Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 14, 1871, Image 1
tiF PUBLICATION: 71 7 E 13EAPTVED REPORTER is PUblishOtt CVCI7'Fiderning 6P 13. W. &moan at Two u..ilart. per jannron, In advance. 't. r.' A dveriisillg In all ales oselrurtro of subisarip. t ions to.the !vapor. • 4, FrEctxL NOTICES Inserted at arrrnsara CIRRI per ILC frsti insertion, and FrVE CENTS per Una for llnvrtious. 1 OCAL VICES, same style as rea di ng matter. CEN tine. I)VERTIF..3II2:r4 willl2,e_lnsortod ling,to ;:, Alowini; table of rates: - • •' t l t ,V I 4 7 5 , I 2131 I Idm I lyr. .1151.50 3.00 'O.OO 1 8.00110.0 Q I 8 15 11 2.00 I .6.001' • ji 2.50 i• 0 0 1 10.00 1 . .13.00 1 20.011 130.00 8.50 I 14.00 1 18.25 I 25.00. citwo rohlun f 1 1100 I IS.OO-1 22.00 1 MOO 45.00 ,-,;.:7.7i - aiitv..2o:6o I 30.00 140.001 55 - 00 i 75.00 . 1 .20.00 1 V 1, 09, I C 0 •90 I 80 . 0 0 sleo 1 elm' . - A.ii-EAL.i4trAt , . , r's nnti. ExeentoenliOtlaqi, $2 ; At.tdi ,,r.s N „t.,,i. $2, 50 ; Businbss Cande m fivo lines, (per ~..... n. ad 114'AM:11 lines tl elleli. • ' y,- 1 7 1 y a b Prtl. , 7s - are enUtled to quarterly chlsnree. ini'l ',or( t 3tortiv , metttstrtnst p 3.41 for in ad ranee. •. A r i t . ,:r... ions of AsF.Ociations 1 Cbmmunications ~,, ~..i 0 ~.•.I . i•ddual interzet ; and notice:. of Mar. • .... ,-.01 'I WiF . • , I , Vellillf' Me knee Ti ettsratil - . •'• .••••-, e-1 et 11TIP. _ . i,, 1; ne :Tiiit hak - ing a ttrtfer circulation than all 1 1 tin' COllnty combined. inatt% It the best .••.1.., • , o „hour onin 7,tiortilern Pennsylvania. n: rill. Trs.l .f every_kind, imPlatn and Panay ... , 1 ., .. w,th r!, stores and alspatchs Handbills, ,k. • ca.. !.4. I..m:thlcts,Dilibeads. Staternenta. Am. ••••,•-•• •ct 1 - ni , d . ,4 3 10 . Printed. at the shortest - n . Li:p.a.:rip. assortment is well supplied with ~... a co• - s 1 assortment of now type. and a the Prir.ting line can la executed in .tie . tevrnee and at the !ascot. rates. 'AIIIABLY CASH. • IllEili L,J-t +lt ,T 1.71,,,..; IN USINESS CARDS. TINGLEY, Lireimpti Aue r . R. , mo . Pa. An calls promptly attend 11ay9,1R70 - ri v., • vcr !iLLA.CE REELER, • . =II SYIN A !TD FRi-SCCi PAINTER 1 9 :70-3 - r =ME tDD,ELL &.SANDEI3SON ME Shtppt , rp of (ho I i AN ANTERACITT, COAL. Tocranda w ! r Pa. k VINCENT, INSURANCE formerly cicenptod by Mercer . Fonth of Ward nous°. may - 10-'7O a:. a. VINCENT. rd) 'DITti3gIC I K, De - rtler in all, r,f SiatnP. Towanda. Pa. All rtly at t,- , 11(1(y - tn. Pea tientar n to Cnt tare <.nct Frerrh poerirr,. - 1 - ,. vs )AVLER, ItEAL, ESTATE :CO R'a>+hineln i Strc , t, LC Struts. Chimen:llllnolFl. 1 an] ari 1. I.iniFtrite:lts made 1,117:1'1. May 10.'70. 7) IMIEM MEI , I -T - T'A.TTEIIN FITTNG n'l frpl..o.rmahl,n Ti. .7.T,renr's New l'•••. - t•r• n: Kirby - T•riwStnro. 11 GARVIN. ,' • i TT \T" T,V0 . 11.1i: OF pT.IJ ETNDS IT4 - 3117q, Ilft ATP:4, V 17.17. IP 11, 1 , -. :- , vr•-.• Ir.t. Fire wvom.u v . nlv ~ t :,'.!atonalll. 11 ~ i !D. Ti S. .11+. Timm TIF`:1 71 :11 7 ,„ I? T.l ( KS.III TZT . Tatontion to - t -t and t,••••• AT-Th andF ICYI I .%C - 1i.F.11. HAS "Nn: in th, A e• . Work of .1, a.•..t. 111111 BEE TSVILI c j; 11 - 00 LEN 1I ILL 7. Li; :1' i 1 T. • I ..n T 7- V inqs r.t H 11 , ;H . 113: 41 1PLEY. • J. SSELL if . i. EMI s~ .! 0 E 1' , FAIL OP, SHOP `1:~.~ ME= 1 f'r r -, ;/ visa r- I , y J. 11. e...ry, Tai 0r:0,1e, 1 , 0 fe3 e 0 3 .t.,,i,•ni he droll.. at ;1 , .! I t . 11. ,O T E 1), , MEM 77,TD1:::* PELTS,` CALF- ME ! ,• .1,; Paid a. : - .l',EpacP . =ME EOM Iv.11:711 NISI) HAVE Towanda, nnder tho F. =I t dr.tiy - I,l's of nu:hal:ye. and vnua in 'lurk. Philadelphia. amt all as also Kurland. Gr.r ,raliCe. rvenit e d r posits, 71 - 11. 7111 1:.17.1c1ug ofio the lato firm of I,trirmto. ar“l kat,:lolff, of f .e;.en of ltradfor:l and adjoining counties ee,u •:n the ban;:ur, 1111FifIPS4 for about fhb: heus.. - a die•irable on. through G. F. f.V54,,,7N, 1' T I MI 1. ow. p 2.; EnE;im ,~. pmp,r.r9 '•• .1 I .• -ti.“;i.: Fi.:75:4 (iP, TO EN(;" VN Jill' 1 • , v- I ray • , ,- -711 7‘ITI.LS 11•11=113 0 TT P, L\J \~ 1) LLi) =IEIEEHMMEI , ;Po , \ ',f Fl.Ol - I z , r - (:- MILL 1!I .1' - ::": ,i ) 0; 11.11.1. E N 7.,"; DJNE UN LIE SAME DAY iii S VED. i . 1; : - ',..11.1: 3 . 11 11;, , r: , , t: Cora Mal. '.,' , a1 . ,•, - ay, , ,' on Ir. - . 11.1 INA for sale at II livinge on tho , Trritl4 toaLz my mill. z.• paid , .•ays, vda , n they t I.Lid r.r.rar(ls. i N I, VA N srATE :NORMAL SCHOOL, m Vifdi C,141211.1.!:1"01. Wf±Z.71(114.13y, A rlgUit /..1" 311 , 1 Y to M CHAS. 11. VERRILL. A.L.5 Pranciiml. i.:Ciy 2x':l Di Hp.tuA. Lard: Dried-Beef, T:ont, at r-Ltil. FOX k MERCUIt, ',' . 1.-. TRY OUR TEAS A:s.Z.l) COFFEE, Mtn.. . Sb AI.V®RD, VOLUME XXXII. I • W00)74 Arr . ommie Am) COUIRSICLLOII AT LAW, TOWalaall, Pa. xENRY PEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Towanda, Pa. Juno 27. 'O4. I. FOYLE; 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, Towanda, Pa.. Office with Elhanin -4 linaltlt, south aidealercnr's Block . April 1 , 70 RAITH & MONTANYE, . A "- k... , heir Al' LAW. Offioe—eon er of data • alla Pinetreets, Opposite Porter's Drag 'Stare. ANT B. ITPLLY,.DENTIST. OF • are over Wickham & Towanda, Pa. May 2d, •70. DRTIE. H. WESTON, DENTIST.- . Office In Patton'a Block. over Gore's Drag and Chemical Store. Jan 1. 'CI. P. WILLISTON. • ATTOILNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA. South side of Iferciir's New Block, np skiing April 21. '7O-11. yr B. McKE AN, ATTORNEY • AND CODNSELLOII AT Lew, Towanda, Pa. Par. Urn' ar attention paid -to banners In the _Orphans' Cour. July 20,16. NvCARNOCHAN, ATTOR • .'ET AT LAW (District Attorney for Brad ford Coniaty), Troy. Pa. Coltecticsta made aad prompt ly remitted. feb 15. '69—t4 T C. DEwn7,. Attorney . 8-4- Towanda, Pa., having formed a eo-part. nersißp, tender their professional services - the imblic. Special attention given to EVERY DEPART -WENT of the business, at the county seat or ;else where: JACOB De:WITT, D. CLINTON DERTIT. TC , WANTA, Pa.. Dee. 12. 1870. • TOHN• N. CAIXFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ToCianda, Pa. ParticnLar attention Rte un—to Orphana' 0 , 1111 business, Conveyancing and Conte bons. ()Mee in Wood's new block, south of the First Nationr.l Bank, up stairs. . Fob. 1,1871. H. WARNER, Physician and • S ' rErlzFoti. Letaysville, Bradford Co.. Pa: All calls promptly attended to. Offl:c first 'door south (.1 Itaygvilli• HotiFe. • • Sept. 15, 1870.-3 - r' • fiVERTON ,S; ELSBREE, Arron \ N-Evkt AT Towanda, Ps..%Wing entered , J•dri oc , partnersLip, offer their proerstemal services t , . the.publi.4o/Spocial attention given to business in the Oirr.haii/ and itc:Nster's Courts: up] 14'70 I:. oN'ritTON. Tr.. - N. C. LLF , I3III:E. ATERCUPb & DANTES, ATT'OR 1. FETs Ton:ands. Pa. The undersigned angoviated therflSAVPßtogetli(l. In the practice of TAW.o ffer their profesSional seniexst to the pnblic. MEECUR. W. T. DAVIES. Alarch 9, 1879. TIT A. & B. M: PECK'S LAW v v • OFFICE. • M.uo Ftret t, ei:po site the Court Iloneo, Towanda, Pa. ME MEM • A A. KEENEY, COUNTY SU PERINTMNDENT,, Towanda. Pa. Office with B. M. Peel:. second, door y -iefew; the Ward House. W 11 be at the office the last Saturday of each month and at all collier times when not Called away on bnal nes., ennr.ertrd with the Spperitvcteney. All lette:rs sbottLl hereafter be arbirettseti its 0•oce. dec.1.70 BEN. 'MOODY, ;M.D., Or , •rs hia profeinnal cervicnc to tbn people Of W. allisanz and vicinity. Office and residence at A. J. Church stri.i.t. Ang.lo,'7o TIM J. :W. AND Src , :wyg. :I=l -f 11 , port. , r Imihtnr Rest dt earnrr ant 2n , 1 btiTf t. I=3 Tmvandi. :June 22. 1671. TOTTN W. MIX, ATTORNEY AT 0 J I,Aw, Towanda, tradford Co., Pa. ENE.II,II, SUItANCE AGENT. i enlar„attent i pftid to collection s and Prkb ens' (I t •Gine",-51crcur's New 131 , x1. north Square. apr. 1,'6. • TIOCTOTI 0. LEWIS, A GRADII IL, at, of the College of •Thysi dans and Surgeon," " w York city, Clx , s 1513-4. giver; excinsivo attention to the ',mot its. of his profession. Office and residence *on tho oaf,tern slopt. of Ord 1t mu, adjoining. Henry jr.n 14.'G11. 1). D. SMITH, Dentist, has imrchaßed CL ltd 'Wood's _property. between Nlerefir's Block and the HOW,C, where he bed his office. Teeth extracted without pain by 'n-er)f Towanda, Oct. 20, 1870.-3 T. TWANDX,VN_ DINING ROOMS --- IN (ONNECTION WITH THE BAKEItY, Near the Court House. We are prepared to feed the hungry at all times of the ',lay and evening. Oysters and Ice Cream 'in , their etia.tirliz. March 30. 1871). D. WrSCOTT & CO. VLWELL HOUSE, TOWANDA, A. tq. M.4",TON „Toms C. WILSON Having leveed this in now ready to nocoutmo• dm,. the travelling public.. No pains tor expense will 1., • maned to give Aatisfaction to thoce who may gtVe trn-Nertli Fide of the public imputn., men of Men , eiir's new bhx•k.• p t iiHMERFIELD CREEK HO ii~T~l:(i'.' e T .; :.. i ;' fi:.ire rnrchat.el and thoroughly refitted this old we',ilui.r.vrr slaw'. formerly kept by Sheriff Grif fis. et Vie iiimith of Rommerteld lw ready to 11 - nme,,lntlf.n and *ativfartnry treatment a:t 1,0 mac 13‘ Or him Wllll a call. • I tr iE.SNS HOUSE, TOWANDA, =I 11,. 'llarnr , sA.F.:e.of all Fraesto of this In,need against . loss by Fl 7. without any ex- lEEE A rior quality 01 Old Itaim Alp, jlErt p•eciv,d.' I. R. }JORDAN. • T Prupriethr. T) .tDFORD HOTEL; TOWANDA, PA Ine siii,,riber having leaded and lately fitted up fl.' al, , ,ve lately kept by him as a ea]non at' I..,rding house. en the south side".'. of 11111D11M STItEET, next to the rail-road, is now—prepared to °nil - mil:in the public Oith gondaroomadationr on reti ,•scalde char:lY - s. No _trouble or expense will be eparell to zieunibuiazite those.: calling on him. Ms bar •sill be ftirtif,heil r:ith ebolea brands of Cigars, .Drizior4. Alas, kr. IMMIE NEW PLANING MILL,! • . MATCIIING, RE-SAWING, lIGULDINGS, ba, - At the . - Atl kand of 11. 11. 1 Ingham's Woolen Factory a^..l in HEAVY SIX LOLL PLAS.NG AND MATCIIING c.l 7,tecl.:.:.r.ic and builder, t twly t 3 lIMI=IIME From the recent enlargement of water power, w..rk can be dem at all seasons of the yeaoand soon a. sent in. 10 odimetion with the saw-mill we are sine to It-LT.lth bills ut sawed lumber to order. • STEAVART BOSWORTH. ENNIMIII ft.: . ti:%t pen Ja sh,rt F. S. AY}4.9 OE PROFESSIONAL CARDS. El AND. SURGEON Motels. PETER LANDMESSER, I= t,,.s4lStAbling atta,lied. WM. HENRY, Towanda, Jun., 1,1S71.•to1 1113y72 Proprietor CAMPTOVN, likelTINF COOD•JOB EVEBN TIME May '2 rON EY SAVED, BY Iritenairici YOUR STOVES AND HARDWIIRE Orwell,Pa., July 21;71 LOSSFS TITIERA - VTAY ADJI:rST -14 ed and proli i ptli paid. Intitire in the . GEPAIANLiStcIiANCE COUPANY. OF P32IE, PA. • Nilthortted Otipital 5500.000 Caeli Capital... 5200,000 !it. SCIILAUDEdKF.P., Pres. P. A. BECKER. Treas. G. F. tiIq,FILLId:R, VieePres. D. 01121EPA5E. Beck.. S. A. , Agent, ainer7l - _ - . -Towanda. Pa. . - • . , CHARLES F. DAYTON, §voc.t•sgui tO Humphrey Bros.. JIARNEgS,ITAKER, • - Ov:r aloosi) . '4l Store. Eeellf-Ort hand a full assortoicat Hof DOTTBLE and SINCiLr.IIB.BSESB, and all other goods in his line • Repairing and manufacturing done to order. Towanda, August 23, 1871. CkKES AND CRACKERS.--GRE cian Bend, Scotch Honey; Orange, Raison. Mem. on in.). Ginger Cakes, Washington Jumbles lad cad,* Biscuit, and all kinds of Crackers at Nisrch 4, 'VI W. A. BOCHUM:EMT. .L . a. A VIIL.L ASSORTM E NT OF DRIED and cars= /mum. at 21arch 10. 1:49. LONG & & EEL1:11 S. - ik , \ \ I EZ2 -AY. Jan. 23, 1871. Arrawkw. riATIONII. . ' xarruwaam. P. M. A. M. P. U. P. X. 9:80 II :00 TOWANDA 12:20 1:10 230 8:10 11M1CLAY ntIiCTION 12;10 700 8:00 8:30 . MONSON 11:80 6:40 3:35 9:05 WILOOXII 11:15 0:01 3:13 3:65 —.NEW ALBANY.... 11:03 5: 66 3:55 9:25 MILLERS 10:58 5:43 4:10 940' DIISBORE.,. tom 6190 P. X. A. X. 6' A. U. P. Y. R. 'IP. GOOD Gen/ Pameager Agi6t. Tifi NEw ROy re TO PHELADEL- NORTH PE! BYLVANLA RAILROAD. ilhortest and mat direct line to Philadelphia, Del. timer., Washington. and the Smith. Passengers try this route take Pennsylvania k New - York Ra il road train. pursing Towanda it 7:16 A.M.. make close eanneetbn at Bethlehem with PM• train of Berth Pearn'a BaUroad, and antes In at MI P. If.. In time to take night trains either ter the South or West. City ears 'are at the Depot on arrival of a 1 convey gers to the various Depots d ail. pi rta of thugy. arrunzate. Leave North Penn% Itanread Depot, earner Becks anti American strew. Philadelpliia, at 745 A. It. arriving at Towanda :59 P. ')/.. alone 'evening. lidann's liaggage Ettpre.a colleeta_ and delivers hag gle% teal No. 1O Soot l fifth street, Philadelphia. Freight received at Front and Noble streets, Phil' delphia, and forwarded br Dail] Fast Freight train to Towanda, and all paints In Eltuminehanna valley with quirk-dispatch. ELLIS CLARKE. Gen- Agt. N. P. R. It ., Front and Willow Sta. Nov. 21, 1870. Philadelphia. pA. & N.Y. CANAL & R.E. CO.-- ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAM. To take effect Monday, May 15.1871. Sorllll***D. 1 11101THIFAID. 1 PTO24CIPAS. No.i No. i No. No. No. No. 35. 9. 7. STAT.IONI3. 34. A. 30. . Plt 6lt /31 1 Pld PII Plt • . . 243'11 58 ,-- 7 . 4,i......E1tritra ..... tl2 40 53341 i 5 3 3012,40 8 30 1 Waverly 111 45 500 000 34( 12,48 840 .Athens ;11.35 4 5118 50 4'20; 1201 925 Towanda 110 48 420 819 5 161 2 09;10 15, .....Wyalusing f 950 835 720 5 35'. 2 2;110 35 Lacerrille. ... 931 317 700 6021 2 3711100 1. ... Meshoppen.... 908 300 688 6 091 !II 071 Mehoopany.... 900 630 6 401 3 21111 251...Tunkhannock... 835 230 600 7 50. 4 25112 55, .....Pittston. 733 135445 8 151 4 451 1 151 . ....Wi1kes Barre... 710 115 420 .... 7 151 4 101, —Manch Chunk... ..... 10 45 .... 1 , n; 812 535; ' Allentown._ —a st 9 45P 34 . ' 825 5 50, Bethlehem .... 930 8 50' 6 25' ... —Easton 1 9 001 1 , 10 20 815'... - .Philadelphia.— . 735 1 ! ' .- 111 45 1 930 i. . New York 600 Pmirm , ..- • la No. 30 leaves Towanda at 710; Athena, 7 54 ; Wa ver/Y. 8 05; arrive at Elmira at 9 10 A. at. No. 31 leaves Elmira at 5 30; Waverly. 6 30; Ath ens, 640; arrive at Towanda at 725 P. 1.1. Down Trains dine at White' Haven. Up Trains dine at Pittston. Passengers to and from New York and Plal plata without change of cars. Down train connects at Allentown with Through fast Express for Harrisburg, Pittsburg and the West. R.; A. PACKER. Superintendent. • Driscella:won& MERCURS BANK, TOWANDA, PA. (Successor toll S. Unseal & Co., Bankers.) Receives Depoeita, Loans Money, Makes Collec tions. and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, same as an Incorporated tank.. To persons desiring to send money to sat PAWL' of the United States, Canada or Europe, this Bank offers the best facilities and the lowest terms. PASSAGE TICKETS To and from Nov* Sec:4la. England. Ireland. Scot. land, Or any part of Europe and the Orient, by the CELEBRATED INMAN LINE , Of Steamers always on band. Btfys and sells Gold, Silver. United States Bonds at market rates. Agent for the sale of Northern Pacific . 7 3-10 Bonds. ' 31. C. 31EIRCErB, President 'WM. S. VINCENT. Cashier.'7l RHEUMATISM-NEIIRALGLI ! to any person producingany Medicine &Owing half as many living, permanent cures as Dr. .Frrgra's 'TIGETAELZ RITIVITATIC RENZDT. , Used inwardly only. b pleaaant Medicine, tree from injurious drugs. Warranted, tinder oath. to have permanent ly cured 9d in every 100 patients treated in the past ten Yews. Mee testimony). It la the scientific pre kription of Prof. Jos. P. Filler, M. 11., a graduate of the University of Penney - teeats:U. D., 1033,—n0w one of Philadelphia's oldest regular physicians, and Professor of Chemistry, and Toxicology.—wno has made icnrlgla. Chrome and Inflamatory Rheuma tism the specialty of his entire professional life—a fact vouched for by the signatures accompanying each bottle. and other testimonies of many promi nent renowned physicians and clergymen. To pro tect sufferers from poisonous quac.k nostrums and useless expenditure of money. ariegat signed gnu antee, stating exact number of boWk warranted to cure, will bo forwarded gratiado any sufferer send ing by litter a 15111 description of aMetion. In case of failure to cure, =aunt paid positively refunded. 7/calcine sent anywhere by expresa. collect on de. Afflicted invited to write for advice: all . in formation and medical advice sent by letter-v . l.sta. Address Dr. J. P. FITLER, 29 South Fourth street. Philadelphia. Pa. The P.cluedy la' sold or obtained by Drtigct.qt.o. • pATCHEN. This well-bred stock horse will serve mares the prevent season, from April 1, to Aug. 1, at the Liv ery Stable of Exxosnony tr. Bowman. Towiinda,.Pa.. from Monday noon to Saturday morning • and at Bbesliequin, Pa., at the farm of L. 8. Ellusanwr, during Saturday and Monday forenoon. Tratuv.—i l 2o by the season. Monet dtie at time of service. $3O toi ns u re one mare, and $5O for two mares owned by one - Person. • Money due as soon an the mare Is known to be wit foal. Any person having a mare insured, and parting with her before the time of Naling. held accountable for the insurance.. Pasture furnished for mares from a dis tance at $5 per month. All accidents and escapes at the owner's risk, PuntUngz--Patchcn Wan sired by the . celebrated trotting riallion, Cleo. M. Patchen, he by Cassius M. Clay, he by Henry Clay.. he by Andrew Jackson. hs by Young The dam of Patcben was Durock. grand darn Messenger. • - May 1L TAYLOit'S CELEBRATED . OIL! The Great Rheumatic Rrokedy should be kept and used by every Farmer that keeps either Cattle or Horses. every Teamster and Livery Stable Reey,r, every Physician and Hone Farier for it will many times cure pain and lameness when all other medi cines have fitted. Miners and Railroad Men should certainly keep it. for it is =surpassed for brawn and sprains. Blacksmiths should keep it for their own use and for their customers tender footed horses. as nothing 'equals it for tender feet. Every body suffering from pain and lameness of any kind, burns,. cuts, wound, or any eruption of the skin, Conn, Chilblains or any disease requiring an outward applicaUon shenid certainly keep this cele brated mod Mine. Every bottle . ' warranted to give satisfaction. For sale by Dr. H. C. Porter Son k Co. Porter k Kirbyand P. W. Brown Druggists, Towanda, Pa. And by every !Druggist and dealer in Brad. ford and adjoining counties. Johnston Holloway and Cowden, wholesale Patent Sfedicine,Depot, No. 602 Arch street Phlladeplhia,Pa., Wholesale Agents: •H. BROWNIG TAYLOR, ju1y19'704.1 - Proprietor. Leßsymille, Ps., NOTICE TO CARPENTERS The undersigned toiiit mad; arrangements to in sure Carpenter's CB TS or TOOLS. traveling them trIIIMILTLII SHIT WAY BT. An desiring snob insurance are respectfully invited to give rut a call. CAMP & vmmact dec29'7o - tien. Inerrant* Agta.. Towanda. Pa. W. L. PK,ZDLETON C 0 K E I . .. The DEBT. most DLISABLE,, and most ECO. NOMICAL FUEL for 4:174/12121 IVOIIIMI durincenzo mer. For sale by the TOWANDA OAS COMPANY. Twelve cents per bushel at..the Gee Heusi, or IS. teen cents delivered. msySo.lB7o. • , CRYSTAL DE FRANCE. This new and beautiful Perfume la ten times than any other perfume ever brought be. fora public It IS made from French Crystals, _ Also Powell's celebrated Cocoanut CO. an elegant preparation for the hair. For sale by C. B. =A RIME, dealer in general grceeries and provisions. Ulster, Fa.; _GORE k GREGORY, sheshoquir4 FRA ZER & Atlanta; WERE BRO . & Franklin dale._ aug2ll-r4 LABE . atOUT; some very fine . ones. at a Tory law ptiCe by June 15. ISM PDX k ants= WOOL 1-50,000 lbs. wanted by W. A. llocrweis,, for which the highest price will be paid. • junB,7l-tf gIIGA_R OF ALL EMS RETAIL inF at wholesale Wail at m k igkccrks. rktillEß.§, - bring your zgre and sell to rox Jan. 12, 1871. 11401441A5.. ABLE OF THE f EIUZ_ I.43:MOAD.—Uting- EXE! =3 $5OO . WILL BE PAID TOWANDA, BRADFOItD COUNTY, Pa., SEPTEMBER 14, 1871. e r43tmd testr2 ..NIIR WA - NN'T INVITED."' A c!wnteoitsort of woman she was. With i common sort of way— Sbo washed her dishes, end swept her stain. Atid sewed the rest of tho day. She had children, the foolish, fretful thing, The nicest over were born, _ That tilled the house with a hum of joy, Like the song of birds in the morn. Tho coci i and clatter of childish tengues, The patter of tiny fed, 1 / 2 The wrestling and coaxing of baby irms -0 mother, isn't it sweet? And does n't it fill the intervals 01 life with a loving din, Leading us on, with its hurrying hope From the borders of idle sin? She had it all, this mother had, lind she might have been content With home, and health, and butter and bread Andloye wherever she went. She needn't have thought of tho dingy house Fronting the-shining west, • For the angel that guarded the souls within, Had wings as good as the best . • Wth every feather of snowy white, And pbbial with the lovingest care, Forever Darning, forever Intent On the breath of hei mother prayer But she crowded him out, ono naughty day, Out of the farthest door, As if she never eriie °tad to need His hoverings any more. And throngh•tho door the angel went oat, Came in, with s worldly sir, A woman with gray, green knowing eyes, And a coil of Japanese hair. Ah, she was wonderfnl in tior way, „And wonderful in bur walk, Wonderful were the clothes she wore, And wonderful was her talk : She'd seeg,in all the length of berllfo 4 pound of gcnnine lace, (black, She could loop oror skirts, of the blackest White ones with infinite grace. And the crowning gem of her speech this day, Was the newa of a jubilee-- Of s jolly riao, &I' a jolly eat, And the jolliest toasts, could be And she was invited all over, she was, Her jute and her freckled nose, Her bustle, her black silk petticoat, And the very corns on her toes. Poor mother of little children three, Poor wife of a loving man, Poor heart that has pushed an angel sit, - As far as ever it can : Yon are not invited—)nti cannot go And of the dinner free Open the door and let out the musk, And get your linthanil's tea : - But when ho came, there wasn't a amile, And the baby got the kiss, [found And who was to blame that the good man - An atmosphere like this ? And what °cult), she do, but frown and say— The poor, neglected soul— She never would burn to the end of her life, A peek of Sullivan coal! ttisallan , [For tho BErorma] A TRIP ACROSS THE WATER. No. XXVIL "ra show thee every fertile inch o' the Illand."—Sh Warfare. —"The best laid schemes of mice and Men Gang aft aglee."—Barn.s. , EREATA.—The liver mentioned in No. XXVI sal xceren should be Leren. Instead of "Mr. Robert, Mayor of Sheffield," read Mr. Robert Mayor, of Sheffield.] The agreeable project of 'a pedes trian excursion of some'tlays through the Isle of Man, was nipped, as it were, in the bud ; or, in other words, at the end of the first six miles, while breakfasting at Crosby, a rain storm came on : but with it came also the stage coach on its way to Peelfor tunately, for myself, as trusting in a continuance of the fine Feather with which I had so far been favored since first landing in Ireland, I left Doug las, armed with cane instead of um brella. This, be it understood, is rather at variance with the prevailing custom in Great Britain, where gen- . erally little dependence is placed up on favorable indications of the sky, even fora day. The country, generally pleasant and productive in appearance "along the route, became more hilly as we appivached the western coast of the Island. Two and a half miles from Peel, on the north side of the high way, stands one of the most revered and important monuments of the past which the Island affords. This is the circular, terraced . mound, known as the TYYWALD HILL : being about 12 feet in height and 80 yards in circumference, and said to be coto -pgsed of earth brought hither from th 3 various sheadings or districts of the Island. A thousand years • ago, this was used by the Norwegians, then masters of the country, for the holding of courts and the adminis tration of justice : and to thig day, the laws of the-Three Estates must be promulgated here, before they are considered of binding force. The Tynwald Court of Man, which can be convoked only at the will of the Lieutenant Governor, possesses both the judicial and legislative power. It was probably with a view to the protection of public liberty; that the Scandinavian optirts,s' (or Things, as they were called, at which all the' freemen of the nation had a right to attend), were thus held in the open air. In England, Scotland and Ire land, as well as in the Orkney and Shetland Islands, similar mounds or Thing Hills still remain, and also for merly existed throughout Iceland and Norway. The Trnmart Mu, in the Isle of Man, is, however, the only one now 'retaining its -original Ilse. It is covered with a beautiful green sward, and,,as a modern writer -re- marks in describing it : "The place is situated in the calm, green bosom of a lovely vale, walled in on all r sides at irregular distances by lofty hills and the view from themount, around the circumference of -`4ts boundary, has an air of security "'beauty and.s6- elusion, thit is extre mely pleasing." . A short distance east is the Church of St. John's—a fine edifice- built of granite, on the site, according to tra ditikm, of an ancient temple dedicat ed to Thor.. On the 6th of July (or Tynsidd day) of each year, the Lisa tenantr Governor and all -the • high dignitaries of the Isle, after attend ' ingpublie services at - this Church, iItOABDIZr Q 7 pinnnterveriow intou ANY ;mean& walk in procession to the Tynwald Hill, on the summit of which, provid ed with a canopy and chair, the Lieutenant Governor is then seated, (" with visage to the esst, and sword before him, holden with the point upward,") - while the chief ofticials, the Keys and the Clergy occupy the three terraces below. The laws,l(or theirtitles), enacted during the iprevious year are• then read to the j surrounding multitude. Such are the preliminaries of the Tynwald Curt. Its dignity and de corum were 'enforced with such strict ness, that according to ancient usage, "noe Man shall make 'any Disturb, ance or Stin in the Time of Tinwald, or any MUrinur or Rising in. the King's Presence,' upon Pa . * Hanging and Drawing." The first laws enacted under the new Charter of the Island, giving - to the people the right to elect members of the " Hotise of. Keys," were thus promulgated from the Tynwald Hill ten days before my visit thither. ' Iu full •view from this spot is the Hill of Slim., over 1,000 feet in height. Tradition says, that in the dark days of superstitions, cruelty, those suspected of Witchcraft were taken to its summit, and after having been placed] in a barrel with sharp iron spikes inserted around the inte rior, were rolled down the northern declivity of the mountain. —The town of Peel, seen • for the most part throligh the medium of a rain storm, did notpresent to me anything very attractive in•its goner-• al appe,arance, altho' said to be im proving. The herring fishery consti tutes the most important item in the trade and occupation of its inhabi tants. From time "whereof the mem9ry of mart rupneth not to the contrarly," a certain day known as St. Sti•ithius% has been considered in England, an important index to the weather for some time succeeding : or, according to the old Rhyme, " 't. gwitliins' (lay, an thou tot lair, Poi- Forty days 'twill rain nae niair . St. Switlnq day, an thou dos: Fpr forty days it will remain." , Aruerican,Almanacs had failed to inform me s to when St. Swithius' might be lobked for; it chanced, how ever, at Peel, on referring to the heavy rain, the remark was made that occurring as it did, it was likely to continue for some time. On en quirinc, why, I was told that this—. the 15th day of July, was known as St. Swithius day. Although subke (pent- observation did not fully con firm the idea of for forty days thereafter, yet it might be said,-, that it rained enough in the; our days fol lowing to ans•ver ordinarily for . frry. On a rocky islet but a little way from the town, and known as St. Patrick's, stands the old Ctstle of Peol—" grand, gloomy and peculiar.", Its walls,embrace an area of about 5 acres ; their material, as well as that of he Church of St. Germanus, built upon the same rock in 1245, is principally of red sandstone, consid erably WOrlt, by the-wars of the ele ments. The furious winds, which prevail on this " lone, barren isle," sometimes dash the -ocean spray to, the very summit of the towers. 31ucht of historic interest as well as of wild; superstition, attaches itself to Peel Castle : and some of the most ing scenes of Scott's Pererd of the Peak, are hero laid. . We descended down a narrow and utterly dark passage to, the :dungeon occupied by Eleanor, •Duchess of Gloucester, for fourteen years, during the 15th century. The charge against her was, that by the arts of 'Magic, she had plotted against the life of the king. This was done, (as alleged at cording to the incredible superstition of thoSe dais), by her exposing, with malice and prepense aforethought, a *amen image of the royal person to a moderate heat ; that so,- according to the rules of magic, the king's health and strength might graduallk, decline as the image melted ! Her fate is re ferred to by' Shakspeare in his "Hen ry V 1.," also in 3liddleton's legend of Humphrey; Dnke of Gloster, about 1600. Superstitious tales of Giant, ghost and Fairy are sufficiently abundant throughout Ithe Isle of Ilan. It would be unprofitable to devote much time' or space to them : the-legend of the 3foddey Th u, however as ; ' connected with Peel Gdstle, has been often al- lnded to, and I will .give it in few words :- An apparition known by the name of the MOddey Mad (or Black Dog); formerly haunted Peel Castle. More frequently than else Where was it Seen in the Guard Rooni, Occupied by the soldiers of the garrison ; who at length becanie accustomed to its . sp. pearanco there, as it lay down before the fire at the lighting of candles for the evening, and disappearing With the dawn. They however •believed it an evil sjirit, which only , waited permission to do them h:lrm, and they ge4rally forebore any profane discoursb Whi o it was present, and no one cared to be leftealono with it. The passage from the church, thro' which the Moddey Dial ,was general ly ,observed to come, being the same through which it was the duty of each soldier in his turn to carry the keys of thel Castle to its coiumander, after the cibsing of the gates at night, it was agreed that each, in the per formance) Of this duty should be ac companiedjby his successor for the following night. It chanced, howeler, on ono occa sion, thatltho soldier who was to bear the keys, being':excited by liquor, persisted in going alone, notwith standing the earnest ilissuasions of his companions ; swearing that he desired nothing more than that the Moddey Dhu should fiElow him, and that he wOuld ascertain whether it were dog 1 or devil. After indulg ing in further profane 'expressions, he snatched lip the Castle keys, and' departed on his errand. Soon after, a strange noise was heart in the passage, but none had the cont.- age to follow their conipanion to as certain its cause. The adventurer finally returned : lend and noisy as IM-had been,, he was now sober and silent enottg,h. He made no reply to the earnest inquiries' that were- ail dressed to trim, and seemed- to .be suffering tinder, strange, contortions of featurei and limbs. Nothing in telligible Could be got from him, and on the - third day thereafter ".he dial and gave no sign." The Moddey Dhu, it is said, was never afterwards seen in Peel CasU nor would any ono again - venture through that passage : it was accord ingly closed up and another made. This is said•to haio occurred about the yeariltiso. And as if the high born captiie`had not suffered enough from superstitions injustice during her life, (whieh terminate 4 in prison here), the vulgar assertion still pre veils that the li&ldey Dhn was nei ther more nor less than the t oubled spirit of the unfortunate Du in of Gloucester. I had, wjth a - coinpanion, reached the' Casti€ by a long detour, and across a bridge connecting with the main Returnince, we embark-' ed in a little boat, with r •as rough a passage for-one so brief, as I ever encountered, to the opposite pier. Social, comfortable, and, picturr esque, the old 'Stage Coach yet holds its own thronghont the Isle of Man, ai in the. days of Samuel Weller ; railro4s being there unknown, un less the'one contemplated from Doug las to Peel has recently been. guilt. For the sake of old association . S, as well as, for the benefit of the traveler who May not haPpen always to-be in a desperate American hurry, it is to be hoped that the , institution May still for a long time flourish in its pristine glory, at least in some por tions of the British Lsles. I took passage in one of the two which re turned in the evening t? Douglas— each with accommodations for about 30 passengers, 12 of whom' could oc cupy,scats arranged npon the top. • One of the " Wellers "- is said to have seater' that forN.the most part, the " pike keepers," or toll gatherers on the highways,. were individuals. who hail met witli disapp6intinents in life, - and chose that occupation as a means ot - at - eng,iD thenal;elves up on mankind at large. Iu man ner, coach driving ‘vouid t.eelu a net- Ural resdrt for insolvent sportsmen: To this class, I wai told, belonged the driver of the cuaelt immediately following ours as we returned. Tall, manly and erect,. well dressed, and still in the prime of life, 'he certainly had the manner and port of a gen-. tleman., A merry greeting, if not a practical joke,,was ready for .any- ac quaintance along a road where all seethed to know him: -Years before, as I was informed, he had been the 'owner of a hand some esta — te, but became involved by fast living, lost all his , property,' ana took to the road as a mear}s of sup poyt. Gaining ptudence b* from disaster, he had saved enough from. his stipend .to have become recently, the proprietor of the estallishmcait he still drove : and in. rememlsl. - : - of the past, caused the title of "The. SpOrtsinan " to be placed on the out side: His carriage with its four pi-ancing bays,_ was all in good styld aild perfect order, and he Wielded the reins apparently. with as much pride and enjoyment, as if controlling the destinies of an 'estate, .or an eni pire. C. C. P. LETT:MS OF R ECOMM ENDA gentleman advertised for a boy to helii Lint in his office, and nearly fif ty. applicants prcrented.thc..ruselves to him. Out of the'wholo number he, in a s.,hort time selected one and dis missed the rest. I shquld like to know," said a friend, ".an what ground you select ed that boy,' who had not a single recommendation." 1.1 You are mistaken," said the gen tleman,." he had a great many. He wiped his feet when he came in; and closed the door after him, showing that he. was careful. He gave' up his seat instantly to that lame, old. man, showing that he was kind and thoughtful. He took off his cap when he came in, and answered my ques tions promptly and . respectfully, showing that he was polite ;and gen tlemanly. Ho picked 'up the book which I had purposely laid upon -the floor, and replaeed it upon the table, while all the rest stepped over it or shoved it aside ; and he waited_ qui etly for his turn, instead of pushing and crowding, showing that ho. was honest nand ,orderly. When I talked with him I noticed that his clothes were carefully brushed, his hair in nice order, and his teeth as white as .inilk ; and, when wrote his , name, I noticed that his finger . nails were clean, instead of being tipped - with jet like that handsome little fellow in the blue jacket_ Don't you call those letters of rerornmc!ndation? I (To, and I would give .more for what I can tell .about a boy by using my eyes ten minntea than all the fine letters he can bring me."—Littk C?r poraL - CHANGING STEP.—Who has not seen an awkward couple walking arm in arm Whose failure to "keep step" results in mutual misery! Occasion ally, by accident, they fall into keep ing step for a while, and for a time they move harmoniously and hlppily with.graceftil identity of motion. But,_ for the most part„, their progress con; sists of a ludicrous jogglety jerk, fearfully trying to comfort and tem per. This is but a typo and illustra tration of the discomfort which some men endure throtigh life, for the sim ple want of not knowing when to "chan,ge stop." For example. A man'marries. His wife is iu almost everything a fit help 'mate, but` she has, and who has not, her little -in ffrmities. As long as they jog alonr , life's road in double harness of mat-' rimony, "keeping step," they are happy and comfortable; suddenly some little eccentricity, a foible in one or the other interferes with the pleasant concert; there is annoyance try] confusion. They have "lost step." Ndii, my friend, is the time to "change step." Don't stnbbornlv trudge along at your own . 'pace, but skilfully, for the moment, humor your yoke' fellow; "change step." Yon will soon fink by a transition so easy as , to be unnoticed, that, both havq, returned to the original• and na4tral order of march, and you have escaped onaof the "breezes ' which . trifled with, sometimes swell into fearful storms, in which the fairest hopes and affections of life are wreck ed forever. • -c„. • • \4 4 0.. •-••• , \ . \ 1 • \ 'T , .. . . . . . . . .. . ON THE VERGE. About ten years ago, I '.travel ing Ohio as an agent fur affirm in Boston. The train stopped at abont 'six o'clock one afternoon, fir teen thinutett being annonivled . for " supper." 1 hurried into the Itineli room. with the throng, who 'all seeni-' ed as bling - ry e' 7 ,1 37 self, and was soon devouring. a. sandwich, 'a pickle. arid a hard bk:oded egg, which -last I made: as pallteable possible' by flipping it into a miniatitre pile:of malt, which: I had royiSd on the' tablecloth, no plates being supplied. :The "fif teen milifites" were remarkably short, for which.coAtingency:we were gen erally prepared—most.of us had had experience in these tantterg, and our jawsloved - with a rapidity which can ou y boAttCaO4 by travelers who uro stop fo l r lUnch at way stations: Tu fact,l had finished `fist two 6r three minotes be- bell rang for the start, which my rei fore th tithe to glance over a local gave ,nblished in an adjoining town. ng the items in 'this paper was !vent that the authorities of had offered thonSand dol- paper Am o a state II the apprehension:of the lier- Irs of a burglary - and. murder and been committed in:thiit leis fo petrat which l•xv 'nights previous, and was cation in this region,as alma: ,ourse. aboard!" ishouteLl the eon and there was a stampede for. place aL the sell!. ter of c ductor, i the trai Asl sight o muddy picked my Etcz, (started 4 nith the i r6st, I caught f a letter, Well • : tra:mpled by' feet, lying on jh'e floor. I it ttp, anti iustiite!ive!y held ps, as I'ra4-ray cr . e over., the first 11:4ce to see wlietlier I mhould baud it to the• proprietor Of the lunch rooLa. . I N.l/,1(2 • 1 . over a h . !cmid time, and fdt a r . ptreeptiblp flash iu my _ 1 face, thrust it into my ilocla.A. 'This M what I read: • - , "Tell Bob to meet- . na'..Tat Die% Sliano)'s shanty Thursday ul - glit. It's gatil.g toy hot for us. - Ii isa ho,ain I , and war-whooping; as' if a man m ightn't as Is - unclear the efulh• with cie.of pur pills in his body car cass aE to have his body riddled with old , Bilandreth's medics l: ammuni tion." i I was now obliged to. run for it, as the train W:11i 11.1‘1140i1011: Wheu I- leaped upon the step of the reUivicar, a gentleman with rath er a•stnnuing style of dress extended his hand`to help me 'aboard.: " It don't do to stop' to read love letters with the engine crying `off wi) ,, o my boys " exclaimed with Ofliit langli, at the same time bendi4g.unon me a quick, searching glare ..• • .2ly tirst impulse was to lower m' eyes 'from his glance: but in another instant I had col !el myself ; - and lookin'; -, him straight-in h e : •faccc . I sinil4 . and said: • " >L Man is 'apt to catch at the odd i2st nnim'cnr to n.;:iti a love letter." - :I hiui anti .00k my seat. As the train sped on I thought of the words I. read in'the ominous let terl. had picked up, and wondered if it were'possible that I had a clue by which I might make at least_ a part of theltive thousand dollars. I kept repeating the name in Said letter to myself: .Duk shamii. , :-4Dick ,%;hany, —Di,t% Slianip.i. What part of the • 1 - country does this man live in—this Dick Itanips? . • " That's 'for me to find out," I muttered to myself. , It'w-as iu the fall of the year, and as the' night advanced some chilly passehgers.filled the stove with wood, and in my rather excited 'state 'of mind the heat became .ruaendiarable. "I Will take some Of . this outside' air," Ilnwardly exclaimed;and suit ing the action to the Word, I rose from iy seat and went to the rear end o ; the car. As I neared. the door, I observed my facetious friend . with' the . strunaing dress, snuggled 'up in the comer, where the faints rays of the • MUT' just readied..him, direly: lighting-up his hose, brows, .cheek bone§ land beard. lie seemed .in a doze as I approached; but just' as I passed him I glanced back, when his lids were half-raised, and a' pair of sinister eyes gleamed upon me, such a manner that even in that faint' light I shrank from their look. I opened the door and closed it with 4 bang, as, if . I would, cut off that disagreeable gaze' between the door's edge and the jamb. ..' " This letter has made me suspi cion. 4, I presume," I muttered. "Nov, I pick; it up in one Moment,. and in the nakt I meet a man who, I could swear, lost it." • L-• . ' • • "'lather dark nightthis," inter rupted the brakeman, who rested againSt the end of,the car smoking a PIPL% "les. - It's drizzly,. too, I perceive." "}leary enough to put a than's pipe out," he returned, striking on his pantaloons- and relighting •the hall-Consumed tobacco. --:- At this moment the door , ... and the man of whom I have..spoken Came :out - upon the platform. I had scarcely time _to tarsi whenl felt a, .powerful and strangling grasp -upon my throat: M'l : first emotions were of aston ishment, that a man So, stunningly dressed should diittlay such treinen dons strength; for as 1 instinctively three up thy' hand to- mildose the grip, jI found what appeared to be a. hugel bunch of corded iron. But , these emotions instantly gave' way to intense feelings of rage and alarm. I then !looked , toward the' brakenian, but to niy.amazement ho coolly step ped up in front of me, and turning to my assn.ilant, asked, between two puffs, of his pipe: • , "Is this the cove?" " Yes," was the laconic answer. . " Then let's have it out of him, and make him swear not to bloiv." • "Confound ,him," muttered the other, lightening his j grip.; " I .don't like Ibis looks. Besides, he's „read .the letter." . The brakemer(took . his pipe from his mouth, and putting his face cloSe to Mine, ho lit a secend' . match c and holding it from stirring air,he passed it over my features one by one. Then throWing it down /With - ina oath, he, excleaimed: - "Batch; - I'm thinking Ave"txl better risk Ihim." ")'ll be hanged if d will! =. 02 •per minim in Advance. These w rds now changed My feel- 1 111"71 from taigo to dread.. :. , The utter :.c of them had caught ni . e at a disad vantage. and, theugh noes weak man myself, i.e so he (1-me - that, with the jolting of, the -car, - any- decided 'effort oti my part threate 154.t0 precipitate - WO :from- the itlatfor . Liras virtual ly suspended by hi, \ powerful 111111. As - .1 thus found. myself held over the very verge of death; .fast suffocating . under his merciless grasp, his answer to the-brakeman impotte4,,a terrible closing of this brief and unexpected Scene. : The part I bare described had occupied scarcely a mothent of time; and it-was evident that 'if the intcrition was to throw m© under, the train it would have Obe accomplish- Speedily. - ) N, "Well, Batch," said the brakeman, "your: judgment's generally about . lie's,not a bad style„ but. if you say it's not to be; whf over he goes. The coolness of this. brak4man was more appalling than oven the healthy grasp of his - conhderate. "We niust , have this letter, first,"-, answered the other. " But look lxe, Batch," added the brakeman, •taking his l,ilio.again from his -mouth arid bending his hail toward me, " why not - take the letter and let him go Y•' "Damn him! -I ivatc...hed hint! He knows too . Innehl It's in his' breast cket. Take it out •quick,. .itud off• with him." • The secured :the letter. Closing my eyes; ,nutercil and in- Ward prayer. "Now," said cool fiend in stunning olbtlit: - ;;;: , `"yOu'll be. picked tip it the inorning,• and then they'll giye you:a free pass to your . family." Here lie made it movement t- linrl me.over the edge of the platfoinl. I,:ut those words hail produced a reniarkable , effect un 111(4. Help, heSS and,nearly - dead with suff , ication, the demoiliacal reference. to in-,' fain- ily my . dear - wife unci child, ;who were awaitim.rmy return home with the most affectionate- hearts --thUbe words seemed, with the prayer I, ut tered; to-itnPart to dy soul an irre, sistible power that was at.once com municated to Jay body. With one , prodi,gious,despairing emir str l e tcli ed out my arm to a'Jost; and, seizing the brake T handle barely' with `the ends of my fingers, I gave a -poNV erful lurch forward..' The.grasp Joiisened Trigh my. throat°, sad o i Ii 'a loud cry I ltur:ed the monster from me. He reeled backward, and with outstretched arias esSayi - Al t.. siLve' himself, But he miF:ced anal fell headlong over the other f:id.o the platform.. .I . t the same instant . . the starved passengers, who had heard my cry, rnshe'd fiat, itnd in :m -other moment the hralieinan•wni4 cured. . • . . INlfbtory .was bkld in a -few werds, and- the. train will; put. - baCk the villain. who lizobSti.marh: closed toy agency. ....Ile was found dead with his skull fractured and the clothes of which I made Eparticitlar attention, half torn from . his back,- he haying evidently fallen in an oblique direc tion on a sharp protuberance Or one of the sleepers. Papers-were found on, his person, which,. with the letter, , and what .-ev- deuce. could be forced frobi the bfaiiemaii,- soon piaeed the robbers and murderers, for whoiii the reward had been offered, in the - bands of tlia the law; and a satisfactory portion of the reward came to me as my 'share. To' underst4 the. philosophy •of this phenomenon, essential; to_ tho very existence of plants, and animals, a few facts, dZirived . from observation and a long train' of expetiments,mtist be r.emembered:', • . • . W=ere the atmosphere everywhere, at all times,at'a uniform temperature, we , should never_ have rain, hail, or snow. The water absorbed by it in evaporation from the *;ea andearth's surface would-descend "in an imper ceptible vapor or' cease to be absorb ed by Elie air when it,Avas once fully. saturated. The. abgerhing power of the atmosphere, 'ancreousequently its capability to retain humidity', is pre portionablygreater in ,cold than warm air. The air, near . • the.surface of the earth is warmer than it isin the 're on of the clouds. The higher we ascend from-the earth, the colder We tind the atmosphere.- Hence the per petual snow on high mountains in the hottest climates. Now,., when frolu evaporatitaa "the air is highly, saturated with vapor, though_ it be invisible;-if its tempera ture is suddenly reduced by cold cur rents descending from aboye,or..ritsh ing from a higher to a lower latitiide, its capacity to retain jmoisturo di minished, clouds are forreed,.and the result is 'rain. Air condenses as it cools, and - like a sponge filled with water and compreSsed, pours out wa ter whieli . its diminished capacity cannot hold. How singular yet how simple is such .aU arrangement for watering the .earth. . ssL . ..;\: - "so'roluous scamp vas once up before' an Onondaga juStice• of the peace. He ~ , was accused. of having ' - "come the strap 'genie" over a native. The portly justice, wishing.toilecide understandingly, asked to•see -a sun .plc of his skill. "The party" instant ly preanced a leather st , p, eve it a seientific . whisk across e betich,and remarked: • "You see, Judge, 'the( quarter' utiL der the strap ?" • _ `'What!"interrupted the...dignified functuary; "do you mean to say there is a quarter under there ?" "Sartinl," was the reply. ... • "No 'Such thing 11 said the Justieo. "I'll go you a dollar on it 1 3 " ex claimed the prisoner:• "Agreed !" Said the Justice. With. accustomed adroitness, the strap was withdrawn, whealo! there was the qnarter. (Ix "Well!"Said th 6 tistonished Shal low, "I wouldn't have believed it if I had not. seen it with my own eyt.i. Hero is. your dollar. And , yea are fined five dollars ler giunbling, con trary to the statute in this case made and provided!" - • The elOngated countenance of the gambler required 'no , additional evi dence to testify his appreciation 'litho “sem” NUMBER N. HoweMl is Formed. Came of trrthappineis. 'Harsh', judgement; rough words, 'small but frequent acts of selfishness and injustice, sonletimea _poison the heart that pformSed to- be, • healthy, . aria, curse .the start' thr&t promised tv Ix, blessed. There are familiits that poseas ever; • earthly sonifort—health, money, and occupation—but: are Miserable _from. the jealottsy and (inatteling that pre vail within. There are married' con= :. pies whaJive in daily - sorrow, not be, m cae . they are' wavt,' but because'. each other thinks the. other nkind arbitrary, and in - cOnsideratc.u- • •- Yoting -people s , onietimes marry with their . .eyes. runt;and - thus, M . - plead of being Mated to angels, .a 3 they ,foolishly imaginened are men 'dna yoCu'n,. with- the conanoll- • work a day ,ivt.aliness' and faults . of their respedis:e This- Omni love : easily. gets - souftd, tlien each • - pro.kehea tle,other bur - not ' pro ! --,Ereetl with which • they entered into th d Itlarriago - StiO.C. • Tithe any Of tho - relationships of life, and we should find.that for the greater part of an our sorrows conies. from the same cause. Get any one to tell : -yon honestly *hat gives - him the most'aunoyaneo and diScinietude; • he will tell you they come from: want of kindncss, sympathy, and 'folio's feeling, He could tell :you that he could bear other tbings if . he only. met with more consideration, sap; port, and eneo s urvement ' from the people with Whoinole has to do. ' _ „AultAerr.—A grain of prudence is worth a pound of craft., • . , Boasterirare eonsins - to lian4. - Onfession of faults wake-. half . ' ' • -- Denying a faultdonbies,it. • .Envy, , shooteth. at othei4 . and . • _wounds . erself. . . . -Foolish Tear doubles- danger's. . • God reaches tis.good• things by of r, hatids.. \., • —lle haa hard: work to do wItO ' Laic nothing toilo.• .. -- -. •It costs more \ ;:to ~avenge wrong,s• . than to bear therM : - Judge not that Ye lie not judged. • . -Knavery is \ the worst trade, • Learning makes-a Man tit efirepatiy . for bittiself. . ' Modesty Isla guard.t4., virtue. : • 'Not to Jiear . cimscieneo is" the way to sileepe it. •.,: One hour io:day is worth \ two ii. ) ,. morrow. - k ' \ Proud looks make Aunt plafon:fair faces. ,-: - - .. . . . - (4114 - conscience gives sw , .!et sleep. , Small-faults indulged in ;ti•e lkt thieves. • • - Tli boitglis licar the .nrot, bend 10we;.4: - - ..-\ iiinlliappiucss. tire onotiier and (lau-liter. • • Wit‘e men 'mole motet uliporttuti• - • ilian.ll•3y tiud. - - You never - lose doin , •• it good turn. • , Zeal -without I:n•twletlge is tiro without. tiglit.." I=::== •,DoWn The • - tpadows •ait day long flifi'y at silent games of beauty. . Everything is doulile if it; stands, ir. the light. '.l trees see an unreve.Ll-. - ea and nutilirli darblY along the : .;rotin ! ii. Tii , -;l:uder.sten,6..; • < of :lolv , r;. ov ran.: ~•t i d,,t,--;;;;u::co t tit t!1." , ..TV b a and of shadow- that ilc!; : long ;in illoys.(!ni.lig erne' in out ilgain...frcu.l the tan g ' . ...E f oCm, until th . sun. it ...Is far eastwfmrin. the • morning. shadowy arrows - sneh -as tilts° 'spring - front Apollo's goldea - at every. stein 11 - sm.:, direction, they eroSs, . interlacing each other in a sort of - . : netwkirk• of dim lines, 'gear idnif, the clouds dri:p shallow-life. anehors • that roach the ground, • but 7 will not hold'; every browsinp. : ;•.crCainre, e , yer,y flitting- bird, -every . moyitg :i-,111, every unconscious traver6r; „Is-titer's atun o n , the ground in din), shad-. • 0 ows. • • :ACS' PNN . A3I.I Ihrs iir.l.l.thr..—The process of making Panama hats is as follows; . The leaves of the Pandani- Sereii pine, from which. • these hats aro made, are gathered hefore they unfold,tho_rilm anti coarser veins are-remoVed, and the—restiv . ilhout being sepirated, from the base of the, leaf, isTedueed to shreds. After haV Mg been put . in the sun for • a day, and tied into a knot,: the straw is im mersed in boilin,,c , Water until -it be comes white. It-is then hung lip in a "shady place, and consequently • bleachatfor twu or three days, after . which . tIW straw is - . ready for' use. The plaiting . of the straw commences at tie crown and finishes at the 1)6.114 and N. a troublesome operatiOn: The hat& arc made on a lilech placed on . the knees,and require to be Constant-. , ly pressed with the.. breast, The coars:.r hat May lie: finished In--•twsi or thiee days, but the finest may ic quire. ns many, months. ' - *.illilrbri. -. Oxn beautiful trait of . our tv' is the tenderners 7 with which' we Cherish the memory . of the departed.- Let Dcath.take-from the household' that troublesome anr ungevernable child; and all that isi re - membered is :his Sweet and gentle words, his rare- qualitit)s; hisloving ways , his bean-. 'ty, and bis manliness.. The child stands before his parents' eyes, not as he was ' but as he have been had God put in him been poiect-, ed by love andgraee.. lie is now al ways "dear child" in their thoughts, and not' 'selfish or mulOyiply.i The ehibiren long for theii.dead compan ionwith renT and tender grief; they are surprised to funthow much they loved. him. Iliends imp,' to have the opportunity, new lost, to slidW their love.-Why dill - "hot raze hirii morel why did 1.- - not serve him bet tor ? is - the , universal feeling. - A Er,hpeened to be playing > - in the rooth where his iiwther and a lady viEitor were crnvcrsing. other friend .called in the meantime, and .after she left, tlfe tivo-after the manner of the .-_-sex—commenced - to ,• discuss her _peculiarities very freely: Willie was apparently: busy with his . tovs.;:- brit, after al . little, looked up. slreivdly - and says to the visitor: "firs. Butler, that'S the way Mamma, will "talk about 'you When you o. away !" -The youthful philoseplier . was about right. • '.• T.nEltr. is a story told of the officers of a British ship dining. with a Ulan= 'Juin at Canton. Ontink the guests wished a second helping of the save .stew, which ho thought was some sort of duck. . Not 'knowing a Word. of Chinese. ho held his plate to. the . host sdying.With a smiling approial: "Quack,. (Puck, qua& I" - Innigine . how his 'countenance fell when.tha pOinkinglo- thetdis' h,rasponded, I "bow, ow, ow r •