rn all Nations. Item F City;lndiana, is to have 11am 11. Seward arrived tiny lasi. a.grain elovatur —H u. at Berlin .m rOOSkr . -18 the.. --kliorne rqvatictiC;ii or N is suffering • . . —.Soothe from &mats. lion of the Ftlteeh As ptemlK•r 16. --The va,e( ealably begins anciiiipattilitlastrial Wednesday, --Tile seco Ex v ..ntiou was exening. no - persons were killed t,plosion itt Wigstr, in Lam- Silty-ni by the coitt cashim, Englan , ' Eightec Myrs. , y the twintit of Al - -The bark Courier • rei.vutly-Avent A.Jyphorm in thjOhiha tr;ett. licr crew of Ohiiinmen were le,t. thousand emigrants ir the Ifinted Staten during' Tit - Lc ER s.eural :elitirett in Salt; was fi , ':rittally . e , wris,cratclll. , ll Sim,lay. st..l2e rtlorglit .li' ilkins ft. \, ll down .‘ll.tny (nvntesday; breatiing ting ~t er injuries. • 1 13fc3famt , ,:-, n. nolOrions , front the pytiih•tttiary at Alba- Ttrday nightf • Lvicts escaped from the itouh, Ark., last Taesday the guards. lEZ - r.tilcvfitiary a ,heel,,,a-vii. iposa estg.to, California, lw soul for the bonetit Ot the rs, ()Joliet 12 • ,eric)in Woman's Suffrage next niimini ssvnag 11l vemlwr 2:2 and 21. p' _ )lie schools of. St. Loins owl:, • with ir iuere 11 silt • - 'Tie VF t4b cc rfl fit -4 to-Mold - -The A .‘ 11 , 4 l'isiLtlMphia Titv ])g, 1%1 was the iiiriotieth ho battle of ifrot4ii Heights turd li.ow Lollard!. , -•edne Aflo.l%.Thary or no•Amroing of nt Tliiers propogos, to at ig" of tlio Blou n t cmis of this ntoutli.• -,k7,Pri:sid 44: , 11,1 s p , Tile to f nuitiiic.s. or kn .. of fif N. !my,. nei-er boim .owned out or tbcir present owiwrs. )re a.11(1 pneking-house o eanaila, were bnrii night. 213.000. . st P. 0.,n1(41 0 ca ni 'll,,ittlay late-layers iiere ipstanfly avar Scortptt, Eng :in a on itii!'i'ri,to and carlaili• Railway. .% tholmind periions Nvorkin,9llolo3 1 artido in Ni 4 MEI • t,h• l .rt rii t ,),. wra oceurrell oti the ieiderii Railway, near heat Meg, Lida ric i Ii periiiiiis 1“..r0 .. • - 2 . 2.21 tho mem= I~fip - was slut dead in '.t flitlit at n oling at (..71tico, Cal., on Satnr- . day 1 meeting of the Kentgeky nt Lfrxhi g t,ni. bogiwt mil. Ion ;,•ral havo alrvady fa , Turf its..kviat dar arrived larches of tho' soveral ae emla.l4-in-,,p0,e (4.serro the iher ns ;L d:ty or thAttkizgivin;.; fin iar_vt ---Tlio nomilttim,s 1(.4)1-.4' Novi th.! alouldAnt rsi pftir of :India-rid -11)pr .1; in tln, United States was in were gilt, and pointed like the • Cines,' •niandarin. —Tito ( t•ver ft 1 , 0 ) . TiiPy Mjitun:ni , Ir tli ,;itor Winstea naino in anoint, "I:4,rn in cc:v.(l to regret it." 4 hle v at. thf• rec. , lit 1b.,. ce ui t..t.iii w0,:t... , :did .., - - he t . .1 .1,1 1:37,: "IN; lioiv rtm4 titi. f or: tli, , I,ettlid liter i 1 :Lit Arkttustks jour I ', r e o ormiiie, was two weeks- ag , I[is4ixail pi ricer. Ont of teepee r of j“,vors wo.left." rtitcli Sl:ttcs frigiil es CI )n -szirm,Ji4n, !raving-0u Inarti thu .411,0 Nnval .\cadl•tnS. havu Stlnltiwr • z ,flo f' , au . , occiltreil Blool.llll.lgtolil, 'tally bight . . ../I,l;itroying vrilo3l4 rty t‘r aoi,mut Ltearty two . • Elin Sat 101,111. pro 1001,p , , , t1 Op; -William- 11. Seward, jr.' Irtti is,,itima ue -tivitsnri.r. “11,1 S9litlicru Cvntrul C.nn i•lncncr• 4.1 . ill MM • ,t,•,•1;q• tlit• fil can d'fast horses from Chie..9 , , nod the coliliratf l htallion ging to Senator Sprague, nre iuisas State Fititnt Topeka. IMIE :110 tit. re oti Iptiot - the .1 ie past eight years 'no chil- Kilda, an island in ill() citc‘r Ilelr wired. This is attributed t) the lets of thwiae)l)lo. • „ - --tor I _or; n lytrit it rei ,, r -ht:rooirt of the steamers I to - kurrt,p . ,3 ix eory7ed for 'throe 16: TIP) Itoiton Allmny road oh lotidieds of graitt a 'w1.f.,11. En t., on: t.litit4t4 NIA; g exhausted - . the "oldest th'o papers have be'gun on •thodiM. At present site Is "Motli— Ctinton,- :1144005 years. Milwaukee papers, when thc g l.•irication "Oh', ra the 'gorgeous ert•nt that illotion die and operatic jittrir.on of "or —"ii - ;~ci Fl c 1;1 \V„in,low, o.ral •;ii‘l that if a trio is fehe •• •11h 1. %lin.' ill it . :l \\Tilton-, lb. tho and iill;iwed.to 'V ali!. the foliage Nir4.l‘ . l will belle. tn!nest 14611.P01)1A, mill draw all -liiefore they 12111 1 Carolina papers repor n) ) ,.: ( •pai Avne tilwaret 1-k L IK•I 1,01 tho ma dir.e botiAo iu t h turc.". w•sr in an minsttn of an' alinx- Rta&•, int:, in oppmsed to Om "now •is no tilttlt -tho Mato . - 4ny - -iii.atb• that, ttu,„ s rust. OfticA• Dc'- 1 ;t:ty chatrs to tlic one ii»lliun cancolled ilostage reporte - d that a handsome from 014 celebratotl Stud of Prcsi the Dominican Republic, has ro int,• the p“sseKS:oll of ft IlifitingniSh rottitOn. • OBE .Turtit rop.:3l' rastnwli; i,f bta1111)V. --It Pi %slut° Iton-cc lient ba,v, cEintly'onne e sinniner-drohniits • in the 0 alloy have r(plored that river !ow lots boon for lastly years before: roam „ whore a felr itaiath§ ago volt! to :ITO —Seve 31ISSiASippi cr tl.llll it CAM! how ,ti .1,11111. hat .1 , i exeiten„nl IL W i ts caused ii in.lay It.) tho tliwovory in 11. thigh , of whnt m ! fil.l 1.,vi., ln...Cm a C3:44 • r th. , ..1,1,y,..,.'iv.ir, MO nut promptly .it: • . k - I a rttccitt, thunder-storm in 011! N111i.0 1 1,4,x, N al N.'w w ,Apiod(.4 wi fou. Op , 4Y.L.c.tricity risAug (kNer tho r.'...s inti,thr All i!fmntetilletit'i ofliee li . a Imi.l in.1,..---altlain the room, hiss has diseAivered Co•rmot 4;•4l.lemont. \Val itna I . olllliy, r!, Alld the IrtillOX .111.11 With a profit orfrOTni four to day per 10001. n•;:tr th in dtir 1t.61121 , i,1g. Iv; tep iUf tl and t, • e :138 (lentils in sei'enteen 1/1114 Of. 'lll.,:saciatzset Cs Cur the week 2, 7:1 ‘112115 it:insed ebokra by VOllFnmption, 17 by llywtitt.ry 1. :til 1 i by tplolid fey,er. EMIE and illaz-rly, Ainn.l44lS, ' Of Spain, is still for gritsiing pardong I , ltifig bull tight 4. and by . other T tin,; iii &l himself porolF OE • j”iirn.•ciu;, t., pr6. , tti:rs lii .lun: At, - - The irst,ia;ll tn•er attached to a tho ~latex is (Mini.; Linty 1 in black lii yr Falls, Wipi. It raileiia.l bytween Albany ta.lny in li+3s. • 4;i•:nro.tirl` I 11:. :1. (1 , .or-be ;t3 111 ,101.1 t 1(011.•; Ig GiTman,name unknown, you w.i•ary 4.f lifo kiat Full water. - - rind cit.,- 6+ll att( hrecipitak•d hinnself from a tew iato two aud'a half feet, of it, too shallow he crawled under• so ended. MEI iu SL Louis offers one tars toward establiithing a Felten] — eitos an tiny prompting Impulse of 1300,1)(10 by 14r. Brown to tho Hospital, of Philadelphia. tli , uttict(lll, I:hie:1111UL an , th.• Pe , . Sl.{ ti Tin delighted the Ancient esters, of Englaud, on the 22d (titl ing a rope stretche at a great • BIOLi I it ,1, , r 4.4 ro . .I,v wall ht.47ltil irt ih vcrit ! rtriarte, 1,10, a 11.: • erystai Pitlace. iic embq lits; ei by going half-way acro, , s anti I.Yek' =EI Initsi Hiiitiuo who is leettir i•ays tlp.: intvinjga'anco in India • tilt Ilan Enalf2ili intro • tlan young men_ riA:aine al t ,14)%i . it ividesproul F.114:1: ‘11.4 71:110101 thlt.l.ti it tile anj ter. o*, fthoarding-hoits . e keep who entered complaint rthx,.gave her age as twenty-'three, day, sand the -eurag ,:udysed the CASC -A wi nui in ni.7,,U.inst alm wilen ed Jur:fief. d any fur tiler I nisville ContnteiTial says of the Inodiciil institutions . in that tuly laying iu a supply of subjects II mat wilder. One of them kaa Irty both k mated down in a large that several city •are air fur diPcoiti Ark ot - th rat Alradfori -Tjporter. EDITORS $ E. 0. GOODRICH. S. W. ALvoab Towaz!cla, Atroday, Sopt. 14, Ipn. .!'9F;FtTIILICAN / STATE-TICKET. FOll. AUDITOR GENET ‘. -])AVID76TA '.TUN, or ur.A.vEtt._:-- - rou Col. ROBIEWI-11,- -- BEA.TII; or satortratz. . ME Republican County - Ticket. ' sica-ron. L. F. Melt or SITQrEttANN ' A• Co E=l P:11. BUCK, OF LERAvqvu.tr. Bono' MAJ. B. S. DARTT, or CANTON Boma' • Ashoevers: JCPUZ, S. D. ' II A RKNISS, or SPI{INGIIELn ATTOT.YSET, Carr. J. 1. T►EEVES, OF ATIIESS. ' TEM:AS=9I, WILLIAM BUNYAN, or GitAsvii,tv. • vomum,LoNNu, 1110,11R15 WEus MEMO R. BROWN, or liEnittor. .T.wr 1;011 ol'\ v1:1111-1 ,, E.. JOS. E. SPALDING, REPUI4.ICAN KASS MEETING! pt. 1.1.1.• of Bradford county ro-o 1Tvt....,1 to attriol a MaFF, !tug to bo told TowAncla., Saturday :Sept. 23 (~„„,u,,,,,•.„g , t, 1 \J'cloilt • ' iSel!h`fl now bzfore tl., c!ontir)• w it be iltl 0.4 txr, - - 1F.A.,1. folif,l“.: di and , Ceti. t4lNlolti neid How J US At thi.: tlit• nly 1,1“..nu atfuld Iti c•oluity lit tilvr.• b L utt:riilan.rt rom rvery WORK TO DO , • From IZr:4:- , Ei. E!ocriv Cht:irman. of the State Central Commitlce,wo have the most promising reports of the campaign in the State. Me. we in Bradford doin i g all we can to .aid in Tolling up a large Republican M:ljn;i is this fall? Meru - .is Lunch earnest -work to - be - done between this and _the election. We must not calculate upon victory without exertion. , To roll up thO t majority on the Stott:tick et which we ought / to have and give our'legislative and county ticket the wand vote, i•eqVire all the energy arid vigilance that our Republican friends can bring into the.Coptest. The Dem ocratic party is, appiu4ntly, quiet. but it docs not follow that it is . idle. 010,he contrary we lintst suppose it to be using all the m..aiis at it cola inand to win success. Rely upon it, Wallace and his co-workers are nut asleep or dilatory, ' and it behooves Republic:ins to work diligently in or der .to conqeract their vflOrts and frustrate their plans. We shall have the aid of distinguished 'men—good *... speakers from abroad; lint this must not induce ns to rela in our own ell'orts. We need all the aid we can got froth others., aiatitll the ap pliances we cam tiring t,) bear our selves to roll np-a thajority that will . _ .make "the State :-.afe. Let this b borne in mind ni and let a, brisk lire be kept np on the enejay's 'Hues from this tiint to , the eloso of the polls on thy. 111th of October, and we Thal I te hi ev( l tri ph. ..-- D%Mo , The h'tylt, of Democratie stump speakers Inis always been a source of; amusernent'to Republicans and dis inttliested lookers on ; but of late it has become reall) frightful: The heavie4 specimen of the kind wb. have.seen for S9me time is an extract from a speech lately delivered by General McCook, the Democratic C 41.11- didate fo'r Governer of Ohio. It is as as follows: " "Talk of the tariff! Twti cents a bushel on iron--salt—sugar Ie ,man. Working men, tliiiik-ef • 'And the bonds ain't; taxed, lint your salt is taxed, your sugar I mean, two cents a bushel—a pound I meim. And who says that General . ..lack-son was not a 'great - man ? Who ever heard of him taxing poor men's salt, sugar I mean,, two cent a bushel No sir, Old Ifiekory swore by the Eternal, sugar shOla be free of tax Then there is theilebt of twenty-five billions, and oily twg , hundred and eightyAbousand paid u in five years. The Republicans stole it to enrich the iron-masters." • What a fearful array of facts, tig nres and rhetoric. The tarn], the Republican party awl all the lithe eteetpreas that belting to them least fade away and disappea:- before thc force of such argument and lcarning. Wouldn't McCook wale a dignified and reliable (loernui . .. • E==ll Stir Tax-payers should not forget Unit it wa.s the Republicans that re lieved real estate of this State from taxation for . State purposes. - .Not withstanding the reduction -of State taxes, Republican ;Ldutittibtraticiiis nave gone. On' steadily reducing the State debt. se- Coniptroller Connolly Of New York reports that all the•vouchers in his office, for lti(i9" and 1870, were stolen- therefrom by sonny burglars on Stimtty night. A vdr serious loss, sure—but veryli:xly will glic S who ‘itirt! the 7 'thietes. 5 IM=2l 11Ets. Frantz. Silsby, of • the .Sitsby Steam Fire Engine . Manufacturing Company,. 114 T SOW4CD. • Falls,' was in . - stantly killerlatCanandaily,na Monday evening 143- a, fr,2.ight train. . 10—. The Democratic warty has ways been in f4yor of foreign 1, 4 1 per competition . iyith unprot,cicxl Ait raj- caii Libor LETTER 'FROM MR. FITCU A r.c l yort haVingobtnined considerablo credence in the county that:Mr. Via" our nominee for Senator, was in favor of a division_of._the county, that ! ,,. .tleman has forwarded to the c "an of our County Committee. thO folloWing letter defining hiaposi tion'on that question. .It ia.lear and unequivocal ; and should satisfy our people.- For our Own part we never had .any:fears that Mr. FITCU would betray the interests of th.o count'. \ His reputation aslin bonorablelgen-, 4enuin- was a sufficient guarantee to all WhO knew him, that his action en the question 4f division if elected, would be controlled by the wishes of his constituents, NN:lio are almost unanimously opposed to the only division•whiel.tho legislature could force upon us. - . We ask. for Mr. FITCH ' S letter a thorough -perusal, fully persuaded that it will t do away With any preju dice against him which may have arisen in the minds:of the people of this county: To the Chairman of the I.Repti!Aeon Standoeg Omirni:lre 4 Bradford Operity; thut—Sinco tho meeting of the (lonferces of this—Senatorial District—at which I was pin in nomination—l have, with mach surprise, learn ed that I ab, reported as committed fur or in favor of a• division. of Bradford county ' • and that great. excitement prevails throughout the county liy reason of suchicport. Now by what mans iheh a report should have been started, or hare gained credence, I do not know, brit certain it is„it is without foun dation in fact,-in any thing that I have said or done, or ever contemplated doing. In truth, I had never becu approached in any mariner, pridr to the meeting of the Conferenc , -, with any information upon the subject, raugh ken called upon to express any opinion upon a subject about which I had no information and consequontly no Opinion. . Therefore, I frankly ray I am not committed, and never have been to any project of this kind. since my nomination I have inquired into this subject of division and sought information from gentlemen residing in different parts of tho counts, and, as I now learn the project is to tali , . rlf a small fractional part of Bradford, mid attaching that to like fractional parts to be taken from Lseeming, Tinga and Sullivan corm ties,-by ortion form a newconnty And locatre Us seat at Mmr.eoua Springs, or there alsint4. As I also learn the dorritory proposed to be taltiat from Ilradforel contains about 1.000 voters, perhaps siio pf whom would %rot and the bal ance °Nice e - this that a;;"oi resl , of the county would and do - oplwise it. fpou this state of facts it is cicrz. to my mina the pcoplc of Bradford comity are opposed to the prosoct snit if elected, I .hail, and will, IT • ai;ttr, .111 ttttrtttitt ONN W. ',OLNEY ruts ar.,i ip.o.ll , 2nce, and iv (::Cry end Pri.Pcr ay, to their reprL,entative, nh& it. A ' If cloct,d. I pnaiii,so to lantir. , :stint, and so far as I lilsvo to titivooato tho rights and wislirs of my''! .;titn , nts.-: and in this lc al rirs.tion their call to ...1 vyddi would I my law pod Hilo ui ao.ion. Convinood, ii, I au, that a w:::7 large pr , lion thr , p 4 ,07.1 ., the osnut y opia,sod to this dwision, my daty to oppoßc it is plain: and if the ;itirstion arise I shall foarles4ly tliselo.rin. tiro dui,. MEETINI4(I.I.F THL SP:NAT(}RII.I.I. COX The conferees comprising the 11th Senatorial confrence, met iu the city of Scranton on Thursday September 7. The following are the names of c-orifcrecs: Brudford cuullty—.ll. L. H. PEA:, L. .3 . N. C. EL.,I:I;EE. B. ..11.1•14:! , , VT!. JAS.. E. CAr.mczur, Amo. NI:A{OLs. Way . - C. C. JADLL - IN, JUJIN Sruun-E. Wyoming --A.. C. BLAELLEL, ()1::t:N VAI*(.IP,N On motion uihc .ortion,Z, eleekti Chairman,iind JAMEI CAI;”.)LT ScertAar) The names. of Col. G. F. MAsos of l_b-adford County, and Ir. :F. FITCH Of Susquehanna county were:. presented .to the confrenco as candidates .for Senator. The . . vote was a tie until the ebThtli ballot when Mr. Fr cu 1i vino received a majority of tht; . .votr‘s vas - declarA duly nominated for Senator. ' ; The gentlewn whose name heads this article leis been nominated for State Senator to represent this dis trict ni the`Senate of Pennsylvania. Mr. FITCII is a resident of SU.SqUe.- .111:1L11:1 county, and we b'''elieve has . never before been a candidate fur of fice. He is - a lawyer of line legal -abilities, and general attainmcnfs, : and of unblemished - reputation. While he has never :ingl:f. taw Le has ever been a firm and consistent Republican—always ready to aid by every meant: in his 'power in promot ing the principles of Iris party. He is ,entitled to, and wiii roceivie the unezimorts vote of t-! Popmtlicans of this district MEE IL! rruLicAN mAss mnr.TING On Saturday nt tornotin, the 2.3 d , Get L. C,..: Col. For.sLy and Hon. .If:ci;mr. will s \ peak in this plitee. It is seldom the people • of Bradford have. the pleasure of meeting these s distinguished gentle : men, and we trast they i4ay 2;reet a cd 'by a large turnout on .the occasion, They have made but one appoint ment in the county, consequently all h' ho desiro to liCar them discuss the issues of tht , , day should make ef fort to be present. The speakers are all wJI known as able champion, of principles. Let every towpshils in the county be repre.-e137- _, ed. Pra - Cul. PIOLLET, and otherp-af.a ineat , :opperheads arc lns:v trying to make believe that Mr. Firen and Maj. PAT, art: both the paid tools • of PETER licanic.* These men are so aectistomed to carrying out their plans by corrupt means that it is impossible for them to -con .e.eive of nuy hunbr among candidates: But they are too well.knowar in this, county, and their opposition is rather a benefit than a damage to our can didates, both Of whom have declared themselves opposed to division, and .they are gentlemen of veracity, au l entitled to all credit.. :kir The Democrittic , party favois the 4 . - 1!;.: public (lebl with . irre,de4-itml)lo l) ':l' currency.. The Deznocrhtic party is 'in: trifcting, to with t % r , croa_ . itors of the. nation 0 1:NrIbt 4 111 4 been nomithael for Gov`r.rnor of - New Jer- L r =CFI I , 4ILENCE r=2= L. P. PITCH 1111=EIMI - 4 '4 GLORIOUS REPUBLICAN VICTORIES! California, Redeemed ! Moine Also Speaks DELAWARE EXPLAINS ! szouirm 6N . TEE MONTLE ! T YOMING HEARD. FROM DEIIOOI3.IIOY IN LAST DITCH. AIORE DECLAJLUG AGAINST . COPPEIIIII3.ADISM. Little Delaware voted on Tuesday le sth. The 'Wilmington,. Daily Conn ercial says: :The tote of yesterday eudorses,the - Republican 'policy in National affairs; it rebukes the unkind and unfair, manner in which the Democratic par-' ty of this State have systematically treated the city of Wilmington; it emphatically. condemns the combined act of bribery and treachery; which disgraced the City Council last, win ter, and would have stained the rep; utation of our city itself, had j. liot the people thus promptly denoun - ced it; it such partisan jobbery as the fenth ward divisioir; and it con signs to a merited burial the TAM malajr.out.growth of- the last eight months, in our city affairs. The Democrats elected their candi- ' date for .President last year by over sis hundred majority. This year the Republican candidate is elected by. majority of 353. The Republican.cnn didate for Treasurer is elected by 52.5 majority, and the City Asscssor (Re publican) has 752 majority. The Re publicans 'have. also elected a clear majority of three in the City . Council, where the Denv)erats had three :ua jority last- year. - Glory enough it:Jr Little . Delaware. MAINE ELECTION. ANOTrfER GLORDYJS REPUBLIOAN VIJTOPY ItEOVIILICAN GAINS IA TIII; • TATE. P!,qtTLAN:I, 1 T) UrlArd:,,t PerhaM,4 Rep., 2,1 74; Kimball, Democrat, I,`-`-;:3; Republican niajorily i 9 271, at.Tainstl 411 majority last year. 'Kimball be lorKfi- in . Nrtland is very popu- Lewistown gi...es Perham 1,29:: an,li Kimball S5B. List year the: Demo crats had 79 majority. • Auburn en* 806 votes for Per-' ham and 501 for Kiniball. Last yeat• :the Rephblivau urijority was 1021 Republican represestative ulect-1 ed in both places.' Androscoggin county hoe:; liCpul Henn by about 1.200 majority a:;air.,4tl last year. IN .vv,il:srA :iopt. Ito-! publicansl6hl 'in.taton.•• nicotine evening to rti,)lec. thei: tory in tho Stat•:,, and esptotaily rviourka.l)le • trin;iipit in , ;(•:: , Cinutite Bali, the LL•_ , Ica :i packed, lutl thk ree, ption of Spet,kur bl iae wns The lieptibiltiQ majority in tlii city is nearly tlirectilLics us great as it ever was before in Ao full a rote. I.kROS REPT:I3LIt2AN POWII.AND, Me., Sept, —Returns froth froni thirty-nine towns show a net Republietkr, I,rIF,F; BETREMEI) 1 - T17.. , 30:.:"F.:::: , !T. , 47..1; IN 7.INE. The eleZtion in California -on the sth 1-f-stilted in t 1 gloricu2 vietnry for Republicaw; - tlie taiLjority beingfrona 3,000 t) 5,COc)? This s the srst real % : io,t.,ry in California fox five years. . • WYO2,IINO 0 K ! For the first time Wyomng elgets a majority of two i: - : the Stag Sen ate. - The Ilepublicaus are jubilant. 111=1=3:1 - STATE FAIR., The exhibition of the Pennsylva nia State Agricultural Society which occurs in this city On Septet b - cr 13th, 20th, 21st and 23d protaises to be a display of unusual magnificence. A splended collection of native and im ported li•, - eotock will be on exhibi tion; including horned cattle, sheep, One of the prom:neut features of the fair will be the grand tiirdz of si,ced,4which :fre - tbtake pir.•.:.e . I • for the largest prerturnr.s ever offered by tiic sc - xiety, unit: we arc ftssured tlllat s in this, fn. iu . 1 11 the hrauches of - home indn.s . try, competition will; be remarkahl'.,risi and active. Are ratr , ° emrnis have Keen concluded fur the finest and larce. ; st floral c:41,1;N -everabown or the societ:-,,, which will include ail the rarest and tnost beautiful varieties of native and exoticpants. ' 'Liberal terms have been made with the different Railrbad companies, by which e.ienrsion tif - Aiets good for the round trip will be', issued at greatly :educcd r.lteb ;radian animals and ar tick.i ~lien' on exhibition , .:21,?. rem/in/snot - A.)14 will IA: The p;..osptAlf the society for .1 1...ni1-la:it !lever this last. enlnibition-thut oeettr in this j.iol• fora nul4ber of w© hop.' our . eiti , f , n; people of the y,, , .N..nb0rhq6i.1 wiP. contribt:b - .1, liber ally irk th-g way of jennies, attend. in a boly it. both . and sfi.e.....!esfur.—S.r.rlii'lf. - .44110.10-4. • Th. bode, f CartlY I.:A\facto \ iu Noybur:yport, Mond.x . y' morning, instantly Eiiii - men ahtl woumling many other One of whom dh - .3.111 thiring •the day. The boiler-liouse sits cornplettd7 de ' Wk. The Aniericfm Ward crew, won the fonr 7 oared racc i i-in- the regatta at Saratoga Monday;l and Sadler, of ths; Taylor-Winship eirw,'the.siligle scull rice na.. The Dentocrfitie,party in Con gress delpatc,cl all (=tires to secure a proper protectio e of American la- Stvto Si:nate N !t X". 4 option hiW. THE OAXPLIGN IN THE STATE. The Republican ..c.anvass f the __,....._ State-promisee tobe thorongh . and energetic. _The chairtilan f the State Central Comtnittee, - Bir. 'Russel Eirett,bas organized-a series f mass meetings in many impcxrtant unties. and'the slip:Tomo:lts. of a n tsar of able speakers have already been pub lished. Secretary Robeson will deliv er three addresses, and it is probable tlmt Senator Sumner and Secretary Bbittwell will speak in Philaaelphia at the Academy of Music. Senator Scott will also take an active part. • In the assignments made by Mr. Russel Errett, General Kilpatrick vßli take-a leading place. He 'is as efieetive in arguraent• as he .was in war,,and his cavalry chwes into the Democratic ranks will nut . caSily , reSisted or evaded. In the Meetings be; at Easton, Allentown, Reading,Petts- I ete.; General Kilpatiick- will have as his colleague Colonel !Thom as Fitzgerald, of the ELY2Ii/ig Cdy nth,._ He deser3:es honorable men lion for - eloquence and 'zeal in; a good cause.. He has Mad ! ! three admirable addresses since the opc l nintri of the canvass. The . Elephant 'Uhl); 'th.i ;Tigers of thti First ward and the Re publican Association of th e ! Four teenth ward,heard 6truagruplicals with profit. Colonel Fitzgerald has skill, not,only to arouse the 'patriot ism of his hearers, but to make their ; patriotism hear fruit .in hard vs.c.rir, and. the Rephllicans of Easton, Idiom and other- towns will soon cover this for themselves. General Kilpatrick and Colonel Fitzgencal ought to cut down. the Democratic and increase the Republican majori ties in every county thy visit. Major A. R. Calhoun Las appoint ments in Ridgeway, Bro.okvilie, W. Chester, other places. He is one of the finest speak ers in the State, and his services to the country command respect, 'even Iron.: his oppoilents. of the Grand Army of. the in - gennsylvaniu, Majui.C:dhow; a*+44;reat ‘vi . t.h the hteu who f6aglit fur th;.. • aLoi !Ituquel • ti , m4bly be of Lu ti e. tx;:••,... Last week he ii.sliire:isi.AlvAliuoi•ki ,11.01 if t{ilc:el:t tint:. = LA Ai. ::Si . :11 . of tht. t,;llt,r, lEMiIM 'l:e Ext•e,:tive it5`.73:3:.: now let tLo votfl. It if. their Linty to make/..t• inpis:atn(l : suf•ee:=:;, to thc: , of tho int. , rier :In: in v;o•tv-it 1 - T_••t we. :1, our Lint.... throng.liont Si.nte tai' Phild , lelpb!: for 1 , -1 n:ajyrity for 5.;13n 4 0.:. an-1 IleaLO shall yit ti . • ebirt:L.:l cv.n,-3 to tllo. ••••t ,trirn v 1; ly • ••:.ty-ttek.:t. :lc other-,ek,tinti•-q as 2:11 Ole St,lte i-1 \ :tfe 110 empLsti , e lily i) tn-r, t. 04 give (.li,ibt, ,'• Pi 1 d _ w•nne V••••'1".:- • il. e7IPItIPI(T. u: the 'yin./ lie racy. Bat proliahlr, th e -, ;1 4 11 -, thf:t ht , uvc-• - :ti'y flltrlntrS irW biaseti jil , fgeinrlit. ,it it•rt: , ::1: : did 1 , 1!: linrai! lli t!:..t a : row. fro hon.r..allll r.;:k1e1,1,4 ! worl:;-‘1 and Inithfa?l:. the tomperrnc. - _. qnti to give that otbir I?tilt •1 _vrc ; dit ftcr '3 " Thut - this .01‘ , 1;t:f.'! t• r •0:.• yth. !. • dati /11,• •VC•T to liernft , :.r, andthe nisitnr least the outlay in ' i t ass It ri.' -trtral!y r-quire , to ex p lain his Snid ECtitor hrcE how , .:ycr, had the !T.Agaeity t , , r fillege-,l t,, ) , 1 - perau,...o platform may kn o '.lt tlemocratic voto The ,proh::;)! ) . ti:c .T:lst•lano 3- .TATIO i. , Cr 5s a';1:-el Loisting , f.T.e 1-,o;rUs Tl:Tur).:ra Cu 6. , •' Ec! 'no ,i_qii)t,-111:c to ll' is pc.l , lll:z iloi3: ; _;,it - tv t'ne 11lit 1.9014 e - ". up 1 J:1:c:a cit,t t.; tht. It.trtv to C -, ore t , e 1 . 4=03.`nl 4. • ring with the .I); ; :aur.ratio p.:: The ani furxiutts• to see harled iat conimonwettlti, is inf.inly • 1.-4/1 , 1,;-t.,1 and s;lstainetTi 1)y ti.te '.: ft is party: tliree-fourtlis - 1 . ,;11- perati.r.e Bills :Ire D-in oPratie eurttt•-?,uitrth, o: ail tl - a:! . violatirili,:of : , ?..•set:t Li eiffis: - .! law :tn . !. vc:ter, Ili. ; irty , ana of .1, are r•-pre.-lentati:e, I)emperttlie .If t ‘vault Dr•luovr:lt .ut L PH" .;. t t • ' t 7 k,, tL , • toru- nPritne , ., rt•ft.l: , . ticket head? of :Ile : 4 Et•L, : the litlitc• - , Loist ttit-o: Le :1 eonv. - 1-..,tort--.Jr ,tretigther.: , .l th•• le:::ou of l Liy eqn atclat(, 'n r. .4. , .i...1 to - tl.e : - . , ta . ,t, Tqnptraikee northuat. - .r. ,v. - c: : - ..11z;.- it tc, I, • a i.c::eu.r, gtartd I,y a f.:':: 0. 1 .:1....4.:k.,r . -.., - ss !a.) iyossussed nt; :v. , : : 1. , ...: ,.c . - I:;kkan t.l.z:ir lizaikd varral,ir of fc.l;t: - . - : , r.= '...h0 cl , _kn.. .to :Lprc. , 7-. - ,nt no .„-rgn. , ..1.::-.t:ur. cina, nG intf hut th,:intlYi..,; nlid, -fa: t;.l:ke tc:rr.i.craLare. t0.c , r2.,..-11 t t.r vu: count:::\to tolerr.te t -1 2. eult . ...rpri.ic and eT.perin - icul.. ; w c.rld i.e ordy to en-lar..- g , t-r our. fb,r.dest J:ni,6, s?terifkl.. v:vry ~ . per'rpanc.nif\ i -, riliciplt., a:ld 4 . ::. to fg2ver 1.11(.. co \ r,l . -II:it , lloh.l to,; , :th , ,r tit() ,teraperarl , s,N I tIllneno;.: :11: 1 '.l : , 1 , t...et The'T,...111,-.oi-J.Ucr: (1:1r......!11t ,::: collnty hazi nevciN2-s .7:l`. ?ICI • S i r cenlatkm, \local or - j.enerrti ; and it ;s certain t&y' Rill not owu. This we belip-.-e to .he ent• t lie fed i!;gs of B;. , :ulforl ecalnti , ,but prcr4ent throlighoqt the Str,te: . ..t. l ,oue of the Conventienu of Qoocl Tcin .sth •iitv r. 1:Q7 1 abo -e 01:2111111111 [title party lit the 'inter d<•ff:atrtl tim "..Viajor ir.. 11.: 14,2:•U7:-. Lt', • t folloWing fesoultinu passed, with but one, dissenting voice: - .Rrl;o:red; That this Convention docs.hercby express its firm correlation that the late so-pli odTenspecanca rrebibitory Clanvinttonirtui au irressibkl and an onalltborimd body._ tette sont,ricithar the flood Templets. Sons of Tutaperanetr j , Terapldcf Visor fle any other Tninpasulganiscition;isr church .organiza whaboaver. and we thweforti baligeo that all advocacy of this roreallcd.thlrd - partyln our official orgatalr+ wrong, add prejneacial • to.'thc best intercoM of our Order, and is ealculatca only. to sow,diasensiorm in MIS - TaTtitli hne4 , reaily been et-film:tad at Harrisburg. - TEMPLAR. irOPi Aiva-lietlents. CASE'S TINSI3RINCE A ENCY, ROT, P.', Sun, gala Oociteya.r.clii.g. ,VCII y:411 - .19 • I.'L • Orders by Luail pcwavir alto.taxt to. ' Aug.:M."72..1T . • •U. JLA VSTRAY.—CaiLe. iLto the eIICIOSCI tzi•-• ~ f th.;1 , 1 . t. • I 5...;• , 1, Bt.:lvrt Abmit id Or 12 ycir. TN , (" A - N.1 .. 0. !1," ro. I re,l toC Wu'' pro.. I,l'ol4l'ly. f, , ty th,t, , 111 •1;s• TB - % • . ( • /10: I .LANII. LAtoy, pt. n .X7l • VOTI CE.:—Hztvia , *l“ - (.:11 appointed AL.lGtr [lei tt 15'.• c:mnty. Pa.. i.y ar.4 I..bcr. , by a!1 p•ni•ma from mtrcliasing may *pr.q...rty' (.11fmm ir,alah Glltauly. cr r,:trvia.t my rrnz.c•nt•. Imatr `. • W. T:uht. -H 0 1.:7, :': - )1;. ;•} 1• • ••• t..• - I!ar •tltly I•y 1;c•o: , 11:ir;l14 th cn er..11.01•4• , :1y t, r.rforlq t , not•11e all tb•• • - •qufArtol null =-I , ...ri , convent• - zie,i I , .rt•• • etseA 111 tS•t - 2.•,t, .P.zit ou Man. St,r, ,, t, f e-,7iv.uteLt fur I...•re•ln:rvir:t -in•.• h, ••:tlior :••:!.I,•ngtire or kylair.ogs. FGON trn, i Nl',\V F 1131.• • ra ~f A:11. 111:6. D.rrn• 15.7 t! r.! %T.! ri. f ,- 41.410f ; 1;1 o, ct to tr.: rn•i•.!:!• Ir. 1 tirs•t-;!•,..." r, ,•r ••••r.t , ,: lain, 01; tiir tzo!, 1 \ "1: - ..o" r.P on , (_))! 'ror rt •, - II • • , ' : .... ::.'....... \Y• \ ~.1,! ', ••••...., 8:,1 - . - .• ...• .. , .. , . ES a , !:tre.es Iter. L. ri• 11 I•V I T7‘.l - I f • 7 1 Orri riti ' t , I THE l';'..: IN '1 . 1E1 . , ".. M.ll:liF.l %'- I, 5 E M=Eff== =ll5 .• cL;ikl.=.,l UNE lIIIM E:7‘.• "i ' --.1, ESE A'..!t .L. L. 1 L.` EE EWE MERE I=llllllllllllll =EMI ESE 13471 '\ T r S' 1!•• 1 I II l!E I EIME=III I 1 111 IS I I M 111 "1 - .. -- STD/gt4e.Eta MEI EBBE Z! , ! • 1.. j - it..tltu!. Itt • k 4 . - .17:1.-rgi i„ 1, 11*.:11., !r. all I-1.7 - , 1.:J.)140Ni). n , v.lxtotts Iy. hr-,.ff.ar.d very c•-,%-ollee e.,tps o: t1..1-n xperi tea:hiirs Lr.-1;;;.; rf‘x ar,ll.r• se - ill be lt! , In, 1v no ot.i; , •: r.triaat Tho Nit:mica] i s ;sart:nlr.t will to , . 7,11.1 thn J.,ll,lllll't,gon. 7.11:4 !r. iLra:r. In 31ti..1Dr. tr , fit; exttnalv.- lalpx:wvimentd Acting ra.d azar, Laicals. au.l ;A:vd+ 3e•k3 and E-121 kr all It: , rtn:ty and ter:twin:. lust been Fir. il.nt Nintolia" Tinitrttrn^nt ori.iunih- Ate{ to.,t i '.l,,urdei.-A nrri.Tlnt, ,ninploto 41.3 .4t fa. 4 r. tri course rot. Itt;th droirAz tut, L ute . • Tuition to 41G. lloOra tc. 1 tooth ia the lust:lu% =I In9tiable. rtni , nt , obtain rooms • tn.! t lr 1 s.3;trarrultt. t i F " nt !mu? , 6* tb.. tzi.ltto rapidly rogigrit. -Fot Surtner iirirti..u.ry or sttitalorar, apply to Gt Tr. 'lt; 1:. r ; .l'.tant.l, 21.u - rutin, MILLIM VOS. itoard Torte'-e. TUE GEM FRUIT ,TAR. TEE uni rirtai 1. )11.1:5 , 1. 111.2 MB ) ANDA . • r. t , . 4 ".= "" .y =I t. t MEE stir I' :‘ r. e.cro.e. 'Via.gr - 4;•/,;!'); In. (:, . • • , - ..!1 • •• • 1 , ' • ME , ME IMEN=IIIIIM r. . ~~i: T' l:.'i' •1 . j;:: .1.4 ENE r '! ~..i ..~_~ L'.'. ~ = !: Nu:* t - s!. •.7 *--- sr.+. .nu: St :~•.-~ja :. Tr :.:• l ; x:: . DIEM I Ittt aa;:.:•~ 11M91193 10 MEM i.`4.~ $~,~ ~. MEM= 7.7 r. MIME ti 3 11EIBEEOMOMI31 , D@. Vic. ~`~l ': :. v ' New Advortis. puts. CUpDING, RII,Sf3EI4B & - - iNTANDA, A., • • AA.It atte.titzon to 111.-tr fAcilltien f kitAx of BUILDING . MAT MI ifLIME; . S A S, ,0r AS LPUOIN, NA1.14.,1:( PAINTS, Always at tte, 1 - .INDt I , COOS EMI -NI) FU 1;`1X ti.ts uLA.mit:s nousLs roxy. uroN s' iiovr•.l I,tlf 2 \1 7 I T 'TIN UI I.\ M A D"E A N L 13 11 S C SoCD tV TN ALI‘'AXS O'Y.l li:N I VEJ &.- itb by FOR sALI: AT. 77. Ci I;R K 1 1, EINEMIEI FLATEr tC 'llO N, ti f xi) it • I t •i nPt 1 G o To TAyLoR For vi N'(! MEM 00 TO TAYLOR GO TO TAQLOR `,Fur New Spriug .L.u, *, GO TO :TSYLOR MIZBIIKI GO TO TAlasOli, Ft.r MI the Lite.:i kiu and I catli•-Mad GO TO TAYLOR For Huts anti Clip Stylus .G<) TO T.671,(t ts: Fur GoiFa Bruns, Tie., tk ALL WORK CUTTING . PONE' NOTI 11!!IMEIEI TOWAND spL 19'71 .r an EMS! . ° l . I: AS ,', BLINDS, T Z., S ; =II=E "G STOVES, El= I Ton Ndrr,cr. . . 1N - I I ‘ , ..• . : ', .1 • , . • :, . , 41 ' A ' l7 E • - l i-J3L.1(.1K . 11 Elt N.:1111, Cr liE.':•,‘ I)INE, =I 'UT UP SEM - . 11 N r -r 13...11ZA . 56LS AN I) SUN t, ,r:.l-. IT AND ,H.t !FL,: oto,tront. ;ityn,i‘.s I= . .• mi. vEn s . vf.r 1- - - I . . L:74 I: 0 W 'E 1 i MEI t .3 st r 'CIENEsE GE..I.Ss 7_ t ZEN .{ •\ ) \ - 1( T.F.L3T- - . LN‘,"Spr . ..ng Suit. i ••• • - • p EADY 4 . 7-- . . 1 I- - -- _3 ;01tE't, RITE ew Dr( Suit ME REES :Wes iu/Ptatts toms e pring Overcoat GORES tlitvles in ens- in MEMO I= GORE S ni:;hittg tio(xitz, , • 1100 K " SHURT 1 If N. &t' a 3 wry Sargp stock at' .9 • row.ELL vo's. TREET . . I , ME! NOW Advorthopionts Ee ry . DEPARTMENT ''`'(34;6l- SHAWLS,SK IRTS, DB EBB GOODS, , ri,f)l).3, I?RINTS ANI) OrN(141-i% CLOTII3 AND C.ltiillltMr.:; 4 , S C:j . 1; \' S,, CA} 'E.T.S OD OIL Eurrwi WALL PAPEE, HATS AL CAPS, 11(ttrf'S Sli()Et , , ANP i pOWELL h -co A v‘c7,..'larvaLl4-'4 , 11.1 ,, .-rt , : ntvct: A DRESS GOODS, LAS 1•1,, , IN AND FA:. wilrfir: :3.ki.:41)::. , .:, :T.,.::::::::fe:i it cn•S pig. M.DE WHITE AN D LUIT - ' I: 1, .prn,. I THE . G.REATEST PLAIN if- F4NCI" DRESS G.I.IODS, 'FULL LINE OF 13LA.CK SILKS - • !I • I . ANOTH ' ER CAE OF 11 7 .1 SI! I'olll.-IN,, .“ 4110.1e.14i yanl: nt rriNBLE LINENS, NiPKINS A.Nt) 11 0 \V ELIN GS, - • a: Sart ttew trt at ":Irl'ONVrl.Y.„.t. CO'S , . GLOV.ES: • MITTS, Si) leg 1 INV TRITE PI ffLe IL.O ..csn CILECKED oftwogpirs4, AND SWISS 311.7.51,1;q5, 1:111C114g, CALICOES, .AND Nor styles cperetlll3.l4 'A L TANS! FANS! , ! FANS!!-! ttc , r^ta!e. V!1: 11 T . O WANDA. Al A.ll - KET S. ,"WII.OLEBALII PRICES. .6 x . rm a r , 4 eyrty verow.soay, by C. 13.; incri «abject terbium* daily, , Wheat, 'fl bash Rye,.lt bush Buckwheat, Corn, It bush. Oats, 31 tmo:4' Beabs,.bush..... Dotter trolls) ji 5$ do- tdalry,J my* Eggs, 'IA do: . Potatoes, ii - boisb Floor, te luiriel7. t4~'g •;0 veleria, 'ft hash • • W 73371111 or.GßAlN,:—Wiltvlt 60 lb. ; Cara 'Rye 56 lbs.- (late 32 lbs. • Earle,' 46 Iba.4 thi.: 110;Ins 63 •, Irlrega 20 lbs.; Clover . ; TiuvAlly Sri:4l44 110". ;' Dried Po...licher Dried Apples 22 lbs+- Ylax,Sdd riENTR.A:L COAL YARD; 14, AN - Tr/HUM MAL, trr No. 2 Stove, or Nos. 3 StA 4 it, or No. .1 Uroke,n 1.3 Nut ri '3ll4rifonolvt.u2 atid:ll.lllß.l win t',• deliver:ng coal bor9tifh rinies t, , ,n • 69/4...v. ra:ra if2:r to" ". " " • • "., 1417:nrt,!"r • Jam- T.43V, 01;t1PrT at my (' , ,a? Offlo.. X. 'J. cure Nov Block, sat; • tirqh - dcreiu mil cape Ir.! ac.c.ona r , to ,,, the catth. 1 30,'71 riIOI,VA:s.WA COAL _ _ . I'OWELT; k CO'S ANTI:IBA:CITE AND BITUMINOUS Co. The niideriligned; haring:leased the Coll Ys7d Dock at the old •'D.refity Bsstn," and e. Isrgo Coaldeaselind Offtee Upon th, rem,— now preinuttl to fnrnish thooita.zof Ilt.:11./. I vicinity with the di fferentkinds and ed.tesrdth,. . a, - uned coals upon-the most ren.co;al4,s qi:autty ,tleqirot. Fnces at th Yard nat.! f,l-• ; " nt.tre, : Larg ,, Er.;%!!. Ln:iir , „ rlytn , .th I"it - 1.-ton Nnt ' -; iun . ...; •• - FILO, or Blarktirh.il4 .• Sit)li. .41r,thrarhht, ... • 4 The folio - 41aq ailititioral-rhari,-s will f44r delivenng Coal within the borough limit •• Per 4h....r.6 cents. Extra for carry! in: :44 4.4 ;ht. lial! -" '! - ..• . . ,Djr 0rd..7.8 play t theYa r ,l. corLAT of . 1:1.i. .r.-tia raul .E.1.iz..b.:111 , . . ur 'f.t Port.ci k..,1:..ri., 4 Drug Stun.. ' VI.. Orders nitst li. e • ‘calyc accenvaL,..•'. .itt the cavil, :VAIII) & 31ONTANIT, - Tgwarall, Jrfue 4 , , .1871.—;:. . The oldest, largest, and safest piurely Mutual Life Insuranbe con - 1- p - aitly in the United States!- DEO 0 . 1 : Life Insurance Co.. towl.l.i. ~ t cty:: . 4 1 -trot fact fdr Mrs. Wm. H. M1T,412; in thcK-.ttlement.of her in terest; arising. out vfthe Estate 'of L. WA D ; I. Vil 1_ gill Cr; 7- • 0 7 ECO I A ,fl nlia" . , :,t k CO's hi ••:.•• NV:I7C:: IV= L •I• .J; w‘.o tn..v: •, th 2 rt . lxtio4s of life, he is .v..e.thy -ros I the feth I:..unty. - ' T.11.YAL.'...S P, _'-N NM ;To. , 1, - - Ived :ucht rinl fre, to ry. . 1r • 1:7'; 3:9;5 . 1.7 MS Cholie: ~1111;Ain it. . Inn:. 71:-.'.1thc• !‘'..r...11af for tc•r. r.ar! ..very , az•••• eirt-ct,tl a ettre, anil ft•ol payirnz - that it. is . t.he 'hoc!: zrv•dic-Ine for rt:t.rr' • •TYyet • and • Oral:lpH in the • e .•: Za;. ‘,.;• (t. the rult•Fo. _ , • • T. ikElLTilic O ELL c y ME •W. W. 1..00M1F , ,. • Urquhart's Chele.ra 'Cordials Is, par- , 1 by pr. where. centh a bet , . SUPPLIES FOR THE MB V:ry ac•at,, ',.•( ..v. - 1:1:!t: .`: ( O'ti AV I c! Ii .11_1 B L A u.K..s CitOCKiHltY . ,I rowEJ.I. CO's. = C"II ~~1, GI.A.S6AVA.T:E =I STT.YEP. I'4 S, NAINSOOKS, I v,-.,.;,.. , ..vni... .1 . 11i1:•...ry c. , .. , 1 •:• • , 1. , 1, a, go ii .i.;. they hart 3i iiii•:: r••ii•ric.to , :• ' i • t , tho .vol!te. at (ient.r.l.l'a 01.11..0, at . 11arT. , 1. 1, ! . '• tlir..a t al t1.14.d h. , ;,lcitvvrt.•rv„. a ilm::••••••11, iii 0: I • - f I ' t• '' , •" -,, ii '," "nii or Iln , re pi.tct , t‘nt.:S s t. r t!•. •-.., , I ,II Y. "•• ,-,, 1: 11, .‘t..,t by the . .l'olizlty .t;0:umi..,,i..., . ~r 11,triz...,... of 3 fit.r011):11. On r" „ t ni ..11, i) I•s:W' t..n,n by t..^r^V,Ulltn -, r• li"1 , r•l . thv. : ,, :,:i . anY '. " 1 . - ' . 1, r...t.a4_ 101 .a , an eletthr.r, to otecT ot , . r- 0., c: . mo . var.y. Ttiero will bi . .... - .:i .rn...r'A. t....1'.. l —.."• ::! ' ~.... 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M. -WELL`I".4. fstzlf.tr notk , : iftl4!,:s at yail ate btrt.tr: AN-ninny:9r THE MUTUAL OF NEW TOI<K KINGSBURY, .Pl-fzent - • , T,• T "•• • t,_ _ t 7 . 01 . 1-I.\ - o.el, j',-1 EMI= T ‘`.7. " F..1:7,:: ; t MEM MEM •••••• •,. Dr. n1L111,.1 hay. , 11.1 I ItziN , vv, , r r - el. =I pace .•vxl , Pritstll:4l. •t , Dr. rr.rill.art's ClioloraC , rtila! . ,o::::: iii ctiln, au•l i rt.•;zll.v.l it •ap k.,••::and I milly ::•mend it to a: afr , • rtM: wit;: TRA.D =1 1": lEEE •• FE LIT 47Aills KENZIE , •• .1 • 11, I ILIT -IEI7 •YpTICE II r_.7• • 1 :;,.'hat ottplies of 11r , 1: ,, r , 1• • =BIS 13 SI 411 q, 111 2 00 61 2 5.1 EE /rl 11. 3f..WE1.1 SES Ell S. r2sl:=.'N' ME , r..+, l:r..~~ ~ . .
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