshoppen. - 'Frost left its .! foot-prints " hereabouts yes terday morning,, for the first. • We see 'by the Argus that the Democratic party of this county has been " done over " in to the " Reform' party. But it' - use, gen tlemen, at this late day. Why don't yon " re form" things where yen have. derrozratio. ma- JiT t rities ? Cu_Y ought to have thought of this dodge under PILI:CE and IhicUAZINAN , • - Awl% BETA, Sept. 1 , 1371. eWI7BOX.---7DEAR REPORTER. 7 My time is so limitad that if I do not borrow a little from the liours of sloop, you wilinever get -the item asked for in your last issue. . - Perhaps your readers noticed tlari unusual lights this (Sept. 7) -evening, in tho mat and west ; part of the sky indicating, as sages and seers would say, 'war. The small lights, war between Westerdyled Men and Yankee troops, may ho the interpretation tinder tho western lights. The eastern, we hope to hear explain ed by some writer hereafter. Business is very lively at the „depot. Cattle, sheep and hogs are being sent down the rail road in considerable ;numbers, and freight of T VatiOnlrkintift is arriving in large quantities. Among the exports are several tons of pressed *hay. Hay, in HOMO 10eftlitieff, is nearly destroy oil by the grasshoppers ; so that the farmers aro selling a part of their stock to buy fodder to winter the rest. Corn appears to have an xtraorclinary growth, and is well filled. Pota toes also aro doing well, except the little dam age done by the wire worm to the Early* Itose variety. The apple crop is short and defective, causing high prices, from eta': dollar and a _half II t , one dollar a buabel. Hoping to lieur ti! roll :4-11 -your columns On the yaw, subject !con elh 11::Leer4, I refeain yours *rely, Ito,7r..—Tlie chief topic of convtg s4ti,,n to town fur the paa few tlays, to tip: le feat of tn. , loth. t. V:.ferz.n. Itaae Glut: t,f licrriek, by the Nino of ih place, on ilataralay last, by a score of 33 to '27. interest was felt among our citizens in the result of ti,, gani't, as was ocidclit from ,the larr,e truniber 'vie) wf tnt.ssod it. The third ganio the bi•twevil the tw.l t:ito • SO:AI3 the gronnds of tit. Wysex Th, ;.•-•••U r t manage:lv:lit of t1.,2 Prof. (:!11:1Q11:I.L. Ly c-Nperienced V".r , •11 pro=per .-. Prof. C. dc, , ...r.vvg tto• rm• 4 t.l.olilks of tip c]olKy t.4:11,1 thic K~, utLtC:i:_ which-ht. .r y... "; s cl3yg, I.y 3 jai 111):, , t, A `at 1 . % In,: ). 1 . .1 -11 • 114.1.3. ;.“ WtAilile-.133.. Z'' Ott. W. 4.4 •. t, i 1 c,, , 00:1 :i:43 , Pr• 1. 1 - •. LP!' tli raUt•l. SCh..' . l 144:14: is 1. V.. 1.2 1).A.1. borcgtglt. ,taa -sta pr._,•.•r k t .pirt C. , L-ert at the . Pr. SimtLy ~,S ept. , • , ... , -eautgly`attort:‘,tll . 4.; prat-Jam:no ts • ;iu: "11 . :11 1 , Zi. i li,, ME A Eic‘.l)l vit;) CursTr fer huv. pow pc.stor of 1q:!Infl•-!; . q.i3.,11 • ha. , : - 1.::a VltC.ll.lollW:th 1101,1.t , V0S lalior thi. whl 1.1 , . rt . , to A.B 11tv• emigri 1.3 MU' often meet, ly in rural ME Ile LI a ;;:eat f...$ orate with our pc-~idt:.. - rally, aml hi- -, , epularitv is rt<adily and d, inereang. &f his last FCIWIY o:4 :11.: I CVC : ry :I.7:lZable space hi the commodious church war chim e, I, chore and vestihol, ; nud =lily, not able to ebter.n(.l a lielrip , 7 ::: the :Tn . :on:1(1O; sheds and t.iirriage:i. facc.A from every -tcl! ,, ir.iTlg "lip. The expectations. of the people, which were hifzii, we do nut lieeitate to 'say were fully met. The thrum--" The Great School : ita Scholars and its Teach , rA," wee handled in the manner of r. niaLter. The :itatenc , nt-; ~ f Ihi losophy, and the thrilling appeals, were rc slot:Jed to by apprOval nod 7;cca , '.onal vernal utt •rance: , . The I, zigth of the i•timon wad se.arecly re-dized. it'eellect!on2 thtt• hour will long abide, arid we doubt not itiniulate many a ono to nobler doing. Ni'. C. is the eldest son of JASIT.-1 k.»,, Esq., and is about thirt:•-livc 'rears of ago. Hie mother, ‘$ hen living, was: a frequent contlibu ter to the Ar:pis. His education is, we believe, though.not a littke by the ( - o,uployment of private tea practice he still indulges, I.oth in laugugc-3 and iik,scipnce. - lie gives'io.hience o f eolerire'tl culture land Vb ned reading. :Nature hae done much ;tr him in the titre presence, rich voice, pei•cep thm, and lively imagination, which she has giv en him. • Ms qiirpathied ;Or the people are al most a passion. We take it that he is an in tense hater of all sham and unreality, and the ,rimple.trutli for him line tt niailfent. fascinatio n. ha.i been a searching inquirer. The frankness . , WlLlr.illl!fled:, alld gold cheer of the man, enptive.te hie hearers. Breadth, no bletiesA, intense manhood, tio outlizathing of the IP;iiirr spirit of the Great Teach er. 111 ,,, ;,., lye should say, entistitnt;:, hip chief etetccins of lower, mud the secret of hie pniml 1,,C1y. Wt. Inv(' bean! [.. -•:d with 01:n. T...%Npori,. oftener than with nny o;.• ere 71F.1 certapil:: puint +. of re- ..n..ithor of ti:^m, haw.v , r, conld 11y cf.ngt:tnti.ln 1. , pp,re imitator:l. •I:ci tray t,) Mr e year- , . ISO pr,,. to Wilmicf;toll, and in otilcr, po: or ilia r. an st , ,odat one Limn almost alon^ in- his eOnferenco, The church ho vowing is OliO Of tivi lirst, it not f: e 11 - !, , t of its denotninati , m, in the city. ktil line of li, Gars is long and ronerabb , --sucla as CltnorN, NADA:, &e. We have4:o4rd that Mr..C. was the editor of a trio:010y r,uspr.per•for se true halo, and lias(at: tainci.t to the honor of 8m! • ,, sful authorship : hook, "C;uhlen Sheaves,' aving pai . qied through soveral editions. ois at present the dorreFpnnthnt of thr, 0 men of our county ought to feol encenrag‘ , l by this exatnplt• endetriot and success. -Industry and p...reevertniee create circum6tances. 5, P. 577. Corn: PROCELDIN[iS.-- . -11 Septela her tA•riu ~f the coults of connly, Sopt. ;. A. :1 11011. I'. 1). litioAal Late :4;18171.0 . x and: j. W. • . 11 Va I:. •J:.l 1.10.1eb; 1241:11 inotiona, of,wlien the eo in adjonrnefl uurih2 e'clach, ulnyn the. fol lowing nathod Grand Jury .and .rent out afwr iist.ening to tin , elfirg.: hi - ironor., Judgc. ••. • _ • Jour. TANDYKI', FC , 1 4 1 . 0117 , 1,1111 ON; AL(TXZ:).1.1)111S, 'FAME OIL- LiNs, J9IIN 11. T. JUNL., .2ND, 1:1 LUAU LEE, MILTON LeXaCli LoW.•,..jodN Ltlcsox, J. E. Tiota,rr, S. L. Efur.l,slAs.NY. J. VArrin . r, 1.11..5ry District Attorhey Catamaran brought the ?lowing business before the Giatul, Jury, which was disposed of as fol/owe Coro. re. N. N. Parks. tosatat and bat tern. Coln. •s. F. C. 'Gate. Ifaiting falso state ments, &c. Com. vs. James O'Bern. tuisardt and ttery. Com. Ca. Caroline Cbilson, Larcenyl Com. vs. Eliza lanont. Fornicatiol . . Coro. rt. Peter Hendershot, Jr. A0.41,1t and battery. Com. vs. Wm. Bean. Larceny. . Com. vi. AddisouDanham. Arson. Com. vo. John Ilonoyan. Fornicaticii and bastardy. • Com. vs. J. 151'Reynolds, J. G. ScQty, W. 51.11 or and W. S. Reynolds. Riot. COM.. TS. John W. rieeg - ani and Wm .Larcenc. Com• : re. Samuel Chain/lan and 'Augniiirai Lareeny. Edward Swmn4y and Fmk nonger. Larceny. - Com. vs. Jai. Witham& Burglary. Com. vs. "Jared Allen. Assanit and battery. The following matters came before the Tra verse Jury and were disposed of. Com. vs. X. N. Puts. Indicted at present term on a charge of assantf and battery. After a fell nearing the • jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and prosecutor, S. Allis, to pay one third of costa, and defendant to pay - two-thirds of costs. • Com. ten Joe. 01:fern. True bill found at present sosaiona. Sept. O i ' Jur7 ern'PannOled, and orier lietenlng to, the the caws returned a verdict of guilty ; whereupon Court -sentence him +o pay a 'tine of 115 arid costw of prosecution. Com-re.Eliza:Arnot. Indictment M prota.rit cerisiotut on it charge of :fornication. The Jury return a verilkt of gnilty, and the Court sen tenced her to pay the coats of prosecutinii. - nn. WI, Caroline Chiloon. • Char :meetly. True bill fon'tail present term. The Jury return verdict of not _guilty. - Com. cs. Peter nendershoh - jr." Charge as sault and battnry. Trno bill lAA preeent term. 'Tnry•flnd him guilty and the Court 6014- temce Linn to pay a fin, of SlO. and' °oats of proaoeution. . . Com: ca. Win. Scott. (largo larceny. Bill found by , Greut Jur.^, at present session. Jury return a verdict of guilty, and the Court sin tepee him to pay a flue of f.lO, coats of prrv,.•en tion, and undergo Cri, imprisonment in the county jail for the terra'•of three months. The eating Menge :wens° of Thomas LaMy, 'watt transferred to M. T. Carrier.- Or petition a license, was granted to Messrs.. Keen &. Means for the rli.xpired term for which a license lifid been granted C. T. Smith, to a hotel in Towanda borongh. .7. 11. LlorT.r.tai's tliAirti licence was t:r.n:;fern 1 to 'Walter Wilt;(..n. , hi the nailtt•Jr of the application of a , :ounty bridge in tho townships of Troy and West Bur lington; on 1110tidp the Court appoint the fui: lowing named vioW6rs : Jaineti Vat.,Dyke, E. B Moon!, 7. Traci..., Jr., Chas.-Hriapp, and G. C. Hill. Quito F. 11111111:1 - :'...i sm - tlc ! y mr! • tiratid jurors o MEM On atitu•stlay C.:art k1jt1:11,,,:. at 2 ti Block, at tvlncli :Mr..• :t w re. titoinne,•nven e,l, and soviiral eas - 22 !In) argua_,:t ~.11. e -posoci posoci of, wfirtn Wat. 3.lo:idriy m On Wckblegday tho Llloning addition l chnrge :o Jury Gr.rcrl.::).:E::: We can:tt oti 21onci6y ; :n cr.r genera! chrtrg,, to ;mil -otcntio% subjc( borne r.n.l tt,.eire t•• :lo so now. We have rt,lll:i2 Loon latvp :naiot ' r.,:rtan:4 t,: trett:::;; of hotter, for :none: . an ir.rlL:tai.le, Lot the th_ttizel• may Le seized and folaeitetl. not now regrart..l by 1.1-; to ittaht whatever to this (..c , urt. firt , nnwili:ng to bi_c•nnt , ••••.• toe, •:rot, our cuuntry. By r lir t' , 3111, yuu " !It Wlll h y r4;itra it our clut:, ti -.l:i int:r. , Itt...ut'n tdttx Cud rofujoet, that :1 any c111.1:3‘..- bec uutura::ttyl. .tali 1.1;vo Lity.,.4 - ItAlge (if yuu Insy 1.1 prt.2,t•Ltst. to C.turt, VC.: AL all tile CARL requirc. 4;;;lnh.t ,tll., 1, L.', Ae. I ,, ug agu: It 11::5 - retuulth,1 ts,ect3 tver siLi.,,, it 144,3,d as follo*s : • 'All racing, limning, • plc rig or trotting'-uf ge:di:n.;s, Z.16/11 , )', :•. etatt, Ofb.l - thinßz. -111111 •.tM art, 11.•roby'fkelnr ,, 1 to 1•.? C011171'.11 TIIK,I`,/le• and Utf , ,; 11.‘12,4 agallint titati• 11,t,t the au and xi, th._reof, r! proreede3 al..;ain , t I , y, indictment." By this, -t• t „i,s, or utl,r 111 f Lf -:.: ~i ,lcrm ~nrr •%-'• cur.trivers 31.Qt•,:', 1+:1t:n ~I(litici to ti..!?, sane a.‘t, " geldrie nAcil or employed of, v - it b con, , ent', any any 1... t -d or v . sgor than 1:1 - : , been laid, r any purse 0 , :1111.1170 inadc, liable to b• - • forf,:itcd f tin. prci:er within n - hieh 1a9.1c r , r geld:at! sb\ll have dc- employed contaary to the prolisiens ; and the said horse, Mare er ndding so forfeited, shall at any time within two month thereafter be seized by any overseer of I the poor, cr Frtrervisor of tile highwnyi., of the tornship in which ray el:N11 nly,• bc on run, or by the sher:fr, Sr by any of his (lopntiesl of the county within which such township shall I be situated: and in case of seizure us aforesaid, the o3cer so seizing shall make information thereof to the next court of .common pleas for the county, and such court shall proceod tc hear, an.ltlecide upon such seizure; and in caw such horse, mare or gelding shall have been adjudged to be forfeited, stich court shall or.df , r a sale thereof at public suction, and shall direct the itroce2d..., - Ater the coat, of condemnation shall have been leduckl, paid to the treasurer of the prep.; ' t) that, geiairmoic, et find taw if enforced, to-prevent horse racing or trllting upon any wager, in any part of our connt3. We quote these sectier.3 entire, to show h'iw the law. =here regarded this niatt , :r 11:ty year; They provided, as beft;re ob. , ervi a, net on.y for rho pnnishinent of l the offenders, but ale.: for the forfeiture of the 'horses. Nay„t , .:oy, Bien further, and provided in the :itft ani f , +;. soctione of the same act, that every p,•: soy c,ii tributing to make up a ru na, "tole ran, r3c eil or trotted for," or printing or setting up ad vortiscri6nst mentioning th , time and place of running or trottinc of any hor9 s, cr allowing P.llOl t.) a w dl. ing or ont-bocce, should be 4uhjoct certain - p-cnalties, to be recovcrod in anti e"." , of d,ht any person who might inn for scone. Horse racing', for wa,g , _•rA, le to-day what was yolrc agr i . Its charastcr and it:ll:ten-it or on soc:ety, mieltangel; and although some may regard a:1 a harralcs. roe: and claim that its object is the. improvement or the ~stock, c f vet • we must not ferret that idle dee . tlarc.3 a misdemeanor-- an offense agair!st the State, and, in the admin. t'ation of jr.stit., we have no right :o regard it in any other light. It ie a misdemeanor, and the persons engaged in it are liable so be pros eented and proceeded against 'by indictment . and If yen leave knowledge of ofrr.uses against this law, it is your duty in male pres,!iitniont to this Court, giving tit , - names of the pet4, - Q, , rdr,, srr the "suth. l ar?, parties, and abettors thereof." • Eprrou :. • S . f;eli. L;ori , may 1 , , your ;cr .•?,' s a:N:01111 f . of.tivi Ccutcr.aty'rfl , Lrati•i:: in She -sth. inst. - byoo.denst iavittione brought ur I h•• immetEr.:, rdsti , ....; of etl Mr. Ilk I Swne, • ,$) rvlat;•.. au(l our. mast abuthltut linners -4 - L•re. Eller's l l men , th,ne c r.,-. , 1 z1; !oft to fc.l.4lahather frivn•ls. .ft,. t':•. tract, litter EIN.Nry t:'1:r . the c , ,lnp3r.y 1N ., t11 r , IY •'u, tt.( '7' ne" alngiC.:ll pnrticular3 of wh;,.i. you ha' t. v:,re ; nut' Cr 21T , 171istakelt, 17(.:( L.: Mr. FzEri-c's grer.t. r barn inlC.;‘4, I 1.4 rcrt , rtrd t!ir- nut tn.& NOT A 2110 E DILL. j. , ME !. !: t! irSUCe '9l,e I= s{. ~ remarked, Just twenty-four years atter the set-, tlement of ilhode Island. Again. I understood Kta.sar to say that Sir. Smiles father said filially came to 13;ntdfard county in 175 c,, then tbe present old gentlettutrt tras Moen years obi. The fignies in last week's paper say 1780. Ur; &law has never nscd tobacco in, any shape, nor big lie mod honor for over forty years.. These flirts iu ColllluCtiOil ialtll the hospitable character of the man, his peaeble, regular, Mann:rhino, upright habit*, m i ned to .strong vital power,..pight in same .tae-ware rx ccittut for his length of years. :Mr. Eit:Nriv spoke of the tue:".ts, pork, game, 'etc., of the. c;1(1 tine of being free from the currtip ticuts of our me.tera feeding times ; roc e= queutiy "1"11.. , ligner. , were free from adulterations. In old times tL 'vaie '..Shoshequin was tity Ilgypt of Driolroid county. Settlers catue -fr4..rii the sparAdy settleAl western end t.f the county, after earn and the other means of sub sietenca, and nee.). went./ ciroy snip. Oid Mr. Soak was one of the foretuost in these deeds of benevolence. Many other en tertaining items were includes tin Mr. Tinstay's interesting speech, bet we ezn givc nu mere at pres.tit. A nephew ef tit. old RUV. Mt. Eutiy, made a few remarks, to the effect, that the biographic cyclopoidisa did not contain the names of Snaw nor Emit in the list of dis tinguished characters. They seemed never to hare distinguished themselves by arty remarka- . the smartness or greatness; (the 'Reverend speaker perhaps did nut think of Chief Justice 6.13-IW, of Massachusetts, a man of remarktible legal r.ttainments), b::t he thought that t' gaicT n!'Bl''i- 6rq. 1' grear)4l - ,5. " Their- names were not to be found in criminal annais eir camstancce which might indicate the upright ~,t• the r ace. Enwano Jr.. gave alars.orue regi4ter. Br. 13u trascxt..ntiiied th4t M i r. Si: never . 7 ngagod in litigatiou ; he had never been a witien-: on a suit. The I 01 , 1 ‘.: 4; tiOn. r Gnat interne t was ex ..:tedi,y the pr.....letic‘.. *of a little of Mr. e:LIV —ntakilii: the fifth goner:l..lo% The-re :ens r. lark Immher oC vencrai;le k goutler.ten pre.tent; uum nhi had pasqd the allotted aandard of titre:, and ten I see it stated thr.t Col. Pn;. - rut.ry was the oldeit man in Slieslit.T..M. I , 10 not know Ics age, but old OLonuE l'drupify, hying in Ghot,. years old this St;ptenil:cr, prevented by the debilities of old see.. from being, present. Ho was the ixwthmnotzs Joits ::farm, killed in the Wyoming Old Mr. 31cu rn-z was born two mouths after the massacre. llis father„Totts 31rr.! , nv, vi-as the son-in-law of old Judge Gout, who lost three sons and two sons-ioiaw in that fatal btlttle. In a litthfi'cemetery in Mr,ceclonia, Is a tomb stone with..the inscription . died April 1350, aged 100 rim.% _I hero of the lleyolution:' Are there tny of sue:: pafriarchal 111 111 , the try ?V.tnoar. . . tu . snTE:is - Loc4. ' Go. to 14.75-,±. :ail lir,t• f , l D ! '. jut r.. 1 .1 i 4 :.1. It roL.ptru - .:: ,-, 1.1:1! cc : ; 4 rf 11111 re2l_ t - a st IBEEMI • C1e . 1 , 1_ , 1 ,!.. Fx!r ‘.74.1_1:, T... Una =MEE EMI Linci;s-uita .f',l,••:ki.'s .•;e e -, t•ri • N• • stICV.I','S :1)11 hnild Ati,)--Oar stock of Print,;, hectings, shlrti:: : .;.,strip, Calf 1 ,• • :-Kgi• ' 1! • One •1:141 . button Eia I 0 IY at ertt:t 4- 1 , . 1 2 . 1..)t FLU1r.4.71,, MIME MEE • ; eJLlpletc. O ru _.r un:y • • l' , • ita.l .; 7r:vt.:s If you wadi rure.t iri... :.• :•'••1 • a 71,1 1.0 -r•n: xal .71:: !PI l'ol*.!:1 - 11'r+. gee . olT , ring great in duc=.ente to 11.4 cr. :loci:o! a 11 purKr is l.rgi; ye:, Ln , 7, Irviks • anil yor. wish to Sec the latest stylca of fall Hats call at Mr,. J. D. limr.:a on, Bt dge Bt. tit.lo i conttzint!:: rcr_:'•c:t:; ;cods from Now Yolk. .Ze , V.lf you wigii to purchase :lie c i. Lost and cheap e t Fell IlLte, go to ]lre. J. D. 11n.l.'s on Did . at. _lieu c,,nedane.y kopt on Laud a tut: !I- ~ .-r!Lo..::.t ~.:. n_hl rind e.:. - i...-::. ec:... Airy ...Jay after this week you c:in had turgert EkStor t went and e.teapve,inia=.' ery ut the sign et the "Big Bo:me' , " ;'n•rt vppe)site. t lir Ceart ATACT:2I7S::: , --All persons wiao Ore t., 116 tr` rtAt:%. •• • - N: C. /.. -- ?? - The North Branch Association Jr ril Lc!: the f, alr,:rEclay the :37th and r, 1-71, r.t . Bra if .rd . C BALLVD, • - , t Clerk. Eirn class .Faria property in at lute rates by Germania 1 , 1:c Inmrance Co., N. I. .visebi s ‘lpuN W. Mix, Agent, Towsads. I's. (A:ice 1t•:ii: Lido fa Teams providod for the conveyance c‘fpc . pou. , 2 of the linivergalifit Astsc , .•.lation at E.set on Wflizirlaet and Thltrecbty, the 2Gth in 27th hif-...zin the sabscriber .I.ey en 1..,f0re the 23,1, that they Aii to at Man cr. :Lc:nor:ling trtia.. sco 71 vt . .;,,.1Ve present t,4e 0. D. : TT, Dig :opri,: , ol- t try Tt.....„LaA, T. WifrA ‘1.14 frori you sr,triv Lmt niantin , n in rtry cy:2rgiv-n 0 0, 1 E...1 , ti:•f....cti,7,14. 4 1:I.:A:Lulu 1:::.11 all. 4.2 1 .1.:1 Pi W:1, 4 1T(.:111:1:ASCa provuo, in n.y equal to any in it. : eo. much riniz n.:or, of thon, ho: my ;I:thgllters pr,ft.r Wall. et retzara O. D. r, R77l'l'. A.'n11 : 1:1 'Tl'.l.• ;. MX 11,3 '4ll volcir.s §u::11:1,7. MAI < ..:~~~ iA:.., II t' :l I' , C lIMEZEIN=I 61 iii : IM== ERE II tsr. tom' G. L. Krzur. has just bought press, aud iK now buying Lay in Lugo or mall quantities. • This, however, will not In the lout inteifero with his other basins.. Ho will oontliano' i to keep tho :argot and beet as sortment of groceries to Ix. found anywhere in Towanda. I - • • 1871 F.u.ih . 1871. . . - EVAtta .t. II , tuna= lit u tww rtl,dy toz,the fel tr,t(lo with a trto6t complete stock in every Depr,rtracnt. Duyerl of Dry dooati will 'find it to their interest to et. z. amino onr stock and pi:c,,o ',retort , Cliftiillll.r. their fall pnreltaxelt.- • . , ser. Xt.; F., W. who is non litoiving at the. American Hotel, is offertus for Pale territory for Imo of the rne)it ttsoful and inrcrithmei t o haver ever exr-mired. Ono tri , tl • will c ' el;vincu nny Ipeanon : C: the "Shaw CLtirk P4rces.i WaxliOr," is ahonA of any other elutfter washer now iu Cheerfully re.oratuutui the atteutiou of {lir • Tel. 1, Wl.'olo raward will ba paid . fof an ; • information that hill 1:•ad to tho discovery and conviction of any person or persons who destroyed or 'causCd to be destroyed, our rost ers. Wotiav i e come among you as strangers, doing Liminess and dealing fairly and honors: bly with everybody. Nic *mit tho Lunn: Fa coinc r eanityivill assist us la forrcting out •those persons who Itr.ciuitr be guilty of, so" twzart and cowardly a si • ' \VOL!' A. G.,I.T' PENNSICINA.N/A STATE ACiItICIMTUP:AL I Soclrri. Soviely I6:1, will bei helif Scianton, Tvex‘.4 7 :./. gopt.l9, PoryNiql,/, Sept. 21, F-i(lay,`Efnpt. 22. l'ho gr ,, lnds are spaciona, tLo buil(linqa amit r...2conimnfl.,tions enilao, and the pretniant!h,it liixrl. Ti ,m is 1, , , elo;rge . for ~w ries, ecept hoitt..s c•titc , red for For .catalogtv's or utit.: pf JOHS C.: 31-OItllIS. 1 I). iiocording ' Cor. St C 1\; '• St.w:No stte. Ni , w Ite irate grilit tlic• pcoplc nfToxrluim tititt we have established thit ohly arthorizi•il r.g!:1::-. of the IVlTele:r S \Kih!ott.t.:.• this corzit7. The 1:1.--" 1, of this world-tride: ti to require d•2l.ailbc: etninierettionl It!: great. I poptila.rity arid ezton?ive aret clout guarantei,i of its w..7.rtli. V;;". , and cotr.pctititin, ar d ft4:l rchtt - our right to puLlie patruititi. ,- . n the." tier resident Agent itt J:.o. TON. v. ho r 1 Lr ptt•asit , l tta ni:011 Ern to • i !";', , " e--...3 — Thri County -Teczc';... , ' • siuti.y' a ‘rt;ul at (-no:: ut ; Ca'At.ot: Ton: ±i 01 - .ntt-t; at Ca.1,1o:: uit at 2 u a?.; a! 7 ;aid r.• I'.t rric:, r BEI :Ala j. MEI i l.'t, c:ii b Lc , ' - MEM MEM it I 1 npt-d tl!Ft! r n ;i =MEM =MUM i I: r.l Li E. ( I • 're .JO): • f r_ • ; Lia. I 1.. .• y 7.1) J. r, lr,i lit , t• , •!••'. 's fa' Ban., 1)1, - * Ta , ... .)f Gorzwu ;•• W. H..: • !., P... SPECIAL 1:10IICES { r") (Z. - 241 ,, •V. , Inds of olloiyo n..z0l elk ME tLv Wli,•• Tu: (Twice Flour, by Cue harro!, at trhi:, 1,:!;;; EEO `l‘.l..z•L'lta:z! • • Fr.: n!,llir • trnA, May 3, le7l ftlr.finglirs, very iow, the P hit and'lbv St•-ro ' :: l e i .:::..:1 G:T: 2P3... Tobacco, by the pound, barrel, chuli , , at tile Led, W.Liv. and Eln ,, Store. Evr.urr r. va..Do not forget that Tor. is roll Kteler;:3 f 50. jzt:.. 1 , , 1-;1 CoiTte, by the each, or rou:“.1, Lud lila, . by ti.e chest, caadv, cr pt. , :c.„11, Wtit" !•1 . • , 11.1 Bloc • :*VAY': E7rrzr:. :!may - I have. lust received s. large or Teo., bought ein , o thr , rranetinn in the duty 'on ten pf ten cents per .pcnuul, and offer tht.:a Lt tholow . prices annexed: FeJ•. Yonnz;Bre.. , n, $1,211; GXO,I Y:;rair; Ify son, fia o 9 : 70 to 30 cents; gine, Pents': Tf =oz Good. c. !It.;; )24:4 4 31 :v. iaU. 4 .lnl ,, xaniine Jan. IS;i1 1. t- , • I. I, Jt. u . of I:.tpl in Ccx•lal borongh, ; itl. f A vu.ry . ME11:11=L:, B. W. 1.ANt.T 1 .,W:1:: 11 .4 1 ,.r....„ Jtfte•2l,lS7.l.—tf. • . y:, , n wrttnli !.7 .2. wor1:7.):13, t:, r. 6 4 -) re c4llv,:ing j. , . • . • ~ _ , BOUNT7 L '.NDS.--T4e CoiLnligsion er of Pett,gims wiii i1t..:1 N.,..ti0 initrtictionosend new rogulatioui f , Ji.` County land warr....r..tii through that . . order:. Alp,. reow, their wh.low3_nd orphans, tr.: ent!t1:1 1 woo s..:rvetl Lut leery tit= .ocricon dtrg in nz.r: of the wars. of the ' nit{.. . tf:atcs sinn 1.7:rJ,..r.nd prior to M:_r j• , ch ' , 1:.'.:3. For particular( apply to 11. B. filclicati, Law (:` ...,., 1. Fat:l.l 'l2.loe'ii„ 'l .ti.-. street. i Towanda, P. : , - rj3HREE HOUSIS .i.ND , LOTS fl low. priA ealx—satnated oia pcTlar Sneat above Viertrrn Avenme, Turne h.:rapes are Irtr_lt. ST:I nII.I b' 'crtoplete.". oa Ang - ant tst. Gcs - Al well -cf.F.ttrrt, awl RUST with each hor.a.3. . For f3rtiv.r - pary. 4:4C/1"066 or CU: (Imre of ' • , AV. L1C.1,31'”" j,:tin•es'7l4f,l L 11.111IALL. lied.;lNbite, .f..-4-31.43., r ; 011• SALE.--A .11' oust: and Lot on R.111: - ...!id Jobe Itelale=l*.; rooiclen.p azi f l at 4.i• t1:0 Iron 71, house is ma', cor.Lz.,:• ..utl a back banoncitt: n •Itif•r c0r...--ac•el n tl--2 preni, b‘eri. _kpply, to IVII. 11E51117, at Itradtml llotel. T.01,11:111.1, IN. anze7l-tf TO EIkn:VERS . AND 'OTHERS.- L.r_r Fia ca :41:1 t.:::11 In ;. , es=ptia - 7.. 'l-11 t.'.elca.. • . . N.B.—Tat{r.e:i - oppf".t.. , .I.te .‘,..! . ..1 , :t0.:. - -- 1 1 :-..]:Iptivi .to.7tr.--t. O. 11371... - 4-1 ALL?L BLE :HEAL B S T A T E 111/11 ~ Al. i..----,Or e .1 7 t .v 1 3 %112 feet, or one lit tray desired lz - tatit or 1:.-r4ttb. strui'ted nr.trii oppo ',lle 0. D. Dertltt's Forrttr7, the property ef Crth- '"\' :It "• k . ~ ', ;--; N E W FALL FOpteuaber 12, 1.171 , 11 :‘ MEE p,:i-LetNl , t.. :• ME ME 11/. L: 51 O. 0 larg,:y to I , y then:., Nas NOW on hand M rca.:'j;_ T - 1 ,lart ISM BOOTS AND SHOES, EMBIE ThAt ha.ii ever offvrt,l in th.s mirk. t. awl IA rtie:vrm: n•!.t:ti•unt :FROM THE MANI:FICA-RI:RS BETTER GOODS THAN ANY UTIIE11 , IIOUSI: Iti THE TILWE ' 11,31.1 s 9tro Motu conirrl of the Itcpiling KIP, COARSE, AND C. For Men and 13Oys. LADIES, 3r.rSSP,S CHILDREN • In thi , market. lithich tr. It R,11m2 . Give him a (-42 and yon I..:aatirnfell, that tho place- to I , u} iu this Inu.. A,avortiiemonts. Eil7l / AND 'WINTER GOODS NEXT 'WEEK, TAYLOR .l• ('o':, D Y , BEIZEZI 1212E3115111 th fultuctlEu I=ESTIIIIIMI TETTNK:.-, 11:1VE.LIN(i LA( 31-;. Wttieb creLlr s ilLtt, t) BM 'L E.S S PRICE lltimphrey Bros i = 130 . 01S:AN.11 SIIOES • i: MI ALSO THETA CALF, GRAIN, AND GOAT S II CO. S :on AT AS LOW PRICES other h.mres arc selling Luttra, Goods. ALL GOODS. WARItATED dti ItEkaEseyna L. MOODY +P'^C3t .i. I New Advortitomi nts.' \\ OW RIOMS 1 `. • • . FlitST 4; 'CLASS 6,00 SI . •• . , • . • IS THE lIIILE iNtyr STOCK NOW COMPLETE. 1 4 IN ALL KI:4/6 u.:. 1 1- 1-_ - Z - 1 7 GOODS! L.VILIES AND :GENTS trnisb.ittg_r c) FLOOR OIL CLOTHS Ci RJ etua 1 pt BOOTS AND TRUNK :4 tkz. TRAV HA.T'S AND EOM T ±VI. B IR Cllo'. *1.:17 ANL 2. ' CI ' : II 0 Vaxmily 10.5 MAIN r:onls - En OF THE TOWLN • An tint U. lan EX3 IMO ~, ; -r 6111 MEM IMI ET's! Knots! JAGS! C I.I I S , zzens! L+.~i-~Y.11:1 C E < roceries I=l _~ ulnae SQrABE MEM I • , Logai. IINI.:111L ' L'LECTION: .P1T,.0(.;;, i.A3.1.Av0::: .......v,:,,,--4,;. 1 - .er, a Jut of A s sr-ml)ly G' of the ennunt.rit.Yon'.'- 1 19f Pattraiyltinflt, cutith,l—eit. act relatim; t.. the ••I•et'otis of thtsCorntnonwealth,•' it 1 , 4 C117,10it.i.•: , 1 up .11 to: L. give totblz,:. LI - 410.10f Eget' election to til• le..lti. .411,1 'also the entuntantuin in' inch noteewhat tnh,:,-re. -are to 1.,L, Orer,e(l. 1. ... I . 'P. PAN FLEET. If 1,.. , 11:-.s.:lu!rat' of the county of Jhaetfortl, d4herel.qtelko tuOTTII marl ov.: uove, V , th.e. eloetartt. of said county, 4 .1:i rt;l:rill.lY, tlei.llt.lL day (~ f lucTt.). Mit. 1a74, It. ',h... •:-....retal ai.trit.t4 iu pzla c.r.utr., - . to wit :; In AILa b,r,...11 . ;_.,:.., :s.: t 1. . ,.• lin:ta:. r. e-; 0,, , .;1,1., .I, by 11. P. Snapp, In .ilb.,ny, at the 4,:.1...ful 11":16-.... near Wht. tail,une.' in AFyhtm, at the school h , itine-ftear B.l..h.cker's. In Athena borough. 14 thu hY,tee. forrnerly oce-nl-1- cI by Er S. 1 . ./ ,, t ,,,, w.utt. , .. . .. . ' In Atleuta tarp.. at tha - Lonze f•rruca:ly O.:et:I:lel, by .P-13. Itnut, in ALI:cf.:I I,oro: .. . In Butiln,gton bore', at. Cab L 00 5 ,..! fornaorly ttectt• 0-4 hy -L. T. uoys,. In Ltdrlltou twp., at theittiu. , -4 of r . 13.4, .1‘;,10,...;. - •:--"ln.lturlin,gtc,n west, at the itons.e of 11 - tra.Bthlar , :. In Isar..lay at th, - ;m:LoolhOtze.e.. • -_ 'ln Canton boro`, at the Centra!Honi.e. In cianttin twp., at the houtil fat:F.lo4i accupeq hy 13.. B... Myers, In Canton h.orong.ll. ' . , i ' Ir. Cvnicabia, at toe Louie: of Jar'. 5 0 7,' 3 %. ' . In rm. Actin at Ufa ' h9usa. 110 - 4 occuple.l by ii-. -- It. - pawning. In lirar.sire, at--the 1e. , n... , 3 , /of 11an,;..P. Tayl•-=r- In 'Hetrick,. at the f elleol house. hear Duvet Int. fami's.- , -- Iti Left:was:lle Born', at the :Wu! , formerly c. 0 ., „tied by .1:1'..... Fletcher, In 1.ft..,1111e1.1, at the Le , ..; , .: ~ tormr-t-y . CyrnA 1110t4g00 , 1, ' ... . • . In lltuy, 'at the C„,,ntre ....,'.:11.341 Loll4o. • In "M otft., A: .1.41, . at 1. ,,, .11...a. , e formerly' , It. It. Itoeltweil. .- -In Monroe bora', it the !tome fortnolly • n•—u. , .tl bylEtl:4l Taylor. ' • • .In Oryell, at the 1: , ..11 ,, r.,...tPran , ?.a WOozlrull In trcerton: et se:t. , ,l holise, 1i... l!. . . ' o Pilo:. at the Iton:le of Traver itomr . orth. ' - I: I:nnzt t , ,rp.,'at the leadenuy tit Itorne 1,1... .I , tome,boro'. at the Ac.4.ll:my. , - In I.Aglniry, at . the house of llerj. 11,-,1,,r,n,, In : , '.`,55!4 - .quitt,, at the Valle/ lieu,-:.ln sE.r. gnelit. at the n.i.:::......' Itt ,, ,ie..ll3.l4pacJlicl. . 111, Stan di \f, tit. 0110; :41 t.l.w Ili. Staith6c. 11. at tli.,-111 , 44,- A. J. Jectr.ed. - 3:J.-Sylvania b. r• Pa south frka.,S , Io Terry,- at the. ' , "..: Tty...Ln.1:.1.,•,:‘, ... 3,..1" , , , ,,,..1a t-.. - -;.., • ,r1. , ,, , 1. I;ii. I . E. +t - t',. , In ';',. , ^tn 1.. :)..Prt:Wat . I.e 1 , , :: '.!,',- at 'tJ,i: , n •,-- ,:i.n;47.1..',: - . - • . . . . In Ttolt b'ore',.et th , be n t.._ of V. K. ii , : , ,;. It. - .1 ., .15car1 , :n, at ....Inl. s-' , , , , , L ...n..1 ,• . ,7.1;v:131. , . -1,;;,- , . l'lrt. ,- r, at th, y7,11-14c', ..11oleohn. - . In :\'a ,:n, at the Itott- , ;., et R. Ceol'Or. 1:: Wirtilimni; at tit. , house la Lln;rken.lAi.. - . I - 1.... `;:yr..11,n.:,.;•, at the lions ,, el :, IL. 1.....13..A. ' :.,.: 'lV..:n.:i.t, 'at t',... , 11en,e..4.if .A. J..:'..:1 , ..• - • fir w) ; - .1. :::::11, L. , ..:..,. , ferm.lrly ~ ‘ "k- . 1,1.1e. ,i - : , y ' l‘.'. I.:: '4' , at the lions ,I' L. S.erlc,. .., 2.,..-0611, Ils. 0. 1: t0:4,2A1 p . 14 , x.., ti.n• - el '.-t 72 at -,..,..1! I ''' ,111 . One pors...t. for Alt•litor Gptivi 41 , ;I ;tie, t'nal:/len.•!l Cf. l'entlsyll'ania. . . ' . One person for SuEr'.eyOr Goner,' of ',lv. :2\ \ j , ! . , 1 , u• - ..''.1::: c.,;1',...41.1...'1va1ua. 1 ' tole S'sersen I. A5 , :. , ..x'e:.1-..!..,T : , 411,,• ce..•.ey -4 I.:...viferil.. 4.),.if, ncx, , ,,:: to :-...pti.seni 1.'.'... I'ia,.,LuN..labini,, Wara...?. 311.1' Wyciti. of P.tuuryil anti. ..:: T% 0 ;. ,, r5 , .:3.1 t., r-14, lit t:e. ,-rntLty.. - d., In the Itonse 01 Iteprv,,,Utatlve,4 of itenusylratttr . l,4 l 1 ' .):, • 1,, , ,n- ,ii i'.‘ , ..7 . ti, , t:1.1; ..1.1t. , :::;:y ft,: 'III. Cl , ,til:ty ' of Era-11,e,i. . nue :,,•I'',..)r. '.,.'::- Tr, ..0. - arvr :,:'' T 1; a-Ifo:-.1 i'...raf:ty. Or.: perror. fori.:.,..s.nt:. C. - ./...tni:Fqt ,- .::Jr :017 U,^. t.". , 1:3- : ::::" to 1,.........if0rd.. ; i - 0h , ... p.n".4 , ,n flr .Ntnliti,i .'n' i, /....1_ And in n..1.11,i.....L.1 '.. , .7., Ti nnf ftielL.,.. ..... 11.'1%1 'reitle.: ',that Cny ii , r,s , i - t .tXc•-p....,..: ..native ar '..':.: pi , a4.• 4 , .-11., 10.,..':. :±l.-.,lif. any whce of print and' tra.t. 1t......t , 1 11 • ..., .).,:.: 1 , ..t t ~ 1.'1, - .1. - . 1 •,!.1‘,..., • r... tiiial-4t._t,-. is lilt.i4il.-1.0 oci,i/zat , . , l ,t.-.riot. and attx. 11,4 . r'eriX..tul.,..,:r Of e...,2,:trt,.-i .11..... b.: t:, .1...:,1114a t.....,: a:. l t:o. - ... , ..,...t.:..0.1 7 , .....0.-..,m••••,.r.v.'::: ,i.: any eft:: ~ ..- . ,:tr.4.1., ,, , L 0r.,.. of ',.:..-, :utorlK.,rat...,l (1.1..,tri....:, r., i,y 1 !c.v.' iti...,1.:1-.1, ~1,..4,i-hi..1,... .., i 1 ;.:1 , ,...,1:4i1117 4:. lila: 4..i11.0.1 111 p,, the ...Li .' . ,..,1. - .:r1..5...1..1,...,14 , . ut Judie., 1n. , :,,c•...t0r or el s ....rfr of at, ..... -.-et.,..., :,.: thni,t..•,..nntn)4lccatfb, :.Int NC- .1 irc, .1.•.--,--.1. :1- -r• -....... • -el• . . - f ,0 , :. - - ?•till 1 . !.,- 1 ..!:,:: '.:1.:;... 1. , ' V.,......t ...', .' • • ~. :.! -.•.:::.'. •. , it , I .L.- :',..... , :ti t',..r.' 1 ... By ti:.. , It:t .':,' ~ :,' -•: .....,..a.:t p.. , . ' -. .t , ,rti,1,1-`, 1: 1.. ,- .-I.i;-- tit tLeikqttimt , (.74trIoi Ilt:nit: 4t (, C. 1.•!.'0.,r, t7f ticat•Nrtute.l;y. • ' • !,. I t,i MIESEE9 MEE ..=i:: ::i ...: :.. Y'i ~'~' '.e =I • . 1". .1:. .; •• , r:' - • • ty• yr - ::.;• r.ti;vv.ruir.c.r.4l4 . t vdt , all ' • . , C... I;Y (.• t • ENE EN 6r r. ti., 4it (.1 yz:11L11 , =ME .;: ',• . 3 • 4:I tt't 1.1.c14;3! - ‘ , .: to 1,44 iv ',le., ,1:11. it r :I tor C.. - • pt.i.'; • 7 anyt ot• pi :.••%le:Lbl - .4.,, , i1 t:: • 4 1-Ip ,- 1-.. - • • ! 7 If r. .5..... t t:• .-..-c..1, - . , ally ..••., .!,' ; ~: 1 z. froiu any .neh .11i , L41 , 1 - ,Lic-ili,erroh,ll, , , !:,W.I fetn.i.::. , ;-11.41.i...2 t.:lf..lty oi ,•::.,,,,.., - ...1... : .....:. ,:r. I , !• it ta , .. ' of in 'icy ~'",r:• , y.: ~.r - r, • . ... t. 11:.: i.' , •;.1 - ..;...un - Lx4 , altn. 1..,,t,tnd1, f 0,,!. r ~:•,-, :,,:, ..r.,n , _.. b..... , .•...:;..,,,,.1 - to lay a :1!., ,- .f a -. .i.1,-,..•;.1:...11 ,F.'. k', and 1 , !.. : 1-r •0.,r. ii.l-ri•Ao:rzat2t.t, in t1;,:,,..'.. • ; 2 - ',n tY . f"r iL.I lead thar, ti , ) 4layz. t•iralrik.) , 3. - That if any 1 , : , ,..1: Itneqi .• -11.1,. a:n . l . i1154u....1it... ~ ^,r4 ~p_,r.,:t...!. tir-tli . ti.m., : . ,•,....:ft:r to be !.,,,ILI i:, th . .,.. 1'.7:1 Ili', :- to :11 , n7:1:...7:3 el , :. •.f, _ or ballots; ,•ny r... 1 , i,......:.,,.7. *zat;- .-.. 1 La:::.±l.: .:: tlt..ri...if. In an ' nt•tv..l.,•, - •-•'.....1.r.... - :•!..Itl: t 1,,:. pr..c.•. _ 17'.. - ~ ., . , . .1.0•,r0f fhi., .ict. .' : , .4... cai., , •411,...n ,:f ...;:. ticarc. ~ .i4. : :nnih iiiii...i7:411.,11.....t an:. :..L1:,, - ,. ' r , 2 , - 1 - 1, , :.:. Tbat it aty 7 - ....-., , n i0...111 1 . ....,aft , .r.,1.-..• mu+.;.... r advi,,e any perb4,n it per.......:s tke.pri - , yd ~.• c: , .:: a. , ...!:i1i; ar...1,:.:',1tta.1i,1,,1 a ; ..:,:,,,a.41 I •'.,1.1,.: an: 1,....1 t - .. 1 ..... , kt•i, ti. , ,tln. 4.1:ft... , ...rii ~f...71- . .,.i.cte.n.11.,::.• r.f , ...r -.. i::: 1.-•1.: in ti:., (.',ylata , n,vcanh.. or shall lq.r- Pnr.,::• • ....',,,,,.: any :;.:1 , „ ~:I,',_r t,.., r,-..,••_,..• : - .4Y2,,,,.11,,t or .r. ;lit , t.:. fro:n : any p! , : . : , on d I•rived of r;t17,en,h . .1.. ttr.d owlo,nalitl , ,;.l so afore., , aid,..,uti.: p. r....n so uVf...11,1- In :.• ':laLl'o... iinilty , i: :. r.,i,....'eni , ,,.....ur, And itis , ..7. c..ii. r;,l:,in theri•of. in any court. of quay. ~..., - - . ., i t Al, .f tl.!, C ,, lnn,nrivna:t.',l....ltall bc• pr.i.i,Li.,l tii :::ao a ...1,:cri.r0,.1 in the At.,•..,na .....„-tic,n ~f I ni, :set. in -......,. ea.,.., Cl officers of 511511 Clacton, 1%? ,, ../ , 55j, Pkl , llunlatv . ful. ballot or lallots. By all art i , f .kssetub! , .• of March :10. 1' an Act re , .;ulating q.e.n.......10'uf ~ - . .t.1.a.: at a . in eta , Et.,c1 , 54. Mtntii, ~., Gl' .!.I.iii C0r21.91r,,,,:.,i;t; V.r.:l , ied aLT:follov.o :• ~ .;;.:,..-:::,N 1, - Lie it ,no,:!ed !:::.7 :' , l:. S.ti., at cu'? 11',1t., 'S ,r R !.: ~ ..,, o tir...: rf 11, (:-. , :r. ,,. . , ...- ;-th '.." I' , .4 -,,, .il •• .n: . cr 4 - , , . i:,• rai _l• ,, imb'y rt: , ; an•i -.: i.: Vi /•••1•2/ • :014: C./ '',7 :iie , Istjtori'y ,-,/* f.i.e. sap, , .• That thy- gludific,l ,r , : , '.. - r. , of t'.1.2. w pn.c.r - al ,• , t::.ttN , , f thl(+'cot.".:ll ,, nll . .aith C, all ~r...ra:'ton::lll), onr4ntgh, not t,z,,,A13..ekc ti0n.:..r0 h...relri., ht , t , e4..t.:n. an.thort: and rolni.:-....1 pi v , ..,t4) by tic:ictl printed nr writ:• tr. i•:,y: 2, ...i11y,..i.....1..- 11,•tta.v.%)L0w, t..., - ..hrt ...1.,111 einbrace thy n.111,,•S of ail .;',.011. - ,.:- , iirciiyart : t... , 1* at...d. t.i IR! Ili -1,,1.,1, k)ut,do, ...judiciary: , ono- tle:a•t-...4tia1l cnbra...c• tho tiani. A lit 1111 nt.lte tol.)c.vottal for slid: 1..a.,e11! it - .=!..f.e:" o:::e t'_,ltyt - .: the et all ...:Intty.(l:Tich , rs votedfor', i5,:1114.-1114;.' c..lltx. of - , ,, ,nntz.r.1.n0n.11.r: and in..ntb,,eli'vfl , , , , , .•athly,7.; cote;! - , fr , r, an-I tncl::l,rA • : con::::, Fy. tf vu t. I fir. and 1,, , b. - 1a11 7 ,1 •.c , L,r..nty.: r‘n.• tii - 1:,.L .41.11e.... - .br:4.-•th,. ni.v.,...., ,d'r.; , , ,:ii• 0:;1. - r, • v:.t... , •1 I, , r, asl4l Pi• 1, - - b, :,t •-twvas.htp;" on , ta-lzet shall' f , tihr.t, ~ ....',.., .na:.l. ii s;.::3:11,0r ~ - ;11 ' :It'. - - r :,:' : :.,:, ,•111 ,: - :..r.:1 ii . , . /ruled. •:::<•:.):74:1t. - Snot . - 5 , 5 i5... , 4 115:1 Is. A:ap.... , Cd. 1 - 5 . 1.v11175...t0 . Lej.i.t-1,f , ;; , , 17.1 . ...f.1rat ottl.'cl.: arn anti, , ri::::-.1 - ana. c•qt.nutaaled to ....:Cy 1..:1' : V I, tb r.r• -, .•,ai, ,, a.,' of Law i , .5.:•.\.1 by ',17,:. Senate an.l 1t.,...........; he Fr,;c114 , ...,11‘..A , of•:: , ea?..r.tu , tr.vt•a:th. 0f,.21'.•::17t.h day Of A 1 ,7.11. 1459. = "A ~1: .~_~ . ra., '2.-7, r.!!.... - (- ...-,:-... •-•! .. ' -• . . 'lrmr.: - . , •••• ''-'l,-* ..1 7 .1'. , 7. - . 1'.1' . 1 'A11...11,bn - t.t •': tl: • .C. , 1 st.ltttti-f. "..:'. tb.;`::: . b,..1.:Y.1t...s IS .1.4 fcliox::. r .. " fizr-r, , ,, , ,1r I. Thin, zi,:kt : , f l•'!1 •t'l: , ~ ,f tb. , : , :tie , l 5' ,. .. , to'ccit,, n'at.l.l it.): b.: 41obial. or Ilipridgc by tl., ttl:tcd ..siab s. ate,. zii........ , , ~ ',ll ac,,,,rut, i- ra,- ; , ~ ,.. or.,vior.', ~...- n t1!..,..:11. of scr.l.tu.a.,' " WPM ,"91x - 720:::. TIA. , C.:4;f:roaB lase, 19...v, : r t;. u.;3 _ urati-a t 1 '41.0 'net .let 4 114:61., I.e.sei,l :n a.:, 21.7", t t f zi:i.katu!Al:. <xi ! am; 14r 1.3 .3," lyf ar•-:,.y fpflov74.. , ;;;;;;;Ttlii; 1. . of jr, that all o•tizetas of f ..,'uttited Siat,e4, who aro.or.shall to, otherevis,, go:Ili:lea. by iaw to ;,ot any election by the pu , pl2. at au ;ate, Ty, .I;.•trlet. eat: city, r•ridt, t srh out terr...tur:ll e+- oafltl••,I to' valo at r.ll snelt „its:ll:et - ton of raro. oelor, or cot:l:ten of ; any Cop. , :attttten, or res . :lllation uf any ti;al- - or Torr:- ez• hy, nit.ter' It- , anti..4lV, - to C.,3 c, , t.tray notsithqatoling." • ClZaCte +/... That by nutter the authunty uf the f.'on..tititta..n or of Statt ,or the law, ,:. f T-rritery, any a , t orn. .shall be regnirled to be' done ao a preregnito s te or .vtalitiention for vottne, and by such Constitution or law, persons or.orleers are or shall he char it with thoTtrfornaance of dottes furol,Ltinr cfatztre; ftr. ( to; .I.,erfo7ot . :loan f , ..‘a to vat,, tt ohitlt•tho d..Ve.:7],- .11 , :•'-: person'and -ottla-ut• lo e to a•I t the - e?te.l•StateA, the ort•n-it;.•• t• ,- rfarni prOr...plis:te, :tort ,c) I)4 , c,lorae. to vc,te 'wt.:bent distineteo race, colcw. pretu , os. eluiltien aerritnte hnd if any sneb, or shalt refr,se or hootdnely omit. to give full rf foot to tbiq.seetiun, he shall. for every ouch ellence. farfeltrXtit pay the IZIIM of Rye •hundrod dollars t:+ the aggrieved thereby; to to rt covert .1 by an action on the case, With' fu.ll coats awl- sta:h allow ai , oe fe'n ou.thscl. fact au the roll:: steall ,111 a shall also. far Query such offeueo,• be d!+ematl. guilty of a ndadesacaner; and 'Wall on cinvictiCt ther.:of. Ito !tool not dollare, or bo fralriaoned not 1.1• P, than one month alit tot wore tbru one year, or - ilw discretion-,f the coon,'. • . . rleflar- , 1 r.: tbo VI antele of tt Cor.4ttnilon of he • 1.2e....t0ti ti.tat ; Coust;trit...n,l:llWV 0::•11.c! ' states which toa.le porgitaann , thereof. .11.1.11 be Me rorreme law of the lait, • - u'rly tearea:;` 4 l:o A Vidatarl -of this Ccraut.i.o. 4 1 t 1,, on tke eta da7 of April. ' an a , ' t. eutttlisl. hitither - ankiikoncriti'io 1.,0 art lA.- Crtqlons itt titis Contitionwcalth," thottnith otittn of ehicli follOwitt • . • Stiitt'xoil lb. Tlikt.t. , 4 inn.h of cn'ery tot oi ilsetar, bly that only white fro(nnin be 414- . ot• or be registoreil as voter:, it as !err ti situ a: any ger:scar or .pedal elealota ef this ‘'sninloiiircalth, Lc ar..llb..'satge. id hereby r..i.s t ry,,t ant that hereafter all freenten. without of pa at eeior. shall be enrtaled and reiiitAtrred Act-Art.l4c, t, pr , visions of the 'grst seztion of the ea . ., ,r 4).. l'rctv , tl 'fn.,' Ihr- tair 4tlpiqrncntr.l to tlln act t'Ca ctacticas of thin contnannsvaltle' awl. When others:Lao gnani llcl nndcr existing 'tress, to cnitltlalt voto at an (=era aiad'agrclstrdacilonalatlllaentnmonwcallth",. And, galena", It S;,tuy csnattintinual and otEcial, dntyto ~t ake care thaa the laws be l'altbtallieso,—a. tad:" and it has Onto to iny...knowl,cdp,k.that anndry Weer,r , r* and rcillst , :rs rotors havo renuvacstd are reusing to . ahr. , !wv and rt.gL.lter. dtrers colomd [oak, 4:atizeas 4. - 4' lawful ace. and sAlir-rvstiq. trial:UV:l . apt rl , xlfnia: . New, Itli , 3ZlollS, In consideration et the pruner> - les. tho',county*.eureruiseloners of Kahl connty are - s tiza herchy,notilled mid &reeled to fastratt the r -YrrAl assessors sub registers of Voters therein, to hei ' Ind confirtra to the rennircnasmto o f ,a 4. co n ' • iIOtaI'AITIf:LCIIIIMIt and laws: . snd the Sheriff of sale . comfit; is hereby aretheris,t and regnizrA topubiLth in . his election vro..7lanratien for the next ensuir: elc.-etleits,, the - herein malted ennstituthmel 111:110S ti meat, ail of"Coness, sell set of the Leghibiture, to .the etul that the sax/wen:al be kno7it.- caeca:ed. and obeyed by all arc--sepia, registers of votCra, election officr. rant others 7 stet that the r,gb ts and privilcits bnann,tord s the tc. l 4 T 1.127 ii..1.8 , . 4 . !nrc , tl to all the. r 11 ;.! vas of tit . Di Congneorrealth , atitleil to the same. • tl7.vgn n. - .•9xit :r .11`'n AND. 'MP: 08.T...12' SF,AI. ~I. ,:‘, . ~ „ IVI! SY.llr.. at Itarr.ivhmg, tho clay era:l Year '''''''', 'Best alyive •wr:tten. , ._.•..ttcst 7 • C'Qinn..?lnprolth. . • . " The Itilurrn Stitlt;,-a toe thertik-"batortil mnet te; the.c.ou.rt . 'llon4c in tltt. Euro:l;o4,9f Ttink lanufnlii.- oa Thn tocctinp, , n: -ruturu Judy:vs 'jr4 Inc county of Itrudfor,t, NtiP.l ilouseln Towatkla.44l th" thin' ,ley' afterwinch will be on yritt?Ny. 4 tht• (/..inbtr, at I o'clock, p. ni. i. J. P.1..T.11:1 v.t".:FLErr. shervx. • Kr}.:: 7; 180 =IIE N-OTICE.-,-TO ALL WHOM IT ' MAY CONCERN: that in intrvuaren of an A. or Nettembly approval the/qath day q May. A. la7l, entitled an act for - tfas protection of Sal. toos. Mach llaaa and tither foof.l fishes newly Intro. dured. or tots) lir:roll:mod into the rivers ',elan:lie and Susquehanna and their - tributaries:: for thepro. tertion,' . also, of closes , against, unissrfrillisitiog..and tii.c,revent Ilie-introduction of prodatorytthes into trout &I:earns. and for other germane pnrpotes. - And it is thereby tr.ade the ditty .of the sheriffs nt the counties of this Comnionwalth, to re. v2,ve or df;storall Itsli.basketa or other devices. rel.. , emitted to ilo&troy or Linder tho tree patssro of. fish , or Minns na;rnot in - the :11th Section of thi• afore,— sal.l and tie! dr.l" 4 - 4 azid - rheriCti. In their rtsptcsive,v>ralitles. to , rmice t.tat .51.1a1.1 - 44 the law, anirlflll • - ^r; ci I:g r .:t.O .Sttriri • I.y . nt'a hol etc, P, • Office, Towanda, Pa., Ani s t nr.c-rtus bny. of , the atrear, a or..parta of ntr, ant.= contemplated by thia Act, - r.od under the. 91 this Cotautormealtli e tc , which anti~- . row 11-: or I.4;raiozy 411.41 tat, w 11, , T1- , yl - I , :tmce of lotus, or by or:en:tun. to the az:fn.whether' intended Or not,J.7-lacllltate. etia, and in whatever of the reachee. apaoes . • b-low beiwetn clain.q.,eurh planting of new ilk' eiee Lave taken plactaafaliereincontetmdated. the sheriffa or the counties having Jurii - Altirt - ion snob reaelecs of the trtreama,,they. ehall diocover or be informed' of the er.trience eueh ect.trivances.for the - catching of flab agate cent:non ly lizo-xn an 1121f-basket...eel. weirs. kiddlea..btusle..., or faolue mete, or any othef permanently eet trienaas of talttnr, fish, in the nature of a aleve;whieh - are , 'known to be wasteful and extrava , ..tant oaten of Ilah ing,,the said allerilfs - ahall, give ten daps' notice. in • two newepap.era of thtir respective coutitiVa. that the raid a:out:Myanmar are known to exi‘e aril aril a, , 01r , .1 common nniaatice4, - ordering -therii to lit 44itayil!ed,by their owners or .managers, an 118 is • 11.1,1,r them no longer capable of taking or injurnig I.l.evreilita of the streams of whatever kind; and if at the eipiration of the soot ten-days the dietaantling shall lot have taken plao,i, then the Fail alteriest :twit r. coed, with rach force, of rood men of-the county may h neet:. , eary !tic the porpOse, turd 41.;:etrvy ;iivliernantle the said. fish-haeketw. Qn.,11 .other detiet,3 • they .4:Ay ln, no .lo.figerrdpub.le..., of f..liiitte HAI; ant the accounting' c... 11 nitre of the coiinties ehati'malo good the cost of the tie elieriti'ir-in the Fetti , z,tit their a:vil:lts sigh the mnid th.riff.; • • aandifupon nenu st o duly informe..l.hy , reeittahk• rit. (..1 . 11, titici.lllr that said, imivatires rre in ^•'. and repttre abatement. the naid sheriff or aber -11.4 ftb.....1 tact pan' +1 an dire. , _ted it. this Ait,".llen cor;c:ztion, eolutty cintrt. if 'the F. - .:l4l'ncv7te;:t. of 0411 be fine 1 net text U.:m 41, :hen rnii t ' log c 7: K1..!!..1 -looted, and the proot , :xla\ I,er , ievtth , Inforwer a:,athr thr? pro,A:er Pit ec - 00.0l purpe.r., 'tide s, etimi la not intenlled to ipri. !if*.tl this 4 ,eicn-str...,_ f.-e. of 11 - 311.1.:041,.1.1. Cl . the- tame \, et7ic AI, to destr. -, abaligt - Fix. f „le:4 • ~f tb.; ty ~f,Drnargra. 1:w: 1. , =I BWEEM 1:1 ar.••Y:^r• by Joir 7TOTICI: IS 1 - IEREI3Y 0:11YEN ' , t .:•!:—•f:, 11. P., !is• t•.. 1•• 2.114,.11 V.,lLp ",.(1 4 cxy.teal . tA• t , • :..•t • .1::11 + arf , t,. • p f 37:~~~~1- J. j MEE co vv,r. .11 So!' re • MEM ,Ilp t •Lop. an•l iN • • ',I: , 1.1,C r.. t~:. ~ ~... . . EIBE t:tat' 11.•:. t'.•• • • , f n, - ;11 F Inake :tgaf.r.Ft :1:.• t?•• f:117.1C. w.vtly.ll7l. _ MIME MEE •• • •'l` . l'. II 4 1 F. CUT . ° N O.TI C E.- . t. r • • :jAIT T. NP E 9, Ilto'cf 'Cantor:. r. . inalgt ,• • r.:, .Igainet F;;:ti f't r , •-• , ..l•2'_ . t;eetn dltry antilentleat..a for . I I.LLE'Itti E. 51.1.1 W,.... . f LP • DMINIS:TRATRIX NOTICE.-• that. 41 penollP t.' of I'S.- Wiltant. to risYe inattetliat,l r.r.r.• r. , zaitist tbtra duly. r.r.tb,•ntat , 44 YOODY, TEE ...Al. ttl, " 7 1 • ESE i , •1)\ , tolalpr.,rons t)lo of WM. II: . :410.11. 4 4E, Ito of Li.i.14,:t1 (I..ceabcd,. z . uake .1.;,/nlvdiato pay hvrira sg-sinct F3..1 oitatd thela dnjy M.011.5.F -ITEISRY D. ItT.Olnir. .I.(iL3in!trator4. I)rINISTIZATOt'S NOTICE.- ill-N.tiek• ix bet 0.1... given eat all persons :ndebted the e.stat• - • WOOD, late o. S.Fyiran. dealt, are r. , rve , pted to mal.-o iintneaiatel psyment. and al'. v.-rsoris. having claimE,' Ka d estpto mutt pre. s, sr.thenticat2.l for r.4l.ltment.. lc. ,4 D3ITNISTIIATRIX.': is lu r..,by given that:all per&-fros'indebt d ef;:ac.• of GEOP.O.r. DCDLEY..,Ci)OE.„Iat dce fi d. are_rl , ne, , ..t . rd to. inal-0 immediate, End all having clairne against sai,el t.stat, nitv.rt duly authenticated for stt!otn. nt. RUTH McIATI.P.E. augt;:,f.. • ,!...dnair...6tra:rix. • • • % ISTBATOR'S NOTICE.- is hereby rivon that 41'persons indebted to th,. .SALLNA coET, :att. Szoithflold.. relllle-Atctill Mak , ' t - alniedlat , payment. and al: rerbo%B inns—e*.ta'W dnly antbentteatNl l'oreettici rAent. All.k`d 1; HILL. ExEc• • "TRIX'S NOTICt.'"". N , 4"4 , 7C :s 11-nrc;by given that 3:,ll.sersons:n4lebtell t. t1:0 o , tate of • AIM:II:Ali late. of Tvoy, tie.,:oese4, aro 1-oT:test - NI. to mike tr=tediate p criuout 4n .I 411 Inc vin, elittea against Bahl 0--; r.l.nst 1 , r0.-- , t lit - tlt- m dnly . atlitbentioato,l for . - Tz X.E • R'S N h.:Lhy ccn that, 311 persarug iuklebtel to the ~,tat.7 NICTIOL DEIT.OREST: late O. mein-stet to mate Ltataodlate— al! 7,:en4 ,, rta Lavii &aims agniust Ezlit. -7 c.tstc- n;ltpt th , an ,11 . 113: mitheiltivitect to' ecttletic , nt. JOHN ~~' '7 • _LLITABLE REAL ESTATE - .• . Tr' • . . () S A. • . . . , The ,nbsittli.e: oitisre ter sal tor.ty.t:u...• r - i - oreiiiy in irowiinda .uwintliiit. oz. toils Tr.tvondt I.lor,titib H Q : : !t n ..AND 'LOT!' • Tha lotedi;talub a",outsuw :taro and a af. 11Le 11o:trots latge and ~.027f-ale:.t, ulth wcli. cistern, two good br--ns ‘ and RiveSral varictios of caoleo fruit, - Itisludineapplas, pears, Teaches, gra - prs, blocre.sri rica,•&•.:.` • I.b cut * ltt ai•rrs of land ocinvenieutly, :A...1 on tho ea,t Ficto of the Waverly road and oboist : ,0,1.1 eolith of tlig irons? , and Lot. ALSO—A one-third irt(erest in th. Mill prSiii•-;iyi •}1119 ,, ,1A - • . • • • '3.1 . -Y E - 1? 'S: 31 .1. LL S ... . . pi-tiiti , rty,ilertri.s, about 4 . iure6 of Ltaid.. o Crist aint ilotwing; :war. Sage and a . /101:5,... The Mills - are in gaol :condition, anti ato 'liair„g, a •drusiterous business. Ito ! estate In and about Towanda to raridly ad, and in it v-ars, no doubt, this tzuperty th1b!....:1 pzi - ,iutt value. Will bs sol.l t0, %8 _tb.r or -r-oriroti•ly, to sort she . , Yor•tutthe - r inf.irruati. - in enquire on the prom: =•s. ' errti Towanda, Aug. 23.'n. • • Legal, If. - ' ./ • " . 1 . Spoiier - ILt• kri..rAv*ft "May, Aptlck laindr,l 'e)l,l ME lEEE ; . EIS ^ ~ J• MOSES EILENBERGM Achlunistraurr a1,,!•:0,7. - G ``. =MU :.-..:"SAN IiA.STIN. LA.,,cutr F013,-,..9.11,E.-1. , offer -ray . _ far:St:Or rale, era:lifting 200 acres, eiluated tirw Albany towhairip, 140 acres improve!, with a VariCty of fruit trio o and splemitil bulidiugs of all kinds thicron-' I will glyp the purchaser a choral: to pay my debts aud !extra a plod title. ..I.ny - rer- Pili trantiu.; a good farm will do "w,e:l to call ai:t,. eVlllttite for himself. • •• . .?,Poauy, Pi... Aug, 20;'71 • -.. 1 " 1 01i. S OR :TO LE.L.SE.—:-Will _ or it ray thiitiltulal Maahtite ShOP. ff4uat,l iu Cauton, la. The Shoplift lu:tit for man lulu-bring Horse ttakozf; grain' fireelleff, and othor Partalr,g implements. Also •for the. bullallug. and ropalring of Iron lifichinery!lTlto ufaelituery Iteing Vonatruotefl expn•salyfbr the: - Iftuftri.tes, itnl iticludra aSaN Mill, heat entlre.y of iron - arid stvlf and suiting_ stock tot the shop. Deciltimg _ health is tha at nip wishing to refire from. thfi . _ . , Thvellio.2 tepee, with eata or !rape ettc•,t l'ot;rwther loarti, , olare cal: ort'or - . • Julk2c- , UIO • • • • • - Cantos. Pa. ete. AIPT tv lo Gallonfi or Bar -1/4-1 rf t, , :or 41% 2 , v tl,. GAS COrlrA NY. El r..." 0. w. GEtIIY Effll I=l LEI A.. VEus
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers